SALIM Chakroune
شقرون سليم
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. in Batna
DomainScience et Technologies
commandes électriques
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2012
Encaderement master
Algorithme d’Optimisation par Essaim de Particules (OEP): Applications à l’Amélioration des Moteurs EEI-Azazga, Algérie.
- 20-05-2016
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
Doctorat En Electricité Industrielle
Contribution à l’Etude des Moteurs à Haut Rendement Application au Moteur du Azzazga (Economie a Grande Echelle) - 01-04-2002
Magister en Electricité Industrielle
Conception et Identification Assisté par Ordinateur des Machines Asynchrones - 01-01-1998
Ingénieur d’état en Génie Electrique
Etude pour la Conception de Quatre Machines à Induction - 01-01-1992
- 1973-02-07 00:00:00
SALIM Chakroune birthday
- 2021
FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Torque and Flux Estimators for Direct Torque Control (DTC) of an Induction Motor (IM)
This article provides a hardware implementation of torque and flux estimators for direct torque control (DTC) of an induction motor (IM) on the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Due to its high processing frequency, the FPGA circuit presents an alternative strategy for achieving a high performance DTC implementation. This cannot be achieved by Digital Signal Processing (DSP) or Microcontroller application. Optimized hardware architecture is also proposed for implementation of a complete estimator with explicit determination of all the quantities such as the flux phase, the flux amplitude and the torque amplitude. This work presents a precise hardware estimator of the torque and the flux, it developed with negligible estimation error (0.0002 [Wb] RMS estimate error for the stator flux and 0.0005 [Nm] RMS estimate error the torque), in addition to that this estimator is implemented on the Virtex-4 FPGA board with minimal resources(less 5% of slices registers, 5% of DSP48Es and around 17% of LUTS). This estimator is developed and synthesized independently of the command and can be reused for any task which requires the estimation of these quantities. After this the estimator was used to complete a DTC control in a hardware co-simulation procedure with the Xilinx system generator and MATLAB/SIMULINK tools on the Xilinx ML402 development kit.
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2021), FPGA Hardware in the Loop Validation of Torque and Flux Estimators for Direct Torque Control (DTC) of an Induction Motor (IM), International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:14, Issue:5, pages:583-594, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems
- 2021
Energy Saving Prospective Through Adjusted Materials Model in High Efficiency Induction Motors Control
The main objective of this work is to contribute to energy management efforts. This subject is a very current area of research. Knowing that among the techniques for improving the performance of machines already built is the adaptation of speed to meet process requirements. For this purpose, we took advantage of the richness of the control domain, starting from the classic PI control, then Fuzzy-1 to Fuzzy Type -2. However, these techniques have been applied on a high efficiency induction machine whose equivalent scheme parameters are deduced from the optimized design of a conventional machine. Among other things, hybrid genetic algorithms take into account the model of the materials used for the control of the machine. From the simulation results found, we can see that the machine has good dynamics and energy saving when the material model is adjusted by applying the Type-2 fuzzy controller which gives better disturbance rejection compared to the Type-1 fuzzy controller.
Salim CHAKROUNE , ,(2021), Energy Saving Prospective Through Adjusted Materials Model in High Efficiency Induction Motors Control,1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials IC-SEAM’21,Ouargla, ALGERIA
- 2021
Energy Saving Potential with Adjusted Materials Model in High Efficiency Induction Motors Control
The main objective of this work is to contribute to energy management efforts. This subject is a very current area of research. Knowing that among the techniques for improving the performance of machines already built is the adaptation of speed to meet process requirements. For this purpose, we took advantage of the richness of the control domain, starting from the classic PI control, then Fuzzy-1 to Fuzzy Type -2. However, these techniques have been applied on a high efficiency induction machine whose equivalent scheme parameters are deduced from the optimized design of a conventional machine. Among other things, hybrid genetic algorithms take into account the model of the materials used for the control of the machine. From the simulation results found, we can see that the machine has good dynamics and energy saving when the material model is adjusted by applying the Type-2 fuzzy controller which gives better disturbance rejection compared to the Type-1 fuzzy controller.
