بن يحيى عزالدين
- Departement of Chemistry
- Faculty of Sciences
- Grade Prof
About Me
Sciences de la Matière
Research Domains
Matériaux composites Chimie des eaux Chimie de l'environnement Chimie de surface Matériaux composites et environnement
Msila, Msila
Code RFIDE- 2023
Doctorat soutenu
Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique du comportement mécanique d’un composite à base d'une matrice thermodurcissable renforcée par des fibres végétales de la région de M’sila
- 2023
Boutchicha Selsabil , Hamouche Halla
Traitement des eaux usées par méthodes électrocoagulation, matériau inorganique et biomasse
- 2023
Saoudi Khaled
Utilisation de la boue de barrage comme additif dans un matériau composite
- 2023
- 2023
- 2022
Doctorat soutenu
Mouissa Fadhila
Contribution à Compréhension et à la Modélisation du Comportement Mécanique thermique et Acoustique de Matériaux Composites à Base de Déchets
- 2021
- 2020
Doctorat soutenu
Kouadri Zainate
تأثير المعالجات الكيميائية على الخواص الميكانيكية لمركب مقوى بألياف نباتية وذو أساس من مصفوفة غير عضوية
- 2019
Co-Encaderement Doctorat soutenu
Deghfel Nadir
Etude de la possibilté de fixation des molécules organiques acide-base sur des surfaces d'argile et d'un mélange d'argile et de fibres végétales de la région de M'sila
- 2019
بن شنيت جميلة
تحضير ودراسة خصائص مادة مركبة ذات مصفوفة من الفينيل أستر غير المشبع مقواة بنفايات معدنية لمصنع أنابيب مغرب وألياف نباتية (الحلفاء)
- 2018
محرز محمد
دراسة مقارنة الخصائص الفيزيوكيميائية لمياه الصرف الصحي لثلاث محطات معالجة (برج بوعريريج-المسيلة - بوسعادة)
- 2018
Khatout Karima , Barka Houda
L'effet des traitements chimiques sur la structure morphologique de fibres de LUFFA
- 2018
Nouibat Hamza
L'adsorption de colorant Rouge de Congo par l'argile de la région de Bou-saada
- 2018
Djemiat Hakima , Merrouche Zoubida
Etude physico-chimique et biologique de l'espèce -CRATAEGUS-
- 2018
Benhaddad Sabah , Aichouche Amal
Contribution à l'étude de la gestion des déchets ménagers de la ville de M'sila
- 2018
- 2018
Kaouache Mayouf , Kouici Fatah
Etude comparative de l'adsorption d'un colorant anionique sur un adsorbant à base d'un matériau végétale Alf (Stipa Tenacissima)
- 2018
- 1959-04-15 00:00:00
AZZEDINE Benyahia birthday
- 2024-05-06
Treatment of wastewater from the city of M'sila
Treatment of wastewater from the city of M'sila
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2024-05-06), Treatment of wastewater from the city of M'sila,2ème Colloque de chimie CNC2@2024,Université Mohamed Boudiaf M'sila
- 2024-05-06
Étude des performance mécaniques des matériaux composites à base de sciure de bois
Étude des performance mécaniques des matériaux composites à base de sciure de bois
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2024-05-06), Étude des performance mécaniques des matériaux composites à base de sciure de bois,2ème Colloque de chimie CNC2@2024,Université Mohamed Boudiaf M'sila
- 2024-02-05
Study Day on Green Hydrogen
Study Day on Green Hydrogen
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2024-02-05), Study Day on Green Hydrogen,Study Day on Green Hydrogen,Université Mohamed Boudiaf M'sila
- 2023-10-23
Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical properties of Alfa fiber/ Unsaturated Polyester Composite
Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical properties of Alfa fiber/ Unsaturated Polyester Composite
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-10-23), Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical properties of Alfa fiber/ Unsaturated Polyester Composite,1St International Seminar on Chemical Processes ans Sustainable Development,Skikda
- 2023-10-23
Les caractéristiques physicochimiques et la composition minérale de l'argile jaune naturelle (M'sila).
Les argiles sont utilisées dans de nombreux domaines (construction, pharmacie, agriculture, etc.), ce qui motive les experts et les scientifiques à étudier ses propriétés physico-chimiques et sa composition minérale afin d'améliorer son utilisation dans des domaines spécifiques. Notre recherche vise à étudier la composition minérale et les propriétés physico-chimiques des argiles naturelles en raison de leur importance dans le domaine des propriétés d'application. Les propriétés physico-chimiques ont été étudiées- nous n'avons trouvé qu'une argile jaune avec un pH de 7,37, probablement en raison de sels solubles et alcalins tels que des bicarbonates ou des silicates de métaux alcalins. La valeur d'humidité (W) de l'argile jaune (1,31 %) est inférieure, indiquant qu'elle n'est pas hygroscopique. L'indice de gonflement Ig de l'argile jaune (1,49 %) est gonflé facilement. En fonction de la taille et du diamètre des particules (selon la classification ASTM), les échantillons d'argile sont classés en sable fin, moyen et grossier. La méthode FTIR de caractérisation de l'argile était cohérente avec les résultats de l'analyse. L'existence du quartz et de la kaolinite est bien confirmée (caractéristiques des bandes vibratoires de déformation de la liaison Si-O et des vibrations d'étirement du quartz Si-O à 470,4 cm-1, 712 cm-1 et 798,4 cm-1). L'analyse thermogravimétrique TGA a été utilisée pour suivre la stabilité thermique de l'argile. Cela a permis de suivre la perte de masse de l'échantillon en fonction de la température (la perte totale d'argile jaune était d'environ 5,56%). Les phases minérales dans l'échantillon sont identifiées par diffraction des rayons X (XRD).
