SAMIR Zeghlache
زغلاش سمير
06 62 93 94 24
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Doctorat en Sciences. in University of Msila
Research Domains
Non linear control Fault tolerant control adaptive control
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
LADJAL Badreddine
- 2024
Co-Encaderement Master
Fault tolerant control of PMSM based on seconf order sliding mode
- 2024
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
bensaoucha mohamed
fault tolerant control of PMSM based on second order sliding mode
- 2023
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
SAGGAI Abdelmoula
Commandes tolérantes aux défauts d'un véhicule aérien autonome
- 2020
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
LAYADI Noureddine
Commande tolérante aux défauts de la machine asynchrone double étoiles
- 2020
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Commandes non linéaires hybrides et robustes de la machine asynchrone à double étoile « MASDE »
- 2020
Encaderement master
Ihaddadene Belkacem , Bahache Anisse
Commandes Non Linéaires d'un Véhicule Aérien
- 2020
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
GHELLAB Mohammed Zinelaabidine
Commandes Non Linéaires Robustes Appliquées À un Hélicoptère Autonome
- 2019
Encaderement master
La Commande Non Linéaire d'une Machine Asynchrone Double Etoile (MASDE)
- 2019
Encaderement master
Mohamed said Bilal , Berrabah Salah Eddine
La commande non linéaire d'une machine asynchrone Double étoile « MASDE »
- 2018
Encaderement master
HERIZI Boubakar , MERRAH Selma
Commande par Backstepping d'un UAV Type Quadrotor
- 2017
Encaderement master
BOUROUIS Thameur Mohamed , BOUZID Abdallah Souleyman
Commande Floue Glissante d'un appareil à Vol et Atterissage Vertical
- 2016
Encaderement master
Commande Par Mode Glissant d'un Appareil à Vol et Atterissage Vertical
- 2016
Encaderement master
Commande par Linéarisation Entrée-Sortie d'un Appareil à Vol et Atterissage Vertical
- 23-09-2014
- 20-01-2009
Asservissement Visuel d’un Robot Mobile sur une Cible en Mouvement - 20-06-2006
Ingénieur d’état
Commande Vectorielle Par Orientation Du Flux Statorique De La Machine Asynchrone Sans Capteur De Vitesse - 1984-05-02 00:00:00
SAMIR Zeghlache birthday
- 2025-03-01
IbI logics optimization algorithm-based high-order sliding mode control for DSIG within a wind turbine system
Applying advanced control strategies with optimal parameters tuning is challenging for ensuring good tracking performance and stable operation of the dual-stator induction generator-based wind turbine (WT-DSIG) systems. To this end, the present paper proposes an innovative tuning method using an incomprehensible but intelligentin time logic algorithm (ILA) to ensure optimal HOSMC controller parameters tuning. The optimally tuned HOSMC controller-based FOC scheme is applied to control a WT-DSIG system. This research offers a simple and effective method for optimal tuning of the control parameters, improving the control performance, hence the WT-DSIG system’s stability. The proposed method is superior to the existing techniques, as it uses the IbI, a metaheuristic stochastic algorithm, to optimize the gains of the flux, speed, and current HOSMC controllers simultaneously. The effectiveness of the proposed control approach is assessed based on a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation in a PLECS/RT Box real-time simulator. The HIL findings through comparative study further confirm the superiority of the optimally designed controllers over the conventional ones, highlighting significant enhancements in dynamic, steady-state, THD, and some other metrics. This research has practical implications for designing and operating WT-DSIG systems, offering a promising solution for improving their stability and performance.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2025-03-01), IbI logics optimization algorithm-based high-order sliding mode control for DSIG within a wind turbine system, Results in Engineering, Vol:25, Issue:1, pages:1-21, Elsevier
- 2025-01-02
Robust adaptive fuzzy type-2 fast terminal sliding mode control of robot manipulators in attendance of actuator faults and payload variation
This study presents a robust control method for the path following problem of the PUMA560 robot. The technique is based on the Adaptive Fuzzy Type-2 Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control (AFT2FTSMC) algorithm and is designed to handle actuator faults, uncertainties (such as payload change), and external disturbances. The aim of this study is to utilize the Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control (FTSMC) approach in order to ensure effective compensation for faults and uncertainties, minimize tracking error, reduce the occurrence of chattering phenomena, and achieve rapid transient response. A novel adaptive fault tolerant Sliding Mode Control (SMC) approach is developed to address the challenges provided by uncertainties and actuator defects in real robotics tasks. Originality. The present work combined the AFT2FTSMC algorithm in order to give robust controllers for trajectory tracking of manipulator’s robot in presence parameters uncertainties, external disturbance, and faults. We use an adaptive fuzzy logic system to estimate the robot’s timevarying, nonlinear, and unfamiliar dynamics. A strong adaptive term is created to counteract actuator defects and approximation errors while also guaranteeing the convergence and stability of the entire robot control system. Novelty. The implemented controller effectively mitigates the chattering problem while maintaining the tracking precision and robustness of the system. The stability analysis has been conducted using the Lyapunov approach. Results. Numerical simulation and capability comparison with other control strategies show the effectiveness of the developed control algorithm. References 53, table 1, figures 8.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2025-01-02), Robust adaptive fuzzy type-2 fast terminal sliding mode control of robot manipulators in attendance of actuator faults and payload variation, Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, Vol:2025, Issue:1, pages:31-38, Аnatolii Pidhornyi Institute of Power Machines and Systems of NAS of Ukraine
- 2025-01-02
Type-2 fuzzy logic controller-based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic system
Photovoltaic (PV) systems play a crucial role in converting solar energy into electricity, but their efficiency is highly influenced by environmental factors such as irradiance and temperature. To optimize power output, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques are used. This paper introduces a novel approach utilizing a Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller (T2FLC) for MPPT in PV systems. The novelty of the proposed work lies in the development of a T2FLC that offers enhanced adaptability by managing a higher degree of uncertainty, we introduce an original method that calculates the error between the output voltage and a dynamically derived reference voltage, which is obtained using a mathematical equation. This reference voltage adjusts in real-time based on changes in environmental conditions, allowing for more precise and stable MPPT performance. The purpose of this paper is to design and validate the effectiveness of a T2FLC-based MPPT technique for PV systems. This approach seeks to enhance power extraction efficiency in response to dynamic environmental factors such as changing irradiance and temperature. The methods used in this study involve the implementation of T2FLC to adjust the duty cycle of a DC-DC converter for continuous and precise MPPT. The system was simulated under various environmental conditions, comparing the performance of T2FLC against T1FLC. The results show that the T2FLC MPPT system significantly outperforms traditional methods in terms of tracking speed, stability, and power efficiency. T2FLC demonstrated faster convergence to the MPP, reduced oscillations, and higher accuracy in rapidly changing environmental conditions. The findings of this study confirm the practical value of T2FLC logic in improving the efficiency and stability of PV systems, making it a promising solution for enhancing renewable energy technologies. References 33, tables 4, figures 10.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2025-01-02), Type-2 fuzzy logic controller-based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic system, Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, Vol:2025, Issue:1, pages:16-22, Аnatolii Pidhornyi Institute of Power Machines and Systems of NAS of Ukraine
- 2024-12-09
Real-Time HIL Implementation of Integrated Wind Turbine and DSIG System
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-12-09), Real-Time HIL Implementation of Integrated Wind Turbine and DSIG System,1st National Conference of Advanced Systems in Electrical Engineering (NCASEE'24),University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria
- 2024-12-09
Real-Time HIL Implementation of Integrated Wind Turbine and DSIG System
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-12-09), Real-Time HIL Implementation of Integrated Wind Turbine and DSIG System,1st National Conference of Advanced Systems in Electrical Engineering (NCASEE'24),,University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria.
