LOUTFI Benyettou
بن يطو لطفي
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Professeur. in Université Mohamed Boudiaf de M'sila
Research Domains
Génie Electrique
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
développement d'un système intelligent de diagnostic des systèmes électromécaniques
- 2024
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Contribution à l’étude du comportement des isolateurs de haute tension pollués par différentes méthodes
- 2024
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
Développement d'un Système Intelligent de Diagnostic des Systèmes Electromécaniques
- 2023
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
SAGGAI Abdelmoula
command,es tolérantes aux dêfauts d.'un véhicule aêrien autonome
- 2022
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
AIB Abdelghani
Implémentation des techniques d’intelligence artificielles sur FPGA en vue de contrôle des systèmes d’entraiment électrique
- 2021
Encaderement master
KHEZZARI Khiereddine
Diagnostic de défaillances d’un convertisseur à base du réseau de neurones
- 2021
Encaderement master
Etude des Filtres pour Amélioration de la Qualité de l'Energie Electrique
- 2020
Encaderement master
Surveillance et diagnostic des défauts du convertisseur "Application à machine asynchrone
- 2019
Encaderement master
KADDOURI Ibrahim , SERAH Youcef
Détection des défauts d’une machine tournantes par l’analyse FFT
- 2019
Encaderement master
ZOUAK Abd essamed , DECHOUCHA Kheirddinne
- 2019
Encaderement master
DEMBRI Hadjira
Performance de méthode de diagnostic des défauts de circuit ouvert d’un filtre actif parallèle
- 2019
Encaderement master
Commande d’un système éolien basé sur une GADA Par différentes techniques
- 2018
Encaderement master
YETTOU miloud
Commande d’un Filtre Actif Parallèle À trois niveaux (NPC) Par différentes stratégies de commande
- 2018
Encaderement master
BEY salim
Analyse des variables de diagnostic des défauts d'un convertisseur DC-AC
- 11-07-2022
- 30-11-2017
Habilitation universitaire en Génie électrique
Habilitation universitaire en Génie électrique - 25-09-2016
Contribution au diagnostic des convertisseurs statiques DC-AC (onduleurs de tension) : application au filtre actif parallèle - 1979-01-22 00:00:00
LOUTFI Benyettou birthday
- 2025-01-02
Robust adaptive fuzzy type-2 fast terminal sliding mode control of robot manipulators in attendance of actuator faults and payload variation
This study presents a robust control method for the path following problem of the PUMA560 robot. The technique is based on the Adaptive Fuzzy Type-2 Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control (AFT2FTSMC) algorithm and is designed to handle actuator faults, uncertainties (such as payload change), and external disturbances. The aim of this study is to utilize the Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control (FTSMC) approach in order to ensure effective compensation for faults and uncertainties, minimize tracking error, reduce the occurrence of chattering phenomena, and achieve rapid transient response. A novel adaptive fault tolerant Sliding Mode Control (SMC) approach is developed to address the challenges provided by uncertainties and actuator defects in real robotics tasks. Originality. The present work combined the AFT2FTSMC algorithm in order to give robust controllers for trajectory tracking of manipulator’s robot in presence parameters uncertainties, external disturbance, and faults. We use an adaptive fuzzy logic system to estimate the robot’s time-varying, nonlinear, and unfamiliar dynamics. A strong adaptive term is created to counteract actuator defects and approximation errors while also guaranteeing the convergence and stability of the entire robot control system. Novelty. The implemented controller effectively mitigates the chattering problem while maintaining the tracking precision and robustness of the system. The stability analysis has been conducted using the Lyapunov approach. Results. Numerical simulation and capability comparison with other control strategies show the effectiveness of the developed control algorithm. References 53, table 1, figures 8.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2025-01-02), Robust adaptive fuzzy type-2 fast terminal sliding mode control of robot manipulators in attendance of actuator faults and payload variation, Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:31, eie.khpi
- 2024-11-04
Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control with Chattering Elimination Considering the Actuator Faults and External Disturbances for Trajectory Tracking of 4Y Octocopter Aircraft
This paper presents a control strategy for a 4Y octocopter aircraft that is influenced by multiple actuator faults and external disturbances. The approach relies on a disturbance observer, adaptive type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control scheme, and type-1 fuzzy inference system. The proposed control approach is distinct from other tactics for controlling unmanned aerial vehicles because it can simultaneously compensate for actuator faults and external disturbances. The suggested control technique incorporates adaptive control parameters in both continuous and discontinuous control components. This enables the production of appropriate control signals to manage actuator faults and parametric uncertainties without relying only on the robust discontinuous control approach of sliding mode control. Additionally, a type-1 fuzzy logic system is used to build a fuzzy hitting control law to eliminate the occurrence of chattering phenomena on the integral sliding mode control. In addition, in order to keep the discontinuous control gain in sliding mode control at a small value, a nonlinear disturbance observer is constructed and integrated to mitigate the influence of external disturbances. Moreover, stability analysis of the proposed control method using Lyapunov theory showcases its potential to uphold system tracking performance and minimize tracking errors under specified conditions. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control strategy can significantly reduce the chattering effect and provide accurate trajectory tracking in the presence of actuator faults. Furthermore, the efficacy of the recommended control strategy is shown by comparative simulation results of 4Y octocopter under different failing and uncertain settings.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2024-11-04), Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control with Chattering Elimination Considering the Actuator Faults and External Disturbances for Trajectory Tracking of 4Y Octocopter Aircraft, Processes, Vol:12, Issue:2431, pages:1-29, mdpi
- 2024-10-29
SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system
Tuning the PI and backstepping (BS) controllers is a critical issue for ensuring good tracking performance and stable operation of the wind turbine based on dual-stator induction generator (WT-DSIG) systems. However, no existing research has yet comprehensively tuned the control parameters. Therefore, this paper proposes an innovative tuning method using the subtraction-average-based optimizer (SABO) to ensure optimal PI and backstepping controller parameters tuning. The optimally tuned controllers-based field-oriented control (FOC) scheme is applied for a WT-DSIG system. This research aims to offer an easy and effective method for optimal tuning of the control parameters, which contributes to improving the control performance, hence the WT-DSIG system’s stability. The proposed method is superior to the existing techniques, as it uses the SABO, a metaheuristic stochastic algorithm, to simultaneously optimize the natural frequencies of the flux, speed, and current PI controllers and the backstepping controller’s gains. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed control approach, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation is carried out using the PLECS/RT-Box real-time simulator. The HIL findings through comparative study further confirm the superiority of the optimally designed controllers over the conventional techniques, highlighting significant enhancements in dynamic, steady state, THD, and time-integral performance criteria, ISE, and IAE
