عماري الربيع
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
Habilitation. in University of M'sila
Research Domains
Physique des matériaux Couche mince Simulatrion
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
عريوة كمال , بن عيش عبد الحليم
AgBaCl3 و AgSrCl3 مساهمة في دراسة الخواص الالكترونية والضوئية للمواد
- 2024
Encaderement master
بوترعة نسرين
المواد النانوية لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي Nanomatériaux pour le traitement des eaux usées
- 2023
- 01-01-2022
- 07-10-2020
Doctorat en Sciences-Physique des Matériaux
Etude de l'effet de dopage sur les propriétés physiques et chimiques des semi-conducteurs à base d’oxyde synthétisées par la technique sol- gel spin coating. - 02-06-2004
Magister-Physique et Chimie de Matériaux
Etude d'une émission temporellede plasma de soudage par LASER CO2 - 24-06-2000
- 11-06-1995
- 1976-03-01 00:00:00
RABIE Amari birthday
- 2025-02-01
Synthesis of low-content Mn-doped ZnO thin films: Characterizations and density functional theory studies
This study aims to prepare manganese-doped zinc oxide (MZO) thin films with low Mn content (x = 0, 2, 4 %) using the sol–gel spin coating method and to characterize their structural, optical, and magnetic properties. Experimental techniques were complemented by Density Functional Theory calculations with Hubbard correction (DFT-LDA + U). All films exhibit a polycrystalline wurtzite hexagonal phase of ZnO. As the Mn doping increases, all diffraction peaks are getting weaker, which leads to deterioration in the crystallinity of the samples. Furthermore, Mn doping affects the grain size (57.44–38.20 nm), the surface morphology (rms: 45.24–30.47 nm), the transmittance (93–54 %) and the optical band gap energy (Eg: 3.27–3.18 eV). Photoluminescence spectra reveals ultraviolet peaks (386–395 nm) along with weak green (525 nm) and strong (438 nm) and weak (475 nm) blue peaks. DFT-LDA + U calculations exhibits an antiferromagnetic phase with slightly reduced Eg (3.379 eV for x = 0 % and 3.267 for 3.7 %), attributed to the influence of Mn3d states near the Fermi level. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of low-content Mn-doped ZnO thin films by combining experimental and theoretical approaches. The findings provide valuable insights into the electronic, structural, optical, and magnetic properties of MZO, emphasizing the critical role of Mn 3d states in altering the magnetic behavior and adjusting Eg.
ELHADJ Benrezgua , Rabie AMARI , AMMAR Boukhari , Djamel ALLALI , Smail TERCHI , Bahri DEGHFEL , ABDELHAMID Guelil , Abdelhalim Zoukel, Ahmad Azmin Mohamad, , (2025-02-01), Synthesis of low-content Mn-doped ZnO thin films: Characterizations and density functional theory studies, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Vol:172, Issue:172, pages:113710, Elsevier, Science Direct
- 2024-12-03
Synthesis of low-content Mn-doped ZnO thin films: Characterizations and density functional theory studies
This study aims to prepare manganese-doped zinc oxide (MZO) thin films with low Mn content (x = 0, 2, 4 %) using the sol–gel spin coating method and to characterize their structural, optical, and magnetic properties. Experimental techniques were complemented by Density Functional Theory calculations with Hubbard correction (DFT-LDA + U). All films exhibit a polycrystalline wurtzite hexagonal phase of ZnO. As the Mn doping increases, all diffraction peaks are getting weaker, which leads to deterioration in the crystallinity of the samples. Furthermore, Mn doping affects the grain size (57.44–38.20 nm), the surface morphology (rms: 45.24–30.47 nm), the transmittance (93–54 %) and the optical band gap energy (Eg: 3.27–3.18 eV). Photoluminescence spectra reveals ultraviolet peaks (386–395 nm) along with weak green (525 nm) and strong (438 nm) and weak (475 nm) blue peaks. DFT-LDA + U calculations exhibits an antiferromagnetic phase with slightly reduced Eg (3.379 eV for x = 0 % and 3.267 for 3.7 %), attributed to the influence of Mn3d states near the Fermi level. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of low-content Mn-doped ZnO thin films by combining experimental and theoretical approaches. The findings provide valuable insights into the electronic, structural, optical, and magnetic properties of MZO, emphasizing the critical role of Mn 3d states in altering the magnetic behavior and adjusting Eg.
Rabie AMARI , , (2024-12-03), Synthesis of low-content Mn-doped ZnO thin films: Characterizations and density functional theory studies, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Vol:172, Issue:1, pages:113710, Elsevier
- 2024-10-30
Mn doped ZnO films: A comparative structural and optical properties study
Mn doped ZnO thin films (MZO) with varying doping levels (x) were prepared using the sol-gel spin coating method. All films exhibited a stable hexagonal polycrystalline wurtzite phase after doping. The surface morphology was slightly altered, with a decrease in grain size [1]. The transmittance of the films reduced, and the optical band gap energy (Eg) showed a slight decrease as Mn doping increased [2]. Additionally, the transparency of the films diminished due to oxygen vacancies and increased grain boundary density. The UV absorption edge shifted to longer wavelengths with higher Mn content, further reducing the band gap energy.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2024-10-30), Mn doped ZnO films: A comparative structural and optical properties study,THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATION OF MATERIALS (JCTAM'24),Ferhat Abbas University Setifl - Faculty of Technology
- 2024-06-13
Méthode Solution - Gélification (Sol-Gel) de préparation des matériaux
Méthode Solution - Gélification (Sol-Gel) de préparation des matériaux
Rabie AMARI , ,(2024-06-13), Méthode Solution - Gélification (Sol-Gel) de préparation des matériaux,1ère Journée de Formation et Portes Ouvertes,Laboratoire des Matériaux et Energies Renouvelables, Faculté des sciences,Université Mohamed Boudiaf - M’sila
- 2024-05-06
Structural, morphological and optical properties of Al/Ag doped ZnO nanostructures prepared by co-precipitation method
Nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized by the co-precipitation technique show many attractive properties, including their structure, morphology, electronic behavior, and optical characteristics. The analysis confirmed that all nanoparticles possessed a hexagonal wurtzite crystalline structure, with particle size being influenced by the presence of transition metals (Al, Ag). The particles exhibited a preference for orientation along the (002) axis. The shift in peak positions towards higher angles suggested that the TM might replace Zn ions in the ZnO lattice. The surface morphology of the nanoparticles displayed a combination of spherical and hexagonal shapes, and picks shift towards higher angles suggesting that the TM might replace Zn ions in the ZnO lattice.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2024-05-06), Structural, morphological and optical properties of Al/Ag doped ZnO nanostructures prepared by co-precipitation method,Le 2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024),Département de Chimie, Faculté des sciences,Université Mohamed Boudiaf - M’sila
- 2024-05-06
Study of Structural and Optical Properties of MnO2 thin films by Sol-gel spin coating Method
In this study, manganese oxide thin films were fabricated using the sol-gel spin coating method. Various protocols are available in the literature for the preparation of such films [1]. Our approach involved using manganese acetate tetrahydrate ((CH2COO)2Mn·4H2O) and monoethanolamine (MEA) (NH2CH2CH2OH) as precursors, with ethanol serving as the solvent. Initially, a specific quantity of Mn acetate tetrahydrate was dissolved in ethanol, followed by the addition of MEA in a 1:1 molar ratio with respect to Mn. The resulting solution was then stirred for 1.5 hours at 60°C. Subsequently, the solution was deposited onto a glass substrate using spin coating at a speed of 2000 rpm for 30 seconds, followed by calcination at 450°C. XRD analysis confirmed the presence of the α-MnO2 phase in our sample [2]. Furthermore, investigation of the optical properties revealed that the prepared manganese oxide films possess an indirect band gap of 2.24 eV.
