قماش عبدالرزاق
- BASE COMMON ST Departement ST
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCA
About Me
Doctorat en science. in Université de setif
Research Domains
Chimie des Matériaux,Energie renouvelable ,Traitement des eaux
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
HADJAB Abdelmounaim
Adsorption de polluant par une argile brute modifiée par un tensioactif
- 2023
Encaderement master
Réalisation d'un test pour mesurer la dureté de l'eau potable
- 2022
Encaderement master
Batklouf Mohamed , Kherif Omarfaroq
Caractérisation d’un résidu à base de phénol par adsorptio
- 2021
Encaderement master
-Deia Kamel , Saadi Ayemen
Traitement d’un colorant alimentaire par adsorption sur un support solide
- 2021
Encaderement master
Bekouche Ihab , Djedili Fouad
Élimination d’un polluant organique de l’eau par adsorption
- 2020
Encaderement master
Naidji Sana , Benseid Zineb
Traitement d’une eau polluée par adsorption
- 2019
Encaderement master
Kara, Zahra , Ben Hachade, Siham
Élimination d’un micropolluant organique par une argile brute et modifiée
- 24-04-2017
Doctorat en science
Synthèse et caractérisation des oxydes mixtes de type La1-xSxAlO3 - 15-06-2008
- 01-06-2005
Ingénieur d’État
Élimination des micro-polluants de l'eau par une argile modifiée - 20-06-1989
- 1965-09-17 00:00:00
ABDEREZAK Guemache birthday
- 2024-12-16
Caractérisations du sol des terres agricoles en M’sila et leur influence sur le support des charges structurelles
Caractérisations du sol des terres agricoles en M’sila et leur influence sur le support des charges structurelles
Marwa BACHIRI , Mokhtar DJEHICHE , Abderezak GUEMACHE , ,(2024-12-16), Caractérisations du sol des terres agricoles en M’sila et leur influence sur le support des charges structurelles,First international seminar on Natural Hazards, Urban Territory Management and Analysis Tools – Advantages of Artificial Intelligence,Mohamed Boudiaf ,University ,M’sila
- 2024-12-16
Possibilité de réduction de risque des margines (les eaux d’huileries d’olive) sur l’environnement dans l’abattement de la pollution des cours d’eau
Possibilité de réduction de risque des margines (les eaux d’huileries d’olive) sur l’environnement dans l’abattement de la pollution des cours d’eau
Djamel TEMIM , Abderezak GUEMACHE , saadi.guergazi@univ-biskra.dz, ,(2024-12-16), Possibilité de réduction de risque des margines (les eaux d’huileries d’olive) sur l’environnement dans l’abattement de la pollution des cours d’eau,First international seminar on Natural Hazards, Urban Territory Management and Analysis Tools – Advantages of Artificial Intelligence,Mohamed Boudiaf ,University ,M’sila
- 2024-12-13
Élimination de la matière organique présente dans les margines par du traitement de la coagulation floculation par l'utilisation du sulfate d'aluminium
Élimination de la matière organique présente dans les margines par du traitement de la coagulation floculation par l'utilisation du sulfate d'aluminium
Abderezak GUEMACHE , ,(2024-12-13), Élimination de la matière organique présente dans les margines par du traitement de la coagulation floculation par l'utilisation du sulfate d'aluminium,11er séminaire national :Eau, Environnement et Energies renouvelables(SN3ER,Mohamed Boudiaf ,University ,M’sila
- 2024-11-25
Removal of three red dyes: acid, neutral and base from aqueous by adsorption using activated carbon and natural clay
The comparative study of the adsorption of three red dyes (phenolphthalein, Eosin B and carmine) on activated carbon and natural clay was carried out in a static régime. We used different physico-chemical techniques to know the crystalline structure of the DRX device, to do this a clear idea of the chemical bond by the FTIR analysis and finally to know the maximum absorbance λmax of the dyes it is by the method of analysis UV-Visible.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2024-11-25), Removal of three red dyes: acid, neutral and base from aqueous by adsorption using activated carbon and natural clay, Studies in Education Sciences,, Vol:5, Issue:4, pages:01-20, journalbjaer@gmail.com
- 2024-11-24
TP Technologie de production de l'hydrogène
Les travaux pratiques, couramment abrégés en TP, assemblent un type d'enseignement fondé sur l'apprentissage pratique avec en particulier l’exécution d'expériences permettant de vérifier et compléter les connaissances réparties dans les cours théoriques. Les travaux pratiques «Hydrogène vert vecteur d'énergie» dans le département génie électrique constituent une limite entre les notions théoriques acquises des cours magistraux et des travaux dirigés, et la compréhension des phénomènes physiques et chimiques leurs exploitations dans la vie professionnelle et sociale. Il est par logique obligatoire que l’étudiant(e) porte une nouvelle attention d’intéressement et de motivation sur les travaux pratiques.
