ظريف محمود
- Departement of ELECTRONICS
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCB
About Me
Doctorat en Sciences. in University of Batna
Research Domains
Renewable Energies Power Electronics Control and regulation of PV Power Systems Fault detection and diagnosis techniques for PV systems
LocationSétif, سطيف
Code RFIDE- 2023
Encaderement master
AZZOUZ Wafa , LEBOUKH Bouthaina
Développement d’un modèle électrique d’une batterie solaire photovoltaïque à l’aide du logiciel PSpice
- 2021
Encaderement master
BENHALIMA Abdenour , DJOUBAR Abdelhak
- 2021
Encaderement master
TITRAOUI Bilal , BOUDISSA Fatima Zohra
Modélisation et simulation d’une batterie à usage solaire photovoltaïque
- 24-09-2022
- 01-07-1999
- 01-02-1992
- 01-06-1989
- 1964-11-27 00:00:00
MAHMOUD Drif birthday
- 2024-08-25
Comprehensive Experimental Assessment of Partial Shading Effects on Large-Scale Photovoltaic Plants
This paper presents an experimental assessment of partial shading effects on large-scale photovoltaic (PV) plants. Partial shading can significantly impact the performance of PV arrays, leading to reduced power output and potential damage to modules. Understanding these effects is crucial for optimizing the design, operation, and maintenance of PV systems, especially in regions prone to variable shading conditions. The study employs real-world data collected from a large PV plant, focusing on the dynamics of shading patterns and their implications for overall energy yield. Various shading scenarios are simulated and compared against unshaded conditions to quantify losses and assess mitigation strategies. Results indicate that strategic placement of bypass diodes and advanced Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms can effectively mitigate shading losses, highlighting the importance of tailored system design in maximizing PV plant efficiency.
Mahmoud DRIF , ,(2024-08-25), Comprehensive Experimental Assessment of Partial Shading Effects on Large-Scale Photovoltaic Plants,5th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, Konya/Turkey,Turkey
- 2024-06-25
A Novel Method to Obtain Reverse Bias I–V Curves for Single Cells Integrated in Photovoltaic Modules
Despite the existence of accurate mathematical models facilitating the analysis of photovoltaic (PV) sources’ behaviour under diverse conditions, including normal operation and situations involving mismatch phenomena such as partial shadowing and various faults (i.e., PV cells operating in forward bias and reverse bias quadrants), an important issue still persists. Crucial parameters essential for adjusting these models, particularly those related to reverse-biased characteristics such as breakdown voltage, are often absent in manufacturers’ datasheets. This omission presents a substantial challenge, as it restricts the ability to acquire comprehensive and accurate information required for a thorough analysis of devices in the second quadrant. To address this issue, our research introduces a novel method for measuring the reverse-biased I–V characteristics of individual PV cells within a module without having to dissociate them from the PV module encapsulants. The process involves measuring the forward-bias I–V curves of both the fully illuminated PV module and a partially shaded PV module with only one completely shaded cell. This can be achieved outdoors and by utilising commercially available I–V tracers. Thus, the reverse I–V curve can easily be derived from these forward bias I–V curves. Finally, the proposed method serves as a nondestructive technique for characterising solar cells in the second quadrant. This innovative approach offers a promising solution for assessing the performance and health of PV modules without causing damage and may result in significant cost savings.
