FOUZIA Bouchelaghem
فوزية بوشلاغم
- Departement of Physics
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade MCA
About Me
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
AROUSSI, Chaima , DEBIH, Choumeyssa
Formation à la radiothérapie externe et interne du cancer.
- 2024
تأطير مشروع حصل على وسم لا بل , مشروع مبتكر , مشروع مؤسسة ناشئة
Attoui Dounya
Initiation au développement d’un système dosimétrique digital pour la détection des rayonnements
- 2022
Encaderement master
شيكوش منصف
تحديد الخواص الفيزيائية الحرارية للغازات أحادية الذرة تتكون من غازات نادرة
- 2021
Encaderement master
Reguig Ikram
Les effets quantiques dans le cas des ions K+ évoluant dans un gaz neutre K aux basses énergies
- 2020
Encaderement master
Propriétés de transport dans les collisions ion - atome
- 1978-01-16 00:00:00
FOUZIA Bouchelaghem birthday
- 2025-01-21
Radiation Safety in Nuclear Medicine Course
" ندوة علمية عن بعد حو ل "الامن فى الطب النووي"
FouziaBouchelaghem , ,(2025-01-21); Radiation Safety in Nuclear Medicine Course,مجموعة انفاس الطبية,
- 2025-01-05
Transport coefficient of He+ in gaseous helium
This study focuses on the quantum calculation of elastic collision cross section for He+ in their ground state (2S) with neutral helium atom He over a range of reduced kinetic energy between 10-12 and 10-1
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2025-01-05), Transport coefficient of He+ in gaseous helium,Le 11 ème Séminaire National sur le Laser et ses Applications,Alger, Algerie
- 2024-12-15
New Semi-Empirical Formula for (n, t) Reaction Cross Sections
A semi-empirical formula is proposed to calculate excitation function for the (n, t) nuclear reaction at 14.6 MeV. This semi-empirical systematic contains free parameters fixed by experimental data, we use pre-equilibrium exciton model to describe tritium emission in nuclear reactions induced with rapid neutrons. To verify the quality of the proposed formula, we compare the obtained cross-section with measured ones. We found that calculated (n, t) excitation function is close to the experimental data and the proposed systematic better describes tritium emission for even-even nuclei target.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-12-15), New Semi-Empirical Formula for (n, t) Reaction Cross Sections,The First International Congress on Recent Advances in Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (1st-ICRAMPCS 2024),Constantine. Algeria
- 2024-09-25
Quantum Calculations of Cross Sections, Diffusion Coefficients, and Mobility for Elastic Collisions of Ground-State He+ Ions (2S) withNeutral He Atoms
The quantum calculations of cross sections, diffusion coefficients, and mobility for elastic collisions of He+ ions in the ground state (2S) withneutral He atoms are determined over a range of 10⁻¹² ≤ ε ⋖10⁻¹, roughlycorresponding to the temperature range 10⁻⁹≤ T⋖10⁺²K Within the framework of the model developed by Chapman and Enskog [1, 2] for sufficientlydilutegases, we have thoroughlyexamined the self-diffusion properties of helium ions He+ in theirground state (2S) withintheir parent gas He (1S).
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-09-25), Quantum Calculations of Cross Sections, Diffusion Coefficients, and Mobility for Elastic Collisions of Ground-State He+ Ions (2S) withNeutral He Atoms,First Conference on Atomic and Molecular Collisions:Theory and Applications,Ferhat ABBAS University-Setif1
- 2024-09-24
A new three parameters formula for (n, 3 He) nuclear reaction is proposed to calculate function excitation at 14.6 MeV, this semi-empirical systematic reduces parameters taken in previous proposed formulae which increase the contribution of pre-equilibrium 3 He particle emission. We use exciton model in closed form and coalescence model to describe the pre-equilibrium 3 He particle emission in reaction induced by neutron. To check the formula’s quality we compare obtained cross section with measured ones. The formula obtained in this work has a good fitting with lower values of statistical parameters.
Samra Nehaoua , Asma Ghezal , Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-09-24), THEORICAL FORMULAE OF (n, 3 He) REACTION FUNCTION EXCITATION AT 14?6 MeV,NUPPAC'24,Egypt
- 2024-09-23
Thermophysical properties of helium and argon gas.
