رحموني زين العابدين
- BASE COMMON ST Departement ST
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Habilitation. in ENP Alger.
Research Domains
Civil Engineering Materials Building Materials : Concrete, Mortar, Cement. Concretes : HPC, SSC, Polymer, Durability. Geopolymers. Matériaux composites
LocationM'sila, M'sila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
REZIG Belkacem , ZIANE Amar
Étude expérimentale de l’influence des déchets naturelles sur le comportement des mortiers
- 2024
Encaderement master
Effet de l'incorporation des déchets miniers sur les performances des mortiers résistants
- 2024
Encaderement master
CHABIRA Mohammed Hemza Ilyas , IBRIR Abdennour
L’effet combine des fibres et les déchets de céramique sur le comportement des mortiers légers
- 2024
Encaderement master
MOKHTARI Belkacem , OUANOUGHI Mohamed El Amin
Effet du sable fin de Boussaâda et des billes de polystyrène sur le Mortier autoplaçant à base de sable de Djamaâ
- 2024
Encaderement master
SAADALLAH Younes , LAZREG Es-sadig
Etude Expérimentale d'un Béton Autoplaçant à base de déchets de verre
- 2024
Encaderement master
Etude du comportement mécanique d’un béton polymère à base de sable et de déchets plastiques
- 2024
Encaderement master
BENZIA Ahmed Seyf Eddine , BOUZIDI Youcef
Effet combiné des fibres polyéthylène et de la poudre de marbre sur les caractéristiques rhéologiques et mécaniques du mortier équivalent
- 2024
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Imene Yamina Omri
Valorisation des résidus minéraux dans la formulation des matériaux cimentaires.
- 2023
Encaderement master
Sebai Ahlam , Benraya Maroua
L'inspection et le contrôle de la construction avec les outils de la digitalisation
- 2023
Encaderement master
Maache Aymen , Gacem Zakaria
Formulation et caractérisation des mortiers autoplaçants à base des ciments ternaires aux hautes températures
- 2023
Encaderement master
Noui Abdelmoumen , Saoudi Abdelbasset
Valorisation des sables recyclés dans la formulation des mortiers contenant des ajouts minéraux
- 2023
Encaderement master
Megdoud Yasmina
L'effet combiné du kaolin et des déchets de céramique dans la formulation des mortiers
- 2023
Encaderement master
Kouadri Mohamed El Amine , El Bahi Louai
L'effet de l'utilisation des résidus métalliques dans la formulation du béton ordinaire à l'état frais et durcis
- 2023
Encaderement master
Boudia Sara , Chebicheb Khaoula
Effet de l'incorporation et du dosage des fibres sur les caractéristiques du mortier autoplaçant à base de poudre de verre
- 2021
Encaderement master
FAID Ahlam , BOURAS Ahlam
L’effet de l’utilisation des résidus (les copeaux plastiques) dans la formulation des bétons autoplaçants à l’état frais et durcis.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Djiab Nour El Houda , Haffaf Fayza
L’effet de l’utilisation des résidus (les copeaux métalliques) dans la formulation des bétons autoplaçants à l’état frais et durcis.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Bouguerra Anwar , Bahache fatma
Effet de l’incorporation de l’entraineur d'air sur les caractéristiques du mortier à base de la poudre de verre et fibres métalliques.
- 2021
Encaderement master
L`effet combiné de l`incorporation des déchets industriels et du mode de conservation dans la formulation des mortiers.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Refice Sara , Zerrouki Imane
L'influence de sable substitué par du brique sur l'évolution des propriétés physiques et mécaniques des mortiers soumis à de hautes températures.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Bouderbala Fatma , Abdelkebir Nedjoua
Corrélation entre les essais destructifs (ET) et non destructifs (NDT) du béton au céramique exposée haute température
- 2021
Encaderement master
Soltani Ayyoub
Caractérisation mécanique d'un mortier allégé à base de noyau d’olive et de sable issues de la région du Hodna.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Amroune Souad , Amroune Soundous
L'exploitation du scanner 3D dans le suivi et le contrôle des ouvrages.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Dilmi Afifa , Lakehal Rachid
La numérisation 3D et son exploitation dans la modélisation de l'information du bâtiment.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Zarroug Majda
Les différents livrables du levé topographique avec le scanner 3D.
- 2020
Encaderement master
Medjahed Manal , Korichi Imene
Contrôle technique et monitoring des sites hydraulique via le scanner 3D.
- 2020
Encaderement master
BERBICHE Younes , ALLAL Meftah
Propriétés et durabilité des pâtes de laitier cristallin dans les milieux agressifs
- 2020
Encaderement master
Comportement des mortiers à base de déchets d'aluminium et Metakaolin.
- 2020
Encaderement master
DJERAD Karima , CHOUYA Ahlam
Estimation de la durabilité des bétons autoplaçant (BAP) fibrés par les vitesses ultrasoniques
- 2020
Encaderement master
ROUINA Mouad Abdeldjalil
Propriétés des bétons autoplaçants contenant des ajouts minéraux.
- 2020
Encaderement master
ACHOUR Mohamed , HERIZI Boudjemaa
Effet combiné des déchets de brique et de céramique sur le comportement du mortier
- 2020
Encaderement master
ZAGAAR Hedjila , ZAAZOUA Kenza
Effet des déchets de céramique et poudre de marbre, sur les propriétés physicomécaniques du Mortier.
- 2019
Encaderement master
Rahmouni Imene , Chelbab Nassima
L'interopérabilité entre la maquette numérique et les dimensions du processus BIM
- 2019
Encaderement master
Bentoumi Moustafa
Valorisation de trois types de sable issue de la région du Hodna pour l’élaboration du Bétons Polymères à base de résine polyester.
- 2019
Encaderement master
Gharbi Faiza , Fali Malika
Evaluation de la qualité des bétons autoplaçant (BAP) exposés à haute température aux moyens des essais non-destructifs (END) et essais direct
- 2019
Encaderement master
Mokrani Hichem , Souici Mounir
Corrélation aux moyens des essais non destructifs (END) et essai direct (ED) d’un béton à base de matériaux locaux
- 2019
Encaderement master
Habeta Fouzia , Kaddour Imene
L’utilisation de la brique recyclée et de la céramique dans la formulation des mortiers
- 2019
Encaderement master
Terki Tahar , Laichi Amar
Contribution à l'étude rhéologique d'un béton à hautes performances (BHP) local
- 2019
Encaderement master
Benhamida Rafiq , Hamrit Abdennour
Effet de l’incorporation de l’entraineur d’air sur les caractéristiques du mortier à base de déchets d’aluminium
- 2019
Encaderement master
Bouzidi Djamel
Les dimensions du BIM et leurs influences sur le projet de génie civil
- 2018
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Effet de la nature des additions minérales sur le comportement du béton à l'état frais et à l'état durci à base des matériaux locaux et soumis à haute température
- 2018
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Formulation caractérisation et durabilité d’un béton autoplaçant fibré à base de matériaux locaux exposés aux hautes températures
- 2017
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Effet de la nature des granulats sur les propriétés physico-mécaniques et la durabilité d’un béton à haute performance.
- 23-02-2009
The effect of mechanical activation of cements with mineral admixtures on the mechanical strength of concrete. - 19-12-1986
Caractérisation d’un matériau minéral expansé, pour sa valorisation au sein d’éléments structuraux du génie civil. - 05-09-1983
- 07-02-1982
- 07-06-1976
- 1958-08-09 00:00:00
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni birthday
- 2025-01-15
Next-Generation Construction: Leveraging Nanomaterials for Enhanced Performance and Sustainability in Civil Engineering
Nanomaterials are transforming the field of civil engineering by significantly enhancing the performance and durability of construction materials and infrastructure. This research explores the innovative applications of nanotechnology in civil engineering, focusing on how nanomaterials improve the properties of traditional materials like concrete, steel, and asphalt. The study examines the impact of nanoparticles, such as carbon nanotubes, nano-silica, and nano-titanium dioxide, in increasing the mechanical strength, durability, and self-healing capabilities of these materials. Moreover, the research delves into the environmental benefits of using nanomaterials, including their potential to reduce the carbon footprint of construction processes and extend the lifespan of infrastructure. The incorporation of nanomaterials also offers new functionalities, such as enhanced resistance to corrosion, improved thermal insulation, and the ability to monitor structural health in real-time through embedded sensors. While the advantages of nanomaterials in civil engineering are significant, the study also addresses the challenges, including the high cost of production, potential environmental risks, and the need for standardized testing methods. As the field continues to evolve, this research aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of nanomaterials in civil engineering, highlighting their potential to revolutionize the construction industry and contribute to more sustainable and resilient infrastructure.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2025-01-15), Next-Generation Construction: Leveraging Nanomaterials for Enhanced Performance and Sustainability in Civil Engineering,2nd International Conference on Modern and Advanced Research,Konya, Turkey
- 2025-01-15
Next-Generation Construction: Leveraging Nanomaterials for Enhanced Performance and Sustainability in Civil Engineering
Nanomaterials are transforming the field of civil engineering by significantly enhancing the performance and durability of construction materials and infrastructure. This research explores the innovative applications of nanotechnology in civil engineering, focusing on how nanomaterials improve the properties of traditional materials like concrete, steel, and asphalt. The study examines the impact of nanoparticles, such as carbon nanotubes, nano-silica, and nano-titanium dioxide, in increasing the mechanical strength, durability, and self-healing capabilities of these materials. Moreover, the research delves into the environmental benefits of using nanomaterials, including their potential to reduce the carbon footprint of construction processes and extend the lifespan of infrastructure. The incorporation of nanomaterials also offers new functionalities, such as enhanced resistance to corrosion, improved thermal insulation, and the ability to monitor structural health in real-time through embedded sensors. While the advantages of nanomaterials in civil engineering are significant, the study also addresses the challenges, including the high cost of production, potential environmental risks, and the need for standardized testing methods. As the field continues to evolve, this research aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of nanomaterials in civil engineering, highlighting their potential to revolutionize the construction industry and contribute to more sustainable and resilient infrastructure.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2025-01-15), Next-Generation Construction: Leveraging Nanomaterials for Enhanced Performance and Sustainability in Civil Engineering,2nd International Conference on Modern and Advanced Research,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-12-24
Valorization of glass waste in brick manufacturing
Abstract : The integration of glass waste into the production of fired clay bricks is an innovative and sustainable approach to waste management. This method not only reduces the environmental impact associated with glass waste disposal but also enhances the efficiency and sustainability of clay brick manufacturing processes. Traditionally, brick making relies on materials such as clay. By integrating glass waste recovered from processing and recycling industries into the brick manufacturing process, it is possible to reduce dependence on natural resources while minimizing waste. Glass waste can be processed into fine powder and incorporated into the composition of raw material mixtures used for brick manufacturing. The percentage of glass waste that can be added in the manufacture of bricks may vary depending on several factors, including the specific characteristics of the materials used, the quality requirements of the final bricks, regulatory standards, and the manufacturing techniques used. However, generally, up to approximately 30% glass waste can be incorporated into raw material mixtures for brick production without significantly compromising their mechanical properties or durability. However, challenges remain, particularly regarding the efficient collection and sorting of glass waste, as well as the optimization of production processes to ensure uniform performance and quality of bricks.
Saad BAALI , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2024-12-24), Valorization of glass waste in brick manufacturing,5th International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-12-17
In order to create a geopolymer or alkali activated material similar to cementitious materials for chemical and physical study as well as mechanical behavior, the majority of prior research on the terms alkaline and thermal activation was applied in the presence of cement as the main constituent and mixed with industrial waste such as (red brick, slag, ceramic and glass…etc). The solubility of aluminates-silicates can be facilitated by chemical solutions, such as KOH, NaOH and Na2SiO3 or Na2CO3, at varying concentrations. The effectiveness of these methods depends on the nature of the system (CaO-SiO2-Al2O3) in mineral residues. Additionally, there is the thermal method, which involves hardening the material at a temperature difference of 20°C to 80°C for a period of 24 to 48 hours. Studies and researchers have found that all these methods to protect the environment and give perfect solutions to recycler the maximum of the minerals waste for making the alternative binders.
imen yamina omri , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Seif Eddine KHADRAOUI , Nadia TEBBAL , ASSELI Aymen Elouanas, ,(2024-12-17), HOW TO RECYCLE INDUSTRIAL WASTE TO CREATE INNOVATIVE MATERIALS WITHOUT PORTLAND CEMENT.,The First National Congress On Civil Engineering and Housing of Constantine N2CEHC 2024,Mentouri University of Constantine
- 2024-12-16
Fabrication et caractérisation de béton polymère à partir de déchets plastiques et sable de dune
Fabrication et caractérisation de béton polymère à partir de déchets plastiques et sable de dune
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2024-12-16), Fabrication et caractérisation de béton polymère à partir de déchets plastiques et sable de dune,International seminar on Natural Risks, Urban Territory Management and Analysis Tools "The Advantages of Artificial Intelligence”,University of M’sila, on December 16, 17 and 18, 2024.
