SAID Zergane
زرقان السعيد
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Habilitation universitaire. in Université de Msila
DomainScience et Technologies
Research Domains
mécanique renewable energy, mechanical engeneering Simulation numérique
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
Bella Douaa Manara , Bella Douaa Manara
Influence of a perpondicular configuration of the combustion chamber on the flamme in the hot wlter oiler
- 2023
- 2023
Encaderement master
Latrag Oussama , Bachiri Rania, Boukharouba Amira
Réalisation d'un panneau solaire thermique
- 2023
Encaderement master
Ben Khlil Aboubakr Idriss , Bessai Adelbasset
Etude dynamique et dimensionnelle du moteur Wankel
- 2023
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
Latrag Oussama , Bachiri Rania, Boukharouba Amira
Réalisation d'un panneau solaire thermique
- 2022
Encaderement master
Khanous Hanine , Maiz Idir
- 2022
Encaderement master
Boudiaf Mohammed Elamine
- 2022
Encaderement master
Ben Khaled Berlkacem , Ben Saoucha Mohammed Aymen Moataz
- 2021
Encaderement master
Ben Achour Ayache , Saidi fehmi
- 2021
Encaderement master
Ben Toumi Kamel , Gherab Yassine
Etude d’une installation domestique de chauffage à eau chaude
- 2021
Encaderement master
Benahmed Ahmed Abderazak , Lamine Khalil
Une étude de choix de densité de probabilité dans le calcul de la fréquence de la vitesse du vent
- 2019
Encaderement master
Attaloui Soumia , Merzougui Amel
Analyse et modélisation à base de neurones artificiels dédiées à la prédiction de la vitesse du vent
- 18-06-2020
- 01-07-2018
Doctorat en sciences
Développement d’une méthode d’optimisation pour la micro-localisation des aérogénérateurs dans une ferme éolienne - 01-01-2009
Optimisation de la micro-localisation des aérogénérateurs dans parc éolien - 01-01-2002
Ingéniorat en mécanique
Taux de restitution d'énergie durant une propagation d'une fissure - 20-06-1986
- 1962-02-15 00:00:00
SAID Zergane birthday
- 2024-12-13
Evolution of the Electric potential for the Cathodic Protection of Pipelines According to the Variation of the imposed current
This work presents a study on the use of cathodic protection as a measure against corrosion in pipelines. The cathodic protection, compliant with the API 5L standard, is implemented here by applying an impressed current, while carefully considering several essential variables, such as soil characteristics, the type and color of the pipeline material,as well as the placement and size of the anode. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize the location and values of anodic overflows or ground resistances to ensure a uniform distribution of potential across the entire structure. In this method,impressed current protection uses an auxiliary anode and an external direct current source to induce a current through the electrolyte and the pipeline, thus countering the resistance of the steel. This approach is advantageous as it allows for the adjustment of electrical characteristics, particularly current levels, to meet specific needs. The factors essential to the effectiveness of cathodic protection systems, which optimize the distribution of protection potential across the structure,largely depend on the precise management of ground resistances during anodic discharge, particularly the attenuation coefficient ( α). These factors were studied, and the results obtained were presented and discussed based on their influence
SAID Zergane , SALAH Amroune , Chouki FARSI , Azzedine BENYAHIA , barhm.mohamad@epu.edu.iq, , (2024-12-13), Evolution of the Electric potential for the Cathodic Protection of Pipelines According to the Variation of the imposed current, Journal of harbin institute of technology (New Series), Vol:9, Issue:11, pages:9, Journal of harbin institute of technology- Harbin Institute of Technology
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- 2024-12-02
Moteur à combustion interne
Le travail présenté sous forme de polycopié, est un support de cours sur les moteurs à combustion interne, il est élaboré selon le programme officiel proposé aux étudiants de première année master LMD, option construction mécanique. Ce document a pour objectif ; fournir une description du fonctionnement réel des moteurs à combustion interne, ainsi que les principes du calcul de leurs performances et de leur dimensionnement de base. Il complète les notions fondamentales enseignées dans la troisième année licence de la même option par des chapitres détaillés sur les cycles thermodynamiques, les chaînes cinématiques principales et auxiliaires et les paramètres liés à la combustion. Pour approfondir les notions sur les moteurs à combustion interne, des exemples et des exercices ont été proposés aves leurs corrections. Ce polycopié est structuré en huit chapitres comme suit : Le premier chapitre aborde l’analyse organique et la description des différents cycles thermodynamiques liées aux moteurs à combustion interne en survolant les généralités pré-requises. Le deuxième chapitre présente les chaînes principales et auxiliaires nécessaires au fonctionnement du moteur et entraînées par l’arbre principale, du vilebrequin aux roues motrices. Le troisième chapitre illustre les différents cycles thermodynamiques théoriques, à savoir Beau de Rochas, Diesel et mixte avec une comparaison avec celles du réelles, ainsi que les effets pariétaux, flux