AHMED Ferhati
أحمد فرحاتي
- Department of HYDRAULIC
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
Hydraulique. in Ecole Nationale Polytechnique Alger (ENP) en collaboration avec l'université de Ziane Achour Djelfa
Research Domains
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2022
Encaderement master
OUMLABAT Mohamed Abdessamed , HEMDANE Ali
Variation spatio-temporelle et statistique de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la plaine de Hodna
- 2021
Encaderement master
OULHA Meyssa , SAKHRI Samiha
Caractérisation et modélisation d’une nappe phréatique par l’utilisation de MODFLOW
- 2021
Encaderement master
DOUGHOUM Salah , MOUISSAT Abderrahim
Caractérisation statistique de la qualité des eaux souterraines. Cas de : Bassin versant Hodna
- 2020
Encaderement master
Modélisation de nappe par l’utilisation de MODFLOW
- 2020
Encaderement master
ABID Noureddine , NOUARI Issam
Application de MODFLOW et du SIG à la simulation des écoulements souterrains dans la plaine Nord de Hodna
- 2019
Apport de SIG dans la caractéristiques d’un Bassin Versant Etude d’un cas Wilaya M’sila
- 12-05-2022
Modélisation de l'écoulements en milieux poreux : cas du bassin versant Hodna - 21-10-2013
Modélisation de l’écoulement en milieux poreux : Cas du barrage KRAMIS, Mostaganem - 01-01-2009
Ingénieur en Hydraulique
Etude avent projet détaillé du barrage Ramdan Djamale wilaya de SKIKDA - 01-01-2004
Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire -série : Sciences Naturelles et de la vie
Baccalauréat - 1985-11-28 00:00:00
AHMED Ferhati birthday
- 2025-01-01
Hydrochemical Assessment of Albian Waters of Southern Algeria Using Water Quality Indices
In Algeria, water is a fundamentally worrying resource. Demographic, urban, and economic development has led to a considerable increase in water needs, the majority of which is used for agriculture. The aim of the present paper is to study the quality of water from nine boreholes in the region of Ouled Djellal of the Alebian aquifer which extends from the southeast of Algeria, through south Tunisia, and to the west of Libya, and evaluate its suitability for water supply and irrigation based on the physico-chemical analysis of samples taken from these boreholes and improved by d index calculation. According to the results of the water analysis using the different methods, it can be said that the water in the continental interlayer aquifer has a low quality compared to standards. This concerns more particularly pH, conductivity, total hardness as well as the concentration of major elements. To adapt the quality of water of the studied boreholes to standards, preliminary and secondary treatment is necessary
AHMED Ferhati , , (2025-01-01), Hydrochemical Assessment of Albian Waters of Southern Algeria Using Water Quality Indices, FERHATI AHMED, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:7, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
- 2024-12-17
Multivariate statistical analysis of groundwater quality in the Akbou region Bejaia
The physico-chemical parameters are the most important analysis that characterizes the groundwater quality. Therefore, they determine the use of water (supply water, irrigation, industrie...) The study aim determining the physico-chemical analysis and the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer of Akbou region Bejaia coming from the different wells. To investigate the conformity of these wells, samples were taken in 2023, from 6 boreholes, which are principal resources of water supplying Akbou region, to have a dataset composed from 15 chemical variables over the entire study area, which then, exploited, and analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques. The analysis is useful for the authorities to plan the supply of water to their populations, and rational use of groundwater resources
AHMED Ferhati , , (2024-12-17), Multivariate statistical analysis of groundwater quality in the Akbou region Bejaia, FERHATI AHMED, Vol:2, Issue:2, pages:7, Algerian Journal of Chemical Engineering
- 2024-12-16
Evaluating flooding's role in groundwater recharge ogK'sob wadi Hodna area Algeria
Evaluating flooding's role in groundwater recharge ogK'sob wadi Hodna area Algeria
AHMED Ferhati , ,(2024-12-16), Evaluating flooding's role in groundwater recharge ogK'sob wadi Hodna area Algeria,FERHATI AHMED,M'sila
- 2024-12-16
Assessing rain-induced soil erosion in sandy soils with variable plant densities
Assessing rain-induced soil erosion in sandy soils with variable plant densities
AHMED Ferhati , ,(2024-12-16), Assessing rain-induced soil erosion in sandy soils with variable plant densities,FERHATI AHMED,M'sila
- 2024-12-05
Groundwater quality assessment for drinking and irrigation purposes in Boumerdes Region, Algeria
