مداح عبدالعزيز
06 61 00 00 00
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
HDR. in Université de M'sila
Research Domains
Fiber-reinforced soils Mechanically stabilized earth structures Soil stabilization Roller compacted concrete pavement Waste recycling in Civil Engineering Compressed earth blocks Geotechnical Engineering
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2022
Encaderement master
Boudjemaa Farouk
Évaluation de l’aspect sécurité dans les méthodes de calcul des fondations superficielles
- 2022
Encaderement master
Chelali Saida , Bouguerra Marwa
Stabilisation des sols par des fibres de polypropylène
- 2022
Encaderement master
Zaitar Samra , Hadjab Nadji
Etude des propriétés physico-mécaniques d’un mortier préparé à base du platre
- 2021
- 2021
Encaderement master
Benyounes Nesrien Fouzia , Bouzzidi Rachida
Amélioration des propriétés géotechniques d’une argile par l’ajout des fibres de polypropylène
- 2020
Encaderement master
Chaa Khalissa
Etude de l’effet des fibres sur les carctéristiques de déformabilité d’un sol stabilisé
- 2019
Encaderement master
Chawki Mahdi
Étude de l’effet des fibres de polypropylène sur les propriétés géotechniques d’une argile stabiliséeÉtude de l’effet des fibres de polypropylène sur les propriétés géotechniques d’une argile stabilisée
- 2019
Encaderement master
HAdi Heddah , Saouache Ikrame
Caractérisation d’une terre comprimée, stabilisée et renforcée en fibres naturelles.
- 2019
Encaderement master
Hamdoune Abdelhamid
Contribution à la production des blocs de terre comprimée et renforcée par des fibres
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Labiad yacine
Etude du comportement thermomécanique d’une terre compactée contenant des fibres en vue de son utilisation comme matériau de construction
- 2018
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Mohamed Bouteben Yasmine
Etude du comportement d’un sol sableux renforcé par des éléments discrets (fibres)
- 2018
Encaderement master
Nakkache Mousaab
- 2016
Encaderement master
Merzoug Karima
- 19-03-2018
- 07-05-2017
- 29-06-2008
Etude du comportement d'un sable de dunes sous sollicitations triaxiales - 16-06-2002
- 1978-12-15 00:00:00
ABDELAZIZ Meddah birthday
- 2024-12-03
Study of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavemebnt Incorporating Rubber Waste
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2024-12-03), Study of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavemebnt Incorporating Rubber Waste,ICRAS2024,Turkey
- 2024-11-05
Study of Geotechnical properties of diesel-contaminated soils
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2024-11-05), Study of Geotechnical properties of diesel-contaminated soils,ISCMCE2024,Skikda
- 2024-11-04
Imroving clayey soils using rubber additives: A sustainable Approach
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2024-11-04), Imroving clayey soils using rubber additives: A sustainable Approach,ISCMCE,Skikda
- 2024-06-18
The Effect of Loading Inclination and Eccentricity on the Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations: A Review
This paper provides a comprehensive review on the effect of load inclination and eccentricity on the bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Regarding load eccentricity, Meyerhof’s intuitive formula aligns well with finite element analyses, though it is slightly conservative. Analysis using finite element results revealed the more accurate formula . Concerning load inclination factors, numerous such factors exist in the literature. However, most are either intuitive or derived from small-scale experimental results, rendering them unreliable due to the significant impact of model scale on the bearing capacity of footings. Based on numerical results, it is proposed that all inclination factors (namely , and ) can be reliably expressed by a formula of the form , where is the inclination angle of the loading with respect to the vertical, and are coefficients and . The latter ensures smooth transition from the bearing capacity failure to the sliding failure as increases. It is also observed that many factors in the literature and various design standards employ an impermissible combination of sliding resistance at the footing-soil interface and Mohr–Coulomb bearing capacity failure under the footing. Moreover, it is shown that only the factor depends on the angle of internal friction of soil. Finally, Vesic’s 1975 “m” interpolation formula largely falls short in accurately representing the effect of the direction of the horizontal loading.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Lysandros Pantelidis, , (2024-06-18), The Effect of Loading Inclination and Eccentricity on the Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations: A Review, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol:31, Issue:1, pages:4189–4208, Springer
- 2023-10-01
Study on characterization, mechanical, and thermal properties of Alfa fiber–reinforced compressed earth blocks incorporating crushed brick waste
Developing alternative eco-friendly construction materials is an important factor in sustainable development. Besides, one of the main ways to achieve this goal is the use of earthen materials in construction. In this respect, this study aims to investigate the feasibility of using Alfa fibers (Stipa tenacissima L.) and brick waste in the production of compressed earth blocks (CEB). Hence, the effects of Alfa fibers on the mechanical and thermal performance of CEB containing brick waste are analyzed. Brick waste content was fixed at 20% after an optimization study based on plasticity requirements, while Alfa fibers content varied from 0 to 0.5% of the dry weight of the block. Plain (unreinforced) CEB and fiber-reinforced CEB were tested for physical properties (density and absorption), compressive strength, and thermal behavior (conductivity and diffusivity). The results showed that Alfa fibers lightened the CEB. Also, adding Alfa fibers with a concentration of 0.5% increases the capillary absorption and the compressive strength by 40% and 111.25%, respectively. In terms of thermal properties, it is observed that using Alfa fibers improves the insulation aspect of the composite. Specifically, the thermal conductivity reduced by 13%. In all, using Alfa fibers and waste brick materials in CEB could be a promising solution to produce sustainable material with improved mechanical and thermal properties, contributing to the circular economy.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2023-10-01), Study on characterization, mechanical, and thermal properties of Alfa fiber–reinforced compressed earth blocks incorporating crushed brick waste, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:16, Issue:10, pages:1-11, Springer
- 2023-07-10
Effect of randomly distributed polypropylene fibers on unconfined compressive strength, shear strength, and compressibility characteristics of Algerian high plasticity clay soil
Fibers are commonly used to improve the geotechnical properties of problematic soil (e.g., high-plasticity fine-grained soils). Such clays are characterized by low strength and high deformability, which creates many problems for structures that will be founded on these soils. This study examines the potential uses of polypropylene fibers (PP) to improve the geotechnical properties of a typical problematic soil from Algeria (Clay of Sidi-Hadjres) as many technical problems occur in the pavements and buildings of this region. To this end, raw clay and fiber-reinforced samples were compared with respect of stress-strain relationship, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), shear stress characteristics, and oedometric behavior were evaluated and compared according to the fiber content. The results showed a significant improvement in the mechanical and compressibility characteristics of this clay due to PP fiber addition. Therefore, UCS, residual strength, shear stress characteristics, and ductility of the clay were increased with increasing fiber content, while compression index, recompression index, coefficient of compressibility, and brittleness were decreased. The maximum increase in strength is obtained with a 1.2% of PP fiber addition.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2023-07-10), Effect of randomly distributed polypropylene fibers on unconfined compressive strength, shear strength, and compressibility characteristics of Algerian high plasticity clay soil, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:463, Springer