AbderezakGUEMACHE , ,(2024-11-24); TP Technologie de production de l'hydrogène,Université de M'sila, département de génie électrique,
- 2024-10-12
Elimination des polluants organiques de l’eau par des argiles brutes et modifiées par le procède de séparation par adsorption
élimination des polluants organiques de l’eau par des argiles brutes et modifiées par le procède de séparation par adsorption des polluants organiques de l’eau par des argiles brutes et modifiées par le procède de séparation par adsorption
Abderezak GUEMACHE , ,(2024-10-12), Elimination des polluants organiques de l’eau par des argiles brutes et modifiées par le procède de séparation par adsorption,1er séminaire national : Eau, Environnement et Energies renouvelables(SN3ER),Mohamed Boudiaf ,University ,M’sila
- 2024-06-25
A Novel Method to Obtain Reverse Bias I–V Curves for Single Cells Integrated in Photovoltaic Modules
Despite the existence of accurate mathematical models facilitating the analysis of photovoltaic (PV) sources’ behaviour under diverse conditions, including normal operation and situations involving mismatch phenomena such as partial shadowing and various faults (i.e., PV cells operating in forward bias and reverse bias quadrants), an important issue still persists. Crucial parameters essential for adjusting these models, particularly those related to reverse-biased characteristics such as breakdown voltage, are often absent in manufacturers’ datasheets. This omission presents a substantial challenge, as it restricts the ability to acquire comprehensive and accurate information required for a thorough analysis of devices in the second quadrant. To address this issue, our research introduces a novel method for measuring the reverse-biased I–V characteristics of individual PV cells within a module without having to dissociate them from the PV module encapsulants. The process involves measuring the forward-bias I–V curves of both the fully illuminated PV module and a partially shaded PV module with only one completely shaded cell. This can be achieved outdoors and by utilising commercially available I–V tracers. Thus, the reverse I–V curve can easily be derived from these forward bias I–V curves. Finally, the proposed method serves as a nondestructive technique for characterising solar cells in the second quadrant. This innovative approach offers a promising solution for assessing the performance and health of PV modules without causing damage and may result in significant cost savings.
Mahmoud DRIF , Ahmed BOUCHELAGHEM , Abderezak GUEMACHE , Djamel SAIGAA , djoubair abdelouahab .benhamadouche@univ-msila.dz, , (2024-06-25), A Novel Method to Obtain Reverse Bias I–V Curves for Single Cells Integrated in Photovoltaic Modules, Power Electronics and Drives, Vol:9, Issue:44, pages:413-424, Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska
- 2024-05-08
Energy transition hydrogen and water desalination
Energy transition hydrogen and water desalination
Abderezak GUEMACHE , ,(2024-05-08), Energy transition hydrogen and water desalination,National workshop Univ Ouargla.,Univ Ouargla.
- 2024-05-06
Test d'identification de l'hydrogène vert par un colorant pendant l'electrolyse de l’eau
Test d'identification de l'hydrogène vert par un colorant pendant l’électrolyse de l’eau
Abderezak GUEMACHE , ,(2024-05-06), Test d'identification de l'hydrogène vert par un colorant pendant l'electrolyse de l’eau,2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024),University of M’sila , Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry
- 2024-05-05
Système énergétique de chimie d'hydrogène
Ce polycopié répond au canevas ministériel de cours Systèmes énergétiques et chimie de l’hydrogène enseigné en première année Master I Professionnalisant Semestre 1, filière énergies renouvelables en génie électrique, spécialité Master Hydrogène Vert Vecteur d’Energie. L’hydrogène vert est de l’hydrogène produit à partir d’énergies renouvelables telles que l’énergie solaire, l’énergie éolienne ou l’hydroélectricité. L’hydrogène vert est souvent présenté comme une alternative aux hydrocarbures fossiles, et comme un levier pour faire baisser les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de certains secteurs (industrie, transports, etc.).
