زيدان سليمة
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- Faculty of Sciences
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About Me
DOCTORAT EN SCIENCES Option: Génie des procédés pharmaceutiques. in Université 8 mai 1945 Guelma- Algérie
Research Domains
Génie des Procédés Pharmaceutiques et Chimie bioorganique Medicinal and Pharmaceutical ChemistryDrug DiscoveryPharmaceutical Chemistry
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2023
Encaderement master
Etude comparative de l’utilisation de l’or bleu et/ou arthrospira platensis dans une formulation cosmétique
- 2022
Encaderement master
Optimisation des conditions de stabilité de la phycocyanine, formation d’un complexe [PC: β-CD: Fibre] et étude de l’activité Biologique
- 2022
Encaderement master
Système hybride à base de principe actif /en β-cyclodextrine /en argile pour amélioration de la stabilité du Captopril et la solubilité de HCTZ
- 2022
Encaderement master
Investigation du complexe d'inclusion à base du curcumine et du Cyclodextrine(CD) en présence d,une fibre
- 2020
Encaderement master
Meryem BERRA , Yasmine ZIOUACHE, Meryem KAICHE
Recherche bibliographique sur l'activité biologique de la Curcumine et leur complexation par β-CD
- 24-07-2019
DOCTORAT EN SCIENCES Option: Génie des procédés pharmaceutiques
Encapsulation de substances actives assistée par les β-Cyclodextrines - 01-01-2006
Diplôme de Magister en Chimie industrielle
Influence des additifs organiques sur la qualité du dépôt lors du nickelage électrolytique - 1980-11-14 00:00:00
SALIMA Zidane birthday
- November 10th-11th, 2021
November 10th-11th, 2021
Study of the role of β-cyclodextrin in the inclusion complex with tramadol in aqueous solution for enhances fluorescence and preventing self-extinction. 2ème Séminaire international sur les sciences de la matière (physique et chimie) 17 et 18 Septembre 20
L'hydrochlorothiazide (HTZ) est un antihypertenseur diurétique courant, sa faible solubilité aqueuse est une des raisons de sa biodisponibilité limitée après administration orale. Le but de ce travail est le développement d'un complexe d’inclusion β-cyclodextrine:Hydrochlorothiazide (β-CD:HTZ) par micro-ondes afin d'améliorer la solubilité dans l'eau et la biodisponibilité du médicament. Le complexe β-CD:HTZ a été caractérisé par spectroscopie infrarouge (IR), RMN 1 H et la diffractométrie des rayons X. Les méthodes habituelles de caractérisations confirment la formation du complexe (β-CD:HTZ), la diffractométrie des rayons X montre que le complexe obtenu a un profil amorphe ce qui le rend hydrosoluble contrairement au principe actif qui est cristallin. La découverte révèle que le complexe préparé présente de meilleurs résultats de solubilité par rapport au HTZ libre. Les résultats pris ensemble suggèrent que l'effet pharmacologique de HTZ dans le complexe a été augmenté par l'amélioration de la solubilité favorisée par la β-cyclodextrine. Mots clés : complexe d'inclusion, micro-ondes, β-cyclodextrine, hydrochlorothiazide, diurétique, IR, diffraction des rayons X, solubilité.
