KHATIR Khettab
خثير خطاب
06 63 08 45 76
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Research Domains
Calcul fractionnaire; Commande fractionnaire. Commande Adaptative Floue d'ordre fractionnaire Commande par Mode de glissement Commande des systèmes Chaotiques ordre fractionnaire Commande discrète fractionnaire Energie renouvelable (systèmes PV) : cas fractionnaire Identification et approximation fractionnaire Stabilité et robustesse fractionnaire
LocationMsila, M'sila
Code RFIDE- 2025
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Djourni Youcef
Contribution à la commande intelligente d’une classe de systèmes chaotiques d’ordre fractionnaire : Cas des systèmes discrets d’ordre fractionnaire
- 2024
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
DIB Riad
Contribution à la Conception de nouveaux schémas de techniques de commandes d’ordre fractionnaire pour l’amélioration des performances des systèmes industriels
- 2024
Encaderement master
MOHAMED Isselmou B’neijara
Amélioration des performances des systèmes industriels par la commande PID adaptative fractionnaire
- 2024
Co-Encaderement Master
Conception de contrôleur flou adaptatif robuste pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires incertains SISO
- 2023
- 2023
- 2023
- 2023
Encaderement master
Gouffi ImadEddine , Abdelkarim Asma
Control DFIG wind turbine system with GPC RST type
- 2022
Encaderement master
Benzahia Houd , Belouadah Brahim
Utilisation des méthodes d'identification pour l’approximation des systèmes linéaires d’ordre fractionnaire
- 2022
Co-Encaderement Master
Commande adaptative floue de poursuite pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires
- 2022
Co-Encaderement Master
TOUIR Ahmed , AOUADJ Akram
Commande adaptative floue tolérante aux défauts pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires
- 2021
Encaderement master
BEN KHALED AbdeALLAH , AYAD Mustaphab Fawzi
Commande Robuste du Système PV par les Algorithmes MPPT
- 2021
Co-Encaderement Master
Houichi Chaima , Faid Lemia
Commandes MPPT intelligente d’une classe de systèmes photovoltaïques.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Al-Shami omar ahmed , Al-Ammari Emad Yahia
Robustification de la commande adaptative pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires
- 2020
Encaderement master
Stabilisation et commande adaptative floue type-2 d’une classe de systèmes non linéaires
- 2020
Encaderement master
Stabilisation et Commande Adaptative Robuste d’un Pendule inversé (Résultats Expérimentaux)
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Bourezg Salah Eddi , Neche Salem
Stratégies de commande de la machine asynchrone : étude et comparaison.
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Lahouar Khalid , Silini Abdelbasset
Etude comparative de la commande PID classique et la commande d’ordre fractionnaire : Application à un Moteur à Courant Continu.
- 2020
Co-Encaderement Master
Hadj Hfsi Mohammed , Hadi Kouider
Commande PI adaptative robuste des systèmes linéaires.
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Master
Commande adaptative a model interne robuste d'ordre fractionnaire
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Master
- 11-07-2022
- 14-12-2017
- 05-06-2016
DOCTORAT en sciences
Techniques avancées pour la synthèse et l'amélioration des performances des systèmes de commande adaptative d'ordre fractionnaire pour les processus incertains. - 26-06-2005
Commande Adaptative floue des systèmes non linéaires par la méthode de Backstepping utilisant le mode glissant - 11-10-2001
Etude et réalisation d'un système d’émission et de réception Ultrasonique. - 05-07-1995
- 1975-08-22 00:00:00
KHATIR Khettab birthday
- 2025-01-01
Performance Analysis of Fractionalized Order PID Controller-based on Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Vehicle Cruise Control Systems
Recently, automotive manufacturers have prioritized cruise control systems and controllers, recognizing them as essential components requiring precise and adaptable designs to keep up with technological advancements. The motion of vehicles is inherently complex and variable, leading to significant non-linearity within the cruise control system (CCS). Due to this non-linearity, conventional PID controllers often perform sub optimally under varying conditions. This study introduces a fractionalized-order PID (FrOPID) controller, which incorporates an additional parameter to enhance the performance of conventional PID controllers. A comparative analysis is conducted between classical PID controllers and FrOPID controllers optimized using three metaheuristic algorithms: Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The evaluation is carried out using a linearized model of the vehicle cruise control system (VCCS). The results demonstrate that fractionalized-order PID controllers significantly outperform conventional PID controllers, particularly in terms of rise time and settling time. Among the proposed designs, the integration of HHO and FrOPID proves to be the most effective in achieving a balance between responsiveness and stability, exhibiting exceptional robustness and adaptability to variations in vehicle mass and environmental conditions. This highlights the effectiveness of fractionalized-order controllers in managing the dynamic behavior of vehicles.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2025-01-01), Performance Analysis of Fractionalized Order PID Controller-based on Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Vehicle Cruise Control Systems, SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:1-13, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- 2024-12-27
Performances analysis and improvement of mechanical system using the fractional order adaptive PID controller
Mechanical systems find applications across various scientific disciplines, particularly in the domain of control strategies, which has drawn significant interest from researchers. A fractional adaptive PID (FAPID) controller is suggested as a means to improve system performance in this study—specifically, rise time, settling time, and overshoot—by incorporating fractional-order integrators and differentiators into the traditional adaptive PID feedback mechanism. The performance and efficiency of the suggested FAPID controller are matched with those of the traditional adaptive PID controller in order to show the validity of this method. Analyzes and numerical simulations help to find the most effective controller. Regarding settling time, rising time, overshoot, and mean absolute error, the fractional-order PID controller performs better than its classical equivalent. Furthermore, extending this method to other fractional and integer-order systems helps to maximize noise rejection and performance.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2024-12-27), Performances analysis and improvement of mechanical system using the fractional order adaptive PID controller, Brazilian Journal of Technology, Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:1-19, Qualis Capes
- 2024-11-24
Reducing the Delay Time and Tracking Trajectory of the Robot SCARA Using the Fractional PID Controller
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the study of fractional systems and fractional-order control (FOC), which has proven effective in enhancing plant dynamics, particularly in terms of disturbance rejection and response time improvement. Traditionally, the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller has been valued for its simplicity and ease of parameter adjustment. However, as the complexity of control systems escalates, several specialised PID controllers have been designed to address specific challenges. Despite its effectiveness, the conventional PID controller often faces limitations in complex systems requiring high precision and adaptive dynamics. Researchers have increasingly focused on the Fractional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (FPID) controller to address these deficiencies. The FPID controller incorporates fractional integrators and derivatives, facilitating improved tuning of system dynamics and offering increased control over response characteristics. This study introduces a fractional integrator in PID control to improve trajectory tracking and reduce delay time in Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm (SCARA) systems. Unlike traditional PID controllers, which may struggle with high-frequency noise and parameter variations, the fractional integrator offers enhanced noise suppression and adaptability. The fractional PID approach is relevant beyond robotics, including many systems like temperature control, electrical motor regulation, power electronics, and biomedical control systems, where accuracy and resilience to disturbances are essential. Unlike traditional PID, the proposed technique offers more adaptability in handling transient responses and greater disturbance suppression, making it a viable solution for modern, complex control environments.
