AHMED Seddiki
صديقي أحمد
0561 576626
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
Science et Technologies
Research Domains
Stabilité et Stabilisation des talus Systèmes d'information géographique
FiliereGénie Civil
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
- 2023
Encaderement master
ANALYSE NUMERIQUE DE LA STABILITE D’UNE DIGUE EN TERRE SUR SOL MEUBLE (Application à la digue d’Ouled Abdelouahab dans la commune de Sidi Aissa -wilaya de Msila)
- 2023
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
ACHOURI Abdelhakim , SAHLI Mohamed
- 2023
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
MOUSSA Radhwane
GIS AND REMOTE SENSING FOR SOIL CHARACTERIZATION (Application to the municipality of Metarfa - Msila)
- 2023
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
NADJI Bochra , LATRACHE Fatiha
- 2023
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
SEDDIKI Aymen , MAHMOUDI Amar Abdelhamid
- 2022
Encaderement master
KHENOUF Mohammed
CORRELATION DES DONNEES SIG ET GEOSTATISTIQUE POUR L'ETABLISSEMENT D'UN MODELE NUMERIQUE DE TERRAIN (Application à l’établissement du MNT de la commune de Hammam Dalaa -wilaya de Msila)
- 2022
- 2022
Encaderement master
MAATOUG Abdallah
ANALYSE COMPARATIVE DES METHODES D’INTERPOLATION SPATIALE POUR GENERER DES MNT (Application à l’établissement du MNT de la commune de Maadid -wilaya de Msila)
- 2022
Encaderement master
Hamouche oussama
ANALYSE COMPARATIVE DES METHODES D’INTERPOLATION SPATIALE POUR GENERER DES MNT (Application à l’établissement du MNT de la commune de Maadid -wilaya de Msila)
- 2021
Co-Encaderement Master
Medjir Salah , Meterfi Hichem
Apport du SIG et de la Télédétection dans la modélisation spatiale du risque naturel (Application à la wilaya de Msila)
- 2021
Co-Encaderement Master
Zourig Meryem , Korichi Inas
Effet de la méthode d’interpolation sur l’établissement d’une carte de prédiction
- 2020
Encaderement master
Habitouche Abderrazak
Modélisation Numérique de I'Effet des lnfiltrations sur la Stabilité d'un Barrage en Terre situé à Magra
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Boukhallat nour el houda
Analyse de la stabilité d’un site destiné pour recevoir des logements (Application au site de Tizi El Djamaa, commune d’Abi Youcef wilaya de Tizi Ouzou)
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Zerzour Souad , Guelmine Imane
Influence des paramètres des modèles sur les déformations et la stabilité d’une digue en terre
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Mohamed chicouche nouha
Évaluation géostatistique de la stabilité d’un versant naturel pré-fissuré (Application au cas du talus d’Aomar - Bouira)
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Master
Legma Rima , Dilmi Khadidja
Analyse de la stabilité d’un versant naturel pré fissuré(application au cas du talus d’Aomar –Bouira)
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Master
Neguez Nedjem Eddine , Douadi Zakaria
Evaluation géostatistique de la stabilité d’un remblai(application au cas du remblai de l’extension de l’aérodrome d’Ain Arnat – wilaya de Sétif)
- 2018
Co-Encaderement Master
Benhamidouche Walid , Bedira Fouad
Analyse de l'effet des infiltrations sur la Stabilité d'un barrage en terre situé (application au cas du barrage de Soubella wilaya de Msila)
- 2018
Co-Encaderement Master
Mokhtar Ahdouga Soulef
Analyse de la stabilité d’un remblai(application au cas du remblai d’Ain Arnat – wilaya de Sétif)
- 2018
Co-Encaderement Master
Doumi Halima
Etude comparative des méthodes analytiques et numériques en stabilité des pentes
- 2018
Co-Encaderement Master
Merah Fatima Zahra
Analyse numérique d’une fondation superficielle soumise à un chargement excentrée (sol homogène)
- 2018
Co-Encaderement Master
Ghefsi Fatima Zahra
Comportement de deux bâtiments contigus fondés en bord de talus sous séisme (application au cas du versant de Sidi Ahmed wilaya de Bejaia)
- 2018
Co-Encaderement Master
Zerguine Nassiba
