حصباية محمود
06 99762700
- Department of HYDRAULIC
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Prof.. in University of M'sila
DomainScience et Technologies
Research Domains
Fluvial Hydraulics sediment transport and erosion hydraulic and hydrologic modeling Flood hazard
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2022
Encaderement master
Bakhti Rihab , Zemmit Souhila
Etude Quantitative et Qualitative de la Ressource en eau dans le Bassin Versant du Hodna En vue de Satisfaire les Différents Besoins
- 2021
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
MEZBACHE, Salah-Eddine
Couplage de modèles 1D et 2D pour l’étude du transport sédimentaire en rivière et cours d’eau lors des crues
- 2021
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Etude de précipitations extrêmes dans un contexte de changement climatique
- 2021
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
HERIZI, Toufik
Contribution à l’étude des écoulements dans les cours d’eau naturels, Examen de l’effet des lois de frottement et de c
- 2021
Encaderement master
Bachiri Aida
Examen du risque d’inondation due aux eaux pluviales de la ville de Sidi Aissa
- 2021
Encaderement master
Bourahla Khouloud
Evaluation de la vulnérabilité au risque d'inondation en utilisant l'approche Multicritères sous SIG (AMC) de la région du Hodna
- 2021
Encaderement master
Tiaiba Oussama , Rouane Hanene
Etude de la ressource en eauxdans le bassin versant du hodna
- 2020
Encaderement master
Benaiche Morad , Zidane Houssam
Projection d’une digue de dérivation dans l’Oued de Bousaàd
- 2020
Encaderement master
Aménagement de l’oued Barika pour lutter Contre L’inondation
- 2019
Encaderement master
Cartographie de l’érosion hydrique dans le bassin versant de l’oued Soubella dans la Hodna
- 2018
Encaderement master
Etude du schéma directeur d’AEP de la ville de Haraza Wilaya de Bordj-Bou-Arreridj Elaboration d’un SIG pour la gestion
- 2017
Encaderement master
Etude du schéma directeur d’AEP de la ville de BenDaoudWila de Bordj-Bou-Arreridj Elaboration d’un SIG pour la gestion
- 2017
Encaderement master
Cartographie de l’érosion hydrique dans le grand bassin versant du Hodna
- 20-01-2019
- 09-04-2014
- 11-01-2011
Etude critique du transport solide et ses conséquences sur les cours d’eau naturels - 10-11-2001
- 1989-08-11 00:00:00
MAHMOUD Hasbaia birthday
- 2024-07-09
A geospatial approach-based assessment of soil erosion impacts on the dams silting in the semi-arid region
Soil erosion significantly impacts dam functionality by leading to reservoir siltation, reducing capacity, and heightening flood risks. This study aims to map soil erosion within a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) framework to estimate the siltation of the K'sob dam and compare these estimates with bathymetric observations. Focused on one of the Hodna basin’s sub-basins, the K'sob watershed (1477 km2), the assessment utilizes the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) integrated with GIS and remote sensing data to predict the spatial distribution of soil erosion. Remote sensing data were pivotal in updating land cover parameters critical for RUSLE, enhancing the precision of our erosion predictions. Our results indicate an average annual soil erosion rate of 7.83 t/ha, with variations ranging from 0 to 224 t/ha/year. With a typical relative error of about 13% in predictions, these figures confirm the robustness of our methodology. These insights are crucial for crafting mitigation strategies in areas facing high to extreme soil loss and will assist governmental agencies in prioritizing actions and formulating effective soil erosion management policies. Future studies should explore the integration of real-time data and advanced modeling techniques to further refine these predictions and expand their applicability in similar environmental assessments.
salim djerbouai , benselama oussama , MAHMOUD Hasbaia ,, , (2024-07-09), A geospatial approach-based assessment of soil erosion impacts on the dams silting in the semi-arid region, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Vol:15, Issue:1, pages:23, Omar Djoukbala
- 2024-02-02
Comparative study of different discrete wavelet based neural network models for long term drought forecasting
Recently, coupled Wavelet transform and Neural Networks models (WANN) were extensively used in hydrological drought forecasting, which is an important task in drought risk management. Wavelet transforms make forecasting model more accurate, by extracting information from several levels of resolution. The selection of an adequate mother wavelet and optimum decomposition level play an important role for successful implementation of wavelet neural network based hydrologic forecasting models. The main objective of this research is to look into the effects of various discrete wavelet families and the level of decomposition on the performance of WANN drought forecasting models that are developed for forecast drought in the Algerois catchment for long lead time. The Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) is used as a drought measuring parameter at three-, six- and twelve-month scales. Suggested WANN models are tested using 39 discrete mother wavelets derived from five families including Haar, Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets and the discrete approximation of Meyer. Drought is forecasted by the best model for various lead times varying from 1-month lead time to the maximum forecast lead time. The obtained results were evaluated using three performance criteria (NSE, RMSE and MAE). The results show that WANN models with discrete approximation of Meyer have the best forecast performance. The maximum forecast lead times are 36-month for SPI-12, 18-month for SPI-6 and 7- month for the SPI-3. Drought forecasting for long lead times have significant values in drought risk and water resources management.
DJOUKBALA Omar , salim djerbouai , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2024-02-02), Comparative study of different discrete wavelet based neural network models for long term drought forecasting, Water Resources Management, Vol:37, Issue:3, pages:1401-1420, Springer Netherlands
- 2023-01-27
Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecastin
Recently, coupled Wavelet transform and Neural Networks models (WANN) were extensively used in hydrological drought forecasting, which is an important task in drought risk management. Wavelet transforms make forecasting model more accurate, by extracting information from several levels of resolution. The selection of an adequate mother wavelet and optimum decomposition level play an important role for successful implementation of wavelet neural network based hydrologic forecasting models. The main objective of this research is to look into the effects of various discrete wavelet families and the level of decomposition on the performance of WANN drought forecasting models that are developed for forecast drought in the Algerois catchment for long lead time. The Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) is used as a drought measuring parameter at three-, six- and twelve-month scales. Suggested WANN models are tested using 39 discrete mother wavelets derived from five families including Haar, Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets and the discrete approximation of Meyer. Drought is forecasted by the best model for various lead times varying from 1-month lead time to the maximum forecast lead time. The obtained results were evaluated using three performance criteria (NSE, RMSE and MAE). The results show that WANN models with discrete approximation of Meyer have the best forecast performance. The maximum forecast lead times are 36-month for SPI-12, 18-month for SPI-6 and 7- month for the SPI-3. Drought forecasting for long lead times have significant values in drought risk and water resources management.