This work is devoted to calculating the thermophysical properties of Argon and helium gases such as diffusion, viscosity, and thermal conductivity in a thermal field between 1K and 10000K, by the Chapman-Enskog model. The calculations, essentially quantal, are based on interatomic potential constructed from new and recent potential data points.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-09-23), Thermophysical properties of helium and argon gas.,13th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics (NUPPAC' 24),Marsa Matrouh Égypte
- 2024-09-23
Isotopic effects in the He+ - He collision at lower energies.
This work is devoted to calculating the potential-energy curves of helium ions in their gases such as He+(2s)− He(1s), when both species are in their ground states, are either gerade (g) or ungerade (u), namely, 2Σ+g or 2Σ+u in the field of energy 10−12 ≤ E ≤ 10−2( a.u.), using new and modern data. Elastic cross-sections have also been calculated and the isotope effect of the presence of 4He and 3He atoms has been addressed, taking into account the nuclear spin and analog effect emanating from similar and non-distinction between colliding atoms.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-09-23), Isotopic effects in the He+ - He collision at lower energies.,13th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics (NUPPAC' 24),Marsa Matrouh Égypte
- 2024-09-23
New semi empirical systematic of (n, t) reaction cross section
semi empirical formula for (n, t) nuclear reaction is used to calculate function excitation at 14.6 MeV, this semi-empirical systematic with 3 parameters fixed by experimental data uses theoretical models to describe tritium emission in neutron reactions. To verify the proposed formula’s quality we compare obtained cross section with measured ones. Calculated (n, t) excitation function are closed to experimental excitation function. The formula obtained in this work describes better tritium emission.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-09-23), New semi empirical systematic of (n, t) reaction cross section,13th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics (NUPPAC' 24),Marsa Matrouh, Egypt
- 2024-09-23
A new three parameters formula for (n, 3He) nuclear reaction is proposed to calculate function excitation at 14.6 MeV, this semi-empirical systematic reduces parameters taken in previous formulae which increase the contribution of pre-equilibrium 3He particle emission. We use exciton model in closed form and coalescence model to describe the pre-equilibrium 3He particle emission in reaction induced by rapid neutron. To check the formula’s quality we compare obtained cross section with measured ones. The formula obtained in this work has a good fitting with lower values of statistical parameters
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-09-23), THEORETICAL FORMULA OF (N,3HE) REACTION CROSS SECTION AT 14,6 MEV,13th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics (NUPPAC' 24),Marsa Matrouh, Egypt
- 2024-09-23
Thermophysical properties of helium and argon gas.
This work is devoted to calculating the thermophysical properties of Argon and helium gases such as diffusion, viscosity, and thermal conductivity in a thermal field between 1K and 10000K, by the Chapman-Enskog model. The calculations, essentially quantal, are based on interatomic potential constructed from new and recent potential data points.
Samra Nehaoua , Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-09-23), Thermophysical properties of helium and argon gas.,NUPPAC24,Egypt
- 2024-06-26
Atomic collisions are fundamentally important in atomic physics and molecular. They are able to adequately describe the kinetics of gases and their hydrodynamic properties. They are thus important in the interpretation of some phenomena of astrophysics, quantum chemistry and laser physics and plasma.We are interested in this work at collisions purely elastic atom-atom type in a gas.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-06-26), THE SECOND VIRIAL COEFFICIENT OF Ar2,Computational and Applied Physics Symposium,Khemis-Miliana, Algeria
- 2024-06-26
The second virial coefficient of Ar2
One of the physical means available to verify the quality and accuracy of the potential of inter-action is the evaluation of the second coefficients of viriel B2 (𝑇) and the analysis of their behaviour with temperature 𝑇. These coefficients depend, as will be seen below, directly from the interaction potential V(𝑅).
