YOUNES Benarioua
بن عريوة يونس
- Faculty of Technology
- Grade Prof
About Me
Research Domains
Materials Science Metallurgy Coatings and Thin Films Surface Engineering Advanced Materials
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2023
Encaderement master
MERIKHI Abdellah , BENCHTIOUI Zid ; Mechanical Engineering Department; 2021-2022, -
Etude d’élaboration et caractérisation des joints d’assemblage obtenus sur des aciers par procédé de soudage électrique
- 2023
Encaderement master
BENAMOR mourad ramzi , BENAMARA Adel, -
Etude d’élaboration et caractérisation des films minces métalliques sur des aciers ;
- 2021
Encaderement master
Contribution à l’étude de certains paramètres d’anodisation
- 2021
Encaderement master
Etude de traitement de surface des aciers allies
- 2020
Encaderement master
Abd Elkader DAOUD , Moussa HAROUZ
Comparative study of a thermochemical treatment of steels;
- 2020
Encaderement master
Farid Bellil , Khaled Bouchareb
Obtention et caractérisation des films minces d’alumine sur des alliages d’aluminium
- 2019
- 2018
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Etude de de carbure et borure de chrome en couches minces déposées sur des aciers
- 2018
Encaderement master
Elaboration et caractérisation des joints soudés des aciers
- 2017
Encaderement master
Etude des revêtements métalliques déposés sur des aciers
- 2017
Encaderement master
Effet de la nature de l’acier sur le traitement de cémentation
- 2012
Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Sahraoui AISSAT
Mise au point d’un traitement de conversion de surface par diffusion précipitation
- 22-06-2002
- 10-06-1985
- 1959-01-04 00:00:00
YOUNES Benarioua birthday
- 2024-12-30
Surfaces implantées, films minces et revêtement: Déposition et application
La nécessité d’accroitre l’efficacité et la durée de vie des pièces mécaniques notamment les outils a conduit ces dernières années, à un fort développement des revêtements et des films minces. Les méthodes qui permettent de créer un revêtement sur un substrat sont nombreuses. Parmi ces méthodes figurent l’implantation ioniques et les dépôts physique et chimique en phase vapeur. Les traitements de surface des matériaux par l’implantation des atomes non métalliques, déposition des films minces et revêtement sont de plus en plus utilisés. Ils permettent la modification des caractéristiques surfaciques de ces matériaux pour optimiser leurs applications. Ces traitements permettent aussi aux pièces de remplir des fonctions antagonistes telles que de posséder une ductilité à cœur et une bonne résistance à l’usure et la corrosion. Parmi l’ensemble de ces traitements de surface, on distingue les traitements de surface par transformation structurale d’origine mécanique ou thermique, les traitements thermochimiques et la déposition de films minces et revêtements. Le traitement de surface des matériaux métalliques, des polymères, des verres et des céramiques est donc en grande partie un service utilisé par de nombreux secteurs industriels, dont l’automobile, l’industrie lourde, l’industrie léger, lunetterie, décoration, la monnaie, l’habillement, le secteur de télécommunication, l’énergie renouvelable, la construction, le secteur médicale, l’aérospatiale, l’aéronautique et l’énergie nucléaire, Notre propos est de présenter sur le plan bibliographique les différents traitements de surface appliqués sur certains matériaux pour renforcer leurs propriétés surfaciques. Relatif aux traitements exposés, nous allons ensuite présenter quelques travaux de recherche qui touchent au point de vue élaborations et caractérisation des surfaces implantées, films minces et revêtements métalliques déposés sur certains matériaux métalliques afin d’améliorer leurs comportements mécaniques notamment la dureté et l’adhérence.
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2024-12-30), Surfaces implantées, films minces et revêtement: Déposition et application,The 1st International Conference on Technological Applications of Materials (ICTAM'24),Setif
- 2024-12-22
Effect of surface roughness of steel on structural and mechanical properties of galvanization coatings
Zinc and some of its alloys have a number of characteristics that make it well suited for use as a protective coating against the corrosion of steel substrates under severe atmospheric conditions. The metal zinc, which represents the main galvanization element offers then a cathodic protection to the ferrous materials. Because of these excellent characteristics, galvanization coatings are expected to be used for different protective applications fields. The aim of this research work is to study the effect of surface roughness of steel substrate on structural and mechanical properties of intermetallic compounds of galvanization coatings ob-tained at different immersion time. After a best preparation of here surfaces by different roughness process, various steel of substrates were galvanized by immer-sion in a molten zinc bath maintained at 450°C During the galvanization process, the chemical reactions that take place between the steel and the liquid zinc give rise to the formation of different intermetallic. Thus, three phases of Gamma, Del-ta and Zeta are produced on the steel substrate. Theses metallic compounds have been coated then by a solid solution of iron in zinc Eta. These intermetallic com-pounds are hard and fragile and the product that is obtained is not suitable for working, since this would inevitably lead to cracking and detachment of the coat-ing. The morphology and thickness of phases formed the coatings at different pa-rameters took place with scanning optical microscope. Finally the hardness of coatings was measured with a Vickers hardness tester.
