بيبي المكي
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Equivalence au Doctorat d'état Algérien. in MESRS
Research Domains
Génie Civil Matériaux Composites
LocationM'sila, M'sila
Code RFIDE- 2022
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Ali Halassa riad
- 2016
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
SILINE Mohammed
Étude de l’endurance des matériaux composites sous l’effet de changement des températures dans les conditions extrêmes. (Cas : Performances des matériaux pouzzolaniques).
- 2016
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
CHIKOUCHE Mohamed Aziz
Optimisation des ajouts à base d’argiles vaseuses et leurs effets sur les propriétés des matériaux cimentaires
- 01-09-1996
- 20-06-1990
- 20-06-1985
Ingénieur d'Etat en Travaux Publics
Génie Civil - 20-06-1980
- 1961-03-27 00:00:00
MEKKI Bibi birthday
- 2021
Behavior of Cementitious Materials under the Effect of an Eco-Cement Based on Dredged Sludge
This paper attempts to simulate the use of green materials from the silt in a dam, and reduce the harmful impacts of siltation on Algerian dams affected by frequent droughts and irregular rainfalls, which are resulted from climate change. These harsh weather conditions are the main cause of water erosion in Algeria, leading to a high silting level in many dams across the country. Therefore, it is necessary to dredge the considerable volumes of sludge in the dam areas. This paper treats the sludge dredged from the K’sob dam, and adds the treated sludge into cement, creating a hybrid binder that can be used in composition of cementitious materials. Specifically, the sludge extracted from the K’sob dam was characterized chemically, physically, mineralogically, and mechanically, and introduced both as a substitute of cement and a component in the mixture of ordinary concrete/mortar. The sludge was firstly activated through calcination, and added to cement at the mass dosages of 10%, 15%, and 20% separately. The mechanical behavior, especially that under compression, of cementitious materials (concrete/mortar) based on the treated sludge was studied through lab tests. The test results show that this technical innovation gives the finished product three major properties, namely, high strength, economy, and a beneficial ecological impact. The results obtained are encouraging and promise an optimal exploitation of the sludge from similar dam areas.
Mekki BIBI , , (2021), Behavior of Cementitious Materials under the Effect of an Eco-Cement Based on Dredged Sludge, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:45, Issue:6, pages:455-465, iieta
- 2021
Valorization of the Vase of Algerian Dams in the Manufacture of Building Materials and Ordinary Concrete
Valorization of the Vase of Algerian Dams in the Manufacture of Building Materials and Ordinary Concrete
Mekki BIBI , ,(2021), Valorization of the Vase of Algerian Dams in the Manufacture of Building Materials and Ordinary Concrete,International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (Smart Exhibition) (DZENERGY 2021),Hassi Messaoud, Ouargla. Algeria
- 2020
Barrage k'sib de M'sila: Caractérisation de la boue de dragage en vue de sa valorisation dans la matrice cimentaire d'un béton ordinaire
Barrage k'sib de M'sila: Caractérisation de la boue de dragage en vue de sa valorisation dans la matrice cimentaire d'un béton ordinaire
Mekki BIBI , ,(2020), Barrage k'sib de M'sila: Caractérisation de la boue de dragage en vue de sa valorisation dans la matrice cimentaire d'un béton ordinaire,The First International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environment,El-Oued University
- 2020
Mise en Valeur de la Boue de Dragage des Barrages Envasés dans le Domaine de Génie Civil : Quelques Exemples Algériens
Mekki BIBI , ,(2020), Mise en Valeur de la Boue de Dragage des Barrages Envasés dans le Domaine de Génie Civil : Quelques Exemples Algériens,ESPM 2020 GHARDAIA,GHARDAIA
- 2019
Critères d'estimation de la résistance à la compression sur site des structures en béton en cas de litige
Critères d'estimation de la résistance à la compression sur site des structures en béton en cas de litige
Mekki BIBI , ,(2019), Critères d'estimation de la résistance à la compression sur site des structures en béton en cas de litige,The 1st International congress on advances in geotechnical engineering and construction management,Skikda
- 2019
Évaluation de la résistance à la compression sur site des structures en béton
Évaluation de la résistance à la compression sur site des structures en béton.
Mekki BIBI , ,(2019), Évaluation de la résistance à la compression sur site des structures en béton,ICEMAEP-19,Constantine
- 2018
Influence des ajouts d'argiles gréseuses et vaseuses, sur les propriétés des matériaux cimentaires
Influence des ajouts d'argiles gréseuses et vaseuses, sur les propriétés des matériaux cimentaires
Mekki BIBI , ,(2018), Influence des ajouts d'argiles gréseuses et vaseuses, sur les propriétés des matériaux cimentaires,jet2018,Maroc
- 2016
The possibility of using dredging sludge in manufacturing cements: Optimization of heat treatment cycle and ratio replacement
This study aims to produce an eco-cement by using heat treated dam’s sludge as an additive to clinker. Different heat treatment cycles were applied to the dam’s sludge: three temperatures selected in the range between the dehydroxylation and decarbonation temperatures (600, 700 and 800 °C) reached by adopting different heating rates (5, 10 and 20 °C/min). The analysis of DRX, DSC–TG, FTIR results show that the heat treatment cycles let to the change of the sludge structure allowing its use as a pozzolanic additive to produce cements. The optimal heat treatment cycle is 600 °C with a holding time of 5 h and a heating rate 20 °C/min. Normalized mortars have been designed using modified cements constituted by 5% of gypsum, different percentage of heat treated sludge (5–10% and 15%) and clinker. The compressive strengths at 28 days lead to the choice of blending 85% clinker, 10% heat treated sludge and 5% gypsum to produce modified cements. The influence of the thermal activation of the dam’s sludge on the technical properties such as normal consistency, fineness, setting time, heat of hydration, compressive strength have been investigated and tests were conducted according European standards. Results reveal that heat treatment at 600 °C with a rate of 20 °C/min conducts to an activated sludge with no emission of carbon dioxide and the higher strength resistance when added to clinker at 10%. However, whatever the fineness or the rate of heat treatment, the percentage of kaolinite (11%) existing in the natural sludge is not sufficient to develop by heat treatment at 600 °C hydration products allowing significant improve of mechanical resistance of modified cements by comparison to CEMI.
