عبد الرحيم بن خالد
- Departement of Microbiology and biochemistry
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade MCA
About Me
Research Domains
Experimental Pharmacology-Valorization of traditional medicinal and Halophyt - Extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials. - Biological activities and chemical characterization oftural products. Disciplines Ethnobotany Pharmacology Organi
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Derbani Ilham Silini Rahil , Khaoui Meriem, Silini Rahil
Étude de la prévalence de la lithiase rénale dans la ville de Magra
- 2024
Encaderement master
Baghdadi Nour Douadi Marwa Hadji Radia , Benmesrouk Zakaria, Douadi Marwa Hadji Radia
Etude ethnopharmacologique de Ricinus communis L.
- 2023
Encaderement master
Benyahia Mohammed Bilal , Djendi Aicha, Douibi aymen maamare Moussai Khawla
Medicinal, biological and pharmacological aspects of Pistacia lentiscus L.
- 2023
Encaderement master
Arioua Meryem , Labidi Bariza, Nebbad abd el hak
Étude De La Qualité D'eau Potable Dans La Région Du Hodna
- 2020
- 2020
Encaderement master
HADJI kawther , TAHRAOUI Aicha.
Plantes et substances à activité antilithiasique
- 1972-12-03 00:00:00
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled birthday
- 2024-11-14
Abstract Medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments. Several studies have shown the importance of healing plants in traditional medicine. Wounds, especially burns, are treated using plants containing bioactive components that activate and accelerate the healing mechanisms. Algeria is one of the major countries in Africa with a remarkable floristic richness related to its ecosystem and landscape diversity. A several ethnopharmacological survey performed in Algeria reports that various plants are used as healing plants like Pistacia vera, Artemisia absinthium and Teucrium polium. However, there were no scientific reports documented so far on the wound healing activities of these plants to substantiate the claim. In order to verify the veracity of the use of these plants by the local population, ointments based on plant powder, methanolic extracts, oleoresins and essential oils of these plants were prepared in order to evaluate their healing potential via in vivo circular wound excision model. The fractions have been characterized using GC-MS and GC-FID analyses and were topically applied on wound excision. Wound healing effects were evaluated by percent of wound contraction and by histological examination of the healed skin. Finally, the results of this study showed that these plants contain several types of bioactive molecules that significantly accelerate the healing process. This effect differs depending on the plant, its form and the dose used. This study provides a scientific rationale for the use of these local medicinal plants in the treatments of wounds. Keywords: Algerian medicinal plants, Phytochemistry, Galenic forms, Wound healing.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ADMIN Admin , Amel BOUDJELAL , ADMIN Admin , Aouina Nabila Yasmina, ,(2024-11-14), HERBAL MEDICINE IN THE TREATMENT OF WOUNDS:THE CASE OF SOME ALGERIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS,International Conference on Basic Science and Technology (ICBAST) 2024,Antalya, Turkey.
- 2024-08-04
Exploring FTIR Spectroscopy as promising tool for Analyzing Cancer Biomarkers: A Comprehensive Review
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) has emerged as a powerful tool in the analysis of biomolecular changes associated with various types of cancer. This article provides a theoretical overview of the principles of FTIR spectroscopy, its application to the analysis of cancer biomarkers, comparison between healthy and suspected individuals available in the literature, methodological considerations, clinical implications, and future directions. Here we highlight the importance of early cancer detection using FTIR spectroscopy, with emphasis on the different biomarkers that can help in the detection of different types of cancer. We focus in this study on key biomarkers such as EGFR, ALK and ROS1 Keywords: Cancer, Early Detection, Biomarkers, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , , (2024-08-04), Exploring FTIR Spectroscopy as promising tool for Analyzing Cancer Biomarkers: A Comprehensive Review, AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Vol:55, Issue:8, pages:18529-18547, Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp and Shin-Norinsha Co.
- 2023-03-16
phytochemical caracterisation and biological activities of two medicinal plants harvested in algeria
The Algerian flora is characterized by its floral diversity, estimated at more than 3000 species belonging to several botanical families. Some of these plants are widely used in traditional medicine. Among these medicinal plants ; Daphne gnidium L. from the Thymelaeaceae family, known under the name of Lazzaz, and Ephedra alata alenda from the family of Ephedraceae ,these plants grows spontaneously in Algeria and has been recognized since antiquity for their medicinal properties. This study aims to enhance different extracts of these plants. Phytochemical caracterisation was carried out to determine the chemical composition, and the determination of total phenolic compounds including flavonoids of extracts was performed. Finally the antimicrobial activity was subsequently achieved by the agar disc method against four strains of bacteria. The results shows that the two species studied are rich in secondary metabolites including polyphenols and flavonoids. The hydrodistillation ensured the absence of essential oil, the studied extracts showed a low to medium activity against the bacterial strains. According to the study, Ephedra alata alenda and Daphne gnidium L. may be a useful medicinal plant for herbal medicine.
LAMIA Derradji , ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2023-03-16), phytochemical caracterisation and biological activities of two medicinal plants harvested in algeria,promotion and exploitation of plants of ecological and economic interest,université abbas laghrour khenchela
- 2023-03-14
substances biactives de Pistacia lentiscus L.
