FARES Mezrag
مزراق فارس
- Informatics Department
- Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
- Grade MCB
About Me
PhD in computer science. in University of biskra
Research Domains
Post-quantum cryptography Routing in WSN Identity-based cryptography IoT security
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2022
Development of a web application for park ticketing management
- 2022
TERKI Souad , HAMRIT Karima
Conception d’une application web pour la gestion des examens en ligne
- 2020
Réalisation et developpement d’une application wab pour suivi les colis
- 2020
Réalisation d’une application sous Android pour le suivi des diabétiques
- 2020
Secure Data Transmission Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography for WSN
- 2018
DOUMI Abdelmoumain
La Sécurité des Communications dans les Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fils
- 2016
Co-Encaderement Master
Ghehioueche Amar Abdelmalek
Implémentation des primitives cryptographiques dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil
- 16-06-2022
PhD in computer science
Identity-Based Security for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks - 01-01-2015
- 01-01-2003
- 1980-07-27 00:00:00
FARES Mezrag birthday
- 2022
An efficient and lightweight identity-based scheme for secure communication in clustered wireless sensor networks
Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSNs) are typically deployed in unsecured or even hostile areas, making them vulnerable to many cyber-attacks and security threats that adversely affect their performance. Furthermore, the design of an efficient cryptographic scheme for CWSN is challenging due to the dynamic nature of the network and resource-constrained sensor devices. The paper presents a new identity-based authentication and key agreement scheme for CWSNs called IBAKAS, which combines Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Identity-Based Cryptography (IBC) to provide mutual authentication and establish secret session keys over insecure channels. IBAKAS achieves all desirable security properties of key agreement and prevents specific cyber-attacks on CWSN. Moreover, the formal security of the proposed scheme is verified using the AVISPA tool. Comparison with existing relevant schemes shows that the proposed scheme decreases computational and communication overheads, saves keys storage space and prolongs the network lifetime by reducing the energy consumption of the sensor node.
FARES Mezrag , , (2022), An efficient and lightweight identity-based scheme for secure communication in clustered wireless sensor networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol:200, Issue:0, pages:6, Elsevier
- 2019
IDSP: A New Identity-Based Security Protocol for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Communication security in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Network (CWSN) is considered as a challenging task facing this type of network. The dynamic nature of CWSN and its deployment in open areas making these networks vulnerable to different kinds of cyber-attacks that can adversely affect its own functioning. Moreover, the resource-constrained nature of sensor devices make it impractical to apply conventional security schemes in CWSN, which require high overhead of computation, communication and memory storage. To deal with this issue of communication security, we propose an efficient secure protocol in CWSN called IDentity-based Security Protocol (IDSP), which guarantees secure communication between Cluster Head (CH) and Base Station (BS), as well as communication between CH and Sensor Node (SN). IDSP is based on Identity-Based Cryptography (IBC) that doesn’t require Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) or complicated certificate management. The cornerstone of our protocol is to provide a perfect trade-off between three key factors: (i) ensuring a good protection level, especially against various cyber-attacks that may target CWSN, (ii) proposing an efficient process regarding energy consumption and key storage, (iii) introducing a key exchange mechanism in IDSP which is lightweight and uncomplicated. Moreover, our protocol treats public key authentication problem. The proposed protocol is tested in Cooja network simulator with WiSMote platform, and the performance results showed that IDSP is efficient, lightweight and secure.
FARES Mezrag , ,(2019), IDSP: A New Identity-Based Security Protocol for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC),Istanbul, Turkey
- 2017
Secure Routing in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
One of the most important source of WSN vulnerability is the forwarding process between the nodes. In fact, routing protocols are often based on clustering principle, where a set of clusters represented by a Cluster Head (CH) for each cluster, is conceived to rely fundamentally data packets between the network nodes. These protocols are vulnerable to several attacks affecting different routing processes such as hello flooding, selective forwarding, replay process. These attacks are more damaging if the CH is corrupted by a malicious node playing CH role. This paper proposes a new secure protocol based on the wellknown LEACH routing protocol named Hybrid Cryptography- Based Scheme for secure data communication in cluster-based WSN (HCBS). As a multi-constrained criteria approach, HCBS is built on a combination of the cryptography technique based on Elliptic Curves to exchange keys that uses symmetric keys for data encryption and MAC operations. After a set of tests on TOSSIM simulator, the results obtained showed that our proposal achieves good performances in terms of energy consumption, loss rate and end-to-end delay. In addition, HCBS guaranties a high level of security.
FARES Mezrag , ,(2017), Secure Routing in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks,GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference,Singapore, Singapore
- 2017
Sécurité du Routage Hiérarchique Basé sur les Clusters dans les RCSFs
Les RCSFs connaissent actuellement une grande extension et une large utilisation dans différents types d’applications exigeant une grande sécurité. Ils sont typiquement déployés dans des zones hostiles, ce qui les rend vulnérables à plusieurs attaques dans lesquelles l’intrus peut prendre le contrôle d’un ou plusieurs nœuds capteurs pour perturber le bon fonctionnement du réseau. Les protocoles de routage hiérarchique dans les réseaux de capteurs sont spécifiés sans aucune mesure de sécurité (LEACH, TEEN, PEGASIS...). Pourtant, les services de sécurité sont identifiés comme essentiels pour assurer un déploiement large de ces réseaux. Dans ce livre, nous nous sommes intéressés à proposer une version sécurisée de protocole LEACH, l’idée consiste à intégrer dans ce protocole un mécanisme de sécurité qui tient compte, d’une part, des ressources limités des nœuds de capteurs et d’autre part, pour faire face aux attaques qui sont fréquemment menées contre le protocole LEACH
FARESMezrag , ,(2017); Sécurité du Routage Hiérarchique Basé sur les Clusters dans les RCSFs,,Editions universitaires europeennes
- 2014
Sécurité du Routage Hiérarchique Basé sur les Clusters dans les Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fil
Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil connaissent actuellement une grande extension et une large utilisation dans différents types d’applications exigeant une grande sécurité. Ils sont typiquement déployés dans des zones hostiles, ce qui les rend vulnérables à plusieurs attaques dans lesquelles l’intrus peut prendre le contrôle d’un ou plusieurs noeuds capteurs pour perturber le bon fonctionnement du réseau. Les protocoles de routage hiérarchique dans les réseaux de capteurs sont spécifiés sans aucune mesure de sécurité (LEACH, TEEN, PEGASIS). Pourtant, les services de sécurité sont identifiés comme essentiels pour assurer un déploiement large de ces réseaux. Nous proposons dans cet article, un protocole sécurisé basé sur le protocole LEACH afin que notre protocole résiste contre les attaques auxquelles LEACH est vulnérable.
FARES Mezrag , Mohamed Benmohammed, ,(2014), Sécurité du Routage Hiérarchique Basé sur les Clusters dans les Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fil,The First International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications,M’Sila University