KARIMA Larkat , Azzedine BENYAHIA , Nadir DEGHFEL , meftah allal, ,(2023-10-23), Les caractéristiques physicochimiques et la composition minérale de l'argile jaune naturelle (M'sila).,1st International Seminar on Chemical Processes and Sustainable Development, (ISCPSD’23),skikda,algeria
- 2023-10-18
Valorisation et traitement chimique des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Valorisation et traitement chimique des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-10-18), Valorisation et traitement chimique des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites,1st International Webinar: Biodiversity Roles in Plants Protection-Arid Regions BRPP-AR: October 18th to 19th, 2023 (CRSTRA, Algeria),Alger
- 2023-10-18
The effect of additives and chemical treatment on mechanical properties of a composite material
The effect of additives and chemical treatment on mechanical properties of a composite material
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-10-18), The effect of additives and chemical treatment on mechanical properties of a composite material,First National Conference on Advanced Materials and Their Application (NCAMA'2023,Tipaza Algeria
- 2023-10-18
Valorisation et traitement chimique des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Valorisation et traitement chimique des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-10-18), Valorisation et traitement chimique des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites,Troisième édition du séminaire des sciences d'interface chimie-Biologie (SNSICB, 18-19 October 2023),Université Mohamed Chérif Messaadia Souk Ahras
- 2023-09-26
Valorisation Et Traitement Des Déchets Végétaux Pour Préparer Des Matériaux Composites.
Valorisation Et Traitement Des Déchets Végétaux Pour Préparer Des Matériaux Composites.
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-09-26), Valorisation Et Traitement Des Déchets Végétaux Pour Préparer Des Matériaux Composites.,1er Séminaire national sur Le défi de la gestion des déchets entre destruction et valorisation,Université Abbes Leghrour Khenchela Algérie
- 2023-09-26
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-09-26), VALORISATION AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF VEGETABLE FIBERS TO PREPARE COMPOSITE MATERIALS,has participated in 3rd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya/Turkey
- 2023-09-25
Étude et caractérisation d'un matériau composite à base des fibres végétales
Étude et caractérisation d'un matériau composite à base des fibres végétales
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-09-25), Étude et caractérisation d'un matériau composite à base des fibres végétales,La Journée Mondiale des Pharmaciens & la 2ème Journée Nationale de Pharmacie Le 25 septembre 2023, Ain-Témouchent, Algérie,Ain-Témouchent
- 2023-09-25
Valorisation et traitement chimiques des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Valorisation et traitement chimiques des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-09-25), Valorisation et traitement chimiques des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites,First National Symposium on: Water, Health and Environment Impact of Climate Changes,University Abbes Laghrour Khenchela Algeria
- 2023-09-25
Study of the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of the “Punica granatum” plant from the M’sila region
Study of the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of the “Punica granatum” plant from the M’sila region
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-09-25), Study of the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of the “Punica granatum” plant from the M’sila region,Journée Mondiale des Pharmaciens & la 2ème Journée Nationale de Pharmacie, Ain-Témouchent, Algérie,Ain-Témouchent
- 2023-09-04
Study of the antibacterial and a and antioxidant activity of the “Punica granatum” plant from the M’sila region
Study of the antibacterial and a and antioxidant activity of the “Punica granatum” plant from the M’sila region
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-09-04), Study of the antibacterial and a and antioxidant activity of the “Punica granatum” plant from the M’sila region,2nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research ICCAR 2023 on November 4-5, 2023 in Konya, Turkey,Konya-Turkey
- 2023-07-10
Elaboration and characterization of physicochemical properties and mineralogical study of natural clay (M'sila area).
