فضيل مليكة
06 62 29 41 60
- Departement of ELECTRONICS
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade MCB
About Me
Docteur en Electronique, option: Electronique. in université de M'sila
DomainScience et Technologies
Research Domains
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2022
Encaderement master
Yahi Bouchra , Hamoudi Hadjer
Commande floue adaptative indirecte basée sur l’identification inverse appliquée sur la machine asynchrone pentaphasée
- 2021
Encaderement master
Réduction des ondulations de la vitesse d’un moteur polyphasé : utilisant la commande floue à gain adaptatif.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Application de la technique de linéarisation par retour d’état à la commande de la machine asynchrone pentaphasée
- 2020
Encaderement master
ZERKAOUI, Thabet , SAIDI, Noureddine
Comparaison des performances des régulateurs PI et flous appliques sur la machine pentaphasée
- 2019
- 2016
Encaderement master
Saddam, Hadji
Logiciel de simulation des convertisseurs d’électronique de puissance
- 2016
Encaderement master
Ibrahim, Laghouag
Commande par logique floue type -2-appliquée à la machine asynchrone
- 2015
Encaderement master
Commande adaptative floue basée sur la minimisation d'erreur d’état
- 2015
Encaderement master
Commande adaptative floue basée sur la minimisation d'erreur filtrée appliqué à la « Machine asynchrone »
- 2014
Encaderement master
Daoud boussag
Commande adaptative floue appliquée à la machine asynchrone
- 2013
Encaderement master
Dahmani badisse
Commande par mode glissant flou appliquée à la machine asynchrone
- 2012
Encaderement master
Benselhoub Nadjet , x, x
Commande par mode glissant appliquée à la machine asynchrone
- 2012
Encaderement master
Djagham sabah
Commande par logique floue appliquée à la machine asynchrone
- 18-04-2024
Docteur en Electronique, option: Electronique
Commande d'une Machine Polyphasée en Modes Normal et Dégradé - 18-01-2008
Magister en Electronique, Option : Contrôle
commande adaptative par logique floue de la machine asynchrone - 01-06-1992
- 1966-10-21 00:00:00
MALIKA Fodil birthday
- 2023-05-18
Optimization of PI Controller Parameters by GWO Algorithm for Five-Phase Asynchronous Motor
Operation at low speed and high torque can lead to the generation of strong ripples in the speed, which can deteriorate the system. To reduce the speed oscillations when operating a five-phase asynchronous motor at low speed, in this article, we propose a control method based on Gray Wolf optimization (GWO) algorithms to adjust the parameters of proportional–integral (PI) controllers. Proportional–integral controllers are commonly used in control systems to regulate the speed and current of a motor. The controller parameters, such as the integral gain and proportional gain, can be adjusted to improve the control performance. Specifically, reducing the integral gain can help reduce the oscillations at low speeds. The proportional–integral controller is insensitive to parametric variations; however, when we employ a GWO optimization strategy based on PI controller parameters, and when we choose gains wisely, the system becomes more reliable. The obtained results show that the hybrid control of the five-phase induction motor (IM) offers high performance in the permanent and transient states. In addition, with this proposed strategy controller, disturbances do not affect motor performance.
Malika FODIL , ALI Djerioui , MOHAMED Ladjal , HEMZA Mekki , SAMIR Zeghlache , Abdelhakim Saim, Fouad.Berrabah.@univ-msila.dz, Azeddine Houari, Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris, , (2023-05-18), Optimization of PI Controller Parameters by GWO Algorithm for Five-Phase Asynchronous Motor, Energies, Vol:16, Issue:10, pages:1-14, Licence MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
- 2015-11-10
Commande floue adaptative directe stable étendue appliquée à la machine asynchrone
Today, as a result of significant progress in the area of control of electrical machines, new techniques and approaches have emerged. In order nonlinear or having non constant parameters systems, conventional control laws may be inadequate because some performance can not be guaranteed in the presence of structural variations or external disturbances. It is then necessary to synthesize robust controls with respect to these disturbances. It is in this context that we propose in this work a new command combines the study of adaptivity with the uncertainty that derives adaptive fuzzy controllers. This study presents the directadaptive fuzzy control stability extended, which uses the theory of approximation and the theory of Lyapunov to establish a parametric adaptation law ensuring the stability and boundedness of all the control signals and the tracking error. The obtained results show that direct adaptive fuzzy control stability extended has proved a great effectiveness and a strong robustness in the presence of parameter variations and disturbances.
