HAMDI Bendif
بن الضيف الحامدي
- Departement of Nature and life sciences
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade Prof
About Me
BBA. in msila university
Research Domains
biotechnologie vegetale
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2023
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Etude ethnobotanique et valorisation des composés bioactifs a intérêt alimentaire de quelques Lamiaceae natives d'Algérie occidentale : cas de Calamintha candidissima (Munby) Benth. et Micromeria inodora (Desf.) Benth
- 2023
Encaderement master
Mokadem Lynda , Djerrare Leila, Daoud Chahrazed
Caractérisation chimique et biologique d’Argania Spinosa
- 2023
Encaderement master
KHODJA Amani Abir , MANSOUR Amira
Etude chimique et activité biologique d’une Centaurea
- 2023
Encaderement master
Contribution à la valorisation phytochimique d’une lamiacée
- 2022
Encaderement master
AKRIB Fadila , MAZARI Fatma, LAIB Nidal
Etude phytochimique de quelques plantes médicinales
- 2022
Encaderement master
Phytochimie et pharmacologie des Centaurées en Algérie
- 2022
Encaderement master
Etude ethnobotanique et biodiversité des centaurées en Algérie (Synthèse théorique des travaux antérieurs)
- 2022
Encaderement master
Arioua Aicha , Azzouz Radhia, Boudjellal Khawla
Phytochimie et évaluation des activités biologiques des extraits bioactif de quelques plantes médicinales
- 2022
Encaderement master
42. Caracterization of Opuntia ficus-indica extracts
- 2022
Encaderement master
Pouvoir germinative in vitro de quelques plantes médicinales
- 2022
Encaderement master
SASSOUI Hassiba , LADJAL Yousra, YOUSFI Leyla
Contribution à la valorisation phytochimique des plantes médicinales: Melissa officinalis L. et Daphne gnidium L.
- 2022
Encaderement master
MENICHE Anis , SAIT Massil, BARKA Achraf
Outil Bio-informatique utiles en Biologie : Banque et Base de données
- 2022
Encaderement master
BATTA Saida , ABDELHAFIDH Omennoune, BAKRI Nouara
Valeurs nutritionnelles et médicinales du Safron (Crocus sativus)
- 2022
Encaderement master
Palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera L.) en Algérie : Application de la culture In vitro
- 2022
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Etude ethnobotanique, phytochimique et activités biologiques de quelques plantes Utilisées contre le cancer dans la phytothérapie traditionnelle en Algérie
- 2021
Encaderement master
CHENANE Nada , TAYOUB Fatima Zohra
La culture in vitro au service de la conservation des phytoressources (ex. plantes médicinales)
- 2021
Encaderement master
Les plantes médicinales : une source potentielle d'inhibiteurs de la phosphodiestérase-5.
- 2021
Encaderement master
Etat de la recherche scientifique sur les plantes médicinales et la phytothérapie en Algérie
- 2021
Encaderement master
RIGHI Hadjer , BOUKHALAT Nezhat Ezzaman
Phytochimie et activité antioxydante du genre Thymus (synthèse théorique)
- 2020
Encaderement master
DAOUDI Khaoula , CHERGUI Hadjira
Contribution à l’étude de la phytochimie des extraits de quelques plantes médicinales d’Algérie
- 2020
Encaderement master
ARBANE Khadidja , BAKHTI Madiha, MADJDOUBE Yasmine
Ethnobotanique et phytothérapie des plantes médicinales dans les environs de Boussaâda
- 2020
Encaderement master
Abdelatif Maram , Fodili Assia
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activities of leaves extracts of two varieties of date palm (Deglet Nour and Ghars) grown in Algeria
- 2020
Encaderement master
HADJI Bochra , DJOUDI Nacira
Application de la biotechnologie de la culture in vitro pour les plantes médicinales
- 2020
Encaderement master
Essai de caractérisation phytochimique des extraits bruts de quelques plantes médicinales utilisées en médecine traditionnelle en Algérie
- 2019
Encaderement master
27. Essai de caractérisation phytochimique des extraits de quelques plantes médicinales de l’Algérie
- 2019
Encaderement master
CHOUYA Boutheyna , BOUDINA Nora
Plantes médicinales et traitement anti cancer dans la région steppique du Hodna, M’sila
- 17-01-2019
- 1981-08-22 00:00:00
HAMDI Bendif birthday
- 2025-03-13
Headspace solid phase microextraction combined with GC–MS for the analysis of volatile compounds of Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. From Algeria
This study represents the first investigation of the volatile composition of Calystegia silvatica (Convolvulaceae) collected in Algeria, using headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS). This technique allowed the identification of 44 compounds, constituting 96.9% of the total components. These compounds belong to various chemical classes, including sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (22) and non-terpene derivatives (13), as major groups. Remarkably, the volatile profile of C. silvatica was dominated by sesquiterpenoids (87.1%), particularly sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (83%). Analysis of the aroma profile revealed that the main metabolites were β-caryophyllene, α-gurjunene and germacrene D. Oxygenated sesquiterpenes were present in a smaller proportion (4.1%), mostly represented by palustrol. Other chemical classes, such as monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, non-terpene derivatives and apocarotenes, have been found in limited quantities. It is worth noting that the data presented in this study have not previously been reported for Calystegia species.
HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , Amina Boudjada, Amirat Mokhtar, Guido Flamini, STefania Garzoli, , (2025-03-13), Headspace solid phase microextraction combined with GC–MS for the analysis of volatile compounds of Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. From Algeria, Natural Product Research, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-12, Natural Product Research
- 2025-01-08
Cachrys sicula L. collected in Algeria: the chemical composition of the essential oils by GCMS analysis
Cachrys sicula L. collected in Algeria: the chemical composition of the essential oils by GCMS analysis
Khellaf REBBAS , HAMDI Bendif , Sabah Larit, Hiba Bebour, FatimaZohra Hechaichi, MustaphaMounir Bouhenna, Farid Chebrouk, , (2025-01-08), Cachrys sicula L. collected in Algeria: the chemical composition of the essential oils by GCMS analysis, Brazilian Journal of Health Review, Vol:8, Issue:1, pages:1-13, Brazilian Journal of Health Review
- 2025-01-03
In-Depth Chemical Profile by GC–MS, ICP-OES and HPLC–DAD, and In Vitro Antioxidant Properties of Lavandula multifida
In-Depth Chemical Profile by GC–MS, ICP-OES and HPLC–DAD, and In Vitro Antioxidant Properties of Lavandula multifida
HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , Leila Soudani, Fahima Nabi, Çam Dilaycan, Nacéra Bouriah,, Mehmet Öztürk, Nadhem Aissani, Maryam M. Alomran, Omar H. Abd-Elkader, Stefania Garzoli, , (2025-01-03), In-Depth Chemical Profile by GC–MS, ICP-OES and HPLC–DAD, and In Vitro Antioxidant Properties of Lavandula multifida, Food Analytical Methods, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-12, Food Analytical Methods
- 2024-12-23
Chemical profiling by HPLC-DAD and GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial potential of Achillea santolina plant extracts against ESBL- producing E. coli and fungal pathogens
Chemical profiling by HPLC-DAD and GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial potential of Achillea santolina plant extracts against ESBL- producing E. coli and fungal pathogens
Khellaf REBBAS , HAMDI Bendif , Chahna Renda, Sadou Nina, Bouzana Amina, Bougouizi Amina,, Haouame Imane, Stefania Garzoli, , (2024-12-23), Chemical profiling by HPLC-DAD and GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial potential of Achillea santolina plant extracts against ESBL- producing E. coli and fungal pathogens, Chemistry & Biodiversity, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-12, Chemistry & Biodiversity
- 2024-12-16
Valorisation of Algerian medicinal plants : exploring polyphenol content and antioxidant activities.
Valorisation of Algerian medicinal plants : exploring polyphenol content and antioxidant activities.
Hanane KHALFA , Khellaf REBBAS , HAMDI Bendif , Zaak Hadjer, Souilah Nabila, ,(2024-12-16), Valorisation of Algerian medicinal plants : exploring polyphenol content and antioxidant activities.,Séminaire National sur la Valorisation des Bioressources dans les Régions Arides (VBRA- 2024), 16-17 Décembre 2024 , CRSTRA-Biskra.,CRSTRA-Biskra.
- 2024-09-12
Cistus libanotis from Algeria: Phytochemical Analysis by GC/MS, HS-SPME-GC/MS, LCMS/MS and its anticancer activity
Cistus libanotis from Algeria: Phytochemical, Analysis by GC/MS, HS-SPME-GC/MS, LCMS/MS and its anticancer activity
AMEUR Samiha , HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , Mohamed Toumi, Larbi Derbak, İlyas Yildiz, Ibrahim Demirtas, Guido Flamini,, Maurizio Bruno, Stefania Garzoli, , (2024-09-12), Cistus libanotis from Algeria: Phytochemical Analysis by GC/MS, HS-SPME-GC/MS, LCMS/MS and its anticancer activity, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-30, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
- 2024-06-11
La composition chimique des huiles essentielles des parties aériennes de Limonium lobatum croissant à l’état sauvage en Algérie.
La composition chimique des huiles essentielles des parties aériennes de Limonium lobatum croissant à l’état sauvage en Algérie.
HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , Larbi Derbak,, Imane Haoueme, Natale Badalamenti,, Maurizio Bruno, ,(2024-06-11), La composition chimique des huiles essentielles des parties aériennes de Limonium lobatum croissant à l’état sauvage en Algérie.,1st national day on biotechnology, valorization and conservation of bioresources , june 11, 2024. University of Tizi Ouzou.,University of Tizi Ouzou.
- 2024-05-25
Optimization of polyphenol extraction, phenolic profile by LC-ESI-MS/MS, antioxidant, antienzymatic, and cytotoxic activities of Physalis acutifolia
During the current study, the phenolic and flavonoid contents were measured in Physalis acutifolia extracts with Folin–Ciocalteu and AlCl3 methods, respectively. Various extract was assessed on cancer cell lines (i.e., CAPAN-1 and dld-1) and a healthy cell line (i.e., L929). Optimal parameters for polyphenol extraction were determined: extraction time of 72 h, solvent-to-plant ratio of 10 mL/1 g, and plant concentration of 90%. The n-butanol extract showed the highest phenolic and flavonoid contents (i.e., 263.84 mg GAE/g dw and 72.03 QE/g dw, respectively), along with superior antioxidant and anti-enzymatic activities with IC50 values of 49.77 and 187.12 μg/mL with acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase assays, respectively. LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis revealed 12 components, with hesperidin being the most abundant (i.e., 1829.0001 μg/g). The ethanolic extract exhibited cytotoxic effects on cancer cell lines, with an IC50 value of 0.959 mg/mL for dld-1, but with no effect on healthy cells. The bioavailability scores of the identified components support the in vitro findings and confirm the different assessed therapeutic effects.
HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , Larbi Derbak, Radia Ayad, Chawki Bensouici, İlyas Yildiz, Ibrahim Demirtas, , (2024-05-25), Optimization of polyphenol extraction, phenolic profile by LC-ESI-MS/MS, antioxidant, antienzymatic, and cytotoxic activities of Physalis acutifolia, Open Chemistry, Vol:22, Issue:1, pages:1-18, The Gruyter - Open Chemistry
- 2024-02-05
GC–MS analysis of essential oil from the leaves of Algerian Bupleurum plantagineum Desf.
Bupleurum plantagineum desf. (apiaceae) is a plant endemic to north africa, including algeria. it is used as natural medicine, due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties. in this work, we studied the chemical composition of the essential oil (Eo) obtained by hydro-distillation from B. plantagineum leaves collected from the national park of Gouraya (Bejaïa), algeria. thirty components were identified in the Eo by Gas chromatography–mass Spectrometry(GC–mS) (relative abundance: 96.7%). monoterpene hydrocarbons (56.8%) were the predominant, followed by oxygenated monoterpenes (36.7%). the main components were cis-chrysanthenyl acetate (33.5%), α-pinene (18.4%), myrcene (16.5%) and (E)-anethole (4.9%). this volatile profile differs from those reported for other Bupleurum spp. and for B. plantagineum from algeria, suggesting the identification of a new chemotype. overall, our results represent a contribution to the characterisation of natural products from algeria and the preservation of its natural biodiversity. the same results will also represent a starting point for further studies on B. plantagineum
HAMDI Bendif , , (2024-02-05), GC–MS analysis of essential oil from the leaves of Algerian Bupleurum plantagineum Desf., Natural Product Research, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-10, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press
- 2023-12-27
The chemical composition of the essential oils of two Mediterranean species of Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus althaeoides subsp. tenuissimus collected in Sicily (Italy) and Calystegia silvatica collected in Algeria
Convolvulus L. and Calystegia R.Br. are two closely related genera of the Convolvulaceae family distributed in Asia, Mediterranean, Macaronesia, East Africa, and Arabia, including about 210 and 30 accepted species, respectively, of flowering plants, present as trees, shrubs, and herbs. The ethnomedical use of Convolvulus species dates to 1730s as they displayed profuse medicinal properties. In the present study, the not previously investigated chemical compositions of the essential oils from aerial parts of Convolvulus althaeoides subsp. tenuissimus (Sm.) Bat., collected in Sicily, and Calystegia sylvatica (Kit.) Griseb., collected in Algeria, were evaluated by GC-MS. The main components of the essential oil of the first one were β-caryophyllene (28.68%), γ-muurolene (23.75%), and γ-elemene (17.55%), whereas the C. silvatica essential oil was shown to be rich of valeranone (10.77%), viridiflorol (9.45%), and germacrene D (8.61%). Furthermore, a complete literature review on the ethno-pharmacological uses of Convolvulus and Calystegia species was performed.