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2024-10-29), SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system, Electrical Engineering, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1, springer
- 2024-07-19
Parallel Active Filter Analysis, Control, and Diagnosis
In this work we expose the problem of current degradation in electrical installations, which arises directly from the proliferation of non-linear loads, to solve it, we used a two-level inverter as a parallel active filter, which injects harmonic currents at the connection point with a compensation method called the instantaneous active and reactive power method. The second part in this work we are interested in the problems of detection and localization of some faults in a voltage inverter used as a parallel active filter which is intended for the filtering of harmonic currents with the compensation of reactive energy. To do this, a series of simulation tests, for the different defects considered, must be carried out in order to extract the different information contained in the electrical signals from the inverter.
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2024-07-19), Parallel Active Filter Analysis, Control, and Diagnosis,12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING (ICAAMM24),-Turkey
- 2024-07-19
Comparative Analysis between Adaptive type-1 Fuzzy Field-Oriented Control and hybrid Sliding Mode-Backstepping Control of a Double Star Induction Machine (DSIM)
In this work we have opted for a comparative study between two different control strategies for the double star induction machine (DSIM). The DSIM is fed by two cascaded two-level voltage inverter using the pulse-width modulation (PWM) control strategy. The two hybrid nonlinear controls studied and applied are increasingly oriented towards the application of modern control techniques, the first is the Adaptive type-1 Fuzzy Field-Oriented Control based on PI regulators by rotor flux orientation and uses a rotor flux estimator and with a hybrid control on sliding mode control synthesized by backstepping, to regulate the speed of a dual star induction machine DSIM in order to compare the performances of the system using these two control methods.
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2024-07-19), Comparative Analysis between Adaptive type-1 Fuzzy Field-Oriented Control and hybrid Sliding Mode-Backstepping Control of a Double Star Induction Machine (DSIM),12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING (ICAAMM24),Turkey
- 2023-12-02
Response surface methodology and Artificial neural network comparison in making a prediction model for the flashover voltage of the 1512L insulator
Response surface methodology and Artificial neural network comparison in making a prediction model for the flashover voltage of the 1512L insulator
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2023-12-02), Response surface methodology and Artificial neural network comparison in making a prediction model for the flashover voltage of the 1512L insulator,NCPA2023,https://www.ens-bousaada.dz/ar/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/1%D9%85%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%82%D9%89-%D9%88%D8%B7%D9%86%D9%8A_merged.pdf
- 2023-12-02
Electric field distribution of contaminated cap and pin insulators, a numerical simulation approach
Insulators are important components in electrical transmission lines since they prevent the discharge between the towersand the ground. In this paper, a numerical simulation was carried out to study the performance enhancement of a1512L insulatorstrings. The software "COMSOL Multiphysics" has been used to present the local characteristics in different applied voltage and conductivities pollution. This work demonstrates how to use the Electrostatic interface to calculate the surface electric field of a typical high-voltage insulator. This study encompasses the modeling and simulation of 3D insulator and the behavior of the potential andelectric field along its length under AC voltage. This helps to identify the problems that may occur along its surface. Use of thisknowledge will assist a better understanding and the design of insulators (cap and pin) installations of the electrical networks
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2023-12-02), Electric field distribution of contaminated cap and pin insulators, a numerical simulation approach,THE 1ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS AND IT’S APPLICATIONS,https://www.ens-bousaada.dz/ar/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/1%D9%85%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%82%D9%89-%D9%88%D8%B7%D9%86%D9%8A_merged.pdf
- 2023-12-02
Robust adaptive backstepping neural networks fault tolerant control for mobile manipulator UAV with multiple uncertainties
The present study outlines the development of an Adaptive Backstepping Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Fault Tolerant Control (ABRBFNNFTC) methodology. The aforementioned methodology is employed to address the challenge of achieving trajectory following in the context of a Mobile Manipulator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MMUAV) when subjected to the effects of actuator faults and parametric uncertainties. The utilization of an adaptive radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) controller is employed for the purpose of approximating an unidentified nonlinear backstepping controller that relies on the precise model of the MMUAV. The Lyapunov direct method is utilized to establish the stability analysis of the entire system. The closed-loop system guarantees the Uniformly Ultimately Bounded (UUB) stability of all signals. The control methodology put forth ensures the achievement of a prescribed trajectory, and mitigates the impact of uncertainties and actuator faults. The efficiency of the proposed ABRBFNNFTC scheme is demonstrated through the presentation of extensive simulation studies.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2023-12-02), Robust adaptive backstepping neural networks fault tolerant control for mobile manipulator UAV with multiple uncertainties, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol:218, Issue:218, pages:556, elsevier
- 2023-06-10
Diagnosis of Static DC-AC Converters Application to the parallel active filter
Diagnosis of Static DC-AC Converters Application to the parallel active filter
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2023-06-10), Diagnosis of Static DC-AC Converters Application to the parallel active filter,hybrid Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity,https://ntmsci.com/Conferences/ICNSC2023
- 2023-06-10
Performances of Robust Sliding Mode with Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for Dual Star Induction Motor
Performances of Robust Sliding Mode with Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for Dual Star Induction Motor
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2023-06-10), Performances of Robust Sliding Mode with Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for Dual Star Induction Motor,hybrid Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity,https://ntmsci.com/Conferences/ICNSC2023
- 2023
The knowledge of the behavior of both the electric potential and electric field is one of the main factors needed when designing an insulator. Using AutoCAD software a 2D cap and pin 1512L insulator model was created in the clean state and under pollution from one to five insulators separately making a chain of insulators for a total of 10 models. Later they are imported to COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6 software, simulations of the 1512L insulator were made to see the effect the pollution has and the differences that occur on the distribution with the addition of more insulators in the chain. The potential distribution starts to develop a pattern after a certain number of insulators in the chain while the pollution induces high value spikes in the field distribution. Finite-element-analysis for numerical simulation of the pollution effect in outdoor insulators: a review and a novel method.
