عبدالحق عبدو
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
habilitation universitaire. in Université Mohamed BOUDIAF M’sila
Research Domains
- Matériaux d'électrotechniques - Machines électriques - Automatisme industriel - Electronique de puissance
LocationTaoult, Tazoult
Code RFIDE- 2022
Encaderement master
Etude et Simulation de la Détection par Courants Foucault de Défauts Internes de Corrosion – Cas de Système Bicouches –
- 2022
Encaderement master
LAMOUAT Saddik , BENAMER Ramadhane
Simulation de la Détection de Défauts de Corrosion de Rail de Train par CND-CF
- 2021
Encaderement master
AMRIOU Nabil , HANNA, Brahim
Contrôle Non Destructif pour une Structure Multicouches utilisée en Aéronautique par Système de Multi-Capteurs à Courants de Foucault
- 2021
Co-Encaderement Master
Etude d’un Système de Détection par Courants de Foucault Multiéléments Alimenté en Mode Harmonique Multiplexé Application aux Structure Aéronautique
- 2021
Co-Encaderement Master
Medjedel Khalil , Kamal Bensailette
Etude d’un Système de Détection par Courants de Foucault Multiéléments Alimenté en Mode Harmonique Multiplexé Application aux Échangeurs de chaleur
- 2020
Encaderement master
Contrôle Non Destructif (CND), « Approche Expérimentale pour un Contrôle par Ondes ultrasonores et Radiographique
- 2020
Encaderement master
Contrôle Non Destructifs par Capteurs à Courants de Foucault à Champs Magnétique Tournant
- 2019
Encaderement master
Mahfoud AOUFI , Lakhdar KHODJA
Contrôle Non Destructif par Flux de Fuite Magnétique Appliqué aux Pièces Ferromagnétiques
- 2019
Encaderement master
Mahfoud AOUFI , Lakhdar KHODJA
Etude et Réalisation d’un Banc D’essai Dédie aux Applications du Contrôle Non Destructif par Courants de Foucault
- 2018
Encaderement master
Lakhdar BAKAI , Amel LAYACHI
Contrôle Non Destructif par Courants de Foucault (Application aux pièces cylindriques)
- 2018
Encaderement master
Amirouche SAOUDI , Abdenour BENHALIMA
Contrôle Non Destructif par Courants de Foucault (Application aux Structures Rivetées Utilisées en Aéronautiques)
- 2015
Encaderement master
Nacereddine AISSANI
Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) par Courants de Foucault (CF), Utilisation des Capteurs Magnétiques à très Haut Sensibilité
- 2015
Encaderement master
Mohammed Ridha ZAOUI
- 2014
Encaderement master
Omar Adib SAFER
Etude et Modélisation de Capteurs à Courants de Foucault pour le Contrôle Non Destructif (CND)
- 2013
Encaderement master
Commande d’un Système Automatise de Production (SAP) par Automate Programmable Industriel (API) « Briqueterie d'El Kalaa Beni Hammad -M'sila »
- 2012
Encaderement master
Mohammed MENASRI
Détection de Défauts Surfacique par Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) par Courants de Foucault (CF) en Mode Absolue
- 2012
Encaderement master
Contrôle non destructif par Courants de Foucault par Capteur différentiel
- 2011
Rafik Abdelhak DELLOUM , Izzeddine YAHI, Abdelhamid ZAITER
Approche expérimentale pour un contrôle non destructif par ultrasons
- 2009
Résolution par Grafcet Evolué d'un Système Automatisé Industriel « Briqueterie d'el Kalaa Beni Hammad -M'sila »
- 2008
Noureddine ATALLAOUI , Rachid FRAHTIA
Automatisation d’une Petite Unité de Production par la Résolution GRAFCET « Graphe de Commande. Etape - Transition »
- 01-01-2020
habilitation universitaire
Rapport de synthèse à diriger les recherches - 08-02-2018
Contrôle non Destructif (CND): Étude et Modélisation d’un Capteur à Courants de Foucault - 27-11-2006
Contrôle non Destructif par Courants de Foucault: Etude et Réalisation d'un Capteur Inductif - 03-07-1988
- 1963-10-21 00:00:00
ABDELHAK Abdou birthday
- 2024-12-10
Nondestructive Evaluation of Material Properties through Particle Swarm Optimization
This study uses Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to estimate material properties like conductivity and permeability from eddy current testing data, crucial for industrial reliability in aerospace and energy sectors. PSO effectively solves inverse problems, handling noisy or incomplete data. The results highlight PSO's role in improving the accuracy and reliability of material property estimation, advancing non-destructive testing methods.
