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- 11-11-2019
- 2021-09-18 00:00:00
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- 2024-12-14
تاريخ السياسة الأمنية الروسية في منطقة الساحل الافريقي
الملخص: لمنطقة الساحل الأفريقي أهمية كبيرة كما تعتبر واحدة من أكثر المناطق تعقيدًا في العالم من الناحية الأمنية والسياسية. تواجه هذه الدول تحديات كبيرة تتعلق بالإرهاب، والفقر، والهجرة غير الشرعية، والصراعات الداخلية. منذ مطلع الألفية الجديدة، برزت الحاجة الملحة لتعزيز التعاون الأمني والدبلوماسي بين دول الساحل، بالإضافة إلى تطوير شراكات استراتيجية مع دول كبرى مثل روسيا. هذه الشراكة تهدف إلى مواجهة التهديدات المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة، مما يجعل من الضروري دراسة هذه الديناميات وتأثيراتها المحتملة. كما أن دول الساحل تعاني من تهديدات متزايدة بسبب الجماعات الإرهابية، التي تستغل ضعف الحكومات المحلية. كما أن التغيرات المناخية والنزاعات حول الموارد قد زادت من حدة الأزمات الإنسانية، مما يتطلب تنسيقاً أمنياً محلياً ودولياً فعالاً. وفي السنوات الأخيرة، بدأت روسيا في تعزيز وجودها في الساحل الأفريقي، حيث قدمت الدعم العسكري والتدريب للعديد من الدول. تسعى روسيا إلى إنشاء علاقات اقتصادية وسياسية قوية، ما يتيح لها التأثير في الساحة الدولية ودعم استقرار المنطقة.
Ismahane Mhamdi , Ismahane Mhamdi , ADMIN Admin , محمدي اسمهان, محمدي اسمهان, محمدي اسمهان, , (2024-12-14), تاريخ السياسة الأمنية الروسية في منطقة الساحل الافريقي, مجلة البحوث التاريخية, Vol:8, Issue:15, pages:14, جامعة المسيلة
- 2024-12-11
الهجرة غير الشرعية من منظور اجتماعي قانوني
نهدف من وراء هذه المداخلة الى البحث حول ظاهرة الهجرة غير الشرعية وسبل معالجتها من منظور اجتماعي قانوني، من خلال تحديد المفاهيم المتعلقة بالهجرة والهجرة غير الشرعية، والتعرف على أسباب الهجرة غير الشرعية وانعكاساتها على المجتمعات والآليات القانونية لمكافحتها والحد منها.
Said Herzi , ADMIN Admin , Yasmina Ketfi , ,(2024-12-11), الهجرة غير الشرعية من منظور اجتماعي قانوني,الشباب الجامعي والهجرة غير الشرعية-نظرة تحليلية للواقع النفس الاجتماعي,كلية العلوم الاجتماعية بالمسيلة
- 2024-12-01
الوافد الغربي إلى الفكر اللغوي العربي؛ (النموذج اللساني العرفاني) من الماهية إلى التلقي العربي.
الملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء حول المنجز اللساني العرفاني باعتباره علما لسانيا حديثا لاح نجمه في آفاق البحث اللساني اليوم، حيث نلحظ مدى اهتمام الباحثين بما جاءت به اللسانيات العرفانية من مبادئ ونظريات تخدم اللغة وتساير متطلبات العصر الحديث بنمط مغاير لما قدمته النظريات اللغوية الأخرى، ففي حين نظرت المناهج السابقة إلى اللغة من مناظير تفسيرية وتحليلية مختلفة؛ جاءت اللسانيات العرفانية لتدرس اللغة من حيث آليات اشتغال الذهن عبر ربط اللغة بالذهن والواقع، لذا سعى هذا البحث إلى إبراز اللسانيات العرفانية من حيث الماهية والأسس والمبادئ، وإظهار علاقة اللسانيات بالعلوم العرفانية وكذا علاقة اللسانيات العرفانية بالعلوم الأخرى، ثم الوقوف عند التلقي العربي لهذا المنجز اللساني الحديث. Abstract : This study aims to shed light on cognitive linguistic achievement as a modern linguistic science whose star has loomed in the horizons of linguistic research nowadays, where we note the extent of the researcher's interest in the principles and theories brought by cognitive linguistics that serve the language and keep pace with the requirements of the modern era in a manner different from what other linguistic theories have presented. While the previous approaches looked at language from different explanatory and analytical perspectives, cognitive linguistics came to study language in terms of the mechanisms of mind functioning by linking language with mind and reality. Thus, this research sought to highlight cognitive linguistics in terms of its foundations and principles. It also illustrates the relationship of cognitive linguistics to other cognitive sciences on the one hand and the relationship of cognitive linguistics to other sciences on the other hand. Accordingly, a closer look at Arab linguists' perception and reception of this modern linguistic achievement.
salah GHILOUS , ADMIN Admin , جغبلوا عواطف ، جامعة بسكرة, , (2024-12-01), الوافد الغربي إلى الفكر اللغوي العربي؛ (النموذج اللساني العرفاني) من الماهية إلى التلقي العربي., مجلة العدوي للسانيات العرفنية وتعليمية اللغات, Vol:3, Issue:1, pages:45-60, مخبر الدراسات اللغوية النظرية والتط\بيقية
- 2024-11-14
using AI systems in judicial work(investigation,evidence and legal research)
This study aims to determine the extent to which AI applications can be used in legal fields in particular in the fields of civil and criminal investigation and evidence, given the enormous technological development and which has often become an imperative to cope with today's global conditions, To come to the conclusion that overuse without censorship may negatively protect individuals' rights to privacy and work we must ensure that it is used in areas beneficial to mankind, Perhaps the most important of all is the enshrinement of such intelligence systems in the detection and destruction of human abusive programs.
Said Herzi , ADMIN Admin , , (2024-11-14), using AI systems in judicial work(investigation,evidence and legal research), journal of law and sustainable development, Vol:12, Issue:11, pages:1-17, open access publications LLC,Deerfield Beach,Florida,USA.
- 2024-09-23
تتناول مادة اللسانيات التداولية أهم الدروس و المواد العلمية المدرجة ضمن المقر البيداغوجي الوطني
mohamedzehar , ADMINAdmin , ,(2024-09-23); المحضر,جامعة المسيلة,
- 2024-06-12
Gut microbiota of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings in Northeast Algeria
The intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the digestion of food provided by parents to their hatchlings. Non-pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract can be significantly beneficial to the host species, while pathogenic bacteria can reduce hatchling survival and lead to a decline in the number of new generation. Microbiological analysis of cloacal microflora of hatchlings revealed a highly diverse microbial load present from hatching until fledging (at 15 days) in Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica). The intestinal microflora of 15-day-olds was the most diverse, and two groups are dependent on age: CPG and Lactobacilli are mostly present in hatchlings of the second and third ages (10 and 15 days). Our research was conducted to identify certain bacterial species, such as E. coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus. The presence of most species was related to age, while the presence of Salmonella was accidental.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ADMIN Admin , , (2024-06-12), Gut microbiota of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings in Northeast Algeria, Ornis Hungarica, Vol:32, Issue:1, pages:154-161, sciendo
- 2024-02-01
Agent-Based Simulation of Crowd Evacuation through Complex Spaces
In this paper, we have developed a description of an agent-based model for simulating the evacuation of crowds from complex physical spaces to escape dangerous situations. This model describes a physical space that contains a set of differently shaped fences and obstacles, and an exit door. The pedestrians composing the crowd and moving in this space in order to be evacuated are described as intelligent agents with a supervised machine learning using perception-based data to perceive particular environment differently. The description of this model is developed with the Python language where its execution represents its simulation. Before the simulation, the model can be validated using an animation written with the Python language and this to fix possible problems of model description. A model performance evaluation is presented using an analysis of simulation results and this evaluation shows that these results are very encouraging.
MUSTAPHA Bourahla , ADMIN Admin , Mohamed Chatra , , (2024-02-01), Agent-Based Simulation of Crowd Evacuation through Complex Spaces, Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, Vol:29, Issue:1, pages:1-11, International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)
- 2024-01-26
Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films
Spinel thin films Co3O4 have been deposited at a temperature of approximately 400 °C using spray pyrolysis. The testimony process was carried out with different deposition times (4, 5, 6, and 8 min), indicating that the films were grown for varying durations. The objective of varying deposition times of the thin films of Co3O4 was to optimize the fabrication of a hetero-junction between Co3O4 and ZnO. XRD, SEM and Raman investigations showed that pure cubic Co3O4 with an irregular spindle shaped particles have been successfully obtained. The films’ thickness increased under prolonged preparation times leading to a denser surface. The optical measurements revealed that the thin layer with a deposition time of 8 min attained a total absorbance of 98% in the apparent spectrum with a band gap of 1.27 eV. The I–V characteristics recorded of FTO/ZnO/Co3O4/Au cells showed that all devices exhibiting a rectifying behavior with a perfect factor that varies between 3.87 and 1.64. Our results suggest that Co3O4 at 8 min with a carrier density of 2.414 × 1014 cm−3 and high absorbance is potentially a competitive hole transport material in spinel solar cells, and, the recorded characteristics of the photovoltaic phenomenon were noted a short circuit current of 1.302 mA, an open circuit voltage of 369 mV and a fill factor of 32%.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Warda Darenfad, Noubeil Guermat;, Nadir Bouarissa;, Fatima Zohra Satour, Ameur Zegadi, Kamel Mirouh, , (2024-01-26), Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials Electronics, Vol:35, Issue:, pages:162, Springer
- 2024-01-26
Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films
Spinel thin films Co3O4 have been deposited at a temperature of approximately 400 °C using spray pyrolysis. The testimony process was carried out with different deposition times (4, 5, 6, and 8 min), indicating that the films were grown for varying durations. The objective of varying deposition times of the thin films of Co3O4 was to optimize the fabrication of a hetero-junction between Co3O4 and ZnO. XRD, SEM and Raman investigations showed that pure cubic Co3O4 with an irregular spindle shaped particles have been successfully obtained. The films’ thickness increased under prolonged preparation times leading to a denser surface. The optical measurements revealed that the thin layer with a deposition time of 8 min attained a total absorbance of 98% in the apparent spectrum with a band gap of 1.27 eV. The I–V characteristics recorded of FTO/ZnO/Co3O4/Au cells showed that all devices exhibiting a rectifying behavior with a perfect factor that varies between 3.87 and 1.64. Our results suggest that Co3O4 at 8 min with a carrier density of 2.414 × 1014 cm−3 and high absorbance is potentially a competitive hole transport material in spinel solar cells, and, the recorded characteristics of the photovoltaic phenomenon were noted a short circuit current of 1.302 mA, an open circuit voltage of 369 mV and a fill factor of 32%.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Warda Darenfad, Noubeil Guermat;, Nadir Bouarissa;, Fatima Zohra Satour, Ameur Zegadi, Kamel Mirouh, , (2024-01-26), Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials Electronics, Vol:35, Issue:, pages:162, Springer
- 2024-01-26
Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films
Spinel thin films Co3O4 have been deposited at a temperature of approximately 400 °C using spray pyrolysis. The testimony process was carried out with different deposition times (4, 5, 6, and 8 min), indicating that the films were grown for varying durations. The objective of varying deposition times of the thin films of Co3O4 was to optimize the fabrication of a hetero-junction between Co3O4 and ZnO. XRD, SEM and Raman investigations showed that pure cubic Co3O4 with an irregular spindle shaped particles have been successfully obtained. The films’ thickness increased under prolonged preparation times leading to a denser surface. The optical measurements revealed that the thin layer with a deposition time of 8 min attained a total absorbance of 98% in the apparent spectrum with a band gap of 1.27 eV. The I–V characteristics recorded of FTO/ZnO/Co3O4/Au cells showed that all devices exhibiting a rectifying behavior with a perfect factor that varies between 3.87 and 1.64. Our results suggest that Co3O4 at 8 min with a carrier density of 2.414 × 1014 cm−3 and high absorbance is potentially a competitive hole transport material in spinel solar cells, and, the recorded characteristics of the photovoltaic phenomenon were noted a short circuit current of 1.302 mA, an open circuit voltage of 369 mV and a fill factor of 32%.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Warda Darenfad, Noubeil Guermat;, Nadir Bouarissa;, Fatima Zohra Satour, Ameur Zegadi, Kamel Mirouh, , (2024-01-26), Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials Electronics, Vol:35, Issue:, pages:162, Springer
- 2024-01-26
Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films
Spinel thin films Co3O4 have been deposited at a temperature of approximately 400 °C using spray pyrolysis. The testimony process was carried out with different deposition times (4, 5, 6, and 8 min), indicating that the films were grown for varying durations. The objective of varying deposition times of the thin films of Co3O4 was to optimize the fabrication of a hetero-junction between Co3O4 and ZnO. XRD, SEM and Raman investigations showed that pure cubic Co3O4 with an irregular spindle shaped particles have been successfully obtained. The films’ thickness increased under prolonged preparation times leading to a denser surface. The optical measurements revealed that the thin layer with a deposition time of 8 min attained a total absorbance of 98% in the apparent spectrum with a band gap of 1.27 eV. The I–V characteristics recorded of FTO/ZnO/Co3O4/Au cells showed that all devices exhibiting a rectifying behavior with a perfect factor that varies between 3.87 and 1.64. Our results suggest that Co3O4 at 8 min with a carrier density of 2.414 × 1014 cm−3 and high absorbance is potentially a competitive hole transport material in spinel solar cells, and, the recorded characteristics of the photovoltaic phenomenon were noted a short circuit current of 1.302 mA, an open circuit voltage of 369 mV and a fill factor of 32%.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Warda Darenfad, Noubeil Guermat;, Nadir Bouarissa;, Fatima Zohra Satour, Ameur Zegadi, Kamel Mirouh, , (2024-01-26), Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials Electronics, Vol:35, Issue:, pages:162, Springer
- 2024-01-26
Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films
Spinel thin films Co3O4 have been deposited at a temperature of approximately 400 °C using spray pyrolysis. The testimony process was carried out with different deposition times (4, 5, 6, and 8 min), indicating that the films were grown for varying durations. The objective of varying deposition times of the thin films of Co3O4 was to optimize the fabrication of a hetero-junction between Co3O4 and ZnO. XRD, SEM and Raman investigations showed that pure cubic Co3O4 with an irregular spindle shaped particles have been successfully obtained. The films’ thickness increased under prolonged preparation times leading to a denser surface. The optical measurements revealed that the thin layer with a deposition time of 8 min attained a total absorbance of 98% in the apparent spectrum with a band gap of 1.27 eV. The I–V characteristics recorded of FTO/ZnO/Co3O4/Au cells showed that all devices exhibiting a rectifying behavior with a perfect factor that varies between 3.87 and 1.64. Our results suggest that Co3O4 at 8 min with a carrier density of 2.414 × 1014 cm−3 and high absorbance is potentially a competitive hole transport material in spinel solar cells, and, the recorded characteristics of the photovoltaic phenomenon were noted a short circuit current of 1.302 mA, an open circuit voltage of 369 mV and a fill factor of 32%.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Warda Darenfad, Noubeil Guermat;, Nadir Bouarissa;, Fatima Zohra Satour, Ameur Zegadi, Kamel Mirouh, , (2024-01-26), Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials Electronics, Vol:35, Issue:, pages:162, Springer
- 2024-01-26
Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films
Spinel thin films Co3O4 have been deposited at a temperature of approximately 400 °C using spray pyrolysis. The testimony process was carried out with different deposition times (4, 5, 6, and 8 min), indicating that the films were grown for varying durations. The objective of varying deposition times of the thin films of Co3O4 was to optimize the fabrication of a hetero-junction between Co3O4 and ZnO. XRD, SEM and Raman investigations showed that pure cubic Co3O4 with an irregular spindle shaped particles have been successfully obtained. The films’ thickness increased under prolonged preparation times leading to a denser surface. The optical measurements revealed that the thin layer with a deposition time of 8 min attained a total absorbance of 98% in the apparent spectrum with a band gap of 1.27 eV. The I–V characteristics recorded of FTO/ZnO/Co3O4/Au cells showed that all devices exhibiting a rectifying behavior with a perfect factor that varies between 3.87 and 1.64. Our results suggest that Co3O4 at 8 min with a carrier density of 2.414 × 1014 cm−3 and high absorbance is potentially a competitive hole transport material in spinel solar cells, and, the recorded characteristics of the photovoltaic phenomenon were noted a short circuit current of 1.302 mA, an open circuit voltage of 369 mV and a fill factor of 32%.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Warda Darenfad, Noubeil Guermat;, Nadir Bouarissa;, Fatima Zohra Satour, Ameur Zegadi, Kamel Mirouh, , (2024-01-26), Improvement in optoelectronics and photovoltaic properties of p‑Co3O4/n‑ZnO hetero‑junction: effect of deposition time of sprayed Co3O4 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials Electronics, Vol:35, Issue:, pages:162, Springer
- 2024-01-21
محـــاضــرات في تــــاريـخ الحـركة الوطنيــة الجزائــرية 1919 - 1954م
تعالج هذه المطبوعة بالعرض والتحليل تجربة النضال السياسي الذي تبنته تيارات الحركة الوطنية الجزائرية بمختلف مشاربها وتوجهاتها ضمن أطر مهيكلة في شكل جمعيات وأحزاب ونوادي في سياق مواجهتهتعا للسياسة الكولونيالية وتجلياتها الكارثية على كافة النواحي، فهي تغطي سلسلة النشاطات والمبادرات الجماعية والفردية التي قامت بها النخب الوطنية بأساليب سلمية طوال الفترة الممتدة بين سنوات 1919م – 1954م من خلال الغوص في مطالبها وأطروحاتها، والوقوف على أعمالها الميدانية وحركاتها الاحتجاجية، ورصد تحركاتها الخارجية لإسماع الصوت الجزائري، وهي الأنشطة التي وسمت المرحلة، وعبرت عن رؤى وتصورات متمايزة لتلك التيارات. كما تستعرض أيضا مختلف أوجه السياسة القمعية الفرنسية التي رفضت كل مقترحات الإصلاح والترقية الحقيقية، وحاولت في مناسبات متباينة لاسيما عقب المواجهتين العالميتين الأولى والثانية امتصاص الغضب الأهلي بتقديم بعض المبادرات المحدودة والمشروطة، لكنها في الإجمال ظلت وفية لنهجها وتقاليدها المتبعة منذ بداية الاحتلال، القائمة على إقصاء العنصر الوطني وعدم الاعتراف له بحق الوجود، الأمر الذي قاد الجزائريين في النهاية إلى اختيار حمل السلاح مجددا، وتفجير الثورة التحريرية في الفاتح نوفمبر 1954م.
AbdelkaderKhelifi , ADMINAdmin , ,(2024-01-21); محـــاضــرات في تــــاريـخ الحـركة الوطنيــة الجزائــرية 1919 - 1954م,,
- 2024-01-13
Density functional theory calculations of electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of K-based double perovskite materials
Structural parameters, elastic constants, electronic band structures, and thermoelectric properties of K2ABF6 (A = Ag, Na, B = Rh, Pd, Ni, Nb, Ru, Ti) materials at zero pressure and elevated temperatures have been studied. The computations have been presented within the density functional theory using the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package code. Special attention has been given to the thermoelectric properties of the studied materials for K-based double perovskite materials. The obtained results are generally found to be in good agreement with the available data in the literature. Other case, our results are predictions. The calculated lattice parameters are found to be less than 3% with those of experiments. All materials of interest are classified as ductile ones. An inspection of the band structure indicated that all materials under load are indirect bandgap semiconductors. The high Seebeck coefficient is shown by the semiconductors, while metals have the least Seebeck coefficient. The alloys possess high figure of merit (ZT) values, suggesting their applications in thermoelectric power generation.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Saadi Berri;, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-13), Density functional theory calculations of electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of K-based double perovskite materials, Energy Storage, Vol:5, Issue:, pages:e400, Wiley Online Library
- 2024-01-13
Density functional theory calculations of electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of K-based double perovskite materials
Structural parameters, elastic constants, electronic band structures, and thermoelectric properties of K2ABF6 (A = Ag, Na, B = Rh, Pd, Ni, Nb, Ru, Ti) materials at zero pressure and elevated temperatures have been studied. The computations have been presented within the density functional theory using the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package code. Special attention has been given to the thermoelectric properties of the studied materials for K-based double perovskite materials. The obtained results are generally found to be in good agreement with the available data in the literature. Other case, our results are predictions. The calculated lattice parameters are found to be less than 3% with those of experiments. All materials of interest are classified as ductile ones. An inspection of the band structure indicated that all materials under load are indirect bandgap semiconductors. The high Seebeck coefficient is shown by the semiconductors, while metals have the least Seebeck coefficient. The alloys possess high figure of merit (ZT) values, suggesting their applications in thermoelectric power generation.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Saadi Berri;, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-13), Density functional theory calculations of electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of K-based double perovskite materials, Energy Storage, Vol:5, Issue:, pages:e400, Wiley Online Library
- 2024-01-13
Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2
The impact of pressure on structural parameters, electronic structure and magnetic properties in MoS2 bulk material has been investigated using spin-polarized full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method in the TranBlaha-modified Becke-Johnson gradient approximation approach. Our findings at zero pressure in MoS2 bulk material are usually dealing with the obtainable experimental input. With increasing pressure, the lattice parameters of MoS2 bulk material are reduced, the material of interest has tendency to a metallic character and the total magnetic moment is increased non-monotonically in both spin-up and spin-down conduits. The impact of pressure on structural properties is more important vs. c-axis than a-axis.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Asma Bouarissa, Hajer Maghraoui-Meherzi, Ahned Gueddim, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-13), Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol:46, Issue:, pages:89, Springer
- 2024-01-13
Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2
The impact of pressure on structural parameters, electronic structure and magnetic properties in MoS2 bulk material has been investigated using spin-polarized full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method in the TranBlaha-modified Becke-Johnson gradient approximation approach. Our findings at zero pressure in MoS2 bulk material are usually dealing with the obtainable experimental input. With increasing pressure, the lattice parameters of MoS2 bulk material are reduced, the material of interest has tendency to a metallic character and the total magnetic moment is increased non-monotonically in both spin-up and spin-down conduits. The impact of pressure on structural properties is more important vs. c-axis than a-axis.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Asma Bouarissa, Hajer Maghraoui-Meherzi, Ahned Gueddim, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-13), Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol:46, Issue:, pages:89, Springer
- 2024-01-13
Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2
The impact of pressure on structural parameters, electronic structure and magnetic properties in MoS2 bulk material has been investigated using spin-polarized full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method in the TranBlaha-modified Becke-Johnson gradient approximation approach. Our findings at zero pressure in MoS2 bulk material are usually dealing with the obtainable experimental input. With increasing pressure, the lattice parameters of MoS2 bulk material are reduced, the material of interest has tendency to a metallic character and the total magnetic moment is increased non-monotonically in both spin-up and spin-down conduits. The impact of pressure on structural properties is more important vs. c-axis than a-axis.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Asma Bouarissa, Hajer Maghraoui-Meherzi, Ahned Gueddim, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-13), Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol:46, Issue:, pages:89, Springer
- 2024-01-13
Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2
The impact of pressure on structural parameters, electronic structure and magnetic properties in MoS2 bulk material has been investigated using spin-polarized full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method in the TranBlaha-modified Becke-Johnson gradient approximation approach. Our findings at zero pressure in MoS2 bulk material are usually dealing with the obtainable experimental input. With increasing pressure, the lattice parameters of MoS2 bulk material are reduced, the material of interest has tendency to a metallic character and the total magnetic moment is increased non-monotonically in both spin-up and spin-down conduits. The impact of pressure on structural properties is more important vs. c-axis than a-axis.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Asma Bouarissa, Hajer Maghraoui-Meherzi, Ahned Gueddim, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-13), Impact of compression on the crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties for bulk MoS2, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol:46, Issue:, pages:89, Springer
- 2024-01-11
Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4
The electronic structure, optical and thermodynamic properties of M3GeMgN4 (M = Sr or Ba) nitrides have been investigated using first-principles calculations. The calculated equilibrium lattice parameters and inter-atomic bond-lengths show excellent concordance with experiment. The elastic constants (Cijs) and their derived properties have been calculated showing that the examined compounds are mechanically stable and elastically soft, ductile and anisotropic. The analysis of the electronic structure reveals a semiconductor comportment for both crystals. The Sr3GeMgN4 (Ba3GeMgN4) compound possesses a direct (indirect) energy gap of 1.476 eV (1.194 eV). The chemical bonding in both semiconductors is dominated by a covalent character, which originates from the Ge-N and Mg-N hybridized states. Both nitrides show moderate dielectric properties, high visible and UV absorbance, indicating that both materials are suitable for optoelectronic applications. Phononic dispersion curves have demonstrated the dynamical stability of the studied crystals.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Faycel Djeghloul, Youcef Medkour, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-11), Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol:290, Issue:, pages:116292, Elsevier
- 2024-01-11
Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4
The electronic structure, optical and thermodynamic properties of M3GeMgN4 (M = Sr or Ba) nitrides have been investigated using first-principles calculations. The calculated equilibrium lattice parameters and inter-atomic bond-lengths show excellent concordance with experiment. The elastic constants (Cijs) and their derived properties have been calculated showing that the examined compounds are mechanically stable and elastically soft, ductile and anisotropic. The analysis of the electronic structure reveals a semiconductor comportment for both crystals. The Sr3GeMgN4 (Ba3GeMgN4) compound possesses a direct (indirect) energy gap of 1.476 eV (1.194 eV). The chemical bonding in both semiconductors is dominated by a covalent character, which originates from the Ge-N and Mg-N hybridized states. Both nitrides show moderate dielectric properties, high visible and UV absorbance, indicating that both materials are suitable for optoelectronic applications. Phononic dispersion curves have demonstrated the dynamical stability of the studied crystals.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Faycel Djeghloul, Youcef Medkour, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-11), Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol:290, Issue:, pages:116292, Elsevier
- 2024-01-11
Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4
The electronic structure, optical and thermodynamic properties of M3GeMgN4 (M = Sr or Ba) nitrides have been investigated using first-principles calculations. The calculated equilibrium lattice parameters and inter-atomic bond-lengths show excellent concordance with experiment. The elastic constants (Cijs) and their derived properties have been calculated showing that the examined compounds are mechanically stable and elastically soft, ductile and anisotropic. The analysis of the electronic structure reveals a semiconductor comportment for both crystals. The Sr3GeMgN4 (Ba3GeMgN4) compound possesses a direct (indirect) energy gap of 1.476 eV (1.194 eV). The chemical bonding in both semiconductors is dominated by a covalent character, which originates from the Ge-N and Mg-N hybridized states. Both nitrides show moderate dielectric properties, high visible and UV absorbance, indicating that both materials are suitable for optoelectronic applications. Phononic dispersion curves have demonstrated the dynamical stability of the studied crystals.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Faycel Djeghloul, Youcef Medkour, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-11), Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol:290, Issue:, pages:116292, Elsevier
- 2024-01-11
Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4
The electronic structure, optical and thermodynamic properties of M3GeMgN4 (M = Sr or Ba) nitrides have been investigated using first-principles calculations. The calculated equilibrium lattice parameters and inter-atomic bond-lengths show excellent concordance with experiment. The elastic constants (Cijs) and their derived properties have been calculated showing that the examined compounds are mechanically stable and elastically soft, ductile and anisotropic. The analysis of the electronic structure reveals a semiconductor comportment for both crystals. The Sr3GeMgN4 (Ba3GeMgN4) compound possesses a direct (indirect) energy gap of 1.476 eV (1.194 eV). The chemical bonding in both semiconductors is dominated by a covalent character, which originates from the Ge-N and Mg-N hybridized states. Both nitrides show moderate dielectric properties, high visible and UV absorbance, indicating that both materials are suitable for optoelectronic applications. Phononic dispersion curves have demonstrated the dynamical stability of the studied crystals.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Faycel Djeghloul, Youcef Medkour, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-11), Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol:290, Issue:, pages:116292, Elsevier
- 2024-01-11
Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4
The electronic structure, optical and thermodynamic properties of M3GeMgN4 (M = Sr or Ba) nitrides have been investigated using first-principles calculations. The calculated equilibrium lattice parameters and inter-atomic bond-lengths show excellent concordance with experiment. The elastic constants (Cijs) and their derived properties have been calculated showing that the examined compounds are mechanically stable and elastically soft, ductile and anisotropic. The analysis of the electronic structure reveals a semiconductor comportment for both crystals. The Sr3GeMgN4 (Ba3GeMgN4) compound possesses a direct (indirect) energy gap of 1.476 eV (1.194 eV). The chemical bonding in both semiconductors is dominated by a covalent character, which originates from the Ge-N and Mg-N hybridized states. Both nitrides show moderate dielectric properties, high visible and UV absorbance, indicating that both materials are suitable for optoelectronic applications. Phononic dispersion curves have demonstrated the dynamical stability of the studied crystals.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Faycel Djeghloul, Youcef Medkour, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-11), Electronic, mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties of the quaternary semiconductors Sr3GeMgN4 and Ba3GeMgN4, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol:290, Issue:, pages:116292, Elsevier
- 2024-01-09
First-principles calculations of Mg2FeH6 under high-pressures and hydrogen storage properties
We report on structural properties, elastic constants, mechanical and dynamical stabilities, electronic band structure, and hydrogen storage applications of Mg2FeH6 at zero and high-pressure effects. The work has been realized within the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. At zero pressure, the material under study is stable and has a ductile nature. The electronic structure of the material of interest is determined to be X-X wide direct band gap semiconductor with an energy of 1.88 eV. The hydrogen storage capacity wt (%) and the hydrogen desorption temperature are reported as 5.473 and 625.47 K respectively. The Debye temperature ϴD is recorded as 698 K using the elastic constants and about 775 K using the Gibbs calculations. Under high-pressure effect up to 80 GPa, the semiconductor still be an X-X semiconductor with an energy gap of 3.91 eV. The Debye temperature ϴD increases monotonically up to about 1120 K at 80 GPa when using the calculated elastic constants whereas the desorption temperature decreases from 650 to 0 K by increasing pressure from 0 to about 87 GPa.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Hamza Ziani, Ahmed Gueddim, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-09), First-principles calculations of Mg2FeH6 under high-pressures and hydrogen storage properties, Journal of Molecular Modeling, Vol:29, Issue:, pages:59, Springer
- 2024-01-09
First-principles calculations of Mg2FeH6 under high-pressures and hydrogen storage properties
We report on structural properties, elastic constants, mechanical and dynamical stabilities, electronic band structure, and hydrogen storage applications of Mg2FeH6 at zero and high-pressure effects. The work has been realized within the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. At zero pressure, the material under study is stable and has a ductile nature. The electronic structure of the material of interest is determined to be X-X wide direct band gap semiconductor with an energy of 1.88 eV. The hydrogen storage capacity wt (%) and the hydrogen desorption temperature are reported as 5.473 and 625.47 K respectively. The Debye temperature ϴD is recorded as 698 K using the elastic constants and about 775 K using the Gibbs calculations. Under high-pressure effect up to 80 GPa, the semiconductor still be an X-X semiconductor with an energy gap of 3.91 eV. The Debye temperature ϴD increases monotonically up to about 1120 K at 80 GPa when using the calculated elastic constants whereas the desorption temperature decreases from 650 to 0 K by increasing pressure from 0 to about 87 GPa.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Hamza Ziani, Ahmed Gueddim, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-09), First-principles calculations of Mg2FeH6 under high-pressures and hydrogen storage properties, Journal of Molecular Modeling, Vol:29, Issue:, pages:59, Springer
- 2024-01-09
First-principles calculations of Mg2FeH6 under high-pressures and hydrogen storage properties
We report on structural properties, elastic constants, mechanical and dynamical stabilities, electronic band structure, and hydrogen storage applications of Mg2FeH6 at zero and high-pressure effects. The work has been realized within the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. At zero pressure, the material under study is stable and has a ductile nature. The electronic structure of the material of interest is determined to be X-X wide direct band gap semiconductor with an energy of 1.88 eV. The hydrogen storage capacity wt (%) and the hydrogen desorption temperature are reported as 5.473 and 625.47 K respectively. The Debye temperature ϴD is recorded as 698 K using the elastic constants and about 775 K using the Gibbs calculations. Under high-pressure effect up to 80 GPa, the semiconductor still be an X-X semiconductor with an energy gap of 3.91 eV. The Debye temperature ϴD increases monotonically up to about 1120 K at 80 GPa when using the calculated elastic constants whereas the desorption temperature decreases from 650 to 0 K by increasing pressure from 0 to about 87 GPa.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Hamza Ziani, Ahmed Gueddim, Nadir Bouarissa;, , (2024-01-09), First-principles calculations of Mg2FeH6 under high-pressures and hydrogen storage properties, Journal of Molecular Modeling, Vol:29, Issue:, pages:59, Springer
- 2024-01-07
First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys
The structural parameters, electronic band structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) ternary semiconductor alloys are studied. The calculations are realized using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The modified local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) have been used for describing the exchange-correlation potential. The obtained results for zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys show a general wellness with the data shown in the literature. An inspection of electronic band structure indicates that zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS are (Г→Г) direct band gap semiconductors (from x = 0 up to x = 1). A predominant ionic type of the chemical bonding in these materials has been indicated. The density of states shows various peaks in both valence and conduction localities proposing that an abundance of conditions is obtainable for occupation. The alloys affect the optical features of interest. The results obtained from the present work show that the zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS is a promettant material for photovoltaic device applications. Moreover, the alloy of interest can be used in different devices from visible to ultraviolet light.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , benlechheb soumia ; soumia.benlechheb, mustapha boucenna;, nadir bouarissa;, , (2024-01-07), First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys, Chemistry physics impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100177, Elsevier
- 2024-01-07
First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys
The structural parameters, electronic band structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) ternary semiconductor alloys are studied. The calculations are realized using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The modified local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) have been used for describing the exchange-correlation potential. The obtained results for zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys show a general wellness with the data shown in the literature. An inspection of electronic band structure indicates that zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS are (Г→Г) direct band gap semiconductors (from x = 0 up to x = 1). A predominant ionic type of the chemical bonding in these materials has been indicated. The density of states shows various peaks in both valence and conduction localities proposing that an abundance of conditions is obtainable for occupation. The alloys affect the optical features of interest. The results obtained from the present work show that the zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS is a promettant material for photovoltaic device applications. Moreover, the alloy of interest can be used in different devices from visible to ultraviolet light.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , benlechheb soumia ; soumia.benlechheb, mustapha boucenna;, nadir bouarissa;, , (2024-01-07), First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys, Chemistry physics impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100177, Elsevier
- 2024-01-07
First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys
