محمدي عبدالكريم
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
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Code RFIDE- 1954-02-12 00:00:00
ABDELKRIM Mahamedi birthday
- 2017-12-19
Laboratory investigation on the behaviour of an overconsolidated expansive clay in intact and compacted states
Natural climatic phenomena and human activity frequently cause disorders in the masses of fine-grained soils characterized by very significant volume variation as soon as the conditions of their equilibrium are modified. A better description of the behaviour of fine-grained soils can be seen with respect to drying-wetting cycles. This paper presents a series of laboratory test results obtained on a heavily overconsolidated expansive clay, for which significant damages frequently appear in road and motorway infrastructures, in urban public utilities, as well as in civil and industrial low-rise structures. The effects of compaction and drying-wetting cycles on the mechanical parameters of this clay are analyzed to establish a predictive model of the soil movement following the in-situ water table variation. Comparative analysis between the deformability and strength characteristics of the clay in intact and compacted states are then presented. Tests results show that the values of the geotechnical parameters derived from these tests are depending on some experimental aspects such as the compaction energy, drying time, initial deformability and soil saturation. In all cases, the behaviour of intact and compacted clay samples is governed by the same laws of compressibility and consolidation, shrinkage and swelling as well as shear and failure.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , LAKHDAR Mekki , Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , , (2017-12-19), Laboratory investigation on the behaviour of an overconsolidated expansive clay in intact and compacted states, Transportation Geotechnics, Vol:14, Issue:14, pages:157-168, Elsevier
- 2017-11-25
Laboratory investigation of the treatment effects by hydraulic binders on the physical and mechanical properties of an overconsolidated expansive clay
This paper presents and analyses a series of laboratory test results of physical and mechanical characterisation obtained on an overconsolidated expansive clay treated by locally manufactured hydraulic binders (composed Portland cement and extinct lime). Test results show that this clay is characterised by physical and mechanical properties sensitive to hydraulic binders, but more with cement than with lime. It can be noted an important reduction of its plasticity which becomes less sensitive to water, resulting in an appreciable mitigation of its potential of swelling. Also, a significant improvement of its bearing capacity and of its drained and undrained shear strength can be noted. It can be concluded that the best performances were obtained for a simple treatment dosage of 8% cement or lime content, and for a mix treatment dosages of 8% cement and 4% of lime contents. This last solution is most advantageous.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , LAKHDAR Mekki , , (2017-11-25), Laboratory investigation of the treatment effects by hydraulic binders on the physical and mechanical properties of an overconsolidated expansive clay, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol:13, Issue:6, pages:1:14, Taylor & Francis
- 2017
Shear strength of an expansive overconsolidated clay treated with hydraulic binders
This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of identification; compaction and direct shear tests performed in accordance with the Algerian standards on expansive overconsolidated clay treated with locally manufactured hydraulic binders (composed Portland cement and extinct lime). This clay comes from the urban site of Sidi-Hadjrès city (wilaya of M'sila, Algeria), where significant damages frequently appear in the road infrastructures, roadway systems and various networks and in civil and industrial light structures. Tests results show that the geotechnical parameters deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the shear strength improvement of this natural clay treated with cement or lime and compacted under the optimum Proctor conditions. However, contrary to its mineralogical characteristics which do not seem to be affected by the treatment, this expansive natural clay is characterized by as well drained as undrained shear strength sensitive to stabilizer content; the best performances are obtained for a treatment corresponding to 8% cement or lime content.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , , (2017), Shear strength of an expansive overconsolidated clay treated with hydraulic binders, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol:48, Issue:4, pages:110:115, SEAGS & AGSSEA
- 2015-04-27
Problematic soils mechanics in the Algerian arid and semi-arid regions (case of M’sila expansive clays)
This paper presents a state-of-the art review on the behavior of expansive soils in arid and semi-arid regions in Algeria, where significant damages frequently appear affecting the road infrastructures, roadway systems and various networks and other small civil and industrial constructions. It deals with characterization and treatment experimental studies on some Algerian expansive natural soils, including those conducted on M'sila expansive clays.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , LAKHDAR Mekki , ,(2015-04-27), Problematic soils mechanics in the Algerian arid and semi-arid regions (case of M’sila expansive clays),16th African Regional Conference on Soils Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ARC’16): Innovative Geotechnics for Africa, April 27-30, 2015,Hammamet, Tunisia
- 2015-02-28
Problematic soil mechanics in the Algerian arid and semi-arid regions: Case of M’sila expansive clays
Thispaper presents a state-of-the art review on the behavior ofproblematicsoilsin arid and semi-arid regions in Algeria, where significant damages frequently appearaffecting the road infrastructures, roadway systems and various networks and other smallcivil and industrial constructions. It deals with characterization and treatment experimentalstudies on some Algerian expansive natural soils, including those conducted on M’silaexpansive clays.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , LAKHDAR Mekki , , (2015-02-28), Problematic soil mechanics in the Algerian arid and semi-arid regions: Case of M’sila expansive clays, Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology, Vol:1, Issue:2, pages:37-41, the Faculty of Sciences & Technology, University of Biskra
