SARRA Chabane
سارة شعبان
- Veterinaire
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade MCA
About Me
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 1987-04-21 00:00:00
SARRA Chabane birthday
- 2023-12-18
Safety assessement of acute oral toxicity: in vivo and in silico analgesis of aqueous extract from Centaurium erythraea arial parts
Safety assessement of acute oral toxicity: in vivo and in silico analgesis of aqueous extract from Centaurium erythraea arial parts
sarra chabane , ,(2023-12-18), Safety assessement of acute oral toxicity: in vivo and in silico analgesis of aqueous extract from Centaurium erythraea arial parts,Applied research in food sciences, health and environment,Annaba
- 2023-11-28
Centaurium erythraea: exploring the interplay between traditional ethnopharmacology and natural drug discovery
Centaurium erythraea: exploring the interplay between traditional ethnopharmacology and natural drug discovery
sarra chabane , ,(2023-11-28), Centaurium erythraea: exploring the interplay between traditional ethnopharmacology and natural drug discovery,Natural health,Mostaganem
- 2023-11-10
Analgesic effect of Centaurium erythraea and molecular docking investigation of the major component swertiamarin
Centaurium erythraea Rafn is employed in Algerian traditional medicine for treating pain. The analgesic activity of the ethanolic extract (EE) from the flowering aerial parts of this plant was examined, and molecular docking of the main bioactive compound was performed. The EE, characterised by the iridoid swertiamarin, was administered to Wistar albino rats in pain models. Peripheral analgesic activity was evaluated using the acetic acid-induced writhing test, and a hot plate test was performed for central antinociceptive activity evaluation. Treatment with EE significantly decreased rats’ writhing induced by acetic acid suggesting peripheral analgesic activity. Furthermore, the elevation of mean basal reaction time in the hot plate method indicated central analgesic activity. Molecular docking studies showed good docking energy with acceptable binding interactions of swertiamarin with cyclooxygenase-2 protein. This supports the analgesic activity of C. erythraea EE, justifying the traditional use of the plant as an analgesic herbal remedy.
sarra chabane , , (2023-11-10), Analgesic effect of Centaurium erythraea and molecular docking investigation of the major component swertiamarin, Natural product research, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-9, Taylor and Francis
- 2023-10-19
In vivo ans in silico acute oral toxicity of Centaurium erythraea aqueous extract
The protection of the traditional uses of the plants is very important and this can be done by the ethnopharmacological invetigations (Pereira et al., 2012). Small centaury, Erythraea centaurium L. Pers (Gentianaceae) is traditional medicinal plant, widely used in Algeria as digestive, stomachic and antipyretic (Boudjelal et al., 2013). Several scientific studies have proved its efficacy as antihyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent (Mansar-Benhamza et al., 2013, Berkan et al., 1991). Therefore, the present work was done to investigate the analgesic and antipyretic activities of the aqueous and n-butanolic extracts of Algerian Erythraea centaurium L. Pers.
sarra chabane , ,(2023-10-19), In vivo ans in silico acute oral toxicity of Centaurium erythraea aqueous extract,biology and pathophysiology ISBPP23,Chelef
- 2023-09-26
Investigation of the analgesic effect of Centaurium erythraea through molecular docking of Swertiamarin
Investigation of the analgesic effect of Centaurium erythraea through molecular docking of Swertiamarin
sarra chabane , ,(2023-09-26), Investigation of the analgesic effect of Centaurium erythraea through molecular docking of Swertiamarin,Natural bio-ressource: valorization, applications and legostations,Tebessa
- 2023-03-26
New neo-clerodane diterpenes from Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum
Phytochemical investigation of a methanolic extract from the aerial parts of Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum afforded six acetoxylated neo-clerodane diterpenes, including 20-acetylauropolin and 6- acetylteucjaponin A, along with four previously undescribed congeners. The compounds were isolated by a combination of silica gel column chromatography and preparative HPLC-ESIMS. Their structures were determined by extensive NMR analysis, HRESIMS, and by comparison with literature data of related compounds. The absolute configuration of 20-acetylauropolin was confirmed by X-ray crystallographic diffraction analysis. Some of the isolated diterpenes possess structural features unusual in the class of neo-clerodane diterpenes, such as a rare C-20 hemiacetal function which forms an oxepane ring to C-7 of the trans -decalin core structure.