The structural parameters, electronic band structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) ternary semiconductor alloys are studied. The calculations are realized using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The modified local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) have been used for describing the exchange-correlation potential. The obtained results for zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys show a general wellness with the data shown in the literature. An inspection of electronic band structure indicates that zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS are (Г→Г) direct band gap semiconductors (from x = 0 up to x = 1). A predominant ionic type of the chemical bonding in these materials has been indicated. The density of states shows various peaks in both valence and conduction localities proposing that an abundance of conditions is obtainable for occupation. The alloys affect the optical features of interest. The results obtained from the present work show that the zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS is a promettant material for photovoltaic device applications. Moreover, the alloy of interest can be used in different devices from visible to ultraviolet light.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , benlechheb soumia ; soumia.benlechheb, mustapha boucenna;, nadir bouarissa;, , (2024-01-07), First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys, Chemistry physics impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100177, Elsevier
- 2024-01-07
First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys
The structural parameters, electronic band structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) ternary semiconductor alloys are studied. The calculations are realized using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The modified local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) have been used for describing the exchange-correlation potential. The obtained results for zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys show a general wellness with the data shown in the literature. An inspection of electronic band structure indicates that zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS are (Г→Г) direct band gap semiconductors (from x = 0 up to x = 1). A predominant ionic type of the chemical bonding in these materials has been indicated. The density of states shows various peaks in both valence and conduction localities proposing that an abundance of conditions is obtainable for occupation. The alloys affect the optical features of interest. The results obtained from the present work show that the zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS is a promettant material for photovoltaic device applications. Moreover, the alloy of interest can be used in different devices from visible to ultraviolet light.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , benlechheb soumia ; soumia.benlechheb, mustapha boucenna;, nadir bouarissa;, , (2024-01-07), First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys, Chemistry physics impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100177, Elsevier
- 2024-01-07
First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys
The structural parameters, electronic band structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) ternary semiconductor alloys are studied. The calculations are realized using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The modified local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) have been used for describing the exchange-correlation potential. The obtained results for zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys show a general wellness with the data shown in the literature. An inspection of electronic band structure indicates that zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS are (Г→Г) direct band gap semiconductors (from x = 0 up to x = 1). A predominant ionic type of the chemical bonding in these materials has been indicated. The density of states shows various peaks in both valence and conduction localities proposing that an abundance of conditions is obtainable for occupation. The alloys affect the optical features of interest. The results obtained from the present work show that the zinc-blende CdxZn1-xS is a promettant material for photovoltaic device applications. Moreover, the alloy of interest can be used in different devices from visible to ultraviolet light.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , benlechheb soumia ; soumia.benlechheb, mustapha boucenna;, nadir bouarissa;, , (2024-01-07), First-principles calculations to investigate electronic structure and optical spectra of CdxZn1-xS ternary semiconductor alloys, Chemistry physics impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100177, Elsevier
- 2024-01-06
Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure
First-principles calculations of electronic parameters, mechanical and dynamical stabilities on superconducting properties of the body-centered tetragonal intermetallic lanthanum dicarbide LaC2 have been reported at zero and high pressures. The investigated properties have been established through both full-potential-linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) and plane-wave pseudopotential (PW-PP) approaches, in conjunction with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Our investigations validate that the LaC2 crystal has a mechanical and dynamical stability under normal conditions. The generalised mechanical stability criteria applied to compressed LaC2, suggest that the compound remains stable for pressures below 18.30 GPa. The evaluated superconducting critical temperature Tc and the electron–phonon coupling parameter λ at zero pressure are found to be in excellent concordance with the experimental data. Furthermore, at elevated pressures, Tc and λ are predicted to decrease and the normalised specific heat jump remains unchanged.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Djalel Mebarki, Souad Dilmi, Saib Salima;, nadir bouarissa;, Souad Louhibi-Fasla, , (2024-01-06), Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure, Philosophical Magazine, Vol:103, Issue:, pages:969, Taylor & Francis Online
- 2024-01-06
Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure
First-principles calculations of electronic parameters, mechanical and dynamical stabilities on superconducting properties of the body-centered tetragonal intermetallic lanthanum dicarbide LaC2 have been reported at zero and high pressures. The investigated properties have been established through both full-potential-linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) and plane-wave pseudopotential (PW-PP) approaches, in conjunction with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Our investigations validate that the LaC2 crystal has a mechanical and dynamical stability under normal conditions. The generalised mechanical stability criteria applied to compressed LaC2, suggest that the compound remains stable for pressures below 18.30 GPa. The evaluated superconducting critical temperature Tc and the electron–phonon coupling parameter λ at zero pressure are found to be in excellent concordance with the experimental data. Furthermore, at elevated pressures, Tc and λ are predicted to decrease and the normalised specific heat jump remains unchanged.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Djalel Mebarki, Souad Dilmi, Saib Salima;, nadir bouarissa;, Souad Louhibi-Fasla, , (2024-01-06), Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure, Philosophical Magazine, Vol:103, Issue:, pages:969, Taylor & Francis Online
- 2024-01-06
Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure
First-principles calculations of electronic parameters, mechanical and dynamical stabilities on superconducting properties of the body-centered tetragonal intermetallic lanthanum dicarbide LaC2 have been reported at zero and high pressures. The investigated properties have been established through both full-potential-linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) and plane-wave pseudopotential (PW-PP) approaches, in conjunction with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Our investigations validate that the LaC2 crystal has a mechanical and dynamical stability under normal conditions. The generalised mechanical stability criteria applied to compressed LaC2, suggest that the compound remains stable for pressures below 18.30 GPa. The evaluated superconducting critical temperature Tc and the electron–phonon coupling parameter λ at zero pressure are found to be in excellent concordance with the experimental data. Furthermore, at elevated pressures, Tc and λ are predicted to decrease and the normalised specific heat jump remains unchanged.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Djalel Mebarki, Souad Dilmi, Saib Salima;, nadir bouarissa;, Souad Louhibi-Fasla, , (2024-01-06), Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure, Philosophical Magazine, Vol:103, Issue:, pages:969, Taylor & Francis Online
- 2024-01-06
Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure
First-principles calculations of electronic parameters, mechanical and dynamical stabilities on superconducting properties of the body-centered tetragonal intermetallic lanthanum dicarbide LaC2 have been reported at zero and high pressures. The investigated properties have been established through both full-potential-linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) and plane-wave pseudopotential (PW-PP) approaches, in conjunction with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Our investigations validate that the LaC2 crystal has a mechanical and dynamical stability under normal conditions. The generalised mechanical stability criteria applied to compressed LaC2, suggest that the compound remains stable for pressures below 18.30 GPa. The evaluated superconducting critical temperature Tc and the electron–phonon coupling parameter λ at zero pressure are found to be in excellent concordance with the experimental data. Furthermore, at elevated pressures, Tc and λ are predicted to decrease and the normalised specific heat jump remains unchanged.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Djalel Mebarki, Souad Dilmi, Saib Salima;, nadir bouarissa;, Souad Louhibi-Fasla, , (2024-01-06), Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure, Philosophical Magazine, Vol:103, Issue:, pages:969, Taylor & Francis Online
- 2024-01-06
Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure
First-principles calculations of electronic parameters, mechanical and dynamical stabilities on superconducting properties of the body-centered tetragonal intermetallic lanthanum dicarbide LaC2 have been reported at zero and high pressures. The investigated properties have been established through both full-potential-linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) and plane-wave pseudopotential (PW-PP) approaches, in conjunction with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Our investigations validate that the LaC2 crystal has a mechanical and dynamical stability under normal conditions. The generalised mechanical stability criteria applied to compressed LaC2, suggest that the compound remains stable for pressures below 18.30 GPa. The evaluated superconducting critical temperature Tc and the electron–phonon coupling parameter λ at zero pressure are found to be in excellent concordance with the experimental data. Furthermore, at elevated pressures, Tc and λ are predicted to decrease and the normalised specific heat jump remains unchanged.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Djalel Mebarki, Souad Dilmi, Saib Salima;, nadir bouarissa;, Souad Louhibi-Fasla, , (2024-01-06), Phase stability and physical properties of lanthanum dicarbide under pressure, Philosophical Magazine, Vol:103, Issue:, pages:969, Taylor & Francis Online
- 2024-01-05
Ab Initio Study of Fundamental Properties of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) halide perovskites Compounds
A detailed computational study of structural, electronic, elastic, optical and thermoelectric properties of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) materials has been reported. The calculations are performed using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave and the ultra-soft pseudo-potentials methods. The obtained structural parameters are in excellent accord with the available data in the literature. From 0.56 to 6.93 eV, the ACdX3 materials are found to be indirect band-gaps. The dielectric functions of the materials of interest are large near and in the middle ultraviolet regions. They become smaller in the far and extreme ultraviolet regions. The optical parameters of ACdX3 reveal that our active structures have higher dielectric constants, with a maximum absorption in the visible range reaching over 12600 cm−1. Furthermore, the ACdX3 are found to be elastically stable, ductile, anisotropic and relatively low hard materials. The fluctuation of Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, electronic thermal conductivity, lattice thermal conductivity and figure of merit with respect to temperature have also been studied. A comprehensive analysis of the optoelectronics and thermoelectric nature with a given band gaps are carried out. This reflects the use of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) in solar cells, energy storage devices, photovoltaic devices, radiation detectors, photonic crystals, light emitting diodes and thermoelectric generators.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Saadi Berri;, , (2024-01-05), Ab Initio Study of Fundamental Properties of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) halide perovskites Compounds, Emergent Materials, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:1009, Wiley Online Library
- 2024-01-05
Ab Initio Study of Fundamental Properties of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) halide perovskites Compounds
A detailed computational study of structural, electronic, elastic, optical and thermoelectric properties of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) materials has been reported. The calculations are performed using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave and the ultra-soft pseudo-potentials methods. The obtained structural parameters are in excellent accord with the available data in the literature. From 0.56 to 6.93 eV, the ACdX3 materials are found to be indirect band-gaps. The dielectric functions of the materials of interest are large near and in the middle ultraviolet regions. They become smaller in the far and extreme ultraviolet regions. The optical parameters of ACdX3 reveal that our active structures have higher dielectric constants, with a maximum absorption in the visible range reaching over 12600 cm−1. Furthermore, the ACdX3 are found to be elastically stable, ductile, anisotropic and relatively low hard materials. The fluctuation of Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, electronic thermal conductivity, lattice thermal conductivity and figure of merit with respect to temperature have also been studied. A comprehensive analysis of the optoelectronics and thermoelectric nature with a given band gaps are carried out. This reflects the use of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) in solar cells, energy storage devices, photovoltaic devices, radiation detectors, photonic crystals, light emitting diodes and thermoelectric generators.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Saadi Berri;, , (2024-01-05), Ab Initio Study of Fundamental Properties of ACdX3 (A= K, Rb, Cs; and X= F, Cl, Br) halide perovskites Compounds, Emergent Materials, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:1009, Wiley Online Library
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-04
Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides
In order to expand the scope of application of ternary nitrides and explore more thoroughly their potential as novel materials, ab initio calculations founded on density functional theory are executed to examine the mechanical, electronic, optical and transport properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 nitrides. These compounds are thermodynamically stable established on coherent energy and enthalpy of formation, with Ca5Si2N6 having the best stability. The estimated values of elastic constants and their derived properties suggest that the items under examination are mechanically stable, ductile and elastically anisotropic. Electronic properties have been evaluated using the GGA and TB-mBJ exchange-correlation potentials. The band structure calculated via TB-mBJ reveals that these nitrides are semiconductors, where Ca5Si2N6 has a direct energy gap of 3.55 eV and Sr5Ge2N6 an indirect band-gap of 3.15 eV. By combining Debye temperature and band-gap values, it was concluded that the nitridosilicate compound can be used as phosphor material. According to the optical response, which was examined in terms of dielectric function, complex refractive index, absorption, reflectivity and energy damage function, the potential applications of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 have been discussed. Further, thermoelectric properties are computed utilizing the semi-classical Boltzmann transport notion. The obtained results show a large strength operator and depressed thermal conductivity driving to rising figure of merit values, particularly at 300 K (0.978–0.986), signifying that the studied ternary nitrides are favorable nominees for thermoelectric employments at both low and room temperatures.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Larbi Debache, Youcef Medkour, Fateh Djeghloul, Kamel Haddadi, Saadi Berri;, Mohamed Kharoubi, Nadir Bouarissa;, nadir Guechi, Abdelkarim Roumili, , (2024-01-04), Elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Si2N6 and Sr5Ge2N6 ternary nitrides, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol:179, Issue:, pages:111405, Elsevier
- 2024-01-03
The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials
The structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X = S, Se and Te) materials are explored employing the CASTEP code established on the density functional theory (DFT). The energy of exchange-correlation is calculated using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The convention between our outcomes related to the lattice parameter and experiment is 0.50%, 0% and 1% for CaS, CaSe and CaTe materials, respectively. The lattice constant augments when proceeding from CaS to CaSe to CaTe. This lowers also the modulus of compressibility. The studied materials present a weak elastic constants for C12 and C44. This signalizes that these materials are supplementary reluctant to the unidimensionelle compression than to the perversion of cisaillement. C11 increases very rapidly. However, C12 and C44 increase very slowly. The material stability of the structure for the results of interest is stable at zero pressure. A phase transition will happen at pressures of 25.20 GPa for CaSe and 20.10 GPa for CaTe. No phase transition has been detected for CaS up to 30 GPa. All studied materials have comported as fragile in the pressure range 0 to 4 GPa. The variation of energy under any little deformity is positive. The anisotropy indicates that all materials are anisotropic in the pressure range up to 30 GPa and they are more rigid along the axes 〈100〉.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelghani Khaldi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Laurent Tabourot, , (2024-01-03), The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials, Chemical Physics Impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100237, Elsevier
- 2024-01-03
The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials
The structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X = S, Se and Te) materials are explored employing the CASTEP code established on the density functional theory (DFT). The energy of exchange-correlation is calculated using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The convention between our outcomes related to the lattice parameter and experiment is 0.50%, 0% and 1% for CaS, CaSe and CaTe materials, respectively. The lattice constant augments when proceeding from CaS to CaSe to CaTe. This lowers also the modulus of compressibility. The studied materials present a weak elastic constants for C12 and C44. This signalizes that these materials are supplementary reluctant to the unidimensionelle compression than to the perversion of cisaillement. C11 increases very rapidly. However, C12 and C44 increase very slowly. The material stability of the structure for the results of interest is stable at zero pressure. A phase transition will happen at pressures of 25.20 GPa for CaSe and 20.10 GPa for CaTe. No phase transition has been detected for CaS up to 30 GPa. All studied materials have comported as fragile in the pressure range 0 to 4 GPa. The variation of energy under any little deformity is positive. The anisotropy indicates that all materials are anisotropic in the pressure range up to 30 GPa and they are more rigid along the axes 〈100〉.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelghani Khaldi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Laurent Tabourot, , (2024-01-03), The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials, Chemical Physics Impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100237, Elsevier
- 2024-01-03
The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials
The structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X = S, Se and Te) materials are explored employing the CASTEP code established on the density functional theory (DFT). The energy of exchange-correlation is calculated using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The convention between our outcomes related to the lattice parameter and experiment is 0.50%, 0% and 1% for CaS, CaSe and CaTe materials, respectively. The lattice constant augments when proceeding from CaS to CaSe to CaTe. This lowers also the modulus of compressibility. The studied materials present a weak elastic constants for C12 and C44. This signalizes that these materials are supplementary reluctant to the unidimensionelle compression than to the perversion of cisaillement. C11 increases very rapidly. However, C12 and C44 increase very slowly. The material stability of the structure for the results of interest is stable at zero pressure. A phase transition will happen at pressures of 25.20 GPa for CaSe and 20.10 GPa for CaTe. No phase transition has been detected for CaS up to 30 GPa. All studied materials have comported as fragile in the pressure range 0 to 4 GPa. The variation of energy under any little deformity is positive. The anisotropy indicates that all materials are anisotropic in the pressure range up to 30 GPa and they are more rigid along the axes 〈100〉.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelghani Khaldi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Laurent Tabourot, , (2024-01-03), The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials, Chemical Physics Impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100237, Elsevier
- 2024-01-03
The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials
The structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X = S, Se and Te) materials are explored employing the CASTEP code established on the density functional theory (DFT). The energy of exchange-correlation is calculated using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The convention between our outcomes related to the lattice parameter and experiment is 0.50%, 0% and 1% for CaS, CaSe and CaTe materials, respectively. The lattice constant augments when proceeding from CaS to CaSe to CaTe. This lowers also the modulus of compressibility. The studied materials present a weak elastic constants for C12 and C44. This signalizes that these materials are supplementary reluctant to the unidimensionelle compression than to the perversion of cisaillement. C11 increases very rapidly. However, C12 and C44 increase very slowly. The material stability of the structure for the results of interest is stable at zero pressure. A phase transition will happen at pressures of 25.20 GPa for CaSe and 20.10 GPa for CaTe. No phase transition has been detected for CaS up to 30 GPa. All studied materials have comported as fragile in the pressure range 0 to 4 GPa. The variation of energy under any little deformity is positive. The anisotropy indicates that all materials are anisotropic in the pressure range up to 30 GPa and they are more rigid along the axes 〈100〉.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelghani Khaldi, Nadir Bouarissa;, Laurent Tabourot, , (2024-01-03), The pressure influence on structural parameters and elastic properties of rock-salt CaX (X=S, Se and Te) materials, Chemical Physics Impact, Vol:6, Issue:, pages:100237, Elsevier
- 2024-01-02
Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys
This work is an investigation of the band structure and related properties of α-LiBeAsxSb1-x half-Heusler alloys. The computations were performed with the help of density functional theory, using the alchemical mixing approximation that ABINIT code offers. In addition, several thermodynamic quantities were examined and discussed. Our obtained results correspond to previous data. The investigated alloy system was found to be an indirect (Γ→X) semiconductor for all alloy contents x, ranging from zero to one. The current findings show that for an appropriate choice of alloy content and temperature, α-LiBeAsxSb1-x may provide other opportunities for advancing new physical properties that can be applicable to novel electronic devices.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Benyettou Samia;, Saib Salima;, nadir Bouarissa;, Alit Thatribud, , (2024-01-02), Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys, Physica Scripta, Vol:98, Issue:, pages:085926, IOP Science
- 2024-01-02
Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys
This work is an investigation of the band structure and related properties of α-LiBeAsxSb1-x half-Heusler alloys. The computations were performed with the help of density functional theory, using the alchemical mixing approximation that ABINIT code offers. In addition, several thermodynamic quantities were examined and discussed. Our obtained results correspond to previous data. The investigated alloy system was found to be an indirect (Γ→X) semiconductor for all alloy contents x, ranging from zero to one. The current findings show that for an appropriate choice of alloy content and temperature, α-LiBeAsxSb1-x may provide other opportunities for advancing new physical properties that can be applicable to novel electronic devices.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Benyettou Samia;, Saib Salima;, nadir Bouarissa;, Alit Thatribud, , (2024-01-02), Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys, Physica Scripta, Vol:98, Issue:, pages:085926, IOP Science
- 2024-01-02
Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys
This work is an investigation of the band structure and related properties of α-LiBeAsxSb1-x half-Heusler alloys. The computations were performed with the help of density functional theory, using the alchemical mixing approximation that ABINIT code offers. In addition, several thermodynamic quantities were examined and discussed. Our obtained results correspond to previous data. The investigated alloy system was found to be an indirect (Γ→X) semiconductor for all alloy contents x, ranging from zero to one. The current findings show that for an appropriate choice of alloy content and temperature, α-LiBeAsxSb1-x may provide other opportunities for advancing new physical properties that can be applicable to novel electronic devices.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Benyettou Samia;, Saib Salima;, nadir Bouarissa;, Alit Thatribud, , (2024-01-02), Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys, Physica Scripta, Vol:98, Issue:, pages:085926, IOP Science
- 2024-01-02
Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys
This work is an investigation of the band structure and related properties of α-LiBeAsxSb1-x half-Heusler alloys. The computations were performed with the help of density functional theory, using the alchemical mixing approximation that ABINIT code offers. In addition, several thermodynamic quantities were examined and discussed. Our obtained results correspond to previous data. The investigated alloy system was found to be an indirect (Γ→X) semiconductor for all alloy contents x, ranging from zero to one. The current findings show that for an appropriate choice of alloy content and temperature, α-LiBeAsxSb1-x may provide other opportunities for advancing new physical properties that can be applicable to novel electronic devices.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Benyettou Samia;, Saib Salima;, nadir Bouarissa;, Alit Thatribud, , (2024-01-02), Theoretical investigation of electronic, mechanical, piezoelectric and thermodynamic properties of half-heusler LiBeAsxSb1-x alloys, Physica Scripta, Vol:98, Issue:, pages:085926, IOP Science
- 2023-12-31
The Effectiveness of monetary policy under the persistent public budget deficit in Algeria (2015-2022)
This study aims to highlight the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving its final objectives under the conventional and unconventional programs and mechanisms used to finance the public budget deficit in Algeria during the period (2015-2022). We found that these programs and mechanisms have made monetary policy in the service of persistent budget deficit financing, leading a limitation of the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving its final objectives. Keywords: monetary policy effectiveness, monetary policy objectives, public budget, budget financing programs. Jel Classification: E52. E58.H62.
Ramdane KEZZAR , ADMIN Admin ,, , (2023-12-31), The Effectiveness of monetary policy under the persistent public budget deficit in Algeria (2015-2022), Forum For Economic Studies and Research Journa, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:583-599, Université de Djelfa-Algérie.
- 2023-12-30
The subclinical mastitis is a major scourge in the camel farms.The pathogenic staphylococci are among the dominant causative agents of mastitis.The first part of the present study aims to estimate the prevalence of Staphylococcus spp. in overall milk per udder samples (n = 18) randomly selected among three camel herds in the region of Biskra. Following an epidemiological investigation, raw milk underwent bacteriological analysis emphasizing the identification and enumeration of staphylococci. In the second part of study, we investigated the impact of the anatomical position of the udder quarters on the infection rates due to Staphylococcus spp. Therefore from six she-camels reared in two farms, 24 raw milk samples were collected. Results show that the high rates and the diversity of isolated Staphylococcus spp. reflect inappropriate husbandry practices and illusory health status of the main camel herds. The milk contamination rates recorded at the herds H1 (Loutaya), H2 (Ain El'Kerma), H3 (Oumache) and H5 (Loutaya) do not conform to the limited value in the Algerian Official Journal.Also, it is an indicator of the perennity of subclinical mastitis insidiously. The infection rates and the isolated species of staphylococci are not identical for all the quarters in the same she-camel which were confirmed by the Kendall Tau-B correlation test (p = 0.05). It would be important to apply the standards H.A.C.C.P. either at the herd level, during milk collection and in milk marketing shops. Vulgarization of both herders and consumers would minimize the risk of food-borne illnesses.
- 2023-12-18
تقييم جودة الخدمة الصحية بالمؤسسات العمومية الصحية بولاية المسيلة للفترة (2019-2022) من منظور التغطية الصحية الشاملة
الملخص: من خلال هذه الورقة البحثية حاولنا إبراز مدى جودة الخدمات الصحية بالمؤسسات الصحية العمومية بولاية المسيلة للفترة الممتدة من (2019-2022) وذلك بالإعتماد على مؤشرات التغطية الصحية الشاملة مقارنة مع عدد السكان في نفس الفترة. وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى أن معدلات التغطية الصحية الشاملة بولاية المسيلة ضعيفة وهذا ما ينقص من أداء القطاع الصحي العمومي بالولاية وهذا ما يتيح للقطاع الخاص الفرصة لنجاح أداءه على حساب القطاع الصحي العمومي بالولاية. الكلمات المفتاحية: الخدمة الصحية-جودة الخدمة الصحية –التغطية الصحية الشاملة-المؤسسات العمومية الصحية بولاية المسيلة ABSTRACT Through this research paper, we tried to highlight the quality of health services in public health institutions in the state of M’sila for the period extending from (2019-2022) by relying on indicators of comprehensive health coverage compared to the population in the same period. The study concluded that comprehensive health coverage rates in the state of M'sila are weak, and this detracts from the performance of the public health sector in the state, and this is what gives the private sector the opportunity to succeed in its performance at the expense of the public health sector in the state.
Nabila MIMOUNE , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-12-18), تقييم جودة الخدمة الصحية بالمؤسسات العمومية الصحية بولاية المسيلة للفترة (2019-2022) من منظور التغطية الصحية الشاملة,تقييم جودة الخدمة الصحية بالمؤسسات العمومية الصحية بولاية المسيلة للفترة (2019-2022) من منظور التغطية الصحية الشاملة,سطيف
- 2023-12-17
واقع النشر العلمي في الجزائر وانعكاساته على التنمية المستدامة.
إذا نظرنا بعين الباحث الحصيف الى الشيء الذي جعل الدول الغربية تحتل المراتب المتقدمة وفي جميع المجالات، الاجابة الأكيدة أنها اهتماهم بالعلم والعلماء، وعلى سبيل المثال لا الحصر تعتبر فلندا وهي أحد الدول الاسكندنافية رأس الترتيب العالمي في اهتمامها بالإنسان والتنمية البشرية والدخل القومي...الخ، طبعا كان من المستحيل أن تحقق هذه الدولة هذه المرتبة المتقدمة من دون اهتمامها بالعلم والمعرفة وقبل ذلك بالعلماء، لأنه بطبيعة الحال مسألة الاهتمام بالعلم لا تكون إلاّ بالاهتمام بالنشر العلمي، ولا يكون النشر العلمي الجيد إلاّ بالتحكيم العلمي الجيد، وإنّ التحكيم العلمي الجيد لا يستقيم ولا تقوم له قائمة إلاّ إذا تم تثمين وتقديس عمل القائمين على شؤون التحكيم وتوفير كل الظروف والشروط المناسبة لبناء هاته المعادلة. وعلى ذلك الاساس فإنّ ما يخرج من أفواه تلك المطابع كان لابد أن يكون في المستوى العالمي المطلوب حتى يتم تصنيف تلك المطابع والمجلات من قبلها، وليس بالضرورة في هذا المجال التركيز على الكم بقدر ما يتم التركيز على الكيف أو النوعية، وبالتالي ضرورة الانتقال من البحوث المتكررة أو الاجترارية الى البحوث الابتكارية التي تقدم القيمة المضافة لجميع مجالات الحياة. مما تقدم سننطلق من السؤال المركزي لماذا لم يساهم النشر العلمي في دولنا العربية في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة للإنسان والدولة على حد سواء؟ هذا السؤال المركزي يقودنا الى كشف الستار عن واقع النشر والتحكيم العلمي في في بلادنا العربية والسبب الذي جعل قيمة المنشورات العلمية لا ترقى الى المنشورات الصادرة عن نظيراتها في الدول المتقدمة. وإننا لسنا بصدد إجراء دراسة مقارنة لانعدام شروط المقارنة ولكننا سوف نتطرق الى واقع ومعوقات وتحديات النشر في العالم النامي الذي مازال يعيش خارج التصنيف.
Farid Bradcha , ADMIN Admin , Herizi zakaria , ,(2023-12-17), واقع النشر العلمي في الجزائر وانعكاساته على التنمية المستدامة.,Algerian Scientific Publication and peer Review: Status Quo and Future Directions,كلية الاداب واللغات قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة المسيلة
- 2023-12-15
Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Photovoltaic Modules Performances Installed in Oued Keberit Power Plant, Algeria
This study presents the measured data of the "Oued Keberit" PV plant over a period of four months (January to April 2022) after nearly 6 years of outdoor exposure to the climate of Souk Ahras, eastern Algeria, in order to evaluate the performance of the solar PV system. This evaluation includes the calculation of PV system performance variables such as module performance, final performance and performance of the module references, system losses, photovoltaic friendly efficiency, system efficiency, performance ratio and capacity factor based on measured data, allowing comparison of actual PV system performance and reference values determined by manifacturers. The results showed that the four-month average values of the parameters Eac, Yr, Yf, PR, , CF are 1.06375125MWh, 4.08h, 4.25h, 1.06, 16.40%, 60.28% respectively. Also, the high efficiency of the photovoltaic system was obtained during winter, due to the low temperature and the sufficient amount of solar radiation. However, the photovoltaic system generates a lot of energy during summer, although there is less output than during the winter season. This is because summer has maximum values for sunshine duration and solar radiation.
Aissa CHOUDER , ADMIN Admin , Aissa Chouder, , (2023-12-15), Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Photovoltaic Modules Performances Installed in Oued Keberit Power Plant, Algeria, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol:112, Issue:1, pages:204-2016, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
- 2023-12-13
Evaluation du bien-être dans quelques exploitations aquacoles de la région de Biskra
Durant cette étude, on a évalué le bien-être des poissons d’aquaculture dans la région de Biskra. Ainsi, on a réalisé une enquête sur le terrain et des interviews avec un échantillon d'aquaculteurs. Nous avons utilisé un questionnaire composé de plusieurs questions portant sur quatre volets principaux, aussi on a évalué la qualité microbiologique (coliformes fécaux et FTAM) et physico-chimique (température, acidité, salinité, conductivité électrique et total des solides dissous) de l'eau d'élevage des poissons. Les résultats des enquêtes sont favorables pour un bien-être acceptable, au niveau des quatre exploitations visitées. Les résultats du dénombrement des coliformes fécaux et des FTAM, indiquent que l'eau d'élevage présente un statut acceptable, par rapport aux normes reconnues. En ce qui concerne l'analyse physico-chimique, la moyenne de l'acidité varie de 7,3 à 7,7, la température de 23 à 28 ̊C, la salinité de 2,16 à 4,55 ms/cm, la conductivité de 3,31 à 9,09 ms/cm et les matières solides totales de 1,71 à 6,06 mg/L. L'aquaculture dans la zone d'étude est principalement intégrée à l'agriculture, et parmi les espèces de poissons les plus répandus, on retrouve le tilapia rouge et le poisson-chat. De plus, les investisseurs utilisent, principalement, deux types de bassins : en béton et en PVC. Les données collectées durant cette étude, soulignent l'importance de vulgariser les autres aquaculteurs moins avertis, sur la nécessité de respecter le bien-être en élevage aquacole.
ADEL Mammeri , ADMIN Admin , Attir Badreddine, Atmane Hanane, Ghaddab Dounia Maissa, Chabira Djouhaina, ,(2023-12-13), Evaluation du bien-être dans quelques exploitations aquacoles de la région de Biskra,Aqua Sem 2023,Université de Biskra, Département d'agronomie.
- 2023-12-12
الترويح في المجال الرياضي
الدر الايجابي لعملية الترويح باستعمال الانشطة الرياضية التربوية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية
azedine mahdi , ADMIN Admin , medjili salah , ,(2023-12-12), الترويح في المجال الرياضي,الندوة العلمية الثانية حول الانشطة الترويحية في المرحلة الابتدائية,جامعة زيان عشور بالجلفة
- 2023-12-11
أخلاقبات الذكاء الاصطناعي في ظل القيم وحقوق الإنسان
تناولت هذه المداخلة أهم أخلاقبات الذكاء الاصطناعي في ظل القيم وحقوق الإنسان
Abdelhak Barkat , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-12-11), أخلاقبات الذكاء الاصطناعي في ظل القيم وحقوق الإنسان,سؤال الأخلاق في الذكاء الاصطناعي,جامعة تيارت
- 2023-12-04
Performance study of PV power Plants in Algeria
This paper presents a review of our previous work on the PV performance study. The aim of this study is to adapt the IEC 61724 standard [1] for the performance study of a Ain Skhouna (Saida, Algeria) PV plant for a period of one month. Likewise, the IEC 61724 standard application for the performance study for two PV power plants in Algeria (Adrar and Ain Skhouna) with different climates And, finely, the effect of ambient temperature on total losses, system efficiency, and performance ratio of the two PV power plants was studied. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has defined performance parameters that are detailed in IEC 61724 [1] in order to analyze the performance of any PV power plant. These variables provide data on the system's capacity to produce energy, its use of solar energy resources, and the overall impact of system losses [2,3]. These indicators include the energy generated by the PV array system (Edc), the energy output or energy fed to the utility grid (Eac), the reference yield (Yr), the array yield (Ya), the final yield (Yf), the performance ratio (PR), the system losses (LS), the capture losses (LC), system efficiency (ηsys), PV efficiency (ηPV), and inverter efficiency (ηinv). Two photovoltaic power plants are taken into consideration in this study: the Adrar PV power plant and the Ain Skhouna (Saida) PV power plant. These power plants are situated in two different climates: semi-arid for Saida and hot dry desert (hyper-arid) for the Adrar region. A data logger is installed in each of the two PV power plants to track and record the output of DC power from solar modules, AC power from inverters, and weather data. These data sets are captured every 15 minutes. All the results noted in this study were obtained according to the performance parameters specified by the International Energy Agency (IEA. Two different types of data are used: the data from the complete Ain Skhouna data for the year 2018[3], and the complete Adrar data for the year 2018[4].