Plusieurs questions ont été soulevées concernant la sécurité des produits chimiques synthétiques utilisés en médecine ou dans l’industrie alimentaire, la limite thérapeutique des médicaments chimiques, a conduit les chercheurs à trouver de nouvelles molécules aux propriétés biologiques en utilisons des produits naturels d'origine végétale. P. lentiscus L. est une plante médicinale de la famille des Anacardiacées, largement répandu dans les pays méditerranéens. Cette plante a été utilisée en médecine traditionnelle pour le traitement de plusieurs maladies, telles que les maladies gastro-intestinales, l’eczéma et les infections de la gorge, en raison de ses effets antioxydants, anti-inflammatoires et antimicrobiens. Ces propriétés favorables à la santé ont été attribuées à la présence de divers composés biologiquement actifs présents dans les différentes parties de la plante tels que la résine, les feuilles, l’huile fixe, et l’huile essentielle. Due à sa richesse en substances bioactives cette plante a fait l’objet de plusieurs recherches, dans cette étude nous donnant un aperçu sur ces substances.
LAMIA Derradji , ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2023-03-14), substances biactives de Pistacia lentiscus L.,seminaire nationale sur les substances bioactives,université de ghardaia
- 2023-03-14
Can we expect for a future wound-healing drug from Teucrium polium?
Abstract Research on natural substances is a very promising field that aims to search for new active compounds and be inspired by their molecular structure to imagine new drugs. Wound healing is a natural biological process. Human and animal tissues are capable of repairing localised damage through repair and regeneration processes. In Algeria, few scientific studies exist on the healing potential of local medicinal plants. Teucrium polium L., known popularly as felty germander (Jâada or khayatit-lajrah in Arabic), is very common in Algeria wich represented by 12 subspecies including the most common T. polium L. subsp. polium and T. polium L. subsp. capitatum. In traditional Algerian medicine, the aerial parts of T. polium are used for the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and, in the form of a powder mixed with petroleum jelly or beeswax, as a wound healing agent. In addition, many biological activities are attributed to T. polium, such as antioxidant, anticancer, analgesic, diuretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic activities. Due the ethnobotanical importance of T. polium in Algeria and the lack of studies that validated the wound-healing potential of this plant, the main objective of this work is to scientifically validate the traditional use of T. polium as a healing agent and or even to hope for a future healing drug from this plant. Wound excision was selected as a representative model to study the wound healing activities of a methanol extract and essential oil of aerial parts of T. polium. The oral acute and dermal toxicity studies were performed to ensure the safety of the extracts. Finally, an extensive phytochemical analysis of the methanolic extract and essential oils (HPLC-PDA-MS, GC-FID and GC-MS analysis) was performed in order to identify bioactive molecules with healing pharmacological interest. Keywords: Teucrium polium, Phytochemistry, Future wound-healing drug, Safety
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , BENKHALED A., Boudjelal Amel, Sarra Chabane, Sara Doubakh, Edoardo Napoli, Morris Keller, Olivier Potterat and Giuseppe Ruberto, ,(2023-03-14), Can we expect for a future wound-healing drug from Teucrium polium?,Séminaire National sur les substances bioactives(SBIO-2023),Ghardaia (Algeria)
- 2022-12-13
Can we expect for a future wound-healing drug from Artemisia absinthium?
Abstract The valorization of the power of plants in medicine represents a real bridge from empirical knowledge to the medicines of the future. Currently, more than 80% of the world's population is treated with plants. Research on natural substances is a very promising field that aims to search for new active compounds and be inspired by their molecular structure to imagine new drugs. Several previous ethnobotanical studies have shown the importance of healing plants in traditional medicine. Artemisia absinthium, popularly known as “Chajrat meriem”, has a long history as a medicinal plant. A. absinthium has been used as an antipyretic, antispasmodic anti-inflammatory and memory-improving agent and was used to treat abscesses, wounds and other skin diseases. In order to verify the veracity of the use of A. absinthium in traditional medicine or even to hope for a future healing drug from this plant, ointments based on the plant were prepared in order to evaluate its healing potential on excision wounds. The safety of the ointments was also studied by testing their acute oral and dermal toxicity. Keywords: Artemisia absinthium, Ointments, Future wound-healing drug, Safety
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , BENKHALED A., Boudjelal Amel, Faiza Baali, Edoardo Napoli, Antonella Smeriglio, Giovanna Ginestra, Marcella Denaro, Domenico Trombetta and Giuseppe Ruberto., ,(2022-12-13), Can we expect for a future wound-healing drug from Artemisia absinthium?,Séminaire National sur les substances bioactives: Substance Naturelle Aujourd’hui. Médicament Prometteur Demain,M’sila (Algeria)
- 2022
In vivo wound healing effect of Italian and Algerian Pistacia vera L. resins.
