الطيب بوازيد
- Department of Letters and English Language
- Faculty of Letters and Languages
- Grade Prof
About Me
Research Domains
TEFL-Methodology-Study Skills-Critical Thinking-Language Mastery, Academic Writing Google scholar Research gate
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
Guerbas Chahla , Tayoub Assia
Investigating the Impact of Critical Reading on Academic Research Writing.The case of EFL Master1 Students
- 2024
Encaderement master
Silem Larbi , Belkhous Mohamed
The Implementation of ICTs in Teaching and their Effects on EFL learners.The case study of Middle School Students
- 2024
Encaderement master
Chettouh Souhila , Hadjici Ibtihel
Exploring the Advantages of Using Positive Reinforcement in Language Acquisition.The Case of First Year EFL Students.
- 2024
Encaderement master
Refice Sarah , Smaili Yamna
Examining the Linguistic Barriers to Oral Performance.The Case of Third Year EFL Students at Msila University
- 2024
Encaderement master
Amara Abdelkader , Menni Yasser
Investigating the Challenges English as a Foreign Language Teachers face in Applying competency Based Approach.The case of El Hammadia secondary schools.BBA
- 2023
Encaderement master
Ammari Nesrine , Mahfoudi Bochra
- 2023
Encaderement master
Lacheheb Sihem , Abdessamad Yassamine
The impact of Overcrowded Classrooms on EFL Teachers performance and students assimilation. The case of Fourth Year Middle School Msila
- 2023
Encaderement master
Boudrissa Ilyas, , BenkhiatAhlem
Fostering EFL Learners’ Motivation Through Project -based Design-The case of First Year University of Msila.
- 2023
Encaderement master
Roubibi Warda
Investigating EFL Instructors’ Constraints Encountered in Teaching Primary School Pupils. The Case of Primary schools of M’sila
- 2023
Encaderement master
MAHFOUDI Bouchra, , AMMARI Nesrine
- 2020
Encaderement master
Gharsallah Maroua , Beziane Belkis
Investigating the Role of Motivation in Enhancing Learners' Reading Self-improvement-the case of First year. Msila university
- 2020
Encaderement master
Dahmane Amina , Chikouche Assia
The Relationship between EFL Students' Learning Styles Preferences and their Language Written Achievements-The case of second year Msila University
- 2020
Encaderement master
Bouzidi Ahlem , Sebti Nabila
Developing Writing Skills in Young Learners Through Teachers' Perception and Reflection-the case of third Year Middle School Msila
- 2020
Encaderement master
Dougha Maroua , Saoudi Besma
Investigating Psychological Barriers to Oral Fluency-the case of Second year University of Msila
- 1956-11-19 00:00:00
BOUAZID Tayeb birthday
- 2025-01-01
The Impact of Formative Assessment on Teachers’ Practices
Formative assessment plays a crucial role in the educational process by enabling teachers to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses, thus allowing them to adjust their teaching approaches accordingly. This study investigates the impact of formative assessment on teachers' practices, focusing on how they utilize assessment data to modify their teaching methods and the factors influencing their use of such data. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study collected both open and closed-ended questionnaire responses from 35 teachers (17 males and 18 females) from various secondary schools in District 2, North Setif, a city in East Algeria. The research revealed that teachers observed increased student involvement, reduced assessment-related stress, and a better understanding of educational goals. These findings suggest that formative assessment encourages teachers to adopt more participatory and learner-centered instructional strategies, enhancing the overall educational experience for students. Keyword: formative assessment, teachers’ practices, teaching approaches, exploration, impact
Bouazid Tayeb , Ibtissem BELKHODJA , , (2025-01-01), The Impact of Formative Assessment on Teachers’ Practices, El Omda Review in Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, Vol:9, Issue:1, pages:51-66, El Omda Université de Msila
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- 2024-12-25
Digital Tools and Writing Proficiency: A Comprehensive Review of Research
ABSTRACT: With the rapid growth of artificial intelligence and digitalization, it is crucial to raise the bar for writing standards. In today's world, it is essential to take advantage of technology to improve the learning process and enhance individuals' writing skills. Despite arguments from technology advocates about the benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in supporting students' writing practices, there is a lack of solid empirical evidence to back up this claim, thus leading to a limited understanding of the effects of digitalization. This review of research focused on twenty empirical studies conducted between 2016 and 2024, which investigated the use of ICTs in writing education. This paper shed light on how technology was integrated into writing practices, its impact on students' writing abilities, and the challenges faced by educators and students when incorporating technology into the writing curriculum. Results of the review demonstrated that the insertion of technology into EFL writing classrooms has shown significant promise in improving students' writing skills, critical thinking, and overall engagement. Research indicates the effectiveness of blended teaching methods that merge traditional approaches with technological resources. KEYWORDS: digital tools, ICT, instruction, technology, writing
Bouazid Tayeb , ibtissem, , (2024-12-25), Digital Tools and Writing Proficiency: A Comprehensive Review of Research, IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique, Vol:23, Issue:2, pages:103-116, Université Oran 2
- 2024-12-09
. Towards Professionalism of University Teachers: Training Teachers to Interact Through Inter personal Skills
Abstract: The professionalism of university teachers extends beyond subject expertise, encompassing the ability to effectively interact with students to foster a positive learning environment. This paper explores the significance of teacher-student interaction as a key component of professionalism in higher education and outlines critical areas of training necessary to enhance these interactions. Key areas discussed include building rapport, practicing active listening and empathy, clear and effective communication, giving constructive feedback, and maintaining professional boundaries. Teachers must also be equipped with strategies for handling difficult situations, using non-verbal communication effectively to enhance interaction, especially in online and blended learning environments. Continuous professional development through reflective practice and training workshops is essential to ensure that teachers remain supportive, and capable of fostering academic success and student well-being. By developing these interpersonal skills, teachers contribute to both the personal and academic growth of their students, thereby enhancing their own professional standing in the academic community. Keywords: Tertiary teachers, professionalism, inter-personal skills, continuous professional development.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-12-09), . Towards Professionalism of University Teachers: Training Teachers to Interact Through Inter personal Skills,La professionnalisation des enseignants universitaires : Formations et compétences,Université de Msila
