FAYSSAL Ouagueni
فيصل واقني
06 63 11 93 13
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
Doctorat en science : Automatique. in Université de Biskra
Research Domains
Automatique Energies renouvelables
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
- 2024
- 2023
Encaderement master
DAHMANI Miloud , GHERABI Chams Elassil
Modélisation et commande d’un pancréas artificiel
- 2022
Encaderement master
Ameur CHERIGUI , Abdelmounaim BADRA
Modélisation et simulation d'un véhicule électrique à pile à combustible
- 2021
Encaderement master
Commande PID floue adaptative de la suspension d'un véhicule automobile
- 2021
Encaderement master
Modélisation et commande floue adaptative de la pile à combustible de type SOFC
- 2021
Encaderement master
Assala BOUGERRA , Nor Elhouda ZOURIG
Commande par mode glissant de la suspension d'un véhicule automobile
- 2020
Encaderement master
Salima SIYOUCEF , Souhila DHALIS
Commande floue de la pile à combustible de type SOFC
- 2020
Encaderement master
Modélisation et commande floue stabilisante de la suspension active de véhicule
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Hachim SEGHIRI , Abd Rachid AKKA
Diagnostic de la fonction isolation de câbles HT isolés par la méthode des éléments finis
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Compensation des harmoniques dans un réseau électrique public basse tension sous l’environnement Matlab /Simulink
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Moustafa DAOUDI , Youssouf KHARCHI
Prédiction de la tension de claquage d’une configuration pointe-barrière-plan polluée par l’approche basée sur l’intelligence artificielle
- 2019
Encaderement master
CHOUIDIRA Mohmmed Assil , BAKRI Akram
Modélisation floue de la pile à combustible SOFC
- 2015
Encaderement master
Arbaoui Fatima , Mekki Houria
Modélisation et commande de la pile à combustible SOFC
- 2014
Encaderement master
Dehbi Fatima Zohra , Sadok Bouziane Imane
Modélisation et commande de la suspension active de véhicule
- 2013
Encaderement master
Bouziani Ines
Stabilisation des systèmes non linéaire via des modèles flous de type Takagi-Sugeno : Approche LMI
- 2013
Encaderement master
Meghaoui Houria , Messadi Fadhila
Commande multi-controleurs linéaires des systèmes non linéaires sous la forme Takagi-Sugeno incertain
- 28-01-2021
Doctorat en science : Automatique
Modélisation et commande des piles à combustible de type SOFC - 08-11-2010
Magister en Automatique
Stabilisation des systèmes non linéaires via des modèles flous incertains de type Takagi-Sugeno - 04-07-2007
Ingénieur d'état en électronique
Réalisation d'un onduleur monophasé cascadé à sept nivaux commandé par PIC16F876 - 1984-03-04 00:00:00
FAYSSAL Ouagueni birthday
- 2024-12-18
Stabilizing fuzzy controller design for quarter-vehicle suspension system
The primary aim of a vehicle's suspension system is to isolate the vehicle's main body from road irregularities, thus improving passenger comfort and ensuring optimal handling stability. This research discusses a stabilizing fuzzy control design for active vehicle suspension systems. The nonlinear model of the active suspension is then represented using a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model. The control approach uses a TS fuzzy controller utilizing an observer to estimate the state while reducing road disturbances. The closed-loop stability requirements of the vehicle utilizing the fuzzy controller and observer are expressed as a Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) problem, which can be effectively resolved through convex optimization methods. In this paper, we study the stability of the nonlinear automotive active suspension system with two degrees of freedom represented by a TS fuzzy model, where we will present the stabilization conditions by state feedback via the PDC (Parallel Distributed Compensation) control law and in the last section we introduced the TS fuzzy observer for the case of non-measurable premise variables.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-12-18), Stabilizing fuzzy controller design for quarter-vehicle suspension system, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences, Vol:5, Issue:3, pages:e12377-e12377, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences
- 2024-10-21
Dynamic performance enhancement of DFIG wind turbine using an active disturbance rejection control-based sliding mode control
