0772455813 /0675885507
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
English certificate. in université de M'sila
Research Domains
Concrete Technology - fibre concrete - roller compacted concrete - valorization of waste in cimentious materials -
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2020
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Effet du climat chaud sur le comportement du BCR
- 2019
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Étude du comportement d'un béton compacté au rouleau armé de fibres
- 2019
Encaderement master
Hadji Hadda , Souache Ikram
caractérisaton d'une terre comprimée, stabilisée et renforcée en fibres naturel
- 2019
Encaderement master
Hamdoune Abdelhamid
Contribution à la production des blocs de terre comprimée et renforcée par des fibres
- 2019
Encaderement master
Abdelhamid, Hamdoune
Contribution à la production des blocs de terre comprimée et renforcée par des fibres
- 2017
Encaderement master
Performance d’un BCR compacté au rouleau dans un climat chaud
- 2017
Encaderement master
Souici Souhila , Houichi Amel
Etude expérimentale d’un mortier et d’un béton à base de ciment CRS (Performance et caractérisation
- 2017
Encaderement master
Elaboration d'un béton de plâtre allégé par des déchets industriels en vue de leur utilisation dans l'isolation des bâtiments
- 2017
Encaderement master
BENHAMIMID walid , DEHSI Mohamed
Elaboration d’un sable normalisé à partir des sables locaux
- 2017
Encaderement master
BENHAMIMID walid , DEHSI Mohamed
Elaboration d’un sable normalisé à partir des sables locaux
- 2017
Encaderement master
BENHAMIMID walid , DEHSI Mohamed
Elaboration d’un sable normalisé à partir des sables locaux
- 2017
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Etude du comportement thermomécanique d’une terre compactée contenant des fibres en vue de leur utilisation comme matériau de construction
- 2017
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
ALLALI Ibtissam
Caractérisation et modélisation d’un béton autoplaçant au moyens des essais non destructifs (NDT)
- 2016
Encaderement master
BAALI Brahim
Etude theorique et experimentale de la rupture des tyyaux PRV fabriqués par enroulement filamentaire
- 2016
Encaderement master
: OUANANI Hichem
Caractérisation d'un béton routier à base des matériaux locaux
- 2016
Encaderement master
Influence de l'ajout du laitier sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques et mécaniques du ciment portland au laitier et du ciment de haut fourneau
- 2016
Encaderement master
Effet de l'association laitier-calcaire sur les caractéristiques physico-chimique de ciment
- 2015
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
- 2015
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Abdelaziz MEDDAH
Caractérisation d\'un béton compacté contenant des déchets pneumatiques
- 2010
Encaderement master
Béton compacté avec des ajouts granulats caoutchoucs
- 19-07-2010
- 06-02-2007
Etude de la faisabilité d'utiliser un béton renforcé de fibres à base de déchets métalliques - 01-01-2006
- 19-07-2004
- 01-01-1988
Master of Philisophy (MPhil)
Ingénieur d'état en génie civil
Etude d'un auditorium en béton armé - 1960-01-01 00:00:00
MILOUD Beddar birthday
- 32021-03-10
Study of the effect of silica fume on the mechanical response of a self compacting concrete using non destructive testing methods (NDT)
The self-compacting concretes are distinguished by an extreme fluidity, allowing their placement without vibration. mineral additions and admixture are two essential components for the formulation of self-placing concretes (SCC). They are introduced into the concrete to improve their rheological behavior in the fresh state, but also to participate in enhancing the mechanical properties and durability of concretes, especially in the case of active additives. In this study, a test program was performed on self-placing concretes composed of cement and silica fume and lime filler as mineral addition. The rheological parameters (viscosity and yield stress) were measured using the rheometer at the fresh state. Mechanical characterization was performed using the direct (compressive) and non-destructive testing methods (NDT), ultrasonic velocity, and rebound hammer for the assessment of the mechanical responses in the hardened state. The results obtained showed an advantageous effect of these combined additions with an optimal dosage of 10% (5 % Silica fume + 5 % Limestone), about the improvement of the rheological and physico-mechanical properties of the self-compacting concrete mixtures studied.
Miloud BEDDAR , , (32021-03-10), Study of the effect of silica fume on the mechanical response of a self compacting concrete using non destructive testing methods (NDT), ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, Vol:38, Issue:2, pages:180-183, PKP Publishing Services Network
- 2023-12-12
Caractérisation mécanique d'un béton autoplaçant à base de filler de calcaire aux moyens des essais non-destructifs
RESUME Les additions minérales sont des composants indispensables lors de la formulation d’un béton autoplaçant. La finesse et le dosage de ces ajouts en addition au ciment sont les paramètres les plus influents sur le comportement rhéologique des BAP et par conséquent sur le comportement mécanique. L’objective principale de notre étude est de caractériser expérimentalement l’effet de la finesse et du dosage du calcaire sur le comportement mécanique du béton autoplaçant. La caractérisation de différents mélanges de BAP confectionnés avec 10 et 20 % de calcaire selon les différentes finesses (2000, 3000 et 4000 cm2 /g), a été faite à l’état durci par un essai destructif (essai de compression et de flexion) et un essai non-destructif (vitesse ultrasonique). Les résultats obtenus montrent clairement que la variation du dosage et de la finesse ont un effet significatif sur les caractéristiques mécaniques du béton autoplaçant.