- 2024-12-05
The Role of AI in Brainstorming the KWL Reading strategy(what know)(K),What want to Know() and what I have Learnt(L)
Abstract The Role of AI in Brainstorming the KWL Reading Strategy examines how artificial intelligence can enhance the effectiveness of the KWL (Know-Want to Know-Learned) reading framework. This session explores how AI tools can support each phase of the strategy, from generating relevant prior knowledge (K), formulating targeted questions for exploration (W), to synthesizing and reflecting on learned information (L). By integrating AI into this approach, educators and learners can facilitate more dynamic brainstorming, personalized learning experiences, and deeper engagement with texts, ultimately improving comprehension and retention. Keywords: AI in education, KWL strategy, reading comprehension, brainstorming, personalized learning, knowledge synthesis, active reading strategies.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-12-05), The Role of AI in Brainstorming the KWL Reading strategy(what know)(K),What want to Know() and what I have Learnt(L),Doctorial 6,Université de Msila
- 2024-12-02
Linguistic Sounds: Exploring Onomatopoeia in Perception, media and communication
Abstract This study delves into the linguistic phenomenon of onomatopoeia, exploring its role in shaping perception, media, and communication. Onomatopoeic sounds, which mimic natural noises, serve as a unique bridge between language and sensory experience, influencing how people interpret and convey meaning across different cultures and contexts. The research examines how onomatopoeia enhances cognitive associations, fosters emotional engagement in media, and facilitates effective communication in advertising, storytelling, and cross-linguistic contexts. By analyzing examples from diverse languages and media forms, this paper highlights the universality and cultural specificity of onomatopoeia, shedding light on its power to evoke imagery and emotional resonance. The findings underscore the importance of sound-symbolism in human interaction, offering fresh insights into the dynamic interplay between sound, language, and perception. Keywords: Onomatopoeia, sound symbolism, linguistic sounds, media communication
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-12-02), Linguistic Sounds: Exploring Onomatopoeia in Perception, media and communication,Semiotic Applications on Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Discourses: Linguistic Proficiency and Visual Rhetoric",Université de Msila
- 2024-11-13
Scholarly Insights Unveiled: Doctoral Presentations
Abstract Scholarly Insights Unveiled: Doctoral Presentations is a platform designed to showcase the research journeys and innovative contributions of doctoral students. This online presentation offers an opportunity for emerging scholars to present their work, engage with a wider academic audience, and foster interdisciplinary dialogue. Topics span diverse fields, reflecting the dynamic landscape of contemporary research. Attendees gain insights into cutting-edge methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and practical implications, enriching their understanding of the featured domains. Keywords: Doctoral research, academic presentations, interdisciplinary dialogue, scholarly contributions, innovative methodologies, knowledge exchange.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-11-13), Scholarly Insights Unveiled: Doctoral Presentations,Doctorial 3,Université de Msila
- 2024-11-09
Building Vocabulary Through Reading Techniques for Improved Retention from Texts
Abstract Building Vocabulary Through Reading: Techniques for Improved Retention from Texts explores effective strategies to enhance vocabulary acquisition and retention through reading. This session emphasizes practical approaches, such as contextual learning, active reading, note-taking, and repetition techniques, to foster long-term vocabulary development. Participants will learn how to identify and internalize new words while improving comprehension and linguistic skills. By integrating these methods into regular reading practices, learners can achieve greater language proficiency and retention of complex vocabulary. Keywords: Vocabulary building, reading techniques, language retention, contextual learning, active reading, vocabulary acquisition, linguistic skills.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-11-09), Building Vocabulary Through Reading Techniques for Improved Retention from Texts,Doctorial 5,Université de Msila
- 2024-10-01
Enhancing Education Through Chat GPT AI: A Comprehensive Exploration of Tutorials
ABSTRACT Technology is generally interpreted as anything that can provide us with convenience in many ways. Technology also has a huge impact on education and learning. These two things become increasingly inseparable because their roles are interconnected. One of them is by using Chat GPTAI . The purpose of this research is to explain Transforming Education and Learning through Chat GPT. This study depicts the practice changes in education and learning patterns by describing the characteristics of learning that are currently needed by using ChatGPT AI digital technology .Through mixed-method implementation, two questionnaires and an observation checklist are used. The researchers use an explorative approach to collect data and delve deep into the use of ChatGPT and its benefits in education,in learning and in various fields, such as as customer service, education, research, product development, and language skills development. Indeed, learners have shown great pleasure attending tutorials using ChatGPT as an important tool for research. The study explores and pinpoints learners’ perception through teachers’ observation and the two administered questionnaires. This proved to be a successful experience. Keywords enhancing education; Chat GPT AI; Tutorials; exploration
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2024-10-01), Enhancing Education Through Chat GPT AI: A Comprehensive Exploration of Tutorials, PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, Vol:61, Issue:10, pages:657-665, Psychology and Education Journal,US.
