NOUI Hendel
هندل النوي
- Departement of Microbiology and biochemistry
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade Prof
About Me
Professeur. in Université de M'sila
Research Domains
Microbiology, Mycology, Essential oils, Antimicrobial activity, Antioxidant activity, Ethnobotany, medicinal plants, plant biological activities, Phytochemicals ...
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Résistance des bactéries probiotiques aux antibiotiques aux antibiotiques
- 2024
Encaderement master
Etude de quelques activités biologiques de Lavandula pinnatifida L.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Evaluation de l’activité antioxydante et antimicrobienne de graines de Citrus reticulata et d’écorce de Citrus sinensis
- 2013
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Belkhadria W. , Boussag N., Chetraoui M.
Identification de quelques champignons de stockage et leur sensibilité avec quelques bactéries à l’effet de l’huile essentielle de Thymus ciliatus (Desf) Benth.
- 2012
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Amroune Z. , Bouguerra K., Briki A. Chia S.
Activité antifongique de Thymus ciliatus (Desf) Benth. sur Aspergillus sp et Penicillium sp.
- 2012
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Becissa H. , Belhocine H., Boukhalat S. Hadjab S.
Activité antifongique de Rosmarinus officinalis L. du Hodna sur Aspergillus sp et Penicillium sp.
- 2011
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Terchi H. , Charif A., Roubache Kh. Bentriou M.
Intérêt Thérapeutique du Genre Phlomis.
- 2011
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Derbal B. , Feidjel F., Maouche Kh.
Utilisation traditionnelle médicinale du genre Teucrium dans la région de M’sila.
- 2010
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Houiche C. , Gherbi M., Korichi S. Zine A.
Contribution à l’étude de l’intérêt médical de Salvia verbenaca (sauge verveine) dans la région de M’sila.
- 2010
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Belaâda S. , Dechoucha N., Tibeche F.
Inventaire des Lamiacées utilisées en médecine traditionnelle dans la région de M’sila.
- 2010
Aib Z. , Benseghir Z.
Etude ethnobotanique de la région de Magra (M’sila); Extraction et activités antimicrobiennes des huiles essentielles d’Artemisia herba alba Asso.
- 2009
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Kouidri R. , Manari S.
La prévalence de la brucellose dans la Wilaya de M’sila (2000-2008).
- 2008
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Ariech M. , Sabri E.
Contribution à l’étude de l’activité antimicrobienne des huiles essentielles de Saccocalyx satureioides.
- 2007
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Khachab Z. , Touirat D., Zanboua S.
Contribution à l’étude de la lutte biologique par l’utilisation de levures.
- 2006
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Contribution à l’étude de la lutte biologique des champignons phytopathogènes par l’utilisation de Trichoderma sp.
- 2006
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Hamlaoui L. , Dehoum H., Chebabhi, K.
Contribution à l’étude de la lutte biologique des champignons phytopathogènes par l’utilisation de Bacillus sp.
- 2006
Boudilmi S. , Debbi N., Seghir birem W.
Caractérisation et effet antibactérien d'extraits polyphénoliques de Rosmarinus officinalis L.
- 2005
DES (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures)
Zaghba H. , Khalfat F.
Effet antimicrobien des huiles essentielles extraites des plantes : Romarin d'EL Hourane et le Thym commercialisé.
- 29-01-2025
- 30-11-2019
Habilitation Universitaire
Habilitation universitaire en Sciences biologiques - 19-02-2017
Doctorat en Sciences
Etude phytochimique et activités biologiques de Rosmarinus officinalis L. et Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. de la région de M’sila : applications antifongiques. - 06-02-2000
Contamination des pommes par la moisissure Penicillium expansum et son contrôle par l'utilisation d'agents chimiques et biologiques. - 18-01-1993
Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures DES
Etude de la maladie de la pourriture grise causée par Botrytis cinerea. - 1969-11-05 00:00:00
NOUI Hendel birthday
- 2024-12-12
The presence of wild Helianthus annuus in M’Sila (Algeria) - first description
We report in this work the presence of an Asteraceae in M’Sila. Helianthus annuus species (the genus is very close to the genus Verbesina) is not reported in the flora of Algeria as weed, invasive or ruderal. The species ranked in the Tribe of Heliantheae which includes 4 genres including Verbesina, Ambrosia, Xanthium and Bidens in the flora of Quezel; Santa (1962-1963). Observed for a few years in the municipality of M’Sila at several different sites (roadside, rubble, cultivated land and foot of an ornamental tree).
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , , (2024-12-12), The presence of wild Helianthus annuus in M’Sila (Algeria) - first description, Agrarian Academic Journal, Vol:7, Issue:6, pages:21-29, Revista Agrária Acadêmica
- 2024-11-01
Ethnobotanical surveys on influenza treatment methods in the municipalities of M’sila, Ouled Derradj, Berhoum and Magra of the willaya of M’sila (Algeria).
In order to know and identify the traditional uses of medicinal plants among the inhabitants, ethnobotanical surveys are carried out almost every year and since 2005 in the wilaya of M'sila. This work was carried out randomly among 100 people from different social categories during the year 2023, in order to collect as much information on traditional methods of treating influenza. The analyzes of the information collected included 14 medicinal plants belonging to 14 genera and 8 botanical families. The study showed that leaves (38%), fruits (25%) and flowers (19%) are the most widely used parts in the form of infusion (22%), oil (19%) or in juice (14%). The main causes of the flu for the respondents in the communes surveyed in M'sila were the climate (cold) and infections. In addition, for the question on the treatment of covid-19, residents confirmed that they used the same treatments as those for the flu.
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , NOUI Hendel , ,(2024-11-01), Ethnobotanical surveys on influenza treatment methods in the municipalities of M’sila, Ouled Derradj, Berhoum and Magra of the willaya of M’sila (Algeria).,International Biological & Sciences Congress 30 October -1 Novembre 2024.,Turkey
- 2024-11-01
Ethnobotanical surveys on influenza treatment methods in the municipalities of M’sila, Ouled Derradj, Berhoum and Magra of the willaya of M’sila (Algeria).
In order to know and identify the traditional uses of medicinal plants among the inhabitants, ethnobotanical surveys are carried out almost every year and since 2005 in the wilaya of M'sila. This work was carried out randomly among 100 people from different social categories during the year 2023, in order to collect as much information on traditional methods of treating influenza. The analyzes of the information collected included 14 medicinal plants belonging to 14 genera and 8 botanical families. The study showed that leaves (38%), fruits (25%) and flowers (19%) are the most widely used parts in the form of infusion (22%), oil (19%) or in juice (14%). The main causes of the flu for the respondents in the communes surveyed in M'sila were the climate (cold) and infections. In addition, for the question on the treatment of covid-19, residents confirmed that they used the same treatments as those for the flu.
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , NOUI Hendel , ,(2024-11-01), Ethnobotanical surveys on influenza treatment methods in the municipalities of M’sila, Ouled Derradj, Berhoum and Magra of the willaya of M’sila (Algeria).,International Biological & Sciences Congress 30 October -1 Novembre 2024.,Turkey
- 2024-11-01
Diversité floristique de M’Sila : Inventaire, Chorologie, Ecologie.
Le dépouillement des travaux de recherches (projet de recherche, thèse doctorat, mémoires d’ingénieur et de master) effectuer dans la région de M’sila sur la flore et la végétation depuis 2005 nous ont permis de récolter d’importantes informations écologique et de faire l’inventaire floristique de la région. Les résultats obtenus ont aboutis a 548 espèces appartenant à 65 familles et 317 genres dont 28 plantes endémiques, 77 plantes rares, 12 plantes protégés par la loi algérienne, 3 espèces sont classées dans la liste rouge de l’ICUN et dont 175 espèces propre à la steppe. La composition systématique de ces espèces fait apparaitre que 7 familles botaniques sont dominantes : les Asteraceae avec 73 espèces, les Fabaceae avec 56 espèces, les Poaceae avec 50 espèces, les Brassicaceae avec 47 espèces, les Lamiaceae avec 28 espèces, les Liliaceae avec 21 espèces et les Caryophyllaceae avec 20 espèces. Les spectres chorologie et biologique montrent que les espèces de souches méditerranéenne et les thérophytes sont les plus représentatives. L’étude a située plusieurs sites d’importances écologiques et économiques remarquable qui mérite d'être protégé et même classé en zone protégée (parc, réserve et corridor...) dans le cadre du développement durable. Il est a précisé que cette biodiversité est convoitée et non protégée contre les usages et les activités des habitants (coupe de bois, pâturage, récolte de plantes médicinales et utiles, etc.).
Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , ,(2024-11-01), Diversité floristique de M’Sila : Inventaire, Chorologie, Ecologie.,International Biological & Sciences Congress,Turkey
- 2024-11-01
Evaluation of the antioxidant, antibacterial an antifungal activity of Satureja battanderi Briq. From Algeria
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2024-11-01), Evaluation of the antioxidant, antibacterial an antifungal activity of Satureja battanderi Briq. From Algeria,International Biological & Sciences Congress,Turkey
- 2024-11-01
Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of essential oil and methanol extract from Teucrium polium L
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ,(2024-11-01), Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of essential oil and methanol extract from Teucrium polium L,International Biological & Sciences Congress,Turkey
- 2024-10-31
Keywords: traditional uses, plants, ethnobotany, flu (+ covid-19), M’sila (Algeria)
- 2024-10-31
Keywords: inventory and floristic diversity, rare species, protected, chorology, M’Sila (Algeria)
Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , ,(2024-10-31), FLORISTIC DIVERSITY OF M’SILA: INVENTORY, CHOROLOGY, ECOLOGY,II. International Biological and Life Sciences Congress,Antalya, Türkiye
- 2024-10-08
Polyphenolic contents, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. & Dur. essential oil and methanol extracts.
The whole plant Saccocalyx satureioides, an endemic medicinal plant in Algeria, was evaluated for its polyphenolic contents, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The polyphenolic contents of the plant methanolic extracts ranged from 170.47 to 285.56 (μg GAEs/mg extract) and from 25.39 to 82.68 (μg QEs/mg extract), respectively. High antioxidant activity was registered: DPPH average IC50 = 14.68 μg/mL, and β-carotene average IC50 = 21.08 μg/mL. The essential oil and methanolic extracts from the aerial parts and roots were tested against bacteria and molds. Different methods, including disk diffusion, well diffusion, and microdilution tests for bacteria, were used. The essential oil (February and June harvest periods) value 1.25 μL/mL was the MIC and the MBC for all bacterial strains, except E. coli, K. pneumonia and Ps. aeruginosa. The average fungal inhibition of the methanol extracts ranged from 5.10 to 71.25%, except for F. oxysporum. The essential oil effect was 6.67-83.53% and 17.01-90.57% by the food poisoned and fumigation methods, respectively. The preliminary phytochemical evaluation demonstrated the high polyphenolic contents and effective antioxidant power of the plant extracts. This may have an essential role in the antimicrobial effectiveness and indicate that the plant contains high-quality bioactive molecules in addition to the essential oil
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ACHWAQ ALI GHAFSI, AICHA BENSEGHIR, , (2024-10-08), Polyphenolic contents, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. & Dur. essential oil and methanol extracts., Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Vol:96, Issue:3, pages:1-18, inconu
- 2024-07-22
Phytochemical Analysis and Antioxidant and Antifungal Activities of Powders, Methanol Extracts, and Essential Oils from Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Thymus ciliatus Desf. Benth.
Chemical residues in food pose health risks such as cancer and liver issues. This has driven the search for safer natural alternatives to synthetic fungicides and preservatives. The aim of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of the essential oils (EO), determine the polyphenolic contents, and evaluate the in vitro antioxidant and antifungal activities of methanol extracts (ME), essential oils (EO), and powders from Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary) and Thymus ciliatus (Desf) Benth. (thyme) from the M’sila region, Algeria. The chemical composition of the EOs was determined by GC-MS. R. officinalis EO was composed of 31 components, mainly camphor (41.22%), camphene (18.14%), and α-pinene (17.49%); T. ciliatus EO was composed of 58 components, mainly, in percentage, α-pinene (22.18), myrcene (13.13), β-pinene (7.73), β-caryophyllene (10.21), and germacrene D (9.90). The total phenols and flavonoids were determined spectrophotometrically, and the rosemary ME was found to possess the highest polyphenolic content (127.1 ± 2.40 µg GAE/mg), while the thyme ME had the highest flavonoid content (48.01 ± 0.99 µg QE/mg). The antioxidant activity was assessed using three methods: rosemary ME was the most potent, followed by DPPH (IC50 = 13.43 ± 0.14 µg/mL), β-carotene/linoleic acid (IC50 = 39.01 ± 2.16 μg/mL), and reducing power (EC50 = 15.03 ± 1.43 µg/mL). Antifungal activity was assessed for 32 pathogenic and foodborne fungi. Four methods were applied to the solid medium. Incorporating the powdered plant into the culture medium (at 10%) reduced the fungal growth to greater than 50% in 21.88% and 6.25% of all fungal isolates, for R. officinalis and T. ciliatus, respectively. The ME, applied by the well diffusion method (0.1 g/mL), was less effective. Different concentrations of EO were tested. Incorporating the EO into the culture medium (1500 μL/L) inhibited 50% of the molds to levels of 50 and 75% for R. officinalis and T. ciliatus, respectively, with the complete inhibition of four fungi. Fumigated EO (15 μL) inhibited 65% of the molds to levels of 65 and 81.25% for R. officinalis and T. ciliatus, respectively, with the complete inhibition of five fungi. There was little to no sporulation in conjunction with the inhibition. Our results revealed some of the potential of the studied plants to fight foodborne molds and presented their promising characteristics as a source of alternatives to chemical pesticides and synthetic preservatives. Further studies are needed to find adequate application techniques in the food safety area.
NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , Edoardo Napoli, Antonio Palumbo Piccionello, Giuseppe Ruberto, , (2024-07-22), Phytochemical Analysis and Antioxidant and Antifungal Activities of Powders, Methanol Extracts, and Essential Oils from Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Thymus ciliatus Desf. Benth., International Journal o f Molecular Sciences, Vol:25, Issue:7989, pages:1-22, MDPI
- 2024-06-29
Chemical composition, anti-fusarium and radical-scavenging activities of essential oil and extracts of Hertia cheirifolia (L.) Kuntze growing in Boutaleb (Setif, Algeria)
This study was carried out with the objective to investigate the essential oil chemical composition, essential oil and extracts biological activities of Hertia cheirifolia. The volatile components of the aerial parts of H. cheirifolia, obtained by hydrodistillation, have been analysed by GC/MS. Fifty-six compounds were identified accounting for 98.41% of the total oil. However, all the oil was characterized by the predominance of three components, α-Pinene (33.07%), 1-[1-Methyl-1-(4-methyl-cyclohex-3-enyl)-ethyl]-1H-pyrrole (28.08%) and Germacrene D (19.59%). The free radical scavenging activity of the essential and the extracts was determined by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) model system. The antifungal activity showed that the essential oil, the methanolic extract and the aqueous extract of H. cheirifolia significantly reduced the growth of Fusarium graminearum, F. oxysporum f. sp. albedinis and F. culmorum.
MAROUA Kheloufi , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , , (2024-06-29), Chemical composition, anti-fusarium and radical-scavenging activities of essential oil and extracts of Hertia cheirifolia (L.) Kuntze growing in Boutaleb (Setif, Algeria), Agrarian Academic Journal, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:1-9, Revista Agrária Acadêmica
- 2024-05-22
Traditional medicinal plants used for antileishmanial potential in the Hodna region (M'sila).
Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , ,(2024-05-22), Traditional medicinal plants used for antileishmanial potential in the Hodna region (M'sila).,Séminaire Nationale sur les plantes médicinales des zone arides et semi-aride ; étude ethnobotanique, valorisation et qualité (SPMZASA24),Tissemsilt
- 2024-05-20
Les plantes utilisées pour le traitement de la grippe (+ covid-19) dans quelques communes de la willaya de Msila
Afin de connaître et de recenser les usages traditionnelles des plantes médicinales chez les habitants des enquêtes ethnobotanique se font pratiquement chaque année et depuis l’année 2005 dans la wilaya de M'sila. Ce travail a été réalisé aléatoirement auprès de 100 enquêtés de différentes catégories sociales durant l’année 2023, afin de recueillir autant d'informations sur les méthodes traditionnelles de traitement de la grippe. Les analyses des informations récoltées (questionnaires) ont comptés 14 plantes médicinales appartenant à 14 genres et à 8 familles botaniques. L’étude a montré que les feuilles (38%), les fruits (25%) et les fleurs (19%) sont les parties les plus largement utilisées sous forme d’infusion (22%), d’huile (19%) ou de jus (14%). Les causes principales de la grippe pour les enquêtés des quelques communes de M’sila étaient le climat (froids) et les infections. De plus, pour la question sur le traitement du covide-19 les habitants ont confirmés qu’ils ont utilisés les mêmes traitements de la grippe.
