نصر الدين موهوب
- Informatics Department
- Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
- Grade MCA
About Me
Habilitation universitaire. in Université de Msila
DomainMathématiques et Informatique
Research Domains
Business intelligence Social networks Graph theory Scheduling Algorithms combinatorics Discrete optimizaton Production planning Operations management Modeling Simulation
LocationBordj Bou Arreridj, Bordj Bou Arreridj
Bordj Bou Arreridj, ALGERIA
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Benaicha khawla , Louaili safa
Design and implementation of a Mobile application for a travel and tourism agency in Algeria
- 2024
Encaderement master
FATHI Zahira
Etude d’un problème d’ordonnancement Job-Shop avec des contraintes
- 2023
Encaderement master
Abdeslam Bouchra , Hassani Amel Marwa
Conception et Réalisation d'une plateforme informatique de santé dans la ville de Msila ‘’SAHTI‘’
- 2023
Encaderement master
Bennezia Fatima , Selami Ikram
Une plateforme informatique pour l’éducation
- 2023
Encaderement master
Benaicha khawla , Louaili safa
Plateformes commerciales pour les femmes travaillant à domicile
- 2022
Encaderement master
Brahimi Souha , Mimoune Mohamed El Amine
Les Problèmes d’Ordonnancement Multi-Objectifs dans un Système de Production
- 2022
Encaderement master
Hadji Asma , Tebbakh Amira
Des métaheuristiques pour un problème d’ordonnancement de type Job Shop
- 2022
- 20-11-2018
- 20-07-2007
- 20-10-2002
- 13-03-1988
- 1962-05-26 00:00:00
NASSEREDDINE Mouhoub birthday
- 2023-12-20
Codage des données en traitement d'images
La numérisation permet de coder l'information de telle façon qu'elle soit manipulable par les ordinateurs. Les images numérisées sont ainsi affichées sur les écrans, créées par des appareils photographiques, modifiés par des logiciels de retouche ou partagées sur les réseaux. Il existe plusieurs façons de numériser une image. Les formats bitmap que l'on utilise pour les photographies se basent sur un tableau de points (ou pixels), chacun étant associé à un nombre qui représente une couleur. La représentation la plus simple d'une image est matricielle. Il existe des formats d'images qui utilisent moins d'information tout en les représentant avec une qualité qui reste très fidèle. Après la numérisation d'un signal, on a deux types de représentations pour les signaux numérisés : on utilise un algorithme de compression sans pertes, qui préserve intégralement l'information tout en réduisant la quantité de mémoire utilisée ou un algorithme de compression avec pertes est utilisé pour dégrader l'information pour réduire davantage la quantité de mémoire utilisée.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Benmehenni Nesrine, ,(2023-12-20), Codage des données en traitement d'images,AI4IoT'23,Sétif University
- 2023-12-05
Warermarking images using DCT discrete wavelts and SVD
The rapid development of Internet technology makes it easier for intruders to duplicate, manipulate, and distribute digital content illegally. Digital image watermarking is one of the most promising techniques in this regard that can be used as a safeguard for digital content. This technology can be used in several applications, including authentication, broadcast monitoring, integrity verification, copyright protection, and content tracking. Image watermarking can be conducted through several transformations, such as discrete wavelet transform (DWT), singular value decomposition (SVD), orthogonal matrix Q and upper triangular matrix R (QR) decomposition, and non-subsampled contourlet transform (NSCT). The proposed work combines three-level (4L) DWT and two-level (2L) SVD. The Arnold map initially encrypts the watermark image, and 2L SVD is applied to it to extract the s components of the watermark image. A 4L DWT is applied to the host image to extract the LL sub-band, and then 2L SVD is applied to extract s components that are embedded into the host image to generate the watermarked image.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Benmehenni Nesrine, Abdelhamid Benhocine, ,(2023-12-05), Warermarking images using DCT discrete wavelts and SVD,2nd IWAM'2023,Constantine University
- 2023-09-13
A Jaccard Factor-Based Heuristic for the Set k-Cover Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
The applications of a wireless sensor network rely heavily on the network’s ability to function for an extended period. By separating the sensors into groups, each of which may keep an eye on the entire area of interest and be activated alternately, the system’s lifetime can be maximized. However, determining the most significant number of different sensor covers necessitates solving the NP-complete set k-cover issue. This work presents an improved greedy approach to the set k-cover problem based on the Jaccard Similarity Coefficient. The latter is a statistical method used to understand the similarity and diversity between sample sets. Moreover, the quality of the produced solution is improved by removing duplicate sensors for each set cover. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was compared to some greedy-based methods from the literature based on 1000 widely used benchmark instances. Computational results demonstrate its efficacy in producing high-quality solutions within acceptable computational time, especially when the problem scale increases
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ADMIN Admin , Salaheddine Balamane, Salim Bouamama, ,(2023-09-13), A Jaccard Factor-Based Heuristic for the Set k-Cover Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks,3rd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT),Saudi Arabia