- 2022
Twin Rotor MIMO System Experimental Validation of Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control Against Wind Effects
In this article, an adaptive fuzzy control (AFC) is synthesized to stabilize the twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS), to impose then its beam to follow accurately a desired signal or to reach reference positions in 2 DOF. The stability system in the closed-loop has been proved using Lyapunov method, in which all adaptive laws have been generated in order to improve the robustness versus wind gusts, external disturbances, and uncertainties. In addition, the developed control method does not require to decouple the TRMS into main and tail subsystems. Experimental implementation shows the capability of the developed control algorithm
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2022), Twin Rotor MIMO System Experimental Validation of Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control Against Wind Effects, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:409-419, IEEE
- 2022
Development of a Flashover Voltage Prediction Model with the Pollution and Conductivity as Factors Using the Response Surface Methodology
In this paper, the response surface methodology (RSM) is used to predict the flashover voltage of a cap and pin 1512L insulator used by SONELGAZ Algerian Power Company (SPE). The pollution and conductivity are studied using a two-level central composite design. MINITAB 19 software is used to perform the regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data, from which the full quadratic model is developed. The results show that both the pollution and conductivity have a significant effect on the response. The model validation shows the good agreement between the experiment’s obtained results and the predicted results. Therefore, the model could be used to predict the flashover voltage.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2022), Development of a Flashover Voltage Prediction Model with the Pollution and Conductivity as Factors Using the Response Surface Methodology, Energies, Vol:15, Issue:19, pages:7161, Energies
- 2022
Design of Hybrid Sliding Mode Control via Fuzzy Logic Synthesized by Backstepping Approach for Double Star Induction Motor
This paper proposes design of a novel scheme control based on sliding mode control via fuzzy logic synthesized by backstepping (FBSMC), to regulate the speed of a dual star induction machine (DSIM), to make guaranteeing the stability and the robustness performance machine system. For this purpose, an appropriate combination of the Backstepping sliding mode controller (BSMC) Improved by fuzzy logic is adopted. This control strategy based on the hybrid controllers are used to guaranteeing the machine stable, preferment and robust to obtain a better dynamic response and anti-disturbance performance. We present and discuss the results of the simulations obtained with MatLab/Simulink.
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2022), Design of Hybrid Sliding Mode Control via Fuzzy Logic Synthesized by Backstepping Approach for Double Star Induction Motor,Online International Symposium on Applied Mathematics and Engineering (ISAME22) January 21-23, 2022 Istanbul-Turkey,Istanbul-Turkey
- 2022
Electric potential and field distributions simulation on a barrier separating two electrodes under different constraints
Electric potential and field distributions simulation on a barrier separating two electrodes under different constraints
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2022), Electric potential and field distributions simulation on a barrier separating two electrodes under different constraints,The 2022 International Conference of Advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),https://www.univ-msila.dz/icateee2022/?page_id=183
- 2022
3D Simulation of the Electric Field of Cap and Pin Insulator using COMSOL Multiphysics
3D Simulation of the Electric Field of Cap and Pin Insulator using COMSOL Multiphysics
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2022), 3D Simulation of the Electric Field of Cap and Pin Insulator using COMSOL Multiphysics,The 2022 International Conference of Advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),https://www.univ-msila.dz/icateee2022/?page_id=183
- 2021
Fault Tolerant Control Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Global Fast Dynamic Terminal Sliding Mode for Actuators Failures in an Octorotor UAV
This work presents a reliable fault-tolerant tracking control system (FTTCS) for actuator faults in a octorotor unmanned aerial vehicle. The proposed FTTCS is designed based on adaptive fuzzy global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control (AFGFDTSMC) that guarantees the global asymptotic stability of a octorotor system. To mitigate the negative impacts of model uncertainties and enhance system robustness in faulty operation, an adaptive fuzzy system is incorporated into the global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control (GFDTSMC) scheme for adaptively identifying the model uncertainties online and compensate the actuator faults effect. Lyapunov stability analysis proofs that the developed control method design maintains the stability in the closed loop dynamics of octorotor UAV in faulty operation. Simulation results show that the proposed (FTTCS) enables the octorotor to track the desired reference commands in the presence of actuator faults with satisfactory performance.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2021), Fault Tolerant Control Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Global Fast Dynamic Terminal Sliding Mode for Actuators Failures in an Octorotor UAV, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:3, Issue:1, pages:190, ijies
- 2021
Fault Tolerant Control of Robot Manipulators Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Type-2 Backstepping in Attendance of Payload Variation
In this study, an adaptive fuzzy type-2 backstepping controller (AFT2BC) has been proposed for an industrial PUMA560 manipulator robot with a variable load and actuator faults. The method realizes an accurate tracking of the trajectory at the end effectors of the manipulator and improves its robustness toward model uncertainty (payload variation) and actuator faults when controlling the position of the robot. By using the advantages of the backstepping control, the convergence speed of the control algorithm has been improved, and its steady-state error has been reduced. Also, integration of the continuous approximation law has been used to eliminate the real-time chattering during the control process without affecting the robustness of the system. A type-2 fuzzy adaptive control law has been designed in order to guaranty faults and uncertainties compensation, small tracking error, and fast transient response, where the prior knowledge of uncertainties and external disturbances is not required, without disappearing the tracking precision and robustness property. Finally, the stability of the controller has been proved by the Lyapunov theory, and comparative simulations in faulty operation are conducted to show the superiority of the developed control strategy
