RAZIKA Ihaddadene
احدادن رزيقة
07 95 28 80 97
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Habilitation universitaire en Génie Mécanique. in Université de Mohamed Khider Biskra.
Research Domains
Solar energy Wind energy Photovoltaic Modelisation Simulation
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Tabet Samir
Influence des conditions climatiques sur la performance des panneaux PV
- 2024
Encaderement master
Bouafia Chouki , Chendi Mohamed, -
Modélisation de la puissance d’une cheminée solaire
- 2023
- 2023
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Ould Ahmedou Bamba Mohamed EL Hacen
Étude et évaluation de performances des centrales photovoltaïques
- 2022
Encaderement master
Étude expérimentale d’une cheminée solaire
- 2022
Encaderement master
Etude thermique d'un panneau photovoltaique
- 2022
Encaderement master
DJAIDJA, Khalil; , CHICOUCHE Ahmed Lyamine
- 2021
Encaderement master
Achour, Omar , Boutchicha, Abderrazak
- 2021
- 2020
Encaderement master
BOUREZG, Soheyb , BOUBAYA, Djoudi
Etude de la dégradation d’un panneau photovoltaïque
- 2020
Encaderement master
Aad Abdullah, Ahsan AL-qamadi
Etude de la centrale photovoltaïque de Dhaya (Sidi Bel Abbés).
- 2019
- 2019
- 2018
Encaderement master
Bakhti Abdelkrim
Application des méthodes intelligentes pour la prédiction des températures
- 2018
Encaderement master
Deradji Khalil , Salem Mohammed Elyamine
Simulation des échangeurs de chaleur dans le moteur Diesel « 7FDS16 »
- 2018
- 2017
Encaderement master
Prédiction des Radiations Solaires Application à la région de M’sila
- 2017
Gherbi Akrem , Mamlouki Mohammed
Relation entre les radiations solaires globales et la température
- 2017
Co-Encaderement Master
Benamra Abbas
Etude d'échangeurs de chaleur Application à la raffinerie de Hassi Messaoud
- 2016
Encaderement master
Etude des radiations solaires Application à la région de M’sila
- 2015
Encaderement master
Debih ahmed
Modélisation et simulation d'un systeme photovoltaique (ET M 5685)
- 2015
Ould Ahmed Bemba Med El Hassen
Relation entre irradiation solaire et fraction d'insolation
- 2015
- 2015
Encaderement master
Lahoues Malek
application de la méthode PEM (Principe du Maximum d'Entropie) dans l'analyse de la vitesse du vent . application pour la région de M'sila
- 2014
Hamidi Aissa
Etude éxperimentale d'un capteur photovoltaique : influence de l'angle d'inclinaison
- 2013
- 2013
Encaderement master
Zebidour Mourad
Une approche statistique dans l'estimation de la distribution du vent: cas de la région de M'sila
- 2012
- 2012
- 2012
- 2011
- 2011
- 2010
Hachoud Ilyes , Bey Elhadi, Ouadah Lamine +Dahdouh Lakdhar
Recalcul de l'instalation de chauffage central des 2000 places pédagogiques du pole universitaire de M'sila
- 2009
Boudinar Ahmed , Terki Hichem
Contibution à l'étude de la liquéfication du gaz naturel du complexe d'Arzew
- 2009
- 2005
Charfaoui Samora , Djidel Rabeh
Etude du broyeur à boulets de la ACC Hammam Dalaa M'sila
- 2002
- 03-05-2017
- 01-10-2014
Doctorat en science en mécanique de précision
Comportement à l’usure des matériaux biomédicaux : application aux prothèses de hanches. - 01-03-2001
Magister en Génie des procédés / Systèmes Energétiques
Etude du mécanisme de croissance en lit fluidisé : conception et réalisation d’un enrobeur à lit fluidisé’ - 01-05-1998
Diplôme d’Ingénieur d’Etat en Génie Mécanique option Energétique
Projet d’installation d’un échangeur réchauffeur d’eau d’alimentation d’une chaudière - 1974-11-10 00:00:00
RAZIKA Ihaddadene birthday
- 2025-02-01
Study of the variation of temperatures in a solar chimney
In the present study, an experimental investigation was performed to study the effect of mean absorber and collector temperatures on the mean air and chimney temperatures. In the dry climate of Biskra University, experiments were carried out using a solar chimney prototype that presented the following characteristics: 0.50 m for the collector’s radius, 10 cm for the collector’s height, 10 cm for the chimney radius, and 1 m for the chimney’s height. The temperature at the various study points has been measured using temperature measurement systems. The experimental results show that the temperatures of the absorber, collector, and air follow the same pattern. The temperature in the chimney follows the same pattern; it degrades following a linear law depending on the position. The absorber’s mean temperature rises in accordance with the collector’s mean temperature rise, according to a linear law with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.94. The mean air temperature rises in tandem with the mean absorber and collector temperatures in a model that follows an exponential law (R2 =0.84). Additionally, the mean temperature of the chimney rises in tandem with the mean temperatures of the absorber and collector, according to a mathematical model following a polynomial law (R2 =0.87). So the absorber temperature is a key parameter that affects the solar chimney performance
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , AMMAR Semane , Elhouas BEDJEGHIT,, Belhi GUERIRA, , (2025-02-01), Study of the variation of temperatures in a solar chimney, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol:43, Issue:1, pages:1-10, Yıldız Technical University Press, İstanbul, Turkey
- 2024-12-15
Experimental study of temperature changes in the collector and absorber of a solar chimney
In the present study, an experimental investigation was performed to study the mean absorber and collector temperatures. In the dry climate of Biskra University, experiments were carried out using a solar chimney prototype that presented the following characteristics: 0.50 m for the collector's radius, 10 cm for the collector's height, 10 cm for the chimney radius, and 1 m for the chimney's height. The temperature at the various study points has been measured using temperature measurement systems. The experimental results show that the temperatures of the absorber and collector follow the same pattern. The absorber's mean temperature rises in accordance with the collector's mean temperature rise, according to a linear law with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.94.
Razika IHADDADENE , AMMAR Semane , Nabila IHADDADENE , Elhouas Bedgrit, Belhi.guerira, ,(2024-12-15), Experimental study of temperature changes in the collector and absorber of a solar chimney,The First International Congress on Recent Advances in Mathematical, Physical, and Chemical Sciences 1st ICRRAMPCS,Constantine
- 2024-12-01
World Journal of Environmental Research ISSN 2301-2641 Volume 14, Issue 2, (2024) 80-89 www.wjer.eu Ambient temperature and solar radiation effects on absorber and collector mean temperature in a solar chimney
The growing interest in solar chimneys stems from their simple design and wide-ranging applicability, offering a sustainable solution for energy efficiency and climate adaptation. However, optimizing their thermal performance in various environmental conditions remains an area of active research. This study aimed to address this gap by experimentally analyzing the thermal behavior of a solar chimney prototype with a 1-meter collector diameter in an arid climatic setting. Ten temperature sensors, evenly distributed on the absorber and collector, recorded data alongside ambient temperature and solar radiation at one-minute intervals. Results revealed that solar radiation and ambient temperature exert a significant impact on the thermal performance of the absorber and collector, with their average temperatures showing a strong correlation to these variables. A polynomial model was developed to predict the mean temperature variations of the absorber and collector as functions of solar radiation and ambient temperature, offering a reliable analytical tool for system optimization. These findings contribute to the understanding of solar chimney dynamics and provide a foundation for enhancing their design and performance, particularly in arid regions where solar energy potential is abundant.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2024-12-01), World Journal of Environmental Research ISSN 2301-2641 Volume 14, Issue 2, (2024) 80-89 www.wjer.eu Ambient temperature and solar radiation effects on absorber and collector mean temperature in a solar chimney, World Journal of Environmental Research ISSN 2301-2641, Vol:14, Issue:2, pages:80-89, ciencepark Research Organization and Counseling LTD.
- 2024-11-25
Effect of Solar Radiation Intensity on the Drying of Tomatoes
In this study, the effect of radiation intensity was investigated using a new device (halogen lamp) witch simulate the solar radiation. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory, varying the radiation intensity between 2655 W/m2 and 619.5 W/m2 through 1062 W/m² and 1327.5 W/m2. The results show that the shape of the MR curves is similar to that obtained with other drying methods, and the drying time of this new technique is reduced. Similarly, increasing the radiation intensity reduces the drying time. A mathematical model that describes the variation of MR as a function of time and solar radiation has been proposed. These results are in agreement with the experimental results.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Réda Khama, Hachemi Benouadah, ,(2024-11-25), Effect of Solar Radiation Intensity on the Drying of Tomatoes,10th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy,BELGRADE, SERBIA
- 2024-11-25
Modeling the Effects of Wall Orientations on Indoor Temperature During the Autumn Season : A Case Study of Ouled Sidi Brahim (Algeria)
The construction sector is globally recognized for its substantial energy consumption and environmental impact. Proper orientation of buildings presents a cost-effective strategy to enhance thermal comfort for occupants while reducing energy expenditure associated with heating and cooling. This study, conducted in Ouled Sidi Brahim (Algeria), aims to assess and model the influence of wall orientation (East, West, North, and South) on the internal temperature of a small cubic brick room during the autumn season. Four temperature sensors were strategically installed at the center of each external wall face to continuously monitor their temperatures at one-minute intervals over various days throughout the study period. The indoor temperature was also recorded using the same methodology. During autumn, the temperature variation within the chamber closely aligns with that observed on the exterior surface of the north-facing wall. Furthermore, the indoor temperature of the chamber is significantly affected by the temperature of its north-facing wall (T_North), whereas the impact from other orientations ranges from moderate to weak. The proposed model, which employs multiple linear regression for each month of autumn, demonstrates proficiency in accurately predicting internal temperatures based on external surface temperatures of the walls.
Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , Mohamed CHOUIDIRA , ,(2024-11-25), Modeling the Effects of Wall Orientations on Indoor Temperature During the Autumn Season : A Case Study of Ouled Sidi Brahim (Algeria),10th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy,virtual
- 2024-11-21
Ambient temperature and solar radiation effects on absorber and collector mean temperature in a solar chimney
The recent increase in the utilization and development of solar chimneys can be attributed to their straightforward design and extensive applicability. This experimental investigation involved the construction of a solar chimney prototype with a collector diameter of 1 meter, which was fitted with ten temperature sensors(five positioned on the absorber and five located on the collector) within the same plane. The experiments were conducted in an arid climatic environment. Temperature variations recorded by the ten sensors, along with ambient temperature and solar radiation levels, were monitored at one-minute intervals. The results indicate that both ambient temperature and solar radiation significantly influence the average temperatures of the absorber and collector. A polynomial model was employed to estimate the variation in mean temperatures of both the absorber and collector in relation to solar radiation and ambient temperature.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , AMMAR Semane , Elhouas Bedjeghit, Belhu Guerira, ,(2024-11-21), Ambient temperature and solar radiation effects on absorber and collector mean temperature in a solar chimney,11 th Global Congress on Renewable Energy and Environment,Istanbul (Turquie)
- 2024-10-15
Thermal Behavior of Three Commonly used Building Materials in Algeria
This study aims to investigate the thermal behavior of two widely used building materials—namely, red brick and concrete block—as well as a stone from an Algerian arid location that was formerly in use but is now abandoned. To observe the materials' heating behavior during the day when exposed to sun radiation, the experimental technique involves exposing them to halogen lamp radiation of 1000 W for four (04) hours. Their cooling-down behavior during the night, when the sun sets, is also studied for one (01) hour by turning off the halogen lamp. The parallelepiped-shaped materials tested are insulated across their whole perimeter to ensure unidirectional heat propagation from the face exposed to the lamp toward the face parallel to it. Throughout the test, the temperatures of the top and bottom uninsulated faces were measured in increments of one minute. The temperature of the concrete block exposed to the halogen lamp's radiation increases quickly as soon as it is turned on, then that of the red brick, and finally that of the stone. Moreover, the face of the concrete block exposed to the lamp’s radiation records the highest temperature at 67.63°C, while that of the stone records the lowest one at 46.23°C. Furthermore, the tested stone has the highest thermal resistance (5.3°C/W), while concrete block has the lowest (1.02°C/W). Regarding the cooling of the tested materials, the concrete block cools slowly while the red brick cools quickly. The behavior of the stone is in between. Given this behavior, it is not advisable to use red brick in the winter and concrete blocks in the summer. It is more recommended to use local stone as a building material in arid regions.
Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , ,(2024-10-15), Thermal Behavior of Three Commonly used Building Materials in Algeria,2024 5th International Conference on Building Science, Technology and Sustainability,Lisbone Portugal
- 2024-10-13
Experimental study of the evolution of temperatures in a solar chimeny
The purpose of the current study is to conduct an experimental investigation into the effects of ambient temperature and solar radiation on the average temperature of the absorber and collector of the solar chimney. To achieve this goal, a solar chimney prototype with a collector diameter of 0.79 m, a collector height of 0.105 m, a chimney diameter of 0.075 m, and a chimney height of 1.39 m was constructed at M'sila University. The experiments were conducted in a arid climate at the Biskra University. The results show that the average absorber temperature was higher than the average collector temperature. The two temperatures are related by a polynomial relationship. The ambient temperature and solar radiation have a significant impact on the average temperature changes of the absorber and collector. Mathematical models that describe the evolution of the average collector and absorber temperatures in relation to solar radiation and ambient temperature have been proposed.
Razika IHADDADENE , AMMAR Semane , Elhouas Bedgerit, Belhi Guerira, ,(2024-10-13), Experimental study of the evolution of temperatures in a solar chimeny,Séminaire national; Eau, Environnement et Energies renouvelables,M'sila
- 2024-08-24
Performance study of two PV power plants in Alger
This paper aims to highlight the importance of the application of the IEC 61724 standard in the study of the performance analysis of photovoltaic power plants on a monthly and annual scale. Likewise, the comparison of two photovoltaic power plants with two different climates was carried out in order to determine the effect of climatic parameters on the analysis of photovoltaic performances. All data from the Saida and Adrar photovoltaic power plants for 2018 and the data from the Saida1 field for one month in 2019 were used. The results of the performance analysis according to the indicated standard show that the Saida PV power plant performs better than the Adrar PV power plant, which is due to the effect of increasing the ambient temperature. Increasing ambient temperature increases losses, decreases system efficiency and performance ratio. It presents a key element in the proper functioning of PV plants.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Mohamed El Hacen Jed, ,(2024-08-24), Performance study of two PV power plants in Alger,5th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy Engineering (CGEE 2024),Izmir (Turkey)
- 2024-07-15
Experimental and numerical modeling of photovoltaic modules temperature under varying ambient conditions
In this work, comprehensive three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulation, of fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena around a free-standing polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic module is carried out. The objective is to provide accurate calculation of module’s temperature as a key parameter to estimate its power output. Therefore, experiments were conducted at the university of El Oued, south-east Algeria, to collect the necessary dataset for simulations. Considering different heat transfer mechanisms, modeling absorbed solar energy within the cells, and after mesh refinement study and model validation, simulations were performed and different parameters have been investigated. Results show that more accurate module temperature estimation can be achieved based on numerical simulations. It was also found that numerical simulation overcome other models from literature and provides better results, achieving an of 0.995 and a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.822. Results also indicate that, solar radiation , ambient temperature and wind speed tend to have the major impact on , an increase of in can produce an increase of in at low wind speeds, and about for relatively higher . also tends to yield linear increase in , expecting rise, for increase in at and of solar radiation and wind speed, respectively. Additionally, a regression-based model was proposed for engineering applications, providing accurate results with an of 0.989, a MAE of 1.009, which is more accurate than the best model from literature.
Razika IHADDADENE , Abdelhak Keddouda , Ali Boukhari, Abdelmalek Atia, Müslüm Arıcı, Nacer Lebbihiat, Nabila Ihaddadene, , (2024-07-15), Experimental and numerical modeling of photovoltaic modules temperature under varying ambient conditions, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol:312, Issue:1, pages:118563, Elsiviers
- 2024-06-01
Photovoltaic module temperature prediction using various machine learning algorithms: Performance evaluation
This paper presents data-driven models for photovoltaic module temperature prediction and analyzes the relation and effects of ambient conditions to module temperature. A total of 12 different machine learning and regression algorithms are implemented, with a large experimental dataset of 345,600 × 7. Prior to implementing those algorithms, data preprocessing is performed to prepare the datasets and determine the informative attributes for the models. Using PCA with module temperature as target to predict, the selected features for models' inputs were determined to be ambient temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, and relative humidity, and each algorithm is cross-validated and tuned with optimal performance parameters. Results show that while relative humidity is more likely to introduce less information to the model, other aforementioned features are the important parameters to predict the module temperature. While for linear modeling, LASSO algorithm provided the best performance, the ANN model demonstrated the best overall results as it produced the most accurate predictions with lowest errors. A similar performance is attained by the proposed non-linear model, KRR and Gradient Boosting algorithm, with a slight advantage to the KRR model. Furthermore, in comparison to experimental data, the ANN model and the proposed non-linear model provided an R2 values of 0.986 and 0.981, with a MAE of 0.982 and 1.476, and MSE of 2.181and 3.464, respectively. Moreover, the proposed model supplied accurate results when compared to models from literature in an out-of-sample testing, it also proven to be robust and accurate when used to predict the PV power output.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2024-06-01), Photovoltaic module temperature prediction using various machine learning algorithms: Performance evaluation, Applied Energy, Vol:363, Issue:1, pages:123064, Elsiviers
- 2024-01-01
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Surface Orientation and Inclination on Incident Solar Irradiation: Application to Buildings
The study explores the impact of surface orientation and tilt on incident solar irradiation. It was conducted in M'Sila, an Algerian province, from February to June. A number of experiments were carried out using an experimental setup consisting of a heliometer and a slant changer, which allowed for the variation of the tilt angle. Nineteen tilt angles ranging from 0° to 90° were investigated for the four main directions: North, South, East, and West. The obtained outcomes were statistically analyzed. At east and south orientations, incident solar irradiance rose as a function of tilt angle, reaching a maximum at the optimal angle, and then gradually decreased. Generally, the incident solar irradiance decreased as the tilt angle increased in the case of west and north orientations. The tilt angle of the exposed surface as well as the sun's elevation in the sky affected the amount of intercepted energy significantly at each orientation (p<0.05). When the sun was low in the sky, the south orientation was most preferred for an inclination greater than or equal to 25°. The north-facing surfaces with steep slopes (β³ 55°) received the least amount of solar radiation. These results hold great importance, particularly in the building sector, as they can be utilized to achieve energy saving.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Mohamed Chouidira, Jed Mohamed El Hacena ,, Younes Kherbichea, , (2024-01-01), An Experimental Study on the Effect of Surface Orientation and Inclination on Incident Solar Irradiation: Application to Buildings, Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment, Vol:11, Issue:1, pages:157-167, Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers (IAChE)
- 2023-12-14
Evaluation of Weibull parameters by different methods for farms
One of the most prevalent clean and sustainable forms of energy produced worldwide is the power created from wind runoff. Wind turbines ought to be installed in areas with favorable circumstances to transform mechanical wind energy into electricity. Finding appropriate ways to predict the energy produced by a wind farm using the Weibull distribution is the main goal of this work. Theoretical techniques have been applied to calculate Weibull selected characteristics using experimental data gathered at the campus of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) in Brazil. These data were gathered 10 meters above the surface. The effectiveness of four statistical techniques that are frequently used in the energy industry are compared: the standard energy factor method; the least squares regression method; the moment method; and the mean standard deviation method in estimating Weibull parameters. The root mean square error, Chi-square error, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and coefficient of determination are used to contrast the statistical methodologies. The results demonstrated that the least squares regression approach performs less well than other methods. The standard energy factor approach, the moment method, and the mean standard deviation method are the most effective techniques when modifying Weibull distribution curves for the assessment of wind speed data. The data analysis confirms that these three strategies are fully applicable if the wind speed distribution closely matches the Weibull distribution.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Flavio Aristone, Amaury de Souza, Ivana Pobocikova, Guilherme Henrique Cavazzana, Carlos José dos Reis, Hamilton Germano Pavão, Widinei Alves Fernandes, Elias Silva de Medeiros, , (2023-12-14), Evaluation of Weibull parameters by different methods for farms, Acta Scientiarum. Technology, Vol:46, Issue:1, pages:1-14, periodicos
- 2023-12-10
New Intelligent temperature measuring device
In this paper a new intelligent temperature measuring device was présented.
Razika IHADDADENE , ,(2023-12-10), New Intelligent temperature measuring device,Second Arabic conference on Mechanical and Engineering,Biskra (Algeria)
- 2023-12-04
Performance study of PV power Plants in Algeria
This paper presents a review of our previous work on the PV performance study. The aim of this study is to adapt the IEC 61724 standard [1] for the performance study of a Ain Skhouna (Saida, Algeria) PV plant for a period of one month. Likewise, the IEC 61724 standard application for the performance study for two PV power plants in Algeria (Adrar and Ain Skhouna) with different climates And, finely, the effect of ambient temperature on total losses, system efficiency, and performance ratio of the two PV power plants was studied. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has defined performance parameters that are detailed in IEC 61724 [1] in order to analyze the performance of any PV power plant. These variables provide data on the system's capacity to produce energy, its use of solar energy resources, and the overall impact of system losses [2,3]. These indicators include the energy generated by the PV array system (Edc), the energy output or energy fed to the utility grid (Eac), the reference yield (Yr), the array yield (Ya), the final yield (Yf), the performance ratio (PR), the system losses (LS), the capture losses (LC), system efficiency (ηsys), PV efficiency (ηPV), and inverter efficiency (ηinv). Two photovoltaic power plants are taken into consideration in this study: the Adrar PV power plant and the Ain Skhouna (Saida) PV power plant. These power plants are situated in two different climates: semi-arid for Saida and hot dry desert (hyper-arid) for the Adrar region. A data logger is installed in each of the two PV power plants to track and record the output of DC power from solar modules, AC power from inverters, and weather data. These data sets are captured every 15 minutes. All the results noted in this study were obtained according to the performance parameters specified by the International Energy Agency (IEA. Two different types of data are used: the data from the complete Ain Skhouna data for the year 2018[3], and the complete Adrar data for the year 2018[4].
