المسعود معيوف
06 56 92 09 93
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Habilitation. in Mohamed BOUDIAF university of Msila
Research Domains
Renewable Energies
LocationOuanougha, Hammam Dalaa
Code RFIDE- 2022
LAMARA Mohamed
Etude comparative des algorithmes P&O et Inc-Cond pour l’optimisation d’un système photovoltaïque (PV) autonome
- 2022
BOUHAMIDI Mohamed Mokhtar , YAHIAOUI Ammar
الانتقال الطاقوي في الجزائر بين الواقع والرهانات
- 2021
AOUICHAT Farouk , ZERROUKI Ahmed amine
Contrôle et optimisation d’un système photovoltaïque (PV) autonome
- 2020
KHALFAOUI Younsse , HALA Mostafa
Contrôle d’un aérogénérateur synchrone à aimants permanents autonome
- 2020
MESSAOUDI Mohamed Toufik , NAILI Abdelhadi
Contrôle et optimisation d’une chaine éolienne raccordée au réseau électrique à base d’un générateur synchrone à aimants permanents
- 2019
Etude et optimisation d'une chaîne de conversion éolienne de petite taille avec stockage, à base d'une GSAP
- 2019
Contrôle d’un générateur synchrone à aimants permanents dédié à la conversion de l’énergie éolienne, par mode glissant
- 2019
BACHIRI Chaima , MAHMOUDI Fatima Zohra
Modélisation et simulation d’un générateur synchrone à aimants permanents
- 2018
ABDELHAFID Abderrahmen , KHALDI Hamza, ZIANI Youcef
Etude et modélisation d’un redresseur triphasé double alternances
- 2018
HAMANI Omar , TALEB Abderazek, MEKFES A.Baset
Modélisation et simulation de l’alternateur
- 2017
MERZOUGUI Theldja , AQLAN Moataz
Etude et modélisation d’un moteur synchrone à aimants permanent
- 2017
DEMBRI Hadjira , DJEDI Noura
Modélisation et simulation d’un moteur asynchrone monophasé
- 2017
Etude et simulation d’un moteur à courant continu à excitation shunt
- 17-01-2019
Sensorless Control System Design of A Small Size Vertical Axis Wind Turbine - 08-05-2014
Etude comparative des architectures et stratégies de contrôle d'un aérogénérateur synchrone à aimants permanents - 23-02-2008
Contribution à la modélisation de l'aérogénérateur synchrone a aimants permanents - 18-06-1997
Commande d'un moteur synchrone à aimants permanents par mode glissant - 1971-01-27 00:00:00
MESSAOUD Mayouf birthday
- 2021
Optimum Parametric Identification of a Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System with Battery Storage and Optimization Controller Using Averaging Approach
The dimensioning of photovoltaic systems is the major concern of researchers and power industry practitioners. This aims to improve energy efficiency and protect the conversion units by a consistent assessment of power conditioning circuits and interconnections for the PV application. In this context, this paper sets out to fulfill detailed modeling and control steps of a standalone photovoltaic (PV) power system with energy storage, according to practical specifications of the load, PV generation unit, and battery pack. The main goal is to estimate all unknown parameters, as the diode ideality factor and revers saturation current, the controller, and the PV link. The PV link interfacing the PV source circuit to the PV-side converter (PVSC) provides a filtering function to maintain a steady voltage at the link. The charge controller used in the PV-side converter is a DC/DC buck converter. It transfers the PV power to the battery and supplies the load. Using pulse- width modulation (PWM) technical, of which the switching duty cycle is the control-input variable; the PVSC power-conditioning circuit is permanently controlled by the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm to achieve the maximum energy. The battery pack voltage is properly maintained by the charge controller and specified to match the load voltage rating, to avoid a high ratio of voltage conversion. A method is proposed to integrate both the MPPT function and the battery cycle charge. The PV generator output and the power conditioning circuits, mainly constructed from switching- mode power converters, are nonlinear. An averaged model is then derived for dynamic analysis and controller synthesis, using the state-space averaging and linearization method. A PV array of nine PV modules configured into three strings is used in this application to demonstrate the effectiveness of modeling, design, control, and simulation. Simulation model for the controller and power interface is built and developed in short term, using the fundamental blocks of Matlab Simulink.
