ASMA Zoubiri
أسماء زبيري
- Departement of Nature and life sciences
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade MCA
About Me
Doctorat 3 eme cycle. in Université d'Oum El Bouaghi
Research Domains
Ecology, Environment, Water qualiy, Animal Ecology
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2023
Mise à jour de l’avifaune ripisylve d'Oued El K'sob M'sila
- 2022
Ladgham Chikouch Asma
caractérisation physico-chimiques des eaux des puits et des forages de la région de Boussaâda
- 2022
caractérisation physico-chimiques des eaux des puits et des forages de la région de Boussaâda
- 01-01-2018
Doctorat 3 eme cycle
L'avifaune des zones humides des hauts plateaux d'Algérie - 20-07-2004
- 20-07-2004
- 1985-05-23 00:00:00
ASMA Zoubiri birthday
- 2023-11-15
Comprendre la Dynamique de la Réponse de la Végétation au Changement Climatique et Élucider les Causes de la Sécheresse dans le Bassin de Reghaia : Une Étude Complète Utilisant les Données MODIS.
L'étude se concentre sur la compréhension essentielle de l'impact des caractéristiques de la végétation sur le changement climatique et l'examen des causes de la sécheresse. En utilisant les données MODIS, l'étude analyse l'Indice de Végétation par Différence Normalisée (NDVI), l'Indice Standardisé de Précipitation-Évapotranspiration (SPEI) et divers facteurs climatiques pour évaluer la réponse de la végétation aux variations climatiques et aux occurrences de sécheresse dans le bassin de Reghaia de 2000 à 2022. En réalisant une analyse de corrélation sur différentes périodes, la recherche vise à révéler les facteurs sous-jacents de ces changements. Les résultats indiquent une diminution substantielle de l'indice de végétation, à la fois saisonnière et annuelle. L'analyse spatiale révèle qu'environ 60 % de la zone de végétation a connu des valeurs de NDVI inférieures à 0,35, avec la dégradation de la végétation la plus significative observée en été. L'étude établit une relation inverse entre le NDVI et les facteurs climatiques, avec un délai de 1 à 2 mois. La fréquence des événements de sécheresse a montré des augmentations variables, et la tendance du SPEI a été principalement négative, en particulier en été et en automne (-0,00539/an, R2 = 0,3401) et (-0,00231/an, R2 = 0,1217), respectivement. Notamment, en 2022, le SPEI a atteint ses niveaux les plus bas, coïncidant avec une forte diminution du NDVI. Ces dernières années, l'intensité des sécheresses s'est accrue, entraînant une baisse des niveaux d'eau. En fin de compte, l'étude met l'accent sur l'influence néfaste du changement climatique sur la prolifération des sécheresses et la santé de la végétation.
HADJER Keria , ETTAYIB Bensaci , ZINEB Bensisaid , asma Zoubiri , esra pulat, Ateşoğlu Ayhan, ,(2023-11-15), Comprendre la Dynamique de la Réponse de la Végétation au Changement Climatique et Élucider les Causes de la Sécheresse dans le Bassin de Reghaia : Une Étude Complète Utilisant les Données MODIS.,International sGIS DAY Algeria (4th edition) Annaba 15th Nov 2023,annaba
- 2023-11-10
As a colonial bird and the most abundant gull in the Mediterranean region, the yellow-legged gulls Larus michaehellis is considered as an ideal species to investigate effects of environmental factors change. The breeding ecology of the Yellow-legged Gull was followed for the first time in the continental semi-arid area in Algeria, during two consecutive years 2014 and 2015. The breeding site (Ain Zada dam) located in the Central Hauts Plateaux around 60 Km far from the Mediterranean Sea. Comparatively to previews observations, a rapid and massive growth of this marine species in the continental regions of the country was observed. In the aim to analyze factors affecting nest-site selection some environmental parameters influencing breeding parameters were surveyed such as nest density, vegetation density and height. Our results, showed the direct effect of water availability on the nest site selection and laying period in the semi-arid area. The mean nest density found in the study area (0.73 ± 0.15 nest/m2) was higher than those reported in other Mediterranean colonies. However, nest density associated with vegetation density, but negatively correlated with island size.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , ETTAYIB Bensaci , asma Zoubiri ,, Billal gasmi, lhadi mailbi, , (2023-11-10), ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING NEST-SITE SELECTION OF BREEDING YELLOW-LEGGED GULLS IN CONTINENTAL SEMI-ARID AREA (ALGERIA), Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie, Vol:30, Issue:2, pages:173-179, University of Oradea Publishing House
- 2023-05-30
Monitoring the effect of droughts and extreme climate variables for various time periods on vegetation density in the Reghaia catchment, Algeria.
