نحوي عزالدين
06 61 73 38 53
- Departement of Physics
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade MCA
About Me
Magister. in Centre de veille pédagogique-université Mohamed BOUDIAF Msila
Research Domains
Aérodynamique Dessalement et séchage solaire
LocationMsila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2024
Encaderement master
NAAMA Bachir , NAAMA Bachir, NAAMA Bachir
Effets de la poussière sur les performances d’un capteur solaire
- 2024
Encaderement master
BOUCHAMA Mohamed Elamine , BOUCHAMA Mohamed Elamine, BOUCHAMA Mohamed Elamine
Etude d’entrepôt frigorifique à température positive
- 2024
Encaderement master
BELFAR Cherif , BELFAR Cherif, BELFAR Cherif
Etude d’un entrepôt frigorifique à température négative
- 2024
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
NAAMA Bachir , NAAMA Bachir, NAAMA Bachir
Effets de la poussière sur les performances d’un capteur solaire
- 2024
Encaderement Co-Encaderement Decret 1275
NAAMA Bachir , NAAMA Bachir, NAAMA Bachir
Effets de la poussière sur les performances d’un capteur solaire
- 2023
Encaderement master
CHABI Yasmine , CHABI Yasmine, CHABI Yasmine
Etude expérimentale d'un capteur solaire à air et à double vitrage
- 2023
Encaderement master
Etude et fabrication d’une machine de récupération de fluide frigorigène
- 2021
Encaderement master
Etude numérique d’un séchoir solaire à effet de serre
- 2021
Encaderement master
KAOUKI Nasr Eddine , TOUAMA Abdelmalek
Etude expérimentale d’un séchoir solaire à effet de serre
- 2019
Encaderement master
Etude expérimentale d’un distillateur solaire plan à air
- 2018
Encaderement master
Etude numérique d’un distillateur solaire plan à simple et à double vitrage
- 2018
- 2017
Encaderement master
Etude numérique du dessalement de l’eau saumure par distillateur solaire
- 2016
Encaderement master
• CHITOUR Kouider
Contribution à l’étude des pales d’une éolienne de forme NACA 0012
- 07-07-2020
Controle de la couche limite incompressible autour d'un profil bidimensionnel - 04-12-2019
Attestation de participation
الفنيات و المهارات الارشادية للمرافق البيداغوجي - 18-02-2018
Doctorat sciences
Contrôle de la couche limite laminaire d’un écoulement stationnaire , visqueux , compressible et subsonique autour d’un profil bidimensionnel - 01-01-1991
Ingénieur d'Etat en Génie Mécanique option Energétique
Etude d'un écoulement incompressible à travers un élargissement brusque - 1966-06-23 00:00:00
AZZEDINE Nahoui birthday
- 2024-12-22
Study of Building -Integrated Solar Still
Study of Building -Integrated Solar Still
Azzedine NAHOUI , ADMIN Admin , HADDAD Zakaria, ,(2024-12-22), Study of Building -Integrated Solar Still,The 9th Mediterranean Conference on Desalination and Water Treatment CMTDE 2024,Sol Azur Beach Congress- Hammamet- Tunisia
- 2024-11-13
Solar drying of tomatoes in Hodna region
Solar drying, as a method of extracting water from a solid by evaporation, has been adopted to dry and therefore preserve as much as possible agricultural crops and medicinal plants. The Hodna region, a city in the interior of Algeria, with a semi-arid climate, is known for its high consumption of tomatoes, raw and dried. The use of solar drying of this commodity seems necessary given the climate of the Hodna region and its solar input throughout the year. This work consisted of manufacturing an indirect solar dryer by locally available means, which are not expensive. Then the solar dryer produced, includes a solar collector, a drying chamber, a connection pipe, and some accessories such as thermometers and a thermo-hygrometer. Solar irradiation, ambient temperature, wind speed, collector inlet and outlet temperatures, absorber temperature and drying chamber temperature as well as relative humidity are measured and represented. These results obtained are in good agreement with the theoretical results and the weight of dried tomatoes is reduced by one seventh. Keywords—Solar, drying, tomatoes.