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-12-04), Performance study of PV power Plants in Algeria,Conférence Internationale sur Energies vertes et traitement des eaux,Sousse (Tunisia)
- 2023-11-27
Mastering Constructive Alignment in Course Design”
استراتيجيات التعليم في قطر 2018/2022
Nabila DJAIDJA , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-11-27), Mastering Constructive Alignment in Course Design”,“Mastering Constructive Alignment in Course Design”,جامعة قطر الدوحة
- 2023-11-27
الرقمنة كالية لحوكمة اداء الادارة العمومية -قطاع الصحة انموذجا
ملخص: تحاول النظم السياسية في الحكومات الديمقراطية الراسخة التسويق لكل منتجاتها الفكرية سواء من الناحية النظرية أو التطبيقية نحو مختلف المجتمعات التي تعرف مسارات متفاوتة في العملية الديمقراطية، ونجد منها المجتمعات الفتية أو الناشئة والتي تسعى إلى توسيع دائرة نجاحها في كل المجالات والأصعدة من خلال محاكاة التغييرات والتكيف معها في ظل مقدرات الدولة السانحة لمنطق التفاعل والتناغم مع مختلف البرامج، أين تعد مسألة الرقمنة ضمن عالم المعلوماتية الرائدة في العالم، والتي أضحت حاجة ومسارا إلزاميا أثناء أداء وحركة النظام السياسي، ولدى كل مكوناته وخاصة التي تدخل ضمن دائرة الأجهزة الرسمية، لما لها من الخصائص المعبرة عن شموليتها وشرعيتها وتمتعها بعناصر الإقناع، الإكراه والإجبار في تنفيذ مشاريعها ونحو تحقيق الأهداف المتمثلة في الاقتصاد في الوقت والتكلفة وجودة الخدمة ووصول المعلومة واعتماد الشفافية وغيرها، كما وتعد الرقمنة في مجال الصحة في الجزائر أسلوبا جديدا اعتمدت عليه الدولة في سياق التكيف المؤسساتي الحديث والذي يعمل على تحسين و الخدمة العمومية في الجانب الإداري، العلاجي والوقائي. الكلمات المفتاحية: الرقمنة، الإدارة العامة، الجزائر، الصحة، الحوكمة. Summary : The political systems in established democratic governments try to market all their intellectual products, whether theoretically or practically, towards various societies that know varying paths in the democratic process, including young or emerging societies that seek to expand the circle of their success in all fields and levels by simulating and adapting to changes in light of the capabilities of the state that are available for the logic of interaction and harmony with various programs, where the issue of digitization within the world's leading world of informatics, which has become a need and a mandatory path. During the performance and movement of the political system, and all its components, especially those that fall within the circle of official bodies, because of their characteristics that express their comprehensiveness, legitimacy and enjoyment of elements of persuasion, coercion and coercion in the implementation of their projects and towards achieving the goals of saving time, cost, quality of service, access to information, adopting transparency, etc., digitization in the field of health in Algeria is a new method adopted by the state in the context of modern institutional adaptation, which improves public service in the administrative aspect. and therapeutic and prophylactic... Keywords: digitalization, public administration, Algeria, health, governance.
Oussama Khodja , ADMIN Admin , خوجة سهام, ,(2023-11-27), الرقمنة كالية لحوكمة اداء الادارة العمومية -قطاع الصحة انموذجا,الادارة الرقمية ودورها في عصرنة الادارة العمومية بالجزائر,كلية العلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية، جامعة المسيلة- الجزائر-،
- 2023-11-22
The growth in energy consumption follows an exponential logic due to demographic explosions and the strong economic growth of developing countries. The world of scientific research aims to control clean, renewable and recyclable resources and energies on a planetary scale, with the aim of gradually reducing dependence on fossil fuels, within the framework of As part of this work, we developed nano-composites based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and a lithium perchlorate filler (LiClO4). This work was devoted to the development of nanocomposite mixtures by applied routes (reverse phase route). The membranes obtained were then characterized by scanning enthalpy calorimetry (DSC) and by TGA thermogravimetric analysis and measurement of electrical conductivity by the four-point method. These different techniques made it possible to demonstrate the presence and dispersion of LiClO4 in the polymer matrix.
Serine ARIS , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-11-22), DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF AN ELECTROLYTE MEMBRANE FOR AN ACCUMULATOR,The First National Conference Of Materials Sciences And Renewable Energy,Relizane, Algeria
Default case...
- 2023-11-16
Determining Nutritive Value of Dry Ash Leaves (Fraxinus Angustifolia) Harvested in Fall via the Regression Method for Growing Rabbits
Détermination de la valeur nutritive de sources alimentaire alternatives locales.
Hocine GUERMAH , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-11-16), Determining Nutritive Value of Dry Ash Leaves (Fraxinus Angustifolia) Harvested in Fall via the Regression Method for Growing Rabbits,ICVALS 2023: International Conference on Veterinary, Agriculture and Life Sciences,Turquie
- 2023-11-15
« Towards Sustainable, Digitizing public transportation in Bou Saada »
The use of public transportation in cities is one of the most effective and sustainable solutions by taking into account the environmental aspect of reducing emissions and reducing traffic congestion, as well as the social aspect of the affordable and accessible transportation options offered by public transportation to communities around the world to promote efficiency and equity in transport services and interneighborhood justice and development. The adoption of digital transformation has revolutionized various sectors including transport, where accurate and up-to-date information is critical for efficient and flexible public transportation operations, especially passenger access and use of public transport services. The inclusion of digitization can be achieved through the use of bus frequency modeling techniques, where planners and transport engineers help make informed decisions to improve service levels, reduce waiting times and improve access to the transport network. Among the technologies and tools that can be employed in the digitization of the transport sector are geographic information systems (GIS), which have significantly changed the way we understand and analyze spatial data, and have many benefits and implications when used to provide information about transport and their ability to enhance intelligent transport systems by mapping the path and improving it and showing real-time and understandable maps in the formation of passenger options. Through this research, we will examine how improving bus frequency and digitizing transport information can foster sustainable transport practices, improve user experiences and improve the operational efficiency of public transportation. Our focus will be on the city of Bou Saada as an example of the study. Keywords: public transportation, digitization, Bousaada city, GIS, sustainability.
malika ouzir , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-11-15), « Towards Sustainable, Digitizing public transportation in Bou Saada »,la quatrième édition de la journée mondiale des GIS DAY ALGERIA 2023,université Badhi Mokhtar , Annaba
- 2023-11-11
Valorisation phytochimique de la plante médicinale Melissa officinales et l’évaluation de l’activité
La flore algérienne riche de plusieurs espèces de plantes médicinales encore peu ou pas étudiées, mais dotées de réelles propriétés pharmacologiques et on peut les considères comme des solutions alternatives. Cette étude est consiste à la valorisation de espèces médicinale Melissa officinales de la famille des Lamiaceae qui est très répandu dans la région de Msila, l’objectif de ce travail est de connaître les composés bioactifs présents dans celle-ci, ainsi l’évaluation de l’activité antioxydante. Nous avons réaliser l’extraction solide – liquide avec l’éthanol , le criblage phytochimique nous a permis de mettre en évidence la présence des alcaloïdes, sucres, phénols, glycosides, protéines, acides aminés, flavonoïdes, tanins, saponines et coumarine en différentes quantités. Et concernant L'analyse qualitative par chromatographie sur couche mince a révélé la présence des : acide phénolique, flavons, Anthocyanidine, flavonones, isoflavonoïdes, coumarine.Le procédé de dosage nous a permis de montrer que le taux des polyphénols et des flavinoides sont estime a 1,875 mg EAG/g d'extrait, et a 5,27 μg de EQ/mg respectivementt. Pour l'activité antioxydante de l’extrait éthanolique a été évaluer par la méthode de piégeage du radical libre2,2- diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)., une concentration inhibitrice de 50 / des radicaux libres (IC50) de 0,17mg/m. Pour conclu la plante est riche en composes bioactifs qu’on peut les utiliser dans différents domaines ainsi on peut même développer cette étude via la réalisation et le test de différentes autres activistes biologique
HAMDI Bendif , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-11-11), Valorisation phytochimique de la plante médicinale Melissa officinales et l’évaluation de l’activité,2ème Séminaire National sur les Applications Thérapeutiques et Agroalimentaires des Substances Naturelles (ATASN'2).,Centre Universitaire Abedelhafid BOUSSOUF- Mila Algeria
- 2023-11-09
Phytochemical and biological potentialofPrickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) extracts from M’sila(Algeria)
ABSTRACTArticle history: Received 14February2023Revised 31Mai2023Accepted 09November2023The cladodes juice and seedsoil obtained from the prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indca)grown in M’sila, Algeriaareinvestigated inthis work.The objective of the present study was to evaluate theirphysicochemical composition,polyphenols and flavonoid content, antioxidant potentialby DPPH testand antibacterial activities.The results of this experimental study showedthat leaf bud juice presented thehighest yield of79.02%.Leaf juice was rich in polyphenols (4.6 g/100 g) and flavonoids (38.35 mg/100 g). While, the study revealed that the seedsoil extracts presented a weak yield of 5%.Leafy sap from spinyspecies showshigh antioxidant activityand an antibacterialeffect on: S.aurous, E.coli, S.typhimirum, S.marcesscens. Whereas,the antibacterial activities were as follows:for leafy sap from spinyspecies E. coli, P. aeruginosa,S. typhimirum andK. pneumoniaestrains wererelatively resistant to oil,E.coliand S. marcescensstrainswere relativelyresistant to cold-pressed oil. The threeoil varietiescold,90°, and 160°pressed oil, were the most proven oils tobe effective against E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S.typhimirum and K. pneumonia.
HAMDI Bendif , Hanane KHALFA , LARBI Derbak , ADMIN Admin , , (2023-11-09), Phytochemical and biological potentialofPrickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) extracts from M’sila(Algeria), Alger.j. biosciences04, Vol:4, Issue:2, pages:71-76, univ eloued algeria
- 2023-11-04
Effect of pH on raw water treatment at El-Karma WWTP (Oran)
The criteria for choosing a coagulant are numerous. Aluminum-based coagulants iron and even synthetic polymers have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Our goal is to look for a plant substituent. For this, we used the seeds of Moringa oleifera for the treatment of raw water from the WWTP of El Karma (Oran) by the coagulation/flocculation process in jar-test. The seeds were used in powder and solution at different concentrations. We optimized the pH parameter for different doses of bioflocculant. The stirring speed was maintained at 250 rpm for coagulation and 50 rpm for flocculation. The results obtained showed that the use of bioflocculant in solution is more effective than its use in powder. The pH optimization showed that at pH 7 turbidity decreases from 4096 NTU to 25 NTU. While at pH 5, turbidity decreases from 4096 NTU to 238 NTU. With the bioflocculant powder, the turbidity obtained is 218 NTU at pH 7 and 278 NTU at pH 5. Keywords – Moringa oleifera, Optimization, Bioflocculants, Raw water, Turbidity.
Khalida BEKRENTCHIR , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-11-04), Effect of pH on raw water treatment at El-Karma WWTP (Oran),2nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research ICCAR 2023,Konya, Turke
- 2023-10-12
دور القيادة في تحقيقي التنمية المحلية فيمؤسسة البلدية
شهدت الساحة السياسية الج ا زئرية بعد إعلان التعددية الحزبية نهاية الثمانينيات وبداية التسعينيات اهتماما مت ا زيدا بموضوع الإدارة المحلية، وقد جاء ذلك الاهتمام في إطار الاتجاه العالمي نحو توسيع نطاق مشاركة المواطنين في تحديد أولياتهم واحتياجاتهم لا سيما المحلية منها، هذا أيضا ما دفع بدوره إلى تقليص أدوار الدولة التقليدية التي تنازلت عن العديد من المهام والوظائف لكل من القطاع الخاص ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني تحديدا. إنّ هذا المسعى الذي لم يعد حك ا ر على الدول المتقدمة، نظ ا ر لأنه نهج تسلكه جل دول الكرة الأرضية حتى وإن كان ذلك نظريا أو بصفة جزئية، لأنه سيكون من السذاجة أن نقول أو يقول أحد أنّ هناك دولة من دول العالم اليوم تطبق المركزية بمفهومها التقليدي، الذي تحتكر فيه العاصمة كل القرارات والممارسات، وذلك لأنّ الواقع أصبح يلح ويفرض على تلك الدول التي قد توصف بأنها ) منغلقة( اتخاذ إج ا رءات تسمح بنوع من الانفتاح المحدد و المبرمج مرحليا للوصول الى اللامركزية
Farid Bradcha , ADMIN Admin , Herizi zakaria , ,(2023-10-12), دور القيادة في تحقيقي التنمية المحلية فيمؤسسة البلدية,الجماعات المحلية ومخططات التنمية المحلية في الجزائر,كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية، جامعة المسيلة
- 2023-10-10
تاثير العوامل المناخية في تخطيط المساحات الخضراء في المناطق شبه الجافة دراسة حالة المسيلة
تحدثت الاطروحة عن تاثير العوامل المناخية وخاصة الصعبة منها في تخطيط المساحات الخضراء في منطقة شبه جافة وهي مدينة المسيلة ذات التساقط الضعيف
BoudjemaaKHALFALLLAH , ADMINAdmin , صغيري جمال, ,(2023-10-10); تاثير العوامل المناخية في تخطيط المساحات الخضراء في المناطق شبه الجافة دراسة حالة المسيلة,جامعة الاخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1,
- 2023-10-03
In this paper we introduce the concept of positive Cohen p−nuclear polynomials between Banach lattice spaces. We give an analogue to Pietsch domination theorem and we study some properties concerning this notion.
Abdelmoumen TIAIBA , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Asma Hammou, Amar Belacel, Bougoutaia Amar, , (2023-10-03), POSITIVE COHEN p−NUCLEAR m−HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol:18, Issue:1, pages:107-121,
- 2023-10-03
In this paper we introduce the concept of positive Cohen p−nuclear polynomials between Banach lattice spaces. We give an analogue to Pietsch domination theorem and we study some properties concerning this notion.
Abdelmoumen TIAIBA , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Asma Hammou, Amar Belacel, Bougoutaia Amar, , (2023-10-03), POSITIVE COHEN p−NUCLEAR m−HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol:18, Issue:1, pages:107-121,
- 2023-10-03
In this paper we introduce the concept of positive Cohen p−nuclear polynomials between Banach lattice spaces. We give an analogue to Pietsch domination theorem and we study some properties concerning this notion.
Abdelmoumen TIAIBA , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Asma Hammou, Amar Belacel, Bougoutaia Amar, , (2023-10-03), POSITIVE COHEN p−NUCLEAR m−HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol:18, Issue:1, pages:107-121,
- 2023-09-13
A Jaccard Factor-Based Heuristic for the Set k-Cover Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
The applications of a wireless sensor network rely heavily on the network’s ability to function for an extended period. By separating the sensors into groups, each of which may keep an eye on the entire area of interest and be activated alternately, the system’s lifetime can be maximized. However, determining the most significant number of different sensor covers necessitates solving the NP-complete set k-cover issue. This work presents an improved greedy approach to the set k-cover problem based on the Jaccard Similarity Coefficient. The latter is a statistical method used to understand the similarity and diversity between sample sets. Moreover, the quality of the produced solution is improved by removing duplicate sensors for each set cover. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was compared to some greedy-based methods from the literature based on 1000 widely used benchmark instances. Computational results demonstrate its efficacy in producing high-quality solutions within acceptable computational time, especially when the problem scale increases
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ADMIN Admin , Salaheddine Balamane, Salim Bouamama, ,(2023-09-13), A Jaccard Factor-Based Heuristic for the Set k-Cover Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks,3rd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT),Saudi Arabia
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- 2023-07-13
معايير الكتابة العلمية بين الحاضر والمستقبل
تطور الكتابة العلمية بين الحاضر والمستقبل
YAMENA Ismaili , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-07-13), معايير الكتابة العلمية بين الحاضر والمستقبل,معايير الكتابة العلمية,أكاديمية إيفاد الهلمية
- 2023-07-03
This paper proposes an enhanced voltage-oriented control strategy (EVOC) based on super twisting sliding mode control (STSMC) for a grid-connected four-leg source voltage inverter (GC-FLVSI) in the synchronous rotating frame (dq0–frame) without using a phase-locked loop (PLL) and Park's transformation. The proposed strategy is used not only to control the dq0–axes FLVSI inject currents but also to derive the mathematical model of the GC-FLVSI in the dq0–frame based on the direct instantaneous power control theory (DPC) and to eliminate the impact of PLL and Park's transformation. The principle of the proposed EVOC strategy is analyzed in detail. The STSMC is used for accurate dq0–axes FLVSI inject current control, and it can result in sinusoidal currents with high quality, high robustness against parametric variations, and low chattering with easy implementation. Finally, the superiority of the proposed EVOC-STSMC strategy in terms of complexity, response, steady-state errors, robustness, total harmonic distortion (THDs) mitigation, neutral current reduction, and robustness against parameter variations is verified through comparative analysis with the EVOC strategy based on the PI controller (EVOC-PIC).
ALI CHEBABHI , AL-DWA Ala Addin Mohammed Mohammed Hussein , MABROUK Defdaf , ADMIN Admin , ABDELHALIM KESSAL, , (2023-07-03), NEW MODELING AND ENHANCED CONTROL STRATEGY FOR GRID-CONNECTED FOUR-LEG INVERTER WITHOUT PHASE-LOCKED LOOP AND PARK’S TRANSFORMATION, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Serie Électrotechnique et Énergétique, Vol:68, Issue:2, pages:1-6, ACADEMIEI ROMANE
- 2023-06-30
أثر التخطيط والاستقطاب الالكتروني للموارد البشرية على الأداء الوظيفي دراسة حالة: مؤسسة كوندور بولاية برج بوعريريج
الملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور عملية التخطيط الإلكتروني والاستقطاب الإلكتروني للموارد البشرية في تحسين الأداء الوظيفي المطبق على مؤسسة كوندور ببرج بوعريريج. استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، والاستبانة كأداة لجمع البيانات من عينة عشوائية قوامها (50) موظفاً من مؤسسة كوندور. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن هناك دورا واضحا للتخطيط الإلكتروني وعملية الاستقطاب الإلكتروني للموارد البشرية في تحسين الأداء الوظيفي وفق المتغيرات الشخصية. وعليه، أوصت الدراسة بضرورة إدراك دور عملية التخطيط الإلكتروني الصحيحة والاستقطاب الإلكتروني للموارد البشرية في تحسين الأداء الوظيفي لمؤسسة كوندور.
Sana RAHMANI , ADMIN Admin , , (2023-06-30), أثر التخطيط والاستقطاب الالكتروني للموارد البشرية على الأداء الوظيفي دراسة حالة: مؤسسة كوندور بولاية برج بوعريريج, مجلة البحوث الاقتصادية والمالية, Vol:10, Issue:1, pages:580-607, جامعة ام البواقي
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- 2023-06-10
تحقيق البعد البيئي للاستدامة في الاحياء السكنية الفردية دراسة حالة مدينة بوسعادة
تعالج الإشكالية التي طرحتها الطالبة موضوعا في غاية الأهمية يعتبر إلى حد ما من مواضيع الساعة المتجددة باستمرار لعلاقته القوية مع حياة الناس اليومية وبمصير الحياة على كوكبنا. ويتمحور هذا الموضوع حول تحقيق ما يسمى بالبعد البيئي للاستدامة وذلك على الخصوص في الأحياء السكنية الفردية بأسلوب سهل ومبسط الى حد ما من حيث اللغة ومتدرج موضوعاتيا من العام إلى الخاص ومن الأصول إلى الفروع.
BoudjemaaKHALFALLLAH , ADMINAdmin , iman lamdjad, ,(2023-06-10); تحقيق البعد البيئي للاستدامة في الاحياء السكنية الفردية دراسة حالة مدينة بوسعادة,msila,
- 2023-06-02
مفاهيم الحجاج وآلياته بين الطروحات العربية والمفاهيم الغربية
يتناول المقال مفاهيم الحجاج بين الطروحات العربية والمفاهيم الغربية
belkheir REFICE , ADMIN Admin , , (2023-06-02), مفاهيم الحجاج وآلياته بين الطروحات العربية والمفاهيم الغربية, مجلة إشكالات, Vol:12, Issue:2, pages:393-407, مجلة إشكالات
- 2023-05-11
Activated Carbons Prepared from Palm residue by H3PO4 activation: Characterization and adsorption of Congo red dye
Activated carbons were prepared by thermochemical activation in air at 450°C of palm residue impregnated with phosphoric acid for different impregnation ratios: 60 and 100% by weight. These Materials were characterized for their surface chemistry by point of zero charge measurements Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA); as well as for their porous and morphological structure by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), iodine index and methylene bleu test. The adsorption capacity of residue -based activated carbons was evaluated using an anionic dye (Congo red). Adsorption study were tested as a function of pH (2–10), adsorption mass (0.25–2 g.L-1), contact time (30–480 min) and initial dye concentration (10–300 mg.L-1). The phenomenon of adsorption was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy analyzes. The adsorption amount of Congo red on PAC60 and PAC100 was about 73.76 mg.g-1 and 171.58 mg.g-1, respectively. PAC100 is the most efficient in terms of the elimination of the Congo red dye, at room temperature. The adsorption phenomenon fits well with the Langmuir isotherm. The adsorption kinetics of Congo red dye onto palm residue best described by a pseudo-second order model.
SABAH Djaber , ADMIN Admin , El-Said I. EL-SHAFEY, Reffas abdelbaki, ,(2023-05-11), Activated Carbons Prepared from Palm residue by H3PO4 activation: Characterization and adsorption of Congo red dye,International Conference on Materials & Processes for Sustainable Development 2023,Chenini, Gabes ‐ Tunisia
- 2023-05-03
Study of the evolution of soil erosion using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing in Bousselam watershed, Algeria
The objective of this work is to study the evolution of soil erosion in the Boussellam watershed in the northeast of Algeria, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), geographic information system (GIS), and remote sensing. RUSLE model has been used for modeling the main factors involved in erosive phenomena. This basin covers an area of 4151 km² of elongated shape and low relief. It is characterized by an altitude ranging from 189 m to 1757 m, with an average of 931 m and a slope ranging between 0 and 266 % with an average of 18 %. Results showed that the average erosivity factor R is 68 ( with a maximum value of 140 ( The soil erodibility factor K ranges from 0.04 to 0.21 with an average of 0.11 (t.h.ha)/( The LS topographic factor ranges from 0 to 216 with an average of 16. The mean P factor is estimated to be 0.77, and the average C factor is 0.076. The combination of the different maps of these parameters made it possible to deduce the erosion map from which, it appears that the phenomenon of erosion mainly affects the northern part of the basin with an average of 258 (t/ha/year) for July 2015. These maps can be particularly useful in pinpointing potential areas of increased erosion risk underpinning targeted investigation and management action to support soil conservation for improved food and water security in this important watershed.
BELKACEM Merzouk , ADMIN Admin , ALI Berghout , ADMIN Admin , Elhadj MOKHTARI , ,(2023-05-03), Study of the evolution of soil erosion using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing in Bousselam watershed, Algeria,The International Seminar Bioresources and Sustainable Development,Bouira, Algérie
- 2023-05-03
Study of the evolution of soil erosion using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing in Bousselam watershed, Algeria
The objective of this work is to study the evolution of soil erosion in the Boussellam watershed in the northeast of Algeria, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), geographic information system (GIS), and remote sensing. RUSLE model has been used for modeling the main factors involved in erosive phenomena. This basin covers an area of 4151 km² of elongated shape and low relief. It is characterized by an altitude ranging from 189 m to 1757 m, with an average of 931 m and a slope ranging between 0 and 266 % with an average of 18 %. Results showed that the average erosivity factor R is 68 ( with a maximum value of 140 ( The soil erodibility factor K ranges from 0.04 to 0.21 with an average of 0.11 (t.h.ha)/( The LS topographic factor ranges from 0 to 216 with an average of 16. The mean P factor is estimated to be 0.77, and the average C factor is 0.076. The combination of the different maps of these parameters made it possible to deduce the erosion map from which, it appears that the phenomenon of erosion mainly affects the northern part of the basin with an average of 258 (t/ha/year) for July 2015. These maps can be particularly useful in pinpointing potential areas of increased erosion risk underpinning targeted investigation and management action to support soil conservation for improved food and water security in this important watershed.
BELKACEM Merzouk , ADMIN Admin , ALI Berghout , ADMIN Admin , Elhadj MOKHTARI , ,(2023-05-03), Study of the evolution of soil erosion using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing in Bousselam watershed, Algeria,The International Seminar Bioresources and Sustainable Development,Bouira, Algérie
- 2023-04-18
Approximation solutions of time dependent Schrodinger equation for Hellmann potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov-Functional Analysis method
The time dependent Schrödinger equation for The Hellmann potential is studied. This potential is not studied in the literatures. The Hellmann potential is a superposition of the Coulomb potential and the Yukawa potential. The knowledge of the solution of the Schrodinger equation gave all the possible information, as regards the physical properties of any system considered. These include the energy, momentum and coordinate of the particle in the system, frequency and wavelength that describe the quantum mechanical system, probability amplitude and phase of the wave function, and others. To obtain the energies spectrum and the wave functions we use a new method for solving a second order differential equation of the hypergeometric type called Nikiforov–Uvarov-Functional Analysis (NUFA) method and the method of variables separation . The (NUFA) method is composed of the concepts of the Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method, the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method and the functional analysis method. This method is a simple and elegant method for solving a second order differential equation of the hypergeometric type. This method is easy and simple just as the parametric NU method. Unlike the NU method which involved looking for the square of the polynomials and other conditions which makes it complicated, the NUFA can easily be used to obtain the energy and the wave function once the wave equations have been properly transformed and the singularities identified. So its simplicity eliminates the rigorous mathematical manipulations, as encountered in other techniques. This method can be used to solve few body problems in nuclear physics, particle physics, as well as molecular and chemical physics. Keywords :The Nikiforov–Uvarov-Functional Analysis method, time dependent Schrödinger equation, Hellmann potential, wave function, method of variables separation
Salim MEDJBER , ADMIN Admin , Menouar salah, ,(2023-04-18), Approximation solutions of time dependent Schrodinger equation for Hellmann potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov-Functional Analysis method,1stInternational Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies,Konya, Turky
- 2023-03-10
Quantum dynamics of time dependent deformed Woods-Saxon potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov-Functional Analysis method
The time dependent Schrödinger equation for the deformed Woods-Saxon potential is studied. This potential is not studied in the literatures. The deformed Woods-Saxon potential was used for description of interaction of a nucleon with a heavy nuclear The knowledge of the solution of the Schrodinger equation gave all the possible information, as regards the physical properties of any system considered. These include the energy, momentum and coordinate of the particle in the system, frequency and wavelength that describe the quantum mechanical system, probability amplitude and phase of the wave function, and others. To obtain the energies spectrum and the wave functions we use a new method for solving a second order differential equation of the hypergeometric type called Nikiforov–Uvarov-Functional Analysis (NUFA) method and the method of variables separation. The (NUFA) method is composed of the concepts of the Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method, the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method and the functional analysis method. Unlike the NU method which involved looking for the square of the polynomials and other conditions which makes it complicated, the NUFA can easily be used to obtain the energy and the wave function once the wave equations have been properly transformed and the singularities identified. So its simplicity eliminates the rigorous mathematical manipulations, as encountered in other techniques. The eigensolutions obtained using NUFA method are in agreement with the ones obtained in literatures for the stationary potential models considered. Keywords: The Nikiforov–Uvarov-Functional Analysis method, time dependent Schrödinger equation, deformed Woods-Saxon potential, wave function, method of variables separation.
Salim MEDJBER , ADMIN Admin , Menouar Salah, ,(2023-03-10), Quantum dynamics of time dependent deformed Woods-Saxon potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov-Functional Analysis method,2nd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research,Konya, Turkey
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- 2023-02-08
Islamic urban heritage in Constantine -challenges and prospects
Scientific research on heritage ismany and varied, because it represents a collective historical and cultural repository that expresses essentially identity. Among the areas of heritage, we distinguish the urban and architectural heritage that reflects the true identity and the civilizational dimension, which today the process of preserving it has become a historical responsibility and a national and national duty that stops specialists in all parts of the world. In light of the growing interest in the concept of sustainable development in various fields, the care of heritage in its comprehensiveness emerges as one of the major axes of this development, and an area that falls within the framework of a comprehensive policy to preserve the diverse world heritage. There is no doubt that thegeneral problem with regard to ancient urban tissues lies in their ability to respond to the modern requirements of architectural urban development and provide an environment in which the balance between man and his surroundings is not disturbed, and to preserve the prevailing social and human dimensions, and to overcome purely economic approaches in comparing modern projects and conservation projects. In this context, we have the right to ask whether it is possible to protect and breathe life into heritage urban tissues, without this being an attempt at temporary revival. Is it possible to achieve sustainable urbanization in light of the predominance market rules?This research mainly aims to visualize an urban project that aims to achieve two basic things:-Protecting the Arab-Islamic architectural and urban identity of the city of Constantine, the capital of eastern Algeria, which has been subjected to cultural obliteration and attempts at Westernization over more than a century of French colonialism.-Adopting a practical methodology during the course of the approachKeywords. Identity, Urban Heritage, Protection, Constantine, Urban Projec
KADDOUR Derbal , ADMIN Admin , Boudjemaa Khalfallah, , (2023-02-08), Islamic urban heritage in Constantine -challenges and prospects, Technium Social Sciences Journal, Vol:40, Issue:, pages:473-480,
- 2023-01-21
الطوبونيميا الأندلسية بالمغرب الأوسط الوسيط بين الدلائل اللغوية والمرجعية التاريخية المجال والمكان أنموذجًا
تسعى هذه الدراسة في محاولة منها إلى رسم بعض معالم صور الطوبونيم الأندلسي بالمغرب الأوسط، وإبراز مساحة الاهتمام به، انطلاقًا من الدراسات السابقة المفيدة، وما أسهمت به المصادر المعتمدة من درجة الاستفادة استقراءً وتحليلاً، واعتمادًا على المنهج المقارن والمقاربة التاريخية والجغرافية عبر أمدها الطويل، في الوقوف على دور المكان في التأثير على الأحداث ( الهجرة )، مع تتبعها تاريخيًا في سياق زمكاني يوضح آليات الاستقرار وطرق التوطين الأندلسي بمجاله، في محاولة للكشف عن نمط طوبونيمي انتقل عبر تصرفه الساعي إلى توظيفه في التوزيع والتعمير والاحتواء في ظل توطين محلي عرف قبل مجيئه نسقًا سريعًا وحركة دؤوبة من باديته. وفي اقتصارنا على دراسة قلة ما قدمته لنا المصادر، مع التأكيد على حبلى الصعوبات التي كابدت البحث في طوبونيميا الأندلس بالمغرب الأوسط، حاولنا الإحاطة بالقدر الكافي لهذا المجال التاريخي والجغرافي، توخيًا وتمشيًا مع المعطيات ضمن خطة ثلاثية تقوم على ضبط المصطلح ومناقشته ضمن سياقه التاريخي والجغرافي ( أولاً )، ثم التتبع التاريخي للوجود الأندلسي ( ثانيًا )، وأخيرًا جرد المتغيرات الطوبونيمية بالمغرب الأوسط من خلال التوطين الأندلسي ( ثالثًا ).
ISMAIL Barkat , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-01-21), الطوبونيميا الأندلسية بالمغرب الأوسط الوسيط بين الدلائل اللغوية والمرجعية التاريخية المجال والمكان أنموذجًا,الطوبونيميا الأندلسية في الجزائر والوطن العربي,جامعة أبو بكر بلقايد ـ تلمسان
- 2023-01-01
Recent years have seen the re-emergence of vector-borne diseases, representing more than 17% of infectious diseases globally. Most of these diseases can be prevented by vector control measures. Series of difficulties which are linked to the fight. Plant insecticides can present interesting alternatives to the chemical insecticides currently used in the fight against these pests. In the first part, we have inventoried the vector species in the region of El Kantara, Biskra, by conducting surveys of three sites. The second part focuses on the biological control of the larvae of the most abundant species in the region, that is, Culiseta longiareolata. The faunal inventory of the species of Culicidae in the three sites of El Kantara showed seven species belonging to three genera. The genus Culiseta was the best represented, particularly with the species C. longiareolata (89.91%). The toxicological activity of the ethanoic extracts of the seeds of Peganum harmala and Citrullus colocynthis was studied in synergy against the larvae of Culiseta longiareolata at different concentrations. The mortality rate increased over time to reach more than 70% after 5 days.