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-12-04), Performance study of PV power Plants in Algeria,Conférence Internationale sur Energies vertes et traitement des eaux,Sousse (Tunisia)
- 2023-12-02
Etude des performances des centrales PV en Algérie
Cette plénière s’intéresse à l’étude des performance de deux centrales photovoltaïque( Saida et Tamanrasset) en Algérie en appliquant la norme internationale IEC 61724 standard.
Razika IHADDADENE , ,(2023-12-02), Etude des performances des centrales PV en Algérie,NCPA 2023,Bou Saada M'sila (Algerie)
- 2023-12-02
Etude des performances des centrales PV en Algérie
Cette plénière s’intéresse à l’étude des performance de deux centrales photovoltaïque( Saida et Tamanrasset) en Algérie en appliquant la norme internationale IEC 61724 standard.
Razika IHADDADENE , ,(2023-12-02), Etude des performances des centrales PV en Algérie,NCPA 2023,Bou Saada M'sila (Algerie)
- 2023-12-01
Assessing the effectiveness of a PV power plant and its subfields in Algeria: Case study Tamanrasset
In order to offer comprehensive and long-lasting answers to problems connected to the preservation of fossil fuel energy supplies and environmental challenges, Algeria has placed a focus on green energy sources. Her capacity for renewable energy sources is considerable. The installation of several PV power plants across the entire country's surface area shows that Algeria's national RE program is increasingly concentrating on solar energy, specifically photovoltaic applications. The aim of this work is to create a calculation code with a graphical interface called PVPA-1 which has the following objectives: quickly and easily analyze the performance of photovoltaic installations (the entire PV power plant and all these subfields) in accordance with IEC 61724 standards using data collected from these installations; to chart the yearly, monthly, and daily trends of performance parameters; and to compare the performance of these subfields to control and identify any irregularities in this system. This study presents a case study of a 15 MW photovoltaic power plant application (Tamanrasset, Algeria) for the year 2018. The results show that the PVPA-1 is a very powerful tool for analyzing PV power plant and these subfields performance. The reference, array and final yields were 6 h, 4.63 h and 4.58 h, respectively. Low system losses (0.052 h) are a result of the significant inverter efficiency (98.88 %). Similar to that seen in literature, the annual performance ratio is around 77.5 %. The PVP-1 allows users to compare the performance of all the subfields. As a result, the 9 th subfield displays peculiar behavior when compared to the other subfields, which has an impact on the overall PV power plant's performance.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2023-12-01), Assessing the effectiveness of a PV power plant and its subfields in Algeria: Case study Tamanrasset, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol:77, Issue:101348, pages:1-13, Elsiviers
- 2023-10-23
Data-Driven Models for Power Output Prediction of Photovoltaic Modules: Machine Learning Algorithms' Evaluation and Comparison
Data-Driven Models for Power Output Prediction of Photovoltaic Modules: Machine Learning Algorithms' Evaluation and Comparison
Razika IHADDADENE , Abdelhak Keddouda , Ali Boukhari, Abdelmalek Atia, Nacer Lebbihiat, ,(2023-10-23), Data-Driven Models for Power Output Prediction of Photovoltaic Modules: Machine Learning Algorithms' Evaluation and Comparison,THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT, (MEE'2023),El Ouad (Algérie)
- 2023-10-01
Evaluation of the degradation of a PV panel in an arid zone; case study Biskra (Algeria)
Even for a limited period of time, weather conditions including solar radiation, temperature, wind, UV intensity, humidity, and precipitation have an effect on the degradation and efficiency of PV panels. As a result, these are the primary variables that impact the lifetime and durability of a photovoltaic system. Thus, increasing the efficiency of PV modules requires overcoming the critical problem of degradation. The current study aims to examine the deterioration of a poly-crystalline silicon photovoltaic panel that was exposed to outside conditions for four years in Biskra’s arid climate (Algerian town). To assess the performance of the tested PV module, two characterization techniques—I-V and P-V characterization as well as visual inspection—have been applied. Under normal conditions, a new model for determining the five criteria (a, Rs, Rp, I0, and Iph) has been developed using curve-fitting method. It was adapted for panels with and without degradation. By estimating how those parameters degrade, a new technique for identifying damaged panels has been created. The results highlight the dominance of the EVA degradation mode, which has a significant effect on the degradation rates of Rs (54.27%), Rp (−62.68%), and Iph (77.45%), as well as the evolution of the I-V and P-V curves.
Razika IHADDADENE , SAMIR Tabet , Nabila IHADDADENE , B Guerira, Kh Bekhouche ,, , (2023-10-01), Evaluation of the degradation of a PV panel in an arid zone; case study Biskra (Algeria), Solar Energy, Vol:263, Issue:111809, pages:1-12, Elsiviers
- 2023-08-22
Graphical interface for PV power plant performance analyse. Case study: Ain Skhouna PV power plant
Although Algeria has a number of different power sources, its development of alternative sources is intended to valorize and generate them, particularly the solar source described as the principal illustration. It presents the key to his energy security policies success. By 2035, a program to develop renewable energy with a 15000 MW capacity is planned. Photovoltaic holds a commanding lead in the area of renewable energy-based electricity production. A number of 15 PV power plants with a capacity of 2000 Mw are projected to be built as a complement to the 23 PV power plants that are now operating. This research paper is focused on developing a PERF-ANALYSE graphical interface for performance analysis of the Ain Skhouna PV power plant (Saida, Algeria). It enables the estimation and tracking of the studied performance parameters’ evolution. These parameters were detailed by the IEA (International Energy Agency) and are created by the standards established by the CEI 61724 (International Council of Electrotechnical Standards). The PERF-ANALYSE was completed using Matlab software in accordance with the GUI.
Razika IHADDADENE , ,(2023-08-22), Graphical interface for PV power plant performance analyse. Case study: Ain Skhouna PV power plant,International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICENVERE-2023),Paris France
- 2023-07-15
Solar photovoltaic power prediction using artificial neural network and multiple regression considering ambient and operating conditions
This paper proposes artificial neural network (ANN) and regression models for photovoltaic modules power output predictions and investigates the effects of climatic conditions and operating temperature on the estimated output. The models use six days of experimental data creating a large dataset of 172,800 × 7. After data preprocessing, the appropriate attributes were selected as inputs and taken into account as features; solar irradiation, ambient air and module temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity, while the power generation as a target. In light of these data, the effect of training algorithm on the predictive performance of the ANN model was investigated. Results show that solar irradiation, ambient and module temperatures are key factors in predicting PV module power generation, as these variables are strongly correlated with PV power output. Moreover, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was found to be the best training procedure. The ANN model demonstrated higher accuracy than the developed multiple linear regression models. However, the proposed Rational-Power-Law (RPL) and Power-Law (PL) models were able to capture the nonlinearity in the system, as assessed by coefficient of determination (R2) and the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and successfully supplied a very high level of precision. The ANN, and both RPL and PL models provided comparable performance, attaining an R2 of 0.997, 0.998 and 0.996, and a MAE of 1.998, 1.156, and 1.242, respectively, when compared to experimental results. Furthermore, models proposed in this study were evaluated and compared with others available in literature and have demonstrated superior performance and better accuracy.
Razika IHADDADENE , Abdelhak Keddouda, Ali Boukhari, , Abdelmalek Atia ,Müslüm Arıcı, Nacer Lebbihiat, Nabila Ihaddadene, , (2023-07-15), Solar photovoltaic power prediction using artificial neural network and multiple regression considering ambient and operating conditions, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol:0, Issue:288, pages:117186, Elsiviers
- 2023-06-26
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Surface Orientation and Inclination on Incident Solar Irradiation: Application to Buildings
The study explores the impact of surface orientation and tilt on incident solar irradiation. It was conducted in M'Sila, an Algerian province, from February to June. A number of experiments were carried out using an experimental setup consisting of a heliometer and a slant changer, which allowed for the variation of the tilt angle. Nineteen tilt angles ranging from 0° to 90° were investigated for the four main directions: North, South, East, and West. The obtained outcomes were statistically analyzed. At east and south orientations, incident solar irradiance rose as a function of tilt angle, reaching a maximum at the optimal angle, and then gradually decreased. Generally, the incident solar irradiance decreased as the tilt angle increased in the case of west and north orientations. The tilt angle of the exposed surface as well as the sun's elevation in the sky affected the amount of intercepted energy significantly at each orientation (p<0.05). When the sun was low in the sky, the south orientation was most preferred for an inclination greater than or equal to 25°. The north-facing surfaces with steep slopes (β³ 55°) received the least amount of solar radiation. These results hold great importance, particularly in the building sector, as they can be utilized to achieve energy saving.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2023-06-26), An Experimental Study on the Effect of Surface Orientation and Inclination on Incident Solar Irradiation: Application to Buildings, Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment, Vol:0, Issue:0, pages:1-10, Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers (IAChE)
- 2023-06-24
Experimental study of temperature evolution in a solar chimney
A chimney solar power plant has been known since recent times as a utility scale solar power plant. This technology is applicable in desert areas where solar radiation and ambient temperature are strong. This study presents an experimental study on the temperature evolution of the collector and absorber in a solar chimney under real conditions. The experiments were done at the university of Biskra (34° 51′ 00′′ north, 5° 44′ 00′′ east), located in the north of the Algerian Sahara. The weather in this city is subtropical desert. The used solar chimney prototype was made at the mechanical department of Mohamed Boudiaf University in M'sila (Algeria). This prototype is composed of a collector with a diameter of around 79 cm in hollow Plexiglas, an absorber made of steel and the solar tower made of PVC plastic, 1.39 high and 7.5 cm in diameter. According to the results, the temperature in the absorber or collector increases as one gets closer to the center. Those temperatures depend on the position. At any position, the absorber temperature is greater than the collector temperature. A mathematical model relating the mean absorber temperature to the mean collector temperature was proposed.
Razika IHADDADENE , AMMAR Semane , EL HOUAS Bedjeghit , Belhi guerira, ,(2023-06-24), Experimental study of temperature evolution in a solar chimney,1. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL WORLD SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CONGRESS,Istanbul (Turkey)
- 2023-06-17
Modelling of Solar Chimney Power Plant with Collector
Algeria has a number of different energy sources, its development of alternative sources aims to valorize and produce them, in particular the solar source described as the main illustration. He presents the key to the success of his energy security policy A chimney solar power plant has been known since recent times as a utility scale solar power plant. This technology is applicable in desert areas, where solar radiation and ambient temperature are strong. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the chimney solar power plant; a mathematical model was extracted to estimate the temperature parameters of this chimney which are obtained from the realization of the experiments on a prototype of solar chimney. The experimental results were taken at the city of Biskra (34° 51′ 00″ north, 5° 44′ 00″ east) in the north of the Algerian Sahara whose climate there is very arid and most of the time very clear. This prototype of the chimney was made at the Mohamed Boudiaf University of M'sila which consists of a collector with a diameter of around 79 cm hollow Plexiglas; the absorber made of steel and the solar tower made of PVC plastic, 1.39 high and 7.5 cm in diameter
- 2023-03-17
Brik optimisation using natural insolation of efficient buildings
In this presentation a Brik optimisation using natural insolation of efficient buildings was done.