Clays are used in a wide variety of fields (e.g. construction, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, etc.), motivating experts and scientists to study the physical-chemical properties of clays and their mineral composition, and to improve their use in their specific fields. Given its importance in the field of use, our research focused on studying the mineral composition of natural clays and their physical-chemical properties. Physical-chemical properties studied - we obtained only a yellow clay with a pH of 7.47, the W % of 1.38% is lower. The Ig swelling index (1.55%) swells slightly. The clay characterization method was revealed by FTIR in agreement with the results revealed by the analysis. The existence of kaolinite and quartz is well confirmed (Si-O bond deformation and Si-O elongation vibration band signatures of quartz located at 470.4 cm-1, 712 cm-1 and 798, 4 cm-1). Kaolinite or Si-group quartz at 1025cm-1) The thermal stability of the clay was monitored by ATG thermogravimetric analysis, which made it possible to track the loss of sample mass as a function of temperature (total loss of clay was approx. 5.56%). the spectral analysis of the d X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicates that it is composed of quartz, calcite and dolomite, which explains why our clay is heterogeneous, the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction of our material is quartz (12.68%) and calcite (50.35%) The results of the elemental chemical analysis (XRF) show that silica (26.42%) and calcium oxide (28.58%) are the major oxides in our sample.
KARIMA Larkat , Azzedine BENYAHIA , Nadir DEGHFEL , meftah allal, ,(2023-07-10), Elaboration and characterization of physicochemical properties and mineralogical study of natural clay (M'sila area).,5th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences,Konya, Turkey
- 2023-06-17
The effect of additives and chemical treatment on mechanical properties of composite material
The effect of additives and chemical treatment on mechanical properties of composite material
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-06-17), The effect of additives and chemical treatment on mechanical properties of composite material,THE NATIONALVIRTUAL CONFERENCE ALGERIAN CONFERENCE ON MECHANICS AND SOLAR ENERGY,Université Kasdi Merbah OUARGLA-ALGERIA
- 2023-06-09
The effect of traitement chimique or preparation of material composite
The effect of traitement chimique or preparation of material composite
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-06-09), The effect of traitement chimique or preparation of material composite,1st International Webinar « The city at the heart of sustainability and digital challenges: Perspectives on urban and environmental issues». CHSDC 2023.,USTHB – Algeria
- 2023-05-30
Valorisation et traitement des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Valorisation et traitement des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-05-30), Valorisation et traitement des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites,Célébration de la Journée Mondiale de la Sclérose En Plaques, le 30 mai 2023 L’Association Santé au Travail, Sécurité, Hygiène et Environnement,Ain-Témouchent
- 2023-03-15
Valorisation et traitement des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Valorisation et traitement des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2023-03-15), Valorisation et traitement des fibres végétales pour préparer des matériaux composites,First International Webinar on: Promotion and Exploitation of Plants of Ecological and Economic Interest,Université Abbes Laghrour Khenchela Algérie
- 2023
Researchers are showing increasing interest in plant fiber reinforced composites due to their eco-friendliness, low density, low cost and amazing mechanical properties. However, some challenges remain for researchers in this field, most notably poor adhesion between the polymer matrix and the plant fibers, which reduces the mechanical properties of composites reinforced with these fibers. This study aims to improve the adhesion between the matrix and the reinforcement by chemically treating Alfa fibers (Stipa tenacissima) with a 3 wt% NaOH solution at different times (1, 3, 5 and 24 h). FTIR, DRX, GTA and tensile tests were conducted. XRD tests showed that the crystallinity index of 3% alkali treated Alfa fibers for 5 h increased by 36.26%, compared to that of untreated fibers. The results also revealed that the mechanical properties of composites reinforced with treated fibers outperformed those reinforced with untreated fibers. These findings can contribute to the development of high mechanical performance composites, which can be competitive with those prepared with synthetic fibers. Keywords: composite, Stipa tenacissima, adhesion, tensile strength, alkaline treatment
AZZEDINE Melouki , Azzedine BENYAHIA , Chouki FARSI , Nadir DEGHFEL , Nouri LAIB , Mahmoud Lebid , , (2023), EFFECT OF ALKALINE TREATMENT ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALFA FIBER/UNSATURATED POLYESTER COMPOSITE, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, Vol:57, Issue:5, pages:607-615, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology
- 2022-12-19
1st International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research ICSAR 2022
1st International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research ICSAR 2022
AzzedineBENYAHIA , ,(2022-12-19); 1st International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research ICSAR 2022,,Asst. Prof. Dr. Umut ÖZKAYA
- 2022-12-13
Determination of the regularity domain of crushed rock grain classes by video grain size anlysis (VDG)
Determination of the regularity domain of crushed rock grain classes by video grain size anlysis (VDG)
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2022-12-13), Determination of the regularity domain of crushed rock grain classes by video grain size anlysis (VDG),1st International Conference on innovative materials for sustainable development,Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba
- 2022-11-22
4 th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences November 10-13, 2022 : Konya, Turkey
4 th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences November 10-13, 2022 : Konya, Turkey
AzzedineBENYAHIA , ,(2022-11-22); 4 th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences November 10-13, 2022 : Konya, Turkey,,Asst. Prof. Dr. Umut ÖZKAYA
- 2022-10-23
Amélioration et élaboration d'un matériau composite renforcé par les déchets de MAGHREB PIPE M'sila
Amélioration et élaboration d'un matériau composite renforcé par les déchets de MAGHREB PIPE M'sila
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2022-10-23), Amélioration et élaboration d'un matériau composite renforcé par les déchets de MAGHREB PIPE M'sila,2nd International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics,Skikda University 20 Août 1955- Algérie
- 2022-09-10
Study and physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of the natural yellow clay and soda from the region of Soubella and the natural bentonite and soda from Maghnia.