In Algeria, water is a critically limited resource. Rapid demographic, urban and economic development has significantly increased water demand, the particularly for drinking water supply and agriculture. Groundwater serves as the primary source of water in the Boumerdes Region, located in northern Algeria, Therefore evaluating groundwater quality for water supply and irrigation purposes is very crucial. In this study, 49 groundwater samples were collected in 2021 and analyzed based on 17 physicochemical parameters. These results were processed using multivariate analysis and compared against the standards established by both the World Health Organization and Algerian Standards. The findings revealed that the concentrations of Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Nitrate of some samples exceeded acceptable limits, indicating that physicochemical treatment is necessary before use for drinking water supply. For irrigation suitability, several indices were employed, including Sodium Adsorption Rate (SAR), Wilcox diagram, Magnesium Absorption Ratio (MAR), Residual Sodium Bicarbonate (RSB), Permeability Index (PI) and Stuyfzand Index. The results of these indices show that groundwater in the region generally meets irrigation standards with a low risk. However, the groundwater should still be managed carefully to prevent salinity-related issues. This study highlights the current status of groundwater quality the Boumerdes region and offers important insights for the sustainable management of water resources in the area
AHMED Ferhati , , (2024-12-05), Groundwater quality assessment for drinking and irrigation purposes in Boumerdes Region, Algeria, FERHATI AHMED, Vol:12, Issue:4, pages:397-410, Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
- 2024-10-31
Application of water quality index to assess water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes of the groundwater of boumardase region, Algeria
Application of water quality index to assess water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes of the groundwater of boumardase region, Algeria
AHMED Ferhati , ,(2024-10-31), Application of water quality index to assess water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes of the groundwater of boumardase region, Algeria,FERHATI AHMED,BOUIRA
- 2024-10-31
investigation the impact of rainfall intensity on flow properties
investigation the impact of rainfall intensity on flow properties
AHMED Ferhati , ,(2024-10-31), investigation the impact of rainfall intensity on flow properties,FERHATI AHMED,BOUIRA
- 2024-01-01
Flood risk mapping using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) through AHP method case of El-Ham wadi watershed of Hodna basin (Algeria)
Following the rapid increase in flood events in recent years, flood risk assessment and mitigation have become a necessity. The purpose of this study is to develop updated and accurate flood risk and hazard maps in the El-Ham watershed within the large Hodna basin (Algeria). In order to achieve this objective and to select weights of contributing criteria to flood risk, geographical information system and multi-criteria analysis along with the application of analytical hierarchy process technique have been used. Factors considered to be the cause of flooding are slope, annual maximum daily precipitation, drainage density, elevation, land use/cover and soil type. In addition to the hazard, population density has been also used to determine the risk of flooding in El-Ham watershed. The percentages of weights obtained for each parameter are 39% for slope, 25% for drainage density, 18% for rainfall, 9% for elevation, 6% for land use/cover and 3% for soil type. For validation of these weights, a consistency ratio is then calculated. Main outcomes present a high flood potential, especially in the North-Eastern, North-Western and Central part of the study area. However, this high potential decreases further when one goes toward the South. This research suggests that the chosen criteria are sufficient to obtain a reliable and simplified flood risk map. Any additional parameters would add more details to the risk map using hydraulic and/or hydrological models to generate flood hazard maps such as RRI and HECRAS models
AHMED Ferhati , , (2024-01-01), Flood risk mapping using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) through AHP method case of El-Ham wadi watershed of Hodna basin (Algeria), FERHATI AHMED, Vol:120, Issue:2, pages:1023-1039, Natural Hazards
- 2023-11-02
Groundwater degradation in M'sila city
groundwater degradation in M'sila city
AHMED Ferhati , ,(2023-11-02), Groundwater degradation in M'sila city,FERHATI AHMED,BOUIRA
- 2023-11-02
Mapping of flood hazard in Elham Oudi
Mapping of flood hazard in Elham Oudi
AHMED Ferhati , ,(2023-11-02), Mapping of flood hazard in Elham Oudi,FERHATI AHMED,BOUIRA
- 2023-10-16
Flood risk mapping using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) through AHP method case of El-Ham wadi watershed of Hodna basin (Algeria)