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2024-11-13), Solar drying of tomatoes in Hodna region,1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Applications in Agriculture (ICREAA'24),URAER Gardaia, Algeria
- 2024-11-13
Solar drying of tomates in Hodna region
Solar drying, as a method of extracting water from a solid by evaporation, has been adopted to dry and therefore preserve as much as possible agricultural crops and medicinal plants. The Hodna region, a city in the interior of Algeria, with a semi-arid climate, is known for its high consumption of tomatoes, raw and dried. The use of solar drying of this commodity seems necessary given the climate of the Hodna region and its solar input throughout the year. This work consisted of manufacturing an indirect solar dryer by locally available means, which are not expensive. Then the solar dryer produced, includes a solar collector, a drying chamber, a connection pipe, and some accessories such as thermometers and a thermo-hygrometer. Solar irradiation, ambient temperature, wind speed, collector inlet and outlet temperatures, absorber temperature and drying chamber temperature as well as relative humidity are measured and represented. These results obtained are in good agreement with the theoretical results and the weight of dried tomatoes is reduced by one seventh.
Zakaria HADDAD , Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2024-11-13), Solar drying of tomates in Hodna region,The 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Applications in Agriculture,Applied Research Unit on Renewable Energies, Ghardaia
- 2024-11-06
Effets de la poussière sur les performances thermiques d’un capteur solaire plan à air
Les capteurs solaires plans à air et à effet de serre, jouent un rôle primordial aussi bien dans le chauffage des habitations ou le séchage des produits agricoles. Comme la présence de la poussière sur les capteurs solaires est inévitable, les effets de la poussière sur les performances thermiques d’un capteur solaire plan à air, sont étudiés par voie expérimentale. Les écarts de températures d’entrée et sortie du capteur sont mesurées et représentées avec et sans de la poussière. Trois capteurs solaires plans sont fabriqués par des matériaux localement disponibles et qui sont issus de la récupération. L’un de ces capteurs est bien nettoyé pour servir par la suite comme cas de référence, les deux autres ont reçu deux grammes et quatre grammes de poussière. Les résultats obtenus ont démontré que la poussière a des effets négatifs sur les performances thermiques des capteurs solaires, en effet, plus la poussière est importante, plus les écarts de températures sont proches les uns des autres et par conséquent la quantité de chaleur reçue par le fluide caloporteur devient moindre. Donc, la poussière que l’air ambiant porte et déposé sur les vitres des capteurs nécessite un entretien systématique pour que le capteur solaire plan à air garde ses performances thermiques. Mots clés : Capteur solaire, Poussière.
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2024-11-06), Effets de la poussière sur les performances thermiques d’un capteur solaire plan à air,The First National Conference on Mechanical Engineering (NCME 2024),University Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1-, Algeria
- 2024-11-06
Effets de la poussière sur le comportement thermique d’un capteur solaire plan à air
Aujourd’hui les capteurs solaires plans et à effet de serre jouent un rôle important dans le chauffage des habitations et dans le séchage des produits agricoles. Les capteurs solaires à air sont des machines transforment l’énergie solaire en provenance du soleil en énergie thermique. Comme ces machines sont installées en plein air, le dépôt de la poussière est inévitable. Des études théoriques et expérimentales ont été faites pour mettre en évidence le phénomène de poussière. La présente étude consiste à construire un capteur solaire plan à air et par suite déposer de la poussière. Le capteur construit a été construit par des matériaux récupérés et recyclés. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d’étudier les conditions climatologiques de l’expérience et par conséquent mesurer et tracer les profils de l’irradiation solaire, la vitesse du vent, la température ambiante et enfin l’humidité relative.
Azzedine NAHOUI , Zakaria HADDAD , ,(2024-11-06), Effets de la poussière sur le comportement thermique d’un capteur solaire plan à air,The First National Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2024 (1st NCME 2024),University brothers Mentouri constantine1
- 2024-10-13
Effects of thermophysical parameters on solar distilled water production
Water, a vital material for human life, is becoming scarce day by day, due to the overconsumption of this material in all areas of life and especially in the industrial sector. Previous theoretical and experimental studies have shown that solar water production is a good alternative. Despite the efficiency of solar water production, the quantity produced remains limited, so that the use of improving production remains a major challenge. Among the methods used, the use of the incorporation of nanoparticles in the base fluid to improve the production of distilled water. In this context, this study attempts to increase the production of distilled water by solar means by playing on the thermophysical parameters of the nanofluid (nanoparticles + base fluid), by quantifying the ratios of CuO nanofluid particles. The study showed that the correlations of the thermophysical parameters of water are not able to reflect the results obtained experimentally. The effects of nanofluids on the daily production of distilled water, the overall efficiency and internal efficiency and the temperature of the absorber are determined and represented. The formulas used for the calculation of the thermophysical parameters did not give the expected results in comparison with the experimental ones.