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2024-12-22), Effect of surface roughness of steel on structural and mechanical properties of galvanization coatings,Intenational Conference on Mechanic and Energy (ICME 2024),Sousse Tunisie
- 2024-12-22
Hard Chromium Films Produced by Electrolytic Process on Low Steel Substrates
Generally, problems of wear and corrosion begin on the surface of metallic materials and results in the degradation and reduction of lifetime of these materials. Therefore, surface treatment which can provide suitable properties for substrates without compromising their characteristics is the best effective process than changing the whole bulk material. Hard chromium coatings have proven to be one of the most effective materials to increase the service life of mechanical work parts and the most used in several industrial applications such as in petro-chemistry, oil and gas industries, especially to improve wear and corrosion re-sistance. In this work, a deposit of chromium was prepared by using an electro-plating technic on low steel substrates. For this purpose, chromium coatings were carried out in bath of chromium electrolyte solution at temperatures of 50 °C for immersion time varied from 10 to 50 min with step of 10 min. This study is to in-vestigate the effect of immersion time and temperature bath on the thickness, morphology, structure and hardness of produced chromium coating by using vari-ous analysis technics as X-Ray diffraction, microstructural observation, and hard-ness test. The results show that the increase of the time of electrolytic treatment increases the thickness and the hardness of the chromium layer. The microhard-ness profiles of samples confirm the results obtained by structural and microstruc-tural analysis.
Younes BENARIOUA , KERMICHE YOUNES, BAALI SALMA, ,(2024-12-22), Hard Chromium Films Produced by Electrolytic Process on Low Steel Substrates,Intenational Conference on Mechanic and Energy (ICME 2024),Sousse Tunisie
- 2024-10-30
Effect of Tempering Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Undergoing Heat Extrusion Forming
Aluminum alloys containing magnesium and silicon belong to the 6000 series. The alloys of this series that can be heat treated are the most widely used and versatile of the different aluminum alloy families. The properties of these alloys include extrudability, exceptional strength, and the highest corrosion resistance of all of the aluminum alloys. Extruded 6000 series alloys are commonly used for building structural supports and architectural applications. The most popular and widely used 6000 series alloys are 6061 and 6063. In this study, we present the results concerning the effect of heat treatment parameters (temperature and holding treatment duration) on the mechanical properties of 6061 and 6063 series aluminum alloy profiles undergoing hot extrusion forming. Based on tensile and hardness tests, the tempering heat treatments carried out on the two series of aluminum alloys made it possible to obtain a significant variation of tensile strength, hardness and elongation with the variation of temperature and holding time as two used tempering parameters
Younes BENARIOUA , Dhair Aimen, ,(2024-10-30), Effect of Tempering Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Undergoing Heat Extrusion Forming,The 1st International Conference on Technological Applications of Materials (ICTAM'24),Setif
- 2024-10-30
Carburizing and Boriding Treatments of Low Alloy Steels: Effect of Temperature and holding Time
Carburizing and boriding are thermochemical treatments those can be applied to improve the mechanical and chemical properties of steels by surface modification while stilling adequate substrate properties. These kind of treatment are widely used to protect the degradation of the mechanical parts’ surface against wear. The carbide and boride atoms introduced into the steel can produce a hard metallic compound formed by diffusion and precipitation. The present study has been conducted in order to obtain an iron borides and carbides layer in separate state on two types of steel substrates 16NC6 and 20MC5 by using two different powders. The solid carburizing and boriding treatments was carried out separetelly in two electric furnaces heated at appropreate temperature for three holding times of 2h, 4h and, 6h. The present research work focuses an the effect studying of holding time as a parameter on the thickness, structure, morphology, and hardness of layers obtained on low carbon steels. The aim of this work is focused to determined the diffusion cefficient and activation energy of carbon and bore in the low steels of substrate and to know which element carbon or bore is the most diffused in the case where a carboburization treatment is carried out
Younes BENARIOUA , ADMIN Admin , ADMIN Admin , KERMICHE YOUNES, BAALI SALMA, ,(2024-10-30), Carburizing and Boriding Treatments of Low Alloy Steels: Effect of Temperature and holding Time,The 1st International Conference on Technological Applications of Materials (ICTAM'24),Setif
- 2024-10-30
Structure and Hardness of Hard Chromium Coatings Produced by Electrolytic Process
Abstract. Generally, problems of wear and corrosion begin on the surface of metallic materials and results in the degradation and reduction of lifetime of these materials. Therefore, surface treatment which can provide suitable properties for substrates without compromising their characteristics is the best effective process than changing the whole bulk material. Hard chromium coatings have proven to be one of the most effective materials to increase the service life of mechanical work parts and the most used in several industrial applications such as in petro-chemistry, oil and gas industries, especially to improve wear and corrosion resistance. In this work, a deposit of chromium was prepared by using an electro-plating technic on low steel substrates. For this purpose, chromium coatings were carried out in bath of chromium electrolyte solution at temperatures of 30, 40, and 50 °C for immersion time varied from 20 to 50 min with step of 10 min. This study is to investigate the effect of immersion time and temperature bath on the thickness, morphology, structure and hardness of produced chromium coating by using various analysis technics as X-Ray diffraction, microstructural observation, and hardness test. The results show that the increase of the time of electrolytic treatment increases the thickness and the hardness of the chromium layer. The microhardness profiles of samples confirm the results obtained by structural and microstructural analysis.