ibtissem allali , Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2023-12-12), Caractérisation mécanique d'un béton autoplaçant à base de filler de calcaire aux moyens des essais non-destructifs,National seminar on geotechnics for infrastructure development, 12 December 2023, Relizane- Algeria.,Relizane
- 2023-12-12
Stabilié dynamique et statique d’un béton autoplaçant à base du laitier granulé de haut fourneau
RESUME Les additions minérales sont des composants indispensables lors de la formulation d’un béton autoplaçant. La finesse et le dosage de ces ajouts en addition au ciment sont les paramètres les plus influents sur le comportement rhéologique des BAP et par conséquent sur la stabilité. L’objectif principale de notre étude est de caractériser expérimentalement l’effet de la finesse et du dosage du laitier granule de haut fourneau sur la stabilité dynamique et statique du béton autoplaçant. La caractérisation de différents mélanges de BAP confectionnés avec 5 et 10 % du laitier selon les différentes finesses (2000, 3000 et 4000 cm2 /g), a été fait a l’état frais par l’essai l’essai de la boite en L (statbilité dynamique) ainsi que l’essai de la stabilité au tamis (stabilité statique). Les résultats obtenus montrent clairement que la variation du dosage et de la finesse ont un effet significatif sur la stabilité du béton autoplaçant.
ibtissem allali , Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2023-12-12), Stabilié dynamique et statique d’un béton autoplaçant à base du laitier granulé de haut fourneau,National seminar on geotechnics for infrastructure development, 12 December 2023, Relizane- Algeria.,Relizane
- 2023-12-12
Construction and demolition (C&D) waste valorization reality and perspectives, Algeria study case
Summary : Over the last few years, the civil engineering and public works sector has seen a major surge in demolition and construction (C&D) waste, due to accidental causes such as earthquakes or ageing structures. As a direct consequence, thousands of tonnes of demolition and construction waste are generated. The aim of this study is to contribute to the reuse of construction waste, essentially aggregates recovered from old concrete combined with marble powders from marble factories, in the manufacture of concrete. The characterization and formulation of an alternative environmental concrete (EC) based on locally recovered materials. The expected objectives are grouped below; - Eliminate waste by recycling, thereby protecting the environment. - To help solve certain problems linked to the lack of aggregates, and in particular to the use of alluvial aggregates. - Reduce dust and gas emissions into the atmosphere by saving clinker through partial substitution of Portland cement by mineral additives (marble powders) . Thus, a contribution benefits of such climate change mitigation is to be implemented in regards to the utilization of solid wastes recoveriy. Keywords; Construction & demolition waste, recovered aggregates, environmental concrete, recycling, environmental protection.
Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2023-12-12), Construction and demolition (C&D) waste valorization reality and perspectives, Algeria study case,ASTF” Conversation Conference,CHARIQUA (UAE)
- 2023-12-05
mic and static stability of a self-compacting concrete (SCC) based on granulated blast furnace
Résumé : Les additions minérales sont des composants indispensables lors de la formulation d’un béton autoplaçant. La finesse et le dosage de ces ajouts en addition au ciment sont les paramètres les plus influents sur le comportement rhéologique des BAP et par conséquent sur la stabilité. L’objectif principale de notre étude est de caractériser expérimentalement l’effet de la finesse et du dosage du laitier granulé de haut fourneau sur la stabilité dynamique et statique du béton autoplaçant. La caractérisation de différents mélanges de BAP confectionnés avec 5 et 10 % du laitier selon les différentes finesses (2000, 3000 et 4000 cm2/g), a été fait à l’état frais par l’essai de la boite en L (stabilité dynamique) ainsi que l’essai de la stabilité au tamis (stabilité statique). Les résultats obtenus montrent clairement que la variation du dosage et de la finesse ont un effet significatif sur la stabilité du béton autoplaçant. Mots-clés : Stabilité dynamique, stabilité statique, additions minérales, finesse, béton autoplaçants
Larbi BELAGRAA , ibtissem allali , Miloud BEDDAR , Kessal.oussama, ,(2023-12-05), mic and static stability of a self-compacting concrete (SCC) based on granulated blast furnace,1ère Conférence Nationale en Ingénierie, Tiaret (CNI, 2023), 05-06 December 2023,Tiaret (CNI, 2023), 05-06 December 2023
- 2023-11-12
Stabilié dynamique et statique d’un béton autoplaçant à base de filler de calcaire.
Résumé. Les additions minerals sont des composants indispensables lors de la formulation d’un béton autoplaçant. La finesse et le dosage de ces ajouts en addition au ciment sont les paramètres les plus influents sur le comportement rhéologique des BAP et par consequent sur la stabilité. L’objectif principale de notre étude est de caractériser expérimentalement l’effet de la finesse et du dosage du calcaire sur la stabilité dynamique et statique du béton autoplaçant. La caractérisation de différents mélanges de BAP confectionnés avec 10 et 20 % de calcaireselon les différentes finesses (2000, 3000 et 4000 cm2/g), a été fait a l’état frais par l’essail’essai de la boite en L (statbilité dynamique) ainsi que l’essai de la stabilité au tamis (stabilité statique). Les resultants obtenus montrent clairement que la variation du dosage et de la finesse ont un effet significatif sur la stabilitédu béton autoplaçant. Mots clés: Stabilité dynamique, Stabilité statique, Additions minérales, finesse, béton autoplaçants.
Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2023-11-12), Stabilié dynamique et statique d’un béton autoplaçant à base de filler de calcaire.,Premier séminaire national geotechnique, construction, matériaux et environnement,université de Souk Ahras
- 2023-10-18
Caractérisation mécanique d'un béton autoplaçant à base de filler de calcaire aux moyens des essais non destructifs.