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2024-10-13), Effects of thermophysical parameters on solar distilled water production,1er Séminaire National: Eau, Environnement et Energies Renouvelables,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF M'Sila
- 2024-02-19
لجنة التنذيم عضو
تحضير و توصيف مواد التبريد المغناطيسي
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2024-02-19), لجنة التنذيم عضو,تحضير و توصيف مواد التبريد المغناطيسي,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF M'Sila
- 2024-01-27
Effect of dust on the operation of photovoltaic solar panels installed in the Hodna region - Experimental study
Effect of dust on the operation of photovoltaic solar panels installed in the Hodna region - Experimental study
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2024-01-27), Effect of dust on the operation of photovoltaic solar panels installed in the Hodna region - Experimental study, Journal of Renewable Energies, Vol:1, Issue:1, pages:8,
- 2023-12-15
Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Photovoltaic Modules Performances Installed in Oued Keberit Power Plant, Algeria
This study presents the measured data of the "Oued Keberit" PV plant over a period of four months (January to April 2022) after nearly 6 years of outdoor exposure to the climate of Souk Ahras, eastern Algeria, in order to evaluate the performance of the solar PV system. This evaluation includes the calculation of PV system performance variables such as module performance, final performance and performance of the module references, system losses, photovoltaic friendly efficiency, system efficiency, performance ratio and capacity factor based on measured data, allowing comparison of actual PV system performance and reference values determined by manifacturers. The results showed that the four-month average values of the parameters Eac, Yr, Yf, PR, , CF are 1.06375125MWh, 4.08h, 4.25h, 1.06, 16.40%, 60.28% respectively. Also, the high efficiency of the photovoltaic system was obtained during winter, due to the low temperature and the sufficient amount of solar radiation. However, the photovoltaic system generates a lot of energy during summer, although there is less output than during the winter season. This is because summer has maximum values for sunshine duration and solar radiation.
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2023-12-15), Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Photovoltaic Modules Performances Installed in Oued Keberit Power Plant, Algeria, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol:112, Issue:1, pages:13, SEMARAK ILMU
- 2023-12-02
Study of photovoltaic solar panels integrated into homes
Study of photovoltaic solar panels integrated into homes
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-12-02), Study of photovoltaic solar panels integrated into homes,The 1'th National Conference on Physics and it's Applications,Boussaada, Algeria
- 2023-12-02
Optimization of control parameters of a compressiblelaminar boundary layer
The control by suction of a compressible laminar boundary layer of a stationary, viscous and subsonic flow, around a two-dimensional NACA 0012 profile, has been studied numerically. The physical problem is governed by nonlinear partial differential equations called Prandtl equations. The numerical solution is based on the Cranck-Nicolson scheme, the Thomas algorithm and the Keller method. The results obtained made it possible to determine optimal values for the extent, angle and flow rate of suction. With the optimal values of the suction control parameters, we were able to achieve a laminarity gain that reached 10%. Keywords: Parametres, Controle, suction
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-12-02), Optimization of control parameters of a compressiblelaminar boundary layer,The 1'th National Conference on Physics and it's Applications,Boussaada, Algeria
- 2023-12-02
Laminar convection between two elliptical cylinders with variable thermo-physical properties
Laminar Convection Between Two Elliptical Cylinders With Variable Thermo-physical Properties
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-12-02), Laminar convection between two elliptical cylinders with variable thermo-physical properties,The 1'th National Conference on Physics and it's Applications,Boussaada, Algeria
- 2023-11-27
Experimental Study of a Wick Solar Still with Refletor
Effects of nano-fluids on the performance of a solar still Under winter conditions of solar irradiation, wind speed and ambient temperature, a numerical study is carried out. The physical problem is modeled by equations based on the heat balances of each component of a conventional solar still with and without copper dioxide nanoparticles, and solved by the Gauss-Seidel method. The effects of copper dioxide nanoparticles on daily distilled water production, overall and internal efficiency, and absorber temperature are determined and depicted. Keywords: nanoparticles, distiller, distilled water
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-11-27), Experimental Study of a Wick Solar Still with Refletor,2nd International Conference on Sustainable Water Treatement Techologies and Enviroment,Tipaz, Algeria
- 2023-11-27
Effects of nano-fluids on the performance of a solar still
