بوقرة عبدالرحمان
06 61 60 50 02
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
professeur. in univ m'sila
DomainScience et Technologies
Research Domains
les commandes tolérantes aux féfauts, les techniques non linéaire, réglages continues et échantillonnés
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Zerrouak Amel , Aouina Hibatellah Boutheyna
Nonlinear control of a manipulator arm
- 2024
Encaderement master
Commande par l’intelligence artificielle d’un satellite (SATLAN system)
- 2024
Encaderement master
GHAZAL Ratiba , DELHOUM Bouchra
Commande d’un Robot manipulateur à articulation flexible par les outils de l’intelligence artificielle
- 2024
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
Commande par l’intelligence artificielle d’un satellite (SATLAN system)
- 2023
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
DILMI Izzeddine
commande tolérante au défaut d'un moteur à courant continu sans balais
- 2023
Encaderement master
BENABDALLAH Aanes Eessam Eeddine , MOHAMEDI Mohamed Rachid
Commande tolérante au défaut non linéaire par linéarisation entrée - sortie d'un système hydraulique à deux réservoirs
- 2022
Encaderement master
ATRI Abdelmadjid , RABIA Akram
Commandes par les régulateurs PID à gains adaptatifs à bases de la logique floue type 1 et 2 d’un système hydraulique à trois réservoirs couplés DTS-200
- 2022
Modélisation et commande d'un système hydraulique à trois réservoirs couplés
- 2022
SEBAA Abdelkader , B’NEIJARA Mohamed, ZIDELKHIR Radhwane
- 2021
Encaderement master
SAIDI Hassen , BENTIKHA Alaeddine
Commande tolérante aux défauts basée sur la Logique floue type 2 d'un moteur BLDC
- 2021
Encaderement master
BENCHINA Abdelkrim , BOUAZIZ Nasreddine
commande hybride backstepping-floue d'un moteur à commutation electronique
- 2021
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
abdelghafour HERIZI
Amélioration des performances de la commande non linéaire robuste d’un moteur asynchrone à double alimentation (MADA).
- 2020
Encaderement master
Commande robuste par mode glissant des systèmes non linéaires sous-actionnés
- 2020
Encaderement master
MAHDI Mouhammed taqy eddin , DOUGHA Imad eddin
Commande par la logique floue type-2 d’un moteur BLDC
- 2020
Encaderement master
BELGUELIEL Salaheddine , SMAILI Mohamed
Commande par backstepping d’un Moteur à Commutation Electronique
- 2020
EL BAHI Youcef , HEDJOULI Abdessalam Kouider, MERABET Tarek Abderrazak
- 2020
AMIRI Ahmed , ARAAR Khayrani, LAARAF Sidahmed
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
GHELLAB Mohammed Zinelaabidine
Commandes non Linéaires Robustes Appliquées à un hélicoptère Autonome
- 2019
Wafa HERIZI , Asma FERHAT, Norelhouda ZOURIG
- 2019
Sara ROUANE , Nor elhouda ROUANE, Mohamed Sadik BEN YAHIA
- 2018
- 2018
BEN TATA Meryem , AICHE Ilyes, SAOUDI Khadidja
- 2017
Encaderement master
AILLANE Ali , HERIZI Abdelkader
Commande Tolérante au Défaut d’un Appareil à Vol Vertical
- 2016
Encaderement master
Fadila BOUDISSA , /, /
Commande non linéaire d’un satellite (SATLAN system
- 2016
Encaderement master
Abd Elmounaim MEKKI , /, /
Commande Non Linéaire d’un Hélicoptère à Six Degrés de Liberté Type Quadrotor Basée sur le PID à Gains Adaptatifs
- 2014
Encaderement master
KERMICHE Abdelhammid , /, /
Commande non linéaires d’un système hydraulique CE105 à réservoirs couplés
- 2013
Encaderement master
CHERRAT Nidhal , /, /
Méthodes de Commande non Linéaires Appliquées au Système Hydraulique CE105 à Réservoirs Couplés et au Bras Manipulateur
- 2012
FELIACHI Mohamed , MATAOUI Fateh, ELBAR Abderrazak
Commande par la logique floue d’un système hydraulique à réservoires couplées
- 13-07-2021
- 03-01-2017
habilitation universitaire en Electronique
Commande Tolérante aux Défauts Basée sur un Contrôleur Flou-Glissant d'un Moteur à Courant Continu Sans Balais - 05-03-2015
doctorat en Science en Electronique, option Contrôle
Commande Tolérante aux Défauts d’un Appareil à Vol Vertical - 05-03-2009
Magister en génie électrique, option Automatique
Commandes non Linéaires d’un Moteur à Courant Continu sans Balais pour les Applications en Robotique - 01-06-2006
d’ingénieur d’état
Conception d’un système de reconnaissance automatique des chiffres arabes isolés par les HMMs - 01-06-2001