- 2024-12-16
L’effet De L'utilisation Des Déchets De Poudre De Verre Dans La Formulation Du Béton Autoplaçant A L’état Frais Et Durcis.
L’utilisation des Bétons autoplaçant (BAP) s’est considérablement développée au cours des dernières années et une attention grandissante est portée à l’étude de leurs propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques. Les déchets industriels constituant une source potentielle de problèmes environnementaux et économique. L’incorporation des déchets dans la composition du béton autoplaçant est un intérêt qui mérite d'être étudié. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudiés comment les déchets peuvent être valorisés dans le domaine de la construction, en utilisant des déchets de verre comme fillers dans le béton autoplaçant. Pour réduire l’impact environnemental et améliorer le comportement mécanique du béton à la flexion, et à la compression. L'objectif de cette étude est de mettre en avant les avantages de l'utilisation de déchets ménagers tels que les bouteilles en verre dans le BAP. Nous avons proposé l'utilisation de poudre de verre obtenue par broyage de bouteilles de moins de 80µm, et avons étudié son impact sur les propriétés du BAP. Différents pourcentages de poudre de verre ont été testés dans les mélanges (0%,5% et 10 %) de masse de ciment. La poudre de verre a donné les meilleurs résultats en termes d'étalement, de boîte en L et de résistance à la compression. Notre étude pratique a permis de mettre au point des formulations de BAP efficaces. Keywords: Béton autoplaçant, Valorisation des déchets, Poudre de verre, Etat frais, Etat durci.
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Larbi BELAGRAA , ,(2024-12-16), L’effet De L'utilisation Des Déchets De Poudre De Verre Dans La Formulation Du Béton Autoplaçant A L’état Frais Et Durcis.,2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW TRENDS IN INNOVATIVE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (NewMat’24),Oran, Algeria
- 2024-12-09
The Effect of Using Glass Waste as a substitute for sand in the Formulation of Self-Compacting Concrete in Fresh and Hardened State.
Abstract. The use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) has grown considerably in recent years, with increased attention to the study of its mechanical and rheological properties. The integration of various types of waste in the composition of SCC constitutes a significant advance, justifying an in-depth study. In this research, we explored the valorization of waste in the construction sector, in particular by the incorporation of glass granules as a partial replacement for sand in SCC. The proportions of sand were substituted by glass granules at rates of 10%, 20% and 30%. The effect of this substitution on the behavior of SCC, in the fresh and hardened state, was analyzed. In addition to the obvious environmental benefits, such as waste reduction and preservation of natural resources, the incorporation of glass granules in SCC has shown notable improvements in mechanical characteristics. The results obtained demonstrate that the incorporation of glass waste improves the performance of SCCs, thus confirming the interest of this innovative approach. The tests carried out revealed that SCCs containing glass granules offer superior performance in terms of workability and mechanical resistance, especially in the fresh state. This improvement can be attributed to the specific properties of glass granules, which promote better cohesion and a more homogeneous distribution of the components in the mixture. Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, Glass waste, Waste recovery, Mechanical characteristics, Fresh state, Hardened state
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2024-12-09), The Effect of Using Glass Waste as a substitute for sand in the Formulation of Self-Compacting Concrete in Fresh and Hardened State.,The First International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Innovation"1st ICCEMI’24”,University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara Ageria
- 2024-12-04
Integrating Self-Healing Materials with Sewage Sludge Ash: A Review on Sustainable and Durable Construction Practices
This review explores the integration of self-healing materials and sewage sludge ash (SSA) as a novel approach to advancing sustainable construction. The autonomous repair capabilities of self-healing materials significantly enhance the durability of concrete and mortar, reducing maintenance costs and extending structural lifespan. Simultaneously, SSA, a by-product of wastewater treatment, offers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional construction materials, reducing landfill waste and carbon emissions. The review evaluates existing studies on the combined application of self-healing technologies and SSA, analyzing their effects on mechanical performance, crack-healing efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Key findings highlight that SSA enhances the microstructural properties of concrete while maintaining the efficacy of self-healing agents such as encapsulated polymers and bacterial spores. Practical challenges, including material formulation optimization and the safe processing of SSA, are critically examined. By providing an overview of recent advancements and identifying gaps in current research, this review underscores the potential of integrating SSA and self-healing materials to revolutionize sustainable construction. The findings serve as a foundation for future innovations, paving the way for resilient, low-carbon infrastructure solutions.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2024-12-04), Integrating Self-Healing Materials with Sewage Sludge Ash: A Review on Sustainable and Durable Construction Practices,International Conference on Growth Innovation Technology and Engineering (ICGTE) 2024 Indonesia,Indonesia
- 2024-12-03
Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure: The Synergy of Self-Healing Materials and Sewage Sludge Ash in Construction
This review delves into the intersection of self-healing materials and sewage sludge ash (SSA) as a transformative approach in sustainable construction. Self-healing materials offer the ability to autonomously repair cracks, significantly enhancing structural lifespan and reducing maintenance efforts. Meanwhile, SSA, a by-product of wastewater treatment processes, provides an eco-friendly alternative to conventional cement and fine aggregates, addressing environmental concerns by recycling waste and reducing carbon emissions. Through a comprehensive evaluation of recent research, this review explores the combined application of these innovative materials, assessing their impact on mechanical properties, durability, and environmental sustainability. Key findings highlight the potential of SSA to improve the microstructure and performance of self-healing concrete, while the integration of advanced repair mechanisms ensures prolonged functionality and resilience under environmental stressors. The review also identifies existing challenges, including the optimization of SSA processing methods and the compatibility of self-healing technologies with alternative binders. By summarizing state-of-the-art developments and proposing future research directions, this study underscores the potential of combining SSA and self-healing materials to revolutionize construction practices, promoting the development of resilient, low-carbon infrastructure.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2024-12-03), Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure: The Synergy of Self-Healing Materials and Sewage Sludge Ash in Construction,3rd International Conference on Recent Academic Studies ICRAS 2024,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-11-23
Valorization of plastic waste in the manufacture of terracotta bricks
Abstract – Terracotta bricks are traditional building materials made from clay, molded and then fired at high temperatures, which gives them remarkable strength and durability. Known for their red-orange color, they are appreciated for their resistance to weathering, their thermal stability and their ability to provide good acoustic insulation. Plastic waste poses a major threat to the environment due to its long decomposition time and its ubiquity in ecosystems. Waste plastics can be crushed and replaced in percentage with clay used to make terracotta bricks, and the procedure for making terracotta bricks remains similar, but with adjustments to ensure that embedded plastics do not do not compromise the quality of the bricks. This method helps divert plastics from landfills and oceans, thereby reducing pollution, and plastics can improve certain properties of bricks, such as thermal insulation (thus reducing energy requirements for heating and cooling buildings) and lightness (Bricks containing plastic can be lighter than traditional bricks, making them easier to handle and reducing transport costs). Integrating plastic waste into clay bricks offers firstly an innovative solution to reduce plastic pollution, secondly reducing the demand for natural resources such as clay and sand, thirdly reducing energy consumption for brick manufacturing (lower temperature) while creating sustainable building materials.
Saad BAALI , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2024-11-23), Valorization of plastic waste in the manufacture of terracotta bricks,2nd International Conference on Trends in Advanced Research,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-11-19
Valorisation des boues d’épuration en matériaux de construction
La quantité croissante de boues d'épuration devenant un problème urgent et inévitable pour chaque pays, ses applications dans la production de matériaux de construction et de construction offrent une solution alternative pour l'élimination des boues et la récupération des ressources. Comme pour l'argile et le ciment Portland, les principaux oxydes dans les boues d'épuration sont SiO2 (10–25 %), Al2O3 (5–10 %) et CaO (10–30 %) qui sont augmentés dans les cendres des boues après incinération à 25–50 % , 10–20 % et 15–30 %. Par conséquent, ces déchets solides peuvent être utilisés non seulement comme matière première pour la production d'éco-ciment, de briques, de matériaux céramiques et d'agrégats légers par le processus de frittage, mais également comme adjuvants supplémentaires dans les matériaux cimentaires tels que les composants pouzzolaniques, les agrégats fins ou les matériaux de remplissage.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Saad BAALI , ,(2024-11-19), Valorisation des boues d’épuration en matériaux de construction,The Digitization of Waste Management, a Tool for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development,Palais des Expositions – Pin Maritime (Pavilion Saoura) Alger, Algerie
- 2024-11-16
Abstract : The valorization of sewage sludge into ceramic materials is an innovative method to recycle wastewater treatment residues into construction products, thus contributing to more sustainable waste management. This process begins with the dewatering of the sludge, reducing its water content to facilitate its handling. The sludge is then mixed with traditional raw materials, such as clay, to form a homogeneous mixture. This mixture is shaped into bricks, tiles or other ceramic shapes, then fired at high temperatures (usually between 900 and 1200°C). Firing stabilizes the potentially toxic components of the sludge, such as heavy metals, and gives the materials their mechanical, aesthetic and durability properties. The use of sewage sludge in the manufacture of ceramics has several advantages: it significantly reduces the volume of waste to be disposed of, reduces the consumption of natural raw materials, and produces materials with properties comparable to, or even superior to, those of traditional ceramics. However, challenges remain, including the variability of sludge composition depending on its origin, and the need to strictly control contaminants to ensure the safety of finished products. In short, this recovery is part of a circular economy approach, promoting the reduction of the ecological footprint of sewage sludge while contributing to the production of sustainable and environmentally responsible construction materials.
