AMMAR Sassoui
عمار ساسوي
06 98 88 96 79
- Teaching service - Common trunk Nature and Life Sciences
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade MCB
About Me
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 1993-02-02 00:00:00
AMMAR Sassoui birthday
- 2024-11-01
Evaluation of the antioxidant, antibacterial an antifungal activity of Satureja battanderi Briq. From Algeria
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2024-11-01), Evaluation of the antioxidant, antibacterial an antifungal activity of Satureja battanderi Briq. From Algeria,International Biological & Sciences Congress,Turkey
- 2024-05-07
les plantes utilisées pour le traitement des maladies d’estomac dans quelques commune de la wilaya de M’Sila
Pour connaître les usages traditionnelles des plantes médicinales par les habitants, 18 communes (parmi les 47 communes existante) de la wilaya de M'sila ont étés touché par des enquêtes ethnobotaniques réalisé aléatoirement auprès de 109 enquêtés. Il a été utilisé un ensemble de questions sur un site web ou différentes catégories d’habitants ont répondus au questionnaire online. Plusieurs informations sur les méthodes traditionnelles de traitement des maladies d’estomac ont été recueillies et analysées. Les résultats obtenus ont comptés 25 plantes médicinales appartenant à 23 genres et à 11 familles qui traites plus de 6 maladies de l’estomac (Diarrhée, Nausée, Brûlures, Constipation, Perte d’appétit et les Gaz). L’étude a montré que les feuilles (43,3%) et les graines (25%) sont las parties les plus largement utilisée sous forme d’ébullition (63,8%). L’enquête a recensées 20 recettes composées exclusivement de plantes, elles sont soit constituées d’une seule plante soit associées avec d’autres plantes. Les universitaires sont les plus touchés par cette enquête vue la disponibilité et l’accès au net.
Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2024-05-07), les plantes utilisées pour le traitement des maladies d’estomac dans quelques commune de la wilaya de M’Sila,2ème colloque national de chimie (CNC2@2024).,M'sila Algérie
- 2022-12-01
This article aims to overview the traditional uses, chemical compositions and biological activities of essential oils and extracts of Pulicaria arabica which is considered a traditional medicinal plant in the treatment of various diseases.The P. arabica is used in the treatment of several diseases such as antidiarrheal, anti schistosomiasis, digestive disorders, ulcers, anti-tobacco and skin diseases. Several different biological properties have been reported such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, hepatoprotective and nephritic effects. The chemical investigation of the P. arabica (aerial parts, leaves, stems and flowers) showed some qualitative and quantitative differences in the chemical composition, for example the major compounds for essential oils (Thymol, γ-Cadinene, α-Cadinol and epi-α-Cadinol), flavonoids and Caryophyllene derivatives.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , , (2022-12-01), TRADITIONAL USES, PHYTOCHIMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF PULICARIA ARABICA (L.) CASS., Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol:18, Issue:2, pages:30-35, Clarion Publiching House, Braşov
- 2022-12-01
Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from wadi ksob (Msila).
MADANI Sarri , Djamel SARRI , NOUI Hendel , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022-12-01), Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from wadi ksob (Msila).,1er séminaire national sur plantes, molécules bioactives et Valorisation (SN-PMBV-2022),,Skikda Algérie
- 2022
Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila)
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022), Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila),International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISVAEFR2022),Skikda (Algérie)
- 2022
Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila)
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022), Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila),International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISVAEFR2022),Skikda (Algérie)
- 2022
Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila)
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022), Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila),International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISVAEFR2022),Skikda (Algérie)
- 2022
Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila)
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022), Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (M'sila),International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISVAEFR2022),Skikda (Algérie)
- 2022
Biological activity of essential oil of Cotula coronopifolia Wild in M'sila region
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Biological activity of essential oil of Cotula coronopifolia Wild in M'sila region,International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISVAEFR2022),Skikda (Algérie)
- 2022
Phenolic composition, antioxidant potential of some extract of the endemic Algerian plant of the Asteraceae family.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phenolic composition, antioxidant potential of some extract of the endemic Algerian plant of the Asteraceae family.,Environnement et Développement Durable des Ecosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des Zones Semi Arides.,Université Larbi TEBESSI TEBESSA
- 2022
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of medicinal plant from Boutaleb region (Setif).
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of medicinal plant from Boutaleb region (Setif).,Environnement et Développement Durable des Ecosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des Zones Semi Arides.,Université Larbi TEBESSI TEBESSA
- 2022
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Pulicaria arabica in M’sila region.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Pulicaria arabica in M’sila region.,Le Premier Séminaire National ‘webinaire’ sur les substances bioactives : substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament promoteur demain,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from Wadi Ksob (M’sila).