- 2023-06-11
Watermarking images using virtual color model
Digital watermarking has been widely applied to solve copyright protection problems of digital media relating to illegal use or distribution. In the past few years, several gray-level image watermarking schemes have been proposed, but their application to color image watermarking schemes is scarce and usually works on the luminance or individual color channel. In this communication, a new color image watermarking scheme based on the color quantization technique is proposed.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ,(2023-06-11), Watermarking images using virtual color model,ICSRI2023,Sétif university
- 2022-06-09
A Weighted-based heuristic for Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Lifetime extension plays a crucial issue in wireless sensor network applications. An effective mechanism to extend and maximize the lifetime is to partition the deployed sensors into disjoint subsets of sensors (sensor covers) such that each subset covers all targets completely and works alternatively. Finding the optimum number of disjoint sensor covers is formulated as the set k-cover problem, which has been proved to be NP-complete. This paper presents a novel greedy-based heuristic algorithm to address this problem. It comprises two parts: the first one greedily constructs set covers based on the well-known similarity measure Jaccard factor, and the second one ensures that each set cover will not contain redundant sensors. The proposed heuristic was evaluated on common 1000 benchmark instances and compared to other greedy-based approaches from the literature. Simulation results show its effectiveness in generating good solutions in reasonable computation time and scalability for large problem instances.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ADMIN Admin , Salaheddine Balamane, ,(2022-06-09), A Weighted-based heuristic for Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks,ECCO XXXV - CO 2022,online
- 2018
New heuristics for modeling temporal constraints and generating PERT network with minimum number of dummy-arcs
In this paper, we study the various types of temporal constraints in project scheduling problem (PSP), then modeling them by using some concepts of line graphs. We apply a new technique for transforming an AoN (Activity-On-Node) network and containing a significant number of arcs with temporal constraints into an AoA (Activity-on-Arrow) network or PERT (Program and Evaluation and Review Technique) network which contains fewer real arcs. Finally, we propose a new technique for constructing, for a given PSP, a PERT network having the minimum number of dummy arcs. The polynomial algorithm regrouping all the techniques and dealing with the existence of transitive arcs is given at the end with an illustrative example.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Abdelhamid Benhocine, Abdelkader Gasmi, , (2018), New heuristics for modeling temporal constraints and generating PERT network with minimum number of dummy-arcs, Annals on Mathematics and its applications, Vol:10, Issue:2, pages:329-350, Annals on Mathematics and its applications
- 2016
A new algorithm for modeling and generating AoA network
Scheduling is the determination of the timing of the activities comprising the project to enable managers to execute the project in a timely manner. The problem of scheduling with only precedence constraints is called project scheduling problem. The introduction of temporal constraint modifies the scheduling project, therefore in loses its characteristics. In this paper we study this case by finding various types of temporal constraints then modeling them by using graphs. Furthermore, we apply a technique for transforming an AoN network (Activities on Nodes) which is unique and contains a significant number of arcs. This network is not preferred by practitioners of project management. We transform the AoN network containing temporal constraints into an AoA network (Activities on Arcs) which contains fewer arcs and is preferred by practitioners of project management.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Abdelhamid Benhocine, , (2016), A new algorithm for modeling and generating AoA network, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol:14, Issue:12, pages:413-420, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS)
- 2014
Web Services for Virtual Simulation
Great development in distance learning has been made in the last two decades facilitated by the rapid evolution of technology, the huge development of computer networks and the large use of internet and personal computers. The World Wide Web with its different web services offers learners and teachers’ new ways of learning and teaching; students can study at their own pace and perform practical tasks remotely. We, at the University of Bordj Bou Arreridj, are involved in the eSience (rESeau maghrébIn de laboratoirEs à distance) project which aims to link three elabs around the Maghreb countries namely Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. The project is coordinated by the University of Bordeaux 1, France with the participation of many European partners. These elabs will propose practical and theoretical teaching units that will be part of their degree program. In this paper we present our university’s platform architecture, focusing on the web interface. First we introduce the service broker, which allows students to communicate and use the various platforms of the network. Second we present the simulation server and give an example of its usage.