Merwane khebal , Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , ,(2024-12-10), Nondestructive Evaluation of Material Properties through Particle Swarm Optimization,NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SMART SYSTEMS NC2EAIS22024,Tamanrasset, Algeria
- 2024-12-10
A Runge-Kutta Method for Optimizing Defect Depth in Multilayer Structures
This study presents an advanced optimization approach based on the Runge-Kutta algorithm to estimate the depth of internal defects in multilayer structures. The method is distinguished by its rapid and precise convergence toward optimal solutions, demonstrating its effectiveness in non-destructive testing applications. The analysis reveals high accuracy from the early iterations and a rapid reduction of errors, confirming the potential of this method to improve defect estimation in industrial environments, with superior accuracy and speed compared to traditional approaches.
Merwane khebal , Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , ,(2024-12-10), A Runge-Kutta Method for Optimizing Defect Depth in Multilayer Structures,NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SMART SYSTEMS NC2EAIS22024,Tamanrasset, Algeria
- 2024-10-02
Defect characterization from magnetic field leakage signals in petroleum and natural gas pipelines
Pipelines transport invaluable energy resources such as crude oil and natural gas over long distances. The integrity of the piping system in terms of safety of the process is then of high importance. However, pipes are prone by time to defects that may degrade their properties and lead to failures. In this paper, we study the effect of defect parameters on the magnetic field leakage captured by Hall sensors operating along the pipe. In fact, the obtained results show that the defect parameters influence directly the MFL amplitude and shape. For this reason, the inversion problem allowing us to reconstruct the defect from the MFL signals became fast and easier in comparison to the deterministic and probabilistic algorithm inversion procedure. However, the simplified system cannot describe the real defects and the three-dimensional numerical study became necessary. In tank floor inspection domain, as our recent published work, we have studied the performance of defect shape reconstruction from MFL array sensor imaging and depth estimation while using an iterative inversion method. Indeed, the first stage consists of determining the defect width and length from magnetic flux leakage mapping reconstructed from the recorded signals of the micro-integrated magnetic sensors. Then, after coupling Comsol and Matlab software, the defect depth is obtained by coupling the 3D finite elements method and a fast iterative algorithm recently developed. Consequently, the defect shape and size are obtained after a few iterations with high precision. Furthermore, this method of defect reconstruction and seizing can be extended for irregular defect shapes encountered in pipeline such as cracks and corrosion.
Merwane khebal , Kamel belkhiri , tarik Bouchala , Abdelhak ABDOU , , (2024-10-02), Defect characterization from magnetic field leakage signals in petroleum and natural gas pipelines, STUDIES IN ENGINEERING AND EXACT SCIENCES, Vol:5, Issue:2, pages:e8590, STUDIES PUBLICACOES
- 2024-06-28
Static eddy current imaging for nondestructive testing of aeronautical structures
Non-destructive testing (NDT) plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of the structures used in aeronautics as it enables the detection of defects without damaging the parts examined. In the field of aeronautics, it is necessary to ensure the structural integrity of aircraft components. Vaulted head bolts are the most commonly used in this area to assemble multi-layered structures due to their strength and ability to maintain the structural integrity of aircraft. Examining these assembly areas can be challenging and present unique hurdles for non-destructive testing due to the shape and structure of the rivet, particularly its curved surface. This curvature can result in varying lift-off distances during surface scanning and alterations in the path of swirling currents near the rivet. Consequently, the response of vortex currents may vary, complicating the precise interpretation of test outcomes. In recent years, researchers have concentrated on devising advanced techniques for vortex testing to identify defects in complex structures, particularly those found in the aerospace industry. In this study, we have devised a model employing the finite element method (FEM) using COMSOL Multiphysics for non-destructive testing via 3D imaging utilizing a grid of multi-element vortex sensors distributed across multiple layers around the rivet, without necessitating the displacement of this grid. Our investigation, which involved analyzing various changes in lift-off distances for the sensor, demonstrated the accuracy of defect detection near the rivet, irrespective of the length and width of the defect. We propose a promising solution to tackle both the rivet's shape and the issue of probe displacement during testing. The sensors' non-displacement eliminates parasitic signals, preventing errors in signal interpretation, while multiplexed powering eliminates mutual inductance between adjacent coils.