Younes BENARIOUA , KERMICHE YOUNES, BAALI SALMA, ,(2024-10-30), Structure and Hardness of Hard Chromium Coatings Produced by Electrolytic Process,The 1st International Conference on Technological Applications of Materials (ICTAM'24),Setif
- 2024-10-30
Effect of Tempering Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Undergoing Heat Extrusion Forming
Aluminum alloys containing magnesium and silicon belong to the 6000 series. The alloys of this series that can be heat treated are the most widely used and versatile of the different aluminum alloy families. The properties of these alloys include extrudability, exceptional strength, and the highest corrosion resistance of all of the aluminum alloys. Extruded 6000 series alloys are commonly used for building structural supports and architectural applications. The most popular and widely used 6000 series alloys are 6061 and 6063. In this study, we present the results concerning the effect of heat treatment parameters (temperature and holding treatment duration) on the mechanical properties of 6061 and 6063 series aluminum alloy profiles undergoing hot extrusion forming. Based on tensile and hardness tests, the tempering heat treatments carried out on the two series of aluminum alloys made it possible to obtain a significant variation of tensile strength, hardness and elongation with the variation of temperature and holding time as two used tempering parameters
AIMEN MOUATAZ BILAH Dhairi , Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2024-10-30), Effect of Tempering Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Undergoing Heat Extrusion Forming,ICTAM 24,Ferhat Abbas university Setif
- 2024-10-13
To improve the surface hardness, carburizing is commonly employed. Through this treatment, the surface composition of the low-carbon steel is altered by the diffusion of carbon, resulting in a hard outer casing with good wear resistance. This work investigates the effect of the carburizing treatment temperature and holding time on the crystallographic structure, hardness, and hardened surface layer dimension of commercial low-carbon steel 16NC6. The steel was carburized at 900°C for different holding times of 1,2, and 3 hours
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2024-10-13), ADVANCED COATING METHODS: TITANIUM CARBIDE DEPOSITION ON STEEL VIA INDIRECT PROCESSES,attended the VI. International Ankara Multidisciplinary Studies Congress,Ankara, Türkiye
- 2023-02-20
An Experimental Study of the Influence of Carburizing Treatment Holding Time on the Structure and Hardness of 16NC6 Steel.
Low carbon steel with carbon content ranging from 0.15% to 0.3% cannot be hardened through quenching and tempering processes and there is little to no martensitic transformation occurring upon quenching.To improve the surface hardness, carburizing is commonly employed. Through this treatment, the surface composition of the low-carbon steel is altered by the diffusion of carbon, resulting in a hard outer casing with good wear resistance. This work investigates the effect of the carburizing treatment temperature and holding time on the crystallographic structure, hardness, and hardened surface layer dimension of commercial low-carbon steel 16NC6. The steel was carburized at 900°C for different holding times of 1,2, and 3 hours. After the carburizing and quenching processes, the hardness values and the morphology of the crystallographic structure were measured and characterized.
Younes BENARIOUA , , (2023-02-20), An Experimental Study of the Influence of Carburizing Treatment Holding Time on the Structure and Hardness of 16NC6 Steel., Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research . . Author(s): Baali, Selma; Benarioua, Younes; Mazouz, Aboubaker Essaddiq, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:10478-10482, etasr
- 2023
Experimental study of the influence of carburizing treatement holding time on structure and hardness of a 16NC6 steel
Low carbon steel with a carbon content ranging from 0.15% to 0.3% cannot be hardened through quenching and tempering processes and there is little to no martensitic transformation that occurs upon quenching. To improve the surface hardness, carburizing is employed. Through this treatment, the surface composition of the low carbon steel is altered by the diffusion of carbon, resulting in a hard outer casing with good wear resistance. This work investigates the effect of the carburizing treatment temperature and holding time on the crystallographic structure, hardness, and hardened surface layer dimension of a commercial low carbon steel 16NC6. The steel was carburized at 900°C for different holding times of 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours. After the carburizing and quenching process, the hardness values and the morphology of the crystallographic structure were measured and characterized under all cases and are reported in this investigation.
Younes BENARIOUA , Baali Selma, Maazouz A. Essedik, , (2023), Experimental study of the influence of carburizing treatement holding time on structure and hardness of a 16NC6 steel, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research,, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:10217- 10222, ETASR
- 2022-12-21
influence of nitrogen and therml annealing on the properties of thin titanium nitride films
Heat treatment processes can be used to modify the surface and structural properties of low carbon steel in order to have a hard outer surface and a ductile and tough inner core, which is beneficial for engineering applications such as cams, gears, and shafts. These properties assist the resistance in wear and shock, thus extending the life of the component
Younes BENARIOUA , Baali Selma, ,(2022-12-21), influence of nitrogen and therml annealing on the properties of thin titanium nitride films,The International Conference on Mechanic and Energy,Hammamet Tunisia
- 2022-12-21
effect of time and temperature of carburizing treatment on the structure and hardness of steel
Heat treatment processes can be used to modify the surface and structural properties of low carbon steel in order to have a hard outer surface and a ductile and tough inner core, which is beneficial for engineering applications such as cams, gears, and shafts. These properties assist the resistance in wear and shock, thus extending the life of the component
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2022-12-21), effect of time and temperature of carburizing treatment on the structure and hardness of steel,The International Conference on Mechanic and Energy,Hammamet Tunisia
Default case...