Khellaf REBBAS , HAMDI Bendif , Larbi Derbak, Alessandro Vaglica, Natale Badalamenti, Antonella Porrello, Vincenzo Ilardi, Maurizio Bruno, , (2023-12-27), The chemical composition of the essential oils of two Mediterranean species of Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus althaeoides subsp. tenuissimus collected in Sicily (Italy) and Calystegia silvatica collected in Algeria, Natural Product Research, Vol:1, Issue:, pages:1-11, Taylors & Francis
- 2023-12-20
The chemical composition of the essential oils of two Mediterranean species of Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus althaeoides subsp. tenuissimus collected in Sicily (Italy) and Calystegia silvatica collected in Algeria
Convolvulus L. and Calystegia R.Br. are two closely related genera of the Convolvulaceae family distributed in Asia, Mediterranean, Macaronesia, East Africa, and Arabia, including about 210 and 30 accepted species, respectively, of flowering plants, present as trees, shrubs, and herbs. The ethnomedical use of Convolvulus species dates to 1730s as they displayed profuse medicinal properties. In the present study, the not previously investigated chemical compositions of the essential oils from aerial parts of Convolvulus althaeoides subsp. tenuissimus (Sm.) Bat., collected in Sicily, and Calystegia sylvatica (Kit.) Griseb., collected in Algeria, were evaluated by GC-MS. The main components of the essential oil of the first one were β-caryophyllene (28.68%), γ-muurolene (23.75%), and γ-elemene (17.55%), whereas the C. silvatica essential oil was shown to be rich of valeranone (10.77%), viridiflorol (9.45%), and germacrene D (8.61%). Furthermore, a complete literature review on the ethno-pharmacological uses of Convolvulus and Calystegia species was performed.
LARBI Derbak , HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , Alessandro Vaglica, Natale Badalamenti, Antonella Porrello, Vincenzo Ilardi, Maurizio Bruno, , (2023-12-20), The chemical composition of the essential oils of two Mediterranean species of Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus althaeoides subsp. tenuissimus collected in Sicily (Italy) and Calystegia silvatica collected in Algeria, Natural Product Research, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:1-10, Taylor & Francis
- 2023-11-29
Evaluation de l’activite enzymatique de quelques extraits de l’arganier (Argania spinosa L. skeel).
Résumé : L’arganier est une espèce endémique, avec plusieurssous-produit tels que les graines, les feuilles et les huiles, qui occupent une place très importante dans le domaine thérapeutique, l’objectif fondamental de cette étude réside dans l’évaluation du taux ou le potentiel anti cholinestérase des extrait organique d’arganier en utilisant deux différentes méthodes acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) et butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) et en mesurant les valeurs d’IC50. Les résultats obtenus D’IC50 révèlent une activité anti-cholinestérase non importante pour les deux méthodes avec des valeursd’IC50 supérieurs a 200 : ACHE>200 et BCHE>200, dans ce cas, les résultats suggèrent que notre extrait organique ne présente aucune activité anticholinestérase. Mot clé : Arganier, Activité anti cholinestérase, ACHE, BCHE, Enzyme
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-11-29), Evaluation de l’activite enzymatique de quelques extraits de l’arganier (Argania spinosa L. skeel).,National Seminar on Spontaneous Plants "(Biodiversity, Preservation, Valorization and Innovation)" SNPS,Université de Ghardaïa, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie et Science de la Terre (SNV-ST).
- 2023-11-27
In Vitro Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anticholinesterase, and Antidiabetic Activities and Chemical Composition of Salvia balansae.
Abstract: Context: Salvia balansae de Noé (S. balansae) (Lamiaceae) is known to be an important plant used in folk medicine as an herbal remedy in Algeria. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the phytochemical composition, antioxidant activities, enzyme inhibitory activities, and antimicrobial activities of S. balansae extracts. Materials and methods: A methanolic extract and a petroleum ether extract from the aerial parts of the plant were assessed for their chemical composition. HPLC-MS and HPLC-DAD assessed the content of phenols, GC-MS the fatty acid composition, and ICP-MS the mineral profiles of the plant. Additionally, we evaluated the bioactivities of S. balansae extracts by the DPPH, ABTS, and CUPRAC assays, including the antioxidant potential against AChE, BChE, α-amylase, and α-glucosidase for enzyme inhibition. The antibacterial and antifungal activities of the methanolic extract were determined by the disc diffusion test against several strains of bacteria and yeasts. Results: Our findings revealed that the aerial parts of S. balansae were rich in phytochemical components and contained large amounts of minerals. Quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds by HPLC-DAD revealed the presence of 12 compounds in three major classes, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acid, and phenolic acid derivatives, with 0.61, 0.45, and 0.29 mg/g of extract, respectively. Nine phenolic constituents were quantified by HPLC-MS analysis; catechin (72.5%) was the main compound, followed by myricetin (21.7%). The fatty acid composition of the S. balansae petroleum ether extract by GC-MS analysis was quantified. Seventeen compounds, including palmitic acid, were identified as the major fatty acids. The antioxidant activity of the S. balansae extracts was measured by three different methods: the methanol extract provided better results than the petroleum ether extract, and interesting values were noted for the DPPH, ABTS, and CUPRAC assays of 242.7 ± 7.44, 124.1 ± 9.70, and 222.9 ± 6.05 µg/mL, respectively. The enzyme inhibition activity of the plant could not be determined. The antimicrobial results of the methanolic extract obtained from the disc diffusion method, followed by measurements of MIC, MBC, and MFC against several bacteria and yeasts, indicated that S. balansae exhibited noticeable antimicrobial and antifungal activities. Conclusions: These results provided new data about the main phenolic compounds and biological activities of extracts of the aerial parts of S. balansae, which might be an alternative source for synthetic bioactive compounds
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-11-27), In Vitro Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anticholinesterase, and Antidiabetic Activities and Chemical Composition of Salvia balansae., Molecules, Vol:28, Issue:3, pages:26, MDPI
- 2023-11-27
HPLC-DAD-MS Characterization, Antioxidant Activity, α-amylase Inhibition, Molecular Docking, and ADMET of Flavonoids from Fenugreek Seeds
Abstract: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) has a great beneficial health effect; it has been used in traditional medicine by many cultures. Likewise, the α-amylase inhibitors are potential compounds in the development of drugs for the treatment of diabetes. The beneficial health effects of fenugreek lead us to explore the chemical composition of the seeds and their antioxidant and α-amylase inhibition activities. The flavonoid extraction from fenugreek seeds was achieved with methanol through a Soxhlet apparatus. Then, the flavonoid glycosides were characterized using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS analysis. The antioxidant capacity of fenugreek seed was measured using DPPH, FRAP, ABTS, and CUPRAC assays. Finally, the α-amylase inhibition activity was carried out using in vitro and in silico methods. The methanolic extract was found to contain high amounts of total phenolics (154.68 ± 1.50 µg GAE/mg E), flavonoids (37.69 ± 0.73 µg QE/mg E). The highest radical-scavenging ability was recorded for the methanolic extract against DPPH (IC50 = 556.6 ± 9.87 µg/mL), ABTS (IC50 = 593.62 ± 9.35 µg/mL). The ME had the best reducing power according to the CUPRAC (A 0.5 = 451.90 ± 9.07 µg/mL). The results indicate that the methanolic extracts of fenugreek seed best α-amylase inhibition activities IC50 = 653.52 ± 3.24 µg/mL. Twenty-seven flavonoids were detected, and all studied flavonoids selected have good affinity and stabilize very well in the pocket of α-amylase. The interactions between the studied flavonoids with α-amylase were investigated. The flavonoids from fenugreek seed present a good inhibitory effect against α-amylase, which is beneficial for the prevention of diabetes and its complications. Keywords: Fenugreek; Trigonella foenum-graecum; HPLC-DAD-ESIMS; flavonoid glycosides; α-amylase; antioxidant activity; molecular docking; molecular dynamic simulation
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-11-27), HPLC-DAD-MS Characterization, Antioxidant Activity, α-amylase Inhibition, Molecular Docking, and ADMET of Flavonoids from Fenugreek Seeds, Molecules, Vol:28, Issue:23, pages:27, MDPI
- 2023-11-15
Valorisation phytochimique de la plante médicinale Daphne gnidium et l’évaluation de l’activité antioxydante
La flore algérienne est riche en plusieurs espèces de plantes médicinales encore peu ou pas étudiées, mais qui possèdent de réelles propriétés pharmacologiques. Elles peuvent être considérées comme des solutions alternatives prometteuses. Cette étude se concentre sur la valorisation de l'espèce médicinale Daphne gnidium, de la famille des Thymelaceae, qui est largement répandue dans la région de Bordj Bou Arreiridj . L'objectif de ce travail est de caractériser les composés bioactifs présents dans cette plante et d'évaluer son activité antioxydante. Nous avons réalisé une extraction solide-liquide à l'aide d'éthanol. Le criblage phytochimique a mis en évidence la présence d'alcaloïdes, de sucres, de phénols, de glycosides, de protéines, d'acides aminés, de flavonoïdes, de tanins, de saponines et de coumarine, en différentes quantités. De plus, l'analyse qualitative par chromatographie sur couche mince a révélé la présence d'acides phénoliques, de flavones, d'anthocyanidines, de flavonones et d'isoflavonoïdes, ainsi que de la coumarine. Le dosage a révélé que le taux de polyphénols et de flavonoïdes était estimé à 7,5 mg EAG/g d'extrait et 5,27 μg EQ/mg respectivement. En ce qui concerne l'activité antioxydante, elle a été évaluée à l'aide de la méthode de piégeage du radical libre 2,2-diphényl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), avec une concentration inhibitrice de 50 % des radicaux libres (IC50) de 0,14 mg/ml. En conclusion, cette plante est riche en composés bioactifs pouvant trouver des applications dans divers domaines, et cette étude pourrait être étendue pour explorer d'autres activités biologiques. Mots clés: Daphne gnidium, Biomolécules actifs, DPPH, Activité antioxydante, criblage phytochimique
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-11-15), Valorisation phytochimique de la plante médicinale Daphne gnidium et l’évaluation de l’activité antioxydante,NATIONAL SEMINAR: Doctoral Days:«Applied Sciences &Innovation»,Annaba. FACULTY OF SCIENCES,Excellence Laboratory Of Applied Animal Biology
- 2023-11-12
Floristic and syntaxonomical study of the Dreat forest in the province of M’sila, central Algeria
Abstract: For a study on the vegetation of the Dreat forest, located in the chain of Western Hodna in a semi-arid zone of central Algeria. 94 stations were sampled following a subjective sampling during the 4 years 2018-2021 in order to identify the main plant species constituting the floristic procession of these ecosystems. In addition, a classification of phytosociological groups is carried out following statistical analyses (AC, AHC) to study the vegetation as well as a phytosociological typology and syntaxonomic units. This analysis showed a considerable species richness, estimated at around 471 taxa belonging to 284 genera and 66 families. Within the prospected region, the analysis of the raw phytogeographical spectrum indicates a superiority of the Mediterranean group with 259 species. The pluriregional element (or group with a wide distribution) with 114 species occupies the second chorological position followed by the northern element (Nordic group) with 60 species. Finally, the endemics with 38 species.The phytosociological study of the Dreat mountains has revealed ten plant groups belonging to six phytosociological classes : the class of Quercetea ilicis Braun-Blanquet 1947, the class of Rosmarinetea officinalis Braun-Blanquet 1947 em Rivas Martinez, Diaz, Prieto, Loidi & Penas, 1991, the class Nerio -Tamaricetea Braun-Blanquet & Bolos 1956 (1957), the class Lygeo-Stipetea Rivas Martinez 1977, em Kaabeche 1990, the class Tuberarietea guttatae Braun-Blanquet 1952 em Rivas Martinez 1977 and the class Stellarietea mediae R. TX. Lohmeyer & Preising. Keywords : flora, phytosociology, data analysis, CA, AHC, regressive dynamics.
