نورالدين مناصري
06 62 37 61 34
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Research Domains
Sumilation du comportements dynamiques des systemes mecaniques Diagnostic des systemes industriels energie renouvlable (les éoliennes)
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
- 2024
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Aimeur Noureddine
contribution to the dynamic study of a rotor by elements finits
- 2024
Encaderement master
Salem Younes , Tahi Ahmed
Conception et réalisation des couvercles des avaloires en matériaux composites à fibre de verre.
- 2023
Encaderement master
Silini Mohamed , Habouche Abdelhakim
- 2023
Encaderement master
Cheriki Sarra
- 2022
Encaderement master
Salamani Ahlem , Benregreg Meriem
- 2022
Encaderement master
Aidjouli Marwane , ZIAM SALAH
Etude d'usinage d'une ailette de ventilateur de tirage ciment
- 2021
- 2021
Encaderement master
Djafri Khouloud , Nemiri Amina
- 2020
- 2020
Encaderement master
Revue sur les procédés de revêtement par projection thermique
- 1964-02-16 00:00:00
NOUREDDINE Menasri birthday
Default case...
- 2024-03-21
A New Study on the Effect of the Partial Wake Generated in a Wind Farm
In this article, we present an investigative study on the often-overlooked partial wake phenomenon in previous studies concerning wind farm configurations. A partial wake occurs when a portion of the actuator disk of a downstream wind turbine is affected by the wake of another upstream turbine. This phenomenon occurs in addition to the full wake, where the entire upstream turbine is affected by the wake of the frontal turbine, also leading to a decrease in wind speed and consequently a reduction in power production. The proposed study is based on measuring the power generated by the area swept by the wake of an array of turbines in a wind farm. To accomplish this, we integrate the linear wake model of Jensen, the specifications of the ENERCON E2 wind turbine, and the wind farm data into Matlab-developed software (version 18) to perform the calculations. In a concrete application, this proposed method is validated by reproducing the previous works that neglected the partial wake in wind farm configurations. The simulation results obtained are analyzed, compared, and discussed under similar operational conditions.
noureddine MENASRI , , (2024-03-21), A New Study on the Effect of the Partial Wake Generated in a Wind Farm, energies, Vol:17, Issue:, pages:1498-1509, MDPI
- 2023-05-15
Fans are the key components of any cement manufactur-ing process. Without them, the process does not work verywell, or it would not be effective. They can be subjected to alarge number of damages (wear, unbalance, etc.) occurringduring the operation and whose causes are multiple. Oneproblem of great importance in industrial monitoring isperforming fault detection and determining the faulty compo-nent, or at least the suspect area in the schema of the system.To address this issue, the diagnostics of most defects thatmay affect the fans is investigated in this work using spectralanalysis of vibration which allows the construction ofsignatures defects. These signatures are dedicated to auto-mating the diagnostics by artificial neural network.
noureddine MENASRI , Noureddine aimeur , , (2023-05-15), FAULTS DIAGNOSTICS OF CEMENT DRAFT FAN USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK (ANN), STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND LIFE, Vol:23, Issue:1, pages:23-29, Society for Structural Integrity and Life
- 2023-02-02
Centrifugal fans are widely encountered in engineering practices, they are essential in the cement production process. The three dimensional, complex and turbulent flow in a centrifugal fan makes the prediction of the performance of the centrifugal fan and the examination of the flow field very difficult. Computational techniques have made a great progress, because of time and cost that may be involved in experimental analysis of the flow, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is intensively used in many industrial purposes. Nevertheless, the agreement between the numerical results and real data is a subject of many researches, because the numerical result is very sensitive to the numerical method being used, the boundary conditions applied, mesh generation and turbulence model selection. To consider the interaction between the main three parts of the fan namely the inlet, impeller, and scroll, it is necessary to carry out a three-dimensional Numerical simulation of the flow field for the whole centrifugal fan. The impeller is the important part of the centrifugal fan and the aerodynamic design of the impeller blades affects the flow passage, thus improving the aerodynamic design of the blades results in improvements of fan performance and reduction of flow separation. The selection of turbulence model depends on the flow separation that can occur, particularly in the blade passage, thus in order to get a good numerical investigation of the performance of the fan and predict the internal flow field in the impeller, a Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) machine is used as a reverse engineering tool to extract the original impeller blade design of the induced Draft fan (FN-280) by using Geomatics software for point cloud processing.