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ,(2024-05-20), Les plantes utilisées pour le traitement de la grippe (+ covid-19) dans quelques communes de la willaya de Msila,Séminaire Nationale « les plantes médicinales des zone arides et semi-aride ; étude ethnobotanique, valorisation et qualité (SPMZASA24),Tissemsilt
- 2024-05-07
les plantes utilisées pour le traitement des maladies d’estomac dans quelques commune de la wilaya de M’Sila
Pour connaître les usages traditionnelles des plantes médicinales par les habitants, 18 communes (parmi les 47 communes existante) de la wilaya de M'sila ont étés touché par des enquêtes ethnobotaniques réalisé aléatoirement auprès de 109 enquêtés. Il a été utilisé un ensemble de questions sur un site web ou différentes catégories d’habitants ont répondus au questionnaire online. Plusieurs informations sur les méthodes traditionnelles de traitement des maladies d’estomac ont été recueillies et analysées. Les résultats obtenus ont comptés 25 plantes médicinales appartenant à 23 genres et à 11 familles qui traites plus de 6 maladies de l’estomac (Diarrhée, Nausée, Brûlures, Constipation, Perte d’appétit et les Gaz). L’étude a montré que les feuilles (43,3%) et les graines (25%) sont las parties les plus largement utilisée sous forme d’ébullition (63,8%). L’enquête a recensées 20 recettes composées exclusivement de plantes, elles sont soit constituées d’une seule plante soit associées avec d’autres plantes. Les universitaires sont les plus touchés par cette enquête vue la disponibilité et l’accès au net.
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2024-05-07), les plantes utilisées pour le traitement des maladies d’estomac dans quelques commune de la wilaya de M’Sila,2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024).,M'sila Algérie
- 2024-05-07
Etude des activités antioxydante et antimicrobienne des extraits de Linaria scariosa (Vent.) Desf
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MOHAMMED Allouani , MADANI Sarri , ,(2024-05-07), Etude des activités antioxydante et antimicrobienne des extraits de Linaria scariosa (Vent.) Desf,2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024).,Msila Algérie
- 2024-05-07
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of Otospermum glabrum extracts
NOUI Hendel , MOHAMMED Allouani , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , ,(2024-05-07), Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of Otospermum glabrum extracts,Le 2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024),Université de M'sila
- 2024-05-07
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ADMIN Admin , ,(2024-05-07), THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ESSENTIAL OILS OF SOME SPECIES FROM ALGERIA,2ème colloque national de chimie,Université de M'sila
- 2024-05-07
MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , ,(2024-05-07), TRADITIONAL USE AND BIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF SOME EXOTIC PLANTS FROM THE M’SILA CITY,2ème colloque national de chimie,Université de M'sila
- 2024-01-01
Polyphenolic contents, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. & Dur. essential oil and methanol extracts
The whole plant Saccocalyx satureioides, an endemic medicinal plant in Algeria, was evaluated for its polyphenolic contents, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The polyphenolic contents of the plant methanolic extracts ranged from 170.47 to 285.56 (μg GAEs/mg extract) and from 25.39 to 82.68 (μg QEs/mg extract), respectively. High antioxidant activity was registered: DPPH average IC50 = 14.68 μg/mL, and β-carotene average IC50 = 21.08 μg/mL. The essential oil and methanolic extracts from the aerial parts and roots were tested against bacteria and molds. Different methods, including disk diffusion, well diffusion, and microdilution tests for bacteria, were used. The essential oil (February and June harvest periods) value 1.25 μL/mL was the MIC and the MBC for all bacterial strains, except E. coli, K. pneumonia and Ps. aeruginosa. The average fungal inhibition of the methanol extracts ranged from 5.10 to 71.25%, except for F. oxysporum. The essential oil effect was 6.67-83.53% and 17.01-90.57% by the food poisoned and fumigation methods, respectively. The preliminary phytochemical evaluation demonstrated the high polyphenolic contents and effective antioxidant power of the plant extracts. This may have an essential role in the antimicrobial effectiveness and indicate that the plant contains high-quality bioactive molecules in addition to the essential oil.
NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , ACHWAQ ALI GHAFSI, AICHA BENSEGHIR, , (2024-01-01), Polyphenolic contents, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. & Dur. essential oil and methanol extracts, Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Vol:96, Issue:3, pages:1-18, ACAD BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS
- 2023-11-14
THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES, AND TRADITIONAL USES OF LAVANDULA MULTIFIDA L. IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. ALLOUANI Mohammed 1, 2*, HENDEL Noui 1, 2, MOUTASSEM Dahou 3 1Microbiology and Biochemistery Departement, Faculty of Sciences, University of M’sila 2Laboratory of Biology: Applications in Health and environment 3Laboratory of Characterization and Valorization of Natural Resources, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi University, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria *E-mail : mohammed.allouani@univ-msila.dz Abstract Lavandula multifida L., commonly known as Egyptian lavender or fern-leaf lavender, is a semi-evergreen perennial shrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It is the only Pterostoechas section species found in abundance in the Mediterranean region thriving in poorly-evolved limestone soils and hot, arid climatic conditions. This herb is traditionally used to treat a lot of conditions, such as colds, gastrointestinal issues, asthma, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, and uterine irritation. Lavandula multifida essential oil is composed of various components, including oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, monoterpene hydrocarbons, and oxygenated sesquiterpenes. Carvacrol has been shown to be the primary compound in L. multifida L. essential oil, contributing significantly to its flavor and biological activities. Many investigations have revealed the plant's biological properties, which include antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory actions. The L. multifida essential oil also holds substantial value in the perfume, cosmetic, flavoring, and pharmaceutical industries. Keywords: L. multifida L., traditional uses, chemical composition, essential oils, carvacrol, biological activities.
- 2023-11-14
TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENTS, IN VITRO ANTIOXIDANT, ANTIBACTERIAL, AND ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITIES OF THE ALGERIAN OTOSPERMUM GLABRUM (LAG.) WILLK. EXTRACTS ALLOUANI Mohammed 1, 2*, HENDEL Noui 1, 2, MOUTASSEM Dahou 3 1Microbiology and Biochemistery Departement, Faculty of Sciences, University of M’sila 2Laboratory of Biology: Applications in Health and environment 3Laboratory of Characterization and Valorization of Natural Resources, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi University, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria *E-mail : mohammed.allouani@univ-msila.dz ABSTRACT Medicinal plants include diverse plant types used in herbalism, many of which have medicinal properties. They serve as valuable resources for drug development and synthesis. Otospermum glabrum (Lag.) Willk., belonging to the Asteraceae family, is known by its synonyms, including Matricaria glabra (Lag.) Ball, Pyrethrum glabrum Lag., and Otocarpum glabrum (Lag.) Willk. This plant is also recognized as a species of chamomile and is widely used in traditional medicine. The objective of this study is to determine the total phenols and the total flavonoids contents and to evaluate in vitro the antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal activities of the methanolic, ethyl acetate, and aqueous extracts prepared from the aerial parts of the Algerian Otospermum glabrum (Lag.) Willk. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents were determined spectrophotometrically. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was examined by two different methods, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the β-Carotene bleaching test. The antibacterial activity was achieved through the well diffusion technique against seven bacterial strains, and the antifungal activity of the methanolic extract was determined using the contact assay against eight fungal strains. The results showed that the ethyl acetate extract presented the highest total phenols and total flavonoids contents (65.641±1.419 µg GAE/mg extract and 51.539± 0.468 µg QE/mg extract) compared with the metabolic (49.163±0.834 µg GAE/mg extract and 21.767± 0.623 µg QE/mg extract) and aqueous extracts (19.654±0.287 µg GAE/mg extract and 8.491± 0.078 µg QE/mg extract). The methanolic extract displayed the highest antioxidant activity in both DPPH and β-Carotene bleaching tests, with IC50 values of 53.217±0.428 and 2.725 ± 0.235, respectively. When compared to the standard antioxidant BHT, all extracts exhibit lower activity. In general, the tested bacteria can be characterized as sensitive, with inhibition diameters ranging from 9.65 to 14.85 mm, except for E. faecalis, which exhibited resistance to the tested extracts. The antifungal activity showed a significant inhibition varying from 25% to 50%, according to the tested fungal species, of which Penicillium expansum stain was the most sensitive with an inhibition of 50%. Key Words : Otospermum glabrum, phenolic contents, antioxidant activity, antibacterial activity, antifungal activity.