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2021), Fault Tolerant Control of Robot Manipulators Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Type-2 Backstepping in Attendance of Payload Variation, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:14, Issue:4, pages:312, ijies
- 2021
FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Torque and Flux Estimators for Direct Torque Control (DTC) of an Induction Motor (IM)
This article provides a hardware implementation of torque and flux estimators for direct torque control (DTC) of an induction motor (IM) on the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Due to its high processing frequency, the FPGA circuit presents an alternative strategy for achieving a high performance DTC implementation. This cannot be achieved by Digital Signal Processing (DSP) or Microcontroller application. Optimized hardware architecture is also proposed for implementation of a complete estimator with explicit determination of all the quantities such as the flux phase, the flux amplitude and the torque amplitude. This work presents a precise hardware estimator of the torque and the flux, it developed with negligible estimation error (0.0002 [Wb] RMS estimate error for the stator flux and 0.0005 [Nm] RMS estimate error the torque), in addition to that this estimator is implemented on the Virtex-4 FPGA board with minimal resources(less 5% of slices registers, 5% of DSP48Es and around 17% of LUTS). This estimator is developed and synthesized independently of the command and can be reused for any task which requires the estimation of these quantities. After this the estimator was used to complete a DTC control in a hardware co-simulation procedure with the Xilinx system generator and MATLAB/SIMULINK tools on the Xilinx ML402 development kit.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2021), FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Torque and Flux Estimators for Direct Torque Control (DTC) of an Induction Motor (IM), International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:14, Issue:5, pages:583, ijies
- 2021
Experimental Validation of Adaptive RBFNN Global Fast Dynamic Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Twin Rotor MIMO System Against Wind Effects
In this paper, an Adaptive RBFNN global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control (ARBFNNGFDTSMC) is designed to situate the main and tail angles of a twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS). The control objective is to stabilize the TRMS in a reference position or follow a predefined trajectory. An adaptive RBFNN has been used in order to identified unknown nonlinear dynamics of the TRMS. In addition, another adaptive control expressions has been added to diminish the wind gusts, external disturbance effects, and to compensate the estimation errors of the adaptive RBFNN. Moreover, the stability analysis in closed-loop is assured by using Lyapunov method. The developed controller is applied to the TRMS with cross coupling between tail and main subsystems without decoupling procedure. Experimental results prove the good control tracking performance in presence of wind gusts and external disturbances.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2021), Experimental Validation of Adaptive RBFNN Global Fast Dynamic Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Twin Rotor MIMO System Against Wind Effects, Measurement, Vol:168, Issue:1, pages:108472, Elsevier Ltd.
- 2021
On-Line FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Based Fuzzy-STPWM Induction Motor Control
This work is part of the study and implementation of a fuzzy PWM control structure (fuzzy pulse width modulation) of an induction machine (MAS) on a circuit-based platform reconfigurable FPGA type. We first presented a strategy for the hardware implementation of a fuzzy inference system on a programmable logic circuit of FPGA type, through the hardware description language (VHDL) and Xilinx generator system (XSG). Secondly we proposed Fuzzy-PWM architecture for the improvement of response time of an asynchronous machine (MAS) and finally we validate the proposed hardware co-simulation architecture in real time on the ML402 development kit (based on FPGA Xilinx Virtex-4) and Simulink / Matlab
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2021), On-Line FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Based Fuzzy-STPWM Induction Motor Control, Advances in Modelling and Analysis B, Vol:65, Issue:1, pages:17, iieta.org
- 2021
FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Asynchronous Machine with Full Direct Torque Control Implementation
This article provides a full hardware implementation for direct torque control (DTC) of an asynchronous motor (AM) on the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Due to its high processing frequency, the FPGA circuit presents an alternative for achieving a high performance DTC implementation. This cannot be achieved by any DSP or microcontroller application. The proposed hardware architecture implements three components of DTC control strategy (the integral proportional speed regulator, the estimation and the switching blocks). This implementation has the advantage of being faster, more efficient and with minimum hardware resources on the target FPGA board. The hardware architecture of the DTC control was designed and simulated in Matlab / Simulink using XSG blocks, then synthesized with the Xilinx ISE 14.2 tool, implemented and validated on the Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA circuit by Hardware in the Loop process.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2021), FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Asynchronous Machine with Full Direct Torque Control Implementation, Advances in Modelling and Analysis B, Vol:65, Issue:1, pages:09, iieta.org
- 2020
Fault Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Observer and Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy back stepping Control of Octorotor Aircraft
In this work, an adaptive type-2 fuzzy method associated with sliding mode observer is proposed. this method is utilized to give path following for octorotor aircraft in presence parametric uncertainties and external disturbances (wind gusts). adaptive type-2 fuzzy system is exploited in order to identified an unknown nonlinear function which builds the exact dynamic model of octorotor aircraft. Besides, A sliding mode observer is built to estimate the unmeasured states. The stability analysis is demostrated by using Lyapunov approach. The proposed control method is carried out by numerical simulations, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for the octorotor aircraft.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2020), Fault Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Observer and Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy back stepping Control of Octorotor Aircraft, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol:29, Issue:5, pages:14127, SERSC
- 2020
Fault Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Observer and Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy back stepping Control of Octorotor Aircraft
