منصور ركبي
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Science et Technologies
Research Domains
Materiaux composites
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2023
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Développement et caractérisation des structures tissu-s bidirection'elles à partir des fibres naturelles locales.
- 2023
Encaderement master
Effet Des Déchets Minéraux Sur Le Comportement Des Bétons polymères
- 2023
Encaderement master
Djaalab Oussama , Mekki Achrafe Eddine, Bouteraa Dia Eddine
Etude Et Conception D’un Broyeur Pour Les Matériaux Plastiques
- 2023
Co-Encaderement Master
OULKHIR Abdeslam , DEHIM Aissa
Etude de Conception D’une Grue Pour La Récolte Des Dattes
- 2023
Encaderement master
Djerad Mawloud , Fetiti Rayene Badis
Elaboration et caractérisation d’un nouveau matériau à base des déchets de cartons et du polystyrène
- 2022
- 2022
- 2022
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Moussaoui Nafissa
Etude de l’amélioration de l’interfaces fibres naturelles / résine par différents traitements
- 2022
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Etude de l’endommagement et rupture des stratifiés composites à base de fibres végétales
- 2021
Encaderement master
- 2021
Encaderement master
- 2021
Encaderement master
DJAIDJA Seif el islam , BOUCHERB el yamine
- 2021
Encaderement master
- 2021
Encaderement master
- 2020
Encaderement master
- 2020
Encaderement master
- 2020
Encaderement master
LADJAL Dahmane , SAADI Abderrahmane
- 2020
Encaderement master
Effet de la nature et du traitement de fibre végétales sur le comportement de brique de terre
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Contribution a l’étude de l'endommagement en statique du béton polymère à fibres minérales et végétales
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Master
BENTOUMI Moustapha
Valorisation de trois types de sable issue de la région du Hodna pour l’élaboration de bétons polymères a base de resine Polyester
- 2019
Encaderement master
GRINE MADANI , Ghebouli Moustapha
Etude de l'effet de l'orientation des fibres sur la rupture du béton polymere
- 2019
Encaderement master
FALI Allaoua , MERZOUG Abdel Aziz
- 2019
Encaderement master
FALI Allaoua , MERZOUG Abdel Aziz
- 2019
Encaderement master
L'effet de l'extraction des fibres vegetales sur leurs comportement physique chimique et mecanique
- 1969-11-18 00:00:00
MANSOUR Rokbi birthday
- 2025-01-21
Effect of chemical treatment on the mechanical properties of intra-layer hybrid Alfa/Jute fabric composites
Bidirectional hybrid polymer-based composites are being introduced in many industrial applications. This is because the weaving patterns of woven composites have significant contributions to resulting composite performances. The main goal of this work was to study the effect of chemical treatments and the effect of hybridization on the mechanical properties of intra-layer hybrid Alfa/Jute fabric composites. Jute and Alfa fibers were used as natural fibers reinforcing the polyester matrix-based composites. First of all, the untreated, alkali and permanganate treated Alfa fibers were analyzed by using physical and mechanical tests (ATR-FTIR, XRD, and MEB). Weibull statistical analysis was employed to estimate the variability of untreated and treated Alfa fiber-resin interfacial shear strength. On the other hand, three plain-woven intra-ply hybrid fabrics were used as reinforcements for the polyester matrix. These three produced composite samples were subjected to mechanical, and physical tests such as three-point flexural strength, compressive strength, water absorption, and optical observation. The results were examined, analyzed, and compared to a jute-woven composite reinforced with the same resin. The results show that the chemical treatment can affect positively the fibers’ properties. In others hand, among the studied composites, the developed treated intra-ply woven fabric reinforced polyester resin have good mechanical properties in term of flexural and compression resistance. Weibull statistical analysis was conducted to evaluate and quantify the variability in the tensile strength of various intra-layer hybrid Alfa/Jute fabric composites
MOHAMED Benhamida , MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2025-01-21), Effect of chemical treatment on the mechanical properties of intra-layer hybrid Alfa/Jute fabric composites, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:0, Issue:0, pages:27, SAGE Publications
- 2024-09-01
Effect of alkali treatment on new lignocellulosic fibres from the stem of the Aster squamatus plant
This research aims to examine the physical, structural and chemical properties of Aster Squamatus (AS) fibres, which are commonly found in Algeria, Brazil, France and the West Indies. In this work, we assess their appropriateness as reinforcing fillers to fabricate components for polymer composites principally designed for lightweight applications. To accomplish this objective, an extraction of fibres from plants modification of AS fibres and characterization of both untreated fibres (UASFs) and alkali-treated AS fibres (TASFs) are conducted. We analysed the crystallinity, chemical composition, thermal characteristics, and mechanical properties of AS fibres as per standard methods. It's clear from chemical treatment that amorphous components were successfully eliminated from the AS fibres, including hemicellulose, lignin, and wax. Consequently, the fibres' thermal, physical, and mechanical characteristics including Young's modulus, tensile strength, crystalline index, and surface roughness were substantially enhanced. It was determined that the fibres possessed a thermal stability of around 250 °C, with the maximal degradation temperature rising from 372.50 to 375.35 °C. The maximum stress rose from 183.24 ± 25.27 to 302.00 ± 24.91 MPa, the Young's modulus increased from 11.08 ± 1.1 to 18.53 ± 1.45 GPa, and the crystallinity index increased from 43% to 45%. Two-parameter Weibull statistics showed a strong link between experimental data and mechanical features of the twenty samples. We concluded from this work that AS plant fibres can serve as a robust reinforcing material in polymer composites for various applications.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2024-09-01), Effect of alkali treatment on new lignocellulosic fibres from the stem of the Aster squamatus plant, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol:32, Issue:1, pages:2882-2890, Elsevier
- 2024-08-15
Investigation of mechanical and physico-chemical properties of new natural fiber extracted from Bassia indica plant for reinforcement of lightweight bio-composites
In this investigation, novel cellulose fibers were acquired from the Bassia Indica plant to serve as a reinforcement source in composite materials. The morphological characteristics were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The surface chemistry, crystallinity, and functional groups of Bassia Indica fibers were analyzed using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, and Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), which assess the crystal structure, elemental composition, and surface functional groups, respectively. The thermal behavior of Bassia Indica fibers were assessed through Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Anatomical techniques demonstrated the abundant presence of fibroblasts in the fibers. The presence of lignocellulosic fiber (lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose) was confirmed through ATR-FTIR analysis. The analysis of physical properties unveiled a fiber density of 1.065 ± 0.025 g/cm³ and a diameter of 145.58 ± 7.89 μm. The crystalline size of Bassia Indica fibers reached 2.23 nm, with a crystallinity index of 40.12 %, and an activation energy of 93.78 kJ/mol, TGA research revealed that Bassia Indica fibers are thermally stable up to 260.24 °C. Additionally, the fibers experienced maximum degradation at 321.23 °C. Weibull statistical analysis was performed using parameters 2 and 3 to calculate the observed dispersion in the experimental tensile results after analyzing the mechanical properties of the fibers possessing a tensile strength of 417.50 ± 7.08 MPa, Young's modulus of 17.46 ± 1.55 GPa, stress at failure of 1.17 ± 0.02 % and interfacial shear strength of 6.99 ± 1.10 MPa. The results were additionally compared to how they were stated in the relevant sources. Bassia Indica fibers can be considered a viable choice for reinforcing lightweight bio-composites.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2024-08-15), Investigation of mechanical and physico-chemical properties of new natural fiber extracted from Bassia indica plant for reinforcement of lightweight bio-composites, Heliyon, Vol:10, Issue:15, pages:e35552, Elsevier
Default case...