Khatir KHETTAB , Abdelhakim idir , , (2024-11-24), Reducing the Delay Time and Tracking Trajectory of the Robot SCARA Using the Fractional PID Controller, SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:1-10, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- 2024-11-05
Performances improvement of DC Motor using a Fractional Order Adaptive PID Controller optimized by Genetic Algorithm
In the past 20 years, scientists and engineers have rediscovered fractional calculus and have begun using it in more and more domains, most notably control theory. This study introduces a fractional adaptive PID (FAPID) controller which incorporates an additional parameter to enhance the performance of a conventional adaptive PID (APID) controller. A comparative analysis is conducted between the APID and FAPID controllers optimized using the metaheuristic Genetic Algorithm (GA). The evaluation uses a linearized model of the DC motor control system. The results demonstrate that FAPID controllers significantly outperform conventional APID controllers, particularly regarding rise time, settling time, overshoot, and mean absolute error. Among the proposed designs, the integration of FAPID proves to be the most effective in achieving a balance between responsiveness and stability, exhibiting exceptional robustness and adaptability to variations in DC motor and environmental conditions. This method can be extended to various fractional and integer systems to enhance their efficiency and reduce noise disturbance.
Abdelouaheb BOUKHALFA , ADMIN Admin , Khatir KHETTAB , , (2024-11-05), Performances improvement of DC Motor using a Fractional Order Adaptive PID Controller optimized by Genetic Algorithm, Science, Engineering and Technology (SET Journal), Vol:1, Issue:5, pages:1-8, Science, Engineering and Technology (SET Journal)
- 2024-10-20
Contribution à la Conception de nouveaux schémas de techniques de commandes d’ordre fractionnaire pour l’amélioration des performances des systèmes industriels
Récemment, de nombreux travaux de recherche se sont concentrés sur les systèmes d'ordre fractionnaire et leurs méthodes d'approximation. Il a été démontré que c'est un outil utile pour améliorer la dynamique des systèmes en termes de performances temporelles et fréquentielles. Dans ce travail, nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour comparer les différentes méthodes d'approximation des systèmes d'ordre fractionnaire et le rejet des perturbations dans le contrôle PID du moteur à courant continu en fractionnant un opérateur dérivé d'ordre entier dans le système d'ordre entier d'origine. La mise en oeuvre des termes fractionnés est réalisée au moyen des méthodes d'approximation bien établies et afin de déterminer la meilleure méthode, les réponses du système d'ordre entier d'origine sont comparées à celles des systèmes fractionnés. Des exemples de simulations illustratives montrent que l'approche de fractionnement donne la meilleure décision (méthodes électionnée), un bon outil pour comparer les différentes méthodes d'approximation et elle permet un bon rejet des perturbations dans le contrôle PID du moteur à courant continu. Cette approche peut également être généralisée à d'autres méthodes d'approximation numérique et peut également être utilisée dans le domaine du contrôle des systèmes.
KhatirKHETTAB , DIB Riad, ,(2024-10-20); Contribution à la Conception de nouveaux schémas de techniques de commandes d’ordre fractionnaire pour l’amélioration des performances des systèmes industriels,M'sila university,
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- 2024-01-29
Contribution à la commande intelligente d’une classe de systèmes chaotiques d’ordre fractionnaire : Cas des systèmes discrets d’ordre fractionnaire
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de concevoir une commande stabilisante d'ordre fractionnaire (COF), adaptée à une classe de systèmes d'ordre fractionnaire non commensurable. La commande proposée, basée sur l’approche Backstepping, a été appliquée pour résoudre le problème de l'instabilité causée par la charge à puissance constante (CPC) dans un microgrid (MG). De plus, elle a également été appliquée à un système photovoltaïque (SPV) pour améliorer la poursuite du point de puissance maximale (PPPM), augmentant ainsi ses performances. Les hacheurs DC-DC développés dans cette thèse utilisent la méthode d’approximation d’Oustaloup (MAO). L’analyse de la stabilité et de la robustesse est effectuée par l’approche de Lyapunov pour les systèmes d'ordre fractionnaire (SOF). Les résultats numériques montrent les avantages du contrôleur d’ordre fractionnaire par rapport à son homologue d’ordre entier dans la gestion de diverses perturbations.
