SALIM Zitouni
زيتوني سليم
06 62 06 51 10
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
Research Domains
Civil engineering, Concrète
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Aiouadje Dounya
- 2024
Chergui Abdelbasset
Influnce of aggregate size on the qualities of high-strenght concrete
- 2022
Encaderement master
Ziazia Khaled , Benselama Mohamed Lar, /
Influence du fluidifiant Medafluid 40 sur les caractéristiques mécanique et physique d’un mortier auto plaçant
- 2022
- 2021
Encaderement master
BENLAKHDAR Lahsane , ZOUAREG Mohamed, /
Confection d’un mortier auto nivelant à base de poudre de marbre et sable fin de Boussaâda.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Nadji Abd Errahmen , Beddar Abd elhamid
Influence de la poudre de marbre sur mortier auto nivelant à base de sable mixte ( sable de verre et sable de djamaa)
- 2019
Encaderement master
GHERZOULI abdallah , RAHALI lakhdar, /
Etude Des Caractéristiques Rhéologique Et Mécanique D'un Mortier Auto-Plaçant A Base De Fillers Calcaire
- 1958-11-25 00:00:00
SALIM Zitouni birthday
- 2023-10-05
Predicting Mechanical Properties of Concrete Using Equivalent Mortar: A Comparative Study
Comprehending the mechanical characteristics of concrete is paramount for its efficient deployment in construction. This investigation endeavors to predict these properties utilizing equivalent mortar, furthering previous inquiries on the topic. Literature suggests a viable approach to create concrete through a method employing both natural and crushed aggregates. This technique considers the corresponding mortar, amalgamated with crushed (SC) and dune sand (SD), as a novel mortar. Implementing this method could curtail the consumption of natural resources while conserving the mechanical attributes in both fresh (flow) and hardened states (strength and durability). This approach aims to anticipate the mechanical performance of concretes formulated from equivalent mortar data. Five mixtures were constituted to discern the optimal blend from a binary amalgamation of crushed coarse aggregates (30% fraction 3/8 and 70% fraction of 8/15) sized 3.8mm and 8.15mm, alongside five mixed sand percentages: (30% SC+70% SD), (40% SC+60% SD), (50% SC+50% SD), (60% SC+40% SD), and (70% SC+30% SD). The application of super plasticizer was investigated, and the compressive strength function of coarse aggregate was ascertained at intervals of 7, 14, and 28 days. The mechanical strength was determined at the 28-day mark. The empirical study indicates that density attains its zenith when a 40% mortar is incorporated into the concrete matrix. Conversely, with a 50% SC composition within the mixed sand, the mechanical strengths achieve acceptable values with moderate CS dosages. Specification tests reveal that incorporating 50% to 70% mortar into the concrete matrix can yield highquality concrete.
Salim ZITOUNI , , (2023-10-05), Predicting Mechanical Properties of Concrete Using Equivalent Mortar: A Comparative Study, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:47, Issue:5, pages:265 - 271, Mekki Maza1* , Nadia Tebbal2 , Zine El Abidine Rahmouni1 , Salim Zitouni1
- 2022-04-08
Combined impact of replacing dune sand with glass sand and metal fibers on mortar properties
This paper presents an experimental study on the influence of metal fibers on the mechanical behaviour of mortar with glass sand. Four mortar mixtures with glass filler and metals fibers are manufactured. The specimens were prepared with three percentages of glass sand (0%, 5%, 10%) and 1%, 2% by vol of steel fibers. The Air-Entraining Agent (A-E-A) dosages at the ratios of 0.08% of cement weight were used. The mechanical tests were carried out on the specimens such as the compressive strength, the tensile strength and the porosity. The results showed that the tensile and bending properties of all different mixtures with fibers are significantly higher compared to the reference mortars. A remarkable decrease has been observed in water, density and compressive strength of mortar with chemical admixture. Moreover, the using 1% volume fraction of steel fibers and 10% glass sand, flexural strength of mortar was completely improved.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , Mekki MAZA , Salim ZITOUNI , , (2022-04-08), Combined impact of replacing dune sand with glass sand and metal fibers on mortar properties, Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés-Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials, Vol:32, Issue:2, pages:85-90, IIETA
- 2022-02-21
Impact of Rolled and Crushed Aggregate with Natural Pozzolan on the Behavior of HPC