Rabie AMARI , Bahri DEGHFEL , ,(2024-05-06), Study of Structural and Optical Properties of MnO2 thin films by Sol-gel spin coating Method,Le 2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024),Département de Chimie, Faculté des sciences,Université Mohamed Boudiaf - M’sila
- 2024-05-06
Study of Structural and Optical Properties of Copper Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol–Gel Spin–Coating Method
This study investigates copper oxide thin films synthesized via the sol-gel method and deposited onto glass substrates using spin coating. The aim was to enhance their properties for photovoltaic applications through optimization of annealing temperature and precursor solution molar concentration. We examined the effects of annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties [1, 2] of the films. Notably, films treated at 450°C exhibited increased absorbance. Subsequently, employing this optimized temperature, CuO thin films of varying molar concentrations were deposited under the same conditions. Structural analysis via X-ray diffraction revealed a polycrystalline nature with a monoclinic crystal structure for all samples. Optical characterization using UV-Visible-NIR spectrophotometry indicated high absorbance in the visible region for the films.
Djamel ALLALI , Rabie AMARI , AMMAR Boukhari , ELHADJ Benrezgua , Chouia Rabah, ,(2024-05-06), Study of Structural and Optical Properties of Copper Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol–Gel Spin–Coating Method,Le 2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024) 6 - 7 mai 2024,Msila
- 2024-05-06
Study of Structural and Optical Properties of Copper Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol–Gel Spin–Coating Method
This study investigates copper oxide thin films synthesized via the sol-gel method and deposited onto glass substrates using spin coating. The aim was to enhance their properties for photovoltaic applications through optimization of annealing temperature and precursor solution molar concentration. We examined the effects of annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties [1, 2] of the films. Notably, films treated at 450°C exhibited increased absorbance. Subsequently, employing this optimized temperature, CuO thin films of varying molar concentrations were deposited under the same conditions. Structural analysis via X-ray diffraction revealed a polycrystalline nature with a monoclinic crystal structure for all samples. Optical characterization using UV-Visible-NIR spectrophotometry indicated high absorbance in the visible region for the films.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2024-05-06), Study of Structural and Optical Properties of Copper Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol–Gel Spin–Coating Method,Le 2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024),Département de Chimie, Faculté des sciences,Université Mohamed Boudiaf - M’sila
- 2024-03-01
A first-principles investigation on the structural, electronic and optical characteristics of tetragonal compounds XAgO (X = Li, Na, K, Rb)
First-principles calculations employing the density functional theory full-potential (linearized) augmented planewave plus local orbitals (FP-(L)/APW + lo) method were conducted to investigate the structural, electronic and optical characteristics of silver-based ternary oxides XAgO (X = Li, Na, K, and Rb). The GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ functionals were employed to describe the exchange-correlation potential. The optimized lattice parameters and atomic positions obtained from the calculations exhibit good agreement with both theoretical predictions and experimental measurements. Various exchange-correlation functionals were employed to evaluate the electronic properties, revealing that the newly developed Tran–Blaha modified Becke–Johnson functional yields a significant improvement in the band gap value. All XAgO compounds under consideration are categorized as semiconductor materials where the band gap value decreases as the atomic size of the X element increases. The study also explored the total and site-projected l-decomposed densities of states. Additionally, the complex dielectric function, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity, and loss function spectra were calculated for the incident radiation polarized parallel to both the [100] and [001] crystalline directions. The interband transitions that contribute effectively to the observed peaks in the imaginary part of the dielectric function were identified.
Rabie AMARI , , (2024-03-01), A first-principles investigation on the structural, electronic and optical characteristics of tetragonal compounds XAgO (X = Li, Na, K, Rb), Computational Condensed Matter, Vol:38, Issue:1, pages:e00876, Elsevier
- 2024-02-13
Exploring The Structural, Optical, and Photoluminescence properties of Mn1-xZnOx Thin Films Deposited by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Technique
In this study, 7% manganese-doped zinc oxide (MZO) thin films with varying low thicknesses were synthesized using the spin coating method. The structural, optical, and morphological properties of MZO films with different film thickness, were systematically investigated. The crystallite structure, superficial morphology, and optical characteristics were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and ultraviolet– visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). Structural analysis confirmed that all films exhibit a hexagonal wurtzite phase with a pronounced peak along the c-axis, and slight variation in low thickness significantly affected the structural parameters. The surface morphology demonstrated good uniformity, characterized by rounded grain shapes in the plane, while surface roughness was found to be increased with increasing film thickness. Optical analysis revealed that as the number of coatings increased, both transmittance and band gap energy decreased, accompanied by a redshift in the absorption edge across all samples
Rabie AMARI , ,(2024-02-13), Exploring The Structural, Optical, and Photoluminescence properties of Mn1-xZnOx Thin Films Deposited by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Technique,THE “2 ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT “,DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY, FACULTY OF SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES, UNIVERSITY MOHAMED KHIDER BISKRA
- 2023-12-30
A first-principles investigation on the structural, electronic and optical characteristics of tetragonal compounds XAgO (X = Li, Na, K, Rb)
First-principles calculations employing the density functional theory full-potential (linearized) augmented planewave plus local orbitals (FP-(L)/APW + lo) method were conducted to investigate the structural, electronic and optical characteristics of silver-based ternary oxides XAgO (X = Li, Na, K, and Rb). The GGA-PBEsol and TB-mBJ functionals were employed to describe the exchange-correlation potential. The optimized lattice parameters and atomic positions obtained from the calculations exhibit good agreement with both theoretical predictions and experimental measurements. Various exchange-correlation functionals were employed to evaluate the electronic properties, revealing that the newly developed Tran–Blaha modified Becke–Johnson functional yields a significant improvement in the band gap value. All XAgO compounds under consideration are categorized as semiconductor materials where the band gap value decreases as the atomic size of the X element increases. The study also explored the total and site-projected l-decomposed densities of states. Additionally, the complex dielectric function, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity, and loss function spectra were calculated for the incident radiation polarized parallel to both the [100] and [001] crystalline directions. The interband transitions that contribute effectively to the observed peaks in the imaginary part of the dielectric function were identified.
Rabie AMARI , , (2023-12-30), A first-principles investigation on the structural, electronic and optical characteristics of tetragonal compounds XAgO (X = Li, Na, K, Rb), Computational Condensed Matter, Vol:38, Issue:, pages:e00876, Elsevier
- 2023-12-20
Study of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of Ag Doped ZnO Nanoparticles by Co-precipitation Method
ZnO and Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles have been successfully produced using the co-precipitation method. Literature studies show that Ag doping into ZnO matrix can enhance its various properties [1, 2]. Zinc acetate dihydrate [Zn (CH3COO)2 2H2O], silver nitrate [AgNO3] and sodium hydroxide solution [NaOH] were used as precursors. To obtain a homogeneous solution, stoichiometric amount of zinc and nickel acetate were dissolved in methanol, and then stirred continuously on a magnetic stirrer at room temperature. To raise the pH of the obtained solution to ~9, a small amount of sodium hydroxide solution [NaOH] was added drop by drop. The obtained solution is then stirred again until the liquid solution turns into a gel. Then, the beaker was placed on a hot plate at 500°C for 1h. The structural, morphological, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties were examined. The analysis confirmed that all nanoparticles possessed a hexagonal wurtzite crystalline structure, with particle size being influenced by the presence of Ag. The particles exhibited a preference for orientation along the (002) axis. The shift in peak positions towards higher angles suggested that the Ag might replace Zn ions in the ZnO lattice. The surface structure of the nanoparticles displayed a combination of spherical and hexagonal shapes.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2023-12-20), Study of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of Ag Doped ZnO Nanoparticles by Co-precipitation Method,The first National Conference on Matter Sciences: NCSM2023,DJELFA, ALGERIA
- 2023-12-20
Structural, optical and photoluminescence Properties of pure ZnO and Mn-Doped ZnO Thin Films Grown by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Deposition.