salim djerbouai , AHMED Ferhati , MOSTAFA Dougha , benselama oussama , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Souag-Gamane Doudja, Omar Djoukbala, , (2023-01-27), Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecastin, Water Resources Management, Vol:37, Issue:, pages:19, Salim Djerbaoui
- 2023
Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecasting
ecently, coupled Wavelet transform and Neural Networks models (WANN) were extensively used in hydrological drought forecasting, which is an important task in drought risk management. Wavelet transforms make forecasting model more accurate, by extracting information from several levels of resolution. The selection of an adequate mother wavelet and optimum decomposition level play an important role for successful implementation of wavelet neural network based hydrologic forecasting models. The main objective of this research is to look into the effects of various discrete wavelet families and the level of decomposition on the performance of WANN drought forecasting models that are developed for forecast drought in the Algerois catchment for long lead time. The Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) is used as a drought measuring parameter at three-, six- and twelve-month scales. Suggested WANN models are tested using 39 discrete mother wavelets derived from five families including Haar, Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets and the discrete approximation of Meyer. Drought is forecasted by the best model for various lead times varying from 1-month lead time to the maximum forecast lead time. The obtained results were evaluated using three performance criteria (NSE, RMSE and MAE). The results show that WANN models with discrete approximation of Meyer have the best forecast performance. The maximum forecast lead times are 36-month for SPI-12, 18-month for SPI-6 and 7- month for the SPI-3. Drought forecasting for long lead times have significant values in drought risk and water resources management.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2023), Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecasting, Water Resour Manage, Vol:37, Issue:2023, pages:1401–1420, Springer
Default case...
- 2022
A DEA Cross-efficiency inclusive methodology for assessing water quality: a Composite Water Quality Index
This paper introduces a new index, identified as Composite Water Quality Index (CWQI), for assessing water quality. The novelty of CWQI is rooted in the practical significance of the methodological approach that is developed for its computation. The CWQI is computed within an inclusive framework that integrates data envelopment analysis (DEA) Cross Efficiency (CE) and the Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operator, using Optimistic Closeness Values (OCVs) as input variables. The OCV, which measures the potential of a water quality parameter to reach its best quality status, sets a solid preliminary ground for the assessment process. The DEA-CE approach enables a collective evaluation of the water quality, which bestows more inclusiveness on the quality assessment process and, hence, more robustness of the CWQI. The OWA operator extends the standard role of CWQI, as solely a water quality measurement device, to incorporate the practical conditions of water treatment for future decision plans. The new methodology has been applied on a sample of 47 dams, described with 10 physicochemical parameters, located in Northern Algeria. Adopting a wide range of water treatment conditions, the results reveal “Kissir” and “Bougara” as the best and the worst water sources, respectively. Meanwhile, the ranking patterns of the dams are found almost the same. The k-means clustering identified the Oranie–Chott–Chergui (OCC) basin as the poorest water quality zone and Algerois–Hodna–Sommam (AHS) basin as the best
AHMED AMIN Soltani , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Amar Oukil, Sara Zeroual, Boutaghane Hamouda, Osman A Abdalla, Abdelmalek Bermad, Mohamed Rachid Boulassel, , (2022), A DEA Cross-efficiency inclusive methodology for assessing water quality: a Composite Water Quality Index, Journal of Hydrology, Vol:612, Issue:2, pages:128123, Elsevier
- 2022
Peak flow assessment of El-Ham wadi in Hodna basin case study
Wadis of Algeria are subjected to a very irregular hydrological regime. The present study attempts to assess the peak flows in El-Ham wadi study area in the Hodna basin of Algeria by applying empirical (Giandotti, Possenti, Turazza, and Temez) and statistical techniques (Gradex). These methods are the most suitable for El-Ham valley due to the availability and accessibility of precipitation data. The annual maximum daily precipitation (Pmax,d) records are chosen for the applications. This leads, firstly, the estimation of the concentration time Tc using ANRH-Sogreah, Basso, and Giandotti formulas. The results can provide us with many insights. One can easily observe the rise in flood discharges over the different chosen return periods (10-year, 20-year, 50-year, 100-year, and 1000-year). The estimated concentration period equals to 21.5 h. The short-term precipitations at stations 050101, 050301, and 050703 are 91.2 mm, 121.7 mm, and 51.2 mm, respectively, for a 100-year return period. Centennial return period density shows high values at stations 050301 (5.67 mm/h), 2.43 mm/h at station 050703, and 4.25 mm/h at station F050101. Empirical analysis of flood discharges still repeats the same observations regarding flows with return periods with different flow rates (5581.86 m3/s for a 100-year, also shown at Ain El Hadjel station). One should point out that these outcomes enhance the future research in the Hodna study area, particularly in study of flash floods which implies the knowledge of peak flow of several return periods.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), Peak flow assessment of El-Ham wadi in Hodna basin case study, Arab J Geosci, Vol:15, Issue:22, pages:15-22, Springer
- 2022
Historical evaluation and future projections of monthly precipitation and temperature under CMIP6 GCMs, case of Hodna basin (central Algeria)
This study aims to evaluate the performance of six models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models in reproducing the monthly cycle of precipitation and maximum surface air temperature of the Hodna region in central Algeria during the baseline period 1901–2014. The six climate models selected are as follows: ACCESS-ESM4, BCC-CSM2-MR, CanESM5, GFDL-ESM1-5, IPSL-EM6A-LR, and MIROC6. The best-performing models are determined by comparing observation (CRU-TS) and historical data. The evaluation procedure is performed using the compromise programming method and multiple statistical metrics including mean bias error (MB), root mean square error (RMSE), and pattern determination coefficient (R2). The first two best-performing models are used for precipitation (IPSL-EM6ALR) and maximum surface air temperature (GFDL-ESM4). Four future periods are considered: 2021–2040, 2041–2060, 2061–2080, and 2081–2100 for SSP1-2.6 and SSP3-7.0. For the most optimist scenario, the maximum surface air temperature may increase in the next decades in comparison with observed and simulated values by 2 °C, but then almost stabilizes and reaches an average monthly increase of 28.53 °C. The same is shown in the precipitation projection of 48.75 mm/month by 2100. Eventually, the SSP1-2.6 scenario does not show any current signs in the current Hodna basin climate on a global scale. Future precipitation projections under Hodna’s SSP3-7.0 may decrease with an average value of 10 mm in a monthly scale. This decrease becomes mostly in the center and southeastern parts. Maximum surface air temperature can rise steadily from 28 to 31 °C and reach its maximum of 4.5 °C by 2100. The outcomes of this study will evaluate how projected changes will affect droughts and floods.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), Historical evaluation and future projections of monthly precipitation and temperature under CMIP6 GCMs, case of Hodna basin (central Algeria), Arab J Geosci, Vol:2022, Issue:, pages:16-39, Springer