Résumé Les additions minérales sont des composants indispensables lors de la formulation d’un béton autoplaçant. La finesse et le dosage de ces ajouts en addition au ciment sont les paramètres les plus influents sur le comportement rhéologique des BAP et par conséquent sur le comportement mécanique. L’objective principale de notre étude est de caractériser expérimentalement l’effet de la finesse et du dosage du calcaire sur le comportement mécanique du béton autoplaçant. La caractérisation de différents mélanges de BAP confectionnés avec 10 et 20 % de calcaire selon les différentes finesses (2000, 3000 et 4000 cm2/g), a été faite à l’état durci par un essai destructif (essai de compression et de flexion) et un essai non destructif (vitesse ultrasonique). Les résultats obtenus montrent clairement que la variation du dosage et de la finesse ont un effet significatif sur les caractéristiques mécaniques du béton autoplaçant. Mots clés : Comportement mécanique, Additions minérales, finesse, béton autoplaçants, Essai destructif, Essai non destructif.
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , ALLALI Ibtissem, KESSAL Oussama, ,(2023-10-18), Caractérisation mécanique d'un béton autoplaçant à base de filler de calcaire aux moyens des essais non destructifs.,FIRST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,,OCTOBER 18 AND 19 TH 2023 TIPAZA
- 2023-05-12
Caracterisation rheologique d’un beton autoplaçant a base du laitier granule de haut fourneau
Résumé : Les additions minérales sont des composants indispensables lors de la formulation d’un béton autoplaçant. La finesse et le dosage de ces ajouts en addition au ciment sont les paramètres les plus influents sur le comportement rhéologique des BAP et par conséquent sur la stabilité. L’objectif principale de notre étude est de caractériser expérimentalement l’effet de la finesse et du dosage du laitier granulé de haut fourneau sur la stabilité dynamique et statique du béton autoplaçant. La caractérisation de différents mélanges de BAP confectionnés avec 5 et 10 % du laitier selon les différentes finesses (2000, 3000 et 4000 cm2 /g), a été fait à l’état frais par l’essai de la boite en L (stabilité dynamique) ainsi que l’essai de la stabilité au tamis (stabilité statique). Les résultats obtenus montrent clairement que la variation du dosage et de la finesse ont un effet significatif sur la stabilité du béton autoplaçant. Mots-clés : Stabilité dynamique, stabilité statique, additions minérales, finesse, béton autoplaçants.
Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2023-05-12), Caracterisation rheologique d’un beton autoplaçant a base du laitier granule de haut fourneau,1 ére Conférence Nationale en Ingénierie 05-06 Décembre 2023 Tiaret, Algérie,université de Tiaret
- 2023-02-02
Performance of sisal fiber-reinforced cement-stabilized compressed-earth blocks incorporating recycled brick waste
Abstract Recently, studies are oriented to introduce sustainable materials in construction. This study aims to investigate the efects of sisal fbers on the thermophysical and mechanical properties of compressed earth blocks (CEB) made of local materials by mixing red clayey soil taken from the M’sila region in Algeria and brick waste (BW). First, the maximum percentage of BW is fxed at 20% while respecting the plasticity criteria. Then, the efects of fbers and cement addition on the engineering properties of CEB are analyzed and compared according to fber and cement contents. Sisal fbers are added with diferent percentages varying from 0 to 0.5%, while cement content is used with four percentages: 0, 5, 7, and 9% (by wt% of the newly modifed soil). Many tests are performed including, capillary absorption rate, thermal conductivity, compressive/ tensile strengths, and abrasion resistance. The results showed that the inclusion of sisal fbers improves the thermal insulation of cement-stabilized blocks by up to 21% and strength by 150%. However, it is observed that the hydrophilic character of sisal fbers increases the capillary absorption by 81%, and the abrasion coefcient increases with the increase in fber content. Furthermore, the investigation revealed that the use of fbers alone is insufcient to ensure the stability of the blocks in moist conditions since the material fully loses its resistance, which requires the total protection of material against any type of infltration and/or the use of cement as stabilizing agents. As a result, the research showed that sisal fbers may be used in CEB reinforcement, further an environmentally alternative solution was proposed for managing BW by their use in CEB manufacturing as this contributed to sustainability and circular economy strategies. Keywords Compressed earth block · Thermal insulation · Sisal fbers · Recycling · Strength
Miloud BEDDAR , , (2023-02-02), Performance of sisal fiber-reinforced cement-stabilized compressed-earth blocks incorporating recycled brick waste, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:8, Issue:107, pages:Pages 139-143, © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
- 2022-06-04
Characterization and Modeling Using Non-Destructive Test (NDT) and Experimental Design Methods of a Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Based on Mineral Additions
The formulation of an innovative concrete that meets the requirements of a selfcompacting concrete (SCC), with acceptable performance in terms of rheology in the fresh state; good fluidity, ease of placing, without segregation as well as good mechanical strength and durability at hardened state has become of great research interest for the last decades. Numerous studies have shown the favorable effects of limestone fillers on the SCC properties. This study aims at investigating the effect of inert mineral addition of limestone fillers with dosages of 10% and 20% grinded to different fine nesses 2000, 3000 and 4000 cm2 /g on the physico-mechanical properties of a fresh self-placing concrete using slump, the L-box and the sieve stability tests. Also, the means of destructive and non-destructive tests (NDT) methods to the assessment of the mechanical performances of SCC at hardened state were used. The use of experiment factorial design method allows us to have behavior laws to predict the mechanical strength response when combined with (NDT) according to a numerical model in such study. Hence, a numerical modeling of mechanical response could be derived by such statistical analysis in regards to the effects of factors and their interaction. The results obtained showed that the incorporation of limestone filler in the composition of the SCC improves the fluidity with limited segregation, as well as the good mechanical performances (resistance to compression and flexion). The numerical modeling of the predicted compressive strength response, in particular at the age of 28 days, is judged to be with an acceptable determined coefficient R2 equal to 0.994.