- 2024-05-15
Study and analyze the properties of recycled plastic waste and compare it with virgin plastic
Plastic is considered one of the most widely used materials in the world, but it causes a major environmental problem due to its inherent difficulty in decomposing and disintegrating, in addition to its high rates of consumption and production. Due to continued use, plastic may lose some of its properties and thus become less usable for its intended purpose. In this case, it is considered waste and is usually disposed of as waste or burned. The possibility of using plastic waste can be a suitable environmental solution. One such way is to recycle this waste into other products with limited properties. In this work, the characteristics of waste polypropylene (PP Waste) and virgin polypropylene (PP Virgin) were studied and compared. Through the results obtained, we have concluded that polypropylene loses some of its ductility properties, and it also gains some hardness after use.
Salih MEKIDECHE , abdraouf KHALDOUNE , MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2024-05-15), Study and analyze the properties of recycled plastic waste and compare it with virgin plastic,THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENERGY AND INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES ENGINEERING, ICEIPE’24,USTHB, Algiers, Algeria.
- 2024-02-14
Study The Characteristic Of The Effect Of Immersion Duration On Lignocellulosic Fibers Stipa Tenacissima
The main objective of this work is to provide a better understanding of the effect of the degree (duration) of retting of Stipa Tenacissima stems to control the quality of the lignocellulosic fibers obtained. Once harvested and cleaned of impurities, the stems are immersed in a water bath to trigger their degradation for various periods (14,26,30,45,60 and 90 days). After each targeted period, the stems are brushed manually using a metal brush, washed with distilled water, and steamed at 70°C for 6 hours. A series of analyses is carried out on each series of fibers obtained. Firstly, the densities, crystallinity indices, and chemical characterization of the fibers at each degree of retting are determined and analyzed.
- 2024-01-01
Enhanced investigations and modeling of surface roughness of epoxy/Alfa fiber biocomposites using optimized neural network architecture with genetic algorithms
Currently, there is a notable attraction within the industry towards biocomposites, driven by the increasing fascination with natural fiber-reinforced composites (NFRCs). These NFRCs offer remarkable benefits, including cost-effectiveness, biodegradability, eco-friendliness, and favorable mechanical properties. As a result, the manufacturing processes of natural fiber reinforced polymer (NFRP) composites have garnered attention from both industrial professionals and scientists. The emergence of these eco-friendly materials in the automotive and aerospace industries has sparked interest in understanding their production techniques. However, the machining processes of NFRP composites pose significant challenges due to the complex structure of natural fibers, necessitating thorough studies to address these issues effectively. This research paper presents a comprehensive investigation on surface roughness during the milling process of Alfa/epoxy biocomposites. A set of 100 experimental trials was conducted to test the surface roughness, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the impact of cutting parameters and chemical treatment on surface quality. To develop a predictive model for surface roughness, a hybrid approach called ANN-GA (artificial neural networks-genetic algorithms) is proposed in this research. This approach combines ANN and GA to determine an optimal neural network architecture. The performance of the ANN-GA model is compared to the Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation (LM) algorithm. ANOVA results show that the feed per revolution have a significant influence on surface roughness, followed by the chemical treatment of fibers, while machining direction has a smaller effect. The ANN-GA model demonstrates good accuracy in surface roughness prediction compared to the LM algorithm.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2024-01-01), Enhanced investigations and modeling of surface roughness of epoxy/Alfa fiber biocomposites using optimized neural network architecture with genetic algorithms, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol:130, Issue:5, pages:3115-3132, Springer London
- 2023-12-28
Enhanced investigations and modeling of surface roughness of epoxy/ Alfa fber biocomposites using optimized neural network architecture with genetic algorithms
Currently, there is a notable attraction within the industry towards biocomposites, driven by the increasing fascination with natural fber-reinforced composites (NFRCs). These NFRCs ofer remarkable benefts, including cost-efectiveness, biodegradability, eco-friendliness, and favorable mechanical properties. As a result, the manufacturing processes of natural fber reinforced polymer (NFRP) composites have garnered attention from both industrial professionals and scientists. The emergence of these eco-friendly materials in the automotive and aerospace industries has sparked interest in understanding their production techniques. However, the machining processes of NFRP composites pose signifcant challenges due to the complex structure of natural fbers, necessitating thorough studies to address these issues efectively. This research paper presents a comprehensive investigation on surface roughness during the milling process of Alfa/epoxy biocomposites. A set of 100 experimental trials was conducted to test the surface roughness, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the impact of cutting parameters and chemical treatment on surface quality. To develop a predictive model for surface roughness, a hybrid approach called ANN-GA (artifcial neural networks-genetic algorithms) is proposed in this research. This approach combines ANN and GA to determine an optimal neural network architecture. The performance of the ANN-GA model is compared to the Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation (LM) algorithm. ANOVA results show that the feed per revolution have a signifcant infuence on surface roughness, followed by the chemical treatment of fbers, while machining direction has a smaller efect. The ANN-GA model demonstrates good accuracy in surface roughness prediction compared to the LM algorithm.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023-12-28), Enhanced investigations and modeling of surface roughness of epoxy/ Alfa fber biocomposites using optimized neural network architecture with genetic algorithms, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol:128, Issue:7, pages:3317–3330, Springer London
- 2023-10-20
Extraction and characterization of novel natural fiber from Centaurea melitensis plant
In this work a new cellulosic fibers extracted from Centaurea Melitensis plant to the prospect of employing them as a source of reinforcement in composite materials. In this investigation, morphological, chemical, physical and mechanical features of Centaurea Melitensis fibers are investigated. The morphological characteristics using anatomical technique and scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of a large percentage of fibroblasts in the fibers that allow adhesion with the matrix when manufacturing of composite materials. The fiber density is 1.269 ± 0.018 g/cm3 and the diameter is 187.11 ± 60.41 μm depending on the physical properties. The chemical properties revealed that the Centaurea Melitensis fiber has a crystalline size of 16.92 nm and a crystallinity index of 47.69% using XRD. The results of FTIR analysis proved on major components such as cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, by TGA the thermal stability was found up to 210°C and the maximum temperature up to 317.86°C. The mechanical properties have shown that the value of the tensile strength of the fibers is 336.87 ± 59.94 MPa, Young’s modulus is 23.87 ± 5.21 GPa, and the strain at failure is 1.27 ± 0.36%, and the interfacial shear strength is 9.82 ± 2.35 MPa. The statistical approach, Weibull distribution was used with two and three parameters to examine the experimental data due to their dispersion. WEIBULL statistical analytical test was used with 2 and 3 parameters are used to examine the experimental data due to their dispersion. All the findings from this investigation reveal that Centaurea Melitensis fibers can be a qualified candidate to be used as reinforcement in low density composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023-10-20), Extraction and characterization of novel natural fiber from Centaurea melitensis plant, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:57, Issue:5, pages:913–928, SAGE
