MAROUA Kheloufi
مروة خلوفي
- Departement of Microbiology and biochemistry
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade PHd
About Me
Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie
Research Domains
Pharmacologie experimentale
LocationDaïa bendahoua, Daïa bendahoua
Ghardaia, ALGERIA
Code RFIDE- 2022
Co-Encaderement Master
Contribution à la détermination in vitro le degré de virulence de six souches bactériennes isolées à partir d’un sol nu de la vallée du M’zab
- 2022
Co-Encaderement Master
Contribution à la Détermination in vitro le degré de pathogénicité de six souches à effet PGP
- 1997-01-30 00:00:00
MAROUA Kheloufi birthday
- 2024-06-29
Chemical composition, anti-fusarium and radical-scavenging activities of essential oil and extracts of Hertia cheirifolia (L.) Kuntze growing in Boutaleb (Setif, Algeria)
This study was carried out with the objective to investigate the essential oil chemical composition, essential oil and extracts biological activities of Hertia cheirifolia. The volatile components of the aerial parts of H. cheirifolia, obtained by hydrodistillation, have been analysed by GC/MS. Fifty-six compounds were identified accounting for 98.41% of the total oil. However, all the oil was characterized by the predominance of three components, α-Pinene (33.07%), 1-[1-Methyl-1-(4-methyl-cyclohex-3-enyl)-ethyl]-1H-pyrrole (28.08%) and Germacrene D (19.59%). The free radical scavenging activity of the essential and the extracts was determined by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) model system. The antifungal activity showed that the essential oil, the methanolic extract and the aqueous extract of H. cheirifolia significantly reduced the growth of Fusarium graminearum, F. oxysporum f. sp. albedinis and F. culmorum.
MAROUA Kheloufi , MADANI Sarri , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , , (2024-06-29), Chemical composition, anti-fusarium and radical-scavenging activities of essential oil and extracts of Hertia cheirifolia (L.) Kuntze growing in Boutaleb (Setif, Algeria), Agrarian Academic Journal, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:1-9, Revista Agrária Acadêmica
- 2023
Etude phytochimique et évaluation de l'activité antioxydante et antibactérienne de l'huile essentielle de feuilles de Hertia Cheirifolia L.
Les plantes constituent une source inépuisable des molécules actives. La présente étude se propose d’identifier la composition chimique et d’évaluer l’activité antibactérienne, antioxydant de l’huile essentielle d’une espèce endémique Hertia cheirifolia L. L’analyse par CPG/SM de l’huile extraite par hydrodistillation a mis en évidence leur composition chimique. Le α-pinène, β-caryophyllene, Germacrène D, Eremophila-1(10),11-diène, Germacrène B, (-) -Drimenin, sont les composés majoritaires de cette huile essentielle. L’activité antibactérienne a été testée par la méthode de diffusion sur disque vis-à-vis de quatre souches de référence. L’action de l’huile essentielle de H. cheirifolia a permis d’avoir des zones d’inhibition uniquement sur S. aureus et E. coli. La souche de S. aureus s’est montrée extrêmement sensible à l’huile de H. cheirifolia avec un diamètre de 30,67mm suivie par E. coli avec un diamètre de 17mm. Aucune activité n’a été exercée contre P. aeruginosa et B. subtilis. Le test de piégeage du radical DPPH mis en évidence que l’HE de Hertia cheirifolia présente un potentiel antiradicalaire et réducteur plus important. Mots-clés : Activité antibactérienne, activité antioxydant, huile essentielle, Hertia cheirifolia L.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2023), Etude phytochimique et évaluation de l'activité antioxydante et antibactérienne de l'huile essentielle de feuilles de Hertia Cheirifolia L.,1er Séminaire National « webinaire» Toxicologie et Phyto-Aromathérapie (Toxi et Phyt’Arom),Ghilizane
- 2022
Abstract: Thymus genus (Lamiaceae) is widely distributed; it comprises eight sections distributed into about 220 species. In Algerian flora, there are 12 Thymus species from which 9 are endemic, among which Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. is an endemic species from North Africa. Traditionally in Boutaleb, local people use the aerial part from T. ciliates as remedies in various diseases e.g., bronchitis, pulmonary infection, flu, cough and some gastrointestinal disorders. The purpose of this study is to investigate the therapeutic sides of the methanolic extract of this endemic species to find new molecules able to reduce the use of synthetics medicines. Chemical determinations were carried out using spectrophotometric methods, whereas antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH scavenging activity. The total polyphenols and flavonoids content in the methanolic extract were 95,56 ± 1.85 mg EAG/g of extract and 40,64 ± 0.04 mg QE/g respectively. It seems that the Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. methanolic maceration extract has an interesting radical and reducing antioxidant activity total antioxidant capacity in a dose-dependent manner. The results showed that our extract has a very important radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical compared to BHT as a standard. Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the plant Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. is a promising source of natural antioxidants that presents a therapeutic interest. Keywords: Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. Boutaleb, methanolic extract, Antioxydant activity