Study and physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of the natural yellow clay and soda from the region of Soubella and the natural bentonite and soda from Maghnia.
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2022-09-10), Study and physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of the natural yellow clay and soda from the region of Soubella and the natural bentonite and soda from Maghnia.,1st International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya/Turkey
- 2022-09-10
Comparative study of the physico-chemical characteristics and mineralogical composition of natural clays (red and green) of the region of Soubella M'Sila
Comparative study of the physico-chemical characteristics and mineralogical composition of natural clays (red and green) of the region of Soubella M'Sila
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2022-09-10), Comparative study of the physico-chemical characteristics and mineralogical composition of natural clays (red and green) of the region of Soubella M'Sila,1st International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies,Konya/Turkey
- 2022
Characterization of the mineral composition of the clay of the Soubella region and the bentonite of Mighnia
Characterization of the mineral composition of the clay of the Soubella region and the bentonite of Mighnia
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2022), Characterization of the mineral composition of the clay of the Soubella region and the bentonite of Mighnia,4th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences,Konya - Turkey
- 2022
Amélioration et élaboration d'un matériau composite renforcé par les déchets de MAGHREB PIPE M'sila
Amélioration et élaboration d'un matériau composite renforcé par les déchets de MAGHREB PIPE M'sila
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2022), Amélioration et élaboration d'un matériau composite renforcé par les déchets de MAGHREB PIPE M'sila,2nd International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics,SKIKDA- Algérie
- 2022
Effect of alkaline treatment time on flexural properties of Alfa fiber/Unsaturated polyester composite
Environmental and energy conservation pressure has led to a dramatic increase in the need for economically feasible lightweight materials that can be better substituted for non-biodegradable materials in reinforced composites. To this end, this study examines composite materials prepared from unsaturated polyester resins reinforced with treated and untreated Alfa fibers. Fiber treatment was carried out by NaOH solution of 5% concentration at different times (1, 3, 5 and 24 h). The strength and flexural modulus of the composites were evaluated according to the ASTM D790 test method. The analytical results indicate that the fibers’ alkaline pretreatment time had a positive influence on the mechanical properties of the composites. Keywords: composite, Stipa tenacissima, adhesion, flexion, hydrophilic, alkaline treatment
Azzedine BENYAHIA , Nouri LAIB , Nadir DEGHFEL ,, , (2022), Effect of alkaline treatment time on flexural properties of Alfa fiber/Unsaturated polyester composite, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, Vol:56, Issue:9, pages:1081-1088, Lilia Daringa
- 2022
Physicochemical properties and mineral composition of natural yellow clay ( M'sila ).
Clays are used in a variety of fields (construction, pharmacy, agriculture, etc.), which motivates experts and scientists to study the physicochemical properties of clay and its mineral composition, and to improve its use in specific fields. Due to its importance in the field of application properties, our research aims to study the mineral composition of natural clays and their physicochemical properties. Physicochemical properties were studied - we only got a yellow clay with a pH of 7.47, probably due to soluble and alkaline salts such as bicarbonates or silicates of alkali metals (usually in the composition of clays). The yellow clay (1.38%) has a lower moisture (W %) value, indicating that it is not hygroscopic. The Ig swelling index (%) of yellow clay (1.55%) is easy to swell. Clay samples are classified into fine, medium, and coarse sand by particle size (as classified by ASTM) and their diameter. The clay characterization method revealed by FTIR was consistent with the results revealed by the analysis. The existence of kaolinite and quartz is well confirmed (characteristics of Si-O bond deformation vibrational bands and Si-O stretching vibrations of quartz at 470.4 cm-1, 712 cm-1 and 798.4 cm-1).The thermal stability of the clay was tracked by TGA thermogravimetric analysis which made it possible to track the mass loss of the sample as a function of temperature (total yellow clay loss was about 5.56%). X-ray diffraction (XRD) is used to identify the mineral phases present in the sample. Keywords: clay, physicochemical properties, mineralogical compositions.
KARIMA Larkat , Azzedine BENYAHIA , Nadir DEGHFEL , NEDJMA Lahmar ,, Belfar issam, brahim ben saoucha, ,(2022), Physicochemical properties and mineral composition of natural yellow clay ( M'sila ).,2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences,Konya, Turkey
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- 2021-04-28
The effect of chemical treatment on the mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials based on clay reinforced with sawdust
This study investigates the effect of the chemical treatment of sawdust on the mechanical and thermal properties of a clay composite reinforced with sawdust in variable mass proportions: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5%, intended for use as brick in rural houses in desert areas. The sawdust was chemically treated with 5 wt% NaOH and 0.01 wt% KMnO4 solutions. The mechanical test results of the reinforced composite with alkali-treated sawdust show an increase in flexural and compression strength, reaching a maximum value of 0.89 and 4.85 MPa, respectively. However, the thermal test results show a significant decrease in the thermal conductivity of the sawdust-reinforced composite. The best result recorded is that of untreated sawdust, which has a value of 0.37 (W.m−1.K−1) compared to the one reinforced with treated sawdust.
