YASSINE Nouidjem
ياسين نويجم
06 63 57 74 73
- Departement of Nature and life sciences
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade Prof
About Me
Professorat. in Université 08 mai 1945 Guelma
Research Domains
Ecology Zoology Animal Ecology
LocationOumache, Ouerlal
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Aillan Chaima , BELATRECHE Khawla, HAMZAOUI Hadjira
Etude bibliographique sur l’écologie du Goéland railleur Chroicocephalus genei dans les zones humides de la région du Hodna.
- 2024
Encaderement master
Synthèse des travaux scientifiques sur l’écologie de la famille du Podicipedides dans le barrage du K'sob
- 2024
Encaderement master
LOUIFI Seyfeddine
Synthèse des travaux scientifiques sur l’écologie du Grand Cormoran (Phalacrocoraxcarbo)dans le barrage du K’sob-M’sila
- 2023
Encaderement master
Synthèse des travaux scientifiques sur l’écologie de l’Echasse blanche Himantopus himantopus dans des zones humides Algérienne.
- 2022
Encaderement master
Synthèse des travaux scientifiques sur l’écologie de la Foulque macroule Fulica atra dans les zones humides Sahariennes de l’Algérie.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Etude bibliographique sur l’écologie des sarcelles marbrées Marmaronetta angustirostris dans les zones humides Algérienne.
- 2021
Encaderement master
La biodiversité faunistiques de la réserve naturelle d’ El Mergueb (Msila), Synthèse des travaux scientifiques.
- 2021
Encaderement master
BOULAL Besma , ARIBI Imane
Etude bibliographique sur l’écologie du Fuligule Nyroca Aythya Nyroca dans les zones humides Algériennes.
- 2021
Encaderement master
KARKADI Ichrak , KADI Nadjette
Synthèse des travaux scientifiques sur l’écologie du Tadorne de belon Tadorna tadorna dans les zones humides Algériennes.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Synthèse des travaux scientifiques sur l’écologie du Tadorne casarca Tadorna ferruginea dans les zones humides steppiques et sahariennes en Algérie.
- 2021
Encaderement master
BOUREZG Ibtissam , BENYOUNES Dounia Fetoum, OUCIF Essaadiya
Caractérisation de l’avifaune aquatique des zones humides de la région d’El Hodna, synthèse des travaux scientifiques.
- 2019
Encaderement master
Nouioua Khadija
آليات الإدارة المحلية في نشر الثقافة البيئية وحماية البيئة دراسة ميدانية في ولاية المسيلة
- 2019
Encaderement master
Charif Chahira
L’importance écologique du Barrage K’sob pour l’hivernage des oiseaux d’eau : cas des laro-limicoles.
- 2018
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Arar Abdelkrim
Évaluation de la dynamique des niches écologiques distributionnelles des écosystèmes forestiers du Nord Algérien.
- 12-07-2021
- 23-01-2017
HDR Habilitation Universitaire
HDR Habilitation Universitaire - 21-05-2015
Doctorat Es-Sciences
Stationnement et étude écologique du Tadorne casarca Tadorna ferruginea dans les écosystèmes aquatiques de la Vallée d’Oued Righ (Sahara Algérien) - 06-07-2008
Evaluation et suivi des marqueurs biologiques des zones humides - 1982-06-01 00:00:00
YASSINE Nouidjem birthday
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- 2024-12-19
Species composition, relative abundance, and habitat association of Waterbirds in the Sahara wetlands of Algeria
Algerian Sahara wetlands represented by many sites have different characteristics of undeniable importance. These aquatic ecosystems have a great biological diversity due to their morphological features (size, vegetation cover, and depth), but they remain poorly studied in Algeria. The monitoring of the bird fauna of these wetlands between 2005 and 2011, allowed us to define the spatial patterns in species richness, abundance, and diversity to their habitat characteristics. A total of 57 species representing 15 families were assessed, among the most representative families were Anatida, Scolopacidae with thirteen species each and Ardeidae with six species. Some species were observed with relatively large numbers: Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus (35000 individuals) and other breeding species are listed as Near-threatened (Ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca) and vulnerable (Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris) according to the IUCN Red List. The variation of phonological status of this avifauna, allowed us to determine the key sites and habitats used for wintering, as stopovers during trans-Saharan migration and for breeding. Statistical analyses revealed that wetland area and water level fluctuations as the most significant variables affecting bird abundance. Whereas, vegetation cover and wetland area may influence diversity and species richness was determined by open water area rate. The correspondence factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the dependence of species distribution patterns and morphological features of the Sahara wetlands. Overall, these results show the need for wetland conservation in Algerian Sahara, paying particular attention to the most heterogeneous wetlands to conserve the greatest species richness and bird abundance.
asma Zoubiri , ETTAYIB Bensaci , Yassine NOUIDJEM , ,(2024-12-19), Species composition, relative abundance, and habitat association of Waterbirds in the Sahara wetlands of Algeria,2nd International Tunisian-Algerian Scientific Seminar : Applied Sciences and Sustainable Development.,Tunisia
- 2024-12-19
Distribution pattern of waterbirds in Algerian Central Hauts Plateaus wetlands
To assess waterbird diversity, status, and distribution in the Central Hauts Plateaus wetlands of Algeria, a survey was conducted over four successive study years in the main sites. This monitoring allowed assessing 52 species, representing 16 families. Anatidae are the most abundant and represented by 11 species. Boughzoul´s reservoir is the high-richness wetlands, followed by Chott El Hodna and K’sob reservoir. However, Dayet El Kerfa is the preferred wetland for breeding species. Winter migrant, resident, and migrant species are the dominant status with 43 %, 28 % and 17 % respectively. While these statuses varied between sites. Overall, the analyzed phonological status of assessed species displays the key role played by these wetlands as wintering grounds, a stopover during migration journeys and breeding sites for several waterbird species. The presence of vulnerable species (Marmaronetta angustirostris), and three near-threatened other species (Aythya nyroca, Limosa limosa, Numenius arquata) following the IUCN Red List confirms the importance of the Central Hauts Plateaus wetlands for waterbirds conservation.