Merwane khebal , Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , Abderrahmane aboura , Kamel belkhiri , , (2024-06-28), Static eddy current imaging for nondestructive testing of aeronautical structures, STUDIES IN ENGINEERING AND EXACT SCIENCES, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:3484–3501, STUDIES PUBLICACOES
- 2022-10-23
La détection des fuites de flux magnétique est l'une des méthodes les plus utilisées pour l’inspection des pipelines et des réservoirs de stockage en matériaux ferromagnétiques. C'est une technique rapide de contrôle non destructif, elle utilise des capteurs magnétiques sensibles pour détecter la fuite du flux magnétique des défauts sur les surfaces internes et externes (les pertes d’épaisseur). Dans cette présentation on va mettre en évidence lors des simulations les différents paramètres influant sur le CND-MFL en appliquant un champ magnétique intense à l’aide d’un aimant permanent montée sur une plaque ferromagnétique en présence d’un capteur de champ à effet HALL inspectant la surface de cette plaque ferromagnétique présentant plusieurs types de défauts. Le modèle ainsi développé sera implémenté sous COMSOL multiphysics, nous considérons un défaut de surface, défaut de sous-surface et nous étudierons l'effet de la variation des caractéristiques géométriques du défaut, à savoir la longueur, la largeur et la profondeur sur l'induction magnétique lors du déplacement linéaire.
Merwane khebal , Kamel belkhiri , Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , ,(2022-10-23), DÉTECTION ET ÉVALUATION DES DÉFAUTS PAR LA TECHNIQUE DE FUITE DE FLUX MAGNÉTIQUE,2ème Séminaire Internationale de Génie Industriel et de Mathématiques Appliquées (SIGIMA'22),SKIKDA, ALGERIA
- 2022-07-20
Non Destructive Testing by Magnetic Leakage Flux Applied to Ferromagnetic Parts
The non-destructive magnetic flux leakage control is very important because it is used for conductive parts and is based on the circulation of a magnetic field through the thickness of the tube. Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) is a corrosion and crack detection technique for ferromagnetic materials, which is mostly utilized in metal pipelines and tanks. It is based on the use of a strong magnet to magnetize the equipment's wall. The magnetic field "escapes" from the wall where there is corrosion or a lack of substance. The magnetic field leakage is measured using a magnetic flux detector situated between the magnet's poles. A magnetic flux detector placed between the poles of the magnet measures the magnetic field leakage. A magnetic field sensor is also used in the magnetic leakage flux approach to obtain a defect signature. The magnetic leakage flux test works by magnetizing the part to be examined with a magnetic field and then detecting the leakage of the generated field lines with a magnetic sensor. The principle of magnetic leakage flux testing is to magnetize the component to be tested with a magnetic field and detect leakage of the field lines caused by the presence of a defect in the part using a magnetic sensor. In this work, we have given a description of the magnetic leakage flux sensors. We listed the Maxwell equations that regulate the MFL detection phenomenon, as well as a brief summary of the software utilized, COMSOL multiphysics, and a simulation result of this control. Last but not least, there's the transition from process to modeling. using a COMSOL multiphysics 3D simulation for low carbon and faulty steel sheet on the one hand, and for cylindrical parts with internal and exterior flaws on the other.
Merwane khebal , Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , Mohamed Razi morakchi , Abderrahmane aboura , ,(2022-07-20), Non Destructive Testing by Magnetic Leakage Flux Applied to Ferromagnetic Parts,3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences,Konya/Turkey.
