GHANIA Benaiche
غنية بن عيش
078423 20 27
- Teaching service - Common trunk Nature and Life Sciences
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade MCA
About Me
Habilitation universitaire. in Universite de M'sila
Research Domains
Organic chemistry
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Contribution à l'étude de la Synthèse biogénique des nanoparticules de ZnO à partir de plante de Camellia Sinensis et ses applications pharmacologie
- 2024
Encaderement master
Contrôle de qualité physicochimique et microbiologique de l’acide folique comprime (OPTIFOLATE ® 5 mg)
- 2023
Encaderement master
L’effet Hépatoprotecteur Des Plantes Médicinales
- 2022
Encaderement master
Effet adsorbant et activité antimicrobienne des coquilles d’escargot Hélix aspersa
- 2022
Encaderement master
Etude des propriétés physico-chimiques des eaux de barrage du soubella
- 30-09-2021
- 26-06-2016
Extraction, separation and biological activities of some secondary metabolites from the plant Cytisus purgans - 04-07-2007
Extraction and GC/MS Analysis of major Alkaloids found in the Family of Fabaceae - 1976-07-06 00:00:00
GHANIA Benaiche birthday
- 2025-01-05
Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Camellia sinensis Leaf Extracts.
The development of green nanotechnologies has garnered significant attention from researchers, particularly in the ecological synthesis of nanoparticles. This study presents the biogenic synthesis of stable zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using extracts from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), infrared spectroscopy (IR), and Xray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The results demonstrated that the Camellia sinensis leaf extract effectively reduced zinc ions to form zinc oxide nanoparticles. XRD analysis confirmed the crystalline structure of ZnO, with the nanoparticles exhibiting a size range of 26-38 nm. This biosynthesis method provides a rapid, sustainable, and environmentally friendly approach to produce stable zinc oxide nanoparticles, offering potential applications in various fields.
Ghania BENAICHE , , (2025-01-05), Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Camellia sinensis Leaf Extracts., asian journal of green chemistry, Vol:9, Issue:2, pages:220-230, Samy publishing company
- 2024-12-16
Polyphenols and antioxidant activity of medicinal species Eryngium triquetrum Vahl from the M’sila region.
There are approximately 317 species in the genus Eryngium (Sea Holly), which belongs to the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family [1-2]. Some of these species have long been utilized as antinociceptive agents and treatments for various inflammatory conditions [1]. Secondary metabolites isolated from plants in this genus have demonstrated significant biological activities, including anticancer, antibacterial, molluscicide, parasiticide, antimicrobial, antifungal, cytotoxic, and phototoxic properties [1–3]. Among other Eryngium species, Eryngium triquetrum Vahl, commonly known as choukzerk, is widely distributed throughout Algeria and is native to North Africa [1].Algeria is home to 3,139 plant species and features some of the most unique and diverse vegetation in the Mediterranean basin . We observed the presence of this species in the semi-arid region of Maadid in M’sila. In this study, we investigate the polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of Eryngium triquetrum Vahl extract, which was produced using maceration with a methanol/water mixture (70/30). The role of free radicals in biological processes is increasingly recognized, as they are believed to play a significant role in the development of tissue damage and pathology in living organisms [4]. Our findings indicate a high total phenolic content in the extract of Eryngium triquetrum Vahl. The antioxidant activities, measured by the DPPH method[5], were notably significant for the Eryngium triquetrum Vahl extract, which demonstrated a favorable IC50 value; however, this extract was found to be less active compared to BHA.
Ghania BENAICHE , ,(2024-12-16), Polyphenols and antioxidant activity of medicinal species Eryngium triquetrum Vahl from the M’sila region.,The First International Congress on Recent Advances in Mathematical, Physical and Chemical,Universite de Constantine 1
- 2024-11-13
The antibacterial and antioxidant activity of medicinal species Attractylis caespitosa from the M’sila region.