- 2024-11-15
Utilization of Sewage Sludge Ash in Lightweight Aggregate Production for Sustainable Construction
This paper investigates the alternative use of sewage sludge ash (SSA) for the production of light weight aggregate (LWA) for sustainable construction The main objective is to investigate how SSA can be successfully reused to produce construction materials without reducing environmental contributions. The study examines the processes for converting SSA into lightweight aggregates, focusing on the technological processes and factors that make this application possible. Key benefits include significant reductions in the overall weight of concrete structures, reduced transportation and housing costs, and improved thermal insulation, which improves energy efficiency in buildings to the sky In addition, the paper discusses the environmental benefits of implementing SSA in LWA operations, such as waste disposal reduction, greenhouse gas emission reduction, natural a will be preserved and also discusses technical challenges including the need for continuous quality improvement and compliance with regulatory standards. Research emphasizes the importance of quality qualitative and strategic approaches to ensure the reliability and efficiency of SSA-based LWAs. Overall, this study presents SSA as a promising alternative for small aggregates, promoting a circular economy in the construction industry. In producing LWA by turning waste into a value-added product, SSA is a sustainable way to model modern construction practices, contributing to greener and more efficient industries.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2024-11-15), Utilization of Sewage Sludge Ash in Lightweight Aggregate Production for Sustainable Construction,International Symposium on Ceramics and Composite Materials,Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey
- 2024-11-10
Transforming Waste into Resources: Pioneering Approaches in Civil Engineering
The civil engineering industry is rapidly confronting two challenges: minimizing the harmful effects of construction on the environment and managing industrial waste. The concept of turning trash into resources is a fresh approach to addressing these problems, offering innovative solutions in line with the principles of sustainability and resource efficiency. This study looks at the potential benefits of integrating various industrial wastes such as fly ash, slag, and recycled construction materials into civil engineering processes. Recycling these wastes may significantly reduce our reliance on virgin resources, landfill usage, and construction project carbon footprints. The use of industrial byproducts in road construction, where recycled materials assist sustainable infrastructure, and in concrete production, where waste materials enhance the durability and performance of concrete, are two areas of focus. This article will also discuss the use of waste materials in soil stabilization, with a focus on the long-term benefits for both improved soil quality and structural stability. This article, using case studies and the most recent research, demonstrates the economic and environmental advantages of waste valuation in civil engineering. It also discusses the opportunities and technical challenges of using these strategies more broadly. By encouraging the use of waste-derived materials and converting rubbish into valuable resources that aid in the creation of a built environment that is resilient and environmentally friendly, the civil engineering sector can set the norm for sustainable building.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2024-11-10), Transforming Waste into Resources: Pioneering Approaches in Civil Engineering,3rd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-08-25
Revolutionizing Green Construction: A Review on Self-Healing Materials and Sewage Sludge Ash Integration
This review investigates the integration of self-healing materials and sewage sludge ash (SSA) as a pioneering strategy for sustainable and resilient construction. Self-healing materials, with their ability to autonomously repair microcracks, offer a game-changing solution to enhance the durability and lifespan of infrastructure. Simultaneously, SSA, a by-product of wastewater treatment, is presented as a sustainable alternative to traditional cement and aggregates, reducing landfill waste and mitigating the environmental impact of construction activities. The review synthesizes current advancements in combining these two technologies, focusing on their mutual benefits for mechanical properties, environmental sustainability, and structural integrity. It highlights the ability of SSA to improve the microstructural properties of concrete while preserving the functionality of self-healing agents, such as bacterial spores and polymer capsules. Furthermore, it discusses the challenges of optimizing SSA integration and ensuring compatibility with self-healing systems. By analyzing recent developments and identifying research gaps, this review underscores the transformative potential of this dual approach. It envisions a future where SSA and self-healing materials jointly contribute to the development of eco-friendly and durable infrastructure, aligning with global sustainability and circular economy goals.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2024-08-25), Revolutionizing Green Construction: A Review on Self-Healing Materials and Sewage Sludge Ash Integration,4th International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research,Konya, Turkey
- 2024-08-22
Manufacture and Characterization of Lightweight Sand-Plastic Composites Made of Plastic Waste and Sand: Effect of Sand Types
Over the past decade, many types of waste have been exploited as feedstocks in different industries. Recycled plastics are among the waste sought for several civil engineering applications. In this work, various plastic-bonded sand composites based on polypropylene waste and silica sand were produced to serve as building materials in many construction applications. Many tests and analysis were carried out in this investigation. First of all, two initial used compounds (waste PP and various silica sand) were analyzed by using ATR-FTIR, XRF, and grain size distribution. In the second time, the different plastic-bonded sand composites were analyzed by using ATR-FTIR to assess their composition. On the other hand, mechanical, and physical tests such as three-point flexural strength, compressive strength, water absorption, and optical observation were applied on different produced composite samples, then the results were examined and analyzed. The results showed that the developed composites exhibit commendable mechanical properties, especially flexural and compression resistance, and minimal water absorption. It is worth noting that the plastic-bonded sand containing Khobana sand showed the highest flexural and compressive strength at 11.56±0.36 and 26.19±0.27 MPa, respectively, along with the lowest water absorption rate of 0.46%. This study confirms its contribution to enhancing sustainability and promoting the principles of the circular economy
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2024-08-22), Manufacture and Characterization of Lightweight Sand-Plastic Composites Made of Plastic Waste and Sand: Effect of Sand Types, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Vol:7, Issue:6, pages:1-17, Science Direct
- 2024-08-03
Investigation of mechanical and physico-chemical properties of new natural fiber extracted from Bassia indica plant for reinforcement of lightweight bio-composites
In this investigation, novel cellulose fibers were acquired from the Bassia Indica plant to serve as a reinforcement source in composite materials. The morphological characteristics were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The surface chemistry, crystallinity, and functional groups of Bassia Indica fibers were analyzed using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, and Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), which assess the crystal structure, elemental composition, and surface functional groups, respectively. The thermal behavior of Bassia Indica fibers were assessed through Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Anatomical techniques demonstrated the abundant presence of fibroblasts in the fibers. The presence of lignocellulosic fiber (lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose) was confirmed through ATR-FTIR analysis. The analysis of physical properties unveiled a fiber density of 1.065 ± 0.025 g/cm³ and a diameter of 145.58 ± 7.89 μm. The crystalline size of Bassia Indica fibers reached 2.23 nm, with a crystallinity index of 40.12 %, and an activation energy of 93.78 kJ/mol, TGA research revealed that Bassia Indica fibers are thermally stable up to 260.24 °C. Additionally, the fibers experienced maximum degradation at 321.23 °C. Weibull statistical analysis was performed using parameters 2 and 3 to calculate the observed dispersion in the experimental tensile results after analyzing the mechanical properties of the fibers possessing a tensile strength of 417.50 ± 7.08 MPa, Young's modulus of 17.46 ± 1.55 GPa, stress at failure of 1.17 ± 0.02 % and interfacial shear strength of 6.99 ± 1.10 MPa. The results were additionally compared to how they were stated in the relevant sources. Bassia Indica fibers can be considered a viable choice for reinforcing lightweight bio-composites.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2024-08-03), Investigation of mechanical and physico-chemical properties of new natural fiber extracted from Bassia indica plant for reinforcement of lightweight bio-composites, Heliyon, Vol:10, Issue:15, pages:1-17, Heliyon
- 2024-07-19
Characterization and application of sewage sludge in cement products
Sewage sludge ash (SSA) has emerged as a promising supplementary cementitious material (SCM) to enhance the performance and durability of cementitious materials This paper presents a comprehensive review of the characterization and consumption of SSA role in cement structure gives. Chemical composition analysis reveals the presence of silica, alumina, and other oxides important for pozzolanic reactivity. Mineralogical analysis identifies crystalline and amorphous phases, elucidating the potential of SSA. Physical properties such as surface specificity and particle size distribution influence the performance and mechanical properties of cementitious materials Evaluation of pozzolanic activity by different methods determines the amount of SSA contribution to strength development. The study of hydration kinetics clarifies the early life and long-term performance of cementitious systems containing SSA. Technical testing shows increased compressive, tensile and flexural strength of SSA-modified concrete. Developmental performance studies confirm resistance to chloride penetration, sulfate attack, alkali silica reaction (ASR), and carbonation, ensuring durability of SSA-based cement products This study provides valuable insights into Effective application of SSA characteristics and applications to sustainable building practices Simple.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2024-07-19), Characterization and application of sewage sludge in cement products,International Conference on Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Technological Developments (ICENSTED 2024),Erdek, Turkey
- 2024-06-05
Microstructure and mechanical properties of ternary pastes activated with multi-colors glass and brick wastes
Disposal of waste glass derived from bottle or packaging glass, flat glass, domestic glass is one of the major environmental defies. Moreover, the remnants of bricks resulting from the remnants of buildings are also considered an important factor in polluting the environment due to the difficulty of filling or getting rid it. The aim of this study is to valorize these wastes through chemical activation to be an environmentally friendly material. The Microstructure, compressive strength, setting time, drying shrinkage, water absorption of different pastes produced by clear glass (CG), green glass (GG) and brick waste (BP) activated were tested and recorded after curing for 3, 7, 28 and 365 days. Five samples of pastes were mixed in proportions represented by: 100% GP (GP), 100% GGP (GGP), 100% BP (BP), 90% GP + 10% BP (GPB) and 90% GGP + 10% BP (GGPB). Various parameters considered in this study include sodium hydroxide concentrations (10 mol/l); 0.4 as alkaline liquid to binder ratio; 2.5 as sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio and cured at 60°C for 24 hours. Experimental results revealed that the addition of 10% of BP resulted in an increased strength performance of geopolymer paste especially with GGPB compared to GGP in 365 days. In addition, the 10% amount of BP increases the absorption and shrinkage rate of geopolymer pastes (GPB and GGPB) by reducing the setting time. SEM results revealed that the addition of BP and GP resulted in a dense structure.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2024-06-05), Microstructure and mechanical properties of ternary pastes activated with multi-colors glass and brick wastes, Advances in Concrete Construction, Vol:17, Issue:3, pages:167-177, Techno Press
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- 2024-04-18
Harnessing Sewage Sludge for Sustainable Concrete Manufacturing
Wastewater generated from wastewater treatment poses challenges for disposal due to high organic content and potential environmental impacts but alternative wastewater treatment options are being developed in concrete production research. This abstract looks at the feasibility and potential benefits of incorporating wastewater into concrete mixes. Through rigorous characterization and processing, sewage sludge can act as a filler, providing long-term benefits and improving concrete properties Challenges such as changes in water a it is a matter of internal and regulatory constraints of the dirt Yoga: Materials- Can address weed-management issues while promoting efficiency and sustainability.
Mahmoud BOUSLAH , Mekki MAZA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2024-04-18), Harnessing Sewage Sludge for Sustainable Concrete Manufacturing,2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies ICSIS 2024,Konya, Turkey
- 2023-12-18
A bibliographic study on geopolymers and the valorization of mining waste
The search for an alternative to cement has become an environmental and strategic necessity to reduce the effects of global warming and preserve the energy capacity of energy-importing and energy-exporting countries alike. Geopolymer materials are classified as green materials and may be the alternative solution proposed at the present time due to their advantages. The results of research and studies have shown that these geopolymer materials possess superior mechanical and physical properties, including high early strength, good chemical resistance, low shrinkage, and good thermal resistance. The rise in temperatures in recent years and the global warming scenario has led to an increase in demand for heat-insulating materials, especially in the construction sector. This review includes, based on previous research, previous knowledge of more about the basics of these geopolymer materials the raw materials that go into preparing these compounds and the factors affecting their properties. The good thermal performance of these compounds is considered important and vital to exploit in the production of efficient insulating materials, and it may be a sustainable solution in re-exploiting mineral waste in order to preserve natural resources
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023-12-18), A bibliographic study on geopolymers and the valorization of mining waste,The 1st Scientific Days on Materials and Their Applications (SDMA’2023),Université de Biskra, Algérie
- 2023-12-17
Application of waste ceramic powder as a cement replacement in Self-compacting mortar
this paper reviews the use of the waste product (ceramic industry) for construction purpose. Now a days they are rapid growth in urban andindustrial is more and the demand is being increased day by day. The waste generated from ceramic industry is usedas a partial replacement in cement. To eradicate the demand of construction material cement is being replaced in our project as ceramıc waste accordingly in the range of 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% by weight of cement for mix. Self-compacting mortar mixtures were produced, tested and compared in terms of compressive, flexural and split tensile strength with the conventional Self-compacting mortar. These tests were carried out toevaluate the mechanical properties for the test results of 7, 14, 28 days for compressive strength, flexural Strength and split tensile strength. For this purpose, design parameters like water to binder ratio (w/b), water to cement ratio (W/C), superplasticizer dosage (SP) (kg/m3) and replacement percentage of ceramic waste are studied on the slump flow. It is observed that with respect to different grades of SCC, designed parameters affects the fresh and strength properties of SCC.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023-12-17), Application of waste ceramic powder as a cement replacement in Self-compacting mortar,2. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL TRUVA SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES AND INNOVATION CONGRESS,ÇANAKKALE / TÜRKİYE
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- 2023-10-24
Effect of Aluminum Waste on Mortar Thermo-Mechanical Behavior
A simplified computational procedure for determining the optimal design of special moment resisting steel connections is proposed. The connection, recently patented by the authors, is the so-called Limited Resistance Plastic Device (LRPD); it appertains to the class of the Reduced Beam Sections (RBS) which mainly constitute appropriate beam portions devoted to receiving plastic deformations, but it also possesses additional and innovative features related with its resistance and stiffness. The optimal design of the LRPD usually requires the solution of a strongly nonlinear minimum volume problem. On the grounds of the known expected LRPD mechanical features, a simplified computational procedure is defined. Reference will be made to the device applied to I-shaped steel beam elements subjected to a plane force system. Some numerical applications are presented, regarding the comparison between the results obtained by means of the proposed simplified strategy and those obtained by the solution to the optimal design problem. Furthermore, a larger application devoted to a plane frame proves the reliability of the devices as receptors of plastic deformations.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2023-10-24), Effect of Aluminum Waste on Mortar Thermo-Mechanical Behavior, International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE), Vol:14, Issue:5, pages:265-271, PRAISE WORTHY PRIZE HOMEPAGE
- 2023-10-05
Predicting Mechanical Properties of Concrete Using Equivalent Mortar: A Comparative Study
Comprehending the mechanical characteristics of concrete is paramount for its efficient deployment in construction. This investigation endeavors to predict these properties utilizing equivalent mortar, furthering previous inquiries on the topic. Literature suggests a viable approach to create concrete through a method employing both natural and crushed aggregates. This technique considers the corresponding mortar, amalgamated with crushed (SC) and dune sand (SD), as a novel mortar. Implementing this method could curtail the consumption of natural resources while conserving the mechanical attributes in both fresh (flow) and hardened states (strength and durability). This approach aims to anticipate the mechanical performance of concretes formulated from equivalent mortar data. Five mixtures were constituted to discern the optimal blend from a binary amalgamation of crushed coarse aggregates (30% fraction 3/8 and 70% fraction of 8/15) sized 3.8mm and 8.15mm, alongside five mixed sand percentages: (30% SC+70% SD), (40% SC+60% SD), (50% SC+50% SD), (60% SC+40% SD), and (70% SC+30% SD). The application of super plasticizer was investigated, and the compressive strength function of coarse aggregate was ascertained at intervals of 7, 14, and 28 days. The mechanical strength was determined at the 28-day mark. The empirical study indicates that density attains its zenith when a 40% mortar is incorporated into the concrete matrix. Conversely, with a 50% SC composition within the mixed sand, the mechanical strengths achieve acceptable values with moderate CS dosages. Specification tests reveal that incorporating 50% to 70% mortar into the concrete matrix can yield highquality concrete
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2023-10-05), Predicting Mechanical Properties of Concrete Using Equivalent Mortar: A Comparative Study, Annales de chimie - Sciences des matériaux, Vol:47, Issue:5, pages:266-271, IIETA
- 2023-07-08
The objective of this research work is to study and better understand the behavior at high temperatures of fiber concretes and the effect of the evolution of the temperature on their mechanical behavior, by evaluation of the loss of residual mass, and the resistance residual in compression and tension. The concretes are subjected to different heating-cooling cycles up to a maximum temperature of 300°C ; 500°C and 700°C at the age of 28 days. This study showed that the residual strength of fiber-reinforced concrete subjected to a very high temperature decreased compared to concrete (not subjected to a very high temperature).