- 2022
Détection de défauts de corrosion de rail de train par CND-CF
The detection and characterization of a defect is one of the problems most frequently encountered in numerous industrial sectors, aerospace and nuclear, because they were faced with the obligation to acquire the most advanced techniques for obtaining information of the physical and geometric characteristics of the different materials. In order to choose the best technique suited for an application, a number of criteria can be taken into account such as the ease of implementation of the technique and its low cost. Among these NDT techniques, the eddy currents (EC) one is the most commonly used industrially because of its environmental friendliness.
Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , Abdelmalik BENDAIKHA , Safer adib omar, ,(2022), Détection de défauts de corrosion de rail de train par CND-CF,International Seminar in Industrial Engineering and aApplied Mathematics (ISEAM. 2022),Skikda
- 2022
Non destructive evaluation of multi layers aeraunotical structures by the eddy current methode
Advances in electronics have allowed the development of newer inspection techniques such as multi-element eddy current (MEC), which allows for increased reliability and repeatability of surface inspections compared to more traditional methods (Dye Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Inspection. Indeed, the possibility to adapt coil configurations and sequencing patterns allows users to optimize the acquisition chain for their application. In addition, by multiplying the active elements and exploiting advanced data processing capabilities, CFM solutions allow inspections to be performed faster, often with less surface preparation. They also offer additional benefits such as mapping-type imaging (e.g. 2D and 3D C-Scan displays), improved surface coverage, ease of deployment, and data archiving. Finally, in addition to defect detection, CFM technology can also sometimes provide quantitative dimensioning.
Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , khebal merwane, Belkhiri Kamel, ,(2022), Non destructive evaluation of multi layers aeraunotical structures by the eddy current methode,International seminar in industrial engineering and applied mathematics (SIGIMA 2022),Skikda
- 2022
La détection des fuites de flux magnétique est l'une des méthodes les plus utilisées pour l’inspection des pipelines et des réservoirs de stockage en matériaux ferromagnétiques. C'est une technique rapide de contrôle non destructif, elle utilise des capteurs magnétiques sensibles pour détecter la fuite du flux magnétique des défauts sur les surfaces internes et externes (les pertes d’épaisseur). Dans cette présentation en va mettre en évidence lors des simulations les différents paramètres influant sur le CND-MFL en appliquant un champ magnétique intense à l’aide d’un aimant permanent montée sur une plaque ferromagnétique en présence d’un capteur de champ à effet HALL inspectant la surface de cette plaque ferromagnétique présentant plusieurs types de défauts. Le modèle ainsi développé sera implémenté sous COMSOL multiphysics, nous considérons un défaut de surface, défaut de sous-surface et nous étudierons l'effet de la variation des caractéristiques géométriques du défaut, à savoir la longueur, la largeur et la profondeur sur l'induction magnétique lors du déplacement linéaire.
Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , Kamel BELKHIRI, Merwane KHEBAL, ,(2022), DÉTECTION ET ÉVALUATION DES DÉFAUTS PAR LA TECHNIQUE DE FUITE DE FLUX MAGNÉTIQUE,International seminar in industrial engineering and applied mathematics (,Skikda
- 2022
Non Destructive Testing for a Multilayer Structure used in Aeronautics by Eddy Current Multi-Sensor System
The goal of non-destructive testing (NDT) is to determine a part's integrity without causing damage to it. Early diagnosis of a fault in high-risk fields like nuclear or aeronautics can save lives and save significant material and human losses. In the field of non-destructive testing (NDT), eddy current imaging technology is based on multi-element sensors consisting of numerous eddy current probes eddy current probes positioned side by side for data collecting. The assembly of the is possible thanks to multiplexing, which avoids mutual inductance between the individual probes. The ICFMM is designed for non-destructive evaluation of flaws in the area of rivets on aeronautical and other structures, and will allow defect characterisation using 3D pictures that represent impedance variation.
