In industry, the service continuity of an electrical system drives requires degrees of reliability of operation
and high safety. Thus, the system requires robust elements to avoid falling into the defects. But the appearance of
defects, it is inevitable. It is therefore necessary to solve this problem by developing a control technique that can
ensure continuity of operation in the presence of faults. Indeed, the sliding mode adaptive control based on fuzzy
logic ensures the stability of the system healthy and able to compensate certain types of defects: the defects of low
severity. In fact, is with the fuzzy sliding controller with varying control gains. This one is based on supervisory
fuzzy inference system using the adaptive tune in order to improve the performance of controller in presence of
current sensors faults. In addition, the sensors are the most sensitive elements and the seat of frequent faults, and
play a leading role in the closed loop control. An operation of a tolerant control the default intended to compensate
the default offset sensor. The developed algorithm is validated by simulation and the obtained results showed the
effectiveness and the robustness of the proposed approach under different scenarios.
Djalal Eddine KHODJA ,
BACHIR Bendjaima ,
Djamel SAIGAA ,
, (2017), Fault Tolerant Control Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Induction-Motors, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems,
Vol:10, Issue:6, pages:39-48, INASS