ETTAYIB Bensaci , asma Zoubiri , Yassine NOUIDJEM , ,(2024-12-19), Distribution pattern of waterbirds in Algerian Central Hauts Plateaus wetlands,2nd International Tunisian-Algerian Scientific Seminar : Applied Sciences and Sustainable Development.,Tunisia
- 2024-11-26
Diversity of avian species across urban landscape in Ghardaïa City (Algerian Sahara).
In this work, we studied the avian diversity of an urban environment in the northern Algerian Sahara (Ghardaïa city). Bird data was collected using point counts distributed across three habitats of the urban-rural gradient. A one-way analysis of variance was used to assess the impact of habitat on species richness, number of families, and species abundance. During this study, 44 bird species belonging to 10 orders and 23 families were identified. The highest values of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H' = 3.82), Margalef index (D = 3.66), and Simpson index (D = 0.92) were observed in the rural habitat. The differences in species number, families, and abundance were significant among the different habitats, with rural habitats on the outskirts of the city harboring the greatest number of bird species and families.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Affaf Guerbouz, El-Yamine Guergueb, Soumia Haddad, Choayb Bounab, Oumayma Zouatine, Radhia Biad, , (2024-11-26), Diversity of avian species across urban landscape in Ghardaïa City (Algerian Sahara)., Agrarian Academic Journal, Vol:7, Issue:3, pages:82-92, Agrarian Academic Journal
- 2024-11-07
Effect of the structural composition of a Saharan agricultural landscape on bird communities in the Algerian Northen Sahara
In this study, we examined the diversity of bird populations in an agricultural environment in Northern Algerian Sahara (Ghardaia province) over a period of 9 months. Using the point count technique, we collected data on birds at different levels of vertical stratification based on the number of cultivated plant species. An analysis of variance was used to assess the impact of plant strata number and cultivated species number on species richness and bird abundance. During this study, 35 bird species belonging to 7 orders and 18 families were identified. The highest values of Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’ = 2.804), Simpson index (D = 0.913), and Margalef index (D = 4.761) were observed in the most complex areas. The differences in the number of species and abundance were significant between the different levels of complexity in agricultural environments, with areas having three vertical plant strata (trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants) and a greater number of cultivated plant species hosting the highest number of bird species and displaying high populations.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , guergueb el yamin, Oussama Bekakra, Soumia Haddad, Choayb Bounab, Hichem Khammar, , (2024-11-07), Effect of the structural composition of a Saharan agricultural landscape on bird communities in the Algerian Northen Sahara, FORESTRY IDEAS, Vol:30, Issue:2, pages:308-320, University of Forestry
- 2024-09-12
Scorpions Are Part of the Menu of the House Bunting Emberiza sahari Levaillant, 1850 (Passeriformes: Emberizidae) in Algerian Sahara
The house bunting is an endemic species for North Africa and Sahara, considered to be granivorous but occasionally consuming invertebrates during the breeding period. Examination of fresh droppings collected from chicks in the Ghardaïa Province reveals, for the first time, that scorpions are part of their diet.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , guergueb el yamine, haddad soumia, zouatine Oumyma, , (2024-09-12), Scorpions Are Part of the Menu of the House Bunting Emberiza sahari Levaillant, 1850 (Passeriformes: Emberizidae) in Algerian Sahara, ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA, Vol:76, Issue:3, pages:445-448, INST ZOOLOGY, BAS
- 2024-06-12
Gut microbiota of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings in Northeast Algeria
The intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the digestion of food provided by parents to their hatchlings. Non-pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract can be significantly beneficial to the host species, while pathogenic bacteria can reduce hatchling survival and lead to a decline in the number of new generation. Microbiological analysis of cloacal microflora of hatchlings revealed a highly diverse microbial load present from hatching until fledging (at 15 days) in Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica). The intestinal microflora of 15-day-olds was the most diverse, and two groups are dependent on age: CPG and Lactobacilli are mostly present in hatchlings of the second and third ages (10 and 15 days). Our research was conducted to identify certain bacterial species, such as E. coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus. The presence of most species was related to age, while the presence of Salmonella was accidental.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ADMIN Admin , , (2024-06-12), Gut microbiota of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings in Northeast Algeria, Ornis Hungarica, Vol:32, Issue:1, pages:154-161, sciendo
- 2024-05-30
We observe the Eastern Olivaceous Warblers (Iduna pallida reiseri) breeding for the first time in the Ghardaïa region. It is the first confirmation of its reproduction in the northern Algerian Sahara. This subspecies is specific to the arid environments of North Africa. Our work just confirmed the important role of the Saharan ecosystems for the generation of this bird. This study also indicates that it is a regular breeder in this area.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Redouane Nedjar, Haddad Soumia, Guergueb El-Yamine, , (2024-05-30), FIRST CONFIRMED BREEDING RECORD OF THE EASTERN OLIVACEOUS WARBLERS (IDUNA PALLIDA REISERI. HILGERT, 1908) IN GHARDAÏA REGION, ALGERIAN SAHARA, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Vol:14, Issue:1, pages:111-116, University of Oradea Publishing House
- 2024-05-30