Haddi BAKHTI , Messaoud MAYOUF , , (2021), Optimum Parametric Identification of a Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System with Battery Storage and Optimization Controller Using Averaging Approach, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol:54, Issue:1, pages:63-71, International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)
- 2020
TP Systèmes de conversion de l’énergie éolienne
Cette matière a pour objectifs de permettre à l’étudiant de modéliser et simuler moyennant des logiciels (tels que : Matlab/Simulink, PSpice, PSIM, …etc), les éléments constituant la chaîné de conversion éolienne (aérogénérateur)
MessaoudMAYOUF , ,(2020); TP Systèmes de conversion de l’énergie éolienne,,
- 2020
Systèmes de conversion de l'énergie éolienne
Permettre aux étudiants d’acquérir des connaissances théoriques et pratiques approfondies sur les éléments constitutifs des machines éoliennes de production d’électricité (aérogénérateurs).
MessaoudMAYOUF , ,(2020); Systèmes de conversion de l'énergie éolienne,,
- 2019
Monitoring and control of a permanent magnet synchronous generator-based wind turbine applied to battery charging
The battery charging control within wind turbine applications is the most important challenge in standalone exploitation mode because of the random nature of wind energy and irregular use of electricity. Within this problematic, this paper deals with monitoring and control of a permanent magnet synchronous generator voltage for battery charging. In the proposed topology, the output direct drive PMSG is linked to the battery through a vector-controlled pulse modulated (PWM) rectifier. Most wind energy conversion systems are based on precise knowledge of the wind speed, which makes the adjustment of the charge voltage relatively complicated, and degrades the powers captured with erroneous measurements of this wind speed. In this context, all the efforts of this work are meant to simplify and improve the dynamic performance of the system. The technique used in this work is devoid of wind measurement. By neglecting different losses, the approach adopted leads us to the reference electromagnetic torque, assuming that the wind speed and consequently the rotational speed of the turbine vary slowly in steady state. Using the load current and voltage measures, the proposed controllers calculate permanently the power reference that corresponds to the fixed battery voltage. A vector control approach is adopted to achieve decoupled power control on the supply side power converter by generating the direct and quadrature control voltages. These voltages are necessary to generate the corresponding duty cycles of the PWM active switching devices. Hence, the PWM rectifier maintains the battery voltage at a fixed value by balancing both the rectifier output current and the load input current. To activate the vector control, two dynamic controllers are designed, simulated, and compared. The first controller is based on simple PI regulators. Meanwhile, the second one, which is a sliding mode technique, is applied to control the battery voltage. In order to assess the effectiveness of the used techniques, simulation models have been subjected to critical conditions of changing in speed and load. Simulation results revealed a poor accuracy of the first technique during transients and its close correlation under load disturbance. Whereas the sliding mode controller has high precision and strong robustness in steady state and during transient phases. The system simulation is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Messaoud MAYOUF , , (2019), Monitoring and control of a permanent magnet synchronous generator-based wind turbine applied to battery charging, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Vol:60, Issue:2, pages:2281-2296, Taylor and Francis
- 2019
Sliding mode control of a permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind power conversion systems applied to battery charging
This paper focuses on the voltage control of a permanent magnet synchronous generator for battery charging. In the proposed topology, the output direct drive PMSG is connected to the battery through a vector controlled pulse modulated (PWM) rectifier. Using the load current and voltage measures, the proposed controllers calculate permanently the power reference that corresponds to the fixed battery voltage. A vector control approach is adopted to achieve decoupled power control on the supply side power converter by generating the direct and quadrature control voltages. Theses voltages are necessary to generate the corresponding duty cycles of the PWM active switching devices. Hence, the PWM rectifier maintains the battery voltage at a fixed value by balancing the generator output current and the load