Abstract Pistacia vera oleoresin is one of the natural products used traditionally for the management of wounds. However, there were no scientific reports documented so far on the wound healing activities to substantiate the claim. This study assesses the potential of the oleoresin of P. vera collected in Italy and Algeria for wound healing efficacy via in vivo circular wound excision model. Italian and Algerian oleoresins were subjected to purification and successive fractionation to obtain three matrices. The fractions have been characterized using GC-FID and GC–MS analyses. Oleoresins mixed with vaseline (5% w/w) were topically applied on wound excision induced on the dorsum of rabbits. Wound healing effects were evaluated by percent of wound contraction. Biopsies performed after healing were histologically assessed. Phytochemical results showed a high content of terpenoids components inducing an efficient wound healing effect determined by an in vivo study. Italian and Algerian oleoresins ointments showed significant wound contraction from day 8 to day 16 as compared to the negative control. The two ointments have not showed statistically difference as compared to Cicatryl, reference drug. These results have also been confirmed by the histological evaluation of the tissues involved. The absence of signs of toxicity on the skin of rabbits indicated the safety of the ointments. The study showed that both oleoresins have a very high effectiveness as wound healing agents and appear to justify their traditional use in wound healing in several countries and offer a scientific support to the treatment of traditional healers.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , , (2022), In vivo wound healing effect of Italian and Algerian Pistacia vera L. resins., Fitoterapia, Vol:159, Issue:, pages:105197, Elsevier
- 2022
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in bioresources. Among these bioresources, the fixed oil of Pistacia lentiscus. P. lentiscus, an evergreen shrub of the Anacardiaceae family, is widely distributed tree in the extreme ecosystem of the Mediterranean basin. Its repartition covers all the Mediterranean area, from the Iberic peninsula to the Middle East. P. lentiscus grows wild in Algeria, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, France, Spain, Italy, and Greece. Largely known as Darou, dherou or Drou in North Africa, Listincu or Chessa in Sardinia; or Mastiha tree in Greece. The fruit of P. lentiscus provides edible oil which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids as oleic and linoleic and widely used in traditional medicine by rural populations in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. This oil is also considered as a nutritional source. Several reports indicated the limited geographical distribution of lentisk oil users with predominance use is linked to traditional pharmacopoeia of eastern and central parts of Algeria and Tunisia. Lentiscus fruit oil is often used as an external remedy applied locally as an ointment to treat burns or back pain, orally for respiratory problems of allergic origin but also as ethnomedical remedy for the treatment of gastrointestinal upsets, gastric ulcers, skin illness and inflammatory diseases as soothing massage or internal use. Also, this oil is used in the manufacture of anti-diarrheal pills and protects against mercury poisoning. The aim of this study is to validate the importance of P. lentiscus fruit oil as multipurpose pharmaceutical potential. Keywords: Pistacia lentiscus, fruit oil, bioressource, pharmacological effects.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2022), Pistacia lentiscus L. FRUIT OIL, A BIORESSOURCE WITH PHARMACOLOGICAL POWER,International Seminar on Valorization of Agronomic, Ecological and Food Resources (ISVAEFR2022),Skikda (Algeria)
- 2022
Pistacia lentiscus L. is an evergreen shrub of the Anacardiaceae family commonly called “Derw” in local Arabic. It develops in several Mediterranean regions such as Algeria where it is generally scattered all along the coast. This plant is known for its medicinal properties since antiquity, it was recommended mainly to treat skin problems (burns, eczema), lung affections (bronchitis, allergy, asthma) and gastrointestinal disorders. The essential oils of P. lentiscus are generally obtained by water distillation of leaves, fruits or from trunk exudates (mastic gum). Several studies on the chemical composition of P. lentiscus oils have been carried out and have shown the presence of different compounds, flavonoids, triterpenes and volatiles. It contains longifolene, myrcene, α-pinene, limonene and p-cymene. A study suggests that P. lentiscus from Algeria belongs to terpinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, germacrene D-chemotype, which could be a new chemotype. P. lentiscus essential oils are used for its pharmacological effects as antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial. It is also used as a flavoring agent in food preparations, in cosmetics, and perfumery. In the present study we conducted to investigate the biological and pharmacological effects of Pistacia lentiscus L. essential oils. Keywords: Pistacia lentiscus L., essential oils, biological effects, pharmacological effects.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2022), Pistacia Lentiscus L. ESSENTIAL OILS, BIOLOGICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS,Premier Séminaire National sur les Huiles Essentielles et l’Aromathérapie (SNHEA 2022),Khenchela, (Algerie)
- 2022
Pistacia Lentiscus L., plant with promising pharmacological power
The Algerian flora is characterized by its floral diversity, estimated at more than 3000 species belonging to several botanical families. Some of these plants are widely used in traditional medicine. Among these medicinal plants Pistacia lentiscus. P. lentiscus is a Mediterranean shrub of the Anacardiaceae family commonly known as lentisk. It develops in several Mediterranean regions such as Algeria where it is generally scattered all along the coast. P. lentiscus has been known since antiquity for its medicinal properties, which justifies its wide use in the Arab and European pharmacopoeia to treat several pathologies such as gastrointestinal disorders, eczema and respiratory inflammations. It should be emphasized that all parts of P lentiscus have medicinal uses. The fruit oil is used internally for respiratory allergies, externally to treat sore throats, and locally applied for wounds and burns. Moreover, the organic extracts and essential oil are known by their anti-inflammatory activity. Other properties are attributed to P. Lentiscus such as antioxidant capacity, antimicrobial activity and hepatoprotective and neuroprotective action. Keywords: Pistacia lentiscus L., valorization, biological activities, pharmacological activities.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2022), Pistacia Lentiscus L., plant with promising pharmacological power,Premier Séminaire National sur « La Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement » (VRNE 2022),Setif (Algeria)
