AMAR Hamitouche
حميطوش أعمر
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MAA
About Me
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2018
Encaderement master
Ben Elbar Khedidja , Touabet Bariza
Influence de l’intensité de pluie sur la stabilité d’une pente : cas de Zarzara Constantine
- 2018
Encaderement master
Maatar Eromayssa Etheimine Saad , Etheimine Saad
Influence de l’intensité de pluie sur la stabilité d’une pente : cas de Bougaa Sétif
- 2017
Labidi Mawloud , Ouail Hakim
L’estimation de la largeur de la zone d'influence d'une série de pieux de stabilisation d'une pente
- 2017
Encaderement master
Bouhadda , Barkat
Contribution à l’étude du comportement de la zone du sol située entre deux séries de pieux de stabilisation d’une pente
- 2016
Encaderement master
Etude du glissement au km 186 de l’A.R. EST-OUEST- tronçon Lakhdaria-Bouira: Analyse des causes et étude du confortement.
- 2016
Encaderement master
Essai d’estimation des caractéristiques équivalentes d’un sol d’une pente renforcée par pieux : cas d’une couche purement cohérente ( =0)
- 2016
Encaderement master
Etude du glissement au Pk 91+900 sur la RN 77 entre El Eulma et Beni Aziz : Analyse des causes et étude du confortement.
- 2016
Encaderement master
Essai d’estimation des caractéristiques équivalentes d’un sol d’une pente renforcée par pieux : cas d’une couche pulvérulente (C=0)
- 2015
Encaderement master
Comparaison entre les méthodes de l’équilibre limite et la méthode de réduction de la résistance au cisaillement pour l’évaluation de la stabilité des pentes renforcées par des pieux
- 2015
Encaderement master
Hachemi Rachida
Comparaison entre la méthode de l’analyse limite et la méthode de réduction de la résistance au cisaillement pour l’évaluation de la stabilité des pentes renforcées par des pieux
- 2011
Encaderement master
Facteurs influençant le développement des glissements de terrains de Constantine
- 1958-01-01 00:00:00
AMAR Hamitouche birthday
- 2010
Review of the Algerian seismic design code spectrum
The specific "seismic design spectrum" proposed by the Algerian seismic design code, namely the "normalized acceleration spectrum", seems to present an anomaly in comparison with other seismic design spectra over the world and with computed spectra, especially in the first branch of the curve, corresponding to the range of short periods, where the spectrum is a decreasing line whereas it must be an increasing one. This anomaly is outlined and confirmed, in one hand, and treated by proposing an appropriate formula instead of the available one, in the other hand. Some numerical applications are made using both available and proposed formula. This work may be considered as a contribution to the revision of the Algerian seismic design code which is continually done in order to make it more realistic and more perfect. Key words: Algerian seismic design code, response spectrum, seismic force.
Abderrachid BOULAOUAD , Amar HAMITOUCHE , , (2010), Review of the Algerian seismic design code spectrum, Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, Vol:1, Issue:, pages:19-26, Academic Journals
- 2008
Soil improvement by stone column internally reinforced
Granular columns have been used as an effective technique for improving the engineering behaviour of soft clays and loose sand deposits. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on sand columns internally reinforced with horizontal wire meshes made of plastic, steel and aluminium materials. Loading tests were performed on prototype reinforced sand columns in a stress-controlled chamber that contained normally consolidated clay. The objective of this investigation was to establish the load-carrying capacity of these columns on the light of the presence and intensity of the reinforcements. The performance of the reinforced sand mass was examined, by direct shear testing, in terms of angle of shearing resistance, strains to peak strength, bearing ratio, and brittleness of the system post-peak. A theoretical model is proposed to predict the load-carrying capacity of these columns. The predicted values by the proposed theory compared well with the results of the present experimental investigation as well as those available in the literature. Design procedure is presented for practicing use
Amar HAMITOUCHE , Tahar Ayadat, Adel M Hanna, , (2008), Soil improvement by stone column internally reinforced, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Ground Improvement, Vol:161, Issue:2, pages:55-63, ICE Institution of civil engineers
- 2008
Soil improvement by stone column internally reinforced
Granular columns have been used as an effective technique for improving the engineering behaviour of soft clays and loose sand deposits. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on sand columns internally reinforced with horizontal wire meshes made of plastic, steel and aluminium materials. Loading tests were performed on prototype reinforced sand columns in a stress-controlled chamber that contained normally consolidated clay. The objective of this investigation was to establish the load-carrying capacity of these columns on the light of the presence and intensity of the reinforcements. The performance of the reinforced sand mass was examined, by direct shear testing, in terms of angle of shearing resistance, strains to peak strength, bearing ratio, and brittleness of the system post-peak. A theoretical model is proposed to predict the load-carrying capacity of these columns. The predicted values by the proposed theory compared well with the results of the present experimental investigation as well as those available in the literature. Design procedure is presented for practicing use
Amar HAMITOUCHE , Tahar Ayadat, Adel M Hanna, , (2008), Soil improvement by stone column internally reinforced, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Ground Improvement, Vol:161, Issue:2, pages:55-63, ICE Institution of civil engineers