The allergenic pollen flora of the Maadid region includes 59 species belonging to 19 botanical
families and 44 genera and is represented by 47 anemophilous species and 12 entomophilous species
responsible for allergies. This flora was inventoried during March to April 2019. Three families,
Poaceae, Anacardiaceae and Plantaginaceae dominate respectively. The chorological types of the
species show the dominance of the elements of the Mediterranean group over all the other groups,
followed by the cosmopolitan group. The biological types of species reveal the dominance of
phanerophytes and therophytes over all biological types, hemicryptophytes and geophytes.
Khellaf REBBAS ,
Sabah Larit, , (2024-11-30), First contribution to inventory of plants with allergenic pollen in the Maadid region ( M'sila, Algeria), Natural Resources and Sustainable Development,
Vol:14, Issue:2, pages:1-12, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development