- 2024-09-01
Abstract: Integrating culture into language teaching has demonstrated numerous benefits over the years. In this context, this paper explores the representation of British culture and identity through the literary works of Felicia Dorothea Hemans, with a particular focus on her poem "The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers". The author presents a comprehensive two-lesson unit plan to impart British culture to EFL students practically and engagingly. The unit plan combines elements of both Literature and Civilization courses, catering to the needs of second-year tertiary-level students. Through collaborative group work, students are divided into small groups of four members each, making six groups. Central to the unit plan are the 'fact strips', tangible tools for introducing key aspects of British culture. These fact strips encapsulate essential cultural insights, ranging from historical milestones to contemporary societal norms. Working collaboratively, students delve into the aspects of British culture. The outcomes are highly encouraging, with students marking improvement in British culture. The positive results obtained underscore the efficacy of integrating practical, culturally relevant activities into the language teaching curriculum. Keywords: Culture, integration, fact strips, literature, EFL Students
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2024-09-01), TEACHING BRITISH CULTURE: SEPARATISTS’ JOURNEY AND FELICIA DOROTHEA HEMANS’ THE LANDING OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS, Akofena Varia, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:233-240, EDITEUR CRAC – INSAAC (Côte d’Ivoire) Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et la Culture (CRAC) Institut National Supérieur des Arts et de l’Action Culturelle (INSAAC)
- 2024-06-22
Strategic Use of Time While Conducting Academic Research
Abstract Effective time management is a critical component of successful academic research, particularly in an environment where competing priorities and limited resources pose constant challenges. This paper explores strategic approaches to optimizing time utilization during academic research. By incorporating principles of prioritization, goal-setting, and task segmentation, researchers can enhance productivity and maintain work-life balance. Additionally, the paper emphasizes the role of digital tools and collaborative frameworks in streamlining research workflows. The insights provided aim to empower researchers to manage their time effectively, minimize stress, and produce high-quality scholarly output. Keywords Time management, academic research, goal-setting and strategic planning
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-06-22), Strategic Use of Time While Conducting Academic Research,Young Researchers in Need of Thesis:Methodological Issues-ADAR First Edition Conference,Université de Msila
- 2024-06-22
Young Researchers in Need of Thesis: Methodological Issues-tools and guidance
Abstract: The workshop "Young Researchers in Need of Thesis: Methodological Issues" focuses on providing early-career scholars with the tools and guidance to navigate common methodological challenges encountered during thesis development. Key topics include research design, data collection, analysis techniques, and ensuring methodological rigor. Through interactive sessions and expert-led discussions, participants will gain clarity on aligning their research questions with suitable methods, addressing ethical concerns, and overcoming practical obstacles in their academic work. The workshop aims to foster confidence and competence among young researchers in creating impactful and methodologically sound theses. Keywords: thesis development, research methodology, young researchers, methodological challenges, academic writing, data analysis, ethical research.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-06-22), Young Researchers in Need of Thesis: Methodological Issues-tools and guidance,Young Researchers in Need of Thesis:Methodological Issues-ADAR First Edition Conference,Université de Msila
- 2024-06-01
Abstract: In higher education, fostering critical reading strategies across cultural literary contexts presents a formidable challenge. As educational paradigms shift towards interdisciplinary approaches, educators must grapple with the complex interplay of diverse cultural perspectives within the realm of literary analysis. This paper explores the significance of interdisciplinary perspectives in teaching critical reading skills, particularly in navigating the rich tapestry of cultural literary contexts. Drawing upon insights from various disciplines such as literature, cultural studies, and education, it examines strategies for effectively integrating diverse texts and methodologies into the curriculum. Furthermore, it addresses the challenges inherent in engaging students with interdisciplinary teaching strategies and offers recommendations for enhancing pedagogical practices. By embracing interdisciplinary approaches, educators can cultivate a more nuanced understanding of literature across cultural boundaries and empower students to critically engage with texts in an increasingly globalized world. Keywords: Fostering, literature, critical, reading, strategies
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2024-06-01), INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION: FOSTERING CRITICAL READING STRATEGIES ACROSS CULTURAL LITERARY CONTEXTS, Akofena Varia, Vol:12, Issue:1, pages:209-216, CRAC – INSAAC (Côte d’Ivoire) Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et la Culture (CRAC) Institut National Supérieur des Arts et de l’Action Culturelle (INSAAC)
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- 2024-05-04
Discussion and Development of Towards Wrapping up Research Post Data Collection Phase
Abstract Discussion and Development: Towards Wrapping Up Research Post-Data Collection Phase focuses on supporting researchers as they transition from data collection to the analysis and finalization stages of their projects. This online discussion provides a collaborative space to explore effective strategies for data organization, interpretation, and synthesis, while addressing challenges commonly encountered during this critical phase. Participants will engage in conversations about refining research questions, aligning findings with objectives, and preparing for dissemination. The session emphasizes practical tips and shared experiences to ensure a smooth and impactful conclusion to the research process. Keywords: Research development, post-data collection, data analysis, research synthesis, academic discussion, project finalization, knowledge sharing.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2024-05-04), Discussion and Development of Towards Wrapping up Research Post Data Collection Phase,Doctorial 4,Université de Msila
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- 2023-08-05
What is Didactics in Research?