Understanding the characteristics of vegetation and its impact on climate change, as well as studying droughts and their causes, is crucial. Based on Modis data, NDVI use, SPEI indicators, and climatic factors, this paper verified the plant index's response to climatic changes and drought in the Reghaia basin during 2000-2022. Based on correlation analysis in different time periods, allows analysis of the causes of changes. Results showed a decline in the vegetation index in both seasonal and annual periods, with spatial distributions showing that about 60% of the vegetation area had NDVI values below 0.35, and the summer had a greater share of vegetation degradation. Ranges showed a negative relationship between NDVI and climatic factors with a delay of 1-2 months. The drought rate increased in varying proportions, and SPEI's trend was negative, especially in summer and autumn (-00539/a, R 2 = 0.3401), and (-00231/a, R 2 = 0.1217) respectively, and SPEI reached its lowest levels in 2022, the peak of NDVI fell with the SPEI index. In recent years, the drought has intensified and the water level has decreased. Finally, climate change has a negative impact on the increase in droughts and plants.
HADJER Keria , ETTAYIB Bensaci , asma Zoubiri , , (2023-05-30), Monitoring the effect of droughts and extreme climate variables for various time periods on vegetation density in the Reghaia catchment, Algeria., Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Vol:13, Issue:1, pages:119-136, ERIH PLUS
- 2021
Ecology and behavioral response of Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) in the wetland complex of Oued Righ valley (Algerian Sahara).
The wetland complex of Oued Righ valley accommodates a population of Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) between 2012 and 2014, the total reached 80 individuals in the Lake Hamraia where the species wintering. The analysis of the diurnal time budget of wintering populations revealed the role of feeding area delivery for this species and they devoted their day time to feeding (51.2%), sleeping (18.8%), followed by swimming activity (6.3 %), and courtship activities with flying (2.03%) which often occurs after disturbances caused by human or by Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus). It is interesting to study the behavior of these ducks in Saharan bioclimatic area and follow the phenology and characteristics in order to preserve the biodiversity in this region.
Yassine NOUIDJEM , asma Zoubiri , Fateh Mimeche , Sakina Merouani, , (2021), Ecology and behavioral response of Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) in the wetland complex of Oued Righ valley (Algerian Sahara)., Algerian Journal of Biosciences, Vol:2, Issue:1, pages:01–05, University of Echahid Hamma Lakhdar.
- 2019
Diversity and distribution pattern of waterbirds in wetlands of Algerian steppe region
The main aim of our study is to assess the diversity and abundance waterbirds through wetland ecosystems located in Algerian steppe region. a survey was conducted along four successive study years in the main sites. This monitoring allowed assessing 52 species, representing 16 families. Anatidae are the most abundant and represented by 11 species. Boughzoul ́s reservoir is the high richness wetlands, followed by Chott El Hodna and K’sob reservoir. However, Dayet El Kerfa is the preferred wetland for breeding species. Winter migrant, resident , and migrant species are the dominated status with 43 %, 28 % and 17 % respectively. While these statuses varied between sites. Overall, the analyze phonological status of assessed species display the key role played by these wetlands as wintering grounds, a stopover during migration journeys and breeding sites for several waterbirds species. The presence of vulnerable species (Marmaronetta angustirostris), and three near threatened other species (Aythya nyroca, Limosa limosa, Numenius arquata ) following the IUCN Red List confirms the importance of the steppe region wetlands for waterbirds conservation
asma Zoubiri , ,(2019), Diversity and distribution pattern of waterbirds in wetlands of Algerian steppe region,BioEco2019- International Biodiversity & Ecology Sciences Symposium,TURKEY
- 2019
Preliminary data on the diversity pattern of waterbirds of Chott El-Hodna (Central High Plateaux-Algeria)
In this pioneering work on the aquatic avifauna of Chott El-Hodna (Central High Plateaux), we present results obtained through monthly companies of waterbirds counts started from September 2007 to September 2009. On this wetland of international importance under Ramsar convention, a total of 39 species of water birds representing 12 families have been recorded. The family of ducks is the most represented by 10 species. Amongst of all species, 20 of them are wintering species, 12 are visitors, 06 are resident breeder species as well as the Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna furruginea and Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus etc. Only one species has breeder- migrant status as well as the white stork Ciconia ciconia. However, 11 species are protected under Algerian law, which one species is listed in (VU) Category of Red List of endangered species (Teal marbled Marmaronetta angustirostris) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