High performance concrete (HPC) has several advantages in building construction that cannot be achieved using conventional concrete in terms of strength durability, resistance to chemical attack, and workability of high performance concrete are high. The introduction of fillers and additives contributed to the improvement of high-performance concrete (HPC), other parameters also influence the performance of these HPCs, coarse aggregate fraction is known to strongly influence both fresh and hardened concrete’s properties. Consequently, selection of both content and particle size distribution for (HPC) mixture is an important issue regarding the predicted performance of concrete. For to make concrete more improvement , the porosity of the granular skeleton as well as the rheology of our HPC, 3/8 fraction of rolled gravel with smooth and rounded surfaces was introduced, in substitution for the crushed gravel of the same fraction , by testing various combinations of fractions 3/8 of rolled gravel and fraction 8/15 of crushed gravel in the present study, and based on previous results obtained the combinations 35,40 and 45% fraction 3/8 of rolled gravel and 65 , 60 and 55% fraction 8/15 of crushed gravel (binary granular system) respectively, gives a minimal porosity . Super plasticizer and four percentages of pozzolan were experimented. Compressive strength function of coarse aggregate was determined at 7, 14 and 28 days. Results have revealed that the mixtures with modified granule size distribution system ,1.5% of superplasticizer and 5% by weight of pozzolan allow an improvement in the compressive strength of 35.1% relative to the control concrete.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Salim ZITOUNI , Mekki MAZA , Nadia TEBBAL , , (2022-02-21), Impact of Rolled and Crushed Aggregate with Natural Pozzolan on the Behavior of HPC, Annales de chimie - Sciences des matériaux, Vol:46, Issue:1, pages:45-52, IIETA
- 2021-12-26
Combined Effect of Marble Waste as Powder and Aggregate Form on the Proprieties of the Mortar
Recycling and recovery of waste are now considered as a solution for the future to protect the environment. The marble processing workshops on the other hand, generate a large amount of waste in the form of powder and small parts. Due to these facts, the aim of this study is to valorize marble waste in the form of powder and crushed aggregates (sand) as additions in cementitious matrix building materials. The characterization of the materials used to formulate mortars based on natural dune sand with marble powder and mortars based on mixed sand (dunes sand and crushed sand) and marble powder was measure. In this sense, several series have been studied, varying the addition rate of the marble powder in order to reduce the porosity of the cement matrix, using crushed marble sand to increase the granular cohesion and using of a reducing water admixture (MEDAPLAST SP40) for more performance mortars. Very appreciable results were observed for a dosage of 15% of marble powder and for the combination of 15% of marble powder with 20% of crushed marble sand. This research recommends recycling 35% of marble waste in the cement matrix that contribute effectively to the preservation of the environment.
Mekki MAZA , Salim ZITOUNI , Nadia TEBBAL , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2021-12-26), Combined Effect of Marble Waste as Powder and Aggregate Form on the Proprieties of the Mortar, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:45, Issue:6, pages:467-476, Annales de Chimie
- 2019-07-12
The use of construction materials for mortars, such as cements, sands, coatings and others, must respect three main axes, namely the economic aspect, the environmental aspect and the technology for dosing these materials. to obtain an innovative. This experimental study contributes to the improvement of the rheological and mechanical behavior of a self-compacting mortar, used in the finishing work of industrial storage platforms and the laying of floor slabs. The use of calcareous fillers with percentages by weight of 0.10, 15.20, 30 and 40% in substitution for the cement contributes to reducing the cost price of these mortars, to reducing the CO2 emissions during the manufacture of the cemproductent and to improve the rheology of these mortars by the presence of these fine particles of limestone and by the optimization of the porosity of the granular squellette. 12 mortar mixtures were prepared with a small percentage of super plasticizer (1%). Fresh mortar tests have been developed to study the rheology of these mortars. The spreading cone, the V funnel and and the Plexiglas tank tests were conclusive. Compression and tensile tests on hardened mortars were conclusive.