Nabila OUADEH , Saliha BENHISSEN , Faiza MERATATE , HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , , (2023-11-12), Floristic and syntaxonomical study of the Dreat forest in the province of M’sila, central Algeria, Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol:19, Issue:1, pages:63-93, EcoAgriTourism
- 2023-11-11
Phytochimical caracterisation of naturel products of an Algerian Clinopodium candidissimum by HPLC MSn Approaches
Abstract: Introduction: Clinopodium candidissimum (Munby) Kuntze, a member of the Lamiaceae family, serves both as a traditional remedy and a culinary spice in Algeria, where it is locally referred to as Zaater cheleuh and Nabta elbida. Objectives: In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis of the non-volatile polar components derived from the aerial portions of C. candidissimum, comprising a blend of inflorescences, stems, and leaves. Methods: Qualitative-quantitative HPLC-MSn assessments of fractions isolated using solvents of varying polarity. Results: our study revealed the presence of diverse compounds, including aglyconic and glycosylated flavonoids (constituting 3.1% of the composition), phenylpropanoids (3.6%), gallic acid derivatives (0.76%), and triterpenoids (0.62%), among others. Perspectives: In summary, these findings underscore that C. candidissimum represents an indigenous natural reservoir of antioxidants and bioactive compounds. These results hold promise for guiding future research endeavors focused on this plant species. Keywords: Clinopodium candidissimum (Munby) Kuntze; phytoconstituents; secondary metabolites; HPLCDAD-MS
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-11-11), Phytochimical caracterisation of naturel products of an Algerian Clinopodium candidissimum by HPLC MSn Approaches,2ème Séminaire National sur les Applications Thérapeutiques et Agroalimentaires des Substances Naturelles (ATASN'2).,Centre Universitaire Abedelhafid BOUSSOUF- Mila Algeria
- 2023-11-11
Valorisation phytochimique de la plante médicinale Melissa officinales et l’évaluation de l’activité
La flore algérienne riche de plusieurs espèces de plantes médicinales encore peu ou pas étudiées, mais dotées de réelles propriétés pharmacologiques et on peut les considères comme des solutions alternatives. Cette étude est consiste à la valorisation de espèces médicinale Melissa officinales de la famille des Lamiaceae qui est très répandu dans la région de Msila, l’objectif de ce travail est de connaître les composés bioactifs présents dans celle-ci, ainsi l’évaluation de l’activité antioxydante. Nous avons réaliser l’extraction solide – liquide avec l’éthanol , le criblage phytochimique nous a permis de mettre en évidence la présence des alcaloïdes, sucres, phénols, glycosides, protéines, acides aminés, flavonoïdes, tanins, saponines et coumarine en différentes quantités. Et concernant L'analyse qualitative par chromatographie sur couche mince a révélé la présence des : acide phénolique, flavons, Anthocyanidine, flavonones, isoflavonoïdes, coumarine.Le procédé de dosage nous a permis de montrer que le taux des polyphénols et des flavinoides sont estime a 1,875 mg EAG/g d'extrait, et a 5,27 μg de EQ/mg respectivementt. Pour l'activité antioxydante de l’extrait éthanolique a été évaluer par la méthode de piégeage du radical libre2,2- diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)., une concentration inhibitrice de 50 / des radicaux libres (IC50) de 0,17mg/m. Pour conclu la plante est riche en composes bioactifs qu’on peut les utiliser dans différents domaines ainsi on peut même développer cette étude via la réalisation et le test de différentes autres activistes biologique
HAMDI Bendif , ADMIN Admin , ,(2023-11-11), Valorisation phytochimique de la plante médicinale Melissa officinales et l’évaluation de l’activité,2ème Séminaire National sur les Applications Thérapeutiques et Agroalimentaires des Substances Naturelles (ATASN'2).,Centre Universitaire Abedelhafid BOUSSOUF- Mila Algeria
- 2023-11-09
Phytochemical and biological potentialofPrickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) extracts from M’sila(Algeria)
ABSTRACTArticle history: Received 14February2023Revised 31Mai2023Accepted 09November2023The cladodes juice and seedsoil obtained from the prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indca)grown in M’sila, Algeriaareinvestigated inthis work.The objective of the present study was to evaluate theirphysicochemical composition,polyphenols and flavonoid content, antioxidant potentialby DPPH testand antibacterial activities.The results of this experimental study showedthat leaf bud juice presented thehighest yield of79.02%.Leaf juice was rich in polyphenols (4.6 g/100 g) and flavonoids (38.35 mg/100 g). While, the study revealed that the seedsoil extracts presented a weak yield of 5%.Leafy sap from spinyspecies showshigh antioxidant activityand an antibacterialeffect on: S.aurous, E.coli, S.typhimirum, S.marcesscens. Whereas,the antibacterial activities were as follows:for leafy sap from spinyspecies E. coli, P. aeruginosa,S. typhimirum andK. pneumoniaestrains wererelatively resistant to oil,E.coliand S. marcescensstrainswere relativelyresistant to cold-pressed oil. The threeoil varietiescold,90°, and 160°pressed oil, were the most proven oils tobe effective against E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S.typhimirum and K. pneumonia.
HAMDI Bendif , Hanane KHALFA , LARBI Derbak , ADMIN Admin , , (2023-11-09), Phytochemical and biological potentialofPrickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) extracts from M’sila(Algeria), Alger.j. biosciences04, Vol:4, Issue:2, pages:71-76, univ eloued algeria
- 2023-10-24
Phytochemistry and biological activities of an euphorbiaceae from the Algerian sahara
Abstarct The aim of our study is to investigate the phytochemistry and evaluate the biological activity of extracts from the leaves and stems of a Saharan plant; Euphorbia bupleuroids. Phytochemical screening revealed the richness ethanol and petroleum ether extracts in polyphenols and flavonoids. The antimicrobial activity demonstrated excellent response of the extracts. The study of anti-insect activity was conducted through inhalation and direct contact effect by counting the number of insects, where the results obtained showed excellent efficacy of the extracts against insects. Regarding the antimicrobial activity and based on the obtained results, it is noted that regardless of the extract's nature, the bacteria exhibit strong resistance. Our findings can be considered promising and justify further research, including the identification of anti-insect, antifungal, and antimicrobial components. Keywords: Euphorbia bupleuroids, Antifungal activity, antimicrobial, insecticide.
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-10-24), Phytochemistry and biological activities of an euphorbiaceae from the Algerian sahara,First International Seminar on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas,Center of Naama - Salhi Ahmed Institute of Science and Technology Department of Life and Natural Sciences
- 2023-09-20
Antimicrobial activity of the methanolic extract of Clinopodium candidissimum an endemic natural source of bioactive compounds growing in western Algeria
Nacéra Bouriah, Mohamed Djamel Miara; Hamdi Bendif; Fatima Zohra Abdul-Jabbar; Samra Mohdeb; Amel Benmessaoud. Antimicrobial activity of the methanolic extract of Clinopodium candidissimum an endemic natural source of bioactive compounds growing in western Algeria. First International Seminar of Microbiology: Functional Micro-ecology in the Service of Living Systems. Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory of Plant Physiology applied to soilless crops. September 20-21, 2023, Tiaret, Algeria
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-09-20), Antimicrobial activity of the methanolic extract of Clinopodium candidissimum an endemic natural source of bioactive compounds growing in western Algeria,first International Seminar of Microbiology: Functional Micro-ecology in the Service of Living Systems,Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory of Plant Physiology applied to soilless crops
- 2023-09-20
Bioactive compounds valorization through antibacterial investigation of a medicinal plant from Algeria
Renda CHAHNA, Nina SADOU, Hamdi BENDIF, Khellaf REBBAS, Ratiba SERIDI. Bioactive compounds valorization through antibacterial investigation of a medicinal plant from Algeria. Poster communication. First International Seminar of Microbiology: Functional Micro-ecology in the Service of Living Systems. Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory of Plant Physiology applied to soilless crops. September 20-21, 2023, Tiaret, Algeria.
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-09-20), Bioactive compounds valorization through antibacterial investigation of a medicinal plant from Algeria,First International Seminar of Microbiology: Functional Micro-ecology in the Service of Living Systems,Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory of Plant Physiology applied to soilless
- 2023-09-08
Characterization of Polyphenols and Volatile Compounds from Understudied Algerian Pallenis spinosa by HS-SPME-GC-MS, NMR and HPLC-MSn
Abstract: Pallenis spinosa (L.) Cass. is a widespread plant in the Mediterranean region. Traditionally, it is used as a medicinal species to treat several ailments, from inflammation to skin injuries. Although the phytochemical content of this plant has already been investigated, there is currently limited data on Algerian P. spinosa. In this work, we focused on volatile compounds and non-volatile secondary metabolites extracted using HS-SPME and methanol from the aerial parts of P. spinosa collected from Northeast Algeria. Volatile constituents were analyzed by GC-MS, while non-volatile compounds were analyzed by NMR and HPLC-MSn . In total, 48 volatile compounds were identified, including sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (65.8%), monoterpene hydrocarbons (16.9%), and oxygenated monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes (8.3% and 6.5%, respectively). β-Chamigrene (16.2%), α-selinene (12.8%), β-pinene (10.6%), and β-caryophyllene (9.2%) were assessed as the main constituents. Concerning non-volatile metabolites, 23 polyphenols were identified (7.26 mg/g DW), and phenolic acids were predominant (5.83 mg/g DW). Tricaffeoylhexaric acid (1.76 mg/g DW), tetracaffeoylhexaric acid (1.41 mg/g DW), 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid (1.04 mg/g DW), caffeoyl dihexoside (0.35 mg/g DW), and chlorogenic acid (0.29 mg/g DW) were the most abundant ones. Several known flavonoids, such as tricin and patuletin glycosides, kaempferol, and apigenin, were also identified, and myricetin hexoside was detected in P. spinosa for the first time. Overall, our work is the first to report an exhaustive characterization of volatile and non-volatile secondary metabolites from Algerian P. spinosa. The results represent a step forward in revealing the chemistry of this widespread plant species. Furthermore, they may contribute to rationalizing its traditional medicinal applications and preserve the biodiversity of Algerian flora. Keywords: Pallenis spinosa; secondary metabolites; terpenes; polyphenols; headspace analysis; mass spectrometry
HAMDI Bendif , Nabila ADOUI , , (2023-09-08), Characterization of Polyphenols and Volatile Compounds from Understudied Algerian Pallenis spinosa by HS-SPME-GC-MS, NMR and HPLC-MSn, Appl. Sci., Vol:13, Issue:1, pages:13, MDPI
- 2023-07-08
Ethnobotanical study and valorization of bioactive compounds of food interest of some native Lamiaceae of western Algeria: case of Calamintha candidissima (Munby) Benth. and Micromeria inodora (Desf.) Benth.
Ethnobotanical study and valorization of bioactive compounds of food interest of some native Lamiaceae of western Algeria: case of Calamintha candidissima (Munby) Benth. and Micromeria inodora (Desf.) Benth.
HAMDIBendif , ,(2023-07-08); Ethnobotanical study and valorization of bioactive compounds of food interest of some native Lamiaceae of western Algeria: case of Calamintha candidissima (Munby) Benth. and Micromeria inodora (Desf.) Benth.,tiaret,
- 2023-07-06
A Multi-Approach Study of Phytochemicals and Their Effects on Oxidative Stress and Enzymatic Activity of Essential Oil and Crude Extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis
Abstract: Rosmarinus officinalis or Rosemary is a highly valued medicinal vegetal, owing to its notable antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. In the current work, we aimed to identify the chemical components of the essential oil (EO) of R. officinalis and evaluate its biological properties using an in vitro approach. High performance liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-TOF-MS) was utilized to analyze of the hydro-methanolic extract (HME), while gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was considered during the analysis of the EO’s chemical composition. The antioxidant abilities of HME and the EO were assessed using diverse tests (DPPH, ABTS, GOR, CUPRAC, and FRAP). The anti-enzymatic properties were tested by the inhibition of cholinesterases, -glucosidase, and tyrosinase enzyme. The HPLC-TOF-MS displayed the existence of flavonoids like luteolin glucuronide I and II, and a few known hydroxycinnamic acids. The EO contained three major components, namely, eucalyptol (28.7%), camphor (16.7%), and borneol (13.5%). The HME had a high total polyphenol content, as determined by the Folin–Ciocalteau method (335.37 9.33 g of gallic acid eqmg1). Notably, the analysis of the bioactivities of the HME and EO revealed comparatively that they possessed higher radical scavenging capacity in the DPPH, ABTS, and galvinoxyl assays, while EO exhibited a higher capacity for enzyme inhibition. Overall, our findings suggest that both the EO and HME extract of Algerian’s R. officinalis holds great usefulness in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields due to its elevated polyphenol content and potent bioactivities. Keywords: Rosmarinus officinalis; polyphenols; essential oil; antioxidant; enzymes inhibition
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-07-06), A Multi-Approach Study of Phytochemicals and Their Effects on Oxidative Stress and Enzymatic Activity of Essential Oil and Crude Extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis, Separations, Vol:10, Issue:7, pages:18, MDPI
- 2023-06-30
Chemical composition of volatile organic compounds of an extremely rare and endemic Algerian apiaceae species, Bunium crassifolium batt.