- 2024-12-08
This paper presents a new improved fault-tolerant Control of doubly fed induction generator based on a projection approach in the presence of several faults using a model reference adaptive system (MRAS). The classical Vector control strategy for DFIG is widely recognized and extensively utilized due to its simplicity and straightforward implementation. However, this VC method often suffer from power and current fluctuation, commonly known as ripples, which can impact their overall performance. To overcome these drawbacks of the classical VC control, , a combination of VC control and iterative learning control is described,The goal of this study is to create a new strategy that can identify the existence of a fault and switch itself between a vector control method and VC-ILC approach implemented to compensate rotor and stator faults. The MRAS observer is employed to assess the residual vector's dynamics, which represents the
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-12-08), FAULT TOLERANT CONTROL BASED ON SLIDING MODE CONTROLLER FOR DOUBLE FED INDUCTION GENERATOR,16th International scientific reasearch congress,Adana-Turkiye
- 2024-11-24
HIL Implementation using DSIG in Wind Energy Conversion system
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-11-24), HIL Implementation using DSIG in Wind Energy Conversion system,The 2nd national conference on electronics,electrical engineering,telecommunications, and computer vision,Mila.Algeria
- 2024-11-19
SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system
Tuning the PI and backstepping (BS) controllers is a critical issue for ensuring good tracking performance and stable operation of the wind turbine based on dual-stator induction generator (WT-DSIG) systems. However, no existing research has yet comprehensively tuned the control parameters. Therefore, this paper proposes an innovative tuning method using the subtraction-average-based optimizer (SABO) to ensure optimal PI and backstepping controller parameters tuning. The optimally tuned controllers-based field-oriented control (FOC) scheme is applied for a WT-DSIG system. This research aims to offer an easy and effective method for optimal tuning of the control parameters, which contributes to improving the control performance, hence the WT-DSIG system’s stability. The proposed method is superior to the existing techniques, as it uses the SABO, a metaheuristic stochastic algorithm, to simultaneously optimize the natural frequencies of the flux, speed, and current PI controllers and the backstepping controller’s gains. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed control approach, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation is carried out using the PLECS/RT-Box real-time simulator. The HIL findings through comparative study further confirm the superiority of the optimally designed controllers over the conventional techniques, highlighting significant enhancements in dynamic, steady state, THD, and time-integral performance criteria, ISE, and IAE.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2024-11-19), SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system, Electrical Engineering, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-17, springer
- 2024-11-18
HIL platform for Wind Turbine system based on DSIG controlled by backstepping
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-11-18), HIL platform for Wind Turbine system based on DSIG controlled by backstepping,8th National Colloquium on lnductics: University-lndustry,M'Sila-Algeria
- 2024-11-17
HIL platform for Wind Turbine system based on DSIG controlled by backstepping
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-11-17), HIL platform for Wind Turbine system based on DSIG controlled by backstepping,8th national colloquium on inductics university-industry,M'sila.Algeria
- 2024-11-04
Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control with Chattering Elimination Considering the Actuator Faults and External Disturbances for Trajectory Tracking of 4Y Octocopter Aircraft
This paper presents a control strategy for a 4Y octocopter aircraft that is influenced by multiple actuator faults and external disturbances. The approach relies on a disturbance observer, adaptive type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control scheme, and type-1 fuzzy inference system. The proposed control approach is distinct from other tactics for controlling unmanned aerial vehicles because it can simultaneously compensate for actuator faults and external disturbances. The suggested control technique incorporates adaptive control parameters in both continuous and discontinuous control components. This enables the production of appropriate control signals to manage actuator faults and parametric uncertainties without relying only on the robust discontinuous control approach of sliding mode control. Additionally, a type-1 fuzzy logic system is used to build a fuzzy hitting control law to eliminate the occurrence of chattering phenomena on the integral sliding mode control. In addition, in order to keep the discontinuous control gain in sliding mode control at a small value, a nonlinear disturbance observer is constructed and integrated to mitigate the influence of external disturbances. Moreover, stability analysis of the proposed control method using Lyapunov theory showcases its potential to uphold system tracking performance and minimize tracking errors under specified conditions. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control strategy can significantly reduce the chattering effect and provide accurate trajectory tracking in the presence of actuator faults. Furthermore, the efficacy of the recommended control strategy is shown by comparative simulation results of 4Y octocopter under different failing and uncertain settings.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2024-11-04), Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control with Chattering Elimination Considering the Actuator Faults and External Disturbances for Trajectory Tracking of 4Y Octocopter Aircraft, Processes, Vol:12, Issue:1, pages:1-29, MDPI
- 2024-10-19
SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system
Tuning the PI and backstepping (BS) controllers is a critical issue for ensuring good tracking performance and stable operation of the wind turbine based on dual-stator induction generator (WT-DSIG) systems. However, no existing research has yet comprehensively tuned the control parameters. Therefore, this paper proposes an innovative tuning method using the subtraction-average-based optimizer (SABO) to ensure optimal PI and backstepping controller parameters tuning. The optimally tuned controllers-based field-oriented control (FOC) scheme is applied for a WT-DSIG system. This research aims to offer an easy and effective method for optimal tuning of the control parameters, which contributes to improving the control performance, hence the WT-DSIG system’s stability. The proposed method is superior to the existing techniques, as it uses the SABO, a metaheuristic stochastic algorithm, to simultaneously optimize the natural frequencies of the flux, speed, and current PI controllers and the backstepping controller’s gains. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed control approach, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation is carried out using the PLECS/RT-Box real-time simulator. The HIL findings through comparative study further confirm the superiority of the optimally designed controllers over the conventional techniques, highlighting significant enhancements in dynamic, steady state, THD, and time-integral performance criteria, ISE, and IAE.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2024-10-19), SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system, Electrical Engineering, Vol:2024, Issue:2024, pages:17, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024
- 2024-07-19
Comparative Analysis between Adaptive type-1 Fuzzy Field-Oriented Control and hybrid Sliding Mode-Backstepping Control of a Double Star Induction Machine (DSIM)
In this work we have opted for a comparative study between two different control strategies for the double star induction machine (DSIM). The DSIM is fed by two cascaded two-level voltage inverter using the pulse-width modulation (PWM) control strategy. The two hybrid nonlinear controls studied and applied are increasingly oriented towards the application of modern control techniques, the first is the Adaptive type-1 Fuzzy Field-Oriented Control based on PI regulators by rotor flux orientation and uses a rotor flux estimator and with a hybrid control on sliding mode control synthesized by backstepping, to regulate the speed of a dual star induction machine DSIM in order to compare the performances of the system using these two control methods.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-07-19), Comparative Analysis between Adaptive type-1 Fuzzy Field-Oriented Control and hybrid Sliding Mode-Backstepping Control of a Double Star Induction Machine (DSIM),12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING,Istanbul-Turkey
- 2024-07-19
Parallel Active Filter Analysis, Control, and Diagnosis
In this work we expose the problem of current degradation in electrical installations, which arises directly from the proliferation of non-linear loads, to solve it, we used a two-level inverter as a parallel active filter, which injects harmonic currents at the connection point with a compensation method called the instantaneous active and reactive power method. The second part in this work we are interested in the problems of detection and localization of some faults in a voltage inverter used as a parallel active filter which is intended for the filtering of harmonic currents with the compensation of reactive energy. To do this, a series of simulation tests, for the different defects considered, must be carried out in order to extract the different information contained in the electrical signals from the inverter.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-07-19), Parallel Active Filter Analysis, Control, and Diagnosis,12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING,Istanbul,Turkiye
- 2024-06-14
Robust Fault-Tolerant Control of a Five-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor under an Open-Circuit Fault
This paper introduces a robust fault-tolerant control (FTC) for a five-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (FPPMSM) affected by the third harmonic under an open-circuit fault (OCF). Using field-oriented control, the proposed method demonstrates how to achieve optimal current references for torque decoupling under healthy and faulty conditions. The proposed speed and current loop controllers are based on sliding mode control (SMC), with a nonlinear extended state observer (NESO) that utilizes a hyperbolic tangent function (HTF) to provide feed-forward compensation to the controllers. The results analysis confirmed that the proposed control could enhance the tracking accuracy and robustness to disturbances under various conditions, substantially reducing torque ripples and speed fluctuations under a fault.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2024-06-14), Robust Fault-Tolerant Control of a Five-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor under an Open-Circuit Fault, Applied Sciences, Vol:14, Issue:1, pages:1-20, MDPI