Malika FODIL , Said BARKAT , , (2015-11-10), Commande floue adaptative directe stable étendue appliquée à la machine asynchrone, African Journals Online (AJOL), Vol:31, Issue:, pages:71-79, African Journals Online (AJOL)
- 2014-11-10
Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Control Based on the Inverse Identification applied to the asynchronous machine
The asynchronous machine currently holds a very important and ever-growing market thanks to its simplicity, robustness and low manufacturing cost. Despite these advantages, his command remains a more complex in comparison to the direct current machine, the use of fuzzy control is an interest having regard to its ability to treat the imprecision and uncertainty. If the variable dynamic systems impose the adjustment of the parameters of the controller and if the base of rules of order is difficult to build, the introduced of the adaptive techniques of control is necessary. Consequently, the combination of the study of adaptivity and uncertainty made it possible to derive the adaptive fuzzy controllers. In this context, several schemas of adaptive fuzzy controller have been proposed, among them the indirect adaptive fuzzy control In the indirect approach, the fuzzy systems are used to estimate the system dynamics and control law is obtained from the estimated. With through the obtained results, indirect adaptive fuzzy control based on the inverse identification has proved a great effectiveness and a strong robustness in the presence of parameter variations and disturbances.
Malika FODIL , ,(2014-11-10), Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Control Based on the Inverse Identification applied to the asynchronous machine,Second World Conference on Complex Systems WCCS,Maroc
- 2014
Novel approach to direct adaptive fuzzy control applied to the asynchronous machine
this paper presents an advanced direct adaptive fuzzy control for asynchronous machine which uses the theory of approximation and the theory of Lyapunov to establish a parametric adaptation law ensuring the stability and boundedness of all the control signals and the tracking error. In the direct approach, the fuzzy system is used to describe directly the control law and the parameters of the fuzzy system are directly adjusted to achieve the control objectives. Through the obtained results, stable direct adaptive fuzzy control generalized has proved a great effectiveness and a strong robustness in the presence of parameter variations and disturbances.
Malika FODIL , ,(2014), Novel approach to direct adaptive fuzzy control applied to the asynchronous machine,world symposium on méchatronics engineering § applied physics,Tunisie
- 2013
Commande floue adaptative directe linéarisante avec application
La machine asynchrone, dont la structure simple fait le succès industriel, devient redoutablement complexe lorsqu’il s’agit d’en étudier une commande performante. Le recours à la commande par la logique floue trouve un intérêt important auprès des chercheurs, vu sa capacité de traiter l’imprécis, l’incertain et le vague. Si les systèmes dynamiques variables imposent l’ajustement des paramètres du régulateur et si la base de règles de commande est difficile à construire, les chercheurs ont introduit les techniques de commande adaptatives. Par conséquent, la combinaison de l’étude de l’adaptativité et de l’incertitude a permis de dériver les contrôleurs flous adaptatifs. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs schémas de commande floue adaptative ont été proposés, parmi eux la commande floue adaptative directe linéarisante ou l’étude de la stabilité est fondée sur l’approche de Lyapunov.
Malika FODIL , ,(2013), Commande floue adaptative directe linéarisante avec application,8eme Conférence sur le Génie Electrique(CGE08),alger
- 2013
Commande floue adaptative directe stable étendue appliquée à la machine asynchrone
The asynchronous machine, of which the simple structure makes industrial success, becomes terribly complex when it is a question of studying a powerful control of it. During the last decades the fuzzy logic control became a very important field of investigation and a lot of researchers are focused on. If the variable dynamic systems impose the adjustment of the parameters of the controller and if the base of rules of order is difficult to build, the introduced of the adaptive techniques of control is necessary. Consequently, the combination of the study of adaptivity and uncertainty made it possible to derive the adaptive fuzzy controllers. In this context, several schemas of adaptive fuzzy controller have been proposed, among them the direct adaptive fuzzy control stability extended or the study of stability is based on the Lyapunov approach. With through the obtained results, direct adaptive fuzzy control stability extended has proved a great effectiveness and a strong robustness in the presence of parameter variations and disturbances.
Malika FODIL , ,(2013), Commande floue adaptative directe stable étendue appliquée à la machine asynchrone,the first International Conference on Electrical Energy and Systems ICEES 2013,Annaba