- 2023-02-27
Performance of sisal fiber-reinforced cement-stabilized compressed-earth blocks incorporating recycled brick waste
Recently, studies are oriented to introduce sustainable materials in construction. This study aims to investigate the effects of sisal fibers on the thermophysical and mechanical properties of compressed earth blocks (CEB) made of local materials by mixing red clayey soil taken from the M’sila region in Algeria and brick waste (BW). First, the maximum percentage of BW is fixed at 20% while respecting the plasticity criteria. Then, the effects of fibers and cement addition on the engineering properties of CEB are analyzed and compared according to fiber and cement contents. Sisal fibers are added with different percentages varying from 0 to 0.5%, while cement content is used with four percentages: 0, 5, 7, and 9% (by wt% of the newly modified soil). Many tests are performed including, capillary absorption rate, thermal conductivity, compressive/tensile strengths, and abrasion resistance. The results showed that the inclusion of sisal fibers improves the thermal insulation of cement-stabilized blocks by up to 21% and strength by 150%. However, it is observed that the hydrophilic character of sisal fibers increases the capillary absorption by 81%, and the abrasion coefficient increases with the increase in fiber content. Furthermore, the investigation revealed that the use of fibers alone is insufficient to ensure the stability of the blocks in moist conditions since the material fully loses its resistance, which requires the total protection of material against any type of infiltration and/or the use of cement as stabilizing agents. As a result, the research showed that sisal fibers may be used in CEB reinforcement, further an environmentally alternative solution was proposed for managing BW by their use in CEB manufacturing as this contributed to sustainability and circular economy strategies.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2023-02-27), Performance of sisal fiber-reinforced cement-stabilized compressed-earth blocks incorporating recycled brick waste, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:107, Springer
- 2023
Performance of sisal fiber-reinforced cement-stabilized compressed-earth blocks incorporating recycled brick waste
Recently, studies are oriented to introduce sustainable materials in construction. This study aims to investigate the effects of sisal fibers on the thermophysical and mechanical properties of compressed earth blocks (CEB) made of local materials by mixing red clayey soil taken from the M’sila region in Algeria and brick waste (BW). First, the maximum percentage of BW is fixed at 20% while respecting the plasticity criteria. Then, the effects of fibers and cement addition on the engineering properties of CEB are analyzed and compared according to fiber and cement contents. Sisal fibers are added with different percentages varying from 0 to 0.5%, while cement content is used with four percentages: 0, 5, 7, and 9% (by wt% of the newly modified soil). Many tests are performed including, capillary absorption rate, thermal conductivity, compressive/tensile strengths, and abrasion resistance. The results showed that the inclusion of sisal fibers improves the thermal insulation of cement-stabilized blocks by up to 21% and strength by 150%. However, it is observed that the hydrophilic character of sisal fibers increases the capillary absorption by 81%, and the abrasion coefficient increases with the increase in fiber content. Furthermore, the investigation revealed that the use of fibers alone is insufficient to ensure the stability of the blocks in moist conditions since the material fully loses its resistance, which requires the total protection of material against any type of infiltration and/or the use of cement as stabilizing agents. As a result, the research showed that sisal fibers may be used in CEB reinforcement, further an environmentally alternative solution was proposed for managing BW by their use in CEB manufacturing as this contributed to sustainability and circular economy strategies.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2023), Performance of sisal fiber-reinforced cement-stabilized compressed-earth blocks incorporating recycled brick waste, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:8, Issue:3, pages:107, Springer
- 2023
Effect of randomly distributed polypropylene fibers on unconfined compressive strength, shear strength, and compressibility characteristics of Algerian high plasticity clay soil
Fibers are commonly used to improve the geotechnical properties of problematic soil (e.g. high-plasticity fine-grained soils). Such clays are characterized by low strength and high deformability, which creates many problems for structures that will be founded on these soils. This study examines the potential uses of polypropylene fibers (PP) to improve the geotechnical properties of a typical problematic soil from Algeria (Clay of Sidi-Hadjres) as many technical problems occur in the pavements and buildings of this region. To this end, raw clay and fiber-reinforced samples were compared with respect of stress-strain relationship, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), shear stress characteristics, and oedometric behavior were evaluated and compared according to the fiber content. The results showed a significant improvement in the mechanical and compressibility characteristics of this clay due to PP fiber addition. Therefore, UCS, residual strength, shear stress characteristics, and ductility of the clay were increased with increasing fiber content, whilst compression index, recompression index, coefficient of compressibility, and brittleness were decreased. The maximum increase in strength is obtained with a 1.2% of PP fiber addition.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2023), Effect of randomly distributed polypropylene fibers on unconfined compressive strength, shear strength, and compressibility characteristics of Algerian high plasticity clay soil, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:16, Issue:4, pages:10, Springer
- 2022
The Efficiency of Recycling Expired Cement Waste in Cement Manufacturing: a Sustainable Construction Material
Reusing expired cement (EC) in cement manufacturing is an alternative way for managing such industrial waste, so this process contributes to preserving the environment and reducing the need for raw materials which creates an innovative solution in circular economy strategies as well as producing a sustainable material. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of using EC as mineral additives for the manufacture of new cement. The different formulations of cements are the results of CEMI subtraction up to 35% by weight with the EC. These modified cements have passed the same tests as a characterization of a CEMII. The obtained results show that EC changes the characteristics of cementitious materials (anhydrous, paste, and mortar). The new cement produced fulfilled the requirements in terms of chemical characteristics. In addition, the decrease in strength caused by EC incorporation is in accordance with standards. It can be stated that EC plays the role of a diluting agent in the new cement. Environmentally, it may be more efficient to use EC as an ecofriendly additive material.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2022), The Efficiency of Recycling Expired Cement Waste in Cement Manufacturing: a Sustainable Construction Material, Circular Economy and Sustainability, Vol:2, Issue:1, pages:1-12, Springer