- 2022
Boriding Treatment of Low Alloy Steels: Effect of Holding Time and Temperature
Boriding is a thermochemical treatment that can be applied to improve the mechanical and chemical properties of steels by surface modification while stilling adequate substrate properties. This kind of treatment is widely used to protect the degradation of the mechanical parts’ surface against wear. The boride atoms introduced into the steel can produce a hard metallic compound formed by diffusion and precipitation. The present study has been conducted in order to obtain an iron borides layer on two types of steel substrates 16NC6 and 20MC5 by using a powder consisting of B4C, NaBF4 and, SiC. The solid boriding treatment was carried out in an electric furnace heated to 950°C for three holding times of 2h, 4h and, 6h. The present research work focuses an the effect studying of holding time as a parameter on the thickness, structure, morphology, and hardness of layers obtained on low carbon steels by the case boriding. As confirmed by structure and microstructure characterization, the hard boride layers produced form two phases of FeB and Fe2B.
Younes BENARIOUA , Younès Kermiche, , (2022), Boriding Treatment of Low Alloy Steels: Effect of Holding Time and Temperature, Materials Science Forum (Volume ) Pages: DOI: Citation: Cite this paper Online since: December 2022, Vol:1078, Issue:1, pages:103-110, Scientific Publisher Net -Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
- 2022
Indirect Production of Chromium Carbides Film on Low Alloy Steel
Chromium carbide coatings deposited on mechanical parts by different techniques have an interesting hardness, wear-resistant and corrosion resistance. Some studies show that chromium carbides produced by physical vapor deposition methods and revealed a superior hardness present a poor adherence to their substrates. The objective of this study is to indirectly obtain a hard, and adherent coating of chromium carbide by using a conversion treatment including carburizing treatment of steel substrate, deposition of a pure chromium layer, and annealing treatment of coated carburized steel under a carbonic gas atmosphere. Treatment temperature has an effect on the partial or complete conversion of chromium film as a result of the diffusion and precipitation process. The transformation rate of chromium into both chromium carbide layers was investigated. For 1 h of holding treatment, chromium film was totally transformed at 900 °C into chromium carbide film which presented high hardness and excellent adhesion.
Younes BENARIOUA , , (2022), Indirect Production of Chromium Carbides Film on Low Alloy Steel, Materials Science Forum, Vol:1078, Issue:1, pages:93-102, Scientific Publisher Net -Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
- 2022
Annealing Time Effect on Intermetallic Compounds of Hot Dip Galvanizing Coating
he use of zinc coatings deposited onto steel is one of the most important commercial processing techniques employed to protect steel components exposed to severe corrosive environments. Our objective is to improve the coated galvanizing steel used as irrigation tube in the agriculture field. After the best mechanical and chemical preparation, the substrates of this steel were galvanized by immersion in a molten zinc bath heated at 450°C during 15 min. the coated steel substrates underwent an annealing treatment in classical furnace heated at 350 °C for various holding times. This research work is to investigate the time effect of annealing treatment on intermetallic compounds of coatings obtained by hot dip galvanizing steel. For this purpose, several characterization means are used to evaluate the change effected by the annealing time on the phases of galvanizing coating. The kinetic growth of each layer relates the thickness to the annealing time by a simple power law. The treatment of annealing at temperature of 350 °C and holding time of 150 min can changed the structural and mechanical properties of coating phases. The gamma and delta layers presented the hard inner layers became relatively soft phases which would not lead to cracking and detachment of the coating.
Younes BENARIOUA , , (2022), Annealing Time Effect on Intermetallic Compounds of Hot Dip Galvanizing Coating, Key Engineering Materials, Vol:911, Issue:1, pages:130-136, Scientific Publisher Net -Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
- 2022
Physical and Mechanical Characterization Study of Thin Nitriding Layers Produced by Plasma on Low Alloy Steel
The present study has been conducted in order to obtain iron nitrides layer on AISI4140 steel by using plasma nitriding treatment. As one of several parameters of this process, the nitrogen rate ranging from 10 to 70% with a step of 20% was chosen. The structure, the morphology, the thickness and the hardness of iron nitrides layer were investigated. As a result, the improvement of surface hardness of nitrided steel was identified related with the increase of compound layer thickness due to the increase of activation rate. The steel substrate treated at high activation rate presents hardness 3 times higher than that of untreated steel.
Younes BENARIOUA , , (2022), Physical and Mechanical Characterization Study of Thin Nitriding Layers Produced by Plasma on Low Alloy Steel, Key Engineering Materials (Volume ) Pages:, Vol:911, Issue:, pages:123-129, Scientific Publisher Net -Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
- 2022
Effect of he temperature and holding time on carburizing treatment of 18CN4 and 22MC4 steels
The surface of mechanical parts subjected to sever loads influence to a great extent the resistance to wear and fatigue. In majority of cases, producing of a hard superficial layer on a less tough substrate is conducive to an increased resistance to mechanical wear and fatigue. Hard layer of steel obtained by carburizing which bonded progressively to martensitic area of high hardness and to a core steel of lower hardness and greater toughness is an example of a good solution of the exposed problem. The high hardness of the carburizing layer is due to the increased concentration of carbon atoms located the interstitial sites of austenite before quenching. The lower hardness of the core after quenching is due to the presence of ferrite and pearlite components which appear if the cooling rate after austenitization becomes lower than the critical one. The objective of the present study was to obtain a cemented surface layer on low alloy steel by means of pack carburizing treatment. Different steel grades, austenitization temperatures as well as different soaking times were used as parameters of the solid carburizing treatment. During this treatment, carbon atoms from the cement powder diffuse toward the steels surface and form compounds of iron carbides. The effect of carburizing parameters on the rate transformation, on the thickness and morphology of carburizing layers, on structure and hardness of surface of steels produced by carburizing treatment was investigated by various characterization technic.