- 1982-05-10 00:00:00
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra birthday
- 2025-01-19
IbI logics optimization algorithm-based high-order sliding mode control for DSIG within a wind turbine system
Applying advanced control strategies with optimal parameters tuning is challenging for ensuring good tracking performance and stable operation of the dual-stator induction generator-based wind turbine (WT-DSIG) systems. To this end, the present paper proposes an innovative tuning method using an incomprehensible but intelligent-in-time logic algorithm (ILA) to ensure optimal HOSMC controller parameters tuning. The optimally tuned HOSMC controller-based FOC scheme is applied to control a WT-DSIG system. This research offers a simple and effective method for optimal tuning of the control parameters, improving the control performance, hence the WT-DSIG system's stability. The proposed method is superior to the existing techniques, as it uses the IbI, a metaheuristic stochastic algorithm, to optimize the gains of the flux, speed, and current HOSMC controllers simultaneously. The effectiveness of the proposed control approach is assessed based on a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation in a PLECS/RT Box real-time simulator. The HIL findings through comparative study further confirm the superiority of the optimally designed controllers over the conventional ones, highlighting significant enhancements in dynamic, steady-state, THD, and some other metrics. This research has practical implications for designing and operating WT-DSIG systems, offering a promising solution for improving their stability and performance.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2025-01-19), IbI logics optimization algorithm-based high-order sliding mode control for DSIG within a wind turbine system, Result in Engineering, Vol:25, Issue:2025, pages:21, Science Direct Elsevier
- 2024-12-09
Real-Time HIL Implementation of Integrated Wind Turbine and DSIG System
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-12-09), Real-Time HIL Implementation of Integrated Wind Turbine and DSIG System,1st National Conference of Advanced Systems in Electrical Engineering (NCASEE'24),,University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria.
- 2024-11-24
HIL Implementation using DSIG in Wind Energy Conversion system
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-11-24), HIL Implementation using DSIG in Wind Energy Conversion system,The 2nd national conference on electronics,electrical engineering,telecommunications, and computer vision,Mila.Algeria
- 2024-11-17
HIL platform for Wind Turbine system based on DSIG controlled by backstepping
Several approaches have been put out to capture wind energy and transform it into electrical energy. The modeling and control of a dual stator induction generator (DSIG) incorporated into a wind energy conversion system is the particular focus of this study. The controls on the generator side and the conversion system's output parameters must be adjusted to achieve the best possible power flow to the grid and guarantee peak system performance. Alternative machine control is popular for PI controllers. Creating PI gains is difficult in this situation because the rectifier powering the DSIG is simultaneously controlled with a phase angle change of thirty degrees. A nonlinear backstepping control approach is suggested to lessen this difficulty. This investigation's comparison analysis compares the effectiveness of the two control systems using a variety of simulated tests. In steady-state settings, the tracking performance of both controls is similar. However, the backstepping control performs better in a transient mode in terms of overshoot and response time. A thorough analysis and validation of the suggested control mechanism is performed using sophisticated simulations in the Plecs/RT BOX environment.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2024-11-17), HIL platform for Wind Turbine system based on DSIG controlled by backstepping,8th national colloquium on inductics university-industry,M'sila.Algeria
Default case...