Salima ZIDANE , ,(November 10th-11th, 2021), Study of the role of β-cyclodextrin in the inclusion complex with tramadol in aqueous solution for enhances fluorescence and preventing self-extinction. 2ème Séminaire international sur les sciences de la matière (physique et chimie) 17 et 18 Septembre 20,1st International webinar on biological and chemical engineering,Blida
- 23 - 25 Octobre 2023
23 - 25 Octobre 2023
Study of the complexation of Curcumin in the presence of a mixing ratio (2/1) of the β-Cyclodextrin and the Vegetable Fiber
Tropical spices are exploited by humans since ancient times. Their virtues are expressed through to their culinary interests, dyes and odorants, but also in traditional medicine. Turmeric (Curcuma longa. L) is a species of perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plants of the genus Curcuma (family Zingiberaceae) native to South Asia. From its rhizomes, reduced to powder, is extracted the homonymous spice . Curcumin is the most abundant constituent of Curcuma longa. L, it was isolated for the first time in 1815. Curcumin has a large number of very interesting pharmacological properties such as anti-inflammatory activity, antioxidant activity, and anticancer activity. However, the use of Curcumin is generally limited due to their low stability and insoluble in aqueous media. In this context, we have extracted Curcumin, by different extraction methods. We have determined that hot water extraction was the most appropriate method, which gives a good yield. On the other hand, we have studied the effect of the complexation of Curcumin with β-cyclodextrin on the properties of Curcumin (stability and solubility). The addition of β-cyclodextrin increased the solubility of Curcumin 8 times, while the combination between β-cyclodextrin and vegetable fiber increased the solubility of Curcumin 13 times. The addition of vegetable fiber kept the Curcumin content in the complexes more than 90% effective. Keywords : Curcumin, β-cyclodextrin, extraction, inclusion complex, solubility, vegetable fibe
Salima ZIDANE , ,(23 - 25 Octobre 2023), Study of the complexation of Curcumin in the presence of a mixing ratio (2/1) of the β-Cyclodextrin and the Vegetable Fiber,1st International Seminar on Chemical Processes and Sustainable Development, (ISCPSD’23),skikda
- 2023-12-16
Phytochemical characterization, biological screening and corrosion inhibition of mild steel from extracts of Juniperus oxycedrus L
Abstract The aim of this research was to study the effect of solvent polarity and extraction technique of phenolic compounds from Juniperus oxycedrus L. on antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Also, this paper aims to evaluate the anti-corrosive effect of aqueous extracts. In order to evaluate the effect of solvents on the bioactive compound’s extraction efficiency, the samples were prepared with different extraction procedures. The methanolic and ethanolic extracts were prepared by using Soxhlet and maceration extraction and aqueous extracts were obtained by decoction and infusion methods. Moreover, six fractions (petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, 1-butanol and aqueous) were prepared by partition of ethanolic extract. All the extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening; the results show the presence of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, triterpenes and steroids. The study of the effect of extraction methods revealed that the decoction is the most suitable for the extraction of phenolic compounds. Moreover, depending on the solvent studied, it was noted that the ethanol showed a high level of flavonoids and the high antioxidant capacity. The extracts were also tested for their antibacterial activity in vitro against two bacterial strains (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) using the disc diffusion method. The results of antibacterial showed that the highest activity was attributed to ethanolic extract with a maximum zone of inhibition of 13 mm against Staphylococcus aureus. The corrosion inhibition effect of the aqueous extracts in mild steel in 1 M HCl solution showed that the extracts inhibit effectively corrosion of mild steel. Keywords: biological activity; method of extraction; phenolic compounds; power corrosion; western prickly juniper
Salima ZIDANE , , (2023-12-16), Phytochemical characterization, biological screening and corrosion inhibition of mild steel from extracts of Juniperus oxycedrus L, . Notulae Scientia Biologicae, Vol:15, Issue:4, pages:11635- 11654, Society of Land Measurements and Cadastre from Transylvania (SMTCT)
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- 2023
Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Investigation of Transition Metal (II) Complexes Based on 2-Alkyl-2-Oxazolin-α-D-glucopyranose Modified Derivatives
A transition metal complexes based on Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) were developed in this study, utilizing ligands derivatives from 2-alkyl-2-oxazolin-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1,2-dideosy-α-D-glucopyranose derivatives. The elemental analyses suggested that the stoichiometry is (1:2) [Metal:(LDn)2]. The IR data confirmed the binding between the metal ion and the ligands. The crystallinity of the complexes formed was confirmed by the X-ray diffraction. The non-electrolyte nature of metal complexes was confirmed by molar conductance studies. The thermal study suggested the presence of coordinated water molecules in the complexes based on LD4 [M(LD4)2.(OAc)2.xH2O]. The synthesized complexes and their corresponding ligands were tested for their antimicrobial activities against bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Gram negative]) and (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumonia [Gram positive]). The complexes [(Zn(LD4)2.(OAc)2.2H2O] and [Ni(LD4)2.(OAc)2.4H2O] showed significant antibacterial activity compared to the corresponding ligands. The dosage with the radical DPPH at different concentrations for the complexes [(Ni(LD1)2. (OAc)2.4H2O] and [Ni(LD2)2.(OAc)2.4H2O] showed superior antioxidant activity than the corresponding ligands. The considerable results found proved that the ligands and their complexes are bioactive.