ADMIN Admin , Abdelhak ABDOU , ,(2022), Non Destructive Testing for a Multilayer Structure used in Aeronautics by Eddy Current Multi-Sensor System,1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences,Konya/Turkey
- 2022
Eddy current system with multi-element sensors and harmonic mode for detection of surface flaws in sheet metal
Eddy current testing is among the most frequent electromagnetic processes used in the non-destructive assessment of conductive materials (ECT). The ECT principle is based on the electromagnetic induction phenomena. When a time-varying magnetic field interacts with an examined component, eddy currents are formed in the material. The presence of a break in the investigated body can be detected by perturbing the eddy currents' course. ECT is widely used in a variety of applications, including material thickness measurements, proximity measurements, corrosion evaluation, and material sorting based on electromagnetic characteristics. The detection and probable diagnosis of discontinuities is, however, the most common field of use at the moment. Natural fractures in steam generators, such as stress corrosion cracks (SCC) and fatigue cracks (FC), are common. In this paper, we will use stepwise array sensors, which record data by placing several eddy current sensors next to each other, in the current eddy technique of this study. Because of the multiplexing, which prohibits mutual induction between individual probes, the probes can be analyzing conductive objects with a minimum number of scans, this technique saves a lot of time. Material ruptures and wear defects in the flight parts were explained in this way.
Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , ABOURA Abderrahmane, Abdeslam AOUKILI, Merwane KHEBAL, ,(2022), Eddy current system with multi-element sensors and harmonic mode for detection of surface flaws in sheet metal,international seminar in industrial engineering and applied mathematics (SIGIMA 2022),Skikda
- 2022
Non-destructive testing of electrically conductive materials often uses the eddy current (EC) method. In industrial applications, it is simple to use and reliable, but when the surface area of the items to be inspected is large, it can be costly. Eddy-current imaging systems are an example of a new generation of reliable and fast inspection systems. They have recently been designed to create EC images with high defect characterization capability. Eddy-current imaging systems are an example of a new generation of reliable and fast inspection systems. They have recently been designed to create EC images with a high defect characterization capability. It is produced using mechanical scanning techniques using a collection of separate coils that have been combined into a single probe to create a multi-element coil system. The use of a multi-element probe system allows a large surface area to be monitored, reducing the need for time-consuming scans to minimise the impact of mutuality.
- 2021
Eddy Current Probe Configuration for Full Rail Top Surface Inspection
In this paper, we have carried out an experimental study of the detection of top rail surface cracks. Firstly, we have highlighted the inability to inspect the entire rail head surface by a single sensor with a single scan. To overcome this inspection inability, we have proposed a multisensor system composed of three differential probes arranged within a specific configuration. The yielded results showed the efficiency and the robustness of the proposed configuration in the detection of cracks regardless its size, orientation and location.
tarik Bouchala , Abdelhak ABDOU , AOUF ANOUARESSADATE, BACHIR ABDELHADI, , (2021), Eddy Current Probe Configuration for Full Rail Top Surface Inspection, Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie, Vol:20, Issue:2, pages:65-72, International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)
- 2021
Imagerie 3D par Capteurs à Courants de Foucault Multiéléments des Surfaces Inspectées des Structures de Transport et de Stockage des Hydrocarbures.
A travers les recherches bibliographiques et les contacts que nous avons effectués avec les experts, nous avons remarqué que les appareils de détection par courants de Foucault conçus et commercialisés sont très sophistiqués et faciles à manipuler par un simple opérateur ; et cela grâce à l’imagerie 2D en temps réel des résultats d’inspection. Cependant, les résultats obtenus restent relativement qualitatifs car quelques paramètres essentiels restent inconnus. Pour cette raison, nous avons proposé de compléter certains résultats des scans en développant des algorithmes capables de caractériser en profondeur les régions affectées par les défauts de forme quelconque (corrosion, fissure, arrachement de matière, criques,..) et cela dans le cas des capteurs multiéléments alimentés en mode harmonique ou pulsé. De cette manière, les formes des régions affectées seront représentées en 3D (détermination de la profondeur de chaque point du défaut) ce qui va permettre aux contrôleurs d’évaluer leurs dangerosité. Dans les futurs travaux nous étendons cette technique pour la caractérisation d’un défaut aléatoire et la réalisation d'un dispositif de scan approprié. En effet, cela permettra de réduire le cout global des appareils importés.