d'énergie qui se déroulent dans la chambre de combustion. Egalement la méthode de calcul des paramètres indiqués et effectifs ont présentés. Le quatrième chapitre présente les respirations liées aux moteurs à combustion interne modes opératoires, aspiration et suralimentation Le cinquième chapitre est dédie au phénomène du frottement ; causes, effets, conséquences et les méthodes de réduction des effets de ce phénomène. L’architecture générale et les dimensions principales ont été abordées avec la description des deux parties composantes du moteur ; parties fixes et parties mobiles Le sixième chapitre traite d’une manière générale les notions fondamentales liées aux carburants liquides et gazeux, ainsi que l’indice de cétane et d’octane selon les normes internationales. Egalement, les modes de combustion, les types de carburant et le pouvoir calorifique du combustible ont été abordés. Le septième chapitre regroupe les problèmes et les anomalies pratiques rencontrés durant la combustion et comment avoir une réaction de combustion complète par l’optimisation complète des lois qui les régissent. Le huitième chapitre est consacré à la technologie utilisée dans l’alimentation des moteurs à combustion interne en carburant pour avoir un rendement important qui nous permet de réduire les émissions polluantes
SAIDZergane , ,(2024-12-02); Moteur à combustion interne,Université de M'sila,
- 2024-11-17
The reverse design of a complex part (motor starter pinion)
In the field of manufacturing of mechanical parts or assemblies of complex shapes, various methods comprising several steps have been developed in order to obtain a finished product that is usable. Thus, another innovative method is presented in the current work, namely reverse engineering for the design and manufacturing of a starter pinion of an engine. The reverse engineering process involves the digital acquisition of 3D data from a sample, followed by the generation of a CAD model using a scanning technique, as well as the use of CAM software, then, a manufacturing range is generated to design the model and actually manufacture it.
SAID Zergane , ,(2024-11-17), The reverse design of a complex part (motor starter pinion),national colloquium of inductics : university-industry,M'sila, Algeria
- 2024-11-13
The study examines Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloys, vital in aeronautics and automotive sectors. It aims to characterize their thermo-mechanical transformations induced by composition and heat treatments, focusing on how these impact mechanical properties, especially grain size refinement. Analysis covers transformation temperatures, micro-hardness, induced transformations, and mechanical tests. Results show thermoplastic martensitic transformations, with micro-hardness aiding in identifying characteristic points. The study's novelty lies in understanding how grain size refinement affects these transformations and the role of microhardness in precise characterization
SAID Zergane , Hocine MAKRI , SALAH Amroune , Cherif saib , , (2024-11-13), ELABORATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CU-ZN-AL SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS, Pollack Periodica, Vol:1210, Issue:7, pages:15, Pollack Periodica-Akademiai Kiado
- 2024-10-02
Composite materials find extensive usage in industrial applications. Howeer, they are susceptible to gradual damage over time. In this study, we explored the cracking processes in jute fiber-reinforced composite sheets subjected to uniaxial tension at varying displacement speeds (10, 20, and 30 mm/min) using Abaqus software. The composite plate dimensions are 25×35×10 mm³, with a 7 mm crack length. Our findings indicate that crack propagation in vehicle plates is influenced by mechanical properties relative to load, specifically through increased travel speed. We observed stress concentration around the crack, and the displacement speed significantly affects crack behavior. The cohesive J-integral was derived through finite element analysis, revealing a 90.90% relative error in the mean absolute value ΔJ across the five integral paths for the two sample types. Subsequently, five potential end conditions were assessed for further analysis, considering different boundary conditions: Simply supported (SSSS), two opposing sides clamped (SFSF), Clamped-Simply-ClampedSimply (SCSC), two opposing sides clamped (CFCF), and all sides clamped (CCCC). Additionally, three different types of tensile actions in the y-direction were considered
SAID Zergane , MOUSSA Zaoui , SALAH Amroune , Chouki FARSI , ADMIN Admin , , (2024-10-02), NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF FORCES ON THE PROCESS CRACK IN A COMPOSITE PLATE, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol:22, Issue:3, pages:8, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering- Editura Politehnica
- 2024-09-25
Unsteady flow simulation around rotor blades of vertical axis wind turbine
Unsteady flow simulation around rotor blades of vertical axis wind turbine
SAID Zergane , Amar BERKACHE , ,(2024-09-25), Unsteady flow simulation around rotor blades of vertical axis wind turbine,6th International on applied engineering and naturel sciences,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-09-19
Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection in an Annular Cavity filled with Hybrid Nanofluids Under Magnetic Field