- 2024-10-19
SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system
Tuning the PI and backstepping (BS) controllers is a critical issue for ensuring good tracking performance and stable operation of the wind turbine based on dual-stator induction generator (WT-DSIG) systems. However, no existing research has yet comprehensively tuned the control parameters. Therefore, this paper proposes an innovative tuning method using the subtraction-average-based optimizer (SABO) to ensure optimal PI and backstepping controller parameters tuning. The optimally tuned controllers-based field-oriented control (FOC) scheme is applied for a WT-DSIG system. This research aims to offer an easy and effective method for optimal tuning of the control parameters, which contributes to improving the control performance, hence the WT-DSIG system’s stability. The proposed method is superior to the existing techniques, as it uses the SABO, a metaheuristic stochastic algorithm, to simultaneously optimize the natural frequencies of the flux, speed, and current PI controllers and the backstepping controller’s gains. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed control approach, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation is carried out using the PLECS/RT-Box real-time simulator. The HIL findings through comparative study further confirm the superiority of the optimally designed controllers over the conventional techniques, highlighting significant enhancements in dynamic, steady state, THD, and time-integral performance criteria, ISE, and IAE.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Khaled benzaoui , SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2024-10-19), SABO optimization algorithm-based backstepping controller for DSIG within a wind turbine system, Electrical Engineering, Vol:2024, Issue:2024, pages:17, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024
- 2024-07-19
Modeling and interval type 2 fuzzy logic controller of manipulator robot
This paper presents the interval type 2 fuzzy logic controller (IT2FLC) for a manipulator robot system. After dynamic modeling and system state modeling, we presented the method of the fuzzy logic control, the efficient interval type-2 fuzzy controller is designed for trajectory tracking of two DOF robotic manipulator. A comparative study is made between the proposed interval type 2 fuzzy logic control technique in the presence of variation of parameters. The results obtained show that the proposed IT2FLC has a superior robustness against difference of parameters where the two DOF robotic manipulator system functions with satisfactory performance.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , ,(2024-07-19), Modeling and interval type 2 fuzzy logic controller of manipulator robot,INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING, 2024,istanbul,Turkie
- 2024-07-19
Mathematical Modeling and an Adaptive PID Control of Quadrotor
The objective of this paper is to develop an adaptive proportional-integral-derivative control for a nonlinear quadrotor system. we start by modeling of this system with state space and presenting the idea of this adaptive control. We presented the theory of the type 2 fuzzy logic, in order to use in the adaptation of the gains parameters of the PID control. The adaptive PID (T2FAPID) technique are applied to the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system, their performance results are compared to a designed non adaptive PID controller. The effectiveness of the suggested adaptive methods is demonstrated in simulations with a quaternion-based nonlinear dynamic model of a quadrotor derived in this work. The results of the study prove the higher performance of the T2FAPID technique in regulating the attitude stabilization of the quadrotor.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , ,(2024-07-19), Mathematical Modeling and an Adaptive PID Control of Quadrotor,12th International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling (ICAAMM-2024),istanbul,Turkie
- 2023-09-19
Fault tolerant control of two tanks system using gain-scheduled type-2 fuzzy sliding mode controller
To save the robustness of type 2 fuzzy logic control technique and to avoid the high energy consumption that represents the sliding mode control (SMC) technique control technique, without failing the performance of the system, we propose a new fault tolerant control method based on gain-scheduled sliding mode control with interval type 2 fuzzy logic (FTCGST2FSMC) applied to the hydraulic system (two tanks system) with an actuator fault. The proposed control scheme avoids a difficult modeling, due to the chatter effect of the SMC, guarantees the stability studied by Lyapunov with the robustness of the system. The gains of the control with the SMC controller are modified and changed by an adaptation with a technique based on type 2 fuzzy logic, used to improve the gains of the controller when the fault is added, the proposed FTCGST2FSMC controller has been compared with the sliding mode controller. The results obtained confirm the robustness and the performance of this method, in the presence of the actuator fault effect.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , , (2023-09-19), Fault tolerant control of two tanks system using gain-scheduled type-2 fuzzy sliding mode controller, IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), Vol:12, Issue:3, pages:10, IAES
- 2023-07-10
Backstepping fault-tolerant control for a Satlan system with actuator fault
This paper presents the fault tolerant control for a satellite (Satlan system) based on backstepping theory with actuator fault can be modeled by a step signal (additive fault). After dynamic modeling and system state modeling, we presented the technique of the backstepping control. We presented the actuator fault by augmentation in the control of this system. The proposed FTC is able to maintain acceptable performance in the control law and guarantees robustness against uncertainties and external disturbances. A comparative study is made between the proposed fault tolerance control and the PID control technique in the presence of actuator fault. The results obtained show that the proposed FTC has better robustness against actuator fault where the Satlan system operates with acceptable performance.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2023-07-10), Backstepping fault-tolerant control for a Satlan system with actuator fault,(hybrid ) International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (ICNSC23),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2023-07-10
Passive fault-tolerant control method based on feedback linearization control technique of two tanks system
The aim of this paper is to develop a passive actuator fault-tolerant control law for a highly nonlinear hydraulic system with two reservoirs using the feedback linearization control (FLC). You start by modeling this system with state space and presenting the theory of this command. We presented the actuator fault (additive fault) by augmentation in the law control. The passive fault-tolerant control method based on feedback linearization control technique (PFTCFLC) are implemented to the two tanks system, their performance is compared with the PID control technique. The results of the study demonstrate the superior performance of the PFTCFLC technique in regulating the level of the hydraulic system, indicating its robustness and fault tolerance.