Mahmoud DRIF , Ahmed BOUCHELAGHEM , Abderezak GUEMACHE , Djamel SAIGAA , djoubair abdelouahab .benhamadouche@univ-msila.dz, , (2024-06-25), A Novel Method to Obtain Reverse Bias I–V Curves for Single Cells Integrated in Photovoltaic Modules, Power Electronics and Drives, Vol:9, Issue:44, pages:413-424, Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska
- 2024-06-16
Improved dynamic reconfiguration strategy for power maximization of TCT interconnected PV arrays under partial shading conditions
In photovoltaic (PV) systems, partial shading is a major issue that may cause power losses, hot spots, and PV modules damage. Thus, PV array dynamic reconfiguration approaches based on irradiance equalization (IEq) between rows have been proposed to alleviate the shading effect thereby improving PV power production. However, the existing IEq-based reconfiguration techniques focus only on the minimization of row current error, without taking into consideration the voltage effect, which in turn, may result in power losses. In this regard, an improved reconfiguration strategy is proposed in the present paper to maximize the power production of a TCT interconnected PV array operating under partial shading conditions. The proposed strategy aims to achieve a PV array reconfiguration that mitigates the droop voltage issue by considering irradiance levels in both rows and columns. An in-depth investigation of a typical PV module and TCT module is provided, demonstrating that there are cases where the partial shading does not affect the PV module current but the operating voltage. In addition, an analysis highlighting the limitations of the IEq technique regarding the droop voltage issue is presented. Furthermore, mathematical development is established for deriving the objective function of the proposed strategy. The efficiency of the proposed reconfiguration strategy is assessed through experimental tests carried out on a 20 MWp PV station in Ain El-Melh, Algeria. The obtained results reveal that the proposed method overcomes the weaknesses of the existing IEq strategy and ensures power production higher than the TCT and IEq configurations by 17.25% and 19.34%, respectively
Mahmoud DRIF , Djamel SAIGAA , Abdelouadoud Loukriz, Moadh Kichene, Ahmed Bendib, Hafiz Ahmed, , (2024-06-16), Improved dynamic reconfiguration strategy for power maximization of TCT interconnected PV arrays under partial shading conditions, Electrical Engineering, Vol:107, Issue:1, pages:459-470, Springer
- 2023-07-05
PV module reconfiguration method based on battle royale optimzation algorithm for output improvment under partial shading conditions
Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules are widely used for generating clean energy, but their performance may be adversely affected by partial shading. This paper proposes an effective reconfiguration method to enhance the power generation of solar PV modules under partial shading conditions (PSCs). This method introduces the Battle Royale Optimization (BRO) algorithm to achieve the PV array optimal configuration. The BRO algorithm can effectively explore the solution space and avoid local optima, resulting in a significant improvement in the PV output power. The performance of the proposed approach based on the BRO algorithm is compared with other existing methods through both simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experimental outcomes on a PV station in Ain El-Melh, Algeria. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms other existing methods in terms of output power enhancement under different PSCs.
Mahmoud DRIF , ,(2023-07-05), PV module reconfiguration method based on battle royale optimzation algorithm for output improvment under partial shading conditions,1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Advanced Technologies ICEEAT'23,Batna
- 2023-06-20
Elimination of the Declared Insecticide by Natural and Modified Clay and Montmorillonite Sodium
In this research, we study the comparison of the removal of a domestic insecticide declared as an organic pollutant from the water on the surface of the natural clay (N-C) and Montmorillonite sodium (Mnt-Na), where we reveal general information about adsorbents on organic pollutants, as well as physical and chemical methods for their spectral analyses. In addition, we have a simplified explanation of the adsorption phenomenon and then we study the various factors that affect it, represented by the effect of the initial concentration of the pollutant solution, the effect of the pH, temperature and the contact time, conductivity effect, turbidity analysis, and dissolved oxygen analysis. And we have achieved the results that benefit us by comparing the effectiveness of Natural clay (N-C) and Montmorillonite sodium ( Mnt-Na) in the elimination of insecticide, in addition to judging the possibility of describing adsorption by the best adsorbent.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , Ahmed BOUCHELAGHEM , Mahmoud DRIF , Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , , (2023-06-20), Elimination of the Declared Insecticide by Natural and Modified Clay and Montmorillonite Sodium, Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, Vol:11, Issue:2, pages:94-99, IIETA
- 2023-03-30
Enhanced GA-Based Controller for Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter
In this paper, a three-phase shunt active power filter (SAPF) controller with a fully digital implementation is presented. The main goal of this contribution is to implement a digital direct power control (DDPC) algorithm without phase-locked-loop (PLL) for SAPF. This algorithm is intended for power quality improvement and current harmonic elimination. The controller introduced in this paper is costeffective, has a fast-dynamic response, and has a simple hardware implementation. In order to comply with the above specifications, a dedicated controller has been conceived and fully implemented within a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device. This FPGA-based controller integrates the whole signal-processing functions needed to drive the SAPF, as well as an original method for sector identification. The intended controller provides the desired power references to select the optimal switching sequences. The switching orders follow the grid reference to drive the voltage source inverter (VSI), so the SAPF achieves good performances while ensuring balanced overall supply currents, unity power factor, and reduced harmonic load currents. The proposed digital implementation achieves a valuable compromise between fast dynamic response, minimum execution time, and reduced FPGA resources, through a simple hardware design implementation. The entire system is developed and simulated using VHDL and VHDLAMS languages.