Mokhtar DJEHICHE , Azzedine BENYAHIA , Fadhila Mouissa, , (2021-04-28), The effect of chemical treatment on the mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials based on clay reinforced with sawdust, Matériaux & Techniques, Vol:109, Issue:101, pages:11, EDP Sciences
- 2021
The effect of chemical treatment on the mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials based on clay reinforced with sawdust
This study investigates the effect of the chemical treatment of sawdust on the mechanical and thermal properties of a clay composite reinforced with sawdust in variable mass proportions: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5%, intended for use as brick in rural houses in desert areas. The sawdust was chemically treated with 5 wt% NaOH and 0.01 wt% KMnO4 solutions. The mechanical test results of the reinforced composite with alkali-treated sawdust show an increase in flexural and compression strength, reaching a maximum value of 0.89 and 4.85 MPa, respectively. However, the thermal test results show a significant decrease in the thermal conductivity of the sawdust-reinforced composite. The best result recorded is that of untreated sawdust, which has a value of 0.37 (W.m−1.K−1) compared to the one reinforced with treated sawdust.
ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , Fadhila MOUISSA , Azzedine BENYAHIA , mokhjtar, , (2021), The effect of chemical treatment on the mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials based on clay reinforced with sawdust, Matériaux & Techniques, Vol:109, Issue:1, pages:1-11, EDP Science
- 2021
The effect of concentration and processing time on the morphological structure of alpha fibers used as reinforcement in composites
The effect of concentration and processing time on the morphological structure of alpha fibers used as reinforcement in composites
Azzedine BENYAHIA ,, ,(2021), The effect of concentration and processing time on the morphological structure of alpha fibers used as reinforcement in composites,1ST INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR ON BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,Saad Dahlab University, Blida-1 Algeria
- 2021
Kinetic model for sulfate radical oxidation of bromothymol blue
The degradation kinetics of bromothymol blue (BBT) in the presence of heated potassium persulfate (KPS) in acidic medium (pH3) was studied. Based on our calculation and simulation methods, we determined, for the first time, the rate constant of the reaction of BBT with sulfate radicals (k6) at 60 °C. By carrying out several experiences at various conditions of concentrations and temperature, we obtain an average value of k6 equal to (3.3 ± 0.3) x 108 M-1 s-1 and an activation energy equal to18.84 kJ/mol. On the other hand, we have also calculated the rate constant of the BTB reaction with the hydroxyl radical at 60 °C, equal to (1.3 ± 1) x 1010 M-1 s-1. Finally, based on our simulation model, we predicted the dominant radical(hydroxyl or sulfate) at different values of pH.
Mokhtar DJEHICHE , Cheikh MOKRANI , Azzedine BENYAHIA , NEDJMA Lahmar , ,(2021), Kinetic model for sulfate radical oxidation of bromothymol blue,7th International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology,international islamic university malaysia
- 2021
Evaluation of materials from the excavation of the Ouenza hematite deposit (North-East Algeria) by gravimetric enrichment
Manuscripts should Quarries and mines that exploit hematite ore Fe2O3 usually have a large quantity of waste rock with low iron content, stored in the slag heaps of quarries or mines without enrichment. This work consists in finding solutions to this product to make it more or less usable in industries. After chemical and mineralogical analysis of the whole product, the large percentage of existing chemical elements is the hematite ore Fe2O3 which has a low iron concentration. To improve its iron content, it must be treated by chemical and hydro mechanical processes that are economically viable. Since it remains in the product heap, it will be degraded in the open air of the quarry by atmospheric chemical reactions. A certain amount of this stockpile is sampled at different locations in a heap to distinguish the chemical elements of the dominant product. The search for good enrichment techniques of these materials after their homogenization led us to choose among the main separation operations, those based on the difference of densities obtained by suspension in granulated Ferro-solutions composed of silicon and magnetite. From the results of the gravimetric separation, three fractions were obtained: an iron-rich fraction; a medium fraction; an iron-poor fraction <10%. According to the magnetic properties analysis, as a semi-separated product, the medium iron fraction will undergo a new enrichment sequence by high magnetic field separation. Keywords: Separation, Hematite, Heavy suspension, Magnetic properties, Enrichment