AbderezakGUEMACHE , ,(2024-05-05); Système énergétique de chimie d'hydrogène,Université de M'sila, département de génie électrique,
- 2024-05-05
Hydrogène,électrochimie et batteries
Ce polycopié répond au canevas ministériel de cours Hydrogène, Electrochimie et batteries enseigné en première année Semestre 1 Master I(Pro) Hydrogène Vert vecteur d’Energie (HVE). À l'échelle mondiale, la molécule d’hydrogène constitue la principale préoccupation en matière d’énergie C’est cette molécule H2 qui fait l’objet d’une exploitation chimique et suscite un fort intérêt énergétique, tant par ses possibilités d’usage que de stockage. Vecteur énergétique d’avenir et substitut possible aux hydrocarbures,
AbderezakGUEMACHE , ,(2024-05-05); Hydrogène,électrochimie et batteries,Université de M'sila, département de génie électrique,
- 2024-05-05
TP Système énergétique de chimie d'hydrogène
Les travaux pratiques, couramment abrégés en TP, assemblent un type d'enseignement fondé sur l'apprentissage pratique avec en particulier l’exécution d'expériences permettant de vérifier et compléter les connaissances réparties dans les cours théoriques. Les travaux pratiques «Hydrogène vert vecteur d'énergie» dans le département génie électrique constituent une limite entre les notions théoriques acquises des cours magistraux et des travaux dirigés, et la compréhension des phénomènes physiques et chimiques leurs exploitations dans la vie professionnelle et sociale. Il est par logique obligatoire que l’étudiant(e) porte une nouvelle attention d’intéressement et de motivation sur les travaux pratiques.
AbderezakGUEMACHE , ,(2024-05-05); TP Système énergétique de chimie d'hydrogène,Université de M'sila, département de génie électrique,
- 2024-02-05
The effect substitution of lanthanum –aluminate oxide on the catalytic performance of La1-xSrxAlO3-δ (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) for methane oxidation
The effect substitution of lanthanum –aluminate oxide on the catalytic performance of La1-xSrxAlO3-δ (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) for methane oxidation
Abderezak GUEMACHE , ,(2024-02-05), The effect substitution of lanthanum –aluminate oxide on the catalytic performance of La1-xSrxAlO3-δ (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) for methane oxidation,Study Day on Green Hydrogen as an energy vector,Mohamed Boudiaf ,University ,M’sila
- 2024-01-19
The effect of methylene blue on water hardness and antibacterial activity and the environment
This research was carried out to compare complexometric titration methods for the determination of water hardness in the presence of two colored indicators. The complexometric titration with EDTA method has evolved from the typical method of determining water hardness rates used in various references in several countries. Our objective is to make a comparison between Methylene Blue (MB) and Eriochrome black T (EBT) used as color indicators to determine the hardness in drinking water as a function of the flow. Several chemical – physic were used to determine the maximum absorbance of the two dyes UV-visible, identification of functional groups by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), supported by the effect of concentration conductivity
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2024-01-19), The effect of methylene blue on water hardness and antibacterial activity and the environment, Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:1-15, journalbjaer@gmail.com
- 2024-01-17
Removal of a food dye on two solid supports by adsorption
the removal of dyes in a water solution. Natural clay and activated carbon were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques, and the food dye was characterized by UV-Visible. The effects of various experimental parameters, such as initial carmine concentration, contact time, temperature and pH were studied. The removal of the dye increases with the decrease in the initial concentration of carmine and the contact time of the solution.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2024-01-17), Removal of a food dye on two solid supports by adsorption, Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais, Vol:58, Issue:3, pages:447-457, ABES - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental
- 2024-01-04
Removal of a local antiseptic dye on two solid supports by adsorption
In this research, we studied the adsorption of an Eosin B (EB) dye is a local antiseptic, available in pharmacies in the form of an active preparation on the surface of activated carbon and natural clay. Activated carbon and natural clay were characterized using various physicochemical techniques to determine the crystalline structures of the two adsorbents by DRX, and the chemical bonds by FTIR analysis, and finally, to know the maximum absorbance λmax of the dye by UV-Visible analysis. The effects of various experimental parameters, such as the effect of adsorbent mass, the initial concentration of eosin B is 1.610-4 molL-1, the contact time is 24 hours, and the pH 7 ~ 9, were studied. The removal of the dye increases with the decrease of the initial concentration of Eosin B (EB) and the contact time of the solution. The percentage of Eosin B (EB) removal increases accordingly, which arrives at 80% for activated carbon and 92% for natural clay. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were used for the adsorption equilibrium descriptions. The data was very well corrected with these models. Monolayer adsorption capacities were equal to 50 mgg-1 at pH 8.3 and 25°C. Adsorption measurements show that the adsorption process is very fast and physical in nature.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2024-01-04), Removal of a local antiseptic dye on two solid supports by adsorption, Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research, Vol:7, Issue:1, pages:2-19, journalbjaer@gmail.com