YOUCEFDjourni , KhatirKHETTAB , ,(2024-01-29); Contribution à la commande intelligente d’une classe de systèmes chaotiques d’ordre fractionnaire : Cas des systèmes discrets d’ordre fractionnaire,M'sila university,
- 2023-09-04
The purpose of this research is to investigate the structural, electronic, and optical properties of ZnX compounds, particularly those with X = Te, S, and O, which have direct bandgaps that make them optically active. To gain a better understanding of these compounds and their related properties, we conducted detailed calculations using density functional theory (DFT) and the CASTEP program, which uses the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) to estimate the cross-correlation function. Our results for lattice modulus, energy bandgap, and optical parameters are consistent with both experimental data and theoretical predictions. The energy bandgap for all compounds is relatively large due to an increase in s-states in the valence band. Our findings suggest that the optical transition between (O - S - Te) - p states in the highest valence band and (Zn - S - O) - s states in the lowest conduction band is shifted to the lower energy band. Therefore, ZnX compounds (X = Te, S and O) are a promising option for optoelectronic device applications, such as solar cell materials.
- 2023-07-15
"Fractionalization": A new approach for comparing different approximation methods of fractional order systems and disturbances Rejection in PID Control
Recently, many research works have focused on fractional order systems and their approximation methods. It has been shown to be a useful tool for enhancing plant dynamics in terms of time and frequency performance. In this paper we propose a new approach for comparing between the different approximations methods of fractional order systems and disturbance rejection in PID control of DC motor by fractionalizing an integer order derivative operator in the original integer system. The implementation of the fractionalized terms is realized by mean of the well established approximation methods and in order to determine the best method, the responses of original integer system are compared to those of fractionalized systems. Illustrative simulations examples show that the fractionalization approach give the best decision (selected method) ,a good tool for comparison between different approximation methods and it give the good rejection of disturbances in PID control of DC motor . This approach can also be generalized to others numerical approximation methods and it can also be used in the area of systems control.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2023-07-15), "Fractionalization": A new approach for comparing different approximation methods of fractional order systems and disturbances Rejection in PID Control, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Vol:2023, Issue:7, pages:227-231, Portal informacji technicznej
- 2023-07-01
Performance improvement of aircraft pitch angle control using a new reduced order fractionalized PID controller
In this paper, a new optimal reduced order fractionalized PID (ROFPID) controller based on the Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm (HHOA) is proposed for aircraft pitch angle control. Statistical tests, analysis of the index of performance, and disturbance rejection, as well as transient and frequency responses, were all used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The performance of the proposed HHOA-ROFPID and HHOA-ROFPID controllers with Oustaloup and Matsuda approximations was then compared not only to the PID controller tuned by the original HHO algorithm but also to other controllers tuned by cutting-edge meta-heuristic algorithms such as the atom search optimization algorithm (ASOA), Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA), sine-cosine algorithm (SCA), and Grey wolf optimization algorithm (GOA). Simulation results show that the proposed controller with the Matsuda approximation provides better andmore robust performance compared to the proposed controller with the Oustaloup approximation and other existing controllers in terms of percentage overshoot, settling time, rise time, and disturbance rejection.
Khatir KHETTAB , Abdelhakim idir , , (2023-07-01), Performance improvement of aircraft pitch angle control using a new reduced order fractionalized PID controller, asian journal of control, Vol:25, Issue:4, pages:2588-2603, Wiley
- 2023-06-15
Fractionalized PID Control in Multi-model Approach: A New Tool for Detection and Diagnosis Faults of DC Motor
A new approach for the detection and diagnosis of faults DC-motor using the fractionalized PID in multi-model controllers is presented in this paper. We propose to use the hysteresis algorithm switching law which allows adapting these regulators to the plant model in real time. Eight models corresponding to the healthy motor and seven faults were considered. Thus, a bank of eight controllers was designed by using an fractionalized controller. To detect and identify a fault, the response of the DC-motor is compared with each of response model and the supervisors select the adequate controller corresponding to the minimal index of the performance. A simulation results illustrates the efficiency of the proposed control approach ( Fractionalized PID) comparing with integer and fractional PID controllers. This approach can also be generalized to others fractional and integer systems in order to improve their performances and noise rejection.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2023-06-15), Fractionalized PID Control in Multi-model Approach: A New Tool for Detection and Diagnosis Faults of DC Motor, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Vol:2023, Issue:6, pages:45-48, Portal informacji technicznej
- 2023-05-15
Performance Improvement of Aircraft pitch angle using the Fractional Order Adaptive PID Controller
Fractional calculus has been rediscovered by scientists and engineers in the last two decades, and applied in an increasing number of fields, namely control theory. The current research work presents the use of the fractional adaptive PID controller approach optimized by a genetic algorithm to improve the performances (rise time, setting time, overshoot, and mean absolute error) for aircraft by introducing a fractional order integrator and differentiator in the classical feedback adaptive PID controller. To validate the arguments, the effectiveness and performance analysis of the proposed fractional order adaptive PID controller optimized by a genetic algorithm have been studied in comparison to the classical adaptive PID controller. Numerical simulation and analysis are presented to verify the best controller. The fractional order adaptive PID gives the best results in terms of settling time, rise time, overshoot, and mean absolute error. This approach can also be generalized to other fractional and integer systems in order to improve their performances and noise rejection.