Salima ZIDANE , , (2023), Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Investigation of Transition Metal (II) Complexes Based on 2-Alkyl-2-Oxazolin-α-D-glucopyranose Modified Derivatives, INDIAN JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, Vol:33, Issue:1, pages:87-100, Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism
- 2022
Water compatibility of M’sila region (South-East Algeria) for cultivation of Spirulina & evaluation of methods of extraction of Phycocyanin and investigation of stability by β-Cyclodextrin
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is a microalga that has existed for more than three billion years. It belongs to the family of cyanobacteria. It is extraordinary, rich in nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, Spirulina is rich in phycocyanin, a blue protein pigment. It can be used as a dye in food, pharmacology, and cosmetics. Our work focused first on the compatibility of the waters of M’sila region (southeast Algeria) for the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis. Then, we evaluated several methods of extracting phycocyanin to be able to determine the optimal method in terms of yield. We have succeeded in developing a new extraction method coupled with maceration in a glycerol-water mixture with a molar ratio (8/2) assisted by ultrasound with a yield of 52.93 mg/g. The excellent results obtained may be due to the salinity of the waters of the region, to the used nutrient culture medium and/or the climate change of the region. We have formed an inclusion complex between phycocyanin and β-Cyclodextrin to keep it and make it more stable. The encouraging results allow Algeria to gain a foothold on the world market as a producer of blue gold. Keywords: β-Cyclodextrin; Cultivation; Extraction-phycocyanin; Spirulina; Water-salinity.
Salima ZIDANE , , (2022), Water compatibility of M’sila region (South-East Algeria) for cultivation of Spirulina & evaluation of methods of extraction of Phycocyanin and investigation of stability by β-Cyclodextrin, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Vol:34, Issue:9, pages:759-772, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
- 2021-12-14
Characterization of inclusions complex’s d-glucosamine derivatives with Β-CD
In this Work, we were interested on the synthesis of D-glucosamine derivatives. Within two steps; Acylationof the 1,3,4,6-tetracetyl-amino-2-deoxy-β-D-glucosamine hydrochloride (2) and the regioselective substitution by thiophenol. Given that this compound has very poor aqueous solubility and to ameliorate this, we have synthesized an inclusion complex between derivative (5) and β-CD, the preparation of the complex was carried out by two different methods (Physical mixture method and Solvent evaporation method).The results of this work were confirmed by structural characterization by spectroscopic methods 19F NMR, 1H NMR and IR.Finally we studied the solubility of derivative (5) in an aqueous solution containing various concentrations of β-CD by UVVisible spectroscopy which wasdeducted enhancement of the derivative (5) solubility in the presence of β-CD. Keywords: β-CD, D-glucosamine hydrochloride; D-glucosamine derivatives; inclusion complex; solubility; cavity.
Salima ZIDANE , ,(2021-12-14), Characterization of inclusions complex’s d-glucosamine derivatives with Β-CD,Jordan International Chemical Engineering Hybrid Conference, IX, JChEC09,Jordan
- 2021-10-25
A novel approach toward the synthesis of 1,3,4,6-tetra-OAcetylazomethine based on β-D-glucosamine,
A novel method was developed for synthesizing a series of 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetylazomethin-β-Dglucosamine (5) starting from hydrochlorid β-D-glucosamine (1) with three different aldehydes in the presence of 15% sodium hydroxide as catalyst. In these reactions 1/1, the condensation product as half-unit ligand was obtained. The attractive features of this protocol are use of an inexpensive catalyst, operational simplicity, short reaction times, easy handling, and good yields. Mild conditions, simplicity and easier work-up are the main advantages of this method. In parallel, in this work we succeed to separate the two diastereoisomers of products obtained (5a) which are characterized by Visible UV and separated by crystallization to give (E)-isomer and (Z)-isomer BOULEGHLE
Salima ZIDANE , , (2021-10-25), A novel approach toward the synthesis of 1,3,4,6-tetra-OAcetylazomethine based on β-D-glucosamine,, Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, Vol:5, Issue:5, pages:1192-1202, ANEAU Association
- 2020-12-15
Deux Séries de TD de chimie 1
SalimaZIDANE , ,(2020-12-15); serie-2020-2021-chimie1,University of M'sila,
- 2020
Preparation, Characterization, and Biological Study of a New Inclusion Complex of 1, 3, 4, 6-Tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-[benzyliden (amino)]-beta-D-glucosamine and beta-Cyclodextrin
In this study, an inclusion complex based on β-Cyclodextrin (CD) and 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2- deoxy-2-[benzyliden(amino)]-β-D-glucosamine (imine) were prepared in order to modify imine’s solubility and improved its stability. The inclusion complex was obtained by equimolar quantity 1:1 under microwave irradiation and characterized by X-ray diffraction and melting point. The effect of pH on the formation of the inclusion complex in aqueous medium buffered at 25°C was examined. Spectrophotometric measurements were carried out to visualize the interaction between imine and β-CD in the complex in the liquid state. The results obtained showed that the complexation was favored in a neutral medium (pH = 6.9). The stoichiometric ratio 1:1 of the complex was confirmed by the AL solubility diagram according to the Higuchi and Connors method, and the stability constant is Ks = 583.38 M−1 at 25°C, which proves a good capacity of complexation in the neutral medium. The biological activity of free imine and complex was examined against different pH.