sarra chabane , Morris Keller, , (2023-03-26), New neo-clerodane diterpenes from Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum, Journal of molecular structure, Vol:1284, Issue:135447, pages:1-10, ELSEVIER
- 2022-04-16
Teucrium polium- Wound healing potential, toxicity and polyphenolic profile
Teucrium polium- Wound healing potential, toxicity and polyphenolic profile
sarra chabane , ,(2022-04-16), Teucrium polium- Wound healing potential, toxicity and polyphenolic profile,Biodiversité, biotechnologie et développement durable BB et DD 2022,Ghardaia
- 2021-06-11
Effet de la Swertiamarine contre la douleur
Effet de la Swertiamarine contre la douleur
sarra chabane , ,(2021-06-11), Effet de la Swertiamarine contre la douleur,séminaire nationale: ressources végétales, produits naturels et santé (RVPN2021),Blida
- 2021-06-07
A treatment of wounds in m'sila (north Algeria): An ethno-pharmacology survey
The aim of this study was to investigate the analgesic and antipyretic properties of the aqueous and n- butanolic extracts from aerial part of Erythraea centaurium in rats. The analgesic activity was studied using acetic acid for writhing test and hot- plate method in rats.
sarra chabane , ,(2021-06-07), A treatment of wounds in m'sila (north Algeria): An ethno-pharmacology survey,séminaire national d'ethnobotanique et de valorisation des substances,Alger
- 2021-05-18
Chemical composition and wound healing activity of Teucrium polium
Chemical composition and wound healing activity of Teucrium polium
sarra chabane , ,(2021-05-18), Chemical composition and wound healing activity of Teucrium polium,Bioressouces: nutrition, santé et environnement,M'sila
- 2021-04-29
Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract
Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ADMIN Admin , sarra chabane , ,(2021-04-29), Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract,international selinar on biodiversity, valorization and conservation of urban and forest ecosystems: in support of sustainable development,M'sila
- 2021-04-07
Analgésic and antipyretic activities of Algerian Erythraea centaurium
An aqueous infusion made from Centaurium erythraea (L.) Pers., (Gentianaceae) flowering aerial parts is used in the Algerian traditional medicine for the treatment of digestive disorders and as an analgesic agent. This study aimed to investigate the safety of C. erythraea by determining its potential acute toxicity, its antinociceptive activity and to determine its composition.
sarra chabane , ,(2021-04-07), Analgésic and antipyretic activities of Algerian Erythraea centaurium,séminaire nationale sur la valorisation des bio-ressource et environnement SNVBE 2021,Adrar
- 2021-02-20
Centaurium erythraea- chemical composition, toxicity and anti-nociceptive activity
Centaurium erythraea- chemical composition, toxicity and anti-nociceptive activity
sarra chabane , ,(2021-02-20), Centaurium erythraea- chemical composition, toxicity and anti-nociceptive activity,sciences d'interface chimie-biologie,Souk ahras
- 2020-11-23
Phytochemical composition, antioxydant and wound healing activities of Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum (L.) Briq essential oil
Teucrium poliumis widely used in Algerian folk medicine as to treat wounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, antioxidant and wound healing properties of Teucrium polium essential oil. The composition was obtained by a combination of GC-FID and GC-MS analyses. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by in vitro assays (total antioxidant capacity, DPPH and bleaching of β-carotene). The in vivo wound healing potential of an ointment containing 10% of T. polium essential oil was investigated. The main components were in this order: β-pinene, germacrene, α-pinene, myrcene, limonene, bicyclogermacrene, trans-β-guaiene, spathulenol and β-bourbonene. Teucrium polium essential oil displayed a moderate antioxidant activity. The in vivo experiments showed that 10% OEO accelerated the wound healing process in comparison with controls. This study provides a scientific rationale for the use of Teucrium polium essential oil in the treatments of wounds.