- 2015
Stabilization of an expansive overconsolidated clay using hydraulic binders
Urban areas of the wilaya of M’sila in Algeria nowadays experience a considerable development because of an unceasingly increasing demography, from where its extension toward virgin zones is often less favorable than those already urbanized. This wilaya is located in a zone classified as semi-arid, whose geology comprises clayey formations characterized by a high variation of volume when the conditions of their equilibrium are modified (natural climatic phenomena due to a prolonged dryness, human activity by modification of the ground water level because of excessive pumping, configuration of constructions in their environment). This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of laboratory tests (identification, compaction, penetration and direct shear tests) performed on an expansive overconsolidated clay obtained from an urban site situated in Sidi-Hadjrès city (wilaya of M’sila, Algeria), where significant damages frequently appear in the road infrastructures and in the light structures. Test results obtained show that the geotechnical parameteric values deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the bearing capacity improvement of this natural clay treated with hydraulic binders (composed Portland cement and extinct lime) and compacted under the optimum Proctor conditions, which is translated by a significant increase in soil strength and its durability.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , , (2015), Stabilization of an expansive overconsolidated clay using hydraulic binders, HBRC Journal, Vol:11, Issue:1, pages:82:90, Elsevier
- 2015
Etude de la résistance au cisaillement d’une argile surconsolidée expansive traitée aux liants hydrauliques
Cet article présente et analyse les résultats d'une série d'essais d'identification, de compactage et de cisaillement direct effectués conformément aux normes algériennes sur une argile surconsolidée expansive traitée aux liants hydrauliques (ciment Portland composé et chaux éteinte). Cette argile a été prélevée sur le site urbain de la ville de Sidi-Hadjrès (wilaya de M'sila, Algérie), où d'importants désordres apparaissent fréquemment dans les infrastructures routières, voiries et réseaux divers et dans les constructions civiles et industrielles de faible hauteur. Les résultats d'essais obtenus montrent que les valeurs des paramètres géotechniques déduits de ces essais sont concordantes et confirment l'amélioration de la résistance au cisaillement de cette argile naturelle traitée au ciment ou à la chaux et compactée à l'optimum Proctor. Cependant, contrairement à ses caractéristiques minéralogiques qui ne semblent pas être affectées par le traitement, cette argile naturelle expansive est caractérisée par une résistance au cisaillement aussi bien drainée que non drainée sensible au dosage en stabilisant ; les meilleures performances sont obtenues pour un traitement correspondant à 8% de teneur en ciment ou en chaux.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2015), Etude de la résistance au cisaillement d’une argile surconsolidée expansive traitée aux liants hydrauliques,16th African Regional Conference on Soils Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ARC’16): Innovative Geotechnics for Africa, April 27-30, 2015,Hammamet, Tunisia
- 2014-02-24
Mécanique des sols problématiques dans les zones arides et semi-arides (enjeu national pour un développement durable)
Cette communication présente une synthèse sur l’état des connaissances actuelles sur le comportement des sols problématiques (sols expansifs, sols salsodiques, sols effondrables et sols liquéfiables) dans les zones arides et semi-arides en Algérie, où d’importants désordres apparaissent régulièrement affectant les infrastructures routières, voiries et réseaux divers et autres constructions légères de faible hauteur. Elle propose ensuite d’inscrire dans le cadre d’un projet de collaboration scientifique internationale des études plus poussées sur ce type de sols, notamment sur les sols salsodiques sur lesquels peu de choses sont connues en géotechnique.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , LAKHDAR Mekki , ,(2014-02-24), Mécanique des sols problématiques dans les zones arides et semi-arides (enjeu national pour un développement durable),Colloque sur le partenariat universitaire algéro-canadien, 24-26 février 2014.,Université de Tlemcen, Algérie
- 2014
Cement and lime mixture stabilization of an expansive overconsolidated clay
Urban areas of the wilaya of M'sila in Algeria nowadays experience a considerable development because of an unceasingly increasing demography, from where its extension towards virgin zones often less favorable than those already urbanized. This wilaya is located in a zone classified as semi-arid, whose geology comprises clayey formations characterized by a high variation of volume when the conditions of their equilibrium are modified (natural climatic phenomena due to a prolonged dryness, human activity by modification of the ground water level because of excessive pumping, configuration of constructions in their environment). This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of normal Proctor compaction tests, methylene blue tests, California bearing ratio tests and undrained direct shear tests performed on Sidi-Hadjrès expansive overconsolidated clay treated with mixture of various cement and lime contents and compacted under the optimum Proctor conditions. These test results show that the geotechnical parameters values are concordant and confirm the bearing capacity improvement of this natural clay, which is translated by a significant increase in soil strength and its durability. However, the best performances are obtained for a mixt treatment corresponding to 8% cement and 4% lime contents.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , , (2014), Cement and lime mixture stabilization of an expansive overconsolidated clay, Applied Clay Science Journal, Vol:95, Issue:1, pages:104-110, Elsevier
- 2014
Amélioration de la portance d’une argile expansive par un traitement mixte au ciment et à la chaux.
