LAID Baali
بعلي العيد
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
Doctorats. in Université Mohamed boudiaf de M'sila
DomainScience et Technologies
Research Domains
Matériaux en Génie CIVIL
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2022
Encaderement master
HALLAB Nafia El Aid , DJEMLI Dawoud Belkacem
Amélioration du comportement rhéologique et mécanique des B.AP sans/avec fine par l’ajout de différentes fractions des granulats.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Étude des propriétés rhéologique et mécanique d'un mortier à base de déchets de brique activé chimiquement
- 2017
Encaderement master
L’introduction de la boue de dragage dans la matrice cimentaire d’un béton ordinaire
- 2017
Encaderement master
Béton avec des granulats céramique recyclés
- 27-04-2017
Confection d’un mortier à base de granulats fins artificiels (Déchets minéraux) - 04-11-2002
Perméabilité, Porosité et résistance mécanique comme critères de durabilité à base des matériaux locaux - 07-07-1999
Ingénieur d'état
Estimation de l'adhérance d'interface fibre matrice - 1988-10-04 00:00:00
LAID Baali birthday
- 2022
Dam sludge effects - as a cement substitution- on cementitious materials
Dam sludge effects - as a cement substitution- on cementitious materials
LAID Baali , ,(2022), Dam sludge effects - as a cement substitution- on cementitious materials,ICAENS,November in 2022 at Konya/Turkey.
- 2022
the behavior of cement with dam sludge as raw material
the behavior of cement with dam sludge as raw material
LAID Baali , ,(2022), the behavior of cement with dam sludge as raw material,MSE'22,Khenchela
- 2021
Study of the Effect of Plastic Waste Fibers Incorporation on the Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete
The use of waste and by-products has been for many decades for the manufacturing of building materials such as concrete and mortars. That responds simultaneously to reasons of economy of natural resources in aggregates (C&D waste) and the possibility of recovering industrial waste additions as replacement in composites. The present study focuses on the use of plastic waste fibers embedded in the cement matrix of selfcompacting concrete SCC to improve its properties, either rheological mainly, the stability at fresh state or mechanical responses such as compressive and tensile strengths at hard state. This incorporation of plastic fiber reinforcement on the structure matrix could result an alternative SCC composite as a ductile material with enhanced properties. In this context, the self-compacting composites by adding a variable percentage of plastic fibers at 0.5, 1, 1.5% is formulated. Hence, the effect of plastic fibers waste on the rheological and mechanical properties of SCC is assessed. The obtained results in the present study let us to conclude the beneficial effect of such inclusion of plastic fibers on this new confected SCC fiber composition with acceptable rheological, physical and mechanical properties compared to those of a normal SCC concrete.
LAID Baali , , (2021), Study of the Effect of Plastic Waste Fibers Incorporation on the Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:45, Issue:5, pages:pp. 417-421, Journal homepage: http://iieta.org/journals/acsm
- 2021
Introduction of Dredged Sludge in Ordinary Concrete Matrix
Introduction of Dredged Sludge in Ordinary Concrete Matrix
LAID Baali , ,(2021), Introduction of Dredged Sludge in Ordinary Concrete Matrix,14th International congress on advances in civil engineering-,Yıldız Technical University • ISTANBUL / TURKEY
- 2020
The influence of the nature of different sands on the rheological and mechanical Behavior of Self-compacting concretes
The influence of the nature of different sands on the rheological and mechanical Behavior of Self-compacting concretes
LAID Baali , , (2020), The influence of the nature of different sands on the rheological and mechanical Behavior of Self-compacting concretes, Knowledge E, Vol:2020, Issue:10, pages:pages 368–379., DOI 10.18502/keg.v5i6.7054
- 2019
The Influence of the Nature of Different Sands on the Rheological and Mechanical Behavior of SelfCompacting Concrètes
Conference Topic – CT 29 Abstract Self-Compacting concrete (SCC) represents a new step forward for concrete construction as it offers many advantages from an economic, technical and social point of view. They are very fluid concretes, which are placed without vibration, under the simple effect of gravity. Thanks to their formulation, they offer exceptional flowability and filling characteristics of the formwork while being perfectly resistant to segregation. Homogeneous and stable, they have resistances and durability similar to those of traditional concretes, of which they differ in their fresh properties. The use of SCC leads to a reduction of noise in some civil engineering applications works. This research work is a part of a policy of contributing to the improvement of the properties of self-compacting concretes prepared from local materials of the M'sila region (200 km East of Algeria). The aim of this study is to obtain a formulation of the most suitable concrete based on for the different local materials at appropriate proportioning. Our study focuses on the effect of the following parameters on the physical-mechanical properties of the composite, such as dynamic segregation, workability and mechanical resistances (compressive and tensile strength). It is therefore necessary to determine the criteria to be imposed on these parameters, in order to achieve the construction of the SCC characterized by an acceptable resistance. The obtained results of mechanical response show significant advantageous behaviors for SCC mixtures compared to reference concrete. They allowed to distinguish a gain of resistance between 15 and around 50 MPa, this gain is explained by a rehydration of the cementitious matrix due to the migration of water through the pores SCC mixtures but also to better binding properties of hydrates formed for the new cement matrix composite. Keywords: SCC, Rheological behaviour, Mechanical resistance. Binder.
Larbi BELAGRAA , LAID Baali , ZEGHICHI Leila, BENHAMOUDA Abdelhakim, ,(2019), The Influence of the Nature of Different Sands on the Rheological and Mechanical Behavior of SelfCompacting Concrètes,ICEUBI2019,Université of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal
- 2019
The influence of the nature of different sands on the rheological and mechanical Behavior of Self-compacting concretes
The influence of the nature of different sands on the rheological and mechanical Behavior of Self-compacting concretes
LAID Baali , ,(2019), The influence of the nature of different sands on the rheological and mechanical Behavior of Self-compacting concretes,ICEUBI 2019,Portugal
- 2014
The effect of the kind of sands and additions on the mechanical behaviour of S.C.C
A self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a concrete that flows and sets up in the most complex and scrapped forms under the effect of its own weight. It is important to note that the material should not undergo any form of segregation and should have qualities similar to those of conventional vibrated concrete. Aggregates are very important components of ordinary and self-compacted concretes (figure 1). It’s well known that they affect both fresh and hardened concrete properties. Concrete flowability depends on the properties of cement paste, the amount and gradation of aggregates. The lowest the surface area and voids
LAID Baali , , (2014), The effect of the kind of sands and additions on the mechanical behaviour of S.C.C, Pysique Procedia, Vol:55, Issue:7, pages:pp. 485 – 492, 2014 Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
- 2012
Contribution à l’étude des caractéristiques du sable de dune et de son effet sur le comportement des bétons autoplaçants
///(10 et 11 Décembre 2012)
LAID Baali , Azzeddine LAHMADI , Leila ZEGHICHI, Zied BENGHAZI, ,(2012), Contribution à l’étude des caractéristiques du sable de dune et de son effet sur le comportement des bétons autoplaçants,1er Congrès International de Génie Civil et d’Hydraulique (CIGCH2012),Guelma, ALGERIE