The present paper proposes a hybrid control law that combines the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and the sliding mode control (SMC) to improve the decoupled control of the active and reactive power stator applied to a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) integrated into a wind energy conversion system. The stator is directly connected to the electric grid, while the rotor is connected to the electric grid via a back-to-back converter. The Lyapunov theory proves the stability of nonlinear control. The performance of the proposed strategy is compared with that of traditional ADRC and proportional-integral control (PI). The simulation results in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment using a 1.5 MW wind system model show the proposed approach. The proposed algorithm shows an excellent dynamic performance that reduces the time response, overshoot, and steady-state error compared to the conventional controllers. Considering parametric variation, applying a novel controller results in fewer oscillations in stator powers, outperforming the PI regulator and classic ADRC.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-10-21), Dynamic performance enhancement of DFIG wind turbine using an active disturbance rejection control-based sliding mode control, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences, Vol:5, Issue:2, pages:e9472-e9472, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences
- 2024-10-16
Influence of operating parameters on the fatigue life of materials: a combined experimental and statistical study
Today, material fatigue is a crucial area of modern engineering because it has a major impact on the durability and reliability of mechanical components in many industrial systems. The understanding of fatigue mechanisms and their behaviour under different operating conditions is essential for the design of robust and durable systems. This experimental study focuses on the fatigue behaviour resulting from rotational bending of nationally produced materials. The main elements are the determination of the fatigue limit for a given fatigue cycle and the endurance limit. To characterise the fatigue resistance of the material by testing a group of identical specimens subjected to cycles of a given shape. To study the effect of three operational variables, namely hardness (H), surface roughness (Ra) and applied stress (σ), on the response under investigation, ie the life of the specimen (number of cycles), experiments were carried out using a Taguchi L18 mixed experimental set. Finally, the results obtained were statistically analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and response surface methodology (RSM). From the experimental results and the analyses carried out, the results show that the applied stress is the statistically most dominant factor on specimen fatigue (life) with a contribution of 38.53%, followed by the stiffness factor with a contribution of 32.81%. Finally, based on the Taguchi method and the Response Surface Model (RSM) developed, it is judged that the higher value obtained for the coefficient of determination (over 80%) clearly shows the strong correlation between predicted and experimental data.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-10-16), Influence of operating parameters on the fatigue life of materials: a combined experimental and statistical study, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences, Vol:5, Issue:2, pages:e9277-e9277, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences
- 2024-10-01
New design of robust controller based on fuzzy 12 linguistic variables for wind power conversion system.
This paper proposes a strategy for robust control of the wind turbine using a double-fed induction machine (DFIM) controlled by the park transformation, which allows control commands to be applied to the generated power. By orienting the stator flux, the active and reactive powers generated by the DFIM can be decoupled. The proposed control utilises a combination of sliding mode control and fuzzy logic with 12 linguistic variables. This approach effectively addresses modelling uncertainties in both the generator and wind turbine, resulting in improved performance and production quality in this domain. Simulation results will demonstrate the advantages of this approach over the classic setting.
ABDERRAHIM Zemmit , ADMIN Admin , ABDELGHAFOUR Herizi , ADMIN Admin , RIYADH Rouabhi , ADMIN Admin , FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-10-01), New design of robust controller based on fuzzy 12 linguistic variables for wind power conversion system., Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Vol:100, Issue:10, pages:89-92, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
- 2024-10-01
New design of robust controller based on fuzzy 12 linguistic variables for wind power conversion system.