asma Zoubiri , ,(2019), Preliminary data on the diversity pattern of waterbirds of Chott El-Hodna (Central High Plateaux-Algeria),BioEco2019- International Biodiversity & Ecology Sciences Symposium,TURKEY
- 2018
Symposium Proceedings
Abstract The main aim of our study is to assess the diversity and abundance waterbirds through wetland ecosystems located in Algerian steppe region. a survey was conducted along four successive study years in the main sites. This monitoring allowed assessing 52 species, representing 16 families. Anatidae are the most abundant and represented by 11 species. Boughzoul´s reservoir is the high richness wetlands, followed by Chott El Hodna and K’sob reservoir. However, Dayet El Kerfa is the preferred wetland for breeding species. Winter migrant, resident , and migrant species are the dominated status with 43 %, 28 % and 17 % respectively. While these statuses varied between sites. Overall, the analyze phonological status of assessed species display the key role played by these wetlands as wintering grounds, a stopover during migration journeys and breeding sites for several waterbirds species. The presence of vulnerable species (Marmaronetta angustirostris), and three near threatened other species (Aythya nyroca, Limosa limosa, Numenius arquata ) following the IUCN Red List confirms the importance of the steppe region wetlands for waterbirds conservation.
asma Zoubiri , ,(2018), Symposium Proceedings,International Marine & Freshwater Sciences (MARFRESH2018),TURKEY
- 2018
Species Composition and Distribution Pattern of Waterbirds in Algerian Central Hauts Plateaux Wetlands
With the aim to assess waterbirds’ diversity, status and distribution in the Central Hauts Plateaux wetlands of Algeria, a survey was conducted along four successive study years in the main sites. This monitoring allowed assessing 52 species, representing 16 families. Anatidae are the most abundant, and represented by 11 species. Boughzoul´s reservoir is the highly rich wetland, followed by Chott El Hodna and K’sob reservoir. However, Dayet El Kerfa is the preferred wetland for breeding species. Winter migrants, residents, and migrant species are the dominated status with 43 %, 28 % and 17 %, respectively. While these statuses varied between sites. Overall, the analyzed phonological status of assessed species displays the key role played by these wetlands as wintering grounds, a stopover during migration journeys, and breeding sites for several waterbirds’ species. The presence of vulnerable species (Marmaronetta angustirostris), and three near threatened other species (Aythya nyroca, Limosa limosa, Numenius arquata) following the IUCN Red List confirms the importance of the Central Hauts Plateaux wetlands for waterbirds conservation.
asma Zoubiri , , (2018), Species Composition and Distribution Pattern of Waterbirds in Algerian Central Hauts Plateaux Wetlands, World Journal of Environmental Biosciences., Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:7, World Journal of Environmental Biosciences.
- 2018
Biodiversité et distribution des oiseaux d'eaux
Biodiversité et distribution des oiseaux d'eaux dans les ZH des Hauts plateaux du Centre d'Algérie
asma Zoubiri , ,(2018), Biodiversité et distribution des oiseaux d'eaux,CNBA 3,Univ Oum El Bouaghi
- 2016
Distribution de l'avifaune des régions steppiques
Distribution de l'avifaune des régions steppiques
asma Zoubiri , ,(2016), Distribution de l'avifaune des régions steppiques,VRNZS2016,Univ M'Sila
- 2015
Status, Habitat Use, and Behaviour of Wintering Greater Flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus in Semi-Arid and Saharan Wetlands of Algeria
The Greater flamingo is considered the flagship species of wetlands across semi-arid and Saharan regions of Africa, especially Chotts and Sebkhas, which also concentrate significant numbers of bird species. Flamingos have different status (wintering and breeder) which vary between sites in different parts of Algeria. We conducted surveys and recorded banded flamingos across distinct regions within two climatic belts: semi-arid (Hauts Plateaux) and arid (Sahara), showing the importance of these sites in the migratory flyways particularly the relation between West Mediterranean and West Africa populations. The distribution of Greater flamingos varied between sites and seasons, where the concentrations mainly were in the wide, lees deep and salt lakes. Many of the sites (17) in the surveyed area were regularly supporting at least 1% of the regional population during winter. The analysis of Greater flamingos behaviour in different climatic regions in relation showed that the feeding is the dominant diurnal activity with rates exceeding 60% of the time. While feeding varies between seasons, and showed a negative relationship with the degree of disturbance. Keywords—Algeria, greater flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus, Sahara, semi-arid.