- 2023-09-01
Phytochemical analysis, antibacterial and antifungal effect of Lavandula dentata L. essential oil and methanol extract
The aim of this study was to analyse the essential oil of Lavandula dentata from Algeria and to test the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of this plant. The essential oil (EO) (57 constituents) included mainly α-pinene, β-pinene, nopinone, linalool, cryptone, and limonene. The plant polyphenolic contents and the antioxidant activity were determined. The antimicrobial effect of the EO and the methanolic extract (ME) was assessed against referenced and clinical bacterial strains, and also foodborne fungal isolates. The EO minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values varied from 0.25 to 4 mg/mL and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) were less than 8 mg/mL except for S. aureus, clinical Klebsiella, S. epidermidis, and B. subtilis. The mould strains were significantly inhibited by the EO (87.50% to 88.33%). The MIC values were 3.60–15.62 mg/mL and 0.5–4 mg/mL for ME and EO, respectively. The minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) values ranged from 31 to 125 mg/mL and from 2 to 8 mg/mL for ME and EO, respectively.
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , Mounir SELLOUM , Soumia Seghiour, Edoardo Napoli, Giuseppe Ruberto, , (2023-09-01), Phytochemical analysis, antibacterial and antifungal effect of Lavandula dentata L. essential oil and methanol extract, Natural Product Research, Vol:0, Issue:0, pages:/, Taylor & Francis
- 2023-07-01
The urban biodiversity of M'sila city (Algeria)
Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyze the urban biodiversity of the city of M'sila geographical space limited to the northeast of the province. The green framework of the city of M'sila manifests itself in two forms: private and public green spaces very diversified in terms of flora and fauna. In this context, the methodology adopted is an inventory of the taxonomic diversity of this green framework. The city of M'sila presents a very important flora and vegetation which contains 119 species belonging to 49 families and 103 genera. From the biological and morphological type point of view, the tree stratum is the most dominant with 37%, shrubby (35%) and the herbaceous stratum has more than 28%. In ethnobotany, multiple uses of the species are medicinal, toxic, ornamental and foods are recorded. The faunal inventory of the city of M'sila lists 50 species belonging to 33 families and 16 orders, of which the class of insects is the most dominant. In conclusion, field observation on the one hand showed a great difference in specific richness between the different sites studied in the city of M'sila and, on the other hand, there is a degradation of several gardens and green spaces such as the Ahmed Madaghri garden and the November 1, 1954 garden.
NOUI Hendel , , (2023-07-01), The urban biodiversity of M'sila city (Algeria), Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol:19, Issue:1, pages:13-20, Transilvania university press
- 2022-12-01
This article aims to overview the traditional uses, chemical compositions and biological activities of essential oils and extracts of Pulicaria arabica which is considered a traditional medicinal plant in the treatment of various diseases.The P. arabica is used in the treatment of several diseases such as antidiarrheal, anti schistosomiasis, digestive disorders, ulcers, anti-tobacco and skin diseases. Several different biological properties have been reported such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, hepatoprotective and nephritic effects. The chemical investigation of the P. arabica (aerial parts, leaves, stems and flowers) showed some qualitative and quantitative differences in the chemical composition, for example the major compounds for essential oils (Thymol, γ-Cadinene, α-Cadinol and epi-α-Cadinol), flavonoids and Caryophyllene derivatives.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , , (2022-12-01), TRADITIONAL USES, PHYTOCHIMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF PULICARIA ARABICA (L.) CASS., Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol:18, Issue:2, pages:30-35, Clarion Publiching House, Braşov
- 2022-12-01
Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from wadi ksob (Msila).
MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022-12-01), Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from wadi ksob (Msila).,1er séminaire national sur plantes, molécules bioactives et Valorisation (SN-PMBV-2022),,Skikda Algérie
- 2022-10-23
Phytochemical studyy of methanol extract of H. cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
Phytochemical study of methanol extract of H. cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
NOUI Hendel , ,(2022-10-23), Phytochemical studyy of methanol extract of H. cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The First International Congress of Innovations in Chemistry for Therapeutic Aims,Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
- 2022-10-18
Evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract of Clematis cirrhosa.
NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , ,(2022-10-18), Evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract of Clematis cirrhosa.,International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISYAEFR 2022), Skikda,Skikda Algérie
- 2022-09-09
In vitroo antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Satureja montana L. from Algeria.
Satureja montana L., a member of the Lamiaceae family, is a useful herb. It is widely used in traditional medicine, cuisine, and food preservation.
NOUI Hendel , ,(2022-09-09), In vitroo antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Satureja montana L. from Algeria.,International BIOATLAS Conference,Romania
- 2022-09-09
Studyy of some biological activities of Linaria scariosa leaf extracts.
he genus Linaria is a plant of the Scrophulariaceae family. This plant is known for its richness in natural compounds, hence its use in traditional medicine. Linaria scariosa is a Saharan species endemic to Algeria and Tunisia.
NOUI Hendel , ,(2022-09-09), Studyy of some biological activities of Linaria scariosa leaf extracts.,International BIOATLAS Conference,Romania
- 2022-09-08
EEthnobotanical study with the local population at the Boutaleb mountain (Algeria).
Ethnobotanical study with the local population at the Boutaleb mountain (Algeria).
NOUI Hendel , ,(2022-09-08), EEthnobotanical study with the local population at the Boutaleb mountain (Algeria).,International BIOATLAS Conference,Romania
- 2022-09-08
IInventory and traditional use of Algerian food plants.
Inventory and traditional use of Algerian food plants.
NOUI Hendel , ,(2022-09-08), IInventory and traditional use of Algerian food plants.,International BIOATLAS Conference,Romania
- 2022-09-08
PPhhytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria)
Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria)
NOUI Hendel , ,(2022-09-08), PPhhytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria),International BIOATLAS Conference,Romania
- 2022-03-01
The sites of ecological and economic importance (floristic diversity protected) of the Wilaya of M’sila (Algeria)
MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022-03-01), The sites of ecological and economic importance (floristic diversity protected) of the Wilaya of M’sila (Algeria),International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
Depuis l’antiquité, les grandes civilisations ont eu recours aux plantes médicinales pour leurs propriétés diverses. L’Algérie, grâce à sa position géographique au centre de la méditerranée, est considérée comme une source très riche et diversifiée de plantes aromatiques. Parmi ces plantes aromatique la lavande. Le genre Lavandula est un membre de la famille des Lamiaceae. Les espèces de ce genre sont des arbustes aux sous-arbrisseaux avec un large éventail de parfums. De nombreuses espèces de ce genre sont rencontrées dans la flore algérienne : L. stoechas L., L. multifida L., L. dentata L et L. antineae Maire, qui poussent spontanément dans tout le pays. La Lavande occupe une place significative en médecine traditionnelle Algérienne ; elle peut être utilisée comme agent antiseptique, stimulant, et pour le traitement de rhume et d’hypotension. De nombreuses études ont montré que les huiles essentielles ou les extraits de lavande présentent une large gamme d’activités biologiques : antimicrobienne, anti-inflammatoire, antioxydante, sédative et insecticide. Les espèces de Lavandula sont des plantes aromatiques et médicinales très utiles avec une valeur économique très importante pour les industries pharmaceutique, alimentaire, aromatisante et cosmétique. Keywords : Lavandula, Algérie, utilisation traditionnelle, activités biologiques.
- 2022
The genus Lavandula : a promising pharmacological power
The Mediterranean region is characterized by a diverse vegetation cover, and the Lavandula genus is one of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants in this region. The genus Lavandula is composed of approximately 40 species, many hybrids, and nearly 400 registered cultivars. The best-known and most economically valuable species are L. angustifolia, L. stoechas, L. latifolia and the L. x intermedia hybrid. The Lavandula species are sub-shrubs or sometimes perennial shrubs up to one meter in height and grow in rocky and calcareous areas. Plants of the genus Lavandula are traditionally believed to be antibacterial, anti-fungal, carminative, sedative, anti-depressive, and effective for burns and insect bites. They were also prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy and migraine attacks. Phytochemical research has shown that the genus Lavandula contains a variety of secondary metabolites, mainly monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes found in essential oils. The main constituents of these essential oils are linalol, linalyle acetate, 1,8-cineole, camphor, β-ocimene and terpinen-4-ol. According to recent research, the essential oils of Lavandula species are effective in food conservation and insect control. The medical and pharmacological qualities of Lavandula plants are mainly due to its essential oils, in particular the main constituents of essential oils, although some activities have been attributed to phenolic compounds. Lavender oil is used in a variety of medicinal applications; it is considered an oral antispasmodic, soporific agent, anxiolytic agent, chemotherapeutic agent, topical antibiotic, and a treatment for alopecia. Keywords: Lavandula, medicinal uses, essential oils, biological activities.