- 2023-09-15
Extraction and characterization of novel natural cellulosic fiber from Echinops spinosissimus plant stem
Bio-based composites are outstanding materials to replace many synthetic fiber-based composites due to their biodegradability and sustainable environmental properties. This research aims to characterize and analysis a new cellulosic fibers extracted from Echinops spinosissimus plant stem, to study their integration in the field of various industries such as composites and textiles. Thus, adding and incorporating a new natural fiber to the list of fibers that enter into the production of Bio-based composites materials, and meet the needs of the market that knows a shortage of these materials. In addition, the extracted fibers from Echinops spinosissimus plant, which is abundant and have acceptable properties that can replace the synthetic fibers. The stem anatomy results showed a strong presence of fiber cells, fiber SEM micrographs showed that fiber surface become rough, these fibers have a density of 0.97 ± 0.01 g/cm3, and diameter 280.76 µm. FTIR and XRD showed that these fibers are cellulosic. Thermal analysis revealed that Echinops spinosissimus fiber have a thermal stability of 208°C. Tensile strength, Young modulus and strain at failure were found as 217.54 ± 54.16 MPa, 19.23 ± 0.76 GPa and 3.78 ± 0.36%, respectively. SEM showed that the studied fiber becomes more roughness in the outer surface following the chemical treatments, thus contributing to better adhesion with resin. This work confirmed that Echinops spinosissimus fibers are suitable materials for use in textile and biocomposite applications.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023-09-15), Extraction and characterization of novel natural cellulosic fiber from Echinops spinosissimus plant stem, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:57, Issue:29, pages:4503–4519, SAGE
- 2023-08-16
Investigation of the machining behavior of unidirectional Alfa (Stipa tenacissima L.)/epoxy composite material
Nowadays, with regard to many environmental problems, the development of environmentally friendly materials such as natural fiber composites is a real alternative to synthetic fibers. They have many interesting advantages such as their availability, their low cost, their low density, their biodegradable character, their specific resistance properties and their low impact on the environment. The present paper is aimed at fabricating and machining of an epoxy composite material reinforced with Alfa (Stipa tenacissima L.) fibers. The full factorial analysis was used to assess the effect of cutting parameters such as cutting velocity and feed rate on the arithmetic roughness Ra of machined surfaces obtained by down milling and up milling operations. For this purpose, a two flutes high-speed steel (HSS) cutting tool was used. The results showed that the up milling mode provides better surface roughness than down milling mode for almost all machined specimens. The feed rate is the main factor affecting the surface roughness, with a contribution of about 90%. The worst values of arithmetic roughness were observed, at low feed rate (0.05 mm/rev) regardless of the cutting velocity. The results also showed that machining parallel to fibers direction (0°) offers better surface roughness than machining perpendicular to fibers direction (90°). Microscopic and SEM images show some defects such as matrix cracking, cavity, fibers breakage, loss of matrix, fluffing, and thermal damage.
MADANI Grine , Mohamed SLAMANI , Mustapha Arslane , MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023-08-16), Investigation of the machining behavior of unidirectional Alfa (Stipa tenacissima L.)/epoxy composite material, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol:128, Issue:, pages:3183–3196, Springer
- 2023-08-04
Investigation of the machining behavior of unidirectional Alfa (Stipa tenacissima L.)/epoxy composite material
Nowadays, with regard to many environmental problems, the development of environmentally friendly materials such as natural fber composites is a real alternative to synthetic fbers. They have many interesting advantages such as their availability, their low cost, their low density, their biodegradable character, their specifc resistance properties and their low impact on the environment. The present paper is aimed at fabricating and machining of an epoxy composite material reinforced with Alfa (Stipa tenacissima L.) fbers. The full factorial analysis was used to assess the efect of cutting parameters such as cutting velocity and feed rate on the arithmetic roughness Ra of machined surfaces obtained by down milling and up milling operations. For this purpose, a two futes high-speed steel (HSS) cutting tool was used. The results showed that the up milling mode provides better surface roughness than down milling mode for almost all machined specimens. The feed rate is the main factor afecting the surface roughness, with a contribution of about 90%. The worst values of arithmetic roughness were observed, at low feed rate (0.05 mm/rev) regardless of the cutting velocity. The results also showed that machining parallel to fbers direction (0°) ofers better surface roughness than machining perpendicular to fbers direction (90°). Microscopic and SEM images show some defects such as matrix cracking, cavity, fbers breakage, loss of matrix, fufng, and thermal damage.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023-08-04), Investigation of the machining behavior of unidirectional Alfa (Stipa tenacissima L.)/epoxy composite material, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol:128, Issue:7, pages:3183-3196, Springer London
- 2023-07-22
Extraction and characterization of novel lignocellulosic fibers from Centaurea hyalolepis plant as a potential reinforcement for composite materials
The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the use of new lignocellulosic fiber extracted from Centaurea hyalolepis plant as a potential reinforcement for light-weight composite applications. In this study, anatomical structure and morphological surface of Centaurea hyalolepis fiber were conducted. The physical-chemical, thermal, crystalline,mechanical, characteristics of extracted fibers were also examined using Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATRFTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and tensile test. ATR-FTIR analysis confirmed the existence of the main components of lignocellulosic fiber (lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose). XRD revealed the presence of cellulose with a crystallinity index of 57.93%.By densimetry, the density of Centaurea hyalolepis was determined as 1.13 g/cm3. The Centaurea hyalolepis was found to be thermally stable up to 271°C. The kinetic activation energy was determined as 115.943 kJ/mol. Tensile tests revealed that the mean tensile strength and Young’s modulus of Centaurea hyalolepis fiber were about 372,5 MPa and 9.036 GPa respectively. Because of the dispersion in the experimental tensile results, the Weibull statistical analysis with two parameters was carried out. Regard these findings, the Centaurea hyalolepis fibers can be a suitable candidate for low density polymeric composites reinforcement.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023-07-22), Extraction and characterization of novel lignocellulosic fibers from Centaurea hyalolepis plant as a potential reinforcement for composite materials, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:57, Issue:21, pages:3317–3330, SAGE
- 2023-06-17
Extraction and characterization of novel natural lignocellulosic fibers from Malva sylvestris L.