Pure and Mn-doped zinc oxide thin films at contents x =10% were synthesized by sol–gel spin coating process and investigated using various techniques. both samples have a wurtzite hexagonal phase, which wasn’t altered and getting relaxed by Mn-doping (Fig.1). The grain size decreased with 10% Mn doping (Table 1) while maintaining its growth mode The intensity of the (002) diffraction peak surpasses that of the other peaks, suggesting a preferential growth orientation along the c-axis owing to its minimal surface free energy among the (002) planes[1, 2], in addition, the results indicate a deterioration in the crystallinity of the ZnO film due to Mn incorporation". From fig.2 the transparency of films was decreased in the visible region and the average transmittance of Zn1-xMnxO films with Mn doping content x=0, and 10 %, are 93 and 54% in the visible range, respectively. The Eg values of MZO films (fig.3) with Mn doping content x=0.00, and 0.01, are 3.27, and 3.18 eV, respectively. illustrates the PL spectra of ZnO and MZO thin films (Fig.4), at the excitation wavelength of 386 nm (3.21 eV). Several emission bands, including one violet emission (defect) at 411 nm (~3.01 eV), two blue emissions at 438/475 nm (~2.83/~2.61 eV), and weak green emission at 525 nm (~2.36 eV), have been observed [3, 4].
Rabie AMARI , ,(2023-12-20), Structural, optical and photoluminescence Properties of pure ZnO and Mn-Doped ZnO Thin Films Grown by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Deposition.,The first National Conference on Matter Sciences: NCSM2023,DJELFA, ALGERIA
- 2023-12-02
Structural and electrical properties of AgBeCl3 Perovskites: DFT based First-principles calculations
In this work, the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package CASTEP within Density Functional Theory (DFT) is used to study the structural and electrical properties of cubic silver based perovskite AgXCl3 (X= Be; space group pm-3m (221)). The structural investigation reveals the stability of these compounds. The band structure and density of states indicates the semiconducting nature of the compound.The study reveals the potential as candidates for optoelectronic devices.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2023-12-02), Structural and electrical properties of AgBeCl3 Perovskites: DFT based First-principles calculations,THE 1ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS AND IT’S APPLICATIONS,ENS-BOUSAADA
- 2023-12-02
Electronic and optical properties of of AgBaBr3 Perovskites: An ab initio study with the Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson density functional
In this study, we conducted an ab initio investigation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of AgBaBr3 Ag-based halide perovskites. using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW+lo) method basis set as implemented in the WIEN2k code .Calculated structural parameters, including the lattice constants (a), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B'), for the considered compounds using both the local density (LDA) and generalized gradient approximations (GGA–PBEsol) are consistent with the available data in the scientific literature. To calculate the electronic properties, the exchange-correlation potential is treated with various functionals, and we find that the newly developed Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson (TB-mBJ) functional significantly improves the band gap. Band structure, total and site-projected l-decomposed densities of states, charge-carrier effective masses, charge transfers and charge density distribution maps were obtained; analyzed and compared with the available theoretical data. The frequency-dependent complex dielectric function, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and electron energy loss function spectra were calculated. The origins of the peaks and structures in the optical spectra are determined in terms of the calculated energy band structures.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2023-12-02), Electronic and optical properties of of AgBaBr3 Perovskites: An ab initio study with the Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson density functional,THE 1ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS AND IT’S APPLICATIONS,ENS-BOUSAADA
- 2023-12-02
Structural and electronic properties of AgBeCl3 Perovskites: DFT based First-principles calculations
In this work, the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package CASTEP within Density Functional Theory (DFT) is used to study the structural and electronic properties of cubic silver based perovskite AgXCl3 (X= Be; space group pm-3m (221)). The structural investigation reveals the stability of these compounds. The band structure and density of states indicates the semiconducting nature of the compound.The study reveals the potential as candidates for optoelectronic devices.
AMMAR Boukhari , Rabie AMARI , Djamel ALLALI , Bahri DEGHFEL , ,(2023-12-02), Structural and electronic properties of AgBeCl3 Perovskites: DFT based First-principles calculations,THE 1ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS AND IT’S APPLICATIONS,BOUSAADA
- 2023-11-09
Coprecipitation synthesis of transition metal (Al, Mn, Cu, Ag) doped zinc oxide nanopowders: characterization, photocatalytic test, and comparison study
The study successfully produced ZnO and ZnO nanoparticles doped with transition metals (TMZO-NPs) using the coprecipitation method. Various properties of these nanoparticles were examined, including their structure, morphology, electronic behavior, optical characteristics, vibrations, and photocatalytic abilities. The analysis confirmed that all nanoparticles possessed a hexagonal wurtzite crystalline structure, with particle size being influenced by the presence of transition metals (Al, Ag, Cu, Mn). The particles exhibited a preference for orientation along the (002) axis. The shift in peak positions towards higher angles suggested that the TM might replace Zn ions in the ZnO lattice. The surface structure of the nanoparticles displayed a combination of spherical and hexagonal shapes. Further analysis identified important bands related to the stretching modes of TM-O and Zn–O bonds. The absorption properties and edges were also affected by the presence of TM. In the degradation study, both pure ZnO and TMZO-NPs were tested for their ability to break down methylene blue (MB) under UV light exposure for 90 min. Among the nanoparticles, Al-doped ZnO (AlZO-NPs) demonstrated the highest degradation efficiency, achieving 97.14% removal of MB within the given exposure time. The photocatalytic process followed a pseudo-first-order kinetics, indicating a strong correlation. This suggests that AlZO-NPs hold promise as a material for use in photocatalytic applications.
Rabie AMARI , , (2023-11-09), Coprecipitation synthesis of transition metal (Al, Mn, Cu, Ag) doped zinc oxide nanopowders: characterization, photocatalytic test, and comparison study, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, Vol:2023, Issue:, pages:1-10, Springer
- 2023-10-04
Ab initio investigation of structural, elastic, and thermodynamic characteristics of tetragonal XAgO compounds (X = Li, Na, K, Rb)
The present research utilizes ab initio computations to examine the thermodynamic, structural, and elastic characteristics of XAgO ternary oxides, where X signifies Li, Na, K, and Rb.The GGA-PBE and GGA-WC functionals were used to calculate the ground-state lattice parameters and atomic position coordinates of the title materials. The calculated results were in good agreement with both experimental measurements and theoretical predictions. This suggests that the GGA-PBE and GGA-WC functionals are accurate for describing the structural properties of the material under study.This study offers computational predictions for the elastic properties of monocrystalline structures and polycrystalline aggregates of XAgO compounds. These predictions encompass various key parameters, including single-crystal elastic constants, Young's modulus, bulk modulus, Lame coefficients, Poisson's ratio, shear modulus, and Debye temperature. Additionally, the quasi-harmonic Debye approximation is utilized to explore the temperature-dependent behavior of bulk modulus, Debye temperature, volume thermal expansion coefficient, and isobaric and isochoric heat capacities over an extensive temperature range, while maintaining constant pressures. The results obtained from this model are found to be highly successful in accurately predicting the behavior of these properties.
Djamel ALLALI , Rabie AMARI , AMMAR Boukhari , Bahri DEGHFEL , SABER Saad Essaoud , Abdelmadjid Bouhemadou, Saad Bin-Omran, Missoum Radjai, Rabah Khenata, Yarub Al-Douri, , (2023-10-04), Ab initio investigation of structural, elastic, and thermodynamic characteristics of tetragonal XAgO compounds (X = Li, Na, K, Rb), Physica Scripta, Vol:98, Issue:11, pages:115905, IOPscience
- 2023-10-04
Ab initio investigation of structural, elastic, and thermodynamic characteristics of tetragonal XAgO compounds (X = Li, Na, K, Rb)
The present research utilizes ab initio computations to examine the thermodynamic, structural, and elastic characteristics of XAgO ternary oxides, where X signifies Li, Na, K, and Rb.The GGA-PBE and GGA-WCfunctionals were used to calculate the ground-state lattice parameters and atomic position coordinates of the title materials. The calculated results were in good agreement with both experimental measurements and theoretical predictions. This suggests that the GGA-PBE and GGAWCfunctionals are accurate for describing the structural properties of the material under study.This study offers computational predictions for the elastic properties of monocrystalline structures and polycrystalline aggregates of XAgO compounds. These predictions encompass various key parameters, including single-crystal elastic constants, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, Lame coefficients, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, and Debye temperature. Additionally, the quasi-harmonic Debye approximation is utilized to explore the temperature-dependent behavior of bulk modulus, Debye temperature, volume thermal expansion coefficient, and isobaric and isochoric heat capacities over an extensive temperature range, while maintaining constant pressures. The results obtained from this model are found to be highly successful in accurately predicting the behavior of these properties.