- 2024-05-08
Robust Control Based on Adaptative Fuzzy Control of Double-Star Permanent Synchronous Motor Supplied by PWM Inverters for Electric Propulsion of Ships
This study presents the development of an adaptive fuzzy control strategy for double-star PMSM-PWM inverters used in ship electrical propulsion. The approach addresses the current and speed tracking challenges of double-star permanent magnet synchronous motors (DSPMSMs) in the presence of parametric uncertainties. Initially, a modeling technique employing a matrix transformation method is introduced, generating decoupled and independent star windings to eliminate inductive couplings, while maintaining model consistency and torque control. The precise DSPMSM model serves as the foundation for an unknown nonlinear backstepping controller, approximated directly using an adaptive fuzzy controller. Through the Lyapunov direct method, system stability is demonstrated. All signals in the closed-loop system are ensured to be uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB). The proposed control system aims for low tracking errors, while also mitigating the impact of parametric uncertainties. The effectiveness of the adaptive fuzzy nonlinear control system is validated through tests conducted in hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations, utilizing the OPAL-RT platform, OP4510.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2024-05-08), Robust Control Based on Adaptative Fuzzy Control of Double-Star Permanent Synchronous Motor Supplied by PWM Inverters for Electric Propulsion of Ships, mathematics, Vol:12, Issue:1, pages:1-27, MDPI
- 2024-04-05
Robust adaptive backstepping neural networks fault tolerant control for mobile manipulator UAV with multiple uncertainties
The present study outlines the development of an Adaptive Backstepping Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Fault Tolerant Control (ABRBFNNFTC) methodology. The aforementioned methodology is employed to address the challenge of achieving trajectory following in the context of a Mobile Manipulator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MMUAV) when subjected to the effects of actuator faults and parametric uncertainties. The utilization of an adaptive radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) controller is employed for the purpose of approximating an unidentified nonlinear backstepping controller that relies on the precise model of the MMUAV. The Lyapunov direct method is utilized to establish the stability analysis of the entire system. The closed-loop system guarantees the Uniformly Ultimately Bounded (UUB) stability of all signals. The control methodology put forth ensures the achievement of a prescribed trajectory, and mitigates the impact of uncertainties and actuator faults. The efficiency of the proposed ABRBFNNFTC scheme is demonstrated through the presentation of extensive simulation studies.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2024-04-05), Robust adaptive backstepping neural networks fault tolerant control for mobile manipulator UAV with multiple uncertainties, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol:218, Issue:1, pages:556-585, Elsevier
- 2023-09-19
Fault tolerant control of two tanks system using gain-scheduled type-2 fuzzy sliding mode controller
To save the robustness of type 2 fuzzy logic control technique and to avoid the high energy consumption that represents the sliding mode control (SMC) technique control technique, without failing the performance of the system, we propose a new fault tolerant control method based on gain-scheduled sliding mode control with interval type 2 fuzzy logic (FTCGST2FSMC) applied to the hydraulic system (two tanks system) with an actuator fault. The proposed control scheme avoids a difficult modeling, due to the chatter effect of the SMC, guarantees the stability studied by Lyapunov with the robustness of the system. The gains of the control with the SMC controller are modified and changed by an adaptation with a technique based on type 2 fuzzy logic, used to improve the gains of the controller when the fault is added, the proposed FTCGST2FSMC controller has been compared with the sliding mode controller. The results obtained confirm the robustness and the performance of this method, in the presence of the actuator fault effect.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2023-09-19), Fault tolerant control of two tanks system using gain-scheduled type-2 fuzzy sliding mode controller, IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), Vol:12, Issue:3, pages:10, IAES
- 2023-08-21
This work presents a new Fault Tolerant Control approach for a doubly fed induction generator using Iterative Learning Control when the fault occurs. The goal of this research is to apply the proposed ILC controller in conjunction with vector control for doubly fed induction generator to enhance its reliability and availability under broken rotor bars. However, the performances of classical VC control are often characterized by their inability to deal with the effects of faults. To overcome these drawbacks, a combination of VC control and iterative learning control is described. The input control signal of the VC controller is gradually regulated by the ILC harmonic compensator in order to eliminate the faults effect. The improvement of this approach related to active and reactive power ripples overshoot and response time have been explained. Which active and reactive power response time have been reduced more than 84% and 87.5 % respectively. The active and reactive power overshoots have been reduced about 45% and 35% respectively. The obtained results emphasize the efficiency and the ability of the proposed FTC to enhance the power quality in faulty condition.
- 2023-08-21
A New Improved Control for Power Quality Enhancement in Double Fed Induction Generator using Iterative Learning Control
This work presents a new Fault Tolerant Control approach for a doubly fed induction generator using Iterative Learning Control when the fault occurs. The goal of this research is to apply the proposed ILC controller in conjunction with vector control for doubly fed induction generator to enhance its reliability and availability under broken rotor bars. However, the performances of classical VC control are often characterized by their inability to deal with the effects of faults. To overcome these drawbacks, a combination of VC control and iterative learning control is described. The input control signal of the VC controller is gradually regulated by the ILC harmonic compensator in order to eliminate the faults effect. The improvement of this approach related to active and reactive power ripples overshoot and response time have been explained. Which active and reactive power response time have been reduced more than 84% and 87.5 % respectively. The active and reactive power overshoots have been reduced about 45% and 35% respectively. The obtained results emphasize the efficiency and the ability of the proposed FTC to enhance the power quality in faulty condition.
HEMZA Mekki , oussama djaidja , SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , , (2023-08-21), A New Improved Control for Power Quality Enhancement in Double Fed Induction Generator using Iterative Learning Control, DIAGNOSTYKA, Vol:24, Issue:3, pages:1-8, Licensee Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics (Warsaw. Poland).
- 2023-08-17
Nointeracting Adaptive Type 2 Fuzzy Second Order Sliding Mode Control for Helicopter Like Subject to External Perturbations
In this paper, an Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Second-order Sliding mode Control (AT2FSOSMC) is developed for Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS) in robust path following versus wind effects. Firstly, the dynamical modelling of the TRMS is carried out. Secondly, a hybrid type-2 fuzzy adaptive control is applied to the TRMS, Thirdly, asymptotic stability is proved by utilizing Lyapunov approach. The proposed control is introduced to the TRMS with 2 degree of freedom (DOF) configuration, where the decoupling step is not requiring. Practical results show good trajectory following capability of the developed controller in attendance of external perturbations and wind effects.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2023-08-17), Nointeracting Adaptive Type 2 Fuzzy Second Order Sliding Mode Control for Helicopter Like Subject to External Perturbations,11th International Conference on Advanced Technologies ICAT-2023,Istanbul,Turkiye
- 2023-07-10
Performances of Robust Sliding Mode with Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for Dual Star Induction Motor
To ensure the proper control of the system of doubly star induction motor (DSIM), a novel proposed scheme control using the technique sliding mode via Type-2 Fuzzy logic (T2FSMC) for to control the speed of a DSIM, to make guarantee the performance robustness and stability of the machine model. An appropriate combination of the sliding mode controller (SMC) improved by the type-2 fuzzy logic is adopted for approximate the second step discontinuous control of SMC to get better with high accuracy the robustness of the DSIM control systems and can eliminates the chattering effect. The dynamic system of the machine is modeled, simulated and validated in Simulink by MATLAB, behavior, the modeling details and the simulations results obtained are presented described in detail after.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2023-07-10), Performances of Robust Sliding Mode with Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for Dual Star Induction Motor,International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (ICNSC23),Istanbul,Turkye
- 2023-07-10
Backstepping fault-tolerant control for a Satlan system with actuator fault
This paper presents the fault tolerant control for a satellite (Satlan system) based on backstepping theory with actuator fault can be modeled by a step signal (additive fault). After dynamic modeling and system state modeling, we presented the technique of the backstepping control. We presented the actuator fault by augmentation in the control of this system. The proposed FTC is able to maintain acceptable performance in the control law and guarantees robustness against uncertainties and external disturbances. A comparative study is made between the proposed fault tolerance control and the PID control technique in the presence of actuator fault. The results obtained show that the proposed FTC has better robustness against actuator fault where the Satlan system operates with acceptable performance.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2023-07-10), Backstepping fault-tolerant control for a Satlan system with actuator fault,(hybrid ) International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (ICNSC23),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2023-07-10