Miloud BEDDAR , , (2022-06-04), Characterization and Modeling Using Non-Destructive Test (NDT) and Experimental Design Methods of a Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Based on Mineral Additions, Annales de chimie-science des matériaux, Vol:46, Issue:2, pages:85-94, IIETA
- 2022-01-01
Physical and mechanical behavior of cement-stabilized compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers
Nowadays, researchers are oriented to the usage of earth materials in construction as they possessed a lower thermal conductivity and thereby preserved the environment by reducing greenhouse emissions in buildings. One of these materials is the compressed earth block (CEB). Even though its attractive thermal and environmentally advantageous, CEB material present certain limitations related to its poorly strength in moist conditions, which limits its use at a high rate. The purpose of this article is to study the feasibility to improve the engineering properties of CEB produced from a red clay taken from M’sila region (Algeria) by the addition of sisal fibers, further cement is used to stabilize the composite. The fibers were added in different percentages 0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5 by total dry mass of the block. The obtained results show that the combined effect of fibers and cement improved the mechanical and physical properties of CEB material.
Miloud BEDDAR , , (2022-01-01), Physical and mechanical behavior of cement-stabilized compressed earth blocks reinforced by sisal fibers, Materials Today Proceedings, Vol:53, Issue:2, pages:Pages 139-143, Science Direct
- 2022
Characterization and Modeling Using Non-Destructive Test (NDT) and Experimental Design Methods of a Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Based on Mineral Additions
The formulation of an innovative concrete that meets the requirements of a self-compacting concrete (SCC), with acceptable performance in terms of rheology in the fresh state; good fluidity, ease of placing, without segregation as well as good mechanical strength and durability at hardened state has become of great research interest for the last decades. Numerous studies have shown the favorable effects of limestone fillers on the SCC properties. This study aims at investigating the effect of inert mineral addition of limestone fillers with dosages of 10% and 20% grinded to different fine nesses 2000, 3000 and 4000 cm2/g on the physico-mechanical properties of a fresh self-placing concrete using slump, the L-box and the sieve stability tests. Also, the means of destructive and non-destructive tests (NDT) methods to the assessment of the mechanical performances of SCC at hardened state were used. The use of experiment factorial design method allows us to have behavior laws to predict the mechanical strength response when combined with (NDT) according to a numerical model in such study. Hence, a numerical modeling of mechanical response could be derived by such statistical analysis in regards to the effects of factors and their interaction. The results obtained showed that the incorporation of limestone filler in the composition of the SCC improves the fluidity with limited segregation, as well as the good mechanical performances (resistance to compression and flexion). The numerical modeling of the predicted compressive strength response, in particular at the age of 28 days, is judged to be with an acceptable determined coefficient R2 equal to 0.994.
ibtissem allali , Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , Oussama KESSAL, , (2022), Characterization and Modeling Using Non-Destructive Test (NDT) and Experimental Design Methods of a Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Based on Mineral Additions, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, Vol:462, Issue:462, pages:85-94, International information and engineering technology association
- 2021
Caractérisation rhéologique et mécanique d’un béton auto-plaçant à base de fumée de silice et de Filler de calcaire.
Le béton autoplaçant est un béton innovant; qui se différencie d’autre type de bétons par sa forte fluidité qui le permet de prendre son place sans aucune vibration ainsi il présente une stabilité satisfaisante. Ce type de béton nécessite une formulation spécifique qui contient deux composants de plus q’un béton ordinaire, les adjuvants et les additions minérales ; ces composants servent à améliorer la rhéologie, les propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité du béton. Dans cette démarche d’étude, un programme d’essais a été effectué sur des bétons autoplaçants formulés à base de ciment et d’ajouts minéraux, la fumée de silice et filler de calcaire. La série d’essais comprend des essais d’ouvrabilité (boite en L et essais de stabilité aux tamis) pour déterminer les paramètres rhéologiques principalement la fluidité, des essais mécaniques (essai de compression et de traction) ainsi que des essais de durabilité (Absorption d’eau). Les résultats obtenus montrent un effet avantageux de ces additions combinées à un dosage optimal de 10%, quant à l’amélioration de la stabilité au tamis, la résistance mécanique et la durabilité des bétons autoplaçants étudiés.
ibtissem allali , Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , Oussama KESSAL, ,(2021), Caractérisation rhéologique et mécanique d’un béton auto-plaçant à base de fumée de silice et de Filler de calcaire.,The 2nd International Symposium on Construction Management and Civil Engineering (ISCMCE‐ 2021) University of Skikda, Algeria,Université de Skikda
- 2021
Study of the effect of silica fume on the mechanical response of a self-compacting concrete using non-destructive testing methods (NDT)
The self-compacting concretes are distinguished by an extreme fluidity, allowing their placement without vibration.mineral additions and admixture are two essential components for the formulation of self-placing concretes (SCC). They are introduced into the concrete to improve their rheological behavior in the fresh state, but also to participate in enhancing the mechanical properties and durability of concretes, especially in the case of active additives. In this study, a test program was performed on self-placing concretes composed of cement and silica fume and lime filler as mineral addition. The rheological parameters (viscosity and yield strees) were measured using the rheometer at the fresh state. Mechanical characterization was performed by means of the direct (compressive) and non-destructive testing methods (NDT), ultrasonic velocity and rebound hammer for the assessment of the mechanical responses in the hardened state. The results obtained showed an advantageous effect of these combined additions with an optimal dosage of 10% (5 % Silica fume + 5 % Limestone), with regard to the improvement of the rheological and physico-mechanical properties of the self-compacting concrete mixtures studied.