Djamel ALLALI , AMMAR Boukhari , Rabie AMARI , Bahri DEGHFEL , SABER Saad Essaoud , Bouhemadou Abdelmadjid, , (2023-10-04), Ab initio investigation of structural, elastic, and thermodynamic characteristics of tetragonal XAgO compounds (X = Li, Na, K, Rb), Physica scripta, Vol:98, Issue:, pages:115905, IOPscience
- 2023-09-08
Ab initio investigation of structural, elastic, and thermodynamic characteristics of tetragonal XAgO compounds (X = Li, Na, K, Rb)
The present research utilizes ab initio computations to examine the thermodynamic, structural, and elastic characteristics of XAgO ternary oxides, where X signifies Li, Na, K, and Rb.The GGA-PBE and GGA-WC functionals were used to calculate the ground-state lattice parameters and atomic position coordinates of the title materials. The calculated results were in good agreement with both experimental measurements and theoretical predictions. This suggests that the GGA-PBE and GGAWC functionals are accurate for describing the structural properties of the material under study.This study offers computational predictions for the elastic properties of monocrystalline structures and polycrystalline aggregates of XAgO compounds. These predictions encompass various key parameters, including single-crystal elastic constants, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, Lame coefficients, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, and Debye temperature. Additionally, the quasi-harmonic Debye approximation is utilized to explore the temperature-dependent behavior of bulk modulus, Debye temperature, volume thermal expansion coefficient, and isobaric and isochoric heat capacities over an extensive temperature range, while maintaining constant pressures. The results obtained from this model are found to be highly successful in accurately predicting the behavior of these properties.
Rabie AMARI , , (2023-09-08), Ab initio investigation of structural, elastic, and thermodynamic characteristics of tetragonal XAgO compounds (X = Li, Na, K, Rb), Physica Scripta, Vol:98, Issue:11, pages:115905, IOP Publishing Ltd
- 2023-08-16
Electronic and optical properties of AgXBr3 (X=Ca and Sr) perovskites: An ab initio study with the Tran-Blaha- modified Becke- Johnson density functional
In this study, we conducted an ab initio investigation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of AgCaBr3 and AgSrBr3 Calcium-based halide perovskites. using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW+lo) method [1] basis set as implemented in the WIEN2k code [2].Calculated structural parameters, including the lattice constants (a), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B'), for the considered compounds using both the local density (LDA) [3] and generalized gradient approximations (GGA–PBEsol) [4] are consistent with the available data in the scientific literature. To calculate the electronic properties, the exchange-correlation potential is treated with various functionals, and we find that the newly developed Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson (TB-mBJ) [5–7] functional significantly improves the band gap. Band structure, total and site-
Rabie AMARI , ,(2023-08-16), Electronic and optical properties of AgXBr3 (X=Ca and Sr) perovskites: An ab initio study with the Tran-Blaha- modified Becke- Johnson density functional,11th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2023,Bukovel, Ukraine
- 2023-08-16
Studies on photocatalytic performance applications of undoped and Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles
In the present study, transition metal Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles (TM-ZN NPs) were synthesized via the chemical co-precipitation method. The structural, morphological, electronic, optical, vibrational as well as the photocatalytic properties of the elaborated TMZO-NPs, are then investigated. Hexagonal wurtzite crystallinity of all elaborated NPs is confirmed by the phase analysis and particle size is found to be affected by TM doping. XRD peak shows that all samples prefer orientation along (002) axis and TM (Al) may substitute ZnO structure as the peaks shift toward higher angles. The surface morphology of all samples exhibits mixture of spheroid-like and hexagon-like shaped structures. FTIR analyses are carried out to identify the important bands attributed to TM-O and Zn-O stretching vibration modes. The absorption intensity and edge are found affected by adding TM dopant. Degradation by pure ZnO and TMZO NPs of the methylene blue is investigated after 90 min UV light exposure. TM dopant affects the degradation of MB dye, where a high percentage (97.14%) being achieved after reasonable time of exposure (90 min) under UV light for Aluminum doped ZnO nanoparticles (AlZO NPs).
Rabie AMARI , ELHADJ Benrezgua , Bahri DEGHFEL , AMMAR Boukhari , Djamel ALLALI , Siassi A, ,(2023-08-16), Studies on photocatalytic performance applications of undoped and Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles,NANO-2023,Bukovel, UKRAINE
- 2023-08-16
Electronic and optical properties of of AgXBr3 (X = Ca and Sr) Perovskites: An ab initio study with the Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson density functional
In this study, we conducted an ab initio investigation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of AgCaBr3 and AgSrBr3 Calcium-based halide perovskites. using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW+lo) method [1] basis set as implemented in the WIEN2k code [2].Calculated structural parameters, including the lattice constants (a), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B'), for the considered compounds using both the local density (LDA) [3] and generalized gradient approximations (GGA–PBEsol) [4] are consistent with the available data in the scientific literature. To calculate the electronic properties, the exchange-correlation potential is treated with various functionals, and we find that the newly developed Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson (TB-mBJ) [5–7] functional significantly improves the band gap. Band structure, total and site-projected l-decomposed densities of states, charge-carrier effective masses, charge transfers and charge density distribution maps were obtained; analyzed and compared with the available theoretical data. The frequency-dependent complex dielectric function, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and electron energy loss function spectra were calculated. The origins of the peaks and structures in the optical spectra are determined in terms of the calculated energy band structures.
Djamel ALLALI , Rabie AMARI , Bahri DEGHFEL , AMMAR Boukhari , ,(2023-08-16), Electronic and optical properties of of AgXBr3 (X = Ca and Sr) Perovskites: An ab initio study with the Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson density functional,NANO-2023,Bukovel, UKRAINE
- 2023-08-16
Studies on photocatalytic performance applications of undoped and Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles
In the present study, transition metal Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles (TM-ZN NPs) were synthesized via the chemical co-precipitation method. The structural, morphological, electronic, optical, vibrational as well as the photocatalytic properties of the elaborated TMZO-NPs, are then investigated. Hexagonal wurtzite crystallinity of all elaborated NPs is confirmed by the phase analysis and particle size is found to be affected by TM doping. XRD peak shows that all samples prefer orientation along (002) axis and TM (Al) may substitute ZnO structure as the peaks shift toward higher angles. The surface morphology of all samples exhibits mixture of spheroid-like and hexagon-like shaped structures. FTIR analyses are carried out to identify the important bands attributed to TM-O and Zn-O stretching vibration modes. The absorption intensity and edge are found affected by adding TM dopant. Degradation by pure ZnO and TMZO NPs of the methylene blue is investigated after 90 min UV light exposure. TM dopant affects the degradation of MB dye, where a high percentage (97.14%) being achieved after reasonable time of exposure (90 min) under UV light for Aluminum doped ZnO nanoparticles (AlZO NPs).
Rabie AMARI , ,(2023-08-16), Studies on photocatalytic performance applications of undoped and Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles,11th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2023,Bukovel, Ukraine
- 2023-06-15
In this work, the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package CASTEP within Density Functional Theory (DFT) is used to study the structural and electrical properties of cubic silver based perovskite AgXCl3 (X= Br; F), space group pm-3m (221). The structural investigation reveals the stability of these compounds. The band structure and density of states indicates the semiconducting nature of the compound.The study reveals the potential as candidates for optoelectronic devices.