- 2023-10-23
Effects of KPS and active tension on the removal of rhodamine B from contaminated soil
La rhodamine B est un composé organique colorant (teinture). Comme les autres rhodamines, elle est souvent utilisée comme colorant traceur dans l'eau pour déterminer les volumes, débits et directions d'écoulement et de transport. Les colorants rhodamine sont fluorescents et sont ainsi facilement et à peu de frais détectables par des instruments appelés fluoromètres
Marwa BACHIRI , Mokhtar DJEHICHE , Abderezak GUEMACHE , ,(2023-10-23), Effects of KPS and active tension on the removal of rhodamine B from contaminated soil,1St International Seminar of chemical processes and sustainable development (ISCPSD23),Skikda
- 2023-06-20
Elimination of the Declared Insecticide by Natural and Modified Clay and Montmorillonite Sodium
In this research, we study the comparison of the removal of a domestic insecticide declared as an organic pollutant from the water on the surface of the natural clay (N-C) and Montmorillonite sodium (Mnt-Na), where we reveal general information about adsorbents on organic pollutants, as well as physical and chemical methods for their spectral analyses. In addition, we have a simplified explanation of the adsorption phenomenon and then we study the various factors that affect it, represented by the effect of the initial concentration of the pollutant solution, the effect of the pH, temperature and the contact time, conductivity effect, turbidity analysis, and dissolved oxygen analysis. And we have achieved the results that benefit us by comparing the effectiveness of Natural clay (N-C) and Montmorillonite sodium ( Mnt-Na) in the elimination of insecticide, in addition to judging the possibility of describing adsorption by the best adsorbent.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , Ahmed BOUCHELAGHEM , Mahmoud DRIF , Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , , (2023-06-20), Elimination of the Declared Insecticide by Natural and Modified Clay and Montmorillonite Sodium, Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, Vol:11, Issue:2, pages:94-99, IIETA
- 2023-04-18
Traitement et dessalement des eaux
Ce polycopié répond au canevas ministériel de cours de traitement et dessalement des eaux enseigné en deuxième année Semestre 3 Master Ressources Hydrauliques système ’L.M.D ‘. À l'échelle mondiale, le traitement et le dessalement des eaux constituent la principale préoccupation en matière de santé publique. L'eau à l'état naturel doit être traitée par des usines de production qui la rendront potable.
AbderezakGUEMACHE , ,(2023-04-18); Traitement et dessalement des eaux,Université de M'sila,
- 2023-04-18
Épuration des eaux usées
Ce polycopié répond au canevas ministériel de cours d’épuration des eaux usées enseigné en première année Semestre 2 Master hydraulique urbaine système L.M.D. À l'échelle mondiale, l’épuration des eaux usées constituent la principale préoccupation en matière de santé publique. L'eau à l'état naturel doit être traitée par des usines de production qui la rendront potable
AbderezakGUEMACHE , ,(2023-04-18); Épuration des eaux usées,Université de M'sila,
- 2023-03-14
Heterogeneous phase adsorption of carmine, phenolphthalein and eosin dyes on activated carbon and natural clay, experiments, characterization and physical interpretations
No microscopic analysis is possible without dyes, stains or indicators. Indeed, dyes and stains are extraordinarily critical in biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiological research, because they are frequently used to dye or dye certain cellular components, proteins or DNA/RNA to visualize them. In biochemistry and molecular biology, dyes and stains are used to highlight biological tissues and to quantify or qualify the presence of certain chemicals when attached to substrates. In microbiology, dyes and stains are used to make microorganisms visible or differentiate them due to distinct colorings properties
Abderezak GUEMACHE , Ahmed BOUCHELAGHEM , Mahmoud DRIF , Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , ,(2023-03-14), Heterogeneous phase adsorption of carmine, phenolphthalein and eosin dyes on activated carbon and natural clay, experiments, characterization and physical interpretations,1st International Seminar on Process Engineering & Environment (ISCPE2023),Biskra
- 2023-01-30
Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric characterization of BFN-modified PZT-based (MPB) ceramics
The solid solution of xBi(Fe1/3Nb2/3)O3–(1-x)Pb(Zr0.50Ti0.50)O3 ceramics near morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) (BFN–PZT, x = 0, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01) were prepared by conventional solid-state reaction method. The samples added with different Bi2O3, Fe2O3, Nb2O5 contents were compared in terms of the phase structure, microstructure, dielectric properties, and piezoelectric properties. In particular, rhombohedral-tetragonal morphotropic phase boundary was observed in BFN–PZT crystal structure near the composition of x = 0.005. The BFN–PZT ceramics exhibited the following optimal properties at x = 0.005: dielectric constant ϵr of 847, dielectric loss tanδ of 0.034, Curie temperature TC of 390°C, electrical conductivity σ of 0.441 (Mohm.m)−1, piezoelectric charge constant d33 of 416 pC/N, electromechanical coupling factor KP of 0.654, and mechanical quality factor Qm of 426, making it a promising material for use in high-intensity ultrasound applications.
Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , Abderezak GUEMACHE , Benseghir Sabrina, , (2023-01-30), Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric characterization of BFN-modified PZT-based (MPB) ceramics, Phase Transitions, Vol:96, Issue:2, pages:1-13, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
- 2022
Properties and Characteristic of Perovskite Type Ca1-xSrxMnO3
Ca1-xSrxMnO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2) nanoparticules were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. The structural analysis reveals the presence of Octahedral coordination of MnO4. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of MnO4 show the occurrence of O-Mn-O vibrational mode at around 590 cm-1. The XRD indicates that the samples are Rhombohedral lattice. The differential and thermo gravimetric analysis, curve obtained from the composition x=0.1,it has distinct pure phase at 600°C. The study of electrochemical behavior was carried out by cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and impedance spectroscopy (EIS).Show that the apparent electrochemical activity improves by increasing the strontium concentration. This is due to the particle size effect of strontium.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2022), Properties and Characteristic of Perovskite Type Ca1-xSrxMnO3, Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Vol:25, Issue:2, pages:145-148, Prof. Oumarou SAVADOGO
- 2022
- 2021
Phase structure, microstructure, and dielectric properties of (1–x)Pb(Zr0.50 Ti0.50)O3–xBa(W2/3 Mn1/3)O3 ceramics
Ceramics in (1-x)PZT–xBWM system with formula (1-x)Pb(Zr0.50 Ti0.50)O3–xBa(W2/3 Mn1/3)O3, where x¼0.0025–0.01, were prepared by a normal solid-state method and sintered at 1150 C. The crystal structure, microstructure and dielectric properties of the ceramics were investigated via X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and dielectric spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction results demonstrate that all the samples lie within the morphotropic phase boundary region. A microstructure with mean grains sizes of 1.71–2.11 lm were found and the apparent density of 7.59–7.75 g/cm3. The Curie temperature (Tc) decreases with increasing BWM content. The room temperature dielectric constant shows a decreasing trend while loss improves with BWM doping.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2021), Phase structure, microstructure, and dielectric properties of (1–x)Pb(Zr0.50 Ti0.50)O3–xBa(W2/3 Mn1/3)O3 ceramics, Ferroelectrics, Vol:572, Issue:1, pages:229-237, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
- 2021
Influence of YTS addition on structural and electrical properties of PZT-based ceramics Processing and Application of Ceramics UNIV NOVI SAD, FAC TECHNOLOGY
Perovskite solid solution (1-x)Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3-xY(Ta1/2Sb1/2)O3 ceramics (abbreviated as PZT-YTS, where x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05) were synthesized by conventional solid state method. The phase structure, microstructure and corresponding electrical properties were studied. X-ray diffraction and Raman analyses show that tetragonal phase structure was obtained in all ceramics at room temperature. Scanning electron micrographs of the samples show uniform grain distribution and grain growth inhibition with the increase of doping content. The dielectric permittivity, dissipation factor, electromechanical coupling factor, Young modulus, mechanical quality factor, piezoelectric charge constant, actual density and piezoelectric voltage constant, for the ceramics with x = 0.04 were: "r = 714.9, tan = 0.03345, KP = 0.635, Y = 10.528 × 1010 N/m2, Qm = 622.254, d31 = 74.738 × 10−12 C/N, a = 7.67 g/cm3 and g31 = 10.477 × 10−3 m·V/N, respectively, which are optimal in comparison to other studied samples.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2021), Influence of YTS addition on structural and electrical properties of PZT-based ceramics Processing and Application of Ceramics UNIV NOVI SAD, FAC TECHNOLOGY, Processing and Application of Ceramics, Vol:15, Issue:3, pages:279–287, Prof. Vladimir V. Srdic
- 2021
Effect of Zr/Ti Ratio on Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties of 0.1Pb[Fe1/2Nb1/2]O3-0.9Pb[ZrxTi(1–x)]O30 Ceramics