sarra chabane , , (2020-11-23), Phytochemical composition, antioxydant and wound healing activities of Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum (L.) Briq essential oil, Journal of essential oil, Vol:33, Issue:1, pages:143- 151, Taylor and Francis
- 2020-10-19
Teucrium polium- wound healing potential, toxicity and polyphenolic profile
The wound healing properties of Teucrium polium L., a plant used in the Algerian traditional medicine for the treatment of wounds, have been investigated using an excision wound model in rabbits. An ointment was prepared with two concentrations (5 and 10%) of a methanolic extract of the aerial parts. Both preparations showed significant effect on the wound contraction when compared to the control and the group treated with petroleum jelly. In addition, acute dermal and oral toxicity was assessed in animal models. The absence of signs of toxicity on the skin of rabbits indicated the safety of the ointment. After oral administration in mice at doses of 1000 and 2000 mg/kg b.wt, no signs of liver and kidney toxicity were detected by analysis of biochemical parameters and by histological examination. The composition of the methanolic extract was investigated by HPLC-PDA-MS analysis, and a comprehensive profile of phenolic compounds was established, with 14 flavonoids and phenylethanoid glycosides identified as the main polyphenolic constituents. Overall, the data support the use of T. polium as a wound healing agent in the Algerian traditional medicine. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of SAAB. This is an open access article under the CC
sarra chabane , , (2020-10-19), Teucrium polium- wound healing potential, toxicity and polyphenolic profile, South african journal of boutany, Vol:137, Issue:1, pages:228-235, ELSEVIER
- 2019-12-16
Teucrium polium, ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology
Teucrium polium, ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology
sarra chabane , ,(2019-12-16), Teucrium polium, ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology,l'Apport des biotechnologies sur la protection de l'environnement,M'sila
- 2019-11-19
Analgesic and antipyretic potential of Erythraea centaurium
Analgesic and antipyretic potential of Erythraea centaurium
sarra chabane , ,(2019-11-19), Analgesic and antipyretic potential of Erythraea centaurium,Valorization of medicinal plants to fight cell damage,Oum el Bouaghi
- 2017-10-30
Analgesic and Antipyretic activities of aqueous and n-butanolic extracts of Algerian Erythraea centaurium
Analgesic and Antipyretic activities of aqueous and n-butanolic extracts of Algerian Erythraea centaurium
sarra chabane , ,(2017-10-30), Analgesic and Antipyretic activities of aqueous and n-butanolic extracts of Algerian Erythraea centaurium,Phytodiversité et plantes d'interet écologique et économique en Algérie Inventaire, conservation et valorisation,M'sila
- 2017-05-22
Approche méthodologique de l'enquete ethnobotanique
journée internationale Approche méthodologique de l'enquete ethnobotanique
sarra chabane , ,(2017-05-22), Approche méthodologique de l'enquete ethnobotanique,diversité biologique et développement durable dans les zones arides et semi-arides d'Alger,M'sila
- 2016-11-23
extraction des flavonoides et l'activité antioxydante de l'espece Artemisia herba alba asso
extraction des flavonoides et l'activité antioxydante de l'espece Artemisia herba alba asso
sarra chabane , ,(2016-11-23), extraction des flavonoides et l'activité antioxydante de l'espece Artemisia herba alba asso,séminaire international sur la valorisation des ressouces naturelles dans les zones seli-arides: potentialités et perspectives d'amélioration (VRNZSA 2016),M'sila
- 2013-10-21
Etude phytochimique et activités antioxydante de l'éspece Artemesia herba alba Asso
Etude phytochimique et activités antioxydante de l'éspece Artemesia herba alba Asso
sarra chabane , ,(2013-10-21), Etude phytochimique et activités antioxydante de l'éspece Artemesia herba alba Asso,medicinal plants health and environnement SI-PMSE,M'sila
- 2013-04-24
L'étude phytochimique de la plante Cistus libanotis L. de la région de M'Sila
L'étude phytochimique de la plante Cistus libanotis L. de la région de M'Sila
sarra chabane , ,(2013-04-24), L'étude phytochimique de la plante Cistus libanotis L. de la région de M'Sila,50 ans de formation et de recherche à l'E.N.S.A,ENSA Alger
- 2012-11-06
L'étude phytochimique de la plante Cistus libanotis L.
L'étude phytochimique de la plante Cistus libanotis L.
sarra chabane , ,(2012-11-06), L'étude phytochimique de la plante Cistus libanotis L.,les plantes aromatiques et medicinales SNPAM12,Khemis miliana