Mahmoud DRIF , , (2023-03-30), Enhanced GA-Based Controller for Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter, Power Electronics and Drives, Vol:8, Issue:43, pages:128-141, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
- 2023-03-14
Heterogeneous phase adsorption of carmine, phenolphthalein and eosin dyes on activated carbon and natural clay, experiments, characterization and physical interpretations
No microscopic analysis is possible without dyes, stains or indicators. Indeed, dyes and stains are extraordinarily critical in biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiological research, because they are frequently used to dye or dye certain cellular components, proteins or DNA/RNA to visualize them. In biochemistry and molecular biology, dyes and stains are used to highlight biological tissues and to quantify or qualify the presence of certain chemicals when attached to substrates. In microbiology, dyes and stains are used to make microorganisms visible or differentiate them due to distinct colorings properties
Abderezak GUEMACHE , Ahmed BOUCHELAGHEM , Mahmoud DRIF , Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , ,(2023-03-14), Heterogeneous phase adsorption of carmine, phenolphthalein and eosin dyes on activated carbon and natural clay, experiments, characterization and physical interpretations,1st International Seminar on Process Engineering & Environment (ISCPE2023),Biskra
- 2022-11-26
Current Balancing and PSO Methods-Based PV Array Output Power Optimization: A Comparative Study
The phenomenon of mismatch between the modules constituting a photovoltaic (PV) array is one of the problems that frequently occur in PV systems, in particular, the shading issue, which may result in less energy production. To deal with this issue, various configuration methods have been adopted in the literature. However, these configuration methods are suffering from implementation complexity in practice, such as more wiring, more sensors, the need to have more processing, and more memory use. In the present paper, a comparative study between the current balancing (CB) and particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based PV reconfiguration methods is carried out using MATLAB/Simulink software. The reached findings under varying partial shading conditions (PSCs) are investigated to determine the best approach among them.
Mahmoud DRIF , ,(2022-11-26), Current Balancing and PSO Methods-Based PV Array Output Power Optimization: A Comparative Study,2022 International Conference of Advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),M'sila
- 2022-10-25
Improvement of PV System Performances using Novel PV Array Reconfiguration Based on Balancing Voltage Algorithm under Voltage Mismatch Conditions
In this paper, a new PV system reconfiguratione basede on balancing voltage mismatche has been proposede and investigated. It is very well-known that the mismatch issue is reflected reductione of the current or/and the voltage of the concerned PV modules. Where the most techniques in the literature have treated these phenomena only for PV array interconnected in TCT. This papere proposese a new advancede technique based on balancing voltage to improving the PV array connected in Serie-Paraelle (SP) under voltage mismatche effects. The design process of the proposede algorithm has been investigatede and verified under different voltage mismatche scenarios. In which a comparativee study with SP and SuDoKu methodse has been carried out wheree a huge importante impact of PV array output has been demonstratede employing proposed method. Moreover, a comprehensivee analysis is performede where many indexes have been used such the mismatche power loss, fill factore and percentagee power losse.
Mahmoud DRIF , ,(2022-10-25), Improvement of PV System Performances using Novel PV Array Reconfiguration Based on Balancing Voltage Algorithm under Voltage Mismatch Conditions,The 1st National Conference on Thermal Engineering Renewable and Conventional Processes NCTE’22,Batna
- 2022-01-01
Prediction of Photovoltaic Panels Output Performance Using Artificial Neural Network
To ensure the safe and stable operation of solar photovoltaic system-based power systems, it is essential to predict the PV module output performance under varying operating conditions. In this paper, the interest is to develop an accurate model of a PV module in order to predict its electrical characteristics. For this purpose, an artificial neural network (ANN) based on the backpropagation algorithm is proposed for the performance prediction of a photovoltaic module. In this modeling approach, the temperature and illumination are taken as inputs and the current of the mathematical model as output for the learning of the ANN-PV-Panel. Simulation results showing the performance of the ANN model in obtaining the electrical properties of the chosen PV panel, including I–V curves and P–V curves, in comparison with the mathematical model performance are presented and discussed. The given results show that the error of the maximum power is very small while the current error is about 10-8, which means that the obtained model is able to predict accurately the outputs of the PV panel.