The subspecies Roselin githagine Bucanetesgithagineus zedlitzi is found in arid and semi-arid environments of North Africa. In this study, we tracked this species in an urban landscape within a Saharan region to evaluate the impact of the urban gradient on its distribution, to characterize the reproductive parameters in an urban environment, and to report the first case of nesting of this species, in an urban setting. Over a seven-month study period, we regularly visited 90 listening points distributed in three habitats (urban, suburban, and rural). Statistical analysis of the data, using oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA) for recent counts in the three habitats, showed a significant result with a p-value of 0.04, indicating a significant difference between the different habitats. Furthermore, the study of the reproductive parameters of this species revealed that the population had a late laying date and relatively larger egg dimensions compared to other populations studied in Algeria.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Choayb Bounab, El-Yamine Guergueb, Soumia Haddad, Amria Abed, Oumyma Zouatine, Radhia Biad, , (2024-05-30), FIRST URBAN BREEDING OF TRUMPETER FINCH BUCANETES GITHAGINEUS IN THE SAHARA DESERT IN ALGERIA, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Vol:14, Issue:1, pages:1-10, University of Oradea Publishing House
- 2023-12-28
Population dynamics of Euphyllura olivina Costa, 1857 (Psyllidae: Hemiptera) in olive trees in the semi-arid region of Djelfa (Algeria)
We studied the population dynamics of the olive psyllid Euphyllura olivina Costa, 1857 in a semi-arid region (Djelfa, central Algeria) during a year, from December 2017 to November 2018. The visual control approach and the striking method were used to monitor the different stages of this pest. The species had two generations per year: a spring generation from March to June and a fall generation from September to November. The first generation of eggs is laid in March and continues through May. The second generation begins in late August and early September and continues through November. The statistical study of the impact of the researched climatic factors (minimum, maximum, and average temperatures; precipitation and frost) on the various stages differs from one stage to the next.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , nassima chaabne, Smail Chafaa, Frah Naama, , (2023-12-28), Population dynamics of Euphyllura olivina Costa, 1857 (Psyllidae: Hemiptera) in olive trees in the semi-arid region of Djelfa (Algeria), Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Biologia, Vol:68, Issue:2, pages:185-198, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai and Cluj University Press
- 2023-12-28
Guide de plantes spontanées du Ziban
C’est un document pédagogique destiné aux étudiants en Licences ou Masters des sciences de la nature et de la vie, sciences agronomique. Ce livre illustré de plantes spontanées de Ziban sera d'utiles compagnons de terrain et figurera dans les bibliothèques de tous les amateurs de plantes du désert.
YassineNOUIDJEM , ,(2023-12-28); Guide de plantes spontanées du Ziban,,Collection scientifique de la Faculté des Sciences Université Mohamed Boudiaf M’Sila
- 2023-12-05
Guide des Anatidés des Barrages du Ziban
C’est un document pédagogique destiné aux étudiants en Licences ou Masters des sciences de la nature et de la vie, sciences agronomique et aquaculture. Ce document intéressera toute personne qui pratique l'ornithologie
YassineNOUIDJEM , ,(2023-12-05); Guide des Anatidés des Barrages du Ziban,,Édition numérique de la Faculté des Sciences - Université Mohamed Boudiaf M’Sila
- 2023-11-26
état des lieux et inventaire floristique des plantes médicinales des ziban
Yassine NOUIDJEM , merouani sakina, ,(2023-11-26), état des lieux et inventaire floristique des plantes médicinales des ziban,First national conferance on the saharan agriculture,El Oued
- 2023-11-26
Biodiversity on Saharan avifauna in eastern erg of algeria
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ,(2023-11-26), Biodiversity on Saharan avifauna in eastern erg of algeria,First national conferance on the saharan agriculture,El Oued
- 2023-11-10
As a colonial bird and the most abundant gull in the Mediterranean region, the yellow-legged gulls Larus michaehellis is considered as an ideal species to investigate effects of environmental factors change. The breeding ecology of the Yellow-legged Gull was followed for the first time in the continental semi-arid area in Algeria, during two consecutive years 2014 and 2015. The breeding site (Ain Zada dam) located in the Central Hauts Plateaux around 60 Km far from the Mediterranean Sea. Comparatively to previews observations, a rapid and massive growth of this marine species in the continental regions of the country was observed. In the aim to analyze factors affecting nest-site selection some environmental parameters influencing breeding parameters were surveyed such as nest density, vegetation density and height. Our results, showed the direct effect of water availability on the nest site selection and laying period in the semi-arid area. The mean nest density found in the study area (0.73 ± 0.15 nest/m2) was higher than those reported in other Mediterranean colonies. However, nest density associated with vegetation density, but negatively correlated with island size.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ETTAYIB Bensaci , asma Zoubiri , saheb_tahar@yahoo.fr, Billal gasmi, lhadi mailbi, , (2023-11-10), ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING NEST-SITE SELECTION OF BREEDING YELLOW-LEGGED GULLS IN CONTINENTAL SEMI-ARID AREA (ALGERIA), Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie, Vol:30, Issue:2, pages:173-179, University of Oradea Publishing House
- 2023-08-02
Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris breeding in Wadi Djedi at Ziban region, Algerian Sahara
This note reports the breeding of Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris at Wadi Djedi wetland at Ziban oasis, in the northeastern Algerian Sahara). On 14 May 2019, two females and their ducklings were observed. This breeding provides evidence that Marbled Teal may breed elsewhere in the region and provides the first information concerning the breeding strategy of this species in Algeria, especially in the northeastern Algerian Sahara Urgent measures and regular surveys are needed to protect this vulnerable species and their preferred habitats.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , , (2023-08-02), Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris breeding in Wadi Djedi at Ziban region, Algerian Sahara, Biodiversity Observations, Vol:13, Issue:1, pages:226-229, University of Cape Town Libraries.