Saliha BENHISSEN , SIHAM Bounadji , ADMIN Admin , Nora belkhiri, , (2023-01-01), SYSTEMATIC AND TOXICOLOGICAL STUDY WITH SYNERGY OF THE MOSQUITOES IN EL KANTARA REGION (BISKRA, SOUTHERN ALGERIA), Ekológia (Bratislava) - Journal of the Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Vol:42, Issue:1, pages:10–16, Ekológia (Bratislava) - Journal of the Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- 2023
An inverse time-dependent source problem for a time fractional diffusion equation with a nonlocal boundary conditions
In this paper, we investigate an inverse time-dependent source problem for a time-fractional diffusion equation with nonlocal boundary and integral over-determination conditions. The fractional derivative is described in the generalized Caputo sense. The nonlocal boundary conditions are regular but not strongly regular. The special thing about this problem is: the system of eigenfunctions is not complete, but the system of eigen-and associated functions forming a basis in L2 (0, 1). Under some natural regularity and consistency conditions on the input data the existence, uniqueness and continuously dependence upon the data of the solution are shown by using the generalized Fourier method, the estimates of Mittag-Leffler function and Banach’s contraction mapping principle.
Brahim Nouiri , ADMIN Admin , FARID Mihoubi , , (2023), An inverse time-dependent source problem for a time fractional diffusion equation with a nonlocal boundary conditions, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol:24, Issue:2, pages:1-18, University of Miskolc
- 2023
: فحص بعض المتغيرات النفسية لدى حالات خاضوا تجربة الهجرة الغير شرعية-دراسة حالة: ناجحين وفاشلين في محاولة الهجرة الغير شرعية
مجلة الجامع جامعة المسيلة.
asma kharkhache , ADMIN Admin , , (2023), : فحص بعض المتغيرات النفسية لدى حالات خاضوا تجربة الهجرة الغير شرعية-دراسة حالة: ناجحين وفاشلين في محاولة الهجرة الغير شرعية, مجلة الجامع جامعة المسيلة., Vol:0, Issue:1, pages:0-1, جامعة المسيلة
- 2023
Citizenship Culture as an Indicator of Traffic Awareness among Young Drivers of Public Transport Vehicles and its Relationship to Commitment to Traffic Safety.
Citizenship is one of the most important modern concepts; it is of a great impact within societies that seek to realize efficacy and commitment in all domains. The present field study aims to reveal the extent to which the citizenship culture affects young drivers of public transport vehicles in terms of their commitment to traffic safety rules. To reach that aim, the researcher collected some previous studies on the topic at hand to serve as a literature review and then moved on to the practical work by going to the public transport station, interviewing a sample of young drivers of public transport vehicles consisting of thirty drivers, distributing the questionnaire to them and, then, processing the data statistically. The results showed that the level of citizenship culture and commitment to traffic safety rules is low, in addition to the impact of citizenship culture on commitment to traffic safety rules among young taxi drivers. Key Words: Citizenship Culture, Commitment, Ttraffic Safety Rules, Young Drivers of Public Transport Vehicles.
achour allouti , ADMIN Admin , achour allouti , , (2023), Citizenship Culture as an Indicator of Traffic Awareness among Young Drivers of Public Transport Vehicles and its Relationship to Commitment to Traffic Safety., TOBACOO REGULATORY SCIENCE, Vol:9, Issue:1, pages:260-276, TOBACOO REGULATORY SCIENCE
- 2023
Synthesis and characterization of activated carbon from Palme by chemical activation
For the manufacture of activated carbon, agricultural leftovers have been used as a precursor material. Researchers looked at how phosphoric acid affected the porosity, adsorption, and surface properties of carbon. Using phosphoric acid in the range of 60 to 100%, three samples of carbon were created, each measuring 80 m in size. Activated carbon made from palm trash was characterized using FTIR, phpzc, and ATG. Additionally investigated were the iodine index and the methylene blue index.It was investigated how different variables, including starting dye concentrations of 50–300 ppm and pH (2–10), adsorbent dose (0.0025–1.5 g/L), contact period (20–240 min), and other variables, affected the results. Compounds were evaluated in solution before and after adsorption using FTIR spectroscopy. Application of and experimental results supporting isothermal models of Langmuir and Freundlich. The findings demonstrated that the adsorption phenomenon closely matches the Langmuir isotherms a pseudo-second-order model best captures the sequential adsorption kinetics of Congo red and methylene blue dyes on palm residue. The outcomes demonstrated that phosphoric acid significantly enhanced the aforementioned properties.
SABAH Djaber , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023), Synthesis and characterization of activated carbon from Palme by chemical activation,1st International Seminar on Process Engineering & Environment (ISCPE2022),university of mohamed khider biskra
- 2023
Study and modeling of the thrombosis of small cerebral aneurysms, with and without flow diverter, by the lattice Boltzmann method
bstract Background and objective Small cerebral aneurysms are currently commonly treated non-invasively by flow diverter device. These stents lead to thrombotic occlusion of the aneurysm soon after their placement. The purpose of this work is to model clotting into intracranial aneurysms with and without stents, using a non-Newtonian of blood behavior, and to investigate the importance of stent to generate desired thrombus in intracranial aneurysms. Method The description of blood flow is made by the Boltzmann lattice equations, while thrombosis is modeled by the "fluid age" model. The lattice Boltzmann method is a computational technique for simulating fluid dynamics. The method is based on a mesoscopic approach, where the fluid is represented by a set of particles that move and interact on a grid. The model for blood coagulation is described by lattice Boltzmann Method, and it doesn't take into account the complicated coagulation pathway, this main idea is developed using the model of residence time of blood: all fluid in the domain is assumed to be capable of clotting, given enough time. The fluid age is measured by a passive scalar using a transport equation, and the node coagulates if the fluid age increases enough. Three small aneurysms of different sizes and shapes with three stents of various porosities were used to test the ability of the model to predict thrombosis. The "occlusion rate" parameter is used to assess the effectiveness of the flow diverter device. Results For the large aspect ratio factor, the occlusion is: 91% for flow diverter devise with seven struts. For medium aspect ratio, a rate of 80% is achieved. An occlusion rate of slightly more than 30% is obtained for very small aneurysms with low aspect ratio. The Newtonian model underestimates the volume of thrombosis generated. The difference in the prediction of the thrombosis volume between the Newtonian and no-Newtonian Carreau-Yasuda models is approximately 10%. Conclusion The occlusion rate is proportional to the aspect ratio form factor. For the large and medium aspect ratio factors, the occlusion is satisfactory. Concerning very small aneurysms with low aspect ratio, aneurysm occlusion is low. This rate can be improved to almost complete occlusion if the flow diverter device is doubled. The generality of the model suggests its extensibility toward any other type of thrombosis (stenosis, thrombosis in aortic aneurysms).
Farouk MEZALI , ADMIN Admin , Khatir Naima, Saadia Benmamar, Abdelkrim Liazid, , (2023), Study and modeling of the thrombosis of small cerebral aneurysms, with and without flow diverter, by the lattice Boltzmann method, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol:233, Issue:3, pages:11(107456), ELSEVIER
- 2023
نمظهرات الانتماء في المسرح الجزائري الحديث"حنين إلى الجبل" للصالح خرفي
نمظهرات الانتماء في المسرح الجزائري الحديث"حنين إلى الجبل" للصالح خرفي
LAKHDAR Henni , ADMIN Admin , لخضر هني, ,(2023), نمظهرات الانتماء في المسرح الجزائري الحديث"حنين إلى الجبل" للصالح خرفي,المسرح والثورة,جامعة المسيلة
- 2023
المفاوضات الجزائرية الفرنسية واستقلال الجزائر
بحث حول المفاوضات
Abdalah Meguelati , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023), المفاوضات الجزائرية الفرنسية واستقلال الجزائر,المفاوضات الجزائرية الفرنسية,بشسكرة
- 2023
المفاوضات الجزائرية الفرنسية واستقلال الجزائر
بحث حول المفاوضات
Abdalah Meguelati , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023), المفاوضات الجزائرية الفرنسية واستقلال الجزائر,المفاوضات الجزائرية الفرنسية,بشسكرة
- 2023
Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.
Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.
Samra Nehaoua , ADMIN Admin , Fouzia Bouchelaghem , ,(2023), Transport properties of argon atoms diffusing in their parent gas.,National Seminar of Physics, Chemistry, and Their Applications Webinar (NSPCA'23),Bordj Bou arriridj
- 2023
The influence of temperature on the corrosion of the special alloy Fe-Mn in a saline media
Corrosion is a natural phenomenon that happens when minerals react chemically with their surroundings. It may cause significant material and human losses. Seawater is the most challenging and aggresive corrosion-causing medium out of these factors, which also include humidity, temperature, acid rain, etc. In our study, we prepared a medium similar to seawater that contains 3.5% sodium chloride, then we concentrated on how the temperature range of 10 to 45 ºC affected the corrosion mechanism of an iron-manganese alloy (Fe-Mn). The methods employed in this work were Tafel polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The surface morphology of the Fe-Mn alloy surface was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM).The results reveal that the open circuit potential (OCP) of Fe-Mn alloy shifted negatively with increasing temperature, suggesting the start of corrosion processes. The corrosion potential degenerates more quickly at higher temperatures, which is associated to a faster corrosion rate. The EIS indicated that the corrosion resistance of Fe-Mn alloy decreased at high temperatures, and tafel curves demonstrated that the corrosion current density Jcorr increased in high temperatures. The surface of the Fe-Mn alloy was covered by a huge number of the accumulated corrosion products as the temperature climbed, the roughness of the steel increased, and the volume and size of corrosion products dramatically increased.
Sarra Merabet , Cheikh MOKRANI , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023), The influence of temperature on the corrosion of the special alloy Fe-Mn in a saline media,THE 3rd NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED PHYSICS & CHEMISTRY,Laghouat
- 2023
Les Orchidées du Parc National de Djurdjura (Grande Kabylie, Algérie) sur 17 années: Inventaire, Taxonomie et Biogéographie
Résumé Rebbas, K., Heddad, M., Ben Si Said, Z., Haddad, S. & E. Véla (2023): Les orchidées du Parc National de Djurdjura (Grande Kabylie, Algérie) sur 17 années - inventaire, taxonomie et biogéographie.- J. Eur. Orch. 55(1): 99-181. L’orchidoflore de la grande Kabylie, en particulier de la réserve de biosphère du Djurdjura et ces environs (nord-centre Algérien), demeure peu connue malgré l’importance de ce secteur clé pour la biodiversité et fait l’objet d’un intérêt récent des botanistes. Cet article est un travail collaboratif initié il y a 17 ans (2006-2022) sur l’inventaire, l’illustration, la cartographie et la taxonomie des Orchidées dans la région du Djurdjura, nord centre de l’Algérie. Située dans le secteur de la grande Kabylie (K1), en kabyle Tamurt Idurar, le pays des montagnes, cette région abrite une flore diversifiée dont le recensement est encore incomplet. Avec 45 orchidées (espèces et sous espèces) et quatre hybrides sur plus de 500 stations d’observations, cette région confirme le fort potentiel de diversité connu dans toute la Kabylie et la Numidie. Cette relative diversité orchidologique s’explique en grande partie par les conditions climatiques exceptionnelles, associées à l’originalité des milieux en altitudes de la grande Kabylie de Djurdjura, plus au moins bien conservés. Des stations d’orchidées ont été découvertes et redécouvertes dans le Parc National de Djurdjura. Des espèces, des sous-espèces rares et endémiques ont été observées, identifiées et localisées, ainsi que quatre hybrides. Sept espèces sont proposées pour être ajoutées à la protection légale au niveau national (Cephalanthera rubra, Cypripedium calceolus, Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. battandieri, D. markusii, Epipactis helleborine s.l., Orchis purpurea, Platanthera bifolia subsp. kuenkelei)
Khellaf REBBAS , ZINEB Bensisaid , ADMIN Admin , Moussa Heddad, Saci Haddad, Errol Véla, , (2023), Les Orchidées du Parc National de Djurdjura (Grande Kabylie, Algérie) sur 17 années: Inventaire, Taxonomie et Biogéographie, Journal Europäischer Orchideen, Vol:55, Issue:1, pages:99-181, Journal Europäischer Orchideen
- 2022-12-15
التشكيلات الفنية في شعر عقاب بلخير من خلال مختارات شعرية من ديوان "متن العارفين" أنموذجا Artistic forms in The poetry of : OGAB Belkhair’s through poetry selections from the poetic work : “Matn Alarifin” as a Model
إ ن المتأمل في شعر الشاعر الفذ عقاب بلخير يجد نفسه أمام أصوات شعرية ممتزجة ومجتمعة على لسانه، وإن القارئ لشعره سيدرك تمام الإدراك أنه أمام مادة شعرية ضخمة وكثيفة المعاني ومترابطة الدلالات، وصعبة الإيحاءات وكأننا نقرأ للشاعر الصوفي الكبير محي الدين بن عربي، وفلسفته الشعرية الطاغية في ديوانه "متن العارفين"، بل إن العن وان في ح د ذاته يدل عل ى تصوف الشاعر وتشبع ه بالثقافة الصوفية للشعراء المتفلسفي ن الأوائ ل كابن الفارض وشعره، وابن عربي وديوانه " ترجمان الأشواق". وإن الدراسة التي نخوض فيها لدليل على صعوبة وكثافة الدلا لة في شعره، وهذا الزخم الدلالي يستلزم الإحاطة ببعض علوم البلاغة والنحو
hakima BOUCHELALEGبوشلالق , ADMIN Admin , , (2022-12-15), التشكيلات الفنية في شعر عقاب بلخير من خلال مختارات شعرية من ديوان "متن العارفين" أنموذجا Artistic forms in The poetry of : OGAB Belkhair’s through poetry selections from the poetic work : “Matn Alarifin” as a Model, حوليات الآداب, Vol:-10, Issue:-3, pages:28-43, جامعة المسيلة
- 2022-10-26
علم الاجتماع في الوطن العربي بين النشأة وعقبات النمو والتطور
علم الاجتماع في الوطن العربي بين النشأة وعقبات النمو والتطور
MOKHTAR Rahab , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022-10-26), علم الاجتماع في الوطن العربي بين النشأة وعقبات النمو والتطور,علم الاجتماع وقضايا المجتمع قراءة في ثنائية الدور والمكانة,مخبر الدراسات الأنتروبولوجية والمشكلات الاجتماعية، جامعة محمد بوضياف
- 2022-08-17
المواطنة بين المفهوم والتطبيق دراسة ميدانية
التعريف بالمواطنة وعناصرها في المجتمع وكيفية تطبيقها انطلاقا من تطبيق الاستبيان على المواطنين
HamzaBARKAT , ADMINAdmin , ,(2022-08-17); المواطنة بين المفهوم والتطبيق دراسة ميدانية,,دار المجد للطباعة والنشر
- 2022-07-20
The Oasis of Bou-Saada is gradually deteriorating due to the attack of insect pests such as white scale Parlatoria blanchardi Targ., the palm worm Myeloïs ceratoniae Zell and some fungal pests. In addition, polluted irrigation water coming from the wadi Bou-Saada has seriously damaged the oasis palm. Consequently, 23 promising date palm varieties are facing extinction. The Rehabilitation of the oasis palms of Bou-Saâda requires mass propagation of the endangered date palm varieties to conserve the fauna and the genotypes. The Tissue Culture technique is the only method through which date palm oases Bou-Saâda can be restored in a short period as compared to growing the trees through seeds or offshoots. As the first phase of conservation of the oases, this research project was initiated whereas propagation of two highly promising varieties Deglet-Nour and Mech-Degla was carried out through tissue culture technique on MS medium using various concentrations of three different hormones (AIB, GA3, 2,4-D) to obtain organogenesis. Results revealed that the growth in length of explants of the variety Deglet-Nour and its overall development was better as compared to the variety Mech-Degla with the AIB (2mg/l). The GA3 hormone performed the best in relation to the development of organogenesis in the two varieties followed by AIB hormone than the 2,4-D with overall mean lengths of 1.36, 1,26 and 0.84 centimetres, respectively. The formation of the callus was noticed only in the case of the variety Deglet-Nour. Key words: Bou-Saâda oasis, In vitro culture, Deglet-Nour, Mech-Degla, 2,4-D, AIB, GA3, Organogenesis.
Ahlam GUETTOUCHI , ADMIN Admin , , (2022-07-20), THE EFFECT OF SOME HORMONES ON THE IN VITRO CULTURE OF DATE PALM (PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA L.) OF BOU-SAÂDA, ALGERIA, Pakistan Journal of Botany, Vol:546, Issue:1, pages:2089 - 2093, Pakistan Botanical Society.
- 2022-06-20
يوم تكويني
يوم تكويني لطلبة الدكتوراه والاستماع إلى حصائل الطلبة
abderrahmane BEN YETTOU , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022-06-20), يوم تكويني,يوم تكويني لطلبة الدكتوراه,جامعة المسيلة
- 2022-06-14
ظاهرة التنمر المدرسي
ظاهرة التنمر المدرسي –المظاهر، العوامل وآليات الحد منها - (تحليل نظري سوسيولوجي) The phenomenon of school bullying –manifestations, factors and mechanisms - (Sociological theoretical analysis) | ASJP
Yasmina Ketfi , ADMIN Admin , , (2022-06-14), ظاهرة التنمر المدرسي, سوسيولوجيا, Vol:2, Issue:12, pages:200, جامعة باتنة
- 2022-06-09
A Weighted-based heuristic for Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Lifetime extension plays a crucial issue in wireless sensor network applications. An effective mechanism to extend and maximize the lifetime is to partition the deployed sensors into disjoint subsets of sensors (sensor covers) such that each subset covers all targets completely and works alternatively. Finding the optimum number of disjoint sensor covers is formulated as the set k-cover problem, which has been proved to be NP-complete. This paper presents a novel greedy-based heuristic algorithm to address this problem. It comprises two parts: the first one greedily constructs set covers based on the well-known similarity measure Jaccard factor, and the second one ensures that each set cover will not contain redundant sensors. The proposed heuristic was evaluated on common 1000 benchmark instances and compared to other greedy-based approaches from the literature. Simulation results show its effectiveness in generating good solutions in reasonable computation time and scalability for large problem instances.
Nassereddine Mouhoub , ADMIN Admin , Salaheddine Balamane, ,(2022-06-09), A Weighted-based heuristic for Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks,ECCO XXXV - CO 2022,online
- 2022-05-27
Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment
As part of a comprehensive evaluation of post-treatment techniques for the removal of chemical and microbiological pollutants from lagoon effluents, an aerated biofilter was designed. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of pozzolan and Luffa cylindrica as low-cost packing materials for the advanced treatment of Stidia natural lagoon effluent. The aerated biofilter operates in down-flow with HLRs of 11.37 to 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1 and an air/liquid flow ratio of 3 : 1. The different experiments performed on the pilot showed that the percentages of sCOD removal vary with the HLRs and the wastewater concentration at the biofilter inlet. In this study, sCOD removal efficiencies above 78.9 % were achieved depending on HLR, and a maximum removal efficiency of TSS of 71.5 % was obtained for 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1. At low HLR (11.37 m3 m−2 d−1), the treated effluent had the following average concentrations: sCOD of 29.5 mg l−1, BOD5 of 21.7 mg l−1 and TSS of 26.4 mg l−1. These experimental results were used with an empirical model to determine the media constant n and treatability factor K. The faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli detected in the treated effluent were less than 105 CFU/100 ml, which meet the national guidelines for wastewater reuse in irrigation.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Khalida BEKRENTCHIR , ADMIN Admin , Malika Khellad, Meriem Abaidia, Senouci Boulerial, , (2022-05-27), Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment, Kemija u Industriji-Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Vol:71, Issue:9, pages:8, HRVATSKO DRUSTVO KEMJIJSKIH INZENJERA I TEHNOLOGA
- 2022-05-27
Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment
As part of a comprehensive evaluation of post-treatment techniques for the removal of chemical and microbiological pollutants from lagoon effluents, an aerated biofilter was designed. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of pozzolan and Luffa cylindrica as low-cost packing materials for the advanced treatment of Stidia natural lagoon effluent. The aerated biofilter operates in down-flow with HLRs of 11.37 to 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1 and an air/liquid flow ratio of 3 : 1. The different experiments performed on the pilot showed that the percentages of sCOD removal vary with the HLRs and the wastewater concentration at the biofilter inlet. In this study, sCOD removal efficiencies above 78.9 % were achieved depending on HLR, and a maximum removal efficiency of TSS of 71.5 % was obtained for 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1. At low HLR (11.37 m3 m−2 d−1), the treated effluent had the following average concentrations: sCOD of 29.5 mg l−1, BOD5 of 21.7 mg l−1 and TSS of 26.4 mg l−1. These experimental results were used with an empirical model to determine the media constant n and treatability factor K. The faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli detected in the treated effluent were less than 105 CFU/100 ml, which meet the national guidelines for wastewater reuse in irrigation.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Khalida BEKRENTCHIR , ADMIN Admin , Malika Khellad, Meriem Abaidia, Senouci Boulerial, , (2022-05-27), Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment, Kemija u Industriji-Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Vol:71, Issue:9, pages:8, HRVATSKO DRUSTVO KEMJIJSKIH INZENJERA I TEHNOLOGA
- 2022-05-27
Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment
As part of a comprehensive evaluation of post-treatment techniques for the removal of chemical and microbiological pollutants from lagoon effluents, an aerated biofilter was designed. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of pozzolan and Luffa cylindrica as low-cost packing materials for the advanced treatment of Stidia natural lagoon effluent. The aerated biofilter operates in down-flow with HLRs of 11.37 to 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1 and an air/liquid flow ratio of 3 : 1. The different experiments performed on the pilot showed that the percentages of sCOD removal vary with the HLRs and the wastewater concentration at the biofilter inlet. In this study, sCOD removal efficiencies above 78.9 % were achieved depending on HLR, and a maximum removal efficiency of TSS of 71.5 % was obtained for 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1. At low HLR (11.37 m3 m−2 d−1), the treated effluent had the following average concentrations: sCOD of 29.5 mg l−1, BOD5 of 21.7 mg l−1 and TSS of 26.4 mg l−1. These experimental results were used with an empirical model to determine the media constant n and treatability factor K. The faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli detected in the treated effluent were less than 105 CFU/100 ml, which meet the national guidelines for wastewater reuse in irrigation.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Khalida BEKRENTCHIR , ADMIN Admin , Malika Khellad, Meriem Abaidia, Senouci Boulerial, , (2022-05-27), Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment, Kemija u Industriji-Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Vol:71, Issue:9, pages:8, HRVATSKO DRUSTVO KEMJIJSKIH INZENJERA I TEHNOLOGA
- 2022-05-27
Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment
As part of a comprehensive evaluation of post-treatment techniques for the removal of chemical and microbiological pollutants from lagoon effluents, an aerated biofilter was designed. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of pozzolan and Luffa cylindrica as low-cost packing materials for the advanced treatment of Stidia natural lagoon effluent. The aerated biofilter operates in down-flow with HLRs of 11.37 to 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1 and an air/liquid flow ratio of 3 : 1. The different experiments performed on the pilot showed that the percentages of sCOD removal vary with the HLRs and the wastewater concentration at the biofilter inlet. In this study, sCOD removal efficiencies above 78.9 % were achieved depending on HLR, and a maximum removal efficiency of TSS of 71.5 % was obtained for 28.43 m3 m−2 d−1. At low HLR (11.37 m3 m−2 d−1), the treated effluent had the following average concentrations: sCOD of 29.5 mg l−1, BOD5 of 21.7 mg l−1 and TSS of 26.4 mg l−1. These experimental results were used with an empirical model to determine the media constant n and treatability factor K. The faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli detected in the treated effluent were less than 105 CFU/100 ml, which meet the national guidelines for wastewater reuse in irrigation.
ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Khalida BEKRENTCHIR , ADMIN Admin , Malika Khellad, Meriem Abaidia, Senouci Boulerial, , (2022-05-27), Low-cost Packing Materials in an Aerated Biofilter for Lagoon Effluent Treatment, Kemija u Industriji-Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Vol:71, Issue:9, pages:8, HRVATSKO DRUSTVO KEMJIJSKIH INZENJERA I TEHNOLOGA
- 2022-05-18
Blended Learning of Written Expression as an lnnovative Teaching Mehod: The Case of Written expression teachers at the Department of English at M'sila University
The world's experience during Pandemic-19 resulted in a surge in demand for online education, which rapidly infiltrated school districts and universities In this respect, an online survey was conducted with the teachers of written expression at M'sila University's Department of English to inquire about their experiences with blended learning of Written expression, which is one of the basic modules in learning English.
assia BAGHDADI , ADMIN Admin , Laadjini Messaouda, ,(2022-05-18), Blended Learning of Written Expression as an lnnovative Teaching Mehod: The Case of Written expression teachers at the Department of English at M'sila University,Academic writing: Challenges and perspectives,Barika university
- 2022-05-18
لجنة علمية
يبدو مسرح الطفل ميدانا لا يزال يحتاج إلى اهتمام أكبر
bassem BESTAL , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022-05-18), لجنة علمية,مسرح الطفل في الادب الجزائري,جامعة المسيلة
Default case...
- 2022-03-28
أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان
أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان
MOKHTAR Rahab , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022-03-28), أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان,العادات والممارسات التضامنية في الجزائر " التويزة,CNRPAH
- 2022-03-28
أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان
أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان
MOKHTAR Rahab , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022-03-28), أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان,العادات والممارسات التضامنية في الجزائر " التويزة,CNRPAH
- 2022-03-28
أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان
أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان
MOKHTAR Rahab , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022-03-28), أشكال التويزة في مجتمع الزيبان,العادات والممارسات التضامنية في الجزائر " التويزة,CNRPAH
- 2022-03-07
التمويل الجماعي كبديل لدعم وتمويل المؤسسات الناشئة
ملخص: اكتسب التمويل الجماعي شعبية كبيرة كوسيلة للمبدعين ورواد الأعمال للحصول على التمويل وإطلاق مشاريعهم وافكارهم. ومع ذلك، فإن هذه الشعبية المتزايدة لم ترسو بعد في العديد من البلدان النامية التي لا تفتقر إلى المواهب أو الأفكار، ولكنها تفتقر إلى تمويل جهود الابتكار في الأعمال التجارية والتنمية. يمكن للعديد من البلدان النامية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا على وجه الخصوص التي تواجه أوضاعًا مالية قاسية أن تستفيد بشكل كبير من التمويل الجماعي من أجل إحداث تأثير إيجابي على المجتمعات المحرومة في المنطقة. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى بناء أساس نظري وتحليلي حول موضوع التمويل الجماعي، بصفته مصدر تمويل للشركات الناشئة، توصلت الدراسة إلى أن التمويل الجماعي يعتبر آلية تمويل مناسبة لزيادة فرص تمويل الشركات الناشئة، فقد تبين أن منصات التمويل الجماعي الناشطة في بعض بلدان الشرق الوسط وشمال إفريقيا، أسهمت في تمويل عدد من الشركات الناشئة، ما من شأنه أن يساعد في سد الفجوة التمويلية المتعلقة بالاستثمارات في الشركات الناشئة. الكلمات المفتاحية: التمويل الجماعي، الشركات الناشئة، منصات التمويل الجماعي.
Salaheddine Abdelaziz , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022-03-07), التمويل الجماعي كبديل لدعم وتمويل المؤسسات الناشئة,المؤسسات الناشئة والتجارة الإلكترونية في الجزائر بين التوجه الاقتصادي للدولة وتحديات الواقع,جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلة
- 2022
تصور مقترح قائم على النمذجة بالفيديو في تنمية مهارات العناية بالذات لدى الطفل التوحدي
تصور مقترح قائم على النمذجة بالفيديو في تنمية مهارات العناية بالذات لدى الطفل التوحدي
NAOUAL Boudiaf , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), تصور مقترح قائم على النمذجة بالفيديو في تنمية مهارات العناية بالذات لدى الطفل التوحدي,سيكولوجية الابداع والطفولة,العراق
- 2022
انعكاسات الدروس الخصوصية على الأداء التدريسي بالتعليم الرسمي في الجزائر
الدروس الخصوصية الأداء التدريسي التعليم الرسمي الجزار
Souhila Boudjellal , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), انعكاسات الدروس الخصوصية على الأداء التدريسي بالتعليم الرسمي في الجزائر,الدروس الخصوصية في زمن كورونا,مركز اليقظة البداغوجية بجامعة المسيلة
- 2022
Non Destructive Testing for a Multilayer Structure used in Aeronautics by Eddy Current Multi-Sensor System
The goal of non-destructive testing (NDT) is to determine a part's integrity without causing damage to it. Early diagnosis of a fault in high-risk fields like nuclear or aeronautics can save lives and save significant material and human losses. In the field of non-destructive testing (NDT), eddy current imaging technology is based on multi-element sensors consisting of numerous eddy current probes eddy current probes positioned side by side for data collecting. The assembly of the is possible thanks to multiplexing, which avoids mutual inductance between the individual probes. The ICFMM is designed for non-destructive evaluation of flaws in the area of rivets on aeronautical and other structures, and will allow defect characterisation using 3D pictures that represent impedance variation.
ADMIN Admin , Abdelhak ABDOU , ,(2022), Non Destructive Testing for a Multilayer Structure used in Aeronautics by Eddy Current Multi-Sensor System,1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences,Konya/Turkey
- 2022
On Anisotropic Parabolic Equations with Variable Nonlinearity
In this poster, we show you how to prove the existence and the regularity of weak solutions for a class of nonlinear anisotropic parabolic equations with p i (·) growth conditions, degenerate coercivity and L^m(·)data, with m(·) > 1 being small. The functional setting involves Lebesgue-Sobolev spaces with variable exponents.
Hellal ABDELAZIZ , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), On Anisotropic Parabolic Equations with Variable Nonlinearity,Rencontre d’Analyse Mathématiqueet ses Applications (RAMA),Université de M’Sila
- 2022
Use of the neuronal network in the prediction of the wind on a given site
Inspired by the functioning of neurons in the brain, neural networks are tools widely used in artificial intelligence in solving statistical problems. To this end, in wind energy, the wind is in perpetual variation, in order to model it and predict its intensity from its average annual speed, we present in this study a method based on the use of artificial neural networks. Using the accumulation of a period of 10 years of measurements of the average annual wind speed of a site in the region of Kaberten, a computer program has been developed under MATLAB to estimate the wind in the years to come. This program makes it possible to predict the wind speed at 10 m from the ground in the year following the measurement period. The results obtained by this method on the Kaberten site are analyzed and discussed.
SAID Zergane , ADMIN Admin , Amar BERKACHE , ,(2022), Use of the neuronal network in the prediction of the wind on a given site,1st International Conference on Innovation Academic Studies,Turkey
- 2022
In this article we present an experimental and numerical study of the behavior of the boundary layer type viscous flow in the presence of the thermal effect. The flow was held in a three-dimensional field with a uniform infinite velocity in the case of an adiabatic wall with heat input. The presented experimental work was performed in the Thermal Laboratory (LET) of the Prime Institute of Poitiers (France). It describes the analysis of a turbulent boundary layer created in a wind tunnel on the surface of a flat plate covered with epoxy resin. An HP 6012A power supply system was used to provide circulating heat flux to heat the flat plate to 80°C by the Joule effect. The numerical result shows a clear difference in the evolution of the thermal boundary layer between the three temperatures of the wall.
Amar BERKACHE , ADMIN Admin , SALAH Amroune , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Ali Golbaf, Barhm Mohamad, , (2022), EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF A TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER UNDER VARIABLE TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:15,
- 2022
In this article we present an experimental and numerical study of the behavior of the boundary layer type viscous flow in the presence of the thermal effect. The flow was held in a three-dimensional field with a uniform infinite velocity in the case of an adiabatic wall with heat input. The presented experimental work was performed in the Thermal Laboratory (LET) of the Prime Institute of Poitiers (France). It describes the analysis of a turbulent boundary layer created in a wind tunnel on the surface of a flat plate covered with epoxy resin. An HP 6012A power supply system was used to provide circulating heat flux to heat the flat plate to 80°C by the Joule effect. The numerical result shows a clear difference in the evolution of the thermal boundary layer between the three temperatures of the wall.
Amar BERKACHE , ADMIN Admin , SALAH Amroune , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Ali Golbaf, Barhm Mohamad, , (2022), EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF A TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER UNDER VARIABLE TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:15,
- 2022
In this article we present an experimental and numerical study of the behavior of the boundary layer type viscous flow in the presence of the thermal effect. The flow was held in a three-dimensional field with a uniform infinite velocity in the case of an adiabatic wall with heat input. The presented experimental work was performed in the Thermal Laboratory (LET) of the Prime Institute of Poitiers (France). It describes the analysis of a turbulent boundary layer created in a wind tunnel on the surface of a flat plate covered with epoxy resin. An HP 6012A power supply system was used to provide circulating heat flux to heat the flat plate to 80°C by the Joule effect. The numerical result shows a clear difference in the evolution of the thermal boundary layer between the three temperatures of the wall.
Amar BERKACHE , ADMIN Admin , SALAH Amroune , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Ali Golbaf, Barhm Mohamad, , (2022), EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF A TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER UNDER VARIABLE TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol:16, Issue:1, pages:15,
- 2022
Heat Transfer By Natural Convection from a Heated Square Inner Cylinder to Its Elliptical Outer Enclosure Utilizing Nanofluids
In this paper a numerical study of natural convection of stationary laminar heat transfers in a horizontal ring between a heated square inner cylinder and a cold elliptical outer cylinder is presented. A Cu-water nanofluid flows through this annular space. Different values of the Rayleigh number and volume fraction of nanoparticles are studied. The system of equations governing the problem was solved numerically by the fluent calculation code based on the finite volume method and on the Boussinesq approximation. The interior and exterior surfaces are kept at constant temperature. The study is carried out for Rayleigh numbers ranging from 3 10 to 5 10 . We have studied the effects of different Rayleigh numbers and volume fraction of nanoparticles on natural convection. The results are presented as isotherms, isocurrents, and local and mean Nusselt numbers. The aim of this study is to study the influence of the thermal Rayleigh number and volume fraction of nanoparticles on the heat transfer rate.