- 2022
A DEA cross-efficiency inclusive methodology for assessing water quality: A Composite Water Quality Index
This paper introduces a new index, identified as Composite Water Quality Index (CWQI), for assessing water quality. The novelty of CWQI is rooted in the practical significance of the methodological approach that is developed for its computation. The CWQI is computed within an inclusive framework that integrates data envelopment analysis (DEA) Cross Efficiency (CE) and the Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operator, using Optimistic Closeness Values (OCVs) as input variables. The OCV, which measures the potential of a water quality parameter to reach its best quality status, sets a solid preliminary ground for the assessment process. The DEA-CE approach enables a collective evaluation of the water quality, which bestows more inclusiveness on the quality assessment process and, hence, more robustness of the CWQI. The OWA operator extends the standard role of CWQI, as solely a water quality measurement device, to incorporate the practical conditions of water treatment for future decision plans. The new methodology has been applied on a sample of 47 dams, described with 10 physicochemical parameters, located in Northern Algeria. Adopting a wide range of water treatment conditions, the results reveal “Kissir” and “Bougara” as the best and the worst water sources, respectively. Meanwhile, the ranking patterns of the dams are found almost the same. The k-means clustering identified the Oranie–Chott–Chergui (OCC) basin as the poorest water quality zone and Algerois–Hodna–Sommam (AHS) basin as the best.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), A DEA cross-efficiency inclusive methodology for assessing water quality: A Composite Water Quality Index, Journal of Hydrology, Vol:612, Issue:2022128123, pages:1-22, Elsevier
- 2022
Hydrogeochemical processes and multivariate analysis for groundwater quality in the arid Maadher region of Hodna, northern Algeria
This study focused on water quality and hydro-geochemical processes (evolution, origin) in the Maadher region, central Hodna in Algeria. In recent decades, the excessive exploitation of this resource due to urbanization, irrigation, and the effect of climate change reaching the countries of northern Africa have caused a decline in water levels and hydrochemical changes in the aquifer. The sampling campaign in 2019 based on 13 physicochemical parameters was carried out on the water from 32 boreholes in the study area, compared to data archives of both sampling campaigns in 1967 and 1996. The result revealed that the groundwater as a whole has moderate freshwater quality, due to its total dissolved solids (TDS) content and other dissolved ions of concern (nitrate NO3−), which exceed WHO standards. In addition, Piper diagram indicates that the hydrochemical facies of sulfate–chloride–nitrate–calcium (SO42−–Cl−–NO3−–Ca2+ type), which globally characterizes the study area and these elements are the dominant dissolved ions. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) methodologies are applied in order to define the major control factors that affect the hydrochemistry of Maadher plain. Three distinct water groups were found, illustrating a different evolution of salinity (EC and TDS). The HCA indicated an interesting cluster with a distinct contamination signature and most likely with significantly higher sulfate, chloride, and nitrate concentrations. Anthropogenic processes also play an important role in the study area. The water resource comes from Bousaada Wadi, the exchange at the aquifer depth and the agricultural practices contribute to the deterioration of the quality.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), Hydrogeochemical processes and multivariate analysis for groundwater quality in the arid Maadher region of Hodna, northern Algeria, Acta Geochim, Vol:41, Issue:, pages:893-909, Springer
- 2022
Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and flood (PMF) risk charts in Hodna basin, Algeria
Flood magnitude, frequency and intensity are bound to increase in many parts of the world due to global warming and its consequent effect as climate change impacts. The main purpose of this paper is to apply the classical probable maximum precipitation and probable maximum flood methodologies leading to a new concept of risk level charts, which provide hydrograph time to peak probable maximum discharge after the beginning of precipitation, base time and peak discharge values. Dimensionless hydrograph methodology is employed for flood hydrograph analysis. The applications of probable maximum precipitation and probable maximum flood methodologies are presented for Algerian meteorology stations’ annual maximum daily precipitation amounts from 23 different locations at Hodna drainage basin in the north-eastern of Algeria. Classical probable maximum precipitation frequency factor is obtained for each meteorology station record, which are then converted to pointwise probable maximum flood amounts that are helpful to construct practically applicable flood charts. A new relationship is provided between probable maximum precipitation and the frequency factor for the study area. The efficiency factor is calculated for each station to understand whether there is a further possibility for extreme precipitation, and consequent flood occurrences.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and flood (PMF) risk charts in Hodna basin, Algeria, Meteorol Atmos Phys, Vol:134, Issue:41, pages:1-10, Springer
- 2022
Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria
Soil degradation due to erosion by water is a serious environmental problem for the integrated management of basins, affecting the soil and water resources in Algerian region. Pluvial flood has been increasingly understood as a major threat that has presented a significant risk for many watersheds worldwide, estimation of runoff and sediment yield is primarily required for watershed development planning involving soil and water conservation measures, considering runoff is responsible for sediment detachment and their transport during the erosion processes. In this context, the phenomenon reaches spectacular values in many Algerian watersheds; in this case, it is very severe in flood period, many models have been developed and their application has been spread. In this study, water flow discharge and suspended sediment concentration have been modelled using sediment rating curve approach, this model is the large discussed model; it is the best significant equation for the majority of Algerian basins, this equation which has a power law form (i.e. C = aQb, where a and b are fitted parameters), explains, more than 72% for the whole floods observed during 17 years in Wadi El Maleh watershed, the flood contribution in annual suspended yield is variable; it can reach more than 92%, which is the case of flood; January 19, 1985, while, at inter-annual scale, the percentage is 24% and 43% in total water and suspended sediment yields, respectively; for all studied floods, a good logarithmic correlation between sediment rating curve parameters is observed, this outcome can help to extrapolate this model to other events.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria, Model. Earth Syst. Environ, Vol:8, Issue:, pages:1013-1023, Springer
- 2022
Hydrochemical analysis of groundwater quality in central Hodna Basin, Algeria: a case study