Didactics in research refers to the principles and methods of teaching and learning within the context of academic research. It involves instructing individuals on the various aspects of research methodology, including research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Didactics in research aims to enhance the understanding and skills of individuals engaged in or aspiring to conduct research, providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary for successful scholarly endeavors. This educational approach often includes practical exercises, workshops, and guidance to foster effective research practices and critical thinking among researchers. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the development of competent and ethical researchers in diverse fields of study.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2023-08-05), What is Didactics in Research?,What is Didactics in Research?,Université de Msila
- 2023-08-05
Types of Research
Research can be broadly categorized into two main types: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research focuses on exploring and understanding complex phenomena through non-numerical data, such as interviews, observations, or case studies. It aims to uncover underlying meanings and patterns in subjective experiences. On the other hand, quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to identify patterns, relationships, and statistical significance. This type of research uses structured instruments, surveys, and experiments to measure variables and draw objective conclusions. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches have their strengths and limitations, and researchers often choose between them based on the nature of their research questions and objectives. Additionally, other research classifications include applied vs. basic research, descriptive vs. experimental research, and cross-sectional vs. longitudinal research. Each type serves specific purposes in advancing knowledge across various disciplines.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2023-08-05), Types of Research,Types of Research انواع البحث,Université de Msila
- 2023-06-12
workshop 1: The contribution of Didactics in Doctorate Thesis Writing
Didactics plays a crucial role in the process of writing a doctoral thesis by providing essential guidance and educational support to doctoral candidates. It assists in shaping the research skills and methodological understanding necessary for a comprehensive thesis. Didactics in this context involves teaching elements such as research design, literature review, data collection methods, analysis techniques, and ethical considerations. It aids doctoral candidates in developing critical thinking skills, ensuring the rigor and quality of their research. Additionally, didactics helps refine academic writing skills, promoting clarity, coherence, and adherence to scholarly conventions. Through workshops, seminars, and mentoring, it fosters an environment where candidates can engage in constructive feedback and discussions, enhancing their ability to articulate and defend their research effectively. Ultimately, the contribution of didactics in doctorate thesis writing extends beyond knowledge acquisition, nurturing the overall research competence of candidates and preparing them for successful completion of their doctoral studies.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2023-06-12), workshop 1: The contribution of Didactics in Doctorate Thesis Writing,مساهمة التعليمية في انجاز اطروحة الدكتوراه الورشة رقم 1,Université de Msila
- 2023-06-12
Workshop 2:Scientific Research Constraints
Scientific research, while crucial for advancing knowledge and understanding, faces various constraints that can impact its progress. Here's a brief overview of some common constraints: Financial Constraints: Funding is often a significant limitation for research projects. Securing grants and resources can be competitive, and researchers may face challenges in obtaining the necessary financial support for their work. Time Constraints: Research projects require time for planning, execution, and analysis. Researchers may face time constraints due to deadlines, limited project durations, or the need to produce results within a specific timeframe. Ethical Considerations: Ethical constraints involve ensuring that research is conducted in an ethical manner, considering the well-being of human subjects, animals, and the environment. Adhering to ethical standards can sometimes limit the scope or methods of research. Technical Limitations: Advancements in technology can both enable and limit scientific research. Researchers may face technical constraints due to the unavailability of cutting-edge equipment, software, or other tools necessary for their work. Data Availability: Access to relevant and sufficient data is crucial for many research endeavors. Researchers may encounter constraints in obtaining the necessary data due to privacy concerns, data restrictions, or limitations in data-sharing practices. Regulatory Hurdles: Compliance with various regulations and protocols is essential in scientific research, especially in fields involving human subjects, animals, or potentially hazardous materials. Navigating regulatory processes can be time-consuming and complex. Interdisciplinary Barriers: Some research questions require collaboration across different disciplines. Interdisciplinary research may face challenges due to differences in language, methodologies, or cultures among researchers from various fields. Publication Pressures: The publish-or-perish culture in academia can create pressures on researchers to produce results quickly, potentially compromising the thoroughness of their work. The need for positive results for publication can also lead to publication bias. Peer Review Challenges: The peer review process is essential for ensuring the quality and validity of research findings. However, delays in peer review, bias, or the subjective nature of evaluations can pose challenges for researchers. Global Events and Disruptions: Natural disasters, political instability, pandemics, and other global events can disrupt research activities, impede collaboration, and affect the availability of resources.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2023-06-12), Workshop 2:Scientific Research Constraints,الورشة 2 العواءق الديداكتيكية للبحث العلمي,Université de Msila
- 2023-06-01
Fostering Self -directed Learning within EFL Master Training Constraints- the case of Msila University
The present study aims at shedding some light on self-directed learning as enhanced by adult EFL Master tertiary learners. The research consists in showing learners how independent learning, coupled with self-taking initiatives in the British Literature module. A mixed method was used in the study. To collect data questionnaires ,interview and observation were used. Though constraints, learners showed great talent in preparing their power points related to the different literary currents and movements .The study embraced 48 Civ and Lit stream students who got their assignments, did some research and collected their information to prepare their portfolios. Learners of low self-direction were backed up by the teacher. Observations have shown that the more self-directed learning grows, the better the learning control is structured by the learners themselves who are immersed in the activities as responsible teachers doing their work. Learners tried their chances for self-directness to apply and evaluate their outcome.
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2023-06-01), Fostering Self -directed Learning within EFL Master Training Constraints- the case of Msila University, El Omda Review in Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:195-204, University of Msila
- 2023-05-06
Developing English as a Foreign Language Trainee Teachers’ Educational Psychology-A Reflective Case
Educational psychologists have turned their attention from the study of teachers' behaviour to the study of teachers' thinking, cognition, and knowledge. Educators began to focus on the mental life of their trainees. The researcher believes trainers in Algeria should consider the knowledge and beliefs of their prospective teachers in applying educational psychology. Trainers need to know the content they would teach students to reinforce the know-how of pedagogical knowledge, the learning characteristics of the students they train, and the subject matter. A descriptive qualitative method was used and a psychological needs analysis questionnaire was administered to trainee teachers. The study reinforces the idea that trainers need to focus more on the basic information and conceptual knowledge of the psychology of learning, development, and instruction to apply this knowledge in their clinical teaching experiences, methods, courses, and in their classroom teaching for a long-life achievement. (144 words) Key terms- cognition ; educational ; psychology ; learning
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2023-05-06), Developing English as a Foreign Language Trainee Teachers’ Educational Psychology-A Reflective Case, الموارد البشرية Université de Setif 2, Vol:18, Issue:1, pages:PP.592-609, الموارد البشرية Université de Setif 2 Human Resources Development Research Unit
- 2023-02-01
Pedagogical Book on Educational Psychology (For Advanced Learners)
The present book that embraces eight important chapters- chapter one: Educational Psychology, chapter two: Developmental psychology and Learning, chapter three: Theories of Learning, Chapter Four: Motivation and Learning, Chapter five; teaching and Learning, chapter six: Classroom Management, chapter Seven: special Education, and finally chapter eight: Technology and learning. These chapters provide learners with the important aspects of Educational Psychology theory and Practice. Educational psychology is a specialized branch of psychology that focuses on understanding how people learn and develop within educational settings. It explores the various psychological processes and principles that influence learning, teaching, and educational environments. This field is highly relevant for students pursuing higher education, as it provides insights into effective learning strategies, instructional techniques, and the factors that impact academic achievement
BouazidTayeb , ,(2023-02-01); Pedagogical Book on Educational Psychology (For Advanced Learners),,Khayal éditions. Dépôt légal : premier semestre 2023
- 2023-02-01
The Daffodils’ invocation - William Wordsworth vs Dr Bouazid Tayeb An evocative comparative literary study
This comparative literary study aims to explore and analyze the similarities and differences between William Wordsworth's poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud", commonly referred to as "The Daffodils", and Dr. Bouazid Tayeb's poem "The Invocation of the Daffodils ". Both poems center on the same subject, the beauty and symbolism of daffodils, but approach the subject from different perspectives and cultural styles. An in-depth analysis of the language, imagery, structure and themes of the two poems is presented. The aim of this study is to shed light on the intertextual dialogue between the two poets and to enrich our understanding of the universal appeal of daffodils as a subject of artistic expression.