Samir Akhrouf , Nassereddine Mouhoub , Adel Merabet, Ayoub Maza, Djamel Boubetra, Larbi Selmani, Abdelhak Boubetra, , (2014), Web Services for Virtual Simulation, International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering, Vol:10, Issue:5, pages:9-11, IJOE
- 2014
Web Services for Virtual Simulation
Great development in distance learning has beenmade in the two last decade; the principal reason for that isdue to the rapid evolution of technology, the huge develop-ment of computer networks, the large use of internet andpersonal computers. The World Wide Web with its differentweb services offers learners and teachers’ new ways oflearning and teaching; students can study at their own paceand perform practical works remotely.We, at the University of Bordj Bou Arreridj, are involved ina TEMPUS project; its acronym is eSience which stands forrESeau maghrébIn de laboratoirEs à distaNCE, it aims tolink three elabs around the Maghreb countries namely Al-geria, Tunisia and Morocco. The project is coordinated bythe University of Bordeaux 1, France with the participationof many other European partners. These elabs will proposepractical and theoretical teaching units to their students andwill be part of their degree program.In this paper we present the architecture of the platformproposed by our university and we will focus on the webinterface which permits to students to perform their practi-cal works on the virtual simulator called SMARTSPICE ofSILVACO. The first part of the paper is an introduction tothe service broker, which will allow students from differentuniversities (partners) to communicate and use their differ-ent platforms without having to enroll in the different plat-forms. In the second part we present the simulation serverand give an example of its usage
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Samir Akhrouf , ,(2014), Web Services for Virtual Simulation,International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2014),Porto, Portugal
- 2014
Approche multicritères pour un ordonnancement à cheminements multiples
On s’intéresse particulièrement à un problème d’ordonnancement intégrant les tâches de la maintenance et de la production, avec comme objectif le respect des contraintes intrinsèques au problème. L’objectif du travail consiste en l’optimisation multicritère de activités de production, donnant lieu à un problème d’ordonnancement à court terme qui intègre les activités de la production et de la maintenance dans un atelier à cheminement multiple de type job shop en minimisant simultanément le temps de séjour maximum des produits dans l’atelier (Makespan) et, les coûts de la production.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ,(2014), Approche multicritères pour un ordonnancement à cheminements multiples,4ème Workshop International sur les Mathématiques appliquées et la modélisation,Guelma, Algeria
- 2013
Social Network Analysis and Information Propagation
Social media and Social Network Analysis (SNA) acquired a huge popularity and represent one of the most important social and computer science phenomena of recent years. One of the most studied problems in this research area is influence and information propagation. The aim of this paper is to analyze the information diffusion process and predict the influence (represented by the rate of infected nodes at the end of the diffusion process) of an initial set of nodes in two networks: Flickr user’s contacts and YouTube videos users commenting these videos. These networks are dissimilar in their structure (size, type, diameter, density, components), and the type of the relationships (explicit relationship represented by the contacts links, and implicit relationship created by commenting on videos), they are extracted using NodeXL tool. Three models are used for modeling the dissemination process: Linear Threshold Model (LTM), Independent Cascade Model (ICM) and an extension of this last called Weighted Cascade Model (WCM). Networks metrics and visualization were manipulated by NodeXL as well. Experiments results show that the structure of the network affect the diffusion process directly. Unlike results given in the blog world networks, the information can spread farther through explicit connections than through implicit relations.