Razika IHADDADENE , Mohamed CHOUIDIRA , Nabila IHADDADENE , Zggane H, Kh Rahmani, ,(2023-03-17), Brik optimisation using natural insolation of efficient buildings,Colloque International froid Energie et Environnement,Hammamat Tunisie
- 2023-01-23
Impact of Dust and Degradation on the Electrical Properties of PV Panels
Dust accumulation on PV surface panels is a crucial factor affecting their performance. It is more frequently noted in the desert zones. The effect of dust on the electrical behavior of damaged PV panels was investigated in this study. Three panels are used: the degraded panels (with and without dust) and the reference panels; they are located in an industrial zone with a continental climate (Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algeria). The I-V and P-V characterization and degradation mechanism visualization are used. Also, a numerical simulation was conducted to calculate the five parameters of the three modeled PV panels (diode ideality factor (a), series resistance (Rs), Shunt resistance (Rp), photocurrent (Ipv), and diode saturation current (I0)). These parameters were utilized for the first time to study the impact of dust on their degradation rate and the PV panel behavior. The degradation rate and the annual degradation rate of each parameter are affected by dust differently. The power degradation rate is increased by 5.45%. The Isc and Imax degradation rates are climbed by 6.97% and 6.0%, respectively. Vmax and Voc degradation rates decrease by 1.20% and 0.35%, respectively. Dust increased the rate of degradation for a, Iph, and I0 by 4.12%, 6.99%, and 68.17%, respectively. For Rs and Rp, the degradation rate was reduced by 4.51% and 20.01%, respectively. An appropriate netoiling approach must be considered because dust, even in non-desert areas and industrial zones, has a significant impact on the electrical characteristics degradation of a PV panel.
Razika IHADDADENE , SAMIR Tabet , Nabila IHADDADENE , Belhi Guerira, , (2023-01-23), Impact of Dust and Degradation on the Electrical Properties of PV Panels, Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment, Vol:10, Issue:4, pages:78-88, Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers (IAChE)
- 2023
Performance analysis of Dhaya PV power plant(Sidi Belabbas, Algeria)
Currently, Algeria's energy strategy is based on accelerating the development of solar energy. The presence of 23 PV power plants on the national grid demonstrates the particular interest in solar energy that exists, and more projects with an annual capacity of 200 MWc should be completed between 2021 and 2030. The performance analysis of the Dhaya solar power plan for one year (2018) is provided in this paper. This power plant, which has a capacity of 12 MWc, is located in Sidi Bel Abbes. The analysis was assessed in accordance with IEC 61724. The performance ratio (PR), the PV module efficiency(ƞpv), the inverter efficiency (ƞinv), and the system efficiency (ƞsys) are the characteristics that were examined. The results show that the average monthly PV module, the inverter efficiency, and the system efficiency of this power plant are 14.42%, 96.23%, and 14.99% respectively. The average monthly PR has a value of 92.79%, which is greater than 80%. This means that the performance of this PV plant approaches the ideal performance in the STC conditions. As a result, the Dhaya PV power plant is in good running condition and has not degraded.
Razika IHADDADENE , ,(2023), Performance analysis of Dhaya PV power plant(Sidi Belabbas, Algeria),2nd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research,Konya/Turkey.
- 2022
Analytical assessment of Ain Skhouna PV plant performance connected to the grid under a semi-arid climate in Algeria
Algeria currently has a number of 24 functional photovoltaic power plants on its national territory, which are poorly investigated. This study focuses on the performance analysis of one of these existing solar power plants. It is located in Ain Skhouna, situated in Saida province, and has a capacity of 30 MWp (polycrystalline solar cell technology). This study was carried out according to the standardized norms IEC 61,724 (IEC) using one year (2018) of data. A linear relationship between the monthly module and ambient temperatures was evaluated (R2 = 0.994). The monthly total loss increases linearly with the increase in monthly ambient temperature and solar irradiation (R2 = 0.98). The system efficiency, PV efficiency, and performance ratio are affected by ambient temperature. The average monthly PV, system, inverter efficiencies, and PR were 13.78%, 13.29%, 96.68%, and 85.52, respectively. These results indicate that this PV power plant remains in very good working condition after two years of service. The effect of climate on PV plant performance was investigated in Algeria by comparing two climates: a semi-arid and a hyper-arid. The results indicate that the semi-arid climate is more favorable than the desert climate for PV power plants for producing electricity and that ambient temperature is a more essential parameter than solar irradiation.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , mohamed_elhacen.jed@univ-msila.dz, Amaury De Souza, , (2022), Analytical assessment of Ain Skhouna PV plant performance connected to the grid under a semi-arid climate in Algeria, Solar Energy, Vol:232, Issue:15, pages:52-62, Elsiviers
- 2022
Validation of the Accuracy of NASA Solar Irradiation Data for Four African Regions
Unfortunately, most developing countries lack meteorological data from weather stations due to a lack of measurement instruments or the absence of these stations. Currently, a variety of spatial databases, such as NASA/Power, Meteonorm, Solargis, and others, provide solar irradiation data for various places and time intervals. The goal of this study is to verify the accuracy of solar irradiation data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) database (free estimated data) by comparing them with ground-based measurements taken at four distinct locations in Algeria and Mauritania. Using six statistical parameters, data downloaded from the NASA site for 34 years, from 1984 to 2017, were averaged and compared to ground-based data recorded at M'Sila, Saida, Tamanrasset, and Nouakchott for one year (365 days) on daily (n = 365), monthly (n = 30 or 31), and annual (n = 12) time scales. It has been found that in the absence of daily measured global horizontal irradiation data for one year, the estimated multi-year average NASA data can be used instead. The use of estimated data over a long period is recommended. In the absence of actual solar irradiation data, solar energy projects in Algeria and Mauritania can rely on NASA's estimates.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Mohamed Jed, mohamed_elhacen.jed@univ-msila.dz, , Menny El Bah, , (2022), Validation of the Accuracy of NASA Solar Irradiation Data for Four African Regions, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol:17, Issue:1, pages:29-39, IIETA
- 2022
Goodness-of-Fit of wind speed for probability distribution in central western Brazil
The adjustment of statistical models to wind speed data makes it possible to know in detail the wind energy potential of a given location, representing a relevant data in the selection of the location for new installations of wind farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fit of average wind speed data for Brasilia, Campo Grande, Cuiaba and Goiania in central western Brazil, to the probability distributions functions (PDF) of: GEV, GUM and LN. The statistical criteria, KS, R2, χ2, RMSE, AIC and BIC were considered as judgment criteria to assess the adequacy of PDF. As the main result, the GEV distribution was the one that presented the best result of adjustments to the functions , mainly in the potential of wind energy use and extreme winds that cause felling of trees in the urban environment. These distributions can be used as an alternative distribution that adequately describes the wind speed data in the region. The weakest configurations were obtained by the GUM and LN distributions.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2022), Goodness-of-Fit of wind speed for probability distribution in central western Brazil, Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics(JMTCM), Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:68-103, Opast Publishing Group
- 2022
El Niño impacts on the ozone column over Mato Grosso do Sul
The El Niño-South Oscillation (ENSO), a dominant factor in interannual climate variations worldwide, is characterized in the Pacific by anomalous sea surface heating during the El Niño phase and cooling during the La Niña phase. Although ENSO strongly affects atmospheric circulation, its effects on tropospheric ozone are not fully explored. We used satellite measurements of the tropospheric column of ozone to assess the effects of atmospheric circulations driven by ENSO on tropospheric column ozone levels in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). The objective of this work is to analyze the annual variation and the effects of the El Niño atmospheric variability mode in the Total Ozone Column (TCO) on MS between 2005 and 2020 using data from the AUREA satellite and the \Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) sensor. We found that observed ozone tends to increase in the troposphere after the La Niña peak, corresponding to anomalous downward motions and suppressed convection. The model also reveals that the La Niña-related ozone increase in MS is largely due to intensified transport of ozone-rich air from higher latitudes. This suggests that ENSO should be considered for estimating the ozone concentration in MS, requiring close attention to the properties of ENSO in a changing climate.
Razika IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza,, Umesh C Dumka,, Ivana Pobocikova, José Francisco de Oliveira-Júnior, Marcel Carvalho Abreu, Guilherme Henrique Cavazzana, Carlos José dos Reis, Flavio Aristone, Sajid Gul, Nabila Ihaddadene, Munawar Shah, Widinei A Fern, , (2022), El Niño impacts on the ozone column over Mato Grosso do Sul, Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics(JMTCM), Vol:1, Issue:3, pages:165-175, Opast Publishing Group
- 2022
Effect of solar radiation on the temperature of house walls facing the four cardinal points in the summer in Ouled Sidi Brahim (Algeria)
The current experimental study conducted in Ouled Sidi Brahim (Algeria) seeks to understand how the direction of the walls affects their temperature in the summer. A small red brick house of 20×20×20 cm 3 was used for the test, and throughout the experiment, the temperature was recorded every minute at the center of each wall facing the four cardinal points (East, West, North, and South) for 24 h (day and night). A digital acquisition device based on an Arduino board was realized to record the temperature on different days at the end of June, July, August, and the beginning of September. Only when solar radiation is present during the day can the influence of the walls' orientation be detected. The temperature of the walls remains nearly constant at night and drops from sunset to daybreak. The wall facing east is the hottest in the morning during the summer. The west-facing wall, on the other hand, is the coolest …
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Houari ZEGGANE , ,(2022), Effect of solar radiation on the temperature of house walls facing the four cardinal points in the summer in Ouled Sidi Brahim (Algeria),13th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC),Tunis
- 2022
Solar photovoltaic pwer prediction using artificial neural networks
A crucial and important sector nowadays is the energy sector, which makes it the interest of science and engineering today, especially renewable energies, and one of the most promising devices that produces electricity directly from a renewable source are photovoltaics modules, nevertheless, several environmental and unpredictable parameters may affect their performance, which introduces difficulties forecasting their output, in this paper, the attention is to forecast the power output of a PV module using ANNs, which have the ability to tackle nonlinear problems, the study accounts for different environmental factors, namely, ambient temperature, solar irradiation, wind speed, and module temperature, while the output is power generation of the PV module, the data was collected in 3 different days, first the ANN model is trained, validated and tested with the first dataset, then a new dataset is introduced to the model to predict the output, then after, and based on the model prediction, a correlation for the power output is produced and evaluated with different dataset, furthermore the performance of different training algorithm is evaluated in this work, the results shows that a high level of accuracy is achieved using ANNs in the prediction process, where the Scaled Conjugate Gradient was the best in terms of performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.99 and low error values of 3.46 and 2.75 for RMSE and MAE respectively, in addition a great level of precision is obtained with developed correlation with an 𝑹𝟐 of 0.95 and an RMSE of 5.20.