Following the rapid increase in flood events in recent years, flood risk assessment and mitigation have become a necessity. The purpose of this study is to develop updated and accurate flood risk and hazard maps in the El-Ham watershed within the large Hodna basin (Algeria). In order to achieve this objective and to select weights of contributing criteria to flood risk, geographical information system and multi-criteria analysis along with the application of analytical hierarchy process technique have been used. Factors considered to be the cause of flooding are slope, annual maximum daily precipitation, drainage density, elevation, land use/cover and soil type. In addition to the hazard, population density has been also used to determine the risk of flooding in El-Ham watershed. The percentages of weights obtained for each parameter are 39% for slope, 25% for drainage density, 18% for rainfall, 9% for elevation, 6% for land use/cover and 3% for soil type. For validation of these weights, a consistency ratio is then calculated. Main outcomes present a high flood potential, especially in the North-Eastern, North-Western and Central part of the study area. However, this high potential decreases further when one goes toward the South. This research suggests that the chosen criteria are sufficient to obtain a reliable and simplified flood risk map. Any additional parameters would add more details to the risk map using hydraulic and/or hydrological models to generate flood hazard maps such as RRI and HEC-RAS models.
AHMED Ferhati , , (2023-10-16), Flood risk mapping using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) through AHP method case of El-Ham wadi watershed of Hodna basin (Algeria), Natural Hazards, Vol:1, Issue:, pages:1-17, Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
- 2023-01-27
Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecastin
Recently, coupled Wavelet transform and Neural Networks models (WANN) were extensively used in hydrological drought forecasting, which is an important task in drought risk management. Wavelet transforms make forecasting model more accurate, by extracting information from several levels of resolution. The selection of an adequate mother wavelet and optimum decomposition level play an important role for successful implementation of wavelet neural network based hydrologic forecasting models. The main objective of this research is to look into the effects of various discrete wavelet families and the level of decomposition on the performance of WANN drought forecasting models that are developed for forecast drought in the Algerois catchment for long lead time. The Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) is used as a drought measuring parameter at three-, six- and twelve-month scales. Suggested WANN models are tested using 39 discrete mother wavelets derived from five families including Haar, Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets and the discrete approximation of Meyer. Drought is forecasted by the best model for various lead times varying from 1-month lead time to the maximum forecast lead time. The obtained results were evaluated using three performance criteria (NSE, RMSE and MAE). The results show that WANN models with discrete approximation of Meyer have the best forecast performance. The maximum forecast lead times are 36-month for SPI-12, 18-month for SPI-6 and 7- month for the SPI-3. Drought forecasting for long lead times have significant values in drought risk and water resources management.
salim djerbouai , AHMED Ferhati , MOSTAFA Dougha , benselama oussama , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , Souag-Gamane Doudja, Omar Djoukbala, , (2023-01-27), Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecastin, Water Resources Management, Vol:37, Issue:, pages:19, Salim Djerbaoui
- 2023-01-01
Historical evaluation and future projections of monthly precipitation and temperature under CMIP6 GCMs, case of Hodna basin (central Algeria)
This study aims to evaluate the performance of six models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models in reproducing the monthly cycle of precipitation and maximum surface air temperature of the Hodna region in central Algeria during the baseline period 1901–2014. The six climate models selected are as follows: ACCESS-ESM4, BCC-CSM2-MR, CanESM5, GFDL-ESM1-5, IPSL-EM6A-LR, and MIROC6. The best-performing models are determined by comparing observation (CRU-TS) and historical data. The evaluation procedure is performed using the compromise programming method and multiple statistical metrics including mean bias error (MB), root mean square error (RMSE), and pattern determination coefcient (R2 ). The frst two best-performing models are used for precipitation (IPSL-EM6ALR) and maximum surface air temperature (GFDL-ESM4). Four future periods are considered: 2021–2040, 2041–2060, 2061–2080, and 2081–2100 for SSP1-2.6 and SSP3-7.0. For the most optimist scenario, the maximum surface air temperature may increase in the next decades in comparison with observed and simulated values by 2 °C, but then almost stabilizes and reaches an average monthly increase of 28.53 °C. The same is shown in the precipitation projection of 48.75 mm/month by 2100. Eventually, the SSP1-2.6 scenario does not show any current signs in the current Hodna basin climate on a global scale. Future precipitation projections under Hodna’s SSP3-7.0 may decrease with an average value of 10 mm in a monthly scale. This decrease becomes mostly in the center and southeastern parts. Maximum surface air temperature can rise steadily from 28 to 31 °C and reach its maximum of 4.5 °C by 2100. The outcomes of this study will evaluate how projected changes will afect droughts and foods.