noureddine MENASRI , , (2023-02-02), RETRO DESIGN OF IMPELLER BLADE OF THE INDUCED DRAFT FAN (FN-280) USING A COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE (CMM), Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, Vol:3, Issue:1, pages:19-26, Eurasian Universities Union EURAS
- 2023
Transient Numerical Simulation of a Large-Sized Cement-Mill Fan for Performance Prediction
In many engineering applications, particle-laden flows are a necessary part of the conveying process, but in other situations, they could have unintended consequences that must be avoided. As a part of the exhausting process, the induced cement-mill fan (FN-280) installed in a cement plant operates under critical conditions with the presence of high content of cement particles. Over time the dragged solid particles erode the rotating and stationary parts of the fan causing their damage. If one decides on a numerical ap-proach to predict regions most prone to erosion and track the solid particle's trajectory within the fan domain by assuming a one-way coupling regime between the continuous and dis-crete solid phases, a deep insight into the flows physics within the centrifugal fan is required. With this aim, a three-dimensional numerical approach for the hole unsteady flow in a large-sized industrial centrifugal fan has been carried out in this paper. A fully resolved sliding mesh approach was employed to take into account the unsteady interaction between the impeller and the discharge volute. Based on the characteristic performance curves, the numerical results of the unsteady simulation at four operating conditions are val-idated with the experimental data. The comparisons reveal that the results of the unsteady simulation are in an accepta-ble level of agreement with the experiment, demonstrating the validity of the modelling approach adopted in this study.
noureddine MENASRI , Aissa AMOUR , , (2023), Transient Numerical Simulation of a Large-Sized Cement-Mill Fan for Performance Prediction, MECHANIKA, Vol:29, Issue:1, pages:34-41, Kaunas university of technology. Lithuania
- 2023
With the world’s growing demand for energy, renewable energy production has become important in providing alternative sources of energy and in reducing the greenhouse effect. This study investigates the aerodynamics and performance of the WG/EV100 micro–Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The complexity of VAWT aerodynamics, which is inherently unsteady and three-dimensional, makes high-fidelity flow models extremely demanding in terms of computational cost, limiting the analysis to mainly 2D Computational Fluid-Dynamics (CFD) approaches. This article explains how to perform a full 3D unsteady CFD simulation of HAWT. All main parts of the WG/EV100 HAWT were designed in SOLIDWORKS. Only the blade design was reverse engineered due to the unavailability of the CAD model and the complexity of its geometric characteristics. The impeller blade is scanned using a Coordi-nate Measuring Machine (CMM), and the obtained 3D scan data are exported from the PC-DMIS software to GEOMAGIC design X to obtain a CAD model of the blade.
noureddine MENASRI , SAID Zergane , Noureddine aimeur , Aissa AMOUR , , (2023), 3D CFD MODEL FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE FLOW FIELD THROUGH A HORIZONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINE (HAWT), Acta Polytechnica, Vol:63, Issue:4, pages:250-259, the Czech Technical University in Prague
- 2022-03-23
Travaux pratiques éléments finis
La simulation d’un système est l’exploitation d’un modèle par des outils appropriés. Une simulation permet de comprendre le fonctionnement d’un système, d’analyser et de prévoir son comportement, d’étudier les moyens de modifier son comportement pour le faire évoluer dans le sens souhaité. Il existe plusieurs codes de calculs basés sur la méthode des éléments finis, parmi eux en peut citer NASTRAN, ANSYS, ABAQUS, ADINA, SAP,MARC, I-DEAS, DYNA3D, PAM/System, RADIOSS, SAMCEF, MEF/MOSAIC, SYSTUS, CESA, CASTEM, ASTOR, ASTER, ZEBULON, MODULEF, COSMOS, I-DEAS. Le logiciel ANSYS un outil de développement en analyse d’ingénierie. La méthode utilisée est celle des éléments finis. Il est utilisé dans plusieurs secteurs tel que : génie mécanique, génie civile, transport, aéronautique, espace, nucléaire, énergétique, militaire. Le but de ce cours est de donner une compréhension de base à l'utilisation du logiciel Ansys APDL et Ansys Workbench à travers des exemples. le contenu sera utile et servira d'ouvrage de référence dans le domaine de la simulation. Il comprend un aperçu sur le logiciel et onze travaux pratiques.