Effects of nano-fluids on the performance of a solar still Under winter conditions of solar irradiation, wind speed and ambient temperature, a numerical study is carried out. The physical problem is modeled by equations based on the heat balances of each component of a conventional solar still with and without copper dioxide nanoparticles, and solved by the Gauss-Seidel method. The effects of copper dioxide nanoparticles on daily distilled water production, overall and internal efficiency, and absorber temperature are determined and depicted. Keywords: nanoparticles, distiller, distilled water
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-11-27), Effects of nano-fluids on the performance of a solar still,2nd International Conference on Sustainable Water Treatement Techologies and Enviroment,Tipaz, Algeria
- 2023-10-23
DUNCLE Model Evaluation for a conventional solar still made in Algeria
DUNCLE Model Evaluation for a conventional solar still made in Algeria
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-10-23), DUNCLE Model Evaluation for a conventional solar still made in Algeria,The second International Conference on Materials, Energy &Enviroment,EL Oued, Algeria
- 2023-10-23
Experimental study of a greenhouse solar dryer
An experimental study of an indirect solar greenhouse dryer is carried out. Indeed, we were able to build a solar dryer to dry tomatoes, a widely consumed vegetable in the region, using locally available materials. The solar dryer produced includes a greenhouse solar collector, a drying chamber, a connection pipe and some accessories such as thermometers and a thermo-hygrometer. Solar radiation, ambient temperature, wind speed, collector inlet and outlet temperatures, absorber and drying chamber temperatures and relative humidity are recorded and presented. These results are in good agreement with the theoretical results. The dried tomatoes obtained are of good quality. Key words: Solar dryer, irradiation, temperature, humidity.
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-10-23), Experimental study of a greenhouse solar dryer,The second International Conference on Materials, Energy &Enviroment,EL Oued, Algeria
Default case...
Default case...
Default case...
- 2023-05-10
Effet of blowingcontrol on the point of separation of a compressible laminar boundary layer around a two-dimensinal profile
The energy consumption of aircraft, compressors, turbines and others is closely linked to the forces that oppose the proper functioning of these machines. Thus, reducing drag (drag force) by control procedures has been a problem for decades. Among the means of controlling or reducing the effects of the resistance forces, mention is made of maintaining the laminar regime to the detriment of the turbulent regime which consumes more energy. The present numerical study of a boundary layer type stationary compressible laminar flow around a two-dimensional profile with and without puff control. The modeling of the physical problem based on the equations of conservation, continuity, dynamics and energy, simply called the Prandtl equations. Like these partial and nonlinear differential equations, their resolution can only be obtained numerically. The solution procedure is based on the Newton method, the Cranck-Nicolson scheme and the Thomas algorithm. The results obtained allowed the optimization of the blowing control parameters such as the extent, the angle and the blowing flow rate, which also allowed the improvement of the laminar regime by 10% and consequently a consequent reduction of energy consumption. Keywords: Control, Blow; Extented; Boundary layer.
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023-05-10), Effet of blowingcontrol on the point of separation of a compressible laminar boundary layer around a two-dimensinal profile,NCME'2023,Batna ? Algeria
- 2023
دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023), دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف,دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF Msila
- 2023
دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023), دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف,دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF Msila
- 2023
دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2023), دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف,دينامكية الجماعة داخل الصف,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF Msila
- 2022
- 2022
Experimental Study of an Inclined Wick Solar Still Operating in Drop by Drop System Under The Climatic Conditions of Hodna's Region, Algeria
Solar distillation is a very economical process for the fresh water production, especially in arid and semi-arid areas where solar energy is abundant. Several types of solar stills have been designed and manufactured for a purpose to increase their performances. This work aims to study experimentally under outdoor conditions of Hodna’s region, two types of solar still, the first is an inclined solar still with different wick thicknesses (thick, medium and thin) operating in drop by drop system of feed water and the other is conventional. Four clear days of the April months have been chosen to experiment the solar stills performances. The results showed that the solar stills performances are notably influenced by design and operating conditions, as revealed by the daily production and efficiency values of the inclined solar still with thin wick which achieved 4.14 liter/ and 46.66%, with an improvement of about 23.21% and 12.56 % respectively, compared to those of the conventional solar still, which reached 3.36 l/m2 and 34.1% respectively. In addition, the economic analysis illustrates that the low cost of one liter of distilled water and the quicker payback period at the same time are for the inclined solar still with a thin wick of about 0.011$/l and 77 days respectively.