Samir Akhrouf , Nassereddine Mouhoub , Laifa Meriem, Belayadi Yahia, ,(2013), Social Network Analysis and Information Propagation,International Journal of Future Computer and Communication,Malaysia
- 2013
Social Network Analysis and Information Propagation: A Case Study Using Flickr and YouTube Networks
Social media and Social Network Analysis (SNA) acquired a huge popularity and represent one of the most important social and computer science phenomena of recent years. One of the most studied problems in this research area is influence and information propagation. The aim of this paper is to analyze the information diffusion process and predict the influence (represented by the rate of infected nodes at the end of the diffusion process) of an initial set of nodes in two networks: Flickr user’s contacts and YouTube videos users commenting these videos. These networks are dissimilar in their structure (size, type, diameter, density, components), and the type of the relationships (explicit relationship represented by the contacts links, and implicit relationship created by commenting on videos), they are extracted using NodeXL tool. Three models are used for modeling the dissemination process: Linear Threshold Model (LTM), Independent Cascade Model (ICM) and an extension of this last called Weighted Cascade Model (WCM). Networks metrics and visualization were manipulated by NodeXL as well. Experiments results show that the structure of the network affect the diffusion process directly. Unlike results given in the blog world networks, the information can spread farther through explicit connections than through implicit relations.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , , (2013), Social Network Analysis and Information Propagation: A Case Study Using Flickr and YouTube Networks, International Journal of Future Computer and Communication,, Vol:2, Issue:3, pages:246-252, International Journal of Future Computer and Communication
- 2012
A New multimodal Biometric identification approach
Several authors have shown that multimodality was a highly efficient solution for biometric identification and allows to increase performance and reliability. Indeed, the acquisition of multiple biometric features makes it much more difficult for an impostor to spoof the system with artificially developed samples. However, we do not get these benefits for free: multimodal biometric systems are less profitable and have significant effects on their users. Some of them may indeed lead a non acceptance by their users, in particular when it comes to privacy issues that may result when acquiring data at multiple levels. That is why it is always important to explore the possibility of finding new systems that could be accepted by users and which are fully reliable than the previous ones. In this paper we present a new approach for speaker biometric identification. This approach is a user friendly platform which adds a new modality, namely a virtual character, which will be easily accepted by users. The virtual character [6] will first put the users in a comfortable position and simultaneously acquire the information necessary for their identification. Then, it will guide them step by step until the end of the process of identification. The users are put in the best conditions which will facilitate their participation and acceptance to be identified.