- 2022-08-25
Investigation of Ni Doping on the Structural, Luminescence, Optical and Electronic Properties of ZnO Nanopowders
In this Study, pure and Ni-doped ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) with concentration of Ni (3.12%) were successfully prepared by using co-precipitation method [1]. Among TM, nickel is very significant element which has a similar ionic radius as that of Zn. Literature studies show that Ni doping into ZnO matrix can enhance its various properties [2, 3]. Zinc acetate dihydrate [Zn (CH3COO)2 2H2O], nickel acetate dihydrate [Ni (CH3COO)2 2H2O] and sodium hydroxide solution [NaOH] were used as precursors. For getting homogeneous solution, stoichiometric amount of zinc and nickel acetate were dissolved in methanol, after stirred continuously on a magnetic stirrer at room temperature. For raising the pH of the obtained solution to ~9, small amount of sodium hydroxide solution [NaOH] was added drop by drop. The precursor solution is then stirred again until the liquid solution turns into a gel. After gel formation, the beaker was transferred on the hot plate at 500°C for 1h. The obtained sample yield in the form of loose powder was then finely grounded by agate mortar and pestle. The prepared samples in powder form were characterized by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Ultraviolet– visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Photoluminescence (PL) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The obtained results have been discussed and compared with those from other sources whatever possible.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022-08-25), Investigation of Ni Doping on the Structural, Luminescence, Optical and Electronic Properties of ZnO Nanopowders,10th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2022,Lviv, Ukraine
- 2022
Ni doping effect on the electronic, structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by Co-precipitation route
Nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized by the co-precipitation technique show many attractive properties such as small particle size, high crystallinity, high average pore diameter and high specific surface area. However, numerous reports show that some characteristics of the Ni-doped ZnO (NZO) NPs remain controversial such as optical bandgap (Eg), surface morphology and defect level. In this study, pure ZnO and NZO NPs at different Ni contents (x) were successfully prepared using the co-precipitation method. Phase analysis confirms the hexagonal wurtzite crystallinity of the samples. XRD peak shows that the Ni may substituted ZnO structure as the peaks shift toward higher angles with increasing x. Meanwhile, the formation of NiO secondary phases was significant at 12.50% Ni content. Densely packed spherical shaped structures with nanoparticle agglomeration are observed at low x, while some nanorod shaped structures appear at higher x. The stretching vibrations of the Zn–O bond are observed in the NZO NPs. The absorption edge shifts to higher wavelengths with the increase in x. This study provides consistent results in the phase analysis, morphology and structural parameters. The decrease in Eg agrees with the photoluminescence measurements. The emission spectra confirm the presence of interstitial zinc and singly ionized oxygen vacancies
Rabie AMARI , , (2022), Ni doping effect on the electronic, structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by Co-precipitation route, Optical Materials, Vol:128, Issue:112398, pages:7, Elsevier
- 2022
Study on quaternary diamond-like Li2CaGeO4 properties for optoelectronic applications
The materials properties of quaternary diamond-like Li2CaGeO4 have been studied. The computations are used through the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the local orbitals and ultra-soft pseudo-potentials. Calculated structural parameters are found to be accordant with those of experiment. The elastic anisotropy of the crystal under focus is visualized and discussed. The calculated elastic constants Cij can permit the determination of the macroscopic mechanical parameters of the material under focus. The low-values of bulk modulus and shear modulus indicate that the material under focus should be a soft material. The higher is the value of the Young’s modulus, the stiffer is the material of interest. The material under study is found to be an H→Г indirect band gap semiconductor. The main contributions are due to the Li-p and Li-s orbitals. By increasing the temperature results in a slight decrease of the dielectric constant. The authors findings regarding the electronic and optical spectra reveal that the candidates of interest can be a promising materials in optoelectronic devices for visible and ultraviolet domains.
Rabie AMARI , , (2022), Study on quaternary diamond-like Li2CaGeO4 properties for optoelectronic applications, Computational Condensed Matter, Vol:30, Issue:646, pages:7, Elsevier
- 2022
A review on DFT + U scheme for structural, electronic, optical and magnetic properties of copper doped ZnO wurtzite structure
Some efforts have been made on Cu-doped ZnO (CZO) structures to study the electronic, structural, magnetic and optical properties from first-principles calculations by different computer codes. This is very interesting to review in detail about CZO structures. A summary of the convergence criteria of geometry optimization for CZO structures from the literature survey (2010–2021) is tabulated and discussed. The impact of the Hubbard-U scheme in the exchange-correlation functional on the standard Density Functional Theory (DFT) miscalculation for CZO properties is comprehensively reviewed. The inclusion of Ud-Zn, Ud-Cu and Up-O all to gather leads to a correct energy band gap, and exhibits a slight effect on the lattice constant. The values of Ud-Zn, Ud-Cu and Up-O have a considerable impact on the intensity and position of the main peaks of the imaginary part. The magnetic phase of the CZO structure is found to be influenced by both Ud,Zn and Ud,Cu. More attention is paid to the influence of Cu doping content on CZO properties, including electronic, structural, optical and magnetic properties. The magnetic moment mainly comes from Cu ions with little contribution from O ions. Ferromagnetic (FM) spin ordering of Cu ions are suggested to be mediated by the holes induced in p-d hybridization. Finally, some perspectives for future studies are discussed as well
Rabie AMARI , , (2022), A review on DFT + U scheme for structural, electronic, optical and magnetic properties of copper doped ZnO wurtzite structure, Materials Today Communications, Vol:31, Issue:103306, pages:10, Elsevier
- 2022
Studies on structural, morphological, optical, luminescence and electronic properties of Ni-doped ZnO nanopowder by coprecipitation method
In this work, pure and Ni-doped ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) with concentration of Ni (6.25%) were successfully prepared by using co-precipitation method [1]. Among TM, nickel is very significant element which has a similar ionic radius as that of Zn. Literature studies show that Ni doping into ZnO matrix can enhance its various properties [2, 3]. Zinc acetate dihydrate [Zn (CH3COO)2 2H2O], nickel acetate dihydrate [Ni (CH3COO)2 2H2O] and sodium hydroxide solution [NaOH] were used as precursors. For getting homogeneous solution, stoichiometric amount of zinc and nickel acetate were dissolved in methanol, after stirred continuously on a magnetic stirrer at room temperature. For raising the pH of the obtained solution to ~9, small amount of sodium hydroxide solution [NaOH] was added drop by drop. The precursor solution is then stirred again until the liquid solution turns into a gel. After gel formation, the beaker was transferred on the hot plate at 500°C for 1h. The obtained sample yield in the form of loose powder was then finely grounded by agate mortar and pestle. The prepared samples in powder form were characterized by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Photoluminescence (PL) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The obtained results have been discussed and compared with those from other sources whatever possible.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Studies on structural, morphological, optical, luminescence and electronic properties of Ni-doped ZnO nanopowder by coprecipitation method,1st International conference on Chemical matters and environment preservation IC-CMEP’22,Ouargla, ALGERIA
- 2022
Structural, morphological and optical properties of Cu-doped ZnO thin films prepared by Sol-Gel spin coating method
In this work, 8.5% Cu-doped ZnO thin film was fabricated on glass substrate using sol–gel spin coating method, in order to investigate the structural, optical and morphological properties. XRD result exhibited that the deposited thin film has a hexagonal wurtzite structure with a preferential orientation along the (0 0 2) c-axis orientation. The grain size, lattice constants, FWHM and strain of the film were calculated. To characterize the electronic and optical properties, UV-Vis spectra were used. The results indicate that the average transmittance is 74.68% in the visible range. The optical band gap energy was found to be 3.317 eV. The surface morphology showed a mixer of spheroid-like and rod-like nanoparticles (granules) randomly distributed
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Structural, morphological and optical properties of Cu-doped ZnO thin films prepared by Sol-Gel spin coating method,1st International conference on Chemical matters and environment preservation IC-CMEP’22,Ouargla, ALGERIA
- 2022
Electronic and optical properties of Ag-based oxides XAgO (X= Li and Na): An ab initio study with the Tran–Blaha-modified Becke– Johnson density functional