- 2022
Physical and mechanical behavior of cement-stabilized compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers
Nowadays, researchers are oriented to the usage of earth materials in construction as they possessed a lower thermal conductivity and thereby preserved the environment by reducing greenhouse emissions in buildings. One of these materials is the compressed earth block (CEB). Even though its attractive thermal and environmentally advantageous, CEB material present certain limitations related to its poorly strength in moist conditions, which limits its use at a high rate. The purpose of this article is to study the feasibility to improve the engineering properties of CEB produced from a red clay taken from M’sila region (Algeria) by the addition of sisal fibers, further cement is used to stabilize the composite. The fibers were added in different percentages 0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5 by total dry mass of the block. The obtained results show that the combined effect of fibers and cement improved the mechanical and physical properties of CEB material.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2022), Physical and mechanical behavior of cement-stabilized compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers, Materials Today, Vol:53, Issue:1, pages:139-143, Elsevier
- 2022
Effects of fibrous rubberized waste on the geotechnical properties of clayey soil
Rubber waste is an environmental threat as it occupied more landfill spaces and pollutes soil, water, and air. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the possibility of using randomly distributed fibrous rubberized waste (RDFRW) obtained from scrap tires to reinforce clay soil. RDFRW is added to soil at different percentages of 0, 5, 1, 1.5, and 2% by weight of clay. The results obtained show that the inclusion of RDFRW in the clay will improve its geotechnical properties including, unconfined compressive strength, shear behavior, and load-capacity resistance. In addition to the technical benefits, using fibrous waste in geotechnical application help to make geo-environmentally material and reduce some quantities of such type of industrial waste.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Salim Saadallah, Mousaab Nakache, ,(2022), Effects of fibrous rubberized waste on the geotechnical properties of clayey soil,1st International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies ICIAS 2022,Konaya, Tyrkey
- 2022
Assessment of Thermal Performances of Walls Made of Rubberized Gypsum Composite in Arid Zones - Experimental Study and Simulation
Introduction: In this study, the thermal performance efficiency of buildings located in M’sila region (Algeria), which is considered as typical arid zone, was investigated. In its first part, the study focused on the laboratory evaluation of the thermomechanical properties of a gypsum mortar, in which rubber waste was incorporated by volume replacement of sand. The second part of study was to investigate the insulation performance of a typical wall subjected to arid climatic conditions, using numeric simulations. Methods: The thermal properties were measured using Transient Plane Source method (TPS), and then the Time-lag “ƒ” and decrement factor “φ” were calculated, for various wall configurations, using theoretical equations. The effect of various parameters was studied, including: wall thickness, inclusion of air space within the wall and application of surfacing materials. Result: The obtained results showed that when rubber content, in the composite, increases, the mechanical strength and the density decrease; whereas the insulating performances are considerably improved. The later were improved by more than 50% with 50% of rubber. The numerical simulations indicated that the thermal inertia characteristics [ƒ, φ] are improved when the thickness of the wall increased; moreover, more improvement was recorded (more than 38%% in time lag and more than 2h in decrement factor) when an air space was included within the wall and even when the wall surfaces are coated. Conclusion: The use of rubber waste as building materials, helps to regulate the temperature inside buildings, reduce the energy consumption, reduces the construction cost and protect the environment.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2022), Assessment of Thermal Performances of Walls Made of Rubberized Gypsum Composite in Arid Zones - Experimental Study and Simulation, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:1-8, BENTHAM OPEN
- 2022
Mechanical and physical behavior of compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers
Nowadays, researchers are oriented to the usage of earth materials in construction as they possessed a lower thermal conductivity and thereby preserved the environment by reducing greenhouse emissions in buildings. One of these materials is the compressed earth block (CEB). Even though its attractive thermal and environmentally advantageous, CEB material present certain limitations related to its poorly strength in moist conditions, which limits its use at a high rate. The purpose of this article is to study the feasibility to improve the engineering properties of CEB produced from a red clay taken from M’sila region (Algeria) by the addition of sisal fibers, further cement is used to stabilize the composite. The fibers were added in different percentages 0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5 by total dry mass of the block. The obtained results show that the combined effect of fibers and cement improved the mechanical and physical properties of CEB material.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2022), Mechanical and physical behavior of compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers,Polymer and Mediterranean Fiber International Conference PMFIC'2021,Algeria
- 2022
Improving Very High Plastic Clays with the Combined Effect of Sand, Lime, and Polypropylene Fibers
Improving the mechanical properties of low-strength soils (e.g., high plasticity clays) is one of the main branches of geotechnical engineering. The adoption of stabilization techniques for ensuring that structures will be founded on an adequately strong soil base is a common practice. Stabilization techniques for clay soils may include inert materials (cohesionless soils), chemical substances (cement, lime, or industrial additives), or the use of randomly distributed fibers. While all of these additives are added to low-strength soils by mixing, the question remains whether an optimal combination of stabilization techniques can be achieved for maximizing soil strength. Besides, each one of these additives contributes to an increase in soil strength in a different manner (soil replacement, chemical bonding of soil particles, and soil reinforcement respectively), while, according to the literature, each technique has its limitations. The latter refers to a limited effect on strength improvement and a maximum possible percentage, beyond which an additive has an adverse effect on strength; it also refers to other factors, such as brittleness failure, material availability, overall cost, and environment-related issues. Hence, in the present study, the efficiency of improving the basic geotechnical properties of a very high plasticity clay (liquid limit ωl = 86%) with a coupled effect between dune sand, lime, and polypropylene (PP) fibers has been investigated. The samples prepared by combining the three aforementioned soil improvement techniques were compared in terms of plasticity, compaction characteristics, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) index. The experimental results show that the combination of these additives may lead to a considerable improvement in the strength and ductility of soils, even with a small amount of lime additive. Also, it was observed that 20% of sand, 3.4% of lime and 0.9% of fibers (by wt%) offers the best performance in terms of strength improvement for the clay tested (i.e., 12.75 times improvement compared to the untreated clay).