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2022); Effect of he temperature and holding time on carburizing treatment of 18CN4 and 22MC4 steels,Recent Trends in Chemical and Material Sciences,Book Publisher International
- 2022
Physical and Mechanical Characterization Study of Thin Nitriding Layers Produced by Plasma on Low Alloy Steel
The present study has been conducted in order to obtain iron nitrides layer on AISI4140 steel by using plasma nitriding treatment. As one of several parameters of this process, the nitrogen rate ranging from 10 to 70% with a step of 20% was chosen. The structure, the morphology, the thickness and the hardness of iron nitrides layer were investigated. As a result, the improvement of surface hardness of nitrided steel was identified related with the increase of compound layer thickness due to the increase of activation rate. The steel substrate treated at high activation rate presents hardness 3 times higher than that of untreated steel. Access through your institution
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2022); Physical and Mechanical Characterization Study of Thin Nitriding Layers Produced by Plasma on Low Alloy Steel,Materials Engineering and Science II,Trans Tech Publication –Scientific Net
- 2022
Annealing Time Effect on Intermetallic Compounds of Hot Dip Galvanizing Coating
The use of zinc coatings deposited onto steel is one of the most important commercial processing techniques employed to protect steel components exposed to severe corrosive environments. Our objective is to improve the coated galvanizing steel used as irrigation tube in the agriculture field. After the best mechanical and chemical preparation, the substrates of this steel were galvanized by immersion in a molten zinc bath heated at 450°C during 15 min. the coated steel substrates underwent an annealing treatment in classical furnace heated at 350 °C for various holding times. This research work is to investigate the time effect of annealing treatment on intermetallic compounds of coatings obtained by hot dip galvanizing steel. For this purpose, several characterization means are used to evaluate the change effected by the annealing time on the phases of galvanizing coating. The kinetic growth of each layer relates the thickness to the annealing time by a simple power law. The treatment of annealing at temperature of 350 °C and holding time of 150 min can changed the structural and mechanical properties of coating phases. The gamma and delta layers presented the hard inner layers became relatively soft phases which would not lead to cracking and detachment of the coating.
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2022); Annealing Time Effect on Intermetallic Compounds of Hot Dip Galvanizing Coating,Materials Engineering and Science II,Trans Tech Publication –Scientific Net
- 2022
Boriding Treatment of Low Alloy Steels: Effect of Holding Time and Temperature
Boriding is a thermochemical treatment that can be applied to improve the mechanical and chemical properties of steels by surface modification while stilling adequate substrate properties. This kind of treatment is widely used to protect the degradation of the mechanical parts’ surface against wear. The boride atoms introduced into the steel can produce a hard metallic compound formed by diffusion and precipitation. The present study has been conducted in order to obtain an iron borides layer on two types of steel substrates 16NC6 and 20MC5 by using a powder consisting of B4C, NaBF4 and, SiC. The solid boriding treatment was carried out in an electric furnace heated to 950°C for three holding times of 2h, 4h and, 6h. The present research work focuses an the effect studying of holding time as a parameter on the thickness, structure, morphology, and hardness of layers obtained on low carbon steels by the case boriding. As confirmed by structure and microstructure characterization, the hard boride layers produced form two phases of FeB and Fe2B.
YounesBENARIOUA , Y. KERMICHE,, ,(2022); Boriding Treatment of Low Alloy Steels: Effect of Holding Time and Temperature,Engineering Materials Research,Scientific Publisher Net -Trans Tech Publications Ltd
- 2022
Indirect production of chromium carbides film on low alloy steel
Chromium carbide coatings deposited on mechanical parts by different techniques have an interesting hardness, wear-resistant and corrosion resistance. Some studies show that chromium carbides produced by physical vapor deposition methods and revealed a superior hardness present a poor adherence to their substrates. The objective of this study is to indirectly obtain a hard, and adherent coating of chromium carbide by using a conversion treatment including carburizing treatment of steel substrate, deposition of a pure chromium layer, and annealing treatment of coated carburized steel under a carbonic gas atmosphere. Treatment temperature has an effect on the partial or complete conversion of chromium film as a result of the diffusion and precipitation process. The transformation rate of chromium into both chromium carbide layers was investigated. For 1 h of holding treatment, chromium film was totally transformed at 900 °C into chromium carbide film which presented high hardness and excellent adhesion.