Cet article présente et analyse les résultats d’une série d’essais de compactage, de bleu de méthylène, de poinçonnement et de cisaillement direct non drainé exécutés sur l’argile expansive de Sidi-Hadjrès (wilaya de M’sila, Algérie), traitée par un mélange de ciment Portland composé et de chaux éteinte. Les résultats d’essais obtenus montrent que les valeurs des paramètres géotechniques caractérisant cette argile naturelle traitée sont concordantes et confirment l’amélioration de sa portance ; les meilleures performances étant obtenues pour un traitement mixte correspondant à un dosage de 8% de ciment et de 4% de chaux.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , ,(2014), Amélioration de la portance d’une argile expansive par un traitement mixte au ciment et à la chaux.,4ème Conférence Maghrébine en Ingénierie Géotechnique (4ème CMIG’14), 13-15 Novembre 2014,Sousse, Tunisie
- 2014
Cement and lime stabilization effect on the evolutivity of an expansive overconsolidated clay
This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of compaction, fragmentability and damage tests performed on an expansive overconsolidated clay treated with hydraulic binders. This clay was obtained from the urban site of Sidi-Hadjrès city (wilaya of M'sila, Algeria), where significant damages frequently appears in the road infrastructures, roadway systems and light structures. Tests results obtained show that the geotechnical parameters values deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the evolutivity of this natural clay treated with cement and lime and compacted with optimum Proctor.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2014), Cement and lime stabilization effect on the evolutivity of an expansive overconsolidated clay,11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2014), 21-24 October 2014,Istanbul, Turkey
- 2013
Cement stabilization of compacted expansive clay
This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of laboratory tests of compaction, penetration and free swelling performed on an expansive clay obtained from a site situated in Sidi-Aissa city (wilaya of M'sila, Algeria), where important disorders frequently appears in the road infrastructures and in the small buildings. Tests results obtained show that the parameters values deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the bearing capacity improvement of the expansive clay treated with cement.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , , (2013), Cement stabilization of compacted expansive clay, TOJSAT: The Online Journal of Science and Technology, Vol:3, Issue:1, pages:33:38, Sakarya University, Turkey
- 2013
Etude de l’évolutivité d’une argile expansive traitée aux liants hydrauliques
Cette communication présente et analyse les résultats d'une série d'essais de compactage, de fragmentabilité et de dégradabilité effectués sur une argile expansive traitée aux liants hydrauliques. Cette argile a été prélevée sur le site urbain de la ville de Sidi-Hadjrès (wilaya de M'sila, Algérie), où d'importants désordres apparaissent fréquemment dans les infrastructures routières, voiries et réseaux divers et dans les constructions de faible hauteur. Les résultats d'essais obtenus montrent que les valeurs des paramètres géotechniques déduits de ces essais sont concordantes et confirment l'évolutivité de cette argile naturelle traitée au ciment et à la chaux et compactée à l'optimum Proctor.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2013), Etude de l’évolutivité d’une argile expansive traitée aux liants hydrauliques,Conférence Maghrébine en Ingénierie Géotechnique (3ème CMIG’13), 18-19 Novembre 2013,USTHB, Alger
- 2013
Cement and lime stabilization of compacted expansive clay
This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of laboratory tests of compaction, penetration and direct shear performed on an expansive clay obtained from a site situated in Sidi-Hadjrès city (wilaya of M'sila, Algeria), where important disorders frequently appears in the road infrastructures and in the small buildings. Tests results obtained show that the parameters values deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the bearing capacity improvement of the expansive clay treated with cement and lime and compacted under the optimum Proctor conditions.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2013), Cement and lime stabilization of compacted expansive clay,International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, ICGE’13, February 21-23, 2013,Hammamet, Tunisia
- 2012
Cement stabilization of compacted expansive clay
This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of laboratory tests of compaction, penetration and free swelling performed on an expansive clay obtained from a site situated in Sidi-Aissa city (wilaya of M'sila, Algeria), where important disorders frequently appears in the road infrastructures and in the small buildings. Tests results obtained show that the parameters values deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the bearing capacity improvement of the expansive clay treated with cement.
Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2012), Cement stabilization of compacted expansive clay,International Science and Technology Conference, ISTEC’2012, December 13-15, 2012.,Dubai, United Arab Emirates