The main goal of this study is to characterize natural lignocellulosic fibers extracted from Malva Sylvestris. The experimental approach used is consisted to analyze the morphological, physical, chemical, thermal and mechanical characteristics of Malva sylvistris fibers. The stem anatomy showed that the bark of Malva is rich in fiber cells. Based on ATR-FTIR and X-ray analysis, the obtained results illustrated that the fiber contained mainly cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The crystallinity index of fiber is about 55.12 %, which indicated a high cellulose content. The Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) analysis test point out that Malva Sylvestris fibers are thermally stable until 225°C and an apparent activation energy about of 111 kJ.mol1 was recorded. Tensile strength of Malva fibers is about of 236.64 ± 93.33 MPa whilst its young’s modulus is about of 26.07 ± 5.14 GPa. In view of the dispersion in the obtained experimental results, the latter were analyzed using the Weibull statistical laws with two parameters.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023-06-17), Extraction and characterization of novel natural lignocellulosic fibers from Malva sylvestris L., Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:57, Issue:5, pages:897–912, SAGE
- 2023-05-10
The effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of composites made from natural fibers
In this work, Alfa fiber has been used as reinforcement and epoxy as matrix material to develop partially biodegradable green composite with the help of hand layup followed by compression molding technique. The effect of curing temperature ranging from 80°C to 130°C on different samples was investigated for various mechanical properties. Results obtained from the various tests indicate that with increase in curing temperature, impact strength decreases, but tensile and flexural strength increases and decreases thereafter attaining the maximum value at 100°C between aforementioned temperature range. The trend obtained for mechanical properties is further justified through the study of morphology with scanning electron microscopy, and optimum curing temperature has been suggested.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2023-05-10), The effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of composites made from natural fibers,1st International Seminar On Valorization of Bioresources in Environment & Heath,El Ouad ALGERIA
- 2023
Extraction and characterization of novel natural fiber from Centaurea melitensis plant
In this work a new cellulosic fibers extracted from Centaurea Melitensis plant to the prospect of employing them as a source of reinforcement in composite materials. In this investigation, morphological, chemical, physical and mechanical features of Centaurea Melitensis fibers are investigated. The morphological characteristics using anatomical technique and scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of a large percentage of fibroblasts in the fibers that allow adhesion with the matrix when manufacturing of composite materials. The fiber density is 1.269 ± 0.018 g/cm3 and the diameter is 187.11 ± 60.41 μm depending on the physical properties. The chemical properties revealed that the Centaurea Melitensis fiber has a crystalline size of 16.92 nm and a crystallinity index of 47.69% using XRD. The results of FTIR analysis proved on major components such as cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, by TGA the thermal stability was found up to 210°C and the maximum temperature up to 317.86°C. The mechanical properties have shown that the value of the tensile strength of the fibers is 336.87 ± 59.94 MPa, Young’s modulus is 23.87 ± 5.21 GPa, and the strain at failure is 1.27 ± 0.36%, and the interfacial shear strength is 9.82 ± 2.35 MPa. The statistical approach, Weibull distribution was used with two and three parameters to examine the experimental data due to their dispersion. WEIBULL statistical analytical test was used with 2 and 3 parameters are used to examine the experimental data due to their dispersion. All the findings from this investigation reveal that Centaurea Melitensis fibers can be a qualified candidate to be used as reinforcement in low density composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2023), Extraction and characterization of novel natural fiber from Centaurea melitensis plant, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:2, Issue:1, pages:1111-1112, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD
- 2022-01-08
Estimation of fiber/polymer bond strength from maximum load values recorded in the micro-bond tests
In the last few years, several techniques for separate determination of adhesion and friction in micromechanical tests have been developed but their experimental realization is rather complicated, because they require an accurate value of the external load at the moment of the crack initiation. So, in this perspective, an effort is done to estimate the interfacial parameters between two kind of thermoset resins and the natural Alfa fiber determined from Microbond tests. As known, the diameter of natural fiber is a crucial factor that participates in the estimation of the interfacial adhesion characteristics. In others words, the measurement of the maximum force required to pull out a fiber from the polymeric resins is investigated by using the micro-droplet test.
sidali ZERNADJI , MANSOUR Rokbi , MOHAMED Benhamida , , (2022-01-08), Estimation of fiber/polymer bond strength from maximum load values recorded in the micro-bond tests, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol:53, Issue:2022, pages:247–252, Science Direct, Elsevier
- 2022
Estimation of fiber/polymer bond strength from maximum load values recorded in the micro-bond tests
In the last few years, several techniques for separate determination of adhesion and friction in micromechanical tests have been developed but their experimental realization is rather complicated, because they require an accurate value of the external load at the moment of the crack initiation. So, in this perspective, an effort is done to estimate the interfacial parameters between two kind of thermoset resins and the natural Alfa fiber determined from Microbond tests. As known, the diameter of natural fiber is a crucial factor that participates in the estimation of the interfacial adhesion characteristics. In others words, the measurement of the maximum force required to pull out a fiber from the polymeric resins is investigated by using the micro-droplet test.