input current. To activate the vector control, a sliding mode technique is applied to ensure the DC-bus voltage regulation. To assess the effectiveness of the technique used, Simulation model has been subjected to difficult conditions of changing in speed and load. Simulation results show that sliding mode controller has high precision and strong robustness in steady state and during the transients. The system simulation is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Messaoud MAYOUF , ,(2019), Sliding mode control of a permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind power conversion systems applied to battery charging,1st International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA’19),University Larbi Tebessi-Tebessa, Algeria
- 2018
Sensorless Control System Design of a Small Size Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
This paper describes control system design of a small size vertical axis wind turbine for battery charging, using permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The direct drive PMSG is connected to the battery through a switch mode rectifier where a DC-DC buck converter is used to optimize the wind power. The use of speed sensor to the control system design complicates and adds more costs to the system. To resolve this problem, a sensorless maximum powertracking algorithm is proposed to calculate the current command that corresponds to maximum power output of the turbine. The DC-DC converter uses this current command to calculate the duty cycle which is necessary to control the pulse width modulated (PWM) active switching device. The system overview and modeling is presented, including characteristics of wind turbine, generator, batteries, power converter, control system, and supervisory system. A simulation of the system is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Messaoud MAYOUF , , (2018), Sensorless Control System Design of a Small Size Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol:12, Issue:2, pages:93-98, Hachimit University of Jordan
- 2018
Energie et Environnement
Ce polycopié comporte l'ensemble des cours du module ''Energie et Environnement'', destinés aux étudiants de Génie Electrique, selon le programme validé par le ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique. L'objectif envisagé par ce support est de faciliter aux étudiants l'assimilation rapide et efficace des différentes matières de ce module, avec toutes les relations qui existent entre eux. Description des matières: Faire connaître à l’étudiant les différentes énergies existantes, leurs sources et l’impact de leurs utilisations sur l’environnement. Les six chapitres proposés dans le programme sont réarrangés dans trois chapitres avec le même volume horaire global; selon les objectifs pédagogiques visés, et les relations qui existent entre les différentes matières, afin d'assurer aux étudiants une continuité et complémentarité de connaissances. La dernière partie de ce support est destinée pour l’évaluation et l’appréciation des connaissances. Elle comporte un ensemble de questions et exercices relatifs au contenu des différents chapitres et font l’objet d’une meilleure assimilation de ce module. Il est à noter que l'apprentissage efficace de ce module peut s'aboutir en organisant -au profit des étudiants - des sorties et visites aux endroits fortement liés à l'énergie et l'environnement ( Exemples: Centrales Electriques, Usines, Directions: Energie et mines, Environnement,….)
MessaoudMAYOUF , ,(2018); Energie et Environnement,,
- 2016
Modelisation D'un aerogenerateur Synchrone A Aimants Permanents
Plusieurs sources des énergies renouvelables sont en cours d'exploitation et de recherche, dont le but est de développer des techniques d'extraction de puissances visant à fiabiliser, baisser les coûts , et d'augmenter l'efficacité énergétique. Dans ce contexte général, cette étude porte sur la conversion de l'énergie éolienne en énergie électrique qui est devenue compétitive grâce à la nature motivante de cette énergie, le développement de l'industrie des éoliennes, et l'évolution de la technologie des semi-conducteurs, ainsi que les nouvelles méthodologies de contrôle des turbines à vitesses variables. Néanmoins, plusieurs problèmes rencontrés, liés d'une part à la complexité des systèmes de conversion éolienne ; à savoir, la nécessité du multiplicateur de vitesse entre la turbine et la génératrice, et l'instabilité de la vitesse du vent d'une autre part. L'utilisation de la génératrice synchrone à aimants permanents à grande nombre de pôles,dans les systèmes éoliens,représente une solution remarquable pour remédier à ces contraintes. Dans cet ouvrage, on détaille la modélisation d'une chaine éolienne raccordé au réseau avec des stratégies de contrôle adéquates.