Passive fault-tolerant control method based on feedback linearization control technique of two tanks system
The aim of this paper is to develop a passive actuator fault-tolerant control law for a highly nonlinear hydraulic system with two reservoirs using the feedback linearization control (FLC). You start by modeling this system with state space and presenting the theory of this command. We presented the actuator fault (additive fault) by augmentation in the law control. The passive fault-tolerant control method based on feedback linearization control technique (PFTCFLC) are implemented to the two tanks system, their performance is compared with the PID control technique. The results of the study demonstrate the superior performance of the PFTCFLC technique in regulating the level of the hydraulic system, indicating its robustness and fault tolerance.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Keltoum LOUKAL , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2023-07-10), Passive fault-tolerant control method based on feedback linearization control technique of two tanks system,(hybrid ) International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (ICNSC23),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2023-07-07
Power Quality Enhancement in Double Fed Induction Generator Using Iterative Learning Control
This paper presents a combination of the proposed Sliding Mode Control and a newly developed iterative learning control technique for harmonic compensation for the fault’s effect to adjust the active and reactive power to their desired references. The classical SMC cannot deal with the effect of the faults that can achieve graceful system degradation. Indeed, when there are significant disturbances, the input control signal of the SM controller is gradually adjusted by the ILC harmonic compensator in order to reject the disruptive harmonics effectively. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested SMC-ILC in terms of active and reactive power responses. The obtained results illustrate that the SMC-ILC strategy is valid and capable of ensuring a ripple-free operation in the presence of faults. The proposed controller is characterized by its simple design, robustness, and efficiency, which are convincing for practical application and may be used as a solution to the current Fault Tolerant Control.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2023-07-07), Power Quality Enhancement in Double Fed Induction Generator Using Iterative Learning Control, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, Vol:99, Issue:7, pages:41-48, Oldest magazine of Polish electrician
- 2023-07-01
Power Quality Enhancement in Double Fed Induction Generator Using Iterative Learning Control
This paper presents a combination of the proposed Sliding Mode Control and a newly developed iterative learning control technique for harmonic compensation for the fault’s effect to adjust the active and reactive power to their desired references. The classical SMC cannot deal with the effect of the faults that can achieve graceful system degradation. Indeed, when there are significant disturbances, the input control signal of the SM controller is gradually adjusted by the ILC harmonic compensator in order to reject the disruptive harmonics effectively. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested SMC-ILC in terms of active and reactive power responses. The obtained results illustrate that the SMC-ILC strategy is valid and capable of ensuring a ripple-free operation in the presence of faults. The proposed controller is characterized by its simple design, robustness, and efficiency, which are convincing for practical application and may be used as a solution to the current Fault Tolerant Control.
HEMZA Mekki , oussama djaidja , SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , , (2023-07-01), Power Quality Enhancement in Double Fed Induction Generator Using Iterative Learning Control, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, Vol:99, Issue:7, pages:41-48, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097
- 2023-06-01
Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Control for 2-DOF Laboratory Helicopter System with Improved Tracking Performance
In this paper, a Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Control (RAFBC) is applied to electromechanical system which called Twin Rotor Multi Input Multi Output System (TRMS) in order to follow the desired trajectory. This strategy yields robustness to various kinds of uncertainties and guaranteed stability of the closed-loop control system. The adaptive laws have been used in order to ameliorate the robustness against uncertainties, wind effects and external disturbances. The stability of system in the closed-loop has been demonstrated using Lyapunov method. In the control design, type 2 fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate the unknown functions. Hybrid adaptive robust tracking control schemes that are based upon a combination of bounds of type 2 fuzzy approximation parameters and the backstepping design are developed such that all the states and signals are bounded and the proposed approach alleviate the online computation burden and improves the robustness to dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances. In addition, the coupling effects between the horizontal and vertical subsystems of TRMS are considered as uncertainties. Thus, precise trajectory tracking is maintained under various operational conditions with the presence of various types of uncertainties. Unlike other controllers, the proposed control algorithm can estimate model uncertainties online and improve the robustness of the system. Experimental tests were carried out and the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs well in tracking and under model uncertainties.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2023-06-01), Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Control for 2-DOF Laboratory Helicopter System with Improved Tracking Performance, International Review of Automatic Control, Vol:16, Issue:2, pages:76-91, Praise Worthy Prize
- 2023-05-18
Optimization of PI Controller Parameters by GWO Algorithm for Five-Phase Asynchronous Motor
Operation at low speed and high torque can lead to the generation of strong ripples in the speed, which can deteriorate the system. To reduce the speed oscillations when operating a five-phase asynchronous motor at low speed, in this article, we propose a control method based on Gray Wolf optimization (GWO) algorithms to adjust the parameters of proportional–integral (PI) controllers. Proportional–integral controllers are commonly used in control systems to regulate the speed and current of a motor. The controller parameters, such as the integral gain and proportional gain, can be adjusted to improve the control performance. Specifically, reducing the integral gain can help reduce the oscillations at low speeds. The proportional–integral controller is insensitive to parametric variations; however, when we employ a GWO optimization strategy based on PI controller parameters, and when we choose gains wisely, the system becomes more reliable. The obtained results show that the hybrid control of the five-phase induction motor (IM) offers high performance in the permanent and transient states. In addition, with this proposed strategy controller, disturbances do not affect motor performance.
Malika FODIL , ALI Djerioui , MOHAMED Ladjal , HEMZA Mekki , SAMIR Zeghlache , Abdelhakim Saim, Fouad.Berrabah.@univ-msila.dz, Azeddine Houari, Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris, , (2023-05-18), Optimization of PI Controller Parameters by GWO Algorithm for Five-Phase Asynchronous Motor, Energies, Vol:16, Issue:10, pages:1-14, Licence MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
- 2023-04-16
Optimization of PI Controller Parameters by GWO Algorithm for Five-Phase Asynchronous Motor
Operation at low speed and high torque can lead to the generation of strong ripples in the speed, which can deteriorate the system. To reduce the speed oscillations when operating a five-phase asynchronous motor at low speed, in this article, we propose a control method based on Gray Wolf optimization (GWO) algorithms to adjust the parameters of proportional–integral (PI) controllers. Proportional–integral controllers are commonly used in control systems to regulate the speed and current of a motor. The controller parameters, such as the integral gain and proportional gain, can be adjusted to improve the control performance. Specifically, reducing the integral gain can help reduce the oscillations at low speeds. The proportional–integral controller is insensitive to parametric variations; however, when we employ a GWO optimization strategy based on PI controller parameters, and when we choose gains wisely, the system becomes more reliable. The obtained results show that the hybrid control of the five-phase induction motor (IM) offers high performance in the permanent and transient states. In addition, with this proposed strategy controller, disturbances do not affect motor performance.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2023-04-16), Optimization of PI Controller Parameters by GWO Algorithm for Five-Phase Asynchronous Motor, Energies, Vol:16, Issue:10, pages:1-14, MDPI
- 2023
Modified bald eagle search algorithm for lithium-ion battery model parameters extraction
Bald eagle search algorithm (BES) is a recent metaheuristic algorithm based on bald eagle hunting behavior. Like other metaheuristic algorithms, the BES algorithm is prone to entangle in local optimums due to limited diversity, sluggish convergence rate, or improper equilibrium between exploitation and exploration. Thus, adaptive parameters are injected into the original BES to overcome these shortcomings. These parameters are a function of the current and the max number of iterations. They provide the eagle with more diversity during the exploration and exploitation phases. The modified BES is tested on test functions provided by Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2020 and Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2022. The obtained results are compared to that of other reliable and recent algorithms. In addition, analysis of variance and Tuckey tests are utilized to confirm the results’ significance. Due to its benefits, lithium-ion batteries are employed in more and more applications. However, extracting its parameters is challenging due to its complex model. Hence, the proposed algorithm will handle this task to approve its performance in complex problems. The significant benefit of this extraction method is its excellent precision, with fitness value declining (root mean square error) to 0.89 × 10−3 compared to the original BES (1.013 × 10−3) with a standard deviation of 1.12 × 10−3. To confirm the performance of mBES, a second battery was tested with the New European Driving Cycle profile. The mBES has the lowest fitness values (0.058896) and the least standard deviation (5.89 × 10−7).