We report ab initio density functional theory calculations of the structural, electronic and optical properties of Ag-based ternary oxides XAgO (X= Li and Na) using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW+lo) method [1] basis set as implemented in the WIEN2k code [2]. Calculated structural parameters, including the two lattice constants, (a) and (c), three internal coordinates, yX, xAg, and xO, bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B'), for the considered compounds using both the local density (LDA) [3] and generalized gradient approximations (GGA–PBEsol) [4] are consistent with the available data in the scientific literature. To calculate the electronic properties, the exchangecorrelation potential is treated with various functionals, and we find that the newly developed Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson (TB-mBJ) [5–7] functional significantly improves the band gap. Band structure, total and site-projected l-decomposed densities of states, charge-carrier effective masses, charge transfers and charge density distribution maps were obtained; analyzed and compared with the available theoretical data. The frequency-dependent complex dielectric function, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and electron energy loss function spectra were calculated with an incident radiation polarized parallel to both [100] and [001] crystalline directions. The origins of the peaks and structures in the optical spectra are determined in terms of the calculated energy band structures
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Electronic and optical properties of Ag-based oxides XAgO (X= Li and Na): An ab initio study with the Tran–Blaha-modified Becke– Johnson density functional,1st International conference on Chemical matters and environment preservation IC-CMEP’22,Ouargla, ALGERIA
- 2022
Structural, Optical and Morphological properties of 10.8% CuDoped ZnO Thin Films
In this study, 10.8% Cu-doped ZnO thin film was deposited on glass substrate using sol–gel spin coating technique, in order to investigate the structural, optical and morphological properties. XRD result exhibited that the deposited thin film has a hexagonal wurtzite structure with a preferential orientation along the (0 0 2) c-axis orientation. The grain size, lattice constants, FWHM and strain of the film were calculated. To characterize the electronic and optical properties, UV-Vis spectra were used. The results indicate that the average transmittance is 80% in the visible range. The optical band gap energy was found to be 3.25 eV. The surface morphology showed a mixer of spheroid-like and rod-like nanoparticles (granules) randomly distributed.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Structural, Optical and Morphological properties of 10.8% CuDoped ZnO Thin Films,The first National Seminar on Green Chemistry and Natural Products "NGCNP2022 ",El Oued, Algeria
- 2022
Structural, electronic, morphological and luminescence properties of 10% Mn-Doped ZnO Thin Films
the present work studied the structural and luminescence properties of 10% Mn-doped ZnO thin film fabricated on glass substrate usinge by sol-gel spin coathing methode.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Structural, electronic, morphological and luminescence properties of 10% Mn-Doped ZnO Thin Films,The first National Seminar on Green Chemistry and Natural Products "NGCNP2022 ",El Oued, Algeria
- 2022
Structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of pure ZnO material using first-principles calculation
The first-principles method based on DFT with semiempirical Hubbard U scheme was applied to calculate the structural, elastic, electronic, and optical properties of ZnO wurtzite material. The effective Hubbard U values of 5.5 eV and 8 eV were used for Zn 3d and O 2p states, respectively. Electronic band structures and their corresponding total and partial density of states diagram were calculated. The optimized lattice parameters were a=b= 3,234 Å and c= 5,201 Å. The elastic stiffness constants of ZnO crystals were estimated from the optimized structure. The obtained band gap was found 3.38 eV. The frequency-dependent complex dielectric function, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and electron energy loss function spectra were also calculated and discussed.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of pure ZnO material using first-principles calculation,The first National Seminar on Green Chemistry and Natural Products "NGCNP2022 ",El Oued, Algeria
- 2022
Theoretical and experimental study of structural, electronic and optical properties of Al doped ZnO nanoparticles by co-precipitation method
Zn0.875Al0.125O nanoparticles are fabricated by a co-precipitation technique using zinc acetate dehydrate [Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O] and aluminum nitrate nonahydrate(Al(NO3)39(H2O) as a starting material and doping source. X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy are employed to investigate the effect of Al doping on the structural, electronic and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles. The obtained results are compared with those using first-principles calculation based on density functional theory (DFT) with local density approximation (LDA) plus Hubbard U (DFT–LDA+U) method. This latter represents the theoretical framework to deal with strongly correlated materials to predicted successfully the electronic properties of such materials.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Theoretical and experimental study of structural, electronic and optical properties of Al doped ZnO nanoparticles by co-precipitation method,1st International Conference on Materials Sciences and Technology (MatScience-2022),Khenchela, Algeria
- 2022
Electronic structure, magnetic and optic properties of spinel compound MgFe2O4
Ab initio full-potential (linearized) augmented plane-wave plus local orbitals (FP-(L)APW+lo) structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of MgFe2O4 compound. The calculated equilibrium structural parameters using both the local density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation are well consistent with the available theoretical and experimental data in the literature. Furthermore, band structure calculations demonstrate that MgFe2O4 compound exhibits large band gaps in both spins configurations with large magnetic moment. Energetically, Ferrite nickel favors the inverse spinel phase in which Fe and Mg cations in either octahedral or tetrahedral sites adopt the high spin configuration. We found that energy of the normal spinel is higher than that of the inverse spinel confirming that inverse spinel is the most stable structure of MgFe2O4 compound. The optical behavior of MgFe2O4 compound is characterized by calculating the real and imaginary part of the dielectric function, the absorption coefficients, the refractive index, the optical conductivity and the energy loss. Optimizing structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of this novel compound is crucial for exploring and utilizing it for modern device applications. Keywords:
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Electronic structure, magnetic and optic properties of spinel compound MgFe2O4,Materials Sciences And Technology, (MatScience-2022),Khenchela, Algeria
- 2022
A first principles investigation on the structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ag-based oxides KAgO and RbAgO as a function of pressure
Structural parameters, elastic constants and thermodynamic properties of the tetragonal ternary Ag-based oxides KAgO and RbAgO are investigated theoretically for the first time using the plane-wave ultra-soft pseudopotential method based on the density functional theory. The optimized lattice parameters and atomic positions agree well with the available theoretical and experimental counterparts. Pressure dependence of the structural parameters is also explored. Pressure dependences of the single-crystal elastic constants Cij for KAgO and RbAgO are explored. The elastic wave velocities propagating along the principal crystallographic directions are numerically estimated. The elastic anisotropy is estimated and further illustrated by 3Ddirection-dependent of the Young’s modulus. A set of some macroscopic elastic moduli, including the bulk, Young’s and shear moduli, Poisson’s coefficient, average elastic wave velocities and Debye temperature, were calculated for polycrystalline KAgO and RbAgO from the Cij via the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximations. Through the quasiharmonic Debye model, which takes into account the phonon effects, the temperature and pressure dependencies of the bulk modulus, unit cell volume, volume thermal expansion coefficient, Debye temperature and volume constant and pressure constant heat capacities of KAgO and RbAgO are explored systematically in the ranges of 0–20 GPa and 0–1200 K.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), A first principles investigation on the structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ag-based oxides KAgO and RbAgO as a function of pressure,1st International Conference on Renewable Materials and Energies ICRME2022,OUARGLA-ALGERIA
- 2022
Electronic, structural, magnetic and optical properties of of spinel compound MgFe2O4
Zn0.875Al0.125O nanoparticles are fabricated by a co-precipitation technique using zinc acetate dehydrate [Zn(CH3COO)2•2H2O] and aluminum nitrate nonahydrate(Al(NO3)39(H2O) as a starting material and doping source. X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy are employed to investigate the effect of Al doping on the structural, electronic and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles. The obtained results are compared with those using first-principles calculation based on density functional theory (DFT) with local density approximation (LDA) plus Hubbard U (DFT–LDA+U) method. This latter represents the theoretical framework to deal with strongly correlated materials to predicted successfully the electronic properties of such materials.