MOHAMED Benhamida , MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2022), Estimation of fiber/polymer bond strength from maximum load values recorded in the micro-bond tests, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol:53, Issue:1, pages:247-252, Materials Today
- 2022
Manufacturing and characterization of new composite based on epoxy resin and Lygeum Spartum L. plant
In the present study, a new composite based on epoxy resin reinforced with Lygeum spartum L. fibers was prepared using compression molding technique. Chemical, mechanical as well as morphological analyses were carried out on the Epoxy/Lygeum spartum composite (Epoxy/LS) using ATR-FTIR, tensile and flexural tests, and SEM spectroscopy. An increase in the intensity of several bands associated to the main complements of vegetable fibers (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) was showan using ATR-FTIR analysis. An improvement in the mechanical properties of this new material was observed, with respect to the neat epoxy resin. This was of the order of 117 % and 85 % for tensile and flexural modulus respectively, and of the order of 40 % and 9 % for tensile and flexural strength, correspondingly. A good fiber-matrix adhesion was also observed from tensile fracture surface of composite using scanning electron microscope (SEM). All the obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of the Lygeum spartum fibers as reinforcement of composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2022), Manufacturing and characterization of new composite based on epoxy resin and Lygeum Spartum L. plant, Journal of Natural Fibers, Vol:19, Issue:11, pages:4236-4248, taylor and francis
- 2022
Investigation of mechanical, physicochemical, and thermal properties of new fiber from Silybum marianum bark fiber
The present investigation aimed to understand the physicochemical properties of the new cellulosic fiber extracted from the bark of Silybum marianum (SM), in view of using it as a potential reinforcement for polymer composites. The morphological and anatomy, physical, thermal and mechanical properties of fibers were firstly discussed in this paper. The Silybum marianum fibers (SMF) were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), optical microscope, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and single fiber tensile test. The average Young’s modulus and the breaking stress data presented by the fibers are 15.97 GPa and 201.16 MPa, respectively. XRD reveals the presence of cellulose with a crystallinity index of 45%. Thermal stability (250°C) and maximum degradation temperature (357.72°C) of the SMF are established by the thermogravimetric analysis. An analysis of the mechanical properties was carried out on a population of 35 samples using Weibull statistics with two and three parameters.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2022), Investigation of mechanical, physicochemical, and thermal properties of new fiber from Silybum marianum bark fiber, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:56, Issue:14, pages:511-520, SAGE Publications
- 2022
New study on the extension of a current wind farm; case of Kaberten park in Algeria
By increasing their electricity production capacity, this work focuses on a new wind farm configuration study currently in service. More specifically, a study that aims to enlarge the production area of the ventilated sites by implanting more wind turbines in optimal positions behind the existing turbines. In order to achieve this goal, we use Jensen's linear wake pattern to describe the behavior of wind speed in wake, as well as a method based on the generation of a sequence of modified pseudo-random numbers as Mathematical approach to optimize the location of the wind turines. To perform numerical simulations, a program under MATLAB has been developed using the characteristics of the Gamessa G52 turbine and the data of the site in the production of Kaberten in Algeria. The results obtained from this study are presented and discussed.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2022), New study on the extension of a current wind farm; case of Kaberten park in Algeria, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:247-252, TURCOMAT
- 2022
Estimation of fiber/polymer bond strength from maximum load values recorded in the micro-bond tests
In the last few years, several techniques for separate determination of adhesion and friction in micromechanical tests have been developed but their experimental realization is rather complicated, because they require an accurate value of the external load at the moment of the crack initiation. So, in this perspective, an effort is done to estimate the interfacial parameters between two kind of thermoset resins and the natural Alfa fiber determined from Microbond tests. As known, the diameter of natural fiber is a crucial factor that participates in the estimation of the interfacial adhesion characteristics. In others words, the measurement of the maximum force required to pull out a fiber from the polymeric resins is investigated by using the micro-droplet test.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2022), Estimation of fiber/polymer bond strength from maximum load values recorded in the micro-bond tests, Materials Today, Vol:53, Issue:1, pages:247-252, Science direct
- 2022
Determination of the rupture parameters of a plant fiber by using two diameter measurement techniques
An essential challenge for the future of composite materials is to make their manufacture and use compatible with increasingly demanding environmental expectations. In this context, the replacement of mineral or synthetic fibers by plant fibers is of great interest. However, the latter must comply with the same specifications, particularly in terms of mechanical properties. Thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from Thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from economic and environmental point of view. The dimensions of the fiber, such as diameter, are essential elements when calculating the mechanical parameters of the plant fiber. Among the techniques used to measure the diameter, one can use the optical microscope, the software ImageJ and the density. Theoretically, similar failure parameters should be obtained when different techniques are used. However, the experimental data show various parameters according to different used techniques. In this work, we carried out several experiments on natural fibers in order to determine the fracture parameters in static traction by calculating the diameter of the fiber by two ways: density method and optical method. The results reveal that the failure parameters are dependent on the diameter, hence the suitable technique plays a crucial role.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2022), Determination of the rupture parameters of a plant fiber by using two diameter measurement techniques, Materials Today, Vol:53, Issue:1, pages:237-243, Science direct
- 2022
Characterization and analysis of novel natural cellulosic fiber extracted from Strelitzia reginae plant
The purpose of this study is to evaluate in detail the usability of new cellulosic fibers extracted from the stem of the plant Strelitzia reginae, as a potential reinforcement for polymer composites. The morphological, physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of fibers were addressed for the first time in this paper. Both untreated and alkali-treated fibers were characterized, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), optical microscope, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and applying tensile test for determining the mechanical behavior. For both fiber treated at one hour (T1H) and at four hours (T4H), the stem anatomy and fiber SEM micrographs showed a strong presence of fiber cells. Thermogravimetry and DSC showed that the fiber was thermally stable up to 233°C for untreated fiber, 254 and 240°C, respectively, In single-fiber tensile tests, it was observed that the fibers extracted from the stem of Strelitzia reginae were strong. The mean values of Young’s modulus exhibited by untreated fibers and treated (T1H) and (T4H) are, respectively, 9.89 GPa, 12.08, and 18.39 GPa. Also mean values of tensile strength are 271.79, 306.23, and 421.39 MPa. The XRD reveals the presence of cellulose with a Crystallinity Index of 70% for raw fiber and 72% for the treated one. Fourier-transform infrared analysis well demonstrated the effect of chemical treatment. It can be concluded from the results of all above experiments that the Strelitzia reginae fibers (SR) could serve as a possible reinforcement in composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2022), Characterization and analysis of novel natural cellulosic fiber extracted from Strelitzia reginae plant, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol:56, Issue:1, pages:511-520, SAGE Publications