This study describes the microstructure, crystal structure, dielectric and piezoelectric behavior of 0.1Pb[Fe1/2Nb1/2]O3-0.9Pb[ZrxTi(1–x)]O3 (x = 0.49-0.55) ceramics synthesized by solid-state reaction. Compositions were sintered at 1180oC for 120 min. Dense and uniform microstructure was seen through microstructural analysis. XRD pattern confirmed the co-existence of tetragonal and rhombohedral perovskite phases in these compositions where 0.51 x 0.53. Compositions with 0.51 x 0.53 resulted in the optimum values of properties, viz. dielectric constant (r) of 1150, piezoelectric coefficient (d31) of 9510–12 C/N, piezoelectric voltage constant (g31) of 7010–3 mV/N and the coupling factor (kp) value of 0.67. Results indicated that this material composition could be suitable for power harvesting and sensor applications.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2021), Effect of Zr/Ti Ratio on Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties of 0.1Pb[Fe1/2Nb1/2]O3-0.9Pb[ZrxTi(1–x)]O30 Ceramics, Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, Vol:80, Issue:1, pages:60-63, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
- 2020
Study of Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (1-x)PZT-xSFN Ceramics Prepared by Conventional Solid State Reaction Method
Modified-PZT ceramics with a formula (1-x)Pb(Zr0.53 Ti0.47)O3-xSr(Fe2/3, Nb1/3)O3 (doped with isovalent: Sr2+, acceptor: Fe3+ and Donor: Nb5+ ions) abbreviated as (1-x)PZT-xSFN binary system with varying x (x= 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10) located near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) were prepared by a traditional process in a solid state. All the samples were sintered at a temperature of 1200°C during 2 h. The phase structure, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the system were studied. In-phase analysis used X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature indicated that the structure of phase of sintered PZT-SFN ceramics was formed in single-phase with a crystalline structure tetragonal. Raman spectroscopy confirms the presence of this tetragonal phase. The optimum electrical parameters are obtained at 0.94Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3-0.06Sr(Fe2/3, Nb1/3)O3 system: kp= 66.10 %, d31= 145 pC/N, Qm= 473, tanδ= 1.11 %, and ɛr= 1009.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2020), Study of Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (1-x)PZT-xSFN Ceramics Prepared by Conventional Solid State Reaction Method, Journal of The Chemical Society of Pakistan, Vol:42, Issue:6, pages:634-638, jcsp.org.pk
- 2020
Structure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Pb[(Zr0.45,Ti0.5)(Mn0.5,Sb0.5)0.05]O3 ceramics
This study describes structure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Pb[(Zr0.45,Ti0.5)(Mn0.5,Sb0.5)0.05]O3 (PZT-PMS) ceramics prepared by conventional mixed-oxide route and sintered at up to 1180 °C. The pre- pared ceramics was characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The piezoelectric constants, dielectric constant, Young’s modulus and electromechanical factors were measured in broad tem- perature range. The results showed that the PZT-PMS ceramics is composed of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases and has the average grain size of about 1 μm. The Pb[(Zr0.45,Ti0.5)(Mn0.5,Sb0.5)0.05]O3 ceramics has excellent dielectric and piezoelectric properties for wide practical applications. Thus, planar coupling factor of 0.70, poled dielectric constant of 8215, the Curie temperature of 345 °C and dielectric loss of 6% were attained in the PZT-PMS ceramics sintered at 1180 °C.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , , (2020), Structure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Pb[(Zr0.45,Ti0.5)(Mn0.5,Sb0.5)0.05]O3 ceramics, Processing and Application of Ceramics, Vol:14, Issue:1, pages:19-24, Prof. Vladimir V. Srdic
- 2019
élimination d’un insecticide domestique par une argile naturelle
Ce travail a pour objectif d’étude l’impact d’un insecticide à usage domestique qui est classé comme un micropolluant organique, en présence de deux argiles qui jouent le rôle des adsorbants. Les essais ont pour but d’estimer l’élimination des micropolluants organiques par une argile brute et une argile modifiée pour une dose de réactif. Des méthodes d’analyses quantitatives et qualitatives à savoir (DRX, FTIR, pH-conductimètre, turbidimétrie, oxygène dissous,).Les résultats obtenus sont illustrées dans des tableaux et des figures indiquent que l’élimination de l’insecticide par les deux argiles a une visée importante sur l’acidité, la turbidité, et l’oxygène dissous.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , Fares KAHOUL , ,(2019), élimination d’un insecticide domestique par une argile naturelle,Congrès International sur les Energies Renouvelables et le Développement Durable,Tunisie