Salima ZIDANE , , (2020), Preparation, Characterization, and Biological Study of a New Inclusion Complex of 1, 3, 4, 6-Tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-[benzyliden (amino)]-beta-D-glucosamine and beta-Cyclodextrin, INDIAN JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, Vol:30, Issue:2, pages:171-179, CONNECT JOURNALS
- 2019
Inclusion complex of tramadol in β-cyclodextrin enhances fluorescence by preventing self-quenching
Fluorescence self-quenching occurs at high concentration. Inhibition of self-quenching by inclusion of fluorescence emitters inside the hydrophobic cavity of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) has been addressed taking the example of the fluorescence behavior of Tramadol hydrochloride. Indeed complexation by β-CD enhanced fluorescence emission of Tramadol under conditions where self-quenching was operative. A quantitative account of self-quenching and its inhibition by β-CD was done through determination of complexation equilibrium by 1H NMR experiments and a detailed study of absorption and fluorescence properties. Tramadol and β-CD associate as a complex of 1:1 stoichiometry with a formation constant K11 = 260. Complexation of Tramadol by β-CD does not cause modification of its absorbance and fluorescence spectra. Fluorescence self-quenching of Tramadol above ∼ 1 mmol·L−1 was characterized by a Stern–Volmer constant K = 810 L·mol−1. Inhibition of self-quenching by formation of an inclusion complex was manifested by lower Stern–Volmer constants in the presence of β-CD. Such study required a correct account of Inner Filter Effects on fluorescence, which is mandatory in all physicochemical studies using fluorescence where concentrations are rather high.
Salima ZIDANE , , (2019), Inclusion complex of tramadol in β-cyclodextrin enhances fluorescence by preventing self-quenching, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, Vol:93, Issue:1, pages:253–264, Springer Netherlands
- 2016-10-06
Investigation of cyclodextrin inclusion compounds using FT-IR, SEM and X-ray diffraction
The prepared complexes of inclusion are characterized by IR where we have deduced the presence of new liaisons, this we permitted to say that, it has a formation of a new bands and we also concluded that the intensity of absorption of the majority of the frequencies are moved in the complexes which are weaker than in pure Tramadol. In the literature an amorphous material is more reactive than a crystalline one and as consequence amorphous materials are considered more hygroscopic when compared to crystalline solids. The results obtained by X-rays shows a crystalline semi profile for the complexes prepared by the three methods contrary to Tramadol and β-CD which present a crystalline profile. Modification of crystals and powder can be alsoobserved by SEM and assumed as a proof of the formation of new inclusion complex. Index Terms—β-CD, cavity, inclusion, IR, SEM, solubility, tramadol.