Abstract: Bunium crassifolium Batt. (B. crassifolium) (Apiaceae) is an extremely rare endemic species from the North East of Algeria. In this study, we extracted the volatile organic compounds (VOC) of B. crassifolium Batt. aerial parts using an Agilent G1888 network headspace sampler coupled with an Agilent 7890 GC system. The results revealed the presence of twenty-two (22) compounds, twenty (20) of which were identified as representing 97.48% of the total composition, the major components are: 44.67% of βCubebene, 8.82% of β-Caryophyllene, 7.04% of γ-Elemene, 4.70% of δ-Cadinene, 4.11% of γ-Cadinene, 3.77% of Ascaridole and 3.33% of β-Elemene, along with other constituents at a relatively low amount.
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-30), Chemical composition of volatile organic compounds of an extremely rare and endemic Algerian apiaceae species, Bunium crassifolium batt., Acta Biologica Marisiensis, Vol:6, Issue:1, pages:1-9, George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania
- 2023-06-30
Study of production and adaptation characters of some newly obtained genotypes of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in sub-humid region (El Harrouch north-eastern of Algeria)
The experiment was carried out at DAOUDI Larbi pilot farm in El Harrouch, during the 2021/2022 crop year, under sub-humid weather conditions. The main objective of this research is based on the study of production and adaptation characters of seven durum wheat newly obtained genotypes (Triticum durum Desf.). The results of descriptive sheets according to UPOV recommendations (2014-2017), showed diversity between the varieties studied, such as: plant height, straw section, awns (presence, disposition, anthocyanin pigmentation, color, and length), ear (density, color, shape, length and glaucescence), lower glume (shape, color, weight and shape of shoulder, length and curvature of beak), neck glaucescence, length of rachis… According to the results obtained of production and adaptation characters we find that Numidia presented the high value of number of Plant/m2 (350 ± 4.58), Emilio Lepido showed a high level of Number of Herbaceous tillers/Plant (2.70 ± 0.52), number of Grains/Ear (37.1 ± 6.85), and Harvest index (35.62 Qunitals/Acres). While, the number of Ears tillering/Plant, number of Ears/m2, thousand grains weight, grain yield, biomass aerial, and economic yield (1.67 ± 0.31, 423.33 ± 15.95, 48.6 g, 62.13 ± 2.34 Qunitals/Acres, 184.6 ± 1.7 Qunitals/Acres and 98.88 ± 2.01 Qunitals/Acres). According to the results obtained the Shannon and Weaver relative diversity index showed a low diversity in all accessions studied (H’Mean=0.41). Finally, we concluded that the creation of descriptive sheets, the knowledge of production and adaptation parameters are considered as precursors of high yield, they allow us to better exploit these species according to economic needs, agro-ecological conditions, and mastery of production techniques in improvement programs.
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-30), Study of production and adaptation characters of some newly obtained genotypes of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in sub-humid region (El Harrouch north-eastern of Algeria), Journal of Bioresource Management, Vol:10, Issue:2, pages:70-92, published jointly by Wright State University Library, Ohio, USA and Center for Bioresource Research , (CBR )Islamabad, Pakistan. .
- 2023-06-28
Dual Biocontrol Potential of the entomopathogenic fungus Akanthomyces muscarius against Thaumetopoea pityocampa and plant pathogenic fung
Akanthomycesspp.speciesareknownfortheircapacitytobiocontrolofcertaininsectsandplantpathogens;however,theirabilitytobiocontrolthepineprocessionary(Thaumetopoeapityocampa)andcertain phytopathogenicfungibelongingtothegeneraFusariumandCurvulariahavenotbeenstudiedbefore. In thisstudy,astrainfromAkanthomycesmuscariuswasisolatedfromwheatgrainsandthenidentifiedby morphological andmolecular tests. The strain was further studied for its capacity to control Thaumetopoeapityocampa larvae throughdose-mortality tests, and its ability tocontrol somephytopathogenicfungistrainsofthegeneraFusariumandCurvulariawasstudiedthroughdirectconfrontation tests. Dose-mortality tests at three concentrations of Akanthomycesmuscarius against thefirst instar larvaerevealedamortalityof92.15%after11days for theconcentrationof2.3 106conidia. ml 1,withamedianlethal concentrationof7.6x103conidia.ml1. Our isolatealsoshowedantifungal activity against thesephytopathogenic fungiwith inhibition rates ranging from39.61% to52.94%. Akanthomycesmuscariusprovedtobeapromisingbiocontrolagentforplantpestsanddiseases.
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-28), Dual Biocontrol Potential of the entomopathogenic fungus Akanthomyces muscarius against Thaumetopoea pityocampa and plant pathogenic fung, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol:30, Issue:8, pages:9, Saudi Society for Biological Sciences
- 2023-06-27
Exploration and Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites from Trichoderma harzianum: GC-MS Analysis, Phytochemical Profiling, Antifungal and Antioxidant Activity Assessment.
Abstract: In this study, we investigated in vitro the potential of Trichoderma harzianum to produce bioactive secondary metabolites that can be used as alternatives to synthetic compounds. The study focused on analyzing two extracts of T. harzianum using ethyl acetate and n-butanol solvents with different polarities. The extracts were examined using phytochemical analysis to determine the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis were used to profile volatile organic metabolites (VOCs) present in the extracts. Furthermore, the extracts were tested for their antifungal ability using the poison food technique. For measuring antioxidant activity, the 1,1-diphenyl-2- picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) test was used. Trichoderma harzianum was shown to have a significantly high content of tannins and alkaloids, with a noticeable difference between the two extracts. GC-MS analysis identified 33 potential compounds with numerous benefits that could be used in agriculture and the medicinal industry. Moreover, strong antifungal activity was identified against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by 94.44%, Alternaria sp. by 77.04%, and Fusarium solani by 51.48; similarly, the IC50 of antioxidant activity was estimated for ethyl acetate extract by 71.47% and n-butanol extract by 56.01%. This leads to the conclusion that Trichoderma harzianum VOCs play a significant role as an antifungal and antioxidant agent when taking into account the advantageous bioactive chemicals noted in the extracts. However, to our knowledge, this is the first study in Algeria presenting detailed phytochemical analysis and GC-MS profiling of Trichoderma harzianum for two extracts, ethyl acetate and n-butanol.
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-27), Exploration and Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites from Trichoderma harzianum: GC-MS Analysis, Phytochemical Profiling, Antifungal and Antioxidant Activity Assessment., Molecules, Vol:28, Issue:1, pages:20, MDPI
- 2023-06-27
Exploration and Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites from Trichoderma harzianum: GC-MS Analysis, Phytochemical Profiling, Antifungal and Antioxidant Activity Assessment
In this study, we investigated in vitro the potential of Trichoderma harzianum to produce bioactive secondary metabolites that can be used as alternatives to synthetic compounds. The study focused on analyzing two extracts of T. harzianum using ethyl acetate and n-butanol solvents with different polarities. The extracts were examined using phytochemical analysis to determine the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis were used to profile volatile organic metabolites (VOCs) present in the extracts. Furthermore, the extracts were tested for their antifungal ability using the poison food technique. For measuring antioxidant activity, the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) test was used. Trichoderma harzianum was shown to have a significantly high content of tannins and alkaloids, with a noticeable difference between the two extracts. GC-MS analysis identified 33 potential compounds with numerous benefits that could be used in agriculture and the medicinal industry. Moreover, strong antifungal activity was identified against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by 94.44%, Alternaria sp. by 77.04%, and Fusarium solani by 51.48; similarly, the IC50 of antioxidant activity was estimated for ethyl acetate extract by 71.47% and n-butanol extract by 56.01%. This leads to the conclusion that Trichoderma harzianum VOCs play a significant role as an antifungal and antioxidant agent when taking into account the advantageous bioactive chemicals noted in the extracts. However, to our knowledge, this is the first study in Algeria presenting detailed phytochemical analysis and GC-MS profiling of Trichoderma harzianum for two extracts, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. Keywords: Trichoderma harzianum; bioactive metabolite; antifungal; natural products; antioxidant
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-27), Exploration and Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites from Trichoderma harzianum: GC-MS Analysis, Phytochemical Profiling, Antifungal and Antioxidant Activity Assessment, Molecules, Vol:28, Issue:13, pages:20, MDPI
- 2023-06-16
6. Bourouh, L., Souilah, N., Boulacel, M., Bendif, H., Chaib, G., & Hazmoune, T. (2023). Study on the Diversity of Genotypic Varieties of Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf.) In the Sub-Humid Region of El Harrouch, Algeria. Journal of Biodiversity Conservat
Abstract The study aimed at identifying the plants of Bousaada district of M'sila province, South East Algeria, used by the local people as traditional medicines and analyzing their use value. The ethnomedicinal use information was collected by interviewing local informants using structured questionnaires through regular field surveys. A total of 193 species belonging to 69 families was identified. Lamiaceae and Asteraceae were the most commonly reported medicinal plants with 85 and 71 species, respectively. Artemisia herba-alba and Juniperus oxycedrus were the most widely used plants as the traditional medicine by the local population. The highest use value (UV) was observed for Citrus lemon (L.) Burm., Ficus carica L., Moringa oleifera Lam. and Olea europaea L. (UV=5). The highest fidelity level (FL) value was for 73 species. The calculated informant consensus factor (ICF) showed that diseases related to gastrointestinal disorders and diseases of the glands attached to the digestive system diseases present the highest values.
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-16), 6. Bourouh, L., Souilah, N., Boulacel, M., Bendif, H., Chaib, G., & Hazmoune, T. (2023). Study on the Diversity of Genotypic Varieties of Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf.) In the Sub-Humid Region of El Harrouch, Algeria. Journal of Biodiversity Conservat, Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management, Vol:9, Issue:1, pages:41-60, Bangladesh Journals Online.
- 2023-06-01
Physicochemical analysis and wound healing activity of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) fruits.
Abstract: (1) Background: The neem tree, Azadirachta indica (A. Juss), is a well-known species used in traditional medicine for the treatment of skin conditions such as irritation, eczema, burns, and wounds. The objective of the current study was to investigate the physicochemical and wound-healing properties of A. indica fruits. (2) Methods: Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to determine the content of fatty acids and phytosterols, and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine the tocopherol content. The wound-healing activity was observed on the backs of six adult male rabbits. (3) Results: The results showed that the plant contained fatty acids, as well as oleic (46.05%), palmitic (23.94%), linoleic (11.39%), and stearic (7.87%) acids. The phytosterols were three major compounds; in decreasing order of importance, they were -sitosterol (97.26 mg/100 g), campesterol (18.94 mg/100 g), and stigmasterol (12.05 mg/100 g). There were also traces of cholesterol. The neem was a moderate source of vitamin E (-tocopherol, 14.86 mg/100 g). The hexane extracts showed no acute toxicity and low eye and skin irritability and had reasonable safety and important wound-healing activity. (4) Conclusions: The results confirmed that A. indica is a valuable source of fatty acids, phytosterols, and vitamin E and is efficient in the process of wound healing. Keywords: Azadirachta indica (A. Juss); physicochemical properties; GC-MS; fatty acids; phytosterols; HPLC; tocopherols; excised wound healing; rabbits
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-01), Physicochemical analysis and wound healing activity of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) fruits., Processes, Vol:11, Issue:1, pages:17, mdpi
- 2023-06-01
Floristic and syntaxonomical study of the Dreat forest in the province of M'sila, central Algeria
Abstract: For a study on the vegetation of the Dreat forest, located in the chain of Western Hodna in a semi-arid zone of central Algeria. 94 stations were sampled following a subjective sampling during the 4 years 2018-2021 in order to identify the main plant species constituting the floristic procession of these ecosystems. In addition, a classification of phytosociological groups is carried out following statistical analyses (AC, AHC) to study the vegetation as well as a phytosociological typology and syntaxonomic units. This analysis showed a considerable species richness, estimated at around 471 taxa belonging to 284 genera and 66 families. Within the prospected region, the analysis of the raw phytogeographical spectrum indicates a superiority of the Mediterranean group with 259 species. The pluriregional element (or group with a wide distribution) with 114 species occupies the second chorological position followed by the northern element (Nordic group) with 60 species. Finally, the endemics with 38 species.The phytosociological study of the Dreat mountains has revealed ten plant groups belonging to six phytosociological classes : the class of Quercetea ilicis Braun-Blanquet 1947, the class of Rosmarinetea officinalis Braun-Blanquet 1947 em Rivas Martinez, Diaz, Prieto, Loidi & Penas, 1991, the class Nerio -Tamaricetea Braun-Blanquet & Bolos 1956 (1957), the class Lygeo-Stipetea Rivas Martinez 1977, em Kaabeche 1990, the class Tuberarietea guttatae Braun-Blanquet 1952 em Rivas Martinez 1977 and the class Stellarietea mediae R. TX. Lohmeyer & Preising. Keywords : flora, phytosociology, data analysis, CA, AHC, regressive dynamics.