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Keltoum LOUKAL , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2023-07-10), Passive fault-tolerant control method based on feedback linearization control technique of two tanks system,(hybrid ) International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (ICNSC23),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2022
Fuzzy Adaptive Gains Fault Tolerant Control Based on Feedback Linearization of the Two Tanks System
Abstract—To keep the robustness and the advantage of the fuzzy logic control technique and to reduce the high energy level of the feedback linearization technique, we propose a new FTC method based on the feedback linearization control (FLC) with adaptive gains with fuzzy logic (FTCFAGFLC) applied to the two tanks coupled system with an actuator fault. The proposed control scheme makes the hybridization between the two techniques, intelligent and guarantees the stability studied by the feedback linearization technique. An adaptation with a fuzzy technique adjusted the parameter of the FLC used to adjust the controller gains in real-time and the proposed FTCFAGFLC was compared to the FLC. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method in the presence of the actuator fault effect.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2022), Fuzzy Adaptive Gains Fault Tolerant Control Based on Feedback Linearization of the Two Tanks System,The 2022 InternationalThe 2022 International Conference of advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),University Mohamed Boudiaf- M'sila, Algeria
- 2022
Fuzzy Gains-scheduled Actuator Fault-Tolerant Control Comparative Study for Two Tanks Level System
The aim of this work is to develop the actuator fault-tolerant control laws based on fuzzy logic applied to the model of a hydraulic system (tow tanks system) which is highly nonlinear. After dynamic modeling and system state modeling, we presented the theory of the two commands used in this work. First, we proposed a feedback linearization control (FLC), then we approached a synthesis of the controls with sliding mode control (SMC), The proposed methods make the hybridization between the two techniques, with the fuzzy technique, this last used to adjust the gains of the FLC and the SMC, finally a comparative study between these control laws and the performances of each and a discussion in a brief general conclusion.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2022), Fuzzy Gains-scheduled Actuator Fault-Tolerant Control Comparative Study for Two Tanks Level System,2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences,Konya, TURKEY
- 2022
Field Oriented Control Technique of a Wind System based on a Dual Stator Induction Generator
The objective of this work is to remain constant of the DC bus, The dual stator induction generator (DSIG) supplies a variable load, in this study is to assess the suitability and performance of the control techniques which is field oriented control technique (FOC) with PI regulator, allows to achieve the desired performance. The proposed control strategy is validated by simulation in Matlab/Simulink
Khaled benzaoui , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , Mohammed boukhari , ayyoub.zeghlache@univ-msila.dz, ,(2022), Field Oriented Control Technique of a Wind System based on a Dual Stator Induction Generator,The 2022 InternationalThe 2022 International Conference of advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),M'sila, Algeria
- 2021
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic-Second Order Sliding Mode Based Fault Detection and Active Fault-Tolerant Control of Brushless DC Motor
his paper addresses the detection of the short-circuit faults and the active fault tolerant control (AFTC) of the brushless direct current motor (BLDCM) based on the interval type- 2 fuzzy-second order sliding mode. In this article, the main idea consists of using an algorithm to detect the fault in an electric current. This algorithm corrects the detected fault. In this study, a hybrid technique of fault tolerant control is proposed. This technique based on interval type 2 fuzzy logic and second order sliding mode. Also, it facilitates the procedures for setting and controlling the velocity of BLDCM. For that, a dynamic model for direct current has been established. Furthermore, short circuit faults have also been introduced between turns to test the robustness of the control laws. Finally, a theoretical analysis is presented and the simulations are presented in order to validate the proposed control strategy. The proposed AFTC can then achieve favorable tracking performance.