This paper aims to identify the mineralisation origin and distinguish between the different classes of groundwater quality in several regions of the semiarid basin of Hodna in central Algeria. Many multivariate statistical techniques are applied to a dataset composed of 64 georeferenced individuals with 19 chemical variables. The obtained results from this principal component analysis show that the first five factors explain more than 78% of the groundwater quality variance. Other methods such as CA cluster analysis, CAH hierarchical cluster analysis and geochemical analysis using the Piper diagram are more appropriate to contemplate nodule-facies development and to distinguish clusters. The endorheic characteristic of the study basin consequents the basin centre named Chott El Hodna to be a salinity source. Bit by bit, salinity raises from North to South, from unsalted water to strongly salted water close to the Chott. The outcomes demonstrate that this groundwater is portrayed, the facies definite assessment outlines that the chloride, calcium and magnesium sulphate facies indicate 84% of cases, trailed by sodium sulphate facies with 14% and the rest (2%) is identified by the bicarbonate facies.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), Hydrochemical analysis of groundwater quality in central Hodna Basin, Algeria: a case study, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol:15, Issue:1, pages:22-39, InderScience
- 2022
Relevancy and comparison of friction factor equations for gravel bed in bedload regime
The friction coefficient f value is a dominant term in the open channel flow calculation. In this study, eight empirical flow resistance equations in a gravel bed are selected to calculate friction factor under bed load regime. To check the relevancy of these equations, 1,392 flume data are selected with measure values of friction factor in uniform and non-uniform bed materials. We used a friction evaluation approach based on the integration of velocity profiles with two types of equations under well-defined conditions. The first type based on relative depth R/D and the second type concern equations that depend on slope value S, Froude number Fr and Reynolds number Re. In this article, we have used each equation whatever conditions and fields of use. In the second step, friction coefficient f was calculated according to application conditions of each equation while maintaining same formula without change. We concluded that Ferro's (2018) equation is best one that estimates friction coefficient value with a mean normalised error of 12% for all dataset, in both cases.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2022), Relevancy and comparison of friction factor equations for gravel bed in bedload regime, factor equations for gravel bed in bedload regime, International, Vol:22, Issue:, pages:280-297, InderScience
- 2021-02-28
Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria
Soil degradation due to erosion by water is a serious environmental problem for the integrated management of basins, affecting the soil and water resources in Algerian region. Pluvial flood has been increasingly understood as a major threat that has presented a significant risk for many watersheds worldwide, estimation of runoff and sediment yield is primarily required for watershed development planning involving soil and water conservation measures, considering runoff is responsible for sediment detachment and their transport during the erosion processes. In this context, the phenomenon reaches spectacular values in many Algerian watersheds; in this case, it is very severe in flood period, many models have been developed and their application has been spread. In this study, water flow discharge and suspended sediment concentration have been modelled using sediment rating curve approach, this model is the large discussed model; it is the best significant equation for the majority of Algerian basins, this equation which has a power law form (i.e. C = aQb, where a and b are fitted parameters), explains, more than 72% for the whole floods observed during 17 years in Wadi El Maleh watershed, the flood contribution in annual suspended yield is variable; it can reach more than 92%, which is the case of flood; January 19, 1985, while, at inter-annual scale, the percentage is 24% and 43% in total water and suspended sediment yields, respectively; for all studied floods, a good logarithmic correlation between sediment rating curve parameters is observed, this outcome can help to extrapolate this model to other events.
benselama oussama , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , AHMED Ferhati , Omar Djoukbaka, Hamouda boutaghane, Salim Djerbouai, , (2021-02-28), Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol:8, Issue:, pages:10, Oussama BENSELAMA
- 2021
Application of CCME-WQI and Trend Analysis for Water Quality Assessment of the largest Dam in Algeria
The main goal of this paper is to study the water quality of the Beni Haroun (BH) Dam for different purposes using the Canadian Council Ministers Environment (CMME) index, which included 22 physicochemical parameters observed during 11 years. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to reduce the number of dimensions. To identify the sources of possible pollution, data from two other stations, Ain Smara (ST1) and Menia (ST2), situated upstream of the dam are also used. The results show that the calculated values of CCME indices at BH dam for drinking, irrigation, industry, and aquatic life purposes were 17, 40, 42, and 32, respectively, during the period from 2000 to 2010. These indices indicate a poor water quality according to CCME categorization scheme. In this context, Richards Diagram identified two kinds of irrigation water quality in the studied sites, including C3S1 (poor quality) and C4S1 (bad quality). Time series plots and Mann–Kendall test showed a positive trend in the water quality of the BH Dam. This study demonstrates the advantage of CCME index for interpreting spatial and temporal variations in surface water quality.
AHMED AMINSoltani , MAHMOUDHasbaia , Abdelmalek Bermad, Boutaghane Hamouda, ,(2021); Application of CCME-WQI and Trend Analysis for Water Quality Assessment of the largest Dam in Algeria,Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition),Springer International Publishing
- 2021
A Surrogate Water Quality Index to assess groundwater using a unified DEA-OWA framework
In this paper, we introduce a new approach, based on a unified framework incorporating Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA), for assessing water quality in contextual settings that involve a large number of hydrochemical parameters. In order to enhance discrimination among water sources, the DEA model is adopted with data-driven input variables, called “surrogate optimistic closeness values,” computed through an aggregation procedure that includes the observed values of the hydrochemical parameters with OWA weights. The proposed DEA-OWA methodology has been employed to assess the quality of 51 water samples, collected from irrigation wells in Sereflikochisar Basin, Turkey, by means of 19 hydrochemical parameters. Using different subjectivity levels, the Surrogate Water Quality Indices (SWQIs) that are produced are proven effective in enhancing discrimination among the water sources while enabling a more robust water quality-based ranking. The k-means analysis has been used for clustering the water quality of the wells into Excellent, Good, Permissible, and Unsuitable rather than using pre-set boundaries. Only one water source has been identified as Excellent, whereas 17.65%, 45.10%, and 35.29% of the sampled wells, respectively, are categorized with Good, Permissible, and Unsuitable water quality. Inferred from wells’ location, the results suggest that the groundwater might be drastically affected by saline water intrusion from Lake Tuz. The latter conclusion has been corroborated through a Tobit regression analysis.