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2022), Experimental Study of an Inclined Wick Solar Still Operating in Drop by Drop System Under The Climatic Conditions of Hodna's Region, Algeria, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol:94, Issue:1, pages:12, SEMARAK ILMU
- 2021-10-11
Numerical Study of a Basin Type Solar Still with a Double Glass Cover Under Winter Conditions
A numerical analysis of a basin-type solar still with a double glass cover is done under winter circumstances of solar radiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed. Equations defining thermal balances of different components of traditional and double glass cover solar stills are used to describe the physical issue, which is then solved using the Gauss-Seidel numerical technique. The effects of solar radiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed on the daily production, internal efficiency, and overall performance of solar stills are calculated and illustrated. The findings demonstrate that a solar still with a double-glass cover is more productive and efficient than a solar still with a single glass cover.
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2021-10-11), Numerical Study of a Basin Type Solar Still with a Double Glass Cover Under Winter Conditions, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol:88, Issue:1, pages:13, SEMARAK ILMU
- 2021
Numerical Study of a Basin Type Solar Still with a Double Glass Cover Under Winter Conditions
A numerical analysis of a basin-type solar still with a double glass cover is done under winter circumstances of solar radiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed. Equations defining thermal balances of different components of traditional and double glass cover solar stills are used to describe the physical issue, which is then solved using the Gauss-Seidel numerical technique. The effects of solar radiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed on the daily production, internal efficiency, and overall performance of solar stills are calculated and illustrated. The findings demonstrate that a solar still with a double-glass cover is more productive and efficient than a solar still with a single glass cover. Keywords: Numerical study; solar still; double glass cover; solar radiation; winter conditions; wind speed; ambient temperature
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2021), Numerical Study of a Basin Type Solar Still with a Double Glass Cover Under Winter Conditions, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol:88, Issue:1, pages:35-48, SEMARAK ILUM POBLISHING
- 2021
Etude numérique des transferts de chaleur et de masse au sein d'un espace annulaire elliptique d'axe horizontal rempli de nao-fluide
AzzedineNAHOUI , ,(2021); Etude numérique des transferts de chaleur et de masse au sein d'un espace annulaire elliptique d'axe horizontal rempli de nao-fluide,Mohamed BOUDIAF M'SILA,
- 2021
Etude numérique d’un séchoir solaire à effet de serre
As the use of solar energy as a renewable energy continues to increase, the study of a greenhouse solar dryer was targeted. To this end, a digital study by Fluent is carried out. The effects of temperature and the number of waves of an absorber on the heat flow and on the coefficient of heat exchange by convection are also studied and shown. The effect of the temperature of the absorber on the incident heat flux is always positive while the effect of the temperature of the absorber for two different values is not positive if the number of waves is equal to or less than three. Keywords: Dryer, solar, Fluent, temperature, wavenumber.
AzzedineNAHOUI , ,(2021); Etude numérique d’un séchoir solaire à effet de serre,Mohamed BOUDIAF M'SILA,
- 2021
Etude expérimentale d’un séchoir solaire à effet de serre
In order to highlight the drying process, three basic factors must be taken into account, temperature, humidity, and the speed of the drying air. An experimental study of an indirect greenhouse solar dryer is being carried out. Solar irradiation, ambient temperature, wind speed, collector inlet and outlet temperatures, absorber and drying chamber temperature and its relative humidity are recorded and displayed. These results obtained are in good agreement with the theoretical results. Keywords: Dryer, solar, experimental, temperature, humidity.