Khatir KHETTAB , Abdelhakim idir , ABDERRAHIM Zemmit , , (2023-05-15), Performance Improvement of Aircraft pitch angle using the Fractional Order Adaptive PID Controller, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, Vol:2023, Issue:5, pages:98-101, Portal informacji technicznej
- 2022
Design of an Optimally Tuned Fractionalized PID Controller for DC Motor Speed Control Via a Henry Gas Solubility Optimization Algorithm
Abstract: The present paper represents an improved Multiverse Optimizer Algorithm (MVO) modified with Parallel Mirror based global learning opposition method to solve Unit Commitment problem in a Microgrid network including wind and solar sources. Unit Commitment (UC) is one of mathematical optimization problems that deal with the schedule of a given combination of generating units to achieve a minimum-cost production plan usually to satisfy the load demand. The mean objective of Unit Commitment problem is to achieve the optimal generation planning of the committed units while the overall generation cost is reduced, when subject to varying constraints at each time period. Hence, each (substantial) variation in the demand side must be matched by a corresponding amount of generation output. In fact, the minimum power generation scheduling is very difficult as UC problem encompasses a mix of variables as time varying unit constraints. The found results as the generation cost in the case without renewable sources (563977.0172$) show that the proposed method is capable to provide very competitive results and outperforms recent algorithms available in the literature which is above this result. The comparison shows clearly the effectiveness of the used technique.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2022), Design of an Optimally Tuned Fractionalized PID Controller for DC Motor Speed Control Via a Henry Gas Solubility Optimization Algorithm, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES), Vol:15, Issue:3, pages:1-11, INASS
- 2022
Solving Unit Commitment Problem for Microgrid Power Network Including Wind and Solar Sources Using Modified MVO Algorithm
The present paper represents an improved Multiverse Optimizer Algorithm (MVO) modified with Parallel Mirror based global learning opposition method to solve Unit Commitment problem in a Microgrid network including wind and solar sources. Unit Commitment (UC) is one of mathematical optimization problems that deal with the schedule of a given combination of generating units to achieve a minimum-cost production plan usually to satisfy the load demand. The mean objective of Unit Commitment problem is to achieve the optimal generation planning of the committed units while the overall generation cost is reduced, when subject to varying constraints at each time period. Hence, each (substantial) variation in the demand side must be matched by a corresponding amount of generation output. In fact, the minimum power generation scheduling is very difficult as UC problem encompasses a mix of variables as time varying unit constraints. The found results as the generation cost in the case without renewable sources (563977.0172$) show that the proposed method is capable to provide very competitive results and outperforms recent algorithms available in the literature which is above this result. The comparison shows clearly the effectiveness of the used technique.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2022), Solving Unit Commitment Problem for Microgrid Power Network Including Wind and Solar Sources Using Modified MVO Algorithm, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES), Vol:15, Issue:3, pages:1-11, INASS
- 2022
A Novel Fractionalized PID controller Using The Sub-optimal Approximation of FOTF
Abstract: In the last two decades, fractional calculus has been rediscovered by scientists and engineers and applied in an increasing number of fields, namely in the area of control theory. Recently, many research works have focused on fractional order control (FOC) and fractional systems. It has proven to be a good mean for improving the plant dynamics with respect to response time and disturbance rejection. In This work we use the Sub-optimal Approximation of fractional order transfer function to design the parameters of PID controller and we study the performance analysis of fractionalized PID controller over integer order PID controller. Keywords: Fractional Control, Approximation Methods, Oustaloup Method, PID Controller
Khatir KHETTAB , Abdelhakim idir , , (2022), A Novel Fractionalized PID controller Using The Sub-optimal Approximation of FOTF, Algerian Journal Of Signals And Systems (AJSS), Vol:7, Issue:1, pages:21-26, ASJP - Laboratory of Signals and Systems
- 2022
Robotique aérienne
Cet ouvrage intitulé : Robotique aériennes, est une matière découverte s'adresse aux étudiants en 2ièm année Master Robotique professionnel. Son objectif est de donner au lecteur un outil lui permettant de travailler de manière autonome à l'aide de questions détaillées et progressives, et d'une construction pas à pas des programmes. Ce support principalement est dédié aux étudiants de 2ème année Master options : Robotique professionnel, ce support de cours s'articule autours des objectifs déférents comme : Généralités sur les DRONES : La recherche dans le domaine des drones fait appel à plusieurs disciplines scientifiques à savoir l’aérodynamique, la mécanique, l’électronique, l’automatique, la communication…, etc. Classification des drones et leurs applications, Technologie des Capteurs pour les Drones, Technique de commande d’un Drone, Modélisation Commande des drones : Cas des Quadrotors. Ce polycopié, a pour but de présenter un cours sur les robotiques aériennes : les drones, classification, domaine d’application, modélisation et commande. Il est destiné aux ingénieurs, physiciens, mathématiciens ainsi qu'aux étudiants en 2ième année Master Electronique, Automatique et Electrotechnique.
KhatirKHETTAB , ,(2022); Robotique aérienne,M'sila University,
- 2022
Design and Robust Performance Analysis of Low-Order Approximation of Fractional PID Controller Based on an IABC Algorithm for an Automatic Voltage Regulator System
In this paper, a low-order approximation (LOA) of fractional order PID (FOPID) for an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) based on the modified artificial bee colony (ABC) is proposed. The improved artificial bee colony (IABC) high-order approximation (HOA)-based fractional order PID (IABC/HOA-FOPID) controller, which is distinguished by a significant order approximation and by an integer order transfer function, requires the use of a large number of parameters. To improve the AVR system’s performance in terms of transient and frequency response analysis, the memory capacity of the IABC/HOA-FOPID controller was lowered so that it could fit better in the corrective loop. The new robust controller is named the improved artificial bee colony (IABC) loworder approximation (LOA)-based fractional order PID (IABC/LOA-FOPID). The performance of the proposed IABC/LOA-FOPID controller was compared not only to the original ABC algorithm-tuned PID controller, but also to other controllers tuned by state-of-the-art meta-heuristic algorithms such as the improved whale optimization algorithm (IWOA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), cuckoo search (CS), many optimizing liaisons (MOL), genetic algorithm (GA), local unimodal sampling (LUS), and the tree seed algorithm (TSA). Step response, root locus, frequency response, robustness test, and disturbance rejection abilities are all compared. The simulation results and comparisons with the proposed IABC/LOA-FOPID controller and other existing controllers clearly show that the proposed IABC/LOA-FOPID controller outperforms the optimal PID controllers found by other algorithms in all the aforementioned performance tests.