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- 2023
Effect of ceramic addition on the properties of mortars
The purpose of this study is to recover mineral residues as an additive in cement-based building materials. It is part of a sustainable development approach. The use of recovered and recyclable industrial residues in partial replacement of Portland cement reduces greenhouse gas emissions and results in the manufacture of cement with a lower environmental impact. Using various experimental techniques, particular attention is paid to the behaviour of the ceramic powder finely crushed and chemically activated associated with Portland cement. This study confirms the improvement in the physicochemical and mechanical properties of cements with the addition of ceramic powder, which augurs well for its use as a cement . Keywords: Sanitary ceramic waste; Fillers, Mortars; Properties
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), Effect of ceramic addition on the properties of mortars,1. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS,BİTLİS/TURKEY
- 2023
Durability in aggressive environments of concrete incorporating glass powder
This study examines the mechanical effects of the addition of transparent glass in the form of waste glass powder on the mechanical properties of concrete in aggressive environments.Glass is used as an additive after conversion to fine powder and mixed with cement at 0% , 5% and 10% For the construction of concrete with additives and then poured into molds. And then treated in fresh fresh water, salt solution where the salt is 5% sodium chloride and finally in MgSO4 solution at 5% concentration for 7, 14 and 28 days, then mechanical tests are performed when the test used in this research is compressive strength and porosity. It was observed that there were differences in compressive strength when immersed in different solvents. Samples immersed in water have higher resistance than those immersed in sodium chloride MgSO4 solution and increase with immersion time. The results show that the addition of glass powder improves the flow of concrete, also it further consolidates the cementitious matrix which makes it difficult for aggressive compounds to penetrate into the concrete. Keywords: glass, addition, concrete, durability, aggressive environment,Porosity, Compressive Strength
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), Durability in aggressive environments of concrete incorporating glass powder,3. INTERNATIONAL MEDITERRANEAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONGRESS,ANTALYA / TURKEY
- 2023
This paper investigated the effects of brick dust and metal fiber on the mechanical and physical properties of cement mortars exposed to high temperatures experimentally and statistically. For this purpose, the mixes containing marble dust (0%, 5%, and 10% by volume) and metal fiber (0 kg/m 3 , 1 kg/m, 2 kg/m 3 , 5 kg/m 3 ) were prepared. The cement mortars' compressive strength and porosity value were determined after exposure to high temperatures (300, 500, and 700 C). The percentage of brick dust, amount of metal fiber, and degree of temperature were changed to explore their effects on specimens' compressive strength and porosity values. Finally, experimental findings were compared with statistical results, and a good agreement between them was achieved. Keywords: brick Dust, Metal Fiber, Cement Mortar,Temperature, Porosity, Compressive Strength
- 2023
Micro concrete admixed with white cement with polystyrene
In the construction field, the current research is oriented to the recovery of materials in general, is especially local materials to fight both the soaring prices that knows the way and at the same time ensured the balance nature by solving the problem of pollution that allows the survival of several species that are the major links to the balance of nature. The objective of our work is to lighten the micro-concrete by adding different percentages of polystyrene, and to improve the fluidity and the mechanical strength of the micro-concrete by the incorporation of adjuvant. The results obtained from this research confirm that the rate of 30% of polystyrene gives the most alleviation, 1.5% of adjuvant gives good fluidity and increases the mechanical strength.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), Micro concrete admixed with white cement with polystyrene,11 th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONFERENCE,ADANA, TURKEY
- 2023
A bibliographic study on the effectiveness of geopolymers in the field of thermal insulation
Achieving environmentally friendly compounds with high mechanical resistance, lower density, and high thermal resistance is a topic of research for most of those interested in this field. Geopolymers are threedimensional amorphous materials made of aluminosilicates in a normal environment or at high temperatures through alkaline activation of aluminosilicate materials. This activation, along with Add a chemical foaming agent (aluminum powder, hydrogen peroxide, sodium oleate...) led to the synthesis of inorganic foam. Geopolymer foams are high temperature resistant materials characterized by mechanical and chemical stability and low post-foaming shrinkage. Pore size is directly related to changing the concentration of the foaming agent, and studies have shown that, by tracking CT images, up to 24% open porosity can be achieved without significantly affecting other properties. addition to geopolymers enjoying these advantages, we find some studies interested in obtaining other advantages, including adding another factor that (PCM).Thermal properties of geopolymer concrete (GPC) are enhanced by adding phase change material (PCM) capsules. Thermal and structural tests were conducted to investigate the effects of capsules on the properties of produced GPC. The produced thermally enhanced GPC can reduce heat transmission to indoors in the hot climates and its compressive strength is acceptable for nonloadbearing wall components.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), A bibliographic study on the effectiveness of geopolymers in the field of thermal insulation,3 rd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya, Turkey
- 2023
Improving sludge management and transforming waste into sustainable resources
Sludge valorization, also called sludge management, is an important field in the treatment of wastewater and solid waste worldwide. Sludge is the solid byproduct generated during the treatment of wastewater in wastewater treatment plants. They often contain organic matter, mineral elements and other contaminants, making them potentially harmful to the environment if not properly managed. However, there are many ways to recover sludge and use it beneficially rather than simply disposing of it. The areas of sludge recovery are: Composting, Agricultural use, Energy production, Biogas production and Production of construction materials. Using sludge to make bricks has many environmental benefits, including reducing waste, reducing demand for natural resources, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, and creating sustainable building products. However, it is essential to comply with local and national environmental regulations and implement strict quality controls to ensure the safety and quality of bricks made from sludge.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), Improving sludge management and transforming waste into sustainable resources,3rd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya, Turkey.
- 2023
Assessing the Durability of Mortar Incorporating Sewage Sludge Ash under High-Temperature Exposure
The use of sewage sludge ash, also known as sewage sludge incineration ash (SSIA), as a construction material has gained attention in recent years. This study aims to investigate the effect of SSIA on the durability of equivalent mortar exposed to high temperatures. The exposure of mortar containing SSIA to high temperatures can have various effects on its durability. Some of the potential effects include a reduction in mechanical strength, degradation of the microstructure, weight loss, and the formation of new mineral phases. However, these effects can vary depending on the composition of the SSIA and other components of the mortar, as well as the specific conditions of high-temperature exposure. Further experimental studies are needed to provide more accurate evaluations of the impact of SSIA on the durability of equivalent mortar exposed to high temperatures.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), Assessing the Durability of Mortar Incorporating Sewage Sludge Ash under High-Temperature Exposure,3rd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya, Turkey.
- 2023
Different types of activation of supplementary cementing materials
Geopolymers belong to the aluminosilicate family, essentially composed of a raw material that may be natural, a co-product or an industrial by-product such as blast-furnace slag, fly ash and metakaolin, or another material that essentially contains silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) and an alkaline solution. The use of geopolymers as cementitious materials is currently growing due to their excellent properties and efficiencies, such as low CO2 emission, high compressive strength, low permeability, enhanced durability, thermal resistance and excellent stability in acidic and alkaline environments. Geopolymers are obtained by alkaline activation, often based on sodium or potassium silicate. Many studies have shown that aluminosilicate materials are activated depending on the type of material used .Alkali-activated mortars were found to have higher compressive strength than cement mortars. Alkali-activated materials represent one of the alternatives available that could replace PC in terms of economy, ecology, mechanical performance and durability. Heat treatment has an influence on the reactivity of materials, and studies show that mortars based on uncalcined (raw) materials give lower strengths than control mortars based on 100% cement. Calcination changes the structure of the material to become amorphous, which improves the compressive strength of mortars, so thermal analysis has a positive influence on the compressive strength of mortars. The mechanical activation of materials containing a percentage of silica and/or alumina consists in increasing grain fineness (specific surface area) through advanced grinding. Heat treatment of raw materials shows significant effects on the mechanical behavior of synthesis product were this later enhance mechanical strength, But it considering more expensive then mechanical activation which more economical. However chemical activation has an interesting effect on the development of compressive strength, but is expensive and difficult to process in an aggressive environment.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), Different types of activation of supplementary cementing materials,3rd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya, Turkey.
- 2023
Geopolymerization is the chemical process that brings together all the reactions transforming solid rich in silica (Si) and alumina (Al), such as fly ash, blast furnace slag or clay, an alkaline activator, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOh) or potassium hydroxide (Koh), to form an alkaline solution, under different experimental conditions, into aluminosilicate gel. This chemical reaction, called polymerization, enables the elements present in the raw materials to bind together to form a solid three-dimensional network, similar to that of Portland cement. This network gives geopolymeric materials high mechanical strength. This is an alternative to traditional methods of manufacturing materials such as Portland cement, which generate significant quantities of greenhouse gases (CO2) during production. The reaction mechanism for geopolymer formation comprises three stages: a dissolution/hydrolysis stage, a restructuring stage and a final polycondensation stage. Several parameters can influence the geopolymerization process, such as the alumino-silicate source (precursor type), particle texture and morphology, particle size and specific surface, alkaline activator type and concentration, water content, the silica content, as well as temperature, which has an effect not only on the reaction rate, but also on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the geopolymers, such as the texture of the final material, mechanical strength, homogeneity, porosity and thermal stability. Experimental studies and tests are often carried out to determine the appropriate temperature parameters for obtaining the desired properties of the geopolymer material.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2023), EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON GEOPOLYMERIZATION,3rd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya, Turkey.