This paper presents a numerical study of natural convection in an annular cavity filled with a hybrid nanofluid under the influence of a magnetic field. This study is significant for applications requiring enhanced thermal management, such as in heat exchangers, electronics cooling, and energy systems. The inner cylinder, equipped with fins and subjected to uniform volumetric heat generation, contrasts with the adiabatic outer cylinder. This study aims to investigate how different nanoparticle combinations (Fe3O4 with Cu, Ag, and Al2O3) and varying Hartmann and Rayleigh numbers impact heat transfer efficiency. The finite volume method is employed to solve the governing equations, with simulations conducted using Fluent 6.3.26. Parameters such as volume fraction (ϕ2 = 0.001, 0.004, 0.006), Hartmann number (0 ≤ Ha ≤ 100), Rayleigh number (3 × 103 ≤ Ra ≤ 2.4 × 104), and fin number (N = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) are analyzed. Streamlines, isotherms, and induced magnetic field contours are utilized to assess flow structure and heat transfer. The results reveal that increasing the Rayleigh number and magnetic field enhances heat transfer, while the presence of fins, especially at N = 2, may inhibit convection currents and reduce heat transfer efficiency. These findings provide valuable insights into optimizing nanofluid-based cooling systems and highlight the trade-offs in incorporating fins in thermal management designs.
SALAH Amroune , ADMIN Admin , Souad BENKHERBACHE , ADMIN Admin , SAID Zergane , ADMIN Admin , , (2024-09-19), Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection in an Annular Cavity filled with Hybrid Nanofluids Under Magnetic Field, Energies, Vol:17, Issue:18, pages:4671, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
- 2024-07-06
This project focuses on the examination and design of a medically relevant component, specifically a dental prosthesis, using the method of reverse engineering. Reverse engineering involves a thorough analysis of an existing piece to understand its functioning and specifications, with the aim of creating an improved or adapted version. In the medical context, this approach is employed to develop a specific component with medical significance. This study explores the steps of this process, emphasizing detailed understanding, design, and implementation of this dental prosthesis, with a particular focus on its utility and importance in the medical field
SAID Zergane , Mohamed SLAMANI , SALAH Amroune , MOUSSA Zaoui , Chouki FARSI , , (2024-07-06), EXAMINING AND DEVELOPING A MEDICALLY RELEVANT COMPONENT THROUGH REVERSE ENGINEERING, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol:22, Issue:2, pages:7, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering- Editura Politehnica
- 2024-05-19
Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection in an Annular Cavity Filled with Hybrid Nanofluids under Magnetic Field
This paper presents a numerical study of natural convection in an annular cavity filled with a hybrid nanofluid under the influence of a magnetic field. This study is significant for applications requiring enhanced thermal management, such as in heat exchangers, electronics cooling, and energy systems. The inner cylinder, equipped with fins and subjected to uniform volumetric heat generation, contrasts with the adiabatic outer cylinder. This study aims to investigate how different nanoparticle combinations (Fe3O4 with Cu, Ag, and Al2O3) and varying Hartmann and Rayleigh numbers impact heat transfer efficiency. The finite volume method is employed to solve the governing equations, with simulations conducted using Fluent 6.3.26. Parameters such as volume fraction (ϕ2 = 0.001, 0.004, 0.006), Hartmann number (0 ≤ Ha ≤ 100), Rayleigh number (3 × 103 ≤ Ra ≤ 2.4 × 104), and fin number (N = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) are analyzed. Streamlines, isotherms, and induced magnetic field contours are utilized to assess flow structure and heat transfer. The results reveal that increasing the Rayleigh number and magnetic field enhances heat transfer, while the presence of fins, especially at N = 2, may inhibit convection currents and reduce heat transfer efficiency. These findings provide valuable insights into optimizing nanofluid-based cooling systems and highlight the trade-offs in incorporating fins in thermal management designs
SAID Zergane , , (2024-05-19), Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection in an Annular Cavity Filled with Hybrid Nanofluids under Magnetic Field, Energies, Vol:18, Issue:17, pages:22, MDPI
- 2024-05-06
In recent years, the implementation of rotary friction welding technology in the industrial sector has made significant progress, especially in the automotive industry, where multiple sheets forming the bodywork of a single vehicle are now assembled using this process. In this study, we utilized the phenomenon of rotary friction to enhance the quality of welded parts at different rotational speeds. Measurements of stress values, microhardness, and temperature were conducted in the welding zones for the following combinations: A60 steel/A60 steel, A9 aluminum/A9 aluminum, and their combination A60/A9. The results from each pair of welded plates were compared to achieve a comprehensive characterization.