- 2022-12-02
Atlas des zones humide et des Anatidés de la vallée d’Oued Righ
Atlas des zones humides et des Anatidés de la vallée d’Oued Righ C’est un document pédagogique destiné aux étudiants en Licences ou Masters des sciences de la nature et de la vie, sciences agronomique et aquaculture. Cet ouvrage intéressera toute personne qui dans le cadre de ses pratiques de loisirs où professionnelles est en contact avec l’ornithologie.
YassineNOUIDJEM , ,(2022-12-02); Atlas des zones humide et des Anatidés de la vallée d’Oued Righ,,Collection scientifique de la Faculté des Sciences Université Mohamed Boudiaf M’Sila
- 2022
We observed for the first time the presence of the black stork (Ciconia nigra) at Lake Ayata in Oued Righ wetland complex (North-East of Algerian Sahara). This Passage visitor species was not recorded only a few times in all of Algerian wetlands since fifty years ago. We can consider this region as a new stopover in North Africa, which was not mentioned previously. It is very important that these aquatic ecosystems can benefit from enhancement through the development of an adequate national management.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , , (2022), NEW RECORD OF THE BLACK STORK (CICONIA NIGRA) FROM NORTH-EAST OF ALGERIAN SAHAR, Munis Entomology & Zoology, Vol:17, Issue:1, pages:499-503, Munis Entomology & Zoology
- 2021
Ecology and behavioral response of Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) in the wetland complex of Oued Righ valley (Algerian Sahara).
The wetland complex of Oued Righ valley accommodates a population of Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) between 2012 and 2014, the total reached 80 individuals in the Lake Hamraia where the species wintering. The analysis of the diurnal time budget of wintering populations revealed the role of feeding area delivery for this species and they devoted their day time to feeding (51.2%), sleeping (18.8%), followed by swimming activity (6.3 %), and courtship activities with flying (2.03%) which often occurs after disturbances caused by human or by Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus). It is interesting to study the behavior of these ducks in Saharan bioclimatic area and follow the phenology and characteristics in order to preserve the biodiversity in this region.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , asma Zoubiri , Fateh Mimeche , Sakina Merouani, , (2021), Ecology and behavioral response of Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) in the wetland complex of Oued Righ valley (Algerian Sahara)., Algerian Journal of Biosciences, Vol:2, Issue:1, pages:01–05, University of Echahid Hamma Lakhdar.
- 2021
We evaluated the diversity and abundance of waterbirds in the Ziban wetland complex during the period 2012 - 2016 for the first time. This study was conducted in an arid region in north-eastern Algerian Sahara. A total of 55 species belonging to 17 families were recorded. The most represented families were Scolopacidae with 14 species then Anatidae with 12 species and Ardeidea with 06 species. According to the phenological status balance 21 species (38.18%) are passage visitor, 19 species (34.55%) are winter visitor, 10 species (18.18%) are Resident breeder, 4 species (7.28%) are migrant breeder and 1 species (1.81%) is casual breeder. The presence of three species near threatened following the IUCN Red List (Aythya nyroca, Limosa limosa, Numenius arquata) and two others vulnerable (Marmaronetta angustirostris and Chlamydotis undulata undulata) confirms the Ecological significance of the Ziban region for bird’s conservation
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , , (2021), ECOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF ZIBAN WETLAND COMPLEX IN ALGERIAN SAHARA, Munis Entomology & Zoology, Vol:16, Issue:2, pages:995-1000, Munis Entomology & Zoology
- 2021
Morphological Parameters of the Maghreb Bleak Tropidophoxinellus callensis (Leuciscidae) in an Algerian Mediterranean Stream
Mediterranean streams and their specialised ichthyofauna are amongst the most threatened ecosystems and biota worldwide. The Maghreb bleak, Tropidophoxinellus callensis (Guichenot, 1850), is endemic to the Maghreb region and currently listed as Data Deficient in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This study aims to provide the first detailed morphometry and growth parameters for this species. Our results reveal that there no significant (p > 0.05) difference between morphometric characters of male and female individuals. The linear regression analysisand the correlation coefficients suggested a significant relation (p < 0.01) between the length−length and length−weight relationship of the fish. This study provides novel and important data for fisheries and resource managers, and should be considered in terms of the species’ sustainability.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , Abdallah Morsi, , (2021), Morphological Parameters of the Maghreb Bleak Tropidophoxinellus callensis (Leuciscidae) in an Algerian Mediterranean Stream, Journal of Ichthyology, Vol:61, Issue:6, pages:818–824, Pleiades Publishing
- 2021
With the aim to assess the floristic population diversity, distribution and therapeutic properties in the Ziban region (Algeria), a survey was conducted along two successive study years in the main area. The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge and description of this plant groups with exhaustive inventory spontaneous vegetation. In order to study the dynamics of medicinal plants, we used a quantitative method based essentially on the classic technique of linear surveys and floristic inventory using the minimum area method. The results showed that the floristic procession of medicinal plants is represented by 21 species belonging to the 13 families, with a total of 31 species for the 08 study stations, which represents 68% of the total procession. The results obtained showed that the overall recovery is higher at the Ain Ben Noui station with 69%, even if the clumps of Aristida pungens, Atractylis serratuloides and Atriplexhalimus are isolated and scattered. The lowest overall coverage at the Oumache station is less than 21%, as it is an area with sandy soils. The species that contribute most to the recovery of mobile sand accumulations is Astragalus armatus with a rate of 76.19% at the Ain Ben Noui station. Frequency results allowed us to say that Atriplex halimus and Zizyphus lotus are the ubiquitous species (100% of the surveys). On the other hand, Nitraria retusa, Teucrium polium, Shismus barbatus, Sueda mollis and Halocnemum strobilaceum are the species present in only one survey.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ETTAYIB Bensaci , Hadjab Ramzi, , (2021), DIVERSITY, ECOLOGY AND THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES OF THE MEDICINAL PLANTS IN ZIBAN REGION (ALGERIA), Journal of Bioresource Management, Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:29-39, Wright State University