Djamel ALLALI , Rabie AMARI , Bahri DEGHFEL , ,(2022), Electronic, structural, magnetic and optical properties of of spinel compound MgFe2O4,10th International Conference on Materials Sciences And Technology, (MatScience-2022),khenchela, Algeria
- 2022
Electronic and optical properties of Ag-based oxides XAgO (X= Li and Na): An ab initio study with the Tran–Blahamodified Becke–Johnson density functional
We report ab initio density functional theory calculations of the structural, electronic and optical properties of Ag-based ternary oxides XAgO (X= Li and Na) using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW+lo) method [1] basis set as implemented in the WIEN2k code [2]. Calculated structural parameters, including the two lattice constants, (a) and (c), three internal coordinates, yX, xAg, and xO, bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B'), for the considered compounds using both the local density (LDA) [3] and generalized gradient approximations (GGA–PBEsol) [4] are consistent with the available data in the scientific literature. To calculate the electronic properties, the exchangecorrelation potential is treated with various functionals, and we find that the newly developed Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson (TB-mBJ) [5–7] functional significantly improves the band gap. Band structure, total and site-projected l-decomposed densities of states, charge-carrier effective masses, charge transfers and charge density distribution maps were obtained; analyzed and compared with the available theoretical data. The frequency-dependent complex dielectric function, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and electron energy loss function spectra were calculated with an incident radiation polarized parallel to both [100] and [001] crystalline directions. The origins of the peaks and structures in the optical spectra are determined in terms of the calculated energy band structures
Djamel ALLALI , AMMAR Boukhari , Rabie AMARI , Fares ZERARGA, Abdelmadjid BOUHEMADOU, Khadidja BOUDIAF, ,(2022), Electronic and optical properties of Ag-based oxides XAgO (X= Li and Na): An ab initio study with the Tran–Blahamodified Becke–Johnson density functional,1st international conference on chemical matters and environment preservation IC-CMEP’22,Ouargla, Algeria
- 2022
Structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ag-based oxides XAgO (X = Li and Na): An ab initio study
Structural parameters, elastic constants and thermodynamic properties of the tetragonal ternary Ag-based oxides LiAgO and NaAgO are investigated theoretically for the first time using the plane-wave ultra-soft pseudopotential method [1] based on the density functional theory [2,3]. The optimized lattice parameters and atomic positions agree well with the available theoretical and experimental counterparts. Pressure dependence of the structural parameters is also explored. Pressure dependences of the single-crystal elastic constants Cij for LiAgO and NaAgO are explored. The elastic wave velocities propagating along the principal crystallographic directions are numerically estimated. The elastic anisotropy is estimated and further illustrated by 3D-direction-dependent of the Young’s modulus. A set of some macroscopic elastic moduli, including the bulk, Young’s and shear moduli, Poisson’s coefficient, average elastic wave velocities and Debye temperature, were calculated for polycrystalline LiAgO and NaAgO from the Cij via the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximations [4–6]. Through the quasiharmonic Debye model [7], which takes into account the phonon effects, the temperature and pressure dependencies of the bulk modulus, unit cell volume, volume thermal expansion coefficient, Debye temperature and volume constant and pressure constant heat capacities of LiAgO and NaAgO are explored systematically in the ranges of 0–20 GPa and 0–1200 K.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ag-based oxides XAgO (X = Li and Na): An ab initio study,10th International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” (NANO-2022),Lviv. Ukraine
- 2022
Effect of high Ni Doping on the properties of ZnO Nanopowders
Pure and Ni-doped ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) with concentration of Ni (12.5%) were successfully prepared by using co-precipitation method [1]. Among TM, nickel is very significant element which has a similar ionic radius as that of Zn. Literature studies show that Ni doping into ZnO matrix can enhance its various properties [2, 3]. The prepared samples in powder form were characterized by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Photoluminescence (PL) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The obtained results have been discussed and compared with those from other sources whatever possible.
Rabie AMARI , ,(2022), Effect of high Ni Doping on the properties of ZnO Nanopowders,10th International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” (NANO-2022),Lviv. Ukraine
- 2021
Thickness Effect on the Properties of 4% Mn‐Doped ZnO Thin Films Grown by Sol‐Gel Spin Coating Deposition
In this study, the thickness effect of 4% Mn-doped ZnO thin films on structural, optical, and morphological properties is investigated. The films are deposited on a glass substrate using the sol-gel spin coating method. Phase analysis indicates that all films have a hexagonal wurtzite structure with a high preferential c-axis orientation. All structural parameters are significantly influenced by the thickness variations. The optical analysis reveals that transmittance and band gap energy decrease with thickness. A red shift of the absorption edge is noticed. The surface morphology shows a good uniformity for all ZnO films. The surface roughness of the samples increases with film thicknesses. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra show a UV peak at 388 nm with two blue peaks at 438 and 475 nm and a weak green emission peak at 525 nm. A lower PL intensity is noticed by increasing the thickness. The obtained results exhibit similarities in behavior as other methods.
AMMAR Boukhari , Bahri DEGHFEL , Abdelhafid MAHROUG , Rabie AMARI , Noureddine Selmi, Ahmad Azmin Mohamad, , (2021), Thickness Effect on the Properties of 4% Mn‐Doped ZnO Thin Films Grown by Sol‐Gel Spin Coating Deposition, Macromolecular Symposia, Vol:397, Issue:1, pages:2000235, Wiley Online Library
- 2021
Thickness effect on the properties of Mn-doped ZnO thin films synthesis by sol-gel and comparison to first-principles calculations
The current study investigates the effect of thickness on the structural, morphological, electronic, and optical properties of pure zinc oxide (ZnO) and 7% Mn-doped ZnO thin films, deposited by sol–gel spin coating method. All films exhibited a hexagonal wurtzite structure with a high preferential c-axis orientation. The surface morphology showed a good uniformity with cracks and wrinkles. The transmittance decreased with thickness. The bandgap energy was inversely varying with coating number. Photoluminescence spectra showed ultraviolet with strong and weak blue and weak green emission peaks. Density functional theory and Hubbard (DFT + U) method was then applied to study the structural, electronic, and optical properties of pure and 6.25% Mn-doped ZnO materials. A decrease in bandgap energy from pure to 6.25% Mn-doped ZnO material was shown using the DFT + U method. It also found that the Mn3d states were distributed far from Fermi level with a coexistence of both ionic and covalent nature bonds. A slight shift toward the lower energy was noticed for optical properties by Mn doping. The theoretical findings showed a similar behavior to those obtained by experiment.
AMMAR Boukhari , Bahri DEGHFEL , Abdelhafid MAHROUG , Rabie AMARI , Noureddine Selmi, Soorathep Kheawhom, Ahmad Azmin Mohamad, , (2021), Thickness effect on the properties of Mn-doped ZnO thin films synthesis by sol-gel and comparison to first-principles calculations, Ceramics International, Vol:47, Issue:12, pages:17276-17285, Elsevier
- 2021
Experimental and theoretical studies on structural, morphological, electronic, optical and magnetic properties of Zn1-xCuxO thin films (0≤ x≤ 0.125)
Pure and copper-doped zinc oxide thin films at different contents x (Zn1-xCuxO; 0≤x ≤ 0.125) were synthesized by sol–gel spin coating process and investigated using various techniques. All samples exhibited a polycrystalline with wurtzite hexagonal phase, which wasn't altered and getting relaxed by Cu-doping. The grain size increased and changed its growth mode from c-axis growth to lateral one and the surface morphology was strongly influenced with increasing level of Cu doping. As x increased, the transparency of films was generally increased in the visible region and the band gap energy (Eg) presented a slight shrinking, indicating that the prepared films are suitable for use in opto-electronic applications. Ferromagnetic phase was adopted within density functional theory corrected by Hubbard method (DFT + LDA + U) to investigate the structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of pure and CZO structure. The closest Cu impurities gave the more stable configuration. Cu3d states were distributed around Fermi level inducing a major contribution to the magnetic moment. A mix of ionic and covalent bonding was remarked. DFT + LDA + U enhanced significantly the calculated Eg, which presented a narrowing with x. The imaginary part of the dielectric functions presented three main peaks and their static constants were slightly influenced by Cu doping.