SALAH Amroune , ADMIN Admin , Chouki FARSI , ADMIN Admin , SAID Zergane , ADMIN Admin , , (2024-05-06), INFLUENCE OF THE ROTATION SPEED OF ROTARY FRICTION WELDING ON THE MICRO-HARDNESS OF FIXED AND MOBILE WELDED PARTS, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol:22, Issue:2, pages:93-98, Editura Politehnica
- 2024-04-01
In recent years, the implementation of rotary friction welding technology in the industrial sector has made significant progress, especially in the automotive industry, where multiple sheets forming the bodywork of a single vehicle are now assembled using this process. In this study, we utilized the phenomenon of rotary friction to enhance the quality of welded parts at different rotational speeds. Measurements of stress values, microhardness, and temperature were conducted in the welding zones for the following combinations: A60 steel/A60 steel, A9 aluminum/A9 aluminum, and their combination A60/A9. The results from each pair of welded plates were compared to achieve a comprehensive characterization.
SAID Zergane , SAID Zergane , Said Zergane, , (2024-04-01), INFLUENCE OF THE ROTATION SPEED OF ROTARY FRICTION WELDING ON THE MICRO-HARDNESS OF FIXED AND MOBILE WELDED PARTS., Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol:22, Issue:2, pages:6, - Academic Journal of Manufacturing
- 2024-04-01
In recent years, the implementation of rotary friction welding technology in the industrial sector has made significant progress, especially in the automotive industry, where multiple sheets forming the bodywork of a single vehicle are now assembled using this process. In this study, we utilized the phenomenon of rotary friction to enhance the quality of welded parts at different rotational speeds. Measurements of stress values, microhardness, and temperature were conducted in the welding zones for the following combinations: A60 steel/A60 steel, A9 aluminum/A9 aluminum, and their combination A60/A9. The results from each pair of welded plates were compared to achieve a comprehensive characterization.
SAID Zergane , SAID Zergane , Said Zergane, , (2024-04-01), INFLUENCE OF THE ROTATION SPEED OF ROTARY FRICTION WELDING ON THE MICRO-HARDNESS OF FIXED AND MOBILE WELDED PARTS., Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol:22, Issue:2, pages:6, - Academic Journal of Manufacturing
- 2024-01-28
Hydrogène et la transition énergétique
Hydrogène et la transition énergétique
SAID Zergane , ,(2024-01-28), Hydrogène et la transition énergétique,Formation doctorale,M'sila, Algeria
- 2024-01-11
The field of automation in tool path generation for a 3-axis CNC machine is experiencing significant growth in the computer-aided manufacturing sector. Current research efforts are focused on improving the efficiency and precision of this process. To achieve this, new technologies are being explored to enable a more advanced and automated generation of tool paths. In this article, we will examine the current state of research concerning automated tool path generation on a 3-axis CNC machine using Matlab programming tools. As an example, we will consider a complex butterfly shape derived from a mathematical function that allows drawing the 2D geometric form. At the end of the process, a G-code is automatically generated for future use in the CNC machine. The obtained results are highly encouraging, which provides further motivation for continuing research in this direction.