- 2021
Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian Sahara
The spatial and temporal variation patterns of birds were investigated in the Oasis ecosystem of the North of Algeria Sahara. This contribution aimed to investigate the poorly studied bird fauna of Bousaâda oasis. The direct observation method was used for bird counts, adopted only during the breeding period. A total of 53 species of birds from 29 families and 16 orders were assessed in the different habitats of the Oasis (palm, fruit trees and, cultivated crops). The Passeriformes order was the most abundant represented by 35 species and 16 families. The relative abundance and species richness were recorded during our study period over different seasons and thought that whole surveyed stations represent all the oasis habitats. The Boussaâda oasis holds 18 resident-breeders which is a transit zone for a number of migratory birds i-e 14 and 10 species for summer and winter migrants respectively) and11 occasional visitor ones. These results confirmed the positive effects of stations and seasons on the richness and abundance of birds of Bousaâda oasis.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ETTAYIB Bensaci , , (2021), Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian Sahara, Journal of Bioresource Management, Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:11-21, Wright State University
- 2021
Atlas cedar in Djurdjura National Park and Biosphere Reserve – current distribution and predicted changes in the range
Atlas cedar in Djurdjura National Park and Biosphere Reserve – current distribution and predicted changes in the range
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Abdelkrim ARAR , ADMIN Admin , , (2021), Atlas cedar in Djurdjura National Park and Biosphere Reserve – current distribution and predicted changes in the range, ROLA I FUNKCJONOWANIE PARKÓW KRAJOBRAZOWYCH W REZERWATACH BIOSFERY, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:445-450, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- 2021
la biodiversité avifaunistique des zones humides artificielles cas de la region de mila
Avec la dégradation de zones humides naturelles par des pressions anthropiques diverses et le changement climatique, les zones humides artificielles deviennent un milieu de plus en plus important pour l’hivernage des oiseaux d’eau, en revanche peu des études ont porté sur la biodiversité avifaunistique dans les zones humides artificielles. Notre étude ornithologique vise à recenser l'avifaune aquatique dans le barrage de Hammam Grouz. Durant les deux saisons d’hivernage 2013/2014 et 2015/2016 nous avons dénombrée 24 espèces d’oiseaux d’eau appartenant à 10 familles, avec une dominance remarquable de la famille des Anatidés. L’application des indices écologiques nous montre que la fin de la saison d’hivernage est la période la plus diversifiée, les indices de diversité de Shannon et d'équitabilité ont atteint leurs valeurs les plus élevées. Cependant l’analyse multivariée des données présente une succession de différents groupes d’oiseaux d’eau subdivisée en trois périodes. Il en ressort ainsi que ce barrage joue un rôle primordial dans le maintien de l’avifaune aquatique pendant la saison d'hivernage, puisque cette période influencée dans une large mesure sur le succès de la reproduction de ces oiseaux durant la période de reproduction.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ,(2021), la biodiversité avifaunistique des zones humides artificielles cas de la region de mila,la biodiversité avifaunistique des zones humides artificielles cas de la region de mila,Mila -algerie
- 2020
Les cédraies des aures face aux forçages environnementaux
Abdelkrim ARAR , Yassine NOUIDJEM , Rabah BOUNAR , yassine kouba, Sliman tabet, Haroune chenchouni, ,(2020), Les cédraies des aures face aux forçages environnementaux,ICBIO,Mila
- 2020
Changements climatiques et biodiversité en Algerie
Abdelkrim ARAR , Yassine NOUIDJEM , Rabah BOUNAR , haroune chechouni, ,(2020), Changements climatiques et biodiversité en Algerie,Bioactif molecules,Oum el bouaghi
- 2020
Spur-winged Lapwing at Djamaa, Algeria, in June 2011
The Oued Righ wetlands in the north-eastern part of Algeria are regularly visited by local birders and ornithologists to monitor and count birds. In the early morning of 16 June 2011, we observed an adult Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus here and managed to take several photographs. Our observation was at Ayata lake near Djamaa (33°29’32.44”N, 5°59’31.55”E), Ouargla province. Being an unmistakable bird, the identifcation was straightforward. It was a medium-sized, long-legged wader with black chest and belly, crown, tail-band and foreneck stripe. The upperparts appeared uniform pale brown. The bill and legs were black and the side of neck, cheek and lower belly were white. The bird was present for only one day.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , farhi yassine, , (2020), Spur-winged Lapwing at Djamaa, Algeria, in June 2011, Dutch Birding, Vol:42, Issue:1, pages:186-187, Dutch Birding Association
- 2020
Potential Future Changes of the Geographic Range Size of Juniperus phoenicea in Algeria based on Present and Future Climate Change Projections