In this work, an adaptive type-2 fuzzy method associated with sliding mode observer is proposed. this method is utilized to give path following for octorotor aircraft in presence parametric uncertainties and external disturbances (wind gusts). adaptive type-2 fuzzy system is exploited in order to identified an unknown nonlinear function which builds the exact dynamic model of octorotor aircraft. Besides, A sliding mode observer is built to estimate the unmeasured states. The stability analysis is demostrated by using Lyapunov approach. The proposed control method is carried out by numerical simulations, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for the octorotor aircraft.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2020), Fault Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Observer and Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy back stepping Control of Octorotor Aircraft, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol:29, Issue:5, pages:14127, SERSC
- 2020
Fault Tolerant Control against Actuator Faults Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for a Quadrotor Aircraft
Fault-tolerant control (FTC) has earned increasing interest in the last few years for its reliability. A fault tolerant control system for operating a quadrotor aircraft in the presence of actuator faults and external disturbances is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the dynamic model of the quadrotor and types of actuator faults are presented. Secondly, an interval type-2- fuzzy sliding mode control (IT2FSMC) is proposed to stabilize the quadrotor if actuator faults occur. Compared to conventional sliding mode control (SMC), The results obtained confirm the validity and capabilities of the proposed FTC. Thirdly, by using the Lyapunov theory, asymptotic stability is confirmed. The efficiency of the proposed FTC is clarified by simulation results.
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2020), Fault Tolerant Control against Actuator Faults Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for a Quadrotor Aircraft,The 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Smart Environments for Health and Well-being (IHSH’2020),Boumerdes, Algeria
- 2019
Real Time Implementation of Type-2 Fuzzy Backstepping Sliding Mode Controller for Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS)
The work has done in this paper concern a strategy of control based on real time implementation of backstepping sliding mode using the interval type-2 fuzzy logic and their application to the Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS), the backstepping sliding mode controller are the problem of the chattering phenomenon, this can damage the actuators and disrupt the operation and performance of the system, so to reduce this problem we combine the fuzzy logic type 2. The proposed techniques were applied to the TRMS, where the real time implementation of type-2 fuzzy backstepping sliding mode controller (T2FBSMC) were proposed for control system in the presence of external distrubances. The interval type-2 fuzzy logic is used to minimize the major problem of sliding mode and employed in the stability analysis. The obtained simulation and experiment results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2019), Real Time Implementation of Type-2 Fuzzy Backstepping Sliding Mode Controller for Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS), Traitement du Signal, Vol:36, Issue:1, pages:1-11, IIETA
- 2019
Faults Detection and Diagnosis of Multilevel Inverter Based on Signal Processing
An open fault detection and analysis method for Multilevel Inverter based on Signal Processing is proposed in this paper. A reconfiguration method is also discussed. The output voltage is used as a diagnostic signal to detect the fault types and locations. In this paper, characteristics of open transistor faults in Multilevel Inverter (cascaded H-bridge seven-level) three-phase PWM-controlled shunt active power filter are determined. Phase currents cannot be trusted as fault indicator, like done in many research works in this field, since their waveforms change slightly in the presence of open transistor fault. The proposed method uses H bridges output voltages to determine the faulty phase, the faulty bridge and more precisely, the open fault transistor. The expected and simulation results are in good agreement with each other, which represents the proposed method can perform satisfactorily to detect the fault types and locations
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2019), Faults Detection and Diagnosis of Multilevel Inverter Based on Signal Processing, Traitement du Signal, Vol:36, Issue:1, pages:37-44, IIETA
- 2019
Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults
In this paper, a robust attitude and position control of a novel modified quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which has higher drive capability as well as greater robustness against actuator faults than conventional quad-rotor UAV has been developed. A robust backstepping controller with adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic is proposed to control the attitude and position of the modified quadrotor under actuator faults. Besides globally stabilizing the system amid other disturbances, the insensitivity to the model errors and parametric uncertainties are the asset of the backstepping approach. The adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic as fault observer can effectively estimate the lumped faults without the knowledge of their bounds for the modified quadrotor UAV. Additionally, the type-2 fuzzy systems are utilized to approximate the local nonlinearities of each subsystem under actuator faults, next and in order to achieve the expected tracking performance, we used Lyapunov theory stability and convergence analysis to online adjust adaptive laws. As a result, the uniformly ultimate stability of the modified quadrotor system is proved. Finally, the performances of the proposed control method are evaluated by simulation and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for the modified quadrotor in vertical flights in presence of actuator faults.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2019), Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults, ISA Transactions, Vol:95, Issue:12, pages:330–345, elsevier
- 2019
Backstepping Sliding Mode Controller Improved with Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Applied to the Dual Star Induction Motor
This paper proposes Interval type-2 Fuzzy sliding mode controller based on Backstepping (IT2FBSMC), to control the speed of a dual star induction machine (DSIM), in order to get a robust performance machine. An appropriate control strategy based on the coupling of three methods (Backstepping, sliding mode and type-2 Fuzzy controller) is used to build a robust controller used to approximate the discontinuous control eliminating the chattering phenomenon and guaranteeing the stability of the machine. Moreover, it forces the rotor angular speed to follow a desired reference signal. The simulation results obtained using Matlab/Simulink behavior are presented and discussed. The obtained results show that the controller can greatly alleviate the chattering e®ect and enhance the robustness of control systems with high accuracy.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2019), Backstepping Sliding Mode Controller Improved with Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Applied to the Dual Star Induction Motor, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Vol:18, Issue:2, pages:1950012 (20 pages), World Scienti¯c Publishing Europe Ltd