- 2022-12-31
The Effect of the Use of Residues (Metallic Shavings) in the Formulation of Self-Compacting Concrete in Fresh and Hardened State
Abstract: Self-Compacting Concretes (SCCs) have brought promising insight into the concrete industry to generate environmental impact and reduce costs. the absence of SCC vibrations generates a significant reduction in noise pollution in urban areas, ease of implementation, possibility of concreting heavily reinforced areas or areas with complex geometry and obtaining better quality concrete on the one hand, reduction of working time on site, of personnel during installation and reduction of the costs of industrial processes, on the other hand. Metal chips resulting from the modification of metal parts obtained by turning present problems of environmental pollution and storage. The recycling of this waste in the construction industry is an adequate solution for the production of concrete and can improve some of its properties. An experimental study to study the properties of SCC containing metal shavings with the study of the properties of SCC in the fresh state: flow, L-box and sieve stability. Properties in the hardened state of concretes: compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity. The metal waste in the form of shavings, incorporated in a dosage of 0.5% of concrete volume in the mixtures of SCCs produced, which makes it possible to evaluate the effect of the addition of metal shavings on the characteristics of SCCs in the state fresh and hardened and to recover metal waste, the results confirm the advantage of adding metal shavings in the fresh state the SCCs studied keep their characteristics of self-plasticity, in the hardened state the results show an improvement in the compressive strength of the SCCs studied. Keywords: self-compacting concrete, waste recovery, metallic shavings, rheological properties, mechanical properties
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2022-12-31), The Effect of the Use of Residues (Metallic Shavings) in the Formulation of Self-Compacting Concrete in Fresh and Hardened State, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:46, Issue:6, pages:301-306, IIETA
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- 2022-06-14
On the Combination of Silica Fume and Ceramic Waste for the Sustainable Production of Mortar,
The combined use of silica fume (SF) and ceramic waste (CW) for the production of mortar is studied. Sand is replaced by 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of CW while a fixed 5% percentage (% wt of cement) of SF is used. The results show that the best results are obtained by using silica fume and ceramic waste sand with 15% weight of sand and 5% wt of cement. With the addition of sand ceramic waste (SCW), the mortar compressive strength and density increase, while the porosity displays an opposite trend. The experimental analysis is complemented with theoretical considerations on the matrix strength and related improvements in mechanical behavior. It is shown that the agreement between the experimental values and the estimated values is good.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Mekki MAZA , Nadia TEBBAL , Messaouda BELOUADAH , , (2022-06-14), On the Combination of Silica Fume and Ceramic Waste for the Sustainable Production of Mortar,, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(5),, Vol:19, Issue:5, pages:1083-1090, Tech Science Press
- 2022-04-08
Combined impact of replacing dune sand with glass sand and metal fibers on mortar properties
This paper presents an experimental study on the influence of metal fibers on the mechanical behaviour of mortar with glass sand. Four mortar mixtures with glass filler and metals fibers are manufactured. The specimens were prepared with three percentages of glass sand (0%, 5%, 10%) and 1%, 2% by vol of steel fibers. The Air-Entraining Agent (A-E-A) dosages at the ratios of 0.08% of cement weight were used. The mechanical tests were carried out on the specimens such as the compressive strength, the tensile strength and the porosity. The results showed that the tensile and bending properties of all different mixtures with fibers are significantly higher compared to the reference mortars. A remarkable decrease has been observed in water, density and compressive strength of mortar with chemical admixture. Moreover, the using 1% volume fraction of steel fibers and 10% glass sand, flexural strength of mortar was completely improved.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , Mekki MAZA , Salim ZITOUNI , , (2022-04-08), Combined impact of replacing dune sand with glass sand and metal fibers on mortar properties, Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés-Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials, Vol:32, Issue:2, pages:85-90, IIETA
- 2022-02-21
Impact of Rolled and Crushed Aggregate with Natural Pozzolan on the Behavior of HPC
High performance concrete (HPC) has several advantages in building construction that cannot be achieved using conventional concrete in terms of strength durability, resistance to chemical attack, and workability of high performance concrete are high. The introduction of fillers and additives contributed to the improvement of high-performance concrete (HPC), other parameters also influence the performance of these HPCs, coarse aggregate fraction is known to strongly influence both fresh and hardened concrete’s properties. Consequently, selection of both content and particle size distribution for (HPC) mixture is an important issue regarding the predicted performance of concrete. For to make concrete more improvement , the porosity of the granular skeleton as well as the rheology of our HPC, 3/8 fraction of rolled gravel with smooth and rounded surfaces was introduced, in substitution for the crushed gravel of the same fraction , by testing various combinations of fractions 3/8 of rolled gravel and fraction 8/15 of crushed gravel in the present study, and based on previous results obtained the combinations 35,40 and 45% fraction 3/8 of rolled gravel and 65 , 60 and 55% fraction 8/15 of crushed gravel (binary granular system) respectively, gives a minimal porosity . Super plasticizer and four percentages of pozzolan were experimented. Compressive strength function of coarse aggregate was determined at 7, 14 and 28 days. Results have revealed that the mixtures with modified granule size distribution system ,1.5% of superplasticizer and 5% by weight of pozzolan allow an improvement in the compressive strength of 35.1% relative to the control concrete.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Salim ZITOUNI , Mekki MAZA , Nadia TEBBAL , , (2022-02-21), Impact of Rolled and Crushed Aggregate with Natural Pozzolan on the Behavior of HPC, Annales de chimie - Sciences des matériaux, Vol:46, Issue:1, pages:45-52, IIETA
- 2022
A review of a sustainable mortar with partial alternatives to ceramic and brick as a cementitious material
A review of a sustainable mortar with partial alternatives to ceramic and brick as a cementitious material
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Messaouda BELOUADAH , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2022), A review of a sustainable mortar with partial alternatives to ceramic and brick as a cementitious material,International Conference on Sustainable Cities and Urban Landscapes (ICSULA 2022),Konya-Turkey / Selcuk University
- 2022
Review about the effect of chemical activation of industrials waste which is rich by SiO2 and CaO
Most previous research on the term of alkaline and thermal activation, applied in the presence of cement as a main constituent, mixed with industrial waste like (fly ash, slag, glass…) by certain percentages to give a geopolymers or alkali-activated materials for studying the chemical and physical, as well as mechanical behaviour. These methods carried out by chemical solutions such as (NaOH, KOH, Na2CO3…) by different concentrations to facilitate the solubility of the aluminates-silicates, it’s depending on the nature of (CaO-SiO2-Al2O3) system in mineral residues, also there is the thermal method cured at a differents temperature between (20 °C and 100 °C) for 24 h that according to studies and researchers, all these methods to protect the environment from the emission of gaseous pollutants into the atmosphere.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , imen yamina omri , Nadia TEBBAL , , (2022), Review about the effect of chemical activation of industrials waste which is rich by SiO2 and CaO, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol:49, Issue:4, pages:997-999, Sciences direct
- 2022
Studying the effect of high temperature on the content of glass and brick waste binders after alkaline activation
The high-temperature mechanical behaviour of a glass and brick waste alkaline to synthesize geopolymer mortar was studied. The mortar in question contained 100% glass powder GWP and 90% of a blend of brick waste GBWP, brick waste BWP and a solid activator (10 mol concentration of NaOH mixed with glass water (Na2SiO3). The material was tested during exposure to high temperatures to establish its density, weight loss, compressive strength, accessible porosity in water, expansion of pastes, XRD and TG-DSC analysis using an innovative methodology to notch the hydrated geopolymers paste specimens after exposed to five maximum temperatures, 100℃, 200℃, 400℃, 600℃ and 800℃ without any imposed load during the heating. The results were found that GBWP gave better values in compressive strength, reaching 38.3 MPa at 100℃ and other proportional values at 400℃, 600℃ respectively compared with GWP. As for the density, the high temperature contributed to its decrease, which caused the presence of high porosity at 800℃. On the other hand, the high temperature helped to improve the mechanical and physical behavior of BWP, where the resistance reached 24.91 MPa at 200℃. In addition, for the microstructure and different particles related to the interactions were identified through the XRD and TG-DSC analysis procedure, in order to know the highest temperatures that allow changing the structure and properties of this type of alternative binders.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , imen yamina omri , Nadia TEBBAL , , (2022), Studying the effect of high temperature on the content of glass and brick waste binders after alkaline activation, Annales de chimie - Sciences des matériaux, Vol:46, Issue:3, pages:117-125, IIETA
- 2022
Mâadid Clay In The M’sila Region, Algeria: Evaluation And Characterization
This work aims to valorize local materials, such as the clay of southern Algeria, widely used to prepare bricks as rural construction materials. We characterized and identified three types of natural clays from the region of Mâadid province of M’sila. The results show that the yellow clay is a mixture of quartz illite in a very important proportion since the percentage of illite was 47%. While in the green clay, we noted that the predominant constituents are: calcite, quartz, illite, and kaolinite, and the highest percentage is illite was 27.93%. The analytical results show that the red clay is a calcite, quartz, and illite mixture. Several techniques were used: XRD, XRF, FTIR.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2022), Mâadid Clay In The M’sila Region, Algeria: Evaluation And Characterization, Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils,, Vol:9, Issue:1, pages:1593-1607, Aliva Global Research and Development
- 2022
A review of a sustainable mortar with partial alternatives to ceramic and brick as a cementitious material,
Supplementary cementitious materials have been widely used all over the world in ready-mixed mortar due to their economic and environmental benefits; hence, they have drawn much attention in recent years. Whether deriving from industrial waste, agro-waste, or by-products, supplementary cementitious materials can be mixed with blended cement to enhance mortar strength. Supplementary cementitious materials may contain marble, silica fume , glass, ceramic, metakaolin, and brick, to name a few. The utilization of these materials in mortar can partially reduce the consumption of Portland cement, which, in turn, can lessen construction costs, providing materials suppliers, with substantial advantages. Furthermore, despite the drawbacks of their binary blends, the combination of supplementary cementitious materials can lead to many advantages, such as optimized strength, workability, and durability. Unfortunately, these advances have not been fully taken into consideration in state specifications. Hence, by adopting a review approach, this study aimed to provide new insights into the effect of the incorporation of supplementary cementitious materials on the properties of mortar.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2022), A review of a sustainable mortar with partial alternatives to ceramic and brick as a cementitious material,,International Conference on Sustainable Cities and Urban Landscapes (ICSULA 2022),Selcuk University. / Konya-Turkey
- 2022
Valorization of waste of jute fabric and polypropylene as constituents of bio-composites,
Valorization of waste of jute fabric and polypropylene as constituents of bio-composites,
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2022), Valorization of waste of jute fabric and polypropylene as constituents of bio-composites,,4th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences on 10-13, November in 2022,Konya/Turkey.
- 2022
White Cement Mortar with Polysterene
In recent years, the problems associated with waste management have become very relevant in the frame of a more sustainable model of development and consumption of new resources and energy . The construction industry is one of the activities with the greatest consumption of raw materials together with large production of waste . Specifically, the broad use of plastics in building/construction applications, especially expanded polystyrene (EPS), requires new and low environmental impact approaches for the optimization of the production processes and the reduction of by-products .
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2022), White Cement Mortar with Polysterene,“IArcSAS” 2nd International Architectural Sciences and Applications Symposium, September 09-11, 2022,,Baku Engineering University Baku, Azerbaijan.
- 2022
Study of The Effect of Steel Fiber Length on The Behavior of Mortar Combined with Inert and Active Filler,
Since concrete is a mixture of cement, aggregates and water, it can be used in a wide range of applications. It has excellent durability and availability which are its main advantages. Although concrete is strong in compression, it is relatively weak in tensile load. Over the years, various materials have been used to strengthen concrete to resist tensile stresses. Metal fiber is one such fiber that comes in different sizes and is used today to reinforce concrete
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2022), Study of The Effect of Steel Fiber Length on The Behavior of Mortar Combined with Inert and Active Filler,,“IArcSAS” 2nd International Architectural Sciences and Applications Symposium, September 09-11, 2022,,Baku Engineering University Baku, Azerbaijan.
- 2022
Effect of The Incorporation and Dosage of Metallic Fibers on the Characteristics of Mortar Based on Brick Powder,
Effect of The Incorporation and Dosage of Metallic Fibers on the Characteristics of Mortar Based on Brick Powder,
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2022), Effect of The Incorporation and Dosage of Metallic Fibers on the Characteristics of Mortar Based on Brick Powder,,4th International Göbeklitepe Scientific Research congress, 07-08 OCTOBER 2022,,Şanliurfa, Turkey
- 2022
The Effect of the Use of Residues (Metallic Shavings) in the Formulation of Self-Compacting Concrete in Fresh and Hardened State
Self-Compacting Concretes (SCCs) have brought promising insight into the concrete industry to generate environmental impact and reduce costs. the absence of SCC vibrations generates a significant reduction in noise pollution in urban areas, ease of implementation, possibility of concreting heavily reinforced areas or areas with complex geometry and obtaining better quality concrete on the one hand, reduction of working time on site, of personnel during installation and reduction of the costs of industrial processes, on the other hand. Metal chips resulting from the modification of metal parts obtained by turning present problems of environmental pollution and storage. The recycling of this waste in the construction industry is an adequate solution for the production of concrete and can improve some of its properties. An experimental study to study the properties of SCC containing metal shavings with the study of the properties of SCC in the fresh state: flow, L-box and sieve stability. Properties in the hardened state of concretes: compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity. The metal waste in the form of shavings, incorporated in a dosage of 0.5% of concrete volume in the mixtures of SCCs produced, which makes it possible to evaluate the effect of the addition of metal shavings on the characteristics of SCCs in the state fresh and hardened and to recover metal waste, the results confirm the advantage of adding metal shavings in the fresh state the SCCs studied keep their characteristics of self-plasticity, in the hardened state the results show an improvement in the compressive strength of the SCCs studied.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2022), The Effect of the Use of Residues (Metallic Shavings) in the Formulation of Self-Compacting Concrete in Fresh and Hardened State, Annales de chimie - Sciences des matériaux, Vol:46, Issue:6, pages:301-306, IIETA
- 2022
Use of a Full Factorial Design to Study the Relationship between Water Absorption and Porosity of GP and BW Mortar Activated
The alkali-activated materials prepared by activation of glass powder (GP) and brick waste (BW) on the porosity and absorption of geopolymer paste by alkaline solution (alkali + water glass) were investigated. The effect of the combination of GP and BW on the porosity and absorption of the prepared geopolymer paste was monitored and evaluated by both laboratory and analytical methods. In this paper, three mortars were made with two sources of geopolymer containing 100% BW and 100% GP and blended with 90% GP and 10% BW replacements by mass. The compressive strength, porosity, and absorption of alkali-activated mortar were concurrently examined. Furthermore, the laboratory results obtained were estimated by the general full factorial design method. Finally, the analysis of variance was performed using the test results to analyze the importance of the effect factors and their interactions on the selected responses. The results concluded that mortar activated combined with 10% BW and 90% GP could be utilized in the industry of construction with minimum pollution problems and environment-friendly building materials, with the effect variables significantly affecting the responses.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2022), Use of a Full Factorial Design to Study the Relationship between Water Absorption and Porosity of GP and BW Mortar Activated, Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol:2022, Issue:1, pages:1-10, Hindawi
- 2022
Use of a Full Factorial Design to Study the Relationship between Water Absorption and Porosity of GP and BW Mortar Activated
The alkali-activated materials prepared by activation of glass powder (GP) and brick waste (BW) on the porosity and absorption of geopolymer paste by alkaline solution (alkali + water glass) were investigated. The effect of the combination of GP and BW on the porosity and absorption of the prepared geopolymer paste was monitored and evaluated by both laboratory and analytical methods. In this paper, three mortars were made with two sources of geopolymer containing 100% BW and 100% GP and blended with 90% GP and 10% BW replacements by mass. The compressive strength, porosity, and absorption of alkali-activated mortar were concurrently examined. Furthermore, the laboratory results obtained were estimated by the general full factorial design method. Finally, the analysis of variance was performed using the test results to analyze the importance of the effect factors and their interactions on the selected responses. The results concluded that mortar activated combined with 10% BW and 90% GP could be utilized in the industry of construction with minimum pollution problems and environment-friendly building materials, with the effect variables significantly affecting the responses.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2022), Use of a Full Factorial Design to Study the Relationship between Water Absorption and Porosity of GP and BW Mortar Activated, Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol:2022, Issue:1, pages:1-10, Hindawi
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Default case...