Azzedine BENYAHIA , , (2021), Evaluation of materials from the excavation of the Ouenza hematite deposit (North-East Algeria) by gravimetric enrichment, Natural Volatil and Essential Oils, Vol:8, Issue:4, pages:11529-11537, Natural Volatil and Essential Oils
- 2019
Study of the effect of alkaline palm fiber treatment time on the mechanical behavior of red clay materials from the region of M’sila
This work is part of the development of local materials, such as vegetable fiber (palm fiber) and red clay from southern Algeria, widely used in the preparation of bricks as rural building materials. Vegetal fibers have very interesting properties, they are: renewable, biodegradable and low cost / lightness ratio. Their mechanical properties are very important. However, the predominant problem in this type of composite material is the weak adhesion of the matrix-fiber interface, probably attributed to the nature of the surface and the hydrophobic character of the natural fibers, thus leading to weak mechanical properties for the material, envisaged composite. The purpose of this study is to treat palm fiber with a basic solution of sodium hydroxide (4% w/v NaOH) for varying periods of time: 3, 7, 24 and 48 hours to improve interfacial adhesion. The results obtained from the tests carried out on the composite reinforced with palm fibers treated during 7 hours, showed a clear increase as regards the resistance to bending and compression; it is respectively of the order of 57 and 60%, compared to the composite reinforced by the untreated fibers. It can be deduced that palm fibers can be considered as one of the suitable materials for clay reinforcement. Keywords: palm fibers / clay red / flexural strength / compression / composite
Azzedine BENYAHIA , , (2019), Study of the effect of alkaline palm fiber treatment time on the mechanical behavior of red clay materials from the region of M’sila, matéraux et techniques, Vol:107, Issue:404, pages:12,
- 2019
Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the waste of: glass powder, glass powder-sand and glass powder- Alfa fibers
The purpose of this research is to compare the modifications of the mechanical properties of the reinforced unsaturated polyester with three types of reinforcement: The first is a glass powder waste, resin the second is a glass waste powder, resin and sand, finally hybride of Alfa fiber with glass waste powdered. The unsaturated polyester was reinforced with different weight ratios of reinforcements (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 w/w %). The hybrid composites showed an increase in flexural properties with increase in the glass powder loading. The flexural properties of these hybrid composites have been found to be higher than that of the matrix. Hand lay-up technique was used for making the composites and tests are carried out by using ASTM methods. Key words : Unsaturated polyester, composite, waste, flexural strength, adhesion, Alfa fibers.
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2019), Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the waste of: glass powder, glass powder-sand and glass powder- Alfa fibers,5Th International conference on advances in mechanical engineering Istanbul 2019,ISTANBUL-TURKEY
- 2019
Study the alkali treatment effect on the mechanical properties: unsaturated polyester/Diss fibers composite.
The main advantages to use natural fibers in composite are: low cost, low weight, biodegradable, ecological, and renewable [1,2]. However, two major reasons limit applying natural fibers reinforced composite. First, the tensile strength of natural fiber is very low compared to Synthetic fibers. The second is the water absorption [3]. Although synthetic fibers such as glass fibers, have been used frequently in the past for reinforcing different types of composites [4-12], to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous attempt has been performed at manufacturing fibers for plastic reinforcement from the Diss plant. The Diss (Ampelodesma mauritanica) is a wild plant, very fibrous over large parts of Mediterranean countries. The objective of this study is to improve the mechanical properties of composites based on an unsaturated polyester matrix reinforced with Diss fibers (Ampelodesmos mauritanicus) from the Boussaâda region. This type of fiber is characterized by interesting physical and chemical properties; such as: rigidity, lightness, low cost, abundance and eco-environmentality. These qualities make these fibers a potential competitor to artificial fibers. However, the incompatibility between the plant fibers and the unsaturated polyester gives the composite low mechanical properties. To remedy this problem, Diss fiber was previously exposed to an alkaline treatment based on sodium hydroxide. The effectiveness of this treatment has been confirmed, in addition to certain parameters (the size of the fibers, the concentration of NaOH, the temperature and the treatment time) seems to have a notable effect on the mechanical properties . The characterization techniques used in this study are: Optical microscope, SEM, FTIR, XRD, Tensile, Flexural.