ibtissem allali , Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , Oussama KESSAL, , (2021), Study of the effect of silica fume on the mechanical response of a self-compacting concrete using non-destructive testing methods (NDT), ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, Vol:38, Issue:0, pages:4, ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING
- 2019
Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete pavement
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete which is used for pavement. Mixes were placed in different environments in order to simulate the local climate conditions. Large-scale test has been carried out to assess the mechanical strength development in function of curing mode, temperature treatment and silica fume addition. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, shrinkage and capillary absorption of water were evaluated according to the program tests. The main results showed that an increase in temperature (over 40°) affects negatively the physical and mechanical properties due to malformation of hydration products, while cure methods showed a higher efficiency of the improvement in such properties. However, it should be noted that the wet cure method gave the best results as it provides appropriate and effective conditions to the hydration process. Regarding the effect of silica fume addition, even an improvement in the compressive strength was confirmed; however, it has a negative impact on the shrinkage.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , MOHAMED AZIZ Chikouche , Moussa deghfel, , (2019), Experimental study on the effect of hot climate on the performance of roller-compacted concrete pavement, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol:5, Issue:1, pages:5, Springer
- 2019
Comportement du béton compacté au rouleau à base des granulats recyclés
Cette étude vise à valoriser les déchets de béton sous forme de granulats dans les mélanges de béton compacté au rouleau (BCR). Les particules de granulat recyclé ont été ajoutées aux mélanges en remplacement partiel du volume total de graviers à différents pourcentages (25%, 50%, 75%, et 100%). La démarche expérimentale entreprise dans ce travail de mémoire consiste à étudier l’influence du granulat recyclé sur les propriétés du BCR, aussi bien à l'état frais qu’à l'état durci. En présence du granulat recyclé, le BCR est devenu moins dense, plus ségrégé, et plus absorbant à l’eau. Le principal inconvénient lié à l’incorporation du granulat recyclé dans le BCR est la chute des propriétés mécaniques. Pour remédier à ce problème, nous avons procédé au traitement des granulats recyclés en les lavant et également à l’addition du produit de cure (MEDACURE) et le laitier. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il est possible d’améliorer la performance du BCR à base des granulats recyclés par modification de la rugosité de surface du granulat recyclé. En effet, une grande partie de la chute de résistance induite par le granulat recyclé a été corrigée. Mots clés : BCR, granulat recyclé, valorisation, résistance, amélioration, Laitier.
Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2019), Comportement du béton compacté au rouleau à base des granulats recyclés,National meeting of civil engineering and hydraulics 2019,SKIKDA
- 2019
experimental program was conducted to studying the effect hardening the initial steam by solar energy on the compressive strength of concrete containing the limestone fillers (LF). We set the same criterion of workability to all concretes made order to lead a rational study. In the first instance we started with evaluate the influence of the addition of LF at the cement on the compressive strength of concretes with age a function of the content of cement the LF. Thereafter, we studied the hardening effect the initial steam by solar energy on the compressive strength of concretes containing the LF. The introduction of the addition of the LF in the cement production enables, in addition to the ecological and economic gain, an improvement in the compressive strength of concretes. This improvement results primarily from three effects: a physical effect, a physical-chemical effect and a chemical effect. These effects act simultaneously and in a complementary manner. The results proved that up to 20% LF to replace cement could be used with a fineness of 5000 cm²/g without affecting adversely the compressive strength, with an optimum effect for a percentage of the order of 10%. The results obtained show that the use of hardening the initial steam by the solar energy improves the compressive strength of concretes compared with the curing with water, during the first seven days of hardening. Concerning the influence of the LF under steam curing at 35°C, it can be observed that after 7 days, the compressive strength of concretes (C10 and C20) is superior than the reference concrete (CO). Saves time to reach the compressive strength at 28 days at water after steam curing for a day prolonged than 3 days of curing in water for concretes (C10 and C20); and prolonged by 7 days at the curing in water for concrete (CO). For concretes (C10 and C20): 1 day steam curing at 35°C and 7 days at the curing in water, the acquired resistance is higher than that obtained from curing in water at 28 days. Based on the results obtained it was confirmed the contribution of the steam curing at the initial steam by solar energy to improve the compressive strength of concretes containing the LF. These results well justify interest that present the hardening technique to the initial steam by the solar energy for allows rapid formwork removal a short-term resulting in an accelerated gain of compression strength and a great economy of electrical energy, accelerating the cement hydration reactions (a rapid initial hydration), acceleration cadences by reducing the setting time, so a faster progress of chantiers and accelerated rotation especially in precast plants, as well as cold weather concreting. Keywords: Concrete ; Hardening the initial steam ; Solar energy ; Limestone fillers; Compressive strength. A
- 2019
An experimental program was conducted to studying the effect hardening the initial steam by solar energy on the compressive strength of concrete containing the limestone fillers. We set the same criterion of workability to all concretes made order to lead a rational study. In the first instance we started with evaluate the influence of the addition of limestone fillers at the cement on the compressive strength of concretes with age a function of the content of cement the limestone fillers. Thereafter, we studied the hardening effect the initial steam by solar energy on the compressive strength of concretes containing the limestone fillers. The introduction of the addition of the limestone fillers in the cement production enables, in addition to the ecological and economic gain, an improvement in the compressive strength of concretes, also the results obtained show that the use of hardening the initial steam by the solar energy improves the compressive strength of concretes compared with the curing with water, during the first seven days of hardening.