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2022); Indirect production of chromium carbides film on low alloy steel,Engineering Materials Research,Trans Tech Publication –Scientific Net
- 2022
Effect of nature and surface state of steel on structural and mechanical properties of galvanization coatings
Zinc and some of its alloys have a number of characteristics that make it well suited for use as a protective coating against the corrosion of steel substrates under severe atmospheric conditions. The metal zinc, which represents the main galvanization element offers then a cathodic protection to the ferrous materials. Because of these excellent characteristics, galvanization coatings are expected to be used for different protective applications fields. The aim of this research work is to study the effect of surface roughness of steel substrate on structural and mechanical properties of intermetallic compounds of galvanization coatings obtained at different immersion time. After a best preparation of here surfaces by different roughness process, various steel of substrates were galvanized by immersion in a molten zinc bath maintained at 450°C During the galvanization process, the chemical reactions that take place between the steel and the liquid zinc give rise to the formation of different intermetallic. Thus, three phases of Gamma, Delta and Zeta are produced on the steel substrate. Theses metallic compounds have been coated then by a solid solution of iron in zinc Eta. These intermetallic compounds are hard and fragile and the product that is obtained is not suitable for working, since this would inevitably lead to cracking and detachment of the coating. The morphology and thickness of phases formed the coatings at different parameters took place with scanning optical microscope. Finally the hardness of coatings was measured with a Vickers hardness tester.
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2022), Effect of nature and surface state of steel on structural and mechanical properties of galvanization coatings,Tunisia Chemistry Conference TCC,Monastir, Tunisia
- 2022
Parameters effect of manual electric welding on structural and mechanical properties of assembled steels,
Welding is the technic of assembling more metal parts with or without bring metal. The several welding processes have been regrouped into a group of fusion welding. This last is based on the principles of heat application to assemble the materials to be welded. Different welding processes are determined by the thermal energy source whether it results from electrical, chemical and mechanical energy, with a variety of different techniques available. The aim of this work is to study the effects parameters of electrical manual welding as current, arc voltage and type of chamfer on the structural and mechanical properties of welding seam of steel parts assembled by manual arc welding was investigated in this study. Three types of current, three types of potentials and three types of chamfers were chosen during this study. After analyzing by various characterization technics of all samples assembled by the welding process mentioned, the three technological parameters of current, arc voltage and chamfer kind selected in this study were optimized.
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2022), Parameters effect of manual electric welding on structural and mechanical properties of assembled steels,,Tunisia Chemistry Conference TCC,Monastir, Tunisia
- 2022
Boriding treatment of low alloy steels: Effect of holding time and temperature;
Boriding is a thermochemical treatment that can be applied to improve the mechanical and chemical properties of steels by surface modification while stilling adequate substrate properties. This kind of treatment is widely used to protect the degradation of the mechanical parts’ surface against wear. The boride atoms introduced into the steel can produce a hard metallic compound formed by diffusion and precipitation. The present study has been conducted in order to obtain an iron borides layer on two types of steel substrates 16NC6 and 20MC5 by using a powder consisting of B4C, NaBF4 and, SiC. The solid boriding treatment was carried out in an electric furnace heated to 950°C for three holding times of 2h, 4h and, 6h. The present research work focuses an the effect studying of holding time as a parameter on the thickness, structure, morphology, and hardness of layers obtained on low carbon steels by the case boriding. As confirmed by structure and microstructure characterization, the hard boride layers produced form two phases of FeB and Fe2B.
Younes BENARIOUA , Y. KERMICHE, ,(2022), Boriding treatment of low alloy steels: Effect of holding time and temperature;,5th International Conference on Materials Engineering & Science,Istanbul, Turkey
- 2022
Indirect production of chromium carbides film on low alloy steel
Chromium carbide coatings deposited on mechanical parts by different techniques have an interesting hardness, wear-resistant and corrosion resistance. Some studies show that chromium carbides produced by physical vapor deposition methods and revealed a superior hardness present a poor adherence to their substrates. The objective of this study is to indirectly obtain a hard, and adherent coating of chromium carbide by using a conversion treatment including carburizing treatment of steel substrate, deposition of a pure chromium layer, and annealing treatment of coated carburized steel under a carbonic gas atmosphere. Treatment temperature has an effect on the partial or complete conversion of chromium film as a result of the diffusion and precipitation process. The transformation rate of chromium into both chromium carbide layers was investigated. For 1 h of holding treatment, chromium film was totally transformed at 900 °C into chromium carbide film which presented high hardness and excellent adhesion.
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2022), Indirect production of chromium carbides film on low alloy steel,5th International Conference on Materials Engineering & Science,Istanbul, Turkey
- 2022
The influence of nitrogen and thermal annealing on the properties of titanium nitrides films
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2022), The influence of nitrogen and thermal annealing on the properties of titanium nitrides films,Seven international conference on mechanics and energy ICME,Hammamet - Tunisia
- 2022
Effect of time and temperature of carburizing treatement on structure and hardness of a 16NC6 steel
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2022), Effect of time and temperature of carburizing treatement on structure and hardness of a 16NC6 steel,Seven international conference on mechanics and energy ICME,Hammamet - Tunisia
- 2022
effect of boriding Treatment Time on the Structure and the Hardness of Low Alloys Steel
Younes BENARIOUA , Y. KERMICHE, ,(2022), effect of boriding Treatment Time on the Structure and the Hardness of Low Alloys Steel,Congrès des Énergies et Génie des Procédés Industriel CEGPI’22,Algiers
- 2021
Study on Conversion Treatment of Thin Titanium Layer Deposited onto Carbon Steel Application of Physical and Mechanical Investigation
The present study has been conducted in order to obtain titanium carbide layer using a conversion treatment consisting of two main steps. In the first step a thin pure titanium layer was deposited onto 120C4 carbon steel by PVD. In a second step, a vacuum annealing treatment is conducted in order to diffuse the carbon atoms from the substrate toward the titanium coating. As a result, the pure titanium coating is transformed into titanium carbide. However, depending on the annealing temperature, partial or complete conversion into TiC is obtained. Due to that the hardness of the layer depends on the annealing temperature. By a systematic study of the hardness-load variation, the process of the phase transformation of the layer is then confirmed.