AzzedineNAHOUI , ,(2021); Etude expérimentale d’un séchoir solaire à effet de serre,Mohamed BOUDIAF M'SILA,
- 2021
Etude de comportement thermique d'un distillateur solaire avec des parois latérales transparentes
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2021), Etude de comportement thermique d'un distillateur solaire avec des parois latérales transparentes,Conference Nationale sur les energies renouvelables et l'efficacité énergétique,Université Ahmed DRARIA d'Adrar
- 2021
Thermal Behavior Stydy's of an inclid wick solar still
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2021), Thermal Behavior Stydy's of an inclid wick solar still,1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials,Université Ouargla
- 2021
Etude de comportement thermique d'un distillateur solaire avec des parois latérales transparentes
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2021), Etude de comportement thermique d'un distillateur solaire avec des parois latérales transparentes,Conference nationale sur les energies renouvelables et l'efficacité énergétique,Université Ahmed DRARIA d'Adrar, Algerie
- 2021
Thermal Behavior Stydy's of an inclid wick solar still
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2021), Thermal Behavior Stydy's of an inclid wick solar still,1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials,Université KASDI MERBAH OUARGLA
- 2021
Numerical Study of a Basin Type Solar Still with a Double Glass Cover Under Winter Conditions
A numerical analysis of a basin-type solar still with a double glass cover is done under winter circumstances of solar radiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed. Equations defining thermal balances of different components of traditional and double glass cover solar stills are used to describe the physical issue, which is then solved using the Gauss-Seidel numerical technique. The effects of solar radiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed on the daily production, internal efficiency, and overall performance of solar stills are calculated and illustrated. The findings demonstrate that a solar still with a double-glass cover is more productive and efficient than a solar still with a single glass cover.
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2021), Numerical Study of a Basin Type Solar Still with a Double Glass Cover Under Winter Conditions, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol:88, Issue:1, pages:35-48, SEMARAK ILUM POBLISHING
- 2020
Etude numérique d'un capteur solaire thermique plan à air en régime transitoire
A bibliographical review on solar drying, solar dryers and the product to be dried is made. Measurements of solar irradiation, ambient temperature and wind speed were taken as data to activate a computer code developed in Fortran. The results obtained showed that the variations in the temperatures of the glass, the heat transfer fluid and that of the absorber in transient conditions are well in accordance with the theory. Keywords: collector, dryer, solar, transient.
AzzedineNAHOUI , ,(2020); Etude numérique d'un capteur solaire thermique plan à air en régime transitoire,Mohamed BOUDIAF M'SILA,
- 2020
Effets de la compressibilité de l'écoulement autour d'une pale d'éolienne
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2020), Effets de la compressibilité de l'écoulement autour d'une pale d'éolienne,1ere Conference Nationale sur la Transition Energétique en Algérie,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF Msila
- 2020
Etude des transferts thermiques d'un distillateur solaire avec des parois trasparentes
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2020), Etude des transferts thermiques d'un distillateur solaire avec des parois trasparentes,1ere Conference Nationale sur la Transition Energétique en Algérie,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF Msila
- 2020
Effets de la compressibilité de l'ecoulement autour d'une pale d'eolienne
Effets de la compressibilité de l’écoulement autour d'une pale d’éolienne
Azzedine NAHOUI , Zakaria HADDAD , ,(2020), Effets de la compressibilité de l'ecoulement autour d'une pale d'eolienne,La 1ère Conférence Nationale sur la Transition Energétique en Algérie,Université Mohamed BOUDIAF M’sila
- 2019
Controle du point de sépaartion de la couche limite laminaire par reefroidissement pariètal superposé au controle par refroidissement
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2019), Controle du point de sépaartion de la couche limite laminaire par reefroidissement pariètal superposé au controle par refroidissement,Fifth International Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energitics and Pollution,Universite Constantine 1
- 2019
Numerical study of double-glass cover solar still under winter conditions
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2019), Numerical study of double-glass cover solar still under winter conditions,International Conference on Sustainable Water Traitment Technologies and Environment,UDES Bou Ismail Algeria
- 2018
Journées d'accompagnement des doctorants
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2018), Journées d'accompagnement des doctorants,Journées d'accompagnement des doctorants,Université Larbi Ben Mhidi Oum El Bouagui
- 2018
Journées d'accompagnement des doctorants
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2018), Journées d'accompagnement des doctorants,Journées d'accompagnement des doctorants,Université Larbi Ben Mhidi Oum El Bouagui
- 2018
Etude d'un capteur solaire plan à air
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2018), Etude d'un capteur solaire plan à air,1ere Conference Nationale en Energies renouvelables et Matériaux avancés,Université Larbi Ben Mhidi Oum El Bouagui
- 2017
Le contrôle du point de séparation d’une couche limite laminaire compressible par refroidissement pariétal d’un profil d'aile bidimensionnel dans un écoulement stationnaire, visqueux et subsonique est étudié par voie numérique. Le contrôle par refroidissement pariétal a permis de réduire l’épaisseur de la couche limite et d’étendre la zone laminaire d'environ 10%, permettant ainsi la réduction du frottement pariétal et de là produisant une amélioration conséquente des performances aérodynamiques du profil. Mots clés : Contrôle, refroidissement pariétal, point de séparation, couche limite, laminaire, compressible.