Modélisation numérique du comportement d’un mur de soutènement sous sollicitations sismiques (application au cas du mur de soutènement de Bousaada)
- 2017
Co-Encaderement Master
Dahdouh Manal
Analyse de stabilité sismique d’un remblai de grande hauteur
- 2017
Co-Encaderement Master
Bourezg Mohamed Abdou
Analyse de stabilité sismique d’une digue en terre
- 2016
Co-Encaderement Master
Melouki Hicham
Etude numérique de l’effet des paramètres de cisaillement sur le comportement d’une pente (Application au cas du talus aménagé d’Oued Zenati à Guelma)
- 2015
Co-Encaderement Master
Kalkoul Nacer Eddine
Analyse de stabilité et stabilisation d’un versant sous séisme(application au cas du versant de Sidi Ahmed wilaya de Bejaia)
- 2014
Co-Encaderement Master
Djeffal Zouleykha
Renforcement par clouage et soutènement d’un versant naturel urbanisé (application au cas du versant de Tizi N’Bechar wilaya de Sétif)
- 2014
Co-Encaderement Master
Bouziane Fayçal
Comportement d’une soute à mazout en bord de talus sous séisme
- 1959-01-01 00:00:00
AHMED Seddiki birthday
- 2024-05-07
Effect of Treatment with Different Classes of Cement on the Geotechnical Properties of Soils: Case Study of Red Soil in the M'sila Region, Algeria
This article showcases the findings of an experimental study conducted on a red siltclayey taken from the site of Chaaba Elhamra (M'sila region, Algeria) for the purpose of being used for the building of road embankments and pavement layers. This experimental research aims to evaluate the geotechnical characteristics of this red soil, both before and after being treated with two classes of cement (CEM-II/B-L 32.5 N and CEM-II/B-L 42.5 N), and to analyse the impact of the cement class on its geotechnical properties. The experimental program included identification tests as well as Proctor compaction, CBR, and unconfined compression tests. The interpretation of the results has taken into account knowledge acquired from the literature. The findings showed that the percentage of cement had a beneficial effect on the geotechnical characteristics of this red silt-clay. Moreover, they highlighted that the type of cement did not have a great influence on the physical parameters, the compaction parameters, and the CBR indices. However, it was observed that class 42.5 cement had a much greater effect on UCS values than lower class 32.5 cement.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , , (2024-05-07), Effect of Treatment with Different Classes of Cement on the Geotechnical Properties of Soils: Case Study of Red Soil in the M'sila Region, Algeria, Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés, Vol:34, Issue:3, pages:357-362, IIETA
- 2023-01-12
Effect of choosing a variogram model to predict salinity and its impact on the environment and geotechnical structures
Various disciplines, engineering, humanities, and other sciences require interpolating many parameters. Geostatistics, with its structural analysis step, is widely used for this purpose. Variography is the valuable step used to assess the correlation and dependence of the data. However, the wrong choice of the variogram model encounter all the predictive attended results. This article illustrates how the use of inappropriate variogram models can seriously conduct to a misleading of predicted results for such analysis. The influence of the selection of the semi-variogram model is highlighted and illustrated by thematic maps developed using three different models (Gaussian, spherical and exponential). To avoid such a drawback, a methodical approach to select the most suitable model, based on the calculation and analysis of the mean error (ME), the mean square error (MSE), the root of the square error mean (REQM), mean standard error (ESM) and root of mean standard error (REQSM), is proposed in the present research study. Such contribution could reduce the negative effects of the choice of variogram model on the interpolation operation using the kriging technique.