Samir Akhrouf , Nassereddine Mouhoub , Belayadi Yahia, , (2012), A New multimodal Biometric identification approach, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol:9, Issue:2, pages:238-240, IJCSI
- 2012
Generating Pert Network with Temporal Constraints
A scheduling problem is organizing in time a set of activities, so as to satisfy a set of constraints and optimize the result. The temporal constraint modifies the project scheduling, therefore in loses its characteristics. Our objective is to solve this problem by finding the various types of temporal constraints then modeling them by using graphs. Furthermore we apply a technique for transforming an AoN graph (Activities on Nodes) which is unique and contains a significant number of arcs. This graph is not preferred by practitioners of project management. We transform the AoN graph into an AoA graph (Activities on Arcs) which contains fewer arcs and is preferred by practitioners of project management. In this paper we present some concepts of line graphs and an illustrative example of the proposed method.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Samir Akhrouf , , (2012), Generating Pert Network with Temporal Constraints, Studia Univ. BABES-BOLYAI, INFORMATICA, Vol:57, Issue:4, pages:03-18, Studia University BABES-BOLYAI, INFORMATICA
- 2012
Construction et génération d’un graphe AoA en tenant compte des contraintes temporelles
Le problème d’ordonnancement consiste à organiser dans le temps un ensemble d’activités, de façon à satisfaire un ensemble de contraintes et optimiser le résultat. La contrainte temporelle touche au problème central de l’ordonnancement et le modifie, donc il n’aura plus ses caractéristiques. Notre travail consiste, pour résoudre ce problème, à modéliser par les graphes ce type de contraintes et le ramener à un problème classique d’ordonnancement ; ensuite appliquer une nouvelle technique de transformation d’un graphe AoN (Activities on Nodes) qui est unique avec un nombre important d’arcs et non préféré par les praticiens de gestion de projet vers un graphe AoA (Activities on Arcs) avec moins d’arcs et plus souhaitable. Le papier contient des concepts sur les graphes adjoints et un exemple illustratif de la méthode proposée.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Samir Akhrouf , Benhocine Abdelhamid, ,(2012), Construction et génération d’un graphe AoA en tenant compte des contraintes temporelles,Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information COSI'2012,Tlemcen Algérie
- 2012
An efficient algorithm for generating AoA networks
The activities, in project scheduling, can be represented graphically in two different ways, by either assigning the activities to the nodes 'AoN' directed acyclic graph (dag) or to the arcs 'AoA dag'. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for generating, for a given project scheduling problem, an Activity-on-Arc dag starting from the Activity-on-Node dag using the concepts of line graphs of graphs.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , , (2012), An efficient algorithm for generating AoA networks, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol:9, Issue:1, pages:198-205, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, ISSN 1694-0814
- 2012
Social Network Analysis and Information propagation: A case study using Flickr and YouTube networks
Social media and Social Network Analysis (SNA) acquired a huge popularity and represent one of the most important social and computer science phenomena of recent years. One of the most studied problems in this research area is influence and information propagation. The aim of this paper is to analyze the information diffusion process and predict the influence (represented by the rate of infected nodes at the end of the diffusion process) of an initial set of nodes in two networks: Flickr user’s contacts and YouTube videos users commenting these videos. These networks are dissimilar in their structure (size, type, diameter, density, components), and the type of the relationships (explicit relationship represented by the contacts links, and implicit relationship created by commenting on videos), they are extracted using NodeXL tool. Three models are used for modeling the dissemination process: Linear Threshold Model (LTM), Independent Cascade Model (ICM) and an extension of this last called Weighted Cascade Model (WCM). Networks metrics and visualization were manipulated by NodeXL as well. Experiments results show that the structure of the network affect the diffusion process directly. Unlike results given in the blog world networks, the information can spread farther through explicit connections than through implicit relations.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Samir Akhrouf , ,(2012), Social Network Analysis and Information propagation: A case study using Flickr and YouTube networks,International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2012),Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2012
Construction et génération d’un graphe AoA en tenant compte des contraintes temporelles