izzeddine DILMI , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , ALI Djerioui , Larbi Chrifi-Alaoui, , (2021), Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic-Second Order Sliding Mode Based Fault Detection and Active Fault-Tolerant Control of Brushless DC Motor, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol:54, Issue:3, pages:475-485, IJETA
- 2021
An FTC-Adaptive Indirect Control of a Brushless DC Motor
This paper addresses a passive Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) of a Brushless DC Motor (BLDC Motor) using an adaptative indirect control. The main idea of the proposed method in this article is to modify the classic controller of BLDC by superposing an appropriate compensation signal to offset the effect of a fault. To facilitate the procedures for setting and controlling the current, we establish a dynamic model for direct current. We introduced a fault to test the robustness of the control laws. The both of theoretical analysis and simulation are presented in order to validate the proposed compensation. Comparing with a Classic PI control, the proposed Adaptative indirect control can achieve favorable tracking performance
izzeddine DILMI , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , ALI Djerioui , ,(2021), An FTC-Adaptive Indirect Control of a Brushless DC Motor,SÉMINAIRE INTERNATIONAL SUR L’INDUSTRIE ET LA TECHNOLOGIE,oran, algeria
- 2020
Fault Tolerant Control of Brushless DC Motor based on Backstepping control
This paper addresses the Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) passive of BLDCM (Brushless DC Machine) based on Backstepping control. The main idea of the proposed method is to modify a conventional BLDC controller by superposing an appropriate compensation signal to offset the effect of a fault , to facilitate the procedures for setting and controlling the current . we establish a dynamic model for direct current. We introduced a faults to test the robustness of the control laws. A theoretical analysis is presented, and both simulation is presented in order to validate the proposed compensation . The proposed FTC-Backstepping control can achieve favorable tracking performance
izzeddine DILMI , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , ALI Djerioui , Larbi Chrifi-Alaoui, ,(2020), Fault Tolerant Control of Brushless DC Motor based on Backstepping control,2nd International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Bouira,algeria
- 2019
This paper presents a comparison between an Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Gain Adaptive PI and a Conventional PI controllers used for speed control of an Electronically Commutated Motor (BrushLess DC Motor). In particular, the introduction of this paper presents a type 2 fuzzy logic Gain Adaptive PI controller of machines, in the first part we presents a description of the mathematical model of BLDCM, and an strategy method is proposed for the speed control of this motor in the presence of the variations parametric, A interval type-2 fuzzy inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
- 2019
This paper presents a comparison between an Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Gain Adaptive PI and a Conventional PI controllers used for speed control of an Electronically Commutated Motor (BrushLess DC Motor). In particular, the introduction of this paper presents a type 2 fuzzy logic Gain Adaptive PI controller of machines, in the first part we presents a description of the mathematical model of BLDCM, and an strategy method is proposed for the speed control of this motor in the presence of the variations parametric, A interval type-2 fuzzy inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
- 2019
Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults
In this paper, a robust attitude and position control of a novel modified quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which has higher drive capability as well as greater robustness against actuator faults than conventional quad-rotor UAV has been developed. A robust backstepping controller with adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic is proposed to control the attitude and position of the modified quadrotor under actuator faults. Besides globally stabilizing the system amid other disturbances, the insensitivity to the model errors and parametric uncertainties are the asset of the backstepping approach. The adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic as fault observer can effectively estimate the lumped faults without the knowledge of their bounds for the modified quadrotor UAV. Additionally, the type-2 fuzzy systems are utilized to approximate the local nonlinearities of each subsystem under actuator faults, next and in order to achieve the expected tracking performance, we used Lyapunov theory stability and convergence analysis to online adjust adaptive laws. As a result, the uniformly ultimate stability of the modified quadrotor system is proved. Finally, the performances of the proposed control method are evaluated by simulation and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for the modified quadrotor in vertical flights in presence of actuator faults.