AHMED Ferhati , , (2023-01-01), Historical evaluation and future projections of monthly precipitation and temperature under CMIP6 GCMs, case of Hodna basin (central Algeria), Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:16, Issue:, pages:39, Springer International Publishing
- 2023
Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecasting
Recently, coupled Wavelet transform and Neural Networks models (WANN) were extensively used in hydrological drought forecasting, which is an important task in drought risk management. Wavelet transforms make forecasting model more accurate, by extracting information from several levels of resolution. The selection of an adequate mother wavelet and optimum decomposition level play an important role for successful implementation of wavelet neural network based hydrologic forecasting models.
AHMED Ferhati , , (2023), Comparative Study of Different Discrete Wavelet Based Neural Network Models for long term Drought Forecasting, Water Resources Management, Vol:37, Issue:2, pages:1401–1420, 1
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- 2022
Historical evaluation and future projections of monthly precipitation and temperature under CMIP6 GCMs, case of Hodna basin (central Algeria)
This study aims to evaluate the performance of six models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models in reproducing the monthly cycle of precipitation and maximum surface air temperature of the Hodna region in central Algeria during the baseline period 1901–2014. The six climate models selected are as follows: ACCESS-ESM4, BCC-CSM2-MR, CanESM5, GFDL-ESM1-5, IPSL-EM6A-LR, and MIROC6. The best-performing models are determined by comparing observation (CRU-TS) and historical data. The evaluation procedure is performed using the compromise programming method and multiple statistical metrics including mean bias error (MB), root mean square error (RMSE), and pattern determination coefficient (R2). The first two best-performing models are used for precipitation (IPSL-EM6A-LR) and maximum surface air temperature (GFDL-ESM4). Four future periods are …
AHMED Ferhati , , (2022), Historical evaluation and future projections of monthly precipitation and temperature under CMIP6 GCMs, case of Hodna basin (central Algeria), Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:39, 1
- 2022
Spatio-temporal assessment of groundwater quality: a case study of M’sila province (Algeria)
Groundwater quality degradation is a major problem in M’sila province of Algeria, especially during the last decade and still the same problem continues. In order to alleviate the deterioration in the underground water quality in space and time based on available quality measurements, reliable methodologies such as the geographic information system (GIS), multivariate statistical and hierarchical cluster analysis (PCA and HCA) are utilized. Twelve variables in 41 monitoring sites (boreholes) are used to assess groundwater suitability for drinking based on World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Electrical conductivity levels’ results for the shallow aquifer show that 73% of the samples exceeded the WHO standards limit in 2019, and 56% is the exceedance percentage for 2021. The total dissolved solids (TDS) results show that 36.6% in 2019 and 41.46% in 2021 are exceeding the WHO standards. A total of 12 …
AHMED Ferhati , , (2022), Spatio-temporal assessment of groundwater quality: a case study of M’sila province (Algeria), Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:15, Issue:1, pages:1775, 1
- 2022
Hydrogeochemical processes and multivariate analysis for groundwater quality in the arid Maadher region of Hodna, northern Algeria
This study focused on water quality and hydro-geochemical processes (evolution, origin) in the Maadher region, central Hodna in Algeria. In recent decades, the excessive exploitation of this resource due to urbanization, irrigation, and the effect of climate change reaching the countries of northern Africa have caused a decline in water levels and hydrochemical changes in the aquifer. The sampling campaign in 2019 based on 13 physicochemical parameters was carried out on the water from 32 boreholes in the study area, compared to data archives of both sampling campaigns in 1967 and 1996. The result revealed that the groundwater as a whole has moderate freshwater quality, due to its total dissolved solids (TDS) content and other dissolved ions of concern (nitrate NO3−), which exceed WHO standards. In addition, Piper diagram indicates that the hydrochemical facies of sulfate–chloride–nitrate–calcium (SO4 …
AHMED Ferhati , , (2022), Hydrogeochemical processes and multivariate analysis for groundwater quality in the arid Maadher region of Hodna, northern Algeria, Acta Geochimica, Vol:41, Issue:5, pages:893-909, 1
- 2022
Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria
Soil degradation due to erosion by water is a serious environmental problem for the integrated management of basins, affecting the soil and water resources in Algerian region. Pluvial flood has been increasingly understood as a major threat that has presented a significant risk for many watersheds worldwide, estimation of runoff and sediment yield is primarily required for watershed development planning involving soil and water conservation measures, considering runoff is responsible for sediment detachment and their transport during the erosion processes. In this context, the phenomenon reaches spectacular values in many Algerian watersheds; in this case, it is very severe in flood period, many models have been developed and their application has been spread. In this study, water flow discharge and suspended sediment concentration have been modelled using sediment rating curve approach
AHMED Ferhati , , (2022), Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:1013-1023, 1
- 2022
Application of Multivariate Statistical Methods to the Hydrochemical Study of Groundwater Quality in the Sahel Watershed, Algeria
The quality of groundwater is characterized by several numbers of physical and chemical parameters, which determine the use of water (water supply, irrigation, industry). This search paper is a contribution made to know the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Sahel sub-catchment which belongs to the large Soummam North basin of Algeria. Different multivariate statistical techniques were used such as principal component analysis (PCA), Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Diagram Analysis. These analyses are exercised to a dataset formed from 37 boreholes with 12 chemical variables over the entire surface of the watershed. The samples were collected in 2016. The 37 boreholes are one of the main water resources that supply the wilaya of Bouira with drinking water and irrigation. The analysis of water quality using different methods (ACP, HCA and Diagram) resulted in two chemical kinds:(Chloride, calcium sulfate and magnesium), and (Bicarbonate calcium and magnesium). The results have shown that 74% of the boreholes were contaminated, the rest of boreholes were characterized by a good quality and they have not suffered any contamination and can be consumed without any risk.
AHMED Ferhati , , (2022), Application of Multivariate Statistical Methods to the Hydrochemical Study of Groundwater Quality in the Sahel Watershed, Algeria, Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol:23, Issue:8, pages:1, 1
- 2022
Peak flow assessment of El-Ham wadi in Hodna basin case study
Wadis of Algeria are subjected to a very irregular hydrological regime. The present study attempts to assess the peak flows in El-Ham wadi study area in the Hodna basin of Algeria by applying empirical (Giandotti, Possenti, Turazza, and Temez) and statistical techniques (Gradex). These methods are the most suitable for El-Ham valley due to the availability and accessibility of precipitation data. The annual maximum daily precipitation (Pmax,d) records are chosen for the applications. This leads, firstly, the estimation of the concentration time Tc using ANRH-Sogreah, Basso, and Giandotti formulas. The results can provide us with many insights. One can easily observe the rise in flood discharges over the different chosen return periods (10-year, 20-year, 50-year, 100-year, and 1000-year). The estimated concentration period equals to 21.5 h. The short-term precipitations at stations 050101, 050301, and 050703 are
AHMED Ferhati , , (2022), Peak flow assessment of El-Ham wadi in Hodna basin case study, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:15, Issue:1, pages:22, 1
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- 2021-02-28
Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria
Soil degradation due to erosion by water is a serious environmental problem for the integrated management of basins, affecting the soil and water resources in Algerian region. Pluvial flood has been increasingly understood as a major threat that has presented a significant risk for many watersheds worldwide, estimation of runoff and sediment yield is primarily required for watershed development planning involving soil and water conservation measures, considering runoff is responsible for sediment detachment and their transport during the erosion processes. In this context, the phenomenon reaches spectacular values in many Algerian watersheds; in this case, it is very severe in flood period, many models have been developed and their application has been spread. In this study, water flow discharge and suspended sediment concentration have been modelled using sediment rating curve approach, this model is the large discussed model; it is the best significant equation for the majority of Algerian basins, this equation which has a power law form (i.e. C = aQb, where a and b are fitted parameters), explains, more than 72% for the whole floods observed during 17 years in Wadi El Maleh watershed, the flood contribution in annual suspended yield is variable; it can reach more than 92%, which is the case of flood; January 19, 1985, while, at inter-annual scale, the percentage is 24% and 43% in total water and suspended sediment yields, respectively; for all studied floods, a good logarithmic correlation between sediment rating curve parameters is observed, this outcome can help to extrapolate this model to other events.