- 2022
Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of the plant fiber stipa tenacissima extracted from HODNA region
The main objective of this work was to study the physico-chemical, morphological, thermal, and mechanical characterization of stipa tenacissima fibers. These ones are extracted from HODNA region using an eco-friendly technique. The morphological observation of the cross section of stipa tenacissima stem indicates the presence of lingo-cellulosic fibers. The graphical SEM shows the presence of cells in the fiber. The result in this study showed that the percentages of all the chemical constituents of stipa tenacissima are more or less similar to the other natural fibers. The surface functional groups of stipa tenacissima fiber were analyzed by ATR-FTIR . The cristinality index was identified using XRD experimental analyzes. The stipa tenacissima fiber is found to be thermally stable until 220°C by using TGA. The tensile strength, Young modulus and the total elongation were determined using tensile tests of single fiber. The results confirmed the possibility of their integration in composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2022), Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of the plant fiber stipa tenacissima extracted from HODNA region,3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences on 20-23 Julyin 2022 at Konya/Turkey.,TURQUIE
- 2022
Investigation of the interfacial adhesion between jute fibers and the polymer matrix by micro-bond tests
In the last few years, several techniques for separate determination of adhesion and friction inmicromechanical tests have been developed but their experimental realization is rather complicated, because they require an accurate value of the external load at the moment of the crack initiation. So, in this perspective, an effort is done to estimate the interfacial parameters between two kind of thermoset resins and the natural Alfa fiber determined from Microbond tests. As known, the diameter of natural fiber is a crucial factor that participates in the estimation of the interfacial adhesion characteristics. In others words, the measurement of the maximum force required to pull out a fiber from the polymeric resins is investigatedby using the micro-droplet.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2022), Investigation of the interfacial adhesion between jute fibers and the polymer matrix by micro-bond tests,3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences on 20-23 Julyin 2022 at Konya/Turkey.,TURQUIE
- 2022
Effect of alkali treatment on the tensile properties of alfa fibers (stipa tenacissima L.) reinforced polymer composites
The morphological observation of the cross section of stipa tenacissima stem indicates the presence of lingo-cellulosic fibers. The graphical SEM shows the presence of cells in the fiber. The result in this study showed that the percentages of all the chemical constituents of stipa tenacissima are more or less similar to the other natural fibers. The surface functional groups of stipa tenacissima fiber were analyzed by ATR-FTIR . The cristinality index was identified using XRD experimental analyzes. The stipa tenacissima fiber is found to be thermally stable until 220°C by using TGA. The tensile strength, Young modulus and the total elongation were determined using tensile tests of single fiber. The results confirmed the possibility of their integration in composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2022), Effect of alkali treatment on the tensile properties of alfa fibers (stipa tenacissima L.) reinforced polymer composites,1st International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies on 10-13 September in 2022 at Konya/Turkey.,TURQUIE
- 2022
Prediction of the variation of the wind speed by a method based on artificial neurons network
The surface functional groups of stipa tenacissima fiber were analyzed by ATR-FTIR . The cristinality index was identified using XRD experimental analyzes. The stipa tenacissima fiber is found to be thermally stable until 220°C by using TGA. The tensile strength, Young modulus and the total elongation were determined using tensile tests of single fiber. The results confirmed the possibility of their integration in composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2022), Prediction of the variation of the wind speed by a method based on artificial neurons network,The Sixth International Conference on Mechanics and Energy ICME’2021, December 27 - 29, 2021, Sousse, TUNISIA,TUNISIE
- 2022
New study on the extension of a current wind farm; case of Kaberten park in Algeria
Abstract: By increasing their electricity production capacity, this work focuses on a new wind farm configuration study currently in service. More specifically, a study that aims to enlarge the production area of the ventilated sites by implanting more wind turbines in optimal positions behind the existing turbines. In order to achieve this goal, we use Jensen's linear wake pattern to describe the behavior of wind speed in wake, as well as a method based on the generation of a sequence of modified pseudo-random numbers as Mathematical approach to optimize the location of the wind turines. To perform numerical simulations, a program under MATLAB has been developed using the characteristics of the Gamessa G52 turbine and the data of the site in the production of Kaberten in Algeria. The results obtained from this study are presented and discussed.
SAID Zergane , SALAH Amroune , MANSOUR Rokbi , seyf-eddine.guesmia@mail.concordia.ca, , (2022), New study on the extension of a current wind farm; case of Kaberten park in Algeria, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:428-434, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education
- 2022
Determination of the rupture parameters of a plant fiber by using two diameter measurement techniques
An essential challenge for the future of composite materials is to make their manufacture and use compatible with increasingly demanding environmental expectations. In this context, the replacement of mineral or synthetic fibers by plant fibers is of great interest. However, the latter must comply with the same specifications, particularly in terms of mechanical properties. Thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from Thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from thanks to their low density, their biodegradability as well as their abundance, the use of these fibers is interesting from economic and environmental point of view. The dimensions of the fiber, such as diameter, are essential elements when calculating the mechanical parameters of the plant fiber. Among the techniques used to measure the diameter, one can use the optical microscope, the software ImageJ and the density. Theoretically, similar failure parameters should be obtained when different techniques are used. However, the experimental data show various parameters according to different used techniques. In this work, we carried out several experiments on natural fibers in order to determine the fracture parameters in static traction by calculating the diameter of the fiber by two ways: density method and optical method. The results reveal that the failure parameters are dependent on the diameter, hence the suitable technique plays a crucial role.
SAID Zergane , MANSOUR Rokbi , SALAH Amroune , abderaouf.khaldoune@univ-msila.dz, Ben Adda A, Nouari N, , (2022), Determination of the rupture parameters of a plant fiber by using two diameter measurement techniques, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol:53, Issue:1, pages:237-243, Elsevier
- 2022
composites materials have been widely used in engineering fields like civil, automotive, and aerospace industry, due to their high light weight, strength, and longue life expectancy. In the present study, biocomposites were prepared from thermoset resins named unsatured Polyester (UP) as matrix, and sisal ( Agave fourcroydes) as natural reinforcing fibers, requires a strong adhesion between fiber and matrix., biocomposites were prepared by putting small drops of synthetic matrix (UP) on the untreated and 3% NaOH alkali treated sisal fibers. The mechanical properties of the sisal fibers were studied by tensile strength tests, where mechanical properties of biocomposites prepared were characterized in terms of microbond tests, by estimating the values of external loads at moment of crack initiation. The results of mechanical properties showed a significant improvement for tensile strength and young's modulus was observed for treated sisal fiber, also a good interfacial adhesion with treated sisal fibers and matrix.
Default case...