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2022), Improving Very High Plastic Clays with the Combined Effect of Sand, Lime, and Polypropylene Fibers, Applied Sciences, Vol:12, Issue:19, pages:107, MDPI
- 2022
Assessment of Thermal Performances of Walls Made of Rubberized Gypsum Composite in Arid Zones - Experimental Study and Simulation
Introduction: In this study, the thermal performance efficiency of buildings located in M’sila region (Algeria), which is considered as typical arid zone, was investigated. In its first part, the study focused on the laboratory evaluation of the thermomechanical properties of a gypsum mortar, in which rubber waste was incorporated by volume replacement of sand. The second part of study was to investigate the insulation performance of a typical wall subjected to arid climatic conditions, using numeric simulations. Methods: The thermal properties were measured using Transient Plane Source method (TPS), and then the Time-lag “ƒ” and decrement factor “φ” were calculated, for various wall configurations, using theoretical equations. The effect of various parameters was studied, including: wall thickness, inclusion of air space within the wall and application of surfacing materials. Result: The obtained results showed that when rubber content, in the composite, increases, the mechanical strength and the density decrease; whereas the insulating performances are considerably improved. The later were improved by more than 50% with 50% of rubber. The numerical simulations indicated that the thermal inertia characteristics [ƒ, φ] are improved when the thickness of the wall increased; moreover, more improvement was recorded (more than 38%% in time lag and more than 2h in decrement factor) when an air space was included within the wall and even when the wall surfaces are coated. Conclusion: The use of rubber waste as building materials, helps to regulate the temperature inside buildings, reduce the energy consumption, reduces the construction cost and protect the environment.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2022), Assessment of Thermal Performances of Walls Made of Rubberized Gypsum Composite in Arid Zones - Experimental Study and Simulation, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:15, BENTHAM OPEN
- 2022
Modeling the mechanical behavior of roller-compacted concrete in hot climate
Modeling the mechanical behavior of roller-compacted concrete in hot climate
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2022), Modeling the mechanical behavior of roller-compacted concrete in hot climate,1st International Conference on Materials Sciences and Technology, 12-13 December, Khenchela, Algeria,Khenchela, Algeria
- 2022
The coupling effect of curing temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP)
The coupling effect of curing temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP)
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2022), The coupling effect of curing temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP),International Conference in Construction Engineering, ICCE22,Syria
- 2022
Predictiong the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical properties of roller compacted concrete pavement using experimental design
The objective of this study is to assess the effect of variations in curing temperature and relative air humidity on the mechanical behavior of roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) fully cured. Four different temperatures (15, 30, 45 and 60 ° C) were adopted, each temperature was examined in four relative humidity levels (30, 50, 70 and 90%); As a result, sixteen environmental media were studied. However, changes in temperature and humidity are related to each other, so here it is necessary to study the effect of the interaction of these two factors on the mechanical properties of RCCP. A factorial design was carried out to model mathematically the influence of two parameters on mechanical behavior of RCCP. The responses of the derived statistical models are compressive strength, and splitting tensile strength. Sixteen mixtures were prepared to derive the statistical models. The models established using a statistical design approach provide an effective means to evaluate the influence of climate Data on the RCCP and reveal the order of influence of each parameter on the modeled responses. The derived statistical models can simplify the test protocol required to optimize RCCP behavior in hot climate, by using it to predict the mechanical response of RCCP in different climatic conditions.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2022), Predictiong the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical properties of roller compacted concrete pavement using experimental design,Predictiong the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical properties of roller compacted concrete pavement using experimental design,Turkey
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- 2022
Physical and mechanical behavior of cement-stabilized compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers
Nowadays, researchers are oriented to the usage of earth materials in construction as they possessed a lower thermal conductivity and thereby preserved the environment by reducing greenhouse emissions in buildings. One of these materials is the compressed earth block (CEB). Even though its attractive thermal and environmentally advantageous, CEB material present certain limitations related to its poorly strength in moist conditions, which limits its use at a high rate. The purpose of this article is to study the feasibility to improve the engineering properties of CEB produced from a red clay taken from M’sila region (Algeria) by the addition of sisal fibers, further cement is used to stabilize the composite. The fibers were added in different percentages 0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5 by total dry mass of the block. The obtained results show that the combined effect of fibers and cement improved the mechanical and physical properties of CEB material.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2022), Physical and mechanical behavior of cement-stabilized compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers, Materials Today, Vol:53, Issue:1, pages:10, Elsevier
- 2021
Pullout behavior of steel reinforcements used for mechanically stabilized earth structures
The pullout behavior of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structures is very complicated and depends on many parameters which related to the backfill soil properties, the reinforcement characteristics and the interaction between them. This paper investigates the pullout behavior of many soil reinforcements under static and repeated loading. Four types of steel reinforcements were studied: Strip, W-shaped, ribbed and punched. The results obtained show that the change of the shape of reinforcement may improve the pullout resistance of MSE structures. Therefore, the best performance was obtained by the ribbed and the punched reinforcements, under static loading as well as repeated loading.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Sahli Mohamed, , (2021), Pullout behavior of steel reinforcements used for mechanically stabilized earth structures, Mining Science, Vol:28, Issue:28, pages:47-58, Wroclaw University of Technology
- 2021
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2021), CHARACTERIZATION OF COMPRESSED EARTH BLOCK REINFORCED BY ALFA FIBER,2nd International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE‐ 2021),Algeria
- 2021
The pullout behavior of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structures is very complicated and depends on many parameters which related to the backfill soil properties, the reinforcement characteristics and the interaction between them. This paper investigates the pullout behavior of many soil reinforcements under static and repeated loading. Four types of steel reinforcements were studied; Strip, W-shaped, ribbed and punched. The results obtained show that the change of the shape of reinforcement may improve the pullout resistance of MSE structures. Therefore, the best performance was obtained by the ribbed and the punched reinforcements, under static loading as well as repeated loading
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2021), PULLOUT BEHAVIOR OF STEEL REINFORCEMENTS USED FOR MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH STRUCTURES, Mining Science, Vol:28, Issue:1, pages:10, Wroclaw University of Technology
- 2020
Effectiveness of using rubber waste as aggregates for improving thermal performance of plaster-based composites