Abstract: The plant kingdom speaks to an critical source of an colossal assortment of bioactive atoms with nemerous benefets utilized within the nouishment industry ,cosmetology and pharmacy . Among these compounds we find comarins , alkaloids, phenolic acids, tannins, terpenes, and flavonoids .Indeed, polyphenols are endowed with multiple therapeutic virtues playing a very imortant role, mainly in thefight against cancer, cardiovascular diseases and lipid peroxidation .The Asteraceae is the large family of dicots and the second-largest family of blossoming plants (as it were the Orchidaceae has more species) . It contains 1,400-1,540 genera and aproximately 20,000-23,000 spacies and has a cosmopolitan distribution .One of these spacies is Atractyli caespitosa Desf . Algeria has one of the foremost diverse and unique greenery within the Mediterranean bowl where it has 3139 spaceies .We noticed the presence of this spacies in the semi-arid region of Hamam Dalaa in M’sila . In this work ,we study a antioxidant and antibacterial activities of atractilys caespitosa extract produced by maceration with (methanol/woter ) (70/30). Through this study , we have higher the total polyphenol contents are average in the extract of atractylis caespitosa .The antioxidant activity by the DPPH method was more important for the atractylis caespitosa extract ,this extract is less active compared to ascorbic acid .The antimicrobial activitiy of the atractylis caespitosa extract were tested against a panel wich included three bacterial species selected as repesentative of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli ,Pseudomonas aeruginosas .the results of the study of antimicrobial activity , carried out by the method of disc and that of dilution on, liquid medium
Ghania BENAICHE , ,(2024-11-13), The antibacterial and antioxidant activity of medicinal species Attractylis caespitosa from the M’sila region.,The 1st International Seminar on medicinal chemistry and green chemistry,Universite Badji Mokhtar, Annaba
- 2024-05-07
Polyphenol dosage and antioxidant activitiesof the Asteraceae plant
Polyphenol dosage and antioxidant activitiesof the Asteraceae plant
Ghania BENAICHE , ,(2024-05-07), Polyphenol dosage and antioxidant activitiesof the Asteraceae plant,2éme colloque national de la chimie,
- 2024-04-30
Enhancement of Polystyrene Nanocomposites with THDACl-Modified Montmorillonite via Melt Compounding
The research findings on PS nanocomposites prepared with N,N,N-trimethyl-1- hexadecyl ammonium chloride (THDACl) reveal improved dispersion, enhanced mechanical properties, and increased thermal stability. These advancements have significant implications for various industries, including automotive, aerospace, packaging, and electronics, where the nanocomposites can be utilized for lightweight structural components, flame-resistant coatings, and high-performance packaging materials. Increasing the interlayer distance (d-spacing) of fractioned sodium montmorillonite (FMMT-Na) using N,N,N-trimethyl-1-hexadecyl ammonium chloride (THDACl) is done to improve the compatibility and dispersion of the clay in polymer matrices. This modification is relevant and beneficial as it enhances the mechanical properties, barrier performance, and thermal stability of the resulting nanocomposites, opening up opportunities for various applications in industries such as packaging, automotive, construction, and electronics. PS nanocomposites were prepared by incorporating MMT clay using THDACl as a surfactant. The composition ratios included 1-10% weight percentage of MMT with a 1:1 weight ratio of THDACl to MMT. The melt compounding process involved treating MMT with THDACl, dispersing it in a solvent, and adding it to melted PS pellets. Characterization techniques, such as XRD, TEM, SEM, TGA, and mechanical testing, were used to evaluate the nanocomposites. The results demonstrated improved dispersion, enhanced mechanical properties, and increased thermal stability. These findings contribute to the optimization of the nanocomposites for specific applications.