YounesBENARIOUA , B. WENDLER, D. CHICOT, ,(2021); Study on Conversion Treatment of Thin Titanium Layer Deposited onto Carbon Steel Application of Physical and Mechanical Investigation,Newest Updates in Physical Science Research,Publisher Book Publisher International
- 2021
Study of absolute hardness of thin films by monolayer model application
In order to determine the absolute hardness of film or coating, it is necessary to separate the contribution of substrate. It is known that the film thickness and on the applied load are generally the principal two parameters that can determine in this case the absolute hardness of film. The apparent hardness values obtained from indentation measurements are the result of the contributions of the substrate and the film. In order to determine the true hardness of the film, these two contributions must be separated. Several authors have worked on this topic over the years, and there are a large number of models written under an additive linear function that are available in the literature. The purpose of this research is to determine the absolute hardness of nitride thin layers produced by two activation rates of plasma of 50% and 65%. At the surface of the specimens, a series of classical Vickers indentation at various loads was applied. The separation of substrate contribution of the on the measurement hardness of the film reported in the literature is very complicated due to several parameters that they intervene, and for this reason, we used in this study Jonsson- Hogmark model (J-H) which is simple and gives according to the several previous studies the best results.
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2021); Study of absolute hardness of thin films by monolayer model application,Novel Perspectives of Engineering Research,Book Publisher International
- 2021
Physical and mechanical characterization study of thin niitriding layers produced by plasma on low alloy steel
The present study has been conducted in order to obtain iron nitrides layer on AISI4140 steel by using plasma nitriding treatment. As one of several parameters of this process, the nitrogen rate ranging from 10 to 70% with a step of 20% was chosen. The structure, the morphology, the thickness and the hardness of iron nitrides layer were investigated. As a result, the improvement of surface hardness of nitrided steel was identified related with the increase of compound layer thickness due to the increase of activation rate. The steel substrate treated at high activation rate presents hardness 3 times higher than that of untreated steel.
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2021), Physical and mechanical characterization study of thin niitriding layers produced by plasma on low alloy steel,4th International Conference on Materials Engineering & Science,Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
- 2021
Annealing time effect on intermetallic compounds of hot dip galvanizing coating
The use of zinc coatings deposited onto steel is one of the most important commercial processing techniques employed to protect steel components exposed to severe corrosive environments. Our objective is to improve the coated galvanizing steel used as irrigation tube in the agriculture field. After the best mechanical and chemical preparation, the substrates of this steel were galvanized by immersion in a molten zinc bath heated at 450°C during 15 min. the coated steel substrates underwent an annealing treatment in classical furnace heated at 350 °C for various holding times. This research work is to investigate the time effect of annealing treatment on intermetallic compounds of coatings obtained by hot dip galvanizing steel. For this purpose, several characterization means are used to evaluate the change effected by the annealing time on the phases of galvanizing coating. The kinetic growth of each layer relates the thickness to the annealing time by a simple power law. The treatment of annealing at temperature of 350 °C and holding time of 150 min can changed the structural and mechanical properties of coating phases. The gamma and delta layers presented the hard inner layers became relatively soft phases which would not lead to cracking and detachment of the coating
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2021), Annealing time effect on intermetallic compounds of hot dip galvanizing coating,4th International Conference on Materials Engineering & Science,Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
- 2020
Study of the Influence of Cementation Layer Thickness on Properties ofChromium Carbide Obtained by Conversion Treatment
Steel substrates low carbons were face-hardened by cementing in case, and thenthin layers of chromium were deposited by electrolytic way on these substrates.After deposition, the samples were exposed to isothermal annealing in thetemperature of 950°C. The characterization of the thin layers was made bymeans of optical microscopy and interferometry Vickers micro-hardness. Fromthe obtained results, we have established the kinetics of phase shift (under effectthe layer of cementing) in the thin layers of chromium which are transformedinto chromium carbide while passing by metastable phases of transition. Thesetransformations occurred by diffusion of the carbon atoms coming from layer ofcementing, germination and growth in solid phase. This fact has examinedaccording to the temperature of annealing, the evolution of the lattice parameterand the morphology of the deposited chromium layer. As regards the mechanicalproperties, it was established that the micro-hardness believes with the evolutionof the phase shift.