In this paper, rubber waste is added to plaster-based composite to produce an alternative construction material. The main goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of using shredded rubber waste as aggregates in plaster mortar for improving its insulating aspect potential. This composite is obtained by mixing dune sand, plaster, rubber particles, and water. The rubber aggregates are incorporated in mixes as a partial replacement by volume of some parts of sand. Unit weight, capillary absorption of water, mechanical, and thermal-related properties are evaluated and compared according to the percentage of rubber in the mix. The results obtained showed that the addition of rubber will modify the properties of the mortar. Even though the mechanical strength is decreased with the increase of rubber content, it should be mentioned that rubber particles could significantly reduce the weight the material, decrease the rate of water absorption, and improve the insulation aspect of the composite. It can be noted that, below 50% of rubber, modeling by auto-coherent homogenization confirms the experimental results of thermal conductivity. Finally, it should be noted that recycling of rubber waste can produce an alternative eco-friendly material.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2020), Effectiveness of using rubber waste as aggregates for improving thermal performance of plaster-based composites, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:5, Issue:61, pages:8, Springer
- 2020
Effectiveness of using rubber waste as aggregates for improving thermal performance of plaster‑based composites
In this paper, rubber waste is added to plaster-based composite to produce an alternative construction material. The main goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of using shredded rubber waste as aggregates in plaster mortar for improving its insulating aspect potential. This composite is obtained by mixing dune sand, plaster, rubber particles, and water. The rubber aggregates are incorporated in mixes as a partial replacement by volume of some parts of sand. Unit weight, capillary absorption of water, mechanical, and thermal-related properties are evaluated and compared according to the percentage of rubber in the mix. The results obtained showed that the addition of rubber will modify the properties of the mortar. Even though the mechanical strength is decreased with the increase of rubber content, it should be mentioned that rubber particles could significantly reduce the weight the material, decrease the rate of water absorption, and improve the insulation aspect of the composite. It can be noted that, below 50% of rubber, modeling by auto-coherent homogenization confirms the experimental results of thermal conductivity. Finally, it should be noted that recycling of rubber waste can produce an alternative eco-friendly material.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2020), Effectiveness of using rubber waste as aggregates for improving thermal performance of plaster‑based composites, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:5, Issue:, pages:10, Springer
- 2019
Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete pavement
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete which is used for pavement. Mixes were placed in different environments in order to simulate the local climate conditions. Large-scale test has been carried out to assess the mechanical strength development in function of curing mode, temperature treatment and silica fume addition. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, shrinkage and capillary absorption of water were evaluated according to the program tests. The main results showed that an increase in temperature (over 40°) affects negatively the physical and mechanical properties due to malformation of hydration products, while cure methods showed a higher efficiency of the improvement in such properties. However, it should be noted that the wet cure method gave the best results as it provides appropriate and effective conditions to the hydration process. Regarding the effect of silica fume addition, even an improvement in the compressive strength was confirmed; however, it has a negative impact on the shrinkage.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , MOHAMED AZIZ Chikouche , Moussa deghfel, , (2019), Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete pavement, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:5, Springer
- 2019
Statistical models to predict the coupling effect of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of RCCP
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2019), Statistical models to predict the coupling effect of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of RCCP,4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development,Boumerdes
- 2019
Statistical models to predict the coupling effect of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of RCCP
Statistical models to predict the coupling effect of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of RCCP
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2019), Statistical models to predict the coupling effect of temperature and relative humidity on the mechanical behavior of RCCP,4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development,Boumerdes
- 2019
Comportement du béton compacté au rouleau à bas de granulats recyclés
Comportement du béton compacté au rouleau à bas de granulats recyclés
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ,(2019), Comportement du béton compacté au rouleau à bas de granulats recyclés,National Meeting of Civil Engineering and Hydraulics,Skikda
- 2019
An experimental program was conducted to studying the effect hardening the initial steam by solar energy on the compressive strength of concrete containing the limestone fillers. We set the same criterion of workability to all concretes made order to lead a rational study. In the first instance we started with evaluate the influence of the addition of limestone fillers at the cement on the compressive strength of concretes with age a function of the content of cement the limestone fillers. Thereafter, we studied the hardening effect the initial steam by solar energy on the compressive strength of concretes containing the limestone fillers. The introduction of the addition of the limestone fillers in the cement production enables, in addition to the ecological and economic gain, an improvement in the compressive strength of concretes, also the results obtained show that the use of hardening the initial steam by the solar energy improves the compressive strength of concretes compared with the curing with water, during the first seven days of hardening.
- 2019
Caractérisation des blocs de terre comprimée (BTC) produits à base d’un sol peu plastique, cimenté et renforcé par des fibres de sisal.
Cet article a pour objet de déterminer les propriétés mécaniques des blocs de terre comprimée (BTC) produits à base d’un sol peu plastique prélevé de la ville de M’sila. Ces blocs ont été renforcés par des fibres végétales localement commercialisées (fibres de sisal). Ces fibres ont été ajoutées en différents pourcentages 0 ; 0,2 ; 0,3 ; 0,4 et 0,5 par rapport à la masse totale du bloc. En plus du renforcement mécanique, par fibres, les blocs ont été stabilisés par un liant hydraulique. L’objectif principal de ce travail de recherche consiste en l’étude de l’effet de ce traitement combiné (chimique et mécanique) sur les propriétés physico-mécaniques du produit final
yacine labiad , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2019), Caractérisation des blocs de terre comprimée (BTC) produits à base d’un sol peu plastique, cimenté et renforcé par des fibres de sisal.,The 1st International congress on advances in geotechnical engineering and construction management (ICAGECM'19),Skikda- Algeria
- 2019
Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete pavement
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete which is used for pavement. Mixes were placed in different environments in order to simulate the local climate conditions. Large-scale test has been carried out to assess the mechanical strength development in function of curing mode, temperature treatment and silica fume addition. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, shrinkage and capillary absorption of water were evaluated according to the program tests. The main results showed that an increase in temperature (over 40°) affects negatively the physical and mechanical properties due to malformation of hydration products, while cure methods showed a higher efficiency of the improvement in such properties. However, it should be noted that the wet cure method gave the best results as it provides appropriate and effective conditions to the hydration process. Regarding the effect of silica fume addition, even an improvement in the compressive strength was confirmed; however, it has a negative impact on the shrinkage.