Smail TERCHI , AMIRA Saiga , Belkacem ZID EL KHEIR , Ghania BENAICHE , , (2024-04-30), Enhancement of Polystyrene Nanocomposites with THDACl-Modified Montmorillonite via Melt Compounding, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:48, Issue:2, pages:251-258, IIETA
- 2024-04-30
Enhancement of Polystyrene Nanocomposites with THDACl-Modified Montmorillonite via Melt Comp
The research findings on PS nanocomposites prepared with N,N,N-trimethyl-1- hexadecyl ammonium chloride (THDACl) reveal improved dispersion, enhanced mechanical properties, and increased thermal stability. These advancements have significant implications for various industries, including automotive, aerospace, packaging, and electronics, where the nanocomposites can be utilized for lightweight structural components, flame-resistant coatings, and high-performance packaging materials. Increasing the interlayer distance (d-spacing) of fractioned sodium montmorillonite (FMMT-Na) using N,N,N-trimethyl-1-hexadecyl ammonium chloride (THDACl) is done to improve the compatibility and dispersion of the clay in polymer matrices. This modification is relevant and beneficial as it enhances the mechanical properties, barrier performance, and thermal stability of the resulting nanocomposites, opening up opportunities for various applications in industries such as packaging, automotive, construction, and electronics. PS nanocomposites were prepared by incorporating MMT clay using THDACl as a surfactant. The composition ratios included 1-10% weight percentage of MMT with a 1:1 weight ratio of THDACl to MMT. The melt compounding process involved treating MMT with THDACl, dispersing it in a solvent, and adding it to melted PS pellets. Characterization techniques, such as XRD, TEM, SEM, TGA, and mechanical testing, were used to evaluate the nanocomposites. The results demonstrated improved dispersion, enhanced mechanical properties, and increased thermal stability. These findings contribute to the optimization of the nanocomposites for specific applications.
Ghania BENAICHE , , (2024-04-30), Enhancement of Polystyrene Nanocomposites with THDACl-Modified Montmorillonite via Melt Comp, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:48, Issue:2, pages:252-258, International information and engineering and technology association
- 2022-12-13
Determination of total phenolics and flavonoids contents and dpph scavenging assay of methanolic extracts of leaves and roots of Ziziphus lotus (Rhamnaceae) from Maadid (Algeria).
Wild jujube “Ziziphus lotus (L.) Desf.” (Rhamnaceae). It is very common in arid and semi-arid regions. It is known in Algeria under Sidr (nebek), this plant has always been used in traditional medicine. This work aimed to determine the total phenolic and flavonoids content (TPC and TFC) and the ability to scavenge DPPH radical.
Ghania BENAICHE , ,(2022-12-13), Determination of total phenolics and flavonoids contents and dpph scavenging assay of methanolic extracts of leaves and roots of Ziziphus lotus (Rhamnaceae) from Maadid (Algeria).,séminaire national "Substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament prometteur demain,Universite de M'sila
- 2022-10-23
The aim of this work is,in side to study the adsorbent effect and in the other side the evaluation of antimicrobial activity of the snail shells Hélix aspersa. Three different samples are prepared : the crude biomasse CE, the biomasse activated by nitric acid AN and the biomasse activated by CaCl2 :CC. The preparation yields ranging from 72% for the AN sample and 98.6% for CC. The pHPZC values for the different samples are very similar and have a number around 8 which signifies a basic medium. The thermogravimetric analyzes did not give much information because of the low temperature range (< 800°C) while the analysis by infrared spectroscopy shows similar functional groups of calcium carbonate. The values of the iodine index and the methylene blue index show the great porosity of these shells, in particular, the AN sample which reaches (985 ± 1) for the iodine index and (299, 5 ± 0.05) for the methylene blue index. Applying these results to a model dye like malachite green, we found good results especially for the AN sample. The evaluation of the antimicrobial activity shows a great inhibition against the strain of gram negative and gram positive, a bactericidal effect against Staphyloccocus aureus and almost bactericidal against Echerichia coli. The evaluation of antifungal activity against Fusarium clomorum and three fungal strains of the Aspergillus genus show that these shells have fungicidal activity against Fusarium clomorum and significant inhibition for Aspergillus strains.