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Samra Nehaoua , Asma Ghezal , ,(2024-06-26), The second virial coefficient of Ar2,CAPS-2024,Khemis-Miliana, Algeria
- 2024-06-13
Application d'un code GSview gnuplot pour dessiner des courbes
GSview ! Il s'agit d'une interface graphique pour Ghostscript, une suite de logiciels qui interprète les fichiers PostScript et PDF. GSview permet aux utilisateurs de visualiser et d'interagir avec les fichiers PostScript (PS) et PDF de manière plus conviviale, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit de fichiers générés à partir d'imprimantes ou de logiciels de conception. Il vous permet de zoomer, de naviguer et d'imprimer des documents directement depuis l'interface.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2024-06-13), Application d'un code GSview gnuplot pour dessiner des courbes,Journée de formation,جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة
- 2023
Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.
In this work, the thermophysical properties of argon dilute gas are revisited, in the range of temperatures between 1K to 1000K, with new and recent potential data points. The built potential will then be introduced into the Schrödinger wave equation to be able to solve it numerically. The calculations of various transport parameters, namely diffusion, viscosity, and thermal conductivity, are extended to include the nuclear spins and the symmetry effects, which arise from the identity and indistinguishability of the colliding atoms.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Chikouche Moncef, Chikouche Moncef, ,(2023), Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.,the National Seminar of Physics, Chemistry, and Their Applications Webinar (NSPCA'23),Bordj Bou Arreridj
- 2023
Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.
Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.
Samra Nehaoua , ADMIN Admin , Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2023), Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.,National Seminar of Physics, Chemistry, and Their Applications Webinar (NSPCA'23),Bordj Bou arriridj
- 2023
Charge transfer cross sections and transport coefficients of 39K+ − 39K and 41K+ − 39K at low-energy
The transport coefficients, diffusion D(T), and reduced mobility K0 are calculated for systems 39K+ − 39K and 41K+ − 39K in a thermal range between 1 and 3000 K within the Chapman–Enskog approximation. This is preceded by a theoretical study of the collision of alkaline ions in their gases for low and intermediate energies in the range 10−14 ≤ E ≤ 10−3 (a.u.), and within this field, we calculate the interaction energy potentials and elastic and charge-transfer cross sections and discuss the isotopic effects in the 39 K+ − 39K and 41K+ − 39K collisions.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Moncef Bouledroua, , (2023), Charge transfer cross sections and transport coefficients of 39K+ − 39K and 41K+ − 39K at low-energy, AIP Advances, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:025159, AIP Publishing
- 2023
Cours & Exercices Physique Nucléaire L3/SM
Une particule subatomique est une composante de lamatière ayant une taille inférieure à celle d’un atome. On retrouve dans le noyau de l’atome deux types de particules: le proton et le neutron. Autour d'un oyau tournent les électrons.
FouziaBouchelaghem , ,(2023); Cours & Exercices Physique Nucléaire L3/SM,MOHAMED BOUDIAF MSILA,
- 2023
Calcul des coefficients de transport des ions de Hélium dans un gaz parent par un traitement quantique des sections efficaces
Les principaux objectifs de cette étude sont d'effectuer des calculs complets de mécanique quantique des sections efficaces de transport, basés sur les potentiels d'interaction ab initio des dimères ioniques de Lee [1] , qui se dissocient asymptotiquement en He+( 2S ) + He(1S), et d'examiner théoriquement les mobilités des ions He+ se déplaçant dans un gaz hélium en les comparant avec les données expérimentales et Théoriques. Afin d'obtenir les coefficients de transport appropriés, cette dernière tâche sera accomplie en injectant les sections efficaces quantiques dans le code Fortran GC.F [2], une version plus récente de l'ancien programme GRAMCHAR.F, tous les deux écrits par Viehland [3-4].