Salim CHAKROUNE , ,(2021), Energy Saving Potential with Adjusted Materials Model in High Efficiency Induction Motors Control,SÉMINAIRE INTERNATIONAL SUR L’INDUSTRIE ET LA TECHNOLOGIE,Oran
- 2020
Sensorless backstepping control using a Luenberger observer for double-star induction motor
In this paper, we propose sensorless backstepping control of a double-star induction machine (DSIM). First, the backstepping approach is designed to steer the flux and speed variables to their references and to compensate uncertainties. Lyapunov”s theory is used and it demonstrates that the dynamic tracking of trajectories tracking is asymptotically stable. Second, unfortunately, this law control called sophisticated is a major problem which leads to the necessity of using a mechanical sensor (speed, load torque). This imposes an additional cost and increases the complexity of the montage. In practice, this variable is unknown and its measurement is expensive. To restrain this problem we estimate speed and load torque by using a Luenberger observer (LO). Simulation results are provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach in high and low variable speeds and load torque disturbance
Djalal Eddine KHODJA , Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2020), Sensorless backstepping control using a Luenberger observer for double-star induction motor, ARCHIVES OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol:69, Issue:1, pages:101-116, Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2020
Design Optimization of Induction Motor Using On-Line Improved Genetic Algorithms
The main objective of this work is the application of a new architecture of genetic algorithms to the induction machine design in order to improve their performance. The latter is proposed by our research team based on modified crossing and mutation operators who have fixed values for conventional genetic algorithms. In addition, this version is characterized by a double loop and a random crossover. Firstly, to demonstrate the ability to locate the global optimum with this version algorithm a mathematical function was used. Then we approached the second phase which its application in real time to the induction motor optimized design problem. Knowing that, the machine is a highly coupled with multivariable system and constraints. Finally, the results obtained have been analyzed where we have found that satisfactory and can be declared that adaptation algorithm is effective in locating rapidly the region in which the global optimum exists in relation to the classical genetic algorithm.
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2020), Design Optimization of Induction Motor Using On-Line Improved Genetic Algorithms, AMSE. Journal, Modelling. A, Vol:93, Issue:1, pages:19-25, AMSE Press
- 2019
Continuous Wavelet Technique for Detection of Broken Bar Faults in Induction Machine
The purpose of this study is diagnosis the fault of induction machine, through detection of broken bars by stator current analysis. Therefor we present a multi-winding model for the simulation of faults as part of the fault detection study, and test the behavior of the machine in the healthy and faulty state. In this paper it is focus the signal processing technique for detecting defects. This technique is based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to detect and locate defects, by using the multi-level decomposition for the detection of defects and the location of the broken bars at the rotor. The findings of this research results show the importance of this technique for the analysis of fault signatures in healthy and defective cases
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2019), Continuous Wavelet Technique for Detection of Broken Bar Faults in Induction Machine, traitement du signal, Vol:2, Issue:36, pages:171-176, IIETA
- 2019
Induction Machine Faults Detection and Localization by Neural Networks Methods
The objective of this study is to present artificial intelligence (AI) technique for detection and localization of fault in induction machine fault, through a multi-winding model for the simulation of four adjacent broken bars and three-phase model for the simulation of short-circuit between turns. In this work, it was found that the application of artificial neural networks (ANN) based on Root mean square values (RMS) plays a big role for fault detection and localization. The simulation and obtained results indicate that ANN is able to detect the faulty with high accuracy.
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2019), Induction Machine Faults Detection and Localization by Neural Networks Methods, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, Vol:33, Issue:6, pages:427-434, IIETA
- 2019
In this paper we will establish a sliding mode adaptive control based on the direct rotor field control applied to the double stars induction machine. Due to the performance limitations of conventional controllers due to their sensitivities, non-linearity and parametric variations, the indirect "self tuning" adaptive control is applied. Indeed, the recursive least squares algorithm is used to obtain the identification model in order to adapt the RST regulator (three-branched structure regulator) parameters in real time, and then generate the control law. However, the location of the sliding mode regulators to the control chain by indirect rotor flow orientation offers good static and dynamic performance, and almost total rejection of the disturbance. Finally, all the results obtained showed the robustness of the control in front of the variation of the parameters of the system and load.