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2023), Modified bald eagle search algorithm for lithium-ion battery model parameters extraction, ISA Transactions, Vol:134, Issue:1, pages:1-21, Elsevier
- 2023
Integral backstepping-ILC controller for suppressing circulating currents in parallel-connected photovoltaic inverters
In big solar plants where the use of a single inverter is neither economically or technically feasible, parallel linked photovoltaic inverters are necessary. For parallel-connected operation, the most significant issue is that even a slight variation in the output voltages of particular inverters results flow of circulating currents. A high level of circulation current causes inverter power losses to increase, which lowers the system's overall performance by decreasing its efficiency. In this paper, a novel simple and effective controller for parallel-connected inverters is proposed to ovoid the circulating currents among the inverters. Convergence efficiency and low computational cost of the suggested controller based on integral backstepping method are the primary motivations of this work. The simulation and experimental findings show that the suggested control system achieves the required power quality and reduces circulation current under various loading situations.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , Soumia Kerrouche, Azeddine Houari, Abdelhakim Saim, Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris, , (2023), Integral backstepping-ILC controller for suppressing circulating currents in parallel-connected photovoltaic inverters, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol:123, Issue:2, pages:1-20, Elsevier
- 2023
Adaptive fuzzy fast terminal sliding mode control for inverted pendulum-cart system with actuator faults
In this work, the adaptive fuzzy fast terminal sliding mode control (AFFTSMC) is used to create a robust fault-tolerant control system for the care and swing-up control problem of the inverted pendulum-cart system is developed in the presence of actuator faults and external disturbances. The proposed controller has the benefit of the fast terminal sliding mode control (FTSMC) method to guarantee faults and uncertainties compensation, small tracking error, chattering phenomenon reduction, and fast transient response. To compensate for the uncertainties and actuator faults effects that can happen in practical tasks of an inverted pendulum-cart system, a new adaptive FTSMC method is proposed, where the prior knowledge of external perturbation and uncertainties is not required. In addition, the developed controller reduces the chattering phenomenon without disappearing the tracking precision and robustness property. Stability demonstration has been effectuated utilizing Lyapunov method. Practical results prove the efficiency of the suggested control algorithm.
SAMIR Zeghlache , MOHAMMED ZINELAABIDINE GHELLAB , ALI Djerioui , Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris, , (2023), Adaptive fuzzy fast terminal sliding mode control for inverted pendulum-cart system with actuator faults, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol:209, Issue:4, pages:1-30, Elsevier
- 2022
FTC design based on projection approach applied to DFIG
FTC design based on projection approach applied to DFIG
HEMZA Mekki , SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , ossama.djaidja@univ-msila.dz, ,(2022), FTC design based on projection approach applied to DFIG,4th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM),Tunis, Tunisia
- 2022
Twin Rotor MIMO System Experimental Validation of Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control Against Wind Effects
In this article, an adaptive fuzzy control (AFC) is synthesized to stabilize the twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS), to impose then its beam to follow accurately a desired signal or to reach reference positions in 2 DOF. The stability system in the closed-loop has been proved using Lyapunov method, in which all adaptive laws have been generated in order to improve the robustness versus wind gusts, external disturbances, and uncertainties. In addition, the developed control method does not require to decouple the TRMS into main and tail subsystems. Experimental implementation shows the capability of the developed control algorithm.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2022), Twin Rotor MIMO System Experimental Validation of Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control Against Wind Effects, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:409-419, IEEE
- 2022
Active Fault Tolerant Control based on Backstepping Controller and Non Linear Adaptive Observer for Double Star Induction Machine
This paper presents an active fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy based on the estimated fault information for a double star induction machine (DSIM) to compensate for faults effects and thus improve the reliability and availability of the machine. The DSIM is powered by two three-phase voltage source inverters (VSI) using pulse width modulation (PWM). A defective dynamic model of DSIM in the rotating synchronous d-q frame with a fieldoriented control strategy is developed. The proposed FTC design is based on a backstepping control (BSC) using a nonlinear Thau observer with an adaptive fault estimation law. The Thau observer is used for fault detection and fault reconstruction at the same time. After that, the estimation value of the faults effect is introduced directly into the control law in order to guarantee the stability of the machine in post fault. The sufficient condition for the stability of the closed-loop system (machine + observer) in faulty operation is analyzed and verified using Lyapunov theory. Finally, the efficiency and robustness of the proposed FTC approach are validated in steady state by a numerical simulation developed in MATLAB / Simulink. Obtained results show that the proposed FTC provides a strong fault tolerance where all closed-loop system signals are bounded and errors converge to a small neighborhood of the origin. Simulation results in healthy and faulty conditions confirm the reliability of the suggested framework.
SAMIR Zeghlache , FOUAD Berrabah , ALI Djerioui , Badreddine Ladjal, Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris, , (2022), Active Fault Tolerant Control based on Backstepping Controller and Non Linear Adaptive Observer for Double Star Induction Machine, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:15, Issue:3, pages:587-600, INASS (The Intelligent Networks And Systems Society)
- 2022
Optimal control and implementation of energy management strategy for a DC microgrid
This paper proposes an optimal energy management strategy (EMS) for DC microgrid. The studied system presents a commercial building power system that combines a photovoltaic array (PV), fuel cell (FC), a battery storage system and a bidirectional DC/AC grid converter. The integration of multiple power sources like renewables leads to techno-economical challenges including power quality, stability, fuel consumption, and efficiency. The proposed EMS is based on the salp swarm algorithm (SSA). This algorithm has been implemented because of considerable advantages such as its convergence properties and its reduced computing complexity. The step-by-step design of the proposed method is detailed. Then HIL tests are performed to validate the proposed EMS performances. The performance of the proposed EMS is compared with the state machine control strategy (SMC) in terms of system efficiency and fuel consumption where the obtained results prove the superiority of the proposed EMS (5.2 % fuel saving). Regarding the power quality, the proposed EMS is compared with EMS based PSO to investigate the optimizer influence, the obtained results confirm the ability of the proposed EMS to provide a superior power quality. Hence, the proposed EMS responds to the power systems challenges including power quality, fuel-saving and efficiency.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2022), Optimal control and implementation of energy management strategy for a DC microgrid, Energy, Vol:238, Issue:1, pages:1-26, Elsevier
- 2022
Fuzzy Adaptive Gains Fault Tolerant Control Based on Feedback Linearization of the Two Tanks System
Abstract—To keep the robustness and the advantage of the fuzzy logic control technique and to reduce the high energy level of the feedback linearization technique, we propose a new FTC method based on the feedback linearization control (FLC) with adaptive gains with fuzzy logic (FTCFAGFLC) applied to the two tanks coupled system with an actuator fault. The proposed control scheme makes the hybridization between the two techniques, intelligent and guarantees the stability studied by the feedback linearization technique. An adaptation with a fuzzy technique adjusted the parameter of the FLC used to adjust the controller gains in real-time and the proposed FTCFAGFLC was compared to the FLC. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method in the presence of the actuator fault effect.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2022), Fuzzy Adaptive Gains Fault Tolerant Control Based on Feedback Linearization of the Two Tanks System,The 2022 InternationalThe 2022 International Conference of advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),University Mohamed Boudiaf- M'sila, Algeria
- 2022
Fuzzy Gains-scheduled Actuator Fault-Tolerant Control Comparative Study for Two Tanks Level System