moussa deghfel , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2019), Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete pavement, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:4, Issue:54, pages:8, Springer
- 2019
Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller‑compacted concrete pavement
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete which is used for pavement. Mixes were placed in different environments in order to simulate the local climate conditions. Largescale test has been carried out to assess the mechanical strength development in function of curing mode, temperature treatment and silica fume addition. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, shrinkage and capillary absorption of water were evaluated according to the program tests. The main results showed that an increase in temperature (over 40°) affects negatively the physical and mechanical properties due to malformation of hydration products, while cure methods showed a higher efficiency of the improvement in such properties. However, it should be noted that the wet cure method gave the best results as it provides appropriate and effective conditions to the hydration process. Regarding the effect of silica fume addition, even an improvement in the compressive strength was confirmed; however, it has a negative impact on the shrinkage.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2019), Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller‑compacted concrete pavement, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:4, Issue:1, pages:10, Springer
- 2018
An experimental study of the effects of clinker replacement by slag in the cement production
The additions of supplementary cementitious materials are currently part of the latest developments in the production of cement, resulting in a significant improvement of the mechanical performances of cementitious materials. On addition to that, their use has as objective to reduce the clinker consumption so that to contribute in a simple and economic manner in solving the environmental problems. This experimental work consists to make a cement with mineral admixture while replacing a certain percentage of clinker by slag (0%, 6%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 50%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% ) in order to study its effect on the physico-chemical properties of cement manufactured with mineral addition and the mortar mechanical response. The physic-chemical properties of cement at anhydrous state and the hydrated state, as well as the characteristics of the mortars made at their bases, such as shrinkage, expansion, and the mechanical properties, have been studied. According to the experimental results obtained, it comes that the quantity of mineral additive (slag) and the chemical composition of cement manufactured are the principal parameters that influence on the variation of physico-chemical properties and the mechanical strengths (flexural and compressive) of the mortars tested.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2018), An experimental study of the effects of clinker replacement by slag in the cement production,UBT International Conference,Pristina, Kosovo
- 2017
Study of the effects of mechanical and chemical treatment of rubber on the performance of rubberized roller-compacted concrete pavement
This study aims to analyze the possibility of valorizing rubber waste in roller-compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) mixes as aggregates. The rubber particles were added to the mix as partial replacement of the total volume of gravels at different rates (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30%). The experimental approach followed in this research consisted of studying the effects of the incorporated rubber on the mechanical properties of RCCP. The obtained results show that the incorporation of rubber changes the behavior of RCCP mixes. In presence of rubber, the RCCP became more ductile. The principal disadvantage of rubber incorporation was the decrease in the mechanical properties of RCC. To remedy this problem, the rubber particles were subjected to a treatment and silica fume was added to the mix. The obtained results showed that the performance of RCCP can be improved by modifying the surface roughness of rubber particles. Therefore, a large part of strength losses were corrected.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , BENSACI Hamza, , (2017), Study of the effects of mechanical and chemical treatment of rubber on the performance of rubberized roller-compacted concrete pavement, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:1, Issue:5, pages:5, Springer
- 2017
Feasibility of using rubber waste fibers as reinforcements for sandy soils
In this study, an alternative and environmentally friendly method for the reinforcement of dune sand is proposed. This technique consists of using randomly distributed rubber fibers to improve the engineering properties of sand. Rubber fibers are added to the sand with different percentages: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and 2% of dry weight of sand. The experimental program carried out consists of investigating the effect of rubber fibers on the shear strength properties of sand. Reinforced and unreinforced samples are tested in the dense as well as loose state. The results obtained showed that the inclusion of rubber fibers in dune sand will improve the engineering properties of various civil engineering applications such as shallow foundations and slope. Therefore, incorporation of rubber fibers can enhance the shear strength characteristics, peak and residual strengths, and introduce more ductility to the mechanical behavior of sand. In addition to the technical effect, this paper emphasizes another environmentally attractive option, which is the use of rubber fibers as reinforcements for granular soils as this helps to remove some parts of these wastes and protect the environment.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , MERZOUG Karima, , (2017), Feasibility of using rubber waste fibers as reinforcements for sandy soils, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:2, Issue:1, pages:5, Springer
- 2017
Physical and mechanical behaviour of a roller compacted concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber
In order to study the behaviour of a roller compacted concrete (RCC) reinforced with polypropylene fiber, six types of RCC were made with different content of fibers (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 Kg/m3). The physical parameters are the density, the workability, the shrinkage and the water absorption. For the mechanical parameters; the performances such as the compressive strength and the tensile strength (3 point bending and splitting) has been studied. The results show that the RCC reinforced with fibers present the better performances in terms of strength and physical behaviour. The results obtained show the positive effect of the polypropylene fiber addition on the mechanical strength, which increases about 23% for the mixture with 1 Kg/m3. For the physical properties, there is a decrease in the density and workability and an improvement in the water absorption proportional with the addition of polypropylene fiber. In addition, we conclude the positive effect of polypropylene fiber on the kinetics and development of the shrinkage. In this study, the best physical and mechanical performance was being observed in the mixture with 1 Kg/m3 of polypropylene.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2017), Physical and mechanical behaviour of a roller compacted concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber, Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Vol:9, Issue:2, pages:5, University of El Oued
- 2017
Feasibility of using rubber waste fibers as reinforcements for sandy soils
In this study, an alternative and environmentally friendly method for the reinforcement of dune sand is proposed. This technique consists of using randomly distributed rubber fibers to improve the engineering properties of sand. Rubber fibers are added to the sand with different percentages: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and 2% of dry weight of sand. The experimental program carried out consists of investigating the effect of rubber fibers on the shear strength properties of sand. Reinforced and unreinforced samples are tested in the dense as well as loose state. The results obtained showed that the inclusion of rubber fibers in dune sand will improve the engineering properties of various civil engineering applications such as shallow foundations and slope. Therefore, incorporation of rubber fibers can enhance the shear strength characteristics, peak and residual strengths, and introduce more ductility to the mechanical behavior of sand. In addition to the technical effect, this paper emphasizes another environmentally attractive option, which is the use of rubber fibers as reinforcements for granular soils as this helps to remove some parts of these wastes and protect the environment.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2017), Feasibility of using rubber waste fibers as reinforcements for sandy soils, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:2, Issue:5, pages:10, Springer
- 2015
Caractérisation d'un béton compacté contenant des déchets pneumatiques
Cette étude vise à valoriser les déchets caoutchouteux sous forme de granulats dans les mélanges de béton compacté au rouleau (BCR). Les particules de caoutchouc ont été ajoutées aux mélanges en remplacement partiel du volume total de graviers à différents pourcentages (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 et 30%). La démarche expérimentale entreprise dans ce travail de thèse consiste à étudier l’influence du caoutchouc sur les propriétés du BCR, aussi bien à l'état frais qu’à l'état durci. En présence du caoutchouc, le BCR est devenu plus léger, plus maniable, plus ductile, plus résistant à la fissuration et moins perméable. Le principal inconvénient lié à l’incorporation du caoutchouc dans le BCR est la chute des propriétés mécaniques. Pour remédier à ce problème, nous avons procédé au traitement du caoutchouc et également à l’addition de la fumée de silice. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il est possible d’améliorer la performance du BCR caoutchouteux par modification de la rugosité des particules de caoutchouc. En effet, une grande partie de la chute de résistance induite par le caoutchouc a été corrigée.