- 2021-04-29
Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract
Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ADMIN Admin , sarra chabane , ,(2021-04-29), Safety assessement of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract,international selinar on biodiversity, valorization and conservation of urban and forest ecosystems: in support of sustainable development,M'sila
- 2021
Chemical composition, safety and efficacy of Pistacia vera L. oleoresin essential oils in experimental wounds
The aims of the study were to evaluate the wound-healing properties in an in-vivo model of the essential oils from Algerian and Italian Pistacia vera L. oleoresins. The essential oils (EOs) were obtained by hydrodistillation of oleoresins from the trunk of plants. They were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS, α-pinene was the main constituent of both EOs. The wound-healing potential of P. vera EOs was investigated using an excision wound model in rabbits. The EOs were mixed with petroleum jelly to obtain a topical ointment with a final concentration of 5%. The percentage of the evolution of wound contraction was calculated and histological sections of tissues were examined. Both preparations possess wound-healing activities comparable to that of the reference drug Cicatryl-Bio. Some EOs exhibit a wound-healing potential suggesting that they could find a place in modern therapy. KEYWORDS: Pistacia vera L.essential oilα-pinenetoxicitywound-healing activity
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , , (2021), Chemical composition, safety and efficacy of Pistacia vera L. oleoresin essential oils in experimental wounds, Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol:33, Issue:5, pages:464-470, Taylor & Francis
- 2021
Phytochemical composition, antioxidant and wound healing activities of Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum (L.) Briq. essential oil
Teucrium poliumis widely used in Algerian folk medicine as to treat wounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, antioxidant and wound healing properties of Teucrium polium essential oil. The composition was obtained by a combination of GC-FID and GC-MS analyses. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by in vitro assays (total antioxidant capacity, DPPH and bleaching of β-carotene). The in vivo wound healing potential of an ointment containing 10% of T. polium essential oil was investigated. The main components were in this order: β-pinene, germacrene, α-pinene, myrcene, limonene, bicyclogermacrene, trans-β-guaiene, spathulenol and β-bourbonene. Teucrium polium essential oil displayed a moderate antioxidant activity. The in vivo experiments showed that 10% OEO accelerated the wound healing process in comparison with controls. This study provides a scientific rationale for the use of Teucrium polium essential oil in the treatments of wounds. KEYWORDS: Teucrium poliumessential oilchemical compositionantioxidantwound healing
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , , (2021), Phytochemical composition, antioxidant and wound healing activities of Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum (L.) Briq. essential oil, Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol:33, Issue:2, pages:143-151, Taylor & Francis
- 2021
Protoscolicidal activity of Atriplex halimus leaves extract against Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces
Cystic echinococcosis, an endemic zoonosis in Algeria, is caused by the development of the helminth Echinococcus granulosus. Surgery remains the main treatment despite inducing relapse and several adverse reactions. In this context, natural scolicidal agents seem to be promising tools to overcome these reactions. In our study, we evaluated the phytochemical contents, antioxidant activity and scolicidal effect of Atriplex halimus. In this context, the aqueous extract from AH leaves (AHE) was subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening by HPLC. The in vitro antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH test. The cytotoxicity of AHE was evaluated in murine peritoneal macrophages and cell viability was examined by MTT assay. Moreover, different concentrations of AHE (20, 40, 50, 60 and 100 mg/ml) were tested on E. granulosus protoscoleces (PSC) cultures, during different times of incubation (15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min). The viability was evaluated by eosin exclusion test. The morphological and ultrastructural damages were evaluated by SEM. Our results indicate that total phenolic and flavonoids contents were 37.93 μg of Gallic acid equivalent per mg of extract (GAE/mg E) and 18.86 μg of Quercetin equivalent per mg (QE/mg E) respectively. Furthermore, AHE has an antioxidant activity with an IC50 of 0.95 mg/ml. Interestingly, the extracts did not exhibit any cytotoxic effect against murine peritoneal macrophages. Moreover, our study indicated a significant scolicidal activity time- and dosedependent. At 60 and 100 mg/ml; and after 120 min of incubation; the mortality rate was 99.36 and 100%, respectively. The parasite’s tegument is one of the plant’s targets as demonstrated by SEM. Our findings show the benefits of Atriplex halimus extract as a new promising scolicidal tool in hydatid cyst treatment. Keywords: Echinococcus granulosus Atriplex halimus Phytochemical composition Antioxidant activity Scolicidal activity
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , , (2021), Protoscolicidal activity of Atriplex halimus leaves extract against Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces, Experimental Parasitology, Vol:229, Issue:, pages:108155, Elsevier
- 2021
Cytotoxic study of aqueous leaf extract of Limoniastrum guyonianum on human red blood cells
Previous studies have reported the medicinal uses of Limoniastrum guyonianum (Zeita) in folk medecine to treat gastric infections while describing the economic importance of this plant. It has also been employed as an antibacterial agent in the treatment of bronchitis. In this context and in order to characterize and valorize a local halophyte ̋ Zeita ̏ from chott El Hodna as new sources of bioactive substances, cytotoxicity of the leaves aqueous extract of the plant on human red blood cells was widely investigated. Key Words: Limoniastrum guyonianum, aqueous leaves extract, cytotoxicity, human red blood cells.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2021), Cytotoxic study of aqueous leaf extract of Limoniastrum guyonianum on human red blood cells,International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems:(In support of sustainable development,M’sila (Algeria)