noureddineMENASRI , ,(2022-03-23); Travaux pratiques éléments finis,université de M'sila,
- 2022
Computational Investigation of vibration Characteristics Analysis for Industrial Rotor
During the operation of a rotor, various types of vibrations appear in this mechanical system and often limit the performance and endanger the safety of the operation. Therefore, dynamic analysis is essential because precise knowledge of the vibration behaviour is essential to ensure proper operation. This article presents a set of scientific techniques for the modelling and simulation of rotor vibrations. To work out the equations of the vibratory movement of the rotor, we used the energy approach of Lagrange. To achieve this, a model with one blading wheel carried by a shaft supported by two hydrodynamic bearings is chosen basedon the characteristics of the rotor studied (Fan 280 cement draft fan). It is an arduous task to manually ascertain the analytical resolution of the differential equations that characterise the vibratory behaviour of the rotor. The numerical approach employing the finite element method, programmed on the ANSYS software, made it possible to perform the vibration analysis of the rotor. First, the FAN 280 cement draft fan rotor is modelled using SolidWorks 3D software and reverse design using the coordinate measuring machine (CMM) for the design of the fins. Then, the modal characteristics of the fan rotor model were analysed using the finite element analysis (FEA) software ANSYS Workbench. Also, to study the effect of blade wear on critical speeds, the Campbell diagram was obtained. Finally, harmonic analysis was performed to determine the amplitude of the rotor vortex at critical speeds obtained with and without blade wear.
noureddine MENASRI , noureddine.aimeur@univ-msila.dz, , (2022), Computational Investigation of vibration Characteristics Analysis for Industrial Rotor, acta mechanica et automatica, Vol:16, Issue:4, pages:373-381, Bialystok University of Technology
- 2022
Active Control Vibration of a Smart Composite Plate for various Boundary Conditions
In this paper, the finite element formulation of the classical laminated plate with embedded piezoelectric patches is based on the first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and Hamilton’s principle, in this formulation the mass and stiffness of the piezoelectric have been taken into account. The formulation results in a coupled finite element model with mechanical (displacements) and electrical (charges at electrodes) degrees of freedom. The use of the piezoelectric actuator and sensor patches for vibration active control of smart composite plates is discussed. A Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller is designed based on the independent mode space control techniques to stifle the vibration of the system. Numerical results obtained with the present finite element FE model are found to be in good agreement with ANSYS. The effects of the boundary conditions control vibration of the smart composite plate are examined.
noureddine MENASRI , Latrache Mohamed, , (2022), Active Control Vibration of a Smart Composite Plate for various Boundary Conditions, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:671-688, Karadeniz Technical University
- 2022
flexion of sandwich beams by the finite element method
Multi-layered composite materials (Sandwiches) occupy a wide range of applications in many industrial fields such as aerospace, aviation, vehicle, shipbuilding, civil engineering and even for wind turbine impeller blade manufacturing for power generation. They emerged as a strong competitor with traditional materials as a consequence of the need for different combination of mechanical proprieties for many production facilities. Nevertheless, the common defects of multilayer composite materials during manufacturing and finishing processes are the main cause for their gradual damage. The progressive application of these materials has driven many researchers to study the mechanical proprieties and their behavior under various forms of damage. application of finite element methods method (FEM) to structural analysis has progressed steadily and has proven to be an effective tool over the last decades. Regarding this fact, in the present work, a numerical modeling of the sandwich beam with nine layers as face, sheets is carried out by simulating three points bending test. the CAD model of the Sandwich was performed by using the available commercial software ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP) 2022 and the FEM analysis was conducted by means of ANSYS static structural 2022 to determine the mechanical properties of a multilayer composite material subjected to flexion experiments.