Khatir KHETTAB , Abdelhakim idir , , (2022), Design and Robust Performance Analysis of Low-Order Approximation of Fractional PID Controller Based on an IABC Algorithm for an Automatic Voltage Regulator System, energies, Vol:15, Issue:23, pages:1-20, MDPI
- 2022
Novel Robust Control Using a Fractional Adaptive PID Regulator for an Unstable System
Recent advances in fractional order calculus led to the improvement of control theory and resulted in the potential use of a fractional adaptive proportional integral derivative (FAPID) controller in advanced academic and industrial applications as compared to the conventional adaptive PID (APID) controller. Basically, a fractional order adaptive PID controller is an improved version of a classical integer order adaptive PID controller that outperformed its classical counterpart. In the case of a closed loop system, a minor change would result in overall system instability. An efficient PID controller can be used to control the response of such a system. Among various parameters of an instable system, the speed of the system is an important parameter to be controlled efficiently. The current research work presents the speed control mechanism for an uncertain, instable system by using a fractional-order adaptive PID controller. To validate the arguments, the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed fractional order adaptive PID controller have been studied in comparison to the classical adaptive PID controller using the criterion of quadratic error. Simulation findings and comparisons demonstrated that the proposed controller has superior control performance and outstanding robustness in terms of percentage overshoot, settling time, rising time, and disturbance rejection.
Khatir KHETTAB , Abdelhakim idir , , (2022), Novel Robust Control Using a Fractional Adaptive PID Regulator for an Unstable System, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), Vol:10, Issue:4, pages:849-857, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) Indonesia Section
- 2022
Performances Analysis of Fractional System using The Fractional Order Adaptive PID controller
Abstract. The applications of fractional order systems in a range of scientific fields have caught the attention of researchers, especially in control strategy. The current research work presents the use of the fractional adaptive PID controller approach, optimized by a genetic algorithm, to improve the performances (rise time, setting time, and overshoot) for fractional systems by introducing a fractional order integrator and differentiator in the classical feedback adaptive PID controller. To validate the arguments, the effectiveness and performance analysis of the proposed approach optimized by genetic algorithms have been studied in comparison to the classical adaptive PID controller. Numerical simulation and analysis are presented to verify the best controller. The fractional order adaptive PID gives the best result in terms of settling time, rise time, overshoot, and mean absolute error. Keywords: Fractional System, Fractional Adaptive PID controllers, Genetic Algorithm, Comparative performance analysis.
Khatir KHETTAB , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), Performances Analysis of Fractional System using The Fractional Order Adaptive PID controller,the Fifth international conference on Electrical engineering and control application,Khenchela-Algeria
- 2022
Performance Improvement for DC Motor using the Robust Fractional Adaptive PI Controller.
Abstract— Conventional Adaptive PI controller is one of the most widely used controllers in industry, but the recent advancement in fractional calculus has introduced applications of fractional order calculus in control theory. One of the prime applications of fractional calculus is fractional adaptive PI controller and it has received a considerable attention in academic studies and in industrial applications. Fractional order Adaptive PI controller is an advancement of classical integer order adaptive PI controller. In many a cases fractional order adaptive PI controller has outperformed classical integer order adaptive PI controller. This research paper, studies the control aspect of fractional order controller in speed control of DC motor. A comparative study of classical adaptive PI controller and fractional order adaptive PI controller has been performed. Keywords— Fractional systems, Adaptive Control, PI controller, Robustness analysis , Stability
Khatir KHETTAB , ,(2022), Performance Improvement for DC Motor using the Robust Fractional Adaptive PI Controller.,Conférence nationale sur le contrôle et la sécurité des systèmes industriels,Skikda- Algeria
- 2022
Tracking Trajectory of the SCARA Robot in adaptive Control using the Fractional Model Reference
Abstract—Over the few last years the idea of introducing fractional calculus and systems in adaptive control has found a great interest, for the benefit one can win in the performances given by such systems. in this paper, a Fractional Model Reference Adaptive Control solution is proposed for reduce the delay time and the overshoot existing in classical control approach . Keywords- Fractional Adaptive Control, Approximation Methods, Method of Oustaloup, MRAC, SCARA robot
Khatir KHETTAB , ,(2022), Tracking Trajectory of the SCARA Robot in adaptive Control using the Fractional Model Reference,Conférence nationale sur le contrôle et la sécurité des systèmes industriels,Skikda- Algeria
- 2021
Design of neural network fractional-order backstepping controller for MPPT of PV systems using fractional-order boost converter
The main objective of this article is to apply the fractional calculus for establishing a novel design of photovoltaic (PV) system. In order to enhance the efficiency and robustness of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) approach, a fractional-order (FO) DC-DC boost converter is proposed for a PV system. Due to the nonlinearity of the PV module, an artificial neural network (ANN) loop has been used to consistently generate an optimal reference voltage. Using FO control, an incommensurate FO backstepping controller (FO-BSC) has been ultimately integrated for tracking the maximum power point in the presence of tremendously atmospheric conditions and load changes. In this context, the asymptotic stability is guaranteed via fractional Lyapunov function. According to Grünwald-Letnikov fractional definition, the FO dynamic equations of the proposed converter have been derived using the principle of the average method, and the FO components of the converter are successfully approximated via Oustaloup rational approximation. MATLAB/Simulink has been used to confirm the validity and the accuracy of the constructed model, which is simulated by changing orders of the fractional components. In addition, the performance of the proposed boost converter has been verified under an open-loop test and a closed-loop test. The results have proved that the efficiency of the extracted maximum power has been improved with an average up to 99% in comparison with the conventional model based on a BSC.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2021), Design of neural network fractional-order backstepping controller for MPPT of PV systems using fractional-order boost converter, International Transactions On Electrical Energy Systems, Vol:31, Issue:12, pages:1-21, Wiley
- 2021
Novel Hybrid Interval type-2 Fuzzy Adaptive Backstepping Control for a class of Uncertain Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems
A Novel hybrid backstepping interval type-2fuzzy adaptive control (HBT2AC) for uncertain discrete-time nonlinear systems is presented in this paper. The systems are assumed to be defined with the aid of discrete equations with nonlinear uncertainties which are considered as modeling errors and external unknown disturbances, and that the observed states are considered disturbed. The adaptive fuzzy type-2 controller is designed, where the fuzzy inference approach based on extended single-input rule modules (SIRMs) approximate the modeling errors, non-measurable states and adjustable parameters are estimated using derived weighted simplified least squares estimators (WSLS). We can prove that the states are bounded and the estimation errors stand in the neighborhood of zero. The efficiency of the approach is proved by simulation for which the root mean squares criteria are used which improves control performance.