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2023-02-01), The Daffodils’ invocation - William Wordsworth vs Dr Bouazid Tayeb An evocative comparative literary study, Journal de Carnet Poétique Algérien, Vol:8, Issue:2, pages:273-284, University of Msila
- 2023-01-01
Reflections ON EFL Algerian Teaching
This is the booklet that researchers want...A multifarious collection of pedagogic Articles related to research methodology, classroom experimentation, the four skills, teaching theories in theory and practice and other classroom management discipline issues. The twenty articles included in this book are but reflections of the teacher researcher as presented at different national and international conferences. The author, in his self-gratification, opts to share this humble experience with his dear colleagues, experienced as well as novice teachers, with an intend to see their feedback and the implications of the material offered. The author devotedly offers you his hearty welcome to enjoy reading.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2023-01-01); Reflections ON EFL Algerian Teaching,,Khayal éditions. Dépôt légal : premier semestre 2023
- 2023
An Introduction to English Lexicology
For sure, we cannot learn a dictionary by heart, but we can learn the etymology of words and see their development. We can stand on the word as a word and see its formation. Thanks to Lexicology that learners can dissect words into prefixation, suffixation and affixation. The word can occur everywhere but the use of syntax can properly adjust its use. Syntactical relations between words can yield a semantic sense which can serve the register and the pragmatic situation. Lexicology is a vast domain for learners to imbue from; it helps them know the word, its inflection, derivation, plural and genre. The word is dominantly known through the dictionary which helps learners get the right meaning and the correct pronunciation. This is the booklet that enlightens learners’ path in what concerns the domain of vocabulary and lexicology master students need. The author has put in your hand a very beneficial booklet embracing lexical matters through simple lessons followed by practical activities. Learners need to get in touch with their teachers for a more dimensional amplitude of activities.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2023); An Introduction to English Lexicology,University of Msila,
- 2022-06-20
The Hidden Aspects of American Democracy
The United States has had a greater impact on the world, for better or for worse. Its involvement in democracy promotion has attracted such great attention, together with a good deal of skepticism and suspicion. The building blocks of U.S. democracy promotion have come into question after September 11, 2001 where the pursuit of democracy promotion policy historically has served US national self-interests. This paper argues that placing U.S. democratic ideals in a secondary rank to geopolitical concerns along with the tendency to promote US-style democracy resulted in ideological polarization within America and many other countries-a conflict created by the US that is hard to assimilate by the Arabs. Keywords: American, democracy, rest of the world.
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2022-06-20), The Hidden Aspects of American Democracy, Journal of Legal Studies and researches-Msila, Vol:7, Issue:2, pages:419-431, University of Msila
- 2022-06-01
This paper examines and reports on an EFL literature course design and instruction. The researcher believed that EFL Literature Circles instruction in practice is an issue worthy of concern. A new teaching plan was designed to motivate students in practice reading literary texts and implementing activities. The plan consisted of assigning learners with various reading activities to literary genres that were done in groups and presented in the classroom. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. Based on the data obtained from classroom observations, students’ classroom presentations, focus group interviews; students’ responses to a questionnaire and a post-questionnaire of (30 students), the researcher found out that students developed a fairly high degree of motivation towards practising literary reading. The results of the study also indicated that the students were motivated; the course was conducive to students’ language awareness and acquisition and contributed to students’ literary growth. Learning literature through literature circles gave more freedom for learners to take risks, learn by themselves and profit from their mates without resorting to teachers in most cases. Keywords: Fostering motivation, learners’ centeredness, Literature Circle
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2022-06-01), FOSTERING MOTIVATION AND ADOPTING LEARNER-CENTRED TEACHING STRATEGY THROUGH EFL LITERATURE CIRCLES, Journal Of English Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Literatures (JETAL) Indonesia, Vol:1, Issue:5, pages:11-28, Journal Of English Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Literatures (JETAL) Indonesia
- 2022
The Role of Plurilingualism and Metacognition in Literary Creative Writing
This study demonstrates the impact of plurilingualism on the students’ metacognition and creative writing. Plurilingualism helps metacognition become an essential part of a successful learning environment; it enables individuals to better manage their cognitive skills. Hence, a questionnaire on plurilingualism was administered to 40 BA students to check whether the stronghold connection with the practice of writing and learners’ prior knowledge through plurilingualism exists or not. The questionnaire analysis and findings have witnessed a growing advantage for plurilingual students to develop metacognitively in literary creative writing in comparison to their mates the monoglots.