HAMDI Bendif , , (2023-06-01), Floristic and syntaxonomical study of the Dreat forest in the province of M'sila, central Algeria, Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol:19, Issue:1, pages:63-93, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
- 2023-05-19
The effects of margins on the growth of barley (Hordeum vulgar).
ABSRACT Barley is one of the first domesticated cereals, because it occupies a very important place in human nutrition. It is the cereal with the widest geographical distribution, because of its productivity potential in tropical arid areas. The margine is a very polluting residue for the environment but it can be a fertilizer for soils that are poor in mineral elements and which is water-stressed. This work consists in studying the impact of the contribution of margines on the variety barley (Fouara) cultivated on the soil , under controlled conditions. The treatment included different doses of margines.These results prove that the treatment of barley with margines improves the growth of test plants as well as the production of above-ground biomass. Keywords: barley, soil ,margine , doses , growth
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-05-19), The effects of margins on the growth of barley (Hordeum vulgar).,10th International Mardin Artuklu Scientific Researches Conference,Mardin, Türkiye
- 2023-05-15
Etude ethnobotanique et soins traditionnels dans la région de M’sila
Résumé La présente étude ethnobotanique vise à définir la place de la phytothérapie ou la médecine traditionnelle chez la population de quelques régions de la zone de M’sila. A l’aide des fiches questionnaires qui ont été menée auprès des 354 personnes ayant un âge entre la tranche inferieur a 20 ans jusqu’à la tranche supérieur à 60 ans, on a touché des catégories qui ont déférentes profession, situations familiale et niveaux d’étude. Cette enquête explique la diversité des plantes a intérêts médicinaux de la région de Msila qui sont représentées par 79 espèces, ces espèces appartiennent à 78 genres et 38 familles dont les lamiacées est la famille dominante. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la partie aérienne est la partie la plus utilisée à l’état sec et les modes de préparation les plus répondus sont l’infusion et la décoction. Les mots clés : Plantes médicinales, M’sila, questionnaire, éthnobotanique
HAMDI Bendif , ,(2023-05-15), Etude ethnobotanique et soins traditionnels dans la région de M’sila,The First International Congress on Food and Environmental Security,université bba
- 2023
Phytochemical Elucidation and Antioxidant Activity of Seeds from Three Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) Cultivars from Algeria
In this study, the characterization of fatty acids and secondary metabolites in seeds of three cultivars of Opuntia ficus-indica L. (O. ficus-indica, yellow, orange, and green) harvested from the Souk Ahras area in Northeast Algeria was performed. The antioxidant activity of seed extracts was also assessed by using two methods, namely FRAP and DPPH tests. Results show that total phenolic content (TPC) ranged from 63.02 to 81.80 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g of seeds. The yellow cultivar had the highest TPC, followed by the orange and green cultivars. Concerning flavonoids and tannins, the orange cultivar showed higher concentrations, corresponding to 2.97 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/100 g and 5.60 mg catechin equivalent (CE)/100 g, respectively. Analysis of the seed extracts by HPLC revealed the presence of phenolic compounds, including gallic acid and chlorogenic acid, while the GC analysis of oil showed that prickly pear oil is a major source of essential fatty acids (C18:2). The antioxidant activities of extracts from the three cultivars were comparable. The EC50 for the reduction of ferric iron was almost 0.05 g/mL for all extracts. Regarding the scavenging of DPPH, green and yellow cultivars showed the highest capacity (EC50 = 0.26 g/mL). Linear correlations between the content of some antioxidants (flavonoids, tannins) and different activities were observed, indicating their participation in the latter. Above all, a significant inverse correlation between the total flavonoid content and the EC50 calculated for the reducing activity of seed extracts was observed (r = −0.657; p ≤ 0.05). Overall, the results indicate that the seeds of O. ficus-indica growing in Algeria can be exploited as valuable sources of table oil, cooking oil, and antioxidants.
HAMDI Bendif , Abderrahmene Bouaouich, Faiza Bouguerche, Houda Mahiaoui, Gregorio Peron, , (2023), Phytochemical Elucidation and Antioxidant Activity of Seeds from Three Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) Cultivars from Algeria, Applied Sciences, Vol:13, Issue:3, pages:1444, MDPI
- 2023
Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potentials and LC-MS Analysis of Centaurea parviflora Desf. Extracts
Centaurea parviflora (C. parviflora), belonging to the family Asteraceae, is an Algerian medicinal plant used in folk medicine to treat different diseases related to hyperglycemic and inflammatory disorders, as well as in food. The present study aimed to assess the total phenolic content, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and phytochemical profile of the extracts of C. parviflora. The extraction of phenolic compounds from aerial parts was conducted using solvents of increasing polarity starting from methanol, resulting in crude extract (CE), to chloroform extract (CHE), ethyl acetate extract (EAE) and butanol extract (BUE). The total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol contents of the extracts were determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu and AlCl3 methods, respectively. The antioxidant activity was measured with seven methods: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, galvinoxyl free-radical-scavenging test, 2,2′-Azino-Bis(3-Ethylbenzothiazoline-6-Sulfonic Acid) (ABTS) assay, cupric reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC), reducing power, Fe+2-phenanthroline reduction assay and superoxide-scavenging test. The disc-diffusion method aimed at testing the sensitivity of bacterial strains toward our extracts. A qualitative analysis with thin-layer chromatography of the methanolic extract was performed. Moreover, HPLC-DAD-MS was used to establish the phytochemical profile of the BUE. The BUE was found to contain high amounts of total phenolics (175.27 ± 2.79 µg GAE/mg E), flavonoids (59.89 ± 0.91 µg QE/mg E) and flavonols (47.30 ± 0.51 µg RE/mg E). Using TLC, different components such as flavonoids and polyphenols were noted. The highest radical-scavenging ability was recorded for the BUE against DPPH (IC50 = 59.38 ± 0.72 µg/mL), galvinoxyl (IC50 = 36.25 ± 0.42 µg/mL), ABTS (IC50 = 49.52 ± 1.54 µg/mL) and superoxide (IC50 = 13.61 ± 0.38 µg/mL). The BUE had the best reducing power according to the CUPRAC (A0.5 = 71.80 ± 1.22 μg/mL), phenanthroline test (A0.5 = 20.29 ± 1.16 μg/mL) and FRAP (A0.5 = 119.17 ± 0.29 μg/mL). The LC-MS analysis of BUE allowed us to identify eight compounds including six phenolic acids and two flavonoids: quinic acid, five chlorogenic acid derivatives, rutin and quercetin 3-o-glucoside. This preliminary investigation revealed that the extracts of C. parviflora have a good biopharmaceutical activity. The BUE possesses an interesting potential for pharmaceutical/nutraceutical applications.
HAMDI Bendif , Hechaichi FZ, , (2023), Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potentials and LC-MS Analysis of Centaurea parviflora Desf. Extracts, Molecules, Vol:28, Issue:5, pages:2263, MDPI
- 2023
Chemical composition of volatile organic compounds of an extremely rare and endemic Algerian apiaceae species, Bunium crassifolium batt.
Bunium crassifolium Batt. (B. crassifolium) (Apiaceae) is an extremely rare endemic species from the North East of Algeria. In this study, we extracted the volatile organic compounds (VOC) of B. crassifolium Batt. aerial parts using an Agilent G1888 network headspace sampler coupled with an Agilent 7890 GC system. The results revealed the presence of twenty-two (22) compounds, twenty (20) of which were identified as representing 97.48% of the total composition, the major components are: 44.67% of βCubebene, 8.82% of β-Caryophyllene, 7.04% of γ-Elemene, 4.70% of δ-Cadinene, 4.11% of γ-Cadinene, 3.77% of Ascaridole and 3.33% of β-Elemene, along with other constituents at a relatively low amount
HAMDI Bendif , Lakhdar DJARRI, Nabila SOUILAH, Kamel MEDJROUBI, Salah AKKAL, Tarek HAMEL, Ibrahim DEMIRTAS, , (2023), Chemical composition of volatile organic compounds of an extremely rare and endemic Algerian apiaceae species, Bunium crassifolium batt., Acta Biologica Marisiensis, Vol:6, Issue:6, pages:1-9, “George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania,
- 2023
Introduction: Verbascum L. is the largest genus of the Scrophulariaceae family, which comprises more than 300 species of wild growing plants, Verbascum betonicifolium (V. betonicifolium) is a plant used in traditional medicine for several ailments. The objective of this study was to determine the first phytochemical characterization of aqueous extracts from aerial parts. Methods: The compounds present in the aerial part aqueous extract were identified by high performance liquid chromatography, coupled to a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD) and by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), using LC–MS/MS analyses. Results: Six types of plant metabolites were found: primary metabolites like malic, gluconic and citric acids, representing 36 % of the identified compounds; secondary metabolites like flavonoid derivatives (apigenin, luteolin) and several glycosylated derivatives, representing 27 % of the identified compounds; caffeic acid derivatives (chlorogenic acid) and several flavonoid derivatives representing 9 % of the identified compounds; iridoids like methylscutelloside, scropheanoside, saccatoside and so on, representing 30 % of the identified compounds; one lignan and a lactone sesquiterpenoid were also tentatively suggested.Conclusions: These results show for the first time the richness of phytochemicals of V. betonicifolium and that the aqueous extract could be used as new natural sources of bioactive molecules.
HAMDI Bendif , Hanane KHALFA , Nabila ADOUI , Karim MERABTI , LARBI Derbak , Imane Haouame , ,(2023), IRIDOIDS AND FLAVONOIDS PRESENT IN DECOCTIONS FROM AERIAL PARTS OF VERBASCUM BETONICIFOLIUM,Séminaire national sur Les Substances Bioactives (SBIO-2023) 14 Mars 2023,univ de ghardaia
- 2023
Phytochemical Profiling, LC-MS Analyses, Cytotoxicity, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Ruta Montana: An Ethnomedicinally Important Plant in Algeria Address
Objective: The present work aims to study the phytochemical composition and to evaluate the biological activities of R. montana L. (Rutacea) extracts. Methods: Bioactive compounds were obtained using solid-liquid extraction using solvents of increasing polarity. The obtained extracts were qualitatively analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The pharmacological properties of R. montana were also investigated. Antioxidant activity was achieved "in vitro" using two methods: scavenging of the free radical DPPH and total antioxidant capacity. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated using disc diffusion method on 3 pathogenic bacterial strains (Escherichia Coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus). In addition, cytotoxic activity was determined by the "Brine shrimp" test. Results: Chemical investigation allowed the identification of 14 phenolic compounds. The identified compounds were mainly phenolic acids, coumarins and flavonoids. The crude extract and the different tested fractions exhibited an interesting antioxidant activity. Chloroform extract was effective against the growth of the tested bacterial strains with zones of inhibition varying between 14 and 18 mm. In contrast, ethyl acetate and butanolic extracts were almost inactive on all of the tested bacterial strains. Furthermore, the crude extract was found to exhibit antibacterial activity with 11 to 11.66 mm of inhibitions zone. No cytotoxic effect was recorded for all the tested extracts up to a concentration of 4000 μg/mL. Conclusion: This work highlights the potent bioactivity and acceptable drug-likeness of this plant, which supports its further uses.
HAMDI Bendif , Hanane KHALFA , Khellaf REBBAS , Mustapha Mounir Bouhenna, Narimane Segueni, Asma Djadoudi, Soumeya Tahraoui, Abderrahim Benslama, Aicha Ksouri, Abdenour Boumechhour, Mohamed Djamel Miara, , (2023), Phytochemical Profiling, LC-MS Analyses, Cytotoxicity, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Ruta Montana: An Ethnomedicinally Important Plant in Algeria Address, Current Bioactive Compounds, Vol:19, Issue:, pages:1-12, Current Bioactive Compounds
- 2023
Phytochemistry and biological activities of an Euphorbiaceae from the Algerian Sahara.
Phytochemistry and biological activities of an Euphorbiaceae from the Algerian Sahara.