- 2021-12-26
Combined Effect of Marble Waste as Powder and Aggregate Form on the Proprieties of the Mortar
Recycling and recovery of waste are now considered as a solution for the future to protect the environment. The marble processing workshops on the other hand, generate a large amount of waste in the form of powder and small parts. Due to these facts, the aim of this study is to valorize marble waste in the form of powder and crushed aggregates (sand) as additions in cementitious matrix building materials. The characterization of the materials used to formulate mortars based on natural dune sand with marble powder and mortars based on mixed sand (dunes sand and crushed sand) and marble powder was measure. In this sense, several series have been studied, varying the addition rate of the marble powder in order to reduce the porosity of the cement matrix, using crushed marble sand to increase the granular cohesion and using of a reducing water admixture (MEDAPLAST SP40) for more performance mortars. Very appreciable results were observed for a dosage of 15% of marble powder and for the combination of 15% of marble powder with 20% of crushed marble sand. This research recommends recycling 35% of marble waste in the cement matrix that contribute effectively to the preservation of the environment.
Mekki MAZA , Salim ZITOUNI , Nadia TEBBAL , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2021-12-26), Combined Effect of Marble Waste as Powder and Aggregate Form on the Proprieties of the Mortar, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:45, Issue:6, pages:467-476, Annales de Chimie
- 2021-09-02
Combined effect of high temperatures and crystalline slag on the mechanical behavior of geopolymers mortars
As part of protecting the environment from carbon dioxide emissions, all research aims to reduce the use of cement in concrete with cheaper and energy efficient materials. Geopolymer mortar is an environmentally friendly mortar made from industrial solid waste and by-products such as crystalline slag (CS). This research aims to produce a geopolymer mortar from local materials available in Algeria which are not sufficiently valued at present. The aim of this study is to provide geopolymer mortar at high temperatures, operating with a constant hardening temperature of around 60° C. The alkaline activator used in this study was a combination of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and 10 M NaOH solution. In addition, crystalline geopolymer mortars (MCS) as the binder material at a curing temperature of 60 °C, ratios of two mixtures of binder were prepared by substituting the sand with 40% CS and 100% CS. For this purpose, the mortar sample with the highest compressive strength was subjected to temperatures of 200, 400, 600 and 800 °C for exposure times of 10 °C per minute and changes in temperature and changes in the physical and mechanical properties was analyzed. As a result of the experiments, the highest mechanicals values were obtained from the mortar samples with a 40% CS content. Following the high temperature tests, 400 °C and 600 °C were determined as critical temperatures for changes in mechanical properties and changes in physical properties, respectively. However, the geopolymer mortars lost around 60% of strength at 800 °C which is the final temperature.
Mekki MAZA , Nadia TEBBAL , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2021-09-02), Combined effect of high temperatures and crystalline slag on the mechanical behavior of geopolymers mortars, . Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol:49, Issue:4, pages:1051-1055, sciencedirect
- 2021
Evaluation of Concretes Made with Marble Waste Using Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing
The present study aims primarily to investigate the possibility of assessing the physico-mechanical behavior of concrete incorporating marble waste or marble powder as a partial replacement for cement using destructive and non-destructive testing methods. Indeed, in this work, cement was partially replaced with marble powder at six different substitution levels, i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% by weight, with 1.5% adjuvant (super plasticizer) for each mixture. The samples prepared were then analyzed. In addition, the physico-mechanical properties, in the fresh and hardened states, water-to-cement ratio, absorption and compressive strengths of the concrete samples were examined as well. Moreover, the compressive strength of concrete was assessed through non-destructive testing methods such as the ultrasonic pulse velocity and rebound hammer. Likewise, the relationship between the ultrasound velocity and compressive strength of concrete were also estimated after 3, 7, 28 and 90 days of curing. The findings of the study indicated that, at early age of curing, the values of the compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity were quite small for all replacement levels, of cement with marble powder, between 15 and 30%. Nevertheless, when the curing period was increased, the compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity of all the samples went up as well. In the end, a linear relationship was observed between the ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength for all substitution levels of cement with marble powder.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Messaouda BELOUADAH , Nadia TEBBAL , Mokrani el hacen Hichem, , (2021), Evaluation of Concretes Made with Marble Waste Using Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing, Annales de chimie - Sciences des matériaux, Vol:45, Issue:5, pages:361-368, IIETA
- 2021
Effect of ceramic and marble waste on the physico- Mechanical properties of mortar
Waste recycling has now become the right solution that can offer new renewable and sustainable resources that contribute in the process of construction in the field of civil engineering and thus to protect the environment. Ceramic waste and marble powder constitute an interesting alternative in this case since this waste is available and is abandoned at the construction sites. To achieve these objectives, we are trying through this experimental work to valorize marble powder and ceramic powder as an addition in building materials with a cement matrix. The main goal of this study is to highlight the possibility of recycling and The incorporation together of the marble and ceramic waste is carried out by the substitution of cement by contents of 0% 5%, 10%, and 15 % and using them as an additive in the mortar. The experimental procedure set up aims to determine the physico-mechanical characteristics of the mortars made from marble powder and ceramic powder and to compare them with those of the control mortar without fillers in order to express the profitability of this type of waste. The characteristics to be studied are: density in the fresh state and in the hardened state, sagging, the ultrasonic propagation speed and the compressive and tensile strength at the age of 7, 14, 28 and 90 days, porosity, capillary absorption, leading to the production of local mortar materials characterized by good strength, good porosity and minimum acceptable durability.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ADMIN Admin , ,(2021), Effect of ceramic and marble waste on the physico- Mechanical properties of mortar,6th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ICAME 2021,Istanbul, Turkey
- 2021
Combined effect of incorporation industrial waste and preservation Mode in the formulation of mortar
Waste recycling has now become the right solution that can offer new renewable and sustainable resources that contribute in the process of construction in the field of civil engineering and thus to protect the environment. Ceramic waste and marble powder constitute an interesting alternative in this case since this waste is available and is abandoned at the construction sites. To achieve these objectives, we are trying through this experimental work to valorize marble powder and ceramic powder as an addition in building materials with a cement matrix. The main goal of this study is to highlight the possibility of recycling and The incorporation together of the marble and ceramic waste is carried out by the substitution of cement by contents of 0% 5%, 10%, and 15 % and using them as an additive in the mortar. The experimental procedure set up aims to determine the physico-mechanical characteristics of the mortars made from marble powder and ceramic powder and to compare them with those of the control mortar without fillers in order to express the profitability of this type of waste. The characteristics to be studied are: density in the fresh state and in the hardened state, sagging, the ultrasonic propagation speed and the compressive and tensile strength at the age of 7, 14, 28 and 90 days, porosity, capillary absorption, leading to the production of local mortar materials characterized by good strength, good porosity and minimum acceptable durability.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2021), Combined effect of incorporation industrial waste and preservation Mode in the formulation of mortar,6th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ICAME 2021,,Istanbul, Turkey
- 2021
Combined effect of metal fibers, glass sand and an air-entraining agent on the mechanical behaviour of mortar
Waste recycling has now become the right solution that can offer new renewable and sustainable resources that contribute in the process of construction in the field of civil engineering and thus to protect the environment. Ceramic waste and marble powder constitute an interesting alternative in this case since this waste is available and is abandoned at the construction sites. To achieve these objectives, we are trying through this experimental work to valorize marble powder and ceramic powder as an addition in building materials with a cement matrix. The main goal of this study is to highlight the possibility of recycling and The incorporation together of the marble and ceramic waste is carried out by the substitution of cement by contents of 0% 5%, 10%, and 15 % and using them as an additive in the mortar. The experimental procedure set up aims to determine the physico-mechanical characteristics of the mortars made from marble powder and ceramic powder and to compare them with those of the control mortar without fillers in order to express the profitability of this type of waste. The characteristics to be studied are: density in the fresh state and in the hardened state, sagging, the ultrasonic propagation speed and the compressive and tensile strength at the age of 7, 14, 28 and 90 days, porosity, capillary absorption, leading to the production of local mortar materials characterized by good strength, good porosity and minimum acceptable durability.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2021), Combined effect of metal fibers, glass sand and an air-entraining agent on the mechanical behaviour of mortar,6th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ICAME 2021,Istanbul, Turkey
- 2021
Effect of elevated temperature on destructive (et) and non-destructive (ndt) testing of admixtures in glass concrete,
Concrete is widely used as a structural material in civil engineering projects such as tunnels. Taking into account this fact, the behavior of concretes subjected to high temperatures has recently emerged as a major problem for these structures. This trouble concerns both service situations in the case of radioactive waste storage structures and hazardous accidental situations. Where alike cases highlighted by recent fire incidents in tunnels. This work proposes to carry out a series of tests to supplement or consolidate the knowledge already acquired on the high-temperature behavior of concrete, in particular to observe the role played by the cementitious matrix on the evolution of the mechanical properties of concretes with the rise in temperature. The testing program concerned five mixtures, which covered the range of ordinary concretes based on glass powder offering the particularity of having a constant granular skeleton and a volume of paste. destructive (ET) and non-destructive (NDT) testing were carried out at 200 ° C, 400 ° C and 600 ° C on specimens after heating, with the observation of the change in the weight loss of these tested specimens. The experimental results showed a correlation between the evolution of the weight loss and the degree of elevated temperature after exposure. This, revealed the existence of two major zones of behavior of concretes located before and beyond 400 ° C. In the first one, It was noticed an evolution of the compressive strengths, while in the second zone a considerable decrease in mechanical properties was observed.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2021), Effect of elevated temperature on destructive (et) and non-destructive (ndt) testing of admixtures in glass concrete,,12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING & NATURAL SCIENCES, December 24-25, 2021,,Bingol, Turkey.
- 2021
A review: the comparison between Alkali activated slag and Metakaolin and the effects of high Temperature on geopolymer Mortars,
A very long time ago, alkaline metal compounds were excluded from the mineral components in ordinary Portland cement essentially because of their high solubility: a perfectly reasonable conclusion, in scientifictechnical terms. Alkali-activated materials are recognized as potential alternatives to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in order to limit CO2 emissions as well as beneficiate several wastes into useful products. Geopolymer mortares produced by activation of alkalis have high flexural and compressive strength. Activator ratio, aggregate properties, water/binder ratio, curing time and curing temperature, binding properties are the factors affecting the mechanical strengths of geopolymers. High temperature is required for rapid reaction in geopolymer concretes produced with binders such as blast furnace slag and metakaolin. Due to its high mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, durability, especially desirable performance under high temperature, wide source of raw materials, and low energy consumption, geopolymers has become an increasingly popular research area in recent years and many researchers have conducted studies on the thermal properties of geopolymers and the mechanical properties at high temperatures. Ground granulated blast furnace slag, commonly known as “slag” is another widely available industrial byproduct and a good candidate for use in metakaolin geopolymers to achieve ambient temperature curing. In most of the studies very high amounts of slag are used in metakaolin -slag geopolymers and significant loss in strength of the above geopolymers is observed after exposure to elevated temperatures. Therefore, based on previous research, this paper reviews current knowledge about the comparison between alkali activated slag and metakaolin and the effects of high temperature on geopolymer mortars, including the general proprieties of slag and metakaolin , resistance mechanics, losses mass and micro structures of mortars subjected to high temperatures.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2021), A review: the comparison between Alkali activated slag and Metakaolin and the effects of high Temperature on geopolymer Mortars,,6th ASIA PACIFIC International Modern Sciences Congress, December 15-16, 2021,,Delhi, India.
- 2019
Recycling of Brick Waste for Geopolymer Mortar Using Full Factorial Design Approach
Abstract: Recently a full factorial design is an experiment allows the investigator to study the effect of each factor on the response variable, as well as the effects of interactions between factors on the response variable. The objective of this study is to identify the significant factors and interactions involved in maximizing compressive strength of geopolymer mortar when brick waste activated is used as cement. In this respect, experimental factors at two levels, which are alkaline activator type (Na2SiO3+ NaOH), curing temperature (40°C - 60°C) and cure duration (7-28 days), are selected as possible applicants affecting the compressive strength.According to the full factorial analysis, at the 60 °C curing temperature level when brick waste activated is added to mortar, the compressive strength will be good enough after 28 days. The physic - mechanical analysis shows an excellent agreement between the measured and the estimated values for both the compressive strength and only slight deviations were noticed for high curing temperature. The use of appropriate values of matrix strength and consideration of the improvement in mechanical behavior allow a good agreement between the experimental values and the estimated values .The results demonstrate that brick waste after activation can be used in construction industry. Keywords: Brick waste, Experimental design, Geopolymer mortar, Curing temperature
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , , (2019), Recycling of Brick Waste for Geopolymer Mortar Using Full Factorial Design Approach, The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM), Vol:7, Issue:, pages:44-47, ISRES Publishing: www.isres.org
- 2019
Mechanical properties of polymer concrete made with jute fabric and waste marble powder at various woven orientations.
The use of polymer concrete has been extensively developed over the last few years, and a growing attention is being paid to search for ways to strengthen their innovation processes. The object of this work is the valorization of natural resources, such as vegetable fibers and mineral wastes, to reduce the environmental impact and improve the mechanical properties of polymer concrete. More specifically, this investigation focused on the influences of woven fabric orientation on mechanical properties of polymer concrete laminates.