SAID Zergane , SALAH Amroune , Mohamed SLAMANI , MOUSSA Zaoui , , (2024-01-11), INVESTIGATION FOR THE AUTOMATED GENERATION OF TOOLPATHS ON A 3AXIS CNC MACHINE, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol:22, Issue:1, pages:9, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering- Editura Politehnica
- 2023-12-02
Effecgt of the atmospheric boundary layer on a wind turbine
To produce electricity from the wind, horizontal axis turbines exceeding 80 m in height are often used. Entirely immersed in the atmospheric boundary layer, these wind turbines undergo the same changes as the speed of the wind in a wind farm. In this context comes our study for the effect of the atmospheric boundary layer on the energy production for a single wind turbine, then generalize it to all the wind turbines of the farm. Using the logarithmic profile of wind speed in the atmospheric boundary layer, data from two types of wind turbines; NREL-V and ENERCON-E2 are introduced in a computer program for the calculation of the developed power. The results obtained are compared and discussed.
SAID Zergane , Amar BERKACHE , ,(2023-12-02), Effecgt of the atmospheric boundary layer on a wind turbine,The 1st National Conference on Green Energy,Boumerdes, Algeria
- 2023-11-26
The location of wind turbines in a winf farm in the atmospheric boundary layer
The accurate prediction of total energy output in a wind farm hinges on the specific arrangement of wind turbines. Relying solely on a wind speed model that assumes uniform and unidirectional conditions appears insufficient for achieving a detailed understanding of optimal turbine placement to produce maximum energy. In this context, we present our efforts to develop a calculation method for precisely situating wind turbines within a wind farm. This method leverages pseudorandom number generation as a mathematical optimization approach, implemented through a Matlab program. More specifically, our proposal introduces a more comprehensive and realistic wake model. This model factors in various variables such as the atmospheric boundary layer, ground roughness, and turbulence. By doing so, it aims to provide a significantly more accurate prediction of the effects of wind turbine interference at the site and, consequently, minimize wake-related impacts. Our simulation results have been meticulously analyzed using data sourced from NREL turbin
SAID Zergane , ,(2023-11-26), The location of wind turbines in a winf farm in the atmospheric boundary layer,er international conference on physico-chimestry, material sciences ans applied mathematics (ICPMSAM'23),Skikda, Algeria
- 2023-11-24
In the manufacturing industry, Mastercam X5 is a widely used CNC simulation and programming suite that offers high efficiency. It can be easily integrated with the Mastercam model, providing full associativity and seamless single-window integration. The iMachining technology, which uses patented algorithms for specific operations, is a breakthrough in CNC milling tool path technology. It optimizes the tool path, reduces machining time, and minimizes tool wear. The suite enables a wide range of machining operations on various stock objects, making it flexible and versatile. The simulation process allows real-time observation of operations and ensures error-free G-code for physical operation. This paper details the procedures of machining a spur gear from stock material using Mastercam 2D iMachining technology. The simulation process generates automatic Gcodes for practical use in CNC machines. Mastercam simplifies the concept, operation, and importance of using CAM software in modern-day manufacturing industries. It also enables optimization of operational steps and parameter details to save time, cost, and tool lives, improving overall efficiency.
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- 2023-04-16
Modélisation et la Prédiction de la Vitesse du Vent par la Méthode des Réseaux de Neurones
L’inteligence artificielle est un ensemble de techniques développant des programmes informatiques complexes qui permet de réaliser des machines capables de simuler l'intelligence humaine. Pour effectuer des tâches L’intelligence artificielle est liée à la vie moderne, son domaine d’application est très varié : domaines d’applications tels que; l’automobile, la santé, le transport, l’agriculture, le changement climatique, le tourisme, la banque, le commerce, l’industrie, l’éducation, l’aéronautique. L'intelligence artificielle permet aussi d'exploiter des données à un niveau qu'aucun humain ne pourrait jamais atteindre.
SAID Zergane , ,(2023-04-16), Modélisation et la Prédiction de la Vitesse du Vent par la Méthode des Réseaux de Neurones,L'intelligence artificielle en mécanique,Faculté de technologie, Université de M'sila
- 2023
With the world’s growing demand for energy, renewable energy production has become important in providing alternative sources of energy and in reducing the greenhouse effect. This study investigates the aerodynamics and performance of the WG/EV100 micro–Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The complexity of VAWT aerodynamics, which is inherently unsteady and three-dimensional, makes high-fidelity flow models extremely demanding in terms of computational cost, limiting the analysis to mainly 2D Computational Fluid-Dynamics (CFD) approaches. This article explains how to perform a full 3D unsteady CFD simulation of HAWT. All main parts of the WG/EV100 HAWT were designed in SOLIDWORKS. Only the blade design was reverse engineered due to the unavailability of the CAD model and the complexity of its geometric characteristics. The impeller blade is scanned using a Coordi-nate Measuring Machine (CMM), and the obtained 3D scan data are exported from the PC-DMIS software to GEOMAGIC design X to obtain a CAD model of the blade.