The aim of this work is to develop the actuator fault-tolerant control laws based on fuzzy logic applied to the model of a hydraulic system (tow tanks system) which is highly nonlinear. After dynamic modeling and system state modeling, we presented the theory of the two commands used in this work. First, we proposed a feedback linearization control (FLC), then we approached a synthesis of the controls with sliding mode control (SMC), The proposed methods make the hybridization between the two techniques, with the fuzzy technique, this last used to adjust the gains of the FLC and the SMC, finally a comparative study between these control laws and the performances of each and a discussion in a brief general conclusion.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2022), Fuzzy Gains-scheduled Actuator Fault-Tolerant Control Comparative Study for Two Tanks Level System,2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences,Konya, TURKEY
- 2022
Field Oriented Control Technique of a Wind System based on a Dual Stator Induction Generator
The objective of this work is to remain constant of the DC bus, The dual stator induction generator (DSIG) supplies a variable load, in this study is to assess the suitability and performance of the control techniques which is field oriented control technique (FOC) with PI regulator, allows to achieve the desired performance. The proposed control strategy is validated by simulation in Matlab/Simulink
Khaled benzaoui , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , Mohammed boukhari , ayyoub.zeghlache@univ-msila.dz, ,(2022), Field Oriented Control Technique of a Wind System based on a Dual Stator Induction Generator,The 2022 InternationalThe 2022 International Conference of advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),M'sila, Algeria
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- 2021
Effective Fault Tolerant Control Design for Double Fed Induction Generator
Effective Fault Tolerant Control Design for Double Fed Induction Generator
HEMZA Mekki , oussama djaidja , SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , ,(2021), Effective Fault Tolerant Control Design for Double Fed Induction Generator,Ejons 13th International Conference on Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences,Nevşehir, Turkey
- 2021
Experimental validation of adaptive RBFNN global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control for twin rotor MIMO system against wind effects
In this paper, an Adaptive RBFNN global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control (ARBFNNGFDTSMC) is designed to situate the main and tail angles of a twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS). The control objective is to stabilize the TRMS in a reference position or follow a predefined trajectory. An adaptive RBFNN has been used in order to identified unknown nonlinear dynamics of the TRMS. In addition, another adaptive control expressions has been added to diminish the wind gusts, external disturbance effects, and to compensate the estimation errors of the adaptive RBFNN. Moreover, the stability analysis in closed-loop is assured by using Lyapunov method. The developed controller is applied to the TRMS with cross coupling between tail and main subsystems without decoupling procedure. Experimental results prove the good control tracking performance in presence of wind gusts and external disturbances.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2021), Experimental validation of adaptive RBFNN global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control for twin rotor MIMO system against wind effects, Measurement, Vol:168, Issue:1, pages:1-21, Elsevier
- 2021
Fault Tolerant Control Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Global Fast Dynamic Terminal Sliding Mode for Actuators Failures in an Octorotor UAV
This work presents a reliable fault-tolerant tracking control system (FTTCS) for actuator faults in a octorotor unmanned aerial vehicle. The proposed FTTCS is designed based on adaptive fuzzy global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control (AFGFDTSMC) that guarantees the global asymptotic stability of a octorotor system. To mitigate the negative impacts of model uncertainties and enhance system robustness in faulty operation, an adaptive fuzzy system is incorporated into the global fast dynamic terminal sliding mode control (GFDTSMC) scheme for adaptively identifying the model uncertainties online and compensate the actuator faults effect. Lyapunov stability analysis proofs that the developed control method design maintains the stability in the closed loop dynamics of octorotor UAV in faulty operation. Simulation results show that the proposed (FTTCS) enables the octorotor to track the desired reference commands in the presence of actuator faults with satisfactory performance.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2021), Fault Tolerant Control Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Global Fast Dynamic Terminal Sliding Mode for Actuators Failures in an Octorotor UAV, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:14, Issue:4, pages:190-203, INASS (The Intelligent Networks And Systems Society)
- 2021
Fault Tolerant Control of Robot Manipulators Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Type-2 Backstepping in Attendance of Payload Variation
In this study, an adaptive fuzzy type-2 backstepping controller (AFT2BC) has been proposed for an industrial PUMA560 manipulator robot with a variable load and actuator faults. The method realizes an accurate tracking of the trajectory at the end effectors of the manipulator and improves its robustness toward model uncertainty (payload variation) and actuator faults when controlling the position of the robot. By using the advantages of the backstepping control, the convergence speed of the control algorithm has been improved, and its steady-state error has been reduced. Also, integration of the continuous approximation law has been used to eliminate the real-time chattering during the control process without affecting the robustness of the system. A type-2 fuzzy adaptive control law has been designed in order to guaranty faults and uncertainties compensation, small tracking error, and fast transient response, where the prior knowledge of uncertainties and external disturbances is not required, without disappearing the tracking precision and robustness property. Finally, the stability of the controller has been proved by the Lyapunov theory, and comparative simulations in faulty operation are conducted to show the superiority of the developed control strategy.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2021), Fault Tolerant Control of Robot Manipulators Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Type-2 Backstepping in Attendance of Payload Variation, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:14, Issue:4, pages:312-325, INASS (The Intelligent Networks And Systems Society)
- 2021
Sampling Rate Optimization for Improving the Cascaded Integrator Comb Filter Characteristics
The cascaded integrator comb (CIC) filters are characterized by coefficient less and reduced hardware requirement, which make them an economical finite impulse response (FIR) class in many signal processing applications. They consist of an integrator section working at the high sampling rate and a comb section working at the low sampling rate. However, they don’t have well defined frequency response. To remedy this problem, several structures have been proposed but the performance is still unsatisfactory. Thence, this paper deals with the improvement of the CIC filter characteristics by optimizing its sampling rate. This solution increases the performance characteristics of CIC filters by improving the stopband attenuation and ripple as well as the passband droop. Also, this paper presents a comparison of the proposed method with some other existing structures such as the conventional CIC, the sharpened CIC, and the modified sharpened CIC filters, which has proven the effectiveness of the proposed method.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2021), Sampling Rate Optimization for Improving the Cascaded Integrator Comb Filter Characteristics, Traitement du Signal, Vol:38, Issue:1, pages:97-103, IIETA
- 2021
Fault Tolerant Control against Actuator Faults Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for a Quadrotor Aircraft
Fault-tolerant control (FTC) has earned increasing interest in the last few years for its reliability. A fault tolerant control system for operating a quadrotor aircraft in the presence of actuator faults and external disturbances is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the dynamic model of the quadrotor and types of actuator faults are presented. Secondly, an interval type-2- fuzzy sliding mode control (IT2FSMC) is proposed to stabilize the quadrotor if actuator faults occur. Compared to conventional sliding mode control (SMC), The results obtained confirm the validity and capabilities of the proposed FTC. Thirdly, by using the Lyapunov theory, asymptotic stability is confirmed. The efficiency of the proposed FTC is clarified by simulation results.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2021), Fault Tolerant Control against Actuator Faults Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for a Quadrotor Aircraft,2020 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Smart Environments for Health and Well-being (IHSH),Boumerdes, Algeria
- 2021
Optimal Adaptive Gain LQR-Based Energy Management Strategy for Battery–Supercapacitor Hybrid Power System
This paper aims at presenting an energy management strategy (EMS) based upon optimal control theory for a battery–supercapacitor hybrid power system. The hybrid power system consists of a lithium-ion battery and a supercapacitor with associated bidirectional DC/DC converters. The proposed EMS aims at computing adaptive gains using the salp swarm algorithm and load following control technique to assign the power reference for both the supercapacitor and the battery while achieving optimal performance and stable voltage. The DC/DC converter model is derived utilizing the first-principles method and computes the required gains to achieve the desired power. The fact that the developed algorithm takes disturbances into account increases the power elements’ life expectancies and supplies the power system with the required power.
SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2021), Optimal Adaptive Gain LQR-Based Energy Management Strategy for Battery–Supercapacitor Hybrid Power System, Energies, Vol:14, Issue:6, pages:1-26, MDPI
- 2020
A hybrid power system based on fuel cell, photovoltaic source and supercapacitor
In this study, we present an ameliorated power management method for dc microgrid. The importance of exploiting renewable energy has long been a controversial topic, and due to the advantages of DC over the AC type, a typical DC islanded micro-grid has been proposed in this paper. This typical microgrid is composed of two sources: fuel cell (FC), solar cell (PV) and one storage element [supercapacitor (SC)]. Here, we aimed to provide a management strategy that guarantees optimized bus voltage with arranged power-sharing between the sources. This proposed management aims to provide high-quality energy to the load under different loading conditions with variable solar irradiance, taking into account the FC state. Due to the slow dynamics of the FC, the SC was equipped to supply the transient period. A management algorithm is implemented to hold the DC bus voltage stable against the load variations. The management controller is based on differential flatness approach to generate the references. The DC bus is regulated by the SC energy; to reduce the fluctuations in the DC bus voltage, The PI controller is implemented. This proposed strategy reduces the voltage ripple in the DC bus. Moreover, it provides permanent supplying to the load with smooth behaviour over the sudden changes in the demand as depicted in the simulation results. Our study revealed that this proposed manager can be used for this kind of grids easily.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , Azeddine Houari, Seydali Ferahtia, , (2020), A hybrid power system based on fuel cell, photovoltaic source and supercapacitor, SN Applied Sciences, Vol:2, Issue:4, pages:1-11, springer
- 2020
Indirect vector controlled of an induction motor using H∞ current controller for IGBT open circuit fault compensation
The purpose of this paper is to design the robust fault-tolerant control FTC open-circuit fault IGBT's, first of all. The modeling and control of the induction motor in the healthy inverter and in the faulty inverter (open-circuit fault at the IGBT switch) are proposed. Furthermore, the technique for detection and location the open-circuit fault an IGBT based on the Park vector combined with the polar coordinate. In order to ensure the service continuity of the system, two methods of tolerance are developed: the first method, the indirect vector control with H∞ controller of the induction motor fed by a three-phase inverter based on the fault compensation. The second method, the indirect vector control of the induction motor fed by a three-phase inverter with the redundant leg. Finally, comparative study between the two techniques of tolerance is carried out. The performance of each technique is confirmed by experimental results.
SAMIR Zeghlache , BILAL DJAMAL EDDINE Cherif , ALI Djerioui , Sara Seninete, Amina Tamer, , (2020), Indirect vector controlled of an induction motor using H∞ current controller for IGBT open circuit fault compensation, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol:30, Issue:10, pages:1-16, wiley online library
- 2019
Energy management strategy of Supercapacitor/Fuel Cell energy storage devices for vehicle applications
This paper addresses the management of a Fuel Cell (FC) – Supercapacitor (SC) hybrid power source for Electric Vehicle (EV) applications. The FC presents the main energy source and it is sustained with SCs energy storages in order to increase the FC source lifespan by mitigating harmful current transients. For this aim, the reported work proposes a Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) for an efficient power management of the studied hybrid power system. The key idea of the proposed approach is to incorporate the benefit of the GWO in terms of fast optimization and convergence accuracy, in order to achieve efficient energy sources exploitation and provide the desired driving performances. Simulations and experimental results verify the validity of the proposed management algorithm.
ALI Djerioui , SAMIR Zeghlache , Azeddine Houari, Abdelhakim Saim, Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris, Tedjani Mesbahi, Mohamed Machmoum, , (2019), Energy management strategy of Supercapacitor/Fuel Cell energy storage devices for vehicle applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol:44, Issue:41, pages:23416-23428, Elsevier
- 2019
Fault-Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Controller for Double-Star Induction Machine
This paper presents a fault-tolerant control (FTC) strategy for double-star induction machine subject to stator and rotor faults. To steer the speed and the flux to their desired references, a nonlinear sliding mode controller (SMC) is designed. However, the proposed SMC can’t deal with the faults effect which can achieve graceful system degradation. In order to compensate the faults effect, an appropriate combination between the proposed SMC and a new developed fault detection and compensation block is made. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed FTC in terms of speed and flux responses using an estimator of rotor flux. Compared with SMC, the obtained results confirm the validity of the proposed FTC strategy and its ability to ensure a ripple-free operation when the fault occurs. In this kind of multiphase machines, the proposed controller is applied for the first time; its efficiency, robustness and simple design are promising for practical implementation and can be an alternative to the existing FTC.
ALI Djerioui , SAMIR Zeghlache , HEMZA Mekki , FOUAD Berrabah , Noureddine Layadi, Azeddine Houari, Jinlin Gong, , (2019), Fault-Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Controller for Double-Star Induction Machine, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol:0, Issue:0, pages:00, Springer Link
- 2019
This paper presents a new fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy for double star induction machine (DSIM) under stator and rotor faults. The proposed controller is developed in order to compensate the faults effect using a nonlinear backstepping controller combined with a novel fault detection and compensation block (FDCB) designed to on-line detect and compensate the faults. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed FTC in terms of speed and flux responses using an estimator of rotor flux. Compared with backstepping control, the obtained results confirm the validity of the proposed FTC and its ability to ensure a ripple-free operation when the fault occurs.
ALI Djerioui , SAMIR Zeghlache , FOUAD Berrabah , Noureddine LAYADI, Azeddine HOUARI, Mohammed-Fouad BENKHORIS, , (2019), NEW FAULT TOLERANT CONTROL BASED ON BACKSTEPPING CONTROLLER FOR DOUBLE STAR INDUCTION MACHINE, revue roumaine des sciences techniques série électrotechnique et énergétique, Vol:64, Issue:3, pages:275-280, ACADEMIA ROMANA
- 2019
Backstepping Fault Tolerant Control for Double Star Induction Machine under Broken Rotor Bars
In this paper a Passive Fault Tolerant Control (PFTC) based on non-linear backstepping control is proposed for a Double Star Induction Machine (DSIM) under Broken Rotor Bars (BRB) fault of a squirrel-cage in order to improve its reliability and availability. The proposed PFTC is able to maintain acceptable performance in the event of BRB. This control technique guarantees robustness against uncertainties and external disturbances and is also able to deal directly with faults by compensating for the effects of the BRB fault in the machine without prior knowledge on the fault, its location and its severity. The stability of the closed-loop is verified by the exploitation of the Lyapunov theory. a comparative study is made between the proposed Fault Tolerance Control (FTC) and Sliding Mode Control (SMC) for demonstrating the performance and effectiveness of the proposed controller. The results obtained show that the proposed FTC has a better robustness against the BRB fault where the DSIM operates with acceptable performance in both speed and torque.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , HEMZA Mekki , FOUAD Berrabah , Noureddine Layadi, Azeddine Houari, Mohamed-Fouad Benkhoris, , (2019), Backstepping Fault Tolerant Control for Double Star Induction Machine under Broken Rotor Bars, Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol:13, Issue:3, pages:59-68, BDPA Company
- 2019
Dynamic Modeling and Design of interval type-2 fuzzy sliding-mode controller of an Hexacopter UAV
The control of the hexarotor helicopter includes nonlinearities, uncertainties and external perturbations that should be considered in the design of control laws. This paper presents a control strategy for an underactuated six degrees of freedom (6 DOF) hexarotor helicopter, based on the coupling of the interval type-2 fuzzy logic (IT2FL) control and sliding mode control (SMC). The main purpose of this work is to eliminate the chattering phenomenon. To achieve our purpose we have used a IT2FL control to generate the hitting control signal, the results of our simulations indicate that the control performance of the hexacopter are satisfactory and the proposed
SAMIR Zeghlache , HEMZA Mekki , ALI Djerioui , ,(2019), Dynamic Modeling and Design of interval type-2 fuzzy sliding-mode controller of an Hexacopter UAV,International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS19),Turkey
- 2019
Speed Control of a Dual Star Induction Motor Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Sliding Mode Controller
In The paper proposes Interval Type-2 Fuzzy sliding mode controller (F2SMC) following on direct rotorique field oriented control (DRFOC), for to control the speed of a dual star induction machine (DSIM), to get stability and a robustness performance machine. An appropriate control strategy based on the hybrid controllers sliding mode and Type-2 Fuzzy controller are used to guaranteeing the a machine robust and stable to force the rotor speed to follow a desired reference signal. The simulations results obtained for F2SMC using Matlab/Simulink behavior are presented and discussed. Keywords-Type2fuzzy,slidingmode,hybridcontroller,DSIM,robust.