- 2019
Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (1-x) Pb (Zr0.52 Ti0.48) O3–x Sm Cr O3 ceramics
This work reported the structural, dielectric, and piezoelectric behavior of (1-x) Pb (Zr0.52 Ti0.48) O3 – x Sm Cr O3 ceramics (abbreviated as PZTSC, where x = 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02 and 0.025), were prepared by the traditional solid-state reaction method. The phase transition, microstructure, dielectric, piezoelectric properties, and the temperature stability of the ceramics were investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that as-prepared ceramics were of pure perovskite phase and the possible morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between the tetragonal and rhombohedral phase compositions were located near the SC content of x ≥ 0.02, confirmed by their corresponding dielectric and piezoelectric properties. All specimens present high relative density above 97%, indicating a wide sintering window for this system. Microstructural investigations of all the samples reveal that SC doping inhibits grain growth. The dielectric and piezoelectric properties show a maximum response at x ≥ 0.02, which corresponds to the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB).
Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , Abderezak GUEMACHE , Michel Aillerie, Ahmed Boutarfaia, , (2019), Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (1-x) Pb (Zr0.52 Ti0.48) O3–x Sm Cr O3 ceramics, International Journal of Control, Energy and Electrical Engineering (CEEE),, Vol:9, Issue:9, pages:1-5, Prof. Youcef Soufi
- 2019
Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (1-x) Pb (Zr0.52 Ti0.48) O3–x Sm Cr O3 ceramics
This work reported the structural, dielectric, and piezoelectric behavior of (1-x) Pb (Zr0.52 Ti0.48) O3 – x Sm Cr O3 ceramics (abbreviated as PZTSC, where x = 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02 and 0.025), were prepared by the traditional solid-state reaction method. The phase transition, microstructure, dielectric, piezoelectric properties, and the temperature stability of the ceramics were investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that as-prepared ceramics were of pure perovskite phase and the possible morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between the tetragonal and rhombohedral phase compositions were located near the SC content of x ≥ 0.02, confirmed by their corresponding dielectric and piezoelectric properties. All specimens present high relative density above 97%, indicating a wide sintering window for this system. Microstructural investigations of all the samples reveal that SC doping inhibits grain growth. The dielectric and piezoelectric properties show a maximum response at x ≥ 0.02, which corresponds to the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB).
Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , Abderezak GUEMACHE , Michel Aillerie, Ahmed Boutarfaia, ,(2019), Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (1-x) Pb (Zr0.52 Ti0.48) O3–x Sm Cr O3 ceramics,3ième congrès international sur les énergies renouvelables et développement Durable (ERDD-2019),Monastir-Tunisie.
- 2019
The impact of insecticide for domestic use on drinking water
This work aims, studying the impact of water in the presence of the insecticide domestic use that is classified as an organic micro pollutant, the impact tests were performed in the laboratory on a household insecticide dissolved in water. The aim of the tests is to estimate the micro pollutant impact for a reagent dose. Quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, namely (pH-metry, conductimetry, turbidity; hardness dissolved oxygen, BDO5), and antibacterial activity are used in answer of a polluted water analysis.
Abderezak GUEMACHE , Fares KAHOUL , Louanes HAMZIOUI , , (2019), The impact of insecticide for domestic use on drinking water, International Journal of Scientific Research &Engineering Technology (IJSET), Vol:10, Issue:10, pages:55-60, Prof. Ille Gebeshuber