Abdelkrim BOURAS , Djedid TALOUB , ADMIN Admin , Zied Driss, , (2022), Heat Transfer By Natural Convection from a Heated Square Inner Cylinder to Its Elliptical Outer Enclosure Utilizing Nanofluids, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol:27, Issue:2, pages:22-34, sciendo
- 2022
دور المقاولاتية الرياضيةفي دعم سوق العملوالتقليص من البطالة في الجزائر
تعتبرالمقاولاتية الرياضيةفي دعم سوق العملوالتقليص من البطالة في الجزائر
ABDERAZAK Aroussi , ADMIN Admin , Abdelkader Ghidi , ,(2022), دور المقاولاتية الرياضيةفي دعم سوق العملوالتقليص من البطالة في الجزائر,المقاولاتية الرياضية نحو الاستثمار في الميدان الرياضي,جامعة المسيلة
- 2022
The bet to achieve quality in banking information systems using internal marketing strategies in the National Bank of Algeria
This research aims to determine the extent to which internal marketing strategies are adopted in Algerian banking institutions as a mechanism of modern management, the extent to which it reflects on the activation and improvement of their information systems quality, and its implications for the performance and competitiveness of Algerian banks.The researchaddresses the most important concepts and elements of the administrative systems and examines the case of one of the most important Algerian banks, the National Bank of Algeria, through a statistical exploratory study depends on a questionnaire directed to the frames of three central agencies: Reghaia, Rouiba, and Boumerdes agencies, leading to identify the relationship between study variables and the testing of their hypotheses.
moussa hadjab , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), The bet to achieve quality in banking information systems using internal marketing strategies in the National Bank of Algeria, مجلة البحوث في العلوم المالية والمحاسبية, Vol:7, Issue:1, pages:22, جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة
- 2022
Investigation on substrate effect on physical characteristics of CuO-sprayed thin films suitable for photovoltaic application: Ag/ZnO: Sn(n)/CuO(p)/SnO2: F
In this paper to compare the growth and optoelectronic properties of copper oxide (CuO) materials suitable for advanced application, CuO layers were synthesized on glass and SnO2:F). The X-ray diffraction analysis showed that CuO nanoparticles were formed in pure monoclinic structure where crystallite size decreases from 37.39 to 33.44 nm when the substrate changed, respectively, from glass to SnO2:F/glass. This crystallite size reduction was related to the energy band gap (Eg) enlargement from 1.455 to 1.525 eV due to the quantum confinement effect. Eg values were almost equal to the theoretical one for converting solar energy into electrical energy and CuO may be used as an absorber material in photovoltaic devices. Electrical characteristics were studied using the impedance spectroscopy technique at room temperature and confirmed by the Hall Effect measurements. CuO/SnO2:F/glass thin films have best electrical parameters and consequently the Ag/ZnO:Sn(n)/CuO(p)/SnO2:F photocell was elaborated and its J-V characteristics were analyzed.
ADMIN Admin , Ajili Mejda, Debbabi Samar, Turki-Kamoun Najoua, , (2022), Investigation on substrate effect on physical characteristics of CuO-sprayed thin films suitable for photovoltaic application: Ag/ZnO: Sn(n)/CuO(p)/SnO2: F, Materials Technology, Vol:37, Issue:, pages:381, Taylor & Francis Online
Default case...
- 2022
etude de l'adsorption d'un colorant organique en solutions aqueuses sur un charbon actif
Dans cette étude, du charbon actif économique et écologique a été synthétisé à partir de résidus de poudre de palme. Le charbon activé préparé a été utilisé pour absorber les colorants organiques d'une solution aqueuse. Pour examiner le potentiel d'adsorption du carbone, des expériences d'adsorption discontinues ont été effectuées. Différents facteurs tels que l'indice d'iode, l'indicateur de bleu de méthylène, le pH (2-12), la dose d'adsorbant (1-5 g/L), le temps de contact (20-600 min) et les concentrations initiales de colorant (50-800 ppm) ont été évalués. . La spectroscopie FTIR a été utilisée pour évaluer des composés en solution avant et après l'adsorption. Des modèles isothermes de Langmuir et de Freundlich ont été appliqués aux données expérimentales.
SABAH Djaber , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), etude de l'adsorption d'un colorant organique en solutions aqueuses sur un charbon actif,national conference on Materials, Energy end Environment (NCMEE42022),university of mohamed khider biskra
- 2022
قطاع التأمين الجزائري كأحد أوجه التنمية الاقتصادية -دراسة تحليلية للفترة 2006-2020
TOUFIK Ghafsi , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), قطاع التأمين الجزائري كأحد أوجه التنمية الاقتصادية -دراسة تحليلية للفترة 2006-2020,تعزيز مساهمة قطاع التأمين في التنمية الاقتصادية في الجزائر,جامعة المسيلة
- 2022
Using behavior mapping to evaluate the using efficiency of public square Case study: November 1st, 1954 Square in M'sila city.
Human behaviour and social interactions in public places are the results of mental processes that are affected by the different components of these spaces. These components may be physical, social, cultural or sensory, but they all have in common the ability to influence the behaviour of users in the public sphere. Consequently, human behavior can be affected by the presence of physical and environmental features of public places such as buildings, streets, landforms and even occupation by other people. The physical components of public spaces can have a deep impact on how people behave, live and interact in public spaces. This paper aims to highlight the use of public squares in M'sila city , by relating the physical characteristics and behaviour of users within these squares. The analysis was based on the behavioural map approach, which combines two complementary research techniques: direct observation and the questionnaire. To achieve the results, the data was analysed by SPSS and represented by the GIS program. The study concluded that there is a mismatch in the reciprocal relationship between human behaviour and the physical environment of 1st November, 1954 Square, which has resulted in negative effects on human behaviour, which in turn has affected the physical environment of the square too.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Nabyl Chenaf, , (2022), Using behavior mapping to evaluate the using efficiency of public square Case study: November 1st, 1954 Square in M'sila city., Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society. (GSGD),, Vol:102, Issue:2, pages:283-298, Gdansk University of Technology IT Service Centre
- 2022
Using behavior mapping to evaluate the using efficiency of public square Case study: November 1st, 1954 Square in M'sila city.
Human behaviour and social interactions in public places are the results of mental processes that are affected by the different components of these spaces. These components may be physical, social, cultural or sensory, but they all have in common the ability to influence the behaviour of users in the public sphere. Consequently, human behavior can be affected by the presence of physical and environmental features of public places such as buildings, streets, landforms and even occupation by other people. The physical components of public spaces can have a deep impact on how people behave, live and interact in public spaces. This paper aims to highlight the use of public squares in M'sila city , by relating the physical characteristics and behaviour of users within these squares. The analysis was based on the behavioural map approach, which combines two complementary research techniques: direct observation and the questionnaire. To achieve the results, the data was analysed by SPSS and represented by the GIS program. The study concluded that there is a mismatch in the reciprocal relationship between human behaviour and the physical environment of 1st November, 1954 Square, which has resulted in negative effects on human behaviour, which in turn has affected the physical environment of the square too.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Nabyl Chenaf, , (2022), Using behavior mapping to evaluate the using efficiency of public square Case study: November 1st, 1954 Square in M'sila city., Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society. (GSGD),, Vol:102, Issue:2, pages:283-298, Gdansk University of Technology IT Service Centre
- 2022
Assessing urban vulnerability to landslides using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Case study of the municipal head of djebahia in Algeria
Djebahia is an average city in the Algerian centre, reported to have many risks related to landslides, with very important indices of instabilties. The recurence of damaging events in this locality has shown the fragilty of its urban system. The main objective of this article is to analyse the urban vulnerabilty in Djebahia municipality by determining the physical condition of its urban structure. The procedures for the analysis of factors at the origin of the risk in this city are mainly derived from the spatial analysis program, represented by the geographic information system software (ARCMAP), which contains a set of tols faciltating the proces analysis. The present research was based on the analytic hierarchy proces (AHP) of Thomas Laurie Saty (190), which belongs to a series of multi-criteria aproaches. The analysis showed thre levels of urban vulnerabilty: high, medium, and low, while the elements most afected by landslides are equipment, colective, and individual housing. These results were translated into a map of urban vulnerabilty to landslide risk.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , Naima, , (2022), Assessing urban vulnerability to landslides using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Case study of the municipal head of djebahia in Algeria, Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society. (GSGD), Vol:102, Issue:, pages:185-200, Gdansk University of Technology IT Service Centre
- 2022
Social behavior in the outdoor spaces of social housing. Case of the neighborhood of 500 housing units in the city of M’sila (Algeria)
Since Algeria’s independence in 1962, Algerian towns have experienced strong population growth at a rate of over 3.2% and a considerable rural exodus causing a housing crisis. In order to quickly resolve this crisis, the state adopted the policy of industrialization of housing. During this period, social housing was the model best suited to the social, economic and political situation of the country. Consequently, during the mass production of social housing, a fundamental parameter was ignored: the quality of the living environment in the outdoor spaces of these social neighbourhoods. This has caused the emergence of multiple remarkable social behaviours. This article discusses the impact of outdoor spaces in one of the most important neighbourhoods of the city of M’sila with 500 collective social housing units on the socio-spatial behaviour of different categories of inhabitants. This research combined the techniques of direct observation, interviewing and the social use approach of Gehl. The results of the study will identify the impact of outdoor spaces on the behaviour of residents of social housing to be able to remedy in future urban development and architectural designs.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , Walid, , (2022), Social behavior in the outdoor spaces of social housing. Case of the neighborhood of 500 housing units in the city of M’sila (Algeria), Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society. (GSGD), Vol:102, Issue:1, pages:199-208., Gdansk University of Technology IT Service Centre
- 2022
مستوى ممارسة مهارات الادارة الصفية وفق متطلبات التعلم النشطلدى اساتذة التعليم الابتدجائي
الكشف عن مدى ممارسة اساتذة التعليم الابتدائي لمهارات الادارة الصفية وفق متطلبات التعلم النشط
azzouz ketfi , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), مستوى ممارسة مهارات الادارة الصفية وفق متطلبات التعلم النشطلدى اساتذة التعليم الابتدجائي, مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية, Vol:12, Issue:1, pages:866-891, جامعة المسيلة
- 2022
Les mobilités douces dans la chaine des déplacements intermodaux et multimodaux
L’importance de la mobilité urbaine ne cesse d’augmenter au fil des ans dans les processus de développement des villes. En effet l’étalement urbain et le développement fulgurant dans divers secteurs entraînent une croissance de la mobilité rendant les moyens de déplacement motorisés nécessaires pour effectuer les déplacements quotidiens. La conséquence de ce développement est l’apparition de nombreux problèmes sur le triple plan socio-économique et environnemental, Notamment la congestion routière, la fragmentation écologique, différents types de pollutions qui conduisant à l’amplification du stress urbain. Cependant la mobilité reste une condition nécessaire à l’exercice de tous nos droits et devoirs fondamentaux (Orfeuil, 2011). Pour concilier entre ces devoirs et ce droit, les pouvoirs publics développent des politiques cohérentes et continues pour allier l’application des principes de développement durable à la problématique de la mobilité urbaine ; parmi elles : la mise en place d’offres de transports en commun de haute qualité, la facilitation des déplacements pédestres et cyclistes ainsi que les aménagements en faveur de ces éco-mobilités. L’Algérie, comme la plupart des pays en voie de développement n’est pas épargnée par le phénomène de congestion routière. En raison de l’ampleur de l’enjeu socio-économique et environnemental, les autorités ce sont engager à adopter des reformes de développement durable et d’éco mobilité dans les stratégies de développement des pôles urbains. La ville de Bejaia a pu bénéficier de plans d’urbanisme et de circulation qui, théoriquement, plaident en faveur de l’urgence à introduire l’éco mobilité. Les nombreux constats négatifs observés dans la ville de Bejaia tels que la congestion de son réseau routier, son inadaptation aux modes de transport alternatifs à la voiture, la dégradation du réseau viaire urbain, ainsi que l’insuffisance en matière de signalisation et de stationnement, de même que l’insuffisance d’aménagements spécifiques pour les piétons, que ce soit pour les personnes à mobilité réduite ou bien les usagers des deux roues, révèlent que la mobilité urbaine au lieu de jouer son rôle de levier devient un frein au développement rationnel de cette ville. La présente communication se focalisera sur une l’étude comparative entre les politiques urbaines en faveur des déplacements doux dans la ville de Bejaïa, et leurs réelles applications sur terrain. L’objectif de cette étude est double, d’une part, il s’agit d’identifier les mécanismes qui ont contribué aux diverses nuisances engendrées par les différents modes de déplacement au centre-ville, notamment la congestion routière. D’autre part d’identifier les difficultés d’application des principes d’éco-mobilité dans cette ville.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , Ouahiba Idjraoui, ,(2022), Les mobilités douces dans la chaine des déplacements intermodaux et multimodaux,Inter-Modalité et Multi-modalité : enjeux de la mobilité durable dans la ville algérienne,Alger
- 2022
مساهمة الصحافة الرياضية المتخصصة في نشر ثقافة التمويل الرياضي لدى فرق كرة القدم الجزائرية المحترفة
يهدف البحث الى معرفة أهمية الصحافة الرياضية المتخصصة الجزائرية ومدى مساهمتها في نشر ثقافة التمويل الرياضي لدى فرق كرة القدم الجزائرية المحترفة بالجزائر ، فيظل دخولها الاحتراف الرياضي على عينة من (الصحفيين في الصحافة الرياضية)، والدراسة المسحية أجريت على الصحفيين بولاية الجزائر ،حيث إعتمدنا على المنهج الوصفي والذي يهدف إلى جمع المعلومات وتنظيمها وكشف جوانبها ووصفها ، وإستعملنا في ذلك إستمارة إستبيانيه والتي تضمنت مجموعة من الأسئلة مقسمة على ثلاث محاور ووزعت على 25 صحفي وهي عينة تمثيلية لمجتمع الدراسة80 إعلامي من "جريدة الهداف وجريدة الخبر الرياضي وجريدةle Buteur وبعد معالجة النتائج التي أسفر عنها الاستبيان بواسطة الحزمة الاحصائية spss وخلصت الدراسة الى أهم النتائج التالية : إن الصحافة الرياضية المتخصصة تساهم في نشر ثقافة التمويل الرياضي لدى فرق كرة القدم الجزائرية المحترفة في الجزائر، من خلال التعريف بقوانين التمويل الرياضي وتقديم وعرض أنواع مصادره . .الكلمات المفتاحية: الصحافة الرياضية المتخصصة ؛ التمويل الرياضي ؛ كرة القدم ،النادي الرياضي . Abstract The research aims to know the importance of the Algerian specialized sports press and the extent of its contribution to spreading of sports funding culture among the Algerian professional football teams. The survey study was conducted on sports journalists in the province of Algiers. We adopted the descriptive approach, which aims to collection of information, its organization and its description. We used a questionnaire included a set of questions divided into three axes and distributed to 25 journalists, which constitute a representative sample of the study community composed of 80 journalists from "El-Haddaf newspaper” , El Khabar Erriadi newspaper” and “Le Buteur. "After the procession of the results of the questionnaire using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), the study concluded to the following results: The specialized sports press contributes to spreading the culture of sports funding among Algerian professional football teams , through the introduction of sports funding laws and the presentation its types of sources .Keywords : specialized sports press, sports funding, football. Professional sports club Résumé La recherche vise à connaître l'importance de la presse sportive spécialisée algérienne et l'étendue de sa contribution à la diffusion de la culture du financement du sport parmi les équipes algériennes de football professionnel. L'enquête a été réalisée auprès de journalistes sportifs de la province d'Alger. Nous avons adopté l'approche descriptive, qui vise la collecte d'informations, son organisation et sa description. Nous avons utilisé un questionnaire comprenant un ensemble de questions divisé en trois axes et distribué à 25 journalistes, qui constituent un échantillon représentatif de la communauté d'étude composée de 80 journalistes du "journal El-Haddaf", du journal El Khabar Erriadi "et" Le Buteur. "Après la procession des résultats du questionnaire à l'aide du Paquet Statistique des Sciences Sociales (SPSS), l'étude a conclu aux résultats suivants: La presse sportive spécialisée contribue à diffuser la culture du financement du sport parmi les équipes algériennes de football professionnel, à travers l'introduction des lois sur le financement du sport et la présentation de ses types de sources .Mots clés: presse sportive spécialisée, financement du sport, football. Club de sport
makhlouf mendjhi , Abdelouahab zouaoui , Nadir BOUSLAH , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), مساهمة الصحافة الرياضية المتخصصة في نشر ثقافة التمويل الرياضي لدى فرق كرة القدم الجزائرية المحترفة, مجلة العلوم الانسانية, Vol:33, Issue:2, pages:35-48, جامعة منتوري قسنطينة
- 2022
التسيير المالي والمحاسبي للجمعيات والنوادي الرياضية الهاوية / النادي الرياضي للهواة - اتحاد برهوم لكرة القدم -
تهتم هذه الدراسة بموضوع التسيير المالي والمحاسبي للجمعيات والنوادي الرياضية الهاوية، حيث هدفت الدراسة إلى معرفة موارد النادي الرياضي الهاوي محل الدراسة، والتعرف على التسيير المالي للنادي الرياضي محل الدراسة، اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي وذلك من أجل إبراز الإطار النظري للموضوع، أما الجانب التطبيقي استعملنا المنهج التحليلي لدراسة الحالة، كما تمت المعالجة عن طريق ملاحظة وتحليل الوثائق المقدمة من طرف النادي الرياضي للهواة اتحاد برهوم لكرة القدم حيث أخذنا أهم العناصر التي تساعدنا على حساب بعض النسب المئوية للوصول إلى أثر التسيير المالي، ومن أجل تحقيق أهداف الدراسة واختبار فرضياتها تم استخدام برنامج Microsoft Office Excel 2010 لحساب مختلف النسب المئوية بالإضافة إلى رسم الأشكال البيانية. وأظهرت النتائج عدم اعتماد معايير لتوزيع الميزانية على مختلف نشاطات النادي الرياضي، الاعتماد على المؤهلين عمليا وترك المتخصصين من ذوي الخبرة والكفاءة في التسيير المالي والمحاسبي، عدم كفاية مصادر التمويل الحالية، أي انها لا تفي بمتطلبات واحتياجات النادي، عدم التنويع في مصادر تمويلها لتلبية حاجياتها وتفادي الازمات المالية التي لها تأثير مباشر على نتائج أداء النادي الرياضي، لابد على مديرية الشباب والرياضة إعطاء اهتمام أكثر للجمعيات والنوادي الرياضية، من ناحية التمويل.
Nadir BOUSLAH , ADMIN Admin ,, , (2022), التسيير المالي والمحاسبي للجمعيات والنوادي الرياضية الهاوية / النادي الرياضي للهواة - اتحاد برهوم لكرة القدم -, مجلة روافد للدراسات والابحاث في علوم الرياضة, Vol:2, Issue:2, pages:49-66, +جامعة المسيلة
- 2022
Botanical surveys were carried out in spring 2022 in the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, allowing the rediscovery of Ophrys omegaifera subsp. hayekii and Dacylorhiza markusii. Ecological ratings are also provided. This rediscovery will enrich the Algerian orchid flora in general and that of the Tizi Ouzou region in particular.
- 2022
الشعر الشعبي عند أولاد نايل دراسة في التراث السردي للقبيلة
كثيرا ما يتبادر إلى ذهن كثير من الناس أن الشعر الشعبي ما هو إلا شعر وضيع مبتذل رخيص إذ نصف الشعر الشعبي يالسلطة العفوية، إن لم نقل السذاجة أحيانا كما أن الشعر الشعبي هو ما يستوحى من الشعب على اختلاف طبقاته، ويفيض بروحه وبعبر عن ذوقه ومشاعره ويصور مستوى حياته ويظهر ثقافته سواء أكان مسجلا بالكتابة أم تتداوله الشفاه صادرا عن فرد أو جماعة، ناشئا في قرية أو مدينة فهو الشعر الذي يصور طقوس الحياة في جوانبها الاجتماعية والسياسية بصورة يغلب عليها طابع التعميم والنزوع الأخلاقي، يصطبغ الشاعر بروح دينية هي أقرب إلى المثالية منها إلى تحليل الظواهر والظروف المتداخلة. ومن هذا المنطلق نطرح التساؤل الآتي: ما هي مقومات القصيدة عند أولاد نايل؟ وكيف تجلى الموروث الشعبي عند شعراء أولاد نايل؟
nasser mohammed elhassani TIS , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), الشعر الشعبي عند أولاد نايل دراسة في التراث السردي للقبيلة,الأنثروبولوجيا والأدب الشعبي,جامعة محمد بوضياف بالمسيلة
- 2022
تيمات الشعرية عند مدرسة البعث والإحياء -محمود سامي البارودي وأحمد شوقي أنموذجا-
قد عرف العرب قديما إنتاجا غزيرا للمادة الفنية خصوصا في مجال الشعر، فقد كان للعرب دواوين ومختارات شعرية، لكن ما لبث هذا طويلا فقد عرف الإنتاج الفني ركودا وهو ما عرف بالأدب في عصر الانحطاط والضعف، وفي العصر الحديث وخصوصا في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر( )91أحس أدباء العرب بضرورة التغير والنهوض بأدب يرقى ويتساوى مع الآداب الأخرى، فظهرت نهضة سميت بالنهضة العربية أو الأدب في عصر النهضة. ونحن في هذه الورقة البحثية سنحاول معرفة حقيقة الاتجاه المعروف بمدرسة الإحياء والبعث، وأهم التحولات التي طرأت على شعرنا العربي في هذه المرحلة، وذلك من خلال تتبع أهم الخصائص التي أتى بها شعراء هذه المدرسة.
nasser mohammed elhassani TIS , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), تيمات الشعرية عند مدرسة البعث والإحياء -محمود سامي البارودي وأحمد شوقي أنموذجا-, العمدة في اللسانيات وتحليل الخطاب, Vol:6, Issue:1, pages:12, مخبر الدراسات اللغوية بين النظرية والتطبيق جامعة المسيلة
- 2022
أزمة المناهج النقدية الحديثة عند النقاد العرب المحدثين -الجانب النفسي في دراسات عز الدين إسماعيل-
حلذ حزوس الاججاه الىفس ي في الىلذ اللشبي الخذًث طاسبت في ؤكماق الترار اللشبي وكذ الخفذ بلع الىلاد لذساظت ما فُه مً ؤظغ وملا خـاث هفعُت في مداولت لخإهُل هزا الاججاه في الىلذ اللشبي الخذًث م ًخلا ٌالترار اللشبي. فالأدب هى الشخم الزي ًدخظً الىفغ الؤوعاهُت بىىاصكها وخالاتها، وهـشا للؤهمُت التي اهفشد بها االإىهج الىفس ي جؼىسث دساظاجه في هزا االإُذان ومً بُنها هـشٍت الىلذ الىفعاوي التي جىاولىاها في بدثىا هزا
nasser mohammed elhassani TIS , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), أزمة المناهج النقدية الحديثة عند النقاد العرب المحدثين -الجانب النفسي في دراسات عز الدين إسماعيل-, مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:10, جامعة العربي التبسي تبسة
- 2022
Performances Analysis of Fractional System using The Fractional Order Adaptive PID controller
Abstract. The applications of fractional order systems in a range of scientific fields have caught the attention of researchers, especially in control strategy. The current research work presents the use of the fractional adaptive PID controller approach, optimized by a genetic algorithm, to improve the performances (rise time, setting time, and overshoot) for fractional systems by introducing a fractional order integrator and differentiator in the classical feedback adaptive PID controller. To validate the arguments, the effectiveness and performance analysis of the proposed approach optimized by genetic algorithms have been studied in comparison to the classical adaptive PID controller. Numerical simulation and analysis are presented to verify the best controller. The fractional order adaptive PID gives the best result in terms of settling time, rise time, overshoot, and mean absolute error. Keywords: Fractional System, Fractional Adaptive PID controllers, Genetic Algorithm, Comparative performance analysis.
Khatir KHETTAB , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), Performances Analysis of Fractional System using The Fractional Order Adaptive PID controller,the Fifth international conference on Electrical engineering and control application,Khenchela-Algeria
- 2022
Intérêt du piégeage massif (Olipe) de Bactrocera oleae et appréciation de ses attaques sur les olives dans un verger oléicole à Melouza (M’sila)
Intérêt du piégeage massif (Olipe) de Bactrocera oleae et appréciation de ses attaques sur les olives dans un verger oléicole à Melouza (M’sila)
Mourad KHALDI , Ghania BARECH , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), Intérêt du piégeage massif (Olipe) de Bactrocera oleae et appréciation de ses attaques sur les olives dans un verger oléicole à Melouza (M’sila),CONFERENCE NATIONALE PROTECTION DES PLANTES ET PRESERVATION DES MILIEUX NATURELS STEPPIQUES,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Improved Decentralized SO-CFAR and GO-CFAR Detectors via Moth Flame Algorithm
Optimization of distributed constant false alarm rate (CFAR) system parameters is an essential part in radar detection applications. In this work, the moth flame algorithm (MFO) is proposed as an optimization tool to compute scale factors of distributed Greatest of-CFAR (GO- CFAR) and Smallest of-CFAR (SO-CFAR) detectors in presence of Gaussian disturbance. Local binary decisions are obtained firstly from different sensors, at the fusion center, a fusing rule is applied to obtain a global decision. Detection performances comparisons are conducted against previous works using Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) and Biography Based Optimization (BBO) methods. Simulation results show that the proposed optimizer demonstrates a slight superiority in some cases for ensuring fixed probability of false alarm and higher detection probabilities.
Taha hocine Kerbaa , AMAR Mezache , Houcine OUDIRA , ADMIN Admin , ,(2022), Improved Decentralized SO-CFAR and GO-CFAR Detectors via Moth Flame Algorithm,2022 International Conference of Advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE),M'sila, Algeria
- 2022
Study Of The Evolution Of Land Use In The M'cif Region, Msila, Algeria: Analysis Of The Modifications And Degradation Of Natural Resources Linked To Desertification
This study aims at analyzing and detecting the evolution and the changes in the lands occupation in the region of M'cif (Msila, Algeria) during 2000-2020. The spatiotemporal survey was conducted using three Landsat satellite images (TM-2000, ETM+-2010, and OLI-2020). A supervised classification technique using the maximum likelihood algorithm has been used for the classification of the use of the lands to generate thematic maps with six main classes. The evaluation of the precision has been applied for each map based on a random method. Moreover, a post-classification technique has been carried out so as to provide a detailed matrix of the changes between 2000 and 2020. Findings confirm that the grassland is subject to very advanced degradation (-130.154 Km2) and that the sand dunes, the agriculturallands, sebkhas, and the urban zone have progressed to + 2.17 Km2, + 16.19 Km2, + 49.66 Km2, +1.21 Km2, respectively. Besides, the study zone is disordered by a rupture of equilibrium between the natural resources and the very high demands of the local people.
Djamila MADANI , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), Study Of The Evolution Of Land Use In The M'cif Region, Msila, Algeria: Analysis Of The Modifications And Degradation Of Natural Resources Linked To Desertification, Webology, Vol:19, Issue:6, pages:346-359, University of Tehran, Iran
- 2022
Study Of The Evolution Of Land Use In The M'cif Region, Msila, Algeria: Analysis Of The Modifications And Degradation Of Natural Resources Linked To Desertification
This study aims at analyzing and detecting the evolution and the changes in the lands occupation in the region of M'cif (Msila, Algeria) during 2000-2020. The spatiotemporal survey was conducted using three Landsat satellite images (TM-2000, ETM+-2010, and OLI-2020). A supervised classification technique using the maximum likelihood algorithm has been used for the classification of the use of the lands to generate thematic maps with six main classes. The evaluation of the precision has been applied for each map based on a random method. Moreover, a post-classification technique has been carried out so as to provide a detailed matrix of the changes between 2000 and 2020. Findings confirm that the grassland is subject to very advanced degradation (-130.154 Km2) and that the sand dunes, the agriculturallands, sebkhas, and the urban zone have progressed to + 2.17 Km2, + 16.19 Km2, + 49.66 Km2, +1.21 Km2, respectively. Besides, the study zone is disordered by a rupture of equilibrium between the natural resources and the very high demands of the local people.
Djamila MADANI , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), Study Of The Evolution Of Land Use In The M'cif Region, Msila, Algeria: Analysis Of The Modifications And Degradation Of Natural Resources Linked To Desertification, Webology, Vol:19, Issue:6, pages:346-359, University of Tehran, Iran
- 2022
Impact of Human Factor on the Desertification Process in the M'Cif Region, Msila, Algeria
This research revolves around the anthropic factors and their role in the expansion of desertification in the region M'cif in the state of Msila (Algeria) because this problem is one of the most dangerous environmental phenomena in arid and semi-arid areas. Thus, the study area is located in a dry climate and is subject to the emergence of desertification on its lands. The study aims at identifying the anthropic factors that impact the emergence and aggravation of the problem of desertification, including population density, the power of the legal regime, grazing, and irrigation methods that leave vast tracts of agricultural land unproductive.
Djamila MADANI , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), Impact of Human Factor on the Desertification Process in the M'Cif Region, Msila, Algeria, Tobacco Regulatory Science (TRS), Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:2644-2653, Tobacco Regulatory Science
- 2022
Numerical solutions for linear fractional differential equation with dependence on the Caputo-Hadamard derivative using finite difference method
The main objective of this paper is to find accurate solutions for linear fractional differential equations involving the fractional Caputo-Hadamard derivative of order α > 0. Therefore, to achieve this objective, a new method called the Finite Fractional Difference Method (FFDM) is employed to find the numerical solution. As such, the convergence and stability of the numerical scheme is discussed and illustrated by solving two linear fractional differential equation problems of order 0 < α<=1 to show the validity of our method.
KAOUTHER Bouchama , Abdelkrim MERZOUGUI , YACINE Arioua , ADMIN Admin , , (2022), Numerical solutions for linear fractional differential equation with dependence on the Caputo-Hadamard derivative using finite difference method, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, Vol:11, Issue:, pages:28-36, Nouressadat Touafek
- 2021-12-30
أهمية تحليل سووت SWOT في المؤسسة الاقتصادية لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية حالة شركة هواوي للهواتف الذكية نموذجا
هدفت هذه الدراسة الى تسليط الضوء على اهمية استخددا لليتس ستوفي لم المةسستة اادخةتاكية فيكيتا يتا ا يستاهه لم لزيز تا لميتز تنافستية، ثيتا ت اعخمتاك شتركة هتوافيه لل واتتا الذكيتة كنمتوقق لمةسستة ثززتت ميتز تنافستية باعخماكهتا علتى لليتس ستوفي ، فيأفيصتت الدراسة: بضرفير اعخماك لليس SWOT ما دبس المةسسا اادخةاكية لمعرفة نزاط الزتو فيالضتعا فيالصترا فيالخ ديتدا متا اجتس لزيت الميز الخنافسية، فيالسعي لرصد تغيرا عناصر البيئة الداخلية فيالبيئة الخارجيتة بقتزي ا العامتة فيالخاصتة بقتيس مستخمر لخيتو أساستا لخ ت وير علادا تصاعلية ناجحة بهدف تعظيه ااسخصاك ما نزاط الزو التي تمخلي ا فيالصرا التي تخيح ا البيئة الخارجية للمةسسا اادخةاكية. الكلمات الدالة: البيئة الداخلية فيالخارجية، المةسسة اادخةاكية، الميز الخنافسية، شركة هوافيه، لليس swo
Nabila DJAIDJA , ADMIN Admin , , (2021-12-30), أهمية تحليل سووت SWOT في المؤسسة الاقتصادية لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية حالة شركة هواوي للهواتف الذكية نموذجا, مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير, Vol:14, Issue:2, pages:15, جامعة المسيلة
- 2021-12-01
الدور السوسيوتربوي لمؤسسات التنشئة الاجتماعية في الحد من ظاهرة التنمر الرياضي
مخلص: يعد التنمر من الظواهر الاجتماعية الشائكة في الوقت الحاضر والتي بدأت تتسع دائرته كل يوم على اختلاف أشكاله وأنواعه ومظاهره من تنمر أسري وتنمر مدرسي وتنمر الأصدقاء ضد بعضهم بعض وتنمر رياضي وغيرها ، ولكننا في هذا المقال سنركز على التنمر الرياضي، وهذا لأنه لم يلق الاهتمام الكافي من الجانب النظري حيث أغلب الباحثين يركزون على أنواع التنمر الأخرى ويهملون هذا النوع، فتفسير ظاهرة التنمر الرياضي نظريا ضرورة ملحة لفهما فهم عميق يساعد على علاجها والحد منها، فنهدف من مقالها هذا تحديد الدور السوسيو تربوي للمؤسسات الاجتماعية من أسرة ومدرسة وجماعة رفاق ووسائل الإعلام في الحد من ظاهرة التنمر الرياضي ، محاولة منا للفت الانتباه إلى معالجة الظاهرة من أجل تنشئة اجتماعية صالحة لفرد في الأسرة والمدرسة وكل المؤسسات الاجتماعية الأخرى، والوقوف على أهم الحلول والاقتراحات للحد من انتشار هذه الظاهرة في المجتمع والملاعب على وجه الخصوص. الكلمات المفتاحية : التنمر، العنف، الرياضة، المؤسسات الاجتماعية.