Hilal RAHALI , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2019), Speed Control of a Dual Star Induction Motor Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Sliding Mode Controller,5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (ICAME 2019),Istanbul
- 2019
This paper presents a comparison between an Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Gain Adaptive PI and a Conventional PI controllers used for speed control of an Electronically Commutated Motor (BrushLess DC Motor). In particular, the introduction of this paper presents a type 2 fuzzy logic Gain Adaptive PI controller of machines, in the first part we presents a description of the mathematical model of BLDCM, and an strategy method is proposed for the speed control of this motor in the presence of the variations parametric, A interval type-2 fuzzy inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
- 2019
Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults
In this paper, a robust attitude and position control of a novel modified quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which has higher drive capability as well as greater robustness against actuator faults than conventional quad-rotor UAV has been developed. A robust backstepping controller with adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic is proposed to control the attitude and position of the modified quadrotor under actuator faults. Besides globally stabilizing the system amid other disturbances, the insensitivity to the model errors and parametric uncertainties are the asset of the backstepping approach. The adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic as fault observer can effectively estimate the lumped faults without the knowledge of their bounds for the modified quadrotor UAV. Additionally, the type-2 fuzzy systems are utilized to approximate the local nonlinearities of each subsystem under actuator faults, next and in order to achieve the expected tracking performance, we used Lyapunov theory stability and convergence analysis to online adjust adaptive laws. As a result, the uniformly ultimate stability of the modified quadrotor system is proved. Finally, the performances of the proposed control method are evaluated by simulation and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for the modified quadrotor in vertical flights in presence of actuator faults.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , LOUTFI Benyettou , Tarak BENSLIMANE , HEMZA Mekki , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2019), Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults, ISA transactions, Vol:95, Issue:2019, pages:330-345, Elsevier
- 2019
This paper presents a comparison between an Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Gain Adaptive PI and a Conventional PI controllers used for speed control of an Electronically Commutated Motor (BrushLess DC Motor). In particular, the introduction of this paper presents a type 2 fuzzy logic Gain Adaptive PI controller of machines, in the first part we presents a description of the mathematical model of BLDCM, and an strategy method is proposed for the speed control of this motor in the presence of the variations parametric, A interval type-2 fuzzy inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
- 2018
Actuator fault tolerant control using adaptive RBFNN fuzzy sliding mode controller for coaxial octorotor UAV
In this paper, a robust controller for a Six Degrees of Freedom (6 DOF) coaxial octorotor helicopter control is proposed in presence of actuator faults. Radial Base Function Neural Network (RBFNN), Fuzzy Logic Control approach (FLC) and Sliding Mode Control (SMC) technique are used to design a controller, named Fault Tolerant Control (FTC), for each subsystem of the octorotor helicopter. The proposed FTC scheme allows avoiding difficult modeling, attenuating the chattering effect of the SMC, reducing the rules number of the fuzzy controller, and guaranteeing the stability and the robustness of the system. The simulation results show that the proposed FTC can greatly alleviate the chattering effect, good tracking in presence of actuator faults.
SAMIR Zeghlache , HEMZA Mekki , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , ALI Djerioui , , (2018), Actuator fault tolerant control using adaptive RBFNN fuzzy sliding mode controller for coaxial octorotor UAV, ISA transactions, Vol:80, Issue:2018, pages:267-278, Elsevier
- 2018
Real time implementation of fuzzy gain-scheduled PID controller for twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS)
The work has done in this paper concern a strategy of control based on gain adaptive proportional integral derivative (PID) using the fuzzy inference system and their application to the Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS), the PID controller with fixed parameters may fail to provide acceptable control performance. To improve the PID control effect, new designs of the fuzzy gain Scheduled PID controller (FGSPID) were presented in this paper. The proposed techniques were applied to the TRMS, where adaptive PID controllers were proposed for control system in the presence of external disturbances. The parameters of PID controller were adjusted by a fuzzy system, used to tune in real-time the controller gain. The obtained simulation and experiment results show that the robustness of TRMS angles (pitch and yaw) driven by proposed controller are guaranteed.
MOHAMMED ZINELAABIDINE GHELLAB , SAMIR Zeghlache , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2018), Real time implementation of fuzzy gain-scheduled PID controller for twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS), Advances in Modelling and Analysis C, Vol:73, Issue:4, pages:137-149, AMSE
- 2017
Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Fed by Three-level Inverter Using Fuzzy Logic
The present paper describes the direct torque sensor less speed control of induction motor fed by three-level voltage source inverter. Inverter switches control is based on fuzzy logic control. Compared to conventional direct torque control (DTC), hysteresis controllers, flux position and voltage vector selection table are replaced by fuzzy logic blocks to realize a DTC-fuzzy control. The obtained results have showed high speed performance, reduced torque and flux fluctuations when the proposed DTC-fuzzy strategy is used for the control of three-level voltage source inverter associated with induction machine.
ALI CHEBABHI , FOUAD Berrabah , SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2017), Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Fed by Three-level Inverter Using Fuzzy Logic, International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA), Vol:72, Issue:4, pages:248-265, Scholarly society based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- 2017
Speed Control of a Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) Based on Fuzzy Gain-Adaptive PI
This paper presents a comparison between a fuzzy gain adaptive controller and a conventional PI controller used for speed control of a Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) or electronically commutated (ECM). First, we establish a dynamic model for direct current to the input of the switch that the electromagnetic torque of BLDCM is proportional to this current. This model is intended to facilitate the procedures for setting and controlling the current, and an adaptive PI controller is proposed for the speed control of BLDCM in the presence of the variations parametric. A fuzzy-Type 1 inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2017), Speed Control of a Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) Based on Fuzzy Gain-Adaptive PI,10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING,Bursa,TURKEY
- 2017
Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Using Supervisory Type-2 Fuzzy Control for 6 DOF Octorotor Aircraft
Control of the helicopter includes nonlinearities, uncertainties and external perturbations that should be considered in the design of control laws. This paper presents a control strategy for 6 DOF octorotor aircraft, based on the coupling of the interval type-2 fuzzy logic control with the so-called sliding mode control (SMC) using a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) sliding surface. The main purpose is to eliminate the chattering phenomenon. For this proposed we have used an interval type-2 fuzzy logic control to generate the switching control signal. Moreover the output gain of the type-2 fuzzy sliding is tuned on-line by supervisory type-2 fuzzy system (adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control), so the chattering is avoided, the simulation results that are compared of conventional SMC with PID sliding surface indicate that the control performance of the 6 DOF octorotor aircraft is satisfactory and the proposed adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control (AIT2FSMC) can achieve favorable tracking performance.
SAMIR Zeghlache , MOHAMMED ZINELAABIDINE GHELLAB , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2017), Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Using Supervisory Type-2 Fuzzy Control for 6 DOF Octorotor Aircraft, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:10, Issue:3, pages:47-57, INASS
- 2015
fault-tolerant fuzzy gain-adaptive PID control for a 2 DOF helicopter (TRMS system)
In this paper, a Fault-Tolerant control of 2 DOF Helicopter (TRMS System) Based on Fuzzy Gain-Adaptive PID is presented. In particular, the introduction part of the paper presents a Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC), the first part of this paper presents a description of the mathematical model of TRMS, an adaptive PID controller is proposed for fault-tolerant control of a TRMS helicopter system in the presence of actuator faults, A fuzzy inference scheme is used to tune in real-time the controller gains, The proposed adaptive PID controller is compared with the conventional PID. The obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed method
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Djamel SAIGAA , SAMIR Zeghlache , Keltoum LOUKAL , Kamel KARA, ,(2015), fault-tolerant fuzzy gain-adaptive PID control for a 2 DOF helicopter (TRMS system),international scientific research and experimental development,istanbul, turkey
- 2012
Super Twisting Control Algorithm Applied to the Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM)
This work relates to the super twisting algorithm control of brushless DC motor (BLDCM) or electronically commutated (ECM). First, we establish a dynamic model for direct current to the input of the switch that the electromagnetic torque of BLDCM is proportional to this current. This model is intended to facilitate the procedures for setting and controlling the current. In this paper a recent method called super twisting algorithm is applied to the BLDCM, in order to avoid the chattering problem and to improve control performance. High order techniques allow us to keep the main advantages of the classical sliding mode and to remove the chattering problem.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , Leila BENALIA, Mohamed. Chemachema, H. Chekireb, ,(2012), Super Twisting Control Algorithm Applied to the Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM),4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING,Alger,algeria