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2022), The Role of Plurilingualism and Metacognition in Literary Creative Writing, El-ihyaa journal,, Vol:22, Issue:31, pages:1005 – 1016, Dr Bouazid Tayeb
- 2022
This paper examines and reports on an EFL literature course design and instruction. The researcher believed that EFL Literature Circles instruction in practice is an issue worthy of concern. A new teaching plan was designed to motivate students in practising reading literary texts and implementing activities. The plan consisted of assigning learners with various reading activities to literary genres that were done in groups and presented in the classroom. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. Based on the data obtained from classroom observations, students’ classroom presentations, focus group interview; students’ response to a questionnaire and a post-questionnaire of (30 students), the researcher found out that students developed a fairly high degree of motivation towards practising literary reading. The results of the study also indicated that the students were motivated; the course was conducive to students’ language awareness and acquisition and contributed to students’ literary growth. Learning literature through literature circles gave more freedom to learners to take risks, learn by themselves and profit from their mates without resorting to teachers in most cases.
- 2022
Mandela's life-deeds and not years-an invoked portrait in the eyes of a young poet.
This study displays the great heydays of Nelson Mandela, a former President of South Africa, the first fully elected representative of democratic elections. Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa, in 1918, he was an anti-apartheid activist and leader of the African National Congress. In 1964, the government accused him of committing crimes against apartheid. Imprisoned for 27 years at Robben Island prison and Pollsmoor, Mandela earned the respect of his captors and fellow prisoners. During his incarceration, he was not well treated and was allowed only one 30-minute visit with a single person every year, and could send and receive two letters a year. His reputation as a potent symbol of resistance to apartheid grew steadily. Released from prison in 1990, Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993and became the President of South Africa in 1994. He wrote many letters in prison that he exchanged with his family members.Mandela is the author of the internationally bestselling autobiography Long Walk to Freedom and Conversations with Myself, a collection of his papers. Mandela gained the heartful attention of a young poet, who paid him tribute, through a memorable poem as thanks for his endurance, perseverance, his heroic deeds, and devotion to his prison life.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2022), Mandela's life-deeds and not years-an invoked portrait in the eyes of a young poet.,On Prison and exile in African Literature,University of Msila
- 2022
Cultural Displacement in Post-colonial Algerian Poetry- The case of the Black Decade by Tayeb BOUAZID
This article examines the post-colonial writer' representations of Algeria displacement occurring during ‘The Black Death’ (26 December 1991 to 8 February 2002) through its various forms-, migration, desertion, exile, exodus and escape. Displacement, which has become one of the hot extended issues, psychological, physical and mainly cultural, has turned into a main vibrant issue in the realm of post-colonial literature due to its vast range of consequences on the post-colonial human psyche and societies. The study displays the physical, psychological, and cultural displacement the Algerian citizens encountered during ‘the Black Decade’ through the use of poetry, a genuine agent for change. The poem entitled ‘Memories from the Black Decade’ is fragrant evidence to view life through the poet’s experience of a fluctuating cultural stance, history, and ideology. The poem depicts the Algerian atrocities within a positive aspiration of people groping for a bright future embraced in tolerance and co-existence. The poet aims to show the harsh historical moments Algeria lived to convey to the other world that cultural otherness should be the order of the day and that every disheartened era could turn to peace, cultural tolerance, and constant cooperation.
Bouazid Tayeb , ,(2022), Cultural Displacement in Post-colonial Algerian Poetry- The case of the Black Decade by Tayeb BOUAZID,CULTURE AND THE POLITICS OF LANGUAGE IN POST-COLONIAL LITERATURE,University of Msila
- 2020
Implanting Classroom Management Strategies for EFL Pre-service Trainee teachers
Young fresh teachers are often scared when it comes to the use of classroom management and the instauration of discipline. For them, classroom management is usually a struggle. Hence, new teachers need to be enhanced on how to manage their classrooms appropriately through careful training programs. The purpose of this article is to suggest specific strategies that embrace intellectual competence and skills from the educational field of psycho pedagogy and the long shared experience in teaching and training to back up fresh teachers in improving their teaching potential and in developing a strong management system based on the development of personal relationships with their respective students. The paper suggests a combined down to earth series of positive management strategies tried out by teachers for an effective classroom discipline with the aim to reinforce classroom control and ensure effective learning conditions through a well set up discipline.