AHMED AMIN Soltani , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Amar Oukil, Boutaghane Hamouda, Osman A Abdalla, Abdelmalek Bermad, Mohamed Rachid Boulassel, , (2021), A Surrogate Water Quality Index to assess groundwater using a unified DEA-OWA framework, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol:28, Issue:40, pages:56658-56685, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- 2021
Friction Coefficient Equation in a Gravel Bed Under Bedload Regime Using the Dimensional Analysis
The wadis in Algeria organize the beds as gravel by transporting fine sediments form through hydrosedimentary dynamic of intermittent flood events along the time. In this paper, a new flow resistance equation is proposed for gravel bed bedload regime. Due to the field measurements lack in wadis, the study is based on 2,147 flume data with friction factor measurements. The development of convenient equation is achieved through theoretical analysis by taking into account wadi dominant parameters based on dimensional analysis. Hence, deduced relationships are considered between friction coefficient f, the flow characteristics, bed grains size, geometric parameter and bed slope. The proposed equation gives satisfactory results; the estimated mean normalized error is less than 17%.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2021), Friction Coefficient Equation in a Gravel Bed Under Bedload Regime Using the Dimensional Analysis, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineeri, Vol:12205, Issue:, pages:1-9, Springer
- 2021
Problématique de resssource en eau dan le bain du Hodna
L’Algérie, est parmi les régions méditerranéennes très exposées aux phénomènes des inondations. Ces dernières sont causées souvent par les crues dont l’apparition est soudaine, souvent difficilement prévisibles, de temps de montée rapide et de débit spécifique relativement important. Dans les pays semi-arides comme l’Algérie les crues violentes sont généralement liées à des épisodes pluvieux intenses et se manifestent sur des bassins de taille modérée. Comme la majorité villes en Algérie sont traversées par des oueds, plusieurs catastrophes d’inondation ont été recensées ces dernières années (Hodna en 1994, Bâb El Oued en 2001, Ghardaïa et Béchar en octobre 2008 etc.). L’homme a participé dans l’accentuation du phénomène d’inondation en dégradant le milieu naturel par l’urbanisation dans les zones inondablesen plus la mal conception des réseaux d’assainissement. Dans cet article, nous présentons la contribution de la modélisation hydraulique dans la cartographie des zones inondables dans les deux villes de Boussaâda et M’sila. La ville de M’sila est traversée par l’oued Ksob en aval du barrage du Ksob, depuis la réalisation de ce barrage la plus forte crue enregistrée jusqu’à maintenant est celle de 1994 avec un débit maximum de 1430 m3/s. la simulation hydraulique par un modèle 1D nous permis de reproduire le scénario d’inondation avec une précision acceptable. Pour le cas de Bousaâda, une simulation du même type nous a permis de tracer l’aléa de débordement pour des crues de plusieurs fréquences (périodes de retour 50, 100 et 1000 ans).
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , ,(2021), Problématique de resssource en eau dan le bain du Hodna,Journée d'étude sur la gestion des ressources en eau dans la wilaya de M'sila,Université de M'sila
- 2020
An integrated approach for assessing surface water quality: Case of Beni Haroun dam (Northeast Algeria)
In this paper, we use an integrated approach to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of water quality in the Beni Haroun (BH) dam, the largest surface water resource in Algeria. Several techniques have been employed under the same framework, including the Canadian Council Ministers Environment Water Quality Index (CCME-WQI), principal component analysis and factor analysis (PCA/FA), the K-means clustering, and the ordinary least square (OLS) analysis. A data set of 22 physicochemical parameters has been collected, over a period of 11 years, from three sampling stations: Ain Smara (ST1) and Menia (ST2), both located upstream of “Wadi Rhumel,” and BH dam station (ST3), located at the dam site. The PCA/FA enables the identification of seven key factors that influence significantly BH dam water quality. The average values of CCME indices at the BH dam were 17, 40, 42, and 32 for drinking, irrigation, industry, and aquatic life purposes, respectively, which indicate poor water quality, according to the CCME categorization scheme. Besides, the K-means algorithm has been proven to be a very useful machine learning tool to detect that the major source of BH dam pollution is “Wadi Rhumel.” Finally, OLS analysis, along with the Mann-Kendall test, highlighted the positive trend of BH dam’s water quality.
AHMED AMIN Soltani , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Abdelmalek Bermad, Boutaghane Hamouda, Amar Oukil, Osman A Abdalla, Rafik Oulebsir, Sara Zeroual, Abdelouahab Lefkir, , (2020), An integrated approach for assessing surface water quality: Case of Beni Haroun dam (Northeast Algeria), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol:192, Issue:10, pages:1-17, Springer International Publishing
- 2020
Assessment of Algerian dams’ water quality using Water Quality Index (WQI) and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering
Given that northern Algeria is characterized by a significant rainfall level compared to the southern compartment (arid/desert climate), thus almost all Algerian dams are located in the north. From this starting point, data set of 10 Physicochemical parameters were used in the current study to assess the water quality of fifteen dams using Canadian Council ministers of Environment (CCME) Index for drinking purpose from January to November 2019. In addition, Unsupervised machine learning technique such as Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm was performed to classify the dams' set into different groups (clusters). According to the obtained results, three main kinds of dams' water quality (WQ) were recorded i.e., Marginal, Fair and Good WQ with index values of 52- 64, 65-79 and 80-94 respectively. FCM algorithm has identified four distinct clusters, where "Ain Zada" dam represents the 3rd one, is characterized by hyper concentrations of (NH4 + , PO4 3- and NO3 - ) and (COD, BOD and OM) which reflecting non-point pollution from chemical agricultural fertilization and organic pollution of municipal wastewater discharges and industrial effluents respectively. In this survey, the application of WQI and FCM algorithm proved to be effective in interpreting the Big data of Spatio-Temporal water quality variation. Keywords: water quality; CCME WQI; FCM; dam; Algeria.