ABDELAZIZMeddah , ,(2015); Caractérisation d'un béton compacté contenant des déchets pneumatiques,ENP d'Alger,
- 2015
Effect of the Fibre Geometry on the Flexural Properties of Reinforced Steel Fibre Refractory Concrete
Steel fibres are commonly used in refractory industry to reinforce high temperature concretes. Little information is available on the effect of fibre geometry on the refractory concrete and in particular to thermal shock. Eleven different melt extract fibre geometries were investigated with fibre lengths of 10 mm, 25 mm and 50 mm and aspect ratios varying from 14 to 108. Beam specimens made from a proprietary dense hydraulically bonded castable, reinforced with 5 % by weight of steel fibre, were cyclically heated and colled on one face in a specially designed spalling furnace to condition them in a simulated service environment Flexural tests were conducted at service and room temperature to obtain toughness indices. The relationship between fibre geometry and toughness indices is discussed.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2015), Effect of the Fibre Geometry on the Flexural Properties of Reinforced Steel Fibre Refractory Concrete, Procedia, Vol:108, Issue:1, pages:8, Elsevier
- 2015
Effect of the Fibre Geometry on the Flexural Properties of Reinforced Steel Fibre Refractory Concrete
Steel fibres are commonly used in refractory industry to reinforce high temperature concretes. Little information is available on the effect of fibre geometry on the refractory concrete and in particular to thermal shock. Eleven different melt extract fibre geometries were investigated with fibre lengths of 10 mm, 25 mm and 50 mm and aspect ratios varying from 14 to 108. Beam specimens made from a proprietary dense hydraulically bonded castable, reinforced with 5 % by weight of steel fibre, were cyclically heated and colled on one face in a specially designed spalling furnace to condition them in a simulated service environment Flexural tests were conducted at service and room temperature to obtain toughness indices. The relationship between fibre geometry and toughness indices is discussed.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2015), Effect of the Fibre Geometry on the Flexural Properties of Reinforced Steel Fibre Refractory Concrete, Procedia, Vol:108, Issue:1, pages:8, Elsevier
- 2015
Study of the physico-mechanical properties of a recycled concrete incorporating admixtures by the means of NDT methods
During the last decades, the sector of construction has known a growing trend in construction and demolition (C&D) activities. The management of the collected debris and waste causes real problems at the environmental level, which can be seen in the decrease space in urban area and the agriculture land occupied by the waste of demolition. At the moment, researchers in civil engineering domain are called to propose new solutions to find substitutions of the natural aggregate such as, the recycled aggregates (RA) as an alternative for natural crushed aggregates (CA). This study here in focuses on the use the recycled aggregates coming from old concrete tested specimens from construction sites. The aim of this research is the formulation of a recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) within similar performances (resistance and durability) to conventional concrete (CAC). The superplastizier as admixture at dosages 0 %, 0.5 %, 1 %, 1.5 % and 2 % was combined with a recycled aggregate at 100% replacement. The physico-mechanical properties at fresh and hard state were investigated, mainly the density, absorption, air content, elastic modulus and strengths. In addition the NDT test methods (ultrasonic and rebound hammer) were used to assess the compressive strength of the due concrete. The correlation study of strength (Rc ) and the properties; such as elastic dynamic modulus (Ed), ultrasonic velocity (V), rebound hammer number (Is), absorption (A) and the density (γ) to predict the compressive strength in this particular case was considered.
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2015), Study of the physico-mechanical properties of a recycled concrete incorporating admixtures by the means of NDT methods, Procedia Engineering, Vol:108, Issue:108, pages:80-92, ELSEVIER
- 2015
Effect of the Fibre Geometry on the Flexural Properties of Reinforced Steel Fibre Refractory Concrete
Steel fibres are commonly used in refractory industry to reinforce high temperature concretes. Little information is available on the effect of fibre geometry on the refractory concrete and in particular to thermal shock. Eleven different melt extract fibre geometries were investigated with fibre lengths of 10 mm, 25 mm and 50 mm and aspect ratios varying from 14 to 108. Beam specimens made from a proprietary dense hydraulically bonded castable, reinforced with 5 % by weight of steel fibre, were cyclically heated and colled on one face in a specially designed spalling furnace to condition them in a simulated service environment Flexural tests were conducted at service and room temperature to obtain toughness indices. The relationship between fibre geometry and toughness indices is discussed
Larbi BELAGRAA , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2015), Effect of the Fibre Geometry on the Flexural Properties of Reinforced Steel Fibre Refractory Concrete, procedia engineering, Vol:108, Issue:108, pages:185-192, Elsevier
- 2015
A study of the effects of partial replacement of clinker by limestone in the cement manufacture
A study of the effects of partial replacement of clinker by limestone in the cement manufacture
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , , (2015), A study of the effects of partial replacement of clinker by limestone in the cement manufacture, Journal of Cement, Wapno Beton, Vol:19, Issue:3, pages:10, Fundacja Cement Wapno Beton
- 2014
Use of shredded rubber tire aggregates for roller compacted concrete pavement
Recycling of waste rubber tires in pavements is considered as ecological and economical solutions due to their advantages. It may help preserving natural resources and producing an eco-friendly material. Roller compacted concrete used in pavements (RCCP) has the same basic ingredients as in ordinary concrete. But unlike the conventional concrete, it is an enough drier mix-stiff to be compacted by vibratory rollers. This study aims to experimentally investigate the possibility of using shredded rubber tire in RCCP. The rubber particles are added to mixes as a partial replacement by volume of some parts of natural crushed aggregates. Unit weight, mechanical properties, modulus of elasticity and porosity are evaluated and compared according to the rubber content in the concrete mix. The effects of compaction energy and roughness of rubber surfaces are also studied. The results obtained showed that the inclusion of rubber particles in RCCP mixes will change their characteristics in fresh state as well as hardened state. Even though the mechanical properties decrease when rubber content in the mix is increasing, it should be noted that it is possible to use rubber particles in low traffic pavements project. In the other hand, rubber particles may improve some desired technical characteristics such as; porosity, ductility and cracking resistance performance. In addition to that, it may be more environmentally efficient to use rubber aggregates in RCCP, because this helps to remove some parts of these wastes and protect the environment. The performance of RCCP with shredded rubber additions can be improved by modifying the roughness of rubber particle surfaces, when the optimal rubber content depends on technical requirements and the destination of project.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2014), Use of shredded rubber tire aggregates for roller compacted concrete pavement, Journal of cleaner production, Vol:72, Issue:1, pages:8, Elsevier
Default case...