Le problème d’ordonnancement consiste à organiser dans le temps un ensemble d’activités, de façon à satisfaire un ensemble de contraintes et optimiser le résultat. La contrainte temporelle touche au problème central de l’ordonnancement et le modifie, donc il n’aura plus ses caractéristiques. Notre travail consiste, pour résoudre ce problème, à modéliser par les graphes ce type de contraintes et le ramener à un problème classique d’ordonnancement ; ensuite appliquer une nouvelle technique de transformation d’un graphe AoN (Activities on Nodes) qui est unique avec un nombre important d’arcs et non préféré par les praticiens de gestion de projet vers un graphe AoA (Activities on Arcs) avec moins d’arcs et plus souhaitable. Le papier contient des concepts sur les graphes adjoints et un exemple illustratif de la méthode proposée.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Samir Akhrouf , Abdelhamid Benhocine, ,(2012), Construction et génération d’un graphe AoA en tenant compte des contraintes temporelles,Colloque international sur l’optimisation et les systèmes d’information COSI’2012,Tlemcen Algérie
- 2012
A new multimodal biometric identification approach
Several authors [1][2][3][4][5] have shown that multimodality was a highly efficient solution for biometric identification and allows to increase performance and reliability. Indeed, the acquisition of multiple biometric features makes it much more difficult for an impostor to spoof the system with artificially developed samples. However, we do not get these benefits for free: multimodal biometric systems are less profitable and have significant effects on their users. Some of them may indeed lead a non acceptance by their users, in particular when it comes to privacy issues that may result when acquiring data at multiple levels.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , , (2012), A new multimodal biometric identification approach, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Vol:9, Issue:2, pages:176-183, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI)
- 2011
A new method for constructing a minimal PERT network
A project is an enterprise consisting of several activities which are to be carried out in some specific order. The activities and the order in which they need to be carried out can be represented by a PERT network. The PERT technique is a traditional, well-known approach to the expert of project management. When networks are used, it often becomes necessary to draw dummy activities. Since the computation of project completion time is proportional to the number of arcs, including dummy arcs, it is desirable to draw a network with as few dummy activities as possible. In this paper, we propose a new method for constructing, for a given project scheduling problem, a PERT network having as small as possible the number of dummy arcs by using some results on line graphs. This algorithm deals with the existence of transitive arcs. The paper contains illustrative examples, proofs of some theoretical results as well as a comparative study with a similar algorithm known in the literature. Computational results showed the superiority of our algorithm.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Hocine Belouadah, Abdelhamid Benhocine, , (2011), A new method for constructing a minimal PERT network, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol:35, Issue:9, pages:4575-4588, Elsevier
- 2011
The constraints duration in project scheduling
A project is an enterprise consisting of several activities which are to be carried out in some specific order. They can be represented graphically in two different ways, either by assigning the activities to the nodes ’AoN’ directed acyclic graph (dag) or to the arcs ’AoA dag’. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for constructing, for a given project scheduling problem, an Activity-on-Arc dag starting from the Activity-on-Node dag using the concepts of line graphs of graphs.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ,(2011), The constraints duration in project scheduling,1er Workshop en Contrôle et Optimisation,Mostaganem
- 2011
The constraints duration in project scheduling
we study the various types of temporal constraints in project scheduling problem (PSP), then modeling them by using some concepts of line graphs. We apply a new technique for transforming an AoN (Activity-On-Node) network and containing a significant number of arcs with temporal constraints into an AoA (Activity-on-Arrow) network or PERT (Program and Evaluation and Review Technique) network which contains fewer real arcs.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ,(2011), The constraints duration in project scheduling,1ier Workshop International en Théorie de Contrôle et Optimisation,,Mostaganem, Algeria
- 2010
Towards a better assessment of the durations in PERT method
During many years, two of the most popular approaches to the project management were used. It is about the critical path method (CPM) and the PERT method (Program and Evaluation Review Technique). They were based on modeling by digraphs. CPM is unaware of the stochastic nature of the activities and brings back the model to a deterministic model. PERT holds in account this case but the estimation of the activities is despoiled with several errors. In this paper, this technique is presented. It will be followed by an analysis, criticisms and new proposals to make corrections to this method.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , , (2010), Towards a better assessment of the durations in PERT method, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol:8, Issue:9, pages:212-219, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security ISSN 1947 5500