AHMED AMIN Soltani , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Abdelmalek Bermad, Boutaghane Hamouda, Osman A Abdalla, ,(2020), Assessment of Algerian dams’ water quality using Water Quality Index (WQI) and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering,The 2nd International Conference on Water Resources in Arid Areas,Muscat, Oman
- 2020
A coupled 1-D/2-D model for simulating river sediment transport and bed evolution
The paper details the method to couple a 1-D hydro-sedimentary model to a 2-D hydro-sedimentary model in order to represent the hydrodynamics and morphological processes during a flood event along a river. Tested on two field cases, the coupled model is stable even in the case of generalized overflow over the riverbanks or of levee breaching. For lateral coupling, the coupled model allows saving computational time compared to a full 2-D model and to provide valuable results concerning the flooding features as well as the evolution of the bed topography. However, despite a similar simplified representation of the sediment features in the 1-D and 2-D models, some discrepancies appear in the case of upstream/downstream coupling along a cross section perpendicular to the flow direction because the assumption of homogeneous velocity and concentration is not valid for estimating sediment transport. Further research is necessary to be able to define a suitable distribution of the sediments on the 1-D side of the boundary between the two models.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2020), A coupled 1-D/2-D model for simulating river sediment transport and bed evolution, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol:22, Issue:5, pages:1122-1137, IWA-Publisher
- 2020
Monthly extreme rainfall risk envelope graph method development and application in Algeria
Rainfall patterns are bound to change as a result of global warming and climate change impacts. Rainfall events are dependent on geographic location, geomorphology, coastal area closeness and general circulation air movements. Accordingly, there are increases and decreases at different meteorology station time-series records leading to extreme events such as droughts and floods. This paper suggests a methodology in terms of envelope curves for monthly extreme rainfall event occurrences at a set of risk levels or return periods that may trigger the extreme occurrences at meteorology station catchments. Generally, in many regions, individual storm rainfall records are not available for intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curve construction. The main purpose of this paper is, in the absence of individual storm rainfall records, to suggest monthly envelope curves, which provide a relationship between return period and monthly extreme rainfall values. The first step is to identify each monthly extreme rainfall records probability distribution function (PDF) for risk level and return period calculations. Subsequently, the return period rainfall amount relationships are presented on double-logarithmic graphs with the best power model as a set of envelope curves. The applications of these methodologies are implemented for three Hodna drainage basin meteorology station rainfall records in northern Algeria. It is concluded that the most extreme rainfall risk months are June, August and September, which may lead to floods or flash floods in the study area. A new concept is presented for the possible extreme value triggering months through the envelope curves as ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ class potentials.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2020), Monthly extreme rainfall risk envelope graph method development and application in Algeria, Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol:12, Issue:5, pages:1838-1853, IWA-Publisher
- 2019
Dynamique urbaine et gestion des risques naturels dans les petites et moyennes villes algériennes : Cas de la ville de M'sila, Algérie
Résumé Le territoire national est soumis aux inondations qui se manifestent de façon catastrophique, constituant ainsi une contrainte majeure pour le développement économique et social du pays. D’après le recensement effectué par les services de la protection civile le phénomène concerne une commune sur trois (485 communes) qui est susceptible d’être inondée en partie ou en totalité. Dans les territoires du Hodna, les conditions climatiques, la nature endoréique du bassin versant et l’urbanisation des zones inondables présentent des facteurs très importants pour le risque d’inondation. La périurbanisation au sein de la plaine du Hodna aux versants instables pose des problèmes spécifiques auxquels les pouvoirs publics tentent de faire face, d’où l’adoption d’une série de mesures en juillet 2003, qui a conduit à l’institution de la loi 04-20 du 25 décembre 2004 relative à la gestion des catastrophes dans le cadre du développement durable. M’sila, ville moyenne de l’intérieur du pays, située dans le bassin versant du Hodna est soumise à de nombreuses inondations, qui combine un accroissement urbain très rapide et des versants particulièrement dynamiques est représentative de ce rapprochement entre les aléas naturels et les activités humaines. L’étude diachronique de l’évolution de l’occupation du sol de 1970 à nos jours montre la densification des infrastructures dans cette ville. Cette étude se propose de mener une réflexion sur la thématique dela maîtrise de l’urbanisation, au regard des risques naturels dits majeurs. Les questions développées ont pour objectifs d’une part d’informer sur le niveau de résilience de la ville par rapport à des scénarios d’inondation et, d’autre part, d’aider les autorités locales et nationales à prendre les décisions adéquates. Mots-clefs: inondations, croissance urbaine, risque, plaine du Hodna, petites et moyennes villes
BRAHIM Nouibat , Ali REDJEM , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Kahina Loumi, ,(2019), Dynamique urbaine et gestion des risques naturels dans les petites et moyennes villes algériennes : Cas de la ville de M'sila, Algérie,VIème Colloque de l’Association francophone de Géographie physique (AFGP),AUF - universite de Liege (Belgique)
- 2019
mécanique des fluides, cours et exercices corrigés
mécanique des fluides, cours et exercices corrigés selon le programme de la licence en Hydraulique
MAHMOUDHasbaia , ,(2019); mécanique des fluides, cours et exercices corrigés,,OPU
- 2019
Analysis of the suspended sediment transport estimation at different time scales in Mediterranean watershed, case of Wadi El Maleh (North -West of Algeria)
Th present paper aims to estimate and analyse the variability of the suspended sediment transport in Wadi El Maleh watershed at diffrent time scales. Th used data sets consist of the measured instantaneous water flw discharge QL and suspended sediment concentration C, which have been recorded in the gauging station situated at the outlet of the watershed during 17 years. Th obtained results show that the sediment rating curve explains more than 74% of the variance for the whole pairs data (QL-C). Th estimated specifi soil erosion is about 294.29 103 kg/km2/year. Th analysis of the sediment yield and sedimentary quantifiation has shown that the major part of the sediment transport occurs mainly during extreme events, the flods contributes on average about 64% in the total annual sediment yields, a single flod in January 1988 generated more than 92% of the annual sediment yield rate. In wet season, we recorded 78% of the total soil loss rate, the most part of sedimentary dynamics for Wadi El Maleh is observed in winter with 45.41%. Th suspended sediment transport in this season remains the highest, signifiantly exceeding the other seasons. Thse values are comparable to those reported in other regions with similar climate.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2019), Analysis of the suspended sediment transport estimation at different time scales in Mediterranean watershed, case of Wadi El Maleh (North -West of Algeria), Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences, Vol:11, Issue:2019, pages:15-29, springer
- 2019
Contribution of the multivariate analysis and origin for groundwater quality of mixed aquifer in the M'sila plain (Algeria)