MaxEnt (Maximum Entropy), a Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) method, was applied in the current study in order to assess present and future spatial distribution of the Phoenician juniper (Juniperus phoenicea). Potential future changes in the geographic range size of J. phoenicea in Algeria was determined for the two horizons 2050 and 2070 based on CCSM4 model of the IPCC. Three types of data were used in SDM namely: 21 edaphic factors, 10 topographic parameters, and 19 climatic factors. The AUC value (Area Under Curve) scored 0.966, which showed the high performance of the MaxEnt model. The most contributing variables were: total soil carbon (22.1%), Bio14: driest month precipitation (19.2%), slope (11.1%), Bio15: seasonality of precipitation (coefficient of variation) (10.3), total soil nitrogen (7%), soil available water capacity during summer (6.3%). The presence probability map obtained shows a narrowing of the favorable area of the species by about 52.5% by the year 2070. Such a result asserts the vulnerable state of this species toward the climate change, which results in altitudinal, longitudinal and latitudinal species distribution range shift as a response reflecting the becoming of unfavorable changes of the Phoenician juniper habitats. Based on these results, it is necessary to adopt necessary planning measures for the protection and conservation of the species regarding its vulnerability to climate change.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Rabah BOUNAR , Abdelkrim ARAR , kouba yacine, , (2020), Potential Future Changes of the Geographic Range Size of Juniperus phoenicea in Algeria based on Present and Future Climate Change Projections, Contemporary Problems of Ecology, Vol:13, Issue:4, pages:429-441, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
- 2020
Modeling of the current and future potential distribution of Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) forests revealed shifts in the latitudinal, longitudinal and altitudinal range towards more humid conditions
Environmental forcing affects biodiversity in some parts of the biosphere where many sensitive species, including endemic and rare species, respond through changes in their geographical distribution. Modelling of spatial dynamics of species is crucial to advance our understanding of species’ adaptive behaviour and sensitivity to environmental changes and forcings. The present study aimed at assessing suitable habitats of the Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) in North Algeria for the current period (1990–2000) and predicting its future range in 2050 and 2070, following climate warming scenarios. The Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) model was used to model the present and future potential distribution of Atlas cedar forests. A total of 1328 occurrence records obtained from field surveys and 50 environmental variables were used. These variables included 19 climatic variables (WorldClim database), 21 edaphic proprieties (SoilGrids database), and 10 topographic traits (retrieved from a 30 m digital elevation model). MaxEnt showed high predictive power with a significant value of Area Under Curve (AUC=0.988). Potential distribution of Cedrus atlantica forests for the present period was confined to mountain areas (predicted potential range size = 2089 km²). Environmental factors with the highest percentage of contribution included: soil total nitrogen (22.2%), elevation (20.5%), mean temperature of the most humid quarter ‘Bio8’ (18.8%), slope (12.9%), soil total carbon (10.3%), and precipitation of the driest month ‘Bio14’ (3.4%). The species range is expected to reduce significantly under future climate change scenarios (decline of about 70.4–80.6% of its current potential distribution), with a shift towards more humid conditions, in this case to the north and east towards more humid climates and mesic habitats. The predicted shifts in the altitude gradient follow in the direction of higher elevations, with the disappearance of cedar forests at low altitudes. This indicates that the identified Atlas cedar refugia resulting from climate change are determined by humidity. Our findings provide information on the magnitude of environmental forcings that seriously threaten Cedrus atlantica forests in drought-prone areas in North Africa. It is therefore necessary to implement effective strategies to preserve and protect more sensitive forests.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , , (2020), Modeling of the current and future potential distribution of Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) forests revealed shifts in the latitudinal, longitudinal and altitudinal range towards more humid conditions, Ecological Questions, Vol:31, Issue:3, pages:49-61, Nicolaus Copernicus University
- 2020
New Record of Two Rodent Species from Khenchela Region (East of Algeria)
Mus spretus is endemic to the Mediterranean region and Jaculus orientalis is only found in North Africa and Saudi Arabia. Their presence in Algeria was previously evidenced in other studies, the present paper focuses on the recent discovery of the Jaculus orientalis Erxleben, 1777 and Mus spretus Lataste, 1883 in a new locality of the East of Algeria, in Khenchela region (Aurès Mountain), based on weight and external measurements. The sampling period took four months between April and July 2019. This observation will enrich the knowledge of Algerian Rodents fauna in general and of Khenchela in particular.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , drouai hakim, , (2020), New Record of Two Rodent Species from Khenchela Region (East of Algeria), Journal of Bioresource Management, Vol:7, Issue:4, pages:103-107, Wright State University
- 2020
Spur-winged Lapwing at Djamaa, Algeria, in June 2011
The Oued Righ wetlands in the north-eastern part of Algeria are regularly visited by local birders and ornithologists to monitor and count birds. In the early morning of 16 June 2011, we observed an adult Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus here and managed to take several photographs. Our observation was at Ayata lake near Djamaa (33°29’32.44”N, 5°59’31.55”E), Ouargla province. Being an unmistakable bird, the identifcation was straightforward. It was a medium-sized, long-legged wader with black chest and belly, crown, tail-band and foreneck stripe. The upperparts appeared uniform pale brown. The bill and legs were black and the side of neck, cheek and lower belly were white. The bird was present for only one day.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , yacine farhi, Aouissi Amir, , (2020), Spur-winged Lapwing at Djamaa, Algeria, in June 2011, Dutch Birding, Vol:42, Issue:3, pages:186-187, Dutch Birding Association
- 2019
Studies on the benthic macroinvertebrate community from K’sob Wadi (M’Sila, Algeria)
The benthic macroinvertebrate community was investigated in K’sob Wadi which is a semi-permanent stream that flows into the Chott Hodna where three stations were chosen. The sampling was conducted between February and May 2016. The species were determined and the ecological indices were calculated (abundance, diversity and equitability ). We observed similarity of the community structure between the three sample sites due to the constant type of habitats and the water depth.