Khatir KHETTAB , , (2021), Novel Hybrid Interval type-2 Fuzzy Adaptive Backstepping Control for a class of Uncertain Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA, Vol:54, Issue:5, pages:733-741, IIETA
- 2020
Improved Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on dynamic Error detector via fractional order backstepping Control
The increasing energy demands rely heavily on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, which have arisen the need for an alternate clean energy. Solar energy becomes the trend in alternate energy sources. But it keeps changing with solar irradiation and ambient temperature, so that it causes power low at the output of photovoltaic (PV) cells and rapid wearing of electronic modules. As the solar cell is a sort of semiconductor, the interaction between the diffusion current ant drift current of semiconductor and the ambient temperature can be reflected in a fractional order (FO) behavior. To increase the efficiency of PV power systems, backstepping controller based on Mittag-Leffler and Lyapunov stability is proposed to enhance the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of PV system. The designed controller is used to track the generated reference voltage for PV array which is determined under the variable fractional order step size algorithm, so that adjust the duty cycle of the boost converter. MATLAB/Simulink is used to validate the desired result of the proposed controller . In the end, the obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the designed controller and the good performance of MPPT in transient and steady states under weather conditions.
YOUCEF Djourni , Khatir KHETTAB , ,(2020), Improved Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on dynamic Error detector via fractional order backstepping Control,1er Conférence Nationale sur la transition energétique en Algérie,Université de M'sila
- 2020
a comparative study of MPPT controllers for PV systems : NN-PID and NN-MPC approaches
The purpose of this paper is to present a performance comparison between two maximum power point tracking algorithms These two algorithms are Neuronal Network-PID and the second algorithm is Neuronal Network Predictive Model Controller applied to in order to improve the dynamic performance of the control structure of boost converters used in renewable energy systems. Several tests under stable and variable environmental conditions are made for the two algorithms, and results show a better performance of the compared to the and algorithms in terms of response time, efficiency and steady-state oscillations.
Abdelhakim idir , Khatir KHETTAB , ,(2020), a comparative study of MPPT controllers for PV systems : NN-PID and NN-MPC approaches,1er conference nationale sur la transition energétique en Algérie,M'sila
- 2019
Improvement of the Vibratory Diagnostic Method by Evolution of the Piezoelectric Sensor Performances
Vibration analysis is an important means in the industrial field to monitor electromechanical systems; their evolution can provide the correct information on vibration. For this purpose; it is necessary to focus the study on improving the piezoelectric sensor performance to progress the vibration analysis method. In industry, the piezoelectric accelerometer is the instrument often used to monitor rotating machines and detect their defects in an early stage. In this paper, piezoelectric detection is studied to understand the operating principle of the piezoelectric accelerometer and translate it into a mathematical model. Validation of the model developed of measurement accuracy and measurement error as a function of relative vibration movement by simulation and experimental tests is performed. Using this validated model, the improvement of the characteristics and performance of this sensor can be achieved as well as a new conception of the latter can be proposed. This new design of piezoelectric sensor aims to obtain more accurate results and to provide correct information’s on the vibratory level. A comparative study is made to show the importance of our results compared to literature, these results have showed that a suitable and appropriate choice of damping ratio develops the accelerometer parameters and enhances the vibratory analysis technique.
ZINE GHEMARI , Khatir KHETTAB , Salah Saad, , (2019), Improvement of the Vibratory Diagnostic Method by Evolution of the Piezoelectric Sensor Performances, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol:20, Issue:20, pages:1361–1369, Springer
- 2019
Contribution in Enhancing the Remaining Useful Life Prediction in Abrupt Failures: Bearing Case
For a simple and accurate prediction of the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a component/system, degradation-based algorithms, deployed by data-driven prognostic model, attempt to track a sensed or preprocessed feature called prognostic feature, highly correlated with fault growth. This feature should reflect the fault evolution through the entire component/system life, i.e. having a monotonic trend shape. Extracted features usually show undesirable behaviors such as fluctuation, non-monotonicity and abrupt increase at the end of the component lifecycle which hampers the accurate prediction of the RUL. We must, therefore, be addressed to the identification of new prognostic features having an obvious monotonic trend shape to enhance the prediction of the RUL. In this context, this paper attempts to address this issue by further preprocessing the extracted features in a way that the identified prognostic feature results in a smoothed and trended shape. The qualities of the identified feature are evaluated by a set of established and proposed suitability metrics. Datasets from bearings run-to-failure experiments provided by FEMTO-ST Institute - IEEE PHM 2012 challenge- were used to validate our approach. A mean percentage error of 12.18% was achieved indicating that the model worked accurately and reliably on every tested bearing.