The change of climate and intensive exploitation of groundwater resources in the plain of M'sila has influenced the hydrochemical functioning of the complex aquifer. This resulted in a decrease in the piezometric level of groundwater. The multivariate statistical techniques were used to determine the main factors and regrouping parameters/wells and to understand the origin of groundwater chemistry. Multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) was performed to identify a common source for sampling data of a semi-arid aquifer. Physicochemical analyses were conducted on the waters of 17 wells. The chemical water classification shows the dominance of a chlorinated calcium and magnesium sulphate type facies, which has a very remarkable tendency towards the salinisation. Cluster analysis based on major parameters contents defined four main chemical water groups with increased water-rock interaction. Some parameters presented the highest concentrations of the total of dissolved salts provoking a poor quality of water.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , MOSTAFA Dougha , , (2019), Contribution of the multivariate analysis and origin for groundwater quality of mixed aquifer in the M'sila plain (Algeria), International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol:9, Issue:2, pages:154 - 172, inderscience publishers
- 2019
Comparison of the erosion prediction models from USLE, MUSLE and RUSLE in a Mediterranean watershed, case of WadiGazouana (N-W of Algeria)
Water erosion is one of the most serious problems of soil degradation in the world, the north of Africa region is particularly exposed to this phenomenon. In fact, the phenomenon gets worse with the climate changes and the adverse anthropogenic environmental interventions. In recent decades, the estimation of soil erosion using empirical models has been a promising research topic. Nevertheless, their application over a large and ungauged areas remains a real challenge due to the availability and quality of the required data. Using the GIS environment, this study aims to estimate and compare the water erosion rates by the three models of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in Wadi Gazouana North-West of Algeria. The estimated specific erosion in the entire wadi Ghazouana watershed surface is 9.65, (t/ha/year), 9.90 (t/ha/year) and 11.33 (t/ha/year) by USLE, RUSLE and MUSLE models, respectively. We can also conclude that USLE, RUSLE and MUSLE soil erosion models produced relatively similar results, however, the MUSLE model showed a higher spatial dispersion of the erosion risk compared to the others. The rain factor in this model was more effective; which explain its higher erosion rate.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2019), Comparison of the erosion prediction models from USLE, MUSLE and RUSLE in a Mediterranean watershed, case of WadiGazouana (N-W of Algeria), Earth Syst. Environ, Vol:5, Issue:2019, pages:725–743, Springer
- 2019
Water quality assessment of Beni Haroun (BH) dam in Northeast of Algeria by Canadian Council Ministers Environment (CCME) index and trend analysis
The main goal of this paper is to study the water quality of Beni Haroun (BH) Dam for different purposes using Canadian Council Ministers Environment (CMME) index, which included 22 physicochemical parameters observed during 11 years. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to reduce the number of dimensions. To identify the sources of possible pollution, data from two other stations, Ain Smara (ST1) and Menia (ST2), situated upstream of the dam are also used. The results show that, the calculated values of CCME indices at BH dam for drinking, irrigation, industry and aquatic life purposes were 17, 40, 42 and 32; respectively during the period from 2000 to 2010. These indices indicate a poor water quality according to CCME categorization scheme. In this context, Richards Diagram identified two kinds of irrigation water quality in the studied sites, including: CS1 (poor quality) and CS1 (bad quality). Time series plots and Mann-Kendall test showed an increasing trend in the water quality of BH dam. This study demonstrates the advantage of CCME index for interpreting spatial and temporal variations in surface water quality.
AHMED AMIN Soltani , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Abdelmalek Bermad, Boutaghane Hamouda, ,(2019), Water quality assessment of Beni Haroun (BH) dam in Northeast of Algeria by Canadian Council Ministers Environment (CCME) index and trend analysis,2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration,Sousse, Tunisia
- 2019
The spatial-temporal water quality assessment of BENI HAROUN dam (Northeast Algeria) using Canadian Council Ministers Environment (CCME) index and Trend Analysis
The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the water quality of Beni Haroun (BH) Dam for different purposes using the Canadian Council Ministers Environment (CMME) index which included 22 physicochemical parameters for 11 years. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to reduce the involved data magnitude. In addition to the monitoring station of BH dami.e., “Grarem” (ST3), Ain Smara (ST1) and Menia (ST2) were also selected in order to know the water pollution sources. The calculated values of CCME indices at BH dam for drinking, irrigation, industry and aquatic life purposes were 17, 40, 42 and 32 respectively over the period of 2000 to 2010. These indices indicate a poor water quality according to CCME categorization scheme. In this context, Richards diagram identified two kinds of irrigation water quality in the studied sites, including C3S1 (poor quality) and C4S1 (bad quality). Time series plots and the Mann-Kendall test showed an increasing trend in the water quality of BH dam. This study demonstrates the advantage of CCME index for interpreting spatial and temporal variations in surface water quality.
AHMED AMIN Soltani , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Abdelmalek Bermad, Boutaghane Hamouda, ,(2019), The spatial-temporal water quality assessment of BENI HAROUN dam (Northeast Algeria) using Canadian Council Ministers Environment (CCME) index and Trend Analysis,International Conference on Sustainable Water Treatment Technologies And Environment,UDES-Bou-Ismail, Algeria
- 2018-12-01
Comparison of the erosion prediction models from USLE, MUSLE and RUSLE in a Mediterranean watershed, case of Wadi Gazouana (N-W of Algeria)
Water erosion is one of the most serious problems of soil degradation in the world, the north of Africa region is particularly exposed to this phenomenon. In fact, the phenomenon gets worse with the climate changes and the adverse anthropogenic environmental interventions. In recent decades, the estimation of soil erosion using empirical models has been a promising research topic. Nevertheless, their application over a large and ungauged areas remains a real challenge due to the availability and quality of the required data. Using the GIS environment, this study aims to estimate and compare the water erosion rates by the three models of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in Wadi Gazouana North-West of Algeria. The estimated specific erosion in the entire wadi Ghazouana watershed surface is 9.65, (t/ha/year), 9.90 (t/ha/year) and 11.33 (t/ha/year) by USLE, RUSLE and MUSLE models, respectively. We can also conclude that USLE, RUSLE and MUSLE soil erosion models produced relatively similar results, however, the MUSLE model showed a higher spatial dispersion of the erosion risk compared to the others. The rain factor in this model was more effective; which explain its higher erosion rate.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , benselama oussama , Omar Djoukbaka, Mohamed Mazour, , (2018-12-01), Comparison of the erosion prediction models from USLE, MUSLE and RUSLE in a Mediterranean watershed, case of Wadi Gazouana (N-W of Algeria), Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol:5, Issue:, pages:20, Omar Djoukbala
- 2018-11-12
Prediction of water erosion sensitive areas in Mediterranean watershed, a case study of Wadi El Maleh in north-west of Algeria
Water erosion phenomenon has significant effects on productivity and environment in Algeria. This contribution presents interesting study on soil erosion risk of Wadi El Maleh watershed using RUSLE model based on original data. The erosion process results from effects of several factors, including rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, land slope length, land use, and conservation practices. Soil erosion map in the entire watershed area is obtained by the superposition of the generated maps of each previous factor. The obtained results showed that the mean soil loss rate is about 9 t/ha/year in the whole watershed area. These results are comparable to those reported in watersheds having the same hydrologic characteristic. Based on 2017 couples of (Q-C) recorded over 17 years (from 1981 to 1998), we have estimated the suspended sediment transport of Wadi El Maleh to be annually about 2.94 t/ha/year which represents just 32.6% of the eroded rate, i.e., two thirds of the eroded sediment are deposited, especially in the plains. This high values of deposited sediments is mainly due to relatively moderate slopes and dense vegetation.