- 2019
DTC-SVM based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller of Double Stator Induction Machine fed by Six-Phase Inverter
The main disadvantage of the classical direct torque control is high torque and flux ripples. This is due to hysteresis comparators suffer from a variable switching frequency and a high torque ripple. Besides, a hybrid strategy; Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC -SVM) is established using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller (IT2FLC) for enhancing control performance parameters to reducing torque and flux ripple. In this work, a IT2FLC is applied to the DTCSVM of Double Stator Induction Machine (DSIM). Simulation results are shown to present the robustness and efficiency of the recommended control strategy
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2019), DTC-SVM based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller of Double Stator Induction Machine fed by Six-Phase Inverter, I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, Vol:11, Issue:7, pages:48-57, MECS
- 2019
Fault Detection in Three-Level (NPC) for Shunt Active Power filters,
In power electronics applications, three phase inverter plays very important role. The performance of inverter degrades because many types of faults occur in it. Open circuit transistor fault is one of the possible faults in inverter. To improve reliability and performance of inverter, knowledge of fault mode is extremely important. This paper proposes an open switch faults detection and localization algorithm for Three-Level (NPC) in Shunt Active Power filters. It mainly details converter configuration and examines a simple and reliable optimised fault diagnosis method.
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2019), Fault Detection in Three-Level (NPC) for Shunt Active Power filters,,International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS19),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2019
Fault Diagnosis System for Two-Level Inverter Three-Phase PWM Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter
This present paper deals with open switch faults detection and localization in shunt active three-phase filter based on two level voltage source inverter controlled by PWM controllers. The proposed method is simple and reliable. It needs no more than active filter current sensors and display interface indicating the open faulty power switch. The aim of the work, proposed in this frame, is to define faults indicators, that allow identifying and localizing the fault in two-level inverters used as parallel active power filters for varying non-linear loads. Finally, diagnostic system is designed based on analysis of different fault indicators evolution during each fault.
LOUTFI Benyettou , ,(2019), Fault Diagnosis System for Two-Level Inverter Three-Phase PWM Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter,International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS19,),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2019
Comparative Analysis Hysteresis and Fuzzy Logic Hysteresis Controller of Shunt Active Filter
This paper presents shunt active power filter based on fuzzy logic controller is modeled, simulated, and tested. The fundament of Instantaneous Reactive Power Algorithm is used for extracting compensated reference harmonic current. A fuzzy logic controlled shunt Active Power Filter Using Hysteresis Band Current is applied to regulate the DC capacitor voltage of shunt Active Power Filter in order to improve the active filter dynamic, to ensure sinusoidal source currents and to produce a high power quality. The main goal of the proposed active filtering system is to maintain the THD well within IEEE on harmonics levels. Simulation results through MATLAB/Simulink are presented and interpreted. It is demonstrated that the fuzzy logic controller improves the performance of the active power filter.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2019), Comparative Analysis Hysteresis and Fuzzy Logic Hysteresis Controller of Shunt Active Filter, Advances in Modelling and Analysis B, Vol:62, Issue:2, pages:37, iieta.org
- 2019
Faults Detection and Diagnosis of Multilevel Inverter Based on Signal Processing
An open fault detection and analysis method for Multilevel Inverter based on Signal Processing is proposed in this paper. A reconfiguration method is also discussed. The output voltage is used as a diagnostic signal to detect the fault types and locations. In this paper, characteristics of open transistor faults in Multilevel Inverter (cascaded H-bridge seven-level) three-phase PWM-controlled shunt active power filter are determined. Phase currents cannot be trusted as fault indicator, like done in many research works in this field, since their waveforms change slightly in the presence of open transistor fault. The proposed method uses H bridges output voltages to determine the faulty phase, the faulty bridge and more precisely, the open fault transistor. The expected and simulation results are in good agreement with each other, which represents the proposed method can perform satisfactorily to detect the fault types and locations.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2019), Faults Detection and Diagnosis of Multilevel Inverter Based on Signal Processing, Traitement du Signal, Vol:36, Issue:1, pages:37, iieta.org
- 2019
Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults
In this paper, a robust attitude and position control of a novel modified quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which has higher drive capability as well as greater robustness against actuator faults than conventional quad-rotor UAV has been developed. A robust backstepping controller with adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic is proposed to control the attitude and position of the modified quadrotor under actuator faults. Besides globally stabilizing the system amid other disturbances, the insensitivity to the model errors and parametric uncertainties are the asset of the backstepping approach. The adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic as fault observer can effectively estimate the lumped faults without the knowledge of their bounds for the modified quadrotor UAV. Additionally, the type-2 fuzzy systems are utilized to approximate the local nonlinearities of each subsystem under actuator faults, next and in order to achieve the expected tracking performance, we used Lyapunov theory stability and convergence analysis to online adjust adaptive laws. As a result, the uniformly ultimate stability of the modified quadrotor system is proved. Finally, the performances of the proposed control method are evaluated by simulation and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for the modified quadrotor in vertical flights in presence of actuator faults.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , LOUTFI Benyettou , Tarak BENSLIMANE , HEMZA Mekki , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2019), Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults, ISA transactions, Vol:95, Issue:2019, pages:330-345, Elsevier