Razika IHADDADENE , abdelhak.keddouda@univ-msila.dz, Ali Boukhari, Abdelmalek Atia, Nacer Lebbihiat, ,(2022), Solar photovoltaic pwer prediction using artificial neural networks,1 st International conferenceon Optoelectonic, Materials and Renewable Energy,El-Oued( Algeria)
- 2022
Modeling and prediction of Photovoltaic power output using artificial neural network considering ambient conditions
One of the most promising and used devices that produces electricity directly from a renewable energy source are PV panels, however, their performance is affected by several environmental and unpredictable factors, which interduce difficulties predicting their power generation, in this study, the focus is to predict the power output of a photovoltaic module using artificial neural network model taking into account different ambient and weather conditions, namely solar irradiation, wind speed, ambient temperature and the module temperature, the output of the model is power production of the PV module, a dataset of two days are used in this study, the first day is used to train the ANN model with 70% of data and then validate and test it with 15% of the data for each, and evaluate different training algorithms as well, results shows that among tested algorithms, the Scaled Conjugate Gradient has the best performance. After being trained, the data of the next day are fed to the network to predict the power production using a completely new data set, to asses the predictive ability of the model in this manner, statistical metrics are employed, and according to them and the obtained results the developed ANN model has a reasonable accuracy in predicting the power output of a PV module with an of and of 6.83.
Razika IHADDADENE , abdelhak.keddouda@univ-msila.dz, Abdelali Benabdallah, Mohamed El Azouzi Tliba, Hicham Ben amour, Mouad Selatna, ,(2022), Modeling and prediction of Photovoltaic power output using artificial neural network considering ambient conditions,International Conference on Trends and Innovations in Smart Technologies(ICTST'22),London, United Kingdom
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- 2021
Comparative Study of 16 Clear-Sky Radiative Transfer Models to Estimate Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) in Botucatu, Brazil
The interest of the direct normal irradiation (DNI) estimation is important in the evaluation of the solar potential and, consequently, for data correction and expansion of the historical series. In this study, a review of the performance of 16 models of radiative transfer was performed. These models are used to estimate DNI on a clear day in Botucatu/SP region located in Brazil. The revised models are categorized into two classes: simple models (11 models: ASH, MAJ, ALLEN, GH, P1, HLJ, FU, KU, H1, IP, and INC) and complex models (five models: BIRD, IQ, MRM5, P2, and YANG). The evaluation methodology used here is consistent with the literature. The input parameters were estimated and a statistical analysis using relative-mean-bias-error (rMBE), root-mean-square-error (rRMSE), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) indicators were performed to validate those models. The results indicate that the complex models (that require more atmospheric inputs) generally performed better than simpler models. Despite the consistent limitations in the use of estimated parameters, the performance of the models can be considered satisfactory. The best performances are highlighted for models MRM5 and YANG. Simple models ASH and IP performed similar to complex models. These results were confirmed using frequency distribution and the cumulative frequency analysis. These results are important for engineers of solar systems to use the best model and select the most suitable locations for installing a small or large solar plant.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2021), Comparative Study of 16 Clear-Sky Radiative Transfer Models to Estimate Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) in Botucatu, Brazil, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol:143, Issue:3, pages:030801 (12 pages), Transactions of the ASME
- 2021
Several models to estimate daily global solar irradiation: adjustment and evaluation
Global solar irradiation (Hg) is a variable of great importance for different applications. Despite the great advance in the latter, Hg measurements are not readily available in many places. So, several models with different input variables have been developed and used to estimate Hg worldwide. Estimating Hg from models that use air temperature offers an interesting alternative in the absence of measurements. Four groups of models were used in this study: empirical models group (M) with ten models, linear regression models group (RM) with six models, artificial neural network (ANN) models, and support vector machine (SVM) models groups with six models for each one. All the methods take into account different air temperature combinations as input variables (Tmax, Tmin, ΔT, and Tmed). These models were applied to Campo Grande, Brazil, with 10 years data (2005–2017) in order to adjust and evaluate the Hg. The models were evaluated based on four statistical indexes: RMBE, RRMSE, MAPE, and WAI. The models were adjusted and validated using statistical techniques. The results show that the air temperature is an important entry point. Estimates with empirical models perform well (RMBE between 2.84 and 8.68%; RRMSE between 17.78 and 22.93%; MAPE between 17.23 and 23.31%; WAI between 0.85 and 0.90), with errors less than or equal to ANN models (RMBE between 13.94 and 22.67%; RRMSE between 25.37 and 34.95%; MAPE between 29.26 and 49.51%; WAI between 0.51 and 0.81) and SVM (RMBE between 5.80 and 10.15%; RRMSE between 18.87 and 30.34%; MAPE between 19.49 and 42.14%; WAI between 0.55 and 0.884). The regression models had errors with variations similar to the empirical and SVM models. The results show the need to adjust the local coefficients and further studies to further consolidate the models.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2021), Several models to estimate daily global solar irradiation: adjustment and evaluation, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:14, Issue:4, pages:1-16, Springer
- 2021
Analysis of extreme monthly and annual air temperatures variability using regression model in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Air temperature is a meteorological variable that influences the climate in the world. The availability of air temperature data is of concern in Brazil, particularly in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), since most weather stations are concentrated on the country's coast. Thus, the study aimed to develop models to estimate the average monthly and annual air temperatures (maximum and minimum) for the site of the State of MS. The linear multiple regression technique is adopted in this study. Temperature data from 1978 to 2018 were used, corresponding to 78 meteorological stations on the website of the State of MS. Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude) were used as predictor variables for the models, and monthly and annual extreme temperatures (Tmax, Tmin) models were fitted. The regression models used in the study were statistically tested (α ≤ 0.01). The models of mean annual Tmin and mean annual Tmax obtained adjusted determination coefficients (R2adj) of 81.2% and 74.9%, respectively. The monthly average temperature models showed adjusted coefficients of determination between 0.69 and 0.90 for Tmax and from 0.71 to 0.86 for Tmin. Another method used to validate our results, the digital elevation model for the State of MS, obtained through a Shuttle Radar Topography Mission radar image. The obtained results fitted well with these of the annual and monthly models for extreme temperatures. The temperature models used in the study are duly suitable to predict air temperature in all sites in the State of MS.
Razika IHADDADENE , A de Souza, CM dos Santos, G Cavazzana, MC Abreu, , (2021), Analysis of extreme monthly and annual air temperatures variability using regression model in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol:8, Issue:0, pages:647–663, Springer
- 2021
Solar energy potential evaluation. Case of study: M'Sila, an Algerian Province
Accepted: 23 November 2021 Solar energy is the most important green energy source that may be used to address the problems caused by conventional energy sources. The research in this paper aims to evaluate the solar energy potential of M'Sila, an Algerian internal region, and to determine which technology, among those currently available on the market, is adequate for harnessing that potential for electricity production (PV and CSP). This assessment was based on data (daily temperature and daily solar irradiation) collected at M'Sila weather station for one year and from the NASA site for 34 years from 1984 to 2017. These data were treated with excel 2016 software to determine the total horizontal, diffuse and direct normal solar irradiation. During the study period, the total solar irradiation falling on a horizontal surface in M'Sila (GHI) was estimated to be 1.79 MWh/m2/year. The diffuse solar irradiation incident on a horizontal surface (DHI) and direct normal irradiation, respectively, were estimated to be 594.88 kWh/m2/year, 2117.93 kWh/m2/year. M'Sila is a favourable land for the installation of concentrating solar power plants and photovoltaic panels due to its significant potential energy. The parabolic trough system is recommended. While polycrystalline PV modules should be promoted and installed in M'Sila
Razika IHADDADENE , younes kherbiche , Nabila IHADDADENE , feres hadji , Jed Mohamed, Abedel Hadi Beghidja, , (2021), Solar energy potential evaluation. Case of study: M'Sila, an Algerian Province, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol:16, Issue:8, pages:1501-1508, IIETA
- 2021
Experimental Evaluation of Explicit and Implicit Models in Prediction of PV Module Temperature
The present study is aiming to evaluate the performance of some of the well-known models provided in the literature for module temperature evaluation. Different explicit and implicit models, with and without wind consideration were used. Experimental results were performed at the University of Biskra (Algeria). According to obtained results, different degrees of agreement with experimental data was established, implementing wind effects and parameters that depends on cell temperature does provide more accuracy in general, it was also found that wind must be accurately and carefully implemented in the correlations for a precise cell temperature estimation.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , abdelhak.keddouda@univ-msila.dz, Guerrira Belhi, ,Hamza Ahmed, Tettahi Nedhirou, Sofian Belabbes, ,(2021), Experimental Evaluation of Explicit and Implicit Models in Prediction of PV Module Temperature,7th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy,Belgrade, Serbia
- 2020
Performance analysis of 954,809 kWp PV array of Sheikh Zayed solar power plant (Nouakchott, Mauritania)
Amid all renewable energies, solar PV is of particular interest, mainly in Africa. Mauritania is an example of African countries which, gives great concern to produce electricity via PV installations. This study is carried out on the performance evaluation of a 954,809 kWp photovoltaic array made up of micro-amorphous silicon situated in Nouakchott (capital of Mauritania) at Sheikh Zayed solar power plant. The measures of one year of operation from September 2014 to August 2015 were evaluated according to the IEC 61724. The results obtained demonstrate that the photovoltaic array performances depend on both insolation and environmental conditions. The array capture loss ranges vary from a minimum value of 1.63 h/day to a maximum value of 2.46 h/day. So, the system loss is relatively stable, with an average value of 0.12 h per day. The monthly performance ratio varies from 0.61% in August to 0.71% in November, with a monthly average value of 0.66%. The monthly average capacity factor achieves its maximum and minimum in October (20.54%) and January (11.66%), respectively. The energy generated by the PV array (Edc) and the energy fed to the utility grid (Eac) during November moth, are affected by the insolation and the module temperature. However, wind speed variation does not influence those energies. Two linear models, depending on insolation and module temperature, are proposed for the evaluation of Edc and Eac during this month. These laters present a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.96.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , mohamed_elhacen.jed@univ-msila.dz, Cheikh ELBananyElhadji Sidi, MennyEL Bah, , (2020), Performance analysis of 954,809 kWp PV array of Sheikh Zayed solar power plant (Nouakchott, Mauritania), Renewable Energy Focus, Vol:32, Issue:0, pages:45-54, Science Direct
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- 2020
Performance analysis of 954,809 kWp PV array of Sheikh Zayed solar power plant (Nouakchott, Mauritania)
Amid all renewable energies, solar PV is of particular interest, mainly in Africa. Mauritania is an example of African countries which, gives great concern to produce electricity via PV installations. This study is carried out on the performance evaluation of a 954,809 kWp photovoltaic array made up of micro-amorphous silicon situated in Nouakchott (capital of Mauritania) at Sheikh Zayed solar power plant. The measures of one year of operation from September 2014 to August 2015 were evaluated according to the IEC 61724. The results obtained demonstrate that the photovoltaic array performances depend on both insolation and environmental conditions. The array capture loss ranges vary from a minimum value of 1.63 h/day to a maximum value of 2.46 h/day. So, the system loss is relatively stable, with an average value of 0.12 h per day. The monthly performance ratio varies from 0.61% in August to 0.71% in November, with a monthly average value of 0.66%. The monthly average capacity factor achieves its maximum and minimum in October (20.54%) and January (11.66%), respectively. The energy generated by the PV array (Edc) and the energy fed to the utility grid (Eac) during November moth, are affected by the insolation and the module temperature. However, wind speed variation does not influence those energies. Two linear models, depending on insolation and module temperature, are proposed for the evaluation of Edc and Eac during this month. These laters present a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.96.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2020), Performance analysis of 954,809 kWp PV array of Sheikh Zayed solar power plant (Nouakchott, Mauritania), Renewable Energy Focus, Vol:32, Issue:, pages:45-54, Elsiviers
- 2020
Effect of building materials on temperature evolution inside the premises in algeria
Traditional building materials based on earth offer the following advantages: easily accessible, inexpensive, and above all, environmentally friendly. This investigation is intended to determine the thermal conductivity of traditional building materials obtained by mixing two kinds of soil (agricultural and soil taken from a type of desert land (Hamada)), separately, with different amounts of straw, according to the expertise of the inhabitants of M'Sila (a province of Algeria). Then, find the best mass proportion (soil/straw), which gives the lowest thermal conductivity of the obtained earthen materials. Four samples were prepared for each soil, in addition to the reference one (without straw). The considered samples were obtained by sun-drying of the handy dough formed by soil, straw, and water. The hot wire method is the technique used to determine the thermal conductivity in longitudinal and transverse directions. All the tested samples display a thermal anisotropy as the thermal conductivity measured in the longitudinal direction is significantly different from that measured in the transverse direction (p < 0.05). The thermal conductivity of the tested samples is strongly affected by the quantity of the straw added (p < 0.05). All the samples tested with and without straw are within the range ([0.1, 2] W/m° C) recommended for construction materials. It was observed that adding a straw mass equivalent to one-twentieth of the mass of both soils (5% by mass) gives to the Adobe formed a minimum thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of the studied earthen based materials depends on their compositions.