HAMDI Bendif , Nabila ADOUI , Khellaf REBBAS , ,(2023), Phytochemistry and biological activities of an Euphorbiaceae from the Algerian Sahara.,First international seminar on sustainable management of natural ressouces in arid and semi arid areas.,Université Naama
- 2022
The purpose of this review is to provide comprehensive scientific information on Talghouda (Bunium fontanesii), the geographical distribution, botanical description, its chemistry, pharmacological properties of species are stated. As much data on B. fontanesii was gathered using several scientific search engines as: Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, SpringerLink, Web of Science and Scopus. In this review, studies mentioned B. fontanesii and related synonyms and its phytopharmacological activities were cited, the data have been classified according to the ethnomedical use, the phytochemistry and the biological activities of Talghouda. Previous ethnobotanical studies have reported that Talghouda has been used in many folk medicines, especially in thyroid dysfunction, their essential oils and seeds are used in foods in the form of bread. Compositional analysis in different parts of B. fontanesii shows different classes of compounds, including terpenoids and non-terpenoids, as caryophyllene oxide and caryophyllene, (Z)-farnesene, germacrene B, spathulenol, nonacosane and palmitic acid. Phenolic compounds, fatty acids and alkaloids. Polar and non-polar extracts like essential oils have a wide variety of pharmacological activities, i.e., antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, enzyme inhibition, antiglycation, phytotoxic activity, hypoglycemic effect, estrogenic effects activities. This review confirms the important ethnobotanical and pharmacological potential of Talghouda.
- 2022
Climate Change Impacts Can Be Differentially Perceived Across Time Scales: A Study Among the Tuareg of the Algerian Sahara
As an Indigenous community of Algeria and the broader Sahel, the Tuareg hold unique ecological knowledge, which might contribute to broader models of place-based climate change impacts. Between January and April 2019, we carried out semi-structured interviews (N = 23) and focus group discussions (N = 3) in five villages of the province of Illizi, Algeria, to document the local Tuareg community's timeline and ecological calendar, both of which are instruments used to understand place-based reports of climate change impacts. The livelihoods of the Tuareg of Illizi are finely tuned to climate variability as reflected in changes reported in the cadence of events in their ecological calendar (marked by cyclical climatic and religious events). Participants reported rain and temperature irregularities and severe drought events, which have impacted their pastoral and semi-pastoral livelihoods. These reports are aligned with scientifically measured climate observations and predictions. Paradoxically, although participants recall with detail the climatic disasters that happened in the region over the last century, the Tuareg do not explicitly report decadal trends in the frequency of extreme events. The differential perception of climate change impacts across scales can have important implications for undertaking climate change adaptation measures.
HAMDI Bendif , Miara, M. D., Negadi, M., Tabak, S., , (2022), Climate Change Impacts Can Be Differentially Perceived Across Time Scales: A Study Among the Tuareg of the Algerian Sahara, GeoHealth, Vol:6, Issue:11, pages:1-13, AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION
- 2022
Prevalence of Gastroduodenal Disease with Helicobacter Pylori in the Region of Tiaret, Algeria
The objective of this work is to carry out a retrospective epidemiological study of Helicobacter pylori infection in the region of Tiaret, Algeria. We have carried out a retrospective study of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with gastroduodenal diseases, consulting a gastroenterologist in the region of Tiaret. The rate of H. pylori infection is 43.71%. Similarly, we observed a significant increase in the rate of H. pylori infection with age, with a peak rate of (24.66%) occurring in the 30-40 age group. This rate is significantly related to age, and gender had no effect on the prevalence of infection, which is mainly associated with gastritis (82.19%).
HAMDI Bendif , Souhila Tabak, Mohamed Djamel Miara, Luca A. Vitali, , (2022), Prevalence of Gastroduodenal Disease with Helicobacter Pylori in the Region of Tiaret, Algeria, Traditional Medicine, Vol:3, Issue:1, pages:1-5, Zhejiang University , China
- 2022
This study aims to know the different uses of medicinal plants collected for medicinal purposes by the local people of Bousaada (Msila province, Algeria). Semistructured interview questionnaires were used to collect and provide significant ethnobotanical information on the plants used. The most widely used plants by the local population in the traditional medicine are mainly Artemisia herba-alba, and Juniperus oxycedrus. A total of 534 person were interviewed, most are women over 60 years old, with a middle level of education, the most frequently used parts of plants for the treatment, was leaves (33%) followed by seeds and fruits, the infusion (23%), followed by decoction (20%), were represent to be used more, while, the most treated disease was gastrointestinal disorders with a rate of 31.2%. Our study provided an opportunity to access and know about the traditional uses of the inhabitants of Boussaâda, and showed that in the Bousaada the folk use of plants still derives from daily practice. So, evaluation of pharmacological activity for the important medicinal plants is suggested..
Hanane KHALFA , HAMDI Bendif , A. BOUFISSIOU, , (2022), USES PROFILE OF MEDICINAL PLANTS BY THE PEOPLE IN THE RURAL AREA OF BOUSAADA, (MSILA PROVINCE, SOUTH EST OF ALGERIA, Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol:18, Issue:2, pages:94-101, Transilvania University Press
- 2022
Cancer treatment is a major global health challenge in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Hence, finding natural anticancer agents with minimal side effects has become of high priority concern. In response, several plants as a safe therapeutic modality have been used a thousand years ago and remained becoming increasingly popular. This paper aims to provide ethnobotanical surveys of the plants reported anticancer activity used by the local people in M’sila’s (Northeast of AlgeriaNorth Africa). The databases revealed that among the 40 plant species reported to be used in the management of cancer 08 of them were the most frequently encountered species, namely Ephedra alata subsp. alenda., Annona muricata L., Berberis vulgaris L., Artemisia herba-alba Asso., Nigella sativa L., Trigonella foenum-graecum L., Ziziphus lotus, Peganum harmala L. The leaves are the most used parts (45.5 %), by infusion or as powder respectively with 43.3 ℅ and 37.5 ℅.
- 2022
It has been recognized that gastric colonization with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) induces a risk of developing ulcer disease and gastric cancer. The interest of this research relates for the first time to the study of the Anti-Helicobacter pylori activities of three medicinal plants methanolic extracts, namely Allium sativum, Allium cepa and Foeniculum vulgare. The activity of the methanolic extracts was assessed against two strains of H. pylori (SAN158 and 26659) by the disc diffusion method on Muller Hinton agar. The content of phenolic compounds (TPC) was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu test and the antioxidant activity was evaluated through the FRAP method (Ferric reducing antioxidant power). All plants extract were inhibitory towards both strains, with F. vulgare’s showing the strongest activity. The highest TPC, along with the best antioxidant capacity, was exhibited by the F. vulgare methanolic extract (1.44 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalents) / g ± 0.2 and 0.009 mg EAA (ascorbic acid equivalent) / g ± 0.001, respectively). This study showed that Allium sativum, Allium cepa and Foeniculum vulgare bioactive substances may be effective against Helicobacter pylori.
- 2022
Diversity and Traditional Use Value of Medicinal Plants in Bou Saada District of M’Sila Province, South East Algeria
The study aimed at identifying the plants of Bousaada district of M'sila province, South East Algeria, used by the local people as traditional medicines and analyzing their use value. The ethnomedicinal use information was collected by interviewing local informants using structured questionnaires through regular field surveys. A total of 193 species belonging to 69 families was identified. Lamiaceae and Asteraceae were the most commonly reported medicinal plants with 85 and 71 species, respectively. Artemisia herba-alba and Juniperus oxycedrus were the most widely used plants as the traditional medicine by the local population. The highest use value (UV) was observed for Citrus lemon (L.) Burm., Ficus carica L., Moringa oleifera Lam. and Olea europaea L. (UV=5). The highest fidelity level (FL) value was for 73 species. The calculated informant consensus factor (ICF) showed that diseases related to gastrointestinal disorders and diseases of the glands attached to the digestive system diseases present the highest values.
Hanane KHALFA , Khellaf REBBAS , HAMDI Bendif , Miara MD, , (2022), Diversity and Traditional Use Value of Medicinal Plants in Bou Saada District of M’Sila Province, South East Algeria, Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management, Vol:8, Issue:2, pages:61-78, Official journal of the Biodiversity Conservation Trust Foundation (BCTF)
- 2022
Chemical composition of supercritical fluid extracts (SFE-CO2) of Thymus munbyanus from arid zone (Tiaret)
The aim of this study was conducted on the composition of supercritical fluid extracts obtained from Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus (TMC) and subsp. munbyanus (TMM). SFECO2 extracts were analysed by GC-FID and GC×GC-TOFMS revealing significant differences. SFE-CO2 extracts were also analysed for their tocopherol content. The yields of SFE-CO2 extracts in our study were very low (0.35and 0.43%, respectively). The chemical profiles of TMC and TMM SFE-CO2 extracts, consisting of 61 and 47 components, respectively, and representing 58.9 –69.5% of the total GC peak area, were quite similar. They were rich in long chain hydrocarbons such as squalene (10.8 and 11.4%, respectively), and n-triacontane (6.5 and 8.9%, respectively). The major tocopherol form occurring in both TMC and TMM extracts was α-tocopherol, with concentrations of 1580 and 780 μg/g dry extract respectively, while δ-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol were at remarkably lower concentrations in TMC and TMM extracts. Thus, SFECO2 extracts of TMC and TMM are potential sources of tocopherols, with a total content ranging from 120 to 1580 μg/g DWE. Supercritical fluid extraction revealed remarkable differences in the composition of SFE-CO2 extracts; which was mostly contained higher amounts of long chain hydrocarbons and tocopherols.
HAMDI Bendif , Mohamed Djamel MIARA, Petras Rimantas VENSKUTONIS, ,(2022), Chemical composition of supercritical fluid extracts (SFE-CO2) of Thymus munbyanus from arid zone (Tiaret),1ER Séminiare National sur L’agriculture et le Développement Durable en Zones Semi-Arides,Université - Souk Ahras
- 2022
Phytochemical characterization of opuntia Ficus-indica extracts
Prickly pear cactus is a dry climate-adapted plant that remains unexplored in Algeria. Prickly pear cladodes and seeds are rich in bioactive components that are beneficial to health. The juice obtained from cladodes and seed oil were the subject of this study. Physicochemical analysis, Total Phenolic Content (TPC), flavonoid content, antioxidant by DPPH test and antibacterial activity were our objectives. The yield of leaf bud juice extraction was 79.02%, while, the seed oil extraction yield was weak (5%). Physicochemical analysis and TPC showed that leaf juice was rich in polyphenols (4.6 g/100 g) and flavonoids (38.35 mg/100 g), leafy sap from spiny species gave high marks for antioxidant activity, and has got an effect on some bacteria: Staphylococtus aurous, E. coli, Salmonella typhimirum, Serratiamarcesscens. Cladode juice was rich in nutriments and has a potential antioxidant activity. The antibacterial activities shows that E. coli, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, and Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were relatively resistant to oil, and E. coli and S. marcescens strains were relatively resistant to cold-pressed oil. The 3 oils, cold pressed oil, 90° pressed oil and 160° pressed oil, were effective against E. coli, Pseudomonas, Salmonella and Klebsiella pneumoniae (11 to 19 mm of inhibition zone).
HAMDI Bendif , Hanane KHALFA , Benyahia Rahil Soundes, DEGHICHE Bochra, ,(2022), Phytochemical characterization of opuntia Ficus-indica extracts,Premier séminaire national sur les substances bioactives,Université Mohamed Boudiaf-M’sila.
- 2022
l'évaluation du potentiel antioxydant et de l’effet antibactérien d’une plante de la flore algérienne
La médecine traditionnelle y a sa place en Algérie, pays très riche dans sa biodiversité florale malgré l’absence de complémentarité de la phytothérapie à la médecine. Botanistes, pharmacologues, phytochimistes et médecins sont appelés à conjuguer leurs efforts et connaissances scientifiques pour que la phytothérapie soit une discipline thérapeutique officielle comme c'est le cas dans plusieurs pays (Kabouche et al, 2005). Contribution à la valorisation de certaines plantes médicinales en Algérie et dans le cadre de la recherche de nouveaux composants antioxydants et antibactériens à partir de sources naturelles, une étude phytochimiqe sur une espèce de la flore algérienne s’est mis en place pour but d’évaluer son potentiel thérapeutique Le genre Ononis est un genre de e la famille Fabaceae considéré comme un genre appartenant à la flore algérienne et qui est représenté par plus de 75 espèces. La littérature et les travaux réalisés précédemment sur ce genre montrent sa richesse en composés bioactifs utiles en domaine thérapeutique, ce qui justifie sa grande utilisation en médecine traditionnelle
LARBI Derbak , HAMDI Bendif , AYAD Radia, Khellaf rebbas, ,(2022), l'évaluation du potentiel antioxydant et de l’effet antibactérien d’une plante de la flore algérienne,1ER Séminiare National sur L’agriculture et le Développement Durable en Zones Semi-Arides, ADDZSA,Université - Souk Ahras
- 2022
Phytochemical characterization and biological activities of Ephedra alata, Aquilaria malacsensis, Aristolochia longa extracts.