- 2009
Towards a Multi-Agents Simulation Meta-Model for Manufacturing Systems
This study is related to multi-agents modeling of complex systems. This interest deals more particularly with situation where the spatial and temporal components make a great part of the system to model (for example systems of production). Within the framework of this article, we will be interested in the production systems where the multi-agent systems are well suited to model phenomena in which the interactions between diverse entities are so complicated to be expressed by classic mathematical tools. This paper proposes an approach based on the producer consumer computing problem and Petri net tool to present an oriented Petri net meta-model to model a production multi-agent system.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ,(2009), Towards a Multi-Agents Simulation Meta-Model for Manufacturing Systems,International Conference on Advanced Computer theory and Engineering,Algiers
- 2009
Towards a Multi-Agents Simulation Meta-Model for Manufacturing Systems
This study is related to multi-agents modeling of complex systems. This interest deals more particularly with situation where the spatial and temporal components make a great part of the system to model (for example systems of production). Within the framework of this article, we will be interested in the production systems where the multi-agent systems are well suited to model phenomena in which the interactions between diverse entities are so complicated to be expressed by classic mathematical tools. This paper proposes an approach based on the producer consumer computing problem and Petri net tool to present an oriented Petri net meta-model to model a production multi-agent system.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Abdelhak Boubetra, ,(2009), Towards a Multi-Agents Simulation Meta-Model for Manufacturing Systems,International Conference on Advanced Computer theory and Engineering .,Bordj Bou Arreridj Algeria
- 2009
A simulation of BBA Condor production: A case study
Today's production systems are highly complex and many are very costly to build and maintain. Discrete Event Simulation (DES) has an important role to play in managing these systems. The payer considers a general structure of discrete-event simulation of production system. It starts by specifying concepts of production system, discrete-event simulation, and then proceeds to discuss a structure and main steps of a simulation study, with a more detailed discussion of simulation-based modelling of production system. Finally, the ShowFlow simulation software is used for modelling and simulation of dynamic behaviour of the production system and for evaluation of its performance and costs, also a comprehensive example will be given in the end of the paper. Keywords: Simulation methodology, discrete-event simulation, production systems.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , A. Boubetra, M. Bendiaf, ,(2009), A simulation of BBA Condor production: A case study,International conference on applied informatics ICAI 09,Bordj Bou Arreridj university
- 2009
Vers une meilleure évaluation des durées dans la méthode Pert stochastique
Pendant de nombreuses années, deux des approches les plus populaires de la gestion de projet ont été utilisées. Il s'agit de la méthode du chemin critique (CPM) et de la méthode PERT (Program and Evaluation Review Technique). Ils étaient basés sur une modélisation par digraphes. CPM ignore la nature stochastique des activités et ramène le modèle à un modèle déterministe. Le PERT tient en compte ce cas mais l'estimation des activités est entachée de plusieurs erreurs. Dans cet article, cette technique est présentée. Il sera suivi d'une analyse, de critiques et de nouvelles propositions pour apporter des corrections à cette méthode.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ,(2009), Vers une meilleure évaluation des durées dans la méthode Pert stochastique,Conférence internationale des technologies de l’information et de la communication,Setif university
- 2008
Un système intelligent pour la simulation
Dans cet article nous présentons l'architecture de la plateforme proposée par notre université et nous nous focaliserons sur l'interface web qui permet aux étudiants d'effectuer leurs travaux pratiques sur le simulateur virtuel appelé SMARTSPICE de SILVACO. La première partie de l'article est une introduction au courtier de services, qui permettra aux étudiants de différentes universités (partenaires) de communiquer et d'utiliser leurs différentes plateformes sans avoir à s'inscrire sur les différentes plateformes. Dans la deuxième partie nous présentons le serveur de simulation et donnons un exemple de son utilisation.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , A. Boubetra, ,(2008), Un système intelligent pour la simulation,International conference on computational intelligence, man-machine systems and cybernetics « CIMMACS »,Cairo Egypt
- 2007
A Study of Free Form Deformations and their Applications
In this communication we will present the different methods used for free form deformation over different types of models.