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , LIAS SYHAM, ,(2023), Calcul des coefficients de transport des ions de Hélium dans un gaz parent par un traitement quantique des sections efficaces,Skikda, Algeria 1st International Conference on Physico-chemistry, Materials Sciences & Applied Mathematics,Skikda
- 2018
Transport properties of K+- K collision at low energy
This work deals theoretically with the mobility of alkali ions ( K+) moving in a K atoms. Assuming a very low electric field, the calculations are performed quantum mechanically within the Chapman-Enskog approximation [1]. The calculations start by constructing the ion-atom potentials in the short-range, intermediate, and long-range regions. The appropriate dispersion coefficients are adopted. The potentials are further used to solve the radial wave equation and therefore to determine the phase shifts needed in the computation of the collision integrals and the coefficients of diffusion and mobility. The variation law with temperature of both coefficients is examined.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2018), Transport properties of K+- K collision at low energy,École Thématique sur la Nano-Optique & Plasmonique : Modélisation, Caractérisation et Applications,Tizi-Ouzou
- 2018
Mobility of ionic lithium atoms diffusing in their parent gas
This work deals theoretically with the mobility of alkali ions ( Li+) moving in a Li atoms. Assuming a very low electric field, the calculations are performed quantum mechanically within the Chapman-Enskog approximation [1]. The calculations start by constructing the ion-atom potentials in the short-range, intermediate, and long-range regions. The appropriate dispersion coefficients are adopted. The potentials are further used to solve the radial wave equation and therefore to determine the phase shifts needed in the computation of the collision integrals and the coefficients of diffusion and mobility. The variation law with temperature of both coefficients is examined.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2018), Mobility of ionic lithium atoms diffusing in their parent gas,Le 15ème Congrès de la Division Plasma de la Société française de Physique,Bordeaux
- 2014
Quantum effects in the case of 6Li+and 7Li+ ions evolving in a neutral 6Li gas at a wide range of temperatures
This work deals with the quantum-mechanical calculation of the temperature-dependent mobility of ionic lithium atoms diffusing in their parent gas. The computation of the quantal phase shifts in connection with the gerade and ungerade potential-energy curves, through which Li(+) approaches Li(2s), leads to the computation of the charge-transfer and diffusion cross sections. The behavior of the coefficients of diffusion and mobility with temperature is also examined. Throughout this work, the isotopic effects in the (6)Li(+)-(6)Li and (7)Li(+)-(6)Li collisions are emphasized.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Moncef. Bouledroua, , (2014), Quantum effects in the case of 6Li+and 7Li+ ions evolving in a neutral 6Li gas at a wide range of temperatures, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, Vol:16, Issue:5, pages:1875, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
- 2014
Isotopic effects in the Li+−Li collisions at lower and higher temperatures
This work deals with the quantum-mechanical calculation of the temperature-dependent mobility of ionic lithium atoms diffusing in their parent gas. The computation of the quantal phase shifts in connection with the gerade and ungerade potential–energy curves, through which Li+ approaches Li(2s), leads to the computation of the charge-transfer and diffusion cross sections. The behavior of the coefficients of diffusion and mobility with temperature is also examined. Throughout this work, the isotopic effects in the Li7+-Li7, Li6+-Li7 and collisions are emphasized.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Moncef BOULEDROUA, , (2014), Isotopic effects in the Li+−Li collisions at lower and higher temperatures, Adv. Quantum Chem, Vol:68, Issue:12, pages:239, Advances in Quantum Chemistry
- 2014
Mouvement des ions dans des gaz monoatomiques. Cas du lithium 6Li et 7Li
This work deals with the quantum-mechanical calculation of the temperature-dependent mobility of ionic lithium atoms diffusing in their parent gas. The computation of the quantal phase shifts in connection with the gerade and ungerade potential-energy curves, through which Li+ approaches Li(2s), leads to the computation of the charge-transfer and diffusion cross sections. The behavior of the coefficients of diffusion and mobility with temperature is also examined. Throughout this work, the isotopic effects in the 7Li+-7Li, 6Li+-7Li, 6Li+-6Li and 7Li+-6Li collisions are emphasized
FouziaBouchelaghem , ,(2014); Mouvement des ions dans des gaz monoatomiques. Cas du lithium 6Li et 7Li,UNIVERSITE BADJI MOKHTAR ANNABA,
- 2013
Transport properties of ion-atom collision