Younes BENARIOUA , , (2020), Study of the Influence of Cementation Layer Thickness on Properties ofChromium Carbide Obtained by Conversion Treatment, International Journal of Computational andExperimental Science and ENgineering, Vol:6, Issue:2, pages:78-81, dergipark
- 2020
Effect of the Carburizing Layer on the Morphology of Chromium Carbides
Low carbon steel substrates were face-hardened by cementing, after which thin layers of chromium were deposited electrolytically on these substrates. After deposition, the samples were exposed to isothermal annealing at a temperature of 950°C. The characterization of the thin layers was carried out by means of optical microscopy and interferometry using the Vickers microhardness test. The obtained results allowed establishing the phase shift kinetics (under the effect of the cementing layer) in thin layers of chromium, which are transformed into chromium carbide when passing through metastable transition phases. These transformations were due to diffusion of the carbon atoms coming from the layer of cementing, germination and growth in solid phase. This fact has been examined taking into account the annealing temperature, the lattice parameter evolution and the deposited chromium layer morphology. As to mechanical properties, it was established that the micro-hardness depends on the phase shift evolution
Younes BENARIOUA , R. BOUBAAYA, O. ALLAOUI, Z. DRISSD, , (2020), Effect of the Carburizing Layer on the Morphology of Chromium Carbides, Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies, Vol:13, Issue:2, pages:187-193, JSFUET
- 2020
Mécanique de rupture
- 2020
Diffusion et transformation de phase
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2020); Diffusion et transformation de phase,Univ M'sila,
- 2020
Comportement mécanique des matériaux métallique
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2020); Comportement mécanique des matériaux métallique,Univ M'sila,
- 2020
Structure cristalline et défauts ponctuels
YounesBENARIOUA , ,(2020); Structure cristalline et défauts ponctuels,Univ M'sila,
- 2019
Comparative study of anodizing treatment of recycled and non- recycled aluminum alloy
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2019), Comparative study of anodizing treatment of recycled and non- recycled aluminum alloy,5th International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies,Sakarya, TURKEY
- 2019
Heat Treatment Effect on Intermatallic Compounds of Coatings Obtained by Hot-Dip Galvanizing Process,
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2019), Heat Treatment Effect on Intermatallic Compounds of Coatings Obtained by Hot-Dip Galvanizing Process,,5th International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies,Sakarya, TURKEY
- 2019
Carburising of Low Steel by Using Solid Cementation Treatment
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2019), Carburising of Low Steel by Using Solid Cementation Treatment,3rd International Conference on Innovations in Natural Science and Engineering,Sakarya, TURKEY,
- 2019
Hardness of Thin Alumina Films: Application of Monolayer Models
Younes BENARIOUA , ,(2019), Hardness of Thin Alumina Films: Application of Monolayer Models,3rd International Conference on Innovations in Natural Science and Engineering,Sakarya, Turkey,
- 2018
In order to determine the absolute hardness of film or coating, it is necessary to separate the different contributions. It is known that, depending on the thickness of the film and on the applied load, indentation measurements give apparent hardness values which are the results of contributions by both the substrate and the film. There is a need therefore to separate these two contributions in order to determine the true hardness of the film. Numerous authors have worked on this subject during the past and a large number of models who are written under an additive linear function are available in the literature. This study is to determine the absolute hardness of nitride thin layers obtained by two activation rate plasma of 50 and 65%. A series of classical Vickers indentation at several loads were applied at the surface of the specimens. The true hardness of these thin films was determined by using monolayer model of Jonsson and Hogmark which gives in general cases the concluded results.
- 2018
Carburizing treatment of low alloy steels: Effect of technological parameters
The surface areas of the parts subjected to mechanical loads influence to a great extent the resistance to wear and fatigue. In majority of cases, producing of a hard superficial layer on a tough substrate is conducive to an increased resistance to mechanical wear and fatigue. Cementation treatment of low alloy steels which bonds superficial martensitic layer of high hardness and lateral compressive to a core of lower hardness and greater toughness is an example of a good solution of the problem. The high hardness of the martensitic layer is due to an increased concentration of interstitial carbon atoms in the austenite before quenching. The lower hardness of the core after quenching is due to the presence of ferrite and pearlite components which appear if the cooling rate after austenitization becomes lower than the critical on. The objective of the present study was to obtain a cemented surface layer on low alloy steel by means of pack carburizing treatment. Different steel grades, austenitization temperatures as well as different soaking times were used as parameters of the pack carburizing treatment. During this treatment, carbon atoms from the pack powder diffuse toward the steels surface and form compounds of iron carbides. The effect of carburizing parameters on the transformation rate of low carbon surface layer of the low alloy steel to the cemented one was investigated by several analytical techniques
Younes BENARIOUA , , (2018), Carburizing treatment of low alloy steels: Effect of technological parameters, Materials Science Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol:1, Issue:2, pages:15-22, IOP
- 2018
Conversion Treatment of Thin Titanium Layer Deposited on Carbon Steels
The present study has been conducted in order to obtain titanium carbide layer using a conversion treatment consisting of two main steps. In the first step a thin pure titanium layer was deposited on 120C4 carbon steel by PVD. In the second step, the carbon atoms from the substrate diffuse to the titanium coating due to a vacuum annealing treatment and the Ti coating transforms into titanium carbide. Depending on the annealing temperature a partial or complete conversion into TiC is obtained. The hardness of the layer can be expected to differ depending on the processing temperatures. By a systematic study of the hardness as a function of the applied load, we confirm the process of growth of the layer.
Younes BENARIOUA , B. WENDLER,, D. CHICOT, , (2018), Conversion Treatment of Thin Titanium Layer Deposited on Carbon Steels, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series /1033/1/012010 ISSN Online: 1742-6596 Print ISSN: 1742-6588, Vol:1033, Issue:2, pages:23-33, IOP Conf. Series