Khatir KHETTAB , Tahar Boukra, Yacine Bensafia, , (2019), Contribution in Enhancing the Remaining Useful Life Prediction in Abrupt Failures: Bearing Case, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol:12, Issue:3, pages:156-162, Intelligent Networks and Systems Society
- 2019
Real Time Simulation of Sensorless Control based on back-EMF of PMSM on RT-Lab/ARTEMIS Real-Time Digital Simulator
Real-time simulation (RT) is very useful for rapid prototyping of complex and expensive systems using the high performance of a multiprocessor system. It has many applications in the field of testing controllers and protection systems under real conditions. In this article, Real-time simulations results of sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) are presented. This simulator consists of two major subsystems, software with a Matlab / Simulink and hardware including FPGA boards for data acquisition, control boards and sensors. The two subsystems were coordinated together to achieve the simulation RT. To estimate the rotor position, a sliding mode observer (SMO) based on back emfs of the motor was implemented. The stability of the proposed method was verified using the concept of Lyapunov. A real-time system based on FPGA, is used for implementing and testing the algorithm for rotor position estimation based on back-emf tracking.
Abdelhakim idir , Khatir KHETTAB , Ahriche Aimed, Yacine Bensafia, M. Kidouche, , (2019), Real Time Simulation of Sensorless Control based on back-EMF of PMSM on RT-Lab/ARTEMIS Real-Time Digital Simulator, International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), Vol:8, Issue:4, pages:269-278, iaescore
- 2019
Robustness Analysis of Fractional Order PID Controller for Stable and Unstable Systems Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Mostly industries are dealing with stable /unstable systems and controlling unstable systems is difficult than stable systems. A controller is required to overcome the instability of the plant, but if the controller is not tuned properly it affects the performance of the system and such situation leads to accident and best example of such system is nuclear power plant. In this paper some typical intelligent optimization methods such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) has been implemented to design Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controller for stable and unstable systems in which the unknown parameters are determined by minimizing a given integral of time weighted absolute error (ITAE). The key challenge of designing FOPID controller is to determine the optimal controller parameters like K_p, K_i, K_d and two additional parameters integer and derivative key parameters λ and μ apart from the usual tuning parameters of PID. Both λ and μ are in fraction which increases the robustness of the system and gives an optimal control. Experimental results obtained from the proposed FOPID-PSO controller tuning approach are much better than FOPID-GA controllers.
Abdelhakim idir , Khatir KHETTAB , Yassine Bensafia, Madjid Kidouche, Aimad Ahriche, ,(2019), Robustness Analysis of Fractional Order PID Controller for Stable and Unstable Systems Using Evolutionary Algorithms,8th International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry “ISHC8” Boumerdes,Boumerdes, Algérie
- 2019
Stabilization and Synchronization of discrete-time Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems Based on Adaptive type-2 Fuzzy Controller
In this paper, a discrete fractional adaptive controller (DFALC) strategy for a class of nonlinear chaotic fractional-order systems, identification and control of discrete-time systems are presented. The main contribution in this work is the study is the introduction of a fuzzy logic in the adaptive control scheme for nonlinear discrete fractional systems. The discrete fractional-order chaotic systems are identified using fuzzy logic sets. Based on Lyapunov stability theorem, the stability analysis of the proposed control strategy is performed for an acceptable synchronization error level. The performance of discrete-time fractional-order controllers with nonlinear systems is also investigated. Numerical simulations illustrate the deficiency of the proposed discrete fractional fuzzy adaptive control scheme through the synchronization of two dierent fractional order chaotic Duffing systems. Keywords : Fractional systems, Fractional adaptive type-2 fuzzy control , Discrete-time Fractional systems, Fractional Lyapunov stability.
Khatir KHETTAB , Abdelhakim idir , Bensafia Yassine, ,(2019), Stabilization and Synchronization of discrete-time Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems Based on Adaptive type-2 Fuzzy Controller,International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS19),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2019
Fuzzy Adaptive Control of a Fractional Order Chaotic System with Unknown Control Gain Sign Using a Fractional Order Nussbaum Gain
Abstract—In this paper we propose an improved fuzzy adaptive control strategy, for a class of nonlinear chaotic fractional order (SISO) systems with unknown control gain sign. The online control algorithm uses fuzzy logic sets for the identification of the fractional order chaotic system, whereas the lack of a priori knowledge on the control directions is solved by introducing a fractional order Nussbaum gain. Based on Lyapunov stability theorem, stability analysis is performed for the proposed control method for an acceptable synchronization error level. In this work, the Gr¨unwald-Letnikov method is used for numerical approximation of the fractional order systems. A simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. Index Terms—Adaptive fuzzy control, nonlinear fractional order systems, fractional order Nussbaum function, chaos synchronization, Lyapunov stability.
Khatir KHETTAB , Ladaci Samir, Bensafia Yassine, , (2019), Fuzzy Adaptive Control of a Fractional Order Chaotic System with Unknown Control Gain Sign Using a Fractional Order Nussbaum Gain, IEEE/CAA International Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol:6, Issue:3, pages:816-823, IEEE
- 2019
Modelling and Control of MPPT based Solar PV System and Battery Storage in Microgrids
The different steps of the design of this controller are presented together with its simulation and the feasibility of control methods to be adopted for the operation of a Micro-Grid when it becomes isolated. A grid connected PV system consist of solar panels, batteries with back up in case of emergencies, DC-DC converters, Maximum power point tracker (MPPT) and Demand power management . This paper proposes an approach of coordinated and integrated management of solar PV generators with the most power point following (MPPT) management and battery storage management to produce voltage and frequency (V-f) support to an islanded small grid. Also, active and nonnative/reactive power (P-Q) management with star PV, MPPT and battery storage is projected for the grid connected mode. The simulation studies are carried out with the IEEE 13-bus feeder check system in grid connected and islanded Micro-Grid modes. The MPPT of a Photovoltaic System for Micro-Grid operation is successfully designed and simulated by using MATLAB/Simulink Software in this paper.