MOHAMMED Allouani , NOUI Hendel , Dahou Moutassem, ,(2022), The genus Lavandula : a promising pharmacological power,SUBSTANCE NATURELLE AUJOURD4HUI; MEDICAMENT PROMETTEUR DEMAINPremier séminaire national "webinaire" sur les substances bioactive. 13-14 décembre 2022,Université Mohamed Boudiaf - M'sila
- 2022
Biological activity of essential oil of Cotula coronopifolia Wild in M'sila region
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Biological activity of essential oil of Cotula coronopifolia Wild in M'sila region,International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISVAEFR2022),Skikda (Algérie)
- 2022
Phenolic composition, antioxidant potential of some extract of the endemic Algerian plant of the Asteraceae family.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phenolic composition, antioxidant potential of some extract of the endemic Algerian plant of the Asteraceae family.,Environnement et Développement Durable des Ecosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des Zones Semi Arides.,Université Larbi TEBESSI TEBESSA
- 2022
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of medicinal plant from Boutaleb region (Setif).
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of medicinal plant from Boutaleb region (Setif).,Environnement et Développement Durable des Ecosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des Zones Semi Arides.,Université Larbi TEBESSI TEBESSA
- 2022
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Pulicaria arabica in M’sila region.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Pulicaria arabica in M’sila region.,Le Premier Séminaire National ‘webinaire’ sur les substances bioactives : substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament promoteur demain,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Inventory and traditional use of Algerian steppe plants
MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , Nour El Houda BENABDELLAH, Cheyma MERAH, ,(2022), Inventory and traditional use of Algerian steppe plants,1ère conférence nationale protection des plantes et préservation des milieux naturels steppiques,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from Wadi Ksob (M’sila).
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022), Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from Wadi Ksob (M’sila).,1er Séminaire National sur Plantes, Molécules Bioactives et Valorisation (SN-PMBV-2022),École Normale Supérieure d’Enseignement Technologique de Skikda
- 2022
Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Cotula coronopifolia wild in M’sila region
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Cotula coronopifolia wild in M’sila region,1ère conférence nationale protection des plantes et préservation des milieux naturels steppiques,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Chemical composition of Teucrium polium essential oil from three regions of Algeria
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , Ruberto Giuseppe, ,(2022), Chemical composition of Teucrium polium essential oil from three regions of Algeria,Le premier séminaire National sur les huiles essentielles et l’aromathérapie,Université Abbes LAGHROUR KHENCHELA
- 2022
Evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Helianthus annuus leaf extracts
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Reguig Fatima, Oualhi Siham, ,(2022), Evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Helianthus annuus leaf extracts,1st International Seminar on Biodiversity in Algeria: Richness and Conservation,Université d’Oum El Boughi
- 2022
Composition chimique, activité antioxydante et antibactérienne d’huile essentielle d’une plante endémique du massif du Boutaleb.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , NOUI Hendel , Baali Faiza, Djemouai Nadjette, ,(2022), Composition chimique, activité antioxydante et antibactérienne d’huile essentielle d’une plante endémique du massif du Boutaleb.,Le premier séminaire National sur les huiles essentielles et l’aromathérapie (SNHEA) (Hybride),Université Abbes LAGHROUR KHENCHELA
- 2022
Photochemical study of methanol extrat of Hertia cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Photochemical study of methanol extrat of Hertia cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The First International Congress of Innovations in Chemistry for Aims,Université Larbi Ben M’hidi d’ Oum El Boughi
- 2022
Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Thymus sp. Boutaleb region (Setif).
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Thymus sp. Boutaleb region (Setif).,Le premier séminaire sur l’Agriculture et le Développement durable en Zones Semi arides.,Université Mohamed Cherif MESSAADIA Souk Ahras
- 2022
Inventory and traditional use of Algerian food plants
MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , Bouzidi Sabrine, Salmi Afifa, ,(2022), Inventory and traditional use of Algerian food plants,International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
Ethnobotanical study with the local population at the Boutaleb mountain (Algeria)
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2022), Ethnobotanical study with the local population at the Boutaleb mountain (Algeria),International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Satureja montana L. from Algeria
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , AMMAR Sassoui , Merah Safia, Filippo Maggi, Maurizio Bruno, ,(2022), In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Satureja montana L. from Algeria,International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
Study of some biological activities of Linaria scariosa leaf extracts
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , Herizi Amani, Khaladi Feryal, ,(2022), Study of some biological activities of Linaria scariosa leaf extracts,International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria)
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria),International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The First Virtual International Seminar on Bioressources, Nutrition, and Health.,Université Abdelhamid Ibn BADIS - Mostaganem
- 2022
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia Cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia Cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region.,Le Premier Séminaire National ‘webinaire’ sur les substances bioactives : substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament promoteur demain,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (Msila).
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2022), Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (Msila).,International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISYAEFR 2022), Skikda,Skikda Algérie
- 2022
Réserve de Mergueb écosystème steppique a protégé et valorisé dans le cadre du développement durable.
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ,(2022), Réserve de Mergueb écosystème steppique a protégé et valorisé dans le cadre du développement durable.,Conférence Nationale Protection des Plantes et Préservation des Milieux Naturels Steppiques (CNPPPMNS22) (Webinar),Msila Algérie
- 2021-06-01
The aim of this study is to identify the medicinal plants used as a traditional pharmacopoeia in the Hodna region. The technique used is based on ethnobotanical surveys and is to collect information from the villagers. The study identified seventy-three (73) species. They are divided into sixty-seven (67) genera and thirty-nine (39) botanical families among which the most dominant are the Lamiaceae (12 species), Apiaceae (8 species) and the Asteraceae with 5 species. The aerial part occupies the first place among the plant organs used. The majority of remedies are prepared as a decoction with a percentage of 43%, followed by an infusion with 29%. We note that a large diversity of diseases treated by its identified plants. The ICF factors ranging from 0.79 to 0.89 for the eight uses categories retained for this study. The results obtained during this contribution constitute a database for subsequent studies aimed at experimentally evaluating the biological and chemical potential of these plants. Keywords: Medicinal plants, Traditional pharmacopoeia, Diseases, Algeria.
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , , (2021-06-01), POTENTIALITY OF MEDICINAL FLORA IN TREATING OF SEVERAL DISEASES IN SOME MUNICIPALITIES IN THE HODNA (ALGERIA), Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol:17, Issue:2, pages:44-53, Transilvania University Press
- 2021
Chemical composition of essential oil from the aerial parts of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. a wild Algerian medicinal plant
The analysed essential oil in this study was obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. (Asteraceae) collected from Hodna area of Algeria. This species is a medicinal herb traditionally used in Algeria. Its essential oil has been analyzed by combining GC-FID and GC-MS. The analysis led to the identification of eighty-two components, representing 91.84% of the whole composition of the sample. The main components were capillene (32.8%), 1,8-cineole (15.1%) and β-myrcene (14.0%). Keywords: Santolina rosmarinifolia L., Asteraceae, Essential oil, GC-MS Analysis, Algeria
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , giuseppe.ruberto@icb.cnr.it, , (2021), Chemical composition of essential oil from the aerial parts of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. a wild Algerian medicinal plant, Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:22-28, Aliva Global Research and Development
- 2021
Screening for in vitro antioxidant activity and antifungal effect of Artemisia campestris L.