- 2021
Safety assessment of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract
Limoniastrum guyonianum is medicinal halophyte, endemic to northern Sahara (Algeria, Tunisia), omnipresent in the salty lands of Sebkhas and Chotts and in the Sahara. In Algeria, L. guyonianum is called “Zeїta”. The traditional pharmacological uses of L. guyonianum in the treatment of different pathologies are widely practiced in Algeria and other countries of North Africa. L. guyonianum is widely used traditionally in North Africa as decoction or infusion to treat various types of infections. However, safety assessment of this medicinal halophyte is still lacking. The aim of this study was to investigate the safety of the aqueous leaves extract by determining the oral acute toxicity effect on adult mice. Key words: Limoniastrum guyonianum, aqueous leaves extract, oral-acute toxicity.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2021), Safety assessment of Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous leaves extract,International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems:(In support of sustainable development,M’sila (Algeria)
- 2021
The Valorization of the Medicinal Plant Artemisia absinthium
In Algeria different formulations from Artemisia have been employed for the treatment of several ailments, including infections, gastro intestinal disorders, pain and fever and skin diseases. This work focuses on the study of phytoconstituents reported on Artemisia absinthium ; the application of plant tissue culture methodology as a reliable tool for the valorization of bioactive compounds and the application of machine learning technology to model and optimize the full phytochemical potential of A. absinthium. As a result, A. absinthium can be considered as a promising source of plant bioactive compounds, with enormous antioxidant and wound healing potential, which could be used for their large-scale biotechnological exploitation in cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Keywords: Artemisia absinthium, traditional medicine, Valorization, antioxidants, wound healing.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2021), The Valorization of the Medicinal Plant Artemisia absinthium,International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems:(In support of sustainable development,M’sila (Algeria)
- 2021
Valorisation du pouvoir des plantes cicatrisantes dans la médecine : D’un savoir empirique aux médicaments du futur
La valorisation du pouvoir des plantes dans la médecine représente une véritable passerelle du savoir empirique aux médicaments du futur. Les zones arides sont particulièrement connues par l’utilisation des plantes médicinales dans un large spectre. Plusieurs études ethnobotaniques antérieures ont montré l’importance des plantes cicatrisantes dans la médecine traditionnelle. Le processus cicatriciel est un phénomène biologique qui est automatiquement et immédiatement mis en œuvre par l’organisme dès qu’il y a un dommage physique du tissu. Dans le but de vérifier la véracité de l’utilisation de certaines plantes par la population locale, un onguent a base de la poudre de la plante, de l’extrait méthanolique ou de l’huile essentielle de la plante a été préparé afin d’évaluer son potentiel cicatrisant sur des plaies d’excision chez le lapin New Zelandais. L’onguent traditionnel a induit une cicatrisation de la plaie avec un pourcentage qui différent selon la composition. Le pourcentage de contraction des plaies est comparable avec celui du médicament. Les coupes histologiques des peaux cicatrisées indiquent la régénération totale de la peau avec l’onguent à base de l’extrait méthanolique. La composition phytochimique de l’extrait et de l’huile par LCMS et GCMS indique leur richesse en polyphénols et flavonoïdes. Il apparaît donc que les deux plantes possèdent une activité cicatrisante évidente qui concorde avec l’efficacité qui lui est reconnue dans la médecine populaire de sa région d’origine. Il est important de mettre au point des formes thérapeutiques et galéniques plus sûres, plus adaptées, et plus efficaces. Mots clés : Ethnobotanie, plantes médicinales, cicatrisation, model animal, plaies, onguent, galénique.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2021), Valorisation du pouvoir des plantes cicatrisantes dans la médecine : D’un savoir empirique aux médicaments du futur,Séminaire National : Ressources végétales, Produits Naturels et Santé,Blida (Algeria)
- 2021
Medicinal halophytes a new source of bioactive substances: Case of Limoniastrum guyonianum (zeita) from chott Hodna. (Plenary Conference)
Since antiquity, natural products, especially those of plant origin have always been an important source of therapeutic agents. Nowadays between 20,000 and 25,000 plants are used in the plant pharmacopoeia and a quarter contains plant extracts or active molecules coming directly from plants. With a public increasingly reluctant to consume products containing molecules from chemical synthesis, interest in natural substances is increasingly growing. Indeed, in recent years, a particular interest is given to halophytes as reservoirs of bioactive molecules still little explored and which can be prolific resources of new drugs. In plants, the synthesis of polyphenols and flavonoids is a form of adaptation. The importance of plant polyphenols for human health is now well recognized for their antioxidant character. These compounds have a wide range of medicinal properties. Both experimental and epidemiological data strongly suggest their roles in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis or neurodegenerative diseases. Very recent work has shown that halophytes can serve as potential sources of natural antioxidants, hence their traditional use as plants for medicinal and food purposes. Other studies have focused on the research and characterization of their bioactive molecules which have promising medicinal value. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the interest of halophytes as a new source of bioactive substances in order to help meet the demands for therapeutic alternatives, taking the example of Limoniastrum guyonianum (zeita) from chott Hodna. Keywords: Medicinal halophytes; bioactive substances; Limoniastrum guyonianum; chott Hodna
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2021), Medicinal halophytes a new source of bioactive substances: Case of Limoniastrum guyonianum (zeita) from chott Hodna. (Plenary Conference),Séminaire National: Bioressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,M’sila (Algeria)
- 2020-06-22