FATTOUM BELKOBBI , Yasmina Ketfi , ADMIN Admin , , (2021-12-01), الدور السوسيوتربوي لمؤسسات التنشئة الاجتماعية في الحد من ظاهرة التنمر الرياضي, مجلة الإبداع الرياضي, Vol:12, Issue:2, pages:333 - 356, جامعة المسيلة - معهد علوم وتقنيات النشاطات البدنية والرياضية
- 2021-11-22
الملتقي الوطني الأول تحت عنوان صعوبات استخدام منصة التعليم عن بعد في ظل جائخة كورونا
الملتقي الوطني الأول عن بعد جودة التعليم العالي في ظل الجائحة الأثار والانعكاسات صعوبات استخدام منصة التعليم عن بعد في ظل جائخة كورونا
nouari karrouche , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021-11-22), الملتقي الوطني الأول تحت عنوان صعوبات استخدام منصة التعليم عن بعد في ظل جائخة كورونا,ملتقي وطني,البليدة
- 2021-06-18
Croissance post-sevrage d’agneaux mâles Ouled Djellal conduits en élevage extensif en Algérie.
Etude sur des élevages extensifs en Algérie d'ovins Ouled Djellal dans la région de (Sétif).
Hocine GUERMAH , ADMIN Admin , Hocine Guermah, , (2021-06-18), Croissance post-sevrage d’agneaux mâles Ouled Djellal conduits en élevage extensif en Algérie., Livestock Research for Rural Development., Vol:33, Issue:72, pages:6, Livestock Research for Rural Development 33 (6) 2021
- 2021-05-22
مسارات تسوية النزاعات الحدودية في افريقيا
مسارات تسوية النزاعات الحدودية في افريقيا اسباب النزاعات الحدودية في افريقيا وجهود حلها ، دور الاتحاد الافريقي والدبلوماسية الجزائرية
abdelkarim fenni , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021-05-22), مسارات تسوية النزاعات الحدودية في افريقيا,اسباب النزاعات الحدودية في افريقيا وجهود حلها ، دور الاتحاد الافريقي والدبلوماسية الجزائرية,جامعة الشهيد حمة لخضر الوادي
- 2021-04-29
Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract
Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract
Abderrahim Benkhaled , ADMIN Admin , sarra chabane , ,(2021-04-29), Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract,international selinar on biodiversity, valorization and conservation of urban and forest ecosystems: in support of sustainable development,M'sila
- 2021-04-28
Variation de la phytodiversité en fonction de la géologie. Cas de la forêt périurbaine de Boumergued - Bordj-Bou-Arréridj
La région méditerranéenne comporte des forêts variées des feuillues et des résineux ; les résineux jouent un rôle considérable et forment parfois des forêts importantes. Leurs valeurs écologiques et climatiques sont variables. En Algérie, pour restaurer les terrains forestiers dégradés et incendiés l’Etat Algérien, soucieux de la régression de la couverture végétale au lendemain de l'indépendance, a adopté des programmes de reboisement qui avaient plusieurs objectifs : lutte contre la désertification, fixation des sols, production de matière ligneuse... Le reboisement de Boumergued à Bordj-Bou-Arréridj illustre bien ce genre d’intervention. Notre travail porte sur la biodiversité floristique de ce massif périurbain où la méthodologie de travail adoptée consiste en un échantillonnage stratifié mené selon trois facteurs stationnels à savoir la géologie, l’exposition et la pente a aboutit à la réalisation de 36 relevés floristiques. L’analyse des résultats a révélé l’existence de 59 taxons comptant 46 genres et 16 familles botaniques où plus de 50% des espèces sont des thérophytes. Les facteurs stationnels ont présenté un déterminisme clair à la distribution des taxons recensés où la géologie a enregistré la plus forte présence de taxons. Les plantes inventoriées appartiennent en majorité à l’empire floral « Holarctis » renfermant 11 espèces médicinales et 06 espèces endémiques.
Djamel KHOUDOUR , ADMIN Admin , Abdelghani ZEDAM , ADMIN Admin ,, ,(2021-04-28), Variation de la phytodiversité en fonction de la géologie. Cas de la forêt périurbaine de Boumergued - Bordj-Bou-Arréridj,International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems: (In support of sustainable development),Université Mohamed Boudiaf M’Sila, Algérie.
- 2021-04-28
Variation de la phytodiversité en fonction de la géologie. Cas de la forêt périurbaine de Boumergued - Bordj-Bou-Arréridj
La région méditerranéenne comporte des forêts variées des feuillues et des résineux ; les résineux jouent un rôle considérable et forment parfois des forêts importantes. Leurs valeurs écologiques et climatiques sont variables. En Algérie, pour restaurer les terrains forestiers dégradés et incendiés l’Etat Algérien, soucieux de la régression de la couverture végétale au lendemain de l'indépendance, a adopté des programmes de reboisement qui avaient plusieurs objectifs : lutte contre la désertification, fixation des sols, production de matière ligneuse... Le reboisement de Boumergued à Bordj-Bou-Arréridj illustre bien ce genre d’intervention. Notre travail porte sur la biodiversité floristique de ce massif périurbain où la méthodologie de travail adoptée consiste en un échantillonnage stratifié mené selon trois facteurs stationnels à savoir la géologie, l’exposition et la pente a aboutit à la réalisation de 36 relevés floristiques. L’analyse des résultats a révélé l’existence de 59 taxons comptant 46 genres et 16 familles botaniques où plus de 50% des espèces sont des thérophytes. Les facteurs stationnels ont présenté un déterminisme clair à la distribution des taxons recensés où la géologie a enregistré la plus forte présence de taxons. Les plantes inventoriées appartiennent en majorité à l’empire floral « Holarctis » renfermant 11 espèces médicinales et 06 espèces endémiques.
Djamel KHOUDOUR , ADMIN Admin , Abdelghani ZEDAM , ADMIN Admin ,, ,(2021-04-28), Variation de la phytodiversité en fonction de la géologie. Cas de la forêt périurbaine de Boumergued - Bordj-Bou-Arréridj,International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems: (In support of sustainable development),Université Mohamed Boudiaf M’Sila, Algérie.
- 2021-03-28
Biodiversité végétale de la pinède de Djebel Messaâd (Sud-Ouest de la wilaya de M'Sila - Algérie)
La forêt de Djebel Messaâd est située à l'extrême Est des Monts Ouled Naïl dans l'Atlas Saharien d'Algérie (Wilaya de M'sila). Elle se localise à 3 km à l’Est de la ville de Djebel Messaâd, à 15 km au Sud de la ville de Bousaada et à 40 km au Sud-Ouest du lac salé et sec de Chott El Hodna. Cette forêt est soumise à un bioclimat méditerranéen semi-aride continental. Son substrat est principalement calcaire. Pour montrer l'impact des facteurs topographiques sur la diversité végétale et sa répartition spatiale, la méthodologie adoptée est un échantillonnage non probabiliste mixte (stratifié et subjectif), mené par trois facteurs topographiques: exposition, altitude et pente. La stratification a aboutit à 08 strates homogènes avec 03 répétitions ce qui a donné 24 placettes floristiques. L'analyse floristique a décelé que la zone d'étude comprend 97 taxons englobant 73 genres et appartenant à 27 familles botaniques. La diversité floristique est plus riche et plus diversifiée dans le versant Nord-Ouest et diminue avec l'augmentation de l'altitude et de la pente. Les facteurs topographiques ont une influence indirecte sur la végétation où ils exercent une influence modificatrice sur d'autres facteurs écologiques physiques qui ont une influence directe comme les éléments du climat, les paramètres du sol et la charge caillouteuse superficielle du sol. La richesse et la diversité stationnelle montrent les valeurs les plus élevées dans certaines variantes des facteurs topographiques étudiés comme: exposition Nord-Ouest, faible altitude et faible pente. En outre, les résultats de l'analyse statistique donnent l’avantage à l'exposition et la pente où la phytodiversité observée étant plus élevée. Ces résultats reflètent différentes conditions environnementales où la végétation semble mieux adaptée à cet environnement.
Abdelghani ZEDAM , ADMIN Admin , Djamel KHOUDOUR , ,(2021-03-28), Biodiversité végétale de la pinède de Djebel Messaâd (Sud-Ouest de la wilaya de M'Sila - Algérie),International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems: (In support of sustainable development),Université de M’Sila, Algérie
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- 2021
Antifungal and antioxidant activities of Artemisia campestris.
no abstract
NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , ADMIN Admin , BOUSSKRA F., DRICHE O, ,(2021), Antifungal and antioxidant activities of Artemisia campestris.,. Séminaire national “webinaire” bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et environnement, 17-18 mai 2021.,Msila Algérie
- 2021
الدور السوسيوتربوي لمؤسسات التنشئة الاجتماعية في الحد من ظاهرة التنمر الرياضي
Yasmina Ketfi , ADMIN Admin , بلقبي فطوم, , (2021), الدور السوسيوتربوي لمؤسسات التنشئة الاجتماعية في الحد من ظاهرة التنمر الرياضي, مجلة الابداع الرياضي جامعة المسيلة, Vol:-2, Issue:4, pages:20, جامعة مسيلة
- 2021
القلق لدى المراهق المدمن على المخدرات في ضوء بعض المتغيرات
القلق المراهق المدمن المخدرات المتغيرات الشخصية
Souhila Boudjellal , ADMIN Admin , بن عمور جميلة, , (2021), القلق لدى المراهق المدمن على المخدرات في ضوء بعض المتغيرات, مجلة الراصد لدراسات العلوم الاجتماعية, Vol:1, Issue:2, pages:22-36, جامعة المسيلة
- 2021
كتاب جماعي حول :بيداغوجيا التعلم المقلوب و تجويد مخرجات التعليم الجامعي
البيداغوجيا التعلم المقلوب مخرجات التعليم الجامعي
SouhilaBoudjellal , ADMINAdmin , يوسفي دلال, ,(2021); كتاب جماعي حول :بيداغوجيا التعلم المقلوب و تجويد مخرجات التعليم الجامعي,,مركز اليقظة البيداغوجية بجامعة المسيلة
- 2021
اتجاهات طلبة الجامعة نحو استخدام التقويم الإلكتروني في ظل جائحة كورونا
الاتجاه التعليم الإلكتروني التقويم الالكتروني جائحة كورونا طلبة الجامعة
Souhila Boudjellal , ADMIN Admin , NAOUAL Boudiaf , , (2021), اتجاهات طلبة الجامعة نحو استخدام التقويم الإلكتروني في ظل جائحة كورونا, مجلة سلوك, Vol:7, Issue:1, pages:73-91, جامعة مستغانم
- 2021
من منظمة متوجهة بالتسويق الأخضر إلى منظمة مُمارِسة للغسيل الأخضر: آلية التحول وإستراتيجية المواجهة
الغسيل الأخضر والتسويق الأخضر وجهان لعملة واحدة، وبقدر ما يمكن لتخضير التسويق أن يؤدي الى تميز تنافسي مهم، بقدر ما بإمكانه أن يكون ملوثا لسمعة المنظمة ومهددا لنجاحها على المدى البعيد، من هذا المنطلق هدفت هذه الدراسة الى تسليط الضوء على مفاهيم التسويق الأخضر والغسيل الأخضر، وتحديد الدور المفصلي الذي تلعبه الاتصالات التسويقية الخضراء في كلا المدخلين، مع البحث في استراتيجة مواجهة ظاهرة الغسيل الأخضر . وقد توصلنا الى أن الغسيل الأخضر يكون بإظهار السلوك الودود بيئيا في حملات التسويق، مع غياب هذا السلوك في الممارسات الفعلية، وأن الاتصالات التسويقية اللاأخلاقية تلعب الدور الأساسي في هذه الظاهرة، وللحد منها وجب على منظمات الأعمال التحلي بأخلقة حملاتها التسويقية ، وأن لا تلتزم بتقديم وعود لا يمكنها الوفاء بها، أو أن تقوم برفع مستوى أدائها البيئي الى مستوى ما تم الإعلان عنه في تلك الحملات . الكلمات المفتاح : تخضير الأعمال، تسويق أخضر، اتصال تسويقي أخضر، غسيل أخضر.
Sana RAHMANI , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), من منظمة متوجهة بالتسويق الأخضر إلى منظمة مُمارِسة للغسيل الأخضر: آلية التحول وإستراتيجية المواجهة,الاقتصاد الأخضر: وجهة المؤسسات نحو تطبيق ممارسات تسويقية حديثة لإرساء مبادئ ومتطلبات التنمية المستدامة,جامعة برج بوعريريج
- 2021
الأمن القانوني في علاقات العمل الفردية في التشريع الجزائري
ملخص مداخلة الأمن القانوني في علاقات العمل الفردية تضطلع الدولة بتحقيق الأمن بمختلف صوره، وفي سبيل تحقيق ذلك تتخذ جميع الإجراءات للحفاظ على أمن المواطنين وراحتهم واستقرارهم، ولعل أهم أنواع الأمن ذلك المتعلق بالطبقة العاملة، إذ يشكل الأمن القانوني في علاقات العمل مطلبا عماليا ملحا هدفه الاستقرار العقدي والحفاظ على المراكز القانونية المكتسبة وعدم رجعية القوانين، وبالرجوع إلى قانون علاقات الفردية 90-11 والنصوص المكملة له نجد أن المشرع الجزائري قد حرص على توفير الأمن القانوني للعمال من بداية انعقاد العقد إلى غاية انتهائه، فهل وفق المشرع الجزائري في توفير الأمن القانوني للطبقة العاملة وما هي مظاهر الأمن المجسدة في قانون علاقات العمل 90-11؟
Bekka abdelhafid , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), الأمن القانوني في علاقات العمل الفردية في التشريع الجزائري,نحو تعزيز ثقافة القانون وتكريس مبادئ الديمقراطية,جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة
- 2021
Response Surface Methodology Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Polysaccharide Extraction from Algerian Jujube (Zizyphus lotus L.) Pulp and Peel
Purpose: The active ingredient recovery from the vegetable is a very attractive research field for the development of a sustainable economy; to revalue the jujube fruit (Zizyphus lotus) polysaccharide (ZLPS), an optimized green microwave-assisted method was used for the recovery and enrichment of the antioxidants present in a distilled water extract. Methods: A series of 17 experiments including microwave power, irradiation time, and liquid-to-solid ratio independent parameters was designed by the response surface methodology to optimize the recovery of the polysaccharide extract. Results: The optimal conditions were as follows: 600 W, 40 min, and 26.69 mL/g. Under these conditions, the experimental extraction yield was 13.98 ± 1.55% which is very close with the predicted value (14.08%), and this demonstrated the validation of the extraction model proposed. The polysaccharide extract exhibited a significant scavenging activity against ABTS.+ (70.45%), DPPH*.(66.02%), and FRAP (A = 0.63) with a very important anti-inflammatory activity using a protein denaturation method that showed a maximum inhibition of 95.33% at 200 μg/mL. Additionally, the membrane stabilization method showed a significant action and protection of human red blood cells (85.76%) in hypotonic-induced lysis solution and 86.45% in heat-induced lysis solution. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the possibility of exploiting the microwave process to obtain extracts remarkably enriched with invaluable antioxidants from the jujube matrix. The operation time is short, and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the distilled water extract were preserved.
ADMIN Admin , Amine BELBAHI , Farida Berkani, Farid Dahmoune, Sabiha Achat, Sofiane Dairi, Nabil Kadri, Sabrina Zeghichi-Hamri, Hocine Remini, Khodir Madani, , (2021), Response Surface Methodology Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Polysaccharide Extraction from Algerian Jujube (Zizyphus lotus L.) Pulp and Peel, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, Vol:16, Issue:2, pages:630–642, Springer Link
- 2021
Effect of ceramic and marble waste on the physico- Mechanical properties of mortar
Waste recycling has now become the right solution that can offer new renewable and sustainable resources that contribute in the process of construction in the field of civil engineering and thus to protect the environment. Ceramic waste and marble powder constitute an interesting alternative in this case since this waste is available and is abandoned at the construction sites. To achieve these objectives, we are trying through this experimental work to valorize marble powder and ceramic powder as an addition in building materials with a cement matrix. The main goal of this study is to highlight the possibility of recycling and The incorporation together of the marble and ceramic waste is carried out by the substitution of cement by contents of 0% 5%, 10%, and 15 % and using them as an additive in the mortar. The experimental procedure set up aims to determine the physico-mechanical characteristics of the mortars made from marble powder and ceramic powder and to compare them with those of the control mortar without fillers in order to express the profitability of this type of waste. The characteristics to be studied are: density in the fresh state and in the hardened state, sagging, the ultrasonic propagation speed and the compressive and tensile strength at the age of 7, 14, 28 and 90 days, porosity, capillary absorption, leading to the production of local mortar materials characterized by good strength, good porosity and minimum acceptable durability.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), Effect of ceramic and marble waste on the physico- Mechanical properties of mortar,6th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ICAME 2021,Istanbul, Turkey
- 2021
Étude numérique et expérimentale de l'usinage des bio composites
L’objectif visé par ce travail est à deux volets, d’abord nous donnons les étapes nécessaire pour rédiger un article scientifique a savoir : un article de recherche complet ou article original, court article, un projet de recherche et un article revue. Le contenu de cet article s'adressera aux chercheurs des études supérieures, qu'ils soient étudiants à la maîtrise ou au doctorat, pour aider à publier leurs recherches de manière efficace et facile. Ensuite, nous focalisant sur un type bien précis qui est l’article revue (Review article).Cette revue traite de manière générale les différentes opérations d'usinage, plus précisément, le processus de forage (perçage) associées aux composites renforcés par des fibres naturelles a partir de la revue de 3 articles choisis et qui ont été publié dans des revues scientifique de renommée internationale.
Riyadh benyettou , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), Étude numérique et expérimentale de l'usinage des bio composites,أسس و مناهج البحث العلمي,M'Sila
- 2021
معايير شرعية التدخل العسكري الانساني(ليبيا انموذجا)
تهدف الدراسة إلى تقدير مدى إلتزام المجتمع الدولي بمعايير التدخل العسكري الإنساني، بما يحقق إستقرار وأمن الدول المتدخل فيها، مع الحرص على ضمان عدم توسع النزاعات إلى الدول المجاورة لها. وصولا إلى قناعات مفادها بأن التدخلات العسكرية والتي تشكل إستثناء، قد تحولت إلى أصل، كما أن الحلول العسكرية لم تسهم في حل النزاعات الدولية، بل زادت من حدة معاناة الشعوب مثلما هو عليه الحال في ليبيا، الأمر الذي يستوجب ضرورة التقيد الصارم باحترام قواعد القانون الدولي الرامية إلى تشجيع فض النزاعات بالطرق السلمية، والعمل على تحقيق التنمية المستدامة داخل هذه المجتمعات المتناحرة، وإشاعة فرص السلام واحترام حقوق الإنسان.
Said Herzi , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), معايير شرعية التدخل العسكري الانساني(ليبيا انموذجا),التدخل العسكري الانساني اثناء النزاعات المسلحة: نحو بناء مقاربة جزائرية جديدة,جامعة محمد خيضر ببسكرة
- 2021
الثنائيات الضدية في شعر السياب
الثنائيات الضدية آلية شعرية هامة تتجلى من خلالها رؤى الشاعر الفلسفية والإبداعية، وتكشف للمتلقي آفاقا متعددة في النص الشعري، وبذلك يتحقق الاختلاف وتباين الرؤى بين القراء في النص الواحد، ويزخر شعر السياب بالثنائيات الضدية التي جسدت أبعاده الشعرية ونظراته الفلسفية والفنية، ويتناول هذا البحث بعض النماذج من تلك الثنائيات بالدراسة والتأويل في شعر بدر شاكر السياب. ولا شك أن تتيع ما ترمي إليه تلك الثنائيات يمكن المتلقي من اكتشاف أسرار وأبعاد شعرية مكثفة تنم عن تجربة شعرية ترتكز على فلسفة عميقة وفهم حقيقي للحياة والوجود ووعي تام بالواقع. الكلمات المفتاحية: الحضور والغياب، الموت والحياة، الحركة والسكون، الجدب والخصب، الحلم والواقع.
MOHAMED Saadoun , ADMIN Admin , , (2021), الثنائيات الضدية في شعر السياب, مجلة علوم اللغة العربية وآدابها, Vol:13, Issue:1, pages:1847-1867, مجلة علوم اللغة العربية وآدابها
- 2021
العقل العربي وابستيمية الموروث والواقع
يعتبر العقل العربي من الجدليات الإبستيمولوجية حول تكوينه وفاعليته ، وبين ما هو فكر ومنتج في البنية السوسيوثقافية للمجتمع حيث يعتبر العقل هو الآلية الإنسانية التي تحمل الموروث الثقافي وتورثه من جيل الى جيل عبر المنتج الفكري والمعرفي الذي يعكس خصوصية ثقافة مجتمع ما . وتهدف هذه الورقة إلى فهم وتفكيك بنية العقل العربي عبر ربط المنطلقات الفلسفية والسوسيولوجية مع الواقع المعاش ، وتحليل كيفية ارتباط العقل بالبنية الثقافية كموروث حضاري يتكون داخلها الأفراد بما يتناسب مع ما هو موجود وما ينبغي على هذا العقل من تطور فكري يحمل الموروث ويواكب العصر الحديث
Djamel Tali , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), العقل العربي وابستيمية الموروث والواقع,الملتقى الدولي حول بنية المجتمع والعقل العربي بين الموروث والحداثة,جامعة زيان عاشور الجلفة
- 2021
العقل العربي وابستيمية الموروث والواقع
يعتبر العقل العربي من الجدليات الإبستيمولوجية حول تكوينه وفاعليته ، وبين ما هو فكر ومنتج في البنية السوسيوثقافية للمجتمع حيث يعتبر العقل هو الآلية الإنسانية التي تحمل الموروث الثقافي وتورثه من جيل الى جيل عبر المنتج الفكري والمعرفي الذي يعكس خصوصية ثقافة مجتمع ما . وتهدف هذه الورقة إلى فهم وتفكيك بنية العقل العربي عبر ربط المنطلقات الفلسفية والسوسيولوجية مع الواقع المعاش ، وتحليل كيفية ارتباط العقل بالبنية الثقافية كموروث حضاري يتكون داخلها الأفراد بما يتناسب مع ما هو موجود وما ينبغي على هذا العقل من تطور فكري يحمل الموروث ويواكب العصر الحديث
Djamel Tali , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), العقل العربي وابستيمية الموروث والواقع,الملتقى الدولي حول بنية المجتمع والعقل العربي بين الموروث والحداثة,جامعة زيان عاشور الجلفة
- 2021
Atlas cedar in Djurdjura National Park and Biosphere Reserve – current distribution and predicted changes in the range
Atlas cedar in Djurdjura National Park and Biosphere Reserve – current distribution and predicted changes in the range
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Abdelkrim ARAR , ADMIN Admin , , (2021), Atlas cedar in Djurdjura National Park and Biosphere Reserve – current distribution and predicted changes in the range, ROLA I FUNKCJONOWANIE PARKÓW KRAJOBRAZOWYCH W REZERWATACH BIOSFERY, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:445-450, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- 2021
برامج المراكز النفسية البيداغوجية ودورها في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية للمعاقين ذهنيا القابلين للتعلم " دراسة ميدانية ببعض ولايات الشرق الجزائري
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن دور البرامج المطبقة على مستوى المراكز النفسية البيداغوجية في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية للمعاقين ذهنيا القابلين للتعلم من وجهة نظر المربين، وكذا الكشف عن الفروق في وجهات نظر المربين حول هذا الدور تبعا لمتغيرات (الجنس، الأقدمية، مكان العمل). لأجل ذلك تمّ إعداد استبيان لتقدير المهارات الحياتية للمعاقين ذهنيا القابلين للتعلم يضم 57 بندا موزعة على أربعة أبعاد هي: الاستقلالية، الاتصال والتواصل، المهارات الاجتماعية والعمل الجماعي وأخيرا الضبط والمرونة. بعد حساب الخصائص السيكومترية لهذا الاستبيان، تم تطبيقه على عينة قوامها 68 مربي موزّعين على عدد من المراكز المتواجدة عبر أربع ولايات من الشرق الجزائري. استخدمت الدراسة الحالية المنهج الوصفي والمتوسطات الحسابية والانحرافات المعيارية وتحليل التباين الأحادي وكذا اختبار "ت" في المعالجة الإحصائية. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن دور البرامج المطبقة على مستوى مختلف المراكز كان متوسطا بالنسبة للدرجة الكلية للاستبيان وأغلب محاوره، وأنّ ترتيب المهارات الحياتية حسب أهميتها كان على النحو التالي: المهارات الاجتماعية والعمل الجماعي، تليها مهارة الاستقلالية، ثمّ الاتصال والتواصل، وأخيرا مهارة الضبط والمرونة. أما فيما يخص الفروق فقد بيّنت الدراسة عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في دور البرامج تبعا لمتغير (الجنس، والأقدمية)، في حين أظهرت الدراسة وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في دور البرامج تبعا لمتغير مكان عمل المربي. Cette étude visait à déterminer le rôle des programmes appliqués au niveau des centres Psychopédagogiques dans le développement de certaines compétences de vie pour les handicapés mentaux apprenants du point de vue des éducateurs, et à illustrer les différences dans les points de vue des éducateurs sur ce rôle en fonction des variables (sexe, ancienneté, lieu de travail). Pour cela, un questionnaire a été préparé pour estimer les compétences de vie des handicapés mentaux apprenants, comprenant 57 éléments répartis en quatre dimensions: indépendance, intercommunication, compétences sociales et travail d'équipe et maîtrise et flexibilité. Après avoir calculé les propriétés psychométriques, ce questionnaire a été appliqué sur 68 éducateurs répartis dans quatre wilayas de l'est de l'Algérie. L’étude a utilisé la méthode descriptive, les moyennes mathématiques, les écarts-types et l'analyse de mono-variance et le test «T» dans le traitement statistique. Les résultats ont montré que le rôle de ces programmes était moyen par rapport au degré global du questionnaire et à tous ses axes, et que la classification des compétences selon leur importance était comme suit : compétences sociales et travail d'équipe, suivies des compétences d'indépendance, puis les compétences d’intercommunication, et enfin les compétences de maîtrise et de flexibilité. L'étude a montré aussi, qu'il n'y avait pas de différences statistiquement significatives dans le rôle des programmes selon (le sexe et l’ancienneté), or qu'il y avait des différences statistiquement significatives dans le rôle des programmes selon (le lieu de travail). This study aimed to illustrate the role of programs applied in the Psycho-pedagogical Centers for the development of some life skills for learnable mentally handicapped from the point of view of educators. Also, this study aims to reveal the existence of the differences in the points of view of the educators on this role due to the variables of the study; sex, seniority, workplace. To this end, a questionnaire has been prepared to assess the life skills of the learnable mentally handicapped including 57 items divided into four dimensions ; Independence, Communication, social skills and teamwork and finally control and flexibility. After calculating the psychometric characteristics of this questionnaire, it has been applied to a sample of 68 educators distributed in a number of centers located in four Wilayas from the East of Algeria. In this study, we have used the descriptive methodology, along with the arithmetic mean, standard deviations, analysis of mono-variance, and T test as statistical treatment. The results showed that the role of the programs applied at the different centers was average for the total score of the questionnaire and most of its dimensions and that the ranking of life skills, according to their importance in the lives of the learnable mentally handicapped, was as follows: Social skills and teamwork followed by the skill of independence, then communication, and finally the skill of control and flexibility. Whereas for the differences, the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the role of programs attributed to the two variables (gender and seniority), while it showed that there are statistically significant differences in the role of programs due to the variable of the workplace..
Ammour amar , ADMIN Admin , , (2021), برامج المراكز النفسية البيداغوجية ودورها في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية للمعاقين ذهنيا القابلين للتعلم " دراسة ميدانية ببعض ولايات الشرق الجزائري, مجلة الجامع للدراسات النفسية والبحوث التربوية, Vol:6, Issue:1, pages:715-746, مخبر المهارات الحياتية . جامعة محمد بوضياف/المسيلة. الجزائر
- 2021
Disorder effect upon energy band gaps and carrier effective masses of ZnxCd1− xS.
The influence of compositional disorder on ZnxCd1−xS energy band gaps and carrier effective masses has been investigated. The calculations are performed using a pseudopotential approach under the virtual crystal approximation (VCA). A correction to the VCA has been introduced so as to take into consideration the disorder effect. Our results show that the theoretical model used in the present contribution should include the disorder effect in order to describe more accurately the fundamental band gap bowing parameter of the experimental dependence. However, the disorder effect upon electron, light-hole and heavy-hole effective masses in the material system of interest is shown to be weak. Moreover, the trend of the conduction Г, X and L valleys and the nature of the optical fundamental band gap are found to be weakly altered by the alloy disorder. The different photo-catalytic activity of wurtzite and zinc-blende CdS is discussed for a new understanding.
FADILA Mezrag , ADMIN Admin , Turki-Kamoun, Najoua, , (2021), Disorder effect upon energy band gaps and carrier effective masses of ZnxCd1− xS., THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, Vol:136, Issue:7, pages:690, Springer Link
- 2021
الخطاب الاستشراقي (الفاعيلية والتأثير ) - مدرسة الاستشراق الفرنسي انموذجا
الخطاب الاستشراقي (الفاعيلية والتأثير ) - مدرسة الاستشراق الفرنسي انموذجا
ZEKRIBAHOUS , ADMINAdmin , ,(2021); الخطاب الاستشراقي (الفاعيلية والتأثير ) - مدرسة الاستشراق الفرنسي انموذجا,,منشورات مخبر الشعرية الجزائرية // البدر الساطع للطباعة والنشر العلمة 19600 -الجزائر
- 2021
Evolutionary history of the two North African hedgehogs (Mammalia: Erinaceidae) Atelerix algirus and Paraechinus aethiopicus based on phylogeography and species distribution modelling
Two species of hedgehogs are known to occur in northern part of Africa: the Algerian hedgehog Atelerix algirus and the Ethiopian hedgehog Paraechinus aethiopicus. Within each species several subspecies were described based on morphometrical data and pelage coloration, but all these subspecies have enigmatic and unclear definitions. We investigated the phylogeographical history and taxonomy of these two species based on mitochondrial DNA data covering the entire geographical distribution of A. algirus and the North African distribution of P. aethiopicus. We also used climatic niche modelling to make inferences about their evolutionary history. Low genetic diversity was recovered in both species. While no phylogeographic pattern was found in P. aethiopicus, two haplogroups were identified within A. algirus. This could be explained by the fact that continuous high or moderate climatic suitability occurred throughout most of the Saharan desert since the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) for the first species, while during the LGM there were several disconnected areas of high climatic suitability for A. algirus: one in South-West Morocco, one at the coastal Moroccan-Algerian border and one in Tunisia-coastal Libya. Our genetic results confirm that A. algirus recently colonized Spain, Balearic and Canary Islands, and that this colonization was probably mediated by humans. Suitable climatic conditions occurred throughout most of the Southern and Eastern Iberian Peninsula during the last 6,000 years which could have favored the spatial expansion of the Algerian hedgehog after its arrival in Europe. According to our molecular results subspecific recognition within North Africa is unwarranted for both species. Key words : Climatic niche modelling; haplotype network; mammal; mitochondrial DNA; North Africa; phylogeny; taxonomy
Mourad KHALDI , ADMIN Admin , , (2021), Evolutionary history of the two North African hedgehogs (Mammalia: Erinaceidae) Atelerix algirus and Paraechinus aethiopicus based on phylogeography and species distribution modelling, Vertebrate Zoology, Vol:71, Issue:1, pages:799-811, Senckenberg Natural History Collections
- 2021
Impact Assessment Of The Convergence Of Ifrs And Us. Gaap On The Quality Of Financial Reporting- A Comparative Study
The objective of this research is to examine and evaluate the results of Convergence project that began in 2002 to remove the differences between the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US. GAAP). Our paper is considered a comparative analytical study, and it is motivated by the ongoing harmonization process in accounting standard setting and recent convergence projects by the FASB and the IASB. First, we give an overview about the progress of the convergence, and then we study the most important results reached during this project. Finally, the difficulties and the most important criticisms will be discussed. The paper concluded that the convergence between IFRS and US. GAAP is one of the most efficient methods adopted to achieve the goal of high-quality international accounting standards but it is a short-term solution and there are more effective ways that must be found to achieve the stated goal. Keywords convergence ; IFRS ; US.GAAP ; Accounting ; Financial reporting
Said GASMI , ADMIN Admin , , (2021), Impact Assessment Of The Convergence Of Ifrs And Us. Gaap On The Quality Of Financial Reporting- A Comparative Study, Journal Of Research in Finance and Accounting, Vol:6, Issue:1, pages:654-672, كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والعلوم التجارية وعلوم التسيير جامعة المسيلة
- 2021
The Optical Formation in architectural Design as a features of Urban Identity
Our towns are a real reflection of our future civilizations, our heritage, and our ambitions. In addition to aesthetics, the presence of essential components enhances the effectiveness surrounding atmosphere, and this quality affects the human mind and impacts citizens' sense of place and collective memories. Urban planners should enable utilization urban features that facilitate the transition of urban identity to the city, contributing to satisfy people and enhance the quality of the urban climate. In promoting city identity and inspiring people, urban components play an important role and should be planned in such a way that their readability is in line with citizens‟ activities and events. Architecture was and still is the primary facade of nations' society, economies and civilization, and we are an integral part of architecture at the time of the tremendous growth of science and technology. It represents, in a competitive fashion, what countries have come to evolve in culture, society and technology, and since architecture has been one of the most significant criteria in the assessment of countries' growth and development. The findings suggest high levels of variance in terms of imagery features and how people view the urban design. The study claims that the findings are based on concepts for the design of an imaginable city and on criteria for emphasizing and cultivating urban identification.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , Wafa AHRAOU , , (2021), The Optical Formation in architectural Design as a features of Urban Identity, Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Vol:13, Issue:4, pages:89-99, Science press
- 2021
Abstract: Our study aims to develop the first list of taxa endemic to the Sétif region. In this research, we mainly relied on floristic work carried out on a North-South transect covering two types of bioclimate and including forest and steppe massifs. Thus, we have counted 148 endemic taxa including 25 subspecies. Belonging to 33 botanical families and dominated by Asteraceae with 15.54%. The endemics of North Africa are the most representative with 62 taxa. The region of Sétif is very impacted; its plant cover is subject to climatic and anthropogenic constraints, which would certainly contribute to more scarcity or even to the gradual disappearance of endemic and rare species very soon. Keywords: Endemic taxa, Degradation, Rarefaction, Preservation, Sétif
- 2021
Sintering behaviour of fluorapatite–silicate composites produced from natural fluorapatite and quartz
In this work, the sintering behaviour of fluorapatite (FAp)–silicate composites prepared by mixing variable amounts of natural quartz (2.5 wt% to 20 wt%) and FAp was studied. The composites were pressureless sintered in air at temperatures from 1000 °C to 1350 °C. The effects of temperatures on the densification, phase formation, chemical bonding and Vickers hardness of the composites were evaluated. All the samples exhibited mixed phase, comprising FAp and francolite as the major constituents along with some minor phases of cristobalite, wollastonite, dicalcium silicate and/or whitlockite dependent on the quartz content and sintering temperature. The composite containing 2.5 wt% quartz exhibited the best sintering properties. The highest bulk density of 3 g/cm3 and a Vickers hardness of >4.2 GPa were obtained for the 2.5 wt% quartz–FAp composite when sintered at 1100 °C. The addition of quartz was found to alter the microstructure of the composites, where it exhibited a rod-like morphology when sintered at 1000 °C and a regular rounded grain structure when sintered at 1350 °C. A wetted grain surface was observed for composites containing high quartz content and was believed to be associated with a transient liquid phase sintering.