- 2019
Caractérisation des blocs de terre comprimée (BTC) produits à base d’un sol peu plastique, cimenté et renforcé par des fibres de sisal.
Cet article a pour objet de déterminer les propriétés mécaniques des blocs de terre comprimée (BTC) produits à base d’un sol peu plastique prélevé de la ville de M’sila. Ces blocs ont été renforcés par des fibres végétales localement commercialisées (fibres de sisal). Ces fibres ont été ajoutées en différents pourcentages 0 ; 0,2 ; 0,3 ; 0,4 et 0,5 par rapport à la masse totale du bloc. En plus du renforcement mécanique, par fibres, les blocs ont été stabilisés par un liant hydraulique. L’objectif principal de ce travail de recherche consiste en l’étude de l’effet de ce traitement combiné (chimique et mécanique) sur les propriétés physico-mécaniques du produit final
yacine labiad , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2019), Caractérisation des blocs de terre comprimée (BTC) produits à base d’un sol peu plastique, cimenté et renforcé par des fibres de sisal.,The 1st International congress on advances in geotechnical engineering and construction management (ICAGECM'19),Skikda- Algeria
- 2019
Caracterisation au Moyens Des Essais Non Destructifs (NDT) D’un BAP a Base des Granulats Recycles et Fumee de Silice
Résumé : Cette étude a été menée pour répondre à deux préoccupations principales, la possibilité de formuler des BAP à base des matériaux locaux (granulats recyclés) et l’influence du dosage d’une addition de fumée de silice et fillers calcaire sur le comportement rhéologique et mécanique des bétons autoplaçants. L’objectif de ce travail, est d’optimiser la formulation du BAP, par le choix du type et la proportion de l’ajout afin d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques du béton autoplaçants (essais destructifs et essais non-destructifs), en même temps de garder les bonnes propriétés rhéologiques du BAP (capacités de remplissage, de passage et la résistance à la ségrégation). Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’utilisation de la fumée de silice seul ou combiné avec du calcaire à un taux limité améliore la performance d’une façon remarquable des BAP recyclés à base de ces ajouts par rapport à un béton recyclé témoin (sans fillers).
Larbi BELAGRAA , ibtissem allali , Miloud BEDDAR , imen yamina omri , ,(2019), Caracterisation au Moyens Des Essais Non Destructifs (NDT) D’un BAP a Base des Granulats Recycles et Fumee de Silice,1 st International Congress on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management ICAGECM’19,Skikda
- 2018
An experimental study of the effects of clinker replacement by slag in the cement production
The additions of supplementary cementitious materials are currently part of the latest developments in the production of cement, resulting in a significant improvement of the mechanical performances of cementitious materials. On addition to that, their use has as objective to reduce the clinker consumption so that to contribute in a simple and economic manner in solving the environmental problems. This experimental work consists to make a cement with mineral admixture while replacing a certain percentage of clinker by slag (0%, 6%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 50%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85% and 90% ) in order to study its effect on the physico-chemical properties of cement manufactured with mineral addition and the mortar mechanical response. The physic-chemical properties of cement at anhydrous state and the hydrated state, as well as the characteristics of the mortars made at their bases, such as shrinkage, expansion, and the mechanical properties, have been studied. According to the experimental results obtained, it comes that the quantity of mineral additive (slag) and the chemical composition of cement manufactured are the principal parameters that influence on the variation of physico-chemical properties and the mechanical strengths (flexural and compressive) of the mortars tested.
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2018), An experimental study of the effects of clinker replacement by slag in the cement production,UBT International Conference,Pristina, Kosovo
- 2018
Les bétons autoplaçants se distinguent par une forte fluidité, permettant leur mise en place sans vibration. Les additions minérales et les adjuvants sont deux composants indispensables pour la formulation des bétons autoplaçants (BAP) ; ces deux constituants régissent le comportement rhéologique de ces bétons spéciaux. L’incorporation de ces additives dans la squelette des bétons vise à améliorer leur comportement rhéologique à l’état frais, mais aussi pour participer favorablement au profit des propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité des bétons, notamment dans le cas d’ajouts actifs utilisés. Dans cette étude, un programme d’essais a été effectué sur des bétons autoplaçants formulés à base de ciment et d’ajouts minéraux, la fumée de silice et filler de calcaire. La série d’essais comprend des essais d’ouvrabilité (étalement, boite en L et essais de stabilité aux tamis) pour déterminer les paramètres rhéologiques principalement la fluidité, ainsi que le seuil de cisaillement et la viscosité à l’aide du rhéomètre à l’état frais. Une caractérisation mécanique a eu lieu aux moyens des méthodes directes (écrasement) et essais non destructifs (ultrason, scléromètre) pour l’évaluation de la réponse mécanique à l’état durci. Les résultats obtenus montrent un effet avantageux de ces additions combinées à un dosage optimal de 10%, quant à l’amélioration des propriétés rhéologique et physico-mécaniques des bétons autoplaçants étudiés. Mots clés ; Bétons auto plaçant, la fluidité, rhéologie, additions minérales, viscosité, essais non destructifs (END).