Salima ZIDANE , , (2016-10-06), Investigation of cyclodextrin inclusion compounds using FT-IR, SEM and X-ray diffraction, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol:7, Issue:3, pages:182-185, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications
- 2016-10-06
A novel method for the deprotection of N-Boc-D-glucosamine-Ac by irradiation via microwave
Since the microwave was used for the first time in 1986 in the field of the organic synthesis, the reactions assisted by microwaves are used more and more in the strategies of synthesis. It meets an interest growing because of its great effectiveness and its extreme profitability due to reduced reaction times, better outputs and obtaining purer products. Its particular use, was the subject of a method around whose developed a green chemistry. Several developed, he was devoted, and the last in date is a work C.O. Kappe in 2005. Within the framework of this work, we will try to develop an aspect of the chemistry of the protective groupings: chimioselective protection deprotection of N-Boc-Glucosamine-Acyle by irradiation under domestic microwave. The usual spectroscopic methods (1H NMR, IR and MS) were made profitable for elucidation synthesized structures. Index Terms—Chimioselective, deprotection, glucosamine, irradiation, microwave, protection.
Salima ZIDANE , , (2016-10-06), A novel method for the deprotection of N-Boc-D-glucosamine-Ac by irradiation via microwave, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol:7, Issue:3, pages:209-212, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications
- 2008
Etude comparative des propriétés thermodynamiques des piles à combustible à hydrogène et aux alcools
Les piles à combustible font partie d’un porte folio de solutions énergétiques pour réduire l’impact environnemental de nos besoins sans cesse grandissants en énergie. Le principal combustible est l’hydrogène, d’autres combustibles peuvent être proposés. Ce travail reporte une comparaison des propriétés thermodynamiques de la pile à hydrogène et des piles à combustibles à alcools directs dans un domaine variant de 298.15 à 1273.15 K. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les différents alcools présentent un rendement supérieur à la pile à hydrogène. Au contraire, la densité d’énergie de l’hydrogène est plus de trois fois supérieure à celle des alcools. Il serait prématuré de faire un choix définitif entre l’hydrogène et l’un des alcools étudiés car une étude cinétique est indispensable pour trancher entre les différents combustibles. Mots clés: PEMFC, thermodynamique, électrooxydation, rendement.
Salima ZIDANE , , (2008), Etude comparative des propriétés thermodynamiques des piles à combustible à hydrogène et aux alcools, academia.edu, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-7, academia.edu
- 13-14 Décembre 2022
13-14 Décembre 2022
Optimisation des conditions de stabilité de la phycocyanine, formation d'un complexe [PC: β-CD: Fibre] et étude de l'activité Biologique
L’algue bleue-vert Arthrospira platensis communément appelée Spiruline est cultivée et commercialisée dans le monde sous différentes souches et formes, largement connue dans le domaine nutritionnel et thérapeutique en raison de sa richesse en éléments nutritifs principalement les protéines ainsi qu’une large gamme de composés bioactifs à propriétés fonctionnelles antioxydants (phycocyanine (PC)), la PC est considérée comme étant une biomolécule hautement exploitable en industrie et ses applications biotechnologiques. Ce travail vise à discuter les paramètres physiques et chimiques (pH, température et lumière) susceptibles d’influencer la stabilité du PC (seul, en présence de la β-cyclodextrine (β-CD) (complexe) et/ou β-CD et une fibre(matrice)). Les résultats ont montré que l’ajout de la β-CD a amélioré la stabilité de la PC et d’une façon importante lors de l’ajout de la fibre. Les résultats de l’activité antioxydante ont montré des valeurs et une efficacité significatives de cet extrait et ses complexes et matrices ; d’après les résultats de l’activité antibactérienne, nous concluons que la matrice (PC:HP-β-CD: fibre) (à l’état liquide) est la plus active et la plus efficace contre les trois souches (E coli, P aerogenosa et S aureus). Et alors, d’après cette étude la PC et la matrice à base de fibre possède une activité biologique importante qui permet de lui conférer une valeur nutritionnelle et pharmacologique. Mots clés: Arthrospira platensis, Spiruline, phycocyanine, méthode d’extraction, culture, stabilité.