DJELEL Kherifi , Hocine BELHOUCHET , ADMIN Admin , RAMESH SINGH (, K.Y. Sara Lee, Abdelghani Kenzour, Samira Djoualah, M.K.G. Abbas, Y.H. Wong, , (2021), Sintering behaviour of fluorapatite–silicate composites produced from natural fluorapatite and quartz, Ceramics International, Vol:47, Issue:12, pages:16483-16490, Elsevier
- 2020-10-13
الاثنوغرافيا منهج حديث في الفضاء الاتصالي الجديد
الملخص: إن ظهور التكنولوجيا والعالم الافتراضي والتطورات المختلفة التي طرأت على مجال الإعلام والاتصالات أفرز العديد من الإشكالات المتعلقة بنوعية البحوث الاتصالية خاصة على المستوى المنهجي، ونظرا للعجز الذي سجلته المقاربات الكمية في إعطائها الفهم الدقيق للظواهر الاتصالية والإعلامية، فهناك من الباحثين من رأى قصورا واضحا في هذه البحوث لاستبعادها للمناهج والأدوات البحثية المستحدثة والتي قد تكون ذات نجاعة في التناول العلمي والموضوعي للظواهر الاتصالية الجديدة، وهناك من رأى ضرورة استحداث منظومة منهجية جديدة تمكننا من تناول البيئة الاتصالية الجديدة المقابلة للبيئة الواقعية حيث تقوم على دراسة مختلف السلوكيات الاتصالية والتفاعلات الاجتماعية ومختلف الثقافات المتداولة داخل هذا الفضاء الاتصالي الجديد. وفي سياق تجديد المناهج لتتماشى مع التغيرات والتطورات السريعة التي طرأت على الظاهرة الاتصالية هدف هذا المقال تقديم الاثنوغرافيا كمنهج حديث قادر على معالجة مشكلات الواقع الإعلامي الاتصالي وتبيان أهميته في دراسة ومعالجة الفضاء الاتصالي الجديد خاصة تلك التي لا يمكن مقاربتها كميا. الكلمات المفتاحية: البحث الكيفي، المنهج الاثنوغرافي، الفضاء الاتصالي الجديد
FATTOUM BELKOBBI , baya sifoune , ADMIN Admin , , (2020-10-13), الاثنوغرافيا منهج حديث في الفضاء الاتصالي الجديد, مجلة الخلدونية, Vol:13, Issue:1, pages:39 -52, مجلة الخلدونية للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية -جامعة ابن خلدون تيارت الجزائر
- 2020
طقوس الشعرية في نصوص بدر شاكر السياب
برزت قصائد السياب الأولى من شعره في شفوف الرومانسية ولم يتجاوز بتلك الشعرية حدود المعتاد إلى أن أحدث انقلابا جذريا في مسار الشعر العربي، فاصطنع طقوسا جديدة للشعرية العربية، وفتح للشعر فضاءات أخرى، صادمة ومثيرة للدهشة، معتمدا في ذلك على لغة انزياحية وأشكال مختلفة للنص وصور مكثفة وتعابير حرة. وحملت تلك الأشكال والقصائد طقوسا أخرى للشعرية وترصدت كوكبة من الشعراء قصائد السياب الجديدة التي يخرجها لكي تقلدها وتحذو حذوها، أما الإشكالية التي يطرحها الموضوع فهي: من أين استقى السياب طقوس الشعرية في نصوصه؟ ومن هم النقاد المعاصرين الذين أخذ عنهم عناصر الشعرية؟ وهل استطاع أن يحقق في شعره ملامح الشعرية المعاصرة؟ أما الهدف الأساس الذي يرمي إليه الشاعر في اتباع أساليب الشعرية الحداثية هو تغيير النمطية التقليدية في الشعر العربي. الكلمات المفتاحية: تكرار؛ تناص؛ انزياح؛ عناصر.
MOHAMED Saadoun , ADMIN Admin , , (2020), طقوس الشعرية في نصوص بدر شاكر السياب, مجلة إشكالات في اللغة والأدب, Vol:9, Issue:3, pages:388-406, مجلة إشكالات في اللغة والأدب
- 2020
العلاقة الارتباطية بين صفتي القوة والسرعة و دافعية الانجاز الرياضيلدى لاعبي كرة القدم
هدفت المداخلة الكشف عن العلاقة الارتباطية بين صفتي القوة والسرعة ودافعية الانجاز الرياضي لدى لاعبي كرة القدم حيث اعتمدنا في هذه الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الارتباطي على عينة قوامها 20 لاعب مستعملين مقياسي الحالة البدنية و دافعية الانجاز كاداة للدراسة وتوصلت اهم النتائج الى وجود علاقة ذات دلالة احصائية بين صفتي القوة والسرعة و دافعية الانجاز
HAMZA Charif , MEFTAH Medjadi , ADMIN Admin , ,(2020), العلاقة الارتباطية بين صفتي القوة والسرعة و دافعية الانجاز الرياضيلدى لاعبي كرة القدم,الاستراتيجيات الحديثة في التدريب الرياضي للمستوى العالي,جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة
- 2020
Analysis of non-coherent CFAR detectors in sea-clutter: A comparison
In radar systems, detection performance is always related to target and clutter models. The probability of detection is shown to be sensitive to the degree of estimation accuracy of clutter levels. In this work, the performances of logt-CFAR, zlog(z)-CFAR and Bayesian-CFAR detectors are investigated using both simulated and real data. The clutter is assumed to be log-normal, Weibull or Pareto type II distributed. The dependence of the false alarm probability is presented. From simulated data, CFAR detectors provide fully CFAR decision rules. From IPIX real data with different range resolutions, it is shown that the Bayesian-CFAR algorithm exhibits a small deviation of the false alarm probability.
AMAR Mezache , ADMIN Admin , ,(2020), Analysis of non-coherent CFAR detectors in sea-clutter: A comparison,6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt),Agadir - Essaouira, Morocco
- 2020
واقع تمويل قطاع الفلاحة في الجزائر وإمكانية إنعاشه من خلال صيغ المشاركات الزراعية للتمويل المصرفي الإسلامي
عملت الجزائر عبر العديدد ندا اططاادال الويم يدس اطفدوتدوس اد ير القادا اللاحيدك طقادا اتدجا ك، اناحقدا ندا لاع دو الوم يدو اللاحيك المحلك، صلت الد اتس بأن ص غس اطشا طس ط زة الوم يو الإتحنك أتاته ي ث عمو على زيع اططاطر إعااء طلااءة أطثر للعمل س الوم يل س. أ صت الد اتس على ضر ة الاهومام أطثر بق اعد الوم يو الإتحنك عبر الص غ اططوللاس التي ياريتا
Laid FERAHTIA , ADMIN Admin , فضيلة بوطورة, نوفل سمايليnawfel, , (2020), واقع تمويل قطاع الفلاحة في الجزائر وإمكانية إنعاشه من خلال صيغ المشاركات الزراعية للتمويل المصرفي الإسلامي, مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والتسيير والعلوم التجارية –, Vol:13, Issue:1, pages:834-852, جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة
- 2020
The band gap bowing of CdSxTe1-x alloys beyond the virtual crystal approximation
The effect of alloy disorder on direct and indirect band gap energies in CdS x Te1−x semiconducting alloys has been investigated. The calculations are performed using a pseudopotential approach within the virtual crystal approximation (VCA). In the simplest approximation based on the VCA, the fundamental band gap bowing of CdS x Te1−x is found to be in disagreement with that of the experiment. The value of this bowing is highly improved by taking into account the compositional disorder effect (i.e. going beyond the VCA).
FADILA Mezrag , ADMIN Admin , Fares Nour EL Houda, , (2020), The band gap bowing of CdSxTe1-x alloys beyond the virtual crystal approximation, Emerg. Mater. Res., Vol:9, Issue:, pages:1056,
- 2020
Electronic properties of AlxGa1-xNyAs1-y quaternary semiconducting alloys lattice matched to GaAs
Based on a pseudopotential approach under the virtual crystal approximation, the electronic properties, namely the electronic band structure, direct and indirect energy band gaps, valence band width, and antisymmetric band gap of AlxGa1−xNyAs1−y, lattice, matched to GaAs, have been investigated. A detailed comparison is made between our results and previously reported data, wherever possible. In other cases our results are predictions. Our findings show that by varying x and/or y, diverse values can be obtained for the electronic parameters of interest.
FADILA Mezrag , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Fares Fahima, Fares Nour EL Houda, , (2020), Electronic properties of AlxGa1-xNyAs1-y quaternary semiconducting alloys lattice matched to GaAs, Acta Phys. Pol. A, Vol:137, Issue:, pages:489-492, ICM EDU
- 2020
Electronic properties of AlxGa1-xNyAs1-y quaternary semiconducting alloys lattice matched to GaAs
Based on a pseudopotential approach under the virtual crystal approximation, the electronic properties, namely the electronic band structure, direct and indirect energy band gaps, valence band width, and antisymmetric band gap of AlxGa1−xNyAs1−y, lattice, matched to GaAs, have been investigated. A detailed comparison is made between our results and previously reported data, wherever possible. In other cases our results are predictions. Our findings show that by varying x and/or y, diverse values can be obtained for the electronic parameters of interest.
FADILA Mezrag , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Fares Fahima, Fares Nour EL Houda, , (2020), Electronic properties of AlxGa1-xNyAs1-y quaternary semiconducting alloys lattice matched to GaAs, Acta Phys. Pol. A, Vol:137, Issue:, pages:489-492, ICM EDU
- 2020
التصوف في الشعر الشعبي لمنطقة أولاد نايل عبد الرحمان الطاهيري أنموذجا
إنّ محاولتنا لدراسة تاريخ الشيخ عبد الرحمان بن الطاهر بصفته شاعرا وأديبا وعالما ومقاوما، تستلزم منا تقديم تمهيدات تصلح أن تكون مفاتيح لهذه الدراسة. ليقف القارئ الكريم على حقيقة هذه الشخصية فيسهل عليه التصنيف، لذلك ارتأينا أن نقدم تعاريف للتصوف بصفة عامة، وللطريقة الرحمانية بصفة خاصة، وكذلك رواد الطريقة الرحمانية في الجلفة، بالإضافة إلى الشعر الملحون عند الشيخ عبد الرحمان، مع ذكر أوضاع المجتمع الجزائري إبان الاستدمار الفرنسي. ومن هذا المنطلق نطرح التساؤل الآتي: كيف استطاع النص الشعري الصوفي أن يجمع بين جمالية اللغة وتمظهرات الفكر الصوفي؟وهل تجلى ذلك في شعر عبد الرحمان الطاهيري؟
nasser mohammed elhassani TIS , ADMIN Admin , ,(2020), التصوف في الشعر الشعبي لمنطقة أولاد نايل عبد الرحمان الطاهيري أنموذجا,آليات الإبداع والتجديد في الشعر الشعبي,جامعة محمد بوضياف بالمسيلة
- 2019
a c Consultant
Eveniet voluptatibus est optio quae sunt. Earum fugit minus odio. Cum et commodi omnis non autem sit.
ADMIN Admin , Ahmed mir, , (2019), a c Consultant, Msila University, Vol:22, Issue:13, pages:135-29, springer
- 2019
كتاب جماعي حول اعمال ملتقى الدولي لحادي عشر للعلوم الاجتماعية والبحوث المعاصرة
دور الجلد في تقبل وإدماج الأسرة لإعاقة التوحد
NAOUALBoudiaf , YAMENAIsmaili , ADMINAdmin , ,(2019); كتاب جماعي حول اعمال ملتقى الدولي لحادي عشر للعلوم الاجتماعية والبحوث المعاصرة,,دار سايبيلدر
- 2019
كتاب جماعي حول أعمال الملتقى الوطني حول "التعليم التحضري في الجزائر بين الممارسات المحلية والمقاربات العالمية
أهم تُ اضتراج جُ اُث الخعل مُ الثلاثت في جحص لُ أطفال الترب تُ الخحظير تً للأوشطت اللغو تٍ
NAOUALBoudiaf , ADMINAdmin , بن خرور خير الدين, ,(2019); كتاب جماعي حول أعمال الملتقى الوطني حول "التعليم التحضري في الجزائر بين الممارسات المحلية والمقاربات العالمية,,مطبعة نواصري للنشر
- 2019
العنف الرمزي لدى الشخصية المعادية للمجتمع ( السيكوباتية).
الكلمات المفتاحية :العنف الرمزي لدى الشخصية المعادية للمجتمع ( السيكوباتية
NAOUAL Boudiaf , aicha boussag , ADMIN Admin , ,(2019), العنف الرمزي لدى الشخصية المعادية للمجتمع ( السيكوباتية).,دالشباب والعنف ...في عالم متغير,جامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي جيجل
- 2019
Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity
The configuration of a wind farm depends mainly on the wind potential and the disposition of the wind turbines in this park. The windiest site is the most favorable for a future installation of wind turbines for the production of electricity, also, in this same site, a too dense arrangement would lead to considerable of power losses under the effect of wake. In this context, it is presented a research work that consists of determining the installation conditions of a wind farm; evaluating the wind farm through measurements of wind speed and the location of wind turbines in the park to minimize the effect of wind turbine interference. In order to do this, an evaluation study of the wind potential for the implementation of a wind farm based on the quantification of the wind in speed and directions firstly proposed. Secondly, a method for optimizing the positioning of wind turbines in a wind power farm is used based on the introduction of the Jensen wake model and the application of the iterative pseudo-random distribution approach of the turbines in the site. Simulation results are presented and discussed using data from the Kaberten site in Algeria and the characteristics of the GAMESA G52 wind turbine.
SAID Zergane , MANSOUR Rokbi , ADMIN Admin , , (2019), Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity, SN Applied Sciences, Vol:1, Issue:12, pages:1-7, Springer
- 2019
تصور أحداث الرواية ملتقى الصراع بين الحضارة الإسلامية والأوروبية والإفريقية في إكسير من السحرية والغرائبية..إنها طقوس روحية احتدمت فيها شتى العواطف الإنسانية المتضاربة.. أسلوب الرواية مزيج بين السريالية والرمزية والرومانسية والصوفية.. هي قصة شاب جزائري مثقف عاش إبان العشرية السوداء في السنيغال وقد عانى الغربة والاغتراب وهوس الحب مع سيرابا الفتاة السنيغالية الخارقة الأنوثة والآسرة بلونها الخلاسي الجذاب.. وينزلق الشاب في متاهات الغواية وسبل الشيطان.. ويقف في النهاية ممزق الوجدان يطارد الوهم واللاجدوى تحت تأثير سيرابا..
MOHAMEDSaadoun , ADMINAdmin , ,(2019); سيرابا,,دار خيال للنشر والترجمة، برج بوعريريج
- 2019
La société Ḥuḍni d’Algérie et son habitat : colonisation et transformation des formes d’habitat domestique (fin XIXe - mi XXe siècle)
Les connaissances historiques que nous avons de la région du Ḥuḍna ne remontent pas au-delà du iie siècle de notre ère, soit au moment de la création, par les Romains, des zones frontières, généralement marquées par une route et un dispositif défensif de postes militaires fortifiés : le limes (Guédon, 2006). Contrairement au royaume oriental d’Ifriqiyya contrôlé par les souverains aghlabides et hafsides, le Ḥuḍna était dominé, à l’Antiquité tardive, par les tribus berbères. Vers la fin du xvie siècle, le Ḥuḍna fut rattaché politiquement au beylik turc de l’Est, région avec laquelle se développèrent des relations économiques. Le Ḥuḍna avait de grands soucis liés à la précarité de ses pâturages. La réponse apportée par cette société pastorale fut principalement la mobilité dans l’espace. La forte dépendance par rapport à la végétation et à l’eau avait transformé les Ḥuḍni (habitants de la région du Ḥuḍna) en pasteurs nomades, capables d’exploiter au mieux les différents terroirs, ainsi que leurs complémentarités dans le temps. Ainsi, ce nomadisme généraliséet la transhumance d’été qui le caractérisait contribuèrent à créer des liens saisonniers entre le Ḥuḍna et les hautes plaines (Sebhi, 1987). Ce mode de vie nomade impliquait un habitat ambulant : al-gitûn1
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin ,, , (2019), La société Ḥuḍni d’Algérie et son habitat : colonisation et transformation des formes d’habitat domestique (fin XIXe - mi XXe siècle), Espace & Société, Vol:179, Issue:4, pages:163-184, Érès
- 2019
ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي بين متطلبات الجودة الشاملة وصعوبات الدمج
إن دمج الطلاب المعاقين من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي بشكل عام لم يعرف حتى الآن تقدما ملحوظا، في الجامعات الجزائرية كما هو الحال في الجامعات الغربية، رغم تزايد عدد الطلاب ذوي الإعاقة المسجلين في الجامعة الزائرية.
NOURDINE Djaalab , ADMIN Admin , HOCINE Guersas , ,(2019), ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي بين متطلبات الجودة الشاملة وصعوبات الدمج,أسس ومعايير التقويم الذاتي وضمان الجودة في الجامعة,جامعة الحاج لخضر-باتنة
- 2019
Model Selection of Sea Clutter Using Cross Validation Method
This work concerns a model selection of sea radar clutter used for adaptive target detection. Three distributions without thermal noise are considered; K, Pareto type II and compound Gaussian inverse Gaussian (CG-IG) with scale and shape parameters. The model selection is carried out by comparing the experimental complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), drawn from the recorded data intensity, to a set of the CCDF curves derived from the underling models. To do this, the cross validation technique is used after dividing a set of data into four segments. The best distribution is selected in which the mean of the means square of errors (MSEs) between the real CCDF curve and the fitted CCDF curve is minimal. Fitting comparisons of models are illustrated through overall data of Intelligent PIxel X-band radar (IPIX). From this study, it is shown that the Pareto type II distribution is suited in several cases of a low cell resolution. On the other hand, the K and CG-IG models characterize generally sea clutter with medium and high cell resolutions.
Ahmed BENTOUMI , ADMIN Admin , Taha hocine Kerbaa , ADMIN Admin , AMAR Mezache , , (2019), Model Selection of Sea Clutter Using Cross Validation Method, Procedia Computer Science, Vol:158, Issue:, pages:Pages 394-400, Elsevier
- 2019
Model Selection of Sea Clutter Using Cross Validation Method
This work concerns a model selection of sea radar clutter used for adaptive target detection. Three distributions without thermal noise are considered; K, Pareto type II and compound Gaussian inverse Gaussian (CG-IG) with scale and shape parameters. The model selection is carried out by comparing the experimental complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), drawn from the recorded data intensity, to a set of the CCDF curves derived from the underling models. To do this, the cross validation technique is used after dividing a set of data into four segments. The best distribution is selected in which the mean of the means square of errors (MSEs) between the real CCDF curve and the fitted CCDF curve is minimal. Fitting comparisons of models are illustrated through overall data of Intelligent PIxel X-band radar (IPIX). From this study, it is shown that the Pareto type II distribution is suited in several cases of a low cell resolution. On the other hand, the K and CG-IG models characterize generally sea clutter with medium and high cell resolutions.
Ahmed BENTOUMI , ADMIN Admin , Taha hocine Kerbaa , ADMIN Admin , AMAR Mezache , , (2019), Model Selection of Sea Clutter Using Cross Validation Method, Procedia Computer Science, Vol:158, Issue:, pages:Pages 394-400, Elsevier
- 2018-12-21
معوقات التحالف الاستراتيجي بين المؤسسات الوطنية والأجنبية في الجزائر وسبل تفعيلها
للتحالفات الاستراتيجية أهمية كبيرة خاصة في بيئة تتسم بديناميكية المنافسة وذلك لما تقدمه من مكاسب لكلا الطرفين المتحالفين أو لمجموعة الأطراف المتحالفة، وعلى ضوء ما سبق تسعى المؤسسات الجزائرية لتوقيع تحالفات استراتيجية مع الشركات الأجنبية لاكتساب الخبرة والمزايا التنافسية التي تمكنها من النمو والتطور مستقبلا مع أخذها بعين الاعتبار مجموعة الصعوبات المعوقات التي يمكن أن تواجهها داخل الوطن كونها حليف مضيف ولأن هذا الخيار الاستراتيجي جديد نوعا ما في الجزائر.
Hadjer Messaouda Abdelkrim , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , عبد الكريم هاجر مسعودة, , (2018-12-21), معوقات التحالف الاستراتيجي بين المؤسسات الوطنية والأجنبية في الجزائر وسبل تفعيلها, مجلة البحوث الادارية والاقتصادية, Vol:2, Issue:2, pages:147-159,
- 2018-12-21
معوقات التحالف الاستراتيجي بين المؤسسات الوطنية والأجنبية في الجزائر وسبل تفعيلها
للتحالفات الاستراتيجية أهمية كبيرة خاصة في بيئة تتسم بديناميكية المنافسة وذلك لما تقدمه من مكاسب لكلا الطرفين المتحالفين أو لمجموعة الأطراف المتحالفة، وعلى ضوء ما سبق تسعى المؤسسات الجزائرية لتوقيع تحالفات استراتيجية مع الشركات الأجنبية لاكتساب الخبرة والمزايا التنافسية التي تمكنها من النمو والتطور مستقبلا مع أخذها بعين الاعتبار مجموعة الصعوبات المعوقات التي يمكن أن تواجهها داخل الوطن كونها حليف مضيف ولأن هذا الخيار الاستراتيجي جديد نوعا ما في الجزائر.
Hadjer Messaouda Abdelkrim , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , عبد الكريم هاجر مسعودة, , (2018-12-21), معوقات التحالف الاستراتيجي بين المؤسسات الوطنية والأجنبية في الجزائر وسبل تفعيلها, مجلة البحوث الادارية والاقتصادية, Vol:2, Issue:2, pages:147-159,
- 2018-12-02
Caractérisation de l’élevage caprin en zone steppique
Etude a pour objectif la caractérisation de l'élevage caprin dans la région de M'sila. Ce type d'élevage aux grandes potentialités, conduit en système extensif a été étudié dans le cadre de l'encadrement des mémoires de Master et a pour but de développer et valoriser cette activité dans une zone agropastorale.
Hocine GUERMAH , ADMIN Admin , ,(2018-12-02), Caractérisation de l’élevage caprin en zone steppique,Rencontres Recherches Ruminants,Paris (France)
- 2018
تشخيص العوامل الداخلية والخارجية لتطبيق استراتيجية الإدارة الإلكترونية في المؤسسات الجامعية -دراسة حالة جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة – الجزائر-
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تشخيص كل من متغيرات البيئة الداخلية والخارجية لتطبيق استراتيجية الإدارة الإلكترونية في المؤسسات الجامعية، بحيث استخدمنا الاستبيان لجمع البيانات على عينة مكونة من 46 إداري على مستوى جامعة محمد بوضياف- المسيلة، وتم التوصل إلى أن توفر عوامل البيئة الداخلية على مستوى الجامعة محل الدراسة لم يرقى بعد إلى المستوى المقبول، أما عوامل البيئة الخارجية فهي متوفرة بمستوى مقبول، كما تم تقديم نموذج مقترح لتطبيق استراتيجية الإدارة الإلكترونية. الكلمات المفتاحية: عوامل البيئة الداخلية، عوامل البيئة الخارجية، الإدارة الإلكترونية، المؤسسة الجامعية، جامعة المسيلة.
Sana RAHMANI , ADMIN Admin , , (2018), تشخيص العوامل الداخلية والخارجية لتطبيق استراتيجية الإدارة الإلكترونية في المؤسسات الجامعية -دراسة حالة جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة – الجزائر-, مجلة الحقوق والعلوم الانسانية- العدد الاقتصادي (جامعة الجلفة), Vol:1, Issue:35, pages:121-134, جامعة الجلفة
- 2018
Investigating the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire)
n experimental study was conducted to investigate the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire) of the Tin Fouye Tabankort sector (southern Algeria). The rheological measurements at different temperatures (20°C, 30°C and 50°C) were performed employing AR 2000 rheometer of TA-Instruments. Several parameters such as shear rate, the temperature and the presence of crude oil from another quagmire on the rheological properties have been studied. The experimental results show that the studied crude oil displays non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior at low values of shear rate and a Newtonian behavior at high values of shear rate, which can be best presented by the Casson model. The rheological examination tests (flow and dynamic mode (oscillation)) have shown that the rheological properties of the crude oil were significantly influenced by the temperature and the crude oil addition.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, Farid Souas, , (2018), Investigating the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire), Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:46, Issue:14, pages:1093-1099, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Investigating the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire)
n experimental study was conducted to investigate the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire) of the Tin Fouye Tabankort sector (southern Algeria). The rheological measurements at different temperatures (20°C, 30°C and 50°C) were performed employing AR 2000 rheometer of TA-Instruments. Several parameters such as shear rate, the temperature and the presence of crude oil from another quagmire on the rheological properties have been studied. The experimental results show that the studied crude oil displays non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior at low values of shear rate and a Newtonian behavior at high values of shear rate, which can be best presented by the Casson model. The rheological examination tests (flow and dynamic mode (oscillation)) have shown that the rheological properties of the crude oil were significantly influenced by the temperature and the crude oil addition.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, Farid Souas, , (2018), Investigating the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire), Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:46, Issue:14, pages:1093-1099, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Investigating the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire)
n experimental study was conducted to investigate the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire) of the Tin Fouye Tabankort sector (southern Algeria). The rheological measurements at different temperatures (20°C, 30°C and 50°C) were performed employing AR 2000 rheometer of TA-Instruments. Several parameters such as shear rate, the temperature and the presence of crude oil from another quagmire on the rheological properties have been studied. The experimental results show that the studied crude oil displays non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior at low values of shear rate and a Newtonian behavior at high values of shear rate, which can be best presented by the Casson model. The rheological examination tests (flow and dynamic mode (oscillation)) have shown that the rheological properties of the crude oil were significantly influenced by the temperature and the crude oil addition.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, Farid Souas, , (2018), Investigating the rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil stemming from station of separation (quagmire), Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:46, Issue:14, pages:1093-1099, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Improvement of rheological properties of Algeria crude oil by addition of extra-light crude oil and a surfactant agent
Effect of surfactant and extra-light crude oil addition on the rheological behaviors of an Algeria crude oil in order to improving its flowability were studied at low temperature. These rheological properties include steady flow behavior, yield stress and viscoelastic behavior. An AR-2000 rheometer was employed in all of the rheological examination tests. Results show that Toluene and extra-light crude oil addition causes a strong reduction in viscosity, the yield stress and can effectively increase of crude oil transport capacity. The toluene addition gets its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 6%. The extra-light crude oil addition obtains its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 50%. The viscoelasticity character of the crude oil has indicate a significantly influence by the addition of Toluene and extra-light crude oil.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, , (2018), Improvement of rheological properties of Algeria crude oil by addition of extra-light crude oil and a surfactant agent, Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:36, Issue:22, pages:1864-1874, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Improvement of rheological properties of Algeria crude oil by addition of extra-light crude oil and a surfactant agent
Effect of surfactant and extra-light crude oil addition on the rheological behaviors of an Algeria crude oil in order to improving its flowability were studied at low temperature. These rheological properties include steady flow behavior, yield stress and viscoelastic behavior. An AR-2000 rheometer was employed in all of the rheological examination tests. Results show that Toluene and extra-light crude oil addition causes a strong reduction in viscosity, the yield stress and can effectively increase of crude oil transport capacity. The toluene addition gets its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 6%. The extra-light crude oil addition obtains its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 50%. The viscoelasticity character of the crude oil has indicate a significantly influence by the addition of Toluene and extra-light crude oil.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, , (2018), Improvement of rheological properties of Algeria crude oil by addition of extra-light crude oil and a surfactant agent, Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:36, Issue:22, pages:1864-1874, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil: effect of temperature and refined product
The rheological behavior and its variation with temperature and refined product concentration of a crude oil sample coming from a quagmire of the separation station of Tin Fouye Tabankort oilfield/southern Algeria were investigated experimentally. The experiments were carried out at various temperatures (20, 30 and 50 °C) over the shear rate range of 0 to 700 s−1 by using a controlled stress rheometer (AR 2000, TA Instrument). The results showed that the crude oil exhibit non-Newtonian of shear thinning behavior at low shear rate and Newtonian behavior at high shear rate and was adequately described by Casson and Herschel–Bulkley models. The rheological measurements through the steady flow test and viscoelastic behavior, including the storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″), and complex modulus (G*), has indicated that the rheological properties of the crude oil were greatly influenced by the temperature and the additive concentration.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Safri Abdelhamid, Benmounah Abdelbaki, Souas Farid, , (2018), Rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil: effect of temperature and refined product, Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:36, Issue:21, pages:1757-1763, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil: effect of temperature and refined product
The rheological behavior and its variation with temperature and refined product concentration of a crude oil sample coming from a quagmire of the separation station of Tin Fouye Tabankort oilfield/southern Algeria were investigated experimentally. The experiments were carried out at various temperatures (20, 30 and 50 °C) over the shear rate range of 0 to 700 s−1 by using a controlled stress rheometer (AR 2000, TA Instrument). The results showed that the crude oil exhibit non-Newtonian of shear thinning behavior at low shear rate and Newtonian behavior at high shear rate and was adequately described by Casson and Herschel–Bulkley models. The rheological measurements through the steady flow test and viscoelastic behavior, including the storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″), and complex modulus (G*), has indicated that the rheological properties of the crude oil were greatly influenced by the temperature and the additive concentration.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Safri Abdelhamid, Benmounah Abdelbaki, Souas Farid, , (2018), Rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil: effect of temperature and refined product, Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:36, Issue:21, pages:1757-1763, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil: effect of temperature and refined product
The rheological behavior and its variation with temperature and refined product concentration of a crude oil sample coming from a quagmire of the separation station of Tin Fouye Tabankort oilfield/southern Algeria were investigated experimentally. The experiments were carried out at various temperatures (20, 30 and 50 °C) over the shear rate range of 0 to 700 s−1 by using a controlled stress rheometer (AR 2000, TA Instrument). The results showed that the crude oil exhibit non-Newtonian of shear thinning behavior at low shear rate and Newtonian behavior at high shear rate and was adequately described by Casson and Herschel–Bulkley models. The rheological measurements through the steady flow test and viscoelastic behavior, including the storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″), and complex modulus (G*), has indicated that the rheological properties of the crude oil were greatly influenced by the temperature and the additive concentration.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Safri Abdelhamid, Benmounah Abdelbaki, Souas Farid, , (2018), Rheological behavior of Algerian crude oil: effect of temperature and refined product, Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol:36, Issue:21, pages:1757-1763, Taylor & Francis
- 2018
Daily Global Solar Radiation Estimation Based on Air Temperature: Case of Study South of Algeria
Global solar radiation is needed for the analysis and scaling of solar conversion systems; however, global measurements of solar radiation are not available in all Algerian cities. The use of empirical models using an accessible parameter is a solution to this problem. In this study, seven empirical Models namely Hargreaves and Samani, Chen, M.F. Li, H.Li, Bristow and Campbell, Okonkwo and Abraha Savage have been employed to estimate daily average global solar radiation on the horizontal surface. These models use extreme temperatures (minimum and maximum). They were applied to three south Algerian sites (Biskra, Ghardaia, and Tamanrasset). The analyzed data were provided by the NASA site and cover four years (2001-2004). The validation of the models for predicting daily global solar radiation was done using four statistical parameters (R², MBE, RMSE, and RPE). The results show that Bristow and Compbell Model shows better performance than the other models in all sites. A new model is proposed for each site. The results show that this later is the best one compared with the seven models analyzed. Therefore, the developed model can be suggested to estimate daily global solar radiation using only extreme air temperatures in south Algeria.