noureddine MENASRI , SAID Zergane , Noureddine aimeur , Aissa AMOUR , , (2023), 3D CFD MODEL FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE FLOW FIELD THROUGH A HORIZONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINE (HAWT), Acta Polytechnica, Vol:63, Issue:4, pages:250-259, the Czech Technical University in Prague
- 2022
New study on the extension of a current wind farm; case of Kaberten park in Algeria
Abstract: By increasing their electricity production capacity, this work focuses on a new wind farm configuration study currently in service. More specifically, a study that aims to enlarge the production area of the ventilated sites by implanting more wind turbines in optimal positions behind the existing turbines. In order to achieve this goal, we use Jensen's linear wake pattern to describe the behavior of wind speed in wake, as well as a method based on the generation of a sequence of modified pseudo-random numbers as Mathematical approach to optimize the location of the wind turines. To perform numerical simulations, a program under MATLAB has been developed using the characteristics of the Gamessa G52 turbine and the data of the site in the production of Kaberten in Algeria. The results obtained from this study are presented and discussed.
SAID Zergane , SALAH Amroune , MANSOUR Rokbi , seyf-eddine.guesmia@mail.concordia.ca, , (2022), New study on the extension of a current wind farm; case of Kaberten park in Algeria, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:428-434, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education
- 2022
The developped power of a wind turbine in the boundary layer
In the atmospheric boundary layer, the uniform and unidirectional wind speed does not seem to be valid; it has a logarithmic or exponential profile. Close to the ground, this speed is slowed down by the roughness of the ground and the presence of obstacles, while going uphill, the wind speed becomes more and more important and reaches a determined value. For the power produced by the wind turbine in the atmospheric boundary layer, the moment of force exerted by the wind is not the same over the entire rotor actuator disc. In this context and to remedy this problem, we present in this work a method which aims to calculate the power developed by a wind turbine where the wind speed is not constant in the atmospheric boundary layer. This method is based on the discretization of the rotor actuator disc into elementary surfaces, using the power characteristic curve which corresponds to given wind speeds of such a wind turbine. By a computer program developed, the elementary power is calculated in each element of discretized surface, then, the total power of the wind turbine in atmospheric boundary layer is only the sum of the elementary powers. To show the validity of this method, the results obtained in this study are analyzed and discussed. It should be noted that the power in each discretized surface element is different from that of the others, because the wind speed is different at each height
SAID Zergane , ABDELKADER DJERAD , seyf-eddine.guesmia@mail.concordia.ca, ,(2022), The developped power of a wind turbine in the boundary layer,International Seminar on Industrial, Engineering and Applied Mathematics,Skikda, Algeria
- 2022
Use of the neuronal network in the prediction of the wind on a given site
Inspired by the functioning of neurons in the brain, neural networks are tools widely used in artificial intelligence in solving statistical problems. To this end, in wind energy, the wind is in perpetual variation, in order to model it and predict its intensity from its average annual speed, we present in this study a method based on the use of artificial neural networks. Using the accumulation of a period of 10 years of measurements of the average annual wind speed of a site in the region of Kaberten, a computer program has been developed under MATLAB to estimate the wind in the years to come. This program makes it possible to predict the wind speed at 10 m from the ground in the year following the measurement period. The results obtained by this method on the Kaberten site are analyzed and discussed.
SAID Zergane , ADMIN Admin , Amar BERKACHE , ,(2022), Use of the neuronal network in the prediction of the wind on a given site,1st International Conference on Innovation Academic Studies,Turkey
- 2022
Determination of the rupture parameters of a plant fiber by using two diameter measurement techniques
An essential challenge for the future of composite materials is to make their manufacture and use compatible with increasingly demanding environmental expectations. In this context, the replacement of mineral or synthetic fibers by plant fibers is of great interest. However, the latter must comply with the same specifications, particularly in terms of mechanical properties. Thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from Thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from economic and environmental point of view. The dimensions of the fiber, such as diameter, are essential elements when calculating the mechanical parameters of the plant fiber. Among the techniques used to measure the diameter, one can use the optical microscope, the software ImageJ and the density. Theoretically, similar failure parameters should be obtained when different techniques are used. However, the experimental data show various parameters according to different used techniques. In this work, we carried out several experiments on natural fibers in order to determine the fracture parameters in static traction by calculating the diameter of the fiber by two ways: density method and optical method. The results reveal that the failure parameters are dependent on the diameter, hence the suitable technique plays a crucial role.