salim dehimi , Ahmed SEDDIKI , , (2023-01-12), Effect of choosing a variogram model to predict salinity and its impact on the environment and geotechnical structures, Technium Social Sciences Journal, Vol:39, Issue:1, pages:860-872, Technium Social Sciences Journal
- 2022-11-18
Urban upgrading scenarios, an approach to urban development and the well-being of the population
Cities are witnessing urban inequality in developing countries, and this is reflected in inadequate urban planning, because these spatial and socio-economic disparities translate into spatial systems, an unsustainable urban form, and a low quality of life (QOL). The study tried to propose an approach to urban development, based on the concept of standard of living, where we worked to evaluate the quality of urban life based on indicators identified using Delphi method. The map of the QOL of the city was extracted before upgrading in the environment systems geographical information. During the results of this map, we worked to identify weaknesses in the distribution of evaluation indicators and then worked to improve their distribution and increase the numerical shortage in them spatially according to the needs of the population in the near term, then we reassessed the QOL after the upgrading process. The results obtained showed a significant development of the study area by a large percentage of the study area as a difference between the two phases, the scenario of development in the level of life according to the criteria adopted in our research with population participation proved a qualitative shift in the level of well-being of the local population spatially. A model has been developed as a comprehensive tool for assessing urban areas in the pursuit of the sustainability of neighborhoods in developing countries.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , , (2022-11-18), Urban upgrading scenarios, an approach to urban development and the well-being of the population, ACTA GEOGRAPHICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE, Vol:66, Issue:1, pages:25-46, Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae
- 2022-04-13
Using GIS Combined with AHP for Mapping landslide Susceptibility in Mila, in Algeria
Due to the complexity of its structure and morphology, the soil in the Mila area has experienced numerous landslides; damaging the road network and other supporting infrastructure. First, the most important landslide types were inventoried and mapped using existing data. The objective of this study is to develop a model based on the AHP analytical hierarchy process and integrate cartographic data into a GIS geographic information system for identifying and mapping regional landslide susceptibility. The approach uses factors such as slope, lithology, land use, road location, fault, flow and drainage network density as the main criteria to control the occurrence of selected landslides. The results showed that 15% of ground movement occurred in areas of high to very high susceptibility, 55% in areas of moderate susceptibility, and 30% in areas of very low to low susceptibility. The resulting map is subsequently validated by comparing the location of the mapped landslides with the susceptibility classes. The analysis of the results of this study shows that the landslide vulnerability map is a powerful decision support tool for local community development plans in the Algerian municipality of Mila.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , , (2022-04-13), Using GIS Combined with AHP for Mapping landslide Susceptibility in Mila, in Algeria, International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol:17, Issue:2, pages:169-175, IIETA
- 2021-12-04
Apports de la télédétection et des systèmes d'information géographique à l'établissement d'une carte de susceptibilité aux mouvements de terrain à Beni Ilmane, wilaya de Msila, en Algérie
Les glissements de terrain sont l'une des plus grandes catastrophes au monde. Cette étude aborde la problématique des mouvements de terrain dans la région de Beni Ilmane, dans la wilaya de Msila, au Centre-Est de l'Algérie. A l'aide de la méthode d'analyse qualitative multicritères "Analytic Hierarchy Process" AHP et d'un système d'information géographique SIG, les facteurs de prédisposition aux mouvements de terrain issus principalement des images satellites de télédétection ont été quantifiés en priorité par la comparaison par paires. La validité de la carte de zonage selon la susceptibilité aux mouvements de terrain obtenue a été examinée et testée en collectant les mouvements de terrain identifiés. L'aire (AUC) sous la courbe sensibilité/spécificité dite (ROC) a été utilisée pour quantifier et évaluer le modèle utilisé dans la présente étude. Le résultat de la cartographie met en évidence les secteurs vulnérables aux risques de mouvements de terrain. De plus, les résultats d'une telle étude pourraient constituer un outil d'aide à la décision pour la gestion des plans de développement local. Keywords AHP SIG Susceptibilité Télédétection AUC ROC
Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2021-12-04), Apports de la télédétection et des systèmes d'information géographique à l'établissement d'une carte de susceptibilité aux mouvements de terrain à Beni Ilmane, wilaya de Msila, en Algérie,First International Conference on Geotechnical, Structural and Advanced Materials Engineering: From Research to Practice,Biskra
- 2021-11-24
Analyse des effets d’infiltrations sur la stabilité des barrages en terre (Cas du barrage Soubella, commune de Magra, wilaya de M’sila)