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2019), Study the alkali treatment effect on the mechanical properties: unsaturated polyester/Diss fibers composite.,5Th International conference on advances in mechanical engineering Istanbul 2019,ISTANBUL-TURKEY
- 2019
Study of the effect of alkaline palm fiber treatment time on the mechanical behavior of red clay materials from the region of M’sila
This work is part of the development of local materials, such as vegetable fiber (palm fiber) and red clay from southern Algeria, widely used in the preparation of bricks as rural building materials. Vegetal fibers have very interesting properties, they are: renewable, biodegradable and low cost / lightness ratio. Their mechanical properties are very important. However, the predominant problem in this type of composite material is the weak adhesion of the matrix-fiber interface, probably attributed to the nature of the surface and the hydrophobic character of the natural fibers, thus leading to weak mechanical properties for the material, envisaged composite. The purpose of this study is to treat palm fiber with a basic solution of sodium hydroxide (4% w/v NaOH) for varying periods of time: 3, 7, 24 and 48 hours to improve interfacial adhesion. The results obtained from the tests carried out on the composite reinforced with palm fibers treated during 7 hours, showed a clear increase as regards the resistance to bending and compression; it is respectively of the order of 57 and 60%, compared to the composite reinforced by the untreated fibers. It can be deduced that palm fibers can be considered as one of the suitable materials for clay reinforcement. Key words: palm fibers / clay red / flexural strength / compression / composite
Ali REDJEM , Koadri Zainate , Azzedine BENYAHIA , BRAHIM Nouibat , , (2019), Study of the effect of alkaline palm fiber treatment time on the mechanical behavior of red clay materials from the region of M’sila, Matériaux & techniques, Vol:107, Issue:4, pages:1-12, Editor-in-Chief: J.-P. Birat - Editorial board
- 2019
Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the mixture of glass and Alfa fibers
The purpose of this research is to compare the modifications of the mechanical properties of the reinforced unsaturated polyester with three types of reinforcement: The first is a glass powder waste, the second is a sand blasted glass waste powder and finally hybride of Alfa fiber with glass waste powdered. The unsaturated polyester was reinforced with different weight ratios of reinforcements (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 % w/w). The hybrid composites showed an increase in flexural properties with increase in the glass powder loading. The flexural properties of these hybrid composites have been found to be higher than that of the matrix. Hand lay-up technique was used for making the composites and tests are carried out by using ASTM methods. Key words: Alfa, composite, alkali treatment, adhesion
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2019), Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the mixture of glass and Alfa fibers,6èmes Journales Scientifiques Franco-Maghrébine,Annaba-Algérie
- 2019
Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the Luffa sponge fibres
In this study, a synergistic treatments including alkali, permanganate, dichromate and bleach pretreatment on Luffa sponge fibers (LF) was used as reinforcement in a unsaturated polyester (UP) matrix to improve the mechanical properties of LF/UP composites. The effect of the treatments by: NaOH, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, NaClO and silane on the performance of the LF/UP composites were evaluated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), mechanical testing (examining flexural). Analysis of the composites suggested that the The results showed that composites reinforced with treated fibers had a higher bending strength than composites reinforced with untreated fibers. Key words : Luffa fiber, composite, alkali treatment, flexural strength.
Nadir DEGHFEL , Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2019), Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the Luffa sponge fibres,6ème Journées Scientifiques Franco-Maghrébine. Caractérisation des matériaux complexes,Annaba-Algérie
- 2019
Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the Luffa sponge fibres
In this study, a synergistic treatments including alkali, permanganate, dichromate and bleach pretreatment on Luffa sponge fibers (LF) was used as reinforcement in a unsaturated polyester (UP) matrix to improve the mechanical properties of LF/UP composites. The effect of the treatments by: NaOH, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, NaClO and silane on the performance of the LF/UP composites were evaluated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), mechanical testing (examining flexural). Analysis of the composites suggested that the The results showed that composites reinforced with treated fibers had a higher bending strength than composites reinforced with untreated fibers. Key words : Luffa fiber, composite, alkali treatment, flexural strength.
Nadir DEGHFEL , Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2019), Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the Luffa sponge fibres,5Th International conference on advances in mechanical engineering Istanbul 2019,ISTANBUL-TURKEY
- 2019
Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the Luffa sponge fibers
Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the Luffa sponge fibers
Nadir DEGHFEL , Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2019), Study of the mechanical properties of an unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with the Luffa sponge fibers,6èmes Caractérisation Journées Scientifiques des Matériaux Franco-Maghrébines,Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba
- 2018
Study of the performance of adobe brick coated for sustainable construction in the Algerian Sahara
This article describes a study conducted to determine the ideal both traditional and stabilized composition of adobe as a building material, and to further refine an appropriate choice of coating composition for extended durability of these constructions in adobe: choose the suitable coating that fits the most with its substrate. The constructions in Z’gueg El Hadjadj [Laghouat town, Algeria] consist of adobe walls but also plaster that serves as a coating for these brick walls. The degradation phenomena of the building are considered in the adobe-coated couple, and consequently in the suitability of their compositions. The compatibility of plasters with adobes remains a major factor in the restoration and conservation of earthen constructions. This paper examines the results of the experimental characterization of the behavior of coated bricks, which consists of studying in the laboratory the water resistance: the drying-wetting test and the capillary rise test, as well as the complementary accelerated aging test: the abrasion test. These tests will be supplemented by another test, that of the adhesion, to see the compatibility of the coatings with their supports. The results, compared below, led to the conclusion that for capillary absorption and adhesion tests, a homogeneous coating in 3 layers could give more conclusive results. The drying-wetting test is recommended especially for bulk and surface treated samples. Keywords: adobe brick / coatings / absorption / adhesion / durability
BRAHIM Nouibat , Azzedine BENYAHIA , Ali REDJEM , Nadir Kerroum, , (2018), Study of the performance of adobe brick coated for sustainable construction in the Algerian Sahara, matéraux et techniques, Vol:106, Issue:401, pages:10, EDP Sciences, 2018
- 2018
Study of the mechanical behavior of a clay -based materials of M'sila region reinforced by Palm fibres
This work is part of the development of local materials such as palm fibres and clay in the south of Algeria. These materials are abounding, natural, renewable and have very important mechanical properties. Our objective is to study the alkalin treatment effect of palm fibres on the mechanical characteristics of clay based materials, the proposal motivate the use of these materials in the field of rural construction. In the first step, we mix the red clay (chosen as base materials) with different weight ratios of palm fibres (0.5, 1, 2, 3 % (w/w)) to determine the optimum percentage used in the composite material. In the next step, the fibre was treated with 4 % w/w sodium hydroxide solution at different periods 3, 6, 24 and 48 hours. The results of static tests on composites showed that the improvements in flexural and tensile strengths of composites reinforced with the treated fibers, particularly the composite with treated fibers at 4 % w/w NaOH ; at 3h, these improvements were about 57% and 60%, respectively, compared to untreated fiber reinforced composite. It can be concluded that palm fibres can be considered as one of the appropriate material for clay reinforcement. Keywords: Palm fibres, clay red, tensile strength, compression, composite.