SAID Zergane , MANSOUR Rokbi , SALAH Amroune , abderaouf.khaldoune@univ-msila.dz, Ben Adda A, Nouari N, , (2022), Determination of the rupture parameters of a plant fiber by using two diameter measurement techniques, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol:53, Issue:1, pages:237-243, Elsevier
- 2022
Experimental Investigation on the Coating of Nickel-Base Super Alloy Using Wire Flame Spraying
Inconel738 is a nickel-based super alloy widely used in manufacturing gas turbines, particularly in the manufacture of blades that are in direct contact with hot gases during their operation. As a result, these blades are subjected to high temperatures, significant static and dynamic stresses, erosion and/or hot corrosion which can be very severe. The use of coatings is one of the most effective strategies to protect materials against corrosion and increase the wear resistance of materials. In this study, β-Ni-Al coatings were sprayed onto an Inconel738 substrate using a wire flame spraying process and characterization of coating has been made3
SAID Zergane , , (2022), Experimental Investigation on the Coating of Nickel-Base Super Alloy Using Wire Flame Spraying, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Vol:22, Issue:3, pages:28-39, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae
- 2022
Experimental Investigation on the Coating of Nickel-Base Super Alloy Using Wire Flame Spraying
Inconel738 is a nickel-based super alloy widely used in manufacturing gas turbines, particularly in the manufacture of blades that are in direct contact with hot gases during their operation. As a result, these blades are subjected to high temperatures, significant static and dynamic stresses, erosion and/or hot corrosion which can be very severe. The use of coatings is one of the most effective strategies to protect materials against corrosion and increase the wear resistance of materials. In this study, β-Ni-Al coatings were sprayed onto an Inconel738 substrate using a wire flame spraying process and characterization of coating has been made.
noureddine MENASRI , SAID Zergane , noureddine.aimeur@univ-msila.dz, Saci abedelhamid, , (2022), Experimental Investigation on the Coating of Nickel-Base Super Alloy Using Wire Flame Spraying, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Vol:14, Issue:, pages:28-39, The Journal of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
- 2022
البحث العلمي و مجالاته
البحث العلمي و مجالاته
SAID Zergane , ,(2022), البحث العلمي و مجالاته,مقومات البحث العلمي الناجح,Université de M'sila
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- 2021
Determination of te rupture parameters of plant fiber by two diameter measurment technics
The dimensions on the fiber, such as diamter, are essential elements hwen calculing nthe mechanical parameters of lant fier. Among the thechniques used to measure the diameter, one can use the optical microscope, the software imaje and density
SAID Zergane , ,(2021), Determination of te rupture parameters of plant fiber by two diameter measurment technics,Polymer and Mediterranean Fiber International Conference'2021,Bédjaia, Algeria
Default case...
- 2021
Prediction of the variation of wind speed by a method based on artificial neurons network
The main objective of this work is the analysis and the modeling of the wind by all the characteristics in order to predict the variations of the intensity of its annual average speed in the atmospheric boundary layer during a year using 'a new method based on artificial neurons. By introducing data and cumulative wind speed measurements over several decades from such a windy site, this method, developed on MATLAB, makes it possible to estimate the annual wind speed at 5 m from the ground in the years to come. The simulation results obtained in this work are analyzed and validated by comparing them with the results measured on this site in the years preceding the measurement period.
SAID Zergane , ABDELKADER DJERAD , MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2021), Prediction of the variation of wind speed by a method based on artificial neurons network,The Sixth International conference on machanical and energy-ICME'2021',Sousse, Tunisia
- 2019
Optimization of wind turbine placement in a wind farm using a new pseudo-random number generation method
In this paper, with the goal of maximizing the power production of a wind farm and reducing the wake effect resulting from front-end turbines, we present a new optimization method based on the generation of pseudo-random numbers as a mathematical approach; we have used this method along with the Jensen linear wake model in order to study optimal wind turbine positioning in a farm of given dimensions. For this purpose, a computer program has been developed to carry out numerical simulations based on the maximum total power produced. Using a typical wind turbine for uniform and unidirectional wind speed, the simulation results that we have obtained are presented and discussed. Compared to previous works based on genetic algorithms and viral basis methods, this optimization has yielded recorded enhancements of up to 6.5% on resulting wind farm power. Furthermore, we have found that an optimum number of wind turbines can be properly determined for any given wind farm.