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF METHANOLIC EXTRACT OF THYMUS CILIATUS WILD IN BOUTALEB REGION (SETIF, ALGERIA),8th International Conference BIOATLAS on Food and Tourism Brasov, Romania 8-9 September 2022,Romania
- 2022
Abstract: This work has set itself the objective of enhancing the medicinal flora in the Boutaleb region. Thus, ethnobotanical information was obtained during the period 2021-2022 from connoisseurs, herbalists, healers in order to identify the plants and recipes used. A total of 202 questionnaires were completed, the inventory made it possible to identify 100 plants divided into 46 families and 86 genera, with a slight dominance of Asteraceae. Also, the aerial part is the most used part and the majority of remedies are prepared in the form of a decoction. Of all the diseases treated, digestive disorders represent the most cited diseases. Finally, this study revealed rich ethnomedicinal knowledge in the Boutaleb massif and that these medicinal species could be of great interest for pharmacological studies. Keywords: Traditional medicine, Ethnobotany, Questionnaire, Boutaleb (Algeria).
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), ETHNOBOTANICAL STUDY WITH THE LOCAL POPULATION AT THE BOUTALEB MOUNTAIN (ALGERIA),8th International Conference BIOATLAS on Food and Tourism Brasov, Romania 8-9 September 2022,Romania
- 2022
Introduction and Objectives: The genus Hertia, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, contains 12 species distributed all over South and North Africa and Southwest Asia. In Algeria, we found only the species Hertia cheirifolia L. It is endemic to both Tunisia and Algeria. It grows in large clumps. Traditionally in Boutaleb, local people use the infusion of vegetative part (leaves + stems) from H. cheirifolia to reduce treatment of the pain of stomach and hyperglycemia. But there is no scientific reference in the literature for such use. Previous studies showed that H. cheirifolia have important chemicals and biological activities such as spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and acaricidal effects. The aim of this work is to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Methanol extract from the aerial part of Hertia cheirifolia L. Methodology: Chemical determinations were carried out using spectrophotometric methods, whereas antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH scavenging activity Kelen et Tepe, 2008. Results and Discussion: The total polyphenols and flavonoids content in the methanolic maceration extract were 60,18 mg EAG/g of extract and 29,85 mg QE/g, respectively. It seems that the Hertia cheirifolia L. methanolic maceration extract has an interesting radical and reducing antioxidant activity total antioxidant capacity in a dose-dependent manner. The results showed that our extract has a very important radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical compared to BHT as a standard. Conclusion: Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the plant Hertia cheirifolia L. is a promising source of natural antioxidants that presents a therapeutic interest. Key words: Hertia cheirifolia L, Boutaleb, methanol extract. Antioxydant activity.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF METHANOL EXTRACT OF H. CHEIRIFOLIA WILD IN BOUTALEB REGION.,The First International Congress of Innovations in Chemistry for Therapeutic Aims,University, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
- 2022