- 2018
Comparison performance five level and seven-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter of total harmonic distortion (THD)
In this paper, we will study the performance of the three-phase parallel active filter topology based on the cascade bridge voltage inverter for the compensation of harmonics generated by the same non-linear load. In fact two topologies of the parallel active filter will be analyzed, that based on a voltage inverter with five levels of cascade bridge type and the other of the same type but with a seven-level inverter using the sinusoidal pulse width modulation PWM control techniques. We will focus particularly on the interest of the improvement of the waveform of the filter voltage compared to its reference, and consequently of the source currents, by carrying out simulations. Simulation results using PSIM simulator show a reduction in THD according to the standard IEEE-519 standard.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2018), Comparison performance five level and seven-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter of total harmonic distortion (THD), Modelling, Measurement and Control A, Vol:91, Issue:4, pages:157-167, IIETA
- 2018
Three-level (NPC) shunt active power filter topology for harmonic reduction using different control strategies
The problem of harmonic pollution in distribution electrical networks is becoming more and more worrying with the increasing use of nonlinear loads. This work presents a study and hardware realization of three shunt active filter and the different methods used in their command. The command of three active filter based in two axis: the one harmonic current identification and the other is the control of the current how inject by the active filter in the networks, there are several method to identified harmonic current, instantaneous power and modified instantaneous power, Synchronous reference frame and method based for self tuning filter. In this paper, topologies and control schemes are proposed for three-level three-phase active power filters. The paper presents the principles of operation and design criteria for both the power and control circuits. Finally, a detailed comparison is established with two types of current controllers are considered: hysteresis and PWM for the quality of the energy supplied relative to the imposed standards is validated with computer simulation using MATLAB. The obtained results showed that source current is sinusoidal and in phase with source voltage. The proposed solution has achieved a low total harmonic distortion demonstrating the effectiveness of the presented method
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2018), Three-level (NPC) shunt active power filter topology for harmonic reduction using different control strategies, Modelling, Measurement and Control A, Vol:91, Issue:4, pages:175-185, IIETA
- 2018
Shunt active filter using fuzzy logic based on three-level (NPC) inverter to compensate current harmonics
In this paper, a three-level (NPC) shunt active power filter based on fuzzy logic controller is modeled, simulated, and tested. The fundament of Instantaneous Reactive Power Algorithm is used for extracting compensated reference harmonic current. A fuzzy logic controlled shunt Active Power Filter Using Hysteresis Band Current is applied to regulate the DC capacitor voltage of shunt Active Power Filter in order to improve the active filter dynamic, to ensure sinusoidal source currents and to produce a high power quality. The main goal of the proposed active filtering system is to maintain the THD well within IEEE on harmonics levels. Simulation results through MATLAB/Simulink are presented and interpreted. It is demonstrated that the fuzzy logic controller improves the performance of the active power filter
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2018), Shunt active filter using fuzzy logic based on three-level (NPC) inverter to compensate current harmonics, Advances in Modelling and Analysis B, Vol:61, Issue:4, pages:198-206, IIETA
- 2018
Comparative Study Entered New Approach FMV and Control SFR for Active Compensation of Harmonic Currents in Shunt Active Power Filter
In this article, we discuss the problem of degradation of current in electrical installations, which follows directly from the proliferation of non-linear loads, to solve it, we used a two-level inverter as a parallel active filter, which injects current harmonics at the connection point with two compensation methods the method of instantaneous active and reactive power (pq method and pq method with MVF) method binds to the repository synchronization. We will highlight two control strategies by hysteresis and PWM. Simulation results using Blok set Power System (PBS)/Simulink Matlab show reduced THD in accordance with standard IEEE-519
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2018), Comparative Study Entered New Approach FMV and Control SFR for Active Compensation of Harmonic Currents in Shunt Active Power Filter, International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA), Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:119-128, IAES
- 2018
Direct torque control of doubly star induction machine fed by voltage source inverter using type-2 fuzzy logic speed controller
This paper concerns the study of a direct torque control based on fuzzy logic type-2 for the speed regulation of a doubly star Induction Machine fed by voltage source inverter. This command has become one of the high performance control strategies for AC machine to supply a very rapid torque and flux control. The proposed technique consists to change the proportional and integral controllers by type-2 fuzzy logic controller. The performance of the scheme in different operating conditions is studied. Particular interest is given to the robustness of the fuzzy logic based control. Furthermore, the simulation results illustrate the efficiency and robustness of the type-2 fuzzy logic controller
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2018), Direct torque control of doubly star induction machine fed by voltage source inverter using type-2 fuzzy logic speed controller, Advances in Modelling and Analysis C, Vol:73, Issue:4, pages:202-207, IIETA
- 2018
Détection et caractérisation des défauts des convertisseurs statiques
Le diagnostic est défini comme étant l’identification de la cause probable de la (ou des) défaillance(s) d’un système à l’aide d’un raisonnement logique fondé sur un ensemble d’informations provenant d’une inspection (variables indicatrices ou indicateurs de défaut), d’un contrôle ou d’un test. Il consiste à résoudre le problème inverse de la relation de cause à effet (causalité) connaissant principalement l’effet par ses symptômes observables. Le but du travail, proposé dans ce cadre, est la définition d’indicateurs de défaut qui permettent d’identifier le défaut et le localiser dans un convertisseur statique de tension DC-AC (onduleur de tension à 2 et multi-niveaux) intégré dans un filtre actif parallèle pour des charge non-linéaires variables. Finalement, un système de diagnostic est conçu, en se basant sur l’analyse de l’évolution des différents indicateurs de défaut pour chaque défaut.