Fateh Mimeche , Yassine NOUIDJEM , ETTAYIB Bensaci , Soumai Djamai, Radhoune Alouani, ,(2019), Studies on the benthic macroinvertebrate community from K’sob Wadi (M’Sila, Algeria),International Biodiverstiy & Ecology Sciences Symposium Proceeding (Bioeco2019),Turkey
- 2019
Check list of waterbirds at Wadi Djedi in Ziban Oasis–Algeria
Check list of waterbirds at Wadi Djedi in Ziban Oasis–Algeria. This pioneering work is the frst to document the aquatic avifauna community of the Wadi Djedi in the Ziban region in southeast of Algeria. We present results obtained through the monthly counts of waterbirds conducted from September 2013 to September 2016. On this wetland we recorded 36 species of water birds representing 11 families. The Anatidae family was the most numerous, with 11 species. From among all the species, 18 were wintering species, nine were visitors, eight were sedentary breeding species (including the ruddy shelduck Tadorna furruginea and Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrines) and one species was migratory nesting (the white stork Ciconia ciconia). Two species (the teal marbled Marmaronetta angustirostris and ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca) are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of endangered species.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , , (2019), Check list of waterbirds at Wadi Djedi in Ziban Oasis–Algeria, Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, Vol:17, Issue:17, pages:34-43, Bioexplora
- 2019
Projected Small-Scale Range Reductions of Cedrus atlantica Forests Due to Climate Change at the Belezma National Park (Algeria)
The aim of this study was to highlight the impact of climate change on the spatial distribution of Cedrus atlantica forests in the Belezma National Park (BNP) in Algeria. Maximum entropy (MaxEnt) species distribution modeling approach combined with 19 climatic, 15 soil-related and 15 topographical factors were implemented here for the spatial distribution of Cedrus atlantica. The future predictions of both horizons 2050 and 2070 (CCSM4 model) were carried out to understand the future suitable range of the species. Results showed that the model MaxEnt was efficient and revealed significantly higher measurement of the AUC value (Area Under Curve) compared to the random prediction. AUC was 0.986 for training and 0.980 for the test data. The response curves of species occurrence vs. environmental variables showed that climatic variables have the most significant contributions compared to edaphic and topographic factors. A very high decrease in suitable area of C. atlantica was forecast on the basis of our predictions for 2070. This indicates that the species has a little chance to survive under the conditions of the future climate change scenarios. Our findings incite us to call for urgent actions in order to reduce the vulnerability of this species’ habitats in front of climate change
Abdelkrim ARAR , Yassine NOUIDJEM , Rabah BOUNAR , Slimane tabet, haroun chechouni, , (2019), Projected Small-Scale Range Reductions of Cedrus atlantica Forests Due to Climate Change at the Belezma National Park (Algeria), Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol:15, Issue:15, pages:15-19, Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- 2019
Diversity and distribution pattern of waterbirds in wetlands of Algerian steppe region
The main aim of our study is to assess the diversity and abundance waterbirds through wetland ecosystems located in Algerian steppe region. a survey was conducted along four successive study years in the main sites. This monitoring allowed assessing 52 species, representing 16 families. Anatidae are the most abundant and represented by 11 species. Boughzoul´s reservoir is the high richness wetlands, followed by Chott El Hodna and K’sob reservoir. However, Dayet El Kerfa is the preferred wetland for breeding species. Winter migrant, resident , and migrant species are the dominated status with 43 %, 28 % and 17 % respectively. While these statuses varied between sites. Overall, the analyze phonological status of assessed species display the key role played by these wetlands as wintering grounds, a stopover during migration journeys and breeding sites for several waterbirds species. The presence of vulnerable species (Marmaronetta angustirostris), and three near threatened other species (Aythya nyroca, Limosa limosa, Numenius arquata ) following the IUCN Red List confirms the importance of the steppe region wetlands for waterbirds conservation.
ETTAYIB Bensaci , Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , zoubiri asma, bilal gasmi, saheb menouar, ,(2019), Diversity and distribution pattern of waterbirds in wetlands of Algerian steppe region,BioEco2019,Istanbul / Turkey
- 2019
Preliminary data on the diversity pattern of waterbirds of Chott El-Hodna (Central High Plateaux-Algeria)
In this pioneering work on the aquatic avifauna of Chott El-Hodna (Central High Plateaux), we present results obtained through monthly companies of waterbirds counts started from September 2007 to September 2009. On this wetland of international importance under Ramsar convention, a total of 39 species of water birds representing 12 families have been recorded. The family of ducks is the most represented by 10 species. Amongst of all species, 20 of them are wintering species, 12 are visitors, 06 are resident breeder species as well as the Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna furruginea and Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus etc. Only one species has breeder- migrant status as well as the white stork Ciconia ciconia. However, 11 species are protected under Algerian law, which one species is listed in (VU) Category of Red List of endangered species (Teal marbled Marmaronetta angustirostris) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