- 2021
Extraction and characterization of fiber treatment Inula viscosa fibers as potential polymer composite reinforcement
This research aims to characterize and analysis of newly cellulosic fiber extracted from Inula viscosa bark. The obtained Inula viscosa fibers were also characterized after having been treated with alkali and permanganate treatments. The effect of chemical treatments on the mechanical, physical, chemical and thermal properties of Inula viscosa fibers was investigated by using, X-ray diffraction, thermo gravimetric, scanning electron microscope analysis, optical microscope test, tensile and droplet tests. The treatment with permanganate was found to have the higher density (1.154 ± 0.032 g/cm3) compared to that of the untreated ones (1.040 ± 0.010 g/cm3). The best mechanical properties were also achieved when the permanganate treatment was adopted. In this pretext, tensile strength values and Young modulus were found as 196.99 ± 28.89 MPa and 12.98 ± 2.36 GPa, respectively. It is estimated that the fiber treatments will enable high-quality Inula Viscosa Fiber-reinforced polymer composites for use in the industry.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2021), Extraction and characterization of fiber treatment Inula viscosa fibers as potential polymer composite reinforcement, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, Vol:29, Issue:1, pages:3779–3793, Springer
- 2021
Effect of Fibers Orientation on the Fracture of Polymer Concrete Based on Quartz, Polyester and Jute Fabrics
The main objective of this work is to highlight the influence of jute woven layer orientation on fracture parameters (energy release rate and stress intensity factor) of a polymer concrete laminate. The use of plant fibers, jute in this study, as reinforcements outside the polymer concrete, acquires mechanical properties, traction, and flexion, more than appreciable, however, other characteristics must be studied to ensure better integration on the market. The addition of plant fibers with different orientations is not without consequences on the mechanical behavior, in this case, on the resistance to cracking and its propagation. Fibered concretes have a very different behavior compared to non-fiber concretes, especially after the first cracking, where the fibers make their contribution by trying to stop the evolution and the propagation of micro-cracks within the matrix by making the concrete more ductile.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2021), Effect of Fibers Orientation on the Fracture of Polymer Concrete Based on Quartz, Polyester and Jute Fabrics, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vol:406, Issue:1, pages:511-520, SCIENTIFIC.NET
- 2021
Characterization of physical and mechanical properties of recycled jute fabric reinforced polypropylene composites
This research designed to contribute to reduce the environmental impacts through the preparation of composites with recyclable materials to be used in different applications. To this end, composites have been developed based on jute recovered from packaging bags and polypropylene (PP) reclaimed from scraps obtained from the manufacture of PP yarns. The developed composites were then characterized. First of all, the optimum mass fraction was determined in order to achieve good mechanical performance. Several mass fractions (30%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 60%, and 70%) were experimented to find that the best characteristics were those of the biocomposite with 40% reinforcement (σ = 39.07 MPa, E = 4.60 GPa). With this ratio, jute–PP biocomposites were further developed with different jute architectures (Satin, Serge 2 × 2, Taffeta). A structural study of the different jute fabric wastes was carried out to confirm whether they are suitable for use with a thermoplastic matrix (i.e., at a processing temperature of ≥200°C). Tensile and bending tests were carried out on these composites to find out the effect of the weave structure of the reinforcement
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2021), Characterization of physical and mechanical properties of recycled jute fabric reinforced polypropylene composites, Polymer Composites., Vol:42, Issue:10, pages:5435-5444, Willey
- 2021
Analyse Des Travaux Réalisés Dans Le Domaine Matériaux Composites A Fibres Naturelles
The surface functional groups of stipa tenacissima fiber were analyzed by ATR-FTIR . The cristinality index was identified using XRD experimental analyzes. The stipa tenacissima fiber is found to be thermally stable until 220°C by using TGA. The tensile strength, Young modulus and the total elongation were determined using tensile tests of single fiber. The results confirmed the possibility of their integration in composite materials.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2021), Analyse Des Travaux Réalisés Dans Le Domaine Matériaux Composites A Fibres Naturelles,للملتقى الوطني الأول أسس و مناهج البحث العلمي بجامعة محمد بوضياف بالمسيلة,MSILA
- 2021
Prediction of the variation of wind speed by a method based on artificial neurons network
The main objective of this work is the analysis and the modeling of the wind by all the characteristics in order to predict the variations of the intensity of its annual average speed in the atmospheric boundary layer during a year using 'a new method based on artificial neurons. By introducing data and cumulative wind speed measurements over several decades from such a windy site, this method, developed on MATLAB, makes it possible to estimate the annual wind speed at 5 m from the ground in the years to come. The simulation results obtained in this work are analyzed and validated by comparing them with the results measured on this site in the years preceding the measurement period.
SAID Zergane , ABDELKADER DJERAD , MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2021), Prediction of the variation of wind speed by a method based on artificial neurons network,The Sixth International conference on machanical and energy-ICME'2021',Sousse, Tunisia
- 2020
Mechanical characterization and optimum design of wound glass-fiber-reinforced polymer pipes based on the winding angle and the number of plies
The design of composite structures is always a very delicate task to ensure that an antisymmetrically wound laminate had the performance required. Our study was carried out with the aim to optimize the performance/cost ratio of these materials. It consisted in the design and manufacture of orthotropic filament-wound glassreinforced polyester (GRP) pipes with different fiber orientation (± 45, ± 55, and ± 70°). Experiments on a 500-mm-diameter GRP pipes wound at different angles were carried out in various mechanical loadings, and the data found were compared with results obtained by analytical methods.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2020), Mechanical characterization and optimum design of wound glass-fiber-reinforced polymer pipes based on the winding angle and the number of plies, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol:56, Issue:1, pages:673–684, Springer
- 2020
Effect of processing parameters on tensile properties of recycled polypropylene based composites reinforced with jute fabrics
This work examines the effects of processing parameters such as pressure and temperature on the tensile properties of plain woven jute fabric reinforced recycled polypropylene composite. The main objective of this study is to the utilization of recycled polypropylene in a better way. By recycling of this polypropylene will reduce the environmental impacts and preparation of composites by this recyclable plastic can be used for various applications. In this study, eight different composite laminates under varying pressure (1, 2, 3, 4 MPa) and temperature (190, 210, 230, 250 °C) were produced and they were found to have similar fiber weight fractions up to 62%. Tensile tests were carried out on these composites to optimize the processing parameters. From the static tensile, the various test specimens exposed that the variation in temperature and pressure levels during the performance have a significant effect on the tensile properties of the bio-composites.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2020), Effect of processing parameters on tensile properties of recycled polypropylene based composites reinforced with jute fabrics, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Vol:3, Issue:2, pages:144-149, Science direct
- 2019
Mechanical properties of polymer concrete made with jute fabric and waste marble powder at various woven orientations.