benselama oussama , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Mohamed Mazour, Omar Djoukbaka, Sakher Mokhtari, , (2018-11-12), Prediction of water erosion sensitive areas in Mediterranean watershed, a case study of Wadi El Maleh in north-west of Algeria, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol:190, Issue:12, pages:15, Oussama BENSELAMA
- 2018-11-06
Analysis of the suspended sediment yield at different time scales in Mediterranean watershed, case of Wadi El Maleh (North-West of Algeria)
The present paper aims to estimate and analyse the variability of the suspended sediment transport in Wadi El Maleh watershed at different time scales. The used data sets consist of the measured instantaneous water flow discharge QL and suspended sediment concentration C, which have been recorded in the gauging station situated at the outlet of the watershed during 17 years. The obtained results show that the sediment rating curve explains more than 74% of the variance for the whole pairs data (QL-C). The estimated specific soil erosion is about 294.29 103 kg/km2/year. The analysis of the sediment yield and sedimentary quantification has shown that the major part of the sediment transport occurs mainly during extreme events, the floods contributes on average about 64% in the total annual sediment yields, a single flood in January 1988 generated more than 92% of the annual sediment yield rate. In wet season, we recorded 78% of the total soil loss rate, the most part of sedimentary dynamics for Wadi El Maleh is observed in winter with 45.41%. The suspended sediment transport in this season remains the highest, significantly exceeding the other seasons. These values are comparable to those reported in other regions with similar climate.
benselama oussama , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Mohamed Mazour, Omar Djoukbala, Sakher Mokhtari, , (2018-11-06), Analysis of the suspended sediment yield at different time scales in Mediterranean watershed, case of Wadi El Maleh (North-West of Algeria), Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences, Vol:11, Issue:1, pages:10, Oussama BENSELAMA
- 2018-05-08
Estimating of water erosion in semiarid regions using RUSLE equation under GIS environment
Water erosion is one of the main forms of land degradation in Algeria, with a serious repercussion on agricultural productivity. The purpose of this study is to estimate the soil loss of Wadi El-Ham watershed in the center of Algeria, this study aims also to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the use of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) under a Geographic Information System in this field. The RUSLE model involves the main factors of erosion phenomena, namely, rain aggressiveness, soil erodibility, topographic factor, land cover index and the anti-erosive practices factor. Using this approach, the specific erosion in Wadi El-Ham watershed is estimated as 5.7 (t/ha/yr) in the entire watershed area. This result is compared to the measured suspended sediment at the Rocade-Sud gauging station situated outlet the watershed. These data consist of 1293 instantaneous measures of the water discharge and the suspended sediment concentration recorded during 21 years. Through this comparison, the used approach of RUSLE under GIS estimates the soil loss in Wadi El-Ham in Hodna region of Algeria with an error of 7.5%. Consequently, the results obtained in cartographic format make it possible to target the areas requiring priority action for a larger scale analysis to find appropriate solutions to combat erosion and to protect the natural environment.
MAHMOUD Hasbaia , benselama oussama , Omar Djoukbala, Mohamed Mazour, , (2018-05-08), Estimating of water erosion in semiarid regions using RUSLE equation under GIS environment, Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol:77, Issue:345, pages:17, Omar Djoukbala
- 2018
Analysis of numerical simulation of the hydrodynamics in swimming pools, in terms of water quality
A numerical study of hydrodynamic behaviour in swimming pools was conducted to control the water quality. Hydrodynamics and mass transport processed by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) were compared with experimental measurements of the residence time distribution (RTD). A CFD tool with turbulence models and a transport model of a species used to find the hydrodynamic effect on water quality by limiting the water dead zones that prevent the arrival of the disinfectant and that favour the development of micro-organisms. In addition, the hydrodynamic behaviour was determined experimentally by a pulse tracer test to compare the RTD. This work describes the hydrodynamic behaviours of three pools. The models are suitable for the study of physical and chemical phenomena with long characteristic times. The purpose of this article is to present the influences of hydrodynamic behaviour on the water quality, which in turn is influenced by design and hydraulic exchange conditions. In general, the result of this research underlines the hydrodynamic behaviour importance for a better water quality in a swimming pool. The next part of the project will focus on chemical and biological transformation processes.
MOSTAFA Dougha , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2018), Analysis of numerical simulation of the hydrodynamics in swimming pools, in terms of water quality, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, Vol:3, Issue:33, pages:01-13, springer
- 2017
Erosion Sensitivity Mapping Using a Multi-Criteria Approach under GIS Environment the Case of the Semiarid Hodna Basin in Central Algeria
Abstract: The recent studies on the climate change vulnerability in the arid and semiarid regions show a trend to increase the aridity, which accelerates erosion. This complex and aleatory phenomenon is dependent in addition to the anthropogenic factor on some natural parameters, especially, the hydro-climatic forcing, the topography, the geology and the land use. This study aims to analyze and map the erosion sensitivity of Hodna basin in the central of Algeria with an area of 26000 km². It is the fifth basin of Algeria, located at 150 km to the south of the Mediterranean coast. The erosion sensitivity mapping approach is based on a multi-criteria method of the parameters of topography, the geology and the land use with a hydro-climatic forcing parameter represented by the precipitation. The analysis of the maps obtained under GIS environment for different criteria, shows that the findings vary from one criterion to another. However, taking all criteria into account, the obtained map shows that the areas with a high vulnerability to erosion are located in the south and the west of the basin, representing 25% of the total basin area.
MOSTAFA Dougha , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , , (2017), Erosion Sensitivity Mapping Using a Multi-Criteria Approach under GIS Environment the Case of the Semiarid Hodna Basin in Central Algeria, International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, Vol:6, Issue:1, pages:13-19, the Prince Sultan Institute for Environmental, Water & Desert Research. ISSN: 2079-7079