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , AMMAR Sassoui , ,(2022), Chemical composition of essential oils from two aquatic plants from Wadi Ksob (M’sila).,1er Séminaire National sur Plantes, Molécules Bioactives et Valorisation (SN-PMBV-2022),École Normale Supérieure d’Enseignement Technologique de Skikda
- 2022
Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Cotula coronopifolia wild in M’sila region
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Cotula coronopifolia wild in M’sila region,1ère conférence nationale protection des plantes et préservation des milieux naturels steppiques,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Photochemical study of methanol extrat of Hertia cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Photochemical study of methanol extrat of Hertia cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The First International Congress of Innovations in Chemistry for Aims,Université Larbi Ben M’hidi d’ Oum El Boughi
- 2022
Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Thymus sp. Boutaleb region (Setif).
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Thymus sp. Boutaleb region (Setif).,Le premier séminaire sur l’Agriculture et le Développement durable en Zones Semi arides.,Université Mohamed Cherif MESSAADIA Souk Ahras
- 2022
In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Satureja montana L. from Algeria
MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , AMMAR Sassoui , Merah Safia, Filippo Maggi, Maurizio Bruno, ,(2022), In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Satureja montana L. from Algeria,International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria)
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria),International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The First Virtual International Seminar on Bioressources, Nutrition, and Health.,Université Abdelhamid Ibn BADIS - Mostaganem
- 2022
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia Cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia Cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region.,Le Premier Séminaire National ‘webinaire’ sur les substances bioactives : substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament promoteur demain,Université de M'sila
- 2022
Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (Msila).
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2022), Diversity of essential oils of some species collected in different biotopes of the Hodna region (Msila).,International seminar on valorization of agronomic, ecological and food resources (ISYAEFR 2022), Skikda,Skikda Algérie
- 2021
Evaluation of antioxydant activity of some extract of cotula coronopifolia L.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , Djamel SARRI , noui.hedenl@univ-msila.dz, ,(2021), Evaluation of antioxydant activity of some extract of cotula coronopifolia L.,International Seminar on Biodiversity, Valorization and Conservation of Urban and Forest Ecosystems: (In support of sustainable development),Université de M'sila
- 2021
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of organic extract of cotula coronopifolia wild in Msila region.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2021), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of organic extract of cotula coronopifolia wild in Msila region.,Séminaire National : Ressources végétales, Produits Naturels et Santé,UNIVERSITE SAAD DAHLAB BLIDA 1
- 2021
Antibacterial activity of some extracts from Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2021), Antibacterial activity of some extracts from Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila
- 2021
Evaluation of the DPPH free radical scavenging capacity of Ballota hirsuta's methanolic and aqueous extracts.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , KHEMISSA HAMZA, ,(2021), Evaluation of the DPPH free radical scavenging capacity of Ballota hirsuta's methanolic and aqueous extracts.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila
- 2021
Satureja montana L.: in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil, methanolic and aqueous extracts.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , MERAH SAFIA, ,(2021), Satureja montana L.: in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil, methanolic and aqueous extracts.,Bio-ressources : Nutrition, Santé et Environnement,Université de M'sila
- 2020-04-27
Essential oils from three Algerian medicinal plants (Artemisia campestris, Pulicaria arabica, and Saccocalyx satureioides) as new botanical insecticides?
Medicinal and aromatic plants represent an outstanding source of green active ingredients for a broad range of real-world applications. In the present study, we investigated the insecticidal potential of the essential oils obtained from three medicinal and aromatic plants of economic importance in Algeria, Artemisia campestris, Pulicaria arabica, and Saccocalyx satureioides. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to study the essential oil chemical compositions. The three essential oils were tested against a mosquito vectoring filariasis and arboviruses, i.e., Culex quinquefasciatus, a fly pest acting also as pathogens vector, Musca domestica, and an agricultural moth pest, i.e., Spodoptera littoralis, using WHO and topical application methods, respectively. The essential oil from A. campestris, containing β-pinene (15.2%), α-pinene (11.2%), myrcene (10.3%), germacrene D (9.0%) (Z)-β-ocimene (8.1%) and γ-curcumene (6.4%), showed remarkable toxicity against C. quinquefasciatus (LC50 of 45.8 mg L−1) and moderate effects (LD50 of 99.8 μg adult−1) against M. domestica. Those from P. arabica and S. satureioides, containing epi-α-cadinol (23.9%), δ-cadinene (21.1%), α-cadinol (19.8%) and germacrene D-4-ol (8.4%), and thymol (25.6%), α-terpineol (24.6%), borneol (17.4%) and p-cymene (11.4%), respectively, were more active on S. littoralis showing LD50 values of 68.9 and 61.2 μg larva−1, respectively. Based on our results, the essential oil from A. campestris may be further considered a candidate ingredient for developing botanical larvicides.