- 2017
A Physical and mechanical behaviour of a roller compacted Concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber
In order to study the behaviour of a roller compacted concrete(RCC)reinforced withpolypropylene fiber, six types of RCC were made with different content of fibers (0, 0.5, 1,1.5, 2and 2.5Kg/m3).The physical parameters are the density, the workability, the shrinkageand the water absorption.For the mechanical parameters; the performances such as thecompressive strength and the tensile strength (3 point bending and splitting) hasbeen studied.The results show that the RCC reinforced with fibers present the better performances in termsof strength and physical behaviour.The results obtained show the positive effect of thepolypropylene fiber addition on the mechanical strength, which increases about 23% for themixture with 1Kg/m3. For the physical properties, there is a decrease in the density andworkability and an improvement in the water absorption proportional with the addition ofpolypropylene fiber.In addition, we conclude the positive effect of polypropylene fiber on thekinetics and development of the shrinkage. In this study, the best physical and mechanicalperformance wasbeingobserved in the mixture with 1 Kg/m3of polypropylene.Keywords:Roller compacted concrete, polypropylene fiber, workability, mechanical strength,shrinkage (15) (PDF) PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF A ROLLER COMPACTED CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH POLYPROPYLENE FIBER. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317098305_PHYSICAL_AND_MECHANICAL_BEHAVIOUR_OF_A_ROLLER_COMPACTED_CONCRETE_REINFORCED_WITH_POLYPROPYLENE_FIBER [accessed Feb 11 2020].
Miloud BEDDAR , , (2017), A Physical and mechanical behaviour of a roller compacted Concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber, Journal. Fundam. Appl. Sci.,, Vol:9, Issue:9, pages:623-635, faculty of sciences and technology Eloued university
- 2017
The aim of the present work is to investigate the effect of marble waste fillers incorporation on the mechanical properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC). The RAC studied mixes were 0, 5, 8 and 10% (by weight of cement) of marble fillers respectively. Direct tests of compressive and flexural strength and non-destructive testing (NDT) (rebound hammer, ultrasonic) were performed. The optimal content of 5% marble fillers showed an improvement for both used test methods (compression, flexion and NDT). The increase of RAC compressive strength was about 15%, whereas the flexural strength reached 10% increase compared to control natural crushed aggregate concrete (CAC). Key words: marble fillers, mechanical strength, natural aggregate, non-destructive testing (NDT), recycled aggregate concrete
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , Bouzid Abderrazak, , (2017), MARBLE FILLERS EFFECT ON THE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE OF A RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol:16, Issue:-1, pages:197-204, http://omicron.ch.tuiasi.ro/EEMJ/
- 2017
Feasibility of using fibrous waste in cement-based material
Abstract. The use of fibers into cement–based materials has been studied extensively and as a result of this research and development, a wide range of fibers is now available to be used in cementitious materials. However, little work has been done on the addition of fibrous waste to the cement, mortar and concretes to investigate this by-product fiber as reinforcing material due the absence of industrialized fibers in many countries. The main aim of this experimental study is to investigate the suitability of using fibrous waste as a reinforcing material for cement-based materials. Presentation of such fibrous waste is presented in this paper. The influence of type and content of fibrous waste is evaluated. The results obtained, from series of trails, shown that some physical and mechanical properties of the fibrous waste’s composite material are improved
Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2017), Feasibility of using fibrous waste in cement-based material,FIBRE CONCRETE 2017,Brague TCHECK
- 2015
Study of the physico-mechanical properties of a recycled concrete incorporating admixtures by the means of NDT methods
During the last decades, the sector of construction has known a growing trend in construction and demolition (C&D) activities. The management of the collected debris and waste causes real problems at the environmental level, which can be seen in the decrease space in urban area and the agriculture land occupied by the waste of demolition. At the moment, researchers in civil engineering domain are called to propose new solutions to find substitutions of the natural aggregate such as, the recycled aggregates (RA) as an alternative for natural crushed aggregates (CA). This study here in focuses on the use the recycled aggregates coming from old concrete tested specimens from construction sites. The aim of this research is the formulation of a recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) within similar performances (resistance and durability) to conventional concrete (CAC). The superplastizier as admixture at dosages 0 %, 0.5 %, 1 %, 1.5 % and 2 % was combined with a recycled aggregate at 100% replacement. The physico-mechanical properties at fresh and hard state were investigated, mainly the density, absorption, air content, elastic modulus and strengths. In addition the NDT test methods (ultrasonic and rebound hammer) were used to assess the compressive strength of the due concrete. The correlation study of strength (Rc ) and the properties; such as elastic dynamic modulus (Ed), ultrasonic velocity (V), rebound hammer number (Is), absorption (A) and the density (γ) to predict the compressive strength in this particular case was considered.
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , ABDELAZIZ Meddah , , (2015), Study of the physico-mechanical properties of a recycled concrete incorporating admixtures by the means of NDT methods, Procedia Engineering, Vol:108, Issue:108, pages:80-92, ELSEVIER
- 2015
Effect of incorporating blast furnace slag and natural pozzolana on compressive strength and capillary water absorption of concrete
Blast furnace slag (BFS) and natural pozzolana (NP) have been widely used as a partial cement replacement in concrete construction due to their advantages including cost reduction and improvement of the ultimate mechanical and durability properties. Based on an ongoing experimental program, this research emphasizes on the effect of substituting cement with Blast furnace slag and natural pozzolana up to 40 % on compressive strength and capillary water absorption of concrete. The compressive strength was determined on prisms at the ages of 7, 28, and 90 days. Cylindrical specimens were employed for capillary water absorption test after 28 days of curing. The results show that it is possible to obtain the same or better strength grades by replacing cement with BFS up to 30% in concrete. However, the use of NP content reduced the compressive strength. Lower capillary water absorption for BFS or NP substitution is observed.