ETTAYIB Bensaci , Yassine NOUIDJEM , Asma Zoubiri, El Yamine Guergueb, Menouar Saheb, Moussa Houhamdi, ,(2019), Preliminary data on the diversity pattern of waterbirds of Chott El-Hodna (Central High Plateaux-Algeria),International Biodiversity & Ecology Sciences Symposium,Istanbul / Turkey
- 2019
آليات الإدارة المحلية في نشر الثقافة البيئية وحماية البيئة دراسة ميدانية في ولاية المسيلة
لقد أصبحت قضية البيئة والمحافظة عليها من التلوث من أهم القضايا التي تشغل المجتمع العالمي في الوقت الراهن. إن إدراك الجميع لما تمثله المشاكل البيئية والتلوث البيئي من خطر على الحياة البشرية والتنمية الاقتصادية على المدى القصير والطويل. جعل من عملية الحفاظ على البيئة واجبا فرديا ومؤسساتيا .حيث سعى المجتمع الدولي بكل مؤسساته لتأهيل هذه المؤسسات من أجل القيام بواجب نشر الثقافة البيئية وحماية البيئة. وتعتبر الجزائر من بين أهم الدول التي سعت من خلال المؤسسات الحكومية وغير الحكومية لنشر الثقافة البيئية وحماية البيئة . والواقع أن الإدارة المحلية قد أصبحت من أساسيات التنمية بحيث يستحيل أن نتصور وجود سياسات تنموية دون مشاركة الإدارة المحلية، بل هي المحك الرئيسي لنجاح التنمية الشاملة، ويكون في قدرة السياسة العامة في إدارة وتنمية محلية فعالة، للوصول إلى تنمية محلية هادفة، وذلك لا يأتي إلا بالدور الذي تلعبه هذه الإدارة المحلية في تجسيد السياسات التنموية ، وسعيا منا للبحث في طبيعة الدور الذي تمارسه الإدارة المحلية في حماية البيئة، فإن معالم الإشكالية التي نعمل على علاجها تبرز من خلال الإجابة من التساؤل الرئيسي المتمثل فيما يلي :ما هي الآليات التي تستخدمها الإدارة المحلية في مجال نشر الثقافة البيئة وحماية البيئة في ظل التشريعات السارية والإمكانيات التي تملكها؟ حيث تمتد الإشكالية المطروحة إلى أسئلة فرعية والتي منها: - هل تمكنت الجماعات المحلية من إعطاء الأولوية لقضايا البيئة واهتمام المسؤولين؟ - هل تملك الجماعات المحلية الأدوات والوسائل الكافية لحماية البيئة؟ الكلمات المفتاحية : البيئية –الثقافة البيئية- الإدارة المحلية – البلدية- الولاية.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Djaidja Wafak, Nouioua khadidja, ,(2019), آليات الإدارة المحلية في نشر الثقافة البيئية وحماية البيئة دراسة ميدانية في ولاية المسيلة,L'apport des biotechnologies sur la protection de l'environnement,Msila
- 2019
Bird Fauna of Eastern Great Erg of Algerian Sahara: Status, Protection and Conservation.
The Algerian Sahara covers the majority part of the country contains a various habitat types and landscape patterns. This variety offers a suitable biotope for biodiversity both in terms of fauna and flora. Many bird species are thought threatened by hunting, habitat destruction, pollution and urbanization in these regions. Bird fauna is probably the most well studied group in Algeria. Over the past 20 years, the spatial and temporal compositions of birds communities in different habitats in arid and Saharan areas mainly the Eastern Great Erg of Algeria, which considered important hotspot for many species. These efforts yielded a great amount of data on distribution patterns of each species. A group of Researchers, academics, students and enthusiasts were gathered in April, 2013 to create “The Algerian National Association of Ornithology (ANAO)” that aims essentially to conserve and preserve the most threatened biodiversity. We will present our association and its objectives for biodiversity conservation, particularly in the Sahara, also to look for collaboration opportunities to develop research projects on Algerian Sahara wildlife. Keywords: Great Erg, Sahara, conservation, biodiversity, ANAO
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Rabah BOUNAR , Abdelkrim ARAR , ETTAYIB Bensaci , merouani Sakina, ,(2019), Bird Fauna of Eastern Great Erg of Algerian Sahara: Status, Protection and Conservation.,L'apport des biotechnologies sur la protection de l'environnement,M'Sila
- 2019
Behavior and Breeding phenology of the Ruddy Shelduck tadorna ferruginea Ziban in dry grasslands (Algerian steppe).
During this study conducted in the wetlands of the Ziban region (South-eastern of Algeria) from August 2008 to July 2011, the Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was presented the resident breeder status. The maximum recorded was 285 individuals observed during the second half of October while the lowest numbers were recorded during the months of June, July and August of each year. The analysis of the diurnal time budget shows that the feeding is the main activity. She has almost 50% of the total day budget. It is followed by the activities of movement (swimming: 9.28%, walking: 2.62% and the flight: 1.75%), sleeping (16.91%), preening (7.85%), courtship (4.38%), antagonism (4.03%) and resting (3.88%). This shows that the wetlands of the valley act as delivery day. These sabkhas and chotts are also breeding grounds for this species. Whereas, between 101 and 148 nests have been estimated through all wetlands of the valley. Keys words: Ruddy Shelduck, Todorna ferruginea, Algeria, statut, Sahara, breeding, time budget.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , Fateh Mimeche , ETTAYIB Bensaci , guergueb El yamin, ,(2019), Behavior and Breeding phenology of the Ruddy Shelduck tadorna ferruginea Ziban in dry grasslands (Algerian steppe).,L'apport des biotechnologies sur la protection de l'environnement,M'Sila
- 2019
Simulation de l'effet des changement climatiques sur la dynamique des forets du cédre de l'atlas en Algerie
Abdelkrim ARAR , Yassine NOUIDJEM , Rabah BOUNAR , ,(2019), Simulation de l'effet des changement climatiques sur la dynamique des forets du cédre de l'atlas en Algerie,L'apport des biotechnologies sur la protection de l'environnement,M'Sila
- 2019
l'ampleur des changements climatiques sur les steppes Algeriens cas de Msila
Abdelkrim ARAR , Yassine NOUIDJEM , Rabah BOUNAR , Sliman tabet, Haroun chenchouni, ,(2019), l'ampleur des changements climatiques sur les steppes Algeriens cas de Msila,Etat de la biodiversité dans les parcours steppique,Tebessa