Résumé Les plantes constituent une source inépuisable des molécules actives. La présente étude se propose d’identifier la composition chimique et d’évaluer l’activité antibactérienne, antioxydant de l’huile essentielle d’une espèce endémique Hertia cheirifolia L. L’analyse par CPG/SM de l’huile extraite par hydrodistillation a mis en évidence leur composition chimique. Le α-pinène, β-caryophyllene, Germacrène D, Eremophila-1(10),11-diène, Germacrène B, (-) -Drimenin, sont les composés majoritaires de cette huile essentielle. L’activité antibactérienne a été testée par la méthode de diffusion sur disque vis-à-vis de quatre souches de référence. L’action de l’huile essentielle de H. cheirifolia a permis d’avoir des zones d’inhibition uniquement sur S. aureus et E. coli. La souche de S. aureus s’est montrée extrêmement sensible à l’huile de H. cheirifolia avec un diamètre de 30,67mm suivie par E. coli avec un diamètre de 17mm. Aucune activité n’a été exercée contre P. aeruginosa et B. subtilis. Le test de piégeage du radical DPPH et le test de FRAP ont mis en évidence que l’HE de Hertia cheirifolia présente un potentiel antiradicalaire et réducteur plus important. Mots-clés : Activité antibactérienne, activité antioxydant, huile essentielle, Hertia cheirifolia L.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), COMPOSITION CHIMIQUE, ACTIVITE ANTIOXYDANTE ET ANTIBACTERIENNE D’HUILE ESSENTIELLE D’UNE PLANTE ENDEMIQUE DU MASSIF DE BOUTALEB,1er Séminaire National sur Les Huiles Essentielles et l’Aromathérapie –SNAHE- 19 et 20 Septembre 2022,University, KHENCHELA, Algeria
- 2022
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region (Setif)
Abstract There are 12 species in the genus Hertia, which is an Asteraceae member and is found in South and North Africa, Southwest Asia, and other places. Only one species of Hertia cheirifolia L. was discovered in Algeria. Algeria and Tunisia are both home to it. It develops in huge clumps. Traditionally in Boutaleb, local people use the infusion of vegetative part (leaves + stems) from H. cheirifolia to reduce treatment of the pain of stomach and hyperglycemia. But there is no scientific reference in the literature for such use. Previous studies showed that H. cheirifolia have important chemicals and biological activities such as spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and acaricidal effects. The aim of this work is to evaluate the antiradical libre of organic extract from the leaves of Hertia cheirifolia L. Chemical determinations were carried out using spectrophotometric methods, whereas antioxidant activity was carried out using DPPH scavenging activity (Kelen et Tepe, 2008). The total polyphenols and flavonoids content in the methanolic maceration extract were 60,18 mg EAG/g of extract and 29,85 mg QE/g, respectively. The results indicated a hight radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical compared to BHT as a standard. Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the plant Hertia cheirifolia L. is a promising source of natural antioxidants that presents a therapeutic interest. Key words: Hertia cheirifolia L. Boutaleb, methanolic extract, aqueous, Antioxydant activity.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region (Setif),1er séminaire national sur les substances bioactives : Substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament prometteur demain! ,Université Mohamed Boudiaf-M’sila
- 2022
In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
Abstract The genus Hertia, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, contains 12 species distributed all over South and North Africa and Southwest Asia. In Algeria, we found only the species Hertia cheirifolia L. It is endemic to both Tunisia and Algeria. It grows in large clumps. Traditionally in Boutaleb, local people use the infusion of vegetative part (leaves + stems) from H. cheirifolia to reduce treatment of the pain of stomach and hyperglycemia. But there is no scientific reference in the literature for such use. Previous studies showed that H. cheirifolia have important chemicals and biological activities such as spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and acaricidal effects. The aim of this work is to evaluate the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extract from the leaves of Hertia cheirifolia L. Chemical determinations were carried out using spectrophotometric methods, whereas antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH scavenging activity. The total polyphenols and flavonoids content in the methanolic and aqueous extract were 60,18 mg EAG/g of extract, 52,28 mg EAG/g of extract and 29,85 mg QE/g, 10,33 mg QE/g respectively. It seems that the Hertia cheirifolia L. methanolic maceration extract has an interesting radical and reducing antioxidant activity total antioxidant capacity in a dose-dependent manner. The results showed that our extract has a very important radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical compared to BHT as a standard. Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the plant Hertia cheirifolia L. is a promising source of natural antioxidants that presents a therapeutic interest. Key words: Hertia cheirifolia L. Boutaleb, methanolic extract, aqueous extract, Antioxydant activity.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The first Virtual International Seminar on Bioressources, Nutrition, and Health (ISBNH 2022): dated 28th and 29th November 2022.,University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis-Mostaganem-Algeria.