Ghania BENAICHE , ,(2022-10-23), ADSORBENT EFFECT OF THE SNAIL SHELLS HELIX ASPERSA.,The First International Congress of Innovations in Chemistry for Therapeutic Aims,Larbi Benm'hidi university, Oum El Bouaghi
- 2022-10-18
β̵ Carotene bleaching assay of polyphenolic extract of Algerian Seseli praecox(Apiaceae)
Seseli L. is an important genus of the Apiaceae family, with a large number of aromatic species. It is used in traditional medicine extensively, but there is quite limited information on their phytochemicals and biological activities. Seseli praecox is a rare species growing in the north east of Algeria, and there are no phytochemical studies on this species. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the effect of the polyphenolic extract of this plant for its antioxidant activity using β-carotene bleaching assay. The oxidation of linoleic acid produces hydroperoxide derived free radicals which attack the chromophore of β-carotene resulting in bleaching of the reaction emulsion and the antioxidant activity was expressed as percent inhibition relative to the control. Results show that Seseli praecox have an inhibition percentage range from 72% to 43%. Consequently, this study demonstrated the antioxidant potential of the extract from S. praecox. Further studies are required to identify the mechanisms underlying these effect.
Ghania BENAICHE , ,(2022-10-18), β̵ Carotene bleaching assay of polyphenolic extract of Algerian Seseli praecox(Apiaceae),Le 1er seminaire national sur les applications therapeutiques et agroalimentaires des substances naturelles (ATASN),Centre universitaire Abdelhafid BOUSSOUF, Mila
- 2022-08-09
The aim of this work is the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of the snail shells Helix aspersa. Three different samples are prepared : the raw biomasse (CE)), the biomasse activated by nitric acid (AN)) and the biomasse activated by CaCl2 : (CC). Three bacterial strains from the American culture collection (ATCC) Gram+ and Gram- were used. All bacterial strains (Pseudomonas aerogenosa ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli ATCC25292 and Staphylococcus aureus 25923) were supplied by Pasteur institute of Algeria, annex of M'sila (Algeria). Antibacterial efficacy for the strain Escherichia coli 95% and 99% inhibition for Staphylococcus aureus. The inhibition against the strain Pseudomonas aerogenosa is not obvious enough because probably for the resistance of this bacterium. The evaluation of antifungal activity against Fusarium clomorum and three fungal strains of the Aspergillus genus show that these shells have fungicidal activity against Fusarium clomorum and significant inhibition for Aspergillus strains.
Ghania BENAICHE , ,(2022-08-09), ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF THE SNAIL SHELLS HELIX ASPERSA,the International BIOATLAS Conference,,Brasov, Romania
- 2022-06-01
he plant Thapsia garganica belongs to the family Apiaceae and is widespread in the Mediterranean basin. It is considered one of the most famous medicinal plants since ancient times. We started this work with the methanolic extraction of all the components contained in the plant in order to obtain a crude extract, which we separated with different polar solvents “petroleum ether, chloroform, and ethyl acetate and n-butanol” The flavonoids were evaluated by the method of aluminum chlorides AlCl3, the content is estimated at 5.6009 mg EQ / g dry matter in the crude extract. We extracted the essential oils using a Clevenger device, and then we studied the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of all extracts and compared them among themselves.