Abstract Limoniastrum guyonianum is widely used traditionally in North Africa as decoction or infusion to treat various types of infections. However, safety assessment of this medicinal halophyte is still lacking. The aim of this study was to investigate the safety of the aqueous leaves extract by determining the oral acute toxicity effect on adult mice and cytotoxicity on huma n red blood cells. No mortality or specific toxic signs were observed. The LD can then be estimated to be greater than 5000 mg/kg. The recommended dose used in humans will be a maximum of 500 mg/kg. Histopathological examinations showed alterations that affected both renal and hepatic tissues, being the kidneys more sensitive. Inde ed, glomerular necrosis appeared with the first ingested dose (1000 mg/kg bw). In contrast, focal hepatocyte necrosis was noticeable only at a concentration of 5000 mg/kg bw. The cytotoxic study showed a slight haemolysis of 13.52% which demonstrate that t he extract does not express a haemolytic activity. Hence, the extract can be safety utilized in folkloric popular medicine as an oral anti-infective. Keywords: Limoniastrum guyonianum, acute toxicity, cytotoxicity, human red blood cells
- 2020-03-16
Chemical characterisation, hypoglycaemic and renoprotective effects of aqueous leaf extract of Limoniastrum guyonianum on fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats
In the present study, we chemically characterised the aqueous leaf extract of Limoniastrum guyonia- num by HPLC-TOF/MS and evaluated its effects on fructose-induced metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Wistar rats. MetS groups were given (10% w/v) fructose solution to drink ad libitum for 9 weeks, whereas, normal animals received ordinary water. LG extract was administrated to treated groups by gavage for the last 6 weeks of the experimental period. Fructose feeding as a liquid solution increased body weight, reduced insulin sensitivity, raised blood glucose level and provoked atherogenic dyslipi- demia associated with renal oxidative stress and structural damage. Treating MetS rats with LG extract at doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg b.w./day considerably ameliorated the fructose-induced altera- tions. From this study, it was concluded that aqueous leaf extract of L. guyonianum possesses hypogly- caemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant and renoprotective abilities against fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , Abderrahim Benkhaled, Yassine Réggami, Amel Boudjelal, Abderrahmane Senator, Hamama Bouriche, Ibrahim Demirtaş, Abdelhakim Kheniche, Halima Benyettou, Nadia Larabi & Giuseppe Ruberto, , (2020-03-16), Chemical characterisation, hypoglycaemic and renoprotective effects of aqueous leaf extract of Limoniastrum guyonianum on fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats, ARCHIVES OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, Vol:128, Issue:4, pages:914-923, Taylor & Francis
- 2020-02-25
Wound healing and antioxidant capaity of Teucrium polium essential oil in new zealand white rabbits
Teucrium poliumis widely used in Algerian folk medicine as to treat wounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, antioxidant and wound healing properties of Teucrium polium essential oil. The composition was obtained by a combination of GC-FID and GC-MS analyses. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by in vitro assays (total antioxidant capacity, DPPH and bleaching of β-carotene). The in vivo wound healing potential of an ointment containing 10% of T. polium essential oil was investigated. The main components were in this order: β-pinene, germacrene, α-pinene, myrcene, limonene, bicyclogermacrene, trans-β-guaiene, spathulenol and β-bourbonene. Teucrium polium essential oil displayed a moderate antioxidant activity. The in vivo experiments showed that 10% OEO accelerated the wound healing process in comparison with controls. This study provides a scientific rationale for the use of Teucrium polium essential oil in the treatments of wounds.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2020-02-25), Wound healing and antioxidant capaity of Teucrium polium essential oil in new zealand white rabbits,Third International Symposium: Medicinal Plants and Materials (MPM-2020),Tebessa (Algérie).
- 2020
Phytochemical profile, antioxidant activity and wound healing properties of Artemisia absinthium essential oil
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate chemical compositions, antioxidant and wound healing properties of Algerian Artemisia absinthium essential oil. Methods: The chemical composition of the essential oil from Artemisia absinthium was analyzed by a combination of GC-FID and GC/MS. The antioxidant capacities including the total antioxidant capacity, DPPH• and ABTS+• scavenging capacities were measured. The wound healing potential was assessed by the excision wound model of rats. The wounds were treated daily with an ointment prepared with two concentrations (5% and 10%) of Artemisia absinthium essential oil. The percentage of wound contraction was determined and wound healing was also evaluated by histological examination of the healed skin. Results: The main component of Artemisia absinthium essential oil was camphor (48%) followed by chamazulene (10%) that was responsible for the dark blue color of the oil. Artemisia absinthium essential oil exhibited moderate antioxidant activity compared with BHT and Trolox. All preparations showed significant effects on wound contraction and the ointment prepared with 10% of essential oil was effective as the reference drug Cicatryl. Conclusions: The essential oil of Artemisia absinthium shows moderate antioxidant activity. The 10% ointment enhances skin wound re-epithelialization and speeds up the healing process. The essential oil of Artemisia absinthium may be used as an alternative drug for wound healing. KEYWORDS: Artemisia absinthium; Essential oil; Antioxidant; Wound healing
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , , (2020), Phytochemical profile, antioxidant activity and wound healing properties of Artemisia absinthium essential oil, Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, Vol:10, Issue:11, pages:496-504, Wolters Kluwer- Medknow.
- 2019-11-18
Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and toxicology profiles of Artemisia Absinthium methanolic extract.
BOUDJELAL Amel, BENKHALED Abderrahim, CHABANE Sara, NAPOLI Edoardo and RUBERTO Giuseppe: Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and toxicology profiles of Artemisia Absinthium methanolic extract. 1er Séminaire National des Molécules Bioactives : Valorisation des plantes médicinales pour lutter contre les dommages cellulaires, 18-19 Novembre 2019, Oum El Bouaghi (Algerie).