noureddine MENASRI , Aissa AMOUR , Youcef MENASRI , noureddine.aimeur@univ-msila.dz, ,(2022), flexion of sandwich beams by the finite element method,1st International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya, Turkey
- 2022
The retro design of wind turbine blade (Air) using (FARO) measuring arm
The three-dimensional, complex and turbulent flow found in wind turbines makes predicting wind turbine blade performance and checking the flow field difficult due to time and cost. Computational techniques have made great progress in recent years. Fluid dynamics (CFD) code is used for many industrial purposes. Because the numerical result is sensitive to the method used, network generation and turbulence model choice, in addition to the applicable boundary conditions, the compatibility between numerical results and real data is a topic. Lots of research. To predict the performance of a small wind turbine blade to improve the aerodynamic design of the blades, it is necessary to conduct a 3D numerical simulation of the flow field, and due to the lack of a 3D model of the blade, the reverse engineering (RE) technique has become indispensable, this paper aims to present the applied 3D scanning technology On the turbine blade, reverse engineering in mechanics requires extracting digital information from an existing physical model, in this case, a small-scale wind turbine blade using digitization techniques and creating a virtual 3D model for use in CAD and from it to CFD fluid dynamics. Geomagic Design X 2019 program and the data (digital cloud) obtained from the survey were digitized to reconstruct the three-dimensional geometric model using the SolidWorks 2022 design program to digitize point clouds.
noureddine MENASRI , noureddine.aimeur@univ-msila.dz, ,(2022), The retro design of wind turbine blade (Air) using (FARO) measuring arm,3th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural sciences.,Konya, Turkey
- 2022
Thermal analysis of photovoltaic panels using numerical method
Traditional sources of energy (fossil fuels) still fulfill the world’s energy demand as it plays an important role in the rapid progress of industrial development. Nevertheless, owing to the increasing price of fossil fuels and their impact on the environment, the demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources rises to meet the high energy demand. Many promising renewable energy technologies have emerged, including photovoltaic cell (PV) technology, which is widely used in power generation plant. There are various types of photovoltaic cell technology, including amorphous silicon, monocrystalline silicon, and polycrystalline silicon. The production loss on solar system is regularly attributed to the photovoltaic panel. One of the most issue the photovoltaic cell system face during operation is that a small percentage of solar radiation is converted into electricity, While the rest is converted into heat. The operating temperature of the photovoltaic panels is considered one of the diverse factors that affect the performance of the panels, therefore. This research paper aims to perform a numerical simulation to model the temperature distribution of a photovoltaic (PV) panel in a real-world operating condition. the CAD model of the photovoltaic (PV) panel was created employing the commercial software SOLIDWORKS (2022), and the thermal analysis was conducted using ANSYS Steady-State Thermal.
noureddine MENASRI , Aissa AMOUR , noureddine.aimeur@univ-msila.dz, ,(2022), Thermal analysis of photovoltaic panels using numerical method,1st International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya/Turkey
- 2022
Experimental Investigation on the Coating of Nickel-Base Super Alloy Using Wire Flame Spraying
Inconel738 is a nickel-based super alloy widely used in manufacturing gas turbines, particularly in the manufacture of blades that are in direct contact with hot gases during their operation. As a result, these blades are subjected to high temperatures, significant static and dynamic stresses, erosion and/or hot corrosion which can be very severe. The use of coatings is one of the most effective strategies to protect materials against corrosion and increase the wear resistance of materials. In this study, β-Ni-Al coatings were sprayed onto an Inconel738 substrate using a wire flame spraying process and characterization of coating has been made.
noureddine MENASRI , SAID Zergane , noureddine.aimeur@univ-msila.dz, Saci abedelhamid, , (2022), Experimental Investigation on the Coating of Nickel-Base Super Alloy Using Wire Flame Spraying, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Vol:14, Issue:, pages:28-39, The Journal of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
- 2022
Elaboration And Characterization Of The Aluminum Alloy AlMgSi Recycled.