Mahmoud DRIF , , (2022-01-01), Prediction of Photovoltaic Panels Output Performance Using Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE), Vol:11, Issue:2, pages:1-19, IGI Global
- 2021-09-25
A New Simplified Algorithm for Real-Time Power Optimization of TCT Interconnected PV Array under Any Mismatch Conditions
This paper proposes a generalized technique to minimize power losses of PV arrays connected in Total Cross-Tied (TCT), under both current and voltage mismatch effects. The proposed method is based on the classification of the electrical data of the PV modules composing the photovoltaic array in order to identify the mismatch type, then applying an arrangement of the PV modules according to the mismatch type found. The design process of the proposed algorithm is detailed and its validity and performance are verified under different mismatch scenarios. The efficiency enhancement is verified for different mismaths cases and the computed results reveal that the proposed algorithm can achieve an improvement of around 30% in the PV array power. Furthermore, a comparative study with SuDoKu and genetic algorithms are performed. The obtained results under MATLAB/Simulink software highlighted the superiority of the proposed method in comparison to the compared ones. The enhancement resides in the implementation simplicity as well as in the minimization of the number of infection points indicating smooth I-V and P-V characteristic curves.
Mahmoud DRIF , , (2021-09-25), A New Simplified Algorithm for Real-Time Power Optimization of TCT Interconnected PV Array under Any Mismatch Conditions, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol:54, Issue:6, pages:805-817, IIETA
- 2021-05-12
A novel equivalent circuit-based model for photovoltaic sources
This paper presents a novel circuit-based model of photovoltaic (PV) source (cell, module or array) that can be easily integrated into any circuit-oriented simulators such as PSpice, PSCAD/EMTDC, PSIM, PowerSys of MATLAB/Simulink, etc. This proposed model is able to simulate accurately any commercial PV module behavior either exposed to uniform or non-uniform irradiance distributions. Moreover, it can also simulate perfectly PV arrays behavior in large scale PV systems. It is mainly derived from the conventional one-diode equivalent circuit model, which consists of a current source, a diode and two resistors. By modifying the linear part of this latter and including implicitly the effect of weather parameters (irradiance and cell temperature) on the circuit elements, our proposed model will encompass two types of dependent sources (voltage and current sources) and two resistances. To validate the truthfulness of the proposed novel model, comparisons between simulated and outdoor measured I-V characteristics on commercial PV module are done. Preliminary results have shown promising outputs and accuracy of this model.
Mahmoud DRIF , Djamel SAIGAA , Mebarek Bahri, , (2021-05-12), A novel equivalent circuit-based model for photovoltaic sources, Optik, Vol:242, Issue:167046, pages:1-24, Elsevier
- 2017-01-01
MPPT Performance Analysis using an Online Measurement Method with an Outdoor Monitoring
This paper is intended to contribute to the conceptual design of an electronic helping tool to analyze the performance of maximum power point tracking systems(MPPT). Indeed, the MPPT is a device ensuring the connection between the PV generator and the rest of the PV conversion chain in order to extract and transfer the maximum of the electric power. In this work, we present a new method in analyzing MPPT performance witch the principle is based on the comparison of the maximum power(Pmp) that can be generated by the PVG and the power transferred to the DC load by the MPPT system. The measurement of these powers is realized outdoor with an online mode; i.e., the PV conversion chain is maintained in operation. The Pmp value obtained by measuring the couple (Isc, Voc). In this paper we will present the hardware implementation of the proposed technique. The measurement of climatic parameters such as, solar radiation and cell temperature are not taken into account, which characterizes the peculiarity of this method. Keywords: PVG, Maximum power, MPPT, Online measurement, Analysis.
Djamel SAIGAA , Mahmoud DRIF , AHMED AZI Alaeddine, , (2017-01-01), MPPT Performance Analysis using an Online Measurement Method with an Outdoor Monitoring, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol:10, Issue:34, pages:169-183, International Science Press
- 2014-10-17
Modeling and simulation of photovoltaic array with different interconnection configurations under partial shading conditions for fill factor evaluation
Partial shading of a photovoltaic array is the condition under which different modules in the array experience different irradiance levels due to shading. This difference causes mismatch between the modules, leading to undesirable effects such as reduction in generating power and hot spots. The severity of these effects can be reduced by changing module interconnections of a solar array, three different interconnections configurations, series-parallel (SP), bridge-linked (BL) and total-cross-tied (TCT) of photovoltaic generator are studied using simulation models to compare their performances, also studied their characteristic parameter variation in the function of shading, with a special attention to: Open circuit voltage (Voc), Short circuit (Isc), Maximum power (Pmp) and fill factor (FF) evaluation, in order to find which configuration is less influential to partial shading effect.