Abdelhak ABDOU , tarik Bouchala , FOUAD Berrabah , ,(2021), Imagerie 3D par Capteurs à Courants de Foucault Multiéléments des Surfaces Inspectées des Structures de Transport et de Stockage des Hydrocarbures.,Workshop sur le partenariat SONATRACH-UNIVERSITE dans le domaine de la recherche et le développement,Boumerdes - Algerie
- 2020
Eddy Current Characterization of 3D Crack by Analyzing Probe Signal and Using a Fast Algorithm Search
The study of 3D eddy current non destructive testing system for cracks characterization using finite element method requires a great amount of computing time and memory space. In this article, we have validated the developed model and then determined directly the crack length by analyzing the complete signal. Afterwards, we have extracted from the complete sensor sweep signal the maximal amplitude that we have exploited to estimate the crack depth
tarik Bouchala , Abdelhak ABDOU , abbassi abderrahmane, Bachir Abdelhadi, , (2020), Eddy Current Characterization of 3D Crack by Analyzing Probe Signal and Using a Fast Algorithm Search, Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol:56, Issue:5, pages:426-434, springer
- 2020
Full Model in General Case of Anisotropic Electrical Properties for Heterogeneous Multilayer Composites Materials Used in Satellites Antennas Reflectors
The aim of this paper proposed a full model for anisotropic electrical proprieties of Heterogeneous multilayer composites materials used in satellite antennas reflectors, the model take into account the anisotropic nature of these materials as a tensor in conductive and ferromagnetic cases such as electrical permittivity, electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability, a unidirectional quasi-isotropic multilayer composite is used as modeled simple.
Abdelhak ABDOU , SAFER Omar Adib, DIAF Youssouf, BENAÏCHA Ramzi, ,(2020), Full Model in General Case of Anisotropic Electrical Properties for Heterogeneous Multilayer Composites Materials Used in Satellites Antennas Reflectors,8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEFENSE SYSTEMS: ARCHITECTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES (DAT’2020),April 14-16, 2020, Algiers, Algeria.
- 2019
Nondestructive Eddy Current Measurement of Coating Thickness of Aeronautical Construction Materials
This paper puts forward a novel nondestructive method to measure the coating thickness of aeronautical construction materials (e.g. Al, AU4G, Ti and Inox 304L) using the eddy current. First, the forward model of the coupled electric field method was adopted to facilitate the eddy current measurement the coating thickness. The forward model was applied in Matlab simulation. Based on the simulation results, the authors examined the effects of nonconductive coating thickness on sensor impedance component such as amplitude, resistance and reactance. On this basis, an inverse algorithm was developed and coupled with the forward model, and verified through experiments. The results show that our method can measure the coating thickness of aeronautical construction materials rapidly at a high precision. The method has great potential for automated industrial applications.
Abdelhak ABDOU , , (2019), Nondestructive Eddy Current Measurement of Coating Thickness of Aeronautical Construction Materials, Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie, Vol:18, Issue:5, pages:451-457, International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)
- 2019
An Eddy Current Nondestructive Testing Calibration for Cracks Detection in Aircraft Based Riveted Multilayer Structures
It is a challenging task to detect the hidden cracks in multilayer riveted structures in a nondestructive manner. This paper puts forward an eddy current nondestructive method for crack detection in such structures based on the electric conductivity of the rivets. Specifically, an eddy current sensor was designed with a ferrite core coil to evaluate the surface and inner defects of different layers. The magnetic phenomena during the detection process was simulated based on the magnetic potential and the scalar electrical potential, and the magnetic potential vector was solved by finite-element method. The proposed method was compared with the eddy current detection method without considering rivet conductivity through an experiment on a three-layer riveted aluminum structure. The length and position of each defect on each layer were changed in the experiment. The results show that the proposed method achieved better accuracy than the contrastive method, and its sensitivity depends on two issues: the position of the defect relative to the separation of the layers and the length of the defect relative to the length of the rivet head. The research results are of great significance for nondestructive testing of multilayer riveted structures in many fields.