This paper proposes a strategy for robust control of the wind turbine using a double-fed induction machine (DFIM) controlled by the park transformation, which allows control commands to be applied to the generated power. By orienting the stator flux, the active and reactive powers generated by the DFIM can be decoupled. The proposed control utilises a combination of sliding mode control and fuzzy logic with 12 linguistic variables. This approach effectively addresses modelling uncertainties in both the generator and wind turbine, resulting in improved performance and production quality in this domain. Simulation results will demonstrate the advantages of this approach over the classic setting.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-10-01), New design of robust controller based on fuzzy 12 linguistic variables for wind power conversion system., Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Vol:2024, Issue:10, pages:89, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
- 2024-08-26
Backstepping control of DFIG wind turbine system based rotor flux observer
This paper introduces a novel approach to controlling a wind energy system based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) using backstepping control. The proposed control method allows for independent control of the active and reactive power of the stator. Unlike traditional methods that rely on vector control of the stator fluxes and neglect the stator resistance, this approach takes into account the nonlinearities and coupled nature of the system. By using a nonlinear model in the Park frame, the control is more accurate and closer to the behavior of a real machine. This method has yet to consider any estimation of the rotor flux model. Using a high-gain observer can resolve the issue of measuring rotor flux. The stability of the nonlinear observer is demonstrated through the application of Lyapunov theory. The simulation results indicate that the suggested control scheme has enhanced the dynamic performance of the system.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-08-26), Backstepping control of DFIG wind turbine system based rotor flux observer, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences, Vol:5, Issue:2, pages:e7078-e7078, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences
- 2024-06-22
A new robust controller based on type-1 fuzzy logic and IP regulator for induction motor
The novelty of the work proposed a new controller based on type 1 fuzzy logic and IP regulator, the new controller applies to the asynchronous machine driven by a PWM inverter. Flux-directed vector control is considered one of the most effective control methods due to its ease of design and implementation. Proportional integral (PI) controllers are used to implement this method. The controllers parameters are calculated using traditional analytical methods directly from the machine parameters. This requires rigorous calculation and a thorough understanding of all machine parameters. Improve the performance of flow-oriented vector control (reduction of oscillations, driving of loads at variable speeds, etc.). The performance improvement was achieved firstly by changing the location of the proportional and integral regulators. Then, by a regulator that combines the integral proportional (IP) regulator and type 1 fuzzy logic in the MATLAB environment. A new architecture of the flow-oriented vector control controller, based on the combination between the IP regulator and type 1 fuzzy logic. The control makes it possible to improve the dynamic performance of the induction motor. The main possibility of creating an efficient controller based on the fuzzy logic of type 1 of the induction motor.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-06-22), A new robust controller based on type-1 fuzzy logic and IP regulator for induction motor, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:3268-3285, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences
- 2024-06-16
Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine
Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2024-06-16), Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine,3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-05-17
A variable speed electric drive based on a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)
A variable speed electric drive based on a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2024-05-17), A variable speed electric drive based on a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM),3rd International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS 2024,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-04-22
Robust fuzzy–backstepping mode control of an induction motor
This paper presents a novel control for induction motors using backstepping control and fuzzy logic. The Backstepping control is suggested as a substitute for the conventional PI controller to attain high-performance motion control systems for the speed, flux, and current control loops. Stability analysis, based on Lyapunov theory, is also conducted to guarantee the convergence of the speed tracking error from all possible initial conditions. The speed regulator was changed to a fuzzy logic regulator. The simulation results confirm that the proposed hybrid control fuzzy-backstepping scheme offers improved performance in terms of trajectory tracking ability and robustness against variation when subjected to time-varying reference input.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2024-04-22), Robust fuzzy–backstepping mode control of an induction motor, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:1317-1334, Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences
- 2024-04-19
SOCA-CFAR processor: its Pfa in an Erlang-distributed clutter
SOCA-CFAR processor: its Pfa in an Erlang-distributed clutter
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2024-04-19), SOCA-CFAR processor: its Pfa in an Erlang-distributed clutter,2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies ICSIS 2024,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-04-19
2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies ICSIS 2024
Konya, Turkey
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2024-04-19), 2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies ICSIS 2024,Konya, Turkey,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-04-18
Vector Control of Induction Motor Using Type-1 Fuzzy Logic Controller
Vector Control of Induction Motor Using Type-1 Fuzzy Logic Controller