Razika IHADDADENE , , (2020), Effect of building materials on temperature evolution inside the premises in algeria, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol:32, Issue:, pages:101823, Elsiviers
- 2020
The Influence of Solar Radiation on Degraded and Undegraded Photovoltaic Panels
this paper presents an evaluation of the performance degradation of photovoltaic modules after six operation years in a steppe region environment in Algeria. The objective is to understand the performance of photovoltaic modules can be degraded due to several factors, namely, temperature, humidity, irradiation, dust and mechanical shock. This degradation results in the progressive damage to the characteristics of a component or a system which can modify its ability to operate within the limits of the acceptability criteria and which is caused by the operating conditions.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , SAMIR Tabet , B. Guerrira, Kh. Bekhouche, Y. Adila, ,(2020), The Influence of Solar Radiation on Degraded and Undegraded Photovoltaic Panels,6 th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy,Niš, Serbia
- 2020
New Software for Processing Weather Station Data
Abstract—This work presents software designed using MATLAB software using the MATLAB GUI tool, which aims to process meteorological data such as temperature, solar irradiation, wind speed, humidity and other meteorological parameters, collected from meteorological station measuring instruments which are recorded instantly. The software is used to process this data and analyze it in order to present it in a way that is easier to manipulate and analyze. The first version of the software can present the daily, monthly and annual evolution in a simpler format for use in studies and helps to determine the extreme and average values of temperature, irradiance, insolation and speed wind for a specific period.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Jed Mohamed, Jed Mohamed El Hacen, ,(2020), New Software for Processing Weather Station Data,6 th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy,Niš, Serbia
- 2019
The aim of this investigation is to analyze the performance of one array grid connected with a capacity of 13.936 MWp for one year (from January 2018 until December 2018). This study was carried out according to standardized norms (International Electrotechnical Commission) IEC 61724. This array is located in Ain Skouna solar PV plant situated in Saida province (Algeria). The normalized indicators studied are array yield, final yield, reference yield, module efficiency, inverter efficiency, system efficiency, performance ratio, capacity factor, and energy losses (array capture losses and system losses). The results found indicate that the annual average daily performance ratio (PR) of the studied array has an average value of 86.26%, which is greater than 80%. This value corresponds to a system whose performance approaches the ideal performance under STC conditions. Thus, Ain Skhouna plant has a very interesting performance index which confirms that it operates under good conditions without degradation
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , mohamed_elhacen.jed@univ-msila.dz, MEMA HNEINI, ,(2019), PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATOR (13.944MWp) IN GRID CONNECTED PV (SAIDA, ALGERIA),International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM),Istanbul, Turkey
- 2019
Thermal conductivity of two kinds of earthen building materials
Earthen building materials have been used in all antique civilizations (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Aztec, etc.). Undamaged earthworks of these civilizations still exist nowadays. Earthen buildings are known as passive solar buildings, i.e. naturally air-conditioned. This is due to the low thermal conductivity of their construction materials. Traditional building materials based on earth offer the following advantages: easily accessible, inexpensive and above all environmentally friendly. They are manufactured by hand, but their manufacturing techniques vary from region to region even in the same country. Unfortunately, these natural materials are almost out of service in Algeria, despite their assets. The first objective of this investigation is to determine the thermal conductivity of traditional building materials obtained by mixing two kinds of soil (agricultural and soil taken from a type of desert landscape (Hamada)), separately, with different amounts of straw, according to the expertise of the inhabitants of M’Sila (a province of Algeria). The second purpose is to find out the best mass proportion (soil/straw) which gives the lowest thermal conductivity of the obtained earthen materials.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , A. Betga, A. Charick, P.O. Logerais, ,(2019), Thermal conductivity of two kinds of earthen building materials,Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET2019),Paris, France
- 2019
Performance Analysis of a photovoltaic array(15.936 MWc) at Ain Skhouna PV power station(Saida,Algeria)
The present paper shows the performance analysis of a photovoltaic system of 15.936 MWc (loop 1), a part of the 30 MWc photovoltaic power station of Saida (a province of Algeria).This investigation concerns one month of study (April 2019). The analysis done was evaluated according to IEC 61724. The parameters studied are the reference efficiency (Yr), the PV field yield (Ya), the final yield of the photovoltaic plant (Yf), the performance ratio ( PR), the efficiency of the PV module (ηpv), the efficiency of the inverter (ηinv), and the efficiency of the photovoltaic system (ηsys).The results show that the monthly reference yield, the photovoltaic field yield, and the final yield of the photovoltaic plant are 6.83 h/d, 5.98 h/d, and 5.81 h/d respectively. They are proportional to the energies Eac and Edc. The average monthly efficiency of the field and system are 13.74% and 13.33%, respectively.The monthly-standardized performance index (PR) presents an average value of 85.75%, which is greater than 80%. This means that the performance of this PV plant approaches the ideal performance in the STC conditions.Therefore, Ain Skhouna photovoltaic power plant is in good operating condition, without degradation.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , mohamed_elhacen.jed@univ-msila.dz, Mema Henieni, ,(2019), Performance Analysis of a photovoltaic array(15.936 MWc) at Ain Skhouna PV power station(Saida,Algeria),5th Jubilee Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology, and Management in Energy,Republic of Serbia.
- 2019
Performance analysis of micro-amorphe silicon PV away under actual climatic conditions ïn Nouakchott, Mauritania
This article presents a study on the performance evaluation of a photovoltaic array located in Sheikh Zayed solar power plant (Nouakchott, Mauritania). This array contains 1872 micro-amorphous silicon photovoltaic modules, which generate a peak power of 954.809 kW under standard conditions. Monitoring data for one year from the photovoltaic array was used to evaluate the performance indices such as reference yield, array yield, system yield, array capture losses, and thermal capture losses. The results show that the photovoltaic array performances depend on both insolation and environmental conditions. The array capture loss varies from a minimum of 1.63 h/d to a maximum of 2.46 h/d. Therefore, the system loss is relatively stable with an average of 0.12 hours per day. The monthly performance ratio ranges vary from 0.61% in August to 0.71% in November with a monthly average of 0.66%. The monthly average capacity factor reaches its maximum in October (20.54 %) and its minimum in January (11.66 %).
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , mohamed_elhacen.jed@univ-msila.dz, Elhadji Sidû Cheikh ElBanany, EL Bah Menny, Piewe-Olivier Logerais, ,(2019), Performance analysis of micro-amorphe silicon PV away under actual climatic conditions ïn Nouakchott, Mauritania,International Renewable Energy Congress "IREC 2019",Sousse - Tunisia
- 2019
Climate change in three different zones in Algeria
Climate change felt by people around the world is a consequence of the excessive use of conventional energy sources. Greenhouse gases, especially CO2 released when using fossil fuels is responsible for the warming of the earth. Climatology is the study of climate, which is the sequence of weather conditions over long periods. Precipitation and temperature are the two fundamental variables used in describing climate change.
Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , Marwan Mostfaoui, ,(2019), Climate change in three different zones in Algeria,6th World Conference on Climate Change,Berlin, Germany.
- 2019
Climate change in three different zones in Algeria
Climate change felt by people around the world is a consequence of the excessive use of conventional energy sources. Greenhouse gases, especially CO2 released when using fossil fuels is responsible for the warming of the earth. Climatology is the study of climate, which is the sequence of weather conditions over long periods. Precipitation and temperature are the two fundamental variables used in describing climate change.
Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , Marwan Mostfaoui, , (2019), Climate change in three different zones in Algeria, Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, Vol:10, Issue:0, pages:30-31, conferenceseries.com
- 2019
Modeling of the Global Solar Radiation Series as a Function of Probability Distribution
The use of probability density functions (pdf) is directly linked to the nature of the data to which they relate. Some have good estimation capacity for small number of data, others require a large number of observations. In this study, the most probability distribution function for modeling the global solar radiation in Campo Grande, MS (Brazil) was determined. The global solar radiation data used for the analysis consists of daily average global solar radiation collected from University of Mato Grosso do Sul which span over the period of one year from January 2016 to December 2016. Various distribution functions were tested in this study and the most suitable one is determined using four different goodness of fit tests. The tested distributions used are Weibull, Rayleigh, Gamma, Lognormal, Rician and Frechet distributions. Four performance indicators; Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Coefficient of Determination (R 2) were calculated to evaluate the adequacy criteria of the chosen distributions. The best distribution that fits well the global solar radiation observations in Compo Grande region was the Frechet distribution, followed by Weibull and Rician distributions. The worst distributions are given by Rayleigh and Lognormal. This paper is useful as first-hand information in the prediction of future global solar radiation for Campo Grande having known the past behavior and for fixing the missing data.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza, Pelumi Oguntunde, Hamilton Pavao,, Widinei Fernandes,, Soetânia Santos de Oliveira,, Gabrielly Cristhine Zwang Baptista,, Ivana Pobocikova., , (2019), Modeling of the Global Solar Radiation Series as a Function of Probability Distribution, Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application, Vol:6, Issue:3, pages:35-42, openscience
- 2019
This study discussed the behavior of ozone level observed in the atmospheric region of Campo Grande. To determine the best adjusted distribution to describe the ozone co-generation data for the year 2016 in Campo Grande were used 15 functions adjusted for this purpose; the performances of the distributions are evaluated using three test qualities, namely Kolmogorov- Smirnov, Anderson-Darling and Chi-Square test. Finally, the result of the fitted quality test is compared, it was observed that the generalized extreme value distribution provides a good fit for the whole year and the distributions Gamma 3P; lognormal 3P; weibull and Gamma 3P for the seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer, autumn, which are empirically proven to be the most appropriate distribution of data.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza,, Bulbul Jan, Faisal Nawaz,, Muhamamd Ayub Khan Yousuf Zai, Soetania Santos de Oliviera,, Hamilton G Pavao, Widnei A Fernandes, Pelumi E Oguntunde, , (2019), DETERMINATION OF THE BEST PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION OF FIT FOR OZONE CONCENTRATION DATA IN CAMPO GRANDE-MS-BRAZIL, European Chemical Bulletin,, Vol:8, Issue:9, pages:pp. 291-300, European Chemical Bulletin
- 2019
Temporal variations of SO2 in an urban environment
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is considered the most widespread pollutant that threatens human and environmental health. Seasonal variation revealed higher levels of SO2 on cold days. The variations of the day revealed a higher concentration of SO2 indicating traffic influence, especially during peak hours. The analysis of hourly/daily/annual means identified an increasing trend in SO2 concentrations, implying that emission control systems and the technological improvement of engines and fuels were not sufficient and, therefore, points to the need for better subsidy mechanisms for the control of pollutants and effective emission reduction strategies, environmental agencies, should prioritize considering local realities.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza,, Bulbul Jan,, Faisal Nawaz,, Muhammad Ayub Khan Yousuf Zai,, Soetânia Santos de Oliveira,, Hamilton G Pavao,, Widnei A Fernandes,, Pelumi E Oguntunde,, Debora AS Santos, , (2019), Temporal variations of SO2 in an urban environment, Discovery, Vol:55, Issue:283, pages:328-339, Discovery Publication
- 2019
Daily global solar radiation estimation based on air temperature: case of study south of Algeria
Global solar radiation is needed for the analysis and scaling of solar conversion systems; however, global measurements of solar radiation are not available in all Algerian cities. The use of empirical models using an accessible parameter is a solution to this problem. In this study, seven empirical Models namely Hargreaves and Samani, Chen, M.F. Li, H.Li, Bristow and Campbell, Okonkwo and Abraha Savage have been employed to estimate daily average global solar radiation on the horizontal surface. These models use extreme temperatures (minimum and maximum). They were applied to three south Algerian sites (Biskra, Ghardaia, and Tamanrasset). The analyzed data were provided by the NASA site and cover four years (2001-2004). The validation of the models for predicting daily global solar radiation was done using four statistical parameters (R2, MBE, RMSE, and RPE). The results show that Bristow and Compbell Model shows better performance than the other models in all sites. A new model is proposed for each site. The results show that this later is the best one compared with the seven models analyzed. Therefore, the developed model can be suggested to estimate daily global solar radiation using only extreme air temperatures in south Algeria.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , mohamed_elhacen.jed@univ-msila.dz, Amaury De Souza, , (2019), Daily global solar radiation estimation based on air temperature: case of study south of Algeria, E3S Web of Conferences, Vol:80, Issue:1002, pages:1-5, EDP Sciences
- 2019
Inverse Weibull method Application to wind speed modeling in Campo Grande-Ms Brazil
Wind potential estimation requires an analysis of wind characteristics (wind speed density and wind direction). In this study, the applicability of two distribution models named Weibull and Inverse Weibull aiming to characterize the wind speed distribution in Campo Grande-Ms (Brazil) is investigated. The wind speed data collected from Campo Grande-Ms National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) at 10 m height for 5 years from January 2013 to December 2017, at an hour interval, are used. The method of maximum likelihood estimation is applied to calculate the parameters of the selected distributions. The best distribution function is chosen based on three goodness-of-fit statistics, namely; mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE), and coefficient of determination (R²). The obtained results indicate that the Weibull distribution provides a more accurate and efficient estimation than Inverse Weibull distribution. Therefore, Weibull distribution can be used to better estimate wind speed distribution in Campo Grande-Ms (Brazil) than Inverse Weibull distribution.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza, Abdelhadi Beghidja., , (2019), Inverse Weibull method Application to wind speed modeling in Campo Grande-Ms Brazil, Journal of Solar Energy Research Updates,, Vol:6, Issue:0, pages:51-63, zeal press
- 2019
Clarity Index Analysis and Modeling Using Probability Distribution Functions in Campo Grande-MS, Brazil
The importance of statistical analysis in the field of energy for environmental engineering is shown in this research paper, in which the adequacy of the data sets of clarity index with the model of “best” probability (based on the criteria used) was studied. In Campo Grande which is the capital of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, located in the Center-West region of the country, there is a predominance of the atmospheric conditions of low cloudiness, with a high frequency of days with a clear sky and in consequence a low-frequency of days with cloudy sky. The aerosols resulting from the burning of sugarcane influence the sky conditions in Campo Grande thus reducing the frequency of the clear sky.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza, , (2019), Clarity Index Analysis and Modeling Using Probability Distribution Functions in Campo Grande-MS, Brazil, J. Sol. Energy Eng, Vol:1416, Issue:61001, pages:1-7, ASME
- 2019
Clarity Index Analysis and Modeling Using Probability Distribution Functions in Campo Grande-MS, Brazil
The importance of statistical analysis in the field of energy for environmental engineering is shown in this research paper, in which the adequacy of the data sets of clarity index with the model of “best” probability (based on the criteria used) was studied. In Campo Grande which is the capital of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, located in the Center-West region of the country, there is a predominance of the atmospheric conditions of low cloudiness, with a high frequency of days with a clear sky and in consequence a low-frequency of days with cloudy sky. The aerosols resulting from the burning of sugarcane influence the sky conditions in Campo Grande thus reducing the frequency of the clear sky.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza, , (2019), Clarity Index Analysis and Modeling Using Probability Distribution Functions in Campo Grande-MS, Brazil, J. Sol. Energy Eng, Vol:1416, Issue:61001, pages:1-7, ASME
- 2019
Programming interface in Matlab to estimate solar radiation in Algeria: Application to M'sila
— The solar energy gives life to humans and all living beings on earth. Solar energy is used to produce thermal as well as electrical power. Solar energy and other renewable sources, allow us to meet the demand for energy while providing a cleaner and greener footprint. In this work, we have developed a software using the programming language MATLAB GUIs (also known as graphical user interfaces or UIs) for the estimation of solar radiation for the different types of the sky in Algeria. The software contains a database (latitude, longitude, and altitude) of all the regions of Algeria. The program gives the opportunity to compare the values estimated by the theoretical models (Perrin de Brichambaut, Lui & Jordon, Hay & Davies, Klucher and Reindl) and the values measured by the meteorological station in the region of M’sila. A good agreement was found between the measured and recorded values.
younes kherbiche , Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , Marouane Mostefaoui, , (2019), Programming interface in Matlab to estimate solar radiation in Algeria: Application to M'sila, International Journal of Science Research and Engineering Technology (IJSET), Vol:88, Issue:0, pages:32-37, IPCO
- 2019
Thermal conductivity of two kinds of earthen building materials
Earthen building materials have been used in all antique civilizations (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Aztec, etc.). [1] Undamaged earthworks of these civilizations still exist nowadays. [2] Earthen buildings are known as passive solar buildings, i.e. naturally air-conditioned. This is due to the low thermal conductivity of their construction materials. Traditional building materials based on earth offer the following advantages: easily accessible, inexpensive and above all environmentally friendly. They are manufactured by hand, but their manufacturing techniques vary from region to region even in the same country. Unfortunately, these natural materials are almost out of service in Algeria, despite their assets. The first objective of this investigation is to determine the thermal conductivity of traditional building materials obtained by mixing two kinds of soil (agricultural and soil taken from a type of desert landscape (Hamada)), separately, with different amounts of straw, according to the expertise of the inhabitants of M’Sila (a province of Algeria). The second purpose is to find out the best mass proportion (soil/straw) which gives the lowest thermal conductivity of the obtained earthen materials.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , A. Betga,, A. Charick, P.O. Logerais, ,(2019), Thermal conductivity of two kinds of earthen building materials,International conference on Green' Energy and Environment Technology (GEET-l9),Paris, France
- 2018
Solar Energy in M’sila (Algeria province),
An accurate knowledge of solar radiation data for a given location is required for any project aimed at exploiting solar energy. The present paper evaluates the solar energy potential of M'Sila, (internal region of Algeria). This assessment is made based on data collected at the M'Sila weather station for 365 days by 5-minute intervals. The study site is located at a latitude of 35° 42`07``, longitude of 4° 32`43`` and an altitude of 441 m above the sea level. The maximum radiation received in M'Sila during the day does not occur at a fixed time during the year. It fluctuates around an average value of 11:40. This maximum radiation was recorded between 9:14 and 13:59. The representative days of the radiation reaching the ground of M'Sila are different from those relating to extra-terrestrial radiation. They vary from year to year. The month of July is the sunniest month in M’Sila with a total insolation of 790.14 MJ/m2. The month of December is the least sunny month with a total insolation of 242.52 MJ/m2. M'Sila receives a total solar energy of 6316.42 MJ/m2 per year. That means an average insolation of 526.37MJ/m2 per month and 17.31 MJ/m2 per day. M'Sila has an important solar energy potential that deserves to be exploited.
Razika IHADDADENE , hadjifares@univ-msila.dz, nabila.ihaddadene@univ-m'sila.dz, kherbich.younes@univ-msila.com.dz, Mostefaoui M, ,(2018), Solar Energy in M’sila (Algeria province),,the 6th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC'18),Rabat, Maroc.
- 2018
Evaluation of the solar energy potential of M'Sila (a province of Algeria),
An accurate knowledge of solar radiation data for a given location is required for any project aimed at exploiting solar energy. The present paper evaluates the solar energy potential of M'Sila, (internal region of Algeria). This assessment is made based on data collected at the M'Sila weather station for 365 days by 5-minute intervals. The study site is located at a latitude of 35° 42`07``, longitude of 4° 32`43`` and an altitude of 441 m above the sea level. The maximum radiation received in M'Sila during the day does not occur at a fixed time during the year. It fluctuates around an average value of 11:40. This maximum radiation was recorded between 9:14 and 13:59. The representative days of the radiation reaching the ground of M'Sila are different from those relating to extra-terrestrial radiation. They vary from year to year. The month of July is the sunniest month in M’Sila with a total insolation of 790.14 MJ/m2. The month of December is the least sunny month with a total insolation of 242.52 MJ/m2. M'Sila receives a total solar energy of 6316.42 MJ/m2 per year. That means an average insolation of 526.37MJ/m2 per month and 17.31 MJ/m2 per day. M'Sila has an important solar energy potential that deserves to be exploited.
Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , hadjifares@univ-msila.dz, Marwan Mostfaoui,, ,(2018), Evaluation of the solar energy potential of M'Sila (a province of Algeria),,3rd International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy,,Berlin, Germany.
- 2018
New model to estimate monthly global solar radiation from air temperature in Algeria,
Global solar radiation is an important parameter in the study of any solar energy project. Global solar radiation measurements are not operational in all cities of Algeria, due to high cost of acquisition, maintenance and technical complexities. To overcome this problem the use of empirical models based on temperature as an interesting and accessible parameter is necessary. In this study, six empirical models namely; Hargreaves and Samani model, Chen model, Li 1 model, Li 2 model, Bristow and Compbell model and Okonkwo model, have been selected from literature to estimate monthly global solar radiation from air temperature data of Djelfa. The city of Djelfa (Algeria) is taken as the sole case of study. The performance of those models was evaluated through several statistical indicators (R², RMSE, MBE, MPE and RPE). The results show the superiority of Li 2 model on the studied models. Based on the evolution of monthly global solar radiation as function of extraterrestrial radiation and air temperature variation, a new model was developed. Comparison between model 4 and the developed one indicates the superiority of the new model. This model has been verified for other Algerian cities such as Biskra and Ghardaia. The data of these regions (global solar radiation, maximum and minimum air temperature) were taken from NASA site web. The results show also the superiority of this new model for these two regions. Therefore, the developed model can be suggested to estimate monthly global solar radiation using only air temperature.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Mohamed SALMI , Abdel Hadi Beridja,, ,(2018), New model to estimate monthly global solar radiation from air temperature in Algeria,,9th International Renewable Energy Congress,,Hammamet, Tunisia.
- 2018
Experimental investigation of Using a Novel insulation Material on the Functioning of a Solar Thermal Collector
This research document presents a new insulation material for solar thermal collectors. Tests were carried out in the laboratory, on an active solar energy demonstration system (ET 200), illuminated with a halogen lamp instead of sun. In this paper, the polystyrene used as insulation in the ET 200 flat plate solar collector was replaced by the cheaper natural material based on clay and straw. The polystyrene in the experimental device is placed under the absorber plate and along the edges of the casing containing the components of the solar collector. In this work, only the polystyrene of the four similar edges was replaced by the composite material. The use of the clay and straw as insulation material instead of polystyrene increased temperature difference (T2 − T1) between the inlet and the outlet of the absorber by 0.9±0.14 °C (p < 0.05); thus, increasing the useful power transmitted to water in the solar collector. Compared to polystyrene, tank water was well heated using the proposed material (p < 0.05). This latter also improved the performance of the solar collector by 5.77%. So, it is recommended to use the cheapest nonpolluting material based on clay and straw instead of synthetic insulation to improve the performance of the solar collector.
Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , A Betka, , (2018), Experimental investigation of Using a Novel insulation Material on the Functioning of a Solar Thermal Collector, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol:140, Issue:6, pages:061001-061005, ASME
- 2018
Modeling Of The Function Of Distribution Of The Ozone Concentration Of Surface To Urban Areas
In large urban centers, the major contributors to much of the degradation of air quality are motor vehicles on the road. In some cities, the levels of concentrations of air pollutants have reached levels that pose a risk to human health. Ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant formed from photochemical reactions of nitrogen oxides (NOx). Numerous studies have found associations between daily levels of ozone with a number of health effects. In the state of South Mato Grosso (MS), there has been a growing increase of ozone levels in the atmosphere in recent years. Considering the above, this study aimed to identify the best estimator for the Weibull distribution, in analyzing the ozone concentration, for the city of Campo Grande-MS. For this, electronic data from the continuous air monitoring station located on the campus of the Federal University of South Mato Grosso (UFMS), Campo Grande was utilized. According to the results presented by the tests, it was verified that the LSRM method presented the poorest performance. The EPFM, MOM and MSDM are most efficient methods to adjust the Weibull distribution curves for the evaluation of ozone concentrations in the atmosphere.
Nabila IHADDADENE , Razika IHADDADENE , Amaury de Souza, Soetânia S. de Oliveira, Flavio Aristone, Zaccheus Olaofe, Shiva Prashanth Kumar Kodicherla, Milica Arsić, , (2018), Modeling Of The Function Of Distribution Of The Ozone Concentration Of Surface To Urban Areas, Eur. Chem. Bull., Vol:7, Issue:3, pages:98-105., ECB
- 2018
Daily Global Solar Radiation Estimation Based on Air Temperature: Case of Study South of Algeria
Global solar radiation is needed for the analysis and scaling of solar conversion systems; however, global measurements of solar radiation are not available in all Algerian cities. The use of empirical models using an accessible parameter is a solution to this problem. In this study, seven empirical Models namely Hargreaves and Samani, Chen, M.F. Li, H.Li, Bristow and Campbell, Okonkwo and Abraha Savage have been employed to estimate daily average global solar radiation on the horizontal surface. These models use extreme temperatures (minimum and maximum). They were applied to three south Algerian sites (Biskra, Ghardaia, and Tamanrasset). The analyzed data were provided by the NASA site and cover four years (2001-2004). The validation of the models for predicting daily global solar radiation was done using four statistical parameters (R², MBE, RMSE, and RPE). The results show that Bristow and Compbell Model shows better performance than the other models in all sites. A new model is proposed for each site. The results show that this later is the best one compared with the seven models analyzed. Therefore, the developed model can be suggested to estimate daily global solar radiation using only extreme air temperatures in south Algeria.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , ADMIN Admin , ,(2018), Daily Global Solar Radiation Estimation Based on Air Temperature: Case of Study South of Algeria,International Conference on renewable energy and environment engineering,Paris.France
- 2018
New model to estimate monthly global solar radiation from air temperature in Algeria
Global solar radiation is an important parameter in the study of any solar energy project. Global solar radiation measurements are not operational in all cities of Algeria, due to high cost of acquisition, maintenance and technical complexities. To overcome this problem the use of empirical models based on temperature as an interesting and accessible parameter is necessary. In this study, six empirical models namely; Hargreaves and Samani model, Chen model, Li 1 model, Li 2 model, Bristow and Compbell model and Okonkwo model, have been selected from literature to estimate monthly global solar radiation from air temperature data of Djelfa. The city of Djelfa (Algeria) is taken as the sole case of study. The performance of those models was evaluated through several statistical indicators (R², RMSE, MBE, MPE and RPE). The results show the superiority of Li 2 model on the studied models. Based on the evolution of monthly global solar radiation as function of extraterrestrial radiation and air temperature variation, a new model was developed. Comparison between model 4 and the developed one indicates the superiority of the new model. This model has been verified for other Algerian cities such as Biskra and Ghardaia. The data of these regions (global solar radiation, maximum and minimum air temperature) were taken from NASA site web. The results show also the superiority of this new model for these two regions. Therefore, the developed model can be suggested to estimate monthly global solar radiation using only air temperature. the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Mohamed SALMI , Abdel Hadi Beridja, ,(2018), New model to estimate monthly global solar radiation from air temperature in Algeria,9th International Renewable Energy Congress,Hammamet, Tunisia
- 2017
Estimation du potential éolien de la région de M'sila
L’Algérie présente un potentiel éolienne considérable qui peut être exploité pour la production de l’électricité surtout dans la région du sud ou la vitesse de vent est plus élevée (la région d’Adrar) que celles du nord. Selon la carte des vents de l’Algérie établie par N. Kasbadji Merzouk, les zones de Batna, Biskra, El Bayadh, ElKheiter, M’sila, El Oued et Ghardaia présentent un potentiel éolien au voisinage de 1 MWh/m² qui ne doit pas être négligé. D’autre part, peu d’études ont été consacrées à l’établissement d’une base de données de vent en Algérie et la majorité d’entre elles sont consacrées au sud algérien (Adrar, Hassi R’Mel), c’est pour ces raisons qu’on a fait le choix de l’étude de la région de M’sila.
Razika IHADDADENE , ,(2017), Estimation du potential éolien de la région de M'sila,14ème colloque doctoral MESO "Modélisation et simulation pour l'ingénierie,Maghreb Pipe Industries (M'sila)
- 2017
Experimental study of the effect of soil type on global warming using laboratory thermal collector Author links open overlay panel
Among the causes of global warming, figure the modification of the nature of the soil. This paper presents an experimental study of the effect of soil type on global warming using a laboratory thermal collector. This paper shows also another application of this experimental apparatus used generally for parametric study in order to improve its efficiency. The experimental device (ET200) used in this study consists of a thermal collector and water reservoir. The thermal collector receives solar energy from a halogen lamp (which simulates solar radiation) on its glass surface. The same amount of the following materials is spread over the receptive surface of the thermal collector; agricultural soil, local regional soil (soil of the region where these experiments were performed), cement and plaster. The same experimental conditions are kept up for each material used as receptive surface cover. The incident heat flux is influenced by the nature of the receptive surface coverage. Indeed, the receptive surface covered by agricultural soil and local soil receives the same incident flux. This flux is reduced by 4% in case of cement and 8% in case of plaster (i.e; relative to flux received by agricultural soil and local soil). The reception glass covered with agricultural soil transmits better the energy received from the lamp to the heating medium (heat transfer fluid); this energy is lessened by 9% in the case of local soil, by 27% in the case of plaster and 18% in the case of cement. So, the incident solar radiation is well reflected by the plaster, it is less reflected by the cement and it is the least reflected in the case of agricultural soil and local soil. So, the thermal collector demonstrates that air temperature is affected by the nature of the soil. It is recommended to preserve agricultural lands and do not transforming them into urban areas in order to reduce the effect of global warming.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Abdelwahaab Betka, Abdel Hadi Beghidja, , (2017), Experimental study of the effect of soil type on global warming using laboratory thermal collector Author links open overlay panel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol:42, Issue:30, pages:19576-19582, Elsiviers
- 2017
est Tilt Angle of Fixed Solar Conversion Systems at M’Sila Region (Algeria)
The position of the solar conversion systems relative to the sun affects directly their energy output. Optimum tilt angle is the inclination which maximizes the amount of intercepted solar energy. This paper aims to find the best inclination angle of fixed solar conversion systems in M’Sila region, (monthly, seasonally and annually) theoretically (using empirical models namely; Liu & Jordan model, circumsolar model, Hay model, and Reindl model) and experimentally. Reindl model is the most suitable for M’Sila region because, it gives values close to those found experimentally. It is preferable to change the tilt angle of solar conversion systems monthly or seasonally instead of fixing them, to gain more energy.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , Abdeldjabbar Charik, , (2017), est Tilt Angle of Fixed Solar Conversion Systems at M’Sila Region (Algeria), Energy Procedia, Vol:118, Issue:0, pages:63-71, Elsiviers