MADANI Sarri , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , Filippo Maggi, Maurizio Bruno, Donato Romano, Angelo Canale, Roman Pavela, Giovanni Benelli, , (2020-04-27), Essential oils from three Algerian medicinal plants (Artemisia campestris, Pulicaria arabica, and Saccocalyx satureioides) as new botanical insecticides?, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol:27, Issue:1, pages:26594–26604, SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
- 2020
Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Pulicaria Arabica (L.) Cass. wild in Msila
The family Asteraceae (Compositae) includes about 200 genera and 2000 species, out of which, the genus Pulicaria is widely distributed in Asia, Europe, and Africa. In Algeria, there are 6 species of Pulicaria, four of which are found in the Sahara among them, Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass also called Inula arabica is a fragrant herb which is traditionally used to treat swelling and painful boils. Several Studies directed by many researchers, in order to assess the biological properties of members of the genus Pulicaria, in this work we try to evaluate biological activity of some extract of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. The study of organic extracts from the species Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. has shown that these extracts have considerable antioxidant activity. Key words: Pulicaria arabica, Organics extracts, M’sila
AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , MADANI Sarri , ,(2020), Phytochemical study of some organics extracts of Pulicaria Arabica (L.) Cass. wild in Msila,1ère Journée nationale sur Analyse de cycle de vie, Eco-Conception, Eco-éducation, Eco -innovation au service du développement durable,Algeria (Boumerdès)
- 2019
Antioxidant activity of the methanolic and ethanolic extracts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region
The genus Pulicaria Gaertn., belongins to the tribe Inuleae of the family Asteraceae, consists of ca. 100 species which are widely distributed from Europe to North Africa and Asia, particularly around the Mediterranean (Williams, 2000). It is represented in the flora of Algeria (Quezel et Santa, 1963 and Ozenda, 1983) by 13 species (P. crispa, P. laciniata, P. dysenterica, P. odora, P. mauritanica, P. filaginoides, P. sicula, P. arabica, P. vulgaris, P. undulata, P. lothei, P. volskonskyana and P. inuloides). The aim of this work is to study the antioxidant activity of extracts (methanolic and ethanolic) from aerial parts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. Antioxidant activity of the extracts was carried out using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay. The results indicated a Hight capacity. Key words: Pulicaria arabica; Extracts; Antioxidant activity, DPPH; M’sila
AMMAR Sassoui , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , ,(2019), Antioxidant activity of the methanolic and ethanolic extracts of Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from the M'sila region,L’apport des Biotechnologies sur la protection de l’environnement,Msila
- 2019
Medicinal plants contain some organic compounds, which provide definite physiological action on the human body, and these bioactive substances include tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, terpenoids, steroids and flavonoids. These compounds are synthesized by primary or rather secondary metabolism of living organisms. Secondary metabolites are chemically and taxonomically extremely diverse compounds with obscure function. They are widely used in the human therapy, veterinary, agriculture, scientific research and countless other areas. A large number of phytochemicals belonging to several chemical classes have been shown to have inhibitory effects on all types of microorganisms in vitro. This study focused on the determination of the phytochemical composition and antibacterial activity of aerial part of two plants very used in traditional medicine: Globularia alypum and Artimisia campestris growing spontaneously in Batna. The crude extracts were obtained by maceration in methanol and the antibacterial activity was determinate by disk diffusion method. The results of the phytochemical screening revealed a difference in types and concentrations of secondary metabolites in the two plants. In addition, the present study clearly demonstrated the antibacterial activity with lowest CMI against all test strains including multi- drug resistant bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25922, E. coli ATCC 25923, Klebseilla pneumonia, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27865. This finding further enriches the pharmaceutical value of Globularia alypum and Artimisia campestris, and it confirms the validity of its traditional use. Key words: Globularia alypum, Artimisia campestris, phytochemical screening, antibacterial activity.
AMMAR Sassoui , goudjil rima, mekhaldi abdelkader, ,(2019), PRELIMINARY COMPARATIVE PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF ARTEMISIA CAMPESTRIS AND GLOBULARIA ALYPUM GROWING IN AURES REGION.,1er Séminaire National : L’apport des Biotechnologies sur la protection de l’environnement.,Msila