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2019), INDIRECT SELF TUNING ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF DOUBLE STARS INDUCTION MACHINE BY SLIDING MODE, revue roumaine, Vol:64, Issue:4, pages:409-415, Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
- 2019
Continuous Wavelet Technique for Detection of Broken Bar Faults in Induction Machine
The purpose of this study is diagnosis the fault of induction machine, through detection of broken bars by stator current analysis. Therefor we present a multi-winding model for the simulation of faults as part of the fault detection study, and test the behavior of the machine in the healthy and faulty state. In this paper it is focus the signal processing technique for detecting defects. This technique is based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to detect and locate defects, by using the multi-level decomposition for the detection of defects and the location of the broken bars at the rotor. The findings of this research results show the importance of this technique for the analysis of fault signatures in healthy and defective cases.
Djalal Eddine KHODJA , IBRAHIM Chouidira , Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2019), Continuous Wavelet Technique for Detection of Broken Bar Faults in Induction Machine, Traitement du Signal, Vol:36, Issue:2, pages:171-176, International Information and Engineering Technology Association
- 2019
Induction Machine Faults Detection and Localization by Neural Networks Methods
The objective of this study is to present artificial intelligence (AI) technique for detection and localization of fault in induction machine fault, through a multi-winding model for the simulation of four adjacent broken bars and three-phase model for the simulation of shortcircuit between turns. In this work, it was found that the application of artificial neural networks (ANN) based on Root mean square values (RMS) plays a big role for fault detection and localization. The simulation and obtained results indicate that ANN is able to detect the faulty with high accuracy.
Djalal Eddine KHODJA , IBRAHIM Chouidira , Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2019), Induction Machine Faults Detection and Localization by Neural Networks Methods, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, Vol:33, Issue:6, pages:427-434, International Information and Engineering Technology Association
- 2019
Analytical Model of Slotted Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Non-magnetic Rotor Core
In this paper, first of all the motor performance created by permanent magnetic in a slot less air-gap of a surface mounted permanent-magnet synchronous motor with non magnetic rotor and either sinusoidal or mixed (quasi-Halbatch) magnetization using polar coordinates is presented. After that the analysis works for both internal and external rotor motor topologies, the effect of stator slots is introduced by modulating the magnetic field distribution in the less slot stator by the complex relative air-gap permeances and the conformal transformation of the slot geometry. Finally, the predicted results of flux density distribution and cogging torque with those obtained by finite-element are analyzed.
Samir MABRAK , Salim CHAKROUNE , Djalal Eddine KHODJA , , (2019), Analytical Model of Slotted Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Non-magnetic Rotor Core, AMSE, Vol:92, Issue:24, pages:24-30, IIETA
- 2018-12-20
Multi Objective Design of High Efficiency Induction Motor Using an Analytical Method's
In the final decade of the last century, there was enormous intellectual and engineering activity surrounding the recently invented induction motor, especially their efficiency increasing. The interest in improving the efficiency of electric motors stems from the fact that they represent 60 to 70% of the total industrial and commercial load. A knowledge the motors operating efficiency in an industrial plant is necessary, when deciding whether standard motors should be advantageously replaced with more efficient motors. A new approach is presented for analysis and design of closed rotor slot induction motors in this paper. The main idea is illustrated as follows: first based the computed machine parameters and motor geometry optimization will be carried out. Then, to validate the conceived machines, dynamical performance analysis will be achieved by MATLAB environment. Finally using finite element electromagnetic field analysis, the comparison results will be discussed and commented.