Abdelhak ABDOU , Omar adib SAFER, Tarik BOUCHALA, abdelmalik.bendaikha@univ-msila.dz, Bachir ABDELHADI, Amor GUETTAFI, Azzedine BENOUDJIT, , (2019), An Eddy Current Nondestructive Testing Calibration for Cracks Detection in Aircraft Based Riveted Multilayer Structures, Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie, Vol:18, Issue:5, pages:485-490, International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)
- 2019
A Study of SVM-DTC and Conventional DTC for Induction Motors Drive Fed by Five-level Inverter
In order to reduce torque and flux fluctuations as well as harmonic currents distortion, two models were developed, the first is based on conventional DTC and the second is based on the SVM-DTC, controlling induction motor fed by a Five-level inverter. PI controller is employed for flux and torque control in order to obtain reference voltages Vd and Vq that will be used in the SVM algorithm. The developed models were validated by simulation tests and the obtained results have showed the advantages of DTC-SVM control over conventional DTC in harmonic currents distortion, torque and flux fluctuations reductions.
Abdelhak ABDOU , Abdelmalik BENDAIKHA , MABROUK Defdaf , Salah Saad, , (2019), A Study of SVM-DTC and Conventional DTC for Induction Motors Drive Fed by Five-level Inverter, European Journal of Electrical Engineering (EJEE), Vol:21, Issue:1, pages:85-91, International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)
- 2019
Ce cours à pour objectif de : Savoir étudier et réaliser un automatisme aussi bien combinatoire que séquentiel. Être capable de mettre en œuvre des applications d’automatisation conçue autour d'automates programmables industriels.
AbdelhakABDOU , ,(2019); Automatismes,Mohamed Boudiaf University – M’sila,
- 2018
Influence of Conductive Pollution on Eddy Current Sensor Signals
This paper presents a study of a surface crack detection in which the volume is filled by conductive substances due to the polluting environment. Hence, this investigation demonstrates by numerical simulation that electric conductivity is a crucial property that has to be added to the other defect geometrical characteristics in order to complete the developed models. Consequently, introducing the tolerance in percent in the measured impedance is necessary in some conditions. So, the obtained results demonstrate that the signal amplitude passes from 0 to 78% of the maximal amplitude when the defect conductivity rises from 0 to 0.5 Ms/m. On the other hand, the relative difference of the resistance partincreases according to defect volume. For example, for a defect of 0.3 MS/m, the relative difference of the resistance varies from 52 to 62% of the maximal amplitude when the defect depth varies from 0.5 to 2.25 mm. These results can be exploited to show the effect of the conductive substances occupying the crack volume. In fact, the controller using EC-NDT technique must take into consideration the presence of conductive polluting elements in the crack volume. So, this condition becomes primordial and necessary according to the degree and nature of pollution.
Abdelhak ABDOU , Tarik BOUCHALA,, Nabil BENHADDA,, Bachir ABDELHADI, Aeddine BENOUDJIT, , (2018), Influence of Conductive Pollution on Eddy Current Sensor Signals, Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol:54, Issue:3, pages:192-202, Springer
- 2018
3D Modelisation of non destructive testing for different forms of defects
In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-ferromagnetic plates. A special attention is paid to the presentation of results in the form of images. A three-dimensional modeling with finite element method to solved the distribution of the eddy-currents inside the material under test. With this purpose a uniform field probe is used to guarantee a spatially invariant excitation field for probe scanning translations.
Abdelhak ABDOU , ,(2018), 3D Modelisation of non destructive testing for different forms of defects,International Seminar in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics (ISIEAM'2018),ALGERIA - Skikda
- 2007
Approche Expérimentale pour un Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) par Capteur à Courants de Foucault en Mode Absolu
Abstract: In this article an approach for studying the left off effect on the mesured impédance of the inductive sensor is proposed , for the non destructive testing by eddy currents in an absolute mode. Résumé: On propose dans cet article une approche expérimentale pour la concrétisation de l’effet de la distance capteur-cible « lift-off » sur la mesure de l’impédance apparente du capteur inductif lors d’un contrôle non destructif par capteur à courants de Foucault en mode absolu.