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2020), Implanting Classroom Management Strategies for EFL Pre-service Trainee teachers, Annals of letters and languages -Refereed scientific journal .Faculty of literatur and Languages Université M.BOUDIAF of M’Sila - Algérie, Vol:8, Issue:15, pages:265 to 277, Dr Bouazid Tayeb
- 2016-02-01
The Feather
This is a collection of SHORT STORIES and poetry edited by Dr Bouazid Tayeb, a creative writer, who thought to offer to his faithful readers another series of short stories and poems ranging from different aspects of life. Behind such writing diversity, he hopes to give his readers great enjoyments.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2016-02-01); The Feather,,Edilivre à Paris 175, boulevard Anatole France – 93200 Saint-Denis
- 2016-01-01
The Essence of Effective Writing
We feel much bound to the learners’ needs in writing skills, so we thought to issue the present booklet that answers some of the most common difficulties encountered by learners at a basic level. To this intent, the first aim of the book is to ensure to cover the widest scopes of constraints learners meet in their day-to-day encounters. The material chosen is devised and thought of to be available for any level. The best learner who goes through the contents with an utter mastery, bearing in mind the very featuring of its layout, moving from one chapter to another, will undoubtedly make sure of acquiring something.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2016-01-01); The Essence of Effective Writing,,Edilivre à Paris 175, boulevard Anatole France – 93200 Saint-Denis
- 2016-01-01
The Essence of Effective Writing
The Aim of this section is to ensure that students can produce a paragraph of correct English, know how to form a précis about literary works and hence be able to paraphrase any saying in simple correct English. For ample comprehensive study, students are advised to check with the next section of the present volume to get a follow up in the practice of the different types of essay writing and the reading material set for this purpose.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2016-01-01); The Essence of Effective Writing,,Edilivre à Paris 175, boulevard Anatole France – 93200 Saint-Denis
- 2016-01-01
The Feminine Instinct
The present narrative marked the beginning of the Algerian Revolution in its fullest traits. The story took place in North Africa, particularly in Algeria the springboard of the sparkling upheavals around the year 1956 in a small locality overwhelmed by the harsh living conditions and the severe snow fall and frost. The main character was a female figure called Leila who shifted from Algeria to Tunisia and then to Morocco in search of material support that fuelled the Revolution in its prime.The main events revealed the trends to which the The Algerian revolution cobwebbed right from its start to see the neighboring countries share the Algerian their own calamities. The broken hearted male and female figures of the story added another picturesque image to the scene which started with remorse and bitterness of fight and misery to end up with the great departure of the breadwinner-the sole source of life.The moral lessons one could derive from the story while perusing its chain of events would reveal that colonization whatever its shape would only generate lethal commitments and cause the citizens to suffer. Its stains would burn everything for the long term range and its aftermath was but a dead end, a mirage but a dream that even after the independence, its moral traces would fragrantly be witnessed.A sample case was Abdelkader, a former Tunisian husband who sought refuge in France but did not have a chance to make a proper living there and where he finally got cold feet and passed his whole life on a wheel chair, an injured but a bleeding victim whose trails followed him to the grave.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2016-01-01); The Feminine Instinct,,Edilivre à Paris 175, boulevard Anatole France – 93200 Saint-Denis
- 2015-01-01
Reflections is a series of creative imaginative writings that treat four aspects of personal writings set by the author as a reflective piece for writers and readers. The aim behind this reflection is to enable our readers to inspire by and muse through their meditations and discover how life is indeed a vast multitude where any writer can rove in his imaginative world. Accordingly, the author offers his readers what he senses through his self-gratification. Reflections is mainly related to Perusals, essays, autobiographies and poetry writing. Each section reflects some examples of issues treated. The author wishes his readers to go through these offerings, read them well, and stop and pause to reflect upon them just after trying to produce similar examples. We wish our respectful readers to have a pleasant reading from a critical-thinking perspective.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2015-01-01); Reflections,,Edilivre à Paris 175, boulevard Anatole France – 93200 Saint-Denis
- 2014-02-02
Golden Tears on Drooping Leaves
This is a collection of poems edited by Mr Bouazid Tayeb, a creative writer, who thought to put between his readers and a series of collected poetry samples with the intent to self gratify himself and share the other readers in different parts of the world certain experiences and feelings felt. The author has sensed it deep in his heart to keep these sensations as latent as possible. He rather wants to share and experiment with his ideas in the imaginative world; hence he delightfully rejoices with his readers and wishes them a good reading to his own modest down to earth productive output.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2014-02-02); Golden Tears on Drooping Leaves,,Edilivre à Paris 175, boulevard Anatole France – 93200 Saint-Denis
- 2014-01-01
This is a collection of SHORT STORIES edited by Dr Bouazid Tayeb, a creative writer, who thought to put between his readers’ hands a series of collected tales from North Africa – a ground he thought it as fresh as green grass. The author lives by the idea of sharing the readers in different parts of the world certain experiences and feelings related to the African ground. The tales depict different settings through which the author tries to mirror his experiments. Stories foreshadow different writing veins, traditions, hopes and aspirations to which young Africans grope to.
BouazidTayeb , ,(2014-01-01); Beehives,,Edilivre à Paris 175, boulevard Anatole France – 93200 Saint-Denis
- 2014
Why Algerian students struggle to achieve in English Literature: an appraisal of possible root causes
This article examines the challenges experienced by Arabic-speaking students and lecturers in meeting the proposed learning outcomes in English Literature (EL) at a residential university in Algeria. An overview of the history of foreign languages (French and English) in the curricula in Algerian schools and tertiary education institutions has been provided to identify possible contributing factors and underlying causes of the challenges faced in teaching and learning EL today. The authors believe that current practices and attitudes towards foreign language teaching and learning have not developed in a vacuum, but need to be positioned within the context of past events. Three overarching factors that emerged from the empirical dimension of the study that appears to inhibit success in EL studies were inappropriate teaching strategies, inadequate language proficiency and poor student self-efficacy.