In this study, the methanolic extract (ME) and the essential oil (EO) of the medicinal plant Artemisia campestris L. were investigated for their antioxidant activity and their antifungal efficacy on the postharvest storage decays; Botrytis cinerea Pers. and Penicillium expansum Link. The total polyphenolic and flavonoid contents were determined. The ME had higher total polyphenolic and flavonoid contents (400.64 μg GAE/mg and 43.13 ± 0.14 μg QE/mg, respectively) than EO (27.47 ± 0.44 μg GAE/mg and 14.04 ± 0.82 μg QE/mg, respectively). The ME presented higher radical scavenging power than the BHT and its IC50 values were 11.71, 40.96 and 23.32 μg/mL for the DPPH, β-carotene bleaching and reducing power respectively. In the antifungal activity, the EO had the stronger effect on both molds, particularly at concentrations > 15 μL, ≥ 800 μL/L and ≥ 15 μL by fumigation, incorporation and disc-diffusion methods respectively, resulting in higher than 80% inhibition of B. cinerea mycelial growth, and from 50 to > 80% inhibition on P. expansum mycelial growth. Methanolic extract showed nearby 50% inhibition on both fungi. The EO MIC was less than 2.5 μL/mL which was shown as MFC for both molds. The bio-autography test has shown separated compounds of the ME having an inhibitor effect on spore germination. These results offer an advantage of suggesting A. campestris could be used as a material for extraction of certain antifungal chemicals for preventing spoilage in food items. Keywords: Antifungal activity, antioxidant activity, Artemisia campestris, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium expansum
NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , Mounir SELLOUM , faiza.boussakra, Ouahiba.deriche, , (2021), Screening for in vitro antioxidant activity and antifungal effect of Artemisia campestris L., International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, Vol:5, Issue:3, pages:251-259, http://dergipark.gov.tr/jaefs
- 2021
Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oïl and methanolic extracts of Teucrium polium L.
not abstract
NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , Batta Z, ,(2021), Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oïl and methanolic extracts of Teucrium polium L.,Séminaire national “webinaire” bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et envionement, 17-18 mai 202,Msila Algérie
- 2021
Antifungal and antioxidant activities of Artemisia campestris.
no abstract
NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , ADMIN Admin , BOUSSKRA F., DRICHE O, ,(2021), Antifungal and antioxidant activities of Artemisia campestris.,. Séminaire national “webinaire” bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et environnement, 17-18 mai 2021.,Msila Algérie
- 2021
Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of essential oils from Anacyclus monanthos subsp. Cyrtolepidioides growing in Hodna (M’sila, Algeria).
pas de résumé
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2021), Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of essential oils from Anacyclus monanthos subsp. Cyrtolepidioides growing in Hodna (M’sila, Algeria).,Séminaire national “webinaire” bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et environnement, 17-18 mai 2021,Msila Algérie
- 2021
Antibacterial and Antioxidant properties of the essential oils from Anacyclus monanthos subsp. cyrtolepidioides growing in Hodna (M’sila, Algeria).
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2021), Antibacterial and Antioxidant properties of the essential oils from Anacyclus monanthos subsp. cyrtolepidioides growing in Hodna (M’sila, Algeria).,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila
- 2021
Phytochemical profil and antioxidant activity of Apium nodiflorum growing in Hodna (M’sila, Algeria)
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2021), Phytochemical profil and antioxidant activity of Apium nodiflorum growing in Hodna (M’sila, Algeria),International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems: (In support of sustainable development),Université de M'sila (Algérie)
- 2021
Antifungal activity of ethanolic and methanolic extracts of three plants from the M’sila region
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2021), Antifungal activity of ethanolic and methanolic extracts of three plants from the M’sila region,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila (Algérie)
- 2021
Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil and the methanolic extracts of Teucrium polium L.
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , djamel.sarri, Batta Z., ,(2021), Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil and the methanolic extracts of Teucrium polium L.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila (Algérie)
- 2021
Antifungal and antioxidant activities of Artemisia campestris L.
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , Boussakra F., Driche O., ,(2021), Antifungal and antioxidant activities of Artemisia campestris L.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila (Algérie)
- 2021
Screening of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. et Dur.
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Ali-Ghafsi A., Benseghir A., Selloum M., ,(2021), Screening of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. et Dur.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila (Algérie)
- 2021
Test antimicrobien d’extraits d’Astragalus gombo.
MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , ,(2021), Test antimicrobien d’extraits d’Astragalus gombo.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila (Algérie)
- 2021
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of organic extract of cotula coronopifolia wild in Msila region.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2021), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of organic extract of cotula coronopifolia wild in Msila region.,Séminaire National : Ressources végétales, Produits Naturels et Santé,UNIVERSITE SAAD DAHLAB BLIDA 1
- 2021
Antibacterial activity of some extracts from Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2021), Antibacterial activity of some extracts from Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila
- 2021
Evaluation of the DPPH free radical scavenging capacity of Ballota hirsuta's methanolic and aqueous extracts.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , KHEMISSA HAMZA, ,(2021), Evaluation of the DPPH free radical scavenging capacity of Ballota hirsuta's methanolic and aqueous extracts.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila
- 2021
Satureja montana L.: in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil, methanolic and aqueous extracts.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , MERAH SAFIA, ,(2021), Satureja montana L.: in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil, methanolic and aqueous extracts.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila
- 2021
Utilisation des enquêtes ethnobotanique pour la recherche des méthodes de lutte traditionnelles contre les maladies épidémiologique touchant l’homme, son cheptel et son environnement dans la wilaya de Msila (Algérie).
Djamel SARRI , AMEL Khoudour , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ,(2021), Utilisation des enquêtes ethnobotanique pour la recherche des méthodes de lutte traditionnelles contre les maladies épidémiologique touchant l’homme, son cheptel et son environnement dans la wilaya de Msila (Algérie).,International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems: (in support of sustainable development),Msila Algérie
- 2020-04-27
Essential oils from three Algerian medicinal plants (Artemisia campestris, Pulicaria arabica, and Saccocalyx satureioides) as new botanical insecticides?
Medicinal and aromatic plants represent an outstanding source of green active ingredients for a broad range of real-world applications. In the present study, we investigated the insecticidal potential of the essential oils obtained from three medicinal and aromatic plants of economic importance in Algeria, Artemisia campestris, Pulicaria arabica, and Saccocalyx satureioides. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to study the essential oil chemical compositions. The three essential oils were tested against a mosquito vectoring filariasis and arboviruses, i.e., Culex quinquefasciatus, a fly pest acting also as pathogens vector, Musca domestica, and an agricultural moth pest, i.e., Spodoptera littoralis, using WHO and topical application methods, respectively. The essential oil from A. campestris, containing β-pinene (15.2%), α-pinene (11.2%), myrcene (10.3%), germacrene D (9.0%) (Z)-β-ocimene (8.1%) and γ-curcumene (6.4%), showed remarkable toxicity against C. quinquefasciatus (LC50 of 45.8 mg L−1) and moderate effects (LD50 of 99.8 μg adult−1) against M. domestica. Those from P. arabica and S. satureioides, containing epi-α-cadinol (23.9%), δ-cadinene (21.1%), α-cadinol (19.8%) and germacrene D-4-ol (8.4%), and thymol (25.6%), α-terpineol (24.6%), borneol (17.4%) and p-cymene (11.4%), respectively, were more active on S. littoralis showing LD50 values of 68.9 and 61.2 μg larva−1, respectively. Based on our results, the essential oil from A. campestris may be further considered a candidate ingredient for developing botanical larvicides.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , Filippo Maggi, Maurizio Bruno, Donato Romano, Angelo Canale, Roman Pavela, Giovanni Benelli, , (2020-04-27), Essential oils from three Algerian medicinal plants (Artemisia campestris, Pulicaria arabica, and Saccocalyx satureioides) as new botanical insecticides?, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol:27, Issue:1, pages:26594–26604, SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
- 2020
Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Pulicaria Arabica (L.) Cass. wild in Msila
The family Asteraceae (Compositae) includes about 200 genera and 2000 species, out of which, the genus Pulicaria is widely distributed in Asia, Europe, and Africa. In Algeria, there are 6 species of Pulicaria, four of which are found in the Sahara among them, Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass also called Inula arabica is a fragrant herb which is traditionally used to treat swelling and painful boils. Several Studies directed by many researchers, in order to assess the biological properties of members of the genus Pulicaria, in this work we try to evaluate biological activity of some extract of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. The study of organic extracts from the species Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. has shown that these extracts have considerable antioxidant activity. Key words: Pulicaria arabica, Organics extracts, M’sila
AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ,(2020), Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Pulicaria Arabica (L.) Cass. wild in Msila,1ère Journée nationale sur Analyse de cycle de vie, Eco-Conception, Eco-éducation, Eco -innovation au service du développement durable,Algeria (Boumerdès)
- 2020
Chemical composition, polyphenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil and methanolic extract of Lavandula stoechas L.