Abdelhak ABDOU , Nabil Benhadda, Azzedine Benoudjit, Amor Guettafi,, ,(2007), Approche Expérimentale pour un Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) par Capteur à Courants de Foucault en Mode Absolu,5eme conférence sur le génie électrique, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique,,Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Bordj el Bahri, Alger
- 2007
Analyse par la Méthode des Eléments Finis d’un Capteur à Courants de Foucault en Mode différentiel pour l’Inspection des Pièces Cylindriques
Dans cet article nous avons mis en évidence l'effet des paramètres géométriques et physiques tels que la profondeur, la longueur et la conductivité électrique du défaut sur la réponse du capteur lors d'un contrôle non destructif. Le type de capteur à courants de Foucault utilisé, pour étudier la détection des défauts travaille en mode différentiel, car cette méthode à l'avantage de détecter des micros fissures et permet d'éliminer l'effet de la température ainsi que celui de lift-off ainsi que l'effet des éléments parasites .
Abdelhak ABDOU , Nabil Benhadda, Amor Guettafi, Azzedine Benoudjit,, ,(2007), Analyse par la Méthode des Eléments Finis d’un Capteur à Courants de Foucault en Mode différentiel pour l’Inspection des Pièces Cylindriques,5eme conférence sur le génie électrique, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique,Bordj el Bahri, Alger
- 2007
Approche Expérimentale pour un Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) par Capteur à Courants de Foucault en Mode Absolu
On propose dans cet article une approche expérimentale pour la concrétisation de l’effet de la distance capteur-cible « lift-off » sur la mesure de l’impédance apparente du capteur inductif lors d’un contrôle non destructif par capteur à courants de Foucault en mode absolu.
Abdelhak ABDOU , Bz,hadda nabil, azzeddine benoudjit, amor guettafi, ,(2007), Approche Expérimentale pour un Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) par Capteur à Courants de Foucault en Mode Absolu,cinquième conférence sur le génie électrique,bordj-el bahri - algerie
- 2007
Analyse par la Méthode des Eléments d'un Capteurs à Courants de Foucault en mode différentiel pour l'inspection des pièces cylindriques
Dans cet article une simulation de la détection de défauts surfaciques et internes sur des pièces conductrice de forme cylindriques à été abordée par l;a méthode des éléments finis.
Abdelhak ABDOU , Nabil Benhadda, Amor Guettafi, Azzeddine Benoudjit, ,(2007), Analyse par la Méthode des Eléments d'un Capteurs à Courants de Foucault en mode différentiel pour l'inspection des pièces cylindriques,cinquième conférence sur le génie électrique,bordj-el bahri - algerie
- 2006
Simulation du Contrôle Non Destructif par Capteur à Courants de Foucault de Pièces Amagnétiques
La détermination de l’impédance dans une seule position n’est pas suffisante pour détecter la présence ou l’absence du défaut. Pour cette raison qu’on n’est obligé de faire le déplacement du capteur. Du côte nature, le défaut se traduit soit par une absence de matière ou une anomalie non conductrice. Pour simuler la détection de ce défaut, le capteur est supposé se déplacer le long du tube amagnétique. A chaque pas de déplacement, nous recueillons l’impédance du capteur, pour éviter les effets de coin causé par les extrémités du tube, nous faisons déplacer le capteur à partir d’une position où se dernier voit le tube comme sain uniforme. La position choisie est (x = 30 à 60mm). Nous présentons dans cette article l’allure de l’impédance pour trois valeurs différentes de la fréquence : 10 KHz, 100KHz et 240KHz.
Abdelhak ABDOU , Nabil Benhadda,, Amor Guettafi, Azzedine Benoudjit,, ,(2006), Simulation du Contrôle Non Destructif par Capteur à Courants de Foucault de Pièces Amagnétiques,4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (CEE 06),Université de EL Hadj LAKHDAR - Batna
- 2006
Simulation du Contrôle non destructif par capteurs à Courants de Foucault sur des Pièces Cylindriques Amagnétiques
On propose dans cet article une approche de simulation par la méthode des éléments finis pour la concrétisation des défauts qui peuvent subsistés sur pièces cylindriques amagnétiques . le contrôle se fait par la mesure l'impédance du capteurs , cette dernière varie lors du passage du capteur au voisinage du défaut, car la trajectoire des courants de Foucault est perturbé par la présence de défaut surfacique .
ADMIN Admin , Abdelhak ABDOU , ,(2006), Simulation du Contrôle non destructif par capteurs à Courants de Foucault sur des Pièces Cylindriques Amagnétiques,4th International confrence of Electrical Engineering,Batna