Djamel SAIGAA , Mahmoud DRIF , HAMDI Soufiane, ,(2014-10-17), Modeling and simulation of photovoltaic array with different interconnection configurations under partial shading conditions for fill factor evaluation,International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference,Maroc
- 2013-09-22
Parameter identification of solar module model using a metaheuristic technique
Abstract—In fact that the meaningful parameters of photovoltaic (PV) module model are of major importance, they could lead to carry out a monitoring tool, so the extraction method should be accurate and quick in the same time. Due to the nonlinear and implicit nature of the circuit equivalent PV module model it is preferable to use a good optimization method; in this paper we opt for a metaheuristic based parameter identification method inspired from Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and Differential Evolutionary (DE). The proposed method is compared with other optimization methods and then is validated with a real measured data under different meteorological conditions of several PV modules.
Mahmoud DRIF , Hachana Oussama, Hemsas Kamel Eddine, Giuseppe Marco Tina, ,(2013-09-22), Parameter identification of solar module model using a metaheuristic technique,The first International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Communications and Renewable Energy,Jijel, Algeria
- 2012-12-16
FPGA-Based implementation of IncCond algorithm for photovoltaic applications
Recent advances in control algorithms embedded into a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) allowed the application of such algorithms in real engineering problems (robotic, image and signal processing, control, power electronics, etc.), however, the application of such technologies in the solar energy field is very limited. The embedded advanced algorithm into FPGA can play a very important role in renewable energy systems for control, monitoring, supervision, etc. FPGA technology was employed due to its development, flexibility and low cost. In this paper, the incremental conductance (IncCond) algorithm is implemented on FPGA for tracking the Maximum Power Point (MPP) of a photovoltaic (PV) array. The IncCond algorithm has been designed using a description language (VHSIC standing for very-high-speed integrated circuits) then implemented on Xilinx Virtex-II-Pro(xc2v1000-4fg456. Modelsim-based simulation results confirm the good tracking efficiency (96%) and rapid response time (2ms). It has been confirmed that the implemented algorithm performs better than the well known Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm.
Mahmoud DRIF , N. Chettibi, A. Mellit, ,(2012-12-16), FPGA-Based implementation of IncCond algorithm for photovoltaic applications,4th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM),Algiers, Algeria
- 0024-07-25
Improved PV module model for dynamic and nonuniform climatic conditions in ISIS-proteus
Modeling and simulating photovoltaic (PV) cells or modules involve using mathematical and computational models to predict their behavior and performance under various conditions. This can include modeling the electrical characteristics of solar cells, as well as the interactions between multiple cells in a PV module. In ISIS-Proteus software, the existing research works have modeled the PV modules either by using a Proteus Spice model of the PV panel without including the effect of climatic conditions variation or by using pure mathematical relations that describe all physical and environmental parameters that lead to a static behavior. Therefore, this paper proposes a new improved ISIS-Proteus model of a PV cell/module for dynamic performance emulation under varying climatic conditions. The proposed model is designed based on the equivalent circuit of a five-parameter single-diode as an electrical part controlled by a numerical part that includes the mathematical expressions corresponding to each parameter. The designed model can capture the impact of solar irradiance and temperature on PV outputs, thereby enhancing real-world PV performance prediction. Also, it can effectively simulate the effect of the partial shading. To validate the accuracy of the proposed model, a comparative study is conducted evaluating the model’s performance against PVsyst software models and real-world data brought from a large-scale grid-connected PV station in Ain El-Melh, Algeria. In this study, the simulation tests are carried out using ISIS-Proteus considering several PV module types and under various operating conditions, including uniform test conditions (UTCs) and partial shading conditions (PSCs). The findings, including I–V and P–V curves and several standard metrics, prove the proposed model’s effectiveness in accurately predicting the behavior of PV modules under both UTCs and PSCs, aligning closely with real-world performance.
Mahmoud DRIF , , (0024-07-25), Improved PV module model for dynamic and nonuniform climatic conditions in ISIS-proteus, Electrical Engineering, Vol:2, Issue:2, pages:1-21, Springer