Ghania BENAICHE , , (2022-06-01), PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF MEDICINAL PLANT « THAPSIA GARGANICA », Journal of ecoagritourism, Vol:18, Issue:1, pages:6, Transilvania University Press
- 2022-04-04
Electrochemical Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-titanium Dioxide Deposits on Copper and their Corrosion Study
Applied/Chemistry/Research11NJST | Vol 20 | No. 1 | Jan-Jun 2021 Electrochemical Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-titanium Dioxide Deposits on Copper and their Corrosion Study Electrochemical Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-titanium Dioxide Deposits on Copper and their Corrosion Study Khadidja BERARMA 1,2 , Amina RAGHDI 3 and Ghania BENAICHE 4* 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Mohamed Boudiaf- M’sila University, M’sila, 28000, Algeria 2Laboratory of Inorganic Materials, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Mohamed Boudiaf- M’sila University, M’sila, 28000, Algeria 3Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Mohamed Boudiaf- M’sila University, M’sila, 28000, Algeria 4 Department of Nature and Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Mohamed Boudiaf- M’sila University, Algeria ABSTRACT This work aimed to produce and characterize composite coatings of nickel incorporating TiO2 nanoparticles on a copper substrate. These deposits were obtained from watts bath. In the study, the cyclic voltammetry technique was employed to provide a better understanding of the cathodic behavior of nickel deposition. The effects of the potential scanning rate and the effect of cathodic limits on cyclic voltammograms deposition of Ni in Primitive Watts Bath (BWP) were determined. The composite coatings of nickel incorporating TiO2 nanoparticles were characterized using various electrochemical techniques such as open circuit potential (OCP) and potentiodynamic polarization measurements, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic methods. The current density values for the Ni-TiO2 in the case of 5 g/L and 10 g/L of TiO2 determined from the polarization curves recorded in 3.5% NaCl indicate that the corrosion process on nickel incorporating the TiO2 nanoparticle composite surface is slower than on pure nickel. The TiO2 particles embedded in the electroplated nickel, increase the polarization resistance and decrease the corrosion rates as compared with electrodeposited pure nickel. Electrochemical impedance spectra obtained at the open-circuit potential (OCP) in 3.5% NaCl showed an increase of polarization resistance with time in all cases.
Ghania BENAICHE , , (2022-04-04), Electrochemical Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-titanium Dioxide Deposits on Copper and their Corrosion Study, Nepal journal of science and technology, Vol:20, Issue:1, pages:9, Nepal academy of science and technology
- 2021-04-05
Determination of Total Polyphenols and Flavonoids Contents and Iron Reducing Power of Aerial Parts of Seseli praecox Guss. from Algerian Flora
In this study, Seseli praecox of Algerian flora was investigated regarding their polyphenolic and flavonoids contents using the Folin–Ciocalteu and aluminum chloride colorimetric methods, respectively. TPC of crude aqueous ethanolic extract was 44mg± 0.09GAE/gDw, while, TFC have values of 1.53mg±0.01 QuercetinE/gDw and 6.93mg±0.01 RutinE/gDw for ethanolic extract, which mean that this plant is relatively poor source of polyphenols and flavonoids . In the other side, the polyphenolic extract of this plant was evaluated for its reducing power. The capacity of the extract to reduce the ferric- ferricyanide complex to the ferrous-ferricyanide complex mention that Seseli praecox showed a very high iron reducing power activity with Ec50=0.25mg/ml.
Ghania BENAICHE , , (2021-04-05), Determination of Total Polyphenols and Flavonoids Contents and Iron Reducing Power of Aerial Parts of Seseli praecox Guss. from Algerian Flora, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol:12, Issue:65, pages:6, TamilNadu Scientific Research Organisation
- 2015-12-01
Isolation of Alkaloids and Anti-tumor Activity of the Crude Methanolic Extract of Algerian Cytisus purgans
In this study, two known quinolizidine alkaloids which are sparteine and lupanine were isolated from the methanolic extract of the plant Cytisus purgans of Algerian flora by open column chromatography. These two compounds were identified on the basis of their spectral data (GC/ MS, IR, MS, 1 H and 13 C). The anti-tumor activity of the crude methanolic extract of the aerial parts of the plant was also evaluated invitro against human breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) and human lung cancer (A549) cell lines using MTT assay.
Ghania BENAICHE , , (2015-12-01), Isolation of Alkaloids and Anti-tumor Activity of the Crude Methanolic Extract of Algerian Cytisus purgans, Oriental journal of chemistry, Vol:31, Issue:4, pages:6, oriental publisher company