- 2022
Abstract Thymus genus (Lamiaceae) is widely distributed; it comprises eight sections distributed into about 220 species. In Algerian flora, there are 12 Thymus species from which 9 are endemic, among which Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. which is an endemic species from North Africa. Traditionally in Boutaleb, local people use the aerial part from T. ciliates as remedies in various diseases e.g., bronchitis, pulmonary infection, flu, cough and some gastrointestinal disorders. The purpose of this study is to investigate the therapeutic sides of the methanolic extract of this endemic species to find a new molecules able to reduce the use of synthetics medicines. Chemical determinations were carried out using spectrophotometric methods, whereas antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH scavenging activity. The total polyphenols and flavonoids content in the methanolic extract were 95,56 ± 1.85 mg EAG/g of extract and 40,64 ± 0.04 mg QE/g respectively. It seems that the Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. methanolic maceration extract has an interesting radical and reducing antioxidant activity total antioxidant capacity in a dose-dependent manner. The results showed that our extract has a very important radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical compared to BHT as a standard. Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the plant Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. is a promising source of natural antioxidants that presents a therapeutic interest. Key words: Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. Boutaleb, methanolic extract, Antioxydant activity.
- 2022
Abstract The genus Hertia, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, contains 12 species distributed all over South and North Africa and Southwest Asia. In Algeria, we found only the species Hertia cheirifolia L. It is endemic to both Tunisia and Algeria. It grows in large clumps. Traditionally in Boutaleb, local people use the infusion of vegetative part (leaves + stems) from H. cheirifolia to reduce treatment of the pain of stomach and hyperglycemia. But there is no scientific reference in the literature for such use. Previous studies showed that H. cheirifolia have important chemicals and biological activities such as spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and acaricidal effects. The aim of this work is to evaluate the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extract from the leaves of Hertia cheirifolia L. Chemical determinations were carried out using spectrophotometric methods, whereas antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH scavenging activity. The total polyphenols and flavonoids content in the methanolic and aqueous extract were 60,18 mg EAG/g of extract, 52,28 mg EAG/g of extract and 29,85 mg QE/g, 10,33 mg QE/g respectively. It seems that the Hertia cheirifolia L. methanolic maceration extract has an interesting radical and reducing antioxidant activity total antioxidant capacity in a dose-dependent manner. The results showed that our extract has a very important radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical compared to BHT as a standard. Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the plant Hertia cheirifolia L. is a promising source of natural antioxidants that presents a therapeutic interest. Key words: Hertia cheirifolia L. Boutaleb, methanolic extract, aqueous extract, Antioxydant activity.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), PHENOLIC COMPOSITION, ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF SOME EXTRACT OF THE ENDEMIC ALGERIAN PLANT OF THE ASTERACEAE FAMILY,Séminaire National en : Environnement et Développement durable des Écosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des zones semi arides,Tébessa
- 2022
Abstract Thymus genus (Lamiaceae) is widely distributed; it comprises eight sections distributed into about 220 species. In Algerian flora, there are 12 Thymus species from which 9 are endemic, among which Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. which is an endemic species from North Africa. Traditionally in Boutaleb, local people use the aerial part from T. ciliates as remedies in various diseases e.g., bronchitis, pulmonary infection, flu, cough and some gastrointestinal disorders. The purpose of this study is to investigate the therapeutic sides of the methanolic extract of this endemic species to find a new molecules able to reduce the use of synthetics medicines. Chemical determinations were carried out using spectrophotometric methods, whereas antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH scavenging activity. The total polyphenols and flavonoids content in the methanolic extract were 95,56 ± 1.85 mg EAG/g of extract and 40,64 ± 0.04 mg QE/g respectively. It seems that the Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. methanolic maceration extract has an interesting radical and reducing antioxidant activity total antioxidant capacity in a dose-dependent manner. The results showed that our extract has a very important radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical compared to BHT as a standard. Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the plant Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. is a promising source of natural antioxidants that presents a therapeutic interest. Key words: Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. Boutaleb, methanolic extract, Antioxydant activity.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2022), TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF MEDICINAL PLANT FROM BOUTALEB REGION (SETIF),Séminaire National en : Environnement et Développement durable des Écosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des zones semi arides,Tébessa
- 2022
Phenolic composition, antioxidant potential of some extract of the endemic Algerian plant of the Asteraceae family.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phenolic composition, antioxidant potential of some extract of the endemic Algerian plant of the Asteraceae family.,Environnement et Développement Durable des Ecosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des Zones Semi Arides.,Université Larbi TEBESSI TEBESSA
- 2022
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of medicinal plant from Boutaleb region (Setif).