Salima ZIDANE , ,(13-14 Décembre 2022), Optimisation des conditions de stabilité de la phycocyanine, formation d'un complexe [PC: β-CD: Fibre] et étude de l'activité Biologique,Premier séminaire national sur les substances bioactives : Substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament prometteur demain,M'sila
- 10-11 January 2024
10-11 January 2024
Valorization And Use Of Phycocyanin From Spirulina Platensis (Arthrospira) In Cosmetics
Our work focused on the study and comparison of the effect of spirulina and/or its extract PC in cosmetic preparations (balms, creams and soaps). The results of the physicochemical tests of spirulina have shown that the latter was grown in an alkaline medium, it is fat and rich in metals, cartonoids and chlorophyle. On the other hand, we tested the addition of additives such as βCD, vegetable fiber and clay which is a natural product used for centuries, for the face, in particular, has become very important in our routine; in balms, creams and soaps formulated on the antioxidant and antibacterial effect. The results showed that the addition of additives separately or simultaneously in PC-based cosmetic formulations preserves and increases the antiradicalar and antibacterial activity of the PC even at very low concentrations in cosmetic preparations, This results in a good anti-wrinkle and stain-repellent effect on volunteers who have tested soap and prepared creams. The prepared cosmetic formulations are stable over time, and the sensory evaluation on the creams and balms prepared was good. Keywords: Arthrospira platensis, spirulina, phycocyanin, additives, anti-wrinkle, stain remover, natural, soap.
Salima ZIDANE , ADMIN Admin , ,(10-11 January 2024), Valorization And Use Of Phycocyanin From Spirulina Platensis (Arthrospira) In Cosmetics,International Conference on Material Chemistry and Sustainable Development (CM2D’23),Setif
- 1 et 2 Mars 2022
1 et 2 Mars 2022
Inverstigation de la culture de la Spiruline "Arthrospira Platensis" dans la région de M’sila et évalution des méthodes d’extraction de la phycocyanine à partir de la biomasse sèche
En Algérie, la filière cunicole a connu des avancées scientifiques importantes depuis la décennie 1980. Toutefois, la cuniculture n’a pas bénéficié de tous les facteurs de production lors des programmes de développement mis en oeuvre. En effet, son développement dans notre pays à l’instar des pays du Maghreb, est généralement basé sur l’exploitation de reproducteurs de population locale et l’utilisation d’un aliment industriel de moindre qualité nutritionnelle. D’autre part, les différents phénotypes existant sont la résultante de croisements intempestifs et parfois volontaristes avec des races étrangères introduites, dont le résultat a été une mixture anarchique et la perte du lapin originaire dans certaines régions comme la Kabylie. Cet échec a initié une nouvelle stratégie de développement de cette espèce basée sur la valorisation du lapin des populations locales. L'état physiologique de l'animal est l'un des facteurs importants qui affectent les concentrations sanguines impliqués dans le développement du profil métabolique du sang. Chez la lapine, la lactation et surtout la gestation provoquent des modifications rapides du bilan biochimique et l’amplitude des variations peut parfois être considérable. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’effet du stade physiologique sur les paramètres sanguins chez des lapines de populations locales. 30 lapines de différents stades physiologiques ayant un poids corporel variant de 2,5 à 3,5 Kg, réparties en 3 lots ont fait l’objet de prélèvements sanguins étant vides, gestantes et allaitantes. Les paramètres biochimiques et hématologiques mesurés ont été: la glycémie, l’urée, la créatinine, le cholestérol, les triglycérides, le fer sérique, les TGP, les TGO et la FNS.Les valeurs des différents paramètres sériques obtenus dans la présente étude ont été dans les limites expérimentales. En effet, Les niveaux sériques du nombre de plaquettes et du pourcentage de granulocytes ont augmenté de façon hautement significative (P<0.0001) chez les lapines gestantes, avec une diminution significative (p<0.05) chez les lapines allaitantes. Alors que, le pourcentage des lymphocytes, et le nombre de globules blancs ont très significativement diminué (p<0.0001) au cours des trois stades physiologiques. Encore, les résultats des moyennes de la glycémie, urée, cholestérol total, fer sérique, triglycérides, TGO et TGP durant les différents stades physiologiques des lapines n’ont pas révélé de variations significatives du stade physiologique sur le taux de ces paramètres (p>0,05). L’établissement de valeurs de références spécifiques aux populations cunicoles locales, nécessite de mener d’autres études plus poussées avec des paramètres plus contrôlés. Mots clés : lapin local, stade physiologique, paramètres sanguins, glycémie, FNS.
Salima ZIDANE , ,(1 et 2 Mars 2022), Inverstigation de la culture de la Spiruline "Arthrospira Platensis" dans la région de M’sila et évalution des méthodes d’extraction de la phycocyanine à partir de la biomasse sèche,1st Internation day of natural and life sciences (INDNS 2022),Ouargla