- 2017
simulation numérique de controle de l'écoulement décollé autour d'un profil par jet continu et par jet synthétique
Azzedine NAHOUI , Mohamed Cherif SAADI, ,(2017), simulation numérique de controle de l'écoulement décollé autour d'un profil par jet continu et par jet synthétique,3eme Conference Internationale de Mécanique,Université ANNABA, Algerie
- 2017
Controle de la couche limite laminaire compressible autour d'un profil bidimensionnel par chauffage
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2017), Controle de la couche limite laminaire compressible autour d'un profil bidimensionnel par chauffage,3eme Conference Internationale de Mécanique,Université ANNABA, Algerie
- 2017
Le contrôle du point de séparation d’une couche limite laminaire compressible par refroidissement pariétal d’un profil d'aile bidimensionnel dans un écoulement stationnaire, visqueux et subsonique est étudié par voie numérique. Le contrôle par refroidissement pariétal a permis de réduire l’épaisseur de la couche limite et d’étendre la zone laminaire d'environ 10%, permettant ainsi la réduction du frottement pariétal et de là produisant une amélioration conséquente des performances aérodynamiques du profil.
- 2015
Reduce energy consumption of airplanes, or enhance the aerodynamic performance of compressors and turbines by reducing drag, or increasing lift is a major challenge for many institutions specializing in aerodynamics [1, 2]. One way to achievethis, isconsidered the study of compressible potential flow compared to incompressible potential flow [3], Outside the boundary layer, to study the effects of compressibility and the control parameters. And the pressure coefficient and lift distributions around the NACA 0012 profile, NACA 0015 and NACA 0018 were studied and presented in terms of the Mach number, angle of attack and the relative thickness of the profiles. Keywords : compressibilité, coefficient de pression, coefficient de portance
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2015), COMPRESSIBILITY EFFECTS ON DISTRIBUTIONS OF PRESSURE AND LIFT COEFFICIENTS, Sciences & Technologie A, Vol:1, Issue:41, pages:09-14, univerisuté Constantine 1, Algerie
- 2015
Reduce energy consumption of airplanes, or enhance the aerodynamic performance of compressors and turbines by reducing drag, or increasing lift is a major challenge for many institutions specializing in aerodynamics [1, 2]. One way to achievethis, isconsidered the study of compressible potential flow compared to incompressible potential flow [3], Outside the boundary layer, to study the effects of compressibility and the control parameters. And the pressure coefficient and lift distributions around the NACA 0012 profile, NACA 0015 and NACA 0018 were studied and presented in terms of the Mach number, angle of attack and the relative thickness of the profiles.
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2015), COMPRESSIBILITY EFFECTS ON DISTRIBUTIONS OF PRESSURE AND LIFT COEFFICIENTS, Sciences & Technologie A, Vol:41, Issue:1, pages:09-14, Université Freres MENTOURI Constantine 1, Algerie
- 2014
Etude numérique d'un écoulement transonique sur un profil
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2014), Etude numérique d'un écoulement transonique sur un profil,9eme Journées de Mécanique,Borj el Bahri, Algérie
- 2013
Effets de compressibilité sur les distributions des coefficients de pression et portance
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2013), Effets de compressibilité sur les distributions des coefficients de pression et portance,Premières internationales de la physique de Constantine,Universite Constantine 1
- 2013
Control of incompressible laminar boundary layer by blowing
Azzedine NAHOUI , ,(2013), Control of incompressible laminar boundary layer by blowing,TERRAGREEN 13 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE,Beirut LEBANON
- 2008
Semi Analytical Study of a Flat Surface Uniformly Accessible in a Permanent Laminar Flow and a Newtonian Fluid
The authors calculate the profile of a rectangular pipe by imposing the density J(x) of the limit flow of diffusion on a reactive surface placed at the centre of the pipe to fulfill the law px xJJ 0)( = (where 0J is an independent factor of the coordinates and p a numerical constant ). x is the co-ordinate in the flow direction. They consider the flow in the pipe of an Ostwald fluid and link the allowed values for p to the behavior index n of the fluid. The particular case of a surface uniformly accessible (p = 0) of a Newtonian fluid (n = 1) is studied by integrating the equation for mass transfer by approaching the transversal component of the speed V * by polynomials in the interval [ ]wy,0 . As the Sherwood number should be independent of the x co-ordinate (accessibility