MessaoudMAYOUF , ,(2016); Modelisation D'un aerogenerateur Synchrone A Aimants Permanents,,Noor Publishing
- 2015
New control strategies of a small size wind generation system for battery charging
This paper presents new control strategies of a small size wind generation system for battery charging. The output voltage of the direct drive PMSG is connected to the battery through a switch mode rectifier. A DC-DC boost converter is used to regulate the battery bank current in order to achieve maximum power from the wind. A maximum power-tracking algorithm calculates the current command that corresponds to maximum power output of the turbine. The DC-DC converter uses this current command to calculate the duty cycle witch is necessary to control the pulse width modulated (PWM) active switching device (IGPT). The system overview and modeling are presented including characteristics of wind turbine, generator, batteries, power converter, control system, and supervisory system. A simulation of the system is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Messaoud MAYOUF , ,(2015), New control strategies of a small size wind generation system for battery charging,4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE),Boumerdes, Algeria
- 2014
Etude comparative des architectures et stratégies de contrôle d'un aérogénérateur synchrone à aimants permanents
This work is a contribution to modeling and comparative study of a wind energy system. It is the subject of a technical and economic comparison of different structures of permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine, dedicated to low power wind energy conversion systems intended primarily for isolated sites. With these advantages, the use of the permanent magnet synchronous generator makes wind conversion systems, at different speeds, more attractive than those with fixed speeds, due to the extraction of potential energy in optimum conditions at different operating conditions. Because of the fluctuating nature of wind, that causes frequent change in the generator output frequency, it is necessary to link it with the load or the grid by static converters to improve the power quality and voltage frequency, using appropriate control techniques. Thus, the converters used allow these machines to operate at high variable rotational speeds, which further improve the extracted power from the turbine at different wind speeds. In order to compare the energy behavior of the studied structures, we have used different management strategies to extract the maximum power of the wind turbine. To search automatically the optimal power point of the wind power system, algorithms maximizing power MPPT are used for each structure.
MessaoudMAYOUF , ,(2014); Etude comparative des architectures et stratégies de contrôle d'un aérogénérateur synchrone à aimants permanents,Batna University,
- 2013
Comparative study of a small size wind generation system efficiency for battery charging
This paper presents an energetic comparison between two control strategies of a small size wind generation system for battery charging. The output voltage of the direct drive PMSG is connected to the battery through a switch mode rectifier. A DC-DC boost converter is used to regulate the battery bank current in order to achieve maximum power from the wind. A maximum powertracking algorithm calculates the current command that corresponds to maximum power output of the turbine. The DC-DC converter uses this current to calculate the duty cycle witch is necessary to control the pulse width modulated (PWM) active switching device (IGPT). The system overview and modeling are presented including characteristics of wind turbine, generator, batteries, power converter, control system, and supervisory system. A simulation of the system is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Messaoud MAYOUF , , (2013), Comparative study of a small size wind generation system efficiency for battery charging, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol:10, Issue:2, pages:261-274, National library of serbia
- 2011
Modeling and Optimization of Wind Turbine Driving Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
In this paper, we propose a control strategy of a variable speed wind generation system with permanent magnet synchronous generator connected to the network using two converters PWM having jointly a DC bus. The aim of this control strategy is to allow the permanent magnet generator to operate for different wind speed in order to optimize the generated power from wind turbine on the one hand, and control the forwarded flows of power, on the other hand.
Messaoud MAYOUF , , (2011), Modeling and Optimization of Wind Turbine Driving Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol:5, Issue:6, pages:489 - 494, Hachimit University of Jordan
- 2010
Modeling and optimization of wind turbine driving permanent magnet synchronous generator
In this work, we propose a control strategy of a variable speed wind generation system with permanent magnet synchronous generator connected to the network using two converters PWM having jointly a DC bus. The aim of this control strategy is to allow the permanent magnet generator to operate for different wind speed in order to optimize the generated power from wind turbine on the one hand, and control the forwarded flows of power, on the other hand.
Messaoud MAYOUF , Rachid ABDESSEMED, ,(2010), Modeling and optimization of wind turbine driving permanent magnet synchronous generator,EFEEA’10 International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies in Electrical Applications,Ghardaïa, Algeria
- 2008
Contribution à la modélisation de l'aérogénérateur synchrone a aimants permanents
Le but de ce travail est de présenter un modèle global d’un aérogénérateur synchrone à aimants permanents basé sur une structure proposée, et des stratégies de contrôle permettant à la fois d’optimiser la puissance produite, de réguler la tension du bus continu, et de contrôler les puissances transmises au réseau. Tous les modèles développés au cours de cette étude sont simulés par le logiciel Matleb-simulink.
MessaoudMAYOUF , ,(2008); Contribution à la modélisation de l'aérogénérateur synchrone a aimants permanents,Batna University,