asma Zoubiri , , (2015), Status, Habitat Use, and Behaviour of Wintering Greater Flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus in Semi-Arid and Saharan Wetlands of Algeria, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering, Vol:9, Issue:3, pages:6, World Academy of Science,
- 2014
Dans ce travail pionnier sur l’avifaune aquatique du Chott El-Hodna (Hautes plaines centrales), nous présentons les résultats recueillis à travers des campagnes men- suelles de dénombrement des oiseaux d’eau s’étalant de septembre 2010 à 2012. Sur ce site d’importance internationale « Ramsar », un total de 39 espèces d’oiseaux d’eau appartenant à 12 familles, a été observé. La famille des Anatidés demeure la plus repré- sentée, avec 10 espèces. Parmi les espèces qui ont fréquenté ce site, 20 d’entre elles sont hivernantes, 12 sont visiteuses de passage et six sont nicheuses sédentaires. Parmi ces dernières, on cite le Tadorne casarca Tadorna furruginea et l’Échasse blanche Himantopus himanto- pus. et une seule espèce nicheuse migratrice : la cigogne blanche Ciconia ciconia. Onze espèces sont protégées par la loi algérienne, dont une espèce figure dans la catégorie « Vulnérable » (VU) de la liste rouge des espèces menacées d’extinction de l’Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (UICN).
asma Zoubiri , , (2014), APERÇU SUR LA DIVERSITÉ DES OISEAUX D’EAU DU CHOTT EL-HODNA (ALGÉRIE), Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., Vol:139, Issue:1, pages:12, Bull. Soc. zool. Fr.
- 2014
Contribution à l’étude de la pollution des eaux des zones humides des régions Arides d’Algérie
Notre travail sur l'évaluation de la qualité des eaux des zones humides des régions Arides d’Algérie est pour objectif de déterminer les sources de pollution et la variation de la qualité des eaux de ces écosystèmes vis-à-vis les facteurs environnementaux. L'approche adoptée dans ce travail est le suivi temporel de la qualité physico-chimique des eaux de cinq zones humides de régions différentes à savoir : région de M'sila (Chott El Hodna, Barrage de K'sob et la Retenue d'El Gherssa) et Médéa (Barrage de Boughezoul et Dayet El Kerfa). Cette étude menée durant la période (novembre 2011 à juin 2012) avec un rythme trimestrielle couvre trois saisons différentes pour montrer le comportement des écosystèmes vis-à-vis le changement des paramètres climatiques et les sources de pollution qui les affectent. Sauf pour les analyses qui concernent les métaux lourds on a pris une seule saison (Mai à Juin) pour déterminer la présence de quatre éléments majeurs : Pb, Zn, Cd et le Cu et ses effets sur les écosystèmes aquatiques. Les résultats des analyses des paramètres principaux des eaux montrent un dépassement des normes fixées par l'OMS et la FAO. Ils ont montré aussi que les zones humides de ces deux régions M'sila et Médéa sont soumise à une forte pression qui affecte la qualité des eaux de ces écosystèmes. Nos sites d'étude sont touchés par les différents types de pollution (industrielle, domestique et agricole). Les résultats des analyses concernant la présence des métaux lourds montrent des concentrations très élevés particulièrement du Plomb et Cadmium qui dépasse la norme limite de l'OMS dans la station du Chott El Hodna et Dayet El Kerfa.
asma Zoubiri , , (2014), Contribution à l’étude de la pollution des eaux des zones humides des régions Arides d’Algérie, International Journal of Environment & Water, Vol:3, Issue:1, pages:7, International Journal of Environment & Water