hypothesis), they come to show, using the error function properties, that the average Sherwood number on the central material plan is written as Sher = a . Pem 1/3 where a is a constant which is independent of the Reynolds number. The calculations treat the mass transfer case and they are transposable to the heat transfer by substituting the Sherwood number by that of Nusselt, and the mass fraction of the conveyed substance by temperature. Keywords: Fluid mechanics, mass transfer, uniformly accessible surface central material plan is written as Sher = a . Pem 1/3 where a is a constant which is independent of the Reynolds number. The calculations treat the mass transfer case and they are transposable to the heat transfer by substituting the Sherwood number by that of Nusselt, and the mass fraction of the conveyed substance by temperature. Keywords: Fluid mechanics, mass transfer, uniformly accessible surface
Azzedine NAHOUI , NAHOUI Azzedine + KABOUCHE Nabil, , (2008), Semi Analytical Study of a Flat Surface Uniformly Accessible in a Permanent Laminar Flow and a Newtonian Fluid, Adv. Theor. Appl. Mech., ,, Vol:1, Issue:3, pages:173 - 186, m-hikari
- 2008
Control of the Laminar Boundary Layer around a Profile by Suction
A laminar and two-dimensional incompressible boundary layer around a profile and its control using suction is studied numerically. The study is based on the Prandtl boundary layer model. Using the method of finite differences and the Crank-Nicolson scheme. The study concerns the flat plate case and the 0012 NACA profile. The velocity distribution, the boundary layer thickness and the friction coefficient distribution are determined and presented with and without control. The application of the control technique, has demonstrated its positive effect on the detachment point and the friction coefficient. The control procedure is applied for different porosity lengths, speeds and angles of suction Keywords: boundary layer, laminar, two-dimensional, incompressible, profile control, suction, and friction coefficient
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2008), Control of the Laminar Boundary Layer around a Profile by Suction, Adv. Theor. Appl. Mech, Vol:1, Issue:3, pages:187 - 198, m-hikari
- 2008
Control of the Laminar Boundary Layer around a Profile by Suction
A laminar and two-dimensional incompressible boundary layer around a profile and its control using suction is studied numerically. The study is based on the Prandtl boundary layer model. Using the method of finite differences and the Crank-Nicolson scheme. The study concerns the flat plate case and the 0012 NACA profile. The velocity distribution, the boundary layer thickness and the friction coefficient distribution are determined and presented with and without control. The application of the control technique, has demonstrated its positive effect on the detachment point and the friction coefficient. The control procedure is applied for different porosity lengths, speeds and angles of suction
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2008), Control of the Laminar Boundary Layer around a Profile by Suction, Adv. Theor. Appl. Mech, Vol:1, Issue:3, pages:187 - 198, m-hikari, BULGARIE
- 2008
Semi Analytical Study of a Flat Surface Uniformly Accessible in a Permanent Laminar Flow and a Newtonian Fluid
The authors calculate the profile of a rectangular pipe by imposing the density ( x) J of the limit flow of diffusion on a reactive surface placed at the centre of the pipe to fulfill the law p x J J x ( ) 0 = (where 0 J is an independent factor of the coordinates and p a numerical constant ). x is the co-ordinate in the flow direction. They consider the flow in the pipe of an Ostwald fluid and link the allowed values for p to the behavior index n of the fluid. The particular case of a surface uniformly accessible (p = 0) of a Newtonian fluid (n = 1) is studied by integrating the equation for mass transfer by approaching the transversal component of the speed V * by polynomials in the interval[ ] w 0, y . As the Sherwood number should be independent of the x co-ordinate (accessibility hypothesis), they come to show, using the error function properties, that the average Sherwood number on the central material plan is written as Sher = a . Pem 1/3 where a is a constant which is independent of the Reynolds number. The calculations treat the mass transfer case and they are transposable to the heat transfer by substituting the Sherwood number by that of Nusselt, and the mass fraction of the conveyed substance by temperature.
Azzedine NAHOUI , , (2008), Semi Analytical Study of a Flat Surface Uniformly Accessible in a Permanent Laminar Flow and a Newtonian Fluid, Adv. Theor. Appl. Mech, Vol:1, Issue:3, pages:173 - 186, m-hikari, BULGARIE