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2014), Why Algerian students struggle to achieve in English Literature: an appraisal of possible root causes, Teaching in Higher Education, Vol:19, Issue:8, pages:882-894, Routledge
- 2014
Virtual Pedagogical Meetings Using Contextualized Forums and Opinion Mining
Different meetings are planned in university structures to discuss different pedagogical, administrative or scientific questions. Always, the concerned with the meeting are required to free themselves for these different appointments. Also, sometimes, they are forced to give up some tasks such as teaching. In addition, certain points of the topic of discussion require time for reflection and additional data to enable the participants to give meaningful opinions and/or propositions what is not possible when these points are presented during the meeting. Sometimes, for important subjects, other appointments are necessary, a fact that sends the group involved in the meeting to the same constraints. The third problem is related to the persons to invite to the meeting: the question can involve all students and all teachers for example, however, it is not possible to have everyone at the place of the meeting. The organizers will then be faced with the sensitive issue of choice of persons. The chosen ones will propose opinions/suggestions in place of the others which can lead to conflicting situations that disrupt the university or department's operation. Virtual meetings will avoid all these problems and improve the transparency and quality of discussions. In this paper, we focus on asynchronous virtual meetings proposed as a web service that can be integrated into virtual campus structures, university Web sites or e‐learning platforms. It is a way for participants (students, teachers, staff) to discuss for a defined period, one or more topics. These virtual meetings are implemented in our case as contextualized forums to be created by the department administrator or teachers. After that the forum’s members have to give, respectively, their opinions and/or suggestions joined to their respective responses to the discussion. In real-time, specific processes for opinion mining and/or text mining, suggestions give a progressive synthesis of the discussions visible to all participants. We developed a prototype for an e‐department from Tizi Ouzou University where virtual pedagogical meetings are integrated. The prototype was tested with a group of students, administrators and teachers. The results were interesting since, as reported by the participants in the experiment, everyone, with this Information and Communication Technology tool, can “simply” participate in a pedagogical meeting. Keywords: virtual meetings, asynchronous virtual meetings, educational digital workspaces, contextualized forums
Bouazid Tayeb , Farida Bouarab‐Dahmani, Razika Tahi, ,(2014), Virtual Pedagogical Meetings Using Contextualized Forums and Opinion Mining,Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on e‐Learning ECEL‐2014Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark 30‐31 October 2014,Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2014
E‐Learning Advantages and Disadvantages Through an Experimentation
The progressive introduction of the License‐Master‐Doctorat system in Algeria has started in 2003. This very system requires qualitative enhancements and changes regarding education, research and evaluation. In order to support the teacher in his pedagogic and scientific activities, the Ministry of Higher Education has initiated the Distance Learning National Project (DLNP) which aims at integrating Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICTE) through both videoconference and e‐learning. Substantial investments have enabled universities to acquire high‐ performance hardware. As for the human support, technical and pedagogic trainings have been provided, the context in which we have benefited from several pieces of training in e‐learning. Insofar as the integration of ICTE is an iterative process, in perpetual development, that gets better according to its evolution, a decade after launching this DLNP, what about the practice? Was there any generalization of e‐learning in the universities? Were the teachers ready for this change? Is this change adapted and adaptable to the socio‐economic environment of the Algerian university? How to generalize its practice to adapt it to our specific needs? It is to these questions that we will attempt to give answers in this paper using data from an experiment about e‐learning training on information management. We followed the principle of iterative and incremental development approach which is based on the evolution of the training design in stages (pre‐project study, contents design, educational scenarios development, tests and evaluation of the training). The experimentation has underlined strong points (tutorial system, course structuring and presenting, activities, adequacy between the training content and its objective) as well as weak ones (lack of learning autonomy for learners and bad time management, bureaucratic and technical problems). A critical analysis of this experimentation led us to make some concrete proposals for better integration of ICTE. As for the potential human resource (especially students, teachers and administrative managers), it’s necessary to make them aware, inform and train them while always by assisting them. From the technical standpoint, many initiatives are already underway (fitting out all the classrooms with video projectors, and some classrooms have computers for each student), whereas training teachers, especially for collaborative work, is the main aspect to take into account. Insofar as the e‐learning training doesn’t fit our socio‐cultural environment, it could be replaced by cross-training such as blended learning and thus secure a return on DLNP investments. Keywords: pedagogical scenario, e‐learning, information and communication technology for education, socio‐constructivism, pedagogical engineering
Bouazid Tayeb , TAHI, Razika,, BOUARAB-DAHMANI, Farida, ,(2014), E‐Learning Advantages and Disadvantages Through an Experimentation,Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on e‐Learning ECEL‐2014,Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited Reading UK
- 2011
Constraints experienced by EFL literature students: A case study from an Algerian university
This article investigates the perceptions and experiences of second language reading and comprehension of Arabic-speaking university students in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) literature classes. In reflecting students’ observations and experiences in a variety of classroom activities, the study attempts to uncover the constraints and challenges students experience and to suggest ways in which these difficulties could be overcome. The findings of the study reveal that lecturers have a significant role to play in helping students overcome barriers to understanding and interpreting literature. Recommendations for improving comprehension and enjoyment in L2 literature studies include the teaching and modelling of appropriate reading strategies that improve critical and analytical thinking skills; teaching and learning within a collaborative learning environment which fosters the development and exploration of ideas; and improving students’ background knowledge relevant to the text being studied.
Bouazid Tayeb , , (2011), Constraints experienced by EFL literature students: A case study from an Algerian university, Per Linguam, Vol:26, Issue:2, pages:1-49, Per doi/abs/10.10520/EJC87033 DOI: 10.5785/26-2-20
- 2009
Subsistence Living and Eco-Positive Behaviour: Two Diametrically Opposed Concepts? A Case Study of Farmers’ Perspectives in Sefiane, Algeria
This study focuses on the relationship between land degradation and human activities in a semi-desert region, the area of Sefiane in Algeria, whose inhabitants are typically rural farmers and agro-pastoralists depending almost exclusively on their natural environment for subsistence. The study aimed at determining the Sefiane community’s perceptions of the impact of desertification and land degradation on their community and to identify how this affects their way of life and means of survival. The study has shown that the population have a strong desire to be assisted in the development of guidelines for environmental education initiatives that would enable them as a community to deal with desertification and land degradation in an attempt to relieve poverty and develop a more sustainable lifestyle. The proposed environmental education program should not be limited to the development of biophysical resources but must include also the support of societal and personal resources and capacities that are inherent to the community. Keywords: Desertification, land degradation, rural farmers, sustainable development, environmental education.
ADMIN Admin , Bouazid Tayeb , Cheryl lroux UNISA(University of South Africa), , (2009), Subsistence Living and Eco-Positive Behaviour: Two Diametrically Opposed Concepts? A Case Study of Farmers’ Perspectives in Sefiane, Algeria, Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Vol:27, Issue:1, pages:59- 69, ISSN: 1985-9899 e ISSN: 2536-0051 Emerald Publishing