Oussama Zeghba , Salim CHAKROUNE , SAAD BELHAMDI , , (2018-12-20), Multi Objective Design of High Efficiency Induction Motor Using an Analytical Method's, Modelling, Measurement and Control A, Vol:91, Issue:4, pages:202-211, IIETA
- 2018
Multi Objective Design of High Efficiency Induction Motor Using an Analytical Method's
In the final decade of the last century, there was enormous intellectual and engineering activity surrounding the recently invented induction motor, especially their efficiency increasing. The interest in improving the efficiency of electric motors stems from the fact that they represent 60 to 70% of the total industrial and commercial load. A knowledge the motors operating efficiency in an industrial plant is necessary, when deciding whether standard motors should be advantageously replaced with more efficient motors. A new approach is presented for analysis and design of closed rotor slot induction motors in this paper. The main idea is illustrated as follows: first based the computed machine parameters and motor geometry optimization will be carried out. Then, to validate the conceived machines, dynamical performance analysis will be achieved by MATLAB environment. Finally using finite element electromagnetic field analysis, the comparison results will be discussed and commented.
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2018), Multi Objective Design of High Efficiency Induction Motor Using an Analytical Method's, AMSE. Journal, Modelling. A, Vol:91, Issue:4, pages:202-211, AMSE Press
- 2018
Multi objective design of high efficiency induction motor using an analytical method's
In the final decade of the last century, there was enormous intellectual and engineering activity surrounding the recently invented induction motor, especially their efficiency increasing. The interest in improving the efficiency of electric motors stems from the fact that they represent 60 to 70% of the total industrial and commercial load. A knowledge the motors operating efficiency in an industrial plant is necessary, when deciding whether standard motors should be advantageously replaced with more efficient motors. A new approach is presented for analysis and design of closed rotor slot induction motors in this paper. The main idea is illustrated as follows: first based the computed machine parameters and motor geometry optimization will be carried out. Then, to validate the conceived machines, dynamical performance analysis will be achieved by MATLAB environment. Finally using finite element electromagnetic field analysis, the comparison results will be discussed and commented.
oussama zaghba , Salim CHAKROUNE , SAAD BELHAMDI , , (2018), Multi objective design of high efficiency induction motor using an analytical method's, AMSE, Vol:91, Issue:4, pages:202-211, iieta
- 2016
Design Optimization of Induction Motor using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm "A Critical Analyze"
The aims of this paper is describes the procedure to determine the design of three phase electrical motors. The originality lies in combining a motor design program and employing a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HAGs) technique to obtain the maximum of objective function such as the motor efficiency. A method for evaluating the efficiency of induction motor is tested and applied on 2.2 kW experimental machines; the aforementioned is called equivalent circuit method (EC-M) and based on the analysis of the influence losses. After that, the optimal designs are analyzed by finite element method (FEM) and compared with results of another method which is genetic algorithms (GAs) optimisation technique, was done to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2016), Design Optimization of Induction Motor using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm "A Critical Analyze", AMSE. Journal, Series: Advances C, Vol:71, Issue:1, pages:1-23, AMSE Press
- 2014
A New Approach Design Optimizer of Induction Motor using Particle Swarm Algorithm
First of all, this paper discusses the use of a novel approach optimization procedure to determine the design of three phase electrical motors. The new lies in combining a motor design program and employing a particle-swarm-optimization (PSO) technique to achieve the maximum of objective function such as the motor efficiency. A method for evaluating the efficiency of induction motor is tested and applied on 1.1 kW experimental machines; the aforementioned is called statistics method (SM) and based on the analysis of the influence losses. As the equations which calculate the iron losses make call to magnetic induction. From this point, the paper proposes to evaluate the B(H) characteristic by estimating the circuit’s flux and the counting of excitation. Next, the optimal designs are analyzed and compared with results of another method which is genetic algorithms (GAs) optimisation technique, was done to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method
Salim CHAKROUNE , , (2014), A New Approach Design Optimizer of Induction Motor using Particle Swarm Algorithm, AMSE. Journal, Modelling. A, Vol:87, Issue:2, pages:89-108, AMSE Press