SAMIR Zeghlache , ALI Djerioui , LOUTFI Benyettou , Tarak BENSLIMANE , HEMZA Mekki , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2019), Fault tolerant control for modified quadrotor via adaptive type-2 fuzzy backstepping subject to actuator faults, ISA transactions, Vol:95, Issue:2019, pages:330-345, Elsevier
- 2019
This paper presents a comparison between an Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Gain Adaptive PI and a Conventional PI controllers used for speed control of an Electronically Commutated Motor (BrushLess DC Motor). In particular, the introduction of this paper presents a type 2 fuzzy logic Gain Adaptive PI controller of machines, in the first part we presents a description of the mathematical model of BLDCM, and an strategy method is proposed for the speed control of this motor in the presence of the variations parametric, A interval type-2 fuzzy inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
- 2018
Actuator fault tolerant control using adaptive RBFNN fuzzy sliding mode controller for coaxial octorotor UAV
In this paper, a robust controller for a Six Degrees of Freedom (6 DOF) coaxial octorotor helicopter control is proposed in presence of actuator faults. Radial Base Function Neural Network (RBFNN), Fuzzy Logic Control approach (FLC) and Sliding Mode Control (SMC) technique are used to design a controller, named Fault Tolerant Control (FTC), for each subsystem of the octorotor helicopter. The proposed FTC scheme allows avoiding difficult modeling, attenuating the chattering effect of the SMC, reducing the rules number of the fuzzy controller, and guaranteeing the stability and the robustness of the system. The simulation results show that the proposed FTC can greatly alleviate the chattering effect, good tracking in presence of actuator faults.
SAMIR Zeghlache , HEMZA Mekki , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , ALI Djerioui , , (2018), Actuator fault tolerant control using adaptive RBFNN fuzzy sliding mode controller for coaxial octorotor UAV, ISA transactions, Vol:80, Issue:2018, pages:267-278, Elsevier
- 2018
Real time implementation of fuzzy gain-scheduled PID controller for twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS)
The work has done in this paper concern a strategy of control based on gain adaptive proportional integral derivative (PID) using the fuzzy inference system and their application to the Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS), the PID controller with fixed parameters may fail to provide acceptable control performance. To improve the PID control effect, new designs of the fuzzy gain Scheduled PID controller (FGSPID) were presented in this paper. The proposed techniques were applied to the TRMS, where adaptive PID controllers were proposed for control system in the presence of external disturbances. The parameters of PID controller were adjusted by a fuzzy system, used to tune in real-time the controller gain. The obtained simulation and experiment results show that the robustness of TRMS angles (pitch and yaw) driven by proposed controller are guaranteed.
MOHAMMED ZINELAABIDINE GHELLAB , SAMIR Zeghlache , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2018), Real time implementation of fuzzy gain-scheduled PID controller for twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS), Advances in Modelling and Analysis C, Vol:73, Issue:4, pages:137-149, AMSE
- 2017
Speed Control of a Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) Based on Fuzzy Gain-Adaptive PI
This paper presents a comparison between a fuzzy gain adaptive controller and a conventional PI controller used for speed control of a Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) or electronically commutated (ECM). First, we establish a dynamic model for direct current to the input of the switch that the electromagnetic torque of BLDCM is proportional to this current. This model is intended to facilitate the procedures for setting and controlling the current, and an adaptive PI controller is proposed for the speed control of BLDCM in the presence of the variations parametric. A fuzzy-Type 1 inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , ,(2017), Speed Control of a Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) Based on Fuzzy Gain-Adaptive PI,10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING,Bursa,TURKEY
- 2017
Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Using Supervisory Type-2 Fuzzy Control for 6 DOF Octorotor Aircraft
Control of the helicopter includes nonlinearities, uncertainties and external perturbations that should be considered in the design of control laws. This paper presents a control strategy for 6 DOF octorotor aircraft, based on the coupling of the interval type-2 fuzzy logic control with the so-called sliding mode control (SMC) using a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) sliding surface. The main purpose is to eliminate the chattering phenomenon. For this proposed we have used an interval type-2 fuzzy logic control to generate the switching control signal. Moreover the output gain of the type-2 fuzzy sliding is tuned on-line by supervisory type-2 fuzzy system (adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control), so the chattering is avoided, the simulation results that are compared of conventional SMC with PID sliding surface indicate that the control performance of the 6 DOF octorotor aircraft is satisfactory and the proposed adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control (AIT2FSMC) can achieve favorable tracking performance.