Although natural reserves of raw materials for aluminum production are very important, this metal is ideal for recycling. This is due to the fact that aluminum does not suffer any loss of value in use, because the energy stored during the production is preserved. Just for economic reasons (extract raw materials requires more energy than that used in recycling), ecological and social, it is interesting to collect, treat and recast used aluminum and alumina producing metals alloyed or unalloyed form as required. The central problem of aluminum recycling is to separate the metal oxides that cover it. To achieve this, it melts the grapeshot with salts that capture oxides to form a slag which can then flow out of the furnace, leaving the pure metal. Of this fusion are extracted alloys with different chemical compositions. These alloys are then transformed into billets by casting. The success of the process, resulting in the achievement of desired characteristics (surface finish, dimensional tolerances, mechanical strength), relies in large part on the temperature control. This work will master the technology development process and characterization of billets.
noureddine MENASRI , ,(2022), Elaboration And Characterization Of The Aluminum Alloy AlMgSi Recycled.,1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS 2022,Konya, Turkey
- 2022
Probabilistic assessment of seismic damage to an existing reinforced concrete structure using nonlinear static analysis and fragility curves
In view of the town's urbanized area, population, and building volume that comprise the existing buildings of M'sila, whose seismicity is moderate, it is believed that this city is not immune to a large earthquake like the one that struck the region of Algiers in 2003, causing extensive damage to buildings. This event highlights the vulnerability of existing Algerian structures to seismic risk. As a result, it is critical to be concerned about the situation. The goal of this study is to assess the damage to an existing reinforced concrete building dimensioned in accordance with RPA 99 Version 2003. The research is divided into two parts: The first portion of the study is centered on evaluating the structure's performance using non-linear static analysis. The second section uses the probabilistic approach (the HAZUS model) to assess the level of structural damage for a design earthquake.
noureddine MENASRI , Youcef MENASRI , M. S. Nouaouria, ,(2022), Probabilistic assessment of seismic damage to an existing reinforced concrete structure using nonlinear static analysis and fragility curves,1st International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya/Turkey
- 2021-12-21
Dynamiques des machines tournantes
Les machines tournantes sont connues comme des équipements de base, que l'on trouve souvent dans divers domaines de la technologie moderne, tels que les installations industrielles (thermique, nucléaire, procès…), le transport terrestre, le transport maritime et l'aviation. Ils se composent de deux éléments principaux, la partie fixe s'appelle le stator et la partie tournante s'appelle le rotor. Un rotor est un élément tournant autour d’un axe fixe. Le champ d’application des rotors est vaste, nous les trouvons dans les satellites géostationnaires animés d’une rotation libre, dans les machines tournantes industrielles qui constituent des structures assez complexes à analyser. Le rôle principal des rotors est de transformer un mode d’énergie selon les applications auxquelles ils sont destinés (l’aéronautique, l’industrie pétrolière, centrale électrique et hydraulique, l’industrie électronique et pharmaceutique…etc.), ils sont souvent composés de plusieurs tronçons et soumis à des sollicitations d’origines diverses. Cependant, les tendances actuelles visent à développer des rotors plus légers et donc plus flexibles pouvant atteindre des vitesses très élevées afin de minimiser le rapport puissance / poids et de contrôler l'équilibre des vitesses de fonctionnement ainsi que de minimiser les jeux avec le stator et le rotor pour avoir une meilleure durée de vie et une meilleure fiabilité en service. Dans un sens plus large, la dynamique du rotor couvre plusieurs sujets, à savoir la modélisation, l'analyse, la mesure, traitement du signal, identification, surveillance de l'état et contrôle des systèmes de roulement de rotor. La modélisation et l'analyse de la dynamique des paliers rotorique sont maintenant parvenues à maturité. La méthode des éléments finis (FEM) et la méthode de la matrice de transfert (TMM) ont été largement utilisés pour la modélisation et les analyses de systèmes de rotor. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, la surveillance de l'état des systèmes de roulement de rotor basée sur les vibrations était principalement concerné par la détection et le diagnostic des défauts basés sur les fonctionnalités. Le but de ce cours est de donner une compréhension de base des phénomènes de dynamique du rotor à l'aide de quelques simples rotors modèles et méthodes d'analyse modernes pour les systèmes de rotor réels.