MOHAMED AZIZ Chikouche , Mekki BIBI , Elhem Ghorbel, , (2016), The possibility of using dredging sludge in manufacturing cements: Optimization of heat treatment cycle and ratio replacement, Construction and Building Materials, Vol:106, Issue:1, pages:330-341, sciencedirect
- 2016
Valorization of pozzolanicity of Algerian clay: Optimization of the heat treatment and mechanical characteristics of the involved cement mortars
The aim of this study is to optimize the pozzolanicity of Algerian clay deposits that are essentially composed by calcite, dolomite, and illite/muscovite. The heat treatment cycles were applied to these raw materials deposits by varying target temperature and the holding time. The evaluation of dehydroxylation degrees is determined by different techniques such as thermal gravimetric (TG) analysis, differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results show that the optimal pozzolanicity was obtained, if the clay is calcined at 700 °C for 5 h. Moreover, adding 10% of the heat-treated clay deposit to 85% of clinker and to 5% of gypsum by weight leads to manufacturing blended cements with the highest mechanical characteristics. Mortars elaborated with the blended cements were studied and their compressive strengths after exposure to high temperature up to 1000 °C were investigated through compressive test up to the age of 90 days. It appears that adding heat-treated clay to clinker enhances strengths of normalized mortars at early age by comparison to those elaborated with CEM I. However, opposite effects were observed for ages up to 28 days except for blended cements with clay treated at 700 °C-5 h. This was related to the presence of new cementitious compounds (NCC) highlighted by TG analysis. The behavior of mortars after exposure to high temperatures is not affected significantly when blended cements are used. The optimum blended cement is elaborated with deposit clay calcined at 700 °C for 5 h. Concretes manufactured with this blended cement exhibit quite similar compressive strengths than the control one.
Mohammed SILINE , Mekki BIBI , Ghorbel Elhem, , (2016), Valorization of pozzolanicity of Algerian clay: Optimization of the heat treatment and mechanical characteristics of the involved cement mortars, Applied Clay Science, Vol:132, Issue:1, pages:711, science direct
- 2008
Studies of Sisal Fiber-Containing Composites
The composite materials are of significant importance to the current technological development. Any type of fiber, mechanical properties of which make it exploitable, should be thoroughly studied from the point of view of its potential applications. Our study has been focused on sisal plant fiber that is a local product in the countries of Mediterranean rim. The choice of the sisal plant for its possible industrial application resulted, on the one hand, from its availability in the Mediterranean Basin, and on the other hand, from its high content of fibers necessary for the development of a composite. Results of the determination of the physicomechanical properties of sisal fibers and experiments on the mechanical behavior of a composite consisting of saturated polyester matrix and polyepoxy resin reinforced by either sisal fiber or by glass fiber with different percentages are presented in the paper.
Mekki BIBI , Ait Tahar. K., Meddahi A., , (2008), Studies of Sisal Fiber-Containing Composites, Journal of Natural Fibers, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:36, Taylor & Francis Group
- 2008
Influence des ajouts d'argiles gréseuses ou/et vaseuses sur les propriétés des matériaux cimentaires
This work lies within the general scope of the valorization of local materials, having for interest the improvement of the physicochemical and mechanical characteristics of the products resulting from recovery entering the clothes industry of the elements of structures and construction. The principal goal relates to the valorization of mud of dredging of the stopping 'Ksob – Algeria'. The mud and the abundant red argillaceous marl in the area, contain kaolin and iolite. These clays are respectively calcited with 750 and 780 °C and are mixed with the clinker in order to study their influences on the properties of cementing materials. Compared with a Portland cement, it is noted, that with each increase in the rate of addition, a reduction in the calcium oxide rate and a growth of the silica rate. The various results of the tests of compression show that standard cement R10 has a good resistance in compression, at 28 days, it is about 42 to 43 MPa, that of Portland cement is 44 MPa whereas, for the concretes, resistances in compression observed exceed the 50 MPa. These results put forward the influence of the sandy and muddy clay additions, on the properties of cementing materials, thus showing the economic and environmental interest of the substitution of the clinker by the burnt clays.
Mekki BIBI , MOHAMED AZIZ Chikouche , K. Ait tahar, , (2008), Influence des ajouts d'argiles gréseuses ou/et vaseuses sur les propriétés des matériaux cimentaires, Materiaux & Techniques, Vol:96, Issue:4, pages:165, EDP SCIENCES S A
- 1994
Reconstruction of plain and reinforced concrete structures using compound materials
Reconstruction of plain and reinforced concrete structures using compound materials
Mekki BIBI , Ya. I. Shvidko, , (1994), Reconstruction of plain and reinforced concrete structures using compound materials, Hydrotechnical Construction, Vol:28, Issue:1, pages:551, Springer