Razika IHADDADENE , Nabila IHADDADENE , ADMIN Admin , ,(2018), Daily Global Solar Radiation Estimation Based on Air Temperature: Case of Study South of Algeria,International Conference on renewable energy and environment engineering,Paris.France
- 2017
Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions
The use of anionic polyelectrolytes is great technological importance to control the stability and flocculation behavior of colloidal suspensions. They are widely used in various industrial products, such as paints, coatings, ceramics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and drilling fluids, to modify the rheology and control the stability of the systems.In this investigate, rheological measurements obtained by a coaxial cylinder viscometer (shear rate from 0 to 700 s-1), were carried to highlight the effect of two anionic polyelectrolytes such as, xanthan gum and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC) on the rheological properties of the bentonite suspension. Firstly, Herschel-Bulkley model was used for the flow curves of studied bentonite suspension whose the concentration in solid varies between 3-6%, the regression coefficient > 0.997 for all studied system. Secondly, electrokinetic measurements on all studied suspensions were also carried. Finaly, to asses the influence of polyelectrolytes on bentonite suspension, the rheological tests have been carried out on the polyelectrolytes solutions in absence of bentonite. The rheological behavior of xanthan solutions is shear-thinning non-Newtonian viscosity with yield stress. The obtained results showed that the yield stress and the consistency index increase with increasing bentonite concentration, on the other hand the flow index values decrease. It can be explained that the bentonite has a microscopic structure in platelets. It was noted also, the yield stress observed on rheograms is due to the internal fluid structure that forms at rest between the platelets. In the absence of flow, the platelets form rigid aggregates that are resistant to a certain value. from this yield , the structure is destroyed and the wafers are aligned with the flow. Also, the obtained results of the electrokinetic study, have showed an increase of the zeta potential of CMC and xanthan dispersions when the concentration of polymer in solution increases
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelbaki Benmounah, Khaled Khaled Benyounes, Kaci Chelah, ,(2017), Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions,CFM 2017-23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2017
Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions
The use of anionic polyelectrolytes is great technological importance to control the stability and flocculation behavior of colloidal suspensions. They are widely used in various industrial products, such as paints, coatings, ceramics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and drilling fluids, to modify the rheology and control the stability of the systems.In this investigate, rheological measurements obtained by a coaxial cylinder viscometer (shear rate from 0 to 700 s-1), were carried to highlight the effect of two anionic polyelectrolytes such as, xanthan gum and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC) on the rheological properties of the bentonite suspension. Firstly, Herschel-Bulkley model was used for the flow curves of studied bentonite suspension whose the concentration in solid varies between 3-6%, the regression coefficient > 0.997 for all studied system. Secondly, electrokinetic measurements on all studied suspensions were also carried. Finaly, to asses the influence of polyelectrolytes on bentonite suspension, the rheological tests have been carried out on the polyelectrolytes solutions in absence of bentonite. The rheological behavior of xanthan solutions is shear-thinning non-Newtonian viscosity with yield stress. The obtained results showed that the yield stress and the consistency index increase with increasing bentonite concentration, on the other hand the flow index values decrease. It can be explained that the bentonite has a microscopic structure in platelets. It was noted also, the yield stress observed on rheograms is due to the internal fluid structure that forms at rest between the platelets. In the absence of flow, the platelets form rigid aggregates that are resistant to a certain value. from this yield , the structure is destroyed and the wafers are aligned with the flow. Also, the obtained results of the electrokinetic study, have showed an increase of the zeta potential of CMC and xanthan dispersions when the concentration of polymer in solution increases
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelbaki Benmounah, Khaled Khaled Benyounes, Kaci Chelah, ,(2017), Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions,CFM 2017-23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2017
Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions
The use of anionic polyelectrolytes is great technological importance to control the stability and flocculation behavior of colloidal suspensions. They are widely used in various industrial products, such as paints, coatings, ceramics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and drilling fluids, to modify the rheology and control the stability of the systems.In this investigate, rheological measurements obtained by a coaxial cylinder viscometer (shear rate from 0 to 700 s-1), were carried to highlight the effect of two anionic polyelectrolytes such as, xanthan gum and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC) on the rheological properties of the bentonite suspension. Firstly, Herschel-Bulkley model was used for the flow curves of studied bentonite suspension whose the concentration in solid varies between 3-6%, the regression coefficient > 0.997 for all studied system. Secondly, electrokinetic measurements on all studied suspensions were also carried. Finaly, to asses the influence of polyelectrolytes on bentonite suspension, the rheological tests have been carried out on the polyelectrolytes solutions in absence of bentonite. The rheological behavior of xanthan solutions is shear-thinning non-Newtonian viscosity with yield stress. The obtained results showed that the yield stress and the consistency index increase with increasing bentonite concentration, on the other hand the flow index values decrease. It can be explained that the bentonite has a microscopic structure in platelets. It was noted also, the yield stress observed on rheograms is due to the internal fluid structure that forms at rest between the platelets. In the absence of flow, the platelets form rigid aggregates that are resistant to a certain value. from this yield , the structure is destroyed and the wafers are aligned with the flow. Also, the obtained results of the electrokinetic study, have showed an increase of the zeta potential of CMC and xanthan dispersions when the concentration of polymer in solution increases
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelbaki Benmounah, Khaled Khaled Benyounes, Kaci Chelah, ,(2017), Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions,CFM 2017-23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2017
Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions
The use of anionic polyelectrolytes is great technological importance to control the stability and flocculation behavior of colloidal suspensions. They are widely used in various industrial products, such as paints, coatings, ceramics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and drilling fluids, to modify the rheology and control the stability of the systems.In this investigate, rheological measurements obtained by a coaxial cylinder viscometer (shear rate from 0 to 700 s-1), were carried to highlight the effect of two anionic polyelectrolytes such as, xanthan gum and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC) on the rheological properties of the bentonite suspension. Firstly, Herschel-Bulkley model was used for the flow curves of studied bentonite suspension whose the concentration in solid varies between 3-6%, the regression coefficient > 0.997 for all studied system. Secondly, electrokinetic measurements on all studied suspensions were also carried. Finaly, to asses the influence of polyelectrolytes on bentonite suspension, the rheological tests have been carried out on the polyelectrolytes solutions in absence of bentonite. The rheological behavior of xanthan solutions is shear-thinning non-Newtonian viscosity with yield stress. The obtained results showed that the yield stress and the consistency index increase with increasing bentonite concentration, on the other hand the flow index values decrease. It can be explained that the bentonite has a microscopic structure in platelets. It was noted also, the yield stress observed on rheograms is due to the internal fluid structure that forms at rest between the platelets. In the absence of flow, the platelets form rigid aggregates that are resistant to a certain value. from this yield , the structure is destroyed and the wafers are aligned with the flow. Also, the obtained results of the electrokinetic study, have showed an increase of the zeta potential of CMC and xanthan dispersions when the concentration of polymer in solution increases
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelbaki Benmounah, Khaled Khaled Benyounes, Kaci Chelah, ,(2017), Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions,CFM 2017-23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2017
Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions
The use of anionic polyelectrolytes is great technological importance to control the stability and flocculation behavior of colloidal suspensions. They are widely used in various industrial products, such as paints, coatings, ceramics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and drilling fluids, to modify the rheology and control the stability of the systems.In this investigate, rheological measurements obtained by a coaxial cylinder viscometer (shear rate from 0 to 700 s-1), were carried to highlight the effect of two anionic polyelectrolytes such as, xanthan gum and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC) on the rheological properties of the bentonite suspension. Firstly, Herschel-Bulkley model was used for the flow curves of studied bentonite suspension whose the concentration in solid varies between 3-6%, the regression coefficient > 0.997 for all studied system. Secondly, electrokinetic measurements on all studied suspensions were also carried. Finaly, to asses the influence of polyelectrolytes on bentonite suspension, the rheological tests have been carried out on the polyelectrolytes solutions in absence of bentonite. The rheological behavior of xanthan solutions is shear-thinning non-Newtonian viscosity with yield stress. The obtained results showed that the yield stress and the consistency index increase with increasing bentonite concentration, on the other hand the flow index values decrease. It can be explained that the bentonite has a microscopic structure in platelets. It was noted also, the yield stress observed on rheograms is due to the internal fluid structure that forms at rest between the platelets. In the absence of flow, the platelets form rigid aggregates that are resistant to a certain value. from this yield , the structure is destroyed and the wafers are aligned with the flow. Also, the obtained results of the electrokinetic study, have showed an increase of the zeta potential of CMC and xanthan dispersions when the concentration of polymer in solution increases
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelbaki Benmounah, Khaled Khaled Benyounes, Kaci Chelah, ,(2017), Effect of xanthan gum and sodium carboxymetylcellulose on the rheological properties and zeta potential of bentonite suspensions,CFM 2017-23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2017
Experimental improvement of rheological parameters of crude oil in flow
Several technics have been used to increase the mobility of crude oil pipeline transportation. The addition of the copolymer, poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) containing 12 % of vinyl acetate, can improves the rheological parameters and ease the flow of crude oil. In this present study we studied the effect of the concentration of vinyl acetate containing (EVA) on the viscosity, and the yield stress of Algerian crude oil from oil fields TFT. The rheological tests were made at low temperature 6.3,10 and 40 °C. Different concentrations of copolymer (EVA12) were tested 100, 200, 300, 400 ppm. The results obtained showed that the EVA allows reducing the apparent viscosity and the yield stress of crude oil and the results not only depends on the concentration of poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) but the temperature; also have an important influence.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Safri Abdelhamid, Benmounah Abdelbakhi, ,(2017), Experimental improvement of rheological parameters of crude oil in flow,13–Eme Congres de Mecanique Meknès, Maroc,Maroc
- 2017
Experimental improvement of rheological parameters of crude oil in flow
Several technics have been used to increase the mobility of crude oil pipeline transportation. The addition of the copolymer, poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) containing 12 % of vinyl acetate, can improves the rheological parameters and ease the flow of crude oil. In this present study we studied the effect of the concentration of vinyl acetate containing (EVA) on the viscosity, and the yield stress of Algerian crude oil from oil fields TFT. The rheological tests were made at low temperature 6.3,10 and 40 °C. Different concentrations of copolymer (EVA12) were tested 100, 200, 300, 400 ppm. The results obtained showed that the EVA allows reducing the apparent viscosity and the yield stress of crude oil and the results not only depends on the concentration of poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) but the temperature; also have an important influence.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Safri Abdelhamid, Benmounah Abdelbakhi, ,(2017), Experimental improvement of rheological parameters of crude oil in flow,13–Eme Congres de Mecanique Meknès, Maroc,Maroc
- 2017
Improvement of the transportation capacity of the crude oil by the addition of a surfactant agent
This article examines the effect of the concentration of a surfactant on the rheological properties of Algerian crude oil, when the yield stress, the apparent viscosity, the pressure drop and flow rate are evaluated. The surfactant choice is Toluene; different concentrations (2%, 3% and 6%) are tested to improve the transportation capacity of Algerian crude oil. The rheological tests are carried out using the rheometer AR2000 from TA Instruments with a coaxial cylindrical geometry type Couette. Because of large contact surface of the cylinder, one can obtain a good accuracy of the measurements at low viscosity values. Different temperatures were tested. The experimental results show that the rheological behavior of system (crude oil / Toluene) exhibits a non-Newtonian behavior at a low shear rate It was also noted that the increase in the surfactant concentration has an effect on the rheological parameters, the apparent viscosity, yield stress significantly decreased with the addition of toluene. The results obtained also show that the increase in the concentration of the additive also has an effect on the transport capacity of the crude oil, the addition of 6% of toluene has increased the flow rate of the crude oil by 44%.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, ,(2017), Improvement of the transportation capacity of the crude oil by the addition of a surfactant agent,23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2017
Improvement of the transportation capacity of the crude oil by the addition of a surfactant agent
This article examines the effect of the concentration of a surfactant on the rheological properties of Algerian crude oil, when the yield stress, the apparent viscosity, the pressure drop and flow rate are evaluated. The surfactant choice is Toluene; different concentrations (2%, 3% and 6%) are tested to improve the transportation capacity of Algerian crude oil. The rheological tests are carried out using the rheometer AR2000 from TA Instruments with a coaxial cylindrical geometry type Couette. Because of large contact surface of the cylinder, one can obtain a good accuracy of the measurements at low viscosity values. Different temperatures were tested. The experimental results show that the rheological behavior of system (crude oil / Toluene) exhibits a non-Newtonian behavior at a low shear rate It was also noted that the increase in the surfactant concentration has an effect on the rheological parameters, the apparent viscosity, yield stress significantly decreased with the addition of toluene. The results obtained also show that the increase in the concentration of the additive also has an effect on the transport capacity of the crude oil, the addition of 6% of toluene has increased the flow rate of the crude oil by 44%.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, ,(2017), Improvement of the transportation capacity of the crude oil by the addition of a surfactant agent,23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2017
الصحة النفسیة وعلاقتها بالأداء الوظیفي لدى أساتذة التعلیم المتوسط. دراسة میدانیة ببعض متوسطات مدینة المسیلة
This study aimed at finding out the relationship between psychological health of middle school’s teachers and its relation to their functional performance in some of middle schools in Msila in Algeria, for the school year 2015/2016, and the results of the study showed that both the psychological health and the functional performance of the study sample are at high level, and there exist a positive correlation which is statistically significant between the variables of the study. the study concluded a set of proposals in the light of the previous results.
BOUDJEMAA HERIZI , ADMIN Admin , فرحات بن ناصر, , (2017), الصحة النفسیة وعلاقتها بالأداء الوظیفي لدى أساتذة التعلیم المتوسط. دراسة میدانیة ببعض متوسطات مدینة المسیلة, بوجمعة حريزي, Vol:10, Issue:2, pages:146-160, دراسات نفسية وتربوية
- 2016
SVM technique based on DTC sensorless control optimized by ANN applied to a double stator asynchronous machine fed by three level six phase inverter
The present paper is focused on Direct Torque Control (DTC) Speed Sensorless of a double stator asynchronous machine (DSAM) fed by three-level six-phase inverter. The inverter switches control is based on Space Vector Modulation technique optimized by Artificial Neuronal Network (SVM-ANN). Compared to the conventional DTC technique, voltage vectors selection table is replaced by space vector modulation technique to realize a DTC-SVM speed sensorless control. Moreover, to validate the proposed control technique several tests were conducted by computer simulations. The obtained results have showed high speed performances and a reduction in torque and flux fluctuations compared to other techniques (DTC and DTC-SVM) when the proposed DTC-SVM-ANN control technique is applied to control a double stator asynchronous machine fed by a three-level six-phase inverter.
ALI CHEBABHI , FOUAD Berrabah , ADMIN Admin , , (2016), SVM technique based on DTC sensorless control optimized by ANN applied to a double stator asynchronous machine fed by three level six phase inverter, Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Vol:12, Issue:2, pages:571-579, Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control
- 2016
L’architecture domestique en terre entre préservation et modernité: cas d'une ville oasienne d'Algérie" Aoulef"
“Living in the desert seems paradoxical because it is by definition a place that life gives up. However, there, people live, since forever and knew, with ingenuity, take advantage of the few available materials to build houses, and take shelter there in an unfriendly climate” (Le Quellec, 2006). Since the dawn of time, the Algerian Southwest region was animated by a network of human settlements built according to the urban model of the Islamic medina and its traditional habitat of adobe; collective hamlets known as ksours. Being a place of transit of the great desert caravans, linking North Africa to the rest of the continent, the city of Aoulef was one of the old oasis cities of Algeria who has known over the centuries an urban and architectural development. It was characterized by a set of ksour separated by the line of foggaras and embellished by the landscape oases. Cradle of exceptional traditional earthen architecture, housing in the city of Aoulef presents a perfect site integration and adaptation to harsh climatic conditions. This paper attempts to learn about the typological and conceptual feature of the domestic architecture of this region, its ancestral building techniques, specific to the southern regions, as well as the current constructive alternatives adopted by the local people.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , MOHAMED Mili , ADMIN Admin , samir-djemoui Boutabba, , (2016), L’architecture domestique en terre entre préservation et modernité: cas d'une ville oasienne d'Algérie" Aoulef", Journal of Material and Environmental Science,, Vol:10, Issue:7, pages:3558-3570, Faculty of Science, Mohammed Premier University
- 2016
L’architecture domestique en terre entre préservation et modernité: cas d'une ville oasienne d'Algérie" Aoulef"
“Living in the desert seems paradoxical because it is by definition a place that life gives up. However, there, people live, since forever and knew, with ingenuity, take advantage of the few available materials to build houses, and take shelter there in an unfriendly climate” (Le Quellec, 2006). Since the dawn of time, the Algerian Southwest region was animated by a network of human settlements built according to the urban model of the Islamic medina and its traditional habitat of adobe; collective hamlets known as ksours. Being a place of transit of the great desert caravans, linking North Africa to the rest of the continent, the city of Aoulef was one of the old oasis cities of Algeria who has known over the centuries an urban and architectural development. It was characterized by a set of ksour separated by the line of foggaras and embellished by the landscape oases. Cradle of exceptional traditional earthen architecture, housing in the city of Aoulef presents a perfect site integration and adaptation to harsh climatic conditions. This paper attempts to learn about the typological and conceptual feature of the domestic architecture of this region, its ancestral building techniques, specific to the southern regions, as well as the current constructive alternatives adopted by the local people.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , MOHAMED Mili , ADMIN Admin , samir-djemoui Boutabba, , (2016), L’architecture domestique en terre entre préservation et modernité: cas d'une ville oasienne d'Algérie" Aoulef", Journal of Material and Environmental Science,, Vol:10, Issue:7, pages:3558-3570, Faculty of Science, Mohammed Premier University
- 2015-11-25
Récemment, les composés MnBi et MnSb sont parmi les matériaux utilisés pour produire des équipements de réfrigération. Cependant, les scientifiques ont effectué plusieurs études théoriques et des expérimentations afin d'étudier les propriétés structurales, électroniques, magnétiques et élastiques. Dans notre travail, nous avons étudié les propriétés structurales, électroniques, magnétiques et élastiques de MnBi et MnSb en utilisant la méthode FP-LAPW dans le cadre de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT). Le terme du potentiel d'échange et de corrélation a été traité par deux différentes approximations LDA et GGA. Pour les Propriétés structurales, nous avons calculé les paramètres de la maille, le module de compressibilité. D’autre part, nous avons calculé la structure de bandes, la densité d'états totale et partielle et de la densité de charge et comparé les résultats obtenus avec d'autres calculs théoriques et expérimentales. On a calculé aussi le moment magnétique total et le moment magnétique de l’atome de manganèse. Enfin, on a défini aussi quelques paramètres élastiques comme le module de Young (E), le facteur d'anisotropie (A), le module de compressibilité adiabatique (Bs) et le module de cisaillement (G déformation résistance). La stabilité mécanique de ces matériaux a été traitée et exprimée a travers les constantes élastiques.
SABER Saad essaoud , ADMIN Admin , ,(2015-11-25), THEORITICAL STUDY OF SOME MATERIALS USED IN REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS,Second international conference on mechanics “ICM2015”,Costantine univrsity (Algeria)
- 2015
Multi-population cooperative bat algorithm for association rule mining
Cum praesentium qui ipsum autem ab inventore pariatur asperiores adipisci. Ut ad a possimus natus beatae accusantium est consequatur. Aspernatur maxime dolorem sequi voluptas ducimus. Commodi pariatur recusandae est sint quam et aspernatur accusamus natus. Voluptatibus perferendis ea sint qui architecto natus ut consectetur maiores. Dolor iusto voluptatum. Dicta vel occaecati quia. Velit modi velit totam quibusdam sint maiores voluptate. Qui quo maxime ut aut facilis voluptas.
ADMIN Admin , nadjet kamel, habiba drias, ,(2015), Multi-population cooperative bat algorithm for association rule mining,Computational Collective Intelligence 2015,Madrid, Spain
- 2015
Rheological behavior of an Algerian crude oil containing Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) as a surfactant: Flow test and study in dynamic mode
In order to improve the flow characteristics, this work aims to study the rheological behavior of the oil crude (coming from the oil field of Tin Fouye Tabankort/South Algeria) with and without additive friction reducing. An experimental study was performed by measuring the rheological characteristics by flow tests and dynamic mode (oscillation) at different temperatures (20 °C, 30 °C and 50 °C) using the rheometer AR2000. The temperature of the crude oil varies between these extreme values in the south of Algeria. For this, the effect of the shear rate, the temperature and the additive concentration of Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) on the rheological parameters have been studied. The obtained results show that the crude oil exhibits a non-Newtonian behavior at a low shear rate which can be described by the Herschel–Bulkley model. It was also noted that the Newtonian behavior occurs at high values of the gradient of shear rate. The viscoelasticity character of the crude oil by identifying of the elastic modulus (G′) and the viscous modulus (G″), has indicated that the rheological properties of crude oil were significantly influenced by the additive.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, BrahimSafi, , (2015), Rheological behavior of an Algerian crude oil containing Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) as a surfactant: Flow test and study in dynamic mode, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol:133, Issue:, pages:184-191, Elsivier
- 2015
Rheological behavior of an Algerian crude oil containing Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) as a surfactant: Flow test and study in dynamic mode
In order to improve the flow characteristics, this work aims to study the rheological behavior of the oil crude (coming from the oil field of Tin Fouye Tabankort/South Algeria) with and without additive friction reducing. An experimental study was performed by measuring the rheological characteristics by flow tests and dynamic mode (oscillation) at different temperatures (20 °C, 30 °C and 50 °C) using the rheometer AR2000. The temperature of the crude oil varies between these extreme values in the south of Algeria. For this, the effect of the shear rate, the temperature and the additive concentration of Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) on the rheological parameters have been studied. The obtained results show that the crude oil exhibits a non-Newtonian behavior at a low shear rate which can be described by the Herschel–Bulkley model. It was also noted that the Newtonian behavior occurs at high values of the gradient of shear rate. The viscoelasticity character of the crude oil by identifying of the elastic modulus (G′) and the viscous modulus (G″), has indicated that the rheological properties of crude oil were significantly influenced by the additive.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, BrahimSafi, , (2015), Rheological behavior of an Algerian crude oil containing Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) as a surfactant: Flow test and study in dynamic mode, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol:133, Issue:, pages:184-191, Elsivier
- 2015
Rheological behavior of an Algerian crude oil containing Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) as a surfactant: Flow test and study in dynamic mode
In order to improve the flow characteristics, this work aims to study the rheological behavior of the oil crude (coming from the oil field of Tin Fouye Tabankort/South Algeria) with and without additive friction reducing. An experimental study was performed by measuring the rheological characteristics by flow tests and dynamic mode (oscillation) at different temperatures (20 °C, 30 °C and 50 °C) using the rheometer AR2000. The temperature of the crude oil varies between these extreme values in the south of Algeria. For this, the effect of the shear rate, the temperature and the additive concentration of Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) on the rheological parameters have been studied. The obtained results show that the crude oil exhibits a non-Newtonian behavior at a low shear rate which can be described by the Herschel–Bulkley model. It was also noted that the Newtonian behavior occurs at high values of the gradient of shear rate. The viscoelasticity character of the crude oil by identifying of the elastic modulus (G′) and the viscous modulus (G″), has indicated that the rheological properties of crude oil were significantly influenced by the additive.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, BrahimSafi, , (2015), Rheological behavior of an Algerian crude oil containing Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) as a surfactant: Flow test and study in dynamic mode, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol:133, Issue:, pages:184-191, Elsivier
- 2015
Effet d'un agent tensioactif sur le comportement rhéologique d'un pétrole brut Algérien
Différentes méthodes expérimentales de réduction de la viscosité du pétrole brut ont été étudiées pour améliorer les propriétés d'écoulement. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé du Toluène pour réduire la viscosité. Les essais rhéologiques ont été réalisés en utilisant le rhéomètre AR2 ; de TA-Instruments à différentes températures 10°C, 15 °C et 20°C. Plusieurs concentrations de l'additif ont été testées, 2%, 3% et 5%. Les points expérimentaux des courbes d'écoulement du pétrole brut montrent un comportement non-newtonien qui peut être décrit par la loi Herschel-Bulkley. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la température influe considérablement sur l'évolution des courbes d'écoulement et provoque une diminution de la viscosité apparente du pétrole brut. Cette étude montre que le Toluène utilisé a un effet significatif sur la réduction de la viscosité apparente de pétrole brut algérien. Les résultats sont présentés et discutés.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, ,(2015), Effet d'un agent tensioactif sur le comportement rhéologique d'un pétrole brut Algérien,CFM 2015-22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2015
Effet d'un agent tensioactif sur le comportement rhéologique d'un pétrole brut Algérien
Différentes méthodes expérimentales de réduction de la viscosité du pétrole brut ont été étudiées pour améliorer les propriétés d'écoulement. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé du Toluène pour réduire la viscosité. Les essais rhéologiques ont été réalisés en utilisant le rhéomètre AR2 ; de TA-Instruments à différentes températures 10°C, 15 °C et 20°C. Plusieurs concentrations de l'additif ont été testées, 2%, 3% et 5%. Les points expérimentaux des courbes d'écoulement du pétrole brut montrent un comportement non-newtonien qui peut être décrit par la loi Herschel-Bulkley. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la température influe considérablement sur l'évolution des courbes d'écoulement et provoque une diminution de la viscosité apparente du pétrole brut. Cette étude montre que le Toluène utilisé a un effet significatif sur la réduction de la viscosité apparente de pétrole brut algérien. Les résultats sont présentés et discutés.
DJAMAL EDDINE Djemiat , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , Abdelhamid Safri, Abdelbaki Benmounah, ,(2015), Effet d'un agent tensioactif sur le comportement rhéologique d'un pétrole brut Algérien,CFM 2015-22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique,France
- 2014-05-11
Dehydrated chicory pulp as an alternative soluble fibre source in diets for growing rabbits
Alimentation du lapin en croissance en utilisant des sources non conventionnelle, pulpe de chicorée qui est un coproduit industriel.
Hocine GUERMAH , ADMIN Admin , , (2014-05-11), Dehydrated chicory pulp as an alternative soluble fibre source in diets for growing rabbits, World Rabbit Science ( WRS), Vol:22, Issue:144, pages:6, World Rabbit Sci.ence
- 2013
The Impact of Colonial Architectural and Urban principles on housing and Urban planning of the current Algerian Cities.Case of M’sila
Architecture is the mirror through which we look at a society, its specificities, culture and identity. However in Algeria, like everywhere else in the Arab world, urban architecture generally and the domestic architecture in particular are at the crossroads, between the anvil of the cultural identity and the hammer of modernity. Due to the colonization, the Indigenous urban and domestic models of Hodna region, specifically the city of M'sila- considered to be like antiquated, exceeded and retrograde by the political elite- have evolved to give models similar to those of western colonial culture - currently recognized as contemporary and international in the direction of modern and modernistic. However, domestic models transmitted from the French colonial civilization did not reflect the identity of the Algerian user and his way of living. The spatial practices were in disagreement with the social practices. The present paper aims to show the imprint left by the colonial city on the current Algerian city. It also attempts to show with which conceptual gymnastics, M’silis adopt these colonial architectural spaces so that they answer as well as possible to their way of life, their culture and their modern aspirations
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , Abdaallah Farhi, , (2013), The Impact of Colonial Architectural and Urban principles on housing and Urban planning of the current Algerian Cities.Case of M’sila, Courrier du savoir scientifique et technique., Vol:17, Issue:, pages:61-70, universite de Biskra
- 2013
Logique de la spatialité domestique savante dans la théorie architecturale: Un parcours en dents de scie,
En raison de son universalité, l’espace domestique a toujours été sujet de prédilection pour la recherche architecturale. Son façonnement a été, depuis l’aube des temps assujetti aux caractéristiques et idéologies qui ont gouverné l’époque de son engendrement, ce qui a suscité à travers les différentes périodes historiques, de nombreux glissements conceptuels. Le but de ce papier est d’illustrer quelques uns de ces glissements, en cernant la nature propre de la spatialité domestique savante, spécifiquement celle des villas de banlieue et de villégiature. Face aux nombreuses transformations, cette anthologie ne peut être que fragmentaire. Nous allons donc suivre des itinéraires raccourcis et privilégier certains angles d’observation. La classification chronologique sera définie par rapport au Mouvement Moderne, vu qu’il a constitué une étape de dislocation très symptomatique dans l’histoire de l’architecture.
Hynda BOUTABBA , ADMIN Admin , Abdallah Farhi, , (2013), Logique de la spatialité domestique savante dans la théorie architecturale: Un parcours en dents de scie,, Courrier du savoir scientifique et techniqu, Vol:16, Issue:, pages:9-16, Université de biskra
- 2010
Modélisation et Surveillance Thermique d'une Machine Asynchrone on prend on compte les Effets no Linière
Le but de cet article est de visualisé l'effet des pertes variable qui augmentent avec la charge et les pertes constantes (pertes fer) sur le comportement thermique de moteur asynchrone. La modélisation est basée sur la théorie de dissipation de puissance, de transfert de chaleur et du taux de croissance de la température au stator et au rotor, en prenant en compte l’effet de la vitesse sur les échanges. En développement des machines électriques en général, et les moteurs asynchrones en particulier, la température limite est un facteur principal affectant l'efficacité de la conception globale. Puisque le chargement conventionnel des moteurs asynchrone est souvent très chère, l'estimation de l'augmentation de la température par des outils de modèle mathématique et d'expériences informatiques devient de plus en plus importante. Ensuite on a utilisé notre model pour faire une surveillance thermique de chaque enroulement du moteur. Les résultats trouvés sont en bonne concordance avec des résultats des articles et expérimentales. Mots clés : MAS, Modélisation Thermique, Pertes fer, Transfert de Chaleur, Température Limite, Surveillance Thermique.
ASSAM Zorig , ADMIN Admin , ,(2010), Modélisation et Surveillance Thermique d'une Machine Asynchrone on prend on compte les Effets no Linière,International Conference on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives,ALGERIA
- 2009
Subsistence Living and Eco-Positive Behaviour: Two Diametrically Opposed Concepts? A Case Study of Farmers’ Perspectives in Sefiane, Algeria
This study focuses on the relationship between land degradation and human activities in a semi-desert region, the area of Sefiane in Algeria, whose inhabitants are typically rural farmers and agro-pastoralists depending almost exclusively on their natural environment for subsistence. The study aimed at determining the Sefiane community’s perceptions of the impact of desertification and land degradation on their community and to identify how this affects their way of life and means of survival. The study has shown that the population have a strong desire to be assisted in the development of guidelines for environmental education initiatives that would enable them as a community to deal with desertification and land degradation in an attempt to relieve poverty and develop a more sustainable lifestyle. The proposed environmental education program should not be limited to the development of biophysical resources but must include also the support of societal and personal resources and capacities that are inherent to the community. Keywords: Desertification, land degradation, rural farmers, sustainable development, environmental education.
ADMIN Admin , Bouazid Tayeb , Cheryl lroux UNISA(University of South Africa), , (2009), Subsistence Living and Eco-Positive Behaviour: Two Diametrically Opposed Concepts? A Case Study of Farmers’ Perspectives in Sefiane, Algeria, Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Vol:27, Issue:1, pages:59- 69, ISSN: 1985-9899 e ISSN: 2536-0051 Emerald Publishing
- 2006
Simulation du Contrôle non destructif par capteurs à Courants de Foucault sur des Pièces Cylindriques Amagnétiques
On propose dans cet article une approche de simulation par la méthode des éléments finis pour la concrétisation des défauts qui peuvent subsistés sur pièces cylindriques amagnétiques . le contrôle se fait par la mesure l'impédance du capteurs , cette dernière varie lors du passage du capteur au voisinage du défaut, car la trajectoire des courants de Foucault est perturbé par la présence de défaut surfacique .
ADMIN Admin , Abdelhak ABDOU , ,(2006), Simulation du Contrôle non destructif par capteurs à Courants de Foucault sur des Pièces Cylindriques Amagnétiques,4th International confrence of Electrical Engineering,Batna
- 10-11 January 2024
10-11 January 2024
Valorization And Use Of Phycocyanin From Spirulina Platensis (Arthrospira) In Cosmetics
Our work focused on the study and comparison of the effect of spirulina and/or its extract PC in cosmetic preparations (balms, creams and soaps). The results of the physicochemical tests of spirulina have shown that the latter was grown in an alkaline medium, it is fat and rich in metals, cartonoids and chlorophyle. On the other hand, we tested the addition of additives such as βCD, vegetable fiber and clay which is a natural product used for centuries, for the face, in particular, has become very important in our routine; in balms, creams and soaps formulated on the antioxidant and antibacterial effect. The results showed that the addition of additives separately or simultaneously in PC-based cosmetic formulations preserves and increases the antiradicalar and antibacterial activity of the PC even at very low concentrations in cosmetic preparations, This results in a good anti-wrinkle and stain-repellent effect on volunteers who have tested soap and prepared creams. The prepared cosmetic formulations are stable over time, and the sensory evaluation on the creams and balms prepared was good. Keywords: Arthrospira platensis, spirulina, phycocyanin, additives, anti-wrinkle, stain remover, natural, soap.
Salima ZIDANE , ADMIN Admin , ,(10-11 January 2024), Valorization And Use Of Phycocyanin From Spirulina Platensis (Arthrospira) In Cosmetics,International Conference on Material Chemistry and Sustainable Development (CM2D’23),Setif