Abdelhakim idir , Khatir KHETTAB , Sid Ahmed Tadjer, Yassine Bensafia, ,(2019), Modelling and Control of MPPT based Solar PV System and Battery Storage in Microgrids,Deuxième CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LES ENERGIES FOSSILES, NOUVELLES ET RENOUVELABLES (SIER 2019),Boumerdes
- 2018
An Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Fractional Chaotic Systems Synchronization With Chattering Elimination: Fractional Adaptive PI-Regulator Approach
This chapter presents a fractional adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic control strategy based on active fractional sliding mode controller (FAIT2FSMC) to synchronize tow chaotic fractional-order systems. The interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLS) are used to approximate the plant dynamics represented by unknown functions of the system, and the IT2F adaptation law adjusts the consequent parameters of the rules based on a Lyapunov synthesis approach. One of the main contributions in this work is the use of an IT2F and an adaptive fractional order PIλ control law to eliminate the chattering action in the control signal. Based on fractional order Lyapunov stability criterion, stability analysis is performed for the proposed method for an acceptable synchronization error level. The performance of the proposed scheme is demonstrated through the synchronization of two different fractional order chaotic gyro systems. Simulations are implemented using a numerical method based on Grünwald-Letnikov approach to solve the fractional differential equations.
KhatirKHETTAB , Bensafia Yacine, Ladaci Samir, ,(2018); An Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Fractional Chaotic Systems Synchronization With Chattering Elimination: Fractional Adaptive PI-Regulator Approach,,IGI-Global
- 2018
Enhanced Fractional Order Indirect Fuzzy Adaptive Synchronization of Uncertain Fractional Chaotic Systems Based on the Variable Structure Control: Robust H∞ Design Approach
This work presents a novel fractional H∞ robust indirect adaptive fuzzy logic control strategy based on the variable structure control theory design (FRAFC-VSC) to synchronize two fractional-order chaotic systems. The contribution of this work is the use of an adaptive fractional order PI-regulator and a saturation function to eliminate the chattering phenomena in the control and surface signals. Stability analysis is performed for the proposed method with an acceptable synchronization error level based on Lyapunov stability criterion. The synchronization of two different fractional order chaotic systems is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed fractional fuzzy adaptive scheme. Simulations are implemented using a numerical method based on Grünwald–Letnikov approximation approach (G-L) to solve the fractional differential equations. Numerical simulations are done to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
KhatirKHETTAB , Yacine Bensafia, Bourouba Bachir, Ahmed Taher Azar, ,(2018); Enhanced Fractional Order Indirect Fuzzy Adaptive Synchronization of Uncertain Fractional Chaotic Systems Based on the Variable Structure Control: Robust H∞ Design Approach,,Elsevier / https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-813592-1.00020-9
- 2018
Enhancing Fuzzy Adaptive Fractional-Order Controllers for Synchronization of Uncertain Fractional Dynamic Systems with known and unknown control direction
A fractional fuzzy adaptive controller (FRFAC) strategy for a class of uncertain fractional dynamic systems with known and unknown control direction is proposed in this paper. The main contribution in this work is the study is the introduction of a Nussbaum function in the fuzzy adaptive control scheme for nonlinear fractional systems with unknown control gain sign. The fractional dynamic systems are identified using fuzzy logic sets. Based on Lyapunov stability theorem, the stability analysis of the proposed control strategy is performed for an acceptable synchronization error level. Numerical simulations illustrate the efficiency of the proposed fractional fuzzy adaptive control scheme through the synchronization of two different fractional order dynamic systems. Keywords - Fractional systems, Fractional adaptive fuzzy control, Unknown gain Direction, Fractional approximation method, Dynamic systems.
Khatir KHETTAB , Bensafia Yassine, ,(2018), Enhancing Fuzzy Adaptive Fractional-Order Controllers for Synchronization of Uncertain Fractional Dynamic Systems with known and unknown control direction,International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling (ICAAMM),Istanbul-Turkey
- 2016
Techniques avancées pour la synthèse et l'amélioration des performances des systèmes de commande adaptative d'ordre fractionnaire pour les processus incertains
The objective of this thesis consists mainly of two contributions : i). in the first, design of the robustification fractional order fuzzy adaptive control scheme by the Hinf approach and sliding mode control for a class of fractional order unknown nonlinear chaotic systems, using the fractional adaptive PI-lamda regulator in the control law to avoid or eliminate the chattering phenomenon. ii). in the second, design an indirect fuzzy adaptive control schemes with a sign to gain control known and/or unknown, for the same class of nonlinear systems are developed. The fuzzy systems are used to approximate (or estimate) the unknown nonlinearities of the systems studied. In addition, the stability analysis and the robustness are performed by the approach of Lyapunov and extension of this approach in the fractional case. The theoretical results are validated by simulation examples. Keywords - fuzzy adaptive fractional control, fractional sliding mode, fractional order systems, synchronization of chaos, fractional Nussbaum function, nonlinear stability.
KhatirKHETTAB , ,(2016); Techniques avancées pour la synthèse et l'amélioration des performances des systèmes de commande adaptative d'ordre fractionnaire pour les processus incertains,Université du 20 août 1955 Skikda,