Cette communication a pour objet d’analyser l’effet des infiltrations sur la stabilité de la digue en terre du barrage de Soubella situé dans la commune de Magra (wilaya de M’sila). Après présentation du site d’étude du point de vue topographique et hydrogéologique, un modèle de la digue à étudier a été choisi. À l’aide du module SEEP/W du logiciel GeoStudio, une analyse de la stabilité hydraulique par la détermination de la ligne de saturation et du débit de fuite à travers le corps du barrage, a conduit à la proposition et le dimensionnement d’un drain horizontal en aval de la digue pour limiter les effets d’infiltrations sur leur stabilité mécanique et hydraulique. La stabilité mécanique des talus amont et aval de la digue à l’aide du module SLOPE/W du logiciel GeoStudio, pour différents cas de chargements et selon plusieurs cas de configurations possibles, a été effectuée pour le cas d’un séisme de base SBE et d’un séisme maximal SMD, comme le stipule le manuel utilisé par l’Agence nationale algérienne des barrages A.N.B. Après calculs et discussions des valeurs du facteur de sécurité obtenues par les différentes méthodes implémentées dans le logiciel GeoStudio, la stabilisation du talus amont dans le cas d’une vidange rapide a été réalisée par la mise en place d’une banquette de dix mètres de largeur en amont de la digue et une confrontation avec les valeurs minimales conseillées par le « manuel de conception et projets typiques des digues en terre » utilisé par l’A.N.B. a été effectuée.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2021-11-24), Analyse des effets d’infiltrations sur la stabilité des barrages en terre (Cas du barrage Soubella, commune de Magra, wilaya de M’sila),The Second International Conference on Civil Engineering ICCE’2020,Laghouat, Algeria
- 2021-01-01
Seismic stability analysis of a pre-cracked natural slope: a case study of Aomar slope in Algeria
This paper presents and analyses the results of a series of seismic stability calculations performed on a pre-cracked natural slope located at Aomar city in Bouira Province, Algeria, whose collapse caused significant damages to the slope and surrounding structures. Among the calculation methods used to determine the potential slip surface of the slope (limit equilibrium method, yield design theory, plasticity calculation and limit analysis theory), the limit equilibrium method and the yield design theory seem best suited for this type of problem. The instability causes of the slope can be multiple and the cracks present upstream of it have probably been the catalyst. In addition to the probable seismic action, the potential instability factors of the slope considered in this study are the shear strength loss of the soil mass, the pore water pressure generated by the water table fluctuations, a possible excessive overloading upstream and an eventual unloading downstream. Stability calculations performed on assumed uncracked and cracked slope confirm the overall collapse mode observed in the field. They also show that it is a slight seismic action combined with some of these negative factors that caused the collapse of the slope.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , ADMIN Admin , Ahmed SEDDIKI , , (2021-01-01), Seismic stability analysis of a pre-cracked natural slope: a case study of Aomar slope in Algeria, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:52-66, Taylor and Francis
- 2019-08-06
Seismic stability analysis of a pre-cracked natural slope: a case study of Aomar slope in Algeria
This paper presents and analyses the results of a series of seismic stability calculations performed on a pre-cracked natural slope located at Aomar city in Bouira Province, Algeria, whose collapse caused significant damages to the slope and surrounding structures. Among the calculation methods used to determine the potential slip surface of the slope (limit equilibrium method, yield design theory, plasticity calculation and limit analysis theory), the limit equilibrium method and the yield design theory seem best suited for this type of problem. The instability causes of the slope can be multiple and the cracks present upstream of it have probably been the catalyst. In addition to the probable seismic action, the potential instability factors of the slope considered in this study are the shear strength loss of the soil mass, the pore water pressure generated by the water table fluctuations, a possible excessive overloading upstream and an eventual unloading downstream. Stability calculations performed on assumed uncracked and cracked slope confirm the overall collapse mode observed in the field. They also show that it is a slight seismic action combined with some of these negative factors that caused the collapse of the slope.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Ahmed SEDDIKI , , (2019-08-06), Seismic stability analysis of a pre-cracked natural slope: a case study of Aomar slope in Algeria, Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, Vol:15, Issue:2, pages:15, Taylor & Francis
- 2017-12-31
Seismic Stability Analysis and Stabilization of an Unstable Urbanized Slope
This paper presents the stability calculation results of an unstable slope located in Tizi-N’Bechar city (Province of Setif, Algeria) and proposes a solution for its reinforcement. Stability calculations show that this urbanized slope is potentially unstable. Among the possible solutions of its reinforcement, upstream pickling and downstream filling appear to be the most appropriate technique. However, this solution is insufficient when the slope will be subjected to a slight seism combined with a water table located at half-height of it. Reinforcement of this unstable urbanized slope by means of upstream nailing and downstream piling combined with an anchored wall at toe is thus necessary.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2017-12-31), Seismic Stability Analysis and Stabilization of an Unstable Urbanized Slope,Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (EMCEI 2017),Sousse, Tunisia