This work deals theoretically with the mobility of alkali ions ( K+ ) moving in a K atoms. Assuming a very low electric field, the calculations are performed quantum mechanically within the Chapman-Enskog approximation [1]. The calculations start by constructing the ion-atom potentials in the short-range, intermediate, and long-range regions. The appropriate dispersion coefficients are adopted. The potentials are further used to solve the radial wave equation and therefore to determine the phase shifts needed in the computation of the collision integrals and the coefficients of diffusion and mobility. The variation law with temperature of both coefficients is examined
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Bouledroua Moncef, ,(2013), Transport properties of ion-atom collision,Fourth International Meeting on Dielectric Materials,Marrakech, Morocco
- 2011
Charge-transfer cross section in the Li+−Li system
This work deals theoretically with the charge exchange cross section computed for the system Li-Li+ assuming a very low electric field. The calculations are performed quantum mechanically within theChapman-Enskog model 1. The calculation starts by constructing the ion-atom potential and, with this system, the collisional dynamics are determined by the molecular Σg+ and Σu+ states 2. The gerade and ungerade potential-energy curves are shown in Fig. 1. The potentials are further used to solve the radial wave equation and therefore to determine the phase shifts. These phase shifts have been used to compute the elastic and charge-transfer cross sections. For illustration, the charge-transfer cross section for the scattering at low energies in the Σg+ and Σu+ states are presented in fig. 2.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Bouledroua Moncef, ,(2011), Charge-transfer cross section in the Li+−Li system,Séminaire International sur la Physique des Plasmas,Ouargla, Algérie
- 2008
Mobility of alkali-ions in a helium gas
This work deals theoretically with the mobility of alkali monatoms (Li+ , Na+ , K+ , Rb+ , Cs+ ) moving in a helium gas. Assuming a very low electric field, the calculations are performed quantum mechanically within the Chapman-Enskog approximation [1]. The calculations start by constructing the ion-atom potentials in the short-range, intermediate, and long-range regions. The appropriate dispersion coefficients are adopted. An example of the generated potential-energy curves is shown in Fig. 1 for the case of NaHe+ and RbHe+ systems. The curves are compared with other calculated potentials. The potentials are further used to solve the radial wave equation and therefore to determine the phase shifts needed in the computation of the collision integrals and the coefficients of diffusion and mobility. The variation law with temperature of both coefficients is examined and the results show that the diffusion coefficients vary like ~aTb . For illustration, the mobility coefficients of sodium and potassium ions diffusing in ground helium gas are presented in Fig 2. Particularly, the results of the reduced mobility, at given temperatures and pressures, can be compared with published values in case of very week electric field in the Table below.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Bouledroua Moncef, ,(2008), Mobility of alkali-ions in a helium gas,19 europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of ionized Gases,à Grenada Spain
- 2006
Les propriétés thermophysiques d’un gaz monoatomique d’hélium
In this work, the thermophysical properties of a helium dilute gas are revisited, in the range of low and high temperatures, with new and recent potential data points. The classical second virial coefficients are computed in order to assess the accuracy of the constructed He-He potential. The results, mainly at high temperatures, are in a good agreement with the published values. The isotopic effects due to the presence of 4He and 3He atoms are also examined and the calculations of various transport parameters, namely diffusion, viscosity, and thermal conductivity, are extended to include the nuclear spins and the symmetry effects, which arise from the identity and indistinguishability of the colliding atoms. iii
FouziaBouchelaghem , ,(2006); Les propriétés thermophysiques d’un gaz monoatomique d’hélium,UNIVERSITE BADJI MOKHTAR ANNABA,
- 2006
Isotopic and Symmetry Effects in the Collision of Atomic Helium
The thermophysical properties of a helium dilute gas at low and high temperatures are revisited with new and recent potential data points. The second virial coefficients are computed in order to assess the accuracy of the constructed He-He potentials. The results, mainly at high temperatures, are in a good agreement with the published values. The isotopic effects due to the presence of ^4He and ^3He atoms are also examined and the calculations of various transport parameters, namely diffusion, viscosity, and thermal conductivity, are extended to include the nuclear spins and the symmetry effects, which arise from the identity and indistinguishability of the colliding atoms.
Fouzia Bouchelaghem , Bouledroua Moncef, ,(2006), Isotopic and Symmetry Effects in the Collision of Atomic Helium,59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics,American Physical Society