This work describes the chemical composition, polyphenolic content, antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activities of essential oil (EO) and methanolic extracts (MEs) of Lavandula stoechas L., a traditional medicinal plant widely distributed in the Algerian Tell. The essential oil from aerial parts was analyzed by GC–MS. Thirty-eight components were identified, of which fenchone (55.42%), camphor (25.18%) were the main compounds of the EO. The amounts of total phenolics of the EO and MEs ranged from 8.12±0.01 to 71.34±0.09µg AGE/mg respectively; flavonoids were from 6.45±0.003 to 14.53±0.02µg QE/mg. Antioxidant activity evaluated using β-carotene/linoleic acid, DPPH and reducing power assays. The IC50 values were registered and compared with those of BHT. The antimicrobial activity towards 04 bacterial strains and 2 fungal strains was assessed using disc diffusion, well diffusion and micro-well dilution assays. The EO (15µl/ml) appeared ineffective on E. coli and less effective on B. cereus to effective on S. aureus and has complete inhibitory effect on K. pneumoniae. The fungal isolates were moderately sensitive to the EO. The MEs have significant effect on all tested microorganisms only at high concentrations. showed significant capacity compared to methanol extracts. The HE tested Lavendula stoechas should be used as easily accessible source of natural antioxidants and as a possible food supplement or in pharmaceutical applications. Keywords - Lavandula stoechas, essential oil, methanolic extract, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity.
NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , Mounir SELLOUM , Djamel SARRI , Othmani Zineb, Edoardo Napoli, Giuseppe Ruberto, ,(2020), Chemical composition, polyphenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil and methanolic extract of Lavandula stoechas L.,1ère Journée nationale sur Analyse de cycle de vie, Eco-Conception, Eco-éducation, Eco -innovation au service du développement durable,Algeria (Boumerdès)
- 2019
Chemical composition, phenololic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil and methanolic extract of Lavandula dentata L.
Abstract: This work describes the chemical composition, polyphenolic content, antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activities of essential oil (EO) and methanolic extract (ME) of Lavandula dentata L., a traditional medicinal plant widely distributed in North-West of Algeria. The essential oil from aerial parts was analyzed by GC–MS. Fifty-seven components were identified, of which β-pinene (15.23%), limonene (9.24%), linalool (8.07%), nopinone (7.84%) cryptone (6.83%) and α-pinene (5.13%) were the main compounds of the EO. The amounts of total phenolics and flavonoids of the ME were respectively 308.06 mg EAG / g and 27.01 mg EQ / g. Antioxidant activity evaluated using β-carotene/linoleic acid assay resulted in IC50 values of 220.366 ± 4.085 mg/ml and 22.46±0.320 μl/ml for the ME and the EO respectively, and in DPPH free radical assay, the IC50 values were 2.58 mg/ml and 201.31±2.81 μl/ml for the ME and the EO respectively. The antimicrobial activity towards 18 bacterial strains and 5 fungi strains was assessed using disc diffusion, well diffusion and micro-well dilution assays. The EO showed greater antimicrobial activity than the ME with MICs ranging from 0.25 to 4mg/ml (0.25mg/ml for Candida albicans ATCC10231) and CMB values ≤ 8mg/ml except for S. aureus ATCC6538, S. aureus ATCC43300, S. epidermidis ATCC12228, B. subtilis ATCC9372, and clinical Klebsiella for which the CMB values were > 8mg/ml. For the molds, applied EO by two tests (well and disc diffusion assay) caused very significant inhibition on all the mold strains with inhibition percentage ranging from 56.94% to 87.50% in the well diffusion assay and from 77.17% to 88.33% in the disc diffusion assay. Keywords: Lavandula dentata, essential oil, methanolic extract, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity.
NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , Mounir SELLOUM , Djamel SARRI , SEGHIOUR Soumia, EDOUARDO Napoli, GIUSEPPE Ruberto, ,(2019), Chemical composition, phenololic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil and methanolic extract of Lavandula dentata L.,Premier Séminaire National: L'Apport des Biotechnologies sur la Protection de l'Environnement,Algeria (M'sila)
- 2019
Antioxidant activity of the methanolic and methanolic extracts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraseae) from the M'sila region
Abstracts: The genus Pulicaria Gaertn., belongins to the tribe Inuleae of the family Asteraceae, consists of ca. 100 species which are widely distributed from Europe to North Africa and Asia, particularly around the Mediterranean (Williams, 2000). It is represented in the flora of Algeria (Quezel et Santa, 1963 and Ozenda, 1983) by 13 species (P. crispa, P. laciniata, P. dysenterica, P. odora, P. mauritanica, P. filaginoides, P. sicula, P. arabica, P. vulgaris, P. undulata, P. lothei, P. volskonskyana and P. inuloides). The aim of this work is to study the antioxidant activity of extracts (methanolic and ethanolic) from aerial parts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. Antioxidant activity of the extracts was carried out using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay. The results indicated a Hight capacity. Key words: Pulicaria arabica; Extracts; Antioxidant activity, DPPH; M’sila
NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ammar.sassoui@univ-msila.dz, ,(2019), Antioxidant activity of the methanolic and methanolic extracts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraseae) from the M'sila region,Premier Séminaire National: L'Apport des Biotechnologies sur la Protection de l'Environnement,Algeria (M'sila)
- 2019
Essential oil from aerial parts of wild Algerian rosemary: screening of chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities
Essential oils from the aerial parts of 15 samples of Algerian Rosmarinus officinalis L. were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Thirty eight components have been characterized; among the monoterpene hydrocarbons α-pinene, camphene and limonene were individuated as the main components; camphor, 1,8-cineole and borneol were the principal oxygenated compounds, caryophyllene, α-bisabolol and partly humulene were the most represented sesquiterpenes. The scavenging activity of the oils was determined by the DPPH model system. The SC50 (Scavenging Concentration) values were in the range 120.4-326.1 μL/mL, representing a moderate antioxidant effectiveness. Essential oils were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus; as well as against ten fungal strains belonging to Aspergillus, Alternaria, Candida, Fusarium, Penicillium and Saccharomyces genera. The results showed a moderate antimicrobial activity. The Algerian rosemary essential oils could be promising sources of biologically active compounds if they receive further studies on their biological properties. Keywords: Rosmarinus officinalis, essential oil, antimicrobial, antioxidant, GC/MS.
NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , EDOARDO Napoli, Antonella Saija, Mariateresa Cristani, Antonia Nostro, Giovanna Ginestra, Giuseppe Ruberto, , (2019), Essential oil from aerial parts of wild Algerian rosemary: screening of chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, Vol:22, Issue:1, pages:1-17, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
- 2019
Antioxidant activity of the methanolic and ethanolic extracts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region
The genus Pulicaria Gaertn., belongins to the tribe Inuleae of the family Asteraceae, consists of ca. 100 species which are widely distributed from Europe to North Africa and Asia, particularly around the Mediterranean (Williams, 2000). It is represented in the flora of Algeria (Quezel et Santa, 1963 and Ozenda, 1983) by 13 species (P. crispa, P. laciniata, P. dysenterica, P. odora, P. mauritanica, P. filaginoides, P. sicula, P. arabica, P. vulgaris, P. undulata, P. lothei, P. volskonskyana and P. inuloides). The aim of this work is to study the antioxidant activity of extracts (methanolic and ethanolic) from aerial parts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. Antioxidant activity of the extracts was carried out using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay. The results indicated a Hight capacity. Key words: Pulicaria arabica; Extracts; Antioxidant activity, DPPH; M’sila
AMMAR Sassoui , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , ,(2019), Antioxidant activity of the methanolic and ethanolic extracts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region,L’apport des Biotechnologies sur la protection de l’environnement,Msila
- 2019
catalogues ethnobotaniques et usage durable des plantes médicinales de la région du Hodna (Msila, Algérie).
Cette recherche exploratoire, tente de dresser l'état des lieux des plantes médicinales utilisées dans le domaine de la pharmacologie traditionnelle de la région du Hodna. L’objectif global de cette étude est de recenser une liste des plantes selon leurs usages traditionnels et au même temps les encadrer, les protéger et assurer leur développement dans un contexte législatif et réglementaire de protection de la biodiversité locale et nationale. La méthodologie optée est basée sur les enquêtes ethnobotaniques et la cueillette des informations auprès des villageois. L’étude ethnobotanique a été réalisée au niveau de 13 localités du Hodna entre janvier et septembre 2017, qui nous a permis de recenser soixante-dix-sept (77) espèces ; on note qu’un nombre très important de pathologies traitées par ses plantes a été recensé, ce qui nous a incités à créer une base de données multivariable qui nous aide à reconnaitre le type de gestion adéquate durable de ce patrimoine floristique médicinale. Mots-clés : Ethnobotanique - Biodiversité - Plantes médicinales - Gestion durable - Hodna.
NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , ,(2019), catalogues ethnobotaniques et usage durable des plantes médicinales de la région du Hodna (Msila, Algérie).,Séminaire national : « Alimentation ,santé et environnement :Avancés et Prespectives »,Béjaïa
- 2019
An investigation on the volatile composition of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. from Algeria: An Hodna rare species
Abstract: This study is aimed to analyze the essential oil composition obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. (Asteraceae), collected from Hodna area of Algeria. This species is a medicinal herb traditionally used many diseases in Algeria, was analyzed by GC-MS. Eighty-two components were identified, representing 91.84% of the whole composition of the sample. The main components were capillene, 1.8-cineole and β-myrcene, representing more than 61% of the total oil. Keywords: Santolina rosmarinifolia L., Asteraceae, essential oil, capillene, 1.8-cineole, β-myrcene
Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , ,(2019), An investigation on the volatile composition of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. from Algeria: An Hodna rare species,1er Séminaire National de l’apport des Biotechnologies sur la Protection de l’Environnement SNBPE,M'sila
- 2018-06-05
Note sur une nouvelle station D’Anacyclus monanthos subsp. Cyrtolepidioides (Pomel) Humphries dans la region du chatt el Hodna (M’sila, Algerie).
Mots clés: Asteraceae , D’Anacyclus monanthos , espéces endémique , Algérie .
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , , (2018-06-05), Note sur une nouvelle station D’Anacyclus monanthos subsp. Cyrtolepidioides (Pomel) Humphries dans la region du chatt el Hodna (M’sila, Algerie)., Acta Botanica Malacitana, Vol:43, Issue:1, pages:153-155, UNIV MALAGA,FAC CIENCIAS
- 2018-02-02
Essential oil composition of aerial parts from Algerian Anacyclus monanthos subsp. cyrtolepidioides (Pomel) Humphries
The chemical composition of the essential oil from the aerial parts of Anacyclus monanthos subsp. cyrtolepidioides (Pomel) Humphries (Asteraceae) growing in a semi-arid region of Algeria was investigated for the first time. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation and fully characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 97 compounds were identified. The essential oil was found to be rich in trans-chrysanthenyl acetate (9.8 ± 2.0%), (E)-β-farnesene (7.4 ± 1.5%), germacrene D (6.9 ± 1.3%) and myristicin (4.8 ± 0.8%). Keywords: Anacyclus monanthos subsp. cyrtolepidioides (Pomel) Humphries, Asteraceae, essential oil composition, GC-MS, Algeria
Djamel SARRI , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Filippo Maggi, , (2018-02-02), Essential oil composition of aerial parts from Algerian Anacyclus monanthos subsp. cyrtolepidioides (Pomel) Humphries, Natural Product Research, Vol:33, Issue:2, pages:292-295, Taylor & francis
- 2017-02-22
An ethnobotanical survey of galactogenic plants of Berhoum district (M'sila, Algeria)
Background/Aim: This work aimed an ethnobatanical study on the galactogenic plants used in the Berhoum region (East of M’sila, Algeria) as a part of different studies on the medicinal plants related to M’sila region. Methods: The fieldwork was undertaken as an ethnobotanical survey involving 76 informants (mean age: 50; 64% women, 36% men). Used the medicinal plants were identified, and the results were analyzed according to literature investigation dealing with ethnobotany. Use value (UV), fidelity level, and informant consensus factor (ICF) were used to analyze the obtained data. Results: A total of 29 plant species belonging to 29 genera and 12 families (mainly, Apiaceae and Fabaceae) have been registered. Fruits and seeds were the most commonly used plant parts (80%). The used plants are mainly prepared as an infusion and decoction (69%). Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (UV = 0.58) were the species most commonly used by local healers. The FIC factors ranging from 0.45 to 0.89 for the six uses categories retained for this study. The ICF (0.65) was registered for the use galactogenic category with 29 species. Conclusion: This work showed that the population of the Berhoum District uses various medicinal plants for galactogenic purposes. Furthermore, ethnobotanical analysis will provide data on sustainable use and valorization of this plant heritage for ethnopharmacological and phytochemical studies
NOUI Hendel , SARRI Madani, BOUDJELAL Amel, SARRI Djamel, HAMDAOUI H., , (2017-02-22), An ethnobotanical survey of galactogenic plants of Berhoum district (M'sila, Algeria), Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, Vol:6, Issue:3, pages:311-315, Sukasiree Publication
- 2017
Inventaire et enquête ethnobotanique des plantes aquatiques d'Oued M'Sila (Ksob).
résumé absent
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , Mounir SELLOUM , Abdelghani ZEDAM , MADANI Sarri , ,(2017), Inventaire et enquête ethnobotanique des plantes aquatiques d'Oued M'Sila (Ksob).,Phytodiversité et Plantes d'intérêt écologique et économique en Algérie Inventaire, Conservation et Valorisation. 29 et 30 octobre 2017.,M'Sila
- 2016-05-16
Antioxidant activity of rosemary (Rosmarinus offcinalis L.) and it’s in vitro inhibitory effect on Penicillium digitatum.
The objective of this study was to evaluate rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) growing wild in Hammam Dalâa (Algeria) for total phenolic content, free radical scavenging activity (FRSA) and test the effect of its extracts on the growth of the green mold of citrus, Penicillium digitatum, under in vitro conditions. The results obtained using the Folin-Ciocalteu method showed a high content of the extract in polyphenols reaching 129 mg gallic acid equivalents/g and relatively low content of flavonoids (38mg of quercetin equivalents/g dry extract). In the DPPH assay the methanol extract exhibited a FRSA close to those of the synthetic antioxidants, tested as positive controls, and higher compared to that of the EO. The in vitro antifungal assay by means of different methods showed a clear inhibitory effect of the rosemary essential oil and methanol extract on P. digitatum. The inhibitory effect registered at the 6th day of incubation at 25°C was between 5 to 79% when the essential oil was applied as fumigant at concentrations ranging from 10 to 50 µl, and was between 13 and 50% when applied by contact bioassay at levels from 1000 to 3500 µl/l. Spore germination was strongly affected by the oil applied by disk diffusion method. The methanol extract exhibited inhibition exceeding 50% of the fungus mycelial growth but at relatively high concentration 0.8g/l. These results support the studies on rosemary as a promising source of preservatives.
NOUI Hendel , Larbi LAROUS, Leila BELBEY, , (2016-05-16), Antioxidant activity of rosemary (Rosmarinus offcinalis L.) and it’s in vitro inhibitory effect on Penicillium digitatum., International Food Research Journal, Vol:23, Issue:4, pages:1725-1732, UNIV PUTRA MALAYSIA PRESS
- 2011
Inventory of medicinal plants used for traditonal treatement of eczema in the Hodna (M’Sila, Algeria).
résumé absent
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , emel.boudjelle@univ-msila.dz, ,(2011), Inventory of medicinal plants used for traditonal treatement of eczema in the Hodna (M’Sila, Algeria).,In international science and technology conference at istanbul Univesity. 7-9 December 2011.,Turkey
- 2007
The Growth and Production of Patulin Mycotoxin by Penicillium expansum on Apple Fruits and its Control by the Use of Propionic Acid and Sodium Benzoate.
Penicillium expansum was the most frequently isolated fungal species in all tested samples of moulded apple fruits. The optimum temperature and RH for the growth of this fungus and for patulin production were 25o C and 90%, respectively, and the high amount of patulin was expressed by isolate 3 at 18ºC (345.6 mg/ml-1). The production of patulin correlated well with colony diameter and mycelium dry weight. Examined isolates varied in their inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis (isolate 3 had the best activity). The effect of propionic acid (0.05-0.2%) and sodium benzoate concentrations (0.05-0.4%) on the growth of P. expansum (isolate 3) and production of patulin from moulded apple surface were investigated. Propionic acid (0.15%) and sodium benzoate (0.3%) reduced the growth of the fungus and patulin concentration by more than 70%. Propionic acid at a concentration of 0.2 % and sodium benzoate at more than 0.3% almost prevented the growth of the fungus in the culture medium.
NOUI Hendel , Larbi Larous, Jawad K. Abood Al-Janabi, Mostefa Ghoul, , (2007), The Growth and Production of Patulin Mycotoxin by Penicillium expansum on Apple Fruits and its Control by the Use of Propionic Acid and Sodium Benzoate., Arab Journal of Plant Protection, Vol:25, Issue:1, pages:123-128, Arab Society for Plant Protection