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , deboucha walid, Bouzid abderrazak, , (2015), Effect of incorporating blast furnace slag and natural pozzolana on compressive strength and capillary water absorption of concrete, Procedia Engineering, Vol:108, Issue:108, pages:254 – 261, Elsevier
- 2015
A study of the effects of partial replacement of clinker by limestone in the cement manufacture
A study of the effects of partial replacement of clinker by limestone in the cement manufacture
ABDELAZIZ Meddah , Miloud BEDDAR , , (2015), A study of the effects of partial replacement of clinker by limestone in the cement manufacture, Journal of Cement, Wapno Beton, Vol:19, Issue:3, pages:10, Fundacja Cement Wapno Beton
- 2013
Study of the mechanical performances of a recycled aggregate concrete with admixture addition
The needs of the construction sector are still increasing for concrete. However the shortage of natural resources of aggregate could be a problem for the concrete industry. In addition, the negative impact on the environment is due to the construction demolition; where disposal wastes create a severe ecological and environmental hazard. In the last decade, a major interest has been developed for the reuse of recycled aggregates that present more than 70% of the concrete volume. The reused products should fulfill the requirements of lower cost and better quality, in order to establish its role in the concrete. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of the local admixtures on the mechanical behavior of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). Physical and mechanical properties of RAC were investigated including density, compressive and flexural strength. The non-destructive test methods (NDT: pulse-velocity and rebound hammer) were used to determine the concrete strength. The results obtained were compared with crushed aggregate concrete (CAC) using the normal compressive testing machine test method. Thus, the convenience of indirect tests in the case of a recycled aggregate concrete were demonstrated.
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , , (2013), Study of the mechanical performances of a recycled aggregate concrete with admixture addition, OJCE, Vol:3, Issue:-2, pages:94-99, Scientific research
- 2012
Amélioration du comportement mécanique du béton à base de sable de dune
Le sable de dune est largement disponible en Algérie, il est devenu un palliatif contre le déficit en sables que connaissent quelques régions. En effet, les sables de dune sont des matériaux très fins, monogranulaires et siliceux, leurs caractéristiques affectent les propriétés du béton à l’état frais et durci. La présente étude traite l’amélioration des propriétés du béton affectées par l’utilisation des sables de dunes, en incorporant un adjuvant superplastifiant, en ajoutant du sable concassé (sable correcteur) et en combinant les deux solutions. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la correction granulométrique du sable de dune améliore les propriétés mécaniques du béton.--------------------(November 6-7, 2012).
Azzeddine LAHMADI , Miloud BEDDAR , Leila ZEGHICHI, ,(2012), Amélioration du comportement mécanique du béton à base de sable de dune,1st International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE 2012),Laghouat, ALGERIA
- 2010
A Physical and mechanical behaviour of a roller compacted Concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber
Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2010), A Physical and mechanical behaviour of a roller compacted Concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber,Journal. Fundam. Appl. Sci.,,Commune M'SILA
- 2010
Experimental Study of Concrete Curing in Hot Climate
Experimental Study of Concrete Curing in Hot Climate
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , MANSOUR Rokbi , ,(2010), Experimental Study of Concrete Curing in Hot Climate,International Engineering Conference on Hot Arid rgions Al Ahsa , IECHAR 2010, Saudia Arabia,International Engineering Conference on Hot Arid rgions Al Ahsa , IECHAR 2010, Saudia Arabia
- 2005
Admixtures effect on the properties of recycled concrete aggregate
Admixtures effect on the properties of recycled concrete aggregate
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2005), Admixtures effect on the properties of recycled concrete aggregate,Concrete congres,Dundee, Scotland, UK
- 2005
Admixtures effect on the properties of recycled concrete aggregate
Admixtures effect on the properties of recycled concrete aggregate
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , ,(2005), Admixtures effect on the properties of recycled concrete aggregate,Concrete congress, July 5-7th, 2005, Dundee, U.K.,Dundee, U.K.
- 2004
« Influence de l’ajout de déchets fibreux sur le retrait d’un mortier »
« Influence de l’ajout de déchets fibreux sur le retrait d’un mortier »
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , , (2004), « Influence de l’ajout de déchets fibreux sur le retrait d’un mortier », revue française, Ciments, Bétons, Plâtres, Chaux N° 864, Vol:864, Issue:864, pages:7, , revue française, Ciments, Bétons, Plâtres, Chaux
- 2003
Influence of fibrous waste addition on the shrinkage of mortars
Influence of fibrous waste addition on the shrinkage of mortars
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , , (2003), Influence of fibrous waste addition on the shrinkage of mortars, Asian journal of civil engineering (Building and Housing), Vol:4, Issue:1, pages:65-72, Building and housing Springer
- 2002
Optimisation of fibres reinforced concrete mix design”, International Congress of concrete, Dundee 3 – 11th September 2002, Scotland, U.K.
Optimisation of fibres reinforced concrete mix design
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , AYADAT Tahar, ,(2002), Optimisation of fibres reinforced concrete mix design”, International Congress of concrete, Dundee 3 – 11th September 2002, Scotland, U.K.,International Congress of concrete, Dundee 3 – 11th September 2002, Scotland, U.K.,Dundee 3 – 11th September 2002, Scotland, U.K.
- 2001
Optimisation de la composition d'un béton renforcé en fibres d'acier
Optimisation composition , béton en fibres
Larbi BELAGRAA , Miloud BEDDAR , AYDAT Tahar, ,(2001), Optimisation de la composition d'un béton renforcé en fibres d'acier,SNGC- 2001,Université de Tébessa, Algérie