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(2018), Study of the mechanical behavior of a clay -based materials of M'sila region reinforced by Palm fibres,The 5Th International Colloquium Corrosion & Materil's Protection,Monastir - Tunisia
- 2018
Removal capacity and adsorption mechanism of a clay and bentonite for a textile dye
The present work aims to reduce the impact of vat dyes by a natural and activated Algerian clay using the adsorption technique. The adsorption experiments show that the clay used is very effective in removing the vat dye at relatively low concentrations in an aqueous medium. The adsorption isotherms of the vat dye on the raw clay are satisfactorily described by the Langmuir model. Adsorption capacities in the range of 55.25 mg.g1 for crude bentonite (BB), 55.20 mg.g1 for sodium bentonite (BS), 51.78 mg.g1 for red clay (AR) and 48.24 mg.g1 for Madadid clay (AM) were determined from the Langmuir isotherm. These values show that the raw bentonite has a better adsorption capacity because it contains a large percentage of clay fraction. Keywords: clay / adsorption / water / vat dye / pollutants
Nadir DEGHFEL , Azzedine BENYAHIA , BELMOKRE Kamel, ERRACHID Abdelhamid, ,(2018), Removal capacity and adsorption mechanism of a clay and bentonite for a textile dye,Quatrièmes Journées Internationales de Chimie Organique de Annaba-JICOA’18,Annaba-Algérie
- 2017
Comparative study of the adsorption of a vat dye on different adsorbents based on an inorganic material Bentonite and clay from the M’sila region.
The present work aims to reduce the impact of vat dyes by a natural and activated Algerian clay using the adsorption technique. The adsorption experiments show that the clay used is very effective in removing the vat dye at relatively low concentrations in an aqueous medium. The adsorption isotherms of the vat dye on the raw clay are satisfactorily described by the Langmuir model. Adsorption capacities in the range of 55.25 mg.g1 for crude bentonite (BB), 55.20 mg.g1 for sodium bentonite (BS), 51.78 mg.g1 for red clay (AR) and 48.24 mg.g1 for Madadid clay (AM) were determined from the Langmuir isotherm. These values show that the raw bentonite has a better adsorption capacity because it contains a large percentage of clay fraction.
Azzedine BENYAHIA , , (2017), Comparative study of the adsorption of a vat dye on different adsorbents based on an inorganic material Bentonite and clay from the M’sila region., matéraux et techniques, Vol:105, Issue:405, pages:10,
- 2016
Study of the mechanical properties of a composite material: alfa fibers / unsaturated polyester
Composite materials based on woven Alfa and unsaturated polyester resins were manufactured by hand layup technique. The Alfa fibers were collected from the M’Sila region (Algeria). Different chemical treatments such as mercerization, permanganate, acetylating and dichromate have been used in order to modulate the mechanical properties of these composites. According to tensile and flexural tests, the treated composites showed better mechanical performances compared to their untreated counterparts. Actually, the permanganate treated fiber-reinforced composites showed 43.02 % of increase in tensile strength and 31.59 % in Young’s modulus, while the acetylated fiber-reinforced composites showed maximum improvement in flexural strength of about 23.80 %. Furthermore, the flexural modulus was also improved by 35.7 % compared to the untreated Alfa fiber composites. FTIR characterization of Alfa fibers showed that the quantity of hydroxyl groups (-OH) decreased and the crystallinity index increase by 20.53% after alkali treatment. SEM observations on fibers surface showed that the different chemical treatments modified the fiber which improved the fiber–matrix adhesion. Keywords: . Alfa fibers, composites, chemical treatment, tensile test, mechanical properties.
Azzedine BENYAHIA , Ali REDJEM , ZINE EL ABIDINE Rahmouni , ABDELLAH Merrouche , , (2016), Study of the mechanical properties of a composite material: alfa fibers / unsaturated polyester, Romanian Journal of Materials, Vol:46, Issue:1, pages:25-33, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest - Romania
- 0024-05-06
Azzedine BENYAHIA , ,(0024-05-06), ELABORATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A COMPOSITE MATERIAL REINFORCED BY PLANT FIBERS,2ème Colloque de chimie CNC2@2024,Université Mohamed Boudiaf M'sila