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2024-04-18), Vector Control of Induction Motor Using Type-1 Fuzzy Logic Controller,2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies ICSIS 2024,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-04-18
A Decision Tree Approach for Detecting and Classifying Rolling Element Bearing Faults in Asynchronous Machines
A Decision Tree Approach for Detecting and Classifying Rolling Element Bearing Faults in Asynchronous Machines
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2024-04-18), A Decision Tree Approach for Detecting and Classifying Rolling Element Bearing Faults in Asynchronous Machines,2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies ICSIS 2024,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-03-15
Modeling and Control of the Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Based on TS Fuzzy Theory and Predictive Control
The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is broadly used for distributed and clean power generation. The main problem related to SOFC lies in the difficulties to control the output voltage of the SOFC due to the strong nonlinearity, the rapid changes of the load and the limited fuel flow. The objective of the control of the SOFC system is to maintain the output voltage at a constant level and the fuel utilization rate in a safety interval. In this context, a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) discrete-time Takagi- Sugeno (TS) fuzzy dynamic model with feed forward input is used in this study to describe the dynamic properties of the nonlinear voltage and the fuel utilization rate in a tubular SOFC system. This obtained fuzzy model will be used for the application of constrained fuzzy model predictive control. The simulation results are provided to show the accuracy and the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2024-03-15), Modeling and Control of the Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Based on TS Fuzzy Theory and Predictive Control,4th International Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Congress ICADA 2024,Izmir, Turkey
- 2023-12-26
Robust Sliding Mode Control of Mechanical Power Produced by an Induction MOTOR (IM)
Robust Sliding Mode Control of Mechanical Power Produced by an Induction MOTOR (IM)
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , RIYADH Rouabhi , ,(2023-12-26), Robust Sliding Mode Control of Mechanical Power Produced by an Induction MOTOR (IM),9th Ankara International Congress on Scientific Research (AICSR’2023),Ankara, Turkey
- 2023-12-25
Optimization of a PID Regulator by the PSO “Particle Swarm Optimization” Technique
Optimization of a PID Regulator by the PSO “Particle Swarm Optimization” Technique
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2023-12-25), Optimization of a PID Regulator by the PSO “Particle Swarm Optimization” Technique,3rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research (ICSAR’2023) Konya, Turkey.,Konya, Turkey
- 2023-12-02
Modeling and Control of the Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Based on TS Fuzzy Theory and Predictive Control
Modeling and Control of the Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Based on TS Fuzzy Theory and Predictive Control
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Boureguigu Kada, ,(2023-12-02), Modeling and Control of the Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Based on TS Fuzzy Theory and Predictive Control,The 1ST National Conference On Physics And It’s Applications (NCPA2023),,Higher Normal School of Bousaada, Algeria.
- 2023-12-02
Optimal Nonlinear Control of DFIG Wind Turbine System Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Optimal Nonlinear Control of DFIG Wind Turbine System Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Boureguigu Kada, ,(2023-12-02), Optimal Nonlinear Control of DFIG Wind Turbine System Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm,The 1ST National Conference On Physics And It’s Applications (NCPA2023),,Higher Normal School of Bousaada, Algeria.
- 2023-07-20
Optimal Metaheuristic-Based Feedback Linearization Control of DFIG Wind Turbine System
This work is based on meta-heuristic optimization (MOT) techniques that are currently used to optimize various problems. Known for its simplicity and stochastic nature, MOT is used to solve complex engineering problems. There are different categories of MOT, but this article will focus on techniques from artificial bee colony (ABC) and grey wolf optimizer (GWO). In this paper, an optimal feedback linearization control (FLC) for active and reactive powers control of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is considered. The adopted controller is based on metaheuristic optimization techniques (MOTs) such as ABC and GWO. MOTs algorithms are proposed for tuning and generating optimal gains for PI controller to overcome the imperfections of the traditional tuning method, in order to enhance the performance of FLC-DFIG response. The control strategy is tested via a 1.5 MW DFIG wind turbine using MATLAB-SIMULINK. The simulation results confirm the improved performance of the DFIG wind system controlled by the optimal feedback linearization control compared to the classical feedback linearization control in terms of maximum overshoot, steady-state error, and settling time. The comparative results show the efficiency of the proposed improvement approach which provided the best overshoot value, outperforming the classical method by 6.82% and 43.85%, respectively. For the settling time, the superiority was in the order of approximately 9.38% and 87.85%. Considering the steady-state error, the proposed approach's superiority is 210% and more than 3e3% respectively.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , , (2023-07-20), Optimal Metaheuristic-Based Feedback Linearization Control of DFIG Wind Turbine System, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol:18, Issue:1, pages:1-13, Springer Nature Singapore
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- 2022
Énergies et Environnement
Ce polycopié de cours « énergie et environnement » est destiné aux étudiants de deuxième année de la licence académique en génie électrique « automatique, électromécanique et électrotechnique » et en électronique « électronique et télécommunications ». L’objective de ce cours est d’initier les étudiants aux différentes énergies existantes dans le monde (fossiles et renouvelables), leurs sources et l’impact de leurs utilisations sur l’environnement.