Ephedra alata subsp. alenda, Aquilaria malacsensis and Aristolochia longa, are the plants most used in traditional medicine in the North-West of Algeria for the treatment against cancer. The phytochemical and biological exploration of theme was considered through the, antimicrobial activities. The extraction yield of Aquilaria malacsensis was 37% followed by Ephedra alata was 12.5%, while the yield from the extraction of Aristolochia longa was 10%. The analysis of the phenolic composition of the extracts shows a high richness of the ethanolic extracts of Ephedra alata and Aquilaria malacsensis in polyphenols (415.41mg/100g) and (239.23mg/100g) and in flavonoids (42.02mg/100g) and (35.78mg/100g) respectively. The ethanolic extract of Ephedra alata has the best antioxidant power. The antimicrobial activities reveal that the strains; Staphylococtus aurous, E. coli, Salmonella enterica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus niger seemed susceptible to extremely susceptible to Aquilaria malacsensis and Aristolochia longa (17 to 30 mm zone of inhibition).
HAMDI Bendif , Latifa BOUHAOUS, Mohamed Djamel MIARA, ,(2022), Phytochemical characterization and biological activities of Ephedra alata, Aquilaria malacsensis, Aristolochia longa extracts.,Premier séminaire national sur les substances bioactives ‗webinaire‘‟substance naturelle aujourd’hui, médicament prometteur demain,Université MOHAMED BOUDIAF de M‘sila
- 2022
An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in El Mansourah (West of Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria)
The population of the west of Bordj Bou Arréridj (communes of the Daïra of El Mansourah) uses large-scale medicinal plant resources. This area is very rich and has many species of undeniable medicinal interest. The valorization of this natural heritage requires an ethnobotany study which allows to describe the different uses of medicinal plants by the local population and to establish the catalogue of medicinal plants and their therapeutic uses. Our survey, conducted in MarchMay 2015, using 200 questionnaires, we identified 78 medicinal plants used in traditional medicine of the region studied. Which are divided into 40 families, of which six are the most dominant, including Lamiaceae (10 species), Asteraceae (9 species), Apiaceae (5 species), Poaceae (4 species), Fabaceae (3 species), and Chenopodiaceae (3 species). Leaves are the most used part. The majority of the remedies are prepared in the form of infusion. The almost exclusive use of the local population for medicinal plant species in its daily care and the opening ofa more or less organized market of these plants will only accentuate the pressure on these medicinal resources which can lead to the disappearance of some of the most vulnerable species. It is therefore urgent to adopt a sustainable management approach for the safeguarding and preservation of medicinal plants in these regions. The results obtained are a very valuable source of information for the region studied and for the national medicinal flora. They could be a database for further research in the fields of phytochemistry and pharmacology and for the purpose of searching for new natural substances.
HAMDI Bendif , SOUILAH Nabila, BELATTAR Hakima, BENABDALLAH Amina, MIARA Mohamed Djamel, ,(2022), An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in El Mansourah (West of Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria),International Seminar on Valorization of Agronomic, Ecological and Food Resources,University August 20, 1955 Skikda, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Agricultural Sciences.
- 2022
Effects of pre-treatment on seeds germination in vitro and in soil of some medicinal plants
Actuellement, les plantes médicinales (PM) représentent une source considérable et permanente pour les principes actifs. Parmi les plantes médicinales industrialisées et commercialisées en Algérie, on trouve le Cuminum cyminum, Ocimum basilicum, Pimpinella anisum et Mentha pulegium. Parmi les mesures qui pourraient contribuer au redressement de ce secteur, nous citons l’instauration des surfaces cultivées des plantes médicinales. Ainsi, le semis, le bouturage et la culture in vitro qui pourraient être un moyen de production et d’approvisionnement en plantes médicinales. Ce travail expérimental sur la performance germinative des graines de C. cyminum, O. basilicum et P. anisum, dans le but de déterminer le taux de germination et la croissance dans 5semaines sans traitement dans la serre et avec traitement in vitro. Selon les espèces, les taux de germination presque sont homogènes dans les 2 compartiments de P. anisum et C. cyminum obtenu pour une durée de germination de 2 à 5 semaine tandis que l’O. basilicum a montré un retard dans la germination au cours de 3 premières semaines dans la serre, contrairement in vitro,ou il’a montré dès la 1ère semaine, et cela indique la nécessité de traiter les graines pour raccourcir le temps de germination. Ce travail expérimental aussi, a pour but la multiplication de M. pulegium par bouturage et culture in vitro, la culture in vitro donne des bons résultats concernant la multiplication de M. pulegium selon les paramètres de croissance (tige, racine, feuille et nœud) par rapport au bouturage.
HAMDI Bendif , Nabila ADOUI , BAHLOULI Imane, BRANTI Sylia, YAHIA Ahlam, HECHAICHI Fatima Zohra, ,(2022), Effects of pre-treatment on seeds germination in vitro and in soil of some medicinal plants,1er Séminaire International sur la Biotechnologie Verte et Sécurité Alimentaire (BVSA, webinaire).,Université de KHENCHELA
- 2022
Phytochemicals profiling with thin layer chromatography and antimicrobial activity of Centaurea parviflora extracts: an Algerian medicinal plant
Background: Centaurea parviflora (C. parviflora), belonging to the family Asteraceae, is an Algerian medicinal plant used in the folk medicine to treat different diseases related to hyperglycemic and inflammatory disorders, as well as in food. Objective: This present study aimed to carried out the antimicrobial activity and the phytochemical profiling of the extracts of C. parviflora. A qualitative analysis by thin layer chromatography of the methanolic extract have been studied. Methods: The extraction of phenolic compounds was conducted using solvent of increasing polarity starting from the methanol extract, resulting in crud extract (CE), chloromform extract (CHE), ethyl acetat extract (EAE) and butanol extract (BUE). The antimicrobial activity of extracts was achieved by the use of disc diffusion method, the thin layer chromatography was used to establish the phytochemical profiling of extracts. Results: Using TLC, different components like Flavonoids and polyphenols are noted. The Antimicrobial activities of the C. parviflora extracts and fractions shows that the methanolic extracts was active and exhibit antimicrobial activity by inhibiting the in vitro growth of microbial germs: S. aureus (IZD, 8.64 and 7.00 mm), and S. aureus (IZD, 13.22 and 12.00 mm), Selmonella (IZD, 8.03 and 7.00 mm), A. sniger (IZD, 8.22 and 7.00 mm) and Pseudomonas sp. (IZD, 15.23 and 12.12 mm).Conclusion: The preliminary investigation reveals that the extracts of C. parviflora have a good biopharmaclogical, activities. Butanol extract possess an interesting potential for pharmaceutical/nutraceutical applications.
HAMDI Bendif , HECHAICHI Fatima Zohra, Chawki BENSOUICI, Nabila SOUILAH, Mohamed Djamel MIARA, ,(2022), Phytochemicals profiling with thin layer chromatography and antimicrobial activity of Centaurea parviflora extracts: an Algerian medicinal plant,1er Webinaire International sur la Biodiversité et la Valorisation Végétales et Microbiennes (WIBVVM),Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohamed BOUDIAF
- 2022
Optimization of Ultrasound assisted of antioxidant phenolics extraction from an Algerian physalis species
Background: The genus Physalis was first found by Linnaeusin 1753, withnin especies. However, two of the nine species are now known as Withania. Physalis species have been used in Asian and American folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments such as cancer, leukemia, dermatitis, asthma, malaria, liver disorders, and as an immunomodulatory agent. For these reasons, our work is focused on phytochemical and biological studies of the Physalis genus. Materials and methods: As a first step, our study used a face-centered central composite design (CCDC) to generate surface responses and ultrasound bath equipment to optimize three parameters (extraction time, ratio liquid/solid, and solvent concentration) to obtain the best extraction conditions, influencing total bioactive content (TPC, TFC) as well as total antioxidant activity (TAC). Results: According to our experimental design results, the highest values of responses (TPC, TFC, and TAC) were obtained under the following conditions: 70% ethanol concentration, 60 minutes of extraction time, and a 10:1 dry weight of plant ratio. Conclusion: As a result, it appears reasonable to believe that optimized ultrasonic extraction could be successfully applied to maximize the yield of antioxidant polyphenols from Physalis species.
LARBI Derbak , HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf BELKHIRI , AYAD Radia, SOUILAH Nabila, ,(2022), Optimization of Ultrasound assisted of antioxidant phenolics extraction from an Algerian physalis species,International Seminar on Valorization of Agronomic, Ecological and Food Resources,University of Skikda
- 2022
Technologies de la Culture in Vitro S3 2M BV 2022 expertisé
Le succès de la biotechnologie végétale repose sur les fondamentaux techniques de culture de tissus végétaux, qui aide à fournir une compréhension de base des exigences physiques et chimiques de la culture des cellules, des tissus et des organes, de leur croissance et de leur développement. La mise en place de cultures de cellules, de tissus et d'organes et la régénération de plantules dans des conditions in vitro ont ouvert de nouvelles voies dans le domaine de la biotechnologie végétale comme l’amélioration des plantes, la conservation de ressources végétales, le transport de ressources végétales d’une région à l’autre, propager des plantes réfractaires aux méthodes traditionnelles (bouturage et greffage), propagation rapide est possible pour les espèces qui ont un temps de génération prolongé, de faibles niveaux de production de semences, la multiplication végétative pendant toute l'année, surmonte les remises saisonnières pour la germination des semences, la production de substances intéressantes pour l’industrie, et l’agroalimentaires, l’obtention de clones sélectionnés pour leur vigueur, leurs caractères intéressants, l’assainissement des végétaux et l’amélioration des conditions sanitaires par la possibilité l’éradication des viroses par exemple, le raccourcissement des cycles de vie des végétaux, la sauvegarde de génotypes produits par fécondation contrôlée grâce à la culture d'embryons zygotiques ou d'axes embryonnaires, la production d'haploïdes par androgenèse (culture d'anthères) ou gynogenèse (sacs embryonnaires, oosphères non fécondés) et la production de plants génétiquement modifiés via Agrobacterium tumefaciens par l’utilisation de techniques de régénération faisant appel à l'embryogenèse somatique au bourgeonnement adventif et à la micro propagation.
HAMDIBendif , ,(2022); Technologies de la Culture in Vitro S3 2M BV 2022 expertisé,msila university,
- 2022
Résumé : Introduction : En Algérie, pays très riche dans sa biodiversité florale, la médecine traditionnelle y a sa place malgré l’absence de complémentarité de la phytothérapie à la médecine. Botanistes, phytochimistes, pharmacologues et médecins sont appelés à conjuguer leurs connaissances scientifiques pour que la phytothérapie soit une discipline thérapeutique officielle comme c'est le cas dans plusieurs pays comme la Chine, la Turquie, etc (Kabouche et al, 2005). Dans le cadre de la recherche de nouveaux composants antioxydants et antibactériens à partir de sources naturelles et de la contribution à la valorisation de certaines plantes médicinales en Algérie, nous avons concentrés notre étude phytochimiqe sur une espèce de la flore algérienne pour but d’évaluer son potentiel thérapeutique Le genre Glebionis qui relève de la famille Asteracée est un genre appartenant à la flore algérienne. La recherche bibliographique et les travaux précédents sur ce genre montrent sa richesse en composés chimiques utiles comme médicaments, ce qui justifie sa grande utilisation en médecine traditionnelle. Matériel et méthode : L’activité antiradicalaire de l’extrait hydroalcoolique de la plante du genre Glebionis a été estimée par une simple méthode colorimétrique. Ce test utilise le radical libre stable 2,2-diphényl-1-picrylhydrazyle (DPPH•) de couleur violette à l’état stable. La couleur change en jaune en présence d’antioxydant donneur d’hydrogène (Koleva et al., 2002), un volume de 1 ml de la solution de DPPH d’une absorbance de 0.750 à une longueur d’onde de 517 nm est ajouté à différentes concentrations de notre extrait. Tandis que L’activité antibactérienne de cet extrait est testée par la technique de diffusion sur disques en papier (Leulmi, 2018). Le test est réalisé vis-à-vis des différentes bactéries de Gram + et de Gram –. Résultat et discussion : Compte tenu de la complexité des processus d’oxydation et la nature diversifiée des antioxydants, avec des composants à la fois hydrophiles et hydrophobes, il n’y a pas une méthode universelle par laquelle l’activité antioxydante peut être mesurée quantitativement et d’une façon précise (Cristina et al., 2009). L’activité antioxydante ici a été évaluée par le test de DPPH, qui est l’un des tests les plus utilisés en raison de sa rapidité, sensibilité, commodité et de sa reproductibilité. L’activité antioxydante a été évaluée par spectrophotométrie à 517 nm, elle est exprimée en concentration d’inhibition IC50. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’IC50 du témoin utilisé (trolox) est égale à 0,523 mg/ml est meilleure par rapport à notre extrait de plante Glebionis qui égale à 0,849 mg/ml. L’étude de l’activité antibactérienne de l’extraits de notre plante est testée par la méthode de diffusion des puits sur un milieu gélosé face à trois souches bactériennes à savoir Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia .coli et Staphylococcus aureus. Les résultats montrent une grande sensibilité de la douche Staphylococcus aureus face à notre extrait hydroalcoolique de la pante Glebionis avec une zone d’inhibition qui dépasse 15 mm. De même pour la souche Pseudomonas aeruginosa qui présente une forte sensibilité par une zone d’inhibition qui dépasse 16 mm face à cette plante de Glebionis. Escherichia .coli était moyennement sensible une zone d’inhibition auteur de 10 mm. La différence de la taille du halo observé entre les isolats peut refléter une production de molécules bioactives différentes ou une production des mêmes molécules avec des concentrations différentes. De ce fait, de plus amples études sont nécessaires pour confirmer l’une ou l’autre. Conclusion : Les plantes médicinales restent pour toujours une source persistante des composés bioactifs, l’exploitation de cette richesse deviens indispensable pour échapper des produits synthétisés chimiquement. L’étude faite sur cette plante du genre Glebionis montre qu’elle possède un potentiel thérapeutique qui peut être utilisée en activité antioxydante ou celle antibactérienne compte tenu des résultats de ce travail. Mot clés : Glebionis, plante médecinale, activité antioxydante, activité antibactérienne.