SAMIR Zeghlache , MOHAMMED ZINELAABIDINE GHELLAB , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , , (2017), Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Using Supervisory Type-2 Fuzzy Control for 6 DOF Octorotor Aircraft, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:10, Issue:3, pages:47-57, INASS
- 2017
Speed Control of a Doubly-Fed Induction Motor (DFIM) Based on Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller
The mean of this paper is fuzzy sliding mode control of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor (DFIM); it’s the coupling of the fuzzy logic control and sliding mode control (SMC). The use of the sliding mode method provides very acceptable performance for DFIM control, and the chattering phenomenon effect is also eliminated by the fuzzy logic mode. In the first part, we carried out briefly a study of modeling on the full system. This model is intended to facilitate the procedures for setting and controlling the speed. We introduced the parameter variation to test the robustness of the control laws. The results of our simulations are conducted to validate the theory and indicate that the control performance of the DFIM is satisfactory and the proposed fuzzy sliding mode control (FSMC) can achieve favorable tracking performance.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , BENALIA Leila, , (2017), Speed Control of a Doubly-Fed Induction Motor (DFIM) Based on Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:10, Issue:3, pages:20-29, INASS
- 2017
Speed Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor Based on Fuzzy Gain- Adaptive IP
This paper presents a comparison between a fuzzy-IP gain adaptive controller and a conventional IP controller used for speed control with a direct stator flux orientation control of a doubly fed induction motor. In particular, the introduction part of the paper presents a Direct Stator Flux Orientation Control (DSFOC), the first part of this paper presents a description of the mathematical model of DFIM, and an adaptive IP controller is proposed for the speed control of DFIM in the presence of the variations parametric, A fuzzy inference system is used to adjust in real-time the controller gains. The obtained results show the efficacy of the proposed method.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Leila-BENALIA, , (2017), Speed Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor Based on Fuzzy Gain- Adaptive IP, International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Vol:6, Issue:3, pages:43-50, ITEE
- 2015
fault-tolerant fuzzy gain-adaptive PID control for a 2 DOF helicopter (TRMS system)
In this paper, a Fault-Tolerant control of 2 DOF Helicopter (TRMS System) Based on Fuzzy Gain-Adaptive PID is presented. In particular, the introduction part of the paper presents a Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC), the first part of this paper presents a description of the mathematical model of TRMS, an adaptive PID controller is proposed for fault-tolerant control of a TRMS helicopter system in the presence of actuator faults, A fuzzy inference scheme is used to tune in real-time the controller gains, The proposed adaptive PID controller is compared with the conventional PID. The obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed method
ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , Djamel SAIGAA , SAMIR Zeghlache , Keltoum LOUKAL , Kamel KARA, ,(2015), fault-tolerant fuzzy gain-adaptive PID control for a 2 DOF helicopter (TRMS system),international scientific research and experimental development,istanbul, turkey
- 2012
Super Twisting Control Algorithm Applied to the Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM)
This work relates to the super twisting algorithm control of brushless DC motor (BLDCM) or electronically commutated (ECM). First, we establish a dynamic model for direct current to the input of the switch that the electromagnetic torque of BLDCM is proportional to this current. This model is intended to facilitate the procedures for setting and controlling the current. In this paper a recent method called super twisting algorithm is applied to the BLDCM, in order to avoid the chattering problem and to improve control performance. High order techniques allow us to keep the main advantages of the classical sliding mode and to remove the chattering problem.
Keltoum LOUKAL , ABDERRAHMEN Bouguerra , SAMIR Zeghlache , Leila BENALIA, Mohamed. Chemachema, H. Chekireb, ,(2012), Super Twisting Control Algorithm Applied to the Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM),4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING,Alger,algeria