benselama oussama , MAHMOUD Hasbaia , AHMED Ferhati , Omar Djoukbaka, Hamouda boutaghane, Salim Djerbouai, , (2021-02-28), Suspended sedimentary dynamics under Mediterranean semi-arid environment of Wadi El Maleh watershed, Algeria, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol:8, Issue:, pages:10, Oussama BENSELAMA
- 2021
Hydrochemical analysis of groundwater quality in central Hodna Basin, Algeria: a case study
This paper aims to identify the mineralisation origin and distinguish between the different classes of groundwater quality in several regions of the semiarid basin of Hodna in central Algeria. Many multivariate statistical techniques are applied to a dataset composed of 64 georeferenced individuals with 19 chemical variables. The obtained results from this principal component analysis show that the first five factors explain more than 78% of the groundwater quality variance. Other methods such as CA cluster analysis, CAH hierarchical cluster analysis and geochemical analysis using the Piper diagram are more appropriate to contemplate nodule-facies development and to distinguish clusters. The endorheic characteristic of the study basin consequents the basin centre named Chott El Hodna to be a salinity source. Bit by bit, salinity raises from North to South, from unsalted water to strongly salted water close to the …
AHMED Ferhati , , (2021), Hydrochemical analysis of groundwater quality in central Hodna Basin, Algeria: a case study, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol:15, Issue:1, pages:22-39, 1
- 2018
Physical and Chemical Quality of Surface Waters of the Wilaya de Bouira (Northern Algeria)
In Algeria, considerable efforts have been made to best meet the water needs of the population and to ensure that the needs of an economic development are met. This sector is the subject of particular attention by the public authorities, which are devoting increasingly important resources to it.
AHMED Ferhati , , (2018), Physical and Chemical Quality of Surface Waters of the Wilaya de Bouira (Northern Algeria), Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration, Vol:1, Issue:58, pages:pp 901–907, 1
- 2014
Modélisation mécanique et hydraulique de l’écoulement à travers un barrage en terre
Résumé : Les milieux poreux sont omniprésents autour de nous, qu'ils soient naturels comme le sable, l’argile, les roches, ou manufacturés comme les bétons, les ciments, la céramique, etc. La dénomination de milieu poreux désigne une large palette de matériaux qui peuvent être très différents les uns des autres. Leur point commun est d’être composé d'une matrice solide et d'un espace poreux. Dans notre cas d’étude, nous avons fait la modélisation des écoulements en milieux poreux à travers les massifs comme dans le cas d'un barrage en terre. Le code de calcul utilisé (PLAXIS) offre la possibilité de modélisation de différentes structures, notamment en terre vue qu’il prend en charge la pression interstitielle due à l’écoulement souterrain et le calcul des déformations plastiques. La base de calcul de PLAXIS sont les relationnelles décrivant l’écoulement de l’eau dans la zone non-saturée obtenues par la combinaison de deux équations fondamentales : l’équation de Darcy généralisée et l’équation de continuité. Ce travail traite donc de la modélisation des écoulements et du comportement mécanique et hydraulique des barrages construits en terre et nous avons défini un cadre général dans lequel peut s'inscrire le calcul de ce type de structures : le couplage de la consolidation des sols et des écoulements à surface libre. Nous avons confronté une modélisation avec un cas réel d'ouvrage en terre. Nous avons montré notamment que l'on peut conduire de bout en bout le calcul de barrages réels et obtenir des résultats encourageants tant du point de vue hydraulique que du point de vue mécanique. Mots clés : milieux poreux, barrage en terre, modélisation.