SAID Zergane , , (2019), Optimization of wind turbine placement in a wind farm using a new pseudo-random number generation method, Renewable energy, Vol:19, Issue:5, pages:1-9, Springer
- 2019
Effect on turbulence on the power of a wind turbine
In a windy site, under the effect of the wake, the too dense grouping of wind turbines would lead to a speed deficit and a considerable reduction in power, which affects the overall performance of the wind farm. To describe the evolution of the wind speed in the wake, several models were used without taking into account the turbulence. For this purpose, and in this work, we present a study that aims at the effect of turbulence on the power of a wind turbine, this study is based on the introduction of data and the characteristics of the wind turbine ENERCON E2 and the Using a more comprehensive wake model that accounts for ambient and added wind turbulence is the Ishihara model. The simulation results obtained from the developed power, were presented and compared with those without turbulence.
SAID Zergane , ,(2019), Effect on turbulence on the power of a wind turbine,icame 2019, Istanbul,Université de Yildiz, Turquie
- 2019
Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity
The configuration of a wind farm depends mainly on the wind potential and the disposition of the wind turbines in this park. The windiest site is the most favorable for a future installation of wind turbines for the production of electricity, also, in this same site, a too dense arrangement would lead to considerable of power losses under the effect of wake. In this context, it is presented a research work that consists of determining the installation conditions of a wind farm; evaluating the wind farm through measurements of wind speed and the location of wind turbines in the park to minimize the effect of wind turbine interference. In order to do this, an evaluation study of the wind potential for the implementation of a wind farm based on the quantification of the wind in speed and directions firstly proposed. Secondly, a method for optimizing the positioning of wind turbines in a wind power farm is used based on the introduction of the Jensen wake model and the application of the iterative pseudo-random distribution approach of the turbines in the site. Simulation results are presented and discussed using data from the Kaberten site in Algeria and the characteristics of the GAMESA G52 wind turbine.
SAID Zergane , MANSOUR Rokbi , ADMIN Admin , , (2019), Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity, SN Applied Sciences, Vol:1, Issue:12, pages:1-7, Springer
- 2018
Optimization of wind turbine placement in a wind farm using a new pseudo-random number generation method
In this paper, with the goal of maximizing the power production of a wind farm and reducing the wake effect resulting from front-end turbines, we present a new optimization method based on the generation of pseudo-random numbers as a mathematical approach; we have used this method along with the Jensen linear wake model in order to study optimal wind turbine positioning in a farm of given dimensions. For this purpose, a computer program has been developed to carry out numerical simulations based on the maximum total power produced. Using a typical wind turbine for uniform and unidirectional wind speed, the simulation results that we have obtained are presented and discussed. Compared to previous works based on genetic algorithms and viral basis methods, this optimization has yielded recorded enhancements of up to 6.5% on resulting wind farm power. Furthermore, we have found that an optimum number of wind turbines can be properly determined for any given wind farm.
SAID Zergane , arezki.smaili@g.enp.edu.dz, , (2018), Optimization of wind turbine placement in a wind farm using a new pseudo-random number generation method, Renewable Energy, Vol:125, Issue:3, pages:166-171, Elsevier
- 2011
Optimisation de la micro-localisation des aérogénérateurs dans un parc éolien
Dans un parc éolien, il est bien connu que la performance globale du parc est fortement liée aux types d’arrangement des aérogénérateurs dans le site. Un arrangement trop dense entraînerait des pertes considérables de puissance. Dans ce contexte, intervient notre travail, pour déterminer la micro-localisation optimale des éoliennes dans un parc et minimiser l’effet dû aux interférences de sillages des éoliennes. Pour ce faire, nous proposons un modèle numérique, basé sur la description linéaire du sillage, et la méthode d’optimisation de Monte Carlo, afin d’étudier la micro-localisation optimale des turbines en fonction des caractéristiques aérodynamiques et des espacements entre les turbines. La validité des résultats de simulation a été étudiée en utilisant les données expérimentales de NREL
SAID Zergane , arezki.smaili@g.enp.edu.dz, , (2011), Optimisation de la micro-localisation des aérogénérateurs dans un parc éolien, Revue des Energies Renouvelables, Vol:14, Issue:4, pages:727 – 732, CDER