The use of polymer concrete has been extensively developed over the last few years, and a growing attention is being paid to search for ways to strengthen their innovation processes. The object of this work is the valorization of natural resources, such as vegetable fibers and mineral wastes, to reduce the environmental impact and improve the mechanical properties of polymer concrete. More specifically, this investigation focused on the influences of woven fabric orientation on mechanical properties of polymer concrete laminates.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , BAALI Brahim, , (2019), Mechanical properties of polymer concrete made with jute fabric and waste marble powder at various woven orientations., International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology., Vol:16, Issue:, pages:5087–5094, Springer Nature
- 2019
Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity
The configuration of a wind farm depends mainly on the wind potential and the disposition of the wind turbines in this park. The windiest site is the most favorable for a future installation of wind turbines for the production of electricity, also, in this same site, a too dense arrangement would lead to considerable of power losses under the effect of wake. In this context, it is presented a research work that consists of determining the installation conditions of a wind farm; evaluating the wind farm through measurements of wind speed and the location of wind turbines in the park to minimize the effect of wind turbine interference. In order to do this, an evaluation study of the wind potential for the implementation of a wind farm based on the quantification of the wind in speed and directions firstly proposed. Secondly, a method for optimizing the positioning of wind turbines in a wind power farm is used based on the introduction of the Jensen wake model and the application of the iterative pseudo-random distribution approach of the turbines in the site. Simulation results are presented and discussed using data from the Kaberten site in Algeria and the characteristics of the GAMESA G52 wind turbine.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2019), Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity, SN Applied Sciences, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1561, Springer International Publishing
- 2019
Effect of processing parameters on tensile properties of recycled polypropylene based composites reinforced with jute fabrics
This work examines the effects of processing parameters such as pressure and temperature on the tensile properties of plain woven jute fabric reinforced recycled polypropylene composite. The main objective of this study is to the utilization of recycled polypropylene in a better way. By recycling of this polypropylene will reduce the environmental impacts and preparation of composites by this recyclable plastic can be used for various applications. In this study, eight different composite laminates under varying pressure (1, 2, 3, 4 MPa) and temperature (190, 210, 230, 250 °C) were produced and they were found to have similar fiber weight fractions up to 62%. Tensile tests were carried out on these composites to optimize the processing parameters. From the static tensile, the various test specimens exposed that the variation in temperature and pressure levels during the performance have a significant effect on the tensile properties of the bio-composites.
MANSOUR Rokbi , , (2019), Effect of processing parameters on tensile properties of recycled polypropylene based composites reinforced with jute fabrics, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:12, Elsevier
- 2019
Contribution to the valorization of dune sand in the manufacture of a polymer concrete based on recycled resin
The incessant development of technology has driven the use of innovative materials and created competition in all areas of the industry. Among the investment in M’sila-Algeria, the Maghreb Pipe Industries is a national reference for the manufacture of GRP (fiberglass reinforced polyester) piping systems. The main raw materials used in the production of GRP piping systems are resin, fiberglass and siliceous sand. During production a large amount of resin is lost. In order to exploit the wasted material it was thought to recover this resin and valorize three types of sand from the Hodna region for the substitution of Quartz and for the development of polymer concrete. A comparative study between polymer concrete (Polyester / Quartz) and Polymer Concrete (Polyester / Hodna sand) is envisaged. In order to make a contribution to the valorization of sand dune in the manufacture of a polymer concrete, we will carry out a preliminary study on three sands coming from the region of Hodna knowing their chemical and physical characteristic aiming on the one hand . And secondly, determine the compressive strength of polymer concretes depending on the type of sand used. In addition, the breaking behavior of this product obtained. That made us think of creating hard, permeable, resistant and aesthetic pavers for reasons of use in swimming pools, gardens, large areas ... etc.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2019), Contribution to the valorization of dune sand in the manufacture of a polymer concrete based on recycled resin,ICAME 2019,TURQUIE
- 2019
Polymer concrete is a composite material resulting from the partial or complete substitution of the hydraulic binder by polymeric resin. Polymer concrete requires the use of its reinforcement although it is, several times, more efficient than ordinary concrete. The reinforcing fibers may be, metallic, synthetic or natural fibers. The use of plant fibers, jute in this study, as reinforcements outside the polymer concrete, it acquires mechanical properties, traction and flexion, more than appreciable, however other characteristics must be studied to ensure better integration on the market. The addition of plant fibers with different orientations is not without consequences on the mechanical behavior , in this case on the resistance to cracking and its propagation. In fact, fibered concretes have a very different behavior compared to non-fiber concretes, especially after the first cracking where the fibers make their contribution by trying to stop the evolution and the propagation of micro-cracks within the matrix by making the concrete more ductile. The main objective of this work is to highlight the influence of Jute tissue orientation on fracture parameters, fracture energy release rate and stress intensity factor, of a polymer concrete laminate.
- 2019
Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity
The configuration of a wind farm depends mainly on the wind potential and the disposition of the wind turbines in this park. The windiest site is the most favorable for a future installation of wind turbines for the production of electricity, also, in this same site, a too dense arrangement would lead to considerable of power losses under the effect of wake. In this context, it is presented a research work that consists of determining the installation conditions of a wind farm; evaluating the wind farm through measurements of wind speed and the location of wind turbines in the park to minimize the effect of wind turbine interference. In order to do this, an evaluation study of the wind potential for the implementation of a wind farm based on the quantification of the wind in speed and directions firstly proposed. Secondly, a method for optimizing the positioning of wind turbines in a wind power farm is used based on the introduction of the Jensen wake model and the application of the iterative pseudo-random distribution approach of the turbines in the site. Simulation results are presented and discussed using data from the Kaberten site in Algeria and the characteristics of the GAMESA G52 wind turbine.
SAID Zergane , MANSOUR Rokbi , ADMIN Admin , , (2019), Configuration of wind farm in Kaberten region: wind potential and optimal capacity, SN Applied Sciences, Vol:1, Issue:12, pages:1-7, Springer
- 2010
Experimental Study of Concrete Curing in Hot Climate
Experimental Study of Concrete Curing in Hot Climate
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2010), Experimental Study of Concrete Curing in Hot Climate,International Engineering Conference on Hot Arid rgions Al Ahsa , IECHAR 2010, Saudia Arabia,International Engineering Conference on Hot Arid rgions Al Ahsa , IECHAR 2010, Saudia Arabia