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of medicinal plant from Boutaleb region (Setif).,Environnement et Développement Durable des Ecosystèmes (Gestion et valorisation) des Zones Semi Arides.,Université Larbi TEBESSI TEBESSA
- 2022
Composition chimique, activité antioxydante et antibactérienne d’huile essentielle d’une plante endémique du massif du Boutaleb.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , NOUI Hendel , Baali Faiza, Djemouai Nadjette, ,(2022), Composition chimique, activité antioxydante et antibactérienne d’huile essentielle d’une plante endémique du massif du Boutaleb.,Le premier séminaire National sur les huiles essentielles et l’aromathérapie (SNHEA) (Hybride),Université Abbes LAGHROUR KHENCHELA
- 2022
Photochemical study of methanol extrat of Hertia cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Photochemical study of methanol extrat of Hertia cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The First International Congress of Innovations in Chemistry for Aims,Université Larbi Ben M’hidi d’ Oum El Boughi
- 2022
Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Thymus sp. Boutaleb region (Setif).
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Thymus sp. Boutaleb region (Setif).,Le premier séminaire sur l’Agriculture et le Développement durable en Zones Semi arides.,Université Mohamed Cherif MESSAADIA Souk Ahras
- 2022
Ethnobotanical study with the local population at the Boutaleb mountain (Algeria)
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , NOUI Hendel , Djamel SARRI , ,(2022), Ethnobotanical study with the local population at the Boutaleb mountain (Algeria),International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria)
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Phytochemical study of methanolic extract of Thymus ciliatus wild in Boutaleb region (Setif, Algeria),International BIOATLAS Conference,Brasov, Romania
- 2022
In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hertia Cheirifolia wild in Boutaleb region.,The First Virtual International Seminar on Bioressources, Nutrition, and Health.,Université Abdelhamid Ibn BADIS - Mostaganem
- 2022
Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia Cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region.
MADANI Sarri , MAROUA Kheloufi , AMMAR Sassoui , NOUI Hendel , ,(2022), Evaluation of antiradical libre DPPH of methanolic extract of Hertia Cheirifolia wild from Boutaleb region.,Le Premier Séminaire National ‘webinaire’ sur les substances bioactives : substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament promoteur demain,Université de M'sila
- 2021
Valorization and development of plant extracts with a coagulating effect of milk: case of the traditional Kemariya cheese in Ghardaia province”
Abstract The industrial transformation of milk into cheese requires the use of rennet. It’s extracted from abomasum calf's, which has become insufficient due to the increase in world production of cheese and their expensive importation costs. These problems are aggravated, in Muslim countries for religious reasons, due to slaughter rituals and the prohibition of certain coagulants such as porcine pepsin. Thence this work Aims to the development of national cheese production based on coagulating enzymes extracted from local sources, through looks deep to the plants used in the manufacture of a traditional cheese in the region of Ghardaia called Kemariya, promote these species through a phytochemical study, the manufacture of the Kemariya cheese by replacing the expensive rennet with extracts from the plants found, completed by a physicochemical and hygienic analysis of the raw cow's and goat's milk used in the preparation of the Kemariya cheese and the prepared Kemariya. The results of this study allow us to choose two spontaneous species according to their frequency of citation. These are Cynara cardunculus and Fagonia glutinosa. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of different chemical classes of bioactive molecules such as phenols, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, reducing sugars and proteins. Physico-chemical analysis show that the milk used characterized by a normal pH, the Kemariya obtained was characterized by a slightly acidic pH, whereas its microbiological quality was generally complying with the standards set by the Algerian state. The results obtained confirm that these two plants have a very important industrial purpose, by a development of plant extracts with a coagulating effect of milk, which constitutes the beginning of the path of independence by the marketing of natural products (halal), able to replacing imported products. Keywords: Kemariya, physicochemical analysis, hygienic analysis, Cynara cardunculusn, Fagonia glutinosa.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2021), Valorization and development of plant extracts with a coagulating effect of milk: case of the traditional Kemariya cheese in Ghardaia province”,1st International Webinar on Innovative Applications of Biotechnologies in the Food Industry: From The Laboratory to The Enterprise (WAIBIA) 1 & 2 December 2021,University Frères Mentouri-Constantine 1