FAYSSALOuagueni , ,(2022); Énergies et Environnement,Université de M'sila,
- 2022
Voltage Regulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is broadly used for distributed and clean power generation. The main problem related to SOFC lies in the difficulties to control the output voltage of the SOFC due to the strong nonlinearity, the rapid changes of the load and the limited fuel flow. The production of electricity in the SOFC plant is directly affected by the change in the external load. Indeed, for stable operation of electrical equipment, the output voltage of this power supply system must be at a constant required value and the fuel utilization rate within a safety interval (from 0.7 to 0.9). To achieve this objective several methods have been proposed for controlling the SOFC system in a way to fix the optimal input between the flow rates of the reactants to a value of 1.145. While, it is enough only to have a value of approximately 1.145 to respect the variation of the pressure difference between hydrogen and oxygen (must not exceed 4 kPa in normal operating conditions and 8 kPa in transient conditions). In this paper, a new fuzzy control structure is proposed for the control of the SOFC system, where two fuzzy controllers were used one for the fuel flow and the other for the oxidant. The simulation results are provided to show the accuracy and the effectiveness of the proposed strategy in front of the control strategists who use a fixed ratio between the reactants.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Kada Boureguig, ,(2022), Voltage Regulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell,First national conference in Materials Science and Engineering (NCMSE’1_2022),Khemis Miliana - Algeria
- 2022
Performance enhancement of DFIG wind turbine using ADRC controller based sliding mode control
Performance enhancement of DFIG wind turbine using ADRC controller based sliding mode control
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Kada Boureguig, ,(2022), Performance enhancement of DFIG wind turbine using ADRC controller based sliding mode control,First national conference in Materials Science and Engineering (NCMSE’1_2022),Khemis Miliana - Algeria
- 2021
Modélisation et Commande des Piles à Combustible
La pile à combustible à oxyde solide (SOFC) est largement utilisée pour la production d'électricité. Le problème principal dans le SOFC réside dans la difficulté de contrôler la tension de sortie de la pile, en raison de la forte non-linéarité du système, des changements rapides de charge et du débit de carburant limité. L'objectif de la commande du système SOFC est de maintenir la tension de sortie à un niveau constant et le taux d'utilisation du combustible dans un intervalle de sécurité. Dans ce contexte, un modèle dynamique flou discret de type Takagi Sugeno (TS) multi-entrées multisorties (MIMO) est développé dans ce travail pour décrire les propriétés dynamiques de la tension non linéaire et le taux d'utilisation du combustible du système SOFC de géométrie tubulaire. Ce modèle flou développé sera utilisé pour l'application de la commande prédictive floue avec contraintes. Les résultats de simulation fournies montrent l'exactitude et l'efficacité de la stratégie proposée
FAYSSALOuagueni , ,(2021); Modélisation et Commande des Piles à Combustible,Université de Biskra,
- 2021
A Sliding Mode Control design for Vehicle Active Suspension System under Road Disturbance
Technological development in the automotive sector caused to comfort and security problems that was an important topic for engineering studies. Many vibrations sourced from external factors that occur, these vibrations adversely affect the vehicle's internal dynamics, comfort and safety. To better damp these vibrations, controllers are required for suspensions. The purpose of this paper is to present a control of the active suspension system using Conventional Sliding Mode (SMC), the simulation results obtained are compared with those obtained with the PID control and the passive model (Uncontrollable model).