noureddineMENASRI , ,(2021-12-21); Dynamiques des machines tournantes,université de M'sila,
- 2021-10-20
Retro design of impeller blade of the induced Draft fan (FN-280) using A Coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
Centrifugal fans are widely encountered in engineering practices, they are essential in the cement production process. The three dimensional, complicated and turbulent flow in a centrifugal fan make the prediction of the performance of the centrifugal fan and the description of the flow field at the design stage very difficult. Experimental analysis of the flow can take much time and cost, as the computational techniques have made a great progress, thus computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is intensively used in many industrial purposes. Never the less, the agreement between the numerical result and real data is a subject of many researches,because the numerical result is very sensitive to the numerical method being used, the boundary conditions applied, mesh generation and turbulence model selecting. to consider the interaction between the main three parts of the fan namely inlet, impeller, and scroll, it is necessary to carry out a three-dimensional Numerical simulation of the flow field for the whole centrifugal fan. The impeller is the important part of the centrifugal fan; therefore, the aerodynamic design of the impeller blades affects the flow passage, thus improving the aerodynamic design of the blades results in improvements of flow separation and fan performance. The selection of turbulence model depends on the flow separation that can occur, particularly in the blade passage, thus in order to get a good numerical investigation of the performance of the fan and predict the flow field in the blade passage, A Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) machine is used as a reverse engineering tool to extract the original impeller blade design of the induced Draft fan (FN-280) by using Geomagic software for point cloud processing.
noureddine MENASRI , Aissa AMOUR , ,(2021-10-20), Retro design of impeller blade of the induced Draft fan (FN-280) using A Coordinate measuring machine (CMM).,6th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 20 - 22 October 2021 Istanbul Turkey,Istanbul Turkey
- 2021
This article focuses on the design and manufacture of mechanical parts that have complicated shapes using the technique of reverse design using a scanner or an MMT for data acquisition in the form of a point cloud, using CAD software (CATIA). The digital model created is used for a virtual representation of the final product. Then we get the physical model on a 3D printer (also called additive manufacturing process) for later use in sand moulds. To have the imprint in the sand mould, we go through the fusion of the physical model (part). The use of this technique in the industry, allows us to save a lot of time in terms of model preparation and simple to implement, especially if it is mechanical parts that do not have a definition drawing, or they are worn out, then structural analysis was applied on the model using FE based software and tools to prove the quality of the product. Von Mises equivalent strains and stresses were predicted and decreased with increasing areas and honeycomb thickness. The objective of this article is to give an overview of this relatively modern technology and its various applications.
noureddine MENASRI , , (2021), MANUFACTURING OF RAPID PROTOTYPES OF MECHANICAL PARTS USING REVERSE ENGINEERING AND 3D PRINTING, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol:15, Issue:1, pages:167-176, The Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics (SSCM)
- 2020
The effect of a pre (before) and post (after) heating welding treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the scrap blades made of cast INC738LC superalloy is the main goal of the present investigation. The filler used in TIG welding was a INC 625 solution hardened superalloy as the proposed solution for hot cracking of the INC738LC cast superalloy in literature. The TIG welding was processed with respect to the constantly optimized parameters (current, voltage, speed, gas flux rate and number of passes) to make a mechanical properties comparison between the as received superalloy and the welded superalloy with heat treated specimens. The characterization techniques employed in this study are hardness measurements, tensile tests, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. We found that the proposed preheating improves the TIG welding of the INC 738 LC superalloy specimens and the post welding heat treatment enhances its mechanical properties.