- 2021
Extraction, analyse et la valorisation de certaines plantes utilisées traditionnellement dans la coagulation du lait dans la région de Ghardaïa
Résumé L‘Algérie par sa topographie particulière et sa position géographique possède des conditions climatiques particulièrement propices aux développements de nombreuses espèces végétales. On y dénombre, à ce jour, près de 5000 espèces végétales, parmi lesquelles de nombreuses plantes dont certaines sont totalement ignorées et n‘ont pratiquement jamais fait l‘objet d‘études phytochimiques poussées et encore moins d‘études sur l’activité coagulante du lait malgré leur large utilisation en culinaire algérien traditionnel et en particulier dans la région de Ghardaïa. C‘est le cas de Cynara cardunculus et Fagonia glutinosa deux plantes spontanées très répandu dans la région de vallée du M'Zab ces plantes sont utilisées par la population de cette région dans la préparation du fromage traditionnel appelé Kemariya, Notre étude vise la valorisation de ces espèces par une étude phytochimique en mettant en évidence l’activité coagulante tout en confirmant leur statut de fabrique de lait caillé à usage traditionnel. Le criblage phytochimique a mis en évidence la présence des différentes classes chimiques de molécules bioactives tels que les phénols, les tanins, les flavonoïdes, les terpènoïdes, les stéroïdes, les sucres réducteurs et les protéines. Et aussi l’activité de la coagulation du lait a été testé sur lait de vache et chèvre par la méthode traditionnelle dans la région de Ghardaïa, et a été également confirmée qui peuvent confirmer le statut des plantes coagulantes traditionnelles. Mots-clés : Etudes phytochimiques, activité coagulante, Cynara cardunculus, Fagonia glutinosa.
MAROUA Kheloufi , ,(2021), Extraction, analyse et la valorisation de certaines plantes utilisées traditionnellement dans la coagulation du lait dans la région de Ghardaïa,1er Séminaire National en ligne sur les Produits Bioactifs et Valorisation de la Biomasse (SNPBVB-1),Ecole Normale Supérieure Cheikh Mohamed El-Bachir El Ibrahimi, Kouba
- 2020
Ethnobotanical study of wild plants used in the Algerian traditional cheese-making of Kemariya in the M’Zab Valley (Algeria)
The traditional cheese known by Kemariya occupies a very important socio-economic place in the M’Zab Valley. It is considered as one of the popular traditional cheese in the region that is coagulated by animal rennet as well as by some plant species. In order to determine and catalog the plant species used in the coagulation of milk, an ethnobotanical survey was carried out with the local population of Ghardaïa province (Algeria). This study was conducted using semi-structured questionnaires that were distributed to 100 people of two ethnics (57 Arab and 43 Mozabites). Among them, 10 informants were herbalists. The obtained results showed that nine plant species are well known and used for Kemariya preparation among them C. cardunculus. and F. glutinosa are the most cited. In addition, the harvest of C. cardunculus and F. glutinosa is done in spring during the flowering period (48% and 59% of responses, respectively). The used part for C. cardunculus was flowers (100% of responses), while for F. glutinosa were seeds (44.4%) and leaves (33.3%). C. cardunculus and F. glutinosa can be used either in the fresh or dry state. Goat milk was the most used milk by the local population for Kemariya production. These results highlight the importance of the use of the Algerian flora in cheese production. Further studies are required to preserve the Algerian culinary heritage and to identify the active ingredients of these plant species for the production of plant coagulants substituting the rennet in cheese fabrication.
MAROUA Kheloufi , , (2020), Ethnobotanical study of wild plants used in the Algerian traditional cheese-making of Kemariya in the M’Zab Valley (Algeria), International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), Vol:18, Issue:, pages:193-206, Maroua Kheloufi