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Boureguig kada, ,(2021), A Sliding Mode Control design for Vehicle Active Suspension System under Road Disturbance,International Conference on Mechanics and Energy,Sousse, TUNISIA
- 2021
A New Fuzzy Control Approach of the Nonlinear Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System
In this paper, a new fuzzy control structure is proposed for the control of the SOFC system, where two fuzzy controllers were used one for the fuel flow and the other for the oxidant. The simulation results are provided to show the accuracy and the effectiveness of the proposed strategy in front of the control strategists who use a fixed ratio between the reactants.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , ,(2021), A New Fuzzy Control Approach of the Nonlinear Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System,1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials,Ouargla, ALGERIA
- 2021
Backstepping control of DFIG Wind Turbine Using Rotor flux Observer
Backstepping control of DFIG Wind Turbine Using Rotor flux Observer
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Boureguig Kada, ,(2021), Backstepping control of DFIG Wind Turbine Using Rotor flux Observer,International Conference on Mechanics and Energy,Sousse, TUNISIA
- 2019
A Fuzzy Model Feed Forward Predictive Control of the Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System
The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is broadly used for distributed and clean power generation. The main problem related to SOFC lies in the difficulties to control the output voltage of the SOFC due to the strong nonlinearity, the rapid changes of the load and the limited fuel flow. The objective of the control of the SOFC system is to maintain the output voltage at a constant level and the fuel utilization rate in a safety interval. In this context, a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy dynamic model with feed forward input is used in this paper to describe the dynamic properties of the nonlinear voltage and the fuel utilization rate in a tubular SOFC system. This obtained fuzzy model will be used for the application of constrained fuzzy model predictive control. The simulation results are provided to show the accuracy and the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , SAAD BELHAMDI , Boumehrez Mohamed, , (2019), A Fuzzy Model Feed Forward Predictive Control of the Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System, Advances in modelling and analysis C, Vol:74, Issue:4, pages:71-79, IIETA
- 2018
Modeling of The Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Using MISO NARX Fuzzy Model
The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is widely accepted for clean and distributed power generation use. The model of SOFC is belongs to highly nonlinear systems where perfect knowledge of their parameters is unattainable by conventional modeling techniques. In this paper the problem of the non linearity of the dynamic model of the SOFC is studied by using a multiple-input singleoutput (MISO) discrete time Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy dynamic model is used to describe the nonlinear voltage dynamic properties of the tubular SOFC system. Simulation results show that it is possible to establish the dynamic model of SOFC by using the TS fuzzy identification method. The accuracy and validity were also tested.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Boumehrez Mohamed, ,(2018), Modeling of The Nonlinear Tubular Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Using MISO NARX Fuzzy Model,Second International Conference on Electrical Engineering,Biskra, Algeria
- 2015
Contribution to the generalized predictive control opplied to the MSAP
Contribution to the generalized predictive control opplied to the MSAP
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Bentchikou Ibrahim, Boudjemo F, Boukhetolo D, Ould chercholi N, ,(2015), Contribution to the generalized predictive control opplied to the MSAP,3rd lnternational Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference,Marrakech & Ouarzazate, Morocco
- 2015
Study of generalized predictive control by using an inverter three levels structure NPC Application for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Study of generalized predictive control by using an inverter three levels structure NPC Application for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Bentchikou Ibrahim, Boudjema F, Boukhetala D, Ould chercholi N, ,(2015), Study of generalized predictive control by using an inverter three levels structure NPC Application for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines,International Energy Technologies Conference,Turkey
- 2014
L'optimisation de la profondeur de la jonction d'une cellule solaire à homojonction (Si/Si) et à hétérojonction (A1GaAs/GaAs)
L'optimisation de la profondeur de la jonction d'une cellule solaire à homojonction (Si/Si) et à hétérojonction (A1GaAs/GaAs)
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , Talhi Abdelkrim, Belghachi A, Varani L, ,(2014), L'optimisation de la profondeur de la jonction d'une cellule solaire à homojonction (Si/Si) et à hétérojonction (A1GaAs/GaAs),Second International Conference on New Materials and Active Devices,Oum El-Bouaghi , Algeria
- 2013
Dans ce papier, on traite la méthode de la synthèse de commande multi-contrôleur pour les modèles flous incertains de Takagi-Sugeo (TS). L’analyse de la stabilisation est basée sur l’utilisation d’une fonction de Lyapunov quadratique et la loi de commande multi-contrôleur où la loi de commande globale est obtenue par commutation entre des lois de commande locales de type PDC (Parallel Distributed Compensation ), cette approche permet l’optimisation du nombre de contrôleurs qui peut être inférieur au nombre de règles. . Le but est d’obtenir des conditions LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) de stabilisation d’un modèle flou incertain de façon à maximiser la marge de stabilité quadratique.
- 2012
Réalisation d’un onduleur monophasé cascadé à sept niveaux piloté par le PIC16F876
This paper relates to the study and the realization of a multilevel inverter associated with the card-based control of microcontroller PIC16F876. This is the series connection of three single phase inverter H-bridge with separate continuous voltages. In the theoretical section we presented a study on the model of the inverter and its control strategies, the full wave and the PWM with its variants. In the practical part, after realizing the control cards and power we implemented for control strategies on the PIC16F876.
FAYSSAL Ouagueni , BRIK Youcef , ,(2012), Réalisation d’un onduleur monophasé cascadé à sept niveaux piloté par le PIC16F876,Deuxième Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance, la Gestion, la Logistique et l’Electrotechnique,Oran, Algeria