- 2014
Use of shredded rubber tire aggregates for roller compacted concrete pavement
Recycling of waste rubber tires in pavements is considered as ecological and economical solutions due to their advantages. It may help preserving natural resources and producing an eco-friendly material. Roller compacted concrete used in pavements (RCCP) has the same basic ingredients as in ordinary concrete. But unlike the conventional concrete, it is an enough drier mix-stiff to be compacted by vibratory rollers. This study aims to experimentally investigate the possibility of using shredded rubber tire in RCCP. The rubber particles are added to mixes as a partial replacement by volume of some parts of natural crushed aggregates. Unit weight, mechanical properties, modulus of elasticity and porosity are evaluated and compared according to the rubber content in the concrete mix. The effects of compaction energy and roughness of rubber surfaces are also studied. The results obtained showed that the inclusion of rubber particles in RCCP mixes will change their characteristics in fresh state as well as hardened state. Even though the mechanical properties decrease when rubber content in the mix is increasing, it should be noted that it is possible to use rubber particles in low traffic pavements project. In the other hand, rubber particles may improve some desired technical characteristics such as; porosity, ductility and cracking resistance performance. In addition to that, it may be more environmentally efficient to use rubber aggregates in RCCP, because this helps to remove some parts of these wastes and protect the environment. The performance of RCCP with shredded rubber additions can be improved by modifying the roughness of rubber particle surfaces, when the optimal rubber content depends on technical requirements and the destination of project.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2014), Use of shredded rubber tire aggregates for roller compacted concrete pavement, Cleaner prodcution, Vol:87, Issue:1, pages:5, Elsevier
- 2014
Use of shredded rubber tire aggregates for roller compacted concrete pavement
Recycling of waste rubber tires in pavements is considered as ecological and economical solutions due to their advantages. It may help preserving natural resources and producing an eco-friendly material. Roller compacted concrete used in pavements (RCCP) has the same basic ingredients as in ordinary concrete. But unlike the conventional concrete, it is an enough drier mix-stiff to be compacted by vibratory rollers. This study aims to experimentally investigate the possibility of using shredded rubber tire in RCCP. The rubber particles are added to mixes as a partial replacement by volume of some parts of natural crushed aggregates. Unit weight, mechanical properties, modulus of elasticity and porosity are evaluated and compared according to the rubber content in the concrete mix. The effects of compaction energy and roughness of rubber surfaces are also studied. The results obtained showed that the inclusion of rubber particles in RCCP mixes will change their characteristics in fresh state as well as hardened state. Even though the mechanical properties decrease when rubber content in the mix is increasing, it should be noted that it is possible to use rubber particles in low traffic pavements project. In the other hand, rubber particles may improve some desired technical characteristics such as; porosity, ductility and cracking resistance performance. In addition to that, it may be more environmentally efficient to use rubber aggregates in RCCP, because this helps to remove some parts of these wastes and protect the environment. The performance of RCCP with shredded rubber additions can be improved by modifying the roughness of rubber particle surfaces, when the optimal rubber content depends on technical requirements and the destination of project.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2014), Use of shredded rubber tire aggregates for roller compacted concrete pavement, Cleaner Production, Vol:72, Issue:1, pages:10, Elsevier
- 2012
Dunes sand behavior under triaxial loads
This paper has the aim of characterizing the behavior of a dunes sand collected in Boussaâda city (wilaya of M’sila, Algeria), where important disorders were observed in the road works and in the small buildings. Triaxial drained shear tests results performed on this sand using a servo-controlled triaxial press are presented and described. Simulation results of the sand behavior using two hyperbolic models and their application to calculate the bearing capacity of strip footing resting on a sand massif of geotechnical characteristics comparable with those of Boussaâda dunes sand are also presented and analyzed. It is concluded that the numerical results are concordant with the experimental results for the considered hyperbolic models. But, these two models lead to bearing capacity values lower than those given by Terzaghi’s formula.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2012), Dunes sand behavior under triaxial loads,International Science and Technology Conference, ISTEC’2012, Dubai, December 13-15, 2012.,United Arab Emirates
- 2012
Comportement d’un sable de dunes sous sollicitations triaxiales
Cette communication a pour objet de caractériser le comportement d’un sable de dunes prélevé dans la région de Boussaâda (wilaya de M’sila, Algérie), où d’importants désordres ont été observés. Elle présente les résultats d’un programme d’essais triaxiaux drainés effectués sur ce sable à l’aide d’une presse triaxiale asservie. Elle présente ensuite les résultats d’une simulation du comportement du sable et se termine par une application au dimensionnement d’une semelle filante ancrée dans un massif de sable de caractéristiques comparables à celui de Boussaâda.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2012), Comportement d’un sable de dunes sous sollicitations triaxiales,Séminaire International ‘‘Paramètres et Identification en Géotechnique’’, ATMS, 15-16 mars 2012.,Hammamet, Tunisie
- 2004
Etude des performances de quelques éléments de terre armée
Cet article présente les résultats de deux séries d’essais d’arrachement sous chargements monotone et répété réalisés sur des armatures métalliques présentant diverses formes de rugosité (nervurées, perforées, en forme de W, chaîne) et incorporées dans le même remblai de sable. Ces résultats montrent que les armatures rugueuses sont plus avantageuses que l’armature lisse de même type. Parmi les armatures rugueuses considérées, la chaîne est la plus performante.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Smail Safer, Mohamed Sahli, ,(2004), Etude des performances de quelques éléments de terre armée,Colloque International de Géotechnique, GeoBeirut'2004,Beirut, Liban