LARBI Derbak , HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , AYAD Radia, AMEUR Samiha, ,(2022), L’ETUDE DU POUVOIR ANTIOXYDANT ET DE L’EFFET ANTIBACTERIEN D’UNE PLANTE APPARTENANT A LA FLORE ALGERIENNE,3ème Séminaire National d’Ethnobotanique, d’Ethnobiologie et de Valorisation des Substances Naturelles,Kouba, Algiers, Algeria
- 2022
Bioctive compounds of medicinal plant from Algeria and their use as cosmetic ingredients.
Bioctive compounds of medicinal plant from Algeria and their use as cosmetic ingredients.
HAMDI Bendif , Khellaf REBBAS , R. Chahna, N. Sadou, R. Seridi, ,(2022), Bioctive compounds of medicinal plant from Algeria and their use as cosmetic ingredients.,The first international seminar on green biotechnology and food security,Université Khenchela
- 2019-06-30
Effet des différentes catégories d’âge de l’arbre dans le comportement de quelques variétés d’abricotier (Prunus Armeniaca L.) dans la région de Magra, M’Sila, Algérie.
L’abricotier c’est l’une des espèces fruitières la plus répondue en Algérie, la wilaya de M’Sila est l’une des plus importantes régions de l’Algérie qui recèle des variétés les plus appréciées. Notre expérimentation s’intéresse à plusieurs aspects concernant l’étude du comportement de trois variétés (Louzi rouge, Bulida et Pavit) d’abricotiers vis-à-vis de l’effet de la catégorie d’âge de l’arbre, pour chaque stade phénologique du cycle biologique annuel de l’abricotier et les caractéristiques physiques et biochimiques des fruits. La variété Bulida est la plus précoce, suivie par la variété Pavit et enfin par la variété Louzi rouge qui est la plus tardive. On note que l’influence de l’âge de l’arbre est très importante sur le pourcentage des stades phénologiques, du débourrement des boutons floraux à la maturation des fruits généralement la valeur la plus élevée est notée généralement chez les arbres adultes. Les bonnes caractéristiques physiques des fruits sont en faveur des arbres adultes tandis que les caractéristiques organoleptiques sont meilleures chez les fruits des vieux arbres.
Abdelghani ZEDAM , HAMDI Bendif , Radhouane BENMEHAIA , Slimane TELLACHE , Bahlouli Fayçal, Slamani Amel, , (2019-06-30), Effet des différentes catégories d’âge de l’arbre dans le comportement de quelques variétés d’abricotier (Prunus Armeniaca L.) dans la région de Magra, M’Sila, Algérie., Revue des bioressources, Vol:9, Issue:1, pages:18-26, Université Kasdi Merbah de Ouargla- Algérie
- 2017-12-29
Contribution to the study of some aspects of pollination in six varieties of apricot in the region of M'sila (Algeria)
The present work consists in contributing to the study of pollination. Field observations and tests were carried out on six varieties of apricot in the region of M'sila, "Pavit", "Boulida" "Alarbi", "Tounsi", "Ben sarmouk" and "Louzi rouge". For natural self-pollination, the branches were covered to avoid cross-pollination, and the fruit set was determined. Controlled pollination was carried out using pollen and pollen from the other trees that bloom at about the same time. The fruit set rate was determined after counting the fruits in relation to the number of blooming flowers. The rate of fruit set varies from one variety to another. Alarbi with 62.5%, Louzi with 69.7%, Tounssi with 56.5%, Bulida with 50.7%, Ben Sermouk with 23.2%, and Pavit with 45.8%. The bagging rate of the bagged branch obtained at the end of the physiological fall did not show any significant differences between the varieties and ranged between 77.50% for Alarbi and 41.22% for Pavit. The results show that the number of fruits after manual crossing is zero for all crops. All varieties tested are self-compatible and no cross-compatibility group has been guessed on the tested growths, from self-pollination and inter-pollination.
Abdelghani ZEDAM , HAMDI Bendif , Radhouane BENMEHAIA , Slimane TELLACHE , BBQHLOULI Fayçal, Salamani Amel, , (2017-12-29), Contribution to the study of some aspects of pollination in six varieties of apricot in the region of M'sila (Algeria), Journal of Scientific Agriculture, Vol:1, Issue:, pages:347–351, Update Publishing House
- 2017-10-29
Caractère d'auto - et d'inter - compatibilité chez six cultivars d'abricotier dans la région de M'sila (Algérie)
L’abricotier constitue une culture stratégique dans la région du M’sila. Le présent travail consiste en la contribution { l’étude de la pollinisation, des observations sur terrain et des tests ont été menés sur six variétés, "Pavit","Boulida","Alarbi","Tounsi","Bensearmouk" et "Louzi rouge". Le taux de débourrement et de floraison, a été déterminé par comptage du nombre de boutons floraux ayant débourrés par rapport au nombre total de boutons floraux. Et du nombre de fleurs épanouies sur le nombre total de boutons à fleurs débourrés respectivement. Pour l’autopollinisation naturelle, les branches ont été ensachées pour éviter la pollinisation croisée, et l'ensemble de fruits a été déterminé. Des pollinisations contrôlées ont été réalisées en utilisant le propre pollen et le pollen de l'arbre d'autres qui fleurissent à peu près au même moment. Le taux de nouaison a été déterminé après comptage des fruits noués par rapport au nombre de fleurs épanouies. Les taux de débourrement sont élevés pour l’ensemble des variétés, le plus élevé a été observé chez les variétés Tounsi et Bulida avec 93.93 et 95.91% respectivement, 95.81% pour Alarbi et 93.75% pour Bensermouk, et 89.75 et 80.97% pour Louzi et Pavit respectivement. Le taux de floraison est plus important chez toutes les variétés, le plus élevé est chez la variété Bulida 95.77% puis Tounssi rouge, Alarbi, Bensermouk et et Louzi avec plus de 93%, pour Pavit, le taux est moins important avec 77.36%. Le taux de nouaison varie d’une variété { l’autre. Alarbi avec 62,5%, Louzi avec 69,7%, puis Tounssi rouge avec 56,5%, Bulida avec 50,7%, Bensermouk avec 23,2 % et Pavit avec 45,8 %. Le taux de nouaison du rameau ensaché obtenus { la fin de la chute physiologique n’ont pas présenté de différences significatives entre les variétés et se sont situés entre77,50% pour les Alarbi et 41,22% pour Pavit. Les résultats montrent que le nombre des fruits noués après le croisement manuel chez les six variétés est nul pour tous les croisements. Toutes les variétés testées sont auto-compatible et aucun groupe d’inter-compatibilité n’a été deviné sur les croisement testés à partir d’auto-pollinisation et inter pollinisation.
Abdelghani ZEDAM , HAMDI Bendif , Radhouane BENMEHAIA , Slimane TELLACHE , El Bagore Hafida, Benadel Zakiya, Slamani Amel, Bahlouli Fayçal, ,(2017-10-29), Caractère d'auto - et d'inter - compatibilité chez six cultivars d'abricotier dans la région de M'sila (Algérie),Séminaire International sur : Phytodiversité et Plantes d’intérêt écologique et économique en Algérie - Inventaire, Conservation et Valorisation - SIPA.ICV17 - 29-30 Octobre 2017,Université Mohamed Boudiaf M’Sila, Algérie.
- 2016-11-23
Les brises vent dans la plaine aride du Hodna « Perspective de protection du potentiel variétal de l’abricotier dans le périmètre agricole de Boukhmissa (M’sila)
Un brise-vent est installé pour des raisons agronomiques et environnementales. Il est constitué d’une ou plusieurs rangées d’arbres. Le périmètre de Boukhmissa (M’sila) où les plantations fruitières à base d’abricotier est la spéculation la plus importante et illustre bien ce genre de pratique. Un diagnostique de la situation dans 29 stations d’étude a permis de montrer que les brise-vent dans ce périmètre sont installés de manière subjective et anarchique: L’utilisation des résineux est dominante dans plus de 62% des stations d’étude. Les brise-vent présentent un âge relativement jeune (moins de 20 ans) ce qui montre que ce système agroforestier de protection dans ce périmètre est récent. La faible porosité du système (28%) en raison de la densité relativement élevé de plantation. Concernant la hauteur des brise-vent de nos stations, et étant donné l’âge relativement jeune (mois de 20ans) pour la plus part des stations, la hauteur est inferieure à 10m. La plus part des stations ont des brise-vent de largeur faible c’est à dire inferieure à 3 mètres soit plus de 86% des stations d’étude et ce en raison de leur composition d’une seule rangée d’espèces végétales protectrices. Cet état de fait n’est autre que le souci du non gaspillage de la SAU et pour moins d’entretien du rideau en question. La longueur des brise-vent les stations parait assez importantes mais ce ci n’est pas signe de parcelles de grandes superficie où cette longueur parait être justifiée par son installation beaucoup plus comme limites de parcelles ou le long des canaux et des chenaux d’irrigation que pour la protection proprement dites des cultures. Comme perspectives, pour une meilleure exploitation des brises vent, nous avons dégagé des propositions concernant ces ouvrages agro-forestiers et qui doivent avoir les normes suivantes pour pallier aux insuffisances constatées: une hauteur optimale de protection, une porosité de 40 à 50%, une largeur minimale de 03 mètres, une orientation perpendiculaire à la direction des vents et enfin un choix des espèces à croissance rapide, longévives et présentant un multi-usage.
Abdelghani ZEDAM , Radhouane BENMEHAIA , Slimane TELLACHE , HAMDI Bendif , BAHLOULI Fayçal, Slamani Amel, ,(2016-11-23), Les brises vent dans la plaine aride du Hodna « Perspective de protection du potentiel variétal de l’abricotier dans le périmètre agricole de Boukhmissa (M’sila),Séminaire International sur la Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles dans les Zones Semi- Arides : «Potentialités et Perspectives d’Amélioration» VRNZSA 2016,Université Mohamed Boudiaf M’Sila, Algérie.
- 2016-06-30
Determination of genetic relationships by Molecular markers of SSR type, for some varieties of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) in the area of the Hodna, (M’sila), Algeria.
Les études de la diversité génétique de l’abricotier en Algérie se sont basées essentiellement sur des critères phénotypiques, certains de ces critères sont limités à des stades de développements bien déterminés qui sont fortement sensibles aux facteurs environnementaux. En effet, ces critères sont instables, il devenait donc nécessaire de prendre en considération des caractères génétiques plus fiables pour mieux caractériser les diversités taxonomiques réelles. Les marqueurs à forts taux de mutations, comme les microsatellites (SSR) employés dans notre étude, ont la capacité de révéler un polymorphisme élevé entre différents individus. Dans la présente étude 8 génotypes d’abricotier ont été analysés avec 11 paires d’amorces microsatellites. L’amplification PCR (Réaction en chaîne de la polymérase) des régions microsatellites a révélés des profils polymorphes clairs et facilement interprétables. Ces amorces ont produit 100 bandes qui ont été employées pour étudier la diversité génétique des 8 génotypes. Pour les 100 bandes obtenus, 40% de ces fragments se sont avérés polymorphes et 60% monomorphes. La taille des bandes générées par ces 11 amorces est variable, elle oscille entre 60 pb à 360 pb. L’analyse de différents résultats ont permis de classer les huit variétés en trois groupes distincts. Ces résultats obtenus indiquent une forte proximité génétique entre les variétés, malgré leurs origines géographiques parfois très différentes. Ces résultats confirment l’utilité des marqueurs microsatellites pour l’étude de la diversité génétique chez l’abricotier.
Abdelghani ZEDAM , Slimane TELLACHE , Radhouane BENMEHAIA , HAMDI Bendif , BAHLOULI Fayçal, Kellou K., Slamani Amel, Ykhlef N., , (2016-06-30), Determination of genetic relationships by Molecular markers of SSR type, for some varieties of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) in the area of the Hodna, (M’sila), Algeria., Journal Algérien des Régions Arides, Vol:13, Issue:, pages:121-128, CRSTRA