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , BOUDJELAL Amel, BENKHALED Abderrahim, CHABANE Sara, NAPOLI Edoardo and RUBERTO Giuseppe, ,(2019-11-18), Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and toxicology profiles of Artemisia Absinthium methanolic extract.,1er Séminaire National des Molécules Bioactives : Valorisation des plantes médicinales pour lutter contre les dommages cellulaires,Oum El Bouaghi (Algerie).
- 2019-08-28
Artemisia herba-alba aqueous extract improves insulin sensitivity and hepatic steatosis in rodent model of fructose-induced metabolic syndrome
ABSTRACT Context: Fructose consumption is associated with the development of obesity and metabolic syn- drome (MetS) in human and animal models. Objective: This study investigates the ability of an aqueous extract of Artemisia herba-alba Asso (AH) to ameliorate fructose-induced MetS in Male Wistar rats. Methods: AH extract at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w./day was administered for six weeks to MetS animals. Results: Liquid fructose (10% w/v) intake did not vary total animal body weight, whereas, it produced moderate hyperglycemia associated with metabolic and histological alterations. Treating MetS rats with AH extract improved insulin sensitivity, alleviated atherogenic dyslipidaemia and decreased lipid deposition in their hepatic tissues. Additionally, AH extract was found to raise GSH level and antioxi- dant enzymes (GPx, GST and CAT) activities in rat livers homogenates. Conclusion: The results here reported demonstrated, for the first time, that A. herba-alba have thera- peutic proprieties against fructose-induced MetS in rodent model.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , Yassine Réggami, Abderrahim Benkhaled, Amel Boudjelal, Hajira Berredjem, Amani Amamra, Halima Benyettou, Nadia Larabi, Abderrahmane Senator, Laura Siracusa & Giuseppe Ruberto, , (2019-08-28), Artemisia herba-alba aqueous extract improves insulin sensitivity and hepatic steatosis in rodent model of fructose-induced metabolic syndrome, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, Vol:127, Issue:6, pages:541-550., Taylor & Francis
- 2019-03-20
Contribution à l’étude de l’activité anti-oxydante des extraits aqueux de trois espèces du genre Artemisia
Les plantes aromatiques et médicinales possèdent des propriétés biologiques très importantes qui trouvent de nombreuses applications dans divers domaines à savoir en médecine, pharmacie, cosmétologie, agriculture et agro-alimentaire. L'objectif de notre travail est de mettre en évidence le pouvoir antioxydant, in vitro, des extraits aqueux de trois espèces du genre Artemisia : A. herba alba Asso de la région de Boussaâda, A. campestris L de la région d'El Hamel et A. Absinthium L de la région de Maadid. Après l'obtention des extraits aqueux de ces plantes par infusion, nous avons réalisé le dosage des polyphénols totaux grâce au réactif colorimétrique Folin-Ciocalteu, puis nous avons quantifier les flavonoïdes suivant la méthode de trichlorure d'aluminium (AlCl 3). Nous avons par la suite comparé l'activité anti-oxydante des extraits aqueux de ces trois plantes par trois tests chimiques : DPPH, FRAP et TAC. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les rendements en extraits aqueux étaient, respectivement, de 17,62 %, 15,80 % et 12 % pour les extraits d'A. campestris L, d'A. herba Alba Asso, et d'A. absinthium L. Le dosage des polyphénols et des flavonoïdes a montré que l'extrait aqueux d'A. campestris L possède des teneurs très élevées par rapport aux deux autres extraits. L'évaluation, in vitro, du pouvoir antioxydant des extraits aqueux a révélé pour l'extrait aqueux d'A. campestris L une importante activité antioxydante totale (4,82 ± 0.15 µg EAA/ mg P.S), suivi par l'extrait d'A. Absinthium L (3,45 ± 0.06 µg EAA/mg P.S) et enfin l'extrait d'A.herba alba Asso (2.97 ± 0.32 µg EAA/mg P.S). Nos résultats montrent une activité anti-oxydante importante et ouvrent des perspectives expérimentales qui devraient nous permettre d'identifier les molécules bioactives des extraits aqueux de ces trois espèces Artemisia et d'avancer vers une meilleure connaissance des mécanismes moléculaires intervenant dans les activités biologiques.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2019-03-20), Contribution à l’étude de l’activité anti-oxydante des extraits aqueux de trois espèces du genre Artemisia,VIIème Congrès International de Biotechnologie et Valorisation des Bio– Ressources,Tabarka (Tunisie)
- 2019
Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemical and Antioxidant Study of Urtica Dioica L. in Hodna Region (Northeast of Algeria)
Abstract—This work aims to make an ethnopharmacological, phytochemical and antioxidant study of the methanolic extract and the flavonoid fractions of the aerial part of Urtica dioica L. from Hodna région. The results of the ethnopharmacological survey showed that U. dioica is a medicinal plant with multiple uses and more particularly in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Leaves are the most used part. The majority of remedies are prepared as a decoction. Phytochemical tests have revealed polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, leucoanthocyanins, saponosides and traces of quinons. The total phenol content is variable and the chloroformic fraction has the highest content however the crude methanolic extract has the highest content of flavonoids. Qualitative analysis of the crude methanolic extract and the three flavonoid fractions by TLC revealed the presence of phenolic acids,anthocyanidin-3,5-diglycosidcs, anthocyanidin-3-glycosides, flavones, isoflavones, Flavonones, flavonols and aurones. The antioxidant activity study by the DPPH method showed that the extract and the different fractions have a very important anti-free radical activity to will be confirmed the traditional uses of plant in this region as a good anti-inflammatory. Keywords— Urtica dioica, Ethnopharmacological. Methanolic extract, Flavonoid fractions, Phytochemical composition, antioxidant activity.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2019), Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemical and Antioxidant Study of Urtica Dioica L. in Hodna Region (Northeast of Algeria),20th ISTANBUL International Conference on "Agricultural. Biological & Medical Sciences" (IABMS-19),Dec 5-6, 2019 Istanbul (Turkey)
- 2019
In vitro study of the biological activities of essential oils and the aqueous extract of Artemisia Herba Alba Asso from the Hodna region
Abstract: In this study, we investigated the in vitro biological activities of a medicinal plant from the region of Hodna Artemisia Herba Alba Asso. The leaves of this plant were subjected to infusion in distilled water and to a hydrodistillation. The yield of aqueous extract and essential oils were respectively 17.62 and 1.46%. The essential oils of this aromatic plant have declined moderately impaired beef ground meat stored at room temperature. The determination of polyphenols and flavonoids showed the richness of the aqueous extract in these secondary metabolites. In addition, the measurement of antioxidant activity by various tests (DPPH, FRAP and TAC) showed that the aqueous extract has a significant antioxidant power. However, this antioxidant activity varies with the applied test. Key words: Artemisia Herba Alba, Leaves, Aqueous extract, Essential oils, Biological activities.