Bahri DEGHFEL , Abdelhafid MAHROUG , AMMAR Boukhari , Rabie AMARI , elhadj.benrezgua@univ-msila.dz, Muhamad Kamil Yaakob, Soorathep Kheawhom, Ahmad Azmin Mohamad, , (2021), Experimental and theoretical studies on structural, morphological, electronic, optical and magnetic properties of Zn1-xCuxO thin films (0≤ x≤ 0.125), Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol:134, Issue:, pages:106012, Elsevier
- 2020
Effects of Mn doping on the structural, morphological, electronic and optical properties of ZnO thin films by sol-gel spin coating method: An experimental and DFT+U study
The structural, electronic and optical properties of Mn-doped ZnO thin films were studied using density functional theory (DFT) with Hubbard U method. Supercell model and substitutional method were employed to achieve the considered doping concentrations (x). Antiferromagnetic phase of Zn1−xMnxO (x = 0.125) structure was adopted at different geometry configurations. On the other hand, Zn1−xMnxO (x = 7, 10 and 12.5) thin films, with good uniformity, were fabricated using sol–gel spin coating technique. Both grain size and surface roughness were decreased with x, leading to the decrease of the average transmittance. Calculations revealed that Mn atoms tend to be close to each other around the O atom. Besides, Mn3d states were found to be rarely distributed around Fermi level. Furthermore, Mulliken analysis demonstrated the coexistence of both ionic and covalent bonding. Both materials presented a similar behavior for optical properties with a slight shift toward the lower energy by increasing x.
Rabie AMARI , Bahri DEGHFEL , Bahri DEGHFEL , , (2020), Effects of Mn doping on the structural, morphological, electronic and optical properties of ZnO thin films by sol-gel spin coating method: An experimental and DFT+U study, Physica B : Condensed Matter, Vol:577, Issue:19, pages:411766, Elsevier
- 2020
Effects of Mn doping on the structural, morphological, electronic and optical properties of ZnO thin films by sol-gel spin coating method: An experimental and DFT+ U study
The structural, electronic and optical properties of Mn-doped ZnO thin films were studied using density functional theory (DFT) with Hubbard U method. Supercell model and substitutional method were employed to achieve the considered doping concentrations (x). Antiferromagnetic phase of Zn1−xMnxO (x = 0.125) structure was adopted at different geometry configurations. On the other hand, Zn1−xMnxO (x = 7, 10 and 12.5) thin films, with good uniformity, were fabricated using sol–gel spin coating technique. Both grain size and surface roughness were decreased with x, leading to the decrease of the average transmittance. Calculations revealed that Mn atoms tend to be close to each other around the O atom. Besides, Mn3d states were found to be rarely distributed around Fermi level. Furthermore, Mulliken analysis demonstrated the coexistence of both ionic and covalent bonding. Both materials presented a similar behavior for optical properties with a slight shift toward the lower energy by increasing x.
Rabie AMARI , Bahri DEGHFEL , Abdelhafid MAHROUG , AMMAR Boukhari , Ahmad Azmin Mohamad, Noureddine Selmi, , (2020), Effects of Mn doping on the structural, morphological, electronic and optical properties of ZnO thin films by sol-gel spin coating method: An experimental and DFT+ U study, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol:577, Issue:15, pages:411766, North-Holland
- 2018
Structural, Optical and Luminescence Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin-Coating Method: Effect of Precursor Concentration
Transparent zinc oxide (ZnO) thin flms are fabricated by a simple sol-gel spin-coating technique on glass substrates with different solution concentrations (0.3–1.2 M) using zinc acetate dehydrate [Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O] as precursor and isopropanol and monoethanolamine (MEA) as solvent and stabilizer, respectively. The molar ratio of zinc acetate dehydrate to MEA is 1.0. X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy are employed to investigate the effect of solution concentration on the structural and optical properties of the ZnO thin flms. The obtained results of all thin flms are discussed in detail and are compared with other experimental data
Rabie AMARI , , (2018), Structural, Optical and Luminescence Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin-Coating Method: Effect of Precursor Concentration, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol:35, Issue:1, pages:016801, Institute of Physics Publishing
- 2018
Effect of Mn Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO thin Films
In this work, we have studied the influence of Mn doping on the structural, morphological, optical and photoluminescence (PL) properties of ZnO thin films. ZnO thin films with different concentrations of Manganese (0, 2 and 4 mol.%) were prepared by the sol–gel spin coating process and synthesized on glass substrates. By using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD) (Bruker 8 Advance) with Cu-kα radiation having a wavelength λ=1.5406 A°, the structural properties of the films were characterised. To evaluate the band gap, the optical transmission spectra were measured by an ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectrophotometer (UV-3101 PC-Shimadzu) in the spectral range 300-800 nm. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements were recorded using a spectrofluorimeter (Perkin Elmer LS 50B) with the excitation wavelength of 325 nm.
Rabie AMARI , Abdelhafid MAHROUG , Bahri DEGHFEL , ,(2018), Effect of Mn Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO thin Films,International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS2018),Ferhat Abbas Setif 1-Algeria
- 2018
Synthesis, Structural, Morphological, Electronic, Optical and Luminescence Properties of Pure and Manganese-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Thin Films: Effect of Doping
In this study, Manganese-doped Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructured thin films with different Mn doping concentrations (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 mol.%) were synthesized on glass substrates by the sol–gel spin coating technique. The concentration of metal ions was fixed at 0.6 mol·L–1. Structural, surface morphological, optical and luminescence properties of the films were investigated by XRD, AFM, UV-Vis spectrometry and PL spectroscopy techniques. The XRD results showed that the films had hexagonal wurtzite structure and exhibited preferred orientation along the c-axis. Crystallite size, lattice parameters, strain and residual stress were influenced by Mn doping, where average crystallite size decreased from 45 to 10 nm with doping concentration. Atomic force microscope (AFM) images revealed the good uniformity for all the films, and reduction of grain size and surface roughness is observed with the increase of doping concentration. The average transmittance in the visible region was higher than 80% for all the films. Unlike the Urbach energy, the optical band gap of Zinc oxide films decreased with Manganese doping. The origin of ultraviolet, violet, blue and green emissions observed from photoluminescence spectra, and the effect of Mn doping on the luminescence properties and defects concentration were discussed in details. It is worth noting that the fabricated Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films, which presented good properties, can be used for potential applications in optoelectronic devices.
Abdelhafid MAHROUG , Rabie AMARI , AMMAR Boukhari , Bahri DEGHFEL , L Guerbous, Nourddine Selmi, , (2018), Synthesis, Structural, Morphological, Electronic, Optical and Luminescence Properties of Pure and Manganese-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Thin Films: Effect of Doping, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, Vol:13, Issue:5, pages:732-742, American Scientific Publishers
- 2018
Experimental and first principles study of structural, electronic and optical properties of Zn0.875Mn0.125O thin film
Zn0.875Mn0.125O thin films are fabricated by a simple sol-gel spin-coating technique on glass substrates using zinc acetate dehydrate [Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O] and manganese acetate tetrahydrate [Mn(CH3COO)24H2O]as a starting material and doping source. Isopropanol and monoethanolamine (MEA) were used as solvent and stabilizer, respectively. X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy are employed to investigate the effect of Mn doping on the structural, electronic and optical properties of ZnO thin films. The obtained results are compared with those using first-principles calculation based on density functional theory (DFT) with local density approximation (LDA) plus Hubbard U (DFT–LDA+U) method. This latter represents the theoretical framework to deal with strongly correlated materials to predicted successfully the electronic properties of such materials.
Bahri DEGHFEL , Abdelhafid MAHROUG , Rabie AMARI , AMMAR Boukhari , A. BENTABET, ,(2018), Experimental and first principles study of structural, electronic and optical properties of Zn0.875Mn0.125O thin film,ICAMS 2018 – 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems,Bucharest, ROMANIA
- 2017
First principles LDA+U study of structural, electronic, elastic and optical properties of Mn doped wurtzite ZnO.
The structural, electronic, elastic and optical properties of pure and Mn-doped ZnO with a wurtzite structure were calculated by using first-principles calculation based on density functional theory (DFT) with local density approximation (LDA) [1] plus Hubbard U (DFT–LDA+U) method [2]. This latter represents the theoretical framework to deal with strongly correlated materials to predicted successfully the electronic properties of such materials. The wurtzite ZnO system is then doped with Mn at different sites. The obtained results were discussed and compared with earlier works.
Bahri DEGHFEL , AMMAR Boukhari , Rabie AMARI , Abdelhafid MAHROUG , A. Bentabet, ,(2017), First principles LDA+U study of structural, electronic, elastic and optical properties of Mn doped wurtzite ZnO.,Nanotechnology and nanomaterials» (NANO-2017),Ukraine - Chernivtsi