- 2017-11-04
Seismic stability analysis and stabilization of an unstable urbanized slope
This paper presents the stability calculation results of an unstable slope located in Tizi-N’Bechar city (Province of Setif, Algeria) and proposes a solution for its reinforcement. Stability calculations show that this urbanized slope is potentially unstable. Among the possible solutions of its reinforcement, upstream pickling and downstream filling appear to be the most appropriate technique. However, this solution is insufficient when the slope will be subjected to a slight seism combined with a water table located at half-height of it. Reinforcement of this unstable urbanized slope by means of upstream nailing and downstream piling combined with an anchored wall at toe is thus necessary.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2017-11-04), Seismic stability analysis and stabilization of an unstable urbanized slope,Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-1),Sousse, Tunisia
- 2015-04-27
Analyse de stabilité et stabilisation du versant urbanisé de Tizi N’Béchar (wilaya de Sétif, Algérie)
Cet article présente les résultats d'une série de calculs de stabilité effectués sur le versant urbanisé de Tizi-N'Béchar (wilaya de Sétif, Algérie) et propose une solution pour son confortement. Les calculs de stabilité montrent que le versant est en équilibre critique, donc potentiellement instable. Parmi les solutions de confortement possibles, l'allègement en tête de ce versant et son remblaiement en pied apparaissent comme la technique la mieux adaptée, mais insuffisante sous l'action d'une légère secousse sismique associée à une nappe phréatique affleurant le terrain naturel. Aussi, le renforcement du versant par inclusions de type clouage en tête et pieux en pied combinées éventuellement à un soutènement en contre-bas du versant s'impose.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2015-04-27), Analyse de stabilité et stabilisation du versant urbanisé de Tizi N’Béchar (wilaya de Sétif, Algérie),16th African Regional Conference on Soils Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ARC’16): Innovative Geotechnics for Africa, April 27-30, 2015,Hammamet, Tunisia
- 2013-11-27
Seismic Stability Analysis of an Urbanized Natural Slope
This paper presents the results of slope stability calculations carried out on an urbanized natural slope located in Aomar city (wilaya of Bouira, Algeria), of which rupture caused important damages in the slope itself and in the surrounding works. These calculations aim at analyzing the probable causes of rupture of the slope (seism, groundwater table, loading upstream, unloading downstream) in order to propose the adequate measurements of stabilization. Computation results obtained show that it is the combined action of several negative factors which started the slipping.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2013-11-27), Seismic Stability Analysis of an Urbanized Natural Slope,Civil and Environmental Research,Rabat, Morocco
- 2013-02-21
Seismic Stability Analysis of an Urbanized Natural Slope
This paper presents the results of slope stability calculations carried out on an urbanized natural slope located in Aomar city (wilaya of Bouira, Algeria), of which rupture caused important disorders in the slope itself and in the surrounding works. These calculations aim at analyzing the probable causes of rupture of the slope (seism, groundwater table, loading upstream, unloading downstream) in order to propose the adequate measurements of stabilization. Results obtained show that it is the combined action of several negative factors which started the slipping.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2013-02-21), Seismic Stability Analysis of an Urbanized Natural Slope,International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. 2013,Hammamat Tunisia
- 2010-10-27
Analyse des facteurs d’instabilité du versant d’Aomar (wilaya de Bouira)
On présente dans cette communication les résultats d’une série de calculs de stabilité effectués sur le versant d’Aomar (wilaya de Bouira), dont la rupture a causé des désordres importants dans le versant lui-même et dans les ouvrages situés dans son voisinage immédiat. Ces calculs visent à analyser les causes probables de rupture du versant afin de chercher une solution confortative adéquate. Les résultats obtenus confirment les observations faites sur le terrain et montrent que c’est l’action conjuguée de plusieurs facteurs négatifs liés aux propriétés géotechniques des sols et au régime hydraulique du site amplifiés probablement par une secousse sismique peu ressentie qui ont déclenché le glissement.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2010-10-27), Analyse des facteurs d’instabilité du versant d’Aomar (wilaya de Bouira),Conférence Internationale sur le Calcul Numérique en Géotechnique, 27-29 octobre 2008.,Université de Skikda Algérie
- 2010-07-07
Analyse des facteurs d’instabilité d’un versant urbanisé
This paper presents the results of a series of calculations of stability carried out on an urbanized slope, of which rupture caused the important disorders in the slope itself and the works located in its immediate vicinity. These calculations aim at analyzing the probable causes of rupture of the slope in order to propose the solution of adequate reinforcement. The results obtained show that it is the combined action several negative factors which started the slip.
Ahmed SEDDIKI , ,(2010-07-07), Analyse des facteurs d’instabilité d’un versant urbanisé,Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur JNGG2010,Grenoble