Samir Akhrouf , Nassereddine Mouhoub , Boubetra Adelhak, Fares Nour El Houda, ,(2007), A Study of Free Form Deformations and their Applications,Conférence Internationale sur la productique,Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif
- 2007
Les Graphes Adjoints dans le Problème Centrale d'Ordonnancement
Les Graphes Adjoints dans le Problème Centrale d'Ordonnancement
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Samir Akhrouf , Boubetra Abdelhak, ,(2007), Les Graphes Adjoints dans le Problème Centrale d'Ordonnancement,Colloque International d'Analyse non Linéaire et Applications,Université de Sétif Algérie
- 2007
Data bases and discrete event simulation
This paper is an attempt to define how a specific data structure might be used to store, in a persistent manner, temporal information during a computer simulation. In particular, it considers the sort of temporal information generated during a discrete event simulation of a system to which a relational data base exists and considers the demands this data makes on data base design.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , , (2007), Data bases and discrete event simulation, Journal of computer science & technology, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:186-190, JCS&T
- 2007
Parallel simulation of manufacturing systems
Given the widespread of manufacturing systems, it is important to understand their behavior through simulation. The proposed simulation approach views this type of systems through an analogy with ‘the producer-consumer’ standard computer problem and its advantage to enable computer parallelism to be achieved in order to optimize computationnel time to simulate such systems.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Abdelhak Boubetra, Hocine Belouadah, , (2007), Parallel simulation of manufacturing systems, Asian journal of information technology, Vol:6, Issue:3, pages:309-313, Asian journal of information technology, ISSN: 1682-3915
- 2007
Les graphes adjoints dans le problème central de l'ordonnancement
Après avoir étudié la modélisation de l‘ordonnancement de projet par le biais du diagramme de Gantt, la méthode MPM et la méthode PERT, on conclue que les managers de projet préfèrent travailler avec le graphe PERT malgré qu‘il est difficile à réaliser, alors que le graphe des potentiels offre plus de simplicité. La méthode PERT offre une technique de calcul qui pertinente. Ce travail présente deux idées originales de dessin du graphe PERT. La première consiste à balayer la table d‘ordonnancement ligne par ligne et dessiner, à chaque étape, un arc qui s‘ajoute à ce qui a été construit avant. La deuxième consiste à localiser les bipartis complets dans le graphe des potentiels et les transformer au fur et à mesure en étoiles adjacentes constituant le graphe PERT à l‘aide d‘un ensemble de concepts et de résultats sur les graphes adjoints de graphe. Cette idée a été optimisée à deux reprises en vue d‘avoir un graphe PERT moins encombrant, facile à lire et à contrôler.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ,(2007), Les graphes adjoints dans le problème central de l'ordonnancement,2ème colloque international sur l’analyse non linéaire et applications,Setif university
- 2006
Algorithme de construction d’un graphe PERT à partir d’un graphe des potentiels donné
On présente dans ce papier, dans les problèmes d’ordonnancement de projet, un algorithme original de construction d’un graphe PERT à partir d’un graphe des potentiels donné en utilisant les notions de graphes adjoints de graphes. Mots cl´es : Graphe adjoint de graphe, ordonnancement, méthode des potentiels, méthode PERT, méthode de construction de graphes.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Hocine BELOUADAH, Abdelhak BOUBETRA, , (2006), Algorithme de construction d’un graphe PERT à partir d’un graphe des potentiels donné, INFORMATICA, Vol:51, Issue:51, pages:61-70, STUDIA UNIV. BABES BOLYAI
- 2005
Inside a descrete event simulation
Inside a descrete event simulation
Samir Akhrouf , Nassereddine Mouhoub , Abdelhak Boubetra, ,(2005), Inside a descrete event simulation,Congrès International en Informatique Appliquée,Bordj Bou Arreridj Algérie
- 2004
Computational time optimization in the simulation of manufacturing systems
The approach to make connection between simulation and temporal data bases helps in dividing the simulation activities into independent stages. This connection deals with the temporal aspect in simulation and data bases. Guidelines and notations for a design approach of a data base management system for simulation based on temporal aspects are presented.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , Abdelhak Boubetra, ,(2004), Computational time optimization in the simulation of manufacturing systems,The European conference on combinatorial optimization, ECCO XVII,merican University of Beirut, Lebanon