MANSOUR Rokbi , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , BAALI Brahim, , (2019), Mechanical properties of polymer concrete made with jute fabric and waste marble powder at various woven orientations., International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology., Vol:16, Issue:, pages:5087–5094, Springer Nature
- 2019
Effect of Curing Temperature in the Alkali-Activated Brick Waste and Glass Powder mortar and Their Influence on Mechanical resistances
In this study, compressive strength values were measured at different curing times (7, 14 and 28 days). The alkali-activation of the brick and glass powder body with potassium water glass having the silicate modulus of 3.0. The 28-days compressive strengths, flexural strength and specific fracture energy of the specimens stored at 40 and 60 °C are evaluated. The storage temperature of specimens and the content of the alkaline solution have a significant influence on all mechanical properties of the studied materials.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2019), Effect of Curing Temperature in the Alkali-Activated Brick Waste and Glass Powder mortar and Their Influence on Mechanical resistances,RICON19 - Remine International Conference,,University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
- 2019
Study of the effects of ceramic waste in the mortar by the Full factorial design approach.
A large amount of natural aggregates such as sand and fillers are being consumed in mortar production. At the same time production of solid waste from the demolitions and manufacturing units are also very high. The objective of this study is to identify the significant factors and interactions involved in behavior of mortar with partial replacement of waste ceramic used as alternative sand aggregate and it is compared with controlled mortar. In this respect, experimental factors at two levels, which are sand, are replaced by waste ceramic for various percentages 5%, 10%, 15% , cure duration (7-28 days) and the strength is controlled. According to the full factorial analysis, at the 15% percentage level when waste is added to mortar with sand, the compressive strength will be good enough after 28 days. The results demonstrate that ceramic waste can be used in construction and prove cost effective technique concreting for the future. The physic - mechanical analysis shows an excellent agreement between the measured and the estimated values for both the compressive strength and the porosity and only slight deviations were noticed for high percentage of ceramic content. The use of appropriate values of matrix strength and consideration of the improvement in mechanical behavior allow a good agreement between the experimental values and the estimated values. The results demonstrate that ceramic waste after substitution in the mortar can be used in construction industry and prove cost effective technique concreting for the future.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , Kaddour Imene, Habeta Fouzia, ,(2019), Study of the effects of ceramic waste in the mortar by the Full factorial design approach.,International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS19),Gelisim University, Istanbul,Turkey.
- 2019
Valorization of aluminum waste on the Mechanical Performance of mortar subjected to cycles of freeze-thaw
This study examines the effect‘s additions of aluminum (AL) on the mechanical performance of mortars subjected to cycles of freeze-thaw. The research evaluated the density, compressive strengths and workability properties of mortar mixtures to which aluminum byproduct was added in different proportions (0%, 5% and 7.5 %,) by weight of cement. The effects of fast freeze-thaw cycles on the mechanical properties of aluminum waste mortar materials (MC, M5 and M7.5) are investigated on the basis of the experimental results. The test results indicate a considerable decrease in workability, mechanical resistance density of plain mortar with the addition of AL. The results also show that the strength of mortar with AL can be sufficient for certain applications, where light and low-strength mortar is required. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate the viability of using AL in the production of low strength concrete, where such usage can help toward a more sustainable construction.
Nadia TEBBAL , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2019), Valorization of aluminum waste on the Mechanical Performance of mortar subjected to cycles of freeze-thaw, Procedia Computer Science, Vol:158, Issue:, pages:1114-1121, Elsevier B.V.
- 2019
Influence of the addition of glass powder and marble powder on the physical and mechanical behavior of composite cement
The development of new building materials is the problem of time, where researchers trying to find inexpensive equipment adapted in line with the field of use, the use of additional materials in the cement industry continues to increase and is often called on these metal additions materials we get from natural sources or remnants of industrial materials. In addition, the use leads to a reduction of clinker consumption and contribute to solving environmental problems in a simple and economical manner. The main objective of this experimental work is to study the proportion of powdered glass and marble dust on the physical and mechanical behavior of the composite cement and mortar. The obtained results the results obtained show that the partial compensation of glass cement powder 10% give the best values.
Messaouda BELOUADAH , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , , (2019), Influence of the addition of glass powder and marble powder on the physical and mechanical behavior of composite cement, Procedia Computer Science, Vol:158, Issue:1, pages:366-375, Elsevier B.V.
- 2019
Rheological and Mechanical Behavior of Mortars with Metakaolin Formulation
This study aims to valorize calcined kaolin powder as an addition to cementitious matrix building materials. The main purpose of this study is to formulate and analyze the performance of metakaolin mortars. The preparation of the metakaolin was carried o ut by calcining the Kaolin at a temperature of 800 °C for duration of 3 hours. A comparison of the results with a control mortar without addition is established. The observed results showed that the rate of substitution of 10% of cement by metakaolin increases the compressive strength and tensile strength at a young age.
Nadia TEBBAL , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , , (2019), Rheological and Mechanical Behavior of Mortars with Metakaolin Formulation, Procedia Computer Science, Vol:158, Issue:158, pages:45-50, ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.
- 2019
Experimental characterization of ordinary concretes obtained by adding construction waste (glass, marble)
The search for a cheaper binder using natural resources and industrial waste has become a major concern in the manufacture of cement. According to the literature, researchers have found that glass and marble waste in the form of powder can be introduced into cement to obtain a cheaper and less polluting cement. In this study, we attempted to determine the strength of concrete containing glass powder and marble powder by partially replacing cement in concrete. Cement substitution by these mineral additions in the range of 5% to 10%. This approach is based on the properties of the material and its effect on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. Several parameters are considered, namely: the effect of filler, the effect of the adjuvant and the ratio W / C, to lead, to the making of a concrete based on local materials characterized by good strength, porosity minimum and acceptable durability.
Messaouda BELOUADAH , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , , (2019), Experimental characterization of ordinary concretes obtained by adding construction waste (glass, marble), Procedia Computer Science, Vol:158, Issue:158, pages:153-162, Elsevier Ltd.
- 2019
Study Of The Effect Of Mineral Additions In The Development Of Mechanical Properties And The Improvement Of The Rheological Behavior Of Concrete
This study aims to valorize mineral residues as an addition to cementitious matrix building materials. It is part of a sustainable development approach. The use of recovered and recyclable industrial residues as a partial replacement of Portland cement in concrete reduces greenhouse gas emissions and results in the manufacture of concrete with less environmental impact. The use of crushed glass powder to replace clinker presents a promising way to recover and recycle waste. By taking advantage of different experimental techniques, particular attention is given to the behavior of the finely ground glass powder associated with Portland cement. Cement replacement by glass powder in the range 5% to 10%. This approach is based on the material properties and its effect on the properties of hardened concrete strength porosity, several parameters are considered, namely: The effect of filler, the effect of adjuvant and W/C, porosity, leading to the production of concrete local materials characterized by good strength, porosity and minimum acceptable durability.
Messaouda BELOUADAH , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , ,(2019), Study Of The Effect Of Mineral Additions In The Development Of Mechanical Properties And The Improvement Of The Rheological Behavior Of Concrete,5th International Conference On Advances In Mechanical Engineering,Istanbul, Turquie
- 2019
Recently a full factorial design is an experiment allows the investigator to study the effect of each factor on the response variable, as well as the effects of interactions between factors on the response variable. The objective of this study is to identify the significant factors and interactions involved in maximizing compressive strength of geopolymer mortar when brick waste activated is used as cement. In this respect, experimental factors at two levels, which are alkaline activator type (Na2SiO3+ NaOH), curing temperature (40°C - 60°C) and cure duration (7-28 days), are selected as possible applicants affecting the compressive strength.
Nadia TEBBAL , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2019), RECYCLING OF BRICK WASTE FOR GEOPOLYMER MORTAR USING FULL FACTORIAL DESIGN APPROACH,International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science (IConTES2019),Antalya, Turkey.
- 2018
Effects of glass powder on the characteristics of concrete subjected to high temperatures
This paper presents an experimental investigation on the performance of concrete with and without glass powder (GP) subjected to elevated temperatures. Mechanical and physicochemical properties of concretes were studied at both ambient and high temperatures. One of the major environmental concerns is disposal or recycling of the waste materials. However, a high volume of the industrial production has generated a considerable amount of waste materials which have a number of adverse impacts on the environment. Further, use of glass or by-products in concrete production has advantages for improving some or all of the concrete properties. The economic incentives and environmental benefits in terms of reduced carbon footprint are also the reason for using wastes in concrete. The occurrence of spalling, compressive strength, mass loss, chemical composition, crystalline phase, and thermal analysis of CPG before and after exposure to various temperatures (20, 200, 400, and 600oC) were comprehensively investigated. The results indicated that, the critical temperature range of CPG was between 400oC and 600oC.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Nadia TEBBAL , messaouda.belouadah@univ, , (2018), Effects of glass powder on the characteristics of concrete subjected to high temperatures, Advances in Concrete Construction, Vol:6, Issue:3, pages:311-322, Techno Press
- 2018
Study of the Influence of an Air- Entraining Agent on the Rheology of Mortars
The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of the air entrainment on the fresh rheological properties as well as on the compressive mechanical resistances of the mortars. The hardened concrete contains a certain amount of randomly spread air, coming either from a drive during kneading or from the evaporation of the mixing water. The air quantity is in the order of 20 l / m3, ie 2% of the volume. However, the presence of a large volume of air bubbles causes the mechanical resistances to fall in compression. On the other hand, the use of air entrainment could improve the rheological properties of fresh concrete. Experimental studies have been carried out to study the effect of air entrainment on compressive strength, density and ingredients of fresh concrete mix. During all the study, water cement ratio (w/c) was maintained constant at 0.5. The results have shown substantial decreasing in water and mortar density followed with decreasing in compressive strength of mortar. The results of this study has given more promising to use it as a guide for mortar mix design to choose the most appropriate concrete mix design economically.
Nadia TEBBAL , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Chadi Lamis Rabia, , (2018), Study of the Influence of an Air- Entraining Agent on the Rheology of Mortars, MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol:149, Issue:1054, pages:544-570, EDP Sciences
- 2018
Etude de l’ınfluence de la Nature et les Dımensıons des Fıbres sur les Propriétés Rhéologiques et Mécaniques des Bétons Autoplaçants
Les bétons autoplaçant (BAP) sont des bétons très fluides, qui se mettent en place sans vibration. Lors du coulage dans un coffrage, le serrage d’un BAP est assuré sous le simple effet de la gravité. Grâce à leur formulation, ils offrent des caractéristiques exceptionnelles d’écoulement et de remplissage des coffrages tout en résistant parfaitement à la ségrégation. Homogènes et stables, ils présentent des résistances et une durabilité analogues à celles des bétons traditionnels dont ils se différencient par leurs propriétés à l’état frais. Les bétons sont connus par leurs fragilités en traction. L’introduction de fibres dans une matrice de béton conduit à l’amélioration de nombreuses propriétés. Les effets des fibres sur leur comportement à l’état frais et à l’état durci sont de grande importance pour un plus large usage de ces matériaux. Les objectifs visés par ce sujet est d’évaluer les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques d’un béton autoplaçant renforcé par des fibres (fibres métalliques et fibres de verre) avec différentes dimensions (L=2.5etL= 5 cm) et différentes pourcentages des fibres de 0,15%, et 0.3% en volume de béton pour les fibres métalliques et de 0,1%, et 0.15% en volume de béton pour les fibres de verre afin de voir l’influence de la nature et les dimensions de la fibre sur les propriétés du béton autoplaçant fibré à l’état frais et à l’état durci. Les résultats tirés de nos essais expérimentaux montrent qu’à dosage égal les fibres métalliques améliorent les propriétés des BAP à l’état frais et durci et donnent des meilleurs résultats par rapport aux fibres de verre, et la performance du béton autoplaçant avec fibre courte est mieux qu'à fibres longues. Mots clés : Bétons autoplaçant, fibres métalliques, fibres de verre, propriétés mécaniques, rhéologie.