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , ,(2019), In vitro study of the biological activities of essential oils and the aqueous extract of Artemisia Herba Alba Asso from the Hodna region,1st National Seminar on the Contribution of Biotechnologies to Environment Protection (SNBPE-2019),M’sila university (Algeria)
- 2018-12-13
Activité proto-scolicidale et altérations ultra-structurales induites par l’Atriplex halimus
BOUAZIZ Samia , AMRI M , ZEGHIR BOUTHELDJA, TAIBI N , MEZIOUG D , BENKHALED Abderrahim , TOUIL –BOUKOFFA C : Activité proto-scolicidale et altérations ultra-structurales induites par l’Atriplex halimus. XXIème Journées Nationale des Parasitologie-Mycologie, 13 Décembre 2018, Alger (Algerie).
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , BOUAZIZ Samia , AMRI M , ZEGHIR BOUTHELDJA, TAIBI N , MEZIOUG D , BENKHALED Abderrahim , TOUIL –BOUKOFFA C, ,(2018-12-13), Activité proto-scolicidale et altérations ultra-structurales induites par l’Atriplex halimus,XXIème Journées Nationale des Parasitologie-Mycologie,Alger (Algerie).
- 2018-01-01
Fresh figs (Ficus carica L.): pomological characteristics, nutritional value, and phytochemical properties
Ficus carica L. (Moraceae) is a wild spread tree in- cluding more than 600 cultivars with different pheno- typic characteristics. Their fruits are a good natural source of nutrients, minerals, and phytochemicals, which may improve human health. The pomological characteristics of nine Algerian cultivars of fresh figs were determined using descriptors resulting from the IPGRI and CIHEAM list. The consumer test was carried out using an in-store consumer test. The prox- imal components (dry matter, ash, titratable acidity, crude protein (Kjeldahl), ascorbic acid, and carbohy- drates) were estimated using the AFNOR and Dubois methods. Minerals (Ca, K, and Na) were analyzed using a flame spectrophotometer. Phosphorus, phe- nolic, flavonoid, anthocyanin, and condensed tannin concentrations were quantified by UV-spectropho- tometer. The antioxidant capacity was evaluated us- ing the 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay. The pomological results obtained made it possible to discriminate between the differ- ent fig cultivars. Skin color results indicate two groups (light skin and dark skin groups). The consumers preferred ‘Boughandjo’, ‘Bither’, and ‘Bakkor Biadh’, with high percentages of acceptance (68.75, 70.31 and 75%). Figs are a good source of carbohydrates (especially ‘Safra’ pulp [26.02 ± 0.63 g 100 g Fresh weight]), vitamin C (10.67 ± 0.31 mg 100 g Fresh -1 -1 weight for ‘Onk Elhamam’ peel), and potassium and calcium (266.67 ± 2.78 and 125.44 ± 3.37 mg 100 g-1 Fresh weight for ‘Bakkor Khal’ peel, respectively). In the majority of the tested cultivars, peels exhibited higher phenolic (1.63 vs. 1.11 mg gallic acid equiva- lents g Fresh weight), flavonoid (147.76 vs. 83.82 µg -1 quercetin equivalents g Fresh weight), anthocyanin -1 (64.82 vs. 41.72 µg cyanidin-3-rutinoside equiva- lents g Fresh weight) and condensed tannin (6.08 vs. -1 2,06 µg catechol equivalents g Fresh weight) levels -1 and antioxidant activities (18.91 vs. 29.51 mg mL ) -1 than pulps. Peels of dark cultivars showed higher phytochemical and antioxidant properties than those of light cultivars. Antioxidant activity was correlated with total phenolic and condensed tannin concen- trations (r = 0.521 and 0.659). The pomological char- acterization and consumer tests reported here are important for allowing farmers to judge about the potential of the tested cultivars and could be helpful during fig breeding and cultivar selection. Based on their diversity, tastes, nutritional and phytochemical
ABDERRAHIM Benkhaled , , (2018-01-01), Fresh figs (Ficus carica L.): pomological characteristics, nutritional value, and phytochemical properties, European Journal of Horticultural Science, Vol:83, Issue:2, pages:104-113, ISHS