AHMED Ferhati , MITICHE-KETTAB Ratiba, KACEM Lamyaa, ,(2014), Modélisation mécanique et hydraulique de l’écoulement à travers un barrage en terre,7éme Conférence international sur les ressources en eau dans le bassin Méditerranéen,Maroc
- 2014
Modélisation d’infiltration à travers un barrage en terre
Résumé : La modélisation des écoulements en milieux poreux à travers les massifs comme dans le cas d'un barrage en terre ; fait appelle au code de calcul (PLAXIS) qui offre la possibilité de modélisation de différentes structures, notamment en terre vue qu’il prend en charge la pression interstitielle due à l’écoulement souterrain et le calcul des déformations plastiques. La base de calcul de PLAXIS sont les relationnelles décrivant l’écoulement de l’eau dans la zone non-saturée obtenues par la combinaison de deux équations fondamentales : l’équation de Darcy généralisée et l’équation de continuité. Mots clés : milieux poreux, barrage en terre, modélisation.
AHMED Ferhati , Mitiche Katteb Ratiba, DJAFER KHODJA Hakim, ,(2014), Modélisation d’infiltration à travers un barrage en terre,3éme colloque internationale eau-climat,Tunisie
- 2014
Utilisation de système d'information géographique (SIG) pour la quantification de l’érosion : Application dans un sous bassin versant montagnard le lac d’Ifni (Haut Atlas Marocain)
Résumé L’érosion des Bassins Versants représente un risque important pour l’environnement, le phénomène de l’érosion dans le sous bassin versant du lac d’Ifni a été apprécié sur la base d’une description des différents facteurs qui déterminent l’érosion au niveau du bassin versant. La lithologie, la pente et le couvert végétal, ainsi qu’à l’observation directe de l’érosion sur le terrain constituent ces différents facteurs. Le bassin versant du lac se caractérise par un relief très accidenté avec des pentes fortes. La pente maximale est de l’ordre 80°, aussi les altitudes sont très variables, le point culminant du BV se trouve sur le Jbel Toubkal (4167 m). D’une manière générale, les hautes altitudes sont caractérisées par un climat très froid et par la présence d’une couverture neigeuse pendant plusieurs mois par an. Le gèle et le dégel des formations rocheuses du bassin versant entraine l’accélération de la fissuration des blocs rocheux. Ce contraste topo-climatique, associés à l’action anthropique (exemple :déforestation) accélère l’érosion sur le bassin versant et entraine le comblement du lac par les produits d’érosion. Notre objectif durant cette étude est de cibler les zones à risque majeur par l’érosion dans le bassin versant du lac d’Ifni et chercher des solutions adéquates pour minimiser le risque de ce phénomène. La détermination de la sensibilité des sols à l’effet de l’érosion nécessite l’utilisation du système d'information géographique(SIG), pour quantifier et cartographier l’aléa de l’érosion hydrique au niveau du bassin versant du lac d’Ifni. Mots clés : Système d’information géographique, quantification de l’érosion.
AHMED Ferhati , KACEM Lamyaa, AGOUSSINE M'bark, IGMOULLAN Brahim, MOKHTARI Soraya, AMAR Hicham, ,(2014), Utilisation de système d'information géographique (SIG) pour la quantification de l’érosion : Application dans un sous bassin versant montagnard le lac d’Ifni (Haut Atlas Marocain),2ème colloque international des utilisateurs des SIG ( Meknes GIS-USERS,Maroc
- 2013
Modélisation d’écoulement dans un barrage poids
The objective of this work wants to be to trust the modeling as of the flow in porous environments crosses the body of dam earth with clay core; the case study is stopping of KRAMIS Wilaya de Mostaganem, this made by the computer code PLAXIS 8.5, such as code is base by means of analyses in finite elements, starting from a mathematical aspect of the modeling of the flows in saturated porous environments and not - saturated, it is made the modeling of very which the ground like compressing relates to, consolidation, the points of shearing, uplift.... For the confirmation of resulted to obtain by the plaxis we introduced code GeoStudio the computer starts from SEEP/W that concerned primarily of flow, this even bases to him on a means in element ends and of development of the equation of RICHARDS such as one could leave the threads of current and the flow of flow. Therefore, we knew the various basic concepts of ground and its structure; we see the origin of the solid skeleton of porous environments by deterioration of the rocks. various definitions of the porous environment and their properties thus the characteristics hydraulics of the valiant knight mediums; potential of water in the porous ones.
AHMED Ferhati , MITICHE KETTAB Ratiba, ,(2013), Modélisation d’écoulement dans un barrage poids,C-EAU 2013,Alger