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Larbi BELAGRAA , ,(2018), Etude de l’ınfluence de la Nature et les Dımensıons des Fıbres sur les Propriétés Rhéologiques et Mécaniques des Bétons Autoplaçants,International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE- 2017),Skikda, Algeria
- 2018
Etude De L’effet De L’introduction Des Fibres Végétales Traitées Sur Les Propriétés Rhéologiques Et Mécaniques Des Bétons Autoplaçants
L’utilisation des Bétons autoplaçant (BAP) s’est considérablement développée au cours des dernières années et une attention grandissante est portée à l'étude de leurs propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques. L’incorporation des fibres dans la composition du béton autoplaçant (BAP) est un intérêt qui mérite d'être étudié. L’objectif de ce travail, c’est la valorisation des ressources naturelles telles que les fibres végétales en les utilisant comme renfort du béton autoplaçant. Pour réduire l’impact environnemental et améliorer le comportement rhéologique et mécanique (flexion, compression) du béton autoplaçant. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié l’effet de l’introduction des fibres d’Alfa dans un béton autoplaçant. Ainsi que l’influence du traitement chimique de ces fibres par 3% de NaOH. Les résultats des tests sur les différentes éprouvettes en bétons autoplaçants renforcés par ces fibres, montrent que la solution NaOH à un effet significatif sur les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques (le comportement à la flexion trois points et compression). Les résultats de ce travail suggèrent que les fibres d’Alfa sont comparables à d’autres fibres naturelles utilisées comme renfort dans des bétons. Elles sont complètement aptes à l’utilisation comme renfort dans les bétons autoplaçants. Mots clés : renforcement, fibres végétales, traitement chimique, béton autoplaçant, fibres d’Alfa, propriétés mécaniques, rhéologie.
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Larbi BELAGRAA , ,(2018), Etude De L’effet De L’introduction Des Fibres Végétales Traitées Sur Les Propriétés Rhéologiques Et Mécaniques Des Bétons Autoplaçants,2ème séminaire internationale de Génie Civil (SIGC2018),Oran Algérie
- 2018
L’utilisation des Bétons autoplaçant (BAP) s’est considérablement développée au cours des dernières années et une attention grandissante est portée à l'étude de leurs propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques. L’incorporation des fibres dans la composition du béton autoplaçant (BAP) est un intérêt qui mérite d'être étudié. L’objectif de ce travail, c’est la valorisation des ressources naturelles telles que les fibres végétales en les utilisant comme renfort du béton autoplaçant. Pour réduire l’impact environnemental et améliorer le comportement rhéologique et mécanique (flexion, compression) du béton autoplaçant. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié l’effet de l’introduction des fibres d’Alfa dans un béton autoplaçant. Ainsi que l’influence du traitement chimique de ces fibres par 3% de NaOH. Les résultats des tests sur les différentes éprouvettes en bétons autoplaçants renforcés par ces fibres, montrent que la solution NaOH à un effet significatif sur les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques (le comportement à la flexion trois points et compression). Les résultats de ce travail suggèrent que les fibres d’Alfa sont comparables à d’autres fibres naturelles utilisées comme renfort dans des bétons. Elles sont complètement aptes à l’utilisation comme renfort dans les bétons autoplaçants. Mots clés : renforcement, fibres végétales, traitement chimique, béton autoplaçant, fibres d’Alfa, propriétés mécaniques, rhéologie.
- 2017-12-31
Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Marble powder on the performance of Selt-Compacting Concrete (SCC)
The self-compacting concretes (SCC’s) are characterized by their high fluidity so that they could be placed without any vibration. The effect of fillers addition on the behavior of SCC in fresh and hardened state is of great importance. This incorporation of marble powder aims to preserve the environment and to widen its use in the future in SCC formulation. The present research experimental program examines the effect of the partial substitution of cement with marble powder on the characteristics of self-compacting concrete in fresh and hardened state. Thus, the marble powder (MP) was introduced into the composition of self-compacting concretes at dosages of 10%, 20% and 30%. Three water cement ratios (W/C) of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 were maintained for the studied mixtures. The reference one with 100% of cement served as a control concrete mix. Finally, it can be concluded that such valuation of the marble waste could be beneficial for self-compacted concrete formulation.
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Larbi BELAGRAA , , (2017-12-31), Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Marble powder on the performance of Selt-Compacting Concrete (SCC), Mining Science, Vol:24, Issue:24, pages:183–194, Danuta Szyszka
- 2017-09-08
This study examines the effect of the additions of silica fume and super plasticizer on the mechanical performance of high performance concretes at high temperatures. The tested concretes are formulated with 5% silica fume and two dosages of super plasticizers in the ratio of (2%, 2.5%) the weight of cement after having been exposed to four maximum temperatures, 200 °C, 400 °C, 600 °C and 900 °C without any imposed load during the heating. The results obtained show that the mechanical resistance at 28 day increases with the degree of temperature compared to that measured at 20 °C. On the contrary, a clear decrease is observed between 600 °C and 900 °C. However, material composition seems to have great influence on the mechanical strength.
- 2017
The use of Self Compacting Concretes (SCC) has considerably developed during the last years and a growing attention is carried out aboutthe study of their rheological and mechanical properties. The incorporation of fibers in the SCC composition of the concrete is of interestthat deserves to be studied. The objective of this work, focuses on the formulation and the properties of concrete made from local materials local and reinforced with steel fibers. The behaviorassessmentconcerns then the fresh and hardened state.fibers. Two types of fibers the first commercialized as (FIBRETEX A), the second it is simple rounded steel wirescut at identical dimensions like FIBRETEX. These latter are considered as recycled workshop waste. The results of the present work suggest that the used fibers are comparable to other steel fibers incorporated in concretes so far. They are completely capableto give similar performances as reinforcement in self compactingconcrete. Keywords; Compacting concrete, steel fibers, reinforcement,mechanical properties, rheological properties.
- 2017
Etude de l’effet des Températures Elevées sur les Propriétés Mécaniques d’un Béton Autoplaçant Renforcé par des Fıbres de Verre,
Résumé: Le béton auto plaçant (BAP) est un béton capable, sous l'unique effet de la pesanteur, de se mettre en place dans les coffrages même les plus complexes et particulièrement encombrés sans nécessiter pour tout autant des moyens de vibration. L'utilisation du la fibre de verre dans la composition du béton autoplaçant (BAP) est un travail qui vise d'une part la sauvegarde de l'environnement en réutilisant les déchets et d'autre part la valorisation des matériaux locaux dans le domaine de la construction, de ce fait, la fibre de verre a été introduite dans la composition des BAP suivant deux teneurs 0.1%, 0.15%. Les matériaux testés sont 5 bétons de résistance courante dont 4 BAP avec fibres et un BAP témoin. La particularité des BAP est le volume de pâte important. Après exposition à des cycles de températures 200, 400 et 600°C des essais mécaniques (résistance à la compression, à la traction par flexion) et les essais non destructifs ont été réalisés. Parallèlement à cela, la détermination de la porosité à l'eau, et la perte de masse. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent des comportements significatifs entre les BAP avec fibre et BAP témoin. Les essais de résistance à la compression ont permis de distinguer un gain de résistance entre 200 et 400 C°. Ce gain est expliqué par une réhydratation de la matrice cimentaire due à la migration de l'eau à travers les pores pour les BAP. L’utilisation des méthodes non destructives a permis d'obtenir une corrélation acceptable pour la détermination la résistance du béton in situ déterminé par le scléromètre et des méthodes ultrasoniques de vitesse d'impulsion. Les méthodes non destructives donnent des résultats fiables. Mais sans connaître les matériaux qui constituants le béton ces résultats restent estimative Mots-clés: Béton autoplaçant, Haute température, Propriétés mécaniques, Essai non destructif, Fibre de verre.
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Larbi BELAGRAA , ,(2017), Etude de l’effet des Températures Elevées sur les Propriétés Mécaniques d’un Béton Autoplaçant Renforcé par des Fıbres de Verre,,International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE- 2017),,Skikda, Algeria
- 2016
The effect of high temperature exposure on the behavior of Self-compacting concrete (SCC)
For several decades, the field of study of high-temperature on the behavior of ordinary concrete was investigated both experimentally and theoretically. However, novel materials as self-compacting concrete (SCC), where the risk of thermal instability is accentuated and whose mechanical behavior for high temperature exposure still not much explored. In addition, the specific formulation of this type of concrete related to its placement requirement. This is capable to modify the mechanical behavior at the hardened state once compared to the traditional vibrated concrete. The SCC behavior subjected to high temperature has to be particularly studied. The present research work used five types of concrete materials of actual resistance; where four self-compacting concrete mixtures and one ordinary concrete were used. The particularity of the self-compacting concrete is the important dough volume, after exposure of temperature cycles 200C°, 400C° and 600°C degrees of mechanical tests compression strength, tensile strength and the elastic modulus) were evaluated, in parallel to this, the determination of water porosity and the weight loss. The concrete degradation after a certain time after the cooling was studied. For specimenssubjected to different heat cycles and left 30 days in the laboratory (in the open area), the measured weightloss and compressivestrength tests were conducted. Keywords:Self compacting concrete (SCC), Degradation, high temperature, mechanical properties.
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Larbi BELAGRAA , ,(2016), The effect of high temperature exposure on the behavior of Self-compacting concrete (SCC),12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, ACE 2016,Boğaziçi University Istanbul, Turkey
- 2016
Etude de l’effet de l’introduction des fibres sur les propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques des bétons autoplaçants
Les bétons autoplaçant (BAP) sont des bétons très fluides, qui se mettent en place sans vibration. Lors du coulage dans un coffrage, le serrage d’un BAP est assuré sous le simple effet de la gravité. Grâce à leur formulation, ils offrent des caractéristiques exceptionnelles d’écoulement et de remplissage des coffrages tout en résistant parfaitement à la ségrégation. Homogènes et stables, ils présentent des résistances et une durabilité analogues à celles des bétons traditionnels dont ils se différencient par leurs propriétés à l’état frais. Les bétons sont connus par leurs fragilités en traction. L’introduction de fibres dans une matrice de béton conduit à l’amélioration de nombreuses propriétés. Les objectifs visés par ce sujet est d’étudier l’influence de l’introduction des fibres (fibres métalliques et fibres de verre) sur le comportement des bétons autoplaçant à l’état frais et à l’état durci. Les résultats tirés de nos essais expérimentaux montrent qu’a dosage égal les fibres métalliques améliorent les propriétés des BAP à l‘état frais et durci et donnent des meilleurs résultats par rapport aux fibres de verre. Mots clés : Bétons autoplaçant, fibres métalliques, fibres de verre, propriétés mécaniques, rhéologie.
Noura DJEBRI , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Larbi BELAGRAA , ,(2016), Etude de l’effet de l’introduction des fibres sur les propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques des bétons autoplaçants,3ème Congrès International sur la technologie et la durabilité du béton (CITEDUB 3),USTHB, Alger
- 2012
Dunes sand behavior under triaxial loads
This paper has the aim of characterizing the behavior of a dunes sand collected in Boussaâda city (wilaya of M’sila, Algeria), where important disorders were observed in the road works and in the small buildings. Triaxial drained shear tests results performed on this sand using a servo-controlled triaxial press are presented and described. Simulation results of the sand behavior using two hyperbolic models and their application to calculate the bearing capacity of strip footing resting on a sand massif of geotechnical characteristics comparable with those of Boussaâda dunes sand are also presented and analyzed. It is concluded that the numerical results are concordant with the experimental results for the considered hyperbolic models. But, these two models lead to bearing capacity values lower than those given by Terzaghi’s formula.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Mohammed KHEMISSA , ,(2012), Dunes sand behavior under triaxial loads,International Science and Technology Conference, ISTEC’2012, Dubai, December 13-15, 2012.,United Arab Emirates
- 2012
Comportement d’un sable de dunes sous sollicitations triaxiales
Cette communication a pour objet de caractériser le comportement d’un sable de dunes prélevé dans la région de Boussaâda (wilaya de M’sila, Algérie), où d’importants désordres ont été observés. Elle présente les résultats d’un programme d’essais triaxiaux drainés effectués sur ce sable à l’aide d’une presse triaxiale asservie. Elle présente ensuite les résultats d’une simulation du comportement du sable et se termine par une application au dimensionnement d’une semelle filante ancrée dans un massif de sable de caractéristiques comparables à celui de Boussaâda.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2012), Comportement d’un sable de dunes sous sollicitations triaxiales,Séminaire International ‘‘Paramètres et Identification en Géotechnique’’, ATMS, 15-16 mars 2012.,Hammamet, Tunisie
- 2003
Analyse de la stabilité et stabilisation par pieux du versant instable de Sidi-Ahmed (Béjaïa, Algérie)
Cet article présente les résultats d'une série de calculs de stabilité effectués sur le versant instable de Sidi-Ahmed (Béjaïa, Algérie), où d’importantes habitations urbaines nouvelles ont été construites, et propose une solution pour son confortement. Les calculs de stabilité effectués visent à situer la ligne de rupture ayant af-fecté l’équilibre du versant et à en déterminer le coefficient de sécurité. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le glissement est vraisemblablement plan, incliné dans le sens de la plus grande pente. Ils confirment les observations faites sur le terrain et les résultats de l’étude géotechnique effectuée sur ce site. Parmi les solutions de confortement possibles du versant, le renforcement par pieux en béton armé apparaît comme la technique la mieux adaptée. Les résultats des calculs effectués semblent privilégier de disposer une seule rangée de pieux en milieu de pente.
Mohammed KHEMISSA , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ,(2003), Analyse de la stabilité et stabilisation par pieux du versant instable de Sidi-Ahmed (Béjaïa, Algérie),13ème Congrès Régional Africain de la Géotechnique, 8-11 décembre 2003,Marrakech, Maroc