LOUTFIBenyettou , ,(2018); Détection et caractérisation des défauts des convertisseurs statiques,,Éditions universitaires européennes
- 2018
Processeurs DSPs: Caractéristiques, Architectures et Les outils de développement logiciel
Les processeurs dits DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) sont des processeurs spécifiquement conçus pour le traitement des signaux numériques. La diversité des applications a permis une évolution importante de ces dispositifs depuis leur apparition dans les années 80. L’exemple le plus connu est le DSP à point fixe, le TMS32010, de chez Texas Instruments, leader sur le marché mondial dans ce type de technologies. En fait, il y a deux grandes familles de ce type de processeurs: les DSPs à virgule fixe utilisant une arithmétique entière, et les DSPs à virgule flottante opérant en arithmétique flottante. Ces derniers sont les plus rapides, les plus précis, mais les plus onéreux. Dans ce livre, nous présentons les caractéristiques générales que l’on retrouve dans la plupart des DSPs, l’architecture dite «conventionnelle» se trouvant dans les DSPs de première génération, et dans une grande majorité des processeurs d’aujourd’hui, l’historique général dressant le parcours de l’évolution de ces différentes architectures et arrivant jusqu’aux plus récentes, la place occupée par les DSPs relativement aux autres structures de calcul et en fin l’outil de développement logiciel des DSP.
LOUTFIBenyettou , ,(2018); Processeurs DSPs: Caractéristiques, Architectures et Les outils de développement logiciel,,Editions universitaires europeennes
- 2017
Analysis of Transistor Open Fault Diagnosis for Shunt Active Power Filters
In this paper a transistor open-circuit fault diagnosis problem in two-level voltage inverter controlled shunt active power filter drives was discussed. Taking into consideration requirements of the contemporary monitoring drive systems original transistor fault diagnostic technique were proposed. Presented results were obtained by designed in PSIM software simulation model.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2017), Analysis of Transistor Open Fault Diagnosis for Shunt Active Power Filters, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol:5, Issue:3, pages:521 ~ 529, IAES
- 2017
In this paper fuzzy a sliding modes control (FSMC) using non linear sliding surfaces is designed to position the yaw and pitch angles of a Twin Rotor Multi-Input–Multi-Output system (TRMS). With the coupling effects, which are considered as the uncertainties, the highly coupled nonlinear TRMS is pseudo decomposed into a horizontal subsystem and a vertical subsystem. The chattering phenomenon is one of the current problems in the sliding mode control theory the main purpose is to eliminate this phenomenon. For this proposed we have used a fuzzy logic control to generate the hitting control signal. Moreover the output gain of the fuzzy sliding is tuned on-line by supervisory fuzzy system (adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control), so the chattering is avoided, the simulation results that are compared of conventional sliding mode control (SMC) with nonlinear sliding surface indicate that the control performance of the TRMS is satisfactory and the proposed AFSMC can achieve favorable tracking performance
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2017), ADAPTIVE FUZZY SLIDING MODE CONTROLLER USING NONLINEAR SLIDING SURFACES APPLIED TO THE TWIN ROTOR MULTI-INPUT– MULTI-OUTPUT SYSTEM, Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Vol:13, Issue:1, pages:702-719, elsevier
- 2017
Comparative Study of Different Methods of Active Power Compensation,
Shunt Active Filter generates the reference current that must be provided by the power filter to compensate harmonic currents demanded by the load. This paper presents different types of methods for real time regeneration of compensating current for harmonic mitigation. Several methods including instantaneous real and reactive power theory have been proposed for extracting the harmonic content. This paper presents a different modification based on the same principle and compares its performances with sinusoidal source and balanced load condition. The Modified SRF method called, in this paper, Filtered Modified Reference Frame Method, because it uses filters and is based on the modified reference frame method. The performance of Shunt Active Power Filter in terms of THD (Total Harmonic distortion) of voltage and current is achieved with in the IEEE 519 Standard. The comparison of all methods is based on the theoretical analysis and simulation results obtained with MATLAB/SIMULINK.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2017), Comparative Study of Different Methods of Active Power Compensation,, AMSE JOURNALS-Modelage A, Vol:90, Issue:4, pages:310-327, IIETA
- 2015
Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter
In this paper, characteristics of open transistor faults in cascaded H-bridge five-level three-phase PWM controlled shunt active power filter are determined. Phase currents can’t be trusted as fault indicator since their waveforms are slightly changed in the presence of open transistor fault. The proposed method uses H bridges output voltages to determine the faulty phase, the faulty bridge and more precisely, the open fault transistor
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2015), Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter, Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Vol:6, Issue:3, pages:576-585, IAES
- 2014
As any other system, the shunt active power filter (SAPF) can be exposed to failure during harmonic and reactive currents compensation, which is mainly due to power electronic switches fault. This leads to decrease the harmonic current compensation quality and even to inject more harmonic current in the main power grid instead of eliminating those of caused by non linear load. Therefore, it is compulsory to detect precisely and without confusion the faulty electronic switch in SAPF to be replaced. In this paper, characteristics of open transistor faults in cascaded H-bridge seven-level three-phase PWM-controlled shunt active power filter are determined. Phase currents cannot be trusted as fault indicator, like done in many research works in this field, since their waveforms change slightly in the presence of open transistor fault. The proposed method uses H bridges output voltages to determine the faulty phase, the faulty bridge and more precisely, the open fault transistor.
LOUTFI Benyettou , , (2014), FAULTS DIAGNOSIS IN CASCADED H